#char: always trying to save the world
o-sachi · 2 months
Fell First & Fell Harder Pt. 1 ‧₊˚ ⋅ Blue Lock Chars. (Request)
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ଳ you fell first, but they definitely fell harder ଳ characters; isagi yoichi, barou shoei, reo mikage, rin itoshi ଳ tags; fluff, gn reader, no y/n
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ᯓ Isagi Yoichi
"Hm? You wanna go get dinner? Of course. Let's go."
Getting your feelings reciprocated wasn't all that hard. You liked each other and it was all good then. But it was obvious that you took the relationship seriously early on. For a lack of a better term, it was quite one-sided for a while.
He'd be thinking about that fact a lot. Should he be happy? Should he be guilty? So so many thoughts racked his brain.
Eventually—after thinking about it so much—it's like his brain reprogrammed him. A switch was flipped and one day he was lovesick with you. He realized that life wouldn't be the same if you weren't there for him.
Everything you did for him—piled up—and his heart caved. Isagi thought he was the biggest fool for not taking you seriously as well when you first started off.
The whippest of whipped men—I tell ya. He'll indulge you in every little wish and desire you had. Absolute princess treatment from him. But he does unironically call you "queen."
ᯓ Barou Shoei
"What are you talking about? I've always been serious about you!"
The only reason he didn't pour in as much effort at first was because he was too focused on football and improving himself. You fully supported him and his dreams though. Instant brownie points!
He realizes how determined you are to stand behind him no matter what. Slowly, but surely, he builds up so much gratitude for your efforts that he softens over time.
He also realizes that you don't deserve to just cheer him from behind. As a matter of fact, you should be right beside him instead—celebrating his wins as if it were your own.
Barou tries to do the same and support you in the things you love. He'll even learn a thing or two about your hobbies so that you can bond over that as well. He tries so hard to make the relationship so equal and fair. His attempts give you the butterflies.
He will deny at all costs that he didn't love you as much as he did now. Barou will insist that he had loved you soooo much ever since. You knew he was sugarcoating to save your feelings, but it was endearing how he tried nonetheless.
ᯓ Reo Mikage
"New shoes? What about some jewelry? C'mon, let me spoil you a bit."
He was a bit reserved about your relationship at first. You were lovely and every positive adjective out there—but he had his reasons to be iffy. He's stinking rich and people have definitely taken advantage of that before.
However, you weren't like his previous lovers. You could care less about his wealth; you loved him simply for him. Painstaking as it was—you made sure that he'd realize that somehow.
And he does notice this. It was subtle, but he'd slowly ease up on you—becoming more open, spending more time with you, and being more affectionate overall.
You know he's wrapped around your little finger because he just introduced you to his parents. That's when you know it's getting SERIOUS.
When he does fall deeply in love with you, he does a whole 360 and starts spoiling you like crazy. He'll treat you out to 5-star restaurants, buy you designer brand clothing, and bring you to places all over the world. As much as you try to refuse and settle for something more lowkey, he will never back down.
ᯓ Rin Itoshi
"You're so annoying... yeah, yeah... I love you too."
He was hesitant at first because he has major abandonment issues (poor baby). He liked you, sure, but that was as far as he'd allow himself to fall for you. "Love" seemed too serious and dangerous for him to get into.
His doubts bled into your relationship and made it difficult. Truthfully, there were times when you questioned if it was worth it. But you persevered; you wanted to prove him wrong.
After a major fight, he was sure that you were going to leave without another thought. He anticipated this moment yet, he felt like he wasn't ready at all for your departure in his life.
Rin was about to go into an existential crisis when... you somehow came back to him. You smiled at him as if nothing had happened. You told him that you still loved him for all his faults. It felt like he was slapped across the face (in a good way).
Once you had helped him overcome his issues, he felt a bit more comfortable with the idea of "loving" you. So much so that he'd do everything in his power to keep you happy at all times. He was sure that he will never come across someone like you again in his life.
o-sachi © 2024 pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms.
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Just an idea I wanted to get out of my head. A quick Dabi x F!Reader where he gets the (mostly) happy ending that he deserves, god damn it. I may expand on this at some point, we’ll see. Contains vague spoilers for chapter 390.
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You’re watching the coverage and you see the moment when Touya’s badly charred body hits the ground. You were supposed to stay away, to remain in the flanks supporting the fight, but you book it to his location; Endeavor and all the others be damned.
The Todoroki family looks on in stunned silence as you drop to your knees beside him, crying his name and begging him not to die. He can’t see you, but he can hear you, and he croaks a single, pained word, “…Doll…”
Your heart shatters.
He was your world and you were watching it slowly slipping away.
You plead for him to hang on while searching for a place to lay your hands. Even in his fractured state of mind, he knows what you’re doing and he’s afraid that you might take a lethal toll on your body by using your quirk to heal him. It probably wouldn’t even be enough to save him, you were bitterly aware of that, but it wasn’t going to stop you.
“I have to try, Touya! I love you! I love you so much! Please don’t leave me!”
He knew this. You’d told him countless times before, but even so, he’s grateful that these are the last words he ever hears. Knowing that he was truly loved tempered the pain of failing to accomplish his goal. He just wished that he could stay to love you longer, to give you the normal life that you deserved.
You pour every ounce of yourself into keeping him alive and the chaos around you eventually fades to black.
. . .
It feels like everything is over in an instant.
His eyes flutter open and he briefly experiences the same sights and sounds from the battlefield before realizing that he was somewhere else; in a brightly lit, sterile room. He didn’t recognize this place, but you were sitting beside his hospital bed, fast asleep while upright in a folding chair.
He’s so relieved to see you that bloody tears well in his eyes before spilling over onto his cheeks. You looked different, healthy, and no longer war-torn. How much time had passed?
He’s not entirely sure what he’s expecting to see when he looks down at his hands, but the fact that he has both is startling enough. It takes some effort for him to move his tired body. He touches his face and finds smooth skin where scars and staples had once been. Was he dreaming? Was he dead?
He quickly decides that he didn’t mind either option, so long as he got to stay with you. He watches you sleep for what feels like an eternity before finally reaching over to take your hand.
You were solid. Real. Warm. Familiar.
You wake to the sound of his hoarse voice and, for a second, you’re half convinced you must be hallucinating.
“Touya?” Your heart leaps inside your chest. You’d been praying for this moment for so long, having fantasized about it so many times that it almost didn’t seem real.
You throw yourself at him, pulling him into a fierce hug, which he reciprocates as best he can.
“Don’t cry, Doll,” he says softly while rubbing your back.
“You’re one to talk,” you sniffle, having noticed the crimson tears on his face. “Fuck, I love you so much, I’m so glad you’re awake.” You start sobbing in spite of yourself, “I missed you.”
He clears his throat, getting choked up as he squeezes you tighter, “I love you, too. More than anything.”
You enjoy each other’s company for a while, holding each other in comfortable silence, just as you always had. This man was your best friend, your lover, your fucking soul mate. You could have sat with him in silence until the end of time and it would have been more than enough just knowing that he was still breathing.
“How long was I out?” He asks quietly, expecting you to say a few weeks, or maybe a couple months.
You pull back to look at him wearing a sad smile, “Three years.”
“What!?” He blinks at you in shock.
You nod while squeezing his hand, “Just like Sekoto Peak.”
He probably shouldn’t have been surprised, it made sense considering his previous experience, though he was in much better shape this time around. His body looked damn near brand new, but he did still have some scarring on his torso, which would forever serve as a reminder of the pain and suffering he’d endured.
Over the course of the next few days, you explain how you’d found the best healers who’d survived the war to work on him. You also gently break the news about the villains losing and Endeavor still being alive, though he’d long since retired after issuing an apology to him and their family. You assure him that his efforts hadn’t been completely in vain, as society had made some changes for the better over the last three years, and the PLF was still working underground.
He takes his time processing all of this information, not quite sure how to feel. You help him through it, rarely leaving his side.
. . .
One week later, you walk into his room and sit on the bed to take his hand. He’d been doing well. You could see him slowly starting to envision a future for himself for the first time in years and you believed it was time to press forward.
“Touya, there’s someone very special who I want you to meet.”
He looks at you curiously, and with a bit of apprehension.
You smile fondly, “I think you’ll like him. He’s a lot like you.”
He narrows his eyes, but agrees to this meeting.
You step out and return a few minutes later carrying a small boy on your hip.
Touya knows as soon as he sees him.
His heart stops, his blood runs cold, and his stomach lurches. He tells himself that it couldn’t be possible, but there was no denying what was right in front of him, and the timeline added up.
“Mama!” The toddler says sweetly, beaming while tugging on the front of your shirt. He had a mop of white hair and big, beautiful blue eyes, just like his father.
He was the most precious and yet utterly terrifying little thing that Touya had ever encountered in his life. He stares at him in awe while fighting back tears.
You move to sit in the chair beside the bed and the boy suddenly takes notice of Touya. It’s rather endearing how the two gawk at each other.
“Touya, this is Seiko,” you say softly while ruffling his messy hair.
The look of pure love and devotion on your face as you gaze at your son—his son—makes his heart swell. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he struggles to keep his emotions in check.
“The Sweepy Man,” Seiko says while pointing at Touya. “Mama, he ‘wake.”
“Yes, baby. He was asleep for a long time, but he’s finally awake. Do you wanna say hi?”
Suddenly shy, Seiko hides his face against your neck before mustering the courage to peek at the so-called Sleepy Man, whom he’d been visiting every day since birth. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Touya’s voice cracks as a single crimson tear escapes from the corner of his eye, yet he finds himself smiling. “Hi, Seiko. I’m…I’m your dad.”
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lovebunnie · 3 months
“so are we just not gonna talk about it?”
spy looks over the edge of his cigarette to the scout, leaning against a wall in feigned nonchalance. he looks agitated with fingers curled into white knuckled fists. he looks ready to hit someone, spy thinks. ever the violent little thing.
“you will have to be more specific.”
scout scoffs. “thats’a no then.”
“say what you want, boy.” the spy exhales his smoke out of the corner of his mouth.
scout's nose crinkles as he steels himself as though preparing to weather a storm. the tension between them feels thick as the spy's already charred lungs feel even more strained. faint redness tinges the boy's cheeks and the spy knows that scout is trying not to cry.
"what good is it if you wont freakin' listen? whats the point in trying to say anything when every one of ya jerks look at me like im not in on it, like im the last to know. i have eyes." scout's frame shakes, turning to face the spy. "im not that stupid, i can connect the dots.”
“you are talking in circles. this game you are playing had no place among coworkers-“
“youre my father, you asshole.”
spy slowly takes his cigarette from his mouth. he lets the silence take hold of the room to mask the feeling of cold dread washing over him. it was never supposed to be this way. “ah, i see,” he mutters.
“yea,” scout spits, “been searching for the bastard my whole life and it freakin’ figures id meet him here, at the end of the world.”
“life is surely funny that way.”
“doesnt feel very funny.”
the spy watches scout shuffle his feet. “you were never supposed to find out like this.”
“dont give me that.” the scout hisses the words and the red raising in his cheeks disguises his smattering of freckles. the spy thinks he looks older like this, settled into his rage. “i wasnt never supposed to know, was i?”
he could lie. he has been lying his whole life and it came to him far easier. there was already a story at the tip of his tongue about waiting for the right time and place, about waiting for when all the bloodshed was over to finally embrace his role as a father. really, he should lie to save his own sanity and peace of mind in the workplace if nothing else.
“no, you were not.” however, the truth sneaks out of spy like an exhale.
the scout jerks a nod and looks away. his throat clicks with the swallowing of tears and the little boy from another lifetime ago is standing right in front of spy all of a sudden. the small hands that grabbed his fingers when he was a newborn now clench onto nothing. wide eyes once full of wonder were now unable to meet his own.
“you were just gonna, what, keep going here until one of us died? everyone was just going to keep this to themselves and let me rot with it?” the scout takes a deep breath. “my ma knows too, doesnt she? has known about it the whole freakin’ time i bet.” he deflates a bit at the mention of his mother.
“she wanted me to keep an eye on you,” the spy says.
at once, something gripes scout and suddenly the rage is back, sparking and sputtering with righteous fury. “jesus christ, again with the lies? you were gonna keep an eye on me, oh, like back when i was a kid and getting my lunch money taken? back when i had to earn my place in the neighborhood just to keep from getting pummeled?” he points a finger. “you never did anything even close to protect me. when ma couldnt pick me up from practice because she was home with the flu, it was benny who came to get me, not you. when i needed field trip permission slips signed, matty taught me how to forge a signature.” one finger becomes two and counts up in time with his words. “randy taught me how to tie my shoes. eddie knew where id always forget my backpack. sammy let me pick any candy i wanted when we went to the grocery store.”
the spy stays silent. no words come to him.
“and when i got here, who showed me where to put my things? it wasnt you spy, it was demo. when i had to ask about my shots getting delivered here, did you go out of your way to make it happen? no, medic did that too. did you ask me what i wanted for breakfast or was that heavy? did my father ever offer to upgrade my weapons or did engie do that?”
the scout, during his scolding, had involuntarily stepped closer and closer to the spy until they were in each other’s faces. the air felt thick, and spy wanted to cloak right now more than anything on earth.
scout steps back. “i didnt need a father then and i sure as hell dont need one now,” he says.
if the world was right and just, spy would apologize right now and say he regretted leaving his son as he did all those years ago. he would promise that the lies ended here. he would promise to start being the father scout deserved, better late then never.
but unfortunately, the world was how it was. “are you quite done?”
scout stares at him for a moment with his jaw somewhat dropped, and the spy feels his heart break at the realization that the scout had had hope in a different outcome.
“youre a real piece of work,” scout grumbles. “lets both forget this happened, okay? dont even bother trying to pretend to care, either. we should both just forget about each other like this, im too tired to deal with any more.” the scout takes a step back before a smirk tugs at his lips and he gives a watery snort. “ya know, life is funny that way. this time, i get to be the one to walk away.”
before spy can try to respond, the scout turns on his heel and walks away, as was his birth right, as was his nature.
like father, like son.
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fazedlight · 2 months
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Lost (Character study for 1x16 Falling)
I couldn’t save Krypton.
The thought floated past her mind, surprising her with its intensity. While she could never erase the ache inside, her old haunted feelings had softened into fond memory over the years. She didn’t know why that thought would occur to her now. And she had never thought of it as her responsibility to do the saving then - she had been a child, unable to rescue a planet.
She pushed it out of her mind.
That morning as she pulled out clothes - trying to control the strange restlessness in her body - she scanned her wardrobe for what to wear that day. Cat always talks about power dressing, Kara thought, mulling over how easy it’d be to fly over to a clothing store before work. Power. Confidence. A bit of sex appeal. Don’t I deserve that?
And it seemed to have worked when she finally strode out of the Catco elevator in the morning - every head in the room turned. Rao, what she would give to have James look at her like that more often. Even Siobhan seemed intimidated as Kara sniped back.
But still, the drops of pain seeped into her mind all day. I couldn’t save Krypton. 
Kara pushed it away in every meeting, as her jaw clenched and her hands twitched into fists. She pushed the thought away during the DEO briefing where J’onn droned and droned about stolen gold bars. 
Pointless. She knew her job. “Kick. Alien. Ass.” Rao, why does any of this matter?
Kara threw another lazy punch at the weak alien. There will always be Fort Rozz inmates, she thought. The next, and the next, and the next - chasing down rogue aliens like an annoying chore that the DEO couldn’t even bother to thank her for. When does it end?
There was the fear she couldn’t acknowledge. It ends when Non’s kryptonian army takes her down.
J’onn was less than pleased that she had let the inmate go. The fucking audacity, Kara thought, her frustration at being the DEO’s disposable tool finally boiling over. “Every kryptonian on this planet wants to kill me, except my cousin,” she shouted back at J’onn -  an alien almost as powerful as she was, who couldn’t lift a damn finger. “What are you so afraid of?” she demanded, “You talk about honor and your people, and yet you refuse to be one of them.”
Because fuck, she had tried. Tried to honor her culture, as last daughter of Krypton - only to find out that her mother had used her, that her aunt and uncle had killed so many in their attempts to save her planet, that her government had lied to them all. She had tried to honor a culture that had destroyed itself. I couldn’t save Krypton.
J’onn and Alex watched in shock as she turned on her heels. She was almost mindless as she turned the corner, denting a concrete wall as she stormed out of the DEO. My life doesn’t matter to them, she thought, and my people’s lives never mattered to Rao.
She could control the chaos. She felt nothing as Cat’s eyes narrowed on her, a subtle threat for daring to use a fucking elevator. She felt nothing as she got Siobhan fired. She felt nothing as she jerked James’ arm back on the dance floor. All she could do was laugh in the face of absurdity, laugh at how hollow all of this really was.
She had meant what she said to Cat. All she did was enable these humans’ victimhood, carry the weight of their world on her shoulders. “True power, Cat, is in deciding who will live and who will die.” I couldn’t save Krypton, and I can’t stop Non.
“Kara, this isn’t you,” Alex shouted, putting out the fire Kara had set as Kara strode casually away from the charred clothing.
“I’m more me than I’ve ever been.”
She was done with the hero business. She was free. Free of kryptonian rules, free of human rules. Her godlike powers would ensure that she could be worshipped by these insignificant humans, that she could erase the weak child that had lost her entire planet. She could be a god who owned her powers until the planet inevitably fell to Non’s army.
The litany went on in her mind. Krypton is dead, living is pointless, trying is pointless. Somewhere else in her mind came the thought Alex is right, this isn’t me - but it floated away as quickly as it came, darker thoughts breaking through the surface to replace it.
Kara flew away, and it wasn’t long until there were bullets hitting her chest. I was the one who survived, Kara thought as she laughed, watching the metal glint in the street lights. She burned cars and knocked weapons out of agents’ hands, reveling in a past that she was free from. Me, a child. And now I’m the most powerful person in this world.
Something twinged inside her, watching as Alex collapsed against the DEO car, claiming to want to help after attempting to shoot her. She never valued my life, Kara thought, not when she sent me into battle. Not when she slayed Aunt Astra.
“You have to stop,” Alex begged, as Kara’s eyes began to burn red.
“Nothing on Earth can stop me,” Kara growled.
“You don’t want to kill me.”
She was right. Kara knew she was right - she didn’t want Alex dead. But you’ll die anyway, Kara’s mind raced. Non’s army, human ecological destruction, what does it matter how.
The thought tore through her like acid. This planet will die just like before, came the fruitless and angry thought. We’ll be nothing, in the end. 
It was absurd. It was reality. It was everything she was running from. I couldn’t save Krypton, and I can’t save Earth.
She didn’t hear J’onn before the ambush, but she could feel his punches land. He was far more powerful than any Fort Rozz escapee - she had to put effort in to gain the offense again, fighting for the upper hand as they skid up a skyscraper. Kara landed in the concrete, rising from the ground to stare down a man she once called a friend, ready to start again - when she heard a click and a buzz behind her.
And then everything went black.
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nescaveckwriter · 6 months
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A/N: 🐞... Okayz my dearest love bugs, 💕 another one done for @jacklesversebingo 🥰 yayaness, I know its been a while though, But I hope y'all are gonna enjoy this one, I must say I'm super proud and, a little terrified as this is 'Supernatural' based 🫣🤭, so let me know what y'all think.🥰 Okayz much love🥰❤️🩷
Warnings: *18+ Only* Horror, Thriller, Mentions of blood, violence, angsty, little fluff, heartbreaking, drama.
Line: Tree, Clock, Rope
Characters: Dean x Fem Reader, Sam, Benny, Cas, Crowley
Words: 6700 😱🫣 I know I'm sorry.
Cover & Pictures: Pinterest, Canva, Google
Side Note: Please check out my Masterlist for more, epic stories🐞💕
The sky has turned into grey, dark clouds threatening too cover the earth with its darkness, the smell of rain is everywhere as it nourishes the earth, as you stand under the pouring rain, listening too him say, goodbye, letting the rain mix with the tears on your cheeks. Not being able too move a muscle, you just stood there unable to make a single sound, unable to ask him why, why after this long, did he want to break up with you, did he want to throw away the life you built. Weren't you enough for him no more,? Is there someone else? Why Now?
The way he said goodbye wasn't with a voice filled with anger, no, his emerald green eyes was sad, his voice almost breaking when he said "I need too let you go sweetheart" and his lips found yours instinctively, it was a soft, kiss, mixed with the taste of him, salt and rain. You didn't want him too leave, you wanted to grab ahold of him, and beg him too stay, but before you could, he got in that Chevy Impala, the engine roared and the tires screeched, as he drove off into the darkness, not a single star in the sky, its almost as if the magic of the moonlight left with him.
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Its been a little over three months since he left you standing in the rain, like some dumb country song, but you somehow found a way too move through your everyday life, you were a hunter before you met Dean, and you still are, well in all honesty saving people is the only thing that got you through the days.
It isn't really a job you tell everyone about, oh heck no!, its more a work you keep too yourself, letting your family believe, your just a traveling failure, well you always did kind of feel like you lost your way over the years, but these days your numb. Your best friend Sam doesn't even talk too you anymore, you don't really have a lot of folks who you could call, and say "hey, ya know I'm not really doing well, I need a pick me up or a damn hug" no you always kept too yourself, not trusting anyone, but the day you met Dean and Sam on a hunt it changed.! Sam quickly became your best friend and well Dean soon became the only man you'll ever love, even though he had his issues. And then there was Castiel the angel, he has always felt like a beacon of hope, making you laugh with his "I don't understand that reference" sayings. But the day Dean walked out they all left, leaving you completely alone in this damn scary world. It's not the monsters that scares you, no that you get, but it's the people. Every single person you have met in your life has a hidden agenda, why can't they just be good people.
Sitting at the diner in the small town, were you were investigating strange disappearances, ordering a black coffee, the display with the different pies catching your eye. Your mind wanders off to Dean's birthday... You prepared all his favorite foods, burgers, bacon, fries, the greaser the better, and then you started with the making of his favorite pies. But somewhere along the way you forgot about the pie's in the oven, letting them burn to a crisp, after you rushed in, trying to save what's left of the charred goods, seeing it was disaster, you wouldn't be able to save it, you burst into tears, cussing yourself for messing up what's supposed to be the perfect day, you felt his strong arms pulling you towards his chest, staining his shirt with the wetness of your cheeks. He's breathe hot as he kissed you, in a loving, comforting way, reassuring you everything will be okay, it's just pie's not the end off the world.
He always did know how too comfort you, how too chase the darkness away, he was your lighthouse, so to say, showing you the way, back too the light. And now, now there's no more light too go home. No more home, just nothing.
Taking a sip of the now cold bitter coffee, that kind of taste like, old shoes, not that you'll know how that would taste like, but betting its something like this. Placing the cup down, sliding the dollar's underneath the half full cup on the diner table, you get up, throwing your ball cap on, hair hanging loose on your shoulders, taking your leather jacket and phone, you start too head out of the small town diner.  Walking towards your Harley Davidson, you've always liked the way, that bunch of metal, felt roaring as you sat on that leather seat, the wind rushing through your hair, the way those gas fumes, flowed through your veins, not even to talk about the adrenaline that went with it, oh damn, you felt about your Harley like Dean felt about his impala. Seeing a giant creep checking out your bike, leaning on it, irritation in your voice "excuse, what are you doing?"
His voice rough and unpleasant "why do you care, little missy"
Walking closer, your eyes darker than usual "that's my bike"
The bald man, with his long beard, hiding his tatted neck, started to laugh "No way such a small little thing can handle that sort of horse power"
"I'm only going to ask you nicely one more time, get off my damn bike!"
Crossing his arms in front of him, "Or what? You gonna call the little cops"
"No! I'm going to make you get off my bike"
"I'd like to see you try missy"
She really wasn't in the mood for this. So she tried to shove him off, but he was on the larger side and didn't really move a single damn inch. It just made him irritated "hey come here missy" he said as he grabbed a hold of your arm, you smiled, that made him look at you all confused, but he soon realized, he should not have messed with you, as you took his fingers, and started bending them backwards, bringing the big guy down to your size. With your free hand, you punched the sucker in the face. Got up on your bike, and drove down the road too the nearest bar you could find, for information and while you where there you might as well get something to drink.
The Black Chevy Impala roared as it parked in front of the diner, Dean and Sam got out, a big guy, with a black eye, just got off the ground as they started making their way towards the door, Dean looked at the guy a smirk on his face "What happened to you buddy?"
The man mumbled "crazy biker chick"
Dean just laughed, as he figured this chick was probably part of his gang, as the beaten up guy had a biker jacket with their logo on. He still smiled but he felt stabbing pains in his heart. His sweetheart was a 'biker chick' a swell, she could handle that roaring horsepower better than most men, and man!, was she tough, so fierce and fiery, so passionate and yet so gentle, vulnerable at times, so fragile, she cared more than most, people, and beautiful, so freaking beautiful, her smile could light up a room, he fell hard for her the first time he saw her, and it just grew from there he loved her , he still loved her, but he just had too walk away, for her own safety, everyone close too him get hurt or dies. And especially with everything going on, he couldn't risk it, if someone found out, that she wasn't just another hunter, no she was the love of his life, he'd never forgive himself if something would happen too her. Sam calling his name for the fourth time pulled him out of his deep thoughts, "Hey man, you with me?"
"Yeah, yeah, just thinking I need a drink not coffee"
Sam gave him a sympathetic smile, knowing his brother probably thought of her again, he just nods and says "okay sure let's go"
The only information she got was that, some of the missing folks were last seen close too a pig farm , on the outskirts of this town.
And now, now she just sat here swallowing the vodka, it was easier than too think that Dean aren't coming back, hating how she felt , how alone and miserable, how heartbroken, she really thought that she was stronger than this, but no, she's weak and pathetic, sobbing about a man, a damn man who left her in the pouring rain. What the hell was wrong with her, she never was the kind, to be good little wife material, who would cook for her husband and bake brownies for her children's school, but the sad truth was she wanted too be all that with Dean, she would've gave up hunting, too be his wife and the mother of his children. But clearly he didn't feel the same. Thumbing away a stray tear, she gestures to the bartender , for another. The music was loud and the alcohol made her slightly lightheaded, she knew she needed some air, sliding off the barstool, walking towards the exit, fumbling in her pockets for a packet of cigarettes, she only smokes when she drinks. Some guy, lit her cigarette, she just nods, thanking him with a smile as she stood in the crisp evening air, the air mixed with nicotine hit her lungs, letting a little cough escapes her lips. As she blows out the smoke, she heard that damn Chevy pull in, she couldn't miss it , Dean had a certain way if driving and it was him for sure. She just stood there, frozen in the darkness. "What the hell is he doing here" whispering underneath her breath. Hoping that he doesn't see her, knowing that she will burst out in tears the moment she tried to speak too him.
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He wales past a couple of bikes, that's when he saw it, her bike, hard too miss it, on the rear bumper the lyrics of her favorite Bon Jovi song. He elbows his brother "Sam, she's here"
Sam looked at him shocked, "What? Are you sure"
Running his hand over his face "Of course I'm damn sure" clearing his throat "I can't see her, man, I just can't, I've missed her so much, it was hard enough too walk away from her that night, I won't be able to do it again"
Sam places his hand on his big brother shoulder "Don't you think, this whole protection thing your trying is dumb"
Dean's jaw clenched, "No, Everybody around me dies, and there's nothing I can do about it, I have to let her go"
Sam just shook his head, his known his brother felt like this for a while now, but it's gotten worse, his unsure why, but he will try and get through too him, Dean's only been happy, whenever he was with her. "Okay let's go"
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Dean and Sam made their way towards the car, they're about to get in when they heard a spine chilling scream , Dean recognized her voice. He searches in the darkness, when he catches a glimpse of four men, throwing her in a black van. He didn't even realized it but he started running towards the van, as the last of them jumped in, he saw a glimpse of her, the last thing he heard, was her screaming his name and a gun shot, which brought him to a stop as he fell to the ground, chanting her name over and over, until his eyes fell closed.
Sam fired his gun towards the van, but couldn't get decent shots from that angle. He fell to his knees next to his brother, glancing at the bullet wound in his chest, the blood gushing out, he applied pressure on the wound, he could feel the life draining from his brother as he begged Castiel to come. Sam's eyes damp with tears, his heart pounding in his throat, a silent scream escaping his lip "Cas, please man, I need you Dean need's you"
You could hear the flutter of wings, when the celestial being landed, his face struck with concern "What happened?"
Sam glanced at the man in the trench coat, holding his brother in arms, "please, just help him Cas"
The angel approached his best friend, there was nothing quite as bad, as seeing him, in pain, placing his hand on Dean's shoulder and Sam's, the three men found themselves in a motel, Dean was still unconscious but breathing, Sam glanced at the angel, mouthing a "thank you"
Traces of the tears still evident on her cheeks as she recalled Dean getting shot, he was there, running towards her, he stilled cared. The four men watched her like a hawk, she cradled her legs in the corner, as if she's a animal trying too hide herself from the prey.
The van came to a stop, she knew something had to be done, so she took the knife she hid in her boots, covered it in her hand, she knew taking all four men was asking to much, so she'll have to isolate them. Take them one by one. The men double, maybe triple her size, but she aren't going down this way, without a fight.
As the two men , opened the door, she saw what looked like a barn, there where cages, with other people inside, seeing she's not the only one that needed saving, she slid the knife back in her boot. She needed more information than this, so she went with it. The man held her by her hair, threw her into a cage which had two other girls probably about round about 16 and 18, and much older man, in his late 60's maybe. Hitting the the floor, scraping her palms.
The older man helped her up, "you okay?"
"Yeah thanks never been better" the sarcasm rolled over her pressed lips.
A big guy, came standing against the cage, with a stupid smug on his round face. "When Ricky there told me about this little woman, who punched him, just for leaning against her bike, I knew I had too throw you in the ring"
She got to a standing position, striding closer, too this gigantic man, "What are you? A human trafficker , organ? What"
He laughed "None of the above, just a business man," he started walking away.
"What is he talking about?" Her eyes intensified "Does anyone know why we are here?"
She heard a man's voice coming from another cage, he was beaten pretty bad, "We are here too fight against each other, like the movie Condemned, apparently it happens in really life" he let out a defeated laugh. The whole barn filled with chatter, people gasping for air, as the initial shock took over. Those who haven't seen the movie, quickly got enlighten by those who have, the rich of the rich, places bets on the person, who they think will survive and it gets streamed on the dark web for everyone to watch.
There's a clock with a timer and the one who have killed all the other 'players' in that amount of time, gets to live another round. Some just cried, the others just quietly, sat in the corners of their cages, holding on too their knees, as if that's going to help, everywhere in that barn there's cages filled with silence and then those with chatter.
Then in the cage she's in, the two young teenage girls just hold on too each other, clinging for dear Life. The grey old guy, just kept mumbling too himself, "I can't kill these people" over and over.
Probably not the most polite thing in this situation but damn, it worked on her nerves, she's trying think of a solution, a plan something to save these people. But she was all out of ideas, to be honest, except maybe one, her back was against the cage, she silently started to talk to Cas, asking him to come and find her, but nothing, he didn't hear or he didn't want too, either way it was up too her.
Glancing down at the ground, then her leather boots she remembered the knife, she could use that too unlock the cage door, then start freeing the others, she took the last bit of hope in her hand, starting to put the blade in, turning and wiggling it, until she heard the click sound, she was overjoyed, she slowly opened the screeching steel door, every noise sounded as loud as thunder.
She could see the different keys, close to the barn entrance, almost walking on the balls of her feet, so that she didn't make a single sound, reaching for the keys, her fingertips barely touching it, she jumped into the air, grabbing ahold if it, she started making her way towards the first cage. Searching for the key that fits, the barn doors flung open, she recognized the guy, Ricky from earlier, and some other dude, who made her skin crawl , "Hey how'd you get out?" Ricky shouted.
"What you can see me?" She joked, something she always did, when she was very nervous.
The other guy ran to her, but she kicked him before he even could touch her, she still had the knife in hand, this big fella didn't say, much, he charged towards her, when that silver blade touched his arm, it made him squirm, "Oh that's just freaking lovely, what are you, a vamp? A wolfie?" She sneered
The moment he showed his, teeth she knew it was a werewolf, the other folks in the cages screamed, as they never saw such a creature.
"So this games rigged? Normal human being and creatures from the night, joining the game"
Surprised the wolf looked at her , a growl "your a hunter?"
Mischievous smile on her lips "why would you say that?" The wolf growled once again, as he charged towards your position, clawing your back, as he flung you against a cage, everything is swimming before her eyes, all you could make out was that she was flung against the beaten up man, he had the bluest eyes, which kind of reminded her about Castiel's eyes.
The wolf like creature came closer, looking for your blood, that's when the man stood up, black coat drenched in blood, unsure if it was his own, or some of the creature's his killed, the last time, his blue orbs, illuminated, bloodshot veins stretched like a roadmap in his eyes , his fangs came out revealing that his a vampire.
Laying there, you where left at the mercy of these two, but you were surprised when the vamp, took ahold of the wolf, smashing his head against the bars, he had this deep old time southern voice "leave her alone"
The man, glared at her and the vamp, picking her up, letting her sway like a sack of potatoes in the air. Ricky quickly came to open the cage, throwing her in by the vampire, "You can have her".
Knowing the open wounds made the situation worse, as it was like a magnet for the vamp, she tried too get up, too defend herself but, in that moment she was too weak.
The vamp, came closer towards her, his features returned to those of a man, his voice kind "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm Benny"
Shocked "Benny, like in Benny Lafitte? Dean's friend?"
He smiled, "I thought I recognized you, saw you once on his lock screen, asked him about this new women in his life, he told me you are the love of his life"
Smirking, "Yeah that's awhile ago I guess"
Confusion written all over his face, but before he could ask, the barn filled with gas, hearing Benny say "its to knock us out so they can take us to the next location" before you could find out more, the knock out gas started taking its toll.
His eyes flutter open, Sam and Cas both sharing the same concerned facial expressions, his voice croaky "what did something happen? Is.." struggling to form the words "is she gone?"
Sam spoke quickly, trying to reassure his big brother "No! We don't know, Cas can't pick up her location"
 Cas spoke "Wherever she's at, must be warded off with sigils"
Dean groaned when he sat up, "we have to save her, I can't loose her"
The three of them turned their heads when they heard the familiar phrase from Crowley "Hello Boys"
Dean immediately got up, pointing a finger at him, "Do you have something to do with her disappearance, tell me now!"
 Crowley gave him a sympathetic look, that lasted about an second "Squirrel I had nothing to do with her, but I know where you can find her"
Dean could not control the anger that intensified in his chest, he smashed Crowley against the nearest wall, his arm pressing against his throat his forest green eyes pierced the black ones, his voice low, and stern "Crowley if your messing with me, I will kill you, I swear I'll kill"
 With the flick of Crowley's fingers Dean flew across the room, he shouts, this whole situation clearly upsetting him as well. "She saved my damn life, why would I want something to happen to her, she cared enough to save me, ME!!!" Crowley shouted.
Sam hurried to help Dean up, recalling the saving Crowley is talking about, he was stuck in a devils trap, bounded with chains around his hands and neck, as some other hunter took out all his anger on Crowley, stabbing him over and over, when she came in, tried talking the man down, but he didn't see any reason as he thought Crowley was to blame for the death of his family, but he wasn't, he had nothing to do with it. As she was talking to this guy, she slowly started  to scratch the round red chalked circle on the floor with the heel of her boots, so that Crowley can break free, the line was finally broken, by clicking his fingers the chains shook loose and fell into a thousand pieces, the other hunter saw what she did, ran towards her, pushed the blade right through her upper torso. That's when Dean and Sam ran into, her for the first time, they where hunting the hunter who they thought was possessed but turns out he had such an amount of rage inside him, that whom ever got in his way, he'd kill.
Dean's harsh voice pulled Sam out of his thoughts, "Where is she Crowley"
"Well not only her , but other people as well, even Werewolves and vampires, you named it they have it, I know the location, but we have to go now," he clears his throat, "there's only one snag, neither can I nor Cass get in their, the damn sigils on the barns wall, wont let us through"
Dean's already halfway across the room, towards the door, "what are we waiting for"
In a matter of seconds the four of them stood In front of the barn on the pig farm, Sam is busy discussing a plan of action but Dean, already pushed the barn doors open, "what the hell Dean" the loudness in Sam's voice makes Dean face him, but he just shakes him off, not answering, too determined to safe her, he walks in, gun in hand, ready for anything, everywhere you look, all the cage doors stands open, not a single trace of anyone, something glistening on the floor catches his eye, its a rose gold chain with a heart shaped locket, he didn't need to turn it around, to see the engraved 'love you always D.W' to know its hers, he opens it anyways, glaring at the picture, both off them laughing, the way they looked at each other, you could feel the electricity, the love they shared, he folds it closed in his fisted hand, his eyes damp with emotion. He runs outside, punches Crowley straight in the face. Cas takes ahold of Dean's arm's demanding him to stop. The defeated look on his face is too much too bare for the three men looking at Dean, disappointed and unsure where to look next they start looking around the farm for clues, for something that can give him a glimpse of hope.
The strong sunrays, burning her eyes, as she opens them, the pain from last night's fight, let's her realize what's happening, she tries too move, but can't, searching for the reason, she sees the rope wrapped around her arms, and waist, too a tree, she tries too wiggle, to get out off the tight grip, that's when she hears a ticking of a clock tick-tock, tick-tock, it sounded incredibly loud, looking up to where the sounds came from, seeing giant speakers blaring the sound of a clock. A rough unpleasant voice spoke, game rules: "Everything goes, you can use any weapon you can find, to kill your opponent, and also remember the last one standing gets too live" he lets out a snotty laugh. "Oh yes, and contestants, we made the first kill very easy, if you can find contestant five, she's tied up and ready to kill, oh and give us a show" he laughs harder, then all of the sudden its dead silence, figuring she's contestant no: five, she'd better think of something to get out if this situation. Her words barely a whisper, "I don't even know why I try, but Cas are you there, Crowley, can someone hear me? Please I need someone"
The rustling of the leaves, let's her know there's someone, maybe it's Cas or Crowley, maybe its someone's who wants to take her as their first kill.
The large man with his black coat walks towards her.
He's voice hushed, "let me get you outta here"
"Oh darn, I'm so thankful its you Benny"
As he unties her, they hear rustling in the bushes, he hands her a knife, and they stand ready for action, back against back, three people came closer, it's the three she shared the cage with, she and Benny suggested they walk behind them, so that the two of them can protect them.
The further they walk the more danger they seem too run into, Benny takes the most werewolves, windigos and Leviathan's , as for you, you take most of the other human beings, who wants to attack the two teenage girls and old man.
You are bruised, beaten and torn up, unsure if your body is covered in your own blood or those of the enemies, you keep on going, grateful, that you had these people to protect, because if you had to be honest, if it weren't for them, you wouldn't fight so hard to survive, every now and then you get flashbacks of how Dean got shot, knowing it was fatal, you don't want to allow yourself to think that he could be really gone, there's this glimmer of hope that he might still be alive, maybe Sam helped him, maybe Cas or Crowley.
 Resting against a tree to catch your breath, you see the blood gushing down your arm, one of the men came at you with a damn axe, and in the fight he threw the axe towards you, pinning you against a tree, it must've been the adrenaline but you wiggled that axe, out of you arm, screaming while throwing it back at him, which ended up between his eyes.  You fell too your knees, the emotion welling up behind your eyes, you get caught off guard when someone or something picks you up in the air. A little weak, and confused all you can see is that your draped over the large man, with multiple tattoos shoulder, it didn't take long, too lose consciousness.
Dean could not believe what he just heard, both Cas and Crowley told him, that they heard you call out too them, they knew where you were, you where caught in Purgatory, damn Purgatory. What the hell is going on. It felt like someone took his very last breath. His been too Purgatory, It's no joke for sure, it changed him, the only person who made him whole was her, his sweetheart and now, now she's going through all of that.
Crowley spoke with his people, which revealed, that the one and only Dick Roman sits behind it all, with a connection in the real world, who takes normal people, of all ages just to make money, and feed his obsession of killing people.
His quiet, as he drives too the place where the portal opens to Purgatory, thinking about all the things there, so many monsters, dangers around every corner. He just hopes, his going to make it in time, she just has too be okay, has to be alive, squinting his eyes as he recalls what he had too do, too survive.
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"Sweetheart you awake?" Rolling over too the right side of the bed, emerald green eyes looking back at you, "Baby?"
"Why do you look so surprised sweetheart"
"Uhmmm I'm not really sure, it feels so right yet so wrong" she smiled
Without a single word, Dean cups your face, places his lips on yours, its sweet, it's sensual, yet filled with passion. Breaking the kiss, you look at him, studying his face, the speck of hazel around the black pupil, the way, his freckles runs across his nose, almost like the milky way, the corners of his mouth, that is slightly curled in a smile, his plumps lips, that's slightly swollen from the kiss, the little stubble on his chin and cheeks, the way his jawline just kind of frames his picture perfect face, the way his deep smoky voice fills the air, and your body with a exhilarating energy, "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked.
Your voice barely audible and brittle, "I just love you, I love you more than life itself"
 His voice calm, but certain "Marry Me"
Your jaw dropped, "What?"
He started to kiss your lips softly, his breathe hot as he said "Yes babe, I want you to be my wife?"
Searching his eyes your lips crept upwards into a smile, your voice sounded more brittle than you intended "Yes, yes Dean Winchester, I'll marry you"
The joy dancing in his green eyes, made you happy, even though a few stray tears rolled over your cheeks.
Feeling like your walking on cloud nine, then all of the sudden, you get this sharp pain in you ribs, unwillingly your eyes flutter open, gasping for air "what the hell?"
Looking around you, seeing your in some kind of room, chains around your wrists, hanging from what looks like the ceiling, clothing blood-soaked. Hair sticking to your face, sweat mixed with blood. Your feet barely touching the floor, it feels as if your arms is getting pulled out of their sockets if you move to much, your throat dry, realizing you must've been passed out, it wasn't really a dream, more like a memory, Dean did ask you too marry him, and then outta nowhere, two days later, you where left standing in the rain, the tears streaming down your face, unsure if it's about the way Dean left things, or the situation your currently thrown in.
Sighing, whispering to no one really "I'm tired, I'm so tired, I can't anymore and I don't want to anymore" head hanging down, looking at the floor, closing your eyes, wishing all this could be over, you heard heavy footsteps, laughter filling the dark air.
His voice smooth "All this turned out better than I could've imagined"
Confused you glare at him "okay, fine you win, get it over with"
Walking closer towards you, big smug on his face, "see, I can't deal with you yet, I know who you are" getting angrier now "I'll finally get my revenge, Dean will watch you die, he wanted to send me here, now I will take something precious from him"
Shocked to hear that he thinks Dean is still alive , she plays along maybe, it's her way out, Scoffing "Well sorry to hear you think he'd be coming to look for me, because we aren't together no more"
He laughs, "oh no, he is already here, searching for you, my men left him a little bread trail, as to where you are"
Furious now, you shake, trying to get loose, shouting "You leave Dean alone, kill me , but let him go please"
Clapping his hands together, "Ah, young love" he laughs harder "I am going to kill you, but Dean needs to watch, then I'll kill Sam, Cas and even Crowley, all while Dean has to watch"
Eyes wide, barely audible "They're all here"
His smug smile never leaving his face "oh yes, all of them, clearly they care, its so pathetic, you humans, you know that?"
Squinting her eyes, trying too fight the tears threatening to spill over, you care about all of them, more than you care to admit.  He just simply walks out of sight. The silence is deafening, the only thing she can hear is her heart racing, Dean's alive, he came looking for her. Somewhere between the excitement of hearing Dean's alive and the spine chilling silence, she lost consciousness.
 They hardly had too beat the crap out of some of the men, on their road to this half torn down, factory like building, all of them agreed, it felt like a trap, but Dean didn't give a damn, he needed to find her, save her and bring her home, he has been cursing himself internally, the whole damn way, if only he didn't freak out, but the moment he realized he wanted to marry her, be her husband, wishing he never said that, went on that hunt, saw how that ghost threw her against the wall, the pain she must've felt, he couldn't bear the thought of her getting hurt or worst getting killed, just because that's what he did, so saying goodbye, felt like the best thing to do, hoping she'll give up hunting, but he should've known better. He should have stayed by her side, he should have discussed his fears, the way he felt, but instead he went and broke her heart.
The four of them split up, there's to many halls, and doors too search, mostly the halls are filled with darkness, its filthy and disgusting, dried splattered blood on the walls, scattered human bones on the cement floors. There's scratching sounds coming from one of the rooms, the gun in Dean's hand is loaded, opening the door, unsure of what he's going to find, he's skin crawling as a bunch of rats, runs past him, some over his feet, slapping against his legs, whispering underneath his breath, "damn filth". He's heart, beating out of his chest, the more he walks in the darkness the more he can feel the darkness entering his mind, his heart, every grain of his very being.
He stopped in his tracks, the moment he saw her, hanging by chain's, her whole body is slumped over, hair covering her face, he can't make out if she's still breathing, for what felt like an eternity, he froze, almost too afraid to take a closer look. Striding closer till he's right in front of her, he gently takes her face in his hands, concern painted on his face, a burning pain in his chest, her beautiful face is bruised, and bloodied, her breathing faint, but still there, his voice hushed "Sweetheart, can you hear me"
Watching her open her eyes, was a beautiful site, she looked tired, a smile across her busted lips, "Dean,"
"Yes sweetheart I'm here, I'm sorry, I love you" he declared.
Sobbing now, "I... I thought I lost you forever"
"Baby, you'll always have me, always you hear me" he pleaded
Before she could answer a couple of men appeared out of the shadows. There were maybe six or seven, Dean got up, in a fighting stance ready to beat the crap out of them, he started punching and kicking his way, through the men, it wasn't until the last one hit the ground that he'd stop, blood splatters across his face, glancing over at her, he hears the familiar voice of Dick Roman "crashing the party are we?"
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"Yeah well I didn't receive an invite so thought I'll invite myself" Dean smirked. He drew his gun, knowing it won't really help, but it's more a habit, "What do you want?" He questioned
Crude laughter fills the air, "I want you to pay Dean" he snapped his fingers, more men came running towards Dean, he tried his best, but he was one against, all of them, they over powered him, one clocked him against the head, in his unconscious state, they were tying him to a chair with chains, facing you.
It didn't take long before they were beating you, biting your lower lip, not wanting to give them the pleasure of seeing you in so much pain, you could taste the blood on the tip on your lip.
Dick Roman came walking towards you, dagger in hand, hoping he couldn't see the pain, and fear in your eyes, your eyes pierced his, he didn't say a single word, he pushed that dagger, through the skin and bone, wedging it between your ribs. Your scream filling the dark room.
Dean's eyes flung open, he's jaw clenched, he's voice angered and defeated "NO BABE" he shouted.
"Ah poor Dean Winchester" he laughed
Dean's green eyes, now almost black, "I'm going to kill, I promise you that"
Laughter filled the air, once again, it didn't last long though, surprised he glanced at them, Sam, Cas, Crowley and Benny, all four off them stood their bloodied and beaten, but ready to fight. All four of them started fighting and killing their way towards Dean and you, Crowley was the first one to stand next too Dean, his British voice almost inaudible "This belongs to you" he's face lit up with a sly smile.
Dean looked at him all confused, "I thought you threw this in the sea somewhere"
Crowley just shrugs his shoulders. The moment he placed that blade in Dean's hands he could feel the mark, turning a fiery red, the power pulsing through his veins, it didn't take long for the effects to take control of him, breaking loose out of the chain's, he faces Dick Roman, a smirk on his lips, he's features darkens. Taking that blade right too his chest, he kept going over and over, not stopping for a second, driving the blade further and deeper into his now lifeless body.
Sam tried to make him stop, even Cas, Benny and Crowley, but it didn't work.
Your voice brittle, revealing the pain, "Dean stop, please Baby"
Immediately stopping, he threw the blade down, running towards you, his eyes pleading, his voice soft "Sweetheart I'm so sorry" cupping your face, kissing your lips, holding you close to him, as Cas and Sam unlocks the chains, your body went limb, all you could feel is his hands holding you upright. Staring into his emerald green eyes, mouthing "I love you" the last thing you catches a glimpse off, was the light in his eyes as he replied "I love you too, Sweetheart, come back to me, come home please"
 It's been almost three years since that dreadful day, smiling now, if it weren't for Dean begging Cas to save you, you wouldn't be here baking your husband his birthday pie, getting ready for the barbeque, with your good friends Sam, Cas, Benny and yes even dear old Crowley.
Did you and the Winchester Brothers stop hunting, no, of course not, but the two of you have each other and that's all you'll ever need, whenever your lost, knowing Dean's your lighthouse showing you the way home, with those beautiful green eyes.
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youngsadlesbian · 3 months
LET'S TALK ABOUT SEX — carina deluca and maya bishop.
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pairing: carina deluca x maya bishop x daughter!reader
summary: your moms catch you having an intimate conversation with your best friend.
a/n: i'm so obsessed with this two that i can't stop write about them lol. english is not my first language so i’m sorry for any mistakes, guys.
word count: 1k
warnings: talks about sex, maya being such a jealous mom, pure fluff and suggestive at the end.
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You had been adopted by Maya and Carina at the age of three when your biological father died in a terrible fire, begging Maya to save you first. When she returned it was too late and your father was unrecognizable, practically charred. You had no living family members, so it was easy for the couple to try to get you legally adopted.
It took you a while to get used to the dynamics of a new family and it was difficult for you to leave them to go to school. Therapy helped with that, of course.
Maya and Carina were your favorite people in the universe and you felt like you could talk to them about everything. That is until you become a teenager and understand that not everything was a topic of conversation with your mothers.
Maya and Carina arrived home early that night and you didn't notice because you were totally absorbed in the conversation you were having with your best friend in video call.
"How does it feel to know you're going to kiss the girl of your dreams in your play?" Jojo, your best friend asked as she changed position on the bed.
It was funny, this difference in a possible future you had. When people asked your mothers what you would be when you grew up, they always answered artist without blinking. You were totally drawn to music and performing arts since childhood, it grew with you. The end of the year play would be Romeo and Juliet and you had been cast as Juliet, and the girl you had a crush on since grade school would play Romeo.
Biting your lip, you almost entered a world of your own before finally answering your best friend's question.
"I don't know, Jojo. Especially after the dream I had about her..." You closed your eyes and felt shivers run down your spine as you remembered the content of the dream. "I hate being a young girl in her fertile period and especially being forced to go through these things."
Your mothers would enter the kitchen until they understood the topic of conversation. They were pretty sure you didn't have an active sex life yet, but it wasn't like that was a recurring topic for you to talk about.
"Did you dream you were fucking her? Y/n, you slut!" Jojo screamed and started laughing hysterically. You thanked God your mothers weren't home at the time. That would clearly save you the shame.
"Yes... I was staring at her hands the whole time at school today, Jojo. She didn't understand anything." You huffed as you opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water. "Have you ever felt so sexually frustrated that it felt like you were climbing the walls?"
Carina felt like laughing, because she used to be that kind of teenager when she was your age. Maya was so shocked and jealous that she couldn't even react. For her, you were still the three-year-old girl saved from a fire. She prepared for diaper changes and waking up at night with a sick child, even to talk about periods. But not about sex. This was driving her crazy.
"Yes, and that's why I got a hot boyfriend who's really good in bed." You looked disgusted. It was no secret even to your mothers that you had a preference for the female sex. It was never really exposed, but implied and logically never a problem for any of them.
"Should I get a girlfriend and fuck her into oblivion then?"
Maya couldn't help it and gasped loudly, making the noise scare you so much that you automatically widened your eyes and quickly said goodbye to your friend, turning off the video call.
"Mommies, I know you're there." Carina's head appeared at the kitchen door. She had a strange smile. Maya practically galloped into the kitchen as she futilely tried to control her breath.
She was snorting and had such an angry expression that you momentarily feared for your life.
"I assume you heard everything." You're done. "Look, I..."
"It's okay, bambina. You don't need to explain yourself. It's normal to feel, uh... Desires, you know? I... I..." You had never heard your mother stutter before, but you imagined it was difficult for her have that kind of conversation with you. "What I mean is, we were young once and we understand what you're going through right now. Just pick someone nice and use condoms."
"Or don't do it." Carina hit Maya. "What? She's still a baby."
"She's seventeen, Maya. You had sex with almost your entire school when you were that age." You laughed because you could actually imagine your mother being that kind of teenager. "Do you have any questions, bambina?"
"Mamma, I really don't know if I want to talk about sex with you. It's kind of traumatizing even though you're a gynecologist who specializes in orgasms and such."
Maya seemed frozen in a catatonic state, without having the slightest reaction.
"Honey, she knows what orgasms are." Carina kissed Maya's forehead affectionately, knowing that she would have to have a long talk with her wife later.
"Of course she knows, she had sex education class at school." Carina sat next to you and looked at you the same way she used to look at you and Maya every day for as long as you could remember. As if you were the center of her world. "Would you rather talk about this with Aunt Amelia, bambina?"
"I think that would be a good idea, mamma." You laid your head on her shoulder. "Thank you for not freaking out. I love you so much, mamma."
"We love you too, bambina."
Carina was happy that you shared at least part of this with her. She would just have to worry about talking to Maya later. Maybe talking wasn't exactly what she would do to convince her wife that sex was a good thing even at your age.
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
102 is quite a line 👀
Maybe an Ominis line 👀
tho I'm lost on a scenario, you got free reign on that!
Ooooo yes!! This reminds me of some angsty audio I heard on tiktok with Ominis saying "it's rotten work [about himself]" and MC replying "not to me" so that's the vibe we're going for.
MAJOR spoilers for endgame stuff ahead!
102) "I am damaged."
[Request more Angst/Horror prompts here!]
"I am damaged..."
That's the first thing you heard Ominis mutter to himself when he thought he was all alone in the Undercroft.
He hadn't realized you were there as well, quietly studying your books and trying to feel like a normal student for once.
Ever since you attended Hogwarts as a late bloomer, things were anything but normal from the get-go.
After saving the school (and more or less the entire wizarding world) from certain doom at the hands of Ranrok and Rookwood, you hoped to end this year on the best note possible. It was hard given all of the friends you've lost along the way, but a lot of good came out of it, too.
Ominis was one such example. Despite the rocky start you both had when he caught you sneaking out of the Undercroft that fateful day, you managed to make amends and grow closer together.
You never thought that same snobby blind boy who threatened to report you to the headmaster would be the one to confess his feelings for you.
It was in the days following you winning the house cup for [House], and when you finally had a moment alone to talk to him, he finally made his move. His way of courting you was so sweet and eloquent--fitting for the Slytherin from such a privileged class.
Of course other students had eyes for you, too, but Ominis loved you for who you are and not for your ancient magic and reputation as a "hero". Going on different adventures with you and Sebastian made him realize what kind of person you truly were:
An unreliable "acquaintance" of his best friend who reeked of distrust in the beginning, turned to a kind person who was always by his side through thick and thin in the end.
Now that you two have officially become a couple, you managed to coax him into accompanying you on more excursions both inside and outside of the castle.
Although he couldn't see the beauty of the world and all its magical creatures, you described it to him how ever you could--whether it's a Thestral resting underneath the ribcage of some enormous beast's skeleton, or the charred corpse of a spider you've just slain with Incendio. He loved how you spoke of them regardless of the scenario.
On top of that, you've taken up to helping more people in the local hamlets and villages, with Ominis reassuring them that he's not some cruel and mean Slytherin from the Gaunt family, and that he genuinely cared for their concerns.
However...your latest mission ultimately had taken a turn for the worst, and you had some serious regrets on taking your boyfriend along for the ride.
It seemed to be just like any other poacher camp you've shutdown. But the locals informed you that this one in particular was in charge of trafficking beast skins...or selling beasts to butchers.
You urged Ominis to discreetly free the creatures from their cages, taking out the nearby guards with Petrificus Totalus, while you ambushed the poachers on the other side of the camping grounds. But you both failed to realize that some of Rookwood's goons were among their midst, seeking to avenge him and make it very clear that you'll never be safe again.
He had every intention to murder you; you were just protecting yourself against his Killing Curse, though of course his gang wouldn't understand that. They just saw you and began throwing whatever spell they had at their disposal.
You took most of them down with ease, while Ominis finished freeing the last purple toad and rushed to assist you in the fight.
But then he stopped upon hearing three distinct things that would forever haunt him: A dark wizard shouting "Crucio", the sparks of electricity crackling in the air...
And your brief, yet painful, screams.
Despite his wand detecting only you and the one ashwinder casting the curse, he was frozen on the spot, unable to bring himself to move forward and save you. It was like somebody had casted Petrificus Totalus on him.
He could have taken them out right away, but...he was terrified.
Suddenly he felt like he was back in the Slytherin Scriptorium, where Sebastian had to cast the same curse on you in order to proceed forward--something Ominis had tried in vain to protest against.
He knew he wasn't there, it was all in his mind, yet all he could think about were your screams.
Then he thought about the screams of those innocent muggles he watched his family torture...before he remembered his own screams after they tortured him for refusing to use the curse, not giving up until he finally relented.
The rest of that moment was a blur, but at some point you managed to yank out a Mandrake from your bag and stun the ashwinder long enough to use Expelliarmus and lacerate their legs with Diffindo.
While that shrieking plant made Ominis briefly deaf, too, it snapped him out of his trance, bringing him back to reality as you rushed over to him. You fled the campsite together on Highwing's back, drinking some wiggenweld on your way back to the castle, not speaking until you were safely on schoolgrounds.
That all happened yesterday...and he was still quite distressed. He didn't seem comfortable talking about those events too much, and you couldn't blame him. So you left it be, apologizing for the stress you caused, and tried making it up to him with a trip into Hogsmede.
However, this morning you didn't find him in the Great Hall or anywhere in the Slytherin Section. Not even Sebastian knew of his whereabouts, assuming you "lost" him; fortunately there weren't many places that your boyfriend frequented.
The Undercroft was your next best guess.
Yet it was empty when you arrived, much to your annoyance.
You figured Ominis will eventually turn up here, so you transfigured a sofa out of some pile of armor and decided to catch up on your studies. But obviously it was hard to focus on the texts when all you could think about was him..
At some point he finally arrived, and you nearly jumped up to ask where the hell he's been...until he started mumbling rather concerning things to himself, apparently unaware of your presence.
Then you noticed he didn't have his wand in-hand, feeling the walls and eventually sitting down on the floor, leaning against one and curling up. He certainly knew the Undercroft's layout well enough to not need it constantly, but his behavior was still extremely concerning.
Especially his remark about being "damaged", which had you gravely worried about his physical well-being.
"Ominis, what do you mean by "damaged"? Are you hurt?"
"MC..?! Oh, Merlin..d-didn't realize you were here." Although startled at first, he quickly calmed down upon hearing your voice and approaching footsteps. "I'm alright. I was just...th-thinking up some poetry. You know, Thakkar has been giving me some really good advice-"
"Wow, you're a worse liar than I ever was," you chuckled lightly, kneeling down in front of him. "You know he's away on a family trip, right?"
His silence worried you greatly, especially as he suddenly hid his face in his arms, now unwilling to look at you for some reason.
"If you wanna hide from me, love, Disillusionment is more-"
"D-Do...I even deserve to be called that anymore?" He mumbled in a trembling voice that made your stomach sink.
"....huh? Of course you do." Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What's going on? You can be honest with me. If...I did something to upset you recently, I'm sorry-"
"No. You...d-don't have to be sorry about anything. It's me who should be the sorry one."
"Darling, what do you mean-?"
"Stop. Please. I-I think the proper term is "bloody stinking coward". I could have stopped that ashwinder f-from using the Cruciatus Curse...he was right there and I could have done something! But I didn't!" Ominis began to ramble, unable to stop his voice from shaking and rising in volume. "I-I stood there like a bumbling half-witted mooncalf wh-while he tortured you!"
You frowned slightly, gently setting your hands on his arms as you finally understood why he was so distraught. "Ominis, you were occupied in freeing all those beasts. You can't be in two places at once, and I'm not angry at you for that. And besides, the curse didn't hurt me badly this time. I know it scares you, but...."
However you trailed off as he lifted his head, and your heart cracked in two upon seeing the tears streaking down his face like rivers of salt water.
Only now did you realize what he meant by feeling "damaged"---and it wasn't in the physical sense. But the emotional.
"That's exactly my problem...I was too scared to do anything." He shuddered. "Wh-Who just stands by and...and lets their fears of the past consume them?! And nearly gets the love of their life killed because of it?!! That's something only a broken person does, MC...someone who's far too damaged t-to stand up for-"
"Don't say that. Nothing about you is "broken" or "damaged"." You pulled him into your arms, feeling him fall completely limp against you. "You are the furthest thing from either of those."
For a few moments, he was silent as he absorbed your words. But when he tried to respond, all that came from his lips was something between a gasp and a loud sob. He choked out an apology for losing his composure so quickly, though you just hushed him.
"Shhhh, it's okay." You held him tighter than ever, keeping one hand on the back of his head. ''Just let it all out. I'm not going anywhere, my love. And I mean that..I still love you."
With trembling hands, Ominis grasped onto your cloak, tears soaking into your shoulder as he allowed all of his emotions to spill. His sobs echoed freely in the Undercroft, not caring about anything anymore; not even if Sebastian were to walk in right now.
After all that's happened this year, it was just too much for him to keep locked inside: he lost his oldest friend to the Dark Arts, Anne was likely never going to reach out to him again....all that he really had left was you.
Yet he felt like none of his experiences made him any stronger, unlike you--who also lost so much and, at the same time, gained great powers that allowed you to protect those dearest to you.
But who would be there to protect you?
That's where Ominis came into the picture, wanting to fight for you after everything you've done to save Hogwarts. His worst fear was losing you forever anytime you went off on a dangerous mission. So he actually insisted on going out with you more often to put his mind at ease..plus he wanted to be sure you're not doing something too reckless.
But if he was only going to freeze up every time some dark wizard merely spoke the incantation of a certain Unforgivable....then how could he ever hope to save you when you needed him most?
He felt pathetic and useless, essentially forcing you to figure out how to escape that situation yourself while he stood there like some idiot.
What if you didn't conveniently have a Mandrake tucked in your bag? What if you had been in too much pain to grab it?
What then?
At that point, he felt like he was too broken to be with someone as strong as you. This relationship was done for, he believed, and sooner or later you'd grow tired of his cowardice and resent him for not stepping in.
He thought you were going to break it off for sure now that you see how "difficult" he was being.
But that was far from the truth. You didn't shun him or demand an explanation for why he acted the way he did. Instead you let him cry in your arms--something that no one in his life offered when he was at his lowest--staying here in this safe haven together and reaffirming your love for him.
He didn't know whether to feel grateful or selfish.
"I-I tried, MC..I..I really tried to help you." He wept, his face now buried in your neck. "But I guess I'm...just doomed to hurt everyone around me. That's all I'm good at."
"You're not doomed to live that way, Ominis. You haven't hurt me at all, and I know damn well you'd never hurt anybody on purpose."
"Really? T-Tell that to my family...we were monsters who tortured and killed muggles for fun-"
"They did that for fun, not you. You're not a monster like them. I know this because you refused to follow in their footsteps. And by Merlin, I'm glad you were a stubborn child..even after all they put you through." You softly spoke, kissing his head as you felt his arms tighten their hold around you. "All I see now is someone who's even stronger than them, with a good heart that would've won him a spot in Gryffindor for sure."
"....w-with Prewett, Weasley, and all those twits? I don't think so.." He chuckled lightly, sniffling as he rested his head on your shoulder and fell quiet. He felt a lot calmer than before, sighing tiredly. "..I'm sorry. I-It was never my intention to burden you with this, love. You already deal with so much. I just wish I...could've been just a bit stronger for you."
"Don't worry about me, okay?" You smiled. Even though he couldn't see it, you hoped he'd at least imagine it. "I saw how sneaky you were around those poachers. You petrified them before they even knew what hit 'em."
"Of course. I had to do something, right?" He huffed, although he smiled a little bit.
"You did great, darling. If the beasts could talk, I'd say they'd be thanking you over and over. You saved their lives. They probably think you as their hero."
"I thought it was that Hufflepuff girl's job to be the "hero of beasts"...but I don't mind that title, too."
A calming silence fell over you two, save for Ominis' light sniffles. But eventually he was the first to let go, his hands reaching for the sides of your face moments later, wanting to ensure you weren't injured at all.
You helped guide him there, your skin growing warm at his touch. He felt around for any recent scarring or bruising across your flesh, being grateful that he found nothing of the sort.
Meanwhile, you kept smiling as you observed his own face. Although he looked like a complete mess after all that crying, he still managed to appear quite handsome in your eyes.
You knew he desperately needed that outlet, and you were happy he finally confided in you.
At the end of the day, you'll love him no matter what.
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rebelwrites · 5 months
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Twenty Six: He’s Gone
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
Once again I’m sorry
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Staring into the darkness I just felt numb, in a matter of hours everything had come crashing down on the family. I refused to believe that the man that saved my life, the person I looked up to and the one I ran to in my time of need was now gone. Nothing could stop this pain, I had dealt with a lot of heartbreak in my life but this was by far the worst. I felt like I had just watched someone cut my heart out of my chest, ripping it to pieces followed by setting it on fire in the process.
“Nova, sweetie, can you come in here for a second,” Pascale called from the living room.
Letting out a heavy sigh I slowly kicked the kitchen chair away from my body as I stood up. I felt like I had lead bricks tied to my feet, weighing me down with every step I took.
The moment my gaze locked onto my brother’s expression I found myself struggling to hold back tears, I could count on one hand the amount of times I saw Jax cry so seeing him this broken was like someone was stabbing me in the gut.
He roughly wiped his eyes with the back of his hands before lifting the blanket up signaling for me to join him and Elenor. Shuffling across the room I found myself flopping on the sofa, resting my head on my older brother’s shoulder trying not to break down for the millionth time this evening. I honestly didn’t know how I was still producing tears.
“I know you are both hurting right now,” Pascale said softly as she perched on the edge of the coffee table, “I am not going to tell you your feelings are invalid because we all grieve in different ways, so do what you need to do,” she paused, resting her hand on my knee. “Drink a whole bottle of whiskey, get high, punch things but please stay in the house where I know you are both safe.”
Taking a deep breath I flashed her the weakest smile, I was so grateful she was here, I honestly don’t know how we would have coped if it was just the three of us. The sound of my phone vibrating on the wooden table was the only noise that echoed through the room. Pascale slowly picked the device up before holding it out to me. “C'est Char, ma chérie. Ne le repousse pas, laisse-le être la force dont tu as besoin maintenant. It’s Char, my dear. Don't push him away, let him be the strength you need right now.” she whispered.
I knew she was right but how was I meant to tell him the Pops had died, I was struggling to form words to Pascale and Jax. Reaching out I took my phone off her before pushing myself to my feet. My heart sank when I realized Charles was facetiming me, there was no way I could try and hide anything. Part of me didn’t want to tell him what had happened because he needed to keep his focus on today’s qualifying, however deep in my heart I knew he needed to know.
Soon enough Charles’ face appeared on my screen, his smile was as bright as the sun but his expression quickly changed when he took in my appearance. I knew I looked like I had been dragged through the bushes, my hair was sticking all over the place and my eyes were red and puffy from the hours of crying.
“Nova, que s'est-il passé ? Parle-moi. Nova, what happened? Talk to me,” he said softly, with a concerned look on his face.
“He’s go-” my bottom lip started quivering as the word got caught in my throat, the thought of saying it made it real, leaning my phone against the bottle of beer on the kitchen counter I covered my face with my hands as my body shook from the sobs. I tried to steady my breathing before I spoke again, I desperately needed him here with me but he was practically the other side of the world, in Japan, “he’s gone Char, he’s fucking gone.”
“Sunshine, who’s gone?” he asked quietly.
“Pops.” I cried, refusing to look at the screen.
Charles found himself frozen on the spot, it was like someone had just pressed a mute button and the buzz of the garage suddenly disappeared. He couldn’t believe what his girlfriend had just told him, running his hand over his face he tried his hardest to blink back tears but it was no use. He didn’t care if the cameras caught him as he barged past the mechanics trying to get out of the crowd. Once he was alone in his driver room he slumped down onto the floor, “Babygirl, I am so fucking sorry,” Charles cried, knotting his fingers in his hair. “I can’t believe it.”
“I don’t know what to do Char,” Nova sobbed.
The sound of her heartbreak was crushing Charles, knowing he was what felt like a million miles away, when his girl needed him the most. Before he met Nova all that mattered was racing but now he didn’t give a shit about today’s qualifying nor the race tomorrow, he needed to be back in Charming with the person who meant the world to him.
His heart sank as he let his last conversation with JT play over and over in his head, it was something he was glad he got to do, especially because he knew how much JT meant to Nova.
The pair of them sat in silence both with tears streaming down their cheeks.
“Fuck, I was only on the phone with him yesterday,” the Monégasque breathed, looking up at the ceiling trying to hold it together the best he could for Nova, but he was failing drastically. “He seemed absolutely fine.”
“What, what do you mean Char?” Nova whimpered, causing Charles to look down at the screen.
Taking a breath he shook his head, he couldn’t tell her the reason for the phone call, he had the perfect plan in his head, although the news of JT might cause him to change things slightly. “I was just checking in on him,” he whispered, trying to not reveal the truth, silently hoping that Nova wouldn’t ask too many more questions.
Charles found himself wandering aimlessly around the garage, his phone pressed against his ear, hoping he caught JT on a good day especially with the question he was wanting to ask.
After four rings the cheery voice of JT came through the device.
“Aren’t you meant to be getting ready for free practice?” he chuckled, causing a large smile to appear on Charles’ face. His body sagged in relief as JT was making jokes over the traditional greeting.
“I swear I am getting in the car very soon, this just couldn’t wait,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck with the palm of his hand. His heart was pounding against his chest, for some reason he was petrified that JT was going to say no and his hopes and dreams would come crashing down around him.
“The camera just panned over to you and they are making jokes about this being such an important call it’s delayed you getting into the car,” JT chuckled, Charles could feel the warmth coming through the phone.
“This kinda is an important phone call,” Charles breathed, letting his eyes flutter closed as the words fell from his lips. “I have something to ask and I think this is going to be the second most important question I will ever ask.”
He could picture JT sitting there with an amused look on his face with a raised eyebrow, “You know I am intrigued now son, what is the most important question?” JT hummed, the tone of his voice told Charles he knew what was coming.
Charles took a deep breath before responding, “asking your daughter to marry me,” he paused, trying to calm his racing heart down a little, “she is the one for me, I want her to be my wife, more than I want to win the championship. So JT I am asking for your blessing for Nova’s hand in marriage.”
He was met with silence, causing his mind to race. His stomach was churning as he waited patiently for a response. “Boy, it’s taken you long enough to ask.” Charles was a little taken back by the response, he was worried that because he hadn’t been dating Nova long it would be a red flag to JT but here he was joking about the time it took. “I knew you were the one for my little girl the moment I introduced you to her.”
Charles’ heart fluttered hearing JT speak. A large smile appeared on his face as he glanced around the garage, holding his finger up to Andrea signaling he would only be a minute. “I am so glad you said that, because I already have the ring.”
JT paused for a moment before speaking, “I’m glad to know my sweet angel will be taken care of when I’m gone.” Charles could hear him choking on his words as he spoke, in fact hearing JT talk about when he was gone instantly brought tears to the Monégasque’s eyes. “Thank you for making her so happy, I haven’t seen her this cheerful in years.”
“Now JT, there isn’t any need to be saying shit like that, I don’t think you are going anywhere for a long time old man, plus Nova wouldn’t let you anyway,” Charles said with a small chuckle trying to lighten the conversation.
Hiding his face in his hand, there was no way he could go out and race, not now. He knew he would just end up putting the car into the wall and that was the last thing anyone needed, especially Nova.
The sound of someone knocking on the door gained Charles attention, causing him to look up as Andrea’s face appeared. “Charles, on a besoin de toi dans la voiture dans cinq minutes. Charles, we need you in the car in five minutes.” Andrea said with a large smile which quickly fell when he saw the state of Charles.
Charles took a deep breath, looking back at his phone, “Sunshine, I gotta go,” he hummed,
Nova flashed him a weak watery smile. “Please stay safe out there, Char,” she cried, roughly wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you too.”
“Je ne vais nulle part, bébé. I'm not going anywhere, baby,” he whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Char. Get pole and win this one for Pops.”
The call came to an end, Charles took a moment to steady his breathing before pushing himself to his feet. “I need to find Fred,” he mumbled, causing Andrea to flash him a worried look. “Nova’s dad passed away last night.”
The moment the words left his lips he felt like someone had just stabbed a knife through his chest.
“Oh Char, I am so sorry,” Andrea said quietly, placing his hand on his shoulder. “Fred is out on the pitwall, do you want me to go get him, saves you being hounded by the media.”
“If you don’t mind,” Charles sighed, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his fireproof top.
Andrea quickly disappeared from the doorway of the small room leaving Charles alone with his thoughts. His heart was in a million pieces right now, JT was an amazing man. Even though he had only known him for a short period of time he welcomed him and Pierre into his life with open arms. Suddenly the door burst open revealing his best friend standing in the opening, looking exactly how Charles thought he looked.
“Get your shit, we are going,” he gasped, like he had ran the length of the pitlane to get to Charles. “Jax just texted me, told me what had happened,” Pierre whispered, trying to hold back tears. Before Charles could speak Fred appeared by Pierre’s side, Charles had no idea how he would react to him dropping out of the race but he didn’t care either way he was getting on the first flight from Japan to California.
It was as if the words were caught in Charles’ throat, “I’m not racing,” he finally managed to spit out. He was struggling to explain to Fred what the situation was due to the tears that wouldn’t stop falling. Luckily Pierre stepped in to update the Ferrari team principal.
“Why are you still here?” Fred asked, cocking his brow at his number one driver. “Get your ass on the next plane.” Charles was a little taken back, he didn’t expect Fred to respond like this. “We will get Rob in the car, luckily he has already done FP1 this weekend so we aren’t breaking any rules. Go be with Nova, she needs you more than I do right now.”
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @burningcupcakefire @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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kay maliksi ulit hehe || hmm modern au music rec is glue song
highschool sweet hearts sila tas nagkita ulit tas ikaw na bahala ate? (ate ka ba)
saranghe (napapagod ka na ba sakin)
((HAHAHA. Hala ka, ate ba ako? Hulaan nyo xD))
Disclaimer: I do not own Maliksi and Makisig. Full Credit goes to HC - @ask-emilz-de-philz. Please check out their blog for amazing art and the wonderful world of Planet Puto. All involved characters are adults. Self insert? Might be. Char.
Genre: FLUFF
NON- #PhilMytCrea related AU.
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Maliksi softly hums a tune that's been playing on his earphones as he started watering the potted chrysanthemums in front of his shop. It's been 3 months since he inherited the family's flower shop business because his Kuya Makisig wanted to pursue his career as a pilot instead. He didn't mind as he's more than happy to work at his own pace and without someone to boss him around.
He wouldn't admit it to others, but despite him being snarky and sarcastic most of the time, he's actually a gentle guy who loved peace and quiet- the only thing the plants and flowers on his shop absolutely gives everyday.
Maliksi was almost done watering the flowers when he remembered that he had some gypsophila delivered earlier. He smiled as he unloaded the pots and placed it gently in a sunny spot near the windows.
How nostalgic.
He can still remember how he begged his Kuya Makisig to teach him how to make flower arrangements- they both practiced using the shop's prettiest flowers- except their parents made him pay out of his allowance but he's already spent half of it on the local arcade earlier that week. In the end, their parents refused to let him keep the bouquet they made.
Maliksi sulked so much that his Kuya Makisig ended up sneaking him a gypsophila bouquet to school the next day- their parents never found out since gypsophila is usually just used as fillers on floral arrangements and it's quite cheap, yet his Kuya Makisig just knew how to make it look like it's one of the more expensive types of bouquet.
He can still remember how happy you looked and how red your face was when he handed you flowers on the last Valentine's Day of your highschool journey. You were the top of your class and Maliksi always hated how he always came second. All your highschool years were you two trying to see who will one up one another be it academics or extracurricular activities.
You were his rival- until you're not.
During your third year, you both were chosen to play as the famous Romeo and Juliet. All the late after school practice, the pancit canton chilimansi fueled all-nighters, and the endless phone calls with one another to have the perfect play also ended up with you two getting closer- not that you'll have it any other way.
After graduating, your family had to move back to the province due to your father's work. Maliksi ended up losing contact with you after a few months and that's it. Such fleeting first love.
He can only softly chuckle to himself as he reminisced those good old days.
"Excuse me...What are those called?"
Maliksi's attention snapped back to reality and at the short highschool boy who is now standing inside the shop, pointing at the flowers he's currently holding.
"Uhh.. these? Gypsophila."
The boy nervously looked around the shop once again, twiddling his thumbs before speaking.
"M...my Ate has a bouquet of that kind and she's got it preserved for a very long time...but I destroyed it accidentally when I was playing with my soccer ball in her room."
That's so cute and sweet.
Maliksi smiled, "I can recreate the bouquet for you. Do you remember what other flowers is in there?"
The boy shook his head before pointing at the flowers in Maliksi's hand "Nothing else. Just that." The boy started fumbling along his pockets before finding three crumpled 100 peso bills and some change. "I saved this from my allowance. Do you think you can do it with this?"
It was clearly not enough but Maliksi didn't mind since he also used to be a highschool student who relied on weekly allowance for stuff he wanted to buy. "Of course, buddy. Let me get your sister's bouquet started."
Maliksi prepared some cotton paper and pastel pink cellophane and started to masterfully arrange the flowers- making a very pretty bouquet that anyone is bound to swoon over. It is a skill he's developed while growing up and occasionally helping hie parents at the shop during holidays. Once he's done, the boy stared at the bouquet in awe, eyes twinkling in admiration.
"It's so pretty! Prettier than the one I accidentally destroyed."
Maliksi smirked at the kid before softly chuckling. "What? I don't think I ever made an ugly bouquet my whole life."
"I...How much do I need to add if I'll have it delivered at my Ate's work? I have a soccer game in 10 minutes."
"You know what, I'll make it free delivery if you promise me you'll win your soccer game, deal?"
"My ate works at the bank. She'll be out at 5:30pm. If you see some woman with curly hair, around your age and is wearing a cute dress- that's her. Thank you so much!"
The boy left right away for his soccer game, leaving Maliksi with the bouquet. He then started closing the flower shop before grabbing his black hoodie and wearing it above his plain white shirt paired with his grey sweatpants- he's not really up to dress up right now since it'll be too much work when he'll just be delivering a bouquet to some stranger.
Three minutes before 5:30 - Maliksi was already outside the said workplace, leaning on his motorcycle with the bouquet in one hand, waiting for the boy's sister.
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You glance at the huge wall clock, waiting for it to struck 5:30 so you can get out of this place already. Your youngest brother has a soccer game going on right now, yet you've been ignoring him for a whole week now after he sneaked into your room and accidentally broke some stuff.
Maybe I should buy him something and him on his game? But he might get embarrassed since he's at that angsty teenager pace...
You walked out of your work, eyes on the ground as you deliberately think if you should sneak on your brother's game to watch him-
"Excuse me, I believe this is for you- Y/n?!"
You quickly looked up to where the voice came from and hurriedly ran towards him with an embrace. "Maliksi!" He made sure to catch you in his arms while you both giggle like two kids as he spins you around before setting you down.
"Ah, it's been so long! I missed you!" You softly giggled before gently ruffling his hair like you used to do to him back in highschool.
Maliksi smiled, not bothering to hide the slight blush that has been forming in his cheeks while still holding you. "I missed you too. I never thought I'll see you here again. You told me yor family will be staying at the province for good."
"We're supposed to. But my brother wants to attend an engineering program for college so, here we are. Our parents stayed at the province though."
"Wait...your brother-"
"Jake, That chubby little kid who used to crawl all over our highschool projects!"
Maliksi's eyes widen in realization that the shy and goofy kid he was talking to earlier was the kid that often bothered him and Y/n's study time back in highschool.
"He's grown! I've met him earlier. He wants me to give you this, because apparently, you were mad that he accidentally ruined the original one."
You can feel your cheeks heating up as if you were caught red-handed to be cherishing that one bouquet you received from Maliksi back in high school very dearly that you went out of your way to preserve it after all these years.
Maliksi burst out chuckling at your flustered face, finding it as adorable as ever. "You could've just tried to look for me when you got back. I would've made you a bouquet for each Valentine's Day we missed since high school."
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Art is by: @ask-emilz-de-philz , please support them! <3
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riiverstyyx-blog · 2 years
Wednesday Addams x GN!Reader
In which Wednesday saves the day and nearly loses her world.
Warnings: Body horror imagery, Gore, Near-death experiences, Fire-based contents, Unhealthy love related tendencies, SHOW SPOILERS, Hurt/Comfort,
Song: Saint Valentine, Gregory Alan Isakov
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Wednesday Addams thrives off of the familiar yet shackling embrace of death.
Her soul lays dormant within its grasp; her mind teeters atop the bridge that rests above its ghost-infested domain - shoelaces always untied.
She tempts it, Death, giving the embodiment vague tastes and glimpses of her very life within its grasp. Breath and bone would intertwine whilst her feet would glide the floor in the choreographed dance with death.
Never before would her mind weasel away from the rotten smell that clings desperately onto her atoms, and never would the prospect of a person burning alive come across as unappealing.
When death occurs in relation to herself, in her words she loathes it- but realistically, she adores it; as long as it doesn’t claim someone who she considers ‘hers’. And you were ‘hers’. Perhaps that’s why her blackheart races and her stomach drops when Crackstones spell ricochets off of herself and encages your body in an eruption of flames before she is given even a moment to process it. She can’t imagine what that would have been like from your perspective. 
Her eyes stare, wide, as she watches the flames lick your body.
Any other time, perhaps she would have been enjoying herself. Briefly she is reminded of her time with the Jericho statue (which she would love to recreate now), before the gut-wrenching screams and wales of the flames finally yanking you into their grasps tear through the air. 
Skin melting, and bones revealing before they too begin to turn to ash. It’s a horrifying thing to witness.
She wants nothing more than to hold you - if she was lucky that would put out the flames, but if she were a smidge luckier, it would simply take her with you.
Her wide, blinking eyes are quick to take note of Crackstones laughter transforming into an angered yell, and she notices Bianca’s panicked expression when her sword impales the dead man walking.
With sweat encapsulating her palm, Wednesday herself follows along and draws his attention herself by staking him through the heart with a wicked expression forming onto her face.
Far to many things were running through her mind for her to notice Bianca speaking to her when his body began to fade. All of her attention was on the now dimming fire she was approaching.
Wednesday should feel some form of - not that she would admit - joy.
Crackstone had been defeated, and Nevermore could be considered ‘safe’ once again, but she doesn’t think that will matter any to her if you aren’t there to enjoy it at her side.
She stumbles toward you with furrowed brows, her eyes not leaving your ash-ridden corpse. 
Falling to her knees at where you lay, her fingers twitch as they glide over you, attempting to find something - anything to grasp upon.
Her expression remains panicked, hands shaking when she realizes there isn’t anything for her to recognize. All that’s left is pieces of your charred corpse and the nauseating residue of your perfume.
Bianca herself is already in tears, but some other part of her heart breaks when she takes note of Wednesday’s own tears leaking down her pale, blood-coated skin.
“Addams-” Bianca chokes. “Wednesday.”
There is no response. She’s unsure if she can’t here her, or is choosing not too.
“Wednesday, can you hear me?”
Bianca knows to try and stay calm. One of them has too.
Her blue eyes flicker toward your being, widening momentarily. Faint movement comes from the ashes, and Bianca is quick to remove her palm from Wednesday’s shoulder, kneeling to move the ashes aside.
An unfamiliar rage fills Wednesday, but before she can speak, a bright golden glow is pulled from the ashes, forcing Wednesday to cover her eyes and lean back.
Heat surrounds her, and slowly, almost tentatively, she lowers her hands and glances around, only to look back at you.
Where your corpse once lay is a bird of fire - a phoenix, and it’s staring at her with those familiar eyes.
No words can escape Wednesday as she watches a tear fall from the creature before its body begins to glow, transforming into a smoke-based mist that begins to surround your ashes.
Weaving in and out of the destroyed body, the golden glow begins to piece you back together.
In some unexplainable way - some completely unfathomable way, you are being reformed. Your nickname of “Frankenstein” fits far more now that you, well, have died, rather than being a monstrous creation of your parents. (Perhaps that is a story she will have to ask about once more.)
Wednesday doesn’t blink until your body looks as it once was, well, despite the strong scent of blood and burnt flesh.
There’s a sense of fear in her when she does blink. What if you disappear? What if you aren’t actually there when she opens her eyes and she has to inform Enid of your traumatizing passing? What if she has to tell her mother and father a tale of of the love she had, and lost?
She is lucky, this is something she is now confident in, because when her eyes open once more, you’re still there, but now your eyes are wide, glowing an inhuman gold and locked onto nothing but Wednesday herself.
Wednesday Addams nearly feels pure terror when your confusion turns into a soft, yet playful grin. “Are you alright, Addams? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
She should have hit you, perhaps gutted you alive, but she couldn’t.
“Amore Mio,” she mutters, taking your hand into her own and gently placing her lips upon your knuckles. “You are terrifying.”
Your eyes soften, placing your palm onto her cheek to gain her attention.
“But you like terrifying, yes?”
“Yes. I adore terrifying.”
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soo-won · 8 months
Hi there! I have a question. What do u think abt Keishuk and his relationship with Suwon? Why do some ppl dislike him sm even though he just did his duty and kept loyal to Yuhon who saved and raised him? There are many chars who have the same thought and vibe as him in other stories, but they're respected.
Hi Anon! Thank you for the ask.
Keishuk and Suwon's relationship is one of my favorite in akayona and I could talk about them for hours. What is engaging to me about them is how strange and unique their whole relationship is. Like you know, in other stories I feel like they could easily be more emotionally open with each other and in general closer, but Suwon and Keishuk are just...not. They were both raised by and admired Yuhon and I feel like in another world, in other circumstances they could have been more like brothers, but they're stuck to being doomed coworkers instead. Like I really wish for some development in their relationship eventually (with Suwon and Judo too...) but at the same time, the reason they keep working together is because they trust each other to not be swayed by their feelings and only do what is the best for Kouka, even if it means using themselves as pawns, so. Yeah.
They do feel some kind of way about each other though, a secret thing... and that's what is so endearing to me. One of Suwon's main trait is that he likes everyone, but when it comes to Keishuk (see: the fanbook) he's like "eerrmm...I don't really..." and it's sad but it's so special and unique coming from Suwon it's actually very lovely to me. Keishuk annoys Suwon at times, and he's always on his back and Suwon is not particularly interested in him because Keishuk only and strickly live for his job and is the way he is, yet they sticked together for 10 years and planned the coup together and are still working together. Just like you can say that Hak knows Suwon like no one else, I think it's true of Keishuk as well. Keishuk knows and understands a Suwon not even Hak can grasp and accept. And it's that bond that I love.
Keishuk's feelings for Suwon are also interesting to think about because he is definitely fond of him in some way, but Keishuk's priority is Kouka's prosperity so whenever something happens to Suwon, there is an ambiguity in whether Keishuk reacts strongly because it's Suwon, or because it puts Kouka at a disavantadge(and Suwon obviously assumes it's just the latter). I think the ambiguity is fine as it is and it doesn't need a clear cut answer, as I'm not even sure it is clear cut for Keishuk anyway. But I wonder where things will lead them in the future... Keishuk is said to be emotionless and cold with everyone "but he often scolds Suwon" and to be "strongly attached to Suwon" (both elements are from the fanbook too) so it is undeniable that he's important to him, whether he acts on it or not. They won't comfort each other, sure, but they're partners in crime and I love that for them.
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I think it's true for Suwon and all the generals and not just him and Keishuk but they definitely mirrors the ddhhb found family. Likeee they could be more, but they're not, because with Suwon, Keishuk and the generals it's all about keeping a distance and staying professional. It shows that there is some bond formed in that too, despite the pressure, expectations, betrayals and divides and idk actually it's not deep I just love them your honor they're everything to me and I would read a spin off dedicated to them!!!
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Well all that was only for the first part of your ask (how do you expect me to stay brief about them...I can't, I just can't...) so now for the second part.
As you can see I don't share the vision of the people who dislike him lol. Even though, yeah, it's true that fandoms of other stories can sympathize more with characters like them and it's interesting to try to understand why, in the end it won't change the way it is and I prefer to just engage with them the way I love than to lose any more hair on it. I'd say though, I think I can understand at least for Keishuk, because, well, he's not made to be sympathetic you know? He is, to me, and to you too Anon, and there are elements in the story that give him depth and make him sympathetic in some ways, but most of the time Keishuk is here to annoy people with topics people don't like and that's his role and he carries it willingly. Keishuk carries the bad role for everyone, even for Suwon (that's why it's not this rare to see fans of Suwon who hates Keishuk. It's strange to me but whatever.), he's the man in the shadows taking all the controversial decisions etc etc...That's what I love about him too. But I guess when you're strongly attached to Yona or Hak, the way he tried to kill them and hurt the dragons, now uses them and in general was often rude and cold to them is unlikable. I love when the ddhhb is defied like that personally so I can't relate, but yeah. The story sometimes framing him as stupid and in the wrong for some of his behaviors with them (especially in the castle arc) can explain it too. Like I think the story itself very much encouraged siding more with Yona than him so it's not that surprising that readers follow it. And since Yuhon was also made to show how wrong and monstruous his actions were, it doesn't help Keishuk's case. We're the crazy ones Anon ahah, but I don't think we're wrong either.
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If you ask me I think the fandom has in general a big problem with any character that defies Yona (or the ddhhb in general), hurts or just doesn't particularly like her. Like yeah people seem especially harsh, and defensive of the ddhhb. Maybe because the story is so focused on Yona (I don't say this as a judgement) ? Who knows. But that's why it's interesting to watch people's reactions to Zeno right now ahah. I enjoy it quite a lot (even if part of me is kinda bitter that so many people are understanding without extending that to Suwon who, you know. is so similar but whatever!!!!).
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(how to not love them...my fist is shaking)
#ask#soowon#suwon#keishuk#kyesook#akayona#akatsukinoyona#yotd#me: i will be brief#i have like. 10 thousands more things to say about them tbh#their professionalism makes them so sick too like that's not the healthiest#bc suwon deserves comfort and indulgence and not just cold expectations#but in the end keishuk is maybe just not the person for that#and suwon doesn't expect that from him anyway#BUT LIKE. IF SOMEDAY THEY WANT TO. YK...GO BEYOND. I WOULDNT OBJECT#<- desperate#<-crying#throwing up etc etc#chapter 249 was smth to me. it was a lot. i can't believe it was real#the way keishuk was unphased and collected after losing a leg but lost his cool for suwon ooooh let's just all kill ourselves!!!#and the parallels with yuhon's death. man#but then in ch251 he's again like “how is his majesty? hm so we can't advance anymore” like directly back to business i can't with him..;#i just really wonder if the shadows thing will lead to smth with them (and judo). wait and see#it has the potential to trigger smth new with them it so has but im so scared to expect anything.#also smth very emotional to me is that keishuk had to accept and work with the part of suwon he initially didn't know/discarded#that was represented by hak and yona#that's why i think keishuk feels unfit to be anything than what he is to suwon rn and would rather hand the role to someone else#like he handed the role of protecting and supporting suwon(in the ways he can't) to the ddhhb#he's just watching over him :')#I scream and cry about Keishuk squeezing Suwon's hand bc he went in the backstreet behind his back again 5 times per day.
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helluva-family · 26 days
[Some distorted audio plays in blitzos head]
I don't know if-... if ₮ⱨł₴ ₩łⱡⱡ Ɇvɇ₦ ₲ɇ₮ ₮ⱨɽøʉ₲ⱨ...
Ⱦꝋ ᵯɏ Sweet łīⱦⱦłē Blꛈ𖢧ꛉ𖣠...
it's dark... wherever I'm at...
it's so... cold....
b- but...
Yoᵤᴿ M̻͓ͦòt̙̔h̾̃̚er̳ still lov𝙚⃥𝙨⃥ 𝙮⃥𝙤⃥𝙪⃥...
it's okay my little blitzo...
𝑰⃫ 𝑭⃫𝒐⃫𝒓⃫𝒈⃫𝒊⃫𝒗⃫𝒆⃫ 𝒚⃫𝒐⃫𝒖⃫ 𝒔⃫𝒘⃫𝒆⃫𝒆⃫𝒕⃫𝒉⃫𝒆⃫𝒂⃫𝒓⃫𝒕⃫...
Your mother will always love you...
I can ⰙƝȴƳ hope this gets to you...
Sincerely... Your mother... Tilla...
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Blitzø is trapped in a twisted version of the circus where he grew up. The once lively and vibrant environment is now dark, filled with the oppressive stench of smoke and the distant echoes of screams. The circus tents are tattered and burned, and the sky above is a fiery green, casting an ominous glow over everything.
Blitzø: *Running through the charred remains of the circus, his heart pounding in his chest. He’s frantic, searching for something—or someone—but the fire keeps closing in on him, trapping him.* Mom! Where are you?! Mom!
The flames grow higher around him, licking at his heels as he desperately searches. His breath comes in ragged gasps as he tries to find a way out, but no matter where he turns, the fire is always there, creeping closer and closer.
Blitzø: *His voice trembling with fear and guilt.* I’m sorry… I’m so sorry… I didn’t mean to…
The world around him begins to warp and distort, the flames twisting into grotesque shapes, mocking him. Faces from his past appear in the fire—his mother, Tilla, his father, Cash Buckzo, his sister Barbie Wire, and his best friend and first love, Fizzarolli — each one consumed by the flames as they stare at him with accusing eyes.
Blitzø: *Backing away, his eyes wide with terror.* No! It wasn’t my fault! I didn’t mean for any of this to happen!
But the figures continue to advance, their voices mingling with the crackle of the fire, whispering accusations and reminders of his guilt.
Voices: *Hauntingly, from all directions.* You let her die… You couldn’t save her… You’re the reason she’s gone…
Blitzø falls to his knees, covering his ears, trying to block out the voices, but they grow louder, more insistent, until they drown out everything else.
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Blitzø: *Sobbing, overwhelmed by the weight of his guilt.* I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Mom… Please… forgive me…
The flames suddenly surge forward, engulfing him completely. He feels the heat searing his skin, the pain almost unbearable, but it’s nothing compared to the guilt that’s tearing him apart from the inside.
In the heart of the inferno, a figure begins to take shape—his mother, her face twisted in pain and sorrow. She reaches out to him, her hand trembling, but before he can grasp it, she’s swallowed by the flames once more.
Blitzø: *Screaming in anguish as he tries to reach for her.* "Mom! No, please! Come back!"
But she’s gone, and Blitzø is left alone in the inferno, consumed by the fire and his own guilt. The flames close in on him, tighter and tighter, until there’s nothing left but darkness and the echo of his own cries.
Blitzø: *Whispering to himself, barely audible.* I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…
???: Blitzø? Blitzø are you awake? Blitzy wake up!
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luna-nigthshade-wood · 8 months
The perfect gift
The perfect gift, everyone thinks, is the minimal gift that Dean deserves in his birthday after all the years he spent taking care of everyone and saving the world, and his family is willing to find. Aka, the ducklings+ Cas try to find the perfect gift for Dean
The perfect gift, Jack decides as he puts different pans and pots in the kitchen counter, is this. And he can’t help but be excited when Dean smiles at him as he takes a bite of his-slightly-more-charred-than-brown burnt pancakes. The excitement doesn’t stop even when he has to help Dean cleaned the kitchen and burnt pans.
The perfect gift, Bobby-John believes as he struggles to find the design he wants, is this. And he feels cheerful as Dean hugs the teddy bear he designed with its soft and brown fur, dressed in a plaid t-shirt that smells like the apples and cinnamon of the pies that Dean likes so much. Bobby-John gets even more cheerful when Dean hugs him too.
The perfect gift, Kaia ponders as she struggles to find it, is this. And the gleeful look on Dean´s face as he opens the box and finds a collection of well-loved Vonnegut books is worth it. And Dean and her will later get engrossed in a conversation about the real classics, while Claire calls them nerds, and that will be even more worth it.
The perfect gift, Jesse rules as he browses the aisles of the store, is this. And the childlike wonder that Dean gets as he finds his favorite comic books from when he was a child makes Jesse´s chest swell up with pride. And later, Dean and him will see the comics and try to recreate the sillier moves, and they will laugh like loons.
The perfect gift, Alex hopes as she tries to untangle the wool, is this. And the way Dean´s eyes light up as she presents him the bracelet with the good luck pendant makes her thankful to be here sharing this moment. And afterwards, Alex will hug Dean, and the hunter will promise to always be there for them.
The perfect gift, Krissy wonders as she steps inside the music store, is this. And the way that Dean caresses the polished wood of the guitar she gifts him, as he starts playing some tunes, makes her smile something fierce. And once the party has dwindled down, Dean will track her down and teach her some basic tunes, and her smile will be the brightest
The perfect gift, Patience reflects as she wipes the paint from her hands, is this. And the delicate way that Dean handles the portrait she made of their whole family as if he was handling a Picasso, is a balm to her soul. And later Dean will build the picture a frame before finding the best place to hang it at the Bunker, and they will both smile every time they see it.
The perfect gift, Ben exclaims as he clicks in his computer, is this. And the little fist bumped, Dean makes when he opens the box to find the tickets to the baseball game makes him do a little fist bump himself. Later on, Dean will take an old glove and a baseball ball and their little play will devolve in an all time war with his siblings and family, and he will cackle at the chaos.
The perfect gift, Claire trusts as she finishes the final touches of her gift, is this. And the delicateness that Dean has as he pulls the new polished and repaired dagger out of the box, makes Claire smile despite herself. Afterwards, Dean will ask her how she was able to make this and Claire will smile cryptically towards Cas, but won’t say anything, after all she is the one that went through all the trouble of recreating the angel´s blade.
The perfect gift, Emma contemplates as she tries to take the glue out of her hands, is this. And the brightness of Dean´s smile as he careful looks at every photo of the scrapbook she made, bright her heart and her days. After, Dean will pull out and old trunk full of memories and pictures and they will start another scrapbook together, and she will feel the happiest person on the world
The perfect gifts, Sam shuffles as he tries to get them all through the door, is this. And the way that Dean almost falls in his haste to get to the pie table is a reward by itself. Later, Sam and Dean will go out and sit in the trunk of the Impala as when they were kids just watching the stars and they will both forever be grateful of being brothers
The perfect gift, Cas is not sure what it is and then he remembers something small that Dean used to want when he was a child. It is in the way that Dean eyes start to wet as he slowly but surely takes the figure action he wanted all those years ago, and sometime soars inside Cas´ chest as Dean pulls him in a kiss. Dean will go to bed later that night and will cuddle with him, and that is the most perfect gift that Cas can ask.
The perfect gift, Dean thinks, is this right here. It is the sheepish look in Jack´s face as he presents his burned pancakes to him. It is in the proud eyes of Bobby-John after he presents the teddy bear to him. It is in the excitement that Kaia gets as she starts to discuss her favorite books with him. It is in Jesse´s laughs as they pretend to be Batman and Robin It is in the way Alex´s protectiveness ensues as he promises to never leave any of them alone. It is in the soft tunes that Krissy plays on the guitar as he teaches her some of the music they both love. It is in Patience´s art and painting that bring a smile to his face every time he sees them. It is in the hesitant but firm way Ben throws the ball as their little practice evolves into and all war (it is also in the chaos that ensues). It is in the way that Claire smirks as he wonders how was she was able to recreate such a master piece. It is in the happiness of Emma and her little quips as she tells him the story of every photo on the scrapbook. It is in the nervousness on Sam as he suggests they go to watch the stars as was their tradition when they were children (it is in the happiness he gets as they do just that). It is in the action figure that Cas carefully gifts Dean, and it is not even about the action figure, it is about the healing of his inner child and the thoughtfulness that Cas had when he searched for said gift.
The perfect gift, Dean is sure, is this moment, it is being alive, surrounded by his love ones, and he wouldn’t change them for all the presents in the world
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privatebooth · 3 months
All these talks about the new Dragon Age game are making me nostalgic.
I remember how when DA2 was being made there was so much hype, and I was not thrilled at all. Origins left such a strong impression on me, I hated the idea of moving on to something different. Change was always difficult for me to accept, any change. I know a lot of people didn't want to part with their wardens, there's nothing original in that, but...
I hated Hawke before he even came into existence. I only wanted to see more of my Warden and Zevran who turned my world upside down.
Instead, they made this new character who spoke and had a semblance of an actual personality which I couldn't even control!
Then Bioware started feeding us little snippets of the game, and I saw the grumpy little brother, obviously displeased with his life, which pretty much instantly endeared him to me, and I thought I could try playing this game just to make him smile. Also, I really liked Nicholas Boulton's voice, and didn't mind hearing more of him (my Warden was a city fem elf, so I thought working with him would be fun).
The demo came out when I more or less started to come to terms with the fact that I'll never see my warden again, but may still hear something about her, and I was desperate for something. I played with all combinations of classes and genders, absolutely hated the gameplay - still do, loved being a rogue in DAO, but here it makes me want to smash my keyboard - but was very happy to find that mages are much more fun to play now, since I wanted to have Carver in my team.
Okay, but I still hated Hawke. I didn't know anything about his story, didn't care to know, and I told him right away "You will fail". I really didn't want him to succed, there was no way he could ever compare to HOF, who solved every single problem, saved every single soul she could save, and befriended everyone she ever met. The icon of diplomacy and efficiency, with just enough arrogance to be lovable (cocky elf voice FTW!) I still miss her so much.
The good thing about not caring too much about this guy was that I actually allowed Hawke to be human. I didn't feel pressured to play the hero who must always make the right choice. He was allowed to make questionable decisions, to fail, it was expected of him. I didn't want a lousy wannabe superhero. Can't persuade that angry Dalish elf on Wounded coast? That's okay, Hawke, you're not the Warden - she definitely could have talked her down. A crowd of weary Fereldans protecting Anders? Carver, you go talk to them.
On and on, it became more apparent that Hawke's story would not be as glorious as the Warden's, and he won't be as much of a hero. He truly was just a guy who was trying to get by and take care of his family and friends. No ambition to fix the world and save everyone.
The Warden remains an unachievable ideal I can only dream of emulating.
Hawke... he is so much more relatable, and a lot closer to me than any Bioware char will ever be. I love him so much.
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blueiight · 1 year
re: choose violence meme Utena answer, I don't want to drag you into the wretched discourse lol, so no pressure to answer, but... okay so I haven't watched IWTV but from what little I see. you seem SO TAPPED IN to what's going on w interplay of the book VS the tv show's handling of race, gender, etc. so I am wondering... penny for your thoughts on Ikuhara's handling / not handling of race (and / or sexuality)... and / or the fandom's takes... orz
oh yeah im down& i appreciate the compliment!<3 im hesitant to over-speak, but i know ikuni & saito have explicitly said anthy is based off lalah sune from mobile suit gundam.. lalah is from bombay (mumbai) & was trafficked into the flannigan institute (2d space military experimentation) as a means to experiment n find the answer on newtypes, which r basically an esoteric arbitrarily defined concept from gundam to gundam thats exploited in the space age military apparatus. lalah sune in the uc gundam series is used as a plot device: its one of char’s greatest mistake/s in his culpability in lalah’s situation, therefore once again violating his father zeon’s revolutionary precepts on what the newtypes were for, and one of amuro’s greatest mistake/s in that he made a brief but rather profound bond w/ such a ~kindred spirit~ n ended up being the one who killed her. she ends up haunting both of them in char’s counterratack & while i thought that was enjoyable to watch.. its laughably easy to read lalah as a pretext for amuro + char’s later fixation on eachother (& tomino even encourages it). ultimately, lalah’s own characterization, much less any story arc on how she was the means to introduce newtypes in the gundam series is tertiary to what she represented to amuro and char. now why am i talking about lalah here? bc ikuni+ saito r explicitly inspired by her in making anthy n ima try to say my piece in how ikuni, and the rgu narrative in both animanga treat anthy (& akio, as a result of being her brother)’s racialization. a lot of shoujo animanga period always has the trope of the character or two at the most who r noticeably darker than the pale-skinned cast, yet theyre never really clearly defined as who or what they are much less is this used to supplement their characterization. with rgu, as u have discussed before, ikuni nem use eternity as a motif. like what does it mean to be eternal? n all. u have anthy and akio, these two darker skinned (indian) characters like lalah, being seen as the vanguard , the introduction to and the disseminator of this esoteric concept that ever eludes the rest of the cast. u have these indian characters who play into these new-age stereotypes , namely how the new age has coopted a lot of the indian faiths & refuse to see yalls cultures as something that actually evolves, but is stagnant + ‘eternal’. the modern world is outside, ohtori headed by akio is the cycle of life repeating over& over n over again. when it comes to the vitriolic protracted abuse + projection anthy faces thru the series, its implicit that this is bc shes a darker skinned girl in a sea of lighter skinned people & abused by her older brother. i cant say if it was ikuni nems intention in doing this but the canon is ample for this argument n how i read this idea of being the rose bride , the ultimate target for humanity’s hate to be a commentary in part on what it means to be a girl/woman of color. dios having the burden to save all of humanity is the archetypical prince, and the expectation on boys of color to prematurely ‘rise up’ n ‘be the man’ so & anthy pulling her brother away from this burden made her a target to all of Humanity, metaphorically for refusing to play the martyr. n ive faced shit in the past for articulating such& bc im a bw, ppl have seemed to misinterpret me saying this as saying ‘anthy is black’ LOL. the fandom is woefully reluctant to tackle this, bc there is no immediate white (european) involved. they want to say utena tenjou n em are ‘white’ bc theyre so eurocentric that this is the only way they can think. when these are japanese creators , creating characters n r relying on stereotypes of indian spirituality + people to define them in relation to the japanese characters. like its a reason they made anthy , the rose bride, the witch, based off lalah sune & not like. utena or shiori yk? the question of sexuality tied to this is rly weighted too, esp bc anthy (+ akio?) sport the marriage colored bindi, but i feel like that was the most intentional they went there
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viinas · 2 months
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Next set of my Fire and Silver tarot cards!! If you're curious to know about my brain children, the card explanations are below!!
XX JUDGMENT - Caleb Winters and Zane Zyll Change of position, renewal, outcome Reversed: Weakness, pusillanimity, simplicity, deliberation, decision, sentence
So Caleb and Zane like Charity and Avril are meant to parallel the “what could have been” for each other. They (Char and Av) both discovered their powers at a young age and both had a lot of trouble navigating on their own. Avril confided in Zane only to be met with fear. To him, a child himself, this wasn’t his sister but a monster. He tried to kill her. He was too afraid to try and understand. Avril ran away for her own survival, barely alive before Aero found and rescued her. Now, she’s estranged from her entire family who thinks her to be dead and covered up her supposed murder to protect Zane. 
On the other hand there is Caleb who has always had a much higher tolerance for weird and paranormal. When Charity came to him, he was immediately receptive and asked what he could do to help. For him, taking care of his little sister was the only option. He didn’t entirely understand necromancy despite later learning about their father’s and uncle’s intimate history with it, but he loved Charity and was willing to learn for her. 
They both ultimately passed judgment on their sisters. For Zane, he was the executioner. For Caleb, he was her confidant. Avril grew up with trust issues and a horribly broken sense of self worth. Charity grew up trusting easily which may or may not have been to her detriment. The two girls clash at the beginning because Avril can’t trust Charity while Charity is willing to trust Avril despite how rough their start is because Ilum and Kithara love her. 
When Zane comes back into Avril’s life and he learns she is still alive, he is forced to reconcile with what he’s done to her. 
This was much longer than the others but consider that I’m talking about four characters at once. Ha.
VII THE CHARIOT - Zieka Drugov Succor, providence, war, triumph, presumption, vengeance, trouble Reversed: Riot, quarrel, dispute, litigation, defeat
Zieka is quite literally a nepo baby for lack of a better word. Due to her bloodline, her becoming a pack leader isn’t so much an option as it is an expectation and inevitability. As such, she was raised to be reverential and level-headed despite the inherent passion that burns in her chest. As the story goes on, Z breaks more rules. From outwardly loving Madison to aiding Ellard to saving Charity’s life to killing one of the pack leaders, she forges her own path through kindness and violence all drawn from that same fire inside of her. For her, the stakes are higher. There are so many more expectations placed upon her. So many more eyes constantly watching her. She has to work twice as hard, be twice as vicious, as her male counterparts while still maintaining the poise and elegance of a pack royal. Her character arc is about unlearning toxic ideals for one but also for allowing her passion, her fire, to blaze high and free.
XXI THE WORLD - The Prophet Assured success, route, voyage, emigration, flight, change of place Reversed: Inertia, fixity, stagnation, permanence 
So this guy is the most powerful psychic in the world. In exchange for vivid visions, the ability to take and dole out memories, and mind reading, he is left blind, though he's able to “see” in other ways. He’s a broker based in Vegas who uses people’s memories as currency. He knows things about the world, about specific people, they may not even know about themselves. He’s sort of a true neutral in that he has no personal stake in the war and is only there for business and his own amusement.
VI THE LOVERS - Helena Zairi and Ellard Charaux Attraction, love, beauty, trials overcome Reversed: Failure, foolish designs 
The story centers around Hel and Ellard because they begin on opposite sides of a war. For Ellard, meeting Hel was a taste of what life could be like outside his pack. As for Helena, she didn’t know Ellard was a werewolf–a hunter of her kind–but was attracted to his warmth and kindness. Hel, having spellcaster eyes, can’t hide her nature as easily. Once Hel is adopted by Aero, she becomes a target. To test Ellard’s loyalty, his pack tasks him with earning her trust and killing her as a way to provoke Aero into re-entering the battle he left behind. But, as it happens, the more Ellard gets to know her, he begins to fall in love with her for real. When it blows up and Helena feels that deep cut of betrayal, it provokes her to fight instead. It isn’t until Ellard is faced with the decision to go through with it or defect that he realizes he can only choose Helena and the freedom and safety she gave him over the familiar Poison He Knows. 
So to say their relationship goes through trials and failure is a given but more importantly, it’s how they learn from those failures and grow stronger together. Their love is a catalyst for new alliances. For them both, that love is equal parts a reprieve and an achilles heel. Because love is as beautiful as it is scary. 
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