#char: Willow
cakeebly · 11 days
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jennifersminds · 6 months
btvs season 4 spike x scooby gang dynamic my beloved.
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nas2203sillyblog · 3 months
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So I did something with a headcanon generator and….
God dam-
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drbtinglecannon · 1 year
Rewatching "Reaching Out" and thinking about how people really thought every time Lumity had an issue they were gonna break up.
In hindsight it's so funny so many people really thought Lumity wasn't gonna be endgame.
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rab1dd0g · 2 years
"Pinky Swear?"
Hunter rustled around in his dimly lit tent when he was supposed to be sleeping. He was careful to not wake anybody in their own nearby, respected tents. While rummaging around in his bag, he began to become increasingly irritated when he couldn’t find what he was looking for and briefly gave up on his search with a huff.
Looking up, he was reminded of Willow for a moment due to what the tent was made out of. It was more of a makeshift tent than anything but he was still impressed at her leadership and creativity by using her plant magic to make the structure in the first place. His eyes trailed down to the inner side of the leaf before reaching out with his hand. Softly and slowly, he ran it down a small portion of the giant leaf, taking in the texture of the veins of the plant atop the wooden base. He shivered at the feeling, feeling the goosebumps from across his body; the strongest being where his hand touched the leaf.
Hunter's mind started to trail off as he became more pensive about his experiences with his friends.
He thought about something as simple as a sports game was able to bond him to Willow. How he ached to tell her how much those moments in his life meant to him leading up to now. He had never felt such strong kinship in his life. It truly showed him that other witches could be trusted and treated as if they’d always been by his side. It made him feel empowered, it made him feel like he didn't need to be alone, and it made him question if being alone really was the best course of action.
It made him think about how something equally as simple as a breathing technique bonded him to Gus. How he was able to comfort Hunter; though he didn't open up and wouldn't admit it then, he helped. Hunter’s reciprocation by trying to comfort Gus later. Even if that meant facing his own ugly, nerve wracking memories. How such a small gesture from Gus was rebound back at him. Even if it wasn’t the technique that helped, but his own dorky tooth gap making the air he circulated whistle as it left his mouth.
He couldn't forget who lit the fire to begin with either. How Luz took the first steps with him to break his wall that had been built by himself and his so-called relative. She was the first who made him question his morals, who gave any iota of kinship towards him without something feeling off, who shone the light on who the Emperor really is.
Now he knows how and why he was created. Knowing he wasn’t the first. He wondered if he would have really been the last, how many Golden Guards there were in exact numbers and how long each of them lived. How long it took for Belos to chart, go through with, and attempt to succeed in his plan to eliminate the Boiling Isles. Even though he was raised in the castle, it makes sense why it never felt like home, and more like hunting grounds. Knowing his ancestry prior to the invasion of the emperor's mind. The extra bit of information made so much more sense as to why things were the way they were. Hunter would never forget the day his reality was ripped out from under him, even if it was for the better.
Hunter’s mood began to sour, the emotional whiplash setting in as he remembered what he was originally going to do; his previous train of thought reminding him of his participation in such a ugly coping mechanism. His mind began to swim with all of his memories from the Emperor's Coven, especially his abuser. All the things that happened behind closed throne doors. All the times he was reminded of how much people didn’t want him around. The disrespect, betrayal and mental agony that he thought was normal.
Hunter could feel his galdorstone heart begin to pump harder as his consciousness sank further into his thoughts. His body grew lighter and started to tremble. His memories of the Emperor punishing him by ripping his left cheek clean open. He couldn’t look Belo’s in the eye or even generally around him for too long without feeling the same fear course though him, causing him to break down, accompanied by the feeling of being so, so little. It was almost like he could feel the chill air entering his mouth though his wound, the flesh rubbing against his teeth after trying to speak through the shock of what happened.
Belo’s words jumbled together in his head, sounding nothing more than gibberish even as he got closer to Hunter. All he knew was Belo’s anger and disappointment towards Hunter didn't need any utterance as his lesion spoke loudly to him through the drips pittering on the cold castle floors. His vision blurred as he turned away from The Emperor to go and clean himself up.
The water stinging against his large gash that night grounded him and made him feel more at ease for some strange reason, even with him recoiling while he hissed in pain. He would go back under the water anyways just for the pain to make him feel the rush of relaxation coming in waves; A dull stupor soon taking over, making the water stop burning in his facial laceration. He remembered being glad that his face felt numb and that he showered right after in the first place. It made stitching it together less excruciating and easier to clean all the blood up.
All he could think about was his time in the human realm, how it had been ripped away from him so violently. Any healing he had felt stripped away in an instant all because of one man's strife with someone Hunter was only based off of. His first friend, his first confidant, uprooted by the bitter and wrathful piece of shit he looked up to and falsely owed for being a savior to him.
Flapjack, oh Flapjack.
As angry as Hunter felt, nothing could surpass the heart throbbing guilt of losing his palismen. Of his own hands, killing his palismen. The one who kept him going right when he wanted to give up, when things took a turn for the worse. This gut wrenching feeling made tears start to well and spill out of his eyes, Hunter trying his best to keep his sobs quiet as he didn’t want to stir anybody into consciousness. This proved to be a daunting task as he kept hiccuping his remorse over and over again, small cries slipping out of his lips.
In the midst of this, he sprung up from his sleeping bag and shuffled vigorously on his knees to his backpack. He began to dig around, except this time he was rummaging around with great urgency; tears wetting his scarred forearms and backpack as he shuffled through it. His breathing was heavy and erratic. Anybody could hear him unsteadily gasping for air like he was going to die, continuing to hiccup as he did so. The only thing he could think about was Flapjack and just how much he wanted to stop feeling this way and to stop crying. For his dearest friend to come back, for Belos to burn, and for everything to be okay, just this once.
His digging got more frantic, objects now being slung over his shoulders and hitting the ground behind him. His first aid kit that he had put together from Luz’s bathroom flew open after it hit the ground behind him. Gauze, bandages, medical tape and wound wrap scattering in the surrounding area.
At this point, he was so lost in his emotions that he wasn’t considering how other people could hear him, he could only think about how desperately he needed to get his turmoil under control, and he knew just how; all he needed was to find his blade before his cries got any louder. How he cursed himself for putting it inside something so small.
Getting to the bottom of his bag, he finally found them. The small green container being snatched with fast yet trembling hands. He slipped up a few times in the process of opening the container; once he did, he ripped his sweater sleeve up his arm and started with no hesitation.
They were fast and uncoordinated. Being so distressed he wasn’t paying attention to how deep any of them were, many of them turning white before any blood seeped out. It was warm on his arm, albeit the pleasant air feeling cool under the night sky. It stung as he continued. Doing it over old scarred tissue proved to hurt a lot more considering how new his biggest, most recent one was. He covered his whole left forearm in gashes before his breathing began to slow; the fog of that familiar cloudiness sweeping over his mind before he finally began to destress. The high was so relieving, a heavy sigh escaping with his body becoming lax soon after. The flow of his tears slowed, but they did not completely stop building up.
Wiping his glossy eyes, he sat and began to unwind with a serious heaviness sitting comfortably in his body. Shuffling his knees across the ground towards his sleeping bag, he got in with his forearm to the side as to not get any blood onto his bed. More of a hassle to clean than he would like it to be; nonetheless, it would be one more thing to clean up. He stared up at the ceiling to his tent in a stupor. Even though his eyes were heavy, he didn't feel physically tired, just heavy and hazy. With a sniffle, a few more tears escaped before he heard rustling in one of the tents nearby.
“Shit!” He thought as fright attacked his body again.
Bolting upwards, Hunter sprung out of his sleeping bag and tried his best to get everything on the ground into his bag, missing things along the way, and getting blood all over himself and his belongings in his panic. With murmuring in the distance, he quickly grabbed the ball of light and collapsed it in his hand to turn it off. He rushed into his sleeping bag covers and turned inwards to the wall of the tent. He tried his best to get his breathing under control, trying to mimic his breathing as if he was asleep. The only thing he could thank Belo’s for, honestly.
He could hear soft footsteps start to head towards his tent, getting louder before they stopped right outside of his tent opening. A beat passed before his tent covering audibly shifted and soft steps stopped behind him. Hunter could feel their presence but he did not dare to give up on his facade.
“I know you’re awake, Hunter.” It was Luz. Her voice was soft and hushed.
Hunter remained silent and continued to pretend he was asleep, making sure to keep his left forearm as close to himself as he could. So much for having one less thing to clean.
He heard some quiet shuffling and feet dragging across the ground before it had stopped. Titan, how much he wished he could just be invisible right now.
“Mama could hear you, she wanted to come over and comfort you but…” Luz paused as she looked at the ground and fiddled with her thumbs. It was so quiet that her skin could be heard rubbing against itself. “...she says it wasn’t the first time this has happened; and I know how uncomfortable it can be having someone catch you in the act.” As soft as it was, her tone alone gave Hunter a very good idea how heavy-hearted she felt right now.
Hunter gave up trying to fool her and sat up, bringing his knees to his chest. Pulling up his right sleeve, he rested both of his arms on his knees, left forearm atop the right. His bloodied forearm feeling cold against the top of his right arm.
“I’m sorry you had to find out like this.” His voice was low, and grim. The guilt was already eating away at his conscience.
“Don’t be sorry, I’m just glad that I know now so that I can help you.”
Hunter remained quiet as Luz stuck her hand in her pocket, pulling out a light glyph.
“I need some light so I can bandage you up.”
Hunter spoke immediately after Luz did, borderline cutting her off.
“I know how to bandage myself.” He met Luz’s gaze in the dark, putting more bite in his words than he would have liked. “Do you think the healing coven tended to any of my injuries as the Golden Guard?”
He could see Luz retract into herself in the moonlight, A heavier rush of guilt swept over him. “I’m..” There was a lull before Hunter continued. “I’m sorry.” More tears rushed to his eyes, enough added to the previous ones that they fell. “I just really don’t want anybody to see me like this.”
“I know, Hunter. I’ve been in your place before.” Luz sympathized and scooted closer to rest a hand on his shoulder. She rubbed through his sweater with her thumb, softly. “I understand your anger too. I know you must feel angry at yourself for waking me and Mama up and causing us to worry.” She chortled dryly before speaking again. “I remember when my mom found me in the bathroom during the middle of the night for the first time. It wasn’t very fun.” She sighed through her nose, turning her attention to the entryway of Hunter’s tent before looking back at Hunter and tentatively pleading to him. “Please, let me help you Hunter.”
Hunter looked up at Luz, he could see her eyes, the moonlight shining on them though the gaps at the top of the tent, making the tears in her eyes discernable in the dark.
Luz turns her head downward and takes her hand off Hunter’s shoulder. She opens her hand to cast the light glyph. It floats, glows up, and grows from the size of a bead to the circumference of Luz’s palm up into the air. As Luz looks around, she spots Hunter’s medical supplies still scattered across the ground. Hunter shrinks in on himself in embarrassment.
Luz stands up, gathers the medical supplies in the container they were originally in and loops her finger in Hunter’s water bottle handle before turning back to face him.
“Do you have a cloth?”
“I don’t think so.” Hunter replied sheepishly.
“That’s alright.” Luz closed the small distance between them and sat down. She extended her arm to Hunter, scars of her own shining in the glyphs light. “May I see your razor blade?” She asked politely.
Hunter hesitated for a second before turning to the right to grab the slightly rusted pencil sharpener blade where he had set it down. He guiltily averted Luz’s gaze as he placed the small and sharp piece of metal into Luz’s open palm. She looked at it for a second before a striking resemblance in the blade dawned upon her.
“Hunter..” she opened gingerly before pausing to collect herself briefly. “..is this mine?”
Hunter could feel his face begin to heat up as his eyes bored into the ground. “Mmhm.” He drawled, his lips pressed into a thin line, the end of the hum higher pitched than the rest.
Luz took a deep breath, paused, and drew out her exhale.
“Even though you went snooping in my room, it’s okay-” she cut herself off before continuing. “Well, it’s not okay, but, I guess we could be considered blood siblings now!” She joked wryly.
Hunter, albeit still embarrassed, went along with Luz’s sense of humor and laughed stonily at her attempt to lighten up the situation. He sighed as his face cooled off. Luz put down the blade and opened up the water bottle. She turned and slipped her right leg under her left thigh before pressing the mouth of the bottle against her pant leg, some water soaking through and running down her ankle onto the ground. Hunter watched in confusion.
“What are you doing?” He questioned.
“Just wiping off the razor and my hand. I mean I do consider you to be the brother I never had, but I don’t think I need your blood in my system too.” She laughed with integrity while she reached behind herself to grab the blade.
Hunter reciprocated and laughed as well. “I guess you’re right.”
Hunter continued to watch as Luz pinched and rubbed the blade in between the fabric, before taking it out and pinching it in her other hand. She then used her free hand to grab her damply spotted pant leg. Hunter became bewildered again, but before he could ask, Luz was cutting a good chunk of fabric off of her pant leg.
“Luz! Why are you cutting your pant leg?!” Hunter exclaimed as his head shot up and turned to face Luz fully.
“Hunter, it’s okay.” Luz smiled reassuringly while continuing to cut around her pant leg. “Mama won’t mind, she’d understand actually! Besides, I need something to wipe your arm off with so I don’t use so much water.”
Hunter sighed. Titan, as if he didnt feel bad enough!
Once Luz finished, she set the razor down and wetted the now cloth before turning back to Hunter, looking at him expectantly. Hunter looked back with a hesitant expression. He went to gently move his arm. He could feel the blood had become muddy and clotted by now, his thought process being proven correct when the blood formed strings rather than separating cleanly. Luz laughed with her makeshift cloth in hand.
“I guess I’ve been talking too much! It’ll be easier to clean since it’s clotting.”
“You know a little too much about this.” Hunter worriedly stated as he went to hold out his forearm.
“It’s a little hard not to when it started for me three years ago.” She quipped with dry optimism.
Hunter looked at Luz, a bit surprised and concerned before deciding to not say anything in return. With Luz’s free hand, she supported Hunter’s left forearm. Applying the cloth to his upper forearm, she gently rubbed back and forth, unsticking the clots of blood from Hunter’s arm. With his brain fog now dissipated, his arm stung a lot more than he would have liked it to. As Luz continued to rub in the direction of his cuts, Hunter also continued to cringe as he sucked in air through clenched teeth, the air mostly going in through his tooth gap. Luz looked up with a look of understanding as Hunter continued to watch Luz clean him up. Luz moved her hands away from Hunter’s forearm, shaking out the cloth before applying more water onto it and wringing it out to her right.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how did you find out about this?” She asked as gently as she could. She then grabbed Hunter’s forearm again and continued to rub the blood off of his lower forearm as his upper cuts beaded with small amounts of blood.
“Uhm.” Hunter paused, a little uncomfortable. “Well, I was up late one night on your laptop, and I was looking through stuff you had liked on Tumblr.” Hunter said, sounding a little lost in thought.
Luz internally cringed, she regretted showing him furry art on that website and making Tumblr known to him.
“I scrolled pretty far, and I found posts from a couple years ago, I think? They were photos of human’s with blood on their arms.” Hunter stated sunkenly, looking away from his forearm.
Luz stopped rubbing Hunter’s forearm as he continued.
“I was reading some of the things that it said on them, about it, ‘making the pain go away.’ I had been struggling a little bit with some stuff that had happened to me, so I followed suit. I guess over time it just got worse the more I did it.” Hunter looked back at Luz after he finished speaking and noticed how she had stopped. He could feel both of her hands shake on his forearm, as well as something warm dripping onto it.
“Luz? Are you okay?” Hunter asked worriedly.
Luz looked up with tears spilling out of her eyes. “Hunter, oh my gosh.” She rasped. “I am so, so sorry.”
Hunter’s eyes widened as Luz apologized to him. “It’s okay, it’s not your fault! If anything I shouldn’t have been snoo-” She cut him off before he could continue.
“But it is! It is my fault! If I had never gotten so deep into Tumblr you wouldn’t have seen it to begin with!” She quietly choked out.
Hunter could feel the guilt she was experiencing, and he wasn’t sure how to comfort her, or if he even could. He had no idea what to say, and wished he knew how to sympathize with Luz like she could with him. Hunter took his left arm out of Luz’s grip, and scooted closer to her. Leaning in with his right arm, he hugged Luz.
Luz stopped before hiccuping another hushed apology and embracing Hunter, wrapping one arm around his neck, the other under his right arm. Luz squeezed Hunter as hard as she could to try and make it up to him for what she felt she had done. Hunter’s left arm hung to the side as new blood slowly slid down his arm. He really didn’t want to get it on Luz’s white clothing, that was the last thing she needed to deal with right now.
Taking a deep breath, Luz separated from Hunter and grabbed his left forearm again, continuing where she left off. She sniffled as she did so.
“You didn’t cut so much because you felt like it wasn’t showing how much you were in pain, did you?”
The question took Hunter aback. “Titan! No!” He exclaimed quietly. “I was just really distraught. I would never compete with a human like this! Do humans do that?” He asked, shocked.
“Yes.” Luz cried quietly as she reached for the gauze. “I used to. When my mom got me my laptop and I found out about it, it sent me down such a deep hole that I thought I'd never come back from it.” She confided to Hunter as she wiped tears from her eyes with her right wrist, gauze still in hand.
Hunter’s mouth hung open. While he knew he was inheriting her habit, he didn't expect it to have been that bad for Luz. It made Hunter question what kind of thing would even make her go down that road in the first place. As Hunter was thinking, Luz was wrapping up his forearm in bandaging wrap. Before she wrapped the last of it around Hunter's forearm, she secured it in place with medical tape, wrapping it around the bandage to make sure it was secure.
Cloth in one hand, free in the other, Luz looked up, grasped Hunter’s left hand with both of hers and pleaded to Hunter with tears threatening to flood out of her eyes again.
“Hunter. Please promise me you’ll stop doing this.” She drew in a shaky breath before speaking again. "I don't want you going down the same path that I did. You’re already scarred enough." Her grip on his hand grew tighter as she begged.
Hunter stared at Luz for a second, looking into her teary, pleading eyes before nodding.
Luz freed her bottom hand and held out her little finger. "Pinky swear?" She prompted, although to Hunter it didn't really seem like a question.
"Pinky swear." Hunter held up and interlocked his little finger with Luz's, bobbing both their hands in place. To further confirm Hunter's seriousness, he freed his hand from Luz's and put the pencil sharpener blade in its place. Luz looked down before looking back up at Hunter.
"Please give it to mom." Hunter asked, looking at Luz to validate himself even further.
"Okay." Luz said sorrowfully with a gentle smile.
She gripped the small blade in her hand before standing up and collapsing the light glyph. Luz turned to leave, but as she was walking out she turned to face Hunter, even though she couldn't see him.
"I love you, Hunter. Sleep well."
There was a lull, before Hunter replied. It was the first time he heard her confirm that to him.
"I love you too, Luz. Good Night."
Luz left and began to walk back to her tent, her steps starting to fade until she rustled into her tent. Hunter got into his sleeping bag and pulled it up and over his chest and rested his head on his pillow. Luz could be heard murmuring to Camila in the distance. As their conversation went on, it slowly lulled Hunter to sleep.
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wlwhq · 1 year
@spicecbinet liked for a CLOSED STARTER !! based on first plot in source <3
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"come on, we shouldn't be going this far off the path." soleil was normally one to have a solid head on her shoulders. how she even agreed to this night in the woods, after all the talking her friend group did about how haunted this place was, was beyond her. "careful," she tutted in warning, voice lilting upward as she teased, "there might be someone lurking in the bushes watching us...i bet you'd like that."
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thepoisonroom · 2 years
sorry for being excited about tony revolori playing a romantic lead again but in my defense i did see grand budapest hotel with my own 2 eyes
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Mun/Member Birthdays For The Month Of January 2023 :
January 18th – Willow ( thirty-three-years-old ) @wildflowcrstm
January 23rd – V. ( thirty-three-years-old ) @vsmultimuseblog
January 26th – Erin ( twenty-six-years-old ) @erinsmultimuseblog
January 28th – Char ( twenty-six-years-old ) @charsmultimuseblog
Character Birthdays For The Month Of January 2023 :
None that we are currently aware of.
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headspace-hotel · 5 months
Nature is healing.
I burned the Meadow a couple weeks ago. At first it looked like nothing but charred ashes and dirt, with a few scorched green patches, and I was afraid I'd done something terrible. But then the sprouts emerged. Tender new leaves swarming the soil.
My brother and I were outside after dark the other day, to see if any lightning bugs would emerge yet. We had been working on digging the pond. That old soggy spot in the middle of the yard that we called "poor drainage," that always splattered mud over our legs when we ran across it as children—it isn't a failed lawn, and it never was.
Oh, we tried to fill in the mud puddles, even rented heavy machinery and graded the whole thing out, but the little wetland still remembered. God bless those indomitable puddles and wetlands and weeds, that in spite of our efforts to flatten out the differences that make each square meter of land unique from another, still declare themselves over and over to be what they are.
So we've been digging a hole. A wide, shallow hole, with an island in the middle.
And steadily, I've been transplanting in vegetation. At school there is a soggy field that sadly is mowed like any old field. The only pools where a frog could lay eggs are tire ruts. From this field I dig up big clumps of rushes and sedges, and nobody pays me any mind when I smuggle them home.
I pulled a little stick of shrubby willow from some cracked pavement near a creek, and planted it nearby. From a ditch on the side of the road beside a corn field, I dug up cattail rhizomes. Everywhere, tiny bits of wilderness, holding on.
I gathered up rotting logs small enough to carry and made a log pile beside the pond. At another corner is a rock pile. I planted some old branches upright in the ground to make a good place for birds and dragonflies to perch.
And there are so many birds! Mourning doves, robins, cardinals and grackles come here in much bigger numbers, and many, many finches and sparrows. I always hear woodpeckers, even a Pileated Woodpecker here and there. A pair of bluebirds lives here. There are three tree swallows, a barn swallow also, tons of chickadees, and there's always six or seven blue jays screaming and making a commotion. And the goldfinches! Yesterday I watched three brilliant yellow males frolic among the tall dandelions. They would hover above the grass and then drop down. One landed on a dandelion stem and it flopped over. There are several bright orange birds too. I think a couple of them are orioles, but there's definitely also a Summer Tanager. There's a pair of Canada Geese that always fly by overhead around the same time in the evening. It's like their daily commute.
The other day, as I watched, I saw a Cooper's Hawk swoop down and carry off a robin. This was horrifying news for the robin individually, but great news for the ecosystem. The food chain can support more links now.
There are two garter snakes instead of one, both of them fat from being good at snaking. I wonder if there will be babies?
But the biggest change this year is the bugs. It's too early for the lightning bugs, but all the same the yard is full of life.
It's like remembering something I didn't know I forgot. Oh. This is how it's supposed to be. I can't glance in any direction without seeing the movement of bugs. Fat crickets and earwigs scuttle underneath my rock piles, wasps flit about and visit the pond's shore, an unbelievable variety of flies and bees visit the flowers, millipedes and centipedes hide under the logs. Butterflies, moths, and beetles big and small are everywhere.
I can't even describe it in terms of individual encounters; they're just everywhere, hopping and fluttering away with every step. There are so many kinds of ants. I sometimes stare really closely at the ground to watch the activities of the ants. Sometimes they are in long lines, with two lanes of ants going back and forth, touching antennae whenever two ants traveling in opposite directions meet. Sometimes I see ants fighting each other, as though ant war is happening. Sometimes the ants are carrying the curled-up bodies of dead ants—their fallen comrades?
My neighbor gave me all of their fallen leaves (twelve bags!) and it turns out that piling leaves on top of a rock and log pile in a wet area summons an unbelievable amount of snails.
I always heard of snails as pests, but I have learned better. Snails move calcium through the food chain. Birds eat snails and use the calcium in their shells to make egg shells. In this way, snails lead to baby birds. I never would have known this if I hadn't set out to learn about snails.
In the golden hour of evening, bugs drift across the sky like golden motes of dust, whirling and dancing together in the grand dramas of their tiny lives. I think about how complicated their worlds are. After interacting with bees and wasps so much for so long, I'm amazed by how intelligent and polite they are. Bumble bees will hover in front of me, swaying side to side, or circle slowly around me several times, clearly perceiving some kind of information...but what? It seems like bees and wasps can figure out if you are a threat, or if you are peaceful, and act accordingly.
I came to a realization about wasps: when they dart at your head so you hear them buzzing close by your ears, they're announcing their presence. The proper response is to freeze and duck down a bit. It seems like wasps can recognize if you're being polite; for what it's worth, I've never been stung by a wasp.
As night falls, bats emerge and start looping and darting around in the sky above. If the yard seems full of bugs in the day, it is nothing compared to the night.
I'm aware that what I'm about to describe, to an entomophobe, sounds like a horror movie: when i walk to the back yard, the trees are audibly crackling and whirring with the activity of insects. Beetles hover among the branches of the trees. When we look up at the sky, moths of all sizes are flying hither and thither across it. A large, very striking white moth flies past low to the ground.
Last year, seeing a moth against the darkening sky was only occasional. Now there's so many of them.
I consider it in my mind:
When roads and houses are built and land is turned over to various human uses, potentially hundreds of native plant species are extirpated from that small area. But all of the Eastern USA has been heavily altered and destroyed.
Some plants come back easily, like wild blackberry, daisy fleabane, and common violets. But many of them do not. Some plants need fire to sprout, some need Bison or large birds to spread them, some need humans to harvest and care for them, some live in habitats that are frequently treated with contempt, some cannot bear to be grazed by cattle, some are suffocated beneath invasive Tall Fescue, Kentucky bluegrass, honeysuckle or Bradford pears, and some don't like being mowed or bushhogged.
Look at the landscape...hundreds and hundreds of acres of suburbs, pastures, corn fields, pavement, mowed verges and edges of roads.
Yes, you see milkweed now and then, a few plants on the edge of the road, but when you consider the total area of space covered by milkweed, it is so little it is nearly negligible. Imagine how many milkweed plants could grow in a single acre that was caretaken for their prosperity—enough to equal fifty roadsides put together!
Then I consider how many bugs are specialists, that can only feed upon a particular plant. Every kind of plant has its own bugs. When plant diversity is replaced by Plant Sameness, the bug population decreases dramatically.
Plant sameness has taken over the world, and the insect apocalypse is a result.
But in this one small spot, nature is healing...
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sidthedollface2 · 7 months
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A Crown fit for a God
(Part 2 here)
Pairing: Azriel x Fem Reader
Summary: An enemy threatens Velaris leaving Azriel to choose between his found family and a long lost friend. Can he juggle the two or will he fall for the enemy?
word count: 2.6k
Series warnings: 18+ MDNI, angst, hurt/comfort,light smut, war, including injuries, fighting, sign language, no use of y/n, nicknames, magic, greek mythology, pining, jealousy, azriel with other women (sorry), reader with another man (get it friend ; )
A/n: I'm a daydreamer not a writer so if you see any mistakes that's how I dreamt it. Lol
Azriel sat at his desk, reports and sightings of a hooded being trespassing multiple courts, leaving behind scorched farm lands and destroyed buildings scattered across the table. “Any luck?” Elain questioned, running her gentle hands over Azriel's shoulders, loosening his tense muscles. “I’ve been searching for over 500 years, but I think I'm getting close. Most recent sightings have been by women and children. Day or night it does not matter, they've seen IT and their bodies remain still, unable to move or scream until their work is done.” Azriel stared at the map of Prythian. “I think it’s finally here,” he met Elains worried eyes, “in the Night Court.” 
Azriel 8 yrs old
Azriel stopped sobbing once he knew no one would come for him. The foul smell of char and burnt flesh still lingered in his cell. His small hands trembled and shook from the intense pain, bubbles full of fluid and blackened skin covered both hands. Fingers locked and unable to move, not even to wipe at his heavy tears. The four walls to his cell provided nothing but cold nights and loneliness. With nothing to soothe the heat from his hands Azriel pressed his blistered palms flat to the cold floors. Hissing through clenched teeth as the coldness relieved some of the ache and heat within. Azriel hummed to a song inside his head, anything to pull his tired mind away from the pain and hopelessness he felt. With his eyes squeezed shut he tried to will the tears away, humming louder and louder to drown out his thoughts. His mind circled to a happier time. 
Small feet padding through fields of tall grass as he raced to his favorite spot; under a weeping willow. Perched against the tall tree the scent of fresh apples and citrus filled his nose as the wind carried the delicious scent towards him. His ears caught the melodious song of birds high above him. His gaze tracked up the tree to spot the feathered songbird but as soon as he craned his neck towards the sky time froze. A beautiful luna moth with large iridescent wings took flight, landing on the soft skin of Azriel’s cheek, tickling the small boy awake.
Azriel quickly opened his eyes, blinking rapidly in the darkness. The scent of citrus still lingered and time was eerily still. His pupils widened, adjusting to focus on what he was seeing. In the corner of his cell a shadowed figure stood still. Scrambling to his feet Azriel backed himself into the wall behind him. The dark figure inched closer, slowly, step by step. The hooded figure reached for Azriel's small hand. He told his mind to pull away, and to resist. But he was frozen against the cold wall, unable to move or cry out for help; not that anyone would help him. He tried to scream but the air left his lungs. Peeking beneath a hood Azriel saw the most stunning and captivating eyes he’d ever seen. Neither of the same color, yet bright and brilliant. One holds the color of the night sky, dark with swirls of violet and starlight. The other is pale and cloudy like the surface of the moon from Prythian. Your long shiny hair framed your youthful face and pouty lips perfectly. You don’t look much older than him yet you have this ancient presence he can't put his finger on.  
You're cool fingertips brush his knuckles, testing for his reaction. A small smile graces your lips as you remember that he’s unable to move. At least unable to move his outer extremities and vocal chords. Yet the windows to his soul tell you he's frightened. His wide hazel eyes are glassy, tears slowly filling his waterline. The rapid rise and fall in his chest is another clue to his distress. You let out a soft sigh as a single tear runs down his dirty cheek. Taking a step back you lay your palm flat against your chest, hoping he’ll understand what you intend to convey. Again, you pat your chest and azriel blinks in response. Bringing your hands in front of you, you tuck your fingers in creating a fist and curl both your forefingers and hook them together, with one wrist facing down and the other up you sign the word ‘Friend.’  
You wait for his breaths to slow before you gather his burned hand within yours. His knuckles are angry and reddened from the lack of healthy skin. Moderate pieces are blackened and multiple blisters are threatening to burst.  Carefully, you examine the extensive damage that was done, and begin to call upon your magic. Azriel's eyes widen to the size of saucers when your fingertips spark with what looks like stardust and your hand turns completely black from your fingertips down to your wrist. You gently run your star glittered forefinger down his. Starting at the base of his knuckle to the tip of his finger, healing all the delicate tissue and epidermis just like it was before. You release the magic holding him still, allowing him to relax his shoulders and curl the finger you healed. “How did-” the words die in his mouth as you continue to work on the next finger. Tracing once again from the base of his knuckle, down his slender finger to his nail. Revealing smooth and supple skin, no longer burned and charred.
The loud sound of a door opening startled both of you apart. Stopping your healing magic at only two fingers, Azriels paniced eyes met yours. You knew what he was asking. But you couldn't grant him more time, at least not yet. Quickly, you pulled your hood up over your head. Closing your hand in a fist you brought it to your chest, moving it in a circular motion; signing the word ‘sorry.’ 
“Wait!” Azriel’s arms dart out grasping onto the sleeve of your cloak only for the garment to fall at a pile to his feet. “Mother!” he gasped, shocked at your sudden disappearance, leaving behind your cloak that still had warmth and your scent. 
He’d kept your cloak all these years, the only cloth in his cell that kept him warm on those freezing nights. 
Az, something is breaching the wards, get down here. 
Rhys panicked words pierced through Azriel's mind as he abruptly sat up from the bed, the bed he shared with Elain. He quickly pulled his pants on, followed by his shirt and protective leathers. Placing a kiss to Elain's forehead, he winnowed to the location Rhys mentioned. 
An invisible force separated the three males from the dark figure that threatened Velaris. 
“Is It alone?” Cassian questioned, glancing behind and around the figure, assessing the intruder. His fingers itched at his sides, waiting for the slightest movement to unleash his blade. 
“She’s alone.” Rhys confirmed, gaze narrowed and unwavering at the dark figure. 
“She?” Both Cassian and Azriel said in unison, a look of shock on both their faces. It wasn’t that they doubted a female's ability. They knew the power that simmered beneath the skin. The unending strength, if provoked enough. The females in the inner circle, if combined, could take on males twice their size and fight wars alongside the bravest of warriors, but not alone. You’d have to be extremely powerful or extremely stupid to dare face the night court’s high lord alone.
Her gaze lifted above to the bright blue sky as if the power holding Velaris safe was visible to the eye. Her head swiveled left, noting how large the protection ran. Then to her right, gauging the amount of magic needed to breach the wards. At the moment, no army trailed behind her. No warrior or protector was by her side. She was simply there to send a message. 
“She’s unarmed.” Azriel's shadows slithered back to him, informing him of the lack of weapons and armor. She was defenseless and although a powerful barrier kept her out of Velaris, the two most violent and skilled warriors along with the most powerful highlord stood before her; she remained fearless. Her strong legs planted firm in the soil. It was difficult to determine what was under her dark cloak. His shadows stilled as her gaze met those of the shadowsinger. He knew those eyes. Azriel had searched for those beautiful eyes in every court, in every crowd, in every female. He’d dreamed of the day he’d see them again. His attention was directed to Rhys as he spoke in a firm demanding tone. 
“I will say this once, and only once-” 
Rhys' voice caught in his throat as the female's palms met the protective barrier. Electric current coursed through her veins, the power of lightning flickered from her fingers creating an orb of pure energy. Her foot dug into the soil behind her as she braced herself pushing through the wards, creating a space for her body to pass. All three males rushed towards her, charging at the enemy with bared teeth and blades ready to attack. Their large bulking frames and violence in their eyes was enough to bring grown men to their feet. 
Cassian sent a blast of red power straight towards her, expecting it to hit its target. Although stronger than most fae, his blast passed through her like a strong gust of wind. Whipping her head to its side, causing her long hair to flow out from under her hood. Her feet stayed planted, unwavering.
“Mother above.” Cassian breathed before he held his sword up high, slicing through the air as he brought it down over her head. Rhys' eyes widened for a fraction as Azriel’s truth teller clashed with Cassian, blocking his effort to harm her. Azriel’s shoulder roughly dug into Cassian's chest as he shoved his brother back with force. Betrayal laced in Cassian's eyes as he gaped at his brother. Out of all their arguments and bickering not once has Azriel disagreed with a common enemy. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Cassian sneered, meeting Azriels force with his own. Never one to back down at defending his court or his high lord. 
“You foolish boy!” Amren called from a distance, closing the space between them, “you cannot kill a God.” 
“Took you long enough,” Rhys tisked, plucking an invisible lint from his dark shirt. 
The hooded figure narrowed her eyes at the approaching Amren and scowled at the title that she clearly did not like. Azriel and Cassian ceased their bickering as Rhys' power shook the very ground they stood on, a wave of darkness ready to protect his city.
 “No one has breached these wards in 5,000 years.” Rhys declared with all the confidence of a high lord. Stepping forward, commanding the eyes of the hooded figure in a challenge, “what business does a God have in Velaris, surely you have better things to do.”
“Do not mock her, she can kill you where you stand.” Amren whispered. “As can I.” Rhys challenged. 
Her face remained unseen under the protection of her hood. Slowly her fingers came up beside her face, grasping the edges of the hood, she pushed the dark fabric over her head, revealing herself.
Amrens words ring true when the goddess reveals herself. Her beauty is unique and divine, flawless in the way that makes males fall to their knees. 
All the air from Azriels lungs vanished as he stared into those eyes. Years he’d been searching every court, reading countless books on healers and where they originated. Shamelessly making eye contact with each female he met hoping to one day find the mute girl who gave him purpose.  To hope one day he could thank her for her kindness to a boy who had nothing. 
“I’ve been looking for you.” Azriel exhaled, holding a palm out to Rhys and his brother letting them know ‘he’s got this.’ 
Your brows furrowed, and your eyes trailed down Azriels body. Trying your hardest to put a face or name to the male in front of you. After years of imagining how seeing you again would be, he didn't put into account the possibility of you not recognizing him. While Azriel admired how much you've grown since he first saw you. Your gaze seemed to pass right through him. And his worst fears were confirmed with a tilt of your head. 
You didn’t remember him. 
You couldn't recall any detail or encounter that would cause you to remember the male. Instead you focused your gaze on the High Lord. you were here to deliver a message after all. 
“High Lord of Night, ready your soldiers, a war is among you.” 
Surprise passed through Azriels eyes as he heard you speak. The day he met you your only form of communication was through hand signs. And now your voice is laced with threat, nothing like the gentle girl he met hundreds of years ago. He wonders what had changed.  
“And what do you bring to this war?” Rhys expression hardened. He tried to enter your mind to see for himself the truth of your words. Surprised to see your mind vulnerable for all, yet within the space were no visions or memories of your past, but  rings of blazing fire encircled a black hole with unknown knowledge within. Rhys had read about minds with black holes. It was a mystery as to what one would find within the hole. Some say time freezes for the observer, how long till it resumes has never been answered. Others say that if you fall into the black hole your mind fails the body and a blazing fire consumes you from the inside out, leaving behind ashes to be carried by the wind. 
“I bring Chaos and unrest, Lord of Night it be wise of you to heed my warning because your life will be in my hands.” 
Within seconds the afternoon sky turned dark and gray, the loud crack of thunder boomed in the distance and before either of them could reach you, you summoned a strike of lightning; hitting the ground like a whip. The flash was bright as it hit  and Rhys witnessed the wards he placed on Velaris crumble. A loud roar was heard throughout Velaris, a deadly creature answering your call.  It was then he realized, struggling to push through a small door to get within the protection wards was just for show. And whatever message you needed to deliver, something frightening answered. 
 Between the flashes of lightning and the echoes of thunder, just beyond the way they saw hundreds and hundreds of waiting soldiers. Looking at your retreating form, Azriel, Cassian and Amren rubbed at their eyes.
Once you reached the front line of fighters you looked over your shoulder, meeting Rhys powerful gaze and with a slight smirk you replaced his wards and removed the illusioned warriors. Leaving Velaris protected as it once was but now the threat of death and destruction looms near, not only to Rhys but everything and everyone he holds dear in Velaris. 
Part 2
~ thank you for reading
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yeyinde · 1 year
John Price x Reader | Fae!AU
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"They'll give you gifts," your gran says, shaking her head. "Things from their realm. Little trinkets and gems—" geodes, sapphires and diamonds, raw gold and coral; "—and you must never accept them," a whittled deer made of sequoia under your pillow; crow bones buried in the garden."Because if you do, if you do, they'll never let you go."  "Why?" You asked, blinking at her.  "Because it's a courting ritual, and to accept means… well," her mouth twists in wry disdain. "Just don't." 
—WARNINGS: 18+ | SMUT fae shenanigans, mythological nonsense; unsafe sex, smut in random places, slight exhibition kink if you squint; Dom-ish Price, soft Price, pining Price; fae trickery (dubious consent on account of the trickery but not really); unreliable narrator; ahhhhhh, body horror (??????????) —TAGS: Fluff, AU, mythology —WORD COUNT: 8,5k —Based on this ask
There's a thick forest at the edge of your town. It curves along the coastline, breaching the yawning maw of the inlet—the last safe haven before the open ocean—and can be found almost nowhere else in the entire world. A unique ecosystem comprising vaguely familiar flora and fauna. Brown and Black bears. Wolves. Sitka-black-tailed deer. Ravens. The waters that crest through the forest are full of salmon, steelhead, and river otters. On the coast of the inlet, you can find whales, sea lions, seals, orcas, and porpoises swimming offshore. 
It's protected, in large part, by its sheer vastitude. Spanning a massive chunk of your home, it stretches far north with curling fingers cutting through the granite of the crumbling coast, and as deep south as its knobby knees can reach. 
From above, it looks like a child curled on its side, knees tucked to its chest. It's this pose alone that makes others revere it as some sacred being, slumbering mindlessly until the day it cracks open its eyes, and awakens to the new world. A child god made of conifers, red cedar, spruce, fir, pine, birch, and hemlock. Mossy caves of granite and limestone. Thick colonies of moss, liverworts, plume moss, and common haircap. 
The forest is linked to your town only by a small strip of land that juts out from a raging ravine with currents too dangerous, too deadly, to try and traverse. An archipelago all on its own, untouched by greedy, human, hands because of its placement. 
It's insulated by the vast ocean on its front, and a series of insidious looking mountains ready to swallow wandering mountaineers whole if they get too close to the sleeping child. Protected and safe by anyone who might try to harm it. 
You used to dream about the forest. A nightmare dredged up about whispers and calls. Lured close to the edge of the river where a man would hand you his heart—sap-stained, and charred; a brittle piece of Bristlecone pine that felt fragile and worn—and told you to come back for him. To wait for him. 
You'd wake in a cold sweat each time, heart pounding so fast that it almost felt like you were dying.
(Maybe you were. Maybe you did.)
You don't know if you believe the stories told about people wandering into the gaping chasm of the forest and never coming out. It's not uncommon for people to get lost, after all. But it feels distinct and archaic. Old. Something about the way the wind howls sounds different from the other woodlands scattered around your home. 
It sounds like a beckoning call. A mother calling their child home for dinner. Come to me, the Chinook bellows. Come home now, dear. 
You never venture too close. You know all too well what happens to children who do.
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His name is—was now, you suppose—Kyle, but no one called him that. To everyone in town, he was simply known as Gaz. 
Newcomers to the isolated archipelago are a rarity—so much so that news of the new family's arrival sent waves through the community, making Gaz an instant star overnight, all without him even setting foot on the shores. 
None of that mattered, though. He fit in with an ease that seems almost preternatural when you think about it, as if he was meant to be there. And maybe he was. Maybe the soft rolling valleys were destined to be his home where flowers bloomed in the spring, and Arctic tern trilled from the branches. 
Gaz was unique, different. 
He picked dandelions with the same intensity that picked fights with the bullies in the neighbouring town, the ones who tried to pick on the smaller kids in the community. 
With his fists always covered in dandelion oil and bruises, face caught between a grimace and a grin, like he was never sure if he wanted to spit at their feet or tell a joke, he stood against the onslaught with an anger that seemed to crackle in the air like fireworks. Ready for battle. Thirsty for blood. 
His anger never waned even when he turned back to the group, eyes cresting in satisfaction, and body trembling with adrenaline, and you could scent the rage in his smile, hear it in the soft words he muttered to the kids, telling them everything would be alright. 
Gaz was everyone's friend. The person you told your deepest secrets to, the one you planned adventures with. He was a rock—always armed with snappy jokes to make you smile, and advice when you needed it. 
He was everyone's friend—yours especially—but you can't remember if anyone was his best friend. He was polite. Distant. 
It started in the summer. His hands were always cold, and he kept them shoved deep in his pockets, clenched tight around the latchkey his parents gave him. 
He started to seem almost liquid then. Temporal. You'd reach for him, brushing your hands against his arms or shoulders just to assure yourself that he was really there.
You noticed that his eyes would list sideways, head tilted, slanting toward the forest. It looked to you as if he was listening to something. To some unheard noise or call that only he could hear. 
When you asked about it, he'd always blink, surprised, as if you'd woken him up from a dream quite suddenly. Then, he'd smile, and shake his head. 
"Don't worry about it," he'd say, shrugging. "Just the wind."
He'd bend down and pick a dandelion for you, holding it out between pudgy fingers with a grin that seemed to mimic the cresting moon. 
"For you."
He picked them for three springs before he, too, became another victim of the endless forest. Another empty tomb in the overcrowded graveyard.
Missing, they said, but not forgotten. 
You think about him often. 
(Even more so when you, too, begin to hear your name echoing through the forest.)
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Beware the woods, your grandma says. Especially when it calls your name. 
(You never understood why something that sounds so comforting, so sweet, could ever be dangerous. It sounds like an old friend calling you over to play. 
"Never go," she snaps, her hands lashing out to grip your arms tight. You feel her knobby fingers digging into your bones. "Never listen, and stay away—"
"You're hurting me, gran—"
Her rheumy eyes burn into yours. "Stay away—!"
(You wisely never speak about the whispers in your head, keeping them to yourself. A secret just for you.)
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You leave town when you're old enough, when the hisses in your head grow too loud to ignore, and it feels as though they're scratching at your skull. 
(Clawing at the walls.)
"Crazy weather, eh?" The first mate mutters nervously, eyes tilted upward as the sky darkens into an angry grey. "Came outta nowhere." 
You leave, and you don't look back. 
(But oh, how the forest screams.)
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She calls you back several years later with a phone call. Your gran has passed. 
You think you should mourn, but it's been so long since you thought of home, that you don't remember what she looks like anymore. The sound of her voice is a whisper in your head—the cadence gone, the tone flat. 
But you don't cry, and you don't grieve—she's been dead for a long time now, after all. Ever since your mum went missing all those years ago, she's always seemed more of a ghost than a person. Living as if her body hadn't realised her heart was long dead. 
You go back only because you think your mum would have wanted you to. 
(And pretend it isn't because the silence in your head is suffocating. Without the whispers, it feels as if you're missing something. A part of yourself forever lost in the forest.
You wonder if anyone has found it by now.)
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Nothing has changed since you turned your back on the town that raised you, the forest that stole from you. 
It's the same buildings. The same market. The same roads. The same houses. 
The people, too, seem largely unchanged by the years that have passed. 
The friends from your childhood who stayed meet you at the graveyard, eyes filled with sympathy as they ask how you're doing. 
She'll be missed, they lie sweetly to you. Everyone loved her. 
She was a hermit, you want to scream. A woman driven mad by ghosts and fairytales and terror. 
You nod, instead, and let them lead you around the town on a grand tour as if anything about this beautiful, haunting place had changed since you ran away. 
It gets easier to force a smile when they ask if you're okay. 
"Fine," you murmur and wonder if your voice even carries over the whispers. "Just—yeah. Fine."
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North of the town is where the river separating the lonely forest carves a path, not at all dissimilar to an idyllic trough, through bedrock and sand, and flows into the sea. 
The estuary is dangerous in high tide when the rapid ascent of water on the sandy shores hides the rip current that is known to form when the two bodies of water meet. 
It's a dangerous place to get caught in. 
This beach was impressed upon you as deadly from a young age, almost in equal—if not greater—measure than the rapacious forest across the river. You know the dangers of standing on the slippery bedrock. 
But as the sun glows a burnt orange in the distance, and the endless ocean before you darkens into an almost unfathomable black, you can't help but find the view from the cliff's edge to be the most mesmerising thing you've ever seen. 
It looks like a painting. A brush stroke of tigers eye in the centre of the cresting sun that gradually fades out into xanthous, and rings of hazy peach; the light of diminishing star smears coruscating rings of persimmons into the indigo water. The gradual fade into gradients as the waves lap closer to the shore is reminiscent of liquid sapphire and smelting amethyst. 
The picturesque view is more befitting of a pastel postcard, an ethereal pastiche of the Ninth Wave—a moment of life imitating art, or—perhaps—the same view Ivan Aivazovsky stumbled upon when he set out to render the haunting beauty of the ocean in oil. 
The cresting waves arch into curled petals of white before setting upon the sloping beach with frenzy. It's the roar of those hungry waves that seem to, if only for a moment, drown out everything in your head. 
There are no whispers. No songs. No screams. Vengeful hissing can't climb to a higher decibel than the frothing waters slamming against jagged bedrock. 
All is quiet—except the sea. 
You lean into it. The closer you get to that precipice, the quieter everything in your head goes. Sounded sucked into the vacuum of the ocean. The endless song of the sea. 
Another step. Another. 
For a moment, you're free. 
The forest doesn't scream for you. Your grandmother doesn't dig her teeth into your gyri, hands clawing at the space behind your eyes. You don't think of her, or your mother, or Gaz, or anyone else unfortunate enough to get consumed by this damnable place where fairy tales split the seams apart, and merge with reality. 
It's peaceful. 
You take another step—
A hand curls over your shoulder, tugging you back. 
Anger pools, thick and acidic, on your tongue, but the flash of your ire, your vexation, is dashed by the sound the waves make when it slams into the spot you were just standing. 
It slashes across the concrete as the stranger pulls you into his broad chest, heat nearly liquifying your spine. 
He sucks in a breath. You feel his chest expand with it. When he breathes out, you taste gunpowder on your tongue. 
"Gotta be more careful n'that, love." 
You've had near-misses before. Flirted with the reaper. Ripped yourself from the jowls of death himself. 
This isn't anything new.
And yet—
Your eyes drag up, meeting flat black boring down at you. His hood is pulled over his forehead, casting shadows down to his jaw. 
Your teeth sink into your tongue. Emotions lash through you like the flick of a bullwhip, shredding your skin until it's raw and oozing. The tail pulls away whenever you try to wrap your fingers around one of them—relief: you're not dead; embarrassment: how could you be so stupid; shame: saved by a stranger; and—
Visceral terror. Panic. 
It bludgeons its fist down your throat, barbed knuckles clawing at the soft tissue of your esophagus until you taste blood on your tongue. 
Panic tastes of ozone and leaks, thick and warm like molasse, down your throat. 
"Hey," he murmurs, and the sound of his voice, his low timbre, is porous, calcined. The rough scratch scours through the haze of fear threading through your sternum. "C'mon on, now. Gotta breathe, yeah?" 
It's his hands on your shoulder—hotter than grenade fire—and the thick scent of musk, of stale smoke and kerosene sweat, that break through the gossamer of your acrid panic. He spins you around to face him, eyes fixed on your face. 
"That's it," he says, soft, soothing. "Keep breathin'. You ain't dead yet." 
You come to yourself in pieces. The world bleeds with startling clarity around the blurred edges. Home, you think. Maybe.
Once upon a time. 
You blink. Blink again. 
The hand still on you—heavier, you find, than an anvil—lifts, his thumb brushing over the curve of your jaw, swiping over the sweat-stained skin.
You can't see his eyes through the shadows cast over his face. A stranger. You've never seen him before. 
They didn't say anyone new moved to town. 
"Who are you—?"
"You don't know?" 
And then his hand is gone, taking all the heat in your body with him. 
It lifts to his vest, thick fingers, gloved in yellow, curling over the butt of his cigar. 
You must make a face. A grimace. A whisper of bemusement. Whatever it is, it makes his lips twitch under the shorn burnt umber of his beard. 
"I'd share," he mutters, teething sinking into the hilt as he pats himself down for a lighter. "But I ain't got the time."
"Shouldn't be smoking in a provincial park, anyway." 
The words are dragged out of you. Numbed, gritty. 
It makes him snort. "Maybe—;" he cups his hand around the end, thumb striking the ignition of the lighter. He inhales, and the red circle at the tip illuminates the cerulean blue tucked away into the folds of his hood. The plume of smoke curls over him like a shroud. "But I doubt a cigar is gonna bring the whole forest down, mm? 'sides, we all have our vices, don't we?"
With that, he leaves you standing in the tendrils of smoke that billow out from his caustic mouth. No goodbye. No name. Nothing except the hum of his touch buzzing through your veins. 
Your head is numb. Thoughts congealing into hardened clay. 
Yeah, you think sluggishly, eyes dropping to the drenched pavement where the ocean narrowly missed you. Swallowed you whole. We do. 
(Yours is bad decisions that reek of napalm. 
Men who scour your hands raw when you touch their coarse surface.)
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You find him again in some desolate pub on the fringes of town a few days later. It looks like it's one strong gust of wind away from blowing down. Dilapidated. Rusted from the harsh salt of the ocean to the north. 
He lifts his head when you slide into the empty chair on the left, but says nothing about your unexpected company. 
Instead, his lips curl over the cigar sawed between his teeth. A grin, you think. 
You wonder if he was expecting you. 
(Wonder, then, with a touch of something warm gnarling in your belly, if you surprised him.)
The barkeep wanders past, brows lifting at you in question. 
"Um, a vodka soda—"
The man, Price you learned from the locals with a great of digging, snorts. 
"Ain't got none of that here, love. Two scotches. Neat." He leans over, thick fingers grasping the middle of the cigar, an inch away from the bristles on his upper lip, and pulls it away, ashing it in the tray in front of him. "And a bottle of spring water." 
"Scotch?" You echo, leaning your elbow on the sticky counter. He reeks of smoke. Sweat. Blood. Gunpowder. You veer closer, soaking in the astringent tang of him. Everyone on this island smells of daffodils and cotton; clean and neat and innocent. He reeks of danger. Everything inside of you screams to stay away. "I don't drink scotch."
The cigar burns in the tray. He pulls back, shifting in the chair. His elbow rests on the counter, the other arm is slung over the back of his seat. The picture of appeasement, of a satiated tiger eying a little mouse sniffing past it. There's no immediate danger, and his posture is relaxed. Open. But his eyes—
Price turns to you, then. His legs are spread, knees notched apart, taking up more space than you offer him. A looming presence. Dominating. Confident. He's not doing it on purpose, you don't think, he's just—
His legs are too long. Thighs are too thick. 
Something gnarls behind your ribs when you take in his bare face. It's different, smaller, without the bulky black hood thrown low on his brow. His hands bare, leaving him in only casual clothes that stretch taut around his broad body. 
The beanie on his head, pulled low on his forehead, makes him look roguish, rough. The picturesque presentation of a bad boy down to the pelt-brown leather Levi jacket stretched taut around his broad shoulders. 
He looks older, somehow, without the tenebrous of night shading him in dark indigo. Aged like a fine whisky. All burnt umber and ivory. 
The charcoal colouring brightens the heavy blue of his eyes—crushed bluebonnets and powdered graphite; a black hole centre—and the frame of his brown lashes dusting over his clean cheeks makes something pool in your lower belly. 
(You wonder if he'd taste of whisky sour.)
"Well," he murmurs, brow lifting. It makes the skin on his forehead crinkle. He has laugh lines cresting around the corners of his eyes. They stand out to you, now. Void of the shadows you're used to. "You do when I'm paying."
The scotch, the cigar, the dingy pub that reeks of stale cigarettes and is perfumed in a dusting of nicotine that films every surface coalesces into incipient vice. 
His hand moves from where it's loosely curled around his glass, and rests, heavy and warm, on your thigh. 
When he leans in, you taste calcine on his breath. 
The acrid tang is a balm to the blisters in your raw esophagus. You meet him in the middle, smaller hands curling over the wool lapels of his jacket, tugging him into you. 
"Never thanked you for saving me," you murmur, his beard grazing your lips. A tickle. A brush. 
Price sucks in a deep breath, eyes liquifying into an intense azure. "No need to thank me, love. As much as I love the ocean, you don't belong there, do you? No," he adds, decisively. Sure. "You belong on land. The earth. You're wild, like the forest, aren't you?"
It's an out. An escape. An option to flee from the cosm that folds around you like a nebulous cloud. 
You could take it. Back up, away. Walk out of this dingy pub on the wrong side of town, and forget the man who reeks of nicotine, smoke; who leaves ashes behind on your skin when he touches you. 
The only one who stares at you from the unfathomable black of his eyes, lashes shrouded in tenebrous, and makes you falter. Makes your heart lurch, jumping to sit at the bottom of your throat.
You should pull away. Stay away from the man who leaks ethanol and nitroglycerine. From the man who smells of acrid smoke. Gunfire. 
You should. 
But your fingers tighten in the lapels of his jacket, pulling him closer. Closer. 
The bridge of his nose is warm when it presses against your own. 
His eyes spark, wildfires. A blazing forest. 
"You said something about vices." His chest rumbles in response to your hushed words. 
"So I did." 
Smoke singes your nose when you brush your lips over his. Warm. Chapped. Dry. You taste ash. Humus. The bitter tang of dandelion oil. 
"Got some time tonight?" 
"Thought you said I shouldn't be smoking."
"We're not in a park, near flammable trees," your hand falls to his chest. His heart thuds beneath your palm. Thick, full. Your eyes lift to his, lidded and heavy. You gaze at him from under your lashes, coy. Demure. You wonder if he can see how eager you are beneath the sly cut of your lids. "Are we, Price?"
The use of his name makes his lips quirk. A small, secretive thing that you can't read. 
"No, we're not." His hand slides down, curling over your knee. "Don't know what you're gettin' into, love." 
"Oh, no?" You taunt, breathless. Even through all your layers, you still feel his searing heat on your skin. His eyes drop when your tongue lashes out, wetting your lower lip. "And what's that?" 
A frisson shudders over his face. Lashes fluttering. He leans forward, resting the rim of his beanie on your forehead. 
When his eyes slide open, all you see is arsenic white pooled around Prussian blue. "More than you could ever dream of." 
Your trembling fingers curl into the lapels of his jacket. For leverage, maybe; or to hide the quiver in your joints from his widening eyes. 
And so, you kiss him. 
A messy punch to the mouth with your sun-blistered lips. 
His mouth parts, wry curls flutter when he inhales sharply. And then—
He devours you. 
It's messy. More sealed lips glueing together than it ever could be considered a proper kiss, but it feels more like a homecoming than stepping off the boat, and you tuck that inside your pounding chest. 
(The whispers in your head seem to sing when his lips touch yours.)
You taste bark on your tongue when it slips over his. Loam. Moss. Something earthy and rich. His beard scratches your chin, your lips, but you pull him closer, hungry for more—for the taste of wilderness on his tongue, for the respite from the whispers, the screams. Like the ocean, he, too, is a vacuum, swallowing everything whole until just you remain, stripped down to nothing but sensation and want. Bare, raw. 
Your teeth ache when you pull away, fingers curling into the coarse hair along his chin. The whips of his wry curls scratch your palm. 
You never want to let go. 
Price's eyes are noctilucent clouds; a storm over a rainforest. He'll ruin you. Devour. Destroy. Take, and take, and take until there is nothing left. 
Your lips tremble when you speak, words tremulous with your desire, your eagerness, when they slip past your bruised mouth. 
"I can think of a few that are better than smoking." 
Price shudders. 
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"Where did you go?" Your friend asks, eyes swinging from the cards spread out in front of him—the Idiot, Solitaire—to you. They burn into the side of your face, the same place Price touched with bare knuckles, and said you belong to the forest, don't you? "Missed dinner."
You ate Doro Wat in a small shop after Price fucked you stupid in the dingy bathroom of the pub, face scraping against the waterlogged wallpaper that chipped with each brutal thrust of his hips. 
Like that, hmm? Can barely take me, love, but you're so fuckin' greedy for it, ain't you? 
You're sure the barkeep heard your moans as they bounced off the jaundiced walls. 
(You still hear him hissing in your ear. Still feel him splitting you apart.)
You try not to shiver. 
"Ate already," you shrug, bundling your sleep clothes tight in your trembling hands. When you stand, his eyes follow you. "So. Um—"
"You okay?" 
"Yeah," you say, shifting on the balls of your feet. "I've—" You think of his eyes, gyre white, and wonder if this is what it feels like to get swallowed by the sea. "I've never been better."
"Good," he says, smiling. "I worry about you, you know?"
You nod. "Yeah," you say. "Me, too."
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You break apart in the shower, falling into pieces as you make yourself finish, thinking about nothing but the phantom stretch of his cock seated deep inside of you, the taste of his come pooling on your tongue.
It balms the residual burn in your esophagus, and you know, then, when you throb, still wanting his touch on your skin, that you've always been terrible at telling yourself no. 
It can't happen. It can't.  
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There's a strange magnetism about him—an uncanny sense of mystery and familiarity sutured together. 
It feels a little bit like staring at the looming maw, the event horizon, of a black hole. Unfathomable black. No way out. 
There's something that feels a bit like forewarning inside your chest when he brushes against you, and presses his lips on the skin behind your ear—a secret place only he knows, where only his fingerprints have ever been. You feel his touch even when he's gone. Haunted by the memory of his rough hands and rasping tenor. 
Running would make sense, you think, watching the ferries come and go. You have enough money for a ticket, and you've yet to even unpack your bag. 
You don't know who he is, but you've given him everything. All of it. There's nothing left inside of you to hand over, but he keeps looking at you as if he's waiting for more. 
"Waiting for a ride?" 
You glance back at the operator with a divot between your brow and cotton inside your ears. 
You want to say yes, but you shake your head instead. 
"No." I can't leave. "Just enjoying the view."
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You find birch branches stripped of leaves, juniper berries, maple leaves, spindles of dogwood, bushels of fir, and bouquets of bog rosemary, northern bluebell, fireweed, and wintergreen on your doorstep each morning, laid gently against the old welcome mat. 
You should toss them out, and throw them away. How does he know where you live, anyway? It would make the most sense; be the wisest decision. 
Instead, you tuck them inside your notebook, pressing them against the pages where they'll be safe. 
(You try not to think too much about why they never die.)
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It happens again. And again. Again—
It becomes a ritual for the few months you're back in town. The leaves, twigs, petals, pines, and seeds all show up at your door each morning and come nightfall, you're drawn to him like a moth to a flame. 
He finds the nastiest looking pub in the city, and you find him there after dark. 
He sits, smokes a cigar. Orders two scotches, and a bottle of spring water. Teaches you how to drink it properly—none of that sugary cocktail shite; just pure whisky, love, as it should be—and lets you puff on the damp end of his cigar, eyes gleaming in the soft yellow light above as he takes in the way your lips curl over the wet tip.
He stares at you like he's indulging you. 
Like he knows. 
And maybe, he does. 
Maybe he sees the way your jaw works, tongue lashing over the tip just to chase his taste. The heat in your cheeks, your eyes, as you gaze at him, open and raw and wanting. The way you list toward him. Eager for it. For him. His touch, his smell. 
He must, you think, but he's a right bastard. 
He doesn't give it until the end of the evening, when everyone has gone home. When it's just you and him and the barkeep that glowers at you something ugly when you stand on shaky legs, and whisper you're going to the washroom. 
Your fingers curl over the chipped porcelain, back arched as you stare at the face in the mirror. 
You can't remember if it's you. 
Whisky has polluted your synapses. The thick scent of smoke, the tobacco from the cigar, has congealed into resin over that little bundle of axons and nerves that control your impulse, logic. 
You stare at the thing in the mirror, and wonder if the basal want on your face was so apparent to him as it is to you. If he saw the dark gleam of hunger, greed, impatience, swimming in your ink-smudged depths. 
The door rattles. Clicks. 
The squeak of the hinges is the only warning you get before Price is there, liquified in the doorway and clouded in smoke. 
His hand curls over the worn, peeling frame. Eyes dance with the same hunger, same want, as the ones that flicker across the surface of the mirror. 
"Couldn't wait for me, eh, love?" He breathes, his chest expands with his exhale. Scenting you, you think. You wonder if he can smell the slick pooling in your panties. The desperation brimming in your veins. "Wanted it that bad, huh?"
He moves. A mountain of a man now filling up the entirety of your gaze until all you see is him. 
You used to want to climb mountains. In training, they always warned of summit fever. Of that little part of your head that just wanted it to be over, to reach the very top of the precipice. Impatient, it couldn't wait. It made you spring up, and climb higher and higher before you were ready, prepared. 
You think of it now when your hands lift, curling over his broad shoulders. 
("Summit fever will get you killed," they say.)
"Just shut up and fuck me, Price." 
His eyes flash. "Greedy little thing, aren't you?"
You are. Painfully so. 
It etches in your ribs like a sickness, festering in your mouldering bones. Rotting you from the inside out. 
A crutch in the searing heat of skin, sweat, and sin. The feeling of him taking you apart, breaking you down into atoms and molecules that bubble in the lining of your head becomes so commonplace, so often forget who you are when you're pushed up against a wall, being filled to the brim by him.
He leaves madness behind when he goes, and the world that divides fantasy from reality begins to crack, to splinter. 
You hear his voice in your head late at night when the wind blows through the window, carrying the scent of the forest.
"Come home," he rasps in your ear. 
The scratch of his beard seems to scrape against the little thread keeping you tied down to reality. It's frayed and worn by his hands. You wonder when he'll sink his teeth in the silk, and snap the line. Untethering you from your binds.
Come home to me. Come back to where you belong—
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Price takes you out to dinner three months after this—whatever it is—starts. After your house becomes more of a garden, writ with the wild remnants of the forest, after each passing day. Full of bushes, and branches. Twigs and precious gems. He gives you raw gold, and open geodes full of amethyst, and sapphire. Canopy leaves, and bark from the trees. 
He leaves a whittled deer made from the red wood of a giant sequoia, and the likeness of the little fawn makes you believe that one day, it'll come to life in your living room.
(You leave a dish of water near the doorway—just in case—and wonder if you're becoming just as mad as your gran.)
He shows up at your doorstep, the bleached antlers of a great pronghorn in his hands. It's decorated with vines and moss weaved over the ivory in intricate braids and knots that you can't even begin to unravel. You marvel at the gift as he tells you he's taking you out for dinner. 
There is no discussion. He doesn't ask, he just—
"Found a spot," he says, arms crossed over his broad chest. The cable-knit sweater pulls, stretched taut over his bulk. "Think you'd like it."
You don't know what to say. The antlers feel heavier in your hands, and warm to the touch. You try not to shiver when you set it down beside the little fawn.
"Oh," you say, but know you've never turned him down yet. It's all—
So much. 
Your home is slowly becoming one with nature, with vines growing on the walls in great blooms of wisteria and lilac; the old floor boards under your feet shudder and creak as little saplings sprout through the cracks. You wake up at night and taste earth in your throat, feel the grass beneath your fingers. The breeze in your hair. The call of an arctic tern. 
You dream of running through the forest. Of being chased. You breathe and feel the little seeds inside of your lungs start to take root. Soon you'll bloom with dandelions.
"Okay," you say, and wonder if the madness rummaging around your head will turn into a beautiful sequoia in the end. "Let's go."
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The tavern is busy on a weeknight, crowded with a swell of mainlanders who'd ventured out for a camping trip over the long weekend. 
You sit with your back straight, and listen to him talk about a hike he wants to take with you in the morning. Through the woods, he says, and you don't ask which one. You know. You know. 
(It's time. It's time.)
There are alarm bells ringing in your head, but they're drowned out by the crooning whispers. 
But the line is only frayed and worn, and despite the lure in his voice, the itch in your head to say yes, you hesitate. Falter. 
The woods are dangerous. 
You don't want to go. 
He seems to sense it. His brows knot together. 
"You want to, don't you?" 
You fiddle with your napkin and try not to meet his arsenic stare. "It's… dangerous."
"I'll keep you safe."
"It's probably time for me to leave, anyway." 
The air in the room turns frigid all at once. You think you can see white plumes of condensation when you shakily breathe out, teeth chattering. 
"Didn't wanna do this, love," he says, voice hushed. Barely a whisper. His eyes are lavascapes. "But you ain't givin' me much of a choice, are you?"
The words die on your tongue when movement flashes in the corner of your eye. A man weaves, liquid, through the mindless crowd, cutting a path like the parting red sea. 
His eyes are honeycombs. In his hand, he holds a limp dandelion. 
It takes you a moment to make out the strange man who looms in the background. A splash of colour among sfumato. 
It's Gaz.
The childish swell of his cheeks has sunken into angled, sharp bone. Slender fingers twirl the flower around, around, around—
It's hypnotic. You stare, horrified and awed—a strange amalgam of emotions that slip down your spine: worry, elation, panic, comfort—as his pink lips part into an easy, familiar grin. The cresting sun breaching the horizon. Eyes slanting in playful derision. 
He looks like he's torn between telling a joke and spitting vitriol. Making you laugh, and then making you cry. 
It buzzes in the air, electrified fingers dancing down your spine, and then just as quickly as the boy who disappeared reemerges into the land of the living, into this bastardised reality, he gives one last sharp, fanged grin, a mordant wink, and then he's gone.
He slips through the door, and without hesitating, you give chase. 
Price says nothing when you go. Or maybe he does, but you can't hear anything except the rustling of leaves in your head. 
Gaz, it whispers. Gaz, Gaz, Gaz.
(It's time for the lost little boy to come home.)
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The rocks sit in a zigzag pattern through the frothing waters, a deceptive bridge that connects the valley to the coast. You feel the tremulous rattle of the water slicing against the hollow cavern beneath your feet. A ledge chiselled from the blunt erosion of the rapid currents below. One day, they say, the granite shelf will give and a massive hole filled with howling water will fill it. 
Try not to be the idiot standing on the ledge. 
You feel the power of the currents even on the peat-covered edge. 
The water in front of you is deceptive. A calm, rolling surface at the shoreline almost seems to beckon you inside. Come take a dip in the cool waters. Grow fins and gills and chase the river otters through the currents. Feast on the wily salmon, and see if your feet can touch the sandy streambed. 
But the river's fatality is nearly assured. No one has survived a dip in these waters that act as a serrated knife, carving chasms and channels through the granite below. The currents will rip into you, pulling you until your body is crushed against the wall, or into an unsearchable cave. 
One slip, you think. Just one. 
The man in the bar flickers through your mind. His honeycomb eyes, fanged grin. Ethereal in his beauty like a painting of a god in oil and raw canvas. Carved likeness of a Stygian prince. 
It was Kyle. It was Gaz. You know it. Know it deep within your bones, your marrow.
Taking the first step to the jutting slate that peaks just a few precious inches from the raging waters is easier, then, when you think of the boy who plucked a dandelion from the earth, and tucked it behind your ear. It makes the risk less daunting when it's for him. 
For his parents who sunk into themselves, into the crater his absence left behind. A deep depression into the earth that swallowed them whole.
They moved last year after laying down a bouquet of flowers at the mouth of the forest. 
You toe your shoes off, leaving them at the embankment, and then you leap. The perch is slick with waterlogged moss, slimy. It wobbles under you, but you catch yourself, stabilising. Steady. You huff. One down, four more to go. 
Up close, they look so far apart. A chasm between each rock. An endless abyss that will rip you into pieces. 
Still. Still. You have to find him. Have to. 
You step, toes sliding in the algae. The rock beneath is stained green. It wobbles again when you bring your other foot down on top of it. The loud clack of rock scraping against rock is heard, unmuffled by the roaring water that tugs on the stone. You feel the push against your feet. 
Two more. Two more. 
You take another step, and then—
You fall—
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The world drips into focus, a steady trickle of cognisance that paints the world in shades of greens and browns. An eagle soars above the canopy, their shadow swooping through the thick tangle of conifers reaching to the heavens.
The bed of moss beneath you is damp—lush with dew and softer than your mattress at home. You sink into the ground when you breathe, caught in an embrace. The vines curl over your wrists, your ankles, as if refusing to let go. 
It should scare you—and maybe it does—but there's something against your head, fingers digging into your temples, and you feel nothing except a warm serenity leaking in. Thought spool into liquid gold, threads that weave together in a knotted clump. Indistinguishable from each other, and unreachable when they slip deeper into the honeyed-thick fog that curls around your mind. A temper from logic, from fear. Anything that isn't pure, artificial comfort is filtered through and cast aside. 
You don't know why you're here. 
One moment, you felt the coils of the raging currents sinking its claws into your flesh, pulling you under the deep waters, and then—
Heat on your face. The sun's desperate attempt to filter through the corded canopy and touch the forest floor. The shrill call of an eagle on the prowl. The tender caress of the moss below cushions your body. 
You should be underwater. Pressed tight against the side of the rocks until you were swept downstream and spat out in the inlet, waterlogged and dead. 
You draw humid air into your lungs until it swells against your ribcage. The steady thud of your heart tells you that somehow, somehow, you're alive. An empty brag—thud, thud; thud, thud—that seems to call out to the birds in the emergent layer, the ones nestled in their branches as they watch your feeble attempt to reconcile how you survived. 
It's strange, you think, but the soporific warmth coursing through your veins does not let you panic. 
You are—
The warmth turns molten. You try to sit up, but the vines tighten around your limbs. If you weren't so vulnerable, you think it would almost feel like a hug. 
The soft crunch of the moss tells you the voice—the man—is moving forward, toward you. You want to scream, but your tongue is thick, and your mouth is numb. 
"What you did there was stupid," he says, and the forest around you seems to come alive in his anger. Pulsing. The branches sway and the leaves rattle without any wind. The trees bend down, coming inward. You hear the scream of a fox in the distance. The chuff of an agitated brown bear. 
Primordial signs tell you to run.
But you're trapped. 
Price steps closer, falling to his knees beside you. You can see him now, and suddenly you wish you'd been swallowed by the waves. 
His face is writ with anger, brows tightening together in displeasure. 
He seems imbued with the forest. One with the lush green that swells around you. Burnt umber and icy blue. Ethereal, unnatural. Something in your hindbrain tells you to run from that man that looks as if he could swallow you whole.
"Tryin' t'die on me, hmm?" 
His hand lifts, and you feel his warm knuckles graze your temple. Soft, gentle, despite the ire in his eyes, and the irritation clenched in his jaw. 
"Gonna hav'ta try harder than that, love." 
You weren't trying very hard at all, you think, dazed, dizzy. You weren't trying at all. 
"You're mine," his eyes flash, and you feel the press of gravity against your skin, pulling you down to the soft earth. Your fingers twitch. The fog inside your head clears. 
Blinking up at him, you catch the scattering supernovae echoing in the corners of his eyes; galaxies of pine and cedar, humus and tussock. They bloom from the black hole in the centre, surrounded by sapphire blue. He's not human, you think, but it doesn't surprise you because you already knew. Have known, really—ever since you asked around for his name and watched the same strange fog seep into their eyes as they struggled to remember a man they claimed to know. 
Ever since you found bushels of figs on your doorstep. 
A crown of pine needles and crow feathers. 
Price leans over you, brows knotted together like the gnarled, weaving trunk of a Great Basin Bristlecone Pine. 
There's a forest fire in his eyes. "You're mine, aren't you?" 
You think about the trinkets left on your doorstep. The whispers, the screams. 
"Did you ever give me a choice?" 
The tension in his brow snaps taut. Agony frissons through the spaced canyons; whet from ire and slick from sorrow. He bends down, and shakes his head. 
"I've always given you a choice," his words are smouldering logs, crackling with his pain. "I've always told you to go, but you couldn't stay away, could you?"
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Price takes you on the mossy forest floor, fingers digging into the peat as you sink, down, down, down—
His hand under your head, cradling the back of your skull, keeps you from getting swallowed by the grass knoll that breathes and trill against your spine. 
Fire licks in the crevasses of his eyes, molten desperation you can't ignore. He rages above you, quivering in the fading glow of the sunset struggling to slip through the canopy. No longer a man but a myth. He hangs over you with his canines bared, and flashes of anger and sorrow scorch the path his teeth leave behind on your skin. 
You're becoming unmoored. Each touch, and brush; each sweep of his tongue soothing the indents of his razor-sharp teeth all seem to loosen the ties that thread through your soul, anchoring you to the world that stands in full bloom before you. 
The forest shudders with his frantic pace; each piston of his hips leaks his fervent anguish and makes the trees croon, and creak as they bow their foliage in sorrow. His pain lashes through their roots, and rent the air in two. A fox mourns his loss in the distance. A wolf yowls in agony. His brethren lifting their muzzle to the sleepy moon, and howling out the melody of their despair. 
It's too much, too much, and you fall into pieces in his hands, shivering beneath him as the woods around you tremble and quake. It's a mesmerising dance. 
He finishes with a grunt that makes the world shudder anew, spending himself as deep inside of you as he can, as if he could overwrite your empty spaces with himself. Fill you to the brim until you are bursting with him, with life. Tulips for your eyes. Furze for veins. Moss for hair. Peat soil for blood. 
When he speaks, the world falls silent. 
"You don't know it yet, but you will. You've always been mine. Always belonged to the forest, to the earth. To me."
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Despite his words, he lets you go. 
And you run, run, run—
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Your toes dig into the wet soil near the stream. The desperate catapult across the ravine halted at the very last moment, leaving you winded and shaking. Hands clenched into tight balls by your side. Quivering with fear, with the adrenaline rush still roaring in your veins. 
You don't know what you're doing. 
The whispers in your head go silent. 
The absence of sound makes you mourn, and you think about his agony. The pain when he took you, the resignation when he let you go. 
You think of him, and you know. 
I've always told you to go, but you couldn't stay away, could you?
You scent napalm in the air, cloying despite the acrid burn that scalds your lungs when you breathe in deep, holding it there. 
You think of the chest inside your closet. The pieces of yourself you left behind. The way he fits you like a puzzle, like he was made for you. Designed with your rough edges in mind. Softening your hard lines; scouring your gritty surface it was smooth and shiny like fire Opal and precious gems. 
Ever since you felt his hand on your shoulder, you haven't been able to let go. 
(You don't even think you ever really tried.)
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Come to me, the forest says, honey in your ears. It sounds like the rapid beat of a million birds' wings, ready to take flight. Pulsing and alive and full of wonder, childish glee. 
The earth blooms in your chest. You feel the soft, tender caress of the leaves against your skin, the moss sinking between your toes. Clinging to your flesh, desperate to get inside, and take refuge in your heart. Come home to us.
Your grandmother warned you to stay out of the forest, that it was dangerous. Deadly. Wrong. But how can it ever harm you when it touches you so sweetly? 
The branches curl around your ankles as you walk, leading you, guiding you, to the place where you belong. The forest opens around you, spreads apart and makes room for you to pass, touching you as you go, taking little pieces of you. Strands of your hair, the salt from your tears. Pieces of clothes. Parts of your soul. 
You pluck your heart out of your chest, and leave it beneath a gnarled sequoia. She will protect it forever. 
Moss grows inside of the empty space. A tern makes a nest inside of it, filling it with a bed of pine needles, and twigs from the junipers. You feel a mouse make a home in your rib cage, burrowing between your bones. You place your hand over your side, and feel her nuzzle against your palm. 
"You're safe now," you say. "We're almost home."
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It's Gaz who greets you with a crown made of sugi. When he cups your face, you feel raging rivers and streams in his palms, and now that you are home. 
"Missed you, dandelion," he breathes, and his voice turns into a Chinook that crests over the mountains. "But there's someone who wants to see you."
His hands slide down to your wrists, and you feel the sun grazing your skin when he spins you around, around, around—
"Now," he leans down, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. You hear the Falcons nesting in his chest, and smell pine in his breath. "He's been an impatient bastard, you know? Just moping about ever since you left—"
A scoff. You lift your head and feel the swell of the earth beneath your feet. Dizzying. Wanting. 
He waits for you in the thicket, eyes made of sapphire and stone. When he breathes, the forest swells with his breath, and you taste loam when you swallow. 
"A sorry sap, thinkin' you were runnin' away, and all. But you won't, will you?" Gaz pushes you forward, and his laughter rings in your ears. "Not anymore."
Price meets you in the middle, his eyes sparkling embers. A baptism in fire. You feel the heat on your skin, and shiver. 
You used to be afraid of forest fires, but you know, now, that sometimes trees need to burn before they can truly grow. 
Lodgepole roots bud under his skin, rippling veins across a ravine. He rests his hand against your cheek, thumb brushing the dawn redwood needles that bloom under your skin. 
"Welcome home."
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"They'll give you gifts," your gran says, shaking her head. "Things from their realm. Little trinkets and gems—" geodes, sapphires and diamonds, raw gold and coral; "—and you must never accept them," a whittled deer made of sequoia under your pillow; crow bones buried in the garden."Because if you do, if you do, they'll never let you go." 
"Why?" You asked, blinking at her. 
"Because it's a courting ritual, and to accept means… well," her mouth twists in wry disdain. "Just don't." 
You don't tell her that you already have. You don't mention the sticks and precious stones that always ended up on your windowsill. The whispers of the forest calling your name. 
You nod sagely instead, fingers tightening around the sap stained heart chiselled from Bristlecone Pine. The charred ends are warm in your palm. You feel it pulse. 
Will you accept this? My heart? Will you keep it safe for me? 
"I will."
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This was meant to be light and fluffy and smutty but now it's. This. And um. Oops. I hope you enjoyed it!
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel. ⌛/⌛. ⌛︎/⌛︎. ☕/☕. ✒︎/✒︎. ✒️/✒️. 🏛️/🏛️. 🏺/🏺. 📜/📜. 🕯️/🕯️. 🖼️/🖼️.
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plumloup · 7 months
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char saw this gig to play piano at the local lounge in willow creek, if it was not for ross she wouldn't even have gone because she was overthinking it so much..
ross was absolutely blown away by char and what she is able to achieve:)
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ereardon · 8 months
Golden Hour || Ch. 6
[Bob Floyd x Bradley Bradshaw x OC]
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A Bob Floyd & Bradley Bradshaw AU [Hart of Dixie inspired]
Synopsis: Willow, Georgia. Barely even a town, just a speck on a map that you tried to wipe off, mistaking it for a crumb. You’re the outsider: a fancy New York doctor, fresh out of a failed engagement, with zero primary care experience. You’re also the new town doctor, taking over for a recent retiree who was beloved. His son, Bob Floyd, is the other physician at the practice, and takes an immediate dislike to you. But you were looking for a fresh start, and Willow doesn’t seem all that bad if you can get past the fact that there's only one restaurant in town. It helps that you've caught the eye of Bradley Bradshaw, the town attorney, despite the fact that you vowed to take a break from dating. How long until you start to make friends in a town where social circles have been set in stone since elementary school? And what will it take to make Bob Floyd see you’re not as bad as he wants to believe you are?
Pairing: Bob Floyd x OC; Bradley Bradshaw x OC
Tropes: Love triangle, enemies to lovers
Warnings: Alcohol, medical procedure/blood, hospitals
Chapter summary: Bob and Olive work together on a medical emergency; Olive wakes up in Bradley's bed; Bob's jealousy shines through
WC: 2.6K
Masterlist here; previous chapter here; next chapter here
The crowd parted like the red sea. You could feel the heat of their gazes as you and Bob rushed through the hallway into a conservatory, the glass ceiling soaring. In any other situation you would have marveled at it. 
But the man lying with his tie pulled loose on the floor was your main concern. 
You and Bob rushed to where he laid on the wood ground, one on each side. You leaned in, listening to his breaths as Bob asked, “What happened?” 
“He fell down those stairs.” An older woman pointed to the set of stairs along one side of the wall. “And we heard the crash and he was gripping his chest.” 
You looked at Bob. “Decreased breath sounds.” You took his limp wrist in your hand and felt for a pulse. It was buzzing. “Increased heart rate.” 
Bob’s eyebrows furrowed. “Mr. Flannery, it’s Bob. Can you tell us what you’re feeling?” 
On the ground, Mr. Flannery’s eyes fluttered open. His lips, a pale gray, parted, but no words came out. Just a raspy breath. You shook your head. “This isn’t a heart attack.” 
“Where did you say he fell?” 
Charlotte frowned. “Does it matter?” 
“Yes, Char, it does,” Bob snapped. “Did he fall on his chest or onto his back?” 
“His chest.” A boy in the back piped up. “I saw it but I was too late.” 
You and Bob looked at each other at the same time. “Pneumo,” you whispered. Bob nodded. “We need a knife, a sharp one, like a steak knife. And a bottle of vodka. And a straw.”
“What are you doing?” Mrs. Flannery asked, eyes wide 
“Ma’am, your husband has a collapsed lung.” You tied your hair up into a ponytail and pulled out a bottle of hand sanitizer from your purse, squirting it on your hands before passing it to Bob. “We have to drain the fluid from his chest to re-inflate the lung.” 
“You can’t be serious.” 
“It can’t wait.” Bob pulled off Mr. Flannery’s shirt buttons, exposing his bloated chest. “Here.” You handed him the bottle of vodka that someone had placed to your left. 
Bob shook his head. “I haven’t done surgery since med school rotations,” he said quietly. “This one is on you.” 
You sucked in a breath. “Call an ambulance, tell them we have a pneumothorax coming in and to prep for a chest tube.” Quickly, you dribbled the vodka over his chest, and over the steak knife before counting down from his collarbone. The room was quiet as the knife dug into flesh, blood pooling onto the skin as you pressed deeper before reaching for the thin cocktail straw, shoving it down into the space, the hiss of air re-entering the lung filling the room. You leaned back as Bob looked over at you from across Mr. Flannery’s body, a smile on his delicate face. You smiled back, looking up at Mr. Flannery’s wife. “He’s going to be fine.” 
“Thank Jesus,” she whispered, tears dotting her lash line. Outside, you saw the bright colors of the ambulance. “Oh my, that’s the paramedics.” 
You and Bob tended to Mr. Flannery as the paramedics got him cleaned up and on the stretcher. One of them frowned at you. “Did you do this?” 
“Pretty advanced for a nurse.” 
You looked down at your white nurses outfit, now more realistically splattered with dark red blood. “Nurses are more capable than you think.” 
He shrugged, loading the stretcher and closing the back doors. You sagged against the wall, breath finally easing. Bob appeared at your side, holding out a wet towel. “Here.” 
“That was amazing.” 
You snorted. “No it wasn’t.” 
“Seriously, it was,” he replied. “You were so calm and deliberate. I couldn’t have done it.” 
“You could have and you would have.” 
Bob shook his head. “No. I haven’t cut in years. All I do is fill prescriptions, talk to people. Check for high blood pressure.” 
“That stuff is important.” 
“Not as important as surgery.” 
“You know just as well as I do that surgeons get a big head,” you said. “And it’s almost always for no good reason. They’re not better than anyone else. They just know how to do more with thread.” 
“Thank you. For stepping in and helping.” 
“That’s the job, right?” you asked. “Fix people. Even if we’re not fixable ourselves.” 
“Olive.” There was something sad in his voice. An inflection that caught you off guard. 
“I should go find Bradley,” you said quietly. 
Bob nodded. “Yeah, sure.” 
“I’ll see you later.” 
You could feel the heat of Bob’s eyes on you as you walked away. Inside, the party had mostly gone back to normal. You found Bradley in the main living room, a beer in one hand. His chocolate eyes lit up when he spotted you. “Doc! Heard about the save. You’re a small town hero.” 
You blushed. “This hero wants a drink.” 
“Wine coming right up.” 
“Make it tequila,” you said and Bradley raised an eyebrow. Across the room, Bob leaned across the door frame, eyes quietly watching. “The night is just getting started.” 
The light strained your eyelids as you opened them and winced. “Fuck,” you muttered. The pounding in your head was a thousand drum solos mixed over each other. 
You felt around for your phone and paused. The material beneath your fingertips felt different. Eyes opening, you looked around. You weren’t in the guest house. 
“What the hell?” you whispered, surveying the empty room. It was classically appointed: cream linen curtains, a lovely dark wood canopy bed, a cane dresser topped with a vase of flowers. You squinted. Where the hell were you? 
The door swung open and Bradley strutted in with a glass of water and a croissant. “Morning Doc.” 
You stared at him. He had on a pair of running shorts and a t-shirt. Bradley sat the items down on the nightstand to your right. 
“How are you feeling?” 
“Like death personified.” 
He chuckled. “Tequila will do that to you.” 
You looked around at the rumpled bed and then back at Bradley. “Did we, um?” Your hands flailed around and Bradley’s eyes went wide with recognition. 
He shook his head. “No ma’am.” 
“Thank God.” He laughed. “No offense,” you added quickly.
“None taken.” God, his voice was smooth and rough at the same time. Deep and luscious. “I don’t make a habit of sleeping with women who are entirely not in their right mind.” 
“How bad was I?” 
“Before or after you danced on the table?” 
“No I didn’t.” 
Bradley chuckled. “You did. Quite a show, Doc. I’m impressed.” 
You buried your head in your hands. “Oh my God, I have to move. Again. I’ll never live this down.” 
“You weren’t the only one,” Bradley added, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “Bob also got quite hammered.”
“Really?” That piqued your interest. 
“Yup. Saw him going upstairs with Charlotte.” 
You grimaced. There was something about that girl, you couldn’t put your finger on it but you didn’t like her. “Good for them.” 
Bradley’s eyes searched yours for a moment, sensing your tone. But then he thought better of it and dropped it. He opened his mouth to say something as the doorbell rang. “I’ll be right back.” 
A few moments later, you heard the door open and voices in the front of the house. Curious, you slipped out of bed, head pounding, tiptoeing around the corner. Bob stood in the doorway. “Mr. Flannery is at Atlanta General,” he said. “I’m going later today, but the medical team there has let me know he’s stable.” 
You let out a sigh and both Bob and Bradley’s eyes turned to you. You froze as Bob’s blue eyes roamed over you: oversized t-shirt that you didn’t remember changing into, hair a mess, bare legs and feet. 
His face hardened. “Dr. James.” 
You stepped in closer. “So he’s doing fine?” 
Bob nodded. “Yes, no complications.” 
“I should go with you,” you said. “To the hospital to check on him.” 
“You look like you’ve got your hands full,” he said. There was a tightness to his words. 
You frowned. “He’s my patient, I’d like to check on him.” 
“Fine.” Bob stepped back. “I’ll see you there.” 
“You don’t want to drive together?” 
“I’m leaving now,” Bob said. “And you’re underdressed. Goodbye, Bradshaw.” He stepped off of the porch and was gone before you could respond. Bradley shut the door and you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“What’s his deal?” you asked. 
“He’s so hot and cold,” you replied. “Last night he was so nice to me after the procedure. And now he’s like this. I don’t get it.”
“He’s got a lot going on in his life,” Bradley said. “Don’t take it personally.” 
“I don’t see how I can’t,” you muttered. “Considering it’s me he’s being mean to.” 
“Come on Doc,” Bradley said gently. “Let’s have some coffee and maybe you’ll forget about Floyd.” 
“Doubtful,” you groaned, but allowing Bradley to steer you back into the bedroom. You settled into the bed and lifted the cup of coffee to your lips, sighing as you took a sip. “Fuck, that’s good.” 
He grinned. “Blue Bottle grounds. I order them from California.” 
“Maybe I need to start drinking my coffee here every day instead of Breakers.” 
“I’d like that.” You turned to Bradley, eyebrows raised. He shrugged. “Hey, you’re the one in my bed.” 
“You put me here!” 
He laughed. “You crawled in voluntarily. I know you didn’t ask but I’ll just let you know that I slept on the couch.” 
“Good to know.” You set the coffee cup down. “And the t-shirt I’m wearing?” 
Bradley held up his hands. “I set it out for you but you changed all by yourself.” 
“So what you’re telling me is you’re a real gentleman.” 
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you all along, Doc.” 
You leaned back against the pillows. “Never did I think this is where my life would be.” 
“Enjoy it,” Bradley said. “Life is slow down here. It’s nice.” 
“Yeah,” you whispered. “It is nice.” 
“Dr. Olive James,” you said at the nurses station. “From Willow. I just wanted to check on a patient, Mr. Flannery?” 
“One moment, please.” You turned around, tapping your heel, waiting for the nurse on the phone while a group of EMTs rushed to the desk. “Dr. James? He’s in room 504.”
“Thank you.” You slung your purse higher over your shoulder. 
One of the EMTs squinted. “Hey, aren’t you that nurse from the party last night? The one who put in a temp chest tube?” 
You smirked. “Yes, I am. But that was a costume.” 
“I’m a double board certified surgeon and obstetrician,” you replied and the EMT’s eyes went wide. 
“Why’d you let me believe you were a nurse?” 
“Nothing wrong with being a nurse,” you replied. “I couldn’t do my job without nurses.” 
Upstairs, you exited the elevator and turned left. The astringent smell of the antiseptic and the flickering overhead lights brought you back to the hospital in New York. It felt wrong to be strutting down the hallway in pumps and a dress instead of scrubs and Hokas. 
“Hello?” You knocked on the open door. “May I come in?”
“Come in, sweetheart.” 
You rounded the corner. Mr. Flannery laid on the bed and his wife stood at his bedside. They smiled as you entered the room. “Hi. How are you feeling?” 
“Like a new man,” he said with a smile. 
“Dr. James.” Mrs. Flannery rushed to your side and grabbed your hands in her ice cold ones. “Thank you so much for saving my husband.” 
“No need to thank me,” you said. “It was nothing. Dr. Floyd helped as well.” 
“It was all you,” Bob said. You turned, eyes wide. Bob was sitting on a chair in the corner, one leg crossed over his opposite knee. 
You flushed. “Thank you. But I just wanted to drop by and check on how you’re doing.” 
“Doctor says I’m no longer at risk for an infection, and should be clear to leave tomorrow.” 
“Any complications?” you asked. “Difficulty breathing, racing heart rate. Feeling like you’re swimming underwater?” 
Mr. Flannery shook his head. “No, ma’am. Nothing like that.” 
You smiled. “Well, everything sounds good in that case. I’ll let you rest.” 
Just as you turned, Charlotte entered the room. Her tiny nose puckered up when she spotted you. “Dr. James.” It came out thin and judgy, just like she was. 
“Charlotte,” you replied. 
“Bobby.” She turned to Bob, voice raised a half an octave. “Do you want to get some coffee?” 
“I should be going,” he said, standing up. “I’ll see Dr. James out.” 
“Thank you again,” Mr. Flannery said. 
“Any time.” 
You and Bob headed for the door as Charlotte narrowed her eyes in the background. Even though he was two feet away you could almost feel the heat of his hand on your back the way it had been the night before at the party as he steered you through the crowd. A shiver slipped down your back. 
It was a silent walk down the hallway. Hospitals had a certain smell, feel. You could practically hear codes calling, beepers buzzing. A part of you longed for it. The rush. The adrenaline. The sleepless nights. The sound of a newborn baby’s cries. The steady beep as a ventilator was shut off before silence eclipsed a room. 
Bob stopped at his car parked in the front row. “So are you and Bradley a thing?” he asked. 
You frowned. “What? No, we’re just friends.” 
Bob snorted. “Friends, sure. I also have friends who sleep at my house wearing only a t-shirt.” 
“I heard you slept with Charlotte last night.” It slipped out of your mouth, hot like fire. 
Bob looked taken aback. “What? No, I didn’t.” 
“Oh really? Because I heard you went upstairs together.” 
“Only because she was distraught,” he said. “And I had to put her to bed.” 
“Yeah, sure.” 
“Do you care?” Bob asked. Those three words made your throat close up. 
“No,” you said after a moment. “Why would I?” 
“I don’t know,” he said, head tilted to one side. “Seemed like you do.” 
“You’re the one who asked about me and Bradshaw first.” 
“He’s my friend,” Bob replied. 
“Mine too.” 
Bob’s eyes narrowed. He unlocked his car. “I’ll see you at the office, Dr. James.” 
“Dr. Floyd,” you replied as he opened the door. 
Walking away, you felt a gnawing at your stomach. The trip to the hospital had reminded you of everything you had left behind in New York. There was a bustle to Atlanta General. An air of anxiety that you thrived on. 
But it wasn’t just that. It was watching Bob drive away. Something he had said sat heavy on your chest. 
Do you care? 
Tag list or follow my library page @ereardonlibrary:
@eli2447 @xomrsalliej4787xo @xoxabs88xox @cool-ultra-nerd @shanimallina87 @teacupsandtopgun
@blue-aconite @bobfloydsbabe @wkndwlff @clancycucumber230 @taytaylala12 @double-j @djs8891
@double-j @topguncultleader @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @seresinhangmanjake @brehonodea @babyminghao @crthurston @angelbabyangee @secretsicanthideanymorey
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anxious-anura · 1 year
Fae Farm; A Basic Guide
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Friend-able Characters
Wisp Mother
The Marquis
Romance-able Characters
Gifts: Blob Globs, Bug Juice, Bullfrog, Common Toad, Ecto Dew, Fae Dust, Flutter Dust, Frog Sweat, Nectar, Rainbow Frog
Gifts: Berry Jam, Cheese, Clay Brick, Cotton Fabric, Fish Jerky, Flour, Fruit Preserves, Mushroom Jerky, Nut Butter, Pickled Greens, Pickled Roots, Pickled Shellfish, Pickled Veggies, Stone Brick, Wool Fabric
Gifts: Azure Spud, Baked Mac and Cheese, Charred Fish, Chili Pepper, Crystal Pepper, Deep-sea Delight, Flame Heart, Frost Beet, Grilled Mushroom, Magic Bean, Mystic Macarons, Scrambled Eggs with Fruit Salsa, Seafood Spaghetti, Twilight Salad
Gifts: Brown Snail, Candied Fruit, Deluxe Fruit Tart, Fruit Pies, Fruit Salad, Flutterwood Lumber, Grilled Fruit, Oak Lumber, Sporewood Lumber
Gifts: Copper Ingot, Feyrite Ingot, Iron Ingot, Polished Amethyst, Polished Aquamarine, Polished Citrine, Polished Emerald, Polished Peridot, Polished Rose Quartz, Polished Sapphire, Polished Topaz, Silver Ingot
Gifts: Berry Tea, Black Hyacinth, Black Lily, Black Rose, Black Zinnia, Blossom Brew, Fae Fairy, Gloom Shade, Milk Tea, Myst Fairy, Willow Wisp
Backpack Upgrades (Skye, Supplies and Sundry)
500 Florins
2,500 Florins
8,000 Florins
Home Upgrades
Starting Home
2,00 Florins , 25 Copper Ore, 25 Beech Log
4,000 Florins, 25 Iron Ore, 25 Oak Log
6,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
8,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Feyrite Ore, 15 Flutterwood Log
Hazy Haven
4,000 Florins, 3 Copper Ingot, 3 Beech Lumber
6,000 Florins, 3 Iron Ingot, 3 Oak Lumber
8,000 Florins, 2 Feyrite Ingot, 2 Flutterwood Lumber
10,000 Florins, 15 Silver Ore, 15 Sporewood Log
15,000 Florins, 3 Silver Ingot, 3 Sporewood Lumber
Fae Acres
Produce Stand
2,000 Florins
7,000 Florins
Tool Upgrades (All Tools)
Copper: 200 Florins, 1 Ingot
Iron: 500 Florins, 2 Ingot
Feyrite: 1,500 Florins, 3 Ingot
Silver: 2,500 Florins, 4 Ingot
Orichalcum: 3,500 Florins, 5 Ignot
Critter Net
Sturdy Critter Net: 1,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 3, Critter Net
Advanced Critter Net: 2,500 Florins, Critter Catching Level 5, Sturdy Net
Master Critter Net: 5,000 Florins, Critter Catching Level 7, Advanced Net
Fishing Rod
Sturdy Rod: 1,000 Florins, Fishing Level 3, Basic Rod
Advanced Rod: 2,500 Florins, Fishing Level 5, Sturdy Rod
Master Rod: 5,000 Florins, Fishing Level 7, Advanced Rod
Animals (Coop and Barn must be unlocked before you can buy.)
Chickoo: 200 Florins
Cottontail: 200 Florins
Coop Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Mamoo: 300 Florins
Woolyhorn: 300 Florins
Barn Trough Upgrade: 1,500 Florins
Fresh Out Of The Oven (Dominic)
Flour: 85 Florins
Butter: 35 Florins
Holly’s Seed Shop (Holly)
Turnip Seeds: 5 Florins
Cauliflower Seeds: 6 Florins
Bean Seeds: 12 Florins
Potato Seeds: 10 Florins, Farming Level 10
Corn Seeds: 15 Florins, Farming Level 15
Pepper Seeds: 20 Florins, Farming Level 20
Bounteous Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Zippy Fertilizer: 35 Florins, Farming Level 3
Magic Crop Swap Fertilizer: 50 Florins, Farming Level 3
Daisy Print Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 1 Beech Lumber
Caramel Checkered Flooring: 100 Florins, 10 Clay, 1 Polished Topaz
Dry Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Treemendous Trees (Willow)
All Fruit Saplings: 450 Florins
Beech Sapling: 20 Florins
Oak Sapling: 30 Florins
Fruit Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Chopped Fruit
Grass Flooring: 100 Florins, 50 Plant Fibers
Fresh Bamboo Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sugarcane
Supplies and Sundry (Skye)
Backpack Upgrades: ^^^^
Masonry Wallpaper: 100 Florins, 1 Paper, 10 Clay Brick
Cream Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Beech Lumber
Orange Brick Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Clay Brick
Deep Azure Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Smokey Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Oak Lumber
Robin’s Egg Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Frostwood Lumber
Vermilion Hardwood Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Ancient Lumber
Nautical Flooring: 100 Florins, 5 Sporewood Lumber
Fish Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Tea Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Pantry Shelf: 200 Florins, 1 Small Empty Shelf
Bag Hook: 100 Florins
Wall Clock: 300 Florins, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Beech Lumber
Fishing Gear: 100 Florins, 5 Rope
Glass Bulbs: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 1 Glass
Simple Ladder: 100 Florins, 1 Rope, 6 Oak Log
Wall Scroll: 100 Florin, 1 Paper, 1 Oak Log
Wonderful Wearables (Millie)
Charles’ Comfy Creations (Charles)
Emily’s Eccentric Extras (Emily)
Rose and Shine Flower Seeds (Rosalind)
House of Healing (Vera)
Millions of Bees (Mel)
Merchants’ Guild Shop (Pearl)
Comfy Critter Inn (Kasper)
Haute Cuisine (August)
Job Quests (You can only have ONE job quest active at a time)
Growing Goals - Holly (10 Total)
Harvest 30 Vegetables in one day.
Make florins selling 40 vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal vegetables.
Use Zippy Fertilizer 12 times.
Harvest 12 potatoes.
Craft 12 pickled vegetables.
Harvest 12 Fae Crops.
Craft 12 Fae Seeds.
Make florins selling 48 Fae vegetables in one day.
Harvest 12 seasonal grains.
Reward: Farmer Outfit
Mystic Wings: 1 Polished Garnet, 10 Magenta Trillium, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10 Magenta Zinnia, 10 Flutter Dust
Butterfly Wings: 1 Polished Aquamarine, 10 ???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dragonfly Wings: 1 Polished Peridot, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Fae Wings: 1 Polished Rose Quarts, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Dark Wings: 1???, 10 Black Tulip, 10 Flutter Dust
Feathered Wings: 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Violet Wings: 1 Polished Amethyst, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Silver Wings – 1???, 10???, 10 Flutter Dust
Color Palletes
Soft Yellow: 100 Florins, 30 Sand Dollar, 30 Yellow Tulip
Soft Orange: 100 Florins, 30 Ammonite, 15 Orange Rose
Soft Pink: 100 Florins, 30 Coral, 15 Pink Lily
Soft Teal: 100 Florins, 30 Oyster, 15 White Tulip
Vibrant Sepia: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Yellow: 1,000 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Ochre: 500 Florins, ???, 30 Small Honeycomb
Vibrant Azure: 5,000 Florins, ???, 30 Blue Hyacinth
Vibrant Pink: 5k gold, 3 Polished Rose Quartz, 30 Pink Hyacinth
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sophosoterica · 6 months
I am a poet because God's creation is divine.
When I try to trace the willow's spine,
With paints and canvas or needle and twine,
I find it is a mere imitation
Of what was His and never mine.
My mother told me all artists go sick.
They wilt like the char on a candle wick,
Trying to make something, anything click
Hoping to mirror our true existence
And left with nothing to which color can stick.
But He speaks in the flowers and the great oak tree.
Creation is a wonder we were cursed to see,
To create art anew I will never be free.
But words are the only human invention,
And He cannot take my voice from me.
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