#char develop
hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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arsuf · 1 year
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"You might have made me what I am, but I can be so much more than what you created me to be." 🧛
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segernatural · 11 months
sure it was a perfect storm of a pressure cooker but i promise destiel was about destiel
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peanutseagle · 11 months
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endo is cooking something y'all. i can smell it from inside the car
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charlie-boyfriend · 6 months
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Made a new rpgmaker jam game ... Thousands will play
its about an hour + available on ur os as well as a browser playable version ^_^ Im hoping to make an art book later as well so stay tuned if u like it...
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worshipfulmercy · 8 months
amber you deserved to be more than just a plot point that served a male character's development. baby i'm so fucking sorry.
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minzart · 8 months
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the way Vox flipped to "rival" mode in that episode was so funny
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pygmypouter · 1 year
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r0bita · 6 months
When I see Pav's design I see a guy who really does not care about his rank or appearances (other than the boots rant towards Levi, but I personally like to think that's him showing some amount of concern towards a younger soldier, or to annoy him like the other character exclusive interactions in an attempt to distance himself from your party). Pav's shirt and coat are unbottoned down to the point where they don't even look like they fit him, his chest and and his bullet scars are exposed, he has unkempt hair, and seemingly has a very casual/sloppy posture which implies a lack of respect for the army he's supposedly been indoctrinated in. This contrasts with the image of how most soldiers are expected to be disciplined - to be orderly, clean cut, and tidy, especially higher ranking ones when displaying rank/status. Overall, Pav comes off as messy and possibly not even in his right mind from the beginning. When considering his true purpose for being in Prehevil is to kill the Kaiser, He's practically on a suicide mission.
And this can be further backed up by his attitude towards failing to kill the Kaiser, being saved, and taken to the train. What was the point of joining the same army that killed your village, rising up the ranks through whatever horrible means you had to go through and very possibly willing to do onto others what was done to you in order to get close enough to the man that you deam responsible for everything that has gone wrong in the world, only to find out that he was a indestructible monster beyond your powers? After that, it's either start from square one again, wait to die, or live your life on the run from everyone. Pav had kept a facade for possibly most of his life up until that moment, but as soon as he's cut down the mask breaks apart and he breaks down in train mad at you for giving him a few more moments of life.
To summarize, I'm intrigued by Pav's portrait because it gives us that hint on what kind for person he really is underneath the Bremen "disguise". He can't wait tear the damn thing off himself.
Is he a Bremen pig? Probably not. Is he still a pig? Yes. Or... rather something more feral hiding in the styes that he's trapped himself in, waiting to start a rampage in until he's put down himself. (Hmm. I wonder if that's would actually be a good Moonscorched idea?)
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
The nb rep in TOH is incredible
Nonbinary is so often treated like "female light" in both media & irl, and to see the two characters that are nb look like This
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Is awesome!
Those are vastly different looking chars, and further they're vastly different ages! The queer rep isn't just given to the younger chars and the queer adults have active roles in the story!
I just think it's so cool how Raine is more androgenous/masc, and Masha is pretty feminine, but they're both nonbinary with they/them pronouns and it's presented just as fact, no questions or conflicts, just. Here they are.
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thegirlinthecher · 6 months
killua went from being the only person who didn't give a shit that gon was literally being beaten up in front of him during the hunter exam to tailing and protecting gon during a harmless date. went from being completely caught up in feeling inferior to gon, to trying to break free of his insecurities of not being good enough for gon. went from barely remembering the names of the people he gave the hunter exam with to making new friends all by himself. went from being consumed by his loneliness and hyperindependence to needing to just be with people, to spend time with gon and alluka. went from
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eudaemon-m · 2 years
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tfw you laugh at everyone but the clown is YOU
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kurishiri · 2 months
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19 . . . main story
— this translation may not be 100% accurate or may contain creative liberties for characterization or narrative flow purposes. if you enjoy, please consider reblogging, but don’t repost or claim these as your own!
— cw: objectification, near-death experience, obsessive behavior.
(...I still, feel out of it...)
Right after discovering the casket upon which Lord Elbert’s name was engraved,
we tried to hide among the cargo as we slipped into the Bernard Company’s freight ship.
(Is Lord Elbert alright? Just what in the world was with that coffin...?)
As if trying to amplify my worries, the sound of the waves hitting the ship with a strong force resonated in the deck.
William: Kate, from here on, some danger will follow.
W: As such, I would suggest focusing on what is before your eyes.
Kate: ...Sorry about that.
William didn’t turn around once as he spoke to me, and in a panic I pulled my attention back to what was in front of me.
William: ...It would seem that the casket has the Bernard Company’s crest engraved upon it.
W: Hence, it is not something that was requested by someone outside.
(The Bernard Company’s crest...? Which means...)
Kate: That would mean someone from the Company is the one targeting Lord Elbert, right?
It was then William finally turned to face me, a bewitching smile playing on his lips, as though affirming what I had just said.
William: If such is the case, then our mission to eliminate the top of the Company may be intertwined with that to save Elbert.
W: And in order to save him, would you not agree that it’s imperative to swiftly complete this mission and glean information?
Kate: ...!
(He’s right — it’s just as William says.)
William’s words gave the support I needed, and my mind became more clear.
William: Do you feel you will be able to focus now?
Kate: Ah... yes, thank you very much.
William: There’s no need to thank me.
Boat worker: !? Who the hell are you guys! How’d you even get here...!?
At that moment, a worker on the boat, who appeared to have been patrolling the premises of the ship’s deck, waved his lantern as he turned toward us.
William: Ahh, what wonderful timing.
With no sign of agitation, William took a step forward, his movements nothing short of elegant, and——
William: “Disclose Gabriel Bernard’s current location.”
Boat worker: The third cargo hold! Wh, huh...!?
(That’s——William’s ability.)
The power to instill an absolute order that the other must follow through on. When I remembered the time I was under its influence, a shiver ran down my spine.
When the worker swiftly disclosed the location, William gave him a perfect smile.
William: Thank you for the very helpful information. Now then——”Stay silent here until dawn breaks.”
Boat worker: Gh!? ...!
The worker’s legs stiffened as if he was sewed to the deck, and he held his own throat in a panic, unable to make a sound.
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Alfons: Hehe... Quite a pitiful soul, honestly. Were that he could call his friends sooner, but alas.
Roger: Not that he could even if he wanted, since I couldn’t hear any other voice around.
Ellis: Oh, really? Then, it probably doesn’t matter if he has to stay silent or not.
William: Well, let us go then.
Kate: Right!
Walking past the worker, we hurried to the third cargo hold.
(...Lord Elbert—)
I had no way of knowing whether Lord Elbert was truly here or not.
But, the one thing I knew for sure was that he was being targeted by the Company.
(And just as William had said, if we can meet Gabriel Bernard, we’ll surely find some clues to his whereabouts.)
(Please, just be safe——)
—— Elbert’s POV ——
From afar, I could hear the sound of the waves crashing.
——When I awoke, I found myself on the ground, like a bug.
???: Ahh... I see you are awake now.
I didn’t recognize that voice as I turned toward it in the dim darkness.
When I tried to move, though, I felt a sharp pain in my head, as if I had been hit with something.
Not only that, my throat hurt too——
???: As I thought, having a human drink poison while they are sleeping is quite difficult.
???: Next time, I will need to use a lethal dose.
Elbert: ...Poi...son...?
My throat felt like it was burning, and my voice, which I had to squeeze out, came out hoarse.
Though my conscience was clear, my body wouldn’t listen.
???: Ahh! But perhaps it is a good thing that you haven’t knocked on death’s door yet!
???: For even your voice is beautiful...... to know that, I truly do feel grateful.
From within the faint light came a man with gray hair, in the prime of his life.
His attire looked to be of high quality, decorated with jewels... and in his hands, he held what looked to be a medicinal vial.
Elbert: Where... is, this…
Gray-haired man: We’re currently in the cargo ship’s storage room. See, if you listen closely, can you hear the sound of the waves?
Elbert: ...ugh...
I tried to form more words, to no avail.
A strong sense of nausea burned my throat, perhaps because of the poison I was made to drink while unconscious.
As though being scorched alive, a heat spread its way within my body, in turn making my hands and legs grow cold.
——So much so, it felt like death itself.
Gray-haired man: Ahh... if nothing else, I must preserve these blue eyes of yours.
The man crouched down beside me, and he lifted my chin close enough to him that I could touch the jeweled decorations he wore.
Gray-haired man: Actually, perhaps I should simply mummify everything from the neck up?
Elbert: ...What, are you...
Gray-haired man: Ah, I apologize for the belated introduction. My name is Gabriel Bernard.
Gabriel: I was quite taken with you from where I sat back at the auction — you were so beautiful.
G: That’s why, I wanted to make you mine. Ever since I had first laid my eyes on you.
G: I’m hoping to add you to my collection, you see.
Elbert: ...col...lec...tion...?
Gabriel: Are you not the same? You, too, collect beautiful things, do you not?
The man’s eyes looked as though he had been possessed by a demon, filled with craze,
and that closely resembled something I myself was familiar with.
(...I feel like, I’m looking into a mirror.)
Elbert: ......Perhaps, you’re right.
Gabriel: Hmm?
Elbert: Maybe, you and I are... truly the same.
E: Using selfish excuses as a shield... pushing our greed onto others, and... hurting them, too.
The images of the man in front of me, the man who assaulted Mother, and the doctor who had tried to assault me,
intertwined with the image of myself, binding Kate with shackles.
This time, nausea bubbled up from inside me for a reason other than the poison coursing through my body, but rather a feeling of disgust.
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Elbert: You... the man who had assaulted Mother... and the doctor who had attacked me...... and me, myself.
E: We are all, one and the same... repulsive human beings.
E: As much as we deserve to be rewarded... we deserve to be punished.
(Right now, he is trying to do to me what I had done to all the things scattered about in that room. It is all, one and the same.)
(And, no matter what reason he — and I — give for letting madness drive us,)
(Our actions are naught but avaricious, selfish, and repulsive——)
(None of us, deserve to be forgiven.)
Gabriel: Mother? Doctor? Your words are nonsense to my ears, but surely, you are anything but ‘repulsive’!
G: In fact, you are beautiful — and that’s why, I need you to die, so you can become mine.
G: Of course, this is not a punishment. Rather, this is love — the workings of love itself.
The vial was pushed against my mouth, and I could feel a pain scorching my lips.
Elbert: ...gh...
Gabriel: Wha—!?
Though my body was weak, I tried to shift myself to turn my face away.
At that moment, the vial fell from the man’s hands, the shattered glass scattered on the floor.
Gabriel: Ahh, truly, what a waste.
G: I believe I do have a spare somewhere around here. Where was it again...
Gabriel let go of my chin, muttering something as he started rummaging through the shelves.
Elbert: .........Why—
—did I resist just now?
I had always thought it was only natural for me to be punished like this.
And, I had thought about whether I should sink into the depths of this deep, deep sea, sooner rather than later. That’s what I should have thought, but——
—— Flashback ——
Kate: Lord Elbert.
—— End flashback ——
Elbert: .........
Her voice rang clearly in my ears——
And suddenly, driven by the fear of death that crept up from within me, I was hit by a seemingly burning impulse.
Elbert: ....I—
E: —I, really am the worst... aren’t I...
If I had only wanted to be ‘forgiven,’ I would have let go of this life a long time ago.
But... the reason I had continued this meaningless cycle of atonement,
the reason I had been so hesitant on having her,
and the reason why I had hurt her so much, and felt so sad to the point it felt like a blade was cutting through my body. It was all because...
—— Flashback ——
Kate: And, no matter what sin you are bearing, I... I like you.
K: So, please, don’t throw away all your happiness to atone for this sin...
K: ...I, want you to smile. And, I want to make you happy, Lord Elbert...
—— End flashback ——
Elbert: ......ha...ppy——
E: gh... I...
E: ...I, really... want to become happy...
——It had always been like this.
No matter how deep my sins ran in this life, no matter if nobody ever forgave me... and no matter if I can never forgive myself, in this lifetime...
(No matter what... I had never completely given up... on becoming happy.)
(No, I couldn’t give up.)
(——am simply greedy like that, after all.)
Elbert: .........Kate...
E: Kate, Kate... Kate...
E: I want to become happy... together with you.
Even now, when I had locked her away in my room,
I wanted everything: her smile, her words, her gaze, everything. I wanted it so, so badly — I could hardly bear it.
I want to see you again, love you — I want you, yourself.
(I had hurt you so much, but,)
(if you still wish to stay by my side, after all that...)
Elbert: I...
No matter how many times the howling, raging seas invited me to the far, distant horizons—
Elbert: ...I, want to return to the shore, where you are.
I pushed my weakened body to the limit, crawling toward the door.
I could hear the man’s excited voice fall on me from above my head.
Gabriel: Ahh... even when you are crawling like a caterpillar, you are still captivatingly beautiful...! You are truly like a living miracle!
Elbert: ...gh——
Gabriel: Oh, but, do take care not to wound yourself on the nails on the floor. For I need not scratched items in my collection.
(If I can see you again, the first thing I will do is apologize, for so many things.)
For hearing, but not listening to you.
For pushing my greed onto you, and treating you like an object.
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And... for making you a tool of atonement.
(And then——)
I felt him grab my arm, and my vision flipped.
Craze-filled eyes held me captive where I was.
Gabriel: Now, once you drink this poison, you shall be complete.
G: As the world’s most beautiful corpse, that is.
—— Kate’s POV ——
Ellis: The third cargo hold... we’re here.
Within the narrow corridors of the dim interior, a cold door loomed over us.
(So, the Company’s top is in here.)
(If we go in, surely we’ll find a clue as to where Lord Elbert is too——)
Ellis: I’ll keep watch from the outside then.
William: Alright, I leave that to you.
Alfons: ...It would appear the door is locked.
Roger: Step back a bit for me.
Roger then kicked the heavy door down.
Kate: ——!!
At the sight before me, my breath got caught in my throat.
There, I saw Lord Elbert, who looked like a lifeless doll with that pale face, held down by a man with gray hair.
Kate: Lord Elbert!!
Elbert: .........hh......?
I could see his golden locks lightly sway.
Lord Elbert opened his eyes slightly, and his blue eyes that resembled the sea, met mine.
(......Lord Elbert...)
Elbert: ——......
For a moment, I could clearly tell that his lips had called my name.
Gray-haired man: Who might you guys be? I was just in the process of making something important, so could you kindly stay out of my way?
William: I take it you are Gabriel Bernard, yes?
Gabriel: Indeed, I am. If you are here for business negotiations, though, you will need to wait.
Gabriel didn’t even spare William a glance, as he tried to push what looked like a medicine vial against Lord Elbert’s lips.
I didn’t know what was inside. But, alarm bells were ringing within me.
(No, you can’t drink that——!)
Grabbing a cloth bag nearby on a reflex, I threw it at the man.
Gabriel: Ugh!?
The heavy bag hit the man’s arm, separating the vial from Lord Elbert’s mouth in the nick of time.
Gabriel: What do you think you’re doing!? What would you do if he had gotten wounded!!
Gabriel shouted at me, as if he was flaring up, when—
William: ——”Do not move.”
Gabriel: Gh!?
As per the commands of the ‘Self-Righteous King,’ he had become an absolute servant in an instant.
William: “Lower Elbert on the ground. As slowly as you can.”
Gabriel: W, what is... this... my body... it’s moving on its own—!!
Obeying William’s orders, Gabriel did as he was told, lowering Lord Elbert’s body to the cold floor.
(Lord Elbert——!)
William: I am grateful for your support, Kate.
W: Everyone, I leave Elbert in your hands. I will take care of this heinous criminal.
Kate: ...hh ...!
It was as though something was pulling at my legs, and I ran to Lord Elbert’s side, caring not how I looked then.
Kate: Lord Elbert... Are you okay... Lord Elbert!
Elbert: ......ugh......
(His skin is freezing cold, like ice... but why...)
I tried to hold his weak body up, and Roger came to help.
Roger: Elbie... hey, Elbie, can you hear me?
Alfons: Though conscious, it appears he is paralyzed... perhaps it’s a neurotoxin.
William: Well, now, it would seem that you have spoiled my dear friend quite a bit, haven’t you.
Gabriel: Eeee—
William: So, what poison did you make him drink?——”Answer me.”
Gabriel: ...ite... It’s, aconite...
Roger: ......Did you just say aconite?
Hearing that alone made Roger’s expression cloud over in an instant.
Kate: Is that—
Alfons: —A lethal poison, it is.
Alfons was uncharacteristically monotonous as he murmured this.
Alfons: It is a poison that can kill you with a miniscule amount... and not only that, no antidote exists for aconite.
Kate: Wh—please, Roger, there has to be something we can do......!
Roger: ...It seems he is still able to breathe on his own will. In which case, there is some hope.
R: We will have to make him drink enough water so that he throws up, even if just a little. After that——
R: All we can do is pray that death doesn’t come to get him.
Kate: ......hh...
Elbert: Haa...gh, haa......
Lord Elbert could no longer speak — he could only take in shallow breaths.
But, his slightly open eyes were as deep as the sea, and they seemed to burn as they stared intently at me.
Kate: ...!
My heart, which was on the verge of being dyed in despair, felt encouraged once more.
(I, can’t ever give up.)
(Because, Lord Elbert surely hasn’t given up either.)
Though tears felt like they’d overflow at any moment, but I held it in as I gave him a smile.
Kate: ...It’ll be alright, Lord Elbert. I’ll be here with you.
Elbert: ......hh...
Kate: That’s why, let’s do our best, together.
Lord Elbert’s breathing was slightly pained but,
when I held onto his hand, which had gone completely cold, I felt that he nodded.
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Alfons: ...Adjacent to the harbor, there is a clinic of an unlicensed doctor.
A: We shouldn’t outstay our welcome here, lest we risk getting attacked, and I imagine there is only so much water as well.
Roger: Let’s head there then.
Kate: Right...!
I followed after Roger, who held Lord Elbert, as we left the storage.
After Kate and the others had left, one after the other——the air in the cargo hold seemed to slowly grow more cold.
William: ——Now then, it’s time to face your judgment.
William’s sentence seemed to shake the silence,
and as though a drop of poison had dropped on his tongue, Gabriel fell into a state of panic.
Gabriel: W, what is this... j-judgment, you say!?
G: J-just what sin, have I..... gh, no, wait, just what are you guys anyway!?
William: What are we, you ask? Let’s see now...
W: We are sinners who will only be met with death — far from any ‘good person.’
W: ...Let us just leave it at that.
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lady-arryn · 2 years
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Alicent Hightower Appreciation Week Day 1 - favourite episode
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evelynpr · 7 months
Hoyoverse's children in a nutshell
Fly me 2 the moon: First and oldest child, long gone RIP. Their legacy is having the first ever Kiana Kaslana
Zombiegal Kawaii: basically dead, hardly anyone even knew about her
Houkai Gakuen 2 (aka Gun Girls Z; GGZ): Next child, oldest, small and niche but dedicated fanbase, still going in CN server. Very gay and depressing, incredibly convoluted lore.
Honkai Impact 3rd: Took after GGZ a lot then became the favorite child. Still gay and depressing but more hopeful. Definitely a lesbian. They also really like flashy combat, philosophy, and science fiction.
Genshin Impact: The popular kid, and spoiled brat. They're very bisexual and very into religious themes and every culture and myth imaginable.
Tears of Themis: Probably the only cishet male child. Their fans are fewer but well fed and satisfied. (I dont know nearly enough about their story and themes to know its personality tho)
Honkai Star Rail: Takes a lot from big sis hi3rd (depressed but hopeful gays), and probably genderfluid. Ppl love it, theyre popular but it doesnt get into their head as much compared to Genshin. They're also really into exposed shoulders and internet memes.
Zenless Zone Zero: New kid on the block with furries and cyborgs. They are the youngest, most punk, and definitely into western action rpgs more than their older siblings.
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charseraph · 10 months
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