#chapter 1072
magician-enthusiast · 2 years
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Lucci looks so good when terrified, actually
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
Looking at the way Gehrman Sparrow was dressed, he spread out his hands, and held back his laughter as he said, “Look, that isn’t cold enough, right?”
“Cold? Then I’ll directly press the Unshadowed Crucifix against your head! If you don’t want your Beyonder characteristic, donate it to the people who need it!” Without being able to use Cogitation to control his thoughts, Klein instinctively retorted.
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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Oooh she IS part of MADS but as a CLONE OMG! And she’s chilling 💜
(Dartboard crazy theory: Yo what if Sanjis mom is a Stussy clone 👀)
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nature-nerd-sarah · 2 years
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BIG revelation here
Gonna need a few minutes to ruminate on this sledgehammer of a last panel. Like, even overlooking the plot twist of her betraying CP0, which is fairly minor in comparison to the revelation that she's a clone of a Rocks Pirate.
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joysstar · 2 years
Stussy is really my kind of character. She's beautiful, she's clever and more importantly she's got those "femme fatale" vibes I love so much!
She is dangerous, she's got her own agenda and I expect a lot from her! She seems to have eaten the Vampire Vampire Fruit and her powers are so cool!
Is she someone on Dragon's side? Does she work for herself? What does she want? Does she hold a grudge against the Five Elders for using her like a puppet?
She's surrounded by so many mysteries. Okay, she's a clone. The original Stussy used to be a pirate and a very powerful one. She got Whitebeard's attention.
And I don't believe just anyone can catch this man's attention. You must be quite special. Okay, their son isn't that awesome. Unlike Roger's and Oden's sons, Newgate's son doesn't look that great.
But you can't be Momonosuke or Ace!
My goodness! It's time for us to know more about Kaido's Big mom's Newgate's and Stussy's background, don't you think?
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
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Said our piece on Stussy, that warranted it’s own thing. Now we’re looking at the rest of 1072 going into 1073. This break week hurts but I feel like the other side of it will be incredibly fun. We might actually make the jump from sho to ten! Bonney Bonney Bonney, I did not want to skip you. This distorted future ability is such a cool evolution of her power. A childish base with the potential of all possible futures, not unlike what we’ve said about an actress in concept. Both Pudding and Kiku serve as mundane versions of this. Then we leave 1073 with something that could be that “rug pull” moment.
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This felt a little different than our other cutaways. Namely Mr. Narrator getting involved. That’s...pretty ominous and open-ended. Do y’all remember that “thought experiment” structure? We spiral, end on a big mysterious cliffhanger, weirdly cutaway to something else that takes a while to see how it ties in, but it’ll set us up to understand the conclusion. Especially with hopping over to Marco of all people. I’m getting him and Sphinx serving as our like, framing device for the play tomorrow but today it’s beating you over the head with the symbolic tie of dealing with literal clones in similar circumstances. Speaking of:
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I feel validated and I get to enjoy a great old school Bond villainess. The only thing I’d add is maybe a cool classy lady spy gadget...nice. Is it part of the lipstick tube or is it like, mixed in with the makeup? Can she plant a Kairoseki Kiss? Nami, I know you don’t know this because you’re not a nerd but you know how in RPGs an encounter might sometimes have a really good one time item to snatch? Gurl. Words cannot express how much fun I’m having with this. 
That said...you know at the start of this arc I was just throwing it out there if CP0 and Drake were popping up early after Kiku had the weird ending that might matter. Now Law’s grown titties, Blackbeard’s mobbing around with perfect foil Pudding in the brig, Bonney’s given us an echo of the Kanjuro story and now there’s a literal classy devil woman triple agent with a trait that might make some say she isn’t a “real woman” who just so happened to pop up in that Tamataebako connection on the deck of the Sunny. That feels like my initial hunch wasn’t exactly wrong. Piling on at this point but she’s tossing in a heart motif and the zan in After Image is the zan in Lingering Snow and holy crackers that line to Lucci about not fighting them head on was a Monet callback, wasn’t it? Right before leaving us on a cliffhanger. 
And X Drake is still a Chekov’s Gun yet to be fired.
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swampstew · 2 years
OP new chapter spoilers
DNI if you don’t want to be spoiled or you’re not caught up….
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@yamat0 hi bestie😌
This bitch must be 5 clones in a trench coat cause HOW THE FUCK did they make a former rocks pirate into a person who is somehow a member of MADS(?), queen of the underworld and a member of CP0!!?!
I DEADASS thought at the VERY LEAST that weird ass Judge cloned Stussy to make an obedient wife for himself.
This somehow seems worse🥺
So who is the former rocks member??? Well so far all signs point to Bakkin, WEEVILS MOM, who by my estimation probably had Weevil cloned using Whitbeards DNA. All we know is that she claimed they were crewmates 40 odd years ago - around the time he was still in Rocks crew….
Shit is WILD.
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the-frizzle-fry · 2 years
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A fuckin clone vampire? What the fuck Oda? Is that really Bakkin? Well her clone anyways.
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Okay…. Maybe Whitebeard did get with her. 🤣 She’s the first successful clone. Ages incredibly. And has Day Walker abilities. Is that a fruit ability?
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oldmanontumbler · 2 years
I cannot express how happy I am in mere words. Stussy is my FAVOURITE One Piece character - a position that she holds with "Big News" Morgans, for a myriad of reasons that I will gladly explain. For now, it suffices to say that this is PERFECT. This is everything that it should have been. This is the beautiful, blooming start of everything I have waited for ever since I started One Piece.
I started One Piece in part due to her. And now, finally, Stussy. That's all I can say. I'm sure that a certain someone could find better, catchier words, but to me, this is warmth. This is an open start to the next part of her saga, and I am here for every step of it.
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mugiwaraluv · 2 years
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Sanji don't kid yourself you'd be bored without Zoro
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magician-enthusiast · 2 years
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calekinnieplus · 1 year
“Uniqueness… Mr. World actually managed to link up and analyze so many things in an instant. Impressive! Uh, did I praise him too directly? Mr. World has heard it all… This hall is really hard to adapt to… No, Mr. World, I really am praising you, I really mean it!”
Audrey felt a little ashamed at first, but then she quickly adjusted her state of mind, trying her best to keep calm.
“…As expected of a Psychiatrist. She adjusted herself really quickly…” A thought came to Klein’s mind.
“As expected, Mr. World isn’t as cold as he looks. He’s the type of person who will inwardly mutter to himself-Uh… I didn’t say anything!” Just as Audrey instinctively thought of something, she immediately denied it.
I'm having the time of my life, their interactions are SO FUCKING FUNNY BAHAHAHA
I'm supposed to be studying for my math test tomorrow, not giggle at their unintentional stuttering HAH
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fly-chicken · 2 years
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…holy shit. Is Weevil actually whitebeard son if Bakkin is possibly the OG Rocks Stussy?! 👀👀👀
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nature-nerd-sarah · 2 years
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So Bonney can access those futures where something went wrong that Oda's been drawing in the SBS corners, eh?
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kazashiniwielder · 2 years
So what is 1072 going to focus on? The escape from Egghead with Vegapunk’s mysterious ally? Or maybe Kidd entering Elbaf and talking to Saul? Or maybe Garp and Helmeppo crashing in on Blackbeard? Are we going to go back to the aftermath of Reverie and get more information on Sabo and Vivi? Maybe even see what Shanks is going to do when he catches up to Barto? Maybe we will learn anything about how Weevil is dealing with the revocation of his title? Maybe anything dealing with the remaining Whitebeard pirates?
And where is the last Road Poneglyth!?!?!
So many possibilities!!!
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basedkikuenjoyer · 2 years
I’m glad this gets the honor of being the spooky devilish post #666. Stussy’s reveal was so powerful it brought a few old college nerd friends together to make a silly little vidayo. I just helped with the script and a lot of it comes from concepts we’ve talked about so you can consider it Post-Wano Musings: The Movie if you’d like. I know I certainly do. 
If you’re not a regular reader, it’s a vid about how Stussy’s twist ties a couple of things that have been unfolding in the background together. Don’t worry, none of it is about others being secret clones.
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