#chanting brothers brothers brothers into my work computer
legolasghosty · 7 months
your rarepairiest pair: Is this a mid-life crisis because if it is I'm a bit worried about your lifespan.
Oh gosh yes please! I will take any and every excuse to write JuBobby! (Also I think I accidentally set this in my Jem and the Holograms AU... whoops! Oh well, I think it makes sense still without context.)
Bobby generally considers his girlfriend a levelheaded person. Sure, she's done some crazy stuff (See the history of how they even met in the first place), but in general, Julie thinks things through before she does them. And that's probably a good thing, considering the insanity of at least half of her brothers/band.
But even for the most even-keeled individual, fame does weird stuff. So when Julie gets back after what was supposed to be a casual family dinner (no significant others allowed on the first night of the visit to give Julie and her brothers a chance to catch up with Ray, Victoria, and Carlos), crashes onto Bobby's bed, and says, "I'm going to get a yacht," Bobby isn't entirely sure how to react.
He hits the save key on his computer and rises from his desk. "Is this a mid-life crisis?" he asks slowly, approaching his girlfriend and sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "Cause if so, I'm a little worried about your lifespan. I don't want to outlive you by that much, Molina."
Julie groans and rolls onto her side to look at him. "People can't recognize me on a boat," she states, voice flat.
Bobby winces, suddenly understanding. He'd turned off most of his notifications while he was working, which is probably how he missed whatever pictures have made it online of Julie and her brothers just trying to spend time with their family. He reaches out to run his fingers gently over her arm, offering what comfort he can.
"We didn't even have our food yet before someone came to ask for an autograph," Julie sighs, wriggling a little closer to him. "And then the waiters were staring, and...sometimes I wonder why I told the world my real name."
Bobby hums softly and lays down on his side, pulling her into his chest. "I'm sorry, Ju." This sort of thing has been happening more and more over the past nine months since Julie took to the stage as Dahlia and the crowd was chanting her real first name by the time she and her brothers finished the show.
"So I'm gonna get a frigging boat so I can hang out with my family without getting interrupted," Julie huffs, curling into his embrace, letting his cool hands smooth out the rough heat racing through her body from all the unwanted stares.
"I mean, I know it doesn't really solve the actual problem," Bobby begins, resting his chin against her hair, "but you could just bring them here if you wanted. Get some fancy takeout and just stay in together."
"I wouldn't want to kick you out of your own house though," Julie protests, looking up at him. "I mean, I know the guys and I live here too, but it's your home too. You shouldn't lose your safe space just because my family is in town."
Bobby forces down a joke about being used to it from how things were with Caleb up until a year ago. His therapist says that's not healthy, to downplay it like that. "I don't mind," he promises instead. "They're important to you. So, important to me. I can stay out of your way no problem as long as no one ends up in my room."
Julie cracks a tiny smirk. "Awww, so no sleepovers while they're here?" she teases.
Bobby chuckles and shrugs as best he can without loosening his grip on her. "I suppose something could be arranged," he responds. "You know, if the situation were desperate enough."
"So... you last maybe one night without me," Julie snarks.
"Hey, you leave my insomnia out of this," Bobby complains lightly, unable to resist the slow grin spreading across his face. "I managed just fine before we met."
"Lies," Julie retorts, pushing herself up on one elbow so she's above him.
"Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?" Bobby challenges.
"Go sleep in my amazing bazillion thread sheeted bed in my room by myself," she answers, smirking. "We'll see just how well you sleep by yourself."
Bobby raises an eyebrow. "I don't see you moving."
"Hey I got accosted by twelve-year-olds today, I'm not moving very fast," Julie says.
Hah, Bobby thinks. An opening. He reaches out and grabs an edge of his bedspread, flipping them over and pinning her down with the blanket and his body. "Well then you're not going anywhere," he teases.
"Oh no, woe is me," Julie laughs as she fumbles one arm free to cup the back of his neck. "I shall never escape."
"Nope, mine now," Bobby agrees before giving into her gentle tugging and leaning down to kiss her. "I'm serious though," he adds, pulling back a hair after a moment. "Just bring your family here. I know it's not ideal, but we can make it feel just as fancy as those stupid restaurants downtown. And here you can just be you."
"You're amazing," Julie says. "Think we can make it happen for everybody dinner tomorrow night?"
"Caleb has an impressive wine cellar," Bobby promises. "And he owes me and Willie and Carrie like... a lot."
"You know I'm technically underaged, right?" Julie jokes.
"Well, rockstars are allowed to do fun stuff sometimes," Bobby responds, leaning down to kiss her again. They'd figure it out, one way or another.
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sparkedblaze · 9 months
*chanting quietly* modern au! modern au! modern au! modern au! (maybe some katherine stuff?)
I need everyone to remain calm as I try to work through these like 50+ asks (idk if there's actually 50, it just feels like a lot)
Kath in the modern au!!
I haven't thought much past the basics, so here have some stream of consciousness ideas that will come to me as I type (probably)
So, I don't know if/where/when I posted the basic stuff I had written for her, Sarah, Bill, and Darcy. So, here that is:
Advocate within the gay community. They regularly picket and protest and refuse to back down even under threat of being canceled or arrested or their channels and socials being deleted. They. Don’t. Back. Down. Gay News: Joint youtube channel with Sarah, Bill, and Darcy. They each write on different news in the LGBT community, and essentially have a news cast (except it isn’t lame and boring like normal news channels. They make it fun and interesting) They do skits and challenges to deliver the news.
It started as just LGBT, but then it branches into more and more, because there's so much bad happening in the world, and it all needs to be talked about.
Katherine is the main point of contact if anyone wants to do like a partnership or anything, any kind of business transaction with the channel has to go through her first (it almost always goes through all four of them anyway, Katherine just likes knowing where and when everything is happening).
They start off just doing silly skits about some of the ridiculous things going on in their city. It soon expands to all of New York, then to the United States, and eventually they go international.
She, Sarah, Bill, and Darcy split the cost of rent for a two bedroom house. Could she, Bill, and Darcy have used their fathers' legacies (tbd, but they're still higher class and well off) to afford something bigger? Something flashy and telling? Yes, they could have. But, Katherine is the kind of person to want to make it on her own. She wants to blaze her own path through the world.
Katherine writes most of their stories and scripts. She's the one up late into the night at her desk with a tea (Sarah made her stop drinking coffee that late) typing away at her computer.
If you're curious, Bill and Darcy do their website and merch design (when they become popular enough for merch) and Sarah does their costuming.
Katherine meets Jack and The Gang™ when they're younger. Her father was doing some charity work at the biggest orphanage in the city, The Refuge. Katherine started writing about the experiences she'd hear from the kids. That's what made her a journalist. She would hear all these horror stories from the kids in there, and never saw anything done about it.
She was a part of their school paper with Bill and Darcy, and they became close. Even more so when Sarah and her brother joined. Sarah insisted it was because David needed extracurriculars and refused to come alone, and this was the only one they could agree on. She neglects to mention that she'd seen the redhead around and needed an excuse to talk to her.
They raise money for different things. If there's nothing big happening, they'll raise for the underfunded foster system. They raise for Palestine. They raise to help LGBT adults to move to safer states, and LGBT youths to have resources and travel to access those resources.
They have a segment at the end of every episode for happy news only. Their viewers send in some good news they got that week. About anything. Something as small as "I brushed my teeth today" or as big as "I came out to my family and it went really well"
This is all I can think of for now I hope you enjoy ily mwah
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renatedagmarmilada · 1 year
and Edward Said
The grave digger dug the bell ringer rang the organist played as the choir boy sang
the vicar chanted holy words and the rector organised mysteries all to keep the church throbbing not necessitating robbing
The grave digger screamed the bell ringer ran puissantly the organist swooned the blood-spattered choir boy ran amok
the vicar appeared blood covered chopper stuck in his arm the rector ran headlong into the dug hole child molester, they all screamed wildly..
now for women Vicars!
my Saturday Writing Group .. MINISTRY NOTE: NO NOT LEISURE WRITING- this is what University was for.. but in December 1999 Prince Charles banned all my writings and paintings from being sold.. in UK as all of St barths human Research mental care assistants had copied it on the illegal monitored and scanner at their lab.
Jorg of Basel- lab married him to Mary Ma, a Chinese friend of Fekete's who had a load of her work on her computer, Jorg is a cousin of Mankovitz brothers of London, came to the lab and has taken 300 of my paintings and 6 books full all stolen from my home used by FEINMAN and KRANZ of London, liars and cheats and thieves
. quote I was going to trace the outlines and sell Fekete's work. I printed a mass of Fekete work in SCHWEIZ ILLUSTRIERTE as my own.. as I am a Jew and they had saved jews under the Nazis we kick them extra hard../ The lab underpins their cheats and copiers and liars by giving them more and more Fekete work.
Fiona Turnbull, daughter of mental care assistant millionairess of West London Doris Turnbull quote - I put on the file of lies: Fekete owes the Italians because four generations back some of her forebears were from Verona.. so we asked the italian to copy her work too /to cover our lab st barths Human research..
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celiosal · 2 years
Hello there! ✨
will it's kinda weird ask but I'm curious how would the brothers in obey me and Simeon react to female reader when she work herself too much she got stressed and bleed from the nose .
It's a condition I have and I'm just curious to know the reaction .
hope it's not too much to ask , and I like your writing good luck 🌺
Stressful Blood
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pairings - obey me brothers + simeon x reader synopsis - reader gets a nose bleed from overworking themselves
writing contains : fluff, established relationship, gender neutral (lmk of any possible mistakes), possible ooc, mentions of blood (not gory, just nose bleeds), racing thoughts (asmo), stress and overthinking, poor grammar possible
a/n - it's not weird at all! and thank you 🥺 sorry for taking long!! enjoyy (i wrote this with female reader in my head, i hope you don't mind it being gender neutral :)
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You had a huge pile of tasks, all dropped on you on the same day. Heck, the pile was almost the same amount of work that Lucifer would have in 2 days.
You figured it was best to start now and finish the next 2 days. It's safe to say that it was a horrible idea. You set yourself to do an inhumane amount of work each day.
Eye bags, exhaustion lines, and an overall tired look started to make itself a home on your face. It was on this one specific paper when your nose started to drip blood.
The blood immediately stained the page. You quickly got up to wash the sanguine fluid that was running down to your upper lip
Lucifer decided one day to check on you and he beholds the sight of the said pile. He spots the blood stain and gets worried.
He finds you in the bathroom, takes one look at the blood and picks you up and sets you on the chair. He makes you sit up straight before dabbing a tissue on the area.
He chants a spell and the bleeding suddenly stops.
"You need to relax. Go lay on your bed, I'll help you finish"
You were trying to complete the homework assignment from RAD but it was quite confusing.
To make it worse (better?), Mammon was being clingy today and wanted to cuddle.
"Mammon, baby, you know I have to work-"
"Noo, ditch your work and come cuddle me. Who cares about that anyway..."
He pouts before giving a huff and lying down on your bed to scroll on his D.D.D.
You tried going back to your assignment but the frustration has piled up to the point where your nose bled.
Mammon noticing the smell of blood quickly shot up to look at you. He panicked, seeing the blood drip down slowly onto your shirt.
"MC?! Why's there blood coming out of your nose??"
"Oh, that? It's a condition I have when I get stressed or overworked."
He just looks at you in shock before running out to grab a washcloth. He just wipes off the blood until it stops. He tosses it into the sink to clean later.
You're just sitting there calmly while your mind slowly starts to relax. Mammon uses it as an advantage before throwing himself into your arms and burying himself in the crook of your neck.
"You're mine, how dare you deprive The Great Mammon of cuddles.."
Playing games after a long day with Levi was a normal occurence for you at this point. It was quite relaxing to play with him.
When you came to his room today, he had an excited look on his face. It turns out, recently he bought a puzzle game for two players and really wanted to try it out with you.
He already had everything set up - snacks, the computer on, and two controllers on the chair.
Excitedly, he inserts the disk and the game starts up. You grab your controller and sit comfortably in the bean bag chair he got for you.
The game had an incredible amount of detail which Levi - who had stars in his eyes - noticed.
The puzzles got harder for each level you passed, from finding levers in bushes to moving blocks to place in the correct slot. Things were going quite well until level 50 came in.
Leviathan pauses to think and gather his thoughts while you sit there trying to decipher the code.
You end up trying a bit too hard and the red fluid comes out of your nose. Levi just turns to look at you in shock before scrambling around to find a tissue.
He gives it to you and you wipe of the blood that comes out.
"M-MC, you scared me for a second. Try not to think too hard next time okay?"
Satan was already aware of your condition from the start.
He recently found tissues covered in blood along with some worksheets in your trashcan.
He took two and two together and guessed that it was a condition. So he wasn't really surprised when he saw blood flowing out of your nose. You two were doing a tutoring session at the time.
He just makes you lay down before wiping the blood from earlier with a handkerchief. While you two wait, he takes out a book and reads aloud to you.
He enjoys reading to you quite a lot, he'd also play some quiet classical music while doing so.
It's so calm to the point it soothes you to sleep. All tensed muscles start to relax and your breathing becomes slowed.
Satan kisses your forehead before turning off the lights and leaving the room.
"Sleep well, love."
You were in Asmo's room talking about gossip and other topics. Asmodeus was listening to you while trying to put on his skincare products.
You talked for a while until the conversation came to a halt. The white noise of the air conditioning can be heard in the background. Asmo finally finishes and goes into the bathroom to dry his wet hair.
You're patiently waiting for him to come back.
Out of nowhere, thoughts start rushing into your mind, making you overthink. Your head starts to hurt and you get irritated. Blood starts to drip and fall onto your hands.
Just as you were about to get up, Asmo comes back. He takes one look at your hands and nose and screams.
"Oh no, your precious skin!! EEk! Go wash it off and come back when it stops!"
You nod before going to the bath room to wash yourself up. When you finished, you got out of the tub before stealing his clothes and wearing it.
You come back out and he jumps into your arms.
"Aah!! My darling is soo cute!"
Hungry baby boy was out raiding the kitchen when you come in. He's munching on some Hell Cream Cat Tongue Cookies while you stood there.
Your nose was already bleeding from the work you had to do earlier and you came into the kitchen to get some napkins.
Beel sees this, grabs the nearest napkin and hands it to you before eating some more.
He pauses for a moment to stare at you lovingly. After a few minutes, he walks over to you to wrap you in his arms.
Immediately you're enveloped in a deep warmth, finding comfort in his arms. The bleeding has already stopped completely and you finally relax.
He picks you up bridal style before bringing you into his room. Showering you with love and kisses.
"I love you MC."
Lucifer decided it was a good day to assign you housework. You're now tasked with multiple responsibilities.
Belphegor is on your right, cuddling you and his pillow. When you try to break free to do your chores, he pulls you back and hugs you tighter.
He's just burying himself into your chest while you lay there.
"Belphiee, I have to do my work.."
"No. Stay with me,"
He's pouting with his eyes closed.
He's also not budging at all, so you give up. Although you're a bit worried about Lucifer considering his punishments with Mammon.
Worried to the point where your nose bleeds while Belphie's hugging you.
He quickly sits up.
"Are you okay??"
You nod slightly, trying to prevent the blood from dropping into the sheets.
Belphie wipes off the blood for you with a tissue. Then goes back to cuddles you.
There's no stopping him so you let him be. Lucifer saw what was happening and did the work himself instead.
You two had slept peacefully
You were baking food for everyone at Diavolo's castle. There was a ton of pressure due to the amount of servings you had to cook (including Beel's).
While you were hastily moving around the kitchen to cook, Simeon comes in to check on you.
He was watching you until he sees a slight bit of red peeking out of your nose.
He rushes over to stop you, helps you take a few breaths before giving you a kiss on the nose.
Suddenly the feeling in your nose disappears. You look at him to give him a smile before expressing your gratitude by hugging him tightly.
"Be careful now darling, we don't want any stress alright?"
You nod at him before going back to cook. He decides to help you by adding a few touches and bake for you. You also earn a few kisses from him.
"I love you Simeon!"
"I love you too,"
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© celiosal. 2022, do not repost/modify/translate
Reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated!
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 2 years
This one has a lot of Moon idk what happened
Moon: God nerfed me by making me allergic to garlic and sunlight. Monty: So, a vampire? Moon: I can confirm that I am not a vampire as I have blood. Freddy: Is it your blood? Moon: It is blood, yes. Freddy: Is it blood that has always belonged to you from the moment of your spawning? Moon: It is blood, it is in my possession, therefore it is my blood.
Moon: I'm bored. Solar: Wanna commit first degree murder? Moon: Sure! Sun, hearing them: No- Stop, don't do that! Put that knife down! Put Monty down!!
Sun: I find it hilarious when you're the quiet/introverted kid and the teacher always sends people who are too talkative in class next to you because they know you wont talk. Moon: Bad and naughty children get put with the Silent Man to atone for their crimes.
Freddy: Can we go to a haunted house? Moon: What’s wrong with the one we live in? Freddy: Wh-what? Moon: Goodnight, Freddy.
Bonnie, walking into his green room: Hello, people who do not live here. Sun: Hey. Monty: Hi. Moon: Hello. Freddy: Hey! Bonnie: I gave you the key to my green room for emergencies only! Moon: We were out of Fizzy Faz.
Sun: Moon, I beg of you. Please, PLEASE go to the doctor. Moon: Hey, I'm sorry. Is this OUR stab wound? (In same bodies version: YES)
Solar: My assistance will be an act of beneviolence. Freddy: …Don’t you mean benevolence? Solar: No.
Moon: Look, Solar, it's the third time this week you had a mental breakdown and its Monday.
Moon: Sun, get that hideous thing out of the living room, would you? Sun: Monty, Moon wants you to get out of the house.
Sun, holding a Wii mote with a knife attached: Are Wii gonna have a problem? Moon, bringing out their switch remote with a blade: You best switch up that attitude. -An hour later…- Sun, in the ambulance: Wii-U! Wii-U! Wii-U! Solar: I hate this fucking family.
Monty: Sun is washing the dishes and I just heard them say "Who do you work for? Who's your contact???" While repeatedly pushing a glass underwater. Freddy: At least they're having fun???
Moon: Hey, Sun? Can I get some dating advice? Sun: Just because I'm with Monty doesn't mean I know how I did it.
Sun: When I said you should try being friendlier this isn't what I meant. Moon, stirring a cup of tea aggressively: Oh, so now I'm TOO friendly? There's no pleasing you. Freddy, who broke into their house an hour ago: Two sugars please. Moon: Coming right up.
Moon: Uh, I think I got your lunch. Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, your big brother Solar Sun: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’
Freddy: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. (more than usual) Solar: Fucking Moon and Sun were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
Moon: on the phone Hey Sol, do you know my blood type? Solar: Of course, it's B-. Moon: Oh, I guessed wrong. Excuse me, nurse-!
Bonnie: One time I found a google doc on Moon’s computer with the title "list of dads that make other dads eat bugs. Bonnie: out of curiousity, I opened the google doc. Bonnie: it was completely blank except for the words "my dad".
Monty: Die. Sun: Please don't die! Monty: DIE! Sun: PLEASE DON'T DIE! Bonnie, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant? Moon, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Sun wants Monty to accept it as their kid.
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To summarise:
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Barchie’s pregnancy test turns out negative. Betty is relieved but Archie regrets the opportunity to bring a new life a few days (months?) before the Apocalypse. “My dad loved being a young dad”, he tells Betty, whose mother was an even younger mother (cough!Charles!cough!).
To make sure the viewers got it, Veggie break up again.
Meanwhile, Tabitha is away in Albany working to get Pop’s declared a historical landmark, while Jughead is working at RHS working at Pop’s waiting at home typing away on his computer. Wait, I thought he couldn’t write without his music and was into drawing cartoons now … ?? My mistake.
The mayor of Riverdale goes door-to-door accompanied by the armed deputies of the sheriff’s department sans Keller Sr (who, unlike Keller Jr, is not a regular of the show) to collect overdue books borrowed from the Public Library, which is soon to be converted into a(nother) hotel. Here come The Six Seasons!
It seems our heroes have been less than diligent about returning their books: Jughead owes Kafka’s Metamorphosis from his junior homeless days (not to be confused with his adult homeless days), Betty owes Small Engine Repairs that she borrowed when she was 12 but never returned, Veronica aka the Black Widow of Wall Street owes Kiss Of The Spider Woman, Archie Songwriting From The Heart, Cheryl … Flowers In The Attic (oh boy …) and Reggie a book about dyslexia.
To add insult to injury -with the exception of himbo of my heart Reginald Mantle- our heroes don’t even know where their books are.
It transpires that Kevin hasn’t returned a book either: it’s Lord of the Flies. Percival asks for it. I thought he was already on Percival’s side?
Percival claims that the late fees for the overdue books are “in the thousands of dollars”, although the Guinness Book of Records (the very same one featuring Archie as the toughest man in the world) says the the world´s largest fine for an overdue library book is $345.14.
This is, of course, but a cunning ruse, to allow him to collect various other items as “collateral”, i.e. Jughead’s copy of the first Baxter Brothers book (first edition), Betty’s journal, Hiram’s portrait (Veronica), Archie’s guitar and Cheryl’s brother (in a trunk rather than in the attic).
It must be noted that, at this point, Jason’s adventures as a corpse far surpass his adventures whilst alive.
I have so many questions about this villain who knows exactly what to take under the guise of “collateral” but who hasn’t yet taken over the town …
Cheryl briefly threatens to burn Percival but he says that if he gets even a flush, the sheriff’s deputies will shoot her. Instead of burning the deputies first, then Percival, Cheryl lets him take Jason (and the trunk).
It must be the weekend or something because Kevin is strolling around Riverdale with Percival instead of teaching at RHS.
Meanwhile, the Serpents are apparently illiterate, because neither Toni nor Fangs are asked to return any books. Or maybe they went to Albany too?
Our heroes meet to discuss Percival’s interest in their borrowed books. Cheryl’s witchy mind reels at what he might do with the “secret forbidden knowledge” of what they read during their formative years aka the registry of the library that Percival already used when calling upon them.
Meanwhile, Percival is not interested in the books but in the items he collected as collateral. He lights a black candle, mumbles some latin and asks for the “books” to reveal their secrets. Archie’s guitar, Hiram’s portrait and Jason-in-the-trunk are not books but, yeah, whatevs, Perce.
The w/e must be over, because RHS is in session and Archie’s back at school for the first time since … season 5??
Nope, sorry, I take that back. The English Lit teacher is spending the morning on his laptop at home again. Confused yet?
Percival’s chanting has caused everyone to experience their deepest trauma: FP III is afraid of turning into FP I, Betty’s unlocking hidden memories of serial killer Hal from when she was 12 (canon reset #1), Archie’s seeing Grundy, Veronica is on her way to becoming Spiderwoman, err, venomous like a black widow, and Reggie suffers from his first on-screen episode of dyslexia.
Betty confides her trauma to Archie. Archie, who was disappointed by the negative pregnancy test, lies about his. Manpain must be endured in manly silence.
Instead of buying a new book to remind himself how to read (because this is how dyslexia works in Riverdale), Reggie goes to Percival, who mind controls him into taking a Glamergé egg to Veronica, that is going … to unlock her venomous powers? This is the most unnecessarily convoluted plot ever.
Smithers returns! (Only to swiftly depart again)
Kevin discusses Lord of the Flies with Moose for one whole minute.
After walking 2.445 km, on an average of 25 hours per day, the homeless of Sketch Alley, Riverdale N.Y., have reached Venice Beach, California. Which is where Doc (who is in possession of Jughead’s book) is.
Jughead learns all this from Hank, who is still in Sketch Alley, which is still in its same abandoned condition. Did Percival remove the homeless just to spite Archie?
Canon reset #2: Cheryl has always dabbled in the supernatural.
There is another scene with Archie at school. Maybe the RROTC program is the only class offered at RHS?
Kevin, says Percival, is a gorgeous man, who deserves what his heart desires. Kevin, who has -so far- never had a problem getting what his heart desired (be it Joaquin, Fangs, Moose or a premium spot in a cult), agrees. For good measure, he makes out with Percival. He has now joined his ranks. That Lord-of-the-Flies discussion served no purpose whatsoever. I want my minute back.
Archie comes clean about his trauma. Betty dutifully consoles him. He can now play the guitar again.
Veronica has a fling with Geraldo, who turns out dead the next day.
Himbo of my heart Reggie, who has been left out of the loop all this time, figures out what’s going on. “Are you a wizard?” he asks Percival. “No”, replies Percival, “I’m a magic man”. 
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With only 6 minutes left in the episode, Jughead tracks down all of our heroes’ books in a bookstore in Pennsylvania. Sure, why not. Percival gives them back what he took as collateral.
Instead of getting Hiram’s portrait back and disposing of it herself, Veronica leaves it with Percival, in order -one assumes- to facilitate some future plot.
Cheryl proposes to burn the items because they are polluted. Jason -already burned once- is, she claims, excepted. Jughead also keeps his grandfather’s book, since it’s the only thing left of him. That and all the other copies of the highly successful first book of the Baxter Brothers. At least Archie’s guitar is burned. Small mercies.
Geraldo’s death “seems sealed with a kiss”: Dr Curdle Jr must have been spending some quality time with Jughead, as he’s now favouring the same over-the-top narrative vein as the author of The Outcasts. I wish Dr Curdle Jr a very happy career writing crime novels.
Had Percival’s shenanigans no purpose at all or was all this a dastardly plot to unblock Archie’s love for singing? Could this be Percival’s undoing? As the Inferno flames of the Ultimate Battle™ engulf the town, will Archie, armed with a smore stick and a new, purified guitar, sing Kumbaya until Percival’s ears bleed and he explodes in a million supernatural smithereens, thus saving Riverdale? Only time will tell.
Toffee was not in town during this episode, because Toffee has no overdue library books, bitch. She hitched a ride with Tabitha to visit Albany.
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tobesoalive · 3 years
r u mine? (Jake Kiszka x reader)
hey guys...so this was fun to write, thank you to the kind anon who requested it! I currently have some fun (and steamy) Josh stuff in the works right now, but still feel free to send in requests! I might slow down a little with posting since my classes started, but I promise to get to every request! Enjoy my first Jake piece!
Warnings: SMUT(oral f-recieving, fingering, penetrative sex)
Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you headed down the hallway backstage, about to go out and face the crowd of thousands of fans. No you weren't a huge famous musician or anything, just their photographer. Basically the same thing right?
For the past three weeks you had been enjoying life on the road, it had always been your dream to be a concert photographer, and your work had caught the attention of a little band called Greta Van Fleet. Well, not exactly little. Their fan base grew everyday and now they were doing yet another headlining tour that they asked you to document. Over the past few months you had been in contact with the guys and their management, and you guys hit it off instantly, they brought you under their wing as if you were part of the family.
You basically were all one big family, you had gotten extremely close to the boys. Josh, Sam and Danny were like your brothers, and Jake...he was a little different.
Brother would be an odd way to describe him, seeing as you had a bit of a crush on him. Nothing super serious, you just thought he was a cool guy who also happened to be really fucking hot. You thought he might have a little something for you too, he was always asking you how you liked the show, and when he’d catch you editing the photos you took he’d sit himself right next to you and ask if you’d show him what you were working on. He was constantly complimenting your work, but that would mostly be in private, when he’d seek you out if he couldn’t sleep. You surely weren’t complaining, you enjoyed his company. You just wish he would say something, or even better, make a move. You could be taking his actions the wrong way, he does have tons of women who want him all around the country, maybe he does just think of you as a sister. Whatever thoughts you had about Jake you’d just push to the back of your mind, you had a job to do, and your work was more important than getting laid.
You went in front of the barricade and took some photos of the crowd and talked to fans. They liked to ask you questions about the guys and what it was like touring with them. You always tried to make them feel special by saying how thankful the guys were, which wasn’t a lie, to have such amazing fans.
All of a sudden you heard some of the fans start screaming wildly. They were chanting Jake’s name, and you turned your head only to briefly meet his eyes from the side of the stage where he was standing. Within a second he was gone, most likely rushing backstage to avoid any further commotion from the audience.
What was that all about? You thought to yourself. Did he sneak over there to just look at me? Maybe he wanted to talk or something. That can happen later, it was only a few minutes until the show started, so you wanted to snap a few more shots of the crowd before running all over during the show to catch the right angles.
During the show you had a great time, as per usual. You loved being right up front, taking photos of the guys doing what they loved. You went backstage to get some photos from the wings. Jake was about to do his signature move, playing his guitar behind his head, and you were ready to capture the moment. Right as you snapped the photo, Jake turned and winked at you, arms thrown behind his head, somehow managing to play the notes of “Highway Tune” whilst flirting with you.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach, and you felt an intense need for him. Quickly you ran back out to the front of the stage to capture a few more moments before the show was over.
“God fucking dammit, I’m in deep” you muttered to yourself, before heading to the green room to congratulate the guys on the awesome show. You slipped through the crew heading on stage to clean up the equipment, turning a corner and bumping directly into Jake.
“Oh sorry! Great job out there tonight!” you say, trying your best not to blush. What was wrong with you, it was like you were a school girl or something.
“Thanks y/n! Did you get some good shots?”
“No, I made sure to get really shitty photos, especially of you”
“Are you being sarcastic?! Now that is something new!” he teased you.
“I just know how much you enjoy my sense of humor! I like to give back to the fans y’know” you quip back, causing him to break out into a smile.
“Hey the guys and quite a bit of the crew is gonna head out and probably find a bar or something once we’re done cleaning up. You wanna join?”
“Thanks for the offer, but I might just keep it lowkey tonight, I’d prefer to edit the photos tonight so I can explore whatever city we’re going to tomorrow.”
“Totally understandable, well I’ll catch you later!”
“Yeah for sure!” you say as you go off to find the rest of the guys.
After about a half hour of chatting and checking in with the rest of your tour mates, you decided it was time to change into your pajamas and spend the rest of the night staring at your computer screen, trying to edit as many photos as you can before inevitably passing out.
Getting onto the bus you shared with some other crew members, you kicked your Vans off before checking to see if anyone else was around. Seems like they all were opting to go out after the show, which meant you got the whole place to yourself. You traded out your concert outfit for a pair of shorts and a hoodie, getting prepared for your lengthy editing session.
You made yourself at home on the couch towards the front of the bus, turning on your speaker and playing music as loud as you wanted, getting straight to work.
It had felt like only a minute when you heard a knock on the door, but after checking your clock you realized an hour had already gone by. You peeked out the window only to see Jake’s figure standing there.
“Jacob! What’s up? I thought you were going to the bar?” you said as you opened the door to let him in.
“That show wore me out”
“Yeah you did amazing, I mean like you usually do” you say, stumbling over your words and internally punching yourself. God you were not smooth at all.
“Seems like we are some of the very few who decided to stay back, I was getting lonely in that tour bus.”
“Well you’re always welcome here, I was just doing some editing.”
“Wow you’re a pretty big nerd aren’t you? You know you should take a break every once and a while, I feel like you’re constantly working.”
“Well it’s not that hard when you love your job” you tell him.
“I guess that's true, can I see what you’re working on?”
“Yeah of course” you say while making your way back to the couch, Jake plopping down next to you.
“Damn that’s fucking awesome” he remarks, looking at the image on your screen. It’s the one of him playing the guitar behind his head, and winking right at you.
“I know! Thanks for being such a good model” you tell him with a small laugh.
“The guys and management are really impressed with your work. We’ve already been talking about having you come on the European leg of the tour with us.”
“Are you for real?!” you ask in awe, giddy with excitement. You absolutely loved this job and the people, and the thought that you could travel the world to do it was a dream come true.
“Yeah, don’t tell anyone though, I don’t want to get my ass beat for it.”
“Oh my god Jake I could literally kiss you!” you exclaimed, before you had even realized what you said.
You tried your best to play it off before your thoughts were interrupted by Jake’s voice.
“I wish you would”
“Huh” you stop for a second before turning to face him.
“Listen y/n, I think you’re really cool, and you also happen to be really hot. Sorry, maybe I was interpreting things wrong. I just thought if you felt the same it might be fun. It doesn’t have to be anything serious, I just get lonely on the road and -”
Before he could say another word, you took it upon yourself to answer his question, leaning in to capture his lips in a soft kiss. You pull back and look him in the eyes, closing your laptop and setting it on the counter.
“God I’m glad you finally said something, I think everyone was starting to sense the sexual tension” you grin at him.
“Well all I could think about on stage was fucking your brains out, so sorry if I’m not too great at hiding it” he says before grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you in for another kiss, to which you open your mouth to let his tongue slip in.
You move yourself so that you’re straddling his lap, your lips moving perfectly in rhythm as Arctic Monkeys played softly in the background.
“Wow it seems like you were almost expecting this to happen” he teases you.
“Shut up and fuck me Kiszka” you say before he flips you so you’re now beneath him.  
His fingers find their way under your shirt, reaching up to cup your breast. He pinched your nipple before quickly tugging at the hem of your sweatshirt.
“Can this come off?” he breathed into your mouth.
“Yes please” you said before he pulled it off you, exposing your bare chest to him. You felt very self conscious, it had been a little while since you had gotten naked with anyone.
“Hey don’t be shy, you’re gorgeous” he said before connecting your lips once more before he stood up to remove his shirt and shorts, leaving him in a pair of boxer briefs. You tried your best to not look at his growing bulge, but it was hard to resist.
Suddenly he was kneeling on the ground, body in between your spread legs.
“Jake you really don’t have to” “Oh trust me, I want to, '' he says before running his fingers up and down over your clothed core, moving his fingers to the waistband of your shorts, pulling your panties down with them.
“God you’re so fucking sexy” he mutters before expertly pressing the pad of his thumb onto your clit, his other hand pushing on your thigh to keep your legs spread.
“Fuck, Jake, I need more” you groan, your arousal now dripping between your folds.
“Don’t worry baby girl, I’ve got you”
Those words alone probably could have made you cum, but then Jake entered a finger into you, causing your hands to tangle in his long hair, slightly pulling.
“Goddamn babe you’re tight” he said, looking at you in awe before adding another finger and leaning down to toy your clit with the tip of his tongue. His fingers were pumping in and out of you at a steady rhythm, and every so often he’d curl them to perfectly hit your g-spot.
“Jake you need to stop or else I’m gonna cum” you say as you pull his head back, looking him in the eyes.
“That’s okay” he reassures you.
“No, when I cum I want it to be around you” you say.
“Fucking hell y/n” he groans out in a raspy voice.
You get up and kiss him before pushing him down on the couch, his erection straining against the fabric of his boxers. You tug at the waistband, and he lifts his hips up to assist you. You took a moment to admire his length before wrapping your hand around it. He was a couple inches above average, with a nice girth to him. His head tipped back in bliss as you continued to give him a few more strokes before positioning yourself above him, running his tip back and forth across your slit. Slowly, you sank yourself down onto him, taking as much of him in as you could.
“Fuck fuck fuck Jake, you’re really fucking big” you breath out, only able to fit about half of him in you at this angle.
“Just do what you can baby” he says before softly pressing a kiss on your forehead, telling you that it was okay.
You started moving yourself up and down on him as best you could, starting to adjust more to his size. The stretch burned but slowly started turning more pleasurable.
After a few minutes your legs were starting to hurt and his length slipped out of you.
“Will you fuck me from behind?” you blurt out, sweat running between the valley of your breasts.
“I’d be honored” Jake responds, offering a smile before getting up.
He moves you so that your hands are on the back of the couch, holding you steady and your knees rest on the edge of the sofa, sticking your ass out towards Jake. You can hear him move behind you, hands finding their way to your ass, before you feel him run his tip up and down your slit once again.
“Ready?” he asks.
You nod in response and instantly feel him push his way into you, letting you adjust for a second before pushing the rest of his length in you.
“Oh my fucking god Jake” you say as you bury your head in the couch cushions, his dick hitting a spot in you that you didn’t even know was there.
“Oh god you’re doing so good baby girl, taking all of my cock.” he says as he begins to pump in and out of you, starting off slow but gradually picking up the pace.
It feels amazing, better than you had imagined. You wanted him to stay in you forever, make you see stars all the time. Within a minute you were contracting around him, nearing your edge.
“Jake I’m almost there, please faster”
“Me too baby, me too” he says as he starts thrusting even faster than before, wrapping his arm around you to toy with your clit.
All it takes is a few more pumps and you can feel him explode inside you, groaning your name loudly and leaning over your back, but still circling your clit with his fingers. It’s enough to bring you to your peak, walls contracting around him, burying your head in your arms. Once you’ve both come down you stay in that position for a minute, before he pulls out of you and collapses on the couch, pulling you into his chest.
“That was way better than I imagined” he breathes out, hand stroking your hair.
“Oh so you’ve thought about this before? That's embarrassing” you say in a sarcastic tone.
“Hey I’m sure you aren’t so innocent yourself” he says smiling down at you.
“We should probably get dressed, I’m sure your brothers and the other goons will be stumbling in anytime now.” you tell him as you get up and search for your clothes.
“You’re probably right. Hey, let's do this again sometime” he says, cheeks going red.
“Hmm...I’ll see if I can fit you into my schedule” you respond, giving him a quick wink.
These next few months surely were going to be an adventure, and you didn’t want to miss a second.
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mellohidisc · 3 years
╰ ☆ ╮𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 - discord au ✰⋆
1.2k 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 | 𝚜𝚕𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚕𝚒𝚏𝚎, 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭: "𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘦, 𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘳𝘨𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘻𝘦𝘥 𝘐 𝘢𝘮." // "𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘶𝘪𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘱𝘴 𝘣𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘳."
𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖘: 5/5 𝘧𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 || 𝘺/𝘯 & 𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱
Tumblr media
I plopped my bag on my unmade and definitely in need of a wash bedsheets. I looked down on it, scrunching my nose seeing blemish marks upon my white sheets. Don’t ask me what it is, maybe dirt? Marker? Maybe the last drops of a monster energy drink that I chucked across my room into the garbage can. I’m not too sure what exactly it is to be quite honest. I’ve been so busy and tired, and the state of my bedroom defiantly showed it. University is hard, especially when it isn’t your only responsibility. With all the homework, my job and trying to keep my long-distance relationship above water it is especially hard.
But for once, the world was on my side. It was the weekend, I didnt have work and nothing due soon for school. I could get a rest, fucking finally. I walked my self over to my desk, and sat down in the chair. Unlike George and his streamer friends with these super expensive duel monitor and pc set up bullshit, I just had my laptop, and fuck Dream for making fun of me for it. I unfolded it, pressing the power on button. I watched as it slowly booted up.
Okay, maybe Dream is right but still fuck him.
I refuse to give that man the satisfaction of saying "I told you so." After waiting for a few to let it boot up all the way, I clicked through onto discord.
sex havers and y/n.
fucking idiots, all five of them.
looking over to the voice channels i saw them all in vc 2. I pondered, and questioned if I was mentally stable enough to listen to karl and quackity scream into my ear. I knew the answer was no but...oh, my finger slipped.
"y/n!" karl yelped with excitement. I felt a second wind rip through my body. that was the effect these boys had on you, if you think you're tired you're actually not.
"hi george." i said brightly, knowing it would offend karl greatly.
"hi hun." he said shortly, taking me off guard. i could hear him slamming on his keyboard.
"what are you playing?" i asked, going to click on his discord profile to find out.
"phasmaphobia, come save me from karl. he's been screaming the whole time in the lobby."
"hell no babe, you're on your own im sorry."
"for once, i agree with them." dream chimed in, making me roll my eyes and make a fake gagging noise at him.
dream has one of the kindest hearts i know of. we just fucked around with each other, but we could never seriously hate each other. he was like a brother to me, and no not one of those weird fucked up "i have a crush on my boyfriends best friend" things, but just a genuine great friend.
my thoughts we're interrupted by a loud scream from sapnap, and quackity and karl yelling run. I winced, smashing the volume down button on my laptop.
"alright nope! no no im done! i am closing the game." george said frantically, you laughed as you watched his discord status change.
"awe did the ghostie boy scare you?" i tease gently, testing the waters. with george sometimes, i could never tell when the teasing would be too much.
before he could anwser, i saw karls face appear on my computer screen making me giggle. he had the camera zoomed all the way into his face, staring dead into the camera.
"george..." he growled lowly, making you laugh.
"yes karl?" george asked innocently.
the whole call bursted into laughter, i watched my screen go from only karl to karl and quackity.
oh dear god...
anytime alex has his camera on we knew we were in for it.
i watched quackity as he grabbed a stuffed pillow from behind him, and a pair of scissors off his desk.
"george listen- listen to me. this pillow-" he waved it in front of the camera.
"this is you. now this is a pair of scissors." he proceeded to wave them in front of the camera also.
"now george, i want you to turn your camera on for me."
george groaned in protest.
"SHUT UP AND DO IT!" quackity yelled, i whined at him to shut the hell up.
I watched the screen grow again into three cameras on, butterflies filling my stomach as I saw george's smile. sometimes it just feels so surreal to me, how he gave me the time of the day really. when I first meet him he didn't seem like the type to date anyone, and if he did he would have been the type to forget he was dating someone and not answer for days.
yet he proved me wrong.
being with george has been one of the best relationships i've been in. he was kind and caring, and yeah he had a hard times being comforting but he showed his compassion in other ways. whether it be a meme he made himself to make me laugh, or a something as small as sending me a cat video link.
"y/n! turn on your camera." sapnap demanded, making you frown your brows.
"what! why? since when did you have yours on sap?"
"well if you weren't day dreaming ab mr gog mister over here you would have saw me put it on."
I rolled your eyes. I scanned my bedroom and made a face. It is a fucking mess in here.
"okay but dream doesn't have his on." i point out, knowing that wasn't going to help me.
"yeah thats because its dream." karl retorted.
"turn it on."
"turn it on."
"turn it on."
The four of them stared to chant, as dream laughed in the background.
"I fucking hate you guys." I groaned, hitting the camera button on discord.
Quackity placed the bear and scissors down, standing up out of his seat to lean closer to the computer screen.
"holy shit y/n! did a hurricane come through your room or something?" he laughed, half jokingly.
the boys knew they couldn't genuinely say shit, after all they are boys.
"oh fuck off. i would love to see your bedroom."
"i guess this makes me the organized one in the relationship." george says proudly, gleaming with joy.
the boys and i laughed at him, watching his mouth slowly open wide and a look of disbelief spreading across his face.
"what! why are you laughing?"
"george, you and i both know you are the least organized person in the world." dream told him.
i giggled watching georges reactions to their comments. his mannerisms were apart of his humor, the hand gestures and the facial expressions.
"no okay no guys please. listen-"
"guys pleaseeee" sapnap whinned mockingly, sending us all into laughter.
"screw off! babe tell them how organized i am!" he yelled through a laugh.
my eyes widened, fuck. you tried quickly to think of a lie to make him look stupid but good at the same time.
"last night he ate his fruit loops by color." i said, nodding trying to sell it.
"HES FUCKING COLOR BLIND YOU LIAR!" dream yelled loudly.
i covered my mouth from laughing so hard. holy shit. thank god i dont have anything to do tomorrow its going to be a long night.
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its5amgotosleep · 3 years
Hickeys and shattered hearts / Maria Hill x Stark!reader / Natasha x Stark!reader
A/N:This one's kinda sad but also kinda cute idk
Warning: Light angst, cursing ofc.
дорогой - Sweetheart
You were new to the Avenfers despite being Tony Starks sister. They didn't know he had a sister because he never told them per your request. And only introduced yourself during the battle of New York showing up in an iron suit.
Although you had already worked for Shield even before Tony did as an agent. You helped him build some of his suits, even made your own
Tony and you were slightly different from each other with you being more on the nicer and sweeter side but still had his wit and sass.
You got along with the rest of them team really well, especially with a certain red headed assassin. Natasha had gotten to like you a lot after a few years of being colleagues, though was a complete wreck at asking you out.
Now you and the Avengers are in Sokovia battling with Ultron and his iron legion alongside new additions. Pietro and Wanda Maximoff.
"So when do you think help is on the way." You blasted through the robots that were lined up. "Any minute now cavalry."
"I didn't say we should leave.." You hear Natasha as you land to the ground. "There's worse ways to go." She finishes, you open your mask to breath a little better. "This isn't exactly how I planned mine to be." You said taking a few deep breaths.
"Where else am I gonna get a view like this." She motioned about the floating country. "Only once in a lifetime." You try to see through the smoke.
"I hope you like the view Romanoff. It's about to get better." Fury says through the coms as the helicarrier emerges up from the clouds and smoke. "Nice right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends. She's dusty but she'll do."
"Fury you son of a bitch." You and Steve say as you looked in awe at the flying ship. "Oh, you two kiss your mother with that mouth?"
"I wouldn't really call her my mother, but yes I do kiss her with my mouth." You grinned as mask closed again ready for the second wave. Nat didn't know you were in a relatiowith someone only till a few weeks ago.
You were searching up on new technology to improve you and you brothers suits. Recently discovering about Nanotechnology, after days of research you've only managed to create a protoype for only the helmet.
You heard the door knock and said out a come in. "Hey, Y/N have you seen Bruce?" Natasha came in as you still had on the mask thst only reached the bottom of your neck.
"No sorry, haven't seen him since like an hour ago. Maybe he's in his room I guess." You shrugged as the mask slowly disappeared like it was dissolving from your face.
"Whoah how'd you do that you fuckin wizard or something." Nat looked at you surprised. "Cool right?" You grinned at her as you put the tech on a mannequin.
"I'll go find him, sorry to bother you." She smiled a little. "Yeah no problem." You focused on the computer. She was nearly out of the room when she noticed a bruise on the side of your neck.
Once you turned around a little it showed more purple and red spots on your neck. "Y/N.." She trailed as you looked up at her. "Yeah?"
"What happened to." She motioned to her neck and you looked at her in confusion. "Huh? Why? Is there something wrong?" You asked still confused.
"Look at the mirror." Her tone laced with a hint of jealously. "I don't what's- Oh!" You cut off your own sentence when you saw you reflection in the mirror. Red and purple marks scattered on your neck.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry you had to see that!" Shrieking you activated the mask again hide them and your embarrassed face.
You hit your head on palm of your habd a few times chanting to yourself that you were stupid to not notice. "Look, it's ok, I've seen worse. Do you want me to help you with it?" Nat brushed of the feeling in the pit of her stomach.
"No no, I don't want to take away more time from you. I can just cover this up with some make up." The front of the mask opened as you had a sorry smile for her. But Natasha wanted to stay longer, she wanted to stay with you.
"Ok just, just call me if you need anything." She said as you let out a final apology and a thank you. "F.R.I.D.A.Y, please call Agent Hill immediately please." You command the A.I thingking that the ex russian spy was gone.
"What is it Stark? Somethibg happened?" Maria said from the other line. Natasha hid behind a wall to eavesdrop, yes it was wrong, but she just wanted an answer to her question.
"Don't Stark me Hill, you know what exactly happened." You spat before sending a photo to her. "I can't believe you didn't tell me before I left!" You sighed running a hand through your hair.
"I don't get what- Oh, Oh!" Maria stopped midway when she saw the photo you sent. "Well you didn't exactly say anything when we were-" "Don't you dare finish that sentence Hill or I will slap you across the face." You threatened through gritted teeth.
Natasha left not needing and not wanting to hear your conversation. She only asked for Bruce to have an excuse to see you.
Now she's left to go to the gym to blow off some steam and to avoid her heart from shattering entirely.
"I think I know who you're talking about. You two together the whole night at the party right?" Clint said as he smirked at you as you flew past him.
"You're seeing someone and you didn't tell me? I feel betrayed- I am betrayed." Tony sounded genuinely upset over the fact that Clint new and not him.
"We agreed not to tell anyone, and that anyone including you brother." You said matter of factly.
You saw Clint rushing behind a rock with a little boy trying to get to cover from the iron legion who were about to rain bullets on them.
Also noticing a blue and silver trail speeding towards them, you land right infront of Pietro and Clint shielding the three from the bullets, after they were done it was your turn to start beaming at them.
"What you didn't see that coming?" Opening the front of your mask to smirk at Pietro who looked at you like you were crazy.
"After this Fury, I'm gonna take a break. I've seen enough robots for the year. Person I am seeing you owe me a date." You say taking down a few more robots.
"I am going to pretend I didn't see her nod her head and smile. Stark you two have sone explaining to do before any dates will happen." Fury eyed Maria giving the 'Really? You two?' look.
The three of you got on to one of the ships to the helicarrier. "I'm sorry for what's about to happen." You apologetically glance at Pietro about Sokovia.
"Not exactly the way I wanted my chapter to end, but I guess it's something. This is where my family was made, this was also where it was destroyed, and where my twin and I made into well.. Whatever we are." His thick accent following through every word..
After the battle with Ultron, the civilians were given the help that they needed. "Having fun staring at the wall? It's an interesting wall don't get me wrong." You smiled as you walked towards Natasha.
"What'd you call me for? You need help finding Bruce again?" You asl as she shook her head turning to fully look at you.
"Not really, I just wanted to tell you something." Nat looked nervous which surprised you for the very first time. "It's about you."
"Me?" You pointed to yourself. "I- jesus christ this is harder than I thought." Nat let out a heavy sigh as you put a hand on her shoulder. "Hey its ok, take your time." You reassured her.
"I like you." She knew that you knew what it meant and was expecting to take your hand of her shoulder but you didn't. "I'm sorry Nat I really am, you're an amazing person."
"I know you can't, that's why I'm telling you this to let it out of my chest." Sadness was evident in her tone but she had to accept the fact the you can't love her back.
"I'll go beat up Hill if she hurts you." Nat joked as you pushed her shouler lightly. "We still friends?" You mumble as you pulled her to a hug.
She reciprocated by wrapping her arms around you. "Always." She said against your shoulder. "I better not find you downing a bottle of vodka later." You threatened as she just chuckled.
"I'll try not to." She says as you pulled away from the hug to glare at her. "No promises дорогой." She playfully smirked at you.
Natasha swore to herself to be there for you until the end. Not as lovers but as friends. Always and forever
Natasha left with Steve because they were evaluating the new recuits for the Avengers, she asked you if you wanted to come with her but you declined saying you were gonna meet with someone.
"Hey.." Maria said as she leaned against a wall seeing you walk down the halls. "Hi, were you waiting for me?" You ask as you walked closer to the Agent.
"No I wasn't." She simply replied as she looked at you and smiled "Really? Cause you looked like you were waiting for me." You raised a brow at her staring at hers, cold blue eyes thst somehow radiated warmth whenever she looked at you.
"Maybe I was maybe I wasn't." She smirked at you causing you to roll your eyes by her answer. "What were you doing before going here?" She asked as you two walked together.
"Oh I jusst rejected someone." You sighed rethingking what happened earlier. "Was it Natasha?" Maria says non chalanty.
You looked at her with a 'how the fuck.' face. "How the fuck did you know?" Your eyes wide as they can be. "I've known for a while know. At first I was worried about it."
"Oh yeah? Why so?" "Because I love you and you love me, simple as that." She gave a quick peck before walking ahead of your blushing face.
"Atleast kiss me properly Agent." You caught up to her and pulled her down for a proper kiss, instinctively placing her hand on your waist.
You pulled away as Maria was about to deepen in. "Although I'd love to but I only said for a proper kiss." Now it was your turn to give her quick peck before walking ahead of her.
"This so very cringey but also so cute at the same time." Coulson solighed as he saw the whole thing happen.
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intothewickedwood · 2 years
Once Upon A Time In Wonderland Rewatch: 1x10 Dirty Little Secrets
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Oh God, it’s HER! The Woman in the Well is gonna be in this episode and I am not okay. She is legit the most terrifying thing I’ve ever seen or heard so I will not be looking at her. I really hope I don’t see her by accident!
Cyrus was such a little sh*t back in the day. I still love him though. Cool to see he’s not perfect.
I think Cyrus is the middle brother, right?
What bastards! How did they find out where the brother’s lived? Cheating doesn’t warrant getting your house set on fire. Their poor mother!  
Will (about his bottle): “There’s not a lot of elbow room. And do you know what else there isn’t.” Alice: “Please don’t tell us.” Will: “A toilet!” God, I love there dynamic and for real, I was thinking that! Poor Cyrus, all that time with no toilet, no bath. Where’s a genie supposed to go?  
Anastasia: “Magical waters flow underneath all of the lands.” That reminds me of what August said to Emma in 1x13: “Water is a very powerful thing. Cultures as old as time have worshiped it. It flows throughout all lands, connecting the entire world. If anything had mystical properties, if anything had magic... well, I'd say it'd be water.” I guess that’s how mermaids can travel across realms. And it seems you can summon the guardian of the well from anywhere. Jesus Christ, she better not crawl out of my bath!! #neverusingwateragain  
The Jabberwocky: “... or would you rather talk about your 2 children, who are being bathed by their mother in the river as we speak? ‘How quickly can she get there?’, you're wondering. ‘How will she k*ll them? Will she have mercy on the baby?’ The answers are... very fast, very slow, and no. I don't care much for babies.” Got she’s chilling.
I wonder what she whispered to him. Something about Lizard?
The Jabberwocky’s definitely a telepath.  
Eww gross! Gross! Can’t believe they took out Lizard’s- now googly- eyes and are using them to see what she saw. Can’t they just use a dreamcatcher or something, like Emma used with Pongo. I guess it wouldn’t work because she’s dead. Poor Lizard.
I’m feeling sick looking at those!  
Apparently, Jafar’s chant; “De visu intueri. Visione revelare” is latin for “to look out of sight. To reveal a vision” according to good old, untrusty google translate.
It’s interesting that Jafar uses so much Latin to cast his spells. I don’t remember if we saw any other characters in Ouat use it. Maybe Amara taught him a whole other type of magic.
Alice: “Are you looking forward to seeing your brothers again?” Me: “You know who I’m freaking not looking forward to seeing again?!”
Rabbit really needs a break.
Wow. Ana really wants to help now. Good for her!
Jabber’s having so much fun playing peekaboo with Ana.
It’s like Jabber’s voice is coming from inside Ana’s head. So cool!
Oh snap! She’s been impaled! That looks painful!  
The way Jabber looks hurt and then starts laughing in a taunting manner.  
Ouch! And then just freaking stretches her way through the swords hilt like it’s nothing!
Ana looks like she’s going to collapse.
Oh, it’s fine, Jabber headbutted her unconscious instead haha!  
Jabber’s having so much fun. You go girl!
I love Ana too, but I just want Jabber to thrive, okay??
Love this door riddle.  
Everything he says is a lie so does that mean none of the doors lead to certain doom?
JESUS CHRIST!! My computer messed up, so I had to fast forward back to where I was, and I accidently saw some of the Guardian’s face and I am not okay!! Ngl, kinda terrified right now.
Be brave, Becky. Be brave. Whenever I’m scared, I try to think of myself as Charming wielding my sword and ready to face whatever comes for me. It really helped me because I used to be frightened of my own shadow. I still can be but it’s nowhere near what it used to be. Anyway, gonna pick up one of my toy swords and cuddle it for the remainder of this episode.
Okay, here she comes. Not looking. Not looking.
Why does she talk like that?! I want my mummy!  
Well, at least she said sorry for their suffering.  
So, is that riddle guy a human who’s been given instructions to tell lies or is he some sort of creature who can only tell lies?
Oh, he disappeared. Must be some sort of magical illusion.
Well done Alice for figuring that out! She’s actually pretty clever. I always forget that.
Jafar must be confused about Ana’s sudden change of accent.
Jafar: “It would never have worked out between us!” So, were they, like, together romantically? I’m so confused about that.
Now he’s stroking her forehead with his nose. What went on between them? Or are they just like that?
She’s coming again, isn’t she? Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t.  
Their mum’s okay!
And the big reveal! Cyrus’ mother is Amara! I think I remember this absolutely shook me.  
They’re so happy!
Tell him where his mummy is!
Also, don’t hurt me.
Amara: “She’s coming for you.” AAAAAAAAAH!
My worst nightmare! Run for your lives!!
I’m not watching her, but I know she just emerges from the water in the floor and that is the creepiest sh*t ever.
My mum and I always joke that because of her dreads, she’s Jamaican and we randomly say, “give me back me watah!!” in a scary Jamaican accent, while imitating her, to frighten each other. We’re of Jamaican descent, so it brings us endless joy.  
Will: “You know she can't hurt you.” Jabber: “I don't want to hurt you. I want to help you. You've suffered so much. You've already lived a life of fear, haven't you? You believe that if the prince had chosen you instead of your stepsister, then... your mother would have loved you. And now you fear that love is forever out of reach, and that deep, dark hole in your heart will remain empty... a hollow reminder... of the life you could have had. [ Laughs ] [ Inhales deeply ] Can you feel me inside that head of yours, drifting from room to room? I can see... everything. There's a darkness in you. It's like a disease. It's rotting you from the inside. You ran away from the only love you've ever had, and now you fear... ...you'll never get it back. You and I have something in common now. We both know exactly who you are. And you're terrified that it's only a matter of time before he knows, too. You can't ever get his love back. [ Gasps ] But that's not really what you want. Is it? Or you never would have donned that crown all those years ago. You made the right choice. Do it again. Wish for your precious... precious... crown.” Jabber’s powers are so cool! I love what she does. She is absolutely destroying poor Ana by getting in her head. Also, come on, a stepsister and a prince? She’s gotta be Cinderella’s stepsister, right?
Oh my God and the way she makes her wish for her crown and jewels. They seem like such silly items in the grand scheme of things, and she’s forced to wish for them, reminding her of the life she chose over Will. It was all worthless without love.
If I was Ana, I’d wish for a Pizza. At least you can do more than wear a pizza.
She can’t bear to see Will hurt.
You can tell Jabber is actually doing something inside Ana’s head. We can only see half of what she’s doing to affect her. She gives new meaning to the phrase, “messing with your head.”
That was such an awesome scene! I wish every ouat and ouatiw character was put through this so we could learn each of their deepest fears. So, I want a spin off series called: Fun Therapy Sessions with Jabber right before Therapy Sessions with Archie. I kinda wanna make a fic series about this. I’m a hurt/comfort gal, what can I say? If anyone wants a to write this, I’ll give you all my cookies!
Sweet of Tweedledum to still care about the Red Queen even though she was awful to him.
Cyrus: “Alice, you followed me. How much did you see?” Alice: “Oh not much. Just enough to give me nightmares for the rest of my life.”
Only 3 episodes left! I’m not ready to say goodbye! This series is awesome!
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lancermylove · 3 years
Gamers (HC)
Fandom: BSTS, Obey Me, Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: None
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Henlo~ HCs for how a meeting between Idia, Levi, and Taiga would go down? 👀 Assuming you can get them out and in one place ... lol. I wonder who the better gamer is
A/N: Omg that would be hard to find out who would be the better gamer. Well, Taiga could cheat and hack lol. This turned more into a friendship HC than a versus. 😆
The three men were teleported to an unknown room and were shocked to see the unfamiliar surroundings. They stared at each other for quite a while in silence until Taiga mumbled, "I am going to play games..." 
"Y-You're a g-gamer too?" Idia and Levi asked in unison. 
Once again awkward silence filled the room as they stared at each other in disbelief. 
"Y-You...look like a n-normie," Levi muttered while looking at Taiga, then shifted his gaze to Idia, "you...wo-woah, is your h-hair on fire!?" 
Taiga raised his eyebrow and cautiously walked closer to the blue-haired man, causing Idia to shrink into a corner. 
"It definitely looks like fire, and the movement is also similar...," Taiga smiled, "that's pretty cool." 
"S-So, where a-are we...and h-how do we get out?" Levi questioned as he looked around the small, simple room. 
"W-What's th-that?" Idia pointed towards a small button on the opposite side of the room. 
Levi nervously pressed the button, causing the room to shake for a few seconds before revealing a door. 
Taiga twisted the doorknob and stepped into a room that looked like a high-tech gaming facility. "This room looks like every gamer's dream."
"Y-Yeah," Levi nodded, "w-why are there t-three computers?" 
The three men assumed to return to their world, they would have to compete with each other.   
"I'll win no matter what," they whispered in sync. 
The three looked at each other shocked and yet again they had an awkward staring contest.
For a while, Taiga, Levi, and Idia tried to compete but in vain. They each had their specialty and were stuck in an endless “tied game” cycle.
"Hm...you two aren't bad at all," Taiga lazily said with a smirk. 
"Y-Yeah..." Levi agreed while Idia wordlessly glanced at the two out of the corners of his eyes.
"Why don't we try working together? Maybe we can come up with a way out of here faster." 
Taiga's words shocked both men, and they looked at him with wide eyes and open mouths. 
"W-Work..t-together?" The blue-haired man asked, "y-you wa-want to work w-with me?" 
"And..m-me?" Levi asked, tilting his head to one side. 
"Yeah, why not? I mean I am used to working in a team, and it'll benefit all of us if we put our brains together," Taiga smiled and rubbed the back of his head. 
"L-Like f-friends?" Idia questioned still in shock. 
"I guess..." 
"O-Okay," Levi smiled and gave Taiga a firm nod. 
While Levi toyed with the game, Taiga hacked into the mainframe, and Idia examined and made modifications to the machines.
It took a few hours, but when they finished, a message flashed on the computer screens, "You win! Portal access unlocked. Please wait for the portals to appears." 
"YAHOO, we did it!" Taiga's loud voice startled the other two men. 
Idia looked around the room and slowly raised his hand, mumbling, "Yahoo."
Levi smiled and threw one of his hands up in the air, "Yahoo." 
"Well, friends, we did it. Looks like we just have to wait," Taiga chuckled and plopped onto one of the chairs. 
"F-Friends?" The other two asked in harmony. 
"Yeah," the purpled-haired man smiled, "nice to meet you guys. My name is Taiga, I'm 25 years old and am a performer. I like to play games, know how to hack, and have an older brother...who is missing. When I'm not on stage or playing games, I'm looking for him." 
"P-Performer? Stage?" Levi blinked rapidly and covered his mouth with one hand, "Y-You're an idol?" 
"Um...not exactly...I work at a show restaurant. I am in a team with 5 members, and one of us sings while the others act and dance..." 
"But that st-still makes you an i-idol...you have fans, right?" The corners of Levi's lips curled up as he asked eagerly. 
"Yeah, I do.”
"You...stand on s-stage in f-front of people...?" Idia mumbled as a shiver ran down his spine. Just the thought of having all those eyes on him made him want to hide under his bed. 
"Yeah, I get nervous sometimes, but it's fun," Taiga replied, "especially when the fans chant my name." 
"I should introduce myself too. H-Hi, I am Leviathan. I like anime, idols, games, TSL, and Ruri-chan. Um, I have 6 brothers...," Levi glanced at Taiga, "I hope you find your brother soon. I also live in Devildom...and am a d-demon." 
"Thanks, Le- wait, what? You're a....demon? Like the ones with horns and wings?" The purpled-haired man asked in utter shock as Idia backed away from Levi. 
"Y-Yeah....want to see?" The demon unleashed his demonic form, causing the other men to grow fearful for a moment. Taiga slowly got closer to Levi and reached for his horns while Idia touched the tail. 
"You know...there's a myth in my world that has a sea serpent name Leviathan," Taiga said, "oddly enough, you have a serpent-like tail...and scales."
"T-That's...a-amazing...," Idia showed a toothy grin, "I am I-Idia Shroud. I have a yo-younger brother, Ortho, and I like g-gaming. I d-don't like to leave m-my room. N-Nice to me-meet you...I guess..." 
Just as the fire-haired man finished introducing himself, three portals opened, one behind each of the men. 
"Um...so it's t-time to go?" Levi asked, studying the three color-coded portals. 
"Yeah...but I wonder why we were brought here, and who was responsible," Taiga mumbled, resting his hands on his hips. 
"I-Is it o-okay to g-go through t-these po-portals?" Idia asked, rubbing his left hand on his right upper arm. 
"We won't know until we try," Taiga sighed, "it was nice meeting you two. You guys are pretty cool..." 
"T-Thanks." Idia's lips slowly curled upwards, revealing his sharp teeth. 
"You are c-cool too," Levi mumbled and blushed. "Will...we be able to meet each other again?" 
"Maybe, if we get called here again...or by some miracle. Um, I know the two of you will not be able to come, but here." Taiga handed the two men tickets to Team W's performance," My team has a show coming up soon..." 
"G-Good luck," Levi smiled and accepted the black ticket with red writing. 
"T-Thanks." Idia graciously took the laminated paper.
The three men waved to each other before walking towards the portals closest to them in hopes that they will meet again someday. 
➣ BSTS Masterlist ➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Twisted Wonderland Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
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sirthisisa-wendys · 3 years
The Enforcers: Part 4 (Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader)
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synopsis: You're propelled to the heights of fame with your constant success with Suguru, but what goes up... must come down.
wc: 1.3k
tw: none (next part will be different)
Your name and the word "success" are intertwined by the third month of your Kitsune career. With the help of Suguru, you're practically unstoppable, sniffing out criminals all over the city and bringing them out to face justice. Even the Leviathans come to admire Geto, who stands tall as redeemed and a big brother to many of the new recruits.
But even as you reach the height of your fame, there's a nagging feeling that sits in the back of your mind.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
Same misery, but with a paycheck.
It's like a chant that haunts you in the middle of the night, and you lay awake most nights, thinking of escaping. But then the sun comes up, you rise from your bed, and you pretend that everything is okay for another eighteen hours.
Suguru notices your despondency and even mentions it over dinner, but you snap at him, telling him you were "fine", and leave him alone with the others. As you stalk off, you grumble to yourself and rub your temples, wondering when the feelings would subside. When you reach your barrack, you slide into your chair and begin your research for your current mission when you frown at your computer screen.
You always closed out the network of files when you left the room.
So why was the finder open?
And why was there a file sitting on your computer labeled "For Y/n"?
You click on the file hesitantly, knowing any wrong move could open a virus on your desktop, but your scanner doesn't pick up anything odd, and the file opens, revealing four documents, two videos, and two audio files.
All of them are labeled with your first and last name except for the audio files, which are labeled "One" and "Two".
You hesitate again. What is this pandora's box, you wonder internally. Should you even... your mouse drags to the first audio file and you click on it. Your sound is too low to hear the first part, so you rewind it and play it again. You hear the following words first:
"Hello, y/n," a robotic voice says, its tone flat and unmoved, and goosebumps break out across your skin. "You have shown great promise in your field as a Kitsune, and we know you feel empowered by your success. But there are some things you should know about the men and women you work for." You pause the audio file, heart thumping wildly in your chest as you consider the idea that this is either a test of loyalty or a cruel prank. Either way, you'd had enough.
You stand from your computer and walk around your room, covering your prickly flesh with clammy hands. Someone broke into your room to put files on your computer, addressed them to you, and made it seem like you were being watched by some outside source. But who would want to scare you? Who would--
"Y/n?" Suguru opens your door and gives you a look of deep concern, but you try your best to mask your look of fear. "Are you feeling okay?"
"I'm okay; I haven't been sleeping well," you admit, and Suguru nods, rubbing his neck nervously.
"I have something that could help you if you want. Just a sleep aid. We're given it when we start training to calm us before--"
"Sure." Geto disappears, then reappears with two pink pills.
"Take these right before bed. You'll be off to sleep in no time."
"Thanks," you reply, setting them on your bedside table and stretching. Suguru stands in your bedroom, looking at you for a second more. "I should get off to--"
"Right," he mutters, then leaves you in the room by yourself again.
But you don't take the pills.
Instead, you stay awake, looking at the computer screen from your bed, wondering just who would be daring enough to come into your space uninvited and place those... things on your desktop.
Curiosity eats at you for three more hours until finally, at sunup, you crack.
Keys rattle furiously under your fingertips as you type in your password and click on the first audio file yet again.
"Hello, y/n. You have shown great promise in your field as a Kitsune, and we know you feel empowered by your success. But there are some things you should know about the men and women you work for. If you wish to proceed in this endeavor, click on the first video. We know you have no reason to trust us, but we hope you will see this as a show of good faith and use the information for good. Reveal, don't conceal."
You drift over to the first video file, and a black screen comes up, the title words popping up moments later:
L/N, W. May 23. Project Kudzu Debrief.
Your father appears on the screen right after, his eyes looking dead into the camera. He's in his standard, antiquated Kitsune attire, with more hair and brighter eyes than you've ever seen. He's much younger; that you recognize instantly.
"Okay, Mr. L/n, go ahead and state your rank and case for the CSB."
"Mr. W. L/N, Kitsune, Project Kudzu."
"Thanks," a man offscreen mutters, then the sounds of flipping paper can be heard. "Now tell us about your project and what the results of it were."
"Um..." Your father shifts in his chair then rolls his neck around. "Project Kudzu is... or was, my bad." Laughs. "Project Kudzu was a ten-year effort concerning the relocation of lower-class citizens into rougher areas to produce Leviathan recruits. I spearheaded the effort with my research, and my partner, Leviathan C--" The name is bleeped out. "helped with the evictions and relocations."
"Okay," Rustling papers again. "And what were the results of this?"
"Exponential growth of the Leviathan enlistment, sir." Your father adjusts his glasses, nodding stiffly.
"Were those the desired results?"
"Yes, sir."
The screen goes black, and you stare at your open-mouthed reflection, shock flooding your veins. "Please watch the next video" pops up on your screen, and you click on it instantly, instinctively knowing who's next.
L/N, F. May 31. Project Redroot Debrief.
Your mother appears on screen, her cheeks plumper and figure fuller than it currently is. She's youthful, with long hair pinned into a bun and also in an antiquated Kitsune uniform.
"Name, rank, project," a female voice mumbles off-screen.
"Ms. F. L/N, Kitsune, Project Redroot."
"What were the aims of your project?"
"To relocate potential candidates for Kitsune potions into areas where large populations of Kitsune already reside."
"And your goal?"
"To increase Kitsune families and potential enlistment."
"How successful were you?" Your mother smirks at the camera, propping her chin upon her palm.
"How successful do you think I was?"
When the screen goes black, the taste of bile rushes into your mouth, and you rush to your bathroom, shoving a mouthful of toothpaste and your toothbrush onto your teeth. Something you can control, something you can control. But even your toothbrushing - which is normally a soothing habit - can't wipe away the look on your mother's face at her triumph. Project Kudzu... Project Redroot...
How could your parents be a part of something so sinister? Making the poor poorer and the elite... more elite?
These videos have to be fake, you tell yourself, circling back to the computer. But when you look up the metadata- which is neatly scrubbed of any trace of third parties - you see that they are in fact originals of the interview.
Finally, you take a look at the documents, the insignia and red letters "CONFIDENTIAL TS_CO" watermarked on the endless pages. TS_CO= Top Secret Clearance Only. This is above your paygrade, and exponentially so. But as you skim the redacted information, you see names, dates, your parent's names, their information, metrics, graphs, everything that you need to know that Project Redwood and Kudzu aren't fake.
They're real.
And they both happened right before you were born.
TAGLIST: @missbonekitty @wack0-genius @thankuary @jsqeeut @r-i-m-f-009 @sunfloweroranges @leanne-tamashi @girlruby23 @rein-icu @brownskinnedgirll @chanelmalandro @savantsoulfinder @jibe-gajima @chilledlucifer @amnxsia @kontentious @fuyuko26 @everybodylovescayrayray @flare-on
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fairlyspnfanfic · 4 years
The Ties That Bind Us - Part 5
Summary: When your past comes back to haunt you, who will prevail?  Hunting had been your life since your were 4 years old.  The monsters that started you on that path were resurfacing, and you knew what you had to do.  But nothing is ever truly secret, and nothing is ever that cut and dry with the Winchester’s in tow.
A/N: This is a new one that is coming from a few requests.  I’m not going to post the actual requests because…well because it would spoil the story line and I’m pretty into this one.
Words: 2328
Warnings: Trauma, medical terminology, stress, hospital waiting room
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My toes had been resting in the sand, fully submerged in the ocean saltwater, for hours. The chair I lounged in had sunk to the point that my seat was resting on the sand and was just beginning to cover the side rails. I could feel the warming rays of the sun on my skin, and I basked in the comfort of my parents sitting on either side of me.  
I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my knees and lazily dragging my fingertips over the surface of the water. I planted my feet and began pushing myself up to a standing position. Having been sitting so close to the ground, it took no shortage of effort to get myself upright.  
“So, what’s it gonna be, baby girl?” My father questioned me from his seat in the sand. Running my hands through my salt-air blown hair, I took a deep breath.  
“I don’t know.”  Looking out over the water, I crossed my arms over myself, hugging my elbows. I looked over at my mother, her ever-smiling face looking up at me.  
“They’ll be here before you know it,” she said soothingly. I scrunched my eyebrows together quizzically, confused once more. “The boys. The Winchester’s.”  Her answer was matter of fact. I hadn’t considered them, having been too elated to immerse myself in the bubble of happiness and relief that was my family being given back to me.  
“Dean,” I whispered, drawing my eyes back out to the water as the pit of my stomach dropped out.  
I heard my father chuckling behind me. “That boy’s a good nut. A little marred on the outside, mind you, and completely oblivious at that. But he’s a good nut.”  My arms loosened and I felt my shoulders relax as I allowed myself a laugh.  
“He really is.”  My words were tinged with a hint of sadness. I could picture his face. The panic that was etched into it, his wide green eyes staring at me, pleadingly, assuring me that I was going to be fine. 
“Hummingbird,” my mother’s voice pulled me from my thoughts of him. “I’ve known you for your entire life. From the first fluttering of your feet in my belly, and every second since. I’ve seen you grow into this beautiful woman, inside and out. But honey,” she paused briefly, taking a breath. “I’ve never seen you as happy as you are when you’re with that boy.”   
Her kind eyes seemed to be able to see right through me and directly into my heart, if not my soul.  
“But mom,” I whined. “I just got you back.” She reached out and held her hand open, gesturing for mine. I placed my hand gingerly into hers, feeling the prickling of tears coming to my eyes.  
“I know, Y/N. I know. But you’ll never lose us.”  She looked over at my father, her smile growing. “We’re always with you. And we’ll be here whenever you’re ready.”   
I knelt into the wet sand in front of her, the waves lapping at my legs as my jeans quickly soaked through. “What if I want to stay?”  
“Then you stay. But it’s up to you, baby girl,” my father answered nonchalantly.  
“I think I’ll just go for a walk. Clear my head a little, okay?”   
They both nodded back to me in response, as I began walking down the beach, my bare feet pressing into the sand with every step.  
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“Trap a reaper?  Dean, are you insane?”  Sam was yelling, his voice full of incredulity.  
Dean gave no answer, just stared at his brother expectantly.  
“No, Dean, this is crazy. We aren’t doing this!”   
Dean stepped quickly over to his brother, gathering the front of his shirt in his fists as he pushed Sam against the wall behind him violently.  
“Insane?” Dean’s voice was shaky and manic. “This is what we do, Sam!”   
“No,” Sam responded calmly. “It’s what we’ve always done, and it never ends well.”  He kept an even keel, ignoring the rage and sadness that were circling within him. He understood his brother’s actions but didn’t want to encourage them if he could help it.  
“It ends with our family together, Sam. That’s all that matters here!”  Dean’s fingers relaxed as he released his grip on Sam’s shirt and took a step back.  
Sam’s face dropped. “Y/N wouldn’t want this, and you know it.” 
“Well, she’s not here, is she?”  Dean’s yelling attracted the attention of the nurse that had been sitting at the computer at her station. She looked up at them with judgmental eyes. “Sir!” Her voice rang out with authority.  
“Sorry,” Dean answered, calming his voice down slightly but not breaking his eye contact with Sam.  
They stared at each other, neither willing to back down. “I’ll do it alone,” Dean stated softly. He grabbed the bag that he had set down on the chairs and stormed down the hall. Ducking into the first bathroom that he could find, he closed the door behind him, quickly throwing the lock.  
It didn’t take him long to get everything set up. Trap symbol painted, crucifix in the bottom of the mortar, ore, hemlock, what else?  What am I missing?  Dean went through the recipe in his head making sure he had everything just right. Finally, he dragged the blade of his pocketknife across his left palm, letting his blood begin to drip into the concoction as he threw a lit match down into it.  
“O theris tes, caleo se cai deo.”  He chanted the incantation and held his breath, praying that he’d done everything correctly.  
“Really, Winchester?  You’re summoning us into a washroom now?”  The reaper who Dean recognized as Jessica was indignant. “What is it this time?”  She threw her hands up in the air, disgusted, and attempted to walk away from him. Her foot faltered, hitting the edge of the symbol he had painted on the floor.  
“You have got to be kidding me!” Her irritation was tangible.  
“Not quite,” Dean answered with just a hint of casual jest. “I need your help.” 
“You usually do.”  Jessica was full of indignation. “What is it this time?  Running from some big bad?  Need to take a stroll through the land of the dead?  What could it possibly be now?”  Her anger was blazing, and though he would never admit it, Dean found himself intimidated by the reaper.  
“Y/N,” Dean said by way of explanation. But the reaper gave no response, simply shrugged her shoulder and lifted her palms to the ceiling.  
“What about her?”   
“I need you to bring her back. Work a miracle, pull her back from hell, I don’t care.”  He swallowed, his throat closing with pent up emotion. “Whatever it takes to bring her back. Just do it.” 
“There’s always a price, Dean.”  Her amusement was clear, both in her speech and body language, as she was now standing with one foot to the side, propping her right hip higher than the other as she stroked her chin.  
“Name it. I’ll pay it.”  His caramel-apple eyes began to tear as he struggled to hold them back. 
“Oh Dean, Dean, Dean. Always so willing to die for those you love.”  Jessica smiled, a devilishly delighted grin.  
“We have a deal or not?”  His gravelly voice enunciated his seriousness.  
“I haven’t even told you what I would require,” she droned. “Have some patience,” she spat at him in staccato as her grim smile quickly fell into a severe and intense glare.  
“I told you to name it, I don’t care. Just tell me what you want!”  
She hesitated, lightly pacing across the two or three feet that she had been granted. Suddenly, she stopped in the center of the mark, her head snapping up to Dean and that same devilish grin slowly drawing itself across her face.  
“What?”  Dean’s demand was loud, hoping to show her the urgency of the matter.  
“Nothing,” she said, succinctly and sweetly, her arms crossed in front of her.  
“Nothing?  You’re saying you want nothing in return?  What’s the catch?”  
“Call it a get out of jail free card, Dean.” 
He looked at her incredulously. “I don’t get it, why would you do it for nothing?” 
“Because you, Dean Winchester, will be in my debt. And I will hold that debt until it is paid in full. You can count on it. But for now,” She held her hands up, opening up her fingers as if demonstrating their emptiness. “For now, I want nothing. But you will come when I call,” she looked down at the trap before making eye contact with him again. “And I will call.”   
Dean paused, considering the offer and turning it over in his mind. “Done.”   
There was a knock at the door, startling Dean momentarily. “In a minute,” he yelled, waving the would-be-intruder off.  
“We have a deal, then?”  
Dean nodded in response, leaning down and scraping away the edge of the painted symbol. By the time he stood back up, Jessica was gone. He could only hope she would make good on it.  
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I walked down the beach, enjoying the feel of the warm sand between my toes and the water lapping at my feet. But internally, my mind raced. Getting my parents back was life changing. Or I guess, afterlife changing. I hadn’t seen then in decades, and yet being with them felt so natural. As if no time had passed at all. Each time my mother called me Hummingbird, the nickname I’d had since I was just kicking her bladder around in-utero, my heart soared. Each grunt or chuckle from my father sent delight through me. And yet, I felt as though I was in an impossible situation.  
The Winchester’s were there. Undoubtedly working through the job, or on their way to another. Could I leave them?  Could I really be truly happy knowing that I may never see them again?  May never see Dean again? The thought brought a sob from my mouth as I moved my hand up, running my fingers over my mouth.  
A seagull flew past me, cawing as it went, drawing my attention back behind me. I had walked farther than I had realized.  I could just make out my parents as they sat in their chairs, their silhouettes small and distant. Taking a moment, I faced the ocean again, feeling the slow drag as my feet sank into the sand more with each caress of the water. I could remember my mother taking me to beaches as a child. We would both sink, giggling at the loud smacking sounds that were created when we pulled our feet out.  
Smiling to myself, I looked back over towards my family and began walking again. But out of seemingly nowhere, my path was impeded by a person. A woman with long red hair and defined cheekbones stared at me, her face unreadable, wearing a long black trench coat.  
“Let’s go,” she said, matter-of-factly as she pulled her black gloves off her hands, one finger at a time.  
“What?”  I shook my head, confused.  
Her deep sigh did nothing to endear her to you, let alone to explain who she was. “You’re not the easiest soul to find up here, ya know. It took no shortage of effort on my part. Effort I should not be extending to begin with.”  Both of her gloves were off now, as she looked me in the eyes, unblinking but the corners of her mouth seemed to draw up, as though she wanted to smile but thought better of it.  
“Who are you?”  
“I’m Jessica.”   
I waited for an explanation that clearly was not coming voluntarily. “Jessica who?” 
“Y/N, we really don’t have time for this.”  She sighed through her sentence, obviously irritated.  
“Maybe you don’t, but I have all the time in the world apparently.”  My aversion to authority had kicked in and being pushed around by a stuck-up stranger did not bode well for it ending anytime soon.  
“Jessica. Reaper. Here to whisk you back to the land of the living as instructed.”  She rolled her eyes, clearly resentful.  
“Instructed by whom?”  She looked at me blankly, as if to tell me that my question as asinine.  
“He didn’t.”  My eyes were wide and felt as though they might burst out of my sockets.  
“Like I said,” she began. “We don’t have much time. It’s now or never, kid.”  
My eyes drifted over to my parents, my heart feeling as though it would break, as I felt Jessica’s cold hard fingertip press against my forehead and my vision went black. 
To be continued….
Part Six
Taglist (Tag requests are open):
@vicmc624​@waywardprincesa @heyyy-hey-babyyy​ @carissime72​ @deans-baby-momma​ @formulafun​ @woodworthti666​ @yetanotherreader​ @crashlyrose​ @hobby27​ @gabby913​ @jxackles​ @polina-93​@supernaturaladdictsblog  @fandomoverdose666​ @deans-baby-momma​ @deanwanddamons​ @tazzi-baby​ @acertainhero​  @lilulo-12
(Desperate attempt to get my faves to notice me) @thinkinghardhardlythinking @smol-and-grumpy @wonder-cole-reads @watermelonlipstick @that-one-gay-girl @waywardbaby
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rjshepofftheshits · 3 years
an incomplete list of things shepherd has done during her time in the organization
its a slow day in the castle, i thought i might take this brief respite to jot down a few more of the mischiefs shepherd has inflicted upon the castle over the years.
gotten drunk and played "fuck marry kill" with her Heartless, Ellie, in the castle, on live stream. ( i have seen and heard things from those harlots that i will one day describe in therapy.) (speak for yourself- xigbar)
Gotten drunk with Larxene and insisted it was unfair for me to have "so much cake" but "do nothing with it" larxene agreed. (side note, Demyx tells me she was not referring to baked goods.)
called Marluxia a "lactose intolerant french fuck" and that she "hopes he shits every pair of pants he owns " after he ate her whipped cream cupcake.
Caught her heartless and Lord Xemnas' Heartless in bed together. repeatedly asked the superior if that makes him her brother in law.
interrupted a meeting to ask if anyone wanted to swap heartless' with her because hers is " defective" for "finding anything xehanort shaped attractive"
Called lord Xemnas "a walking shitpost generator " whatever that means.
played a clown squeaking and truck reversing effect on her phone whenever No.11 walks by. (again, this only happened after he ate her cupcake. )
Repeatedly Threatened to throw herself off the altar of naught.
Repeatedly threatened to throw Others off the altar of naught (note to self, discuss adding safety railings with Lord Xemnas.)
filling no. 3's boots with jelly. ( not quite sure shepherd was responsible for that one. No 10's faint smell of cherry-ade and Xigbar's extra smug self satisfied grin leads me to believe there's more to it.)
installed youtube on the castles computer system( this started innocently. several members used it to listen to music in the mornings. but it quickly devolved into "creepy pastas" and cat videos. if i am forced to listen to "friday" one more time i shall throw the router out of the nearest window and revert to paper systems)
mimicked several folkloric monsters in an attempt to scare the other members. the list includes but is not limited to: transforming into momo and staring through windows at 2 am, transforming into a banshee and screaming like a rooster at 2am, transforming into a mermaid to "lure men to their deaths" ( she was dismayed to find out it did not work on male nobodies. except xigbar and demyx who went to her out of curiosity) and lastly using the voice of a creature known as "fiddlesticks" to chant ominously about our sins while hiding in the ventilation ducts. again, this was done at 2am.
played the kahoot music during meetings.
demanded that Vexen "stop being a knowitall prick" and "go outside and touch some fuckin' grass" ( I second this motion.)
spoke entirely in pop culture quotes for 6 days ( several of the other members expressed concern about her referencing things that happened decades or centuries ago as if she was there. )
in a similar vein, taught the younger members to speak in "memes". any attempt to decipher their speech or join in by the older members was met with ridicule.
taught roxas and xion to swear. (dont know what youre complainin' about blue. this was fuckin hilarious- Xigbar)
i am truly in awe over how shepherd manages to fit this much misbehaviour into her day. If i didn't know better i would suspect she has planned most of this days if not weeks in advance. Her ability to rope, bribe or otherwise coerce others into her train of madness is to be envied. A shame she doesn't put that time and skill to better use.
xigbar, if you know whats good for you, you will stop reading my journals.
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unholyobsessions · 4 years
Oblivious Memories
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Pairing: Julie x Luke
Description: The Universe is in charge of soulmates and making sure they meet. They have never met anyone as oblivious as Julie and Luke. 
Read on ao3
Warnings: none 
Word Count: 2.3k 
For my jatp secret valentine @vividblues262 I hope you enjoy this and you have a as good of a time reading it as I had writing it. thank you to @screwunsaidemily for organizing this! @jatpsecretvalentine​
The Universe is a powerful being. They create many great and beautiful things but the one they are revered most for, is soulmates. Each person is assigned someone who they are meant to be with. One just isn’t complete without their other half. 
According to everyone, you just know who your soulmate is. There is no specific experience. Some claim to see a string connect their wrists, others say it’s like seeing color for the first time, and others say it feels like your heart stops beating only for it to start again with the same beat as their person. 
Each soulmate meeting is unique, and the Universe admits, each pair is different. Some more stubborn than others to meet their person. So getting some people together is harder than others. 
But the Universe has never had a harder, more oblivious pair than Julie Molina and Luke Patterson. 
. . .
Julie Molina hasn’t met her soulmate but she doesn’t worry, she knows it will happen when the time is right. She traces the tattoo on her forearm, the black music notes that stand out against her white t-shirt, as she lets her mind drift on the topic.  
Julie doesn’t know what she’ll experience but she hopes it will be memorable. 
Lost in thought, she doesn’t hear the footsteps echoing down the hall and toward her room until the door slams open. 
Flynn stomps in, fingers plugging her ears and Carrie follows behind her, clearly annoyed at her girlfriend’s antics. 
“Damn it Flynn just listen to me!” Carrie exclaims. “Julie tell her to listen to me!” 
Julie simply stares at her two best friends, rolling her eyes and shrugging her shoulders. Flynn won’t listen to her and whatever Carrie did to get her to act childish is not her problem. 
“La la la la la,” Flynn chants, getting louder with each word. And Julie had promised herself a long time ago that she would not get involved in their fights. They’re soulmates and should know how to figure it out themselves, but Flynn hasn’t been in her room for two minutes and she’s already getting on her nerves. 
Julie stands with a sigh, walking over to Flynn and yanking her arms apart. “Flynn! Stop yelling,” she commands. Flynn immediately pouts and starts mumbling about Julie being unfair and taking sides. 
Julie ignores her best friend and turns to Carrie, who has already made herself comfortable on the beanbag next to her desk. “What’s going on?” Carrie starts explaining what happened between her and Flynn but Julie shakes her head to stop her. “No not that. I mean why are you here? I thought you guys were busy today.” 
Flynn pulls her arms from Julie’s grip and goes to sit next to Carrie, seemingly forgetting that they were arguing not five minutes ago. “We were busy, but then the museum got boring so we decided to come here to drag you out of your room. We’re getting coffee.” Flynn isn’t asking, and Julie has learned to recognize when she won’t win. So, she pushes her feet into a pair of sneakers, too lazy to untie and retie the shoe laces, and slips on a cardigan over her dress. 
Julie shouts a goodbye to her dad and linking her arms with her friends’, they all make their way to their favorite coffee shop a few streets away. It’s crowded, as it usually is on Saturday afternoons. The tables are filled with students typing away at their computers, attempting to finish essays at the last minute. The booths are filled with friends, gossiping and laughing together. Julie is dragged to the counter, where she orders her usual vanilla iced latte, smiling politely at the barista. 
Leaning against Carrie’s side, Julie looks around the shop as she waits for her drink. She finds herself looking at the corner booth, crowded with four boys discussing something she couldn’t quite hear. One of them is hunched over a notebook, lip between his teeth and pencil tight in his hands. Julie stares, intrigued by the brunette. He lifts his head, eyes closed and mumbles something under his breath. When he opens his eyes, they stare right at Julie and she feels her stomach twist with embarrassment. Before she can turn away and try to forget the interaction ever happened, he smiles at her and goes back to writing in his notebook. 
Julie’s stomach twists again, but with a completely different feeling. Flynn snaps her out of her daze by placing her iced latte in her hands. Julie thanks her and allows herself to be dragged outside, rolling her eyes when Flynn says that she wants a new jean jacket. Conversation distracts her as she walks away, not allowing her to dwell on the foreign feeling. 
The Universe frowns down at them. What just happened? They’ve been putting both of them in the same rooms for years and they never even acknowledged each other’s presence. And when they do, they ignore each other? Did they not feel it? The pull toward their soulmate? 
The Universe sighs, frustrated. They will have to work a little harder on this pair. 
. . .
A week later, Julie is at the mall with Flynn, helping her find a pair of sneakers to match the jacket she bought the week before. The store they’re in is small, with white walls and red accents. It’s inviting, so it’s no wonder this is the first one they visit. Julie makes a beeline for the benches, and tells Flynn where to find her when she is ready to model the shoes she’s chosen, if she finds any that ���call to her.’ 
She scrolls through her phone, mindlessly liking posts on instagram, leaving a comment here and there and entering a couple of giveaways. A loud laugh makes her head snap up and her heart flutter. She doesn’t recognize the voice but there is a yearning within her that she doesn’t recognize. Twisting her head, trying to find the source of the beautiful noise she sees the guy from the coffee shop with an arm slung over his leather jacket clad friend.
His smile is blinding and Julie doesn’t want to look away, no matter how much she knows she should. He says something back to his friend that causes the dark haired male to push the brunette away. The push lands him in Julie’s way as he stumbles into the bench. 
On instinct, Julie grasps his arm in order to stop him from hitting the floor. Their eyes meet and Julie’s heart screams, but neither attempt to make a move, or even speak to each other. 
The Universe smiles. Finally. Nothing can get in between them now. They’re in front of each other. They’re touching. They have to know. But then. 
Flynn’s voice reverberates across the store as she says that nothing spoke to her. Willing herself to stand up, Julie averts her gaze and walks away, not understanding why her chest feels like it will burst open with every step she takes.
The Universe could scream. Just how hard will they have to try to get these two idiots together. They didn’t make a mistake. There is no such thing as soulmates who aren’t meant to be, whether they be platonic or romantic. No, these two are just too dense and oblivious for their own good. 
Time for plan C, the Universe decides.  
. . .
The club is packed. Sweaty bodies push against her and Julie crinkles her nose. She doesn’t normally frequent clubs, especially places as packed as this one, but Flynn and Carrie dragged her out tonight (as they do every weekend) because apparently this up and coming band is playing tonight and they are sure that she will love them. 
Julie doesn’t doubt that she will, there is hardly a genre of music that she doesn’t enjoy, but she much prefers to listen to them from the comfort of her room, or anywhere else that doesn’t require her to interact with drunk people who keep pushing her. 
She is not really listening to Flynn and Carrie’s conversation, only nodding whenever it seems appropriate. It isn’t long till the lights dim even more than before and a spotlight lights up the stage. Four guys jog up the steps and the crowd screams joyfully. 
They all get ready and as soon as the drummer counts them in, the song starts. The lead singer looks up and Julie stops breathing. He starts singing and her sight goes black. Suddenly, memories that she is sure aren’t hers start flashing before her. 
A young boy getting his first guitar. 
Him meeting his friends and making a pact with them.
The same boy, older now, writing his first song. 
The boy laying on his bed, fingers brushing against the tattoo on his forearm, identical to hers.
Starting a band with his best friends, his brothers. 
She sees him fight with his mom, loose a relationship so important to him.
She sees him breakdown as he pedals down the street.
He’s there at the mall, the record store, the ice cream parlor, the bowling alley. 
He’s always there. Moments she’s shared with the people in her life, he’s always there. So close but just out of reach. 
Then it’s him meeting her eyes at the coffee shop. Their moment at the shoe store. 
The pictures start flashing faster now and it’s harder for Julie to make out what they are but what is clear to her is that it’s her, growing old with the brunette. With Luke. 
His name is Luke, and he is her soulmate. 
And even though she has never heard their music before, she starts singing. The lyrics of the song written by Luke coming naturally to her. It’s the first time she’s sang in over a year and it feels like a breath of fresh air. 
Luke suddenly can’t hear anything. His bandmate’s instruments fade out and all he seems to be able to hear is an angel-like voice, coming from somewhere in the crowd. 
His eyes search for the source and once he locks eyes with the girl his vision goes black. 
He sees a girl, sitting next to her mother on a piano bench as she makes an attempt to play. 
Then he sees her again, sitting with another girl on the playground, and as all the other kids are playing, they’re performing a song. 
The girl is older now, playing the piano keys in a perfect melody. Her mom is still sitting next to her and she’s smiling down at her. 
She’s in the hospital, carrying her little brother for the first time.
The girl is sitting on the piano again, this time alone and there are tears streaming down her face. 
He sees her loose her mom and therefore her music. He sees her not even hum for over a year. 
Then he sees himself, walking past her, not noticing her. She’s everywhere. That time at the beach with Reggie, she was there, playing with her family. 
His walks down sunset boulevard with her only a few feet away. How could he not notice her? How could he possibly miss her when she shines brighter than anything in the world?
But he notices her now, and he will keep noticing her in the future, as images of her growing old with him and making music together flash before him. 
He comes back to reality to see her still looking at him, singing, and he realizes that he missed his cue, but he doesn’t care, because nothing matters more than the beautiful girl, Julie, who has taken his breath away. 
Julie, his soulmate. 
His tattoo stings and he winces, finally breaking eye contact with Julie to look down. The music notes are glowing and when he looks back up he notices Julie’s are too. 
The music continues and he wonders if everyone is witnessing the moment or if only him and Julie can see. His next verse is coming up and he knows he can’t miss another one so he leans forward to his mic and starts singing, not taking his eyes off of Julie. 
She stares right back, singing the lyrics loudly and passionately. The show continues much the same and if he were to ask anyone, they would say it is the damn best he has ever played. Once it’s over he runs off stage and out the back door, planning to make his way to the front of the bar. He runs down the alleyway and crashes hard into another body. 
Lifting his arms to steady the person, his heart stops. She’s there, standing in front of him, looking up through her lashes and he does the most drastic and impulsive thing he has ever done. 
He kisses her. He kisses her because he is so sure that he would die on the spot if he didn’t. And Julie kisses him back.
Luke cups the back of her neck as she tangles her fingers in his hair. After a couple of seconds, or maybe years, they pull away. 
“Hi,” he whispers. 
“Hi,” Julie responds. 
“I’m Luke,” his voice is much too breathy, and he is still attempting to get his lungs to work properly. 
“Julie,” she doesn’t sound much better. 
They both smile and then burst out laughing. 
“I don’t know what I’m supposed to say,” Luke admits once he has calmed down. 
Julie shakes her head. “I would say that we should get to know each other but I just saw your whole life played out, which by the way I have never heard of it happening.” 
Luke’s smile widens. “Well I have also never heard of soulmates meeting and not realizing they are soulmates so I think we’re just special.” 
“Yeah,” Julie says resting her head against his chest and listening to the beat of his heart matching hers. “I think we’re special too.” 
The Universe leans back, smiling down at the pair. They were a hard one, possibly the hardest they’ve ever had to do. But as they study them, already falling in love with each other without having to even say much, they know that it was worth it. The Universe wasn’t ready for Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, but they are now and the whole world better get ready. 
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For the rottmnt fics request: some angsty apritello??? Your choice of angst
Donnie stumbled into his laboratory, his hip nearly avoiding bumping into his metallic doorframe. The bright, fluorescent lighting within his lab beamed down on his sore and battered body, and it burned his tired eyes. He scrubbed at them with one filthy, bandaged hand and slumped against the wall, relishing in the cooling sensation that is presented to his overheated body. An overwhelming weight pressed against his back and, for the first time since he’d created his invention, his battle shell felt like it was suffocating him. His bruised fingers brushed the surface of his battle shell, scouring for the latches to release it from his back. Donnie’s digits slipped over and over again on the smooth metal, his usually calm temper igniting to life with each failed attempt.
“Here,” he jumped at the abrupt, soft voice that spoke up from behind him. Donnie craned his neck around, and he took note of April standing in the doorway of his lab. She smiled, weakly, at him; an expression that somehow seemed soft and sad at the same time. April strolled into the lab, and she extended her hands out to him. “Let me help you.”
For some reason he couldn't quite grasp, something hot and heavy built within his chest, pressing down on his very lungs at April's offer. It molded into a large ball and spread across his torso, making his skin crawl at the prospect of April touching him - of helping him. Donnie immediately pulled away from her searching hands before they could touch his suddenly sensitive skin.
“It’s fine, April,” Donnie stated, firmly, coldly. “I can at least do one thing on my own.”
April pulled her hands back at Donnie’s tone, and she stepped back a couple of steps, her smile slipping away from her lips. Donnie never noticed the change in her demeanor and, instead, he chose to refocus his attention upon trying to unlock his invention from his back. His clumsy fingers continued to fumble on the lock mechanisms precisely ten more times - he knew because he counted every infuriating try within his mind. Eventually, his invention must’ve pitied him, and the latches popped open with a loud hiss. His battle shell slid down from his back, and it fell to the unforgiving ground with a clatter.
Any other time, Donnie would’ve been absolutely mortified at the literal idea of his precious invention even brushing against the ground. Now, however, he staggered away from his machine and left it in a pile of dejected metal on the floor, the state of his machine the last thing in his mind. Gracelessly, Donnie plopped himself before one of his many, many computer screens - yet, they all say the same thing over and over - and he wirelessly hooked his digital gauntlet up to the monitors. He forced his strained eyes to scan through all the rushing info on the screens before him, soaking in all that he possibly could as he’s been doing over the past couple of days.
While he drowned himself in his never-ending work, April found herself drifting over to Donnie’s forgotten battle shell, and she stooped down towards it. Gingerly, she gathered the shell-like machine into her hands with ease, the invention light with minimal weight to it, and her dark eyes scoured its surface. Her brown fingertips lightly traced along the newly formed scratches etched into the bright purple-and-black paint, feeling small scars that hadn’t been there before.
The corners of her lips were pulled downwards at the sight. The original Donnie that she knew would’ve never have let his favorite and most relied upon invention get in this bad of shape; it was a known fact that he’d always kept it in perfect condition.
A very loud frustrated shout suddenly drew April back to reality, and she looked up in time to witness the softshell tear his digital gauntlet from his heavily bandaged wrist. With a literal growl, the gauntlet bouncing twice with a tiny shattering noise. April pursed her lips in concern at the surprisingly emotional display from the usually calm softshell, and she gently placed the battle shell onto the scratched gray table beside her.
“What happened?” April asked, gently, her voice loud in the unnatural silence that had settled over her second home. She slowly approached the softshell, her previous failed attempt still fresh within her mind. “Did you find something?”
Donnie twisted his head around, and he fixed her with a hard red-tinged stare. What bothered April the most about the expression was that it wasn’t the usual look he’d throw one of his brothers when he thought they were being too rowdy; it was a borderline heated glare. And, it was directed at her of all people.
“Yes, April,” Donnie said, flatly. There was a line of something dangerous - angry - hidden within his tone. “I definitely found something important, and that is why I threw my device on the ground.”
April furrowed her brow at the sarcastic remark, a faint flicker of anger igniting within her chest. Before she could even think of voicing her thoughts, Donnie continued talking, oblivious. “Of course, there’s nothing here! All that time I spent trying to track down the Purple Dragons, and I’ve got nothing but this-!”
Donnie smacked his bandaged fist against the wall beside the computer monitors, ignoring the sharp burst of pain that accompanied the action. The corners of April’s lips turned downwards at what was displayed upon the multiple bright screens, dread trickling into the pit of her stomach. Nearly every screen showed chibi versions of the Purple Dragons grinning madly with their leader, Kendra, out front chanting the word, “loser,” over and over, her voice loud and piercing.
Donnie sighed, and he staggered away from the monitors, clenching his newly aggravated hand around the wrist. “I… don’t know what to do next.”
April eyed the small splotches of crimson blooming across Donnie’s hand. “It’ll be okay, Donnie.”
The soft encouragement didn’t have the desired effect that April thought it would. In fact, Donnie seemed to stiffen, his expression hardening into stone. “How, April? Tell me how. It’s been approximately-” he paused, crunching some sort of invisible numbers within his mind. “Forty-nine hours and twenty-one minutes, and I have absolutely nothing to show for it!”
“Then, we’ll figure something out,” April shoved a shaky smile upon her face. “We always do.”
Donnie laughed, weakly, bitterly. “We included my brothers, and we - I still don’t know where they are! They’re depending on me - their tech guy - to save them, and all I’ve done is waste time!” He stumbled over to his chair, and he practically fell into it, hiding his face into one of his hands. In a low voice, he murmured, “I’m supposed to be smarter than this.”
April’s brown eyes widened behind her signature red glasses, and she didn’t hesitate to make her way over to the sullen softshell. Carefully, she lowered herself before him, taking note of the way Donnie’s shoulders trembled, and she placed a delicate hand on his knee. Donnie shivered - whether from her touch or his own roiling emotions, April wasn’t sure - but he didn’t pull away.
“Donatello,” April started, her voice firm. “You are literally the smartest and techiest guy I’ve ever met. But that isn’t all you are. Any time I, or anyone else, has ever been in trouble, you’ve always known what to do. And, you always care even if you don’t show it all the time. Wherever your brothers are, they know you’re trying your hardest.” She brushed her fingers against Donnie’s closed bloody hand, coaxing him to unfurl it. “I know you’re trying your hardest. But, you have to realize that you’re not going through this on your own.”
April pulled Donnie’s hand from his face, the softshell permitting her, and held it. She smiled at his watery eyes and the wet patches around the eye-holes in his mask. “I’m still here,” she said.
Donnie froze and, for the first time, he found himself getting a good look at April. She seemed just as tired as him, small bags lining the skin under her eyes. Her pigtails were lopsided atop her head, and her glasses sported a crack along the outside of one of the lenses. A large bruise bloomed from underneath a bandaid on her left cheek; she got it after they fell into one of the Purple Dragon’s traps.
She was right.
Burning tears welled up in Donnie’s eyes, and they trailed their way down his face. To both of their surprises, Donnie nearly leaped forward, and he embraced her as tight as he could. He buried his face within the green fabric of her torn jacket, inhaling smoke and flowery laundry detergent. April paused, momentarily taken off-guard, and she wrapped her arms around his jerking shoulders.
“Thank you, April,” he sobbed.
“No problem,” she hummed. “That’s what family’s for.”
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