#channeling Druid vibes
allyouneediskilly · 2 years
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I love my Tarnished so much. Her name is Eivor. She has horns, 7 intelligence and gets injured a lot.
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notcatherinemorland · 1 month
tagged by @kallistoi !! first 10 songs on your "on repeat" playlist + tag people
Graceless by the National
The Fall by half-alive
Heather on the Hill (acoustic) by Nathan Evans
Glockenspiel song by Dog Is Dead
Years on by Novo Amor
Stray Italian Greyhound by Vienna Teng
Take me to Church by Sinead O'Connor
I want to know what love is by Foreigner
Stay Alive by Jose Gonzalez
Opaline by Novo Amor
I've been doing 3 separate play-by-post threads for my d&d pc, so all of these songs are from her current playlist!! My little drow cleric is not having a nice time in the desert dungeon crawl lmao
tagging: @photographerh @fireryn @caiternate @nightmarefemme @chiefskye @meggydolaon @worthlessclericbuild @royalwhitehorse @dracolizardlars @frogs4macattack @lesbianlizzybennet and anyone else who fancies doing this, please consider this a tag!! :D
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frillyheathen · 2 months
Stardew Valley Bachelor & Bachelorette D&D Classes
Harvey- Cleric or Wizard
Sebastian- Wizard
Sam- Bard
Shane- Ranger
Alex- Fighter
Elliott- Bard or Paladin
Maru- Artificer
Abigail- Warlock or Sorcerer
Penny- Rogue or Druid
Emily- Monk
Haley- Barbarian
Leah- Druid
Harvey is being typecast as the healer class because he's a doctor, sorry. But also he gives big wizard vibes because that man has studied. Why not a paladin? Because paladins are beefy and I think Harvey would actually die if someone punched him.
Sebastian is a wizard because he codes and that is a strong wizard activity right there. Also I imagine in a fight he would prefer to sit in the back and cast spells rather than be up in the action.
Sam plays the guitar and has that shonen protagonist charm, so he's a bard.
Shane loves his chickens and so you know he has to be the class with the animal companions.
Alex could be typecast as the barbarian because he's buff and likes American football (my bad I mean gridball), but I feel he's far too cool-headed to be the barbarian. So into the fighter class he goes.
Elliott has strong bard aesthetics due to his whole...everything, but I can also see him being the character that gives a motivational speech about strength and virtue before a fight and that is strong paladin vibes. And in the words of my brother, "He has a paladin chin."
Maru loves building robots so you know she's gotta be the artificer.
Abigail seems like the most likely to make a deal with an entity for power, so that's why I can see her being a warlock. But also the Wizard is almost certainly her father, so she may have some magic in her bloodstream.
Penny...hear me out. Penny is a bit of a wallflower, so I can see her inadvertently filling the role of the rogue and sneaking around. But also she really loves nature and I can see her pursuing the art of becoming a druid.
Emily is the only character in Stardew Valley with the zen, inner focus, and serial killer eyes to channel magical energy through her body and use it to punch someone really really hard.
Haley is probably the character that uses her angry portrait the most often, so you know she's gotta be the barbarian. I can see her as one of those girls who got into a lot of fights in high school and she would fight dirty--we're talking hair pulling and scratching.
Leah lives close the woods and she loves all the little forage items, so she is the strongest candidate for a druid.
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box-dwelling · 10 months
This needs to be made. WAA (and extended family, we may get too big for one party but this may get split over a few groups) and who I think everyone would play. Also presuming 5e for the system.
Phoenix: cleric. 1000000% with his obsession with helping people? Absolutely wants to be the healer and the cleric spell list gives a lot of options for chaotic play.
Trucy: a coward would say sorcerer. They are wrong. She is a forever DM. Don't forget she isn't just a performer, she's also a stage director. Plus her desire to constantly cheer up her friends translates perfectly into campaign design. I think he has special effects set up and has Mr Hat come out for scenes with 2 NPCs
Apollo: there are two choices. Either he's never played before and is just a begrudging human fighter, or he and Clay used to play all the time and he comes in with the most insanely fleshed out well constructed min max multiclass you've ever seen. But it's not like an annoying minmax where it take away from the other players, it's min maxed in a way to cover the rest of the parties flaws and actively heighten them all. It is a solid 50/50 he either gives no shits or gives the most shits ever
Athena: barbarian. She is using this to get out her aggression and good for her.
Pearl: she's new at this and kinda nervous but I think she has a cute little elven druid made up. She was going to go cleric but didn't want to step on Phoenix's toes.
Maya: Sorcerer and an absolute powerhouse of one at that.
Ema: Wizard. Fully roleplays the whole scholar of magic vibe too.
Edgeworth: the most paladin paladin player to ever play. His character is mounted because of his knight chess thing and they start off heavily based off a steel samurai character but I think he then uses it to channel some of his feelings about mvk so he may well go oathbreaker somewhere down the line
Klavier: Do I need to say it? Bard. Horniest horny bard you ever saw. But I think he keeps it relatively pg for trucys NPC's and focuses his flirting solely on Apollo.
Simon: samurai fighter. Edgy backstory. Actively causes chaos at all times.
Franziska: is invite but doesn't play.
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inkdemonapologist · 4 months
Sammy is a bard ,prophet is a cleric , joey is a druid, what does this makes henry and jack?
I feel like you COULD play a version of Sammy Lawrence as a bard, but you'd really have to have to go into it with party dynamics in mind. Because Sammy is PROFESSIONALLY good at being a support role; as much as he complains about Joey, it seems clear to me that he wants someone else to have the big ideas while he uses his genius musical brain to make those ideas work. The specific skill Joey loved in him in TIOL was how good he was at making other people look good. So if you set up Joey or Henry as some sort of dashing hero and Sammy as the bard in the background making him succeed, it'd work. But left to his own devices, Sammy doesn't tend towards the bard's subtlety. He's not the sort to cast charm person, he's the sort to scream at everyone until they leave him alone. He runs in with an axe and zero plan because he's feeling big emotions. He's the least subtle and most gullible man on the planet. I've always seen Sammy as a barbarian whose passion happens to be music.
Joey's the bard. He says a thing that's visibly, provably untrue and contradicts other things that he himself has said and against all odds people believe him. Last time I pondered D&D classes for BatIMs, I think I gave Jack bard or rogue, and Henry either fighter or monk.
But then I realised you mention Prophet, who is only really a separate entity in the Cthulhu AU, so hm! The Cthulhu boys are tough to give D&D classes to, because the whole nature of Call of Cthulhu means that they often don't have "powers" so much as "horrifying things they've learned", so it makes more sense to look at the vibes of what they do than their literal abilities. In terms of how they come across to me, I'd lean more bard and/or some kind of mind powers for Joey, some kind of supporty/healy for Jack, and either late-bloomer magic or some kinda tank class for Henry -- maybe paladin, so then Pointy Henry can be a fallen paladin. But they aren't my characters, so the others would have to weigh in to be sure!
Sammy in Cthulhu AU is absolutely still a barbarian though; his only social skill is Being Very Intimidating, he's the least magical of the four boys, and next to Henry he's the most likely to channel his terror into rage and Just Punch It. Prophet is a little harder to place, because while he does canonically have to beseech his lord for his prophecies like a cleric does for spells, neither of the Sammys are really built for Magic outside of that, and Prophet's actual style of fighting is just a slightly stealthier version of Shepherd Sammy -- so, more Rogue, tbh. If you lean into Vibes instead of what they literally do, then Prophet's vibes more closely match a very loyal warlock -- he is not praying for spells and marching armoured into battle with an array of supportive blessings, he is seeking his patron's will and then sneaking through the shadows to do as he's asked, ignoring the party's needs unless he believes his lord requires him to help them.
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tofixtheshadows · 16 days
Rangers should cast from Intelligence and Sorcerers should cast from Constitution. It's so dumb that Paladins, Sorcerers, Bards, and Warlocks all share the same stat. The explanation for Sorcerers using Char is SUCH a reach. Bards are literally performing while Paladins and Warlocks are interfacing with another being and leaning on a connection. Interfacing with yourself does not require Charisma.
Sorcerers typically gain their abilities through their bloodlines or from some kind of real-world, material interaction- a curse, a boon, a magical accident. This is all based in the body. It's about channeling the magic through yourself like a conductor. It makes so much more sense thematically if your ability to cast is based on how well you can withstand and shape that power that's flowing inside you. Especially when you consider wild magic surges. It would also make it more distinct from the other casters and even out the stat distribution imbalance. The four main casters should all have separate stats.
I'm not remotely the first person to have this idea, it just occurred to me naturally like it did to a lot of other people because it makes so much more sense. And is objectively cooler! I know this gives them a huge advantage on concentration checks, but making the con check a Wis roll instead is no flimsier than making the Sorcerer ability Char to begin with.
I feel like Rangers are only Wis-based because of some normie view of ecology anyway. I think it makes sense for Druids with the idea that they have this mystical, intuitive, possibly primal connection to the world, but a Ranger is practically a real-world job we have that requires a special degree for, not vibes. Because it's about knowing cold hard facts about the flora and fauna around you. Guiding and navigating, tracking, identifying, analyzing, hunting, training an animal companion, these should all be thought of as Intelligence-based skills. And, again, it would make it more distinct from the other half-casters.
The way skills work is problematic because there's often a disconnect with how and why a character has a certain skill. I can't tell you how often I encounter Paladins and Clerics getting frustratingly low religion checks because their character has no reason to have a high Int score, even if in-universe they are a temple-trained priest who would have spent years learning about religion if nothing else.
I'm sure people have done workarounds and house rules for this that I'll end up looking up, and god knows what WotC are going to come out with for the next edition, so we'll see where it goes.
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honourablejester · 4 months
While on the subject, my favourite subclasses (so far) for each D&D 5e class:
Artificer: Gonna be honest, I don’t do much with artificers, but just going on vibes, while I understand it’s not the most mechanically brilliant of the options, I still just love Alchemist. I just like me some bubbling beakers, you know?
Barbarian: Ancestral Guardian. I love Zealot, I love Wild Magic, I could be persuaded towards Beast, particularly for small characters (scuttly little beast barbarian gnome, I like the vibes), but it’s still Ancestral Guardian. I want to be a barbarian with a pack of ghosts following them around!
Bard: For the longest time, it was Lore, for similar reasons that Knowledge clerics are my joint first favourite clerics. It feels like the old Irish bards, the oral knowledge and magic, and I had a ghoulish little half-elven lore bard named Feyla Thenn who was a lot of fun. But recently … I really like Creation? It definitely does have that spellsinger vibe, singing things into being, and honestly the ability to just sing myself up 50ft of rope, or a grappling hook, or a ladder, or a key, is just … endlessly useful and fun.
Cleric: If I have to pick one, singular, then Twilight. But it is two, because every time I make a cleric, Twilight and Knowledge have a fist fight in my head, and the only reason Twilight wins is because it’s prettier. I like twinkling sparkly bits. But Knowledge is forever there, loyal and true, waiting for me to return to it. (Tempest is the runner up, because I like big booms and I cannot lie. Also ocean).
Druid: Stars. No competition. If I make a druid, they’re gonna be a Stars druid, unless there’s a compelling setting reason for them to be anything else. I like land druids, I’ll flirt with spores, but as a stars druid I get to turn into a mobile starfield and smite people, and there’s just no beating that.
Fighter: Like the artificer, I don’t do much with fighter, but both Rune Knights and Eldritch Knights have a bit of a draw to them. Particularly Rune Knights. I like the hulking, placid, but smarter and more dangerous than you think sort of vibes they have.
Monk: Again, not my class, but I do enjoy a Mercy Monk. I also weirdly have a fondness for the Sun Soul? I like shiny things and radiant damage, but also the Sun Soul gives me kind of anime vibes? Channeling your ki into a radiant aura. IDK, I’m just weirdly fond of the Sun Soul as a concept.
Paladin: As we’ve discussed, a threeway fight between Redemption, Watchers and Devotion, but my love of John Donne and the imagery of weary gothic knights in a world of darkness forever pulls me towards Devotion first. Though, you know. Cosmic horror definitely gives Watchers some points, and I like the mercy first ethos of Redemption.
Ranger: Fey Wanderer. I like skills and languages! For themes and imagery, though, Swarmkeeper. I want a warforged ‘scarecrow’ ranger with a flock of crows. I want a dhampir or changeling swarmkeeper with a swarm of moths. I like swarms. Swarms are good. I love the imagery.
Rogue: Phantom. Again, fairly big gap between this and the closest runner up. I really like ghosts? Like with the Ancestral Barbarian, I just really like ghosts, and the story potential of a character that is perpetually followed by them. Aided by them. I will also give some points to Swashbuckler, though, because I enjoy a good old fashioned daring scoundrel, and I really like swashbuckler movies.
Sorcerer: Aberrant Mind. Again, I enjoy the horror-themed subclasses? Though having played a Clockwork Soul, I also like their whole ‘return to centre’ sort of feel. And, you know. I enjoy a tempest cleric, so Storm sorcerers also get a look in. And Draconic, because ‘my grandma is a green dragon’ is always fun. I think sorcerer is the main class where I kind of like everybody and will give them all a whirl.
Warlock: Fathomless or GOOlock. Neck and neck. I do enjoy a Genielock, there’s fun to be had with Bottled Respite, and I have a fair few ideas for Celestial too, because I like the idea of being hired, on a mercenary basis, to aid the forces of good. I love the idea of some pragmatic deva somewhere just hiring, no convictions necessary, I will simply pay you in magic to fix this evil for me. It’s a great vibe. But Fathomless and GOOlock fill my cosmic horror love so well. I think the edge might go to Fathomless. Because tentacle. And also ocean. Heh.
Wizard: Illusion. Scribes and Abjuration hold joint second place, I love them both dearly. Bookish wizards and tanky wizards are excellent. But I love the diggy, trickster, seeker nature of illusionists. I love the playing with reality, the use of illusion to hide or reveal truth, the philosophical underpinning of a character that chooses, fully consciously, to pursue this school of magic. Also Phantasmal Force is an evil, evil spell, and I love it. Pick up the Metamagic Adept feat and get subtle spell, have a tonne of fun.
There are probably not surprising for most people, but I hadn’t gone through it by class before. So. Here we are?
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carnivorousyandeere · 7 months
The DnD Yans’ starter characters thus far (strong homebrew vibes):
Noe: a Metallic Gold Draconic-Orc Paladin. A princess born (hatched?) to parents who were wed for political purposes, she felt deeply called to martial arts and insisted on training with the knights. Once she was old enough and strong enough, she abandoned the throne meant for her to embark on the holy journey she felt called to. The guilt of escaping her family and responsibilities mixes eternally with her joy at adventuring. She’s deeply idealistic, and prone to getting in over her head in her determination to help others. Noe’s characters often share her idealism and hard-headedness, usually trending towards good and lawful alignments.
Millie: a Tiefling Rogue of Dispater’s bloodline— his direct child, and raised to be his eyes and ears in the human world, regardless of their own safety or comfort. They were raised to be strong, agile, sneaky, and above all loyal to protecting their father. They come across as rather laid-back and unconcerned with the goings-on around them, but they’ve got keen ears and pay attention to every little detail you think you’ve hidden. It’s almost impossible to catch them off-guard, and even if you do, they always land on their feet like a cat. Millie’s rogue gets to do things that Millie themself is generally too tired to actually do, or would feel guilty actually doing, though some part of them might like to— like gutting anybody who gets too close to their Darling DM.
Hymn: a Satyr Bard. Channeling their real-life love for music, Hymn figured playing a Bard would be pretty fun. They love the chaotic potential Satyrs are rumored to have. None of their characters really have deep backstories, as many of the characters they come up with are joke characters of some form or another; evil televangelist warlock, a Druid version of Shaggy Rogers who wildshapes into Scooby, a Druid who wildshapes into a horrible goose on a lovely day, etc. Despite this, their characters have a habit of unintentionally spawning heartfelt backstories and making deep connections with NPCs along the way.
Scott: a High Elf Warlock. Before coming to your table, Scott always played the same character over and over again under different names (a High Elf Wizard), but at your encouragement, and with much reluctance, he decided to “try something new,” and make his character a Warlock for his first time playing DnD with you. Everything else about the character is the same— personality, appearance. His character is always a solitary sort of person, who spends all of their time pursuing esoteric knowledge that others couldn’t possibly understand or appreciate. His characters always have a powerful grasp on magic.
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twixtandshout · 8 months
I spent way too long getting distracted by the sparkles that follow my cursor on your blog XD XD XD ANYWAY, you had talked about DnD character sheets for the LU boys and I'm here to ask about them! :D I don't know much about DnD but you were excited and I'm interested so feel free to tell me all about it!
Yes!!! Hi! :D There's a lot on them but I'm proud of them all. I guess I'll just pull out a couple things I think are neat from each of them? (And I'll try to keep things understandable for you, dw!!)
Sky: I don't remember what I already went through in comments, but I know he's your favorite so I'll try to pull out something new and interesting for you. Hm... I've got him with 14 levels of Paladin (swords and a bit of holy magic, sworn to a higher power), 3 levels in Warlock (magic granted as part of a pact with an outside entity), and 3 in Barbarian (hit stuff better when you're angry). Pretty sure I already talked about the storm stuff he gets from the Barbarian side of things – he gets some storm/lightning stuff and it's great – but I've made him a Pact of the Talisman warlock with Sun: his sailcloth is a symbol of his bond with her, and apart from acting as a parachute, it also lets him add a little extra to the roll a few times each day through her power when he fails a check. He's got a bunch of stuff that makes him really good at dueling, plus a couple extra feats that make it easier for him and Sun to talk 💞
Four: Four has. so many classes. I gave him 10 levels in Artificer, for making magic tools; then each Color plus Shadow got 2 levels in another class: Wizard for Vio (learn magic through study), Druid for Red (learn magic through becoming in tune with nature), Barbarian for Blue, Paladin for Green, and Sorcerer for Shadow (obtain magic through genetic accident/tragic backstory/general lottery). Generally Druids' main ability as a class is Wildshape, which is to say animal shapeshifting, but that wasn't the vibe for Red, so he's a Wildfire Druid, which gives him a living fire friend instead. Also, one of the magic things you're allowed to say your character knows how to make when you're making an Artificer is a living robot – I've quietly had him learn that, with the expectation that that's how he got Shadow back. :3 Other than that, he's just got a bunch of elemental spells basically!
Time: Time's got a couple levels in Bard (magic through music) and Ranger, but he's primarily a Sorcerer, with a slightly modified Clockwork Soul subclass – technically the flavor there's meant to be more "the underlying order of the universe" than "messing with time," but I just traded out a couple spells on the list and it works fine for him. :3c His background and his Bard and Ranger subclasses all involve the fey, though. He gets some fun stuff with glamours and charm effects, and, just for flavor, when he casts time stands still and you can hear/see gears ticking around him.
Legend: Lej's got a ridiculous number of classes too, and he doesn't have Four's excuse. (There's not even enough room on the sheet to abbreviate them all like I did Four's, so I just filled in the "class" blank "Yes.") So he's got a bit of everything! Pulling out a few interesting bits: he gets a whole bunch of sneaky stuff as a Rogue, as well as sizable bonuses to spotting lies and hidden objects. As a College of Creation Bard, he gets little visual symbol effects that float around him when he plays, and he can create a medium-sized object out of nothing, like that cane that lets him make boxes for some reason. As opposed to the more heroic Paladins of the Chain, Lej's Paladin subclass is the Oath of Vengeance, which among other things lets him channel divine power through utter a "vow of enmity" against an enemy, making his attacks more likely to hit until it's dead. I also gave him a few feats to really round out the knowledgeable veteran thing – he's really good at dungeon delving.
Hyrule: I gave Hyrule the Circle of Dreams Druid subclass, which is fey-themed and gives him a lot of healing abilities in addition to a little bit of teleporting. (He's got levels in Rogue and Sorcerer too, but apart from "he dodges real good, gets bonus damage for surprise attacks, and can modify spell effects," I don't have much to say on those for him.) Reflecting that he carries the Triforce, I borrowed the Radiant Consumption character feature from the Aasimar – as a bonus action, he can start burning, glowing brightly for 10' and doing radiant damage to everyone (including himself) every turn for a full minute. (A combat round in DnD lasts approx 6 in-game seconds!)
Wind: Wind! 2 levels in Rogue, 18 in Sorcerer. As a Halfling, he can reroll any 1 once. He can fly after casting spells (or grant flight to others), is immune to thunder and lightning damage, and he gets a feature to control storms! He can stop rain in a sphere, control the direction of wind, and hit things with lightning. He's also got Truesight and can make ghosts visible for an hour once per week, and I gave him the Quickfingered and Silvertongued feats, so he's great at pickpocketing and sweettalking people.
Twilight: Twi's largely a Ranger, with Exactly enough levels in Druid to give him Wildshape, because Wolfie. He's a Circle of the Shepherd Druid, which seemed fitting; he gets feyspeak as a language, can talk to animals, and can summon a hawk spirit to fight for him. As for the Ranger stuff, he's a Horizon Walker Ranger – the subclass description says they "guard the world against threats that originate from other planes or that seek to ravage the mortal world with otherworldly magic." He doesn't have a lot of spells – I don't think he'd use most of the ones I gave him, honestly, but the class says he gets some so I made the most of it – but he's really good at navigating, especially in forests, and he gets bonuses to track enemies. He's Also very good at vanishing in plain sight, seeing in darkness, and teleporting up to 10' before each attack.
Warriors: Seven levels of Fighter! Seven levels of Paladin! Six levels of Cleric! This boy is So Good at whacking things with swords, and he also channels magic/holy power as a representative of the god of War. As a Battlemaster Fighter, he's got a lot of tactical maneuvers he can use to set people up around the field or grant bonuses, and although his Paladin oath is baaasically the same mechanically as Sky's, he's an Oath of Glory Paladin where Sky's Oath of Heroism. He has a Peerless Athlete feature, he can Channel Divinity to vaporize low-level undead, and he's very mobile – he isn't slowed by difficult terrain, and he literally cannot be physically restrained.
Wild: He'd have a different level distribution if I kept what he had pre-nap, but I decided he keeps five levels in Fighter and then the rest is Ranger from post-nap. He's a Fey Wanderer Ranger (like Time!) so he gets some glamour abilities, and if something makes him save against charm/fear effects, he can redirect it and make that thing make the save against Him instead. He's great at navigating and disappearing in the wilderness, and he gets a couple teleporty things. He's also got a bunch of skills in cooking and making/finding healing food, and he regains more than the usual hp when he recovers, too.
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Regarding pitches for media involved in the tournament... I have one for Drawtectives! Strap in, it's a long one.
It's a series on Youtube from the Drawfee channel, and it's like. It's roleplaying + drawing. The plot and the NPCs were all done (and most voiced) by one member, Julia Lepetit, and the other three are player characters who must solve the mystery by talking to NPCs and doing drawing challenges. It's mostly goofy and fun bcs. Well. It's Drawfee, that's what they do.
So. The player characters! One, part of this tournament, is Gyorik Rogdul aka York, an arospec ace half-orc prince who loves arm wrestling and can't read and got turned into a model by chance; then, there's Grendan Highforge, aka Grenda/Gma/Grandma, the chill dog-walking dwarf druid who has a realization halfway in S1 and is officially genderfluid in S2 (any pronouns); and finally, Rosé the cool human rogue who can fit so many things in her pockets, (also she is unlabeled but has flirted with men and women). By the start of S2 they all have bonded much more closely and have a sort of ambiguous found family/queerplatonic polycule vibe and I love that for them!!
The NPCs! They are all so varied, and most have punny or silly Ace Attorney-esque names. A paladin named Sorin Justice and his wife Lotta Justice. A director named Anne Daction. A conductor named Conrad Uctor. S2 even has justification for the punny names! Which I am not going to spoil. Julia does a wonderful job with designing all of them and voicing most of them! And a few in S2 are voiced by fun guests like Elyse Willems, ProZD/SungWon Cho, and Caldwell Tanner (the OG Drawfather himself)!
The settings! Oh the settings, the background art! So lovingly created, so detailed and beautiful and fun. In S1, they were all parts of a fancy mansion-- a dining room, a library, a parlor lined with paintings and animal masks! S2 allows for more variety like a circus, a bar, even a jousting arena, and some of these have gorgeous posters made into IRL merch (currently sold out tho)!!
The drawing challenges! They're a staple part of Drawfee as a whole and hence they're a main feature here. Some are fun prompts like "draw a food creature" or "draw a steed to joust with", some are actual challenges like drawing (fantasy, knock off) celebrities based on description and drawing blindfolded guided by spoken directions. Since it's all in character, the usual Drawfee banter turns into nonsense lore and character interactions, and it's so, so much fun!!
Of course, the episodes average at about 50 minutes long, so... I get that it's tough to even start. But it's recommended (iirc by the crew themselves) that if you want a taste tester, go to S2 (Celestial Spear) episode 7. It's the one with SungWon in it, it can generally stand alone, and it's absolutely hilarious. (But it's also a dating sim parody plot, so your mileage might vary. I think it's fun tho)
So yeah. Try out Drawtectives (S3 in the works)! Thanks for being my captive audience, and I'm sorry! (for the long ramble, and also it's a Drawfee thing to end with sorry)
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awellboiledicicle · 10 months
Hawke is absolutely going to be content to trust Astarion in a fight pretty easily, which is going to make the elf think he's going to be an easy mark. This is not helped when Hawke refuses to ask for money for helping the refugees.
That said Hawke has murder vibes the second Khaga starts shit. Like he's going to reveal the shadow druid things, but mostly by accident while doing his best to rob the shit out of this glade.
He's going to come around expressly through the same channels Isabella came around: Hawke's patented method of "If you're with me, no one touches you. If someone tries, i take their hand and their head. Now, let's go get drinks."
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verminfang · 2 years
Dnd character concept I want to play at some point (usually I have a million I just drone to friends about rather than post to tumblr but I feel like the concept is like, appealing to some of the mutuals), longish post because the concept behind it involves a lot of talking about what I feel the nature cleric class can be (as a fun opinion and deffo not prescriptive)
So often there’s a question about why play a Nature Cleric instead of a Druid (mechanics aside) and also about why the Nature Cleric gets features like Heavy Armor proficiency seemingly at odds with the whole nature vibe
My thoughts on this are to remember that rather than being representative and of channeling nature, a nature cleric is channeling the way in which humanoid civilizations (those that would be worshiping a god) interact with nature, as a resource or something to seek sanctuary from.
Mountains, Seas, Forests and Plains as seen by the miner, fisherman, woodsman, hunter or farmer who prays to their gods for safety and bounty.
If you look at the class features a Nature Cleric gets and see them as Civilization’s Taming of Nature as opposed to a Druids representation of the wild and natural it actually forms a pretty compelling argument:
As a class feature Nature Clerics have proficiency with and wear heavy armor, worked steel refined from the earth, unlike Druids who have a cultural taboo against it (there's potentially interesting stuff about fey fearing iron, there being fey themed druid subclasses and the idea of iron as a talisman as well here)
Their channel divinity is
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The ability to magically charm and control plants and animals, at level 17 this is further expanded to give you the ability to command charmed creatures and notably named ‘Master of Nature’
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The ability to charm and later command plants and animals through the invocation of your deity fits pretty well into the idea of domesticating and controlling nature, the humanoids dominion over it.
The other notable feature nature clerics get is
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It’s the ability to protect you and your allies from the elements. It’s shelter. It’s ‘dampening’, reducing the power nature has over you. It’s civilization holding strong against whatever weather or natural disaster the natural world wants to throw at you.
So.. the ‘anti-nature nature cleric’..are they evil, some fern gully Hexxus motherfucker? I don’t think so. I truly think there’s nothing wrong with a character who venerates civilizations successes over nature. What does this character celebrate? Agriculture, domestication of animals, shelter, rebuilding from disaster, medicine saving those who’d simply die if they were left unattended in the wild, curing diseases.
The druid class and the realities of nature have been in a bit of a conversation. Disney druid who touts the harmony of nature in a very Disney way has seen some reactions in the form of the druid who is aware that nature is red in tooth and claw, accepts and celebrates it, death is all part of a glorious cycle, your spore druids and wildfire druids.
A nature cleric that goes one step further in that conversation, nature isn’t all bunnies and butterflies its disease, tidal waves and death, lets not accept it as whats natural lets actually try and do something about it. Build walls, grow food to provide for others, heal the sick and wounded. Death is natural? Clerics get revival spells I’m bringing my friend back.
So character concept:
Water Genasi Nature Cleric with this as their ethos, a cleric of Chauntea
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Water Cleric as another add on to the theme of Civilization and Nature, connected to an element of the natural world that is also essential to humanoids, cities are built alongside it, the cradle of civilization etc. 
top of the head PC name is Nile for obvious reasons.
I think the place I’d most like to use this PC is Tomb of Annihilation, the survival campaign module where you deal with the jungle, disease, apex predators and a curse that hurts those risen from the dead unnaturally.
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asleepinawell · 1 year
random ideas for new ffxiv jobs in the future (with the understanding that I don't know shit about classic ff classes which they seem to favor so oh well this is just for fun)
necromancer - healer. give me a goth healer thanks. I did a whole post about how it could work
druid - shapeshifter with nature magic. I want something like that cool roots growing spell titania does and also to turn into a kitty. fungi infection dots. halmarut lore!!!!!
beast master - actually is from ff someone just told me about it. whips!!! (we should probably not be given whips 😔) and pets
storm mage - we don't use water and wind magic much so it would be cool to see that expanded on with some lightning thrown in as well. maybe a weather mage in general. give your enemies peeling sun burn
ocean mage or healer - similar idea but focused on the power of the ocean and sea creatures. kraken attack. (we should probably not be given tentacles either 😔)
channeler - invokes the power of the twelve. can call on different gods for different things
ranger - I think square said they weren't doing any more multi jobs from the same base class so this is unlikely but it'd split off of archer and be a pet class (another thing they don't like doing). possibly use a different type of bow or could even share
thief/trickster - another split off a base class. alternate route for rogue. more physical and less elemental. debuff management my beloathed
holy/light dps - think a rogue/paladin hybrid. there was an avenger class in d&d 4e that would be close. melee with light spells. some utility healing or protection. would be excellent for soloing. amdapor origins
geomancer - I think they're fucked after hydaelyn is gone but if not! role quests could be finding a new source of geomancy or something
warlock - reaper almost has this vibe. I'm not sure what else you could make a pact with though just think we deserve magical sugarbabies. maybe the loporrit style of "safe" primal for patrons
magitek related - we've got mch already which partly pulls from cid and therefore garlemald but I was thinking something more firmly garlean with mechs. probably tricky to pull off well
alchemists - we got alchemists in thavnair. might be a way to turn it into a job with some chemist thrown in (edit: op forgot that crafting jobs are a thing that exists but maintains that this would still be a banging combat class basis)
misdirection tank class - a tank who relies more on enemy debuffs. confusion, slow, blind, etc. would be tricky to do
dynamis class - ????? (would need to start post-ew)
some of these are far-fetched but it's fun to imagine how they'd work
(also not really covered here but I'd love to see stuff from a wider range of real cultures but only if it's handled well...like I don't feel comfortable tossing out random ideas for those myself without looking into them more but would love to hear ideas)
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pathwinding · 11 months
I used to want to be a druid. These are some (working, as of this post) bookmarks I had when considering that path:
Understanding druidry per ADF - https://www.adf.org/about ; https://ng.adf.org/article/adf-and-obod/
Long essay on Druid crafts, published under OBOD - https://druidry.org/resources/wild-crafting-the-modern-druid
The Druid's Garden, a personal website with many resources - https://thedruidsgarden.com/
*(I also specifically bookmarked this article: https://thedruidsgarden.com/2013/01/03/a-druids-indoor-altar-shrine-seasonal-elemental-and-spirit/)
Down the Forest Path, another personal website plus blog - https://downtheforestpath.com/
*(Plus her YouTube vlog - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkI8C2dqmUb-eatjxaDWXmw/videos)
The Druid Network - https://druidnetwork.org/
Druids in Cars podcast - https://druidsincars.podbean.com/
Bookmarked books that I had intended to read:
The Druidry Handbook: Spiritual Practice Rooted in the Living Earth by John Michael Greer
The Path of Druidry: Walking the Ancient Green Way by Penny Billington
Plus everything else on this list... https://www.reddit.com/r/druidism/wiki/booklist
Related stuff:
Celtic symbols - https://www.whats-your-sign.com/celtic-symbol-meanings.html
Cailleach, a Gaelic myth of a divine hag - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cailleach
Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland (she's more goddess-culture than druidism but I think I bookmarked it for the similar vibes) - https://bealtainecottage.com/about/
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catboyolli · 9 months
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Omg I love DnD and I love this concept 😍 Can you share any more details? Like have you settled on specific character classes for everyone yet? And have you already created some art for the story?
hiiiiiiiii thank you so much for the ask!!!! I love talking about this stupid concept that has been rotting in my head since 2021 😬💖 and oh well, this one is gonna be long but if you also have any ideas I would love to hear them 🥰💘💕💖💕
But okay, I lied because I have two concepts related to high fantasy ( I am so normal about this lol)
For the "main" project I went with Pathfinder 1e because it has so many classes to choose from, that I didn't have to rely on homebrew stuff (and because I had to learn how this system works and after 5 years I still don't get some of the stuff 😅), so I settled on:
Joel as a haunted spiritualist looking to get rid of his phantom (spellcaster with occult magic and a "pet" aka phantom)
Niko as an urban skald who pledged to retake his family's ancestral land (d&d's bard/barbarian multiclass, probably will change the backstory because it feels too meh).
Joonas as a flamesinger bard, he's just some lucky guy and nothing bad has happened to him (yet), other than some tasteless patrons disliking his music
Olli as a stargazer oracle searching for many answers in the stars (kiiiiinda like a cleric, but not devoted to any or to a single god)
Tommi as an aspect of the bear shifter whose druidic circle succumbed to corruption (melee shapeshifter, kinda like d&d's circle of the moon druid)
Aleksi as a universalist arcanist tasked with paying back a heavy family debt and no, it isn't related to money at all (d&d's sorcerer/wizard multiclass, he gets to summon a familiar and ofc it's Rilla 🥰)
If I go with that, I'm going to use Paizo's Pathfinder main campaign setting because I really don't want to come up with the worldbuilding lol (tbh that would imply creating a lot of everything from scratch, unless I actually go 100% insane and do it........)
The 2nd one is another fantasy AU where they are tieflings because who doesn't love tieflings???? I used d&d 5e and assigned one ability score to each of the boys:
Strength: Tommi as a Zariel bloodline tiefling, Path of the Totem Warrior (bear ofc) Barbarian (he strong)
Dexterity: Aleksi as a Mammon bloodline tiefling, Arcane Trickster Rogue (he's a rich little shit who loves to steal for fun)
Constitution: Joel as a Levistus bloodline tiefling, Blood Hunter from the Order of the Profane Soul with an Undead patron (I know it's mouthful but yeah.....)
Intellect: Olli as a Mephistopheles bloodline tiefling, Artillerist Artificier (and before anyone says oh but Olli is a dumbass, why intelligence? Listen. He's actually smart, but he's sooooo forgetful that not all his creations succeed...)
Wisdom: Niko as a Baalzebub bloodline tiefling, War Domain Cleric (originally I wanted to assign him the strenght attribute and Tommi would have the wisdom one, but I feel it works better this way. Niko seems to be a very wise dude IRL and not as physically strong as Tommi)
Charisma: Joonas as an Asmodeus bloodline tiefling, Wild Magic Sorcerer (I really really wanna homebrew a devil bloodline for this)
I haven't thought of any backstories or a storyline for this AU, I'm just vibing with the concept 😅 a lof of inspiration for the designs (that are in my mind ofc) comes from Pointy Hat's tiefling video, which please go watch if you haven't, it's an amazing channel.
I have a complicated relationship with art due to Not Having Enough Time And Skill. I tried to make some art back when I was choosing the horns and skin tones for tiefling!Olli, but I got frustrated and left it there to rot lol (+ i didn't like the style + took too much time)
For skin tones + eye color variation: red / purple / blue
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Zoom of the two concepts I "finished" 😬 (smooth vs ribbed horns)
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But yeah, that's mostly it! I wish I had more to show you, but I'm hoping to have enough time work on the tiefling!AU around December or early 2024😊
Again, thank you for enabling me to ramble about something I really really really love 🥺💕💖💘💖💕💖
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lets-talk-spirituality · 11 months
Heyy can I get a reading about my future spouse and also a message from them?
Hi, we can see if anything wants to be revealed to you at this present time!
Future spouse, what do you want to say?
Agh! I’m tired of waiting (pulling hair out and feeling frantic). I’ve been doing everything right on paper (I’m getting like anxiety spiral and I’m seeing a feminine presenting person, could mean at this moment they’re in their “feminine” energy) Dating the right person—good school, good education, good parents, ambitious— all the shit! And it never works! They’re always boring or something isn’t right. All my friends are having these destination weddings (getting that they have money and are around rich people, getting NYC apartment vibes, like they go to the Hamptons for sure) and I’m just there being the one everyone is trying to connect someone to (I’m thinking they’re like early 30s and being pressured to settle down, energy feels masculine here, like seeing a guy in a suit for a wedding)
You know, I focused on my career and education like I should’ve, I went to a good school, worked my way up to becoming partner (I’m getting they may be a lawyer?) I get paid well, I like where I work and who I work with, my job is important (I’m getting that whatever legal work they do, it’s something advocacy driven or that’s what drives them, helping the little guy or whatever, like they aren’t protecting big companies is what I mean, it’s hard to describe but maybe it’s like they work for ACLU or something) Anyway, I’m a catch and I know it and all that’s missing in this white picket fence world I created is my loving fucking partner!
Why is everyone the worst? If you could only hear my dating horror stories. Sheesh. I feel like all the people left single are single for a reason, at least the ones I meet. Crazy girls asking me about kids and marriage on the first hangout like damn. I know we’re kind of at a make or break point for them but Jesus. Freaks me out. I don’t even know you yet lady! Fuck. (Shaking head)
So okay, can you just come soon? Thanks. I promise I have a beautiful world waiting for you and I’m clean. Seriously been on the straight and narrow (immediately I’m getting that’s part of the problem and I’m getting this like baddie energy vibe from you, like they see you as this umm hmm like choice that for the first time it’s not steeped in perfectionism, you spark adventure in their life and living more freely and that feels scary to them and also highly alluring, they see you as sort of chaotic and all over the place, like I’m seeing a disarrayed apartment and stuff, that may not be how you are but this is how they’re envisioning you in their mind, what they deep down want is someone to push their boundaries and comforts and to help them feel alive, to be reckless (it’s not really reckless just how they see it) like they have a thing for the femme fatale/bad boy trope and they picture you that way. )
Okay! Umm interesting the energy was kinda switching between masculine and feminine when the wedding thing got brought up. Then switched to more masculine the rest of the reading.
Card Pull
Druid Craft Tarot
Ten of cups, reversed— problems at home or in a relationship, children may be leaving home, a dream may be dying— everything needs to die to make room for the new and for rebirth to occur.
Immediately flew out and I asked what else they wanted you to know. This card to me reiterates what they were showing in the channeling, this viewpoint of life they have is rooted in perfectionism and it’s starting to die, that’s why they feel so chaotic in the beginning of the reading. Maybe they’re going through their Saturn return because it really feels like this stable sense of how life works is being broken down for them. Almost like everything they believed to be true feels wrong now and is being questioned. I think this is less about a relationship ending and more about the never finding quite the right fit. Some of the ways they view love and relationships needs to grow and evolve for them to get what they want.
Anyway! Hope this helps you. I’d say just keeping focusing on yourself. Would love to know how or if it resonates.
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