3katanas · 1 year
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@changxlingfae asked: 🍺
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He wasn't entirely sure how he'd managed to be dragged out to the bars by the guy that they'd run into last night. Though he supposed it didn't really matter. They weren't set to leave port until tomorrow, something about Sanji wanting a famed fish from this area....or was it spices?
Either way, he caught the door to the bar, entering and pausing as he glanced back at the other. Waiting for him to decide where they were sitting. He'd been the one that had wanted to drink after all.
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tofeelthecold · 1 year
@changxlingfae hit the heart.
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"For fucks sake," Johnny muttered before looking up at the other. "No, I'm sorry I have somewhere to be maybe try the desk?"
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neverwholelahey · 1 year
@changxlingfae liked for a starter
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He was sat on the floor, with books strewn about, and his laptop in front of him. Isaac was working on his history essay, and had invited Bex to hang out of with him, so they could try and help each other with the homework.
"This essay is so boring."
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stilesstylelinski · 1 year
@changxlingfae​ liked for a starter;
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“You’re avoiding me, and I’d like to know why.” Stiles said, leaning on the clerical desk so he could peer around the computer screen Bex was focused on. “I thought you accepted my apology...”
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halexstcrm · 1 year
"I had a little free time, so I thought maybe I could help you with your research paper. You know, the paper you're writing about Werewolves...?" Cora pulled a few volumes off the bookshelf relating to the topic, and handed them to her classmate. "There's a lot to sift through, but I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for here."
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agentsterling · 1 year
It wasn’t often that Sterling had time on his hands. Most of his off hours were spent with his wife and infant child and when clocked in he spent them working as hard as he could possibly push his body and mind to. Still, he considered this particular venture to be research in some capacity. He needed something to fill those wee hours when he couldn’t sleep. He’d run out of books to read Ara and he’d promised Chen he wouldn’t read her SHIELD’s rule books anymore.
He walked up to the counter of the library, hoping his library card still counted since he had been blipped, and approached the first person he saw. 
“Excuse me. I called earlier to have two books set aside.” He handed the worker a small piece of paper with two book titles: Look Out for the Little Guy! By Scott Lang and I Was There... written by, well, they weren’t sure who wrote it. It was said to have been written by a SHIELD agent about the battle with Thanos but he hated the idea of a SHIELD agent writing a book about their work. Wasn’t it bad enough all their files got leaked? Still, he had to read it. It wasn’t that he was trying to figure out who wrote it, but it certainly had his attention. “Under the name Sterling.”   
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haledwolf · 1 year
@changxlingfae sent in “you’re kind of hot” for my muse’s reaction 
Derek’s head turned to the side, towards where the voice was coming from. He had to do a doble take before actually registering that the voice that had said those words were coming from the young man a few feet away from him. “And you’re kind of a little too young for me.”
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yinjiyang · 1 year
Lifting the Veil
“What happened?” - @changxlingfae​ Random Injury Caretaking Starters
       He hadn't expected someone else to see him quite like this, still recovering from the pain of being exposed to direct sunlight.  Yin wasn't exactly...in the best state--being somewhat pallid and sickly in appearance as he attempted to catch his breath in the shadow of an awning.  "Oh..." he replied quietly, winded, his hand on his chest at though it may sturdy his breathing.  "Just...an out of body experience.  I will be fine," he assured the boy.
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painofhumanity · 1 year
@changxlingfae liked Miles' starter call
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Music was more his thing, but Miles had needed to get out of the house, to have a brief reprieve from the weight of the world crushing him, and that had somehow led to him walking into the library. As for why he was in this particular section. . . Living in a haunted house and being possessed by a ghost for months tended to make one curious about what was out there. He just hadn't expected there to be quite so much to go through, and he was overwhelmed trying to figure out what he wanted to look at.
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@changxlingfae sent a meme || “ you deserve someone who always puts you first. ”
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“And if I can’t put them first? Then what? Do I truly deserve that if I can’t do it myself?”
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westwingsolo · 1 year
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"Ok... I know that this looks bad.. but I looked up how the dewy decimal system works and I promise I'll reorganize everything..."
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3katanas · 1 year
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@changxlingfae liked for a starter!
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He paused, freezing in place as his gaze alighted on Bex down the street before he rolled his eyes. Long strides ate up the distance between the two of them before he took the massive package out of his turning crewmate's arms. "Just how many books did you buy?"
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❛  love is still love even if it’s forbidden.  ❜
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He ponders about those words for a while before he chooses his next words carefully, "You are right but it definitely makes things far more complicated. I mean isn't love supposed to be something that comes easy Doesn't everyone deserve a happy ending I can honestly not see it happening in this case. " Maybe reading all of those books was not always an advantage. Books weren't reality, if anything they were an escape from it. Elio lets out a sigh and shrugs, "Sorry I'm bothering you with all of this."
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tofeelthecold · 1 year
@changxlingfae hit the heart.
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"Actually I was just stopping by to pick up some books that I reserved," Alex admitted with his bright smile plastered on his face. He needed them for the research he was doing form some paper in one of his classes. But there were some in there for June as well, he'd promised he'd grab them while he was here.
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hstoryhuh-a · 1 year
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❛❛   i   suppose   i   may   have   gotten   a   bit   carried   away   ...   ❜❜         his   admission   is   voiced   over   the   stack   of   books   carted   in   hand.   though   he   is   able   to   see   over   his   choices,   it's   a   little   extreme   if   he   were   to   go   by   what   others   are   carrying   around.   perhaps   a   basket   would   have   been   one   of   his   better   ideas   now   that   he   allowed   himself   to   think   of   it.            
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protectxthem · 1 year
[lyrical starter call]
"Maybe I'm just blind to everything around me."
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