surprisingrecipes · 7 months
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Poached Egg Soup Changua con Huevo
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matthewlopz · 11 months
Midnight Snack "Changua"
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Collab art work for InsertTapes new vynil/cassette
Get it here!
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De que parte de Colombia ? ... pero dilo con algo que es propio de esa zona, una dicho, un lugar en particular etc
Aquí a todo el mundo le decimos veci, los foráneos le dicen "La nevera" y un plato muy popular es la Changua 😥
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usedtobeguest123 · 1 year
Sana, Sana
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La Traes Chapter 13, in which Mirabel gets mansplained to by Osvaldo and Bruno reconnects with Julieta.
I almost called this chapter "Augurios," which means omens. Do with that information what you will ;)
Very appetizing changua image (and recipe) courtesy of Sweet y Salado
Bruno scraped the dregs from his bowl and sighed. Her magic had taken the edge off his headache and he felt much less shaky than before. He was healed and refreshed, once again, by the local expert in healing and refreshment… except when it comes to herself . He glanced over at his sister, who was gazing out the kitchen window, her chin resting in her other hand, knuckles covering her mouth thoughtfully. 
Sometimes, even if you try to hold them close and safe, they still slip through your fingers anyways, she'd said.
He frowned. She caught him looking and smiled, shaking herself from her reverie. She rose and picked up his bowl, planting a kiss on his head as she went, and carried it to the sink to wash. 
All you can do is be there for them when they scrape their knees. 
As he watched her then, bolstered by magic she’d always explained as love, comforted by closeness he didn’t even think he needed, all together better than he’d been only moments before…it suddenly occurred to him that everything he now understood mothering to be, well, it had all come from Julieta. 
Now, now, now, he thought, chiding himself guiltily. He meant no disrespect; he loved Mamá and was impossibly, endlessly, gut-wrenchingly, grateful for her unwavering strength, hard as a stone, always steadfast and steady against the whirlwind of time. 
But warmth…
All the maternal warmth and comfort he could remember in his childhood had come from his sisters, had come from Juli. 
She had been the one he crawled into bed with when he had nightmares, letting her squeeze him desperately tight until the shadows faded away. She had been the one to whisper comfort in his ear when everything just felt too heavy, to rub his back or bring a cool cloth for his head, to hum a soft lullaby that he had only vague memories of in Alma’s voice. She’d been the one to lure him out of his room when he’d hidden himself away for too long, been the one always waiting in the kitchen with solace and sugar and changua for a headache. Julieta was steadfast and steady through her tenderness, ever patient, ever self-sacrificing….eh, perhaps a bit snippy at times, sure…yet never cold.
He found it strange, now, that though she was a mere moments older than him, her soul had jumped to don that heavy, too-big garment of motherhood for him and Pepa as though she was always meant to wear it. Where did that come from? How did she know how to do it? He wondered if her gift had ushered her into that role, or if it had been the other way around. He wondered if she ever missed having the same warmth for herself as she carried everyone else.
He suddenly, oddly, wished with all his heart that he could give that all to her now, as if it were something he could pull from his pocket and wrap around her like a blanket. To somehow return just a small piece of the childhood she’d given up for them…that they’d all lost, really. But he hadn’t the slightest understanding of where to begin. And he was a million years too late.
“Hey,” he mumbled weakly, anxious to somehow tell her everything and simultaneously too terrified to put any of it into words. 
“Hm?” she hummed, running a knuckle gently across his stubbled cheek as she sank back into her chair beside him.
“Um…” he grimaced, his words stuck and his train of thought lost. “Just uh, thanks. For the food. You’ve…y-you’re always…um, y-you’re the best.” He winced at the lame inadequacy of his stammering.
She winked at him. “I know. I’m the best sister there ever was.” 
He just stared back at her, and her smile faded. 
“What’s wrong, Brunito?”
He shook his head slowly, pulling his mouth to the side and frowning. If only I could give her something of it back. Anything.
Pepa had voiced the same longing, only a few weeks before. Maybe it's not too late…to get back what we had as kids, she’d said, asking him for something he had no idea how to give. 
You need a new perspective, Mirabel had said. To look at things differently. Ay, he felt like all he’d been doing was "different" for the past several months. He thought of Antonio's laughter, and of a butterfly landing on Mirabel's nose. Of tag and paper butterflies, of dancing and leapfrog. He thought of poems and leaves and stillness and….and…all the indescribable things that made up his sobrinos' most powerful—most healing— magic. 
And then, a sudden, outrageous thought struck him. Nuts, even. He felt a small shiver down his spine…a measure of intuition? A nudge in the right direction, maybe.
“Juli,” he began softly. “You, uh, you got any plans after breakfast?”
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a-new-weirdo · 1 year
Primeras veces, descripción de mayo hasta el momento:
Pienso enumerarlas para no olvidar la fecha más adelante:
1. Organice la radicación de un permiso de aprovechamiento forestal (espero que si lo otorguen :0)
2. Viajé completamente sola sin conocer a nadie al destino de la radicación
3. Radique mi primer permiso de aprovechamiento en la Corporación
4. Visite una frontera:0 y recorrí bastante de arauca, me tome unas pocas con personas que conocí ese mismo día y me sentí muy bien. Cansadimisima pero muy bien
5 Conocí el río arauca, inmenso, majestuoso, se olvidan un poco las problemáticas fronterizas ♡
6. Me pusieron los bracketsssss
7. Me floreció mi cactus, una cosa preciosaaa
8. Conocí la macarena UD, con mi amorcito
9. Tome changua y ahora me gusta :)
10. Vi rayos muy cerca del avión en el que estaba 😱
No sé si la lista siga, pero me encanta vivir todo esto :) espero que sean miles de primeras veces más jeje
07 de mayo de 2023 ♡
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dan6085 · 1 year
Colombia is known for its diverse and delicious cuisine, with a mix of Spanish, Indigenous, and African influences. Here are 20 of the best Colombian foods to try:
Bandeja Paisa: A hearty platter of beans, rice, chorizo, avocado, plantain, and fried egg, typically served with grilled meat.
Arepas: Corn cakes filled with cheese, meat, or other toppings, served as a snack or side dish.
Empanadas: Fried or baked pastry turnovers filled with meat, potatoes, or cheese.
Ajiaco: A soup made with chicken, corn, potatoes, and herbs, served with avocado and capers.
Lechona: A whole roasted pig stuffed with rice, peas, and spices.
Sancocho: A hearty soup made with meat, yucca, plantains, corn, and other vegetables.
Tamales: Corn masa filled with meat or vegetables and steamed in banana leaves.
Chicharrón: Deep-fried pork belly or pork rinds, often served with yucca and salsa.
Sudado: A stew made with chicken, pork, or beef, cooked with tomatoes, onions, and other vegetables.
Frijoles: A stew of beans, served with rice, meat, and plantains.
Patacones: Fried green plantains, often served as a side dish or snack.
Hogao: A sauce made with tomatoes, onions, and cilantro, often served with meat, rice, or beans.
Buñuelos: Fried dough balls made with cheese or yucca.
Pan de Bono: Cheese bread made with cornmeal and yucca flour.
Papas Rellenas: Mashed potato balls filled with meat or cheese and fried.
Caldo de Costilla: A soup made with beef ribs, potatoes, and vegetables.
Arroz con Pollo: Chicken and rice cooked with onions, tomatoes, and spices.
Changua: A breakfast soup made with milk, eggs, and scallions.
Mondongo: A stew made with tripe, potatoes, and vegetables.
Posta Negra: Slow-cooked beef stewed in a dark sauce made with coca cola, coffee, and spices.
These are just a few of the delicious foods to try in Colombia. With its rich culinary traditions and diverse regional specialties, there is something for everyone to enjoy.
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mmfood · 2 years
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Breakfast this morning is Colombian Changua Bogotana! Milk, bread, eggs, scallions and cilantro! Super simple soup!
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pauromeo · 11 days
ajjaja ohhh, entonces changua sí o changua no?
Depende jajajaja, pues no me incomoda pero preferiría otras cosas y tu?
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kathe18 · 1 month
De quien más me enamoré y de ti no escribí, no sabía que iba hacer tan fugaz pero tan intenso e importante.
H, desde el primer momento me llamaste la atención tu físico hermoso, tu estatura es mil estrellas, tu cuerpo desnudo otras mil estrellas, nuestra conexión sexual más dos mil estrellas, lo lograste en el primer día 🥰 wow es que hasta yo estaba muy emocionada y super tragada de esa imagen, cuando subías los brazos y los ponías justo detrás de tu cabeza mi cuerpo se desbordaba, cuando encima miraste hacia el frente fue la imagen más sensual y atractiva de ver, me derreti una y otra vez, mi bebé, él que me hizo quitar de mi lista y de mi boca esas palabras, nunca un menor, no me gustan las motos y no te visitaré...me las trague enteritas, que mi olor te gustara me exploto la cabeza, siempre me hiciste sentir cómoda desde el primer momento, tus cariños, tu confianza, tu tranquilidad, tu paz, que no tienes adicción al celular ni a las redes, lo eres todo vida, tu conocimiento, mi consejero, mi pinche entrenador jaja al que no convencía que no podía más, el niño alto que hice sentir pequeño, cada beso, cada romeada, tu espalda hermosa y tú curvatura espectacular, hermosos frente a un espejo, hermoso en la ducha, tomar mi pierna en la moto, reír juntos, tus payasadas, tu manera de vestirte, tu cara cocodrilo, tu ceño fruncido, el bocadillo que da energía, el banano que te "dolió" jaja, el frío de mi nariz y boca, tu lentes para conducir, tu contento por mi correspondencia, el por si acaso, tus manos grandes, tu ojos únicos, tu mandíbula marcada y lo que tanto me cautivó ( lo descubrí) tus chistes, tus equivocaciones por los nervios, tus abrazos, tus Holi, tus gustos geopardo y tigre, negro, colores pasteles, no neutros, la changua, la lechona, el fútbol, el boxeo, el golpe en la máquina que casi te lleva al primer piso, tu humanidad de ser amplio con tu partner, tu ayuda con las atraps, la térmica...
Quererme muchísimo, ganarme tu corazón con tu regalo de cumpleaños, gustarte mucho, rico, besarnos, nuestras conversaciones desnudos, nuestro experimento mal, tu presentación, que te cuide tu piel, tu bailada, mi cuerpo, mi abdomen bonito, mi cuerpazo, mi sonrisa, mi altura, mi hermoso cabello largo, mi cara, tu picadas de ojo y las mías, tu sonrisa, tu alegría, tu sentido doble, tu sentido del humor, tu dolor de rodillas, mis morados, mis nalguitas, tu fetiche, tu miedo a los insectos, tu "grito 0 varonil", tu gusto de mirarte frente al espejo, tu fascinación por tu espalda...
Ay mi chico te quiero demasiado, me fascinas, sigue con tu paz y tranquilidad que tanto me inspiraste, te seguiré admirando desde la distancia
Mil besos
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kolumbien-blog-david · 4 months
Mein Kolumbien Blog
In diese Blog meine wichtige themen sind die Schule, meine Familie aber ich schreibe von andere Themen.
Bei mir zu Hause sind wir fünf, ein Bruder und eine Schwester. Mein Bruder Sebastian, ist in die Universität und ist zwanzig Jahre alt. Juliana, meine Schwester ist in die Schule mit mir, sie ist in die zenhte Klasse. Mein Vater hat ein Firma von Medizin und miene Muter arbeit mit er.
Ich trainiere täglich ein Sport in die Schule und in ein Sport verein. In die Schule trainiere ich Basketball, Volleyball und Leichtathletik aber in die Sport verein trainiere nur Basketball.
In die Schule haben viele und gute Räumlichkeiten wie eine Laufbahn, viele Fußball Toren und Schwimmbad. Haben auch viele Gebäude und Klassen, in dieses Klassen können experimenten oder videos mit ein Fernseher das gibt in die meistens. Die Schuluniform ist ein blaues Judi und Hose, und eine weiße T-Shirt und für Sport Unterricht ein blaues Hosen und eine andere weiße T-Shirt. 
In Kolumbien es gibt sehr gute Gastronomie und typische Gerichte so wie Ajiaco, Sancocho, Bandeja Paisa und Changua. Ajiaco und Sancocho sind ähnlich, die zwei haben Kartoffel und Huhn aber die Ajiaco hat Kolben und Sancho nicht. Die Bandeja Paisa hat Fleisch, Reis, Avicado, Chicharon, Bohnen, Banana und Ei.
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surprisingrecipes · 7 months
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magkiker · 6 months
🤔 en que estába ? Aaa si , tengo que ir a traer el calao para la changua y alimento para las codornices
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bxbakery · 1 year
One of Kenji López-Alt’s Favorite Breakfasts? Changua, Columbian Bread and Egg Soup
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bookofruth · 1 year
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Changua! It's a savoury and just as rich bread pudding! The two minute cooked egg added at the end to the broth is devine and sinful. I understand this a breakfast dish and also a dish for curing hangovers. I'm so glad my boyfriend found this recipe and so are my love handles.
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Bored with breakfast?
Bored with breakfast? https://healthbeat.corewellhealth.org/bored-with-breakfast/ Shakshuka, a Middle Eastern breakfast, features eggs poached in a tomato and pepper base with feta cheese and an herb garnish. (For Corewell Health Beat) Is your morning meal feeling “blah” lately? If you feel stuck in a rut with your breakfast options, try looking to other countries for inspiration. Many international breakfast staples can help you incorporate more fiber and less sugar and processed carbs to better sustain you throughout the day. Here are a few options from around the world. Mexico In part of the Yucatan region, one traditional breakfast option includes huevos motuleños. This is a layered tostada (fried corn tortilla) with refried black beans, a fried egg, spiced tomato sauce, peas, ham and topped with fresh cheese. It is served with fried plantains on the side. Give it a try for a different twist on your morning eggs. It can be made healthier by toasting the corn tortilla instead of frying, choosing vegetarian or fat-free refried beans, and sautéing the plantain in olive oil. Columbia A little further south in Columbia, you can enjoy a breakfast soup called changua. It is a water and milk-based soup with potatoes and topped with cilantro and scallions. Eggs are then cooked in the hot soup base and it is served with hearty bread on the side. Changua is a great warm-up food on a cool morning. Egypt Traveling across the Atlantic to Egypt, we find a traditional breakfast dish dating back to ancient times. Ful medames is a national Egyptian dish made in a stew with fava beans, olive oil, and spices such as parsley, garlic, onion, chili powder, cumin and lemon. Serve it with warm pita bread for a fiber-rich breakfast. Middle East Moving further east, a traditional communal breakfast is common, called shakshuka. This is a dish of eggs poached in a tomato and bell pepper sauce. It is often seasoned with warm spices such as cumin, coriander, paprika or crushed red pepper flakes. Garnish with some fresh herbs and feta. This can even make an interesting family lunch or dinner. Japan Heading further into Asia, we find unique morning dishes on the islands of Japan. Japanese families traditionally start the day with a meal that may look more like dinner to many Americans. Centered around rice, the breakfast spread includes miso soup, grilled salmon, nori, natto and pickled vegetables. Take a culinary expedition These represent just a sampling of the diverse breakfast foods enjoyed around the world. Continue exploring international cuisine traditions on your own, or create your own new food combinations drawing inspiration from distant nations. The post Bored with breakfast? appeared first on Corewell Health | Health Beat. via Corewell Health | Health Beat https://healthbeat.corewellhealth.org/ May 30, 2023 at 08:42AM
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