#changki fanfic
babieken · 2 years
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Crescendo by @uh0paque , Babieken
Explicit. 7.1k. Finished.
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bookwormingwritesffs · 11 months
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Hi!! If you're over 18 and like reading m/m smut, consider checking out my Monsta X Changkyun/ Kihyun (Changki) story! It's complete~
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plus-const · 1 year
this is really random, but I'm back with my monsta x fanfic.
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I wrote it originally in russian, then translated in english, and now I want to give it some audience here, because twitter fandom is rather chaotic when it comes to promotion, and I really think there are more readers who would be glad to read the story.
this is canon compliant changki fic, placed in 2019-2021, with lots of canon details and with a complicated development of the relationship between changkyun and kihyun (I ship them intensely and gently, so happy ending ofc)
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I always wanted to read something like that, but there was no such story on ao3, so I had to write it myself. though I am a little bit self-conscious about my translation, I hope you like it ♥️
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kanartjii · 1 year
changki ao3 au;
A boy named Kihyun is handicapped and, in his parents' opinion, needs a carrier but Kihyun thinks he doesn't need anyone and therefore tries to make his new carrier job more difficult.
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burtonized · 4 years
Purple flames
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Genre: Fluff and feelings
Words: 1045
Prompt: Changkyun is a halfbreed demon in search of himself and his human heritage when all goes to Hell - figuratively speaking.
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun/Im Changkyun
N/A: This is just a little snippet that might become part of a bigger Changki fic, but for now, this is just some self-indulgence mixed with feelings I wanted to write. As always, a special thanks for @raibebe​, for always encouraging me to write whatever comes to mind and helping me out whenever I’m stuck. I hope you’ll all enjoy this!
The room around him was burning, the purple flames destroying everything they touched. They were out of control, impossible to pull back in, and all Changkyun could do was watch in defeat as his own powers scorched everything he had grown to love. 
He had sunk down to his knees at some point, and he felt tears stream down his face, the liquid almost cold to his burning cheeks. Everything inside of him felt like it was burning, an agonizing feeling that was worse than anything he had ever felt. He had never wanted any of this. All he had wanted was to find himself, to find what it was that had made him feel so incomplete. 
But he should have known he’d end up destroying everything that mattered to him. He had been so busy trying to become human that he had forgotten he was still a demon. His body may have been able to adapt to earth, with all demon traces gone, but his demonic fire never went out. It had always been there, lurking underneath the surface, waiting for a chance to destroy, to kill, to do what it had been taught to do. 
And oh, how he had tried to ignore that part of him, for the sake of everyone around him. But never, not in a million years, had he expected one human to break through his defences in the way Kihyun had. Because Kihyun had broken down all the walls Changkyun had built, carefully revealing the broken and confused heart and soul that Changkyun had wanted to keep hidden. 
And Kihyun had slowly mended Changkyun back together, had taught him it was okay to feel the things he did. Kihyun had showed him so many things, things Changkyun would have never learned nor understood if he would have stayed in Hell. 
His head snapped up immediately. There, in the middle of the raging fires stood Kihyun, looking as beautiful as ever. Changkyun had thought it before, but he couldn’t help thinking it again: Kihyun was like an angel. He glowed in the darkest of times, radiated something that Changkyun couldn’t fully understand, no matter how hard he tried. But he wanted to, even if it was the last thing he did.
Kihyun sunk to his knees and Changkyun wanted to protest, wanted to tell Kihyun he needed to get out of here, before the flames would scorch him too. But the words died in his throat as Kihyun reached out, carefully taking Changkyun’s face in his hands. 
And Changkyun was so lost. So lost in Kihyun’s eyes, that were dark and familiar, and searched for something in Changkyun’s face. He was lost in this world, in the world where he learned things he could have only dreamed of when he had still wandered around in Hell. But most of all, he was lost in the feelings that ached in his chest whenever he looked at Kihyun, whenever Kihyun touched him. It burned, it marked, and it nearly suffocated him, but it was like a drug Changkyun couldn’t get enough off. He needed more, needed Kihyun to stay by his side, to accept this side of him too.
But he knew that was not fair to ask and he would rather give up his life than ask something from Kihyun that was not fair. 
“I thought I had lost you,” Kihyun whispered and Changkyun could see it now, how droplets of tears clung to Kihyun’s eyelashes. How there was that worried frown between his eyebrows and how his lips were slightly parted, his breath passing shakily. “Damnit, Changkyun!” Kihyun tightened his hold, digging his fingers in the soft skin on Changkyun’s cheeks and Changkyun let him, needing the touch more than he needed to breathe. 
“You’re not getting rid of me so easily,” Changkyun muttered, trying desperately to make Kihyun smile, to get rid of that stupid frown between those perfect eyebrows. 
But Kihyun frowned even deeper, his fingers digging harsher. “I swear to God, Changkyun,” he breathed, “now is not the time for your stupid jokes.”
“But you love my jokes,” Changkyun countered as his hands found Kihyun’s shirt, his fingers clinging around the soft material.
“Of course I do, you absolute idiot,” Kihyun said infuriated. “But not in times like this. Not when I thought I had lost you forever.”
Changkyun held the material tighter in his fingers, unsure of what to say. He had never been really good with words when it came to Kihyun.
The pressure on his cheeks lessened, Kihyun releasing his death grip. “I mean it, Changkyun,” he muttered and Changkyun realized how close they were, their lips nearly touching. “I don’t know what I’d do if I’d lose you.”
A shaking laugh escaped Changkyun. “You would find someone else, Ki. Someone less… problematic.”
“But I don’t want anything else, Changkyun. I want you…” Kihyun hesitated, before he continued, “All of you.”
Changkyun’s heart was racing, his brain working far too hard to understand what was happening. “Ki…?”
“Show yourself, Changkyun,” Kihyun urged softly, still holding Changkyun close, still holding their faces close enough that every breath could be felt. “Show your real self.”
Not for the first time, Changkyun realized how utterly powerless he was when it came to Kihyun. Anything Kihyun asked, Changkyun would give. This request was no different.
It felt strangely familiar, forcing his human body, that he had grown so accustomed to, to make way for the demon inside him. And even though he knew the change was almost instant, he still felt the growing of his horns and nails, he still felt his teeth lengthening, he still felt his tail becoming visible again. And even though he did not feel it, he knew his eyes were changing too, the dark brown making way for the amber colour that was bound to the blood of Satan that flowed in his veins.
Kihyun looked at him like he never had before, his eyes wide in something akin to shock, before his lips quirked up in a smile. “I always knew you weren’t from this world,” he smiled, before finally, finally, closing the distance between them and capturing Changkyun’s lips in a kiss that burned, in all the right ways.
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wonheoney · 6 years
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Now or never
Part 4
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mx-requests-forum · 7 years
[Fulfilled] My Maknae
Prompt: Changki + Kihyun getting jealous of others coddling Changkyun
Fulfilled by Moderator ReeLee~
Words: 993
AO3 Link (For Easier Reading)
Changkyun giggles, the high-pitched squeal of mirth setting Kihyun’s teeth on edge.
“Hyung~!” the maknae halfheartedly protests against Jooheon’s tickling, earning an affectionate coo from Hyungwon. Kihyun watches with detached interest, doing his best to not give the scene too much attention so as to keep his jealousy in check.
Whenever things get hard or tiresome, the others all turn to the maknae for comfort. His childlike delight at getting attention from his hyungs have proven throughout the years to be the perfect kind of stress relief, and it’s turned into a sort of game for the others to see just who can get more laughs out of the maknae. The winner gets the satisfaction that they were the source of the most joy for their beloved maknae, while the others merely are more determined the next day to earn such an honor.
Hyungwon reaches over to join in on the tickle-assault, and Kihyun’s just about had enough. He stands with a sigh from the sectional, and leaves the living room to clean the dishes from dinner. It’s better for him to distract himself with some sort of housekeeping task, or else he’d snap at the others. Of course, they all know why exactly it aggravates Kihyun to no end, but the maknae is sometimes a bit oblivious about it. But, whenever Kihyun snaps, Changkyun ends up taking much too personally, and it fills Kihyun to no end with guilt.
So, it’s just better that he puts some distance between himself and the situation… for now.
Unknown to him, Changkyun’s eyes follow him in disappointment, despite the attention currently being given to him.
 Even though the others may not realize, Changkyun realizes a lot more than he lets on. For example, he notices the small glances Minhyuk gives Jooheon when the rapper isn’t looking. He sees the way Hyungwon watches Hoseok with the most adoring of smiles whenever the older begins to babble incoherently. And, he recognizes how jealous Kihyun gets when the others shower him with attention.
He’s never thought it to be too serious before, so he’s always just let it be… But, now, the comeback preparations have been putting an even worse stressor on them all than the past ones, and it’s become obvious just how much Kihyun dislikes the attention the others give him. If the hurt light in the vocalist’s eyes weren’t enough of a sign, the fact that he now has to distance himself from such scenes only goes to further prove it.
 Changkyun waits until he’s sure the others are all asleep before confronting Kihyun about this. Jooheon’s snores and Minhyuk’s muffled murmurings are the only sounds in the room as are typical for this time of night. However, it’s obvious Kihyun is still very much awake judging by how still his cocoon of blankets are.
The maknae wordlessly scrambles down the ladder of his bunk, careful not to wake the others, and climbs up into his hyung’s bunk without even asking for permission. Kihyun merely moves to the side, and lifts up the blankets for the younger to snuggle down into. Changkyun does so, slipping under the covers and cuddling into Kihyun’s side. He wraps his arms around the older’s middle and rests his head atop his chest. Kihyun noticeably relaxes at the touch, and his arms come to rest around Changkyun’s waist.
“You okay, hyung?” he asks, his voice a mere whisper in the night. Kihyun sighs thoughtfully, his eyes remaining on the ceiling as he contemplates letting the maknae in on his little secret…
“I’m fine, Kkungie,” he mumbles in reply, his heart beating slightly faster as the mere notion of doing such a thing crosses his mind. Changkyun pulls away a little to pout at the older, not believing the lie at all.
“You know they don’t mean anything by spoiling me, right?” he goes on to say, hitting the head on the head. Kihyun chuckles breathily at this, his hold around the younger tightening at the mention of the others.
“I know, Kkungie,” Kihyun sighs.
“Then why does it bother you so much?”
The older’s fingers pinch at the thin fabric of Changkyun’s shirt, and he licks his lips. He can’t lie to his maknae, he just can’t. The mere thought of doing so makes his heart pang in soul-wrenching guilt. No, he can’t lie to him. His eyes drop to stare into Changkyun’s puppy-brown eyes, the pleading light in them pulling at his conscience. He knows deep down in his soul there’s only one thing he can say.
“Because I love you, Changkyunnie,” he says, his voice soft.
Changkyun’s eyes widen, having clearly not expected such a confession. He props himself up on an elbow, careful not to bump his head on the ceiling. Kihyun’s heart pounds out of his chest, feeling more nervous than he had for both his Starship audition and that time he’d had to jump off the Macao Tower combined.
Finally, after seemingly much pondering, the faintest of smiles plays its way across Changkyun’s face. He leans forward, closing the distance between them, and presses a feather-like kiss against Kihyun’s lips.
“I love you, too, hyung,” he whispers, his breath tickling Kihyun’s nose. The older chuckles softly as he shifts his position a little for better comfort. One of Kihyun’s hands comes up to rest against the younger’s nape, while the other sets itself on the younger’s hip. He holds the maknae close, his eyes falling shut at the warm feeling of having him so close.
 By the time they finally break away, they’re slightly out of breath. Changkyun chuckles under his breath and snuggles close, their legs tangling together under the sheets. Kihyun readjusts his position slightly to better accommodate his dongsaeng, thoughts of his own comfort long gone. He’ll be fine just so long as Changkyun is okay.
The two fall asleep soon after, cuddling as close as humanly possible just because they can.
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xxxzzum · 3 years
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カバー muzzx; você não pode segurar meu coração.
caso se inspire, dê os créditos.
capa pra @nyssua
não ando muito satisfeita com o resultado das minhas edições, mas tive de fazer essa capa pra uma amiga querida que escreveu uma fic linda que nem ela desse casal bonito pra daná.
a capa não tá nem perto do talento dela, mas foi inspirada na @ladysjung.
detalhe: alguém me ensina a botar titulo nas edições pfv tem criança morrendo.
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tiaefocus · 2 years
sooo.. i want to start posting stuff but im not really sure what you guys want to see? i was thinking about posting some of my fics on here but some can get a bit lengthy...
what would you guys like to see? some changki ~exclusively~ for tumblr, or some of my works from ao3 just placed on here for a while? it's up to you.
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monstaxfanfic · 7 years
All I Ever Need
author: kalawakan on ao3
pairing: Kihyun x Changkyun (Changki)
rating: Teen
length: 3,469 words
other tags: complete
"Go get yourself a new roommate," they said.
read it here
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limjaeseven · 3 years
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Pairing: Changkyun X Kihyun
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Word Count: 911
Summary: Changkyun is drowning and Kihyun is there to save him.
Warning(s): Alcohol consumption
[a/n]: Written as a part of tipsy drabbles with @flurrys-creativity @cheriebeom and @birbdae. I usually chaperone them since I don't drink but I thought I'd join in for once.
Also, this is my first ever Monsta X fic so I hope you enjoy it!
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Kihyun will never forget the first time he met Changkyun, in that dimly lit back room of a barbeque restaurant filled with cameras and his fellow trainees from No. Mercy. The hatred he felt towards the boy without even knowing his name was probably uncalled for, but he had just watched his friends, people he’d trained with for years and dreamed of debuting with leave.
The ice did break between them eventually as they realised it wasn’t really Changkyun’s fault that he got added to the show midway through but it still wasn’t easy to accept him into their circle. After the show ended though, once it was confirmed that he was part of their final line up, they didn’t have much of a choice but to set aside their differences and get to know each other.
The guilt that Kihyun felt the first time he actually sat down and spoke to Changkyun, a bit after they started their final training before debut, was overwhelming. He understood the loneliness that Changkyun felt, ostracised from everyone in his team while also having negative comments saying he won even though he didn’t deserve to, thrown at him.
“I feel like I’m drowning,” Changkyun had told him, tears trailing down his face as he hid his face in his hands. Kihyun remembered pulling the boy into his arms, hugging him tightly and apologising endlessly, promising to do better, to treat him right.
Things got better after that, all the members warmed up to Changkyun and he was able to stop walking on eggshells all the time. It wasn’t long before he was assimilated into the group, the rivalries put behind them.
Fast forward five years and they’re inseparable, even if their official member count dropped to six, they’re doing better than ever. Changkyun got his solo debut approved in the gap between their group promotions and his hyungs were so proud of him they treated him to dinner at his favourite restaurant while gushing about how much he’d grown over the years.
Kihyun sat back and watched the light blush that coated Changkyun’s cheeks, a result of the alcohol in his system and the compliments thrown his way. Their eyes met every now and then and it’s nothing but smiles that they shared. Kihyun couldn’t help but think about how far Changkhyun had come, memories of their first meeting still fresh in his mind, softened over the years as the anger wore away.
He doesn’t remember when it happened, but at some point Kihyun realised that he looked at Changkyun differently than he did the other members. Everyone said he had a soft spot for the boy but he thought it as just because he was the maknae or because of his promise to the younger but when Changkyun started taking up his thoughts and plaguing his dreams, Kihyun had to take a step back to introspect. The answer to why was simple, but terrifying.
“What did you think of the album, hyung?” Changkyun asked him as they sat on the roof of their dorm after getting back from dinner, the adrenaline still too high to actually be able to catch any sleep.
“It’s really good Kyun-ah, I always knew you’d do well,” Kihyun’s words were slurred but Changkyun simply nodded, taking his hands away from under and laying down.
“Why does it feel like I’m drowning again?” Kihyun was taken aback by the question, “I thought the water stopped rising after we debuted, that I had learned how to swim, but it’s like I had only been floating aimlessly for so long and a large wave is about to crash over me and take me under again.”
“Have you been reading the negative comments again?”
“I stopped doing that a while back,” Changkyun refuted
“Well I know that you’re going to do well, your album is amazing, the fans love you.”
“Why does it feel like that isn’t enough?” The younger mumbled.
“What does that mean? You mean not having us around?” Kihyun turned back to look at Changkyun, who met his gaze with a small smile.
“Yes and no? I know that I can manage on my own but it still feels weird.”
“You know we’re always by your side, right?” Laying back, Kihyun turned on his side to face the younger, his voice soft.
“You look beautiful,” Changkyun mumbled, making Kihyun’s heart leap into his throat.
“Yah stop playing around, I’m being serious here,”
“I mean it, I love you hyung”
“I love you too, Kyun-ah. You know that”
“Not like that hyung, it doesn’t matter though, leave it. I’m going to sleep” Changkyun pushed himself off the floor, but a hand grabbed at his wrist before he could leave.
Kihyun pulled himself up, facing the younger, wiping away the stray tear that had fallen from his eyes with the edge of his sleeve.
“I have loved you for a long time, you know that?” Changkyun opened his mouth to interject but Kihyun placed a finger against his lips, “It took me a while to realise it but it feels like I’ve felt like that forever.”
“Please tell me I’m dreaming, hyung” Changkyun said and Kihyung grinned, placing his hands on the younger’s face, pulling him close. Kissing Changkyun was unlike anything he’d ever felt before and he knew he’d never get tired of it.
“I’m here to pull you back to the shore when you feel like you’re drowning, understood?”
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babieken · 2 years
hello!! do you have an underrated mx fanfic recommendations?
I made a fic rec list ages ago that I haven’t updated (but to be fair i haven’t been reading a lot lately) so here it is
as for underrated, I can only think a few I've read recently!
Fill Me, Fuel Me (showho)
nectar of the gods (showki)
[haven't finished this one yet but enjoying so far] Masterpiece (changki)
Wet by your under (changki)
Kiki’s delivery service (kihyuk)
and lastly, I Babieken on AO3, you can check my own work and my bookmarks there too (although i rarely remember to bookmark works I like lsdkjsj)
OH ALSO! please check out the tag and warnings before reading any of my recced fics!!!
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Hi! If you come across this, I hope you will checkout my fic on Ao3~~
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hsunshine · 3 years
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uh0paque · 4 years
Kihyun, a starving vampire: Give me your blood
Changkyun the chicken delivery boy: Not with that attitude :/
(credit to Niki <3)
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nayozone · 7 years
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Título: No filter 
Autora: JinPrincesa
Sinopse:  Quando a lente da câmera de Kihyun é capaz de ver apenas uma única pessoa. changki | photographer!kihyun
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