#changjin imagines
honeysugarchocolate · 11 months
a boy’s love is a product of hunger and light
changjin college au drabble
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the second time changbin falls in love with hyunjin, hyunjin is sitting in the middle of the grass field beside the chemistry building, in the shade of an aspen tree, flipping through a thesaurus of a textbook. the air runs piano fingers through his hair, the sun kisses poetry into the bow of his lips— and he’s the most beautiful thing changbin’s ever seen.
the third time, there's hyunjin, barefoot, cheeks flushed, in nothing but an oversized v-neck cashmere sweater, sleeves up to his fingertips, the moon rising from the valley of his neck, lashes constructing the loveliest shadows on his cheekbones. hair pooling at his collarbones like sinking fishnets, legs folded to his chest, napping quietly on the arm of an old couch, he stirs only to curl up more tightly.
the fourth time, there's hyunjin leaning against a teak countertop, wearing one of changbin’s large dress shirts, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, skin weaved from moonflowers and the shiniest silk, knobbly long legs crossed, early morning, sunlight dusting his hair. there’s a hardback novel pressed open beneath his hands, and he’s humming, blooming, coming alive in the shades of daybreak, changbin’s lips on his neck.
but the very first time changbin falls in love with hyunjin, all in one breath, one second, hyunjin doesn't see him. hyunjin doesn't know him.
and it's the same the fifth and the last time changbin falls in love with hyunjin, breathless, heart frantic like a rabbit; when hyunjin’s walking down the snow-powdered streets in december, wearing a wedding tux, an engagement ring heavy in his pocket, eyes still red and swollen, something ugly and broken in the curl of his spine, a name on his lips half-chewed half-swallowed. changbin takes one look at him and falls in love so hard his heart breaks, slits him from the inside and leaves him hemorrhaging on the side walk, bleeding blues and purples. flooding the street. but hyunjin doesn't see him, and hyunjin will never see him. because hyunjin is the kind of guy who only angels can learn to love. the kind of guy who licks the sky and sucks on stars. a kiss from him and the whole world goes crazy.
hyunjin was the guy who stole changbin’s heart, and who died without ever having known he had it in his hands, beating like an ocean sun.
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atzskz0 · 9 months
Asking skz bsf for beats (Text Messages)
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Gender neutral reader
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Ask me how many times I’ve screamed over this today ask me.
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echo-rambles · 5 months
ok, hear me out. changjin single dad au…… with hyunjin as the dad. thoughts?
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kyeomssant · 2 years
Skz one shots based on taylor swift songs? Send in some reqs, it can romantic or platonic and it can be between the boys or with y/n i don't mind. I'm very bored rn
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apas-95 · 2 months
What's the best train movie?
I was going to say this one soviet film set in WW2 about a supply train set for the front and its crew trying to keep the train running in spite of bombing, track repairs by engineering battalions, enemy reconnaissance troops etc but then I remembered I dreamt it. I guess Battle of Lake Changjin has a train segment... Most train-specific movies I can think of aren't that good, I think.
Does what I imagine when I look at this picture count as a movie?
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cutiedwaekki · 1 year
paint me naked
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♡kinktober day 4 : paint me naked
-> changjin , smut , top hyunjin , bottom changbin , paint sex
-> 1367 words
Lol those on the discord gc will know all the problem i got with this fic but luckily i succes of making it for today hehe enjoy <3
"Binnie are you coming to bed?" Hyunjin asked as he came out of the shower, his hair barely dry, yet as he hoped to fall on his lover lying on the bed, he saw nothing... nobody
-"Binnie?" Curious, Hyunjin left the room in search of the brunette. He was neither on the sofa watching a series, nor in the kitchen munching on the snacks that Hyunjin was deliberately putting up high. After all, he was well aware of his boyfriend's insatiable appetite, and although he loved his curves and his fat, he too had a right to greasy foods!
It was then that Hyunjin began to think about worrying: at last he knew that Changbin was at home, and if he'd gone out somewhere to buy something, he'd have warned him. He looked at their calender, nothing to report.
Luckily there was still one room Hyunjin hadn't tested, but what would Changbin be doing in his painting room? Admiring all the portraits he'd done of himself? No, that's not his style.
-"Binnie are you ... there?"
Yes, Changbin was there, lying on one of the large canvases he'd bought a few days ago. He still had his underpants on, leaving a tantalizing view of his plump body. But what also drew his attention were the various pots of paint around the canvas.
-"What are you doing, Jagi"?
-Isn't it obvious? I'm realizing your greatest wish", he retorted, before sniggering.
But hyunjin, still confused, looked at him quizzically before finally understanding what was going on.
-"Wait, you want us to have sex on that canvas? Hyunjin questioned him, his voice was small and quiet as he chewed on his lip waiting for Changbin to reply to his question.
-"Isn't that what you wanted? You told me it was your fantasy" then retorted the brunette with a soft laugh that the blond had become addicted to.
"I ... I mean, it could be interesting.." he said, trailing off as he had an internal battle with himself. Did he really want to have sex with Changbin on top of a canvas, both covered in paint and roll around making shapes with thier bodies? I mean that'll be perfect but imagine Changbin don't like it ... or at worst the canva's break ? But he would be stupid to say no to something like that.
"I need a real answer, cutie. Yes, or no." Changbin says, now standing in front of him as he lifts his chin up with his fingers, making Hyunjin to look at him. The blond man gulp as he stare at him, trying to find his voice.
- "Yes, Changbin i want to"
- "Perfect"
The brunette then kissed Hyunjin, and it was only when he felt the cold, strange sensation of his hand on his cheek until that he realized changbin had paint on his hands.
The mixture of excitement made him quickly remove each of his clothes, almost as if he'd never been dressed before. Changbin wasted no time in removing his boxer shorts, even if belly hid his penis well with or without them.
The funniest part was when he grabbed the paint, he only took small amounts to avoid mess and only used glitter, which made Hyujin chuckle as he plunged his hand into the pot of gold paint before placing it on the shortest's ass that he proudly slapped .
-"Who'd have thought the little greaseball was a horny little bunny, eh?"
Changbin just chuckled, as if acting innocently in the face of such actions.
It was then that the preliminaries really began, at first Hyunjin was more amused by the situation than finding any real excitement in it, even though it was one of his wildest fantasies after making love at the cinema.
But as soon as Changbin lay down on the canvas, leaving a fine view of his ass and Hyunjin's golden handprints, the blond really started to get hard. Surely, seeing his lover so horny and fat, so willing and inspired by something Hyunjin was passionate about, could only fill him with joy and a beautiful, painful boner.
And he soon realized that, despite his desire to fuck the brunette, he'd have to wait, after all, they also had a beautiful canvas to paint.
-"Did you put on weight lately Binnie ? he asked curiously, but with a hint of teasing.
Changbin understood this and feigned innocence. Yet Hyunjin wordlessly grabbed the paint and began to trace all the stretch marks he could see, painting the new ones blue and the older ones pink.
During all that time when he said nothing and painted, when no words came out, Changbin felt both humiliated and flattered, since by distinguishing between new and old stretch marks he was making it clear that Changbin had only put on a little weight, but also flattered him by painting what could be a source of complex and insecurity for the brunette.
Once proud of his work, the blond gently pushed the oldest so that his body touched the canvas, the real chlses was about to begin.
Even though they were both excited and their kisses were becoming more and more passionate, they refused to get down to business until at least 80% of the canvas had been covered with paint, which meant more paint, more ass-slapping and more and more explicit moments.
Like Hyunjin, who with his painter's soul decided to cover Changbin's entire chest with paint before turning him over and fingering him until he could clearly see the trace of his moobs on the paint.
In the end, Changbin, who thought he was going to have fun, hil who thought he was going to be able to paint with Hyunjin, ended up, as he had done so many times before, being used as a model, in this case as a brush for Hyunjin's work. He didn't mind, of course, at least he'd managed to get his hand and ass imprinted on this canva
-"Do you think it's good? Have we painted enough?" asked the blond, who, as a painter, knew when it was bo net when it was necessary and continued to address his boyfriend as if he were the one with knowledge, as if he was the artist.
Even is Hyunjin was the painter and Changbin was his muse.
But this withholding of pleasure for so long only frustrated the brunette even more, he didn't want his fingers, he didn't want his kisses, he wanted to feel Hyunjin inside him.
With a rather incomprehensible groan, Hyunjin understood the situation, and amused himself with a snide tone by surmising, "we can do both, you know".
So he carefully applied the paint to his lower belly, while Changbin's belly was painted gold , well jjst to cover a part of it mldt of the paint was used wich makes both of them giggle and turn them even more on which meant only one thing: things were finally getting serious.
Hyunjin couldn't hold back and quickly thrust his penis in, which provoked a brutal groan from Changbin. They'd already done worse, it's true, and he was so impatient that he ordered Hyunjin to continue before the blond even had to wonder if he'd hurt Changbin.
The rest was quite common, their bodies clashing to the rhythm of their moaning. Here they weren't looking to prolong the pleasure, they'd been so stimulated since the very beginning that they just needed to get it over with as quickly as possible.
So, without much surprise, Changbin was the first to come, covering the canvas with his sperm as his moans became more and more acute.
Hyunjin didn't fail to come too, detaching himself from the brunette as his semen continued to flow.
They'd clearly enjoyed themselves, although the only reason they wasn't going to do it again so soon was that both of them were covered in paint, which meant they'd have to take a shower to get clean ... again
Well ... who said it would be just a shower?
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hyunverse · 2 years
you’re so right hyunjin would 100% write you literally anything you like or would just come up w smth new whenever he felt like it. also would def just give you artwork he made for you 🥲. imagine him giving you little pieces of your fave animal or his fave pic of you guys together </////3 god id be in shambles. also i did not realize malaysia was that hot ?? i couldn’t do it i hateeeeee the heat. but then i also hate the cold. like i’ll literally be going to school in -20C weather where i live😭😭 it’s so awful. so spring and fall are 100% my times of the year like i’m always happiest at those times bc the weather is just normal
so true men are just men. i think we got lucky w our skz’s zodiacs. bc changbin is the only leo man that can exist okay 🙅🏻‍♀️ he is nothing like these average ass horrible leo men. he’s bias wrecking me so hard lately like he’s literally fighting w hyunjin rn for the spot. i can hear them bickering in the back of my head 😒😒
ALSO RIGHT i can’t help but baby him 💔💔 same w seungmin i just want to squish his cheeks 💔💔💔 manifesting seungmo forehead rn 🙏🏼. SO IMPRESSED W THE BOWLING BTW THATS AWESOMEEEE. i hope you had sm fun 😋 i’ll have to try it again soon and lyk. most likely i’ll be shit but it’s worth a try. my day was not the besttttt i’m rly stressed out and have a ton of crap going on but seeing ur response made my day ^_^. i saw it and blushed and squealed not even kidding. ur the sweetest you always put a smile on my face. i hope your day is good today :)) i think it’s like 6 am there rn which is so funny bc i’m about to eat dinner. like it’s cool to think we’re doing our opposite routines at the same time. does that even make sense ?? 😭 this is what i mean w the rambling i’m just 💔 LOL
alsoooooo i’m gonna reply to your other post here too and say i’m so glad you moved on from those pos’s. relationships suck and that’s why i read fanfics like yours to fill the void 🙏🏼. i’m jk i’ve also moved on but im a lover girl at heart so not being in a relationship is legit torture. like i just want to talk to someone and be loved and like go on dates 🙄 KISSES AND HUGS FOR U THO you deserve all of them bae <33
- 🐈‍⬛ (spammed again omg what is my PROBLEM ?? you bring out the talk in me and most ppl can’t do that <33 i can’t help it ur too kind)
hyun <3 painting u <3 with a fond smile in his face <3 they don’t make men like him anymore!
malaysia IS hot bae. . . it’s located at the equator </3 spring and fall seems so pretty, especially fall!! like dawggg i wanna be jumping on piles of fallen leaves too mane 😔🙏 dress up cute ‘n stuff. i will be showing up everywhere lookin like rory gilmore 💯 everytime i see an autumn grwm i gotta stop myself from kicking and throwing a tantrum cs i don’t live somewhere with the four seasons 🤸‍♀ -20°C weather is insane i would literally drown myself in boiling water 🧘‍♀
the thought of changjin bickering IS SO FUNNY like those two istg. . . love how hyunjin rejects every single one of changbin’s affections LMAO i always laugh at them. binnie in the samsung ad got the girlies going CRAZY LIKEEEEE. . .
i get the desire to be loved tbh. likeeee feeling loved is so nice but at the same time i feel like i have no mental span for a relationship anymore 💀 i am so busy during the times i am in campus so having a bf wud probably be disastrous for me.
u need to come bowling with me i Will defeat u 💯 LMFAOOO. or maybe you, too, will find out that ure actually a hidden bowling prodigy. u never know ykyk. also yeah timezones are so odd but it is somewhat painfully endearing. . . ? just two people doing opposite routines but still being able to be friends at the same. isnt that so cute omg. i’m sorry your day was crap my love, here i giv u minho pics to hopefully make ur day today better than yesterday’s!!
mwahmwah sending u my love sweetheart <3
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Oppenheimer, the phenomenally successful and critically acclaimed dramatic thriller from Christopher Nolan, has achieved a new record milestone in US theatrical history, as it is poised surpass 2016's Sing to become the highest-grossing domestic movie of all time to never reach the top spot at the box office. One can argue that Oppenheimer may not have reached that achievement, or even the total domestic gross that it did, were it not for the accompanying Barbie factor alongside it, but nonetheless, the film has now hit the target by grossing over $270 million in four weeks of release.
Sing had previously seen outstanding commercial success when it was released, but it was hit by a double whammy when in theaters. Firstly, it came up against Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which ultimately ended up grossing $534.9 million domestically, obviously taking the number one spot against Sing. Then, as the film showed good legs, it was then prevented from reaching number one again by Hidden Figures, the sleeper hit about the mathematicians behind the first moon landing. However, try not to feel too bad for Sing—it did end up with $634.2 million worldwide, a number which Oppenheimer will also now surpass.
Oppenheimer does have quite a bit of work to do to take the top spot in the "never hit number one" race worldwide. The film needs to gross over $902,548,476 to overtake The Battle at Lake Changjin, a Chinese film that only saw a limited release in the US and Canada. It will also have company in the top ten, however, by another Nolan film in the form of Interstellar, which opened in second place in 2014 against Disney's Big Hero 6, although ironically Interstellar, as with many Nolan films, legged out and the sci-fi epic ended up outgrossing Baymax and Hiro by $20 million worldwide.
Given its popularity in premium large format theaters, Oppenheimer will undoubtedly continue to bring in money as IMAX screens remain sold out for weeks to come, with the film capturing the imagination of the public in ways that were surely unforeseen by Nolan and his studio, Universal, prior to the film's release. However, for a cinephile like the Brit auteur, the satisfaction must be overwhelming, and a statistic like being top of the box office will never truly matter to him as long as his film has been seen by as many movie lovers as possible.'
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dancerhyunjinnie · 5 years
Changbin: Sorry, I have a boyfriend
Hyunjin: That's cool, but I thought you might need a husband. Here's my number.
Changbin, blushing: o-oh
Felix: *attacks Hyunjin* BITCH ISTG STAY AWAY FROM MY MAN-
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peachy-beomie · 5 years
Hyunjin: Is that my shirt?
Changbin, wearing a shirt that goes down to his knees: ...no
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minhover · 5 years
Changbin: I saw you hanging out with hyunjin the other day.
Felix: changbin, it's not what you think!
Changbin: I won't hesitate, bitch.
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echo-rambles · 7 months
wait how is changjin romantic and not Hyunlix??
Like politely asking
Just curious
it might be romantic for some people!! I've just never personally viewed their dynamic as romantic. 🤷
I ship changjin romantically because I just love the way they interact and I love the contrasts in their relationship. something about it just really speaks to me and I love imagining it as romantic.
hyunlix has just always felt like best friends to me. incredibly queer, affectionate best friends absolutely, but I've just never gotten romantic vibes from their dynamic. I know so many people ship them romantically which is perfectly fine, I just don't see it. I truly can't explain more than that because it's truly just based on vibes for me dfhkgkfd
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wowchangbin · 6 years
Changbin: Don't talk down to me
Hyunjin: Well i could hardly talk up to you. You're too short
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villainsblog97 · 5 years
December 18th (5:32 PM)
This was a tradition in your family... it always looked so beautiful and you were incredibly happy that Changbin and Hyunjin were there to help.
Every year when Christmas came around, since you were a little girl, you've always helped put together a little Christmas village.
This year it was your job, so you called in two reinforcements to help you put it together.
Changbin was looking at the little houses, while Hyunjin was helping you glue the cotton snow onto the base.
"Changbin Hyung! You finally found a house big enough for you!" Hyunjin laughed.
Changbin gave him a very unamused look, you couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay stop teasing Changbin..." you laughed a little.
"Thank you!" He sighed.
"I mean its not his fault he's short"
"Yeah.. hey!" You and Hyunjin both started laughing.
"You wouldn't be laughing if I glued your hands together!" He yelled as he held up the hot glue gun.
"Drop the weapon!" You shouted as you pointed towards him.
He sat down the glue gun and you grabbed it quickly.
"Okay help me with the rest of this village!" You all worked together to glue down all the pieces.
Finally the little village was complete.
"Thanks guys!" You smiled as you hugged them both.
Hyunjin kept holding in a snicker, you and Changbin looked over at him.
"Can I make one more short joke"
"No!" You said in unison
It was dead quiet and you were just about walk away when Hyunjin blurted out "Say something to your people Binnie!"
"You're dead!" He yelled as he chased him around your house.
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petalsforjaemin · 6 years
Hyunjin said Changbin and Felix taught him how to skate and WE NEED IT as an au or something, please
Thank you
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