#changing of the gaurd
entering--hyperspace · 2 months
Its 2am, quick! Ramble some preliminary thoughts about Rytlock and Leo's relationship, spoiler alert! Its complicated!
I'm currently "going through" the personal story, and I was thinking about how...complicated Rytlock and Leo's relationship becomes especially as Rytlock Puts Himself Into Situations and that affecting a whole lot later into the story. I was talking to my friend about this. Heres the thing about these two,
They are not perfect for each other. This isn't a fairytale relationship, they arent destined lovers, they will never get a true domestic happy life together, and they could probably find people to fit them both better in the long run.
But, they were perfect for each other when they met.
Rytlock, punished for ambition, losing someone he cared about because of this, gaining a literal physical reminder of it, after he had just lost Destiny's edge. Blinded by glory, torn apart by loss, failure. He grew distant from his warband because the warmth of a flame was more enticing than the bonds of his past. He had no one, he was ignorant to the repeated life lessons, he was bored.
Leo, on the other hand, was a coiled snake ready to strike. He had ambitions of his own, he grew tired of constant death, reckless fighting. Spirits lamented over lost opportunity, of being playthings in wars fought by higher powers. He grew up in a land that was a physical cautionary tell of how single individuals could ruin the very souls and doom entire nations. Souls that cant rest, souls that cant return. It was Ascalon that inspired him to become a necromancer, to commune with spirits, to treat the dead with reverance, and thus respecting life before its final march. It did outcast him from his warband, save for a single individual.
When his warband died fighting due to carelessness on behalf of his legionnare, he still chose mercy, even in grief and anger he would not throw away lives as his people were so readily to do. He would show them all, he would show them there was a different way, that the road harder to travel on was a road worth walking if it meant preserving life. Others would see him as weak for this, but he had the confidence and skill to back it up his claims.
Perhaps it was the sharpness, the same cleverness that Rytlock admired in Crecia that drew him to Leo. I like that, honestly. Its a bit selfish, but Rytlock is a very selfish character for a while.
So he chose him, he could see his potential, he was amused, if anything, by someone with beliefs so different than anything they were raised to believe and was ready to challenge the very foundation they stood on. Speaking of, Leo challenged him in ways that surprised him, in ways that if Rytlock were anyone else Leo would have surely been deranked or snapped at for his boldness. He made him stop and consider, a unique viewpoint a fire that had lived for so long it became too strong to be snuffed out, that alone was impressive. Lmao, It's Leo constsntly challenging rytlock that draws him to Leo as well I think. Someone who will truthfully grab him by the ear and snap him back to his senses. On the other hand:
Leo wasn't ignorant of Rytlocks many prior transgressions and the blood most higher ranked charr spill to stand as tall as they do. He didn't think too highly of him before, but desperate times call for desperate measures. They were also, both, lonely. Rytlock appreciated having someone who he slowly crept into being a bit more of himself around, and Leo appreciated the opportunity of gaining his favor, as well as the acceptance of his beliefs. Rytlock understood climbing a steep hill with the people around pouring water down waiting for a slip. He's loyal above all else, he's similarly ambitious. Maybe Rytlock didnt necessarily Follow him exactly, but he didnt turn away or laugh in his face when Leo one night truthfully shared his plans. He simply told him it would be hard, but challenged him to pursue it. And, if anything, Leo's words actually affected him, he could see it slowly, that was enough for him, They were friends.
Physical attraction was there too, of course, that is admittedly a constant even before they become romantic. I see it at this point of maybe not being a thing of romantic bond, but rather of trust. But this is also normal and expected of charr. Friends with benefits, nothing more. But that more would come in later.
A chain is harder to break than a string, much harder. It weighs heavy, its cumbersome at times, but it holds things together quite well despite everything, despite "everything"
They are not a red string of fate, rather a forged red chain. Charr care a lot about loyalty, they care about loyalty in a way that I feel is hard to describe other than something deeply rooted in their culture thus hard to shake. During the time Leo and Rytlock spent together as Leo climbed the ranks and together they took on Ascalonian missions, sharing nights, swapping stories, sparring, challenging, they forged that bond. A bond between two people with no other options. They chose each other.
My memory of path of fire is, muddled, I'll get there when I get there. But what I know for sure is that what began of a romantic relationship would become quickly strained as the story goes on and it is revealed that everything occuring is due to Rytlock's recklessness.
Leo isn't the commander, Connie is, this almost makes it worse for them in a funny way. Leo would probably be more forgiving over his own death, but instead he is made to watch someone else die, he watches countless others die, all while knowing at night he shares a bed with the person at the root of it. But he doesnt leave, because theres always that chain, its backs turned to each other but still comforted by the warmth of another, even if their presence is denied. Im sure when i learn the details of it i can share more thoughts on them but ough.
When Leo does take on more commander-like duties and rytlock is still at his side, it becomes even more apparent how their relationship isnt as ideal as it could be in a perfect life. In a perfect life leo wouldve left everything to be with the olmakhan, to live a peaceful existence, to raise a family. Rytlock thinks of his cubs in a similar regard, Leo and Rytlock cant give that to each other, the world will not allow that of them both, especially leo, But they leave together with that knowledge.
Does this make sense? Idk, i hope so. The love is there, but there is an acceptance of the fact that there will always be a void that cant be filled. Perhaps there is a gentleness to them both that they treat each other with because of that fact and thats just how it is.
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sunflowertoonz · 2 months
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Working on a Biograft ref so I can draw them. They’re also my favorite, top tier in my opinion
Also can we please protect this dude’s joints? Like I doubt having exposed moving parts is very good for the murderous robot :(
Also yeah. Their casing is based off of armour, but modified.
I rambled in the tags
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milk-farm · 2 years
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Side by side comparison of mine (and hunters) development of now vs. last summer and eeeeeeee I LOVE IT
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kasperl-ruprecht · 20 days
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x-b-s · 5 months
JCF Change of Command
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sillypilled-friendcel · 10 months
ignore this
#(theyre reasoning:#we recognize it as a temp agreement made for the purpose of giving us some sort of income and independence until we get a job)#(my reasoning:#the stuff we do is all stuff we'd do anyways out of obligation (or enjoyment for certain things) anyways)#(verdict:#still out)#(conclusion:#either way we take it for granted that we have this opportunity in the first place. we've gotten used to living pretty damn comfortably#and we need to take a step back every now and then and realize how lucky we are.#maybe stop worrying over things like this and consider more “what can [i] do to help others” or whatever else#<- voice of a girl who wants to do volunteer work again so fucking bad#anyways long storg short: appreciate what youve got and know it wont last forever. you have it better than most and#it may be difficult to believe how good they are when theyve hurt you so badly but [one of them is] trying to change for the better#and that diesnt mean you need to forgive them but it does mean you need to try living less in alert mode#<- talking to a boy with “live in alert mode disorder” lol#srsly tho. itll be hard but we need to liwer our gaurd a bit. not to make us vulnerable but so we dont get so caught up in the past that#we reject that present and fuck up the future.#youre friends (probably) like you#even if youre annoying#and you're a lot safer than youve ever been before. have hope they'll be gone soon and then you'll be even safer.#youre living a relatively good life nowadays (esp in comparison) and you dont want to miss it or take it for advantage#youre doing youre best. if someone had a problem they'd tell you. maybe try to ramble ur thoughts less.#just delete the damn messages next time if you really can't help it#<- you dont realize youre doing it until after its done so best option probably#also try to get more sleep. take ur meds on time.#also also respond to your roleplay#also also also roy hasnt made the rp starter yet. consider trying to make one? itll be a challenge but you need that challenge#<- relevant: make hcs for ur characters and add them to proper channel mwh#<- <- <- all today. please.#)
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aspiringroleplays · 11 months
@nevertem has once again unwittingly awakened plot so here we go
The truth was.... Sora had just been planning to leave the gift on their doorstop and bounce.
It wasn't that he disliked his maternal grandparents. On the contrary- as the few biological family members he had left, they were near and dear to his heart. Being the ones that had lived nearby, they were the ones Sora had seen most often growing up, and with whom he had the most memories.
The problem was... well... due to certain circumstances, they didn't know the truth about what had happened to Sora in the last four years. And Sora had only learned they didn't hate his guts a few months ago. It left him feeling very conflicted. He didn't realize it until he started planning to actually face them.
He wished he could just tell them the truth. "I'm not human anymore. I travel universes fighting monsters and protecting people from bad guys. You wouldn't believe who I've met!"
But after what happened with his paternal grandparents.... no, it wasn't an option. The best he could do was to give them something, and hope they understood that he cared for them, even if he couldn't see them. But now....
"Play it with whomever you are gifting it to, and tell me how much fun it was."
...Could he even do that anymore?
It was Kairi's mom, aka the ex-mayor, that had given him his grandparent's new number and address. The first few days he had stalled, the thought of hearing their voices making his stomach twist in knots. He thought of giving them a gift and a card, just mailing it to them to try to reconnect, without.... reconnecting.
But now he stared at his phone, "obaa and grampa" staring up at him like some ominous flashing sign. He coudln't do this, there was no way. They'd figure out he was lying and find out what he was, then they'd be horrified and disgusted and call a hunter or a priest or-
He fidgeted, he paced, he walked circles around the newly paved sidewalk, his fears and anxieties climbing higher and higher until he realized there was no way he could do this. He'd just lie and make up some story about how much fun they'd had, and leave it at-
"Sora-kun? Is that you?"
Sora froze and whirled around. It wasn't his grandparents, it was a lone Kin Town citizen that he had met years ago. Of course, he had been working with the military to distribute supplies to the people during that time. Of course they would recognize him, even with a different hair color and style.
"H-hey, Fumi-san!" He greeted, managing to pull up a weak smile. "It's been a while!"
Well.... supposed it was too late now to pretend he was never here.
It was sort of automatic, putting on an act in front of others now. He was so used to lying- to protect his secret, to protect his identity, to protect his family- that he didn't even have to think about it. The story came easy enough, the fake ease and the forced casualness. Even if he felt nauseous, he could fool anyone into thinking he was completely at ease.
Except for a select few, obviously. But they weren't here.
He finally mustered up the courage to call, after a casual conversation with Fumi, knowing that if he didn't do it now, it would definitely be suspicious. "Hi, Obaa! This is Sora. Tanaka-san gave me your number and-"
"Oh, Sora! You haven't called in years, I thought you had forgotten about us! Are you in Japan? How are Harold and Sana-san doing?"
He froze, forcing himself to swallow at the painful casualness of the question. This confirmed it, they really didn't know about what happened. "Ah, I'm not sure, I haven't talked to them in a while."
"That's no good! We old people don't have a lot of time you know! You should talk to all of us as much as possible! I'm sure they miss you very much!"
He ignored the way his heart sunk. "Yeah. I'll talk to them later." He lied. "Anyway, I'm in the area, and wanted to know if you had some time."
Sora had already resigned himself to a night of "acting" to get through with them. To lie about his hair, his eyes, his pale pallor, he had thought of everything to deflect their questions.
But the first thing they had said to him was-
"Sora!" His grandmother, a petite little Japanese woman, who was literally shorter than Sora and hardly looked intimidating at all, looked at him horrified. "Are those piercings?"
Sora gaped at her, remembering too late about the multiple earrings he wore... and the fact that conservative Japan was not as accepting of them as the states. "Um...."
"Don't tell me you've joined a gang!"
"No!" He squeaked. "No, Obaa, it's not like that! This is normal in America!"
"Like hell it is!" His grandfather, an average height but portly and ruddy old Caucasian man harrumphed. "The only men who pierce their ears are punks and rebels! How do you expect to be a pilot with those?!"
"Grampa it's not like when you were there! People think this is cool! I just wanted to be cool!"
"You take those out right now!" His grandmother chided. "What would your mother say?!"
Sora stiffened, already knowing exactly what his mother would say. "I can't believe this. My sweet baby boy, turning to a life of gang violence and crime..."
Sora hung his head, defeated. "I'll take them out."
So they spent the next hour over dinner grilling Sora to see what sort of "illegal activity" he had been taking part in. Did he have tattoos? Did he do drugs? Were those yellow contacts he wore some kind of gang affiliation?! They should never have let him into the states to corrupt their sweet, innocent grandson! After he assured them the most "hardcore substance" he had ingested was rum, they finally let him off the hook.
He couldn't believe the last time he felt so embarrassed.
He finished his dinner in silence, letting his grandmother read the instructions of the game he had brought. He was trying to figure out what he could say that wouldn't reawaken their strict wrath. If he told them he "fought" every other day they would definitely think he was making trouble on the streets.
"It looks like fun." She said, finally putting the paper down. "Thank you, Sora. This will be nice to play for Christmas."
He released the breath he had been holding, relieved that his present at least was well received.
"How long will you be staying?" His grandfather asked.
Sora winced, not sure how to explain his current... "arrangement". "O-oh, um, just a couple days. I just wanted to see how the place was doing."
"I see. That's too bad." he said, finishing up his last bites of food. "But I guess you don't have as much time now."
Sora didn't say anything at first, guilt creeping in as he was reminded how much he was hiding from them. But seeing the opened box of Love Letter, he was reminded that he could at least avoid awkward conversation.
"Hey, um, you guys mind if we try this out tonight? I wanna make sure it's good!" He brought up a strained smile. "If it's boring I'd rather get another one!"
They played, they had fun, and at first Sora thought he'd have to fake his cheer all night to get through the game. But, surprisingly, as they got the hang of it and Sora got more into it, his competitive nature came out. He and his grandfather were the loudest, yelling at each other when they snatched victory, but his grandmother always threw them for a loop, using her normally quiet nature to catch them off guard and steal their wins from under their noses.
Of course they wanted him to spend the night, but he declined, saying he had already paid for the hotel, and didn't want to waste his money (a lie). He bid them goodbye, promising he would come back tomorrow night for another round.
He strolled through the night, hands in his pockets as he looked up at the night sky. The sparse stars were familiar to him, and he felt some relief as he picked out the old constellations of his youth. At least that was one thing that was the same. The same sky...
The tears came before he could stop them, eyes stinging and blurring. He tried to blink them back, wiping his eyes to try to stop them. But the more he tried to stop them the harder they came, until he had to stop walking in order to sob into his sleeves. It wasn't pain that made him cry, but happiness- realizing this relief and joy was something that he could actually experience with blood family, even if only for a short while. For a few hours, he had quite literally forgotten about his past, feeling like everything was fine, and happy. For a few precious hours, Sora actually felt normal.
Sora didn't know how he was going to interact with his childhood home in the future- or even if he'd actually be able to maintain a relationship with his blood family- but at least for now, in this moment, he felt like he had a chance.
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chaosdisorganized · 1 year
Getting slightly startled every time you look in the mirror because the person staring back is not you.
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atebyflowers · 5 months
puppy | E.W
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first time writing full smut . . so be gracious pls. i don't rmb ib . . so tag if u do lol — cw: sub!ellie, loser!ellie, fem reader, both afab, sex (duh), slight dacryphilia, fingering, cunnilingus, mommy kink, scissoring, cum eating, dom!reader, lol lol okay . . think thats all 🐈‍⬛ UNEDITED so ignore errors ty
"I need her so bad.” you say as you drag a cigarette between your lips, digging through your pockets in search of a lighter. The evening was loud, you and Dina has stepped out of the house to break from the over crowded party — the whether damp and gloomy making it look like midnight already. You groaned as dina took the cigarette out of your mouth, lighting it as she grew impatient waiting for you to finish digging through your pockets. "Did you even hear me?" You scoffed standing up to grab the now lit cigarette from her hands. Dina rolled her eyes at you, slightly laughing at what she thought, was your stupidity. "Shes to innocent for you babe" she replied after blowing out the smoke. "Yea? I'm sure nobody's that innocent. ." You replied taking another inhale from the cigarette. “You remember when i had to tutor her on sex ed?!" Dina laughed louder though her words, you scoff “that means nothing, maybe she needed help finding-" Dina cut you off with an even louder laugh, you rolled your eyes once again and shoved past her — stomping on the cigarette as you walked back into the house.
It was your sophomore year of college, at first — you were dreading moving back into your dorm the moment you found out you would have to move into a double this semester. Lucky for you, that all changed the moment you realize who your roomate was. Ellie. . the girl you've been practically obsessed with for as long as you can remember. God was she a fucking loser—but you loved it. The way she subtly watched you in admiration thinking you never noticed, the way she'd follow you around like a lost puppy whenever you hanged out in large groups . . She was an addiction to you — and you needed more. With her bed right across from yours, your mind spiraled with the ideas of her every time the sun set. When you finally fell asleep, all you could dream about was the way she’d sound underneath your grip . . fuck it killed you. You knew ellie was inexperienced, definitely not innocent like dina described it . . but she had never been with a girl the way you had been with a girl — you hated it, but we're also obsessed with the idea of being her first full body.
standing in front of the door to your dorm, Dina scoffed before you turned around to face her. "Suddenly you're nervous?" She questioned looking at you with an attitude, "I'm not . . fuck off dina" you responded. It was midnight now, actually midnight, and the two of you finally made it back to campus. Clothes drenched by the sudden storm — you turned away from the black haired girl and pulled out your dorm key. "I'll be praying for you, but i still don't think you have a chance!" Dina said, walking off before you could respond. You sighed heavily leaning your head back before you fully unlocked the door walked inside shaking your head. You hang up your soaked jacket and lift off your T-shirt leaving a tank top underneath. Throwing the wet t-shirt into your laundry hamper, you're caught off gaurd by the sounds of groans.
"Els?" You question walking into kitchen, making her jump. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you . . But you're really loud" you laughed. Ellie sighs through a laugh and turns back to her papers placing her pencil down on the counter. You walked closer to her, studying her expressions in an attempt to read her feelings. Watching her for a few moments in silence, you view her furrowed eyebrows as she chews on the eraser of her pencil. Moving even closer to lean over her shoulder, your breathe against her skin catches her off gaurd. "Need any help?" You question, slightly dragging your fingers up and down her exposed arms. Ellie smiled to herself before responding, "like you could help me" she scoffed sarcastically and you frowned "what is that supposed to mean?" You questioned, and ellie turned around to face you, you — backing up slightly so your eyes could meet once she's adjusted in her chair. "I just mean . . you know, I'm smart. . It's okay" her words made you laugh, "oh I know you're smart baby, but you look so stressed" you said patting her head, nearly petting her as she blushed at your response. "so pathetic" you thought in your head, your
teasing was ever so slightly, yet just enough to make her a re mess. Standing just above her, Ellie's eyes uncontrollably meet your chest — staring for a moment before she catches herself and looks away. You giggle as you watch her, causing sudden embarrassment to flush over her. "My eyes are up here" you said lifting her chin to face you, "i wasn-" Ellie's voice was shaky as she met your eyes again — nearly trembling over how close you two were. "I'm sorry" she barely gets out through a voice crack. You bite your lips hiding a smile as you look down at her, caressing her cheeks with your thumb. You hummed, pulling your body on top of hers in a straddle position—ellie's body slightly shocked by the sudden contact. "Look at me" you said as she tried to look in any other direction, before obeying your words and looking up at you. "have you done this before?" you questioned her remaining eye contact, your softer now — somewhat soothing her firing anxiety. Ellie shook her head, staring at you like a deer caught in the headlights. You chuckled, still soothing her cheeks with free hand — the other one caressing her thigh. "Have you thought about it?" You asked her bluntly, your voice just barely above a whisper as your faces were now closer than ever — lips Barry just brushing over eachother as ellie did nothing but whine in response. "use ur words baby . ." You responded, using your free hand to grab her jaw, forcing eye contact. "Yes" she stuttered through her response and you smirked, her breathe heavily filling the room already. "Tell me then . . . have you thought about?" You whispered again, eyes now on her lips.
"you . . I've thought about you" she blurted out, your eyes dragging up from her lips and onto hers. those words was all it took for you to pull her up, making her stand with you as you dragged her over to the living room and onto the couch. obediently, she sits down on the cushions as you tower over her — watching her fidget in her seat before you move to straddle her again. holding her chin with your hand, you pull her lips into yours aggressively — guiding her hands onto your waist. Ellie grips your sides as you slightly grind yourself against her — the small friction sending her into a trance. struggling to focus on your lips, distracted by her desperate attempts to feel you — you pull away from the kiss giving her a moment to breathe. "What do you want me to do?” you whisper, your breathe brushing her lips. Ellie whines and you grip her chin harder, "use your words . ." You add onto your words, causing her to whine again and choke out a response. "please . . touch me" she says softly — you smiling at her words.
pushing her down onto the couch, your mouth is on her lips again — even more aggressive then before, and Ellie wines as you make your way down her body. Dragging down her bottoms, you gently brush your hand over her boxers — ellies breath growing heavier with every touch. slowly enough to make her whine, you pull down hee boxers and push your hand up her body before dragging it back down. "
“You’re so pretty” You whisper, ellies eyes fluttering as her face grew red. "has anyone else ever seen you like this?" you questioned with your hand caressing her thigh again, your eyes watching it before you move them to look at her. ellie shakes her head before letting out a quiet "no", her response making you smile as you dragged your hand from her thigh onto her cunt, a moan escaping her lips in response to the sudden pleasure. Her desperation has you over the edge. She's a mess as you continue to rub her clit before bring your mouth down. your tongue gently moving up and down causes desperate 'pleases' to escape her mouth. Looking up at her with your head still between her legs, you move your down to her entrance. Without warning, you push two fingers into her cunt slowly — the suddenness causing a loud "fuck" to come out of her mouth.
"so perfect" you whine out, leaning down to latch your mouth into her clot — sucking onto it as you speed up your pace. fingers pumping in and out of her, ellies moans filled your ears — causing your own pleasure to form below. "f-feels so good. ." She whines out, her voice breaking as she attempts to hide her moans. Her words spark something within your body, making you increase your pace — the wetness between your mouth still sucking on her clit, and the juices spilling from ber cunt, causing you to moan into her. "I'm gonna-" she attempts to speak but cuts herself off with another loud moan.
"Not yet baby . . wanna hear you" you breathe out louder than before, removing your mouth for a slight moment to speak before pushing yourself back into her. she was an addiction, her sweet taste making it nearly impossible for you to stop. Tears spilled from ellies eyes as she attempted to obey your commands, grinding her hips into your face and fingers — she was entirely overwhelmed. "p-please, please let me cum.” She cries, her new tone causing you to smile to yourself.
Removing your mouth from her, your fingers still at a steady pace, you lean over her and use your free hand to grab her face harshly. "Say it again" you instructed her, her eyes still filled with tears as she practically yelled out her response. "Please- please mommy, please I need it.” Her words sending electricity throughout your body and you grow needy. With your own wet spot grown on your shorts, you remove your fingers from inside her causing her to whine loudly. Moving the fabric aside, you push your body onto hers. Careful not to waste time, you alone your clit with hers — holding her body down just enough for you to aggressively grind against her. The two of you moaning loud enough for whoever might be walking by the rooms to hear, shamelessly shes yelling your name as you fuck her ruthlessly. "it's . . Too much please, please y/n" she whimpered out, you aggressively pushing yourself down onto her harder, "take it baby . . you're doing so good. ." You responded, your tone sympathetic to her cries. ellie attempts to grind herself against you, desperate to put work in. "I need to cum, please let me cum, it- y-you f-feel so fucking good" she cries out louder than ever and you can feel your own release coming on with every grind against her soaking clit. "Cum with me baby . . . cum with mommy" you ordered in a husky tone, your voice alone being enough for her orgasm to come over her.
Before she could come down from her climax, you lifted yourself off of her — a string of your releases trailing off of your clit as you shifted your body down once again, pushing your mouth into her cum filled cunt. Ellie whimpered as you took her in, savouring her taste and sucking on her ever so slightly — being cautious of her sensitivity. Releasing your mouth from her body, you looked up at her — her hair a mess and her eyes still watery as she attempted to catch her breathe. You began kissing up her body until you reached her face, caressing her body up and down gently, she did the same with what strength she had left in her. "such a good girl" you whispered out, your eyes meeting her reddened face causing you to smile. "mmmm . ." You moaned into her lips as you pulled her in for a more gentle and passionate kiss.
"you did so good baby" you said barely moved away from her lips, "so so good" you added on, caressing her blushed face as her eyes — still dampened from her heavy tears, fluttered tiredly in response to your praises.
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evilminji · 1 year
Oh shit :D ?
I just remembered! (Thank you, historical fantasy section!) But like? Serving and protecting The King, especially a HIGH KING, is quite literally not just an incredible honor... but it can sometimes be a person's Life Ambition?
Specificly a WORTHY king.
Perhaps they were denied in life. Perhaps they FAILED. And in their dying moments struggle with all they were to LIVE. To PROTECT. Perhaps the PREVIOUS king was a great and worthy ruler... but their heir is...
Maybe they are born to an age without Rulers. Power shifting between hands in hidden halls. Unclear and murky. All they want is for their loyalty to MEAN something. For things to be SIMPLE.
The universe is large. The Infinite Realms? Unimaginably larger.
And Pariah Dark was a BASTARD.
Who would willingly swear to him? Fools! That's who! Every warrior soul worth ANYTHING gets as far AWAY from his Realm forsaken resting place as they can. Hides. Lest they be dragged in to his infernal, gods forsaken, cess pit of a so called "army"! *disgusted spitting noises*
But what does this mean? It means every trained FIGHTER... got the hell out of dodge. Oh, sure, a FEW refused. Like Pandora and her people. But most? The farthest side of NOWHERE, several layers down! Some still GOING! Better to be decried as cowards then have ANYTHING to do with THAT(said with loathing)!
It also means they weren't where Pariah could get to them when he woke. Couldn't help. Couldn't fight. Couldn't be commanded to kneel. Nothing. They removed themselves completely. Planned on CONTINUING to remove themselves. Preferably to the farthest reaches of forever, far beyond the bastard's gaze.
But! The whole REALM INFINITE felt it? When that... that hissing, acidic, malicious undertone? SLAMS back and away, like somebody's knocked a parasite from their backs. Replaced by coolness and starlight. Delicate balance and blood on your teeth. The pounding in your chest of HOPE.
It flutters so small across their backs, inside their chests. Washing away the old.
The King... feels tiny. Young.
.......what are they doing? Running like this. Hiding away like that will change anything. How long... when did...
There are so many of them now. A veritable army of souls, of all Ages and People's. Every armor and crest imaginable. They'd been so.. so REPULSED by Pariah... nothing else had mattered but to get AWAY. Where even ARE they? What YEAR is it? Does any of that matter?
The King.
Their Obsessions whisper. Loyalty. Service. Protection. Honor. You have left you post! Abandoned your DUTY! What are you DOING!?
They are AGHAST. They turn around at once. The King! How could they have ABANDONED the King!? Who is guarding him if they are all HERE?!
(Yes. Danny is fine. He is eating the "Thank You for keeping us all from dying to whatever the FUCK that was!" tamales Paulina's mom pushed into his arms on his way back home. He didn't even try arguing. He made eye contact and knew he would lose.)
(Why does he feel like something really, really bothersome is headed his way?)
It's UNACCEPTABLE. Unthinkable! The King? Unguarded? Where assassination attempts and nefarious PLOTS could occur?! What if someone tried to steal his eggs!? Or attacked him while his exoskeleton was molting!? They aren't entirely sure which species he is yet, but there are SO MANY NEFARIOUS PLOTS OUT THERE!!
*panicked honor guards*
Just? Imagine becoming king. And thinking "well, aside from the skeleton army I have to figure out, at least I don't have to manage anybody!" Only to *WABAM!* your ENTIRE GHOST COURT shows up like a week later. Turns out they were hiding from your predecessor.
You have a whole ass honor gaurd. Who REFUSE TO LEAVE YOUR SIDE. You have Chefs. Who WILL cry if you send them away. The Literal Best In The Multiverse are all following you around... YOU, a RANDOM TEENAGE, with Excited Shoujo Sparkles in their eyes... because you punched a jackass really, REALLY hard.
There is no way to make this stop. Your friends are laughing at you. The interior decorator wants you to look at swatches. What are swatches and why are you being harrased by them at 1am, you wonder? If you are Mean(tm) they throw themselves upon the floor and blame themselves for their Wicked, Evil, King-Upseting Ways and you can't even TELL if your being played here.
It's like being bullied by house elves. Or Miette.
Your parents are too excited by all the New Research (at least the reveal went well?) To SAVE THEIR SON, and your sister is HELPING THE ENEMY (Traitor!), so now you're being bullied into eating vegetables and studying more.
Then? THEN!! WHO SHOWS UP?! Like... five WEEKS late?! The Justice League. Gee! GREAT RESPONSE TIME, GUYS! Reeeal snappy! But ya, JUST missed the guy!
@hdgnj @stealingyourbones
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gojos-thot-patrol · 11 months
No one really loves the way that Sukuna does. For Sukuna to even consider the possibility of caring for someone, he has to already be drowning in love for them. A captain who went down with the ship without ever realizing it was sinking. Loving for you sneaks up on him and catches him off gaurd. If he had realized what was happening sooner- he would have gotten rid of you. But, it's far too late for that now.
Sukunas love is tinged with hate. He'll never forgive you for burdening him with this weakness. He knows how love can decimate someone, he's seen entire empires ruined by it. Its probably the one thing that truly terrifies him, and why for as much as he needs you- he'll always resent you at least a little bit.
As you lay in his arms, snuggled into the warm safety of his chest, he considers snapping your neck. It's delicate, and frail. He knows it wouldn't take anything form him. It would be as simple as lifting a remove to turn on the TV.
But unlike when he thinks about the death of the rest of humanity, when he thinks of yours his stomach turns. He gets seasick on dry land, and can feel an ever soft tremble in his fingers. His spinal column turns to ice and suddenly he's pulling you closer, despite wanting to be so far away.
He can't get rid of you. You're apart of him now, as indispensable as his eyes or his voice. He can't imagine a world without you. He won't imagine a world without you. So he makes sure you're safe, keeping you in the most secure parts of the temple if not directly by his side. He doesn't trust anyone else with you, and as such your room is only known to only the most nessicary personal. And even that feels like too many people.
You haunt him. A poltergeist in the graveyard of his mind that never let's him rest. No body thinks of you even half as much as Sukuna does- no the gaurds, not your family wondering where you vanished to, you don't even give yourself a fraction of the thought Sukuna has dedicated to you. Even the joy of battle has turned into 'what's the fastest way I can finish this and get home to them?' And he hates it. He hates it so much.
He comes home furious at you for having so fundamentally changing who he is. For taking this once fearsome warlord- a lion on the battle field and domesticating him into a fucking house cat. For wrecking him in such a beautiful and sweet way he didn't even notice his ruin until it was too late. He wants your blood.
And then he sees you. Looking up at him with sweet, gentle eyes, glittering with excitement at his return. No one has ever smiled at him like that. No one has ever gotten up to greet him like that. Or hugged him like that. Or treated him with a hand so loving.
And he just melts again, knowing in his heart he could never hurt you. You're apart of him, it would just hurt him too. Claws once aching for your ruin gently wrap around you, pulling your body closer to his, and whispers about how he's happy to be home.
To be back by your side.
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1980ssunflower · 2 years
Bwuh shkdhdjd
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marymary-diva17 · 9 months
I have a little request. Ronal/Tonowari x Warrior Reader. The Reader is very standoffish like always serious never smiling, always standing gaurd, a serious face all the time and when the Sully’s arrive they are more worried about the reader because the reader has great tales of being a great warrior and they feel intimidated by them almost. How tall they are and how strong they are but also by the fact that they always seem to just be in warrior mode until The Sullys see the reader interacting with the younger kids of the clan seeing how gentle they are and how the reader interacts with the kids (Tsireya, Rotxo and Ao’nung). Being very so soft and gentle with them and being shocked when they realize that the reader is just a huge softie to the clan.
Ronal and Tonowari are my comfort pairing idk I just love them. I would greatly appreciate if you could do this. You have amazing writing.
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The sully family had arrived at metkayian seeking refuge with anyone else that could take with them. When they arrived there they soon realized that life on the reef was far different and similar to life in the forest. There were many thing that got the newcomers attention when it came to the people and everything around them. These things made them feel many emotions, as they are trying to understand everything that was going on right now for them. One of these things was a specific someone that had drawn everyone attention.
Y/n " ummm" you are walking on the beach holding a spear in your hands, you were doing some fishing for your family when you had noticed something far away. It was a herd of ikrans and they were coming towards the village.
y/n " It look like we are going to have some guests" soon the horn had blown getting the whole village attention, as everyone race to see who had come to their village today.
y/n "well it seems like some change is coming" soon the newcomers and landed on the beach, and soon made their way toward you and the rest of the clan.
Jake " hello we mean you no harm"
y/n " hello" the group had noticed you standing there holding your spear, you seem like a warrior and healer but soon their attention was stolen away when tonowari showed up. Tonowari had given you a lovely glance as he made his way towards the group.
tonowari " Jake sully welcome to our village but may I ask why have you come here"
Jake " hello tonowari" soon ronal had made herself know as well as she was looking at the new arrivals, and soon at you giving you a smile.
Jake " we came here seeking uturu for my family and everyone else with us"
ronal " uturu"
tonowari " we have heard about your war and want nothings to do with it"
Jake " we are done with war we just need some help at the moment"
????? " we should help them they are brothers and sisters like us" everyone was soon looking at you as you stood there, the clan had made way for you.
y/n " we should help them out we all have head the stories of them winning the battle against the sky people, and keep on fighting after great lost we should lead them help" tonowari and ronal soon looked at each other and then look at you. You are standing near your kids looking at them, your youngest daughter grabbed your hand.
tonowari " it seems like my mate has spoken on your clan behave so we will allow you to stay"
ronal " we will see if you can be like one of us"
many days later
Y/n " ........" you are standing on a rock doing some spear throwing practice, It had been a few days since the sully family had arrived here. The sully family and their company had been told many stoires of you being a great warrior, which made them feel very intimidated about you and some of them even fear you as well.
????? " mama" you were about to toss a spear when you heard someone calling you, you soon looked up to see your daughter coming running towards you.
y/n " Aara my daughter" aura soon ran into you and hugged you once she reach you, but that when you realized she was not alone she had tuk. The youngest of the sully family the girl was standing behind you daughter.
aara " hey mama this is my new friend tuk"
tuk " hello you are very beautiful"
y/n " thank you sweetie so what are you two doing over here"
aara " I was wondering if you cna take us to the tide pools we want to explore there and have some fun, but we need someone with us"
y/n " sure honey I can take you and tuk come on girls" the two girls soon smile as they follow behind you, as you take them to the tide pool. The girls soon started playing around in the pool and swimming in the ocean near by, you were showing them some amazing stuff as well.
tuk and aara " hahah" the two girls were laughing as you showed them a fun away to spoke puffer fishes making the girls laugh,
y/n " I had learned that way when I was your age and your baba spooked one, we laughed for hours about it"
aara " really baba did that"
y/n " yes" some otters had came by getting the girls attention, as the girls had started playing with the creatures or petting them as well.
y/n " it seems like you girls are having a good time" the girls had nodded their heads as they were enjoying the time with the otters, but you soon had brought them back to shore.
tuk " aara I didn't know your mama could be so fun"
aara " see I told you she can be fun"
y/n " what do you girls means"
tuk " well my family and clan think you are very scary a bit and serious, when we first meet you and we heard all these amazing tales about you"
aara " those tales are true my mama has been on man adventures and seen many things as well"
tuk " really"
y/n " yes if you wish I can tell you many of my tales that haven't been told before"
tuk " yes please"
???? " can we hear some stories as well" You soon looked up to see your older kids and the older sully kids, and other kids with them. You had nodded their head and let them join the circle as you told some of your tales.
later on that day
neytiri " kids kids ... where could they be"
Jake " neytiri what the matter"
neytiri " ma Jake are the kids and spider with you I can't find them and dinner will be soon"
tonowari " i thought they might of return by now"
Jake " where could they have gone"
ronal " tonowair there you are have you seen the children they haven't come home"
tonowari " it seems like our kids are missing as well like your Jake sully"
Jake " where could they have gone this time tuk said her and aara were going to play somewhere new today"
ronal " we should get y/n she can help us she might know where they are" Jake and neytiri had heard many tales about you and you might scare them, as you seem like a fearsome warrior they soon went looking for you along with tsutey who was looking for spider. They soon heard laughter of children.
Jake " I think those are our kids" they adults soon followed the sound and saw you sitting with the kids telling them stoires.
y/n " it had taken days to get the ink out of everyone hair after that day... oh we are such foolish teens back then"
rotxo " that funny mama"
y/n " yes it was but it was messy situation afterwards"
ronal " there you all are" the kids and you soon stopped laughing and soon looked and saw your mates staring there with, Jake and his mate along with tsutey.
tuk " hey mama and daddy y/n told us stoires and took me and Sara to play today"
neytiri " oh that wonderful"
aara " mama was telling us all these wonderful stoires baba"
tonowari " that wonderful my daughter" Jake along with neytiri and tsutey were soon able to see you, were not that scary as they had thought. They were able to see the gentle side of the warrior they had heard might tales about and finally understand her as well.
tonowari " some of your mother stories might be made up"
y/n " oh that what you think my love will you kids like to hear the story of tonowari ...." tonowari soon covered your mouth and looked at you.
tonowari " no please no there are many stories you might be thinking of but please no" you soon remove his hand and look at him and kiss his check while laughing. Tonowari soon rolled his eyes and laughed as well, the families had soon went home, after a good time of story telling and getting to know each other as well.
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myladysapphire · 10 months
The spoils of war
Being a woman on the loosing side of a war was never a good thing. And when you are the only daughter of the looser it can mean one of two things, either death or marriage, and for lucky for y/n, Aegon was in need of a wife.
word count: 2,665
CW: MDI 18+, incest, angst, smut, forced marriage, unrequited love, jelousy. p in v, fingering, loss of virginity, oral (f reciving), no happy ending
Fem!reader x Aegon ii Targeryen and past fem!reader x Aemond Targereyn
a/n Aegon isn't a r*pist in this fic
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Being a woman on the losing side of a war was never a good thing. Death always followed war, but so did marriage. and Marriage was what you now found yourself facing. Though you had begged for death, the greens deemed it fit for Rhaneyras only daughter to marry Aego.
as a means to oppress the remaining black loyalists.
With Heleana having taken her own life after the detah of both her sons, Jaeherys and Maelor. Aegon found himself without a wife. 
And with only a daughter to succeed him, the small council feared another dance should Jaeheara be heir, so they agreed a marriage between you and Aegon would suit the realm.
Though you disagreed, you had been a prisoner in the red keep for longer than you can remember. Having been dragged to the keep by Aemond after Luke's death. Aemond would visit often. You wewre forced to listen and watch as Aegon ruled, as they ridiculed your mothers everymove. You would hear about the death of each of your family through gaurds taunts.
You had seen freedom for half a year when your mother finally achieved her birthright. Had met Cregan, the man who you was supposed to marry. 
And then you heard of Aemonds death. Daemon had killed him and died himself. You and he had once considered yourself inlove. Even planned to run away and marry. But after what he did to Luke, those feelings changed and the love and longing turned to hate and anger. And with his detah came relief. She felt one step closer to her mother being safe on the throne. 
And then Aegon returned and killed your mother. Burned her alive.
You had witnessed it all, as guards held you back.
Then two weeks later your own grandsire, Coryls Veleryon, came and told you of the plans, the plans he agreed with and even proposed. 
He was the only visitor she had had. She had no Aemond to visit her, to eat with ehr even if all she did was spit angry words in his direction.
Then today, after over a moon, you were dragged from your bed and forced before Aegon in the throne room.Your mothers burnt body laid in front of you, wrapped in sheets as if to hide what Aegon had done to her. and your youngest brother, Aegon the younger, in chains.
The green council tood and told you what they demanded, Crolys the main voice among them. It was clear you had no choice but to accept their demands. marry Aegon and become queen, her brother's life will be spared and warded in Oldtown until he was four and ten. If she refused, he would become just like thre dead mother. A burnt body. And she would be dragged down the aisle anyway.
she needed her brother Aegon, he was the only family she had left and it killed her that he would grow up in the hands of the greens, but then again so would her children. The heirs the small council had demanded they have, if not Aegons life would be forfeit. 
The small council had left, leaving her and Aegon alone, bar the few guards that remained. 
Aegon called your name, he seemed nervous, tired even.
He wore the conqueror's crown, it suited him, though it was not his. But it was clear that the weight of it was more than the weight of the rubys. A weight Aegon ahd once told her he feared. 
He coughed, bringing you back from your thoughts. “Your grandsire informed me that he told you of our plans over a moon ago”
You nodded.
“I know this is not what you wanted… that i am not who you wanted, or even - or even the brother you wanted-” he stood up and made his way towards her “but this is for the good of the realm”
You scoffed “of course it is Aegon, no one wants another war.”  Everyone knew why you were marrying, it was to be a front of the greens and blacks uniting, of her bending the knee. “I am the spoils of war, Aegon. And when it comes to victory the victor always keeps his prize. And I am your prize Aegon. Not that i had a choice” you tunrened to leave, done with this, you had time. Time to get a letter to Cregan. Some servants were still loyal, surely?
Aegon once again called your name “we wed on the morrow”
Then again, the greens were smart enough to win a war, of course they were smart enogh to marry her fast. 
Aegon had alwasy hoped to wed her. And he had hope for this marriage, but not hope for a happy marriage. though he had once hoped to wed her instead of Helaena, and now he was forcing her to marry him. But he did hope it’ll end the war. Hoped that Cregan Stark would stop his attacks and surrender, submit to him and not launch the realm into another war.  they had lost too much as it was.
Aegon felt sorry for her. He felt alone but she truley was. Her only family would soon be torn from her and she would be stuck with them, and married to him. 
It had never been him for her, though it had always been her for him. from doing everything to gain her attention, bullying Aemond so she would see him as the better brother, from begging his mother and even his father to marry her and not Helaena. From bedding whores who were her doubles. 
But for you it has always been Aemond, always been him even when he killed your brother, Aemond still spoke as if you two were soon to wed and that you and him were utterly in love. He  had never got your attention, not the way Aemond had.
He called your name again, you were numb, eyes and face void of any emotion. “did you hear me?!” he asked more sternly.
you nodded your head, looking down. “ I understand Aegon.” you said his name so sweetly and yet it was filled with such hate. you had yet to call him King, had yet to fully bend the knee to him.
he sighed “you will have to bend the knee to me before and the lords of the realm… they have all been summoned for the wedding. where we shall pledge our souls together and you shall pledge your allegiance.”
you gritted your teeth, you had never been stubborn, always a people pleaser, but when it came to this you were being… difficult.
he sighed, going to speak again before you snapped your head up. He was close, close enough to reach out and take her hands in his. To hold her close. To-
“Fine! But you must swear to me Aegon.. That my brother will be safe. I - i do not want him in oldtown, send him somewhere anywhere but there. I will only bend the knee if he is safe, and i will make sure he does aswell, and that he sticks to it, if you swear he will not be killed!”
“Of course, i- he is my nephew, and as it stands my heir- it is in the crowns best interest to protect him. Doing otherwise would-”
“Risk war” she finished for him. “I make no promises for the marriage, but is shall do my duty.”
It hurts, duty. Their marriage, the marriage he had hjoped for being just a duty. Being a consolation prize for winning a war his mother and grandsire planned and plotted his whole life. And her turning around and storming through the door straight away hurt even more.
She had been given a dress. It was ivory and It was…beautiful. 
She had expected green. Something obvious. To get the greens point across. But she supposed the wedding got it across enough.
The wedding was packed, lords and ladies from all over westros, lords and ladies from both the blacks and the greens.
Her grandsire walked her down the Asile. 
Aegon stood up there, in ivory, with matching patterns to her gown. He smiled at her. He looked happy as if he had waited for this day. As if she and him were lovers finally getting there wedding day.
The ceremony was fast, a copy and paste of the dozens of weddings she had attend
They had stood before each other, in the eys of the realm and the gods. There hands joined togther, eyes locked. It was intense and fast. Then she was maade to kneel before him, and as she knelt he placed a crown on her hesd, naming her his queen consort.
There was relief throughout the kingdom the night. There wedding celebration turning into toasts and dances of peace. 
And before she knew it, it was time for the bedding ceremony.
She was nervous. She knew it would hurt somewhat. Her mother had always had told her. And told her all she would need to know. Ahd reassured her that on her wedding day she would be there, smiling and dancing as she married her love. And yet her mother was dead. Her brothers dead. Rhanea and Beala were at driftamark, univinted as if them coming would prevent the wedding from happnning. And she was not marrying her love, she was marrying her duty. Marrying for peace. And yet when Aegon looked into her eyes as they stood for the bedding ceremony she flet at peace, calm, as if eveything was snapping into place.
He took her hand in his and kissed it, before moving to step down and leave.
Aegon had ordered for no escorts top there chambers, no servants or maids. It was just them. 
And for the first time in who knows how long she felt like she could breath. 
Aegon looked towards you, cupping your face with his hands, caressing your cheeks. he was nervou, his eyes gave that away. “i’m sorry if this is not the wedding you wanted, or the husband, but i want you to know that you are the wife i have always wanted. i understand why you could never love me back. i have done terrible things to your family and i-“
“not tonight Aegon” you begged, “for tonight let us be husband and wife, tommorow you can be King Aegon, the Aegon who did all of those things, but tonight we forget. you will make me forget” you begged.
Aegon responsed ,not with words but by surging forward with a kiss. Unlike the one in the sept, were it was quick chaste. this was filled with passion, filled with Aegons love for you. There  mouths moulded together, his tounge teasing your  lip until you finally got the hint and opens for him. she was inexperienced, it was obvious, but you caught on quick. even quicker when his kisses started trailing from your mouth, to your  jaw and then to your  neck, moving further down until they reached your shoulders. he looked up then, his hand moving to the back of your dress, reaching for the corset. reaching for his laces he gave a soft kiss to your  shoulder, before removing the laces to her gown., your dress slowly dropped to the floor, pooling around your ankles. leaving your in your shear underclothes.
“gods”Aegon moaned, before diving back down to kiss your neck and working his way back up to your mouth. you moved your ah do to his shoulders, relaxing more into the kisses, allowing yourself to bask in the pleasure.
Aegon moved down one more, this time he didn’t stop at your shoulder, but moved down your your breast. taking your nipple into his mouth, and moaning at the taste. you yourself moaned in pleasure, you had done some stuff with Aemond, mainly kissing, some touching, even had his head between your thighs. but tonight felt differ t, it was not a differ t lind of pleasure, but a feeling. with Ameond it was forbidden, but with Aegon, he was your husband and deep down it felt right.
moving away from your breasts aemond pressed another kiss to your lips, before taking a step back. you watched as he did, removing his jacket and then his tunic, leaving him topless before you. he was not toned or leaned as Aemond was, but a bit chubby. And yet she found even hotter than the toned body you  had once knew so well.
Aegon continued stepping back, but not before taking your hand in his and pulling you with him, towards the bed.
He turned you around, allowing your back of your beds to hit the bed. sitting in the bed Aegon thought you a vision, even more so whn you shyly reached  for your small clothes and pulled them off over your head. you were perfect.
he moaned at the sight, before reaching down and pressing his mouth to yours, his hands reaching down to caress your body, the feeling filled with care.
“Aegon?” you spoke up, causing Aegon to lean back and stop.
“what? are you ok?” he asked
you nodded, reaching forward to his breeches, searching for the laces. Aegon let out a laugh, before moving back to take them off. “better?” he asked. you nodded.
he leant down and gave you a kiss before getting in his knees and spreading your legs. he looked up at you a gleam o his eyes, before moving forward, and devouring you. his tounge circling your clit. his hands moved up your legs, leaving goosebumps in there wake. his fingers moved up towards your heat, his fingers teasing your opening. slowly he entered his finger, gods you were right, unexplored. 
pumping in and out of you, you let out moans of pleasure, your peak etching closer and closer, before taking you over whole.
Aegon moved back, wiping his face in the bed sheets, before standing up. 
you looked at him, dazed.
“we don’t have to go any further-“ you interrupted him.
“i want too” you spoke, almost begging.
he nodded, moving you back, further into the bed. 
Moving between your thighs, he pushed in slowly and carefully. 
you felt so full, uncomfortable, before it turned quickly into pleasure. Aegon moved slowly, pumping you full, his body pressed against yours, kissing you deeply. before moving faster, harder. moans filled the room, the pleasure over taking them you both as you once again reached your peak, and Aegon let go, filling you with his seed.
Aegon collapsed further into you, both your breath heavy.
“gods” you sighed. and Aegon nodded in agreement.
As the years passed since your wedding to Aegon. 
you knew you would never forgive him for what he had down, never love him, not like he loved you. 
but you were civil, appeasing. paining the picture of the perfect wife. And Wegon grew more in love.
but deep down you knew that you would never love him, or forgive him, and some part of you would always long for Cregan or mother black loyalist to rise up and name your brother king.
But as you grew older, and had five children, all the image of Aegon, that that day would never come. not as your children grew older. As Jaheara and Aegon wed, and had children of there own. 
And when aegon died at the age of 56, from a summer fever, believing you had forgiven him and loved him, you realised that the greens had won. Even as you watched your son be crowned king, and his son after him.
You never got your happy ending, but the history books would right that you did. That all along you were a green. Switching form one brother to the other.
when in reality you still felt alone, and though you died surrounded by your grandchildren and great grandchildren, you died feeling alone, still feeling like the spoils of war.
Taglist (bold means could not tag)
@taragryenmoony @flrboyd @theanxietyqueen17 @zillahvathek @dark-night-sky-99 @apollonshootafar
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sturnsmadl · 17 days
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mafia!matt headcannons!
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warnings!- mafia!matt duh, swearing, mentions of murder..kinda?, sex, kissing, overprotective!matt, dad!matt, fluff. light angst.
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mafia!matt who is your childhood bestfriend.
mafia!matt who is only soft for you.
mafia!matt who you know is still the boy he always was.
"we've both changed sweetheart."
"not really. your still the same cute kid you always were."
"dont think thats true."
mafia!matt who is out for revenge.
mafia!matt who is dangerous if he needs to be.
"and this guy literally slapped my ass-"
"you know where he lives?"
"matt its fine..god.."
mafia!matt who shouldn't be underestimated.
"where did mason go? haven't heard from him in ages."
"oh..umm..not sure."
mafia!matt who didn't plan on falling in love with you.
mafia!matt who your always bandaging up.
"sorry. sorry. what did you even do to get nearly shot?"
"oh you know..just walking. people are crazy nowadays."
mafia!matt who can't be apart from you for long.
"finally. i hate leaving you here."
"you went to the bathroom matt."
mafia!matt who never lets you see his business.
"im going out for a while."
"im so bored. can i come?"
"absolutely not. im handling business."
mafia!matt who respects you even if you are a woman.
"how come you respect me? if the whole 'scary big guy' thing is to hate women?"
"its gross. i like women, think they're awesome."
mafia!matt who believes your the sweetest soul ever.
"i made you cookies while u were gone!"
"aww baby. thank you. your so cute."
mafia!matt who makes sure your protected 24/7.
"ive gotta go baby. gaurds will be outside all night alright?"
"yeah. can't have you getting hurt."
mafia!matt who finds out you've always had a crush on him.
mafia!matt who makes sure everyone knows hes taken.
puts her hand on his bicep
"you're quite an attractive one huh?"
"mhm. my girlfriend who i love very much seems to think so too."
moves her hand off him
mafia!matt who moves very quickly.
"wanna marry me?"
"just asking for future references."
"we- huh.."
mafia!matt who never stops until you're close to blacking out.
"too much! matt! wait-"
"whats the safe word huh? one more. come on last one."
"u said that- fuck!"
mafia!matt who knows hes the most powerful man you know
mafia!matt who makes sure you're always respected.
"move. fucking h-"
"say sorry or i swear i will-"
"matt! let him go."
mafia!matt who spoils you all the time.
mafia!matt who makes it his life goal to be a dad to your kids.
"do you think we'd make cute kids?"
mafia!matt who spends ages figuring out the perfect proposal.
mafia!matt who proposes at your childhood spot.
"will you marry me..?"
"omg! what?! yes! yes..omg.."
mafia!matt who only lets you see him cry when you tell him your pregnant.
mafia!matt who has certain people assigned to protect you.
"so this is pablo."
"uhh..whos that?"
"hes been your bodygaurd for while."
"i knew someone was following me.."
"yeah i gathered that pablo.."
mafia!matt who makes you get a checkup every other week.
"we went not that long ago. its gonna be the same shit!"
"not risking anything. get in the car."
mafia!matt who pays for everything for the baby and you.
mafia!matt who makes sure you have the best doctors for the birth.
mafia!matt who always want to be the one to feed the baby.
"so whos feeding the baby boy for the first ti-"
"me! me..please.."
mafia!matt who bounces the baby on his lap while doing work.
"shh..yeah.yeah sounds good. get that car there by 2."
mafia!matt who doesn't trust anyone with his baby.
"i can get a babysitter boss the-"
"nope. absolutely not."
mafia!matt who kisses you both goodbye when he leaves for business.
you kiss
"love you. and you, be good for your mum. cya baby."
mafia!matt who finds anybody that hurts you.
mafia!matt who only smiles when hes around you.
mafia!matt who needs updates every hour when hes gone.
"baby okay?" "you okay?" "need me to come home early?" "send me pic of baby so i know hes okay."
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a/n- i hate this but after this im probably gonna dissapear again :) i also just ordered a milkshake ya'll
taglist! @bellaonthelow @hrtsdollie @moonk1ss3d @sturnclouds @christophersgf @ellizzyy @fratbrochrisgf @phoenix062 @pixxiies @conspiracy-ash @blahbel668 @monroesturnns @gwennybenny @sturnobsessedwh0re @pixie-sticks-are-good @wurlibydominicfike @anitahunt @ilusa @mattstrombolii @stvrlighht @asherrisrandom @amelia-sturniolo3
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csainzoperator · 10 months
love bites ☆
summary: y/n and her bestfriend are out partying. her boyfriend knows she's in a club and can't help but feel a bit jealous that men will get to see his girl smile, dance and what not. so he pulls up to the club with the his driver friends.
(pierre gasly × fem!reader)
trigger warnings: a few sexual intendos, mostly fluff, biting and a lovesick pierre
read more under the cut!
y/nusername has posted a story!
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party ready!! liked by pierregasly, yourbsfusername and others. seen by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and others
- pierregasly has replied to your story "are you trying to kill me, baby?"
you smile cheekily as you type back a reply "maybe"
- pierregasly "fuck."
you smile and keep your phone inside your purse, knowing very well that your boyfriend who is at home rn, most probably is going insane. you and your bestfriend reach the club and go straight to the bar to down some shots. "its been so long since we have done this oh my god!" your bestfriend says to you after you order a few shots of vodka.
after a while, you are slightly tipsy (totally drunk) and your bestfriend is down only a shot as she was the DD (designated driver) tonight.
"we should dance" you whisper in her ears as the music was too loud. you had a wide smile on your face as dancing was one of the things you loved the most.
you gasp as you hear your favourite song play. it was "please don't stop the music" by rihanna. you giggle as you pull your bestfriend and start dancing to the beat.
little did you know that your boyfriend was only a few metres away, watching you as you moved your hips, laughing now and then. not only him but most of the drivers on the grid were there too.
the music changes and the mood gets all sexy as "under the influence" by chris brown starts playing. you feel a pair of hands on your waist and quickly move away "i have a boyfriend" is all you get out. but your drunk ass didn't recognise that it was your boyfriend that was behind you.
pierre smiles as he realises how drunk you are. he slowly makes you turn towards him.
"baby, its me." pierre whispers in your ear as he caresses your waist.
you smile wide and wrap your hands around his neck "am i hallucinating because i missed you so much"
he laughs and gives your cheek a sweet kiss "no, i'm here, my love" you let out a giggle as he kisses your cheek. you start dancing again, guiding pierre's hands towards your hips. you have no idea how hot you look to your boyfriend right now. his hands grip your hips tighter, moving slowly with you.
you tiptoe and whisper in his ear, as the lyrics say "your body light weight speaks to me." he lets out a small groan and turns you around, your back facing his chest. he rests his chin on your shoulder, kissing your neck now and then. "you really did plan to kill me today, no?" he whispers in your ear.
"not really, how would i survive without your kisses?" you reply as you try to control your giggles. pierre just shakes his head in amusement.
the song comes to an end and both of you walk towards a private booth where all your friends are seated. pierre settles down on the couch, pulling you down on his lap.
"he's so goddamn whipped. mans made us drop all our work to go clubbing with him to see HIS girlfriend like how is that fair??" lando was ranting to charles, although charles looked like he had been through this almost a million times. "i mean, if my girlfriend looked like that and was out late at night, i would gladly be a security gaurd, no charges" daniel says as he clicks a few pictures of the bar, and lily with alex.
lando nods, humming in response "fair enough." pierre flips him off as you giggle again, with your head on his chest. you get the sudden urge to say a few things and sit straight, still on his lap.
you grab a bottle of champagne that was on the table and hold it as your mic "ladies and gentlebitches, i miss my boyfriend right now. he is the most sexiest man alive, but still somehow the most adorable human" you keep blabbering and suddenly you realise that charles is here. you point a finger at him, like as if he has committed a huge crime. "YOU, YOU ALWAYS TRY TO STEAL HIM YOU KNOW?" you yell at charles and feel two arms wrapping around your waist tightly, pulling you backwards because you were angle-ing the champagne bottle like you were about to throw it at charles.
this erupts loud laughter in the room and you giggle to yourself again "oh my god i'm funny" you start wiggling in pierre's lap, making him wrap his arms around you even tighter, if that was even possible. "that is really not helping our situation right now, mon cherie." he whispers in your ear. your eyes widen as you stop moving.
"guys, pierre didn't even let me have dinner and now his girlfriend wants to kill me. can we please go get some food?" charles says, all ready to leave.
"my treat!" pierre smiles as he says this. he looks at you and raises his eyebrows "and for my lady, what would you like to eat?"
"you." they say devil works fast but your mouth sure does work faster. everyone around you make gagging sounds, completely disgusted.
"I DID NOT NEED TO KNOW THIS INFORMATION" max, who never spoke a word the entire night, suddenly yells. everyone agrees to his beautiful words and start moving out of the private area, towards the exit.
just before you all leave, danny asks you and pierre to smile for a picture and you look up at pierre, smiling cheekily before tip-toeing and biting his cheek. pierre smiles wide for the camera as danny's precious camera captures the moment perfectly.
danny rolls his eyes playfully, making a disgusted noise. "i hate you guys" both of you laugh as he walks out. pierre holds your hand in his and wraps another arm around the small of your waist as you walk together.
"what was that bite for?" he asks, although he already knows the answer. you do it often. very often to be honest. your love language is biting basically.
"i told you i wanted to eat you, i wasn't lying" you mock seriousness but fail miserably as you start giggling again.
"crazy. my girlfriend is crazy" he whispers as he smiles to himself.
you bite his cheek again, mumbling softly "its a love bite, baby."
daniel.jpg has posted!
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these two lovebirds couldn't keep their hands off of each other. it was disgusting. (jk, love you both)
tagged y/nusername and pierregasly
liked by y/nusername, pierregasly, landonoriss and 292,812,23 others.
- daniel.jpg you owe me 7 BILLION DOLLARS NOW.
- pierregaslllyyyy MY PARENTS 🙏🏼🙏🏼
charles_leclerc i'm never ever coming out when pierre and y/n are together. never. i almost died.
f1wags our favourite wag 🫶🏼
landonoriss my man pierre was going thru some insane shit when he saw y/n's story last night. no joke.
- maxverstappen1 yes. can confirm.
- pierregasly can you guys stop exposing me
pierregasly love bite ❤️
the end ♡
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