#changbin you're an icon
linolinoing · 7 months
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jinnie-ret · 11 months
9th member whos family is extremely unsupportive of their career choices, skz do their best to cheer them up after a loud argument that the boys overhear. their family is rude and downright mean to their 9th member and they cant let them be put down by their family so they remind her that theyre her family. love your writing.
family is complicated
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stray kids x ninth member!reader (platonic)
genre: angst, fluff
content warnings: emotionally abusive parents
word count: 1.6k
summary: after your troubling phone call is overhead by all of the boys, they comfort you and reassure you that they are your true family
Thank you sm for your request!! I hope you enjoy this one too :)))
"Y/Nnie! Lunch is ready," Chan called the maknae into the kitchen, plating up some food for her. Although they lived in different dorms now, Y/N staying with 3RACHA and Hyunjin, and Lee Know and Felix staying with VocalRACHA, they decided to do a whole group meal today.
Everyone was sat waiting at the table, before a sluggish looking Y/N padded into the kitchen, wiping sleep away from her eyes.
"Aw bless her, she looks exhausted," Felix whispered and frowned to Han, who nodded along.
"It's her mum and dad again, don't mention them yeah?" Han quietly replied, offering a light smile to Y/N when she plonked herself down into the chair opposite him.
"Mmm, what's for breakfast?" Y/N blinked her eyes rapidly, where redness could be seen around the lids. After an endless streams of texts from her parents last night, she cried herself to sleep, the boys doing their best to comfort her before she allowed herself to break down.
"It's lunch time, silly," Hyunjin fondly giggled as he ruffled her hair and placed a cup of tea down in front of her. "Here, peppermint tea, I know it's your favourite."
"Thanks Jinnie," Y/N tilted her head upwards and he smiled and scrunched his nose at her in response.
"It's nice having lunch together like this, I feel like we haven't done it in a while," Jeongin commented, twirling some ramen with his chopsticks.
"We had fried chicken at the company like two days ago," Changbin pointed out and laughed.
"Yeah but it's different being sat around the table with a home cooked meal," Lee Know nodded and agreed with Jeongin.
"It's different now, like sometimes I get a facetime and just have Seungmin staring at me whilst he eats like," Han starts laughing, and mimics the face the puppy like member of the group would pull.
"What do you think about eating on your own, Seungmin? Now that we've split into different dorms," Chan asked curiously from one end of the table.
"I love it so much," Seungmin genuinely and joyfully says, causing everyone to break out into laugh, Hyunjin's iconic cackle sticking out amongst them all. Even Y/N, in a tired quiet mood, broke out into a smile.
But that happy mood, was torn in half by the ringtone that blared from Y/N's phone. She picked up her phone and sighed when she saw the contact name, pinching the bridge of her nose.
"Are you ok, Y/N?" Minho queried gently from next to her, making his tone more caring and comforting like he always did when he spoke to her. She was similar to Felix in that she had a sensitive heart.
"I'm f-fine, umm, I've got to take this," Y/N scoots out of her chair from the dining table, and walks round the corner from the kitchen into the hallway that followed down to their individual bedrooms.
"I'm worried about her," Jeongin spoke up, a frown tugging on his features, the corners of his mouth pulled downwards.
"I swear if that's her parents-" Changbin gritted his teeth.
"When will you come home and leave that useless job behind you?"
"Mum, why do you always do this to me? I'm doing something that I truly love and you always dismiss it!"
"I don't care about what you enjoy doing. You're not thinking about your family. How could you leave us like this? It's disrespectful. You've betrayed us!"
"I send money to you every month! I support you! I do everything I can, mum!"
"Your everything isn't good enough, Y/N. You're an embarrassment to the whole family."
"Mum don't say that!"
Then there was the sound of the phone call being hung up on, and Y/N quickly dashed past the opening of the hallway to rush into the bathroom.
"Don't tell me what I can and cannot do, girl. I thought you may have changed your mind after my wise words last night, but I can see you're still as stupid and ignorant as ever."
"Y/N-" Han stood up to stop her and grab her attention, but she had already slammed the door.
"Have they always been that bad?" Seungmin questioned, appalled at the phone call they all overheard.
In her tired state, Y/N must have put the call on loudspeaker, and not realised that the boys had heard it too.
"I knew they were bad but... hearing her own mother yell at her like that... I thought the texts were bad," Chan sighed and shook his head. His hands rested on the table and he cracked his knuckles together.
"Why, what happened with the texts? Hannie said just to act normal but..." Felix brought up what he had said earlier.
"Yesterday she got some threatening texts from her dad, telling her he'd fly over to Seoul and personally drag her back home, and if she didn't 'comply and obey him' he'd make sure that she'd 'pay for it'," Hyunjin sighed, quoting the exact words he read from Y/N's phone himself.
"That bastard threatened violence?!" Lee Know exclaimed in disbelief, his fist clenched tightly around the edge of the table.
"We should check on her," Jeongin got up as he shook his head, walking round to the bathroom and knocking on the door. "Y/Nnie? Do you want to talk about what happened, love? We all heard," he added onto the end.
"No, it's fine, Innie. I'm ok, please don't come in," Y/N's voice cracked. "I just want some time to myself," she whimpered from the cold bathroom floor, rocking back and forth as she tried to process the words her own mother threw at her once more. Her mind was frantically pulling her in all sorts of different directions, saying 'what if' a thousand times.
"Sweetheart, please talk to us, we're worried about you," Felix's deep voice came from the other side of the door.
"I'm fine," Y/N sniffled, shakily standing up as her head pounded from all of the stress.
"You're not, we can hear it in your voice, Y/Nnie," Lee Know said firmly, a hint of frustration in his voice but only because he cared about her so much.
"Please open the door, Y/N," Jeongin tried again, hand resting against the door.
"She's not going to, mate," Bang Chan sighed, slumping down into the sofa, stretching out his neck and body. "She said she wants to be alone."
But then, the lock to the bathroom door clicked, revealing an exhausted looking Y/N who had tear streams down her face, as well as red eyes and a red nose.
"I don't want to talk about it," Y/N could barely look up at the three members that had been stood outside of the bathroom waiting for her.
"That's fine, just come sit with us, yeah?" Felix grabbed her hand gently.
"Don't shut us out, please," Lee Know ducked his head down to look into her eyes, and the girl nodded, still looking down at her feet. He rested his hand on her lower back as they encouraged her to head through to the lounge.
"Come here," Hyunjin opened his arms immediately as soon as she entered the room and just like that she was glued to his side.
"Y/N, I know you won't want to talk about it, but let us talk to you, ok?" Changbin started, "The way you have been treated by your parents, is by all means, not ok."
"And we want you to know, because we heard what your mum said, you are enough for us," Seungmin added on.
Their kind words caused her to let out a sob, and she heard coos and hushes around her of 'oh, Y/N!'.
"Darling, please don't get upset," Han crouched down in front of Y/N and wiped her tears away, and Hyunjin's arms tightened around her.
"I-it's just, it's-" Y/N couldn't get her words out before another sob ripped from her throat.
"Y/Nnie, breathe, it's ok love, take your time," Chan gently spoke up, causing her to listen to his words and actively take some deep breaths.
"We won't let you feel down ever again from the things they had said or done to you," Lee Know promised.
"We're your family, Y/Nnie," Jeongin cracked a small smile, eyes glistening with tears of his own.
"I wish you had been my family from the start. I feel like I've wasted so much of my life already," Y/N cried out, her hands digging into her legs.
"Oh, if we could have been a group from the start I'm sure we would have. Just think this, you've got us now. I know it's easier said then done, but don't worry about the past. Let's just think about our future, ok?" Changbin said from next to her on the sofa, gently pulling her hands away from her lap to prevent her from causing more harm.
"But what if-" Y/N stuttered and stopped herself from continuing once more.
"There are no what ifs with us, Y/N," Hyunjin rubbed circles into her shoulders.
"Yeah, you're stuck with us now," Han joked, trying to lighten the mood, and it worked.
For a few more moments you revelled in the comfort of being with your members, your family before going on with the rest of your day. And if anyone asked Chan if he blocked your mum and dad's phone numbers, he'd say no, of course. If they were really worried, they had other ways of getting in contact. It wouldn't hurt anyone. Just make your lives easier as a family.
tagged: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z @cheesemonky
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valkyriexo · 5 months
You have the Flu | Felix
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ᑉ³pairing; Felix x Reader
ᑉ³genre; Sickfic, Comfort, Fluff,
ᑉ³warnings; use of pet names
ᑉ³Authors Note; Other members coming soon!
Part of the "He helps you when.." collection. Other members parts: Chan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
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As you leave the office, the weight of the day begins to lift. You're looking forward to heading home, maybe even curling up with a good book or binge-watching your favorite show. It's been a long week – Thursday afternoon, the anticipation of the impending weekend is palpable, yet one more day of work still looms ahead.
The rain catches you off guard, a sudden onslaught that seems to mirror the weight of the week you've just endured. Dark clouds hang low in the sky, casting a somber shadow over the bustling streets below. The sound of raindrops hitting pavement fills the air, drowning out the usual cacophony of city life.
You hadn't expected rain today – hadn't bothered to check the weather forecast, too consumed by the demands of work to think about anything else. Now, you find yourself standing on the sidewalk, unprepared and unprotected against the elements.
The air is thick with the scent of wet asphalt and the sound of rain hitting the pavement is a constant, soothing rhythm.
With a heavy heart, you reach into your pocket for your phone, hoping to call for a taxi and escape the downpour. But as you bring it out, you notice the battery icon blinking ominously – a glaring red warning that it's about to die.
You curse under your breath, frustration mounting as you realize the extent of your predicament. Without a working phone, you're stranded in the rain, with no means of summoning help or seeking shelter.
Reluctantly, you tuck the phone back into your pocket, resigned to your fate. The cold seeps into your bones as you huddle beneath the feeble shelter of an overhang, watching the world pass by through a curtain of raindrops.
Minutes stretch into what feels like hours as you wait, the anticipation of a taxi's arrival your only source of hope amidst the relentless downpour. With each passing moment, your patience wears thin, your spirits dampened by the relentless assault of rain.
Finally, a taxi pulls up to the curb, and you practically leap inside, grateful for the warmth and shelter it provides.
As you settle into the backseat, you let out a long exhale, feeling a chill creep into your bones. The sound of rain against the windows is muffled now, replaced by the hum of the engine and the soft patter of droplets on the roof.
You give the driver your address and sink back into the seat, closing your eyes for a moment of peace amidst the chaos of the storm. The gentle rocking of the taxi lulls you into a state of calm, the tension in your shoulders slowly melting away.
Outside, the rain continues to fall, a steady rhythm that serves as a backdrop to your journey home. But inside the taxi, you're safe and dry, cocooned in a bubble of warmth and comfort. And you watch as the city lights pass by in a blur of color.
But as the night wears on, you start to feel worse. Your head throbs, your throat feels scratchy, and your body aches all over.
As you stumble through the door of your apartment, you can't shake the feeling of exhaustion that weighs heavily upon you. But you're grateful for the familiar surroundings of home.
Dragging yourself to the bathroom, you strip off your wet clothes and step into the warm embrace of the shower. The hot water soothes your aching muscles, but it does little to ease the pounding in your head or the scratchiness in your throat.
After what feels like an eternity, you emerge from the shower and clumsily towel off. You're too tired to bother with your nighttime routine, so you simply crawl into bed, shivering despite the layers of blankets.
After what feels like an eternity, you emerge from the shower and clumsily towel off. You're too tired to bother with your nighttime routine, so you simply crawl into bed, shivering despite the layers of blankets.
You glance at the clock on the nightstand, its glowing digits informing you that it's now 9:26 PM. Your phone, now charging, sits on the nightstand, but you can't summon the energy to check it. Instead, you drift off into a fitful sleep, the fever burning through your body like wildfire.
As you slowly awaken from your fever-induced slumber, you're greeted by the persistent pounding on your door. Every muscle in your body feels heavy, and the thought of moving seems impossible. You try to call out, You try to call out, but your voice comes out as nothing more than a raspy croak, barely audible even to your own ears.
The persistent pounding on your door feels like a distant echo, a sound from another world intruding upon your fragile consciousness. With each thud, your heart beats a little faster, a sense of unease creeping into the edges of your mind.
The pounding grows louder and more urgent, reverberating through the room like a drumbeat. Then, above the din, you hear the unmistakable sound of keys jingling in the lock, sending a jolt of adrenaline coursing through your veins. Your heart skips a beat as anticipation and anxiety intertwine within you.
Suddenly, the door bursts open, and Felix rushes into the room, his face a whirlwind of emotions – concern, relief, and something else that you can't quite place. His eyes lock onto yours, searching for reassurance amidst the chaos of your fevered state.
"Felix," you manage to croak out, your voice barely above a whisper. Relief floods through you at the sight of him.
"You didn't answer any of my messages or calls," Felix says, his voice tinged with worry as he rushes to your side. "I got really scared when I went to check up on you at work and you weren't there, so I came straight here. Are you okay?"
"Felix," you whisper. "What time is it?"
"It's 3 PM," he replies. "I've been so worried about you. Are you okay? How are you feeling?"
You manage a weak nod, reaching out to grasp his hand. "I... I think I caught the flu. I feel awful."
Felix's expression softens with concern as he feels your forehead. "You're burning up. Let's get you some water and medicine, okay? We'll make you feel better."
You nod gratefully, letting Felix guide you to sit up as he hurries to fetch a glass of water and some fever-reducing medication. As he fusses over you, you can't help but feel overwhelmed by his care and concern.
Felix's brow furrows with concern as he settles beside you, his worry evident in his voice. "How long have you been feeling this way?"
You sigh. "Since last night. I... I think it's because of the rain," you admit reluctantly. "I got caught in it on my way home from work yesterday, and I didn't have an umbrella or anything. By the time I got home, I was already feeling sick."
Felix's expression darkens with concern and a hint of frustration. "You were out in the rain without proper protection, and you didn't say anything?" he asks, his voice tinged with worry and reproach.
"I didn't think it was a big deal," you mumble, feeling ashamed for not taking better care of yourself. "I thought I'd be fine, but... I guess I was wrong."
Felix's features soften as he reaches out to cup your cheek, his touch gentle. "You should have told me, sweetheart," he says softly. "I would have come to get you, or at least made sure you got home safely. I hate seeing you like this."
You nod, feeling tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. "I'm sorry, Felix," you whisper, feeling overwhelmed. "I should have said something. I won't do it again, I promise."
Felix pulls you into his arms, holding you close as he presses a kiss to your forehead. "It's okay," he murmurs, his voice warm and comforting. "Just focus on getting better now, alright? I'll take care of you."
With a tender smile, he rises from the bed and heads to the kitchen, returning moments later with a steaming mug of his favorite tea. Its aroma fills the room, carrying with it a sense of warmth and comfort.
"Here," he says softly, offering you the mug. "This always makes me feel better when I'm under the weather. Maybe it'll help you too."
You take the mug gratefully, the warmth of the tea seeping into your hands.
As you slowly try to drink the tea, your hands trembling slightly from weakness, Felix notices the sadness etched on your face. then, he suddenly disappears into the other room.
A couple minutes later he returns with BbokAri cradled gently in his arms, a soft smile gracing his lips as he approaches you.
"Here," he says gently, placing the plush toy in your hands. "This little guy never leaves my side, but tonight, I want him to keep you company. I thought he might help cheer you up too."
Taking the plush toy into your hands, you can't help but marvel at its softness and the love that emanates from it. As you hold it close, feeling its comforting presence, you notice Felix's gaze lingering on you, filled with concern and tenderness.
Seeing your body tremble with chills, Felix's heart wrenches with concern. "You're so cold," he murmurs. "Let's get you warmed up."
He quickly rises from the bed, leaving you momentarily bereft of his comforting embrace. However, he returns moments later with an extra blanket, which he wraps snugly around you. Then, he retrieves a heating pad, placing it gently near you.
As you shiver from a combination of fever and cold, Felix notices your discomfort. Returning to your side, he slips under the covers beside you, wrapping his arms around you in a gentle embrace. He holds you tightly, his own body heat radiating against yours, as he murmurs soothing words of comfort.
You snuggle closer to him. Felix holds you close, his steady heartbeat a reassuring rhythm against your ear. You hold BbokAri close to your chest, feeling its softness against your skin. Felix wraps his arms around both you and BbokAri, and you feel a sense of safety and security wash over you, banishing the cold and the fear that had gripped you moments before.
Felix presses a kiss to your forehead, his lips lingering as if to convey all the love he holds for you. "I'll do whatever it takes to see you smile again," he murmurs, his voice a gentle caress against your skin. "You mean everything to me, and I can't stand to see you like this."
"Do you want more medicine, or is there something else I can do to ease your discomfort?" he asks gently, his voice filled with a desire to help.
"Having you here, holding me like this," you say softly, "is all the medicine I need."
Felix's smile is tender and full of affection. "I'm glad I can provide some comfort," he replies, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "But if there's anything else I can do, just let me know. I'll bring you more tea, medicine, anything you need. Or we can go on a walk? Get some sunshine and fresh air."
"You already bring the sunshine with you, right here in this room," you say, your voice soft with love.
Felix's eyes shimmer with warmth at your words, a soft glow of affection enveloping him. Pressed against each other for warmth, you drift off into a peaceful sleep, the sound of Felix's steady breathing lulling you into a sense of calm.
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jeonginsleftcheek · 4 months
Stray Kids with an S/O who is a huge horror movie fan
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pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
genre: fluff
disclaimer: this is as always just my opinion :)
a/n: as a huge horror movie fan myself, I had to write this! enjoy!🩷
As he said before, it's not like he's scared of horror movies, he just doesn't think they're interesting to watch. But, you're interesting to him and he loves you so he will definitely try for you. He also thinks he won't get scared cause 'nothing scares him' but oh boy was he wrong. You have to promise him extra cuddles because he's not gonna be able to fall asleep that night. Will also try to dissect the plot with you after the movie, and try to find meaning in the story just so it's less scary to him.
If he was never really invested into the horror genre, you could show him the classics like The Shining(1980), The Omen(1976), The Amityville Horror (1979), Psycho(1960) and then also some newer iconic movies like Get Out(2017), The Ring(2002), Sinister(2012), Hereditary(2018) and The Conjuring(2013).
Loves it. Loves to try and scare you while you're watching a movie together. At first, you're so happy that you can share your love for horror with your significant other. And you know he really doesn't like jumpscares, so you try to find movies that don't have many of those. But if they do and Minho predicts a jumpscare, he'll grab you at the same time it's happening, making you jump out of your skin even though you saw the movie already. You kinda start regretting watching horror movies with him because he annoys you on purpose. He thinks you're so adorable when you're mad at him, but he wont push too far and he'll always make it up with cuddles and kisses later. Overall, 10/10 experience.
I feel like he'd watch almost any horror movie cause he's a curious cat (hehe) and you'd both share your favorites.
I don't know why, but I also feel like Minho would appreciate good old silent horror movies. I just think if he's a horror fan he may enjoy seeing the roots of horror. Like The Cabinet Of Dr. Caligari(1920), Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde(1920), The Phantom Carriage(1921), Nosferatu(1922) and Häxan(1922).
I don't think he's too scared of them but I think he doesn't really care for them too much? Though, if you have some interesting thriller or detective movies to recommend he will definitely wanna watch them with you. I think Changbin likes a movie that has an intelligent story with a plot twist. He likes to guess what's gonna happen next and when he's actually right he'll be so happy and proud. He'll keep talking about how he guessed the plot and how smart he is and how you have to give him extra cuddles now. Either way, you're cuddling and snacking the whole time while watching and it's just nice and cozy.
I think he'd enjoy thrillers like The Game(1997), Fracture(2007), The Machinist(2004), The Double(2013), Shutter Island(2010), Zodiac(2007) and 1408(2007).
Miss him with that shit cause he ain't watching it unless you manage to coax him into it. It's gonna take a lot of persuading until he finally gives in but you have to be careful in choosing the right movie for Hyunjin. He doesn't like loud noises and he doesn't really like to feel scared. He'd rather watch something for the story, especially if it's an emotional one, and he also likes character driven stories.
I think he could watch artsy or slow creepy movies that are more drama-like but have elements of horror like Pan's Labyrinth(2006), Dark Water(2005), Windchill(2007), It Follows(2014), The Eyes Of My Mother(2016), I'm Thinking Of Ending Things(2020) and Case 39(2009).
Okay, with this one you can go crazy. Any weird horror movie, anything kinda disturbing, deranged or unhinged will be right up his ally. As a horror and anime fan himself, he's seen some pretty weird stuff so experiment, I guess. I also feel like he'd like fun horror movies, idk how to explain but ones that are disturbing but fun at the same time, like you can't look away even though you're looking at a train wreck.
Movies like Funny Games(2007), The Ruins(2008), Suspiria(1977), The Perfection(2018), Perfect Blue(1997), May(2002), Audition(2000), Saw franchise and Terrifier series would be fun for him. Also, since he mentioned Paranormal Activity, found footage horror movies would be fun to watch with Jisung too like Creep(2014), REC(2007), Unfriended(2015) and Cloverfield(2008).
This is just not happening unless you can bribe him with cookies, gummies or any other sweets and ofcourse many cuddles and kisses, even more than you share usually. You'll have to practically beg him to watch a horror movie with you or make some kind of compromise that you'll participate in some activity he likes more than you later. He's not gonna sleep all night if you make him watch anything too scary, actually he wouldn't even be watching that. He'd probably be hidden in your neck the whole time and even the creepy sounds coming from the tv will give him nightmares.
The only way to make him watch horror movies is if they're mixed with comedy or they're so bad that they're funny. Like the Scream franchise, The Cabin In The Woods(2011), What We Do In The Shadows(2014), The Happening(2008), Tucker & Dale vs. Evil(2010), Housebound(2014) and ofcourse zombie comedies like One Cut Of The Dead(2017) and Shaun Of The Dead(2004).
Kind of indifferent towards the scares but I think he gets annoyed with plot holes and characters acting stupid. Rolls his eyes at every over used trope or cliche sentence. You actually end up laughing while watching horror movies with him because he's too cute when he's annoyed.
"How is this killer still alive? He's been run over by a truck ten times, this is stupid!" or "Okay but why is he going towards the sound? Is he that dumb, he's gonna die!"
He does like dry humor though so he'd like some black comedy movies with horror elements like American Psycho(2000), Parasite(2019), The Lobster(2015), The Menu(2022) but also if you want to annoy him on purpose (because he's cute when he gets worked up) show him slashers like the Halloween franchise, Friday the 13th franchise and Black Christmas(2019).
With Jeongin, I feel like it can go either way and it definitely depends on the theme of the movie. Also, he will probably try to act brave in front of you (until he jumps at a loud sound and then gets embarassed). For some reason I don't have an exact subgenre of horror for him but for some reason I feel like he'd like newer horror movies like Us(2019), Nope(2022), Last Night In Soho(2021), His House(2020), Host(2020), The Invisible Man(2020) and Fear Street film series.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
when you're feeling sad, changbin will do anything (being silly) to cheer you up!! fluff and comfort.
this was so fun to write, binnie is so iconic i wanna be his friend so bad. hope you'll enjoy <3 this won't make sense if u don't have some binnie references tho
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"Baby, I'm home!" Changbin's voice echoes loudly through your apartment as soon as he opens the door. You bury your face in your pillow, turning around in your bed so he'd think you were asleep.
It's not that you didn't want your boyfriend to see you. But the day has been overwhelming, small mishaps piling up on you. And as trivial as it sounds, your last straw was not finding your favorite cereal in the cupboard.
You couldn't possibly tell him that you broke down crying for cereals.
Changbin comes into your room, tiptoeing to your side of the bed when he notices your seemingly sleeping figure. He stares at you fondly for a while, before leaning down to kiss your cheek. He frowns to himself, before repeating the action once, then twice.
So he wasn't dreaming- your skin is wet. He skims a finger tentatively down your cheek, and sure enough, he can feel the tears drying slowly on it.
"Baby," he calls out gently, and when you don't respond, he says it again, his tone a bit more urgent. "Baby!"
You open one eye to look at him, "what?"
"Were you crying?"
"No." your response is curt and Changbin stares at you pointedly. You huff, because he can read you like an open book. "Yes."
That's all it takes for him to slide into the bed next to you, placing his back against the headboard. He then easily manages to pull you over his lap- he's strong, and you are too tired to resist him.
"What's wrong?" he asks and you look up to the ceiling, avoiding his penetrating gaze.
"Okay," he simply responds, grabbing strands of your hair in his hands. You watch silently as he braids them, or atleast attempt to, eyebrows furrowed in the utmost concentration.
"What are you doing?"
"Welcome to Changbin Salon," he grins, his voice suddenly high-pitched. You can't help the giggle that leaves your mouth at the absurdity of his words.
"Changbin Salon, you say? What other services do you offer?" you tease and he drops your hair, holding your hands instead.
"We can bring you food."
"Like what?" you smile a bit and he smirks mischievously at you.
"Chili chili crab crab."
"Not again," you whine, hiding your face in his broad chest. It took you three weeks to convince Changbin to not sing it anymore. And two additional weeks to get that silly song out of your mind.
"Say the truth. You just want an excuse to lay on my chest," he coos, hitting your back with his fists like a kitten.
"Binnie, you are insufferable," you laugh loudly, and his eyes soften at you. His teasing smile morphs into a genuine one, and you know that he's being this way just to cheer you up.
"Why were you crying?" he asks again, drawing soothing circles across your palm.
"Today was stressful, nothing seemed to work my way. And then, I got home and I was craving cereals. And there were no more cereals, so I started crying."
"So you were planning on sleeping hungry?! As if Seo Changbin isn't your boyfriend?!"
He's fully outraged as he picks you up, and your legs instinctively wrap around his waist, his warm hands holding your thighs with ease.
"But now we can eat together," you grin, bopping your nose with his and he nods, "what's my pretty baby craving?"
"You know, I think I really want to have that chili crab."
"Let's order it then," he smiles at you as he walks to the living room, "Should I do it singing?"
"Please," you giggle and he places a tender kiss on your forehead.
"Anything you want."
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☆♡ We're both stressed ♡☆ — Bang Chan
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word count: 3.1k
paring: Chan x afab!reader
genre: angst/fluff
warnings: afab!reader, established relationship, crying, stress, mentions of shouting, pet names (sweetheart, sweetie, love), bestfriend!Jisung, stressed!Chan, comfort, if I left anything out lmk, kinda proofread? (sorry!)
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It's been a rough couple of months with the comeback and all the stress that comes with it. Wanting to spend more time with Chan but being unable to due to the ungodly amount of hours he's been spending in the studio with Jisung and Changbin. The little amount of time you got to see him while they were preparing for the comeback has now doubled.
That's why right now you're laying on that iconic couch that sits in the studio, mindlessly scrolling through the many socials that you have on your phone. Luckily it's just the two of you inside since Changbin and Jisung had said that they wanted to freshen up with showers or food, leaving the two of you to just be in the others presence, something that the two of you hadn't gotten in weeks.
While you lay there just scrolling on your phone, you see the multiple fan accounts that you follow talking about their comeback announcements. You giggle at the ones about the other members, specifically Jisungs, sending them to him mimicking the comments when you text him. “He’S sO hAwT!?!?” After doing this a couple of times, you keep scrolling and you see the ones about your one and only Chan.
You try your best to hold back your laughs after seeing all the comments about how hot he looks in his new photos, some even cause the laugh to slip only for you to look at Chan to make sure you haven’t disturbed his work in any way. All you can feel is pride that you managed to be the one that he has chosen to be with… that is until you scroll a little further.
Your heart sinks when you find all the ones talking about how his future someone has such large shoes to fill. One stood out the most to you, even though in your best judgement, it shouldn't have. “I bet if he gets someone, she'll be too insecure and cause him way more stress than he needs or wants. Must be sad yk?”
Does Chan know that they say these things about him and his future someone? He must with how much he takes what they say into consideration. But why hasn't he said anything to you about it? Is that maybe what he thinks as well? As thoughts begin to wreck your already oversensitive brain, you stare into the back of his head.
Almost like instinct, you hear a loud huff and the sound of his headphones crashing onto his desk. “You know, I can feel you staring holes into the back of my head Y/N.” He says, running his hand through his dark brown hair, turning in his chair to look at you. You look down when you hear him speak, causing him to sigh softly before rolling the chair closer to you. “Where did the guys go? Thought they were going to the bathroom or something.” “Well, that's kinda what they said.. Han went to get himself something to eat and Bin wanted a shower so god knows what he's doing now since that was 45 minutes ago.”
He lets out a grumble before going back to what he was doing on his laptop, starting to bounce his leg. “Is there something that you need help with?” you ask him before slowly walking over to him causing him to jump and suddenly shut his laptop, before looking up at you with shocked eyes. The sudden motion shocks you to say the least but you just show a sad smile before walking back over to the couch for a few minutes only to leave not soon after to give him the privacy he suddenly seemed like he needed.
About a week has passed since then and you're currently sitting in the dorms with almost everyone for a movie night. The sight still plastered in your brain as if it happened 20 minutes ago, him shutting his laptop and giving you that look. Sighing shakily, you nestle deeper into your spot on the couch between Jisung and Changbin, Chan choosing not to attend the movie saying “he still has too much to work on” or you’d be cuddled up to him like you usually did during these events.
It seems that the two beside you notice your behaviour, looking between each other before Jisung taps your shoulder. “Hey, is everything alright? You seem off.” he asks you, only causing your mind to race worse. You look at him with a small smile before slowly nodding. If he's noticed how you’re acting that means so has everyone else making you do a quick glance over the whole room, seeing everyones eyes locked on the movie that was playing on the screen. “I’m fine Sungie, don't worry that pretty brain of yours and enjoy the movie.” you whisper back to him before silently excusing yourself from the room.
You find yourself in front of his bedroom door, just staring at it. It makes your heart race with your mind as you think about what's on the other side of this door. Your beloved slaving away over his laptop, eyes most likely bloodshot and dry from the hours he spends staring at it. A small flat spot probably pressed into his hair from his headphones, back with an arch that will make him complain that he needs to fix his posture tomorrow and probably the worlds largest bundle of stress.
Before you could stop yourself, you knock. You can hear the sound of his chair moving around before he suddenly swings the door open. He quickly looks you up and down, sighing before his lip twitches up on the left side. “Hello love, why aren't you watching the movie with the others?” He asks you, leaning against the door frame.
Without realising it, you'd been holding your breath. Suddenly you shakily exhale while looking up at his face, eyes scanning his features as if you hadn't seen him in months even though its only been a few hours. It really did feel like it's been that long though. “Oh.. I just wanted to come check on you.. Movie was boring and Jisung kept laughing so loud in my ears.” you lied, that's not really why you were here.
He stepped to the side, allowing you to enter the room before walking over to his chair and closing his laptop again. There it was again, the stinging pain in your chest. Normally if he ever shut his laptop like this, it meant you had his full attention but the past couple of times, it had felt like he doesn't trust you. It hurts.
“Well as you can see I'm fine but you can stay in here if you want to.” he says before turning his back to you, blocking your view of whatever is on his screen and placing his headphones back on. Fine? Is that what you'd call this sight? Because you don't think so. Which causes your next wrong moves. You start insisting that he take a break, use some eye drops, eat or drink something, stand up and stretch, the basic things he should do after sitting at a screen for hours.
The two of you begin to argue about it causing you to raise your voice a little in worry, your own anxiety flowing into the words without you realizing and neither does he. “If you're just going to lecture me and distract me from my work, you're more than welcome to leave.” he says a bit harshly, venom on his tongue. He doesn't even look at you before his fingers start to swim against his keys again, losing all interest in the fact that you, his girlfriend, is standing right there.
Your eyes sting as you walk out, shutting the door a bit harshly, grabbing the others in the living rooms attention. You fly through the room with your head down, not wanting anyone to see your tears, slipping on your shoes and out the front door after quickly grabbing your keys and coat. The others simply look at each other then back in the direction of Chans room.
It's now been two weeks since movie night and your fight with Chan and you aren't answering any texts you get from the members, fearing that it'll only make this pain worse. All you can think about is his voice the way he spoke to you that night. The way hes been acting towards you for whats just barely short of a month. Your thoughts are suddenly interrupted by the sound of your phone going off the rails. You look down not planning to answer but when the name pops up, your gaze softens. “Sungie Sweetie” is displayed with a silly photo of the boy. You didn’t want to answer but if anyone was as worked up about everything that suddenly happened, it'd be Jisung.
You sniffle as you watch it go to voicemail. The notification “10 missed calls from Sungie Sweetie” displays on the screen for the fifth time today alone. Before you can swipe away the notification, he's calling again. You rub your eyes before you decide to answer. Before you can even get out a hello, you hear his voice crack. “Oh my god you answered! Y/N its Jisung! Do you know how long I've been trying to get you to answer the phone? NO daily memes, no stupid comment mimics in my dms, NOTHING! Where are you? Are you-”
“Ji, you're rambling again.” you say with a small smile even though he can't see it. You can hear his shaky breath, before he begins to whisper. “You haven't answered anyone in days, as your best friend, that's not okay.” he says and you have to fight a giggle. “I’m okay Ji, I just.. Needed some time to myself.” you lie to him which causes guilt to fill your chest. You don't realise but he has the same feeling since he's not telling you the whole truth either.
You see, without your knowledge, you're currently on speaker where not only can Jisung hear you, so can Changbin who is biting his nails. Both of them have been worried sick about you after everyone had assumed you and Chan fought. That thought had been sealed when Chan came out of his room in a rough state, slamming doors and everything else that he opened, glares to everywhere in the dorms as if he's looking for something to soften his gaze on, on you.
Jisung clears his throat before he speaks, “So, when are you coming back over? I’ve got a couple of new games, Bin needs his hype man back, lix needs his taste tester, Minho needs someone to eat the extra food he makes, Seungmin complains that you're not here for him to bully, I.n says that you're the only person in this house that makes him genuinely laugh and Hyunjin has said, and I'm not even playing, ten times that he needs his muse back so he can continue his art.” 
He rambled about everything without even thinking about it, the room now filled by everyone he’d mentioned.  He looked around at everyone with a finger over his lips, signalling them to be quiet but as if they'd even speak, no one knows what to say. “Ji?..” they all hear that shake in your voice causing them all to look around at each other then quickly to him. “Yes love?” he says with no hesitation.
“You didn't… you didn't say Chan..” you say as the tears have begun to fall down your face like a waterfall of hot water. They could all hear you crying, no one knew what to do. You'd always hid your emotions. As their leaders girlfriend, you were just as head strong as he was, never showing what you actually felt unless behind closed doors. “Y/n… Chans been locked in either his room or the studio since you left. Changbin and I haven't been able to set foot in there without getting yelled at..”
The thought of Chan yelling at the people who care most for him saddens you more but it also really pisses you off. Before you even realise what you're doing, you've got shoes on and you're out your front door. The call with Jisung (and everyone else) does not end, it just becomes silent.
About 10 minutes go by and they all think that you've muted yourself for a cry but your voice suddenly rips through the room. “Sungie?” the fearful looks all shift to him as they hear the name, making Minho and I.n fight for their lives not to laugh. He looks at the floor and smiles “yes Y/Nie?” he replies quickly flipping the two now red in the face off.
“Come unlock the door, yeah?”
You're in the kitchen of the dorms as everyone surrounds you whispering so many questions to you but all you can do is look at Jisung and say “where is he?” before he slowly points to the hallway. You scuff as you wipe your nose and shake off your coat, hearing it hit the floor only for someone to pick it up and put it by the door.
Once in the hall, you make it to a door but you don’t knock or announce that you're walking inside, you just do it. “How dare you?” is all you can say before big brown eyes are looking at you. There's emotion in them and you can see the way that they shift from anger to surprise to guilt. He stares at you before slowly standing up, opening his mouth. “Don't you dare speak. I've got things to say, Christopher Bahng.”
“First of all, if your girlfriend leaves your dorm crying because of what you said to her, a decent boyfriend would TRY to follow her out to make sure shes okay. Second, don't EVER let me hear that you've YELLED at them simply because you're in a bad mood because of something you caused. Third, tell me why it's Ji that had to call me 50 times a day for TWO WEEKS to get me to come back. Do you know how much I've longed to see your name pop up on my phone Christopher?” 
By now you're crying without even noticing, your voice just barely above a shout until you realise Chan is staring at the floor. This only causes you to shake with emotion, “look at me!” you say, voice now a desperate shout, whole body shaking, eyes wide once his finally meet yours. You see the emotions switching over and over, the bright red where his eyes should be white, the bags and puffiness and you finally realise the way his whole body is shaking.
“Chan, I..” you start but he quickly cuts you off, his arms engulfing you into him as he pulls you both down to your knees on his bedroom floor, sobs filling the room. His whole body is shaking against you in what feels like frozen time, your hands instinctively finding his hair and rubbing his back as he cries and you do the same. The stress had finally broken the two of you only for you to break in front of the other. 
“Y/N.. I'm so so so sorry. Jisung told me everything when you left two weeks ago but I was so hyper focused on work that I neglected your feelings and noticing how you felt. I have no idea what was going through me or how it affected you but I know that I hurt you the other night when you were simply trying to help. That's why you're my light.” He says as he sobs into your neck, arms tightening around you, afraid you might push him away.
You turn your head towards the door to see the others all in the doorway after hearing you yell at their leader, the strongest guy they know now crying on the floor clinging to his girlfriend for what looked like dear life. When they see you looking at them, they quickly scurry away not wanting to ruin the moment that they all knew you both needed. “Channie.. sweetheart, look at me..” you say to him softly.
The pained look on his face makes your heart shatter as you use your sleeves to gently wipe away the tears that keep falling from his beautiful eyes. No matter how angry you are at him, seeing him like this still causes your heart to shatter into a hundred pieces. You push the wisps of hair out of his face and you let him cry as long as he needs to, feeling him relax after some time taking in deeper breaths.
“Y/n, please let's work through this. I messed up I know but I want to work on it, and if you say no then well I-” hes cut off quickly by your lips pressing into his, both of you letting out a shaky breath as you smile against his lips. “You big idiot.. I love you so much and I know that stress got the both of us, you don't need to apologise to me okay? Because everything that I did was no better.. Now I think we both need to take some time and just relax okay? Nothing but the two of us..”
He nods his head feverishly quick, eyes struggling to stay open, letting out a small laugh when he hears you speak. “You look like your body might crash the second I let you go.” “Can't sleep without you by my side.. Been getting maybe an hour or two of sleep a day.” is all that he can reply with before his eyes are closing lulling him to go to sleep right now.
After some convincing, he's taken a shower and you've changed his sheets, cleaned up all the trash in his room, organised his desk getting him a fresh warm towel and a clean set of clothes, you're both now curled in his bed. There's a movie playing on the tv but neither of you had paid any attention to it, too focused on the weight of being in each others arms.
You're playing with his hair while his head is laying on your chest, eyes closed as he's starting to finally feel his whole body relax, the stress you were both feeling only an hour ago now completely gone. There's a small hum that escapes him causing you to look down at him, met by a sleepy smile.
“I love you, Y/n, so much.”
“I love you too Channie, so much more.”
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©️ dearestaussiechannie, all rights reserved.
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hotteoki · 2 years
skz treating your skzoo plush
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warnings: bullying of skzoo plushies, they deserve better 💔
notes: not proofread
©️ hotteoki | do not repost
chan (방찬)
you knew chan was THE most genuine and sweet man you've ever met in your life, you just didn't expect him to be so sweet with the wolf chan he gifted you for valentine’s day too. “oh my god you changed his clothes!” chan exclaimed, holding wolf chan up high to examine it.
“yeah! i ordered a few sets of new clothes for him, did you know how hard it was to find this one?” you grumbled. it was hard to find someone who custom made skzoo plush clothes, you were lucky enough to come across a creator on tiktok and immediately contacted them.
“he’s so cute…” chan cooed at it, stroking wolf chan’s ears gently. “i’ve got a few more clothes for him that i haven’t had the chance to change,” you held up a few small hangers that carried different plush outfits that were custom made for your special wolf chan. chan hummed, “i still think the one he’s wearing is the best.”
“you recognise it?” “course i do! it’s iconic!” wolf chan was sporting the red ‘thunderous’ outfit chan wore in the mv. “he’s so cute!” he gushed, kissing the plush. “starting to think you love him more than me,” you crossed your arms, teasing him. “baby, you’re the love of my entire life, and i adore you. but look at wolf chan!”
you couldn’t help but laugh. chan snuggled wolf chan close to his chest and closed his eyes, using it as a teddy bear. “like you don’t have the exact same one,” you rolled your eyes playfully. “but mine’s not in this cool outfit!” chan protested, grinned like a child seeing a rainbow for the first time. he just had to be so perfect, didn’t he?
minho (민호)
it was a terrible idea to leave minho sitting on your bed alone in your bedroom, with your innocent leebit sitting peacefully on your pillow by himself. you didn’t think about it much when you left to go to the bathroom, and you definitely didn’t think of how poor leebit was going to be treated by your supposedly loving boyfriend.
you came back into your room, hands still damp. amidst wiping the water off using your top, you gasped at the sight of leebit stripped of its adorable sailor outfit, a rubber band around its ears, tying them together. minho was leaning against your headboard, mindlessly swinging leebit around by its leg, acting like he's not torturing one of your most prized possessions.
"leebit!" you rushed forward, snatching the plushie from minho's grasp. he glared at you, offended, like you were the one who betrayed him. "why do you do that to my poor baby?" you asked, frowning, pulling the band off and clothing it once again. "i thought i was your baby?" minho teased, stealing leebit from your hold when he saw you struggling with the outfit.
"not after what i had just witnessed," you sat beside him, bringing your knees up to wrap your arms around your body. when leebit returned to its original look, minho tossed him away, pulling you close to him. "yah, tell me i'm your one and only," he whined, pinching your side. you sighed endearingly, "lee min ho, you're my one and only." minho gave no response and only buried his face in your neck, but you felt his widening smile against your warm skin.
changbin (창빈)
your eyes grew heavier and heavier; you were exhausted from the long week of overwhelming work. changbin had suggested the both of you to go straight to bed the second he stepped into your shared apartment and saw the tired expression on your face. you had shook your head, insisting you wanted to watch spirited away with him. neither of you have had any free time the past few days, work succumbing both of you. he had originally promised to watch a movie of your choice as soon as he got home, but that turned out to be later than he expected.
yawning, you snuggled your dwaekki plushie to your body and wriggled closer to changbin's warm body. you leaned your head against his broad shoulders, finally shutting your eyes. although your brain was sending all the signals your body needed to sleep, your thoughts were running wild and free.
you were so focused on forcing yourself to sleep you hadn't even realised dwaekki falling out of your arms and getting picked up by changbin. as you were about to speak, he sighed to the doll, interrupting you. you opted to stay silent to see what he has to say.
"yah, dwaekki, don't you find her stubborn?" you had to resist the urge slap changbin in the chest. you felt his arm that was wrapped securely around you tilt up, allowing him to brush his fingers over your cheek gently. "but that's what i like about her," he murmured, clearly not wanting to disturb you, "i just wish she could take care of herself the way she takes care of me. she's so caring, loving and just every good thing in existence shoved into one person, she deserves the world. you better not repeat this to her though, okay, dwaekki?" oh you were so in love with this man.
hyunjin (현진)
when hyunjin came out of the shower, he wasn't surprised to see you curled up on the couch, blanket engulfing you into a cocoon, your eyes fixated on the movie playing on the television, hair pushed back by your pink fluffy hairband that matched with his. he was, however, surprised to see your arms protecting little jiniret, who also had a mini hairband on its head.
hyunjin audibly gushed at the adorable sight, running over to jump on the couch, occupying the spot next to you. he placed his hand over his heart dramatically, pretending to be struck, head slumping down and squashing jiniret. "no!" you pulled the plush from underneath hyunjin’s head, earning an offended scoff from him.
“do you not love me anymore? have you ever loved me? were you just using me to get to jiniret?” he feigned a series of sobs. you rolled your eyes, stroking his cheeks gently and moving your legs to allow hyunjin to use them as a pillow comfortably. “yes, i’ve dated you for over two years just to have your doll. i’ve never loved you, it was all a lie.”
he pouted, sitting up and glaring at you, “this is an important topic, and you’re not going to take it seriously?” you leaned forward to kiss his pout, hand reaching up to lightly graze over his jawline, “i love you, so very much, hyunjin,” you mumbled against his soft lips. he smiled, resisting a love-struck giggle.
jisung (지성)
"ji!" you called for your boyfriend while walking around the dorm, seemingly unable to find him anywhere. "he's in the living room," changbin said without looking up from his phone as he passed by. you responded with a quick thanks before making your way there. true enough, there jisung was, going on his phone. he was laid horizontally on the couch, his legs dangling off the arm rest.
crawling on top of him, you laid there with him, your ear pressed against his chest, his steady heartbeat bringing a sense of calamity to you. his free hand began combing through your hair, and you sighed contentedly. “haven’t seen you all day,” you complained, moving your head to rest your chin against his body, looking up at him. jisung switched his phone off, tossing it on the coffee table, “aw, i missed you too.”
“what have you been up to?” you asked, subconsciously leaning into his hand. “well, quokka and i spent the whole day watching tiktok after chan convinced me to download it and watch some edits stays made,” he gestured at the plush that was placed beside his head. you hadn’t even noticed it. “is that my one?” you reached your hand up to collect it, noticing the outfit you bought before.
“yeah,” he confirmed. “don’t you have your own one?” it was meant to be a rhetorical question, you didn’t really mind him taking your quokka, as long as he returned it; it was one of your most prized possessions. jisung’s ears turned red and his cheeks flushed slightly, “it smells of you, and i missed you.” now you felt yourself blushing, and you hid your face in his chest, slightly embarrassed. he only chuckled, looping his arms around your frame and making himself comfortable with you.
felix (용복)
you strolled into the kitchen, hugging bbokari close to you. it wasn’t rare for you to drag the little chicken plush around, felix wasn’t always at home and bbokari provided you the comfort of him, though it was never as good as your actual boyfriend. even when felix was home, you had adopted the habit of bringing bbokari around; he didn’t mind, if anything, he found it endearing, it showed how much you love him.
your original plan was to look for a few snacks after feeling a bit peckish, but when you saw felix munching on a bag of fried chicken, you gasped loudly. the poor man jumped from fear, not hearing you come into the room. “felix lee!” you covered bbokari’s eyes, “how dare you?” his eyes widened, “i didn’t know you were in the room!” “and that makes it okay for you to commit cannibalism?!” you stroked the plush’s back soothingly, pressing his face to your chest.
“it’s not what it looks like-” felix tried to speak. “what else could it be?! how could you eat chicken in front of our child?!” he wiped his hands and mouth quickly, standing, “i didn’t mean to-” you interrupted by lowering your head, pretending to cry. this was a usual occurrence, both of you know it was all theatrics, it was just amusing to play along.
he stepped forward gingerly, wrapping his arms around your figure, bbokari in between your two bodies. felix stroked your hair, whispering apologies continuously. minho walked into the kitchen, scrunching up his face in confusion, “the hell are you two doing?” “we’re mourning our child,” felix sighed. minho stared, “you are so weird.”
seungmin (승민)
now you knew how seungmin treated his own puppym, that plush has seen things that you couldn’t even describe. on the contrary, you liked to hug your own puppym during your sleep, it was just so small and easy to hold, seungmin liked to complain about it being a replacement. normally, you never trusted seungmin with your puppym, as much as you loved him with your whole heart and soul, the man would probably throw the plush out the window just for the hell of it, so, you never let puppym out of your sight whenever seungmin came around.
you were curled up in your warm blanket cocoon, sleeping peacefully, seungmin, however, was not. he checked the clock on your bedside drawer impatiently, 2:19AM, it read. seungmin had long given up on shaking you, forcing you to stay awake with him, you had easily fallen back into your slumber each time. he grumbled; he had taken a nap in the afternoon, despite your chastising of how he wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, he probably should have listened, given how awake he current was.
bored out of his mind, seungmin looked around the room for anything to pass time, and the innocent puppym falling out of your arms caught his eye. an idea popped up in his head and he caught the plush before it could fall on the ground. he began smacking the plush against your head, making sure not to apply too much force in case you could somehow get hurt from a doll. groaning, you blinked your sleep away, reaching your hand up to block puppym from being hit against your head anymore. upon realising what was happening, you slapped his hand, making him release your plush from his grip, “what is wrong with you?! it’s the middle of the night seungie!”
seungmin grinned from ear to ear, happy his attempts of waking you up had worked, “i can’t sleep and i’m bored.” you closed your eyes again, “how is that my problem?” “it’s not, but i’m making it your problem, only because i’m so deeply in love with you.” “stop trying to sway me, i’m pissed at you,” you mumbled, rolling your body away from him. seungmin leaned down to press a kiss on your cheek, “you love me too much to be pissed at me.”
jeongin (정인)
today was as usually; the two of you were cuddling, talking about nothing but also everything in general. you had your foxi.ny wrapped tightly in your arms, nuzzling your cheek into its fluffy ears every now and then. it was near midnight, but neither of you felt like sleeping yet, feeling content with your current position.
out of nowhere, as jeongin was in the middle of talking about what to eat tomorrow, he snatched your foxi.ny from your arms and continued on like nothing happened. you stared blankly at him, "excuse me?" he gave you a dirty look, like you were the one who stole his plush, "what? don't interrupt me."
you tried to reach for your foxi.ny again, failing as he held it farther away from you. "this is actually bullying," you pointed out. he only shrugged, "you looked more comfortable with it than me." you let your arm fall on his chest, "you're joking." "i'm very serious," jeongin firmly responded throwing foxi.ny away, the poor thing landing somewhere to the corner of your bedroom.
you sighed defeatedly, knowing you would never be able to get it back until the morning. jeongin only gave you the brightest smile, kissing your nose gently, pulling away with an exaggerated 'mwah'. this was unfair, how could you possibly stay mad at him when he's this cute?
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bbgnyx · 9 months
when skz as your bf caught you singing and dancing in your room
Chan: *records you singing*. "This is definitely my new ringtone". You get startled at his voice and you blush putting your head down. "Aww don't get shy baby, you sound like an angel, how come you've never shown me hmm?". "I-I just thought I wasn't that good", you said lower than a whisper. Chan hugged you, "Well now you're gonna be singing me to sleep every day."
Leeknow: "Damn", he whispered as he saw your little concert. You gasped and immediately stopped turning around to face your boyfriend. You got shy. "Oh just pretend I'm a ghost and continue~", he said as he leaned against the doorway smirking. "Leeknow", you exclaimed and threw your plushie at him.
Changbin: "Omg you twerk even better than ME??". You quickly turned around to see your boyfriend staring at you in shock. You chuckled. "Hm Maybe I do, but like seriously, get out and let me have my imaginary concert", you said as you pushed him out. Changbin pouted, "Aww I wanted to hear it".
Hyunjin: *leans on the doorway*. "What's got you thinking you are in a tiktok edit?" he said with his iconic resting sarcastic face. You scoffed as you threw something ar him, "Get out or no kisses for a week". Hyunie gasped holding his heart, "How could you my love". "Well then take your sarcasm somewhere else you said", turning your head away from him. "Aww my baby you know I was joking, I love you and your angelic voice", he said as he came and back hugged you pressing small kisses to your neck
Han: "Damn, I've never heard you rap before", he said leaning against the doorway. You got shy at his voice and stammered. "It's heavenly baby, next time you're the guest invite to our concert and we should collab for sure", he said smiling. You smiled at him too, "You think I'm that great?"
Felix: *just stands there quietly, admiring you*. You turn around and see him, you didn't expect him to be there so you got startled. "Omg lixie, you scared me...what are you doing?". Felix came over and hugged you, "Just hearing the love of my life singing like an angel". "That is so cringe, but that's why I love you", you said, hugging him back.
Seungmin: "Hey y/n you want-", he stops as he sees you having a small concert in your room. "Ok never mind, you enjoy your main character era, peace out", he said chuckling as you removed your headphones and saw him leaving. You get a bit shy as you realise your boyfriend just saw your little antics.
Jeongin: *screams*. *you scream back*. "Ok wtf innie, why did you scream?" you say as you regain your composure. "I don't know? i was just not expecting to see this ok", he said ruffling his hair. "Am I that bad at singing?", you asked as you gasped slightly hitting him. "no no, you're great, I was just surprised". he said hugging you. You chuckled at your boyfriend's typical behaviour.
*not proofread at all, wrote it in like 10 mins?*
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
hi, you wrote skz x a puppy like s/o but what about skz with a black cat like s/o
stray kids with a 'black cat' s/o
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genre: fluff
warnings: none?
please like and reblog if you enjoy :D
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he's so golden retriever coded so you guys are a combo people wouldn't expect. if you think of the way chan acts with minho, that's sort of your relationship in a nutshell. he's so affectionate and loving towards you and while you are not as outward with your affection, you accept it with confusion but openness. he loves how catlike you are and will continue to think you're adorable af.
you guys are a power couple. also, people are kinda intimated by you both but that's alright because you only have eyes for each other so no one else really matters. you guys are so sexy together jdbfhsifoewiy giving each other knowing looks from across the room and smirking at each other when someone you don't like starts speaking. idk you're both icons.
an unlikely duo but it works. he will make fun of your aloofness and make it his mission to bring you out of your shell. not that you're shy, just that you keep to yourself and are quite reserved in social situations, while binnie is a social butterfly. but genuinely, he likes how your personality compliments his and he's hella attracted to how confident you are in yourself.
hyunnie is attracted to all sorts of different people. he too is quite independent and needs his alone time, so he is fine with you being like that too. but you two are together, he brings out the much softer side to you mainly cos he's freaking adorable. each other's company is enough for the both of you and you don't feel you're missing out on any social events because neither of you is too keen on them to begin with!
he was extremely attracted to you from the get-go. he liked how mysterious you are and thought of you to be a bit of a question mark when he first met you. so he made it his goal to try and 'figure you out', and has done a pretty good job since. despite having different personalities, you both have the same sort of humour and get along more naturally than other people do.
this ray of sunshine absolutely adores you, despite being slightly intimidated when he met you for the very first time. felix has the type of personality that you are drawn to, as well as want to protect. while he has a more innocent approach to life, you want to make sure he is happy and free to express himself how he wants. you're like his number 1 protector as well as the other members lol.
he's such a puppy-dog and is the cutest boy ever, we know this. but i can see this relationship work well because, even though minnie has the characteristics of a dog, he has a witty and sharp mind on him too. so he can keep up with your sarcastic remarks and cynical outlooks just as much as anyone else. he's very good at adapting to different types of humour!
my favourite pair, not even gonna lie about it. he appreciates and admires your independence and likes the fact that you can share comfortable silences that never feel awkward. you both prefer each other's company to going out with a massive group of people, so you go out on regular dates just to bask in each other's comfortable presence.
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
...masterlist ༊*·˚
stray kids !!
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༘⋆🌷┆ CHAN
chan thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
bf!chan comforting you
valentine's trouble - not everything can be perfect, no matter how hard your boyfriend tries for it to be. he was bound to make mistakes at some point. but as the fates would have it, even his mistakes were perfect - a perfect coincidence!
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
everything's going to be okay [older brother!lee know x reader ]
lee know thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
changbin thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
hyunjin thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
(best friend) hyunjin gets jealous of your fictional crush
comforting bf!hyunjin
childhood best friends to lovers with hyunjin
༘⋆🌷 ┆ HAN
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
han jisung thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
༘⋆🌷 ┆ FELIX
felix thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
wish i were heather - felix x gn!reader angst
new year's midnight kiss
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
better than revenge! (ongoing SMAU)
jeongin thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
your relationship w/ him summed up by a taylor swift lyric
༘⋆🌷 ┆ OT8
rest please - 9th!member reader falling sick from overwork and stress
how bf!skz would save your contact on their phone
skz comforting their 9th member!reader
bff!skz and the little things they do when they have a crush on you
skz helping 9th!member reader with her paranoid personality disorder
༘⋆🌷 ┆ SMAUs
texting bf!skz you got into a stranger's car because they offered you chocolates
bf!skz's reaction when you're getting shipped with another member
asking bf!skz to bring back an iconic hair color for their latest comeback
texting bf!skz about your couple Halloween costumes
skz members as tweets [ part 1 | part 2 ]
bf!skz accidentally reveals your relationship during a live
"did you mean to post that ?!"
older brother!skz finds out you're crushing on one of his members
i love you ! (with rizz)
skz random texts [ot8 x gn!reader] part 1 | part 2
bff!skz asking you out over texts
texting bf!skz that their 🍆 is ugly as a prank
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jinnie-ret · 1 year
Heyyyyy could you do a hyunjin x twin sister reader where hyunjin plans a suprise for her (which is introducing her the members cause why not and he thought that she doesn't really listen to kpop much because he knew she would focus more on studies then that) but he finds out by seeing you try to sing one of there songs. Sorry if this is too long lol and if it makes zero sense
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stray kids x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff
content warnings: none
word count: 1k
summary: hyunjin's twin sister finally meets skz, and much to his surprise, she's a big fan.
I hope you enjoy! I might have gone a little off topic from what you requested but it still has all those ideas! :)
If enjoyed please like, reblog or comment! And if you want to be added to the taglist then let me know!
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"Keep up!" Hyunjin teased his twin sister Y/N as they raced up the stairs in the apartment block.
"What, is, wrong, with, you?" Y/N huffed as she trailed behind, only a few steps of course but that didn't mean she'd give up.
"There is nothing wrong with wanting my sister to see where I live!" Hyunjin raises a brow whilst stood hunched over, catching his breath as the palms of his hands rested on his knees.
"Not with that, you idiot! I swear there wasn't a sign saying the lift was broken..." Y/N trailed off.
"Oh that's because there wasn't," Hyunjin shrugged like it was nothing.
"Today will be the day you die, Hwang Hyunjin," Y/N dramatically stormed up to him, yet all possible intimidation was lost when she tripped over the last step.
"Woah! Hahaha," Hyunjin helped her balance herself as he caught her by the arms, and then immediately recoiled. "Ew you're so sweaty. And plus you can't kill me before I see your reaction, Hwang Y/N," he smirked, unlocking the door and opening it.
"See my reaction to what? Your art? I already know you're a hopeless romantic, what else could there be to- oh..." Y/N rambled back before standing still in her tracks at the sight of all the members of Stray Kids sat around on the sofas.
"Surprise!" Hyunjin imitated Lee Know's iconic moment, just without the party blower this time.
"H-hi..." Y/N quietly said, and automatically it was assumed by her twin brother that it was because she didn't know who they were.
In fact, it was the complete opposite.
The boys greeted Y/N with polite bows and greetings, before they all sat down and got comfortable.
"You remind me of someone..." Changbin thought, stroking his chin as if he had the wise beard of a wizard.
"It's probably Hyunjin," Seungmin rolled his eyes, jokingly crying out in pain when Changbin shoved him away.
"Yah you pabo! Of course he doesn't mean that!" Han exclaims.
"Seungmin is just teasing, Hannie," Chan facepalmed, whilst Lee Know, Felix, Jeongin and the twins merely observed from the other sofa.
"Are they always like this?" Y/N whispered to herself, yet Jeongin heard.
"Yes they are, noona... can I call you that?" Jeongin shyly asked.
Y/N's eyes widened.
"What's the matter?" Felix asked curiously.
"Oh nothing haha... but um, yes," she awkwardly answered.
"Hmm you two are very similar," Lee Know observed keenly.
"Ew don't compare me to her!" Hyunjin scrunched his nose and side eyed Y/N.
"There it is haha, the same flustered antics," Lee Know clapped his hands.
"Oh I totally see it," Felix nodded along.
"I don't get flustered!" Hyunjin folded his arms and huffed.
"You just did," Y/N shoved Hyunjin, smirking much like he did to her earlier.
"Yah!" Hyunjin pounced.
"Children! Don't fight!" Chan shouted above all the ruckus that had unfolded in simply ten minutes since the Hwang twins entered the apartment.
"Yes dad," they both rolled their eyes in sync and folded their arms.
"Woah, creepy," Jeongin shuddered, causing Y/N to fondly smile.
"Ah! I got it!" Changbin suddenly clapped his hands.
"Indulge me," Y/N smiled lightly as she sat back down.
"You look like Yeji!" Changbin smirked proudly.
"Oh from ITZY?!" Y/N beamed, excited at the comparison.
"How do you know ITZY?" Hyunjin gasped, shocked at his sister's sudden knowledge, assuming that she swerved away from KPOP all because of one time she stated she wasn't really listening to it anymore.
Which by the way lasted for like 2 hours, Y/N just couldn't find a song she wanted to listen to in that moment and ever since, Hyunjin thought that still applied to this day.
There's a reason he's in Paboracha.
"I love KPOP! Duh!" Y/N facepalmed, looking at Hyunjin with an incredulous look after.
"Hyunjinnie, did you lie to us?" Lee Know also turned to the younger twin, a glare taking over his features. Of course, he didn't really mean it.
"You said you didn't listen to it anymore!" Hyunjin defended himself, holding his hands up.
"Why else do you think that I was so awkward when I came here, Jinnie?" Y/N shyly admitted.
"Oh... Oh!!!" Hyunjin suddenly got excited.
"Oh no..." Y/N sighed.
"Why oh no?" Han laughed at the expression on Y/N's face, one he had often seen painted on Hyunjin's too but because of something he did.
"He's up to something," Seungmin chuckled lightly at Hyunjin's excited expression.
"Y/Nnieeeee, sing our song!" Hyunjin proposed the idea that had gotten him so excited.
"No way! That's so embarassing," Y/N turned away from her brother and hid her face.
"We won't judge you noona," Jeongin tried to reassure her, making her heart burst.
"Ah Jeongin you're too cute!" she let her inner fangirl out and squealed.
"Oh no, she really is like hyung," Jeongin's eyes comically widened as he referred to Hyunjin's obsession with him.
"Come on, Y/N, Hyunjin has told us you like writing, the talent must run in your family, just a little bit of singing?" Chan did his best to convince her and it worked.
"Ok, fine, fine," Y/N scratched the back of her neck wondering what.to sing before she couldn't help but fall into a fit of giggles.
"Come on, don't leave us in suspense!" Felix exclaimed, unable to hide his growing smile from her infectious giggles, ones that mirrored Hyunjin's but more high pitched and slightly quieter.
"Hoodie hoodie negan shim toga ji boogie boogie iepon kogo dance groovy groovy," Y/N perfectly imitated Hyunjin's viral part that had made it into many memes. This of course caused everyone to burst out into laughter.
"Wow she really is a true fan!" Lee Know applauded her approvingly.
"She's better than Jinnie," Changbin smirked.
"It's true," Y/N nodded, ignoring Hyunjin's shrieks in protest.
"Remember who was here first!" Hyunjin shouted emotionally, like he was part of some sort of kdrama. And ever since then, with Y/N being able to join in on their teasing, it was like she knew them from the start.
taglist: @skz-streamer @kiraisastay @hannahhbahng @backintomykpopphaseagain @sakufilms @hanjiquokkaaa @arloo00 @dunno-wut-to-do @splat00z
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joongbin · 1 year
Is it possible for you to do headcanons for StrayKids as m!reader's fanboys?❤️ Reader is the idol and SKZ are not, like reversed roles kinda. Maybe also when and how they started being reader's fans?
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꒰ you're a popular soloist in south korea, so skz is bound to become your fanboys.
+ pairings: non idol!skz & soloist!male reader (seperate only for how they became your fans)
× warnings: none.
# genre: fluff?
& another ot8 yaaa
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Heard your song through his friend. They wanted him to listen to one of your songs and he immediately fell in love. The beat, the rhythm, the lyrics, everything was perfect.
Han was singing one of your sadder love songs and Minho wanted to know what it was. Once he knew how good your discography ones, he was bound to become your fanboy. Also saw one of your dance practice videos and fell in love with your moves, how flawlessly you moved.
He was looking for workout songs and your song got recommended to him by Spotify. Curious, he listened to one of your songs and immediately just went over the moon. His playlist is almost full of only your songs.
He was drawing with his Spotify music on and then your song suddenly started playing. Your melodious voice rang through his room, and he had to immediately check who was singing.
Your #1 fanboy. He heard about you while scrolling through Instagram, stumbling upon one of your posts and finding out that you were a soloist. Then, he decided to check out your songs. He .. was amazed.
He was scrolling through TikTok and came across your account, promoting your newest song, (insert song name). He loved the song, like alot, and wanted to know more about you.
Literally your fan since debut. Like during his work, he would always hum your songs while he typed out the work given to him.
Seungmin introduced him to you. He always saw him humming a pretty tune, so he got curious. Turns out, he fell in love with every single album you released.
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Everyone got ready for your concert. Bringing your cute lightstick, bringing your iconic beanie, and your favourite shoe brand. They were ready for your concert and got the best places. Right infront of you. All of them had prepared small gifts just for you.
Jisung was tying his shoe as his hands were shaking. He was so excited to go to your concert!
Once they arrived, they showed their tickets to the guard before going in, hiding their faces as best as they could. You were still backstage, getting your makeup done, your outfit and others.
The concert was starting. The eight people looked at the stage as you emerged, greeting your fans with the brightest smile on your face.
You crouched down to wave at the fans at the front, greeting them while you waited for the music to start. You looked at the eight people that looked more excited than the people behind them.
You smiled at the eight people. Looking at one specific member that was extremely excited to see you so close up.
You gestured a high five as Jisung quickly connected the high five. He looked at his shaking hand with the happiest look on his face.
You continued to greet fans before starting the concert with your most popular song; (song name). You sang and rap like an angel, your outfit complimenting your features and your smooth dance moves who amazed everyone in the room.
Changbin and Han rapped along with you, while most sang with you with a big smile. One of your more .. sexier songs came up, which you thought was the 3rd song, but maybe they messed it up.
You did your choreography, and then the iconic part came up. SKZ screamed, fanboying harder than anyone in the room. You winked at the audience and then a roar of screams erupted. You could probably hear SKZ's screams more.
After a few hours of performing, you were bound to sweat. Panting as you crouched down to accept little gifts from a few fans. SKZ handed all their gifts with their names tagged on to it. Han held his phone, indicating that he wanted a picture or video of you personally in his camera roll.
You grabbed his phone and swiped up to open the camera, swiping to the video option and then showing you in the corner with the audience. Han looked visibly excited along with the others.
You did a few aegyo poses to the camera before giving the phone back to him. You winked at the group before accepting more gifts from fans. SKZ looked at each other before fanboying over you again.
After accepting the kind gifts from fans, you said a few things before waving goodbye to everyone in the room, smiling to everyone.
Stray Kids came back happier than ever, even if their voices disappeared. Han, Changbin and Jeongin kept looking at the clip Han got, fanboying even more.
He sent the video to the group chat and everyone saved it.
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comments and reblogs are appreciated!
( heart divider by @cafekitsune )
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heartbinn · 6 months
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Hyunjin! Headcanons
Gn!reader + roommate/lover(but not really)! Hyunjin hcs
-warnings; none /fluff/
-part 4/8
Prev[changbin] next[Han]
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Hyunjin! Who would subconsciously choose you as his number one muse, as you're the closest around him.
Hyunjin! Who would sketch you whenever you're not paying attention.
Hyunjin! Who has dozens of paintings of you lined up in a box which he'd either give to you for your birthday, or keep to himself to admire.
Hyunjin! Who would just chuckle when you praise his flawless skin. And when it's too much he shuts you up with a kiss on the cheek.
Hyunjin! Who would be obsessed with taking your hand in his and just holding and kissing it.
Hyunjin! Who would lay on your stomach after a long day and rant about everything on his mind.
Hyunjin! Who would scream if he saw a spider and run to jump into your arms, maybe even wrapping his legs around you. And we love a dramatic king.
Hyunjin! Fashion icon of course. Would get you random pretty clothes and cut off the tag so you have no idea how much he spent on it.
Hyunjin! Who loves being told he's pretty, and trust me he knows it. He does and will use that against you. In a way you enjoy of course.
Hyunjin! Who, like Leeknow, has a long long skincare routine, and would cover the tag of the products he uses so you'd keep praising his skin without knowing what he uses.
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bunnyluvs-blog · 1 year
Hes our son!! But hes stealing you☹️
Changbin x reader, fluff
Tags -- fluffy, jealous changbin, dwaekki stealing cuddles, cuddles
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It was a late sunday afternoon in your apartment. Around 5:30 to be exact. You were laying down on the couch. Watching whatever kdrama you felt was worth your time at the moment. Soft blanket covering you and Dweakki, your own personal one that your lovely boyfriend Changbin give you the day they came out. You never went anywhere without it. Just like a small child with attacemt issues. Your own little son since you and Changbin cant have one now. He was your way of having Changbin when he was on tour, or gone late nights. You bought Dweakki little clothes on Etsy. So. Worth. It. You guys matched outfits, and did little photoshoots together (without Changbin).
It was now 11 and the sleepyness was creeping up on you. You were rewatching NCIS for the millionth time, holding Dweakki of course. A fluffy blanket that Felix had got you for your birthday a few years ago. Eyes getting heavy and then you crash. Snuggling into the couch. Your passed tf out when Changbin comes home. It's 2 am and all your huff boyfriend wants to do it cuddle you. Thats when he sees you. Cuddling not him, but his son. He couldn't help being a little jealous of the stuffed pig that you were holding. You were his baby :( and Dweakki was hogging you, like like like a HOG. Changbin puts down his stuff pouting like a small child. He takes a shower and gets all clean and ready for bed, before he does his iconic scream. Not loudly so he doesn't burst your poor ears but enough to wake you up. "Y/NNNIEEEEE" he yells while sitting infront of you. You open your eyes slowly, groaning and rolling away facing the inside of the couch.
Changbin was not happy by this action and picks you up, throwing you over his shoulder and taking you to the bedroom. You drop your one and only Dweakki when Changbin picked you up. "DWEAKKIII MY BOY" you yelled out, wiggling trying to get him. "YOUR BOY? I'm your boy!!" Changbin said as he tossed you onto the bed. You get up to go grab Dweakki, apologizing to the stuffed pig as if he was truly alive. "Binnie you made me drop him!!" You complained crawling into the bed, holding Dweakki tightly. Changbin pouts as he climbs into bed with you. "You're my gf" he says with a pouty face. "HES STEALING YOU" you sigh and pull Changbin into a kiss, a soft and gentle kiss. "Binnie he isn't stealing me he's our son" you say pulling him into your chest. Turning of the lamp and rest your head on the pillow, Changbin yawns and snuggles into you. Normally he would be big spoon, but right now he just wanted to be held. As the night gets deeper so does yalls slumber. As Changbin drifts off into sleep, he now thinks he doesn't mind sharing you
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skiiyoomin · 1 year
Changbin with a idol s/o? 👀
ღChangbin with an idol s/o
ʚContent: gn!reader, swearing, fluff
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Assuming y'all are publicly dating, you'd be such a power couple
ESPECIALLY if you go to the gym as well, like there's nothing more iconic than that
he's your fan number 1 and is not afraid to show no matter what anyone says
if you're also under JYP he'd take every single chance he can to talk to you or just see you
like you could be practicing and suddenly you'd see him standing there like....hey 🧍‍♀️
he might as well be a part of your group cause of how often he's with you
during award shows he'd be your number 1 hype man while you're performing
Chan doesn't even bother trying to calm him down atp
watches ALL of your VLIVES and spams the comments with hearts
fights the haters too
ain't no one messing with his girl
quick kisses whenever you pass eachother in the hallways when nobody's around
the type of kisses that leave you wanting more
but this man is a tease and he keeps going as if nothing happened
like sir what torture is this
the fans LOVE your relationship
i said it before and i'll say it again, y'all would be iconic af, everybody wishes they had what you have
In the case that you're dating privately, he'd honestly be pretty obvious
no need to confirm what we already know Changbin dont worry
even though he can't hype you up the way he wishes he could, he always makes sure to support you and your group as much as possible
if you have a comeback, he'd tell stays to support you and stream your songs!
buys merchandise and you can't tell me otherwise
LOTS of late night talks with him and if you can then lots of late night drives as wel
as giddy as he may be, he's a very soft man with a very big heart and he loves to show it
if you're ever having a hard time, whether it's because you're frustrated or because the haters are getting to you, he's always there
never wastes a second to whisper sweet things in your ear to make you realize how loved you truly are
whenever you have activities together such as shows or performances or just anything public, he always has this look of fondness when you show up on the screen, your face warming up his heart
stays always go crazy with those little moments, immediately coming up with theories
he always makes sure to call you when either of you are on tour and spend months far away from each other
it doesn't matter if the call lasts an hour or just 5 minutes, all he wants is to see you and hear you cause he misses you :(
listents to songs that remind him of you or playlists that you send him
gets a little jealous of fans that simp for you a little too hard
then again, he understands, like how could someone not fall for you beauty???
in conclusion
he's just such a loving and amazing boyfriend and he wishes the industry wasn't as restrictive as it was so he could show without fear how much he truly loves you :(
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linozdork · 10 months
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Made by : @linozdork
Warnings: Pet name's such as "baby", being cheesy, & a established relationship.
Pair: Clingy!Lee Know x Gn!Reader
Count: 658 words and 3,652 characters.
Minho was never really a person who felt comfortable showing his feelings, it was always only ever in private with you. From the start of the relationship, he's never shown his love for you around others not even small things such as posting you. Whilst with his friends, your friends, or even with both of your families he's never shown you affection around other's. It's never really bothered you though, as when you're both alone together he's always clingy, and even calls you things such as "babe", "baby", and "honey."
To you, all that ever mattered was that he made you feel loved at least while you were alone with him. But, his friends didn't necessarily feel the same way. They felt as if your relationship with him was failing as they never saw your hand and Minho's intertwined, the giggles that fell from both of your lips, and filled the room, and the feelings of warmth you both shared with hugs and cuddling.
Then, one day on a December day you got a text from Minho, you quickly picked up your phone, pausing what you were doing once you saw his contact name. You clicked quickly on the notification, and once the notification took you to the messaging app Your eyes scanned along the text message, reading "Baby, the others aren't in the dorm right now. Can you come over? I want to hang out with you." The icon "read" must've quickly popped up on his screen. After reading the message for what felt like 100,000 times you texted back "Omw."
Quickly, you threw on Minho's hoodie and rushed out the door. Since the dorms weren't too far, only about a block away you were there quickly. You knocked on the door softly, before being let into the building by Minho. Once he saw you, he embraced you in warmth, his arms wrapped around you tightly bringing you into a hug. Whilst his head was still buried into your shoulder, Minho murmured "I've missed you so much.." before pulling away. You reply with a soft smile. Suddenly, leeknow lets go of your waist and holds your hand, sharing the warmth of his hand with yours. "C'mon, honey," Minho said, before running with you to the dorm room. You felt a giggle escape your lips, while your legs moved as fast as they could.
As soon as you both got to the dorm, he locked the door and turned off the lights. You were amazed by the sight of a pillow fort, built wide taking up the whole couch with a blanket draped over the pillows, fairy lights tightly tied over the blanket. Whilst a buttery bucket of popcorn had the front side of it brightened, due to the tv on Netflix.
"Do you like it?" Minho asked, with a smile on his face because of your expression. "I love it, and I love you," you exclaimed, before turning around and kissing him on the cheek.
After that, you watched movies inside the pillow fort whilst eating popcorn, before you found yourself asleep in Minho's arms.
The both of you woke up, after hearing keys click inside the door. The members arrived home, after filming TikToks all day. But, you were both too tired to move. The sound of the door creaking open echoed. "Woah.." Changbin shrieked, shocked at the fort. The tv still playing, the sound of Changbin's voice colliding with it. The footsteps of seungmin got closer, and closer. Coldness entered the fort, once the blanket was lifted from the opening. Minho had closed it after you fell asleep, to block the light of the tv from your eyes. "I never knew Minho had a soft spot," seungmin said. The others gathered around the fort, looking at you and Minho. "Lovebirds.." Bang Chan murmured. You both giggled, before cuddling closer. "This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, babe," Minho whispered into your ear quietly.
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