linozdork · 10 months
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Made by : @linozdork
Warnings: Tounge kissing, and not any others I can think of
Pair: Jock!Leeknow x Gn!Reader
Count: 273 words and 1,477 characters
"I hate you." Lee Minho, the jock of your university says. Startled, you whip around your body and stare at him. Just the two of you were in the hallway, because everyone left, as it was almost night and dark outside. The silence felt loud, only the sound of breathing echoed off the walls.
"Why..?" You ask, mumbling. "Because you do this to me." He said, in a firm tone. You felt chills go down your spine, and goosebumps form on your arms. "What did I do? Whatever it is, I'm sorry Min-" You tried to apologize, but he cut you off with a sigh.
"< Reader Name >, I hate you because I love you. You make my heart pound, and my hands clammy, and I can't help loving you. Nor can I stop loving you." Minho said coldly.
In shock, you freeze. Your body tensed up. "Minho, I don't think.." you paused. Staring into his eyes, they shone with stars in them. "I don't think you love me, Minho." You said, finishing your sentence. Still finding yourself lost in his eyes.
"How can I make you think I do then?" He asked. Placing his hand onto your jawline, caressing it slowly. "With a kiss" you replied, while fidgeting with your hands.
In reply, Minho grinned and crashed his lips into yours. His lips were warm and soft. While his hands were cold. Your lips parted slightly, in response. Letting him slip his tongue in. His left hand, holding onto your jawline, guided you. While his right hand was lost in your hair.
"Does that prove it?" He asks, whispering in between small kisses.
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linozdork · 10 months
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Made by : @linozdork
Warnings: Being in a depressive state, and the story is overeall just sad lmao
Pair: Busy!Leeknow x Gn!Reader
Count: 562 words and 3,018 characters.
You sighed, after a long day of work, you entered your one-bedroom apartment before closing the door. Tired, you plop down your bags with a thud. Then, begin to bend your knees to sit down. "I'm so tired...I just want this day to end" you murmur under your breath, while a salty, cold, fresh tear rolled down your face like a raindrop on a car window.
Huffing, softly as you sobbed. You just couldn't stop, the tears automatically came down your face. "I just want Minho back" you cried.
You knew that now, you wouldn't be crying if he didn't break up with you. He knew just how to make you feel better. Even if it wasn't easy to read your expression.
But, you knew it was the best for his mental health, balancing work as an idol, and trying to focus on you, but at the same time trying not to ruin his idol image.
It made you feel so selfish to even think about wanting him back, but you couldn't help it. You just wanted him so badly at this moment. You sighed, burying your face into your hands.
"I'm so stupid.." you say before hiccuping. Your elbows rest on the ground as you bend more forward.
There was suddenly a knock at the door. You quickly got up and dried your tears, though you knew your nose was red, the dim light should cover it.
As fast as you could, you turned around and opened the door, it opened with a creak. There standing at the door, was Lee Minho. Though you were startled, you didn't show it.
"Hi, Minho" You mumble, your voice cracking at the start, while your face was turned to his shoes. You couldn't seem to look him in the eyes.
"< Reader Name >, are you okay?" Minho asks in a concerned tone.
"Why would you even care about that?" The dreaded words slip from your lips, as you look up, staring into his eyes.
Minho sighs, before frowning a bit. "Honestly, I'm so regretful for what I did. Even though it's lifted weight off my shoulders, I feel empty, incomplete almost." Minho utters before continuing, "I don't even deserve you, < Reader Name >. It's all my fault, you should be mad at me, it's all my fault." Minho whispered, his voice trembling. He started to break down into sobs.
"I didn't come to beg for you back, < Reader name >. I came to apologize," He says, with a furious tone. But, it was more directed at himself. "I'm so stupid for leaving you like that. Aren't I?" He asks, before scoffing.
You couldn't even stand it anymore, you just broke down into sobs right there. In front of him, sniffling and hiccuping loudly, as the sound bounced off the wall, echoing.
"Minho, things have been so hard without you. I didn't have anyone to rant to, I didn't have anyone to tell I love the most, nor did I have anyone to send goodnight texts to." You cried. "I just want you back, but I want you to be able to balance work, and everything while still being able to be with me." You utter, hiccuping in between sobs.
"I'm sorry, I can't apologize enough to make it up to you." Minho apologizes, before hugging you. His warm embrace brings you comfort after what felt like forever.
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linozdork · 10 months
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Made by : @linozdork
Warnings: Pet name's such as "baby", being cheesy, & a established relationship.
Pair: Clingy!Lee Know x Gn!Reader
Count: 658 words and 3,652 characters.
Minho was never really a person who felt comfortable showing his feelings, it was always only ever in private with you. From the start of the relationship, he's never shown his love for you around others not even small things such as posting you. Whilst with his friends, your friends, or even with both of your families he's never shown you affection around other's. It's never really bothered you though, as when you're both alone together he's always clingy, and even calls you things such as "babe", "baby", and "honey."
To you, all that ever mattered was that he made you feel loved at least while you were alone with him. But, his friends didn't necessarily feel the same way. They felt as if your relationship with him was failing as they never saw your hand and Minho's intertwined, the giggles that fell from both of your lips, and filled the room, and the feelings of warmth you both shared with hugs and cuddling.
Then, one day on a December day you got a text from Minho, you quickly picked up your phone, pausing what you were doing once you saw his contact name. You clicked quickly on the notification, and once the notification took you to the messaging app Your eyes scanned along the text message, reading "Baby, the others aren't in the dorm right now. Can you come over? I want to hang out with you." The icon "read" must've quickly popped up on his screen. After reading the message for what felt like 100,000 times you texted back "Omw."
Quickly, you threw on Minho's hoodie and rushed out the door. Since the dorms weren't too far, only about a block away you were there quickly. You knocked on the door softly, before being let into the building by Minho. Once he saw you, he embraced you in warmth, his arms wrapped around you tightly bringing you into a hug. Whilst his head was still buried into your shoulder, Minho murmured "I've missed you so much.." before pulling away. You reply with a soft smile. Suddenly, leeknow lets go of your waist and holds your hand, sharing the warmth of his hand with yours. "C'mon, honey," Minho said, before running with you to the dorm room. You felt a giggle escape your lips, while your legs moved as fast as they could.
As soon as you both got to the dorm, he locked the door and turned off the lights. You were amazed by the sight of a pillow fort, built wide taking up the whole couch with a blanket draped over the pillows, fairy lights tightly tied over the blanket. Whilst a buttery bucket of popcorn had the front side of it brightened, due to the tv on Netflix.
"Do you like it?" Minho asked, with a smile on his face because of your expression. "I love it, and I love you," you exclaimed, before turning around and kissing him on the cheek.
After that, you watched movies inside the pillow fort whilst eating popcorn, before you found yourself asleep in Minho's arms.
The both of you woke up, after hearing keys click inside the door. The members arrived home, after filming TikToks all day. But, you were both too tired to move. The sound of the door creaking open echoed. "Woah.." Changbin shrieked, shocked at the fort. The tv still playing, the sound of Changbin's voice colliding with it. The footsteps of seungmin got closer, and closer. Coldness entered the fort, once the blanket was lifted from the opening. Minho had closed it after you fell asleep, to block the light of the tv from your eyes. "I never knew Minho had a soft spot," seungmin said. The others gathered around the fort, looking at you and Minho. "Lovebirds.." Bang Chan murmured. You both giggled, before cuddling closer. "This isn't as bad as I thought it'd be, babe," Minho whispered into your ear quietly.
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