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pataconesjournal · 3 months ago
Vulindlela, the song that went famous overseas, specially here at Cartagena.
Cartagena is undoubtedly enriched by its Afro heritage, notably portrayed in the music. It is common for locals to hear a genre we call Champeta, regardless of whether the song is from another country, or even if it is in another language, Cartagena people are fond of these songs as you can hear them in every neighborhood at a Sunday morning.
Vulindlela can be loosely translated from the Zulu language as an instruction to “make way” “clear the way” or, if you prefer, “open the gates”. The song talks about making way for the groom (and the bride) at their wedding. In 1997, South Africa was emerging from the racist system of apartheid and was celebrating its own “wedding” behind the racial barriers following the democratic elections of 1994.
Open the gates Miss Gossip My Baby boy Is getting married today - Brenda Fassie - Vulindlela (translated to english by KJM Elevated Energy)
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afaljaarad · 17 hours ago
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elchicletv · 1 month ago
La música como camino para los jóvenes
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my-chaos-radio · 9 months ago
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Release: December 1, 1977
Wam bam
Mon chat Splash gît sur mon lit
A bouffé sa langue en buvant dans mon whisky
Quant à moi, peu dormi, vidé, brimé
J'ai dû dormir dans la gouttière
Où j'ai eu un flash
En quatre couleurs
Allez hop
Un matin
Une louloute est venue chez-moi
Poupée de cellophane, cheveux chinois
Un sparadrap, une gueule de bois
A bu ma bière dans un grand verre
En caoutchouc
Comme un Indien dans son igloo
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi, moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Allez hop
La nana, quel panard
Quelle vibration de s'envoyer sur le paillasson
Limée, ruinée, vidée, comblée
"You are the King of the divan"
Qu'elle me dit en passant
I am the King of the divan
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi, moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Allez hop
T'occupe, t'inquiète
Touche pas ma planète
It's not today
Que le ciel me tombera sur la tête
Et que l'alcool me manquera
Ça plane pour moi
Allez hop
Ma nana s'est tirée, s'est barrée
Enfin c'est marre, a tout cassé
L'évier, le bar me laissant seul
Comme un grand connard
Le pied dans le plat
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi, moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi
Ça plane pour moi, moi, moi, moi
Yves Maurice A. Lacomblez / Francis Jean Deprijck
Plastic Bertrand
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objetivoreggaeton · 1 year ago
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Blessd se unió a la versión remix de la canción “Vive la Vida” del cartagenero Zaider
El reguetonero antioqueño Blessd se le midió a cantar al ritmo de champeta al lado del cartagenero Zaider en el remix de su tema Vive La Vida.
Esta canción, a través de ritmos caribeños, pretende reflexionar sobre la envidia y la traición. Es un himno para disfrutar de la vida al máximo y vivirla a tu manera, sin importar las opiniones de los demás que, en muchas ocasiones, hablan desde la envidia.
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guessimdumb · 18 days ago
Manuel Alvarez y Sus Dangers - Esclavo Moderno (1980)
Absolutely fantastic Afro-Colombian funk
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boricuacherry-blog · 1 year ago
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almayver · 7 days ago
Ah. Ah bueno. Cumbia ninja type of shit okay
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cacaitos · 11 months ago
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cubopsle · 1 year ago
(Cubop Sous Les Étoiles) Pour la dernière émission de l'année 2023, Laurent reçoit au micro de Sun La Dj Nantaise Camino plus connue sous le nom de La Diabla SoundSystem.
Camino profite de cette carte blanche pour  partager avec les auditeurs de sun ses gouts et ses influences.Cumbia, Champeta, Salsa Dura, Reggaeton sont au rendez vous pour ambiancer aux mieux votre début de soirée de réveillon.Montez le son !! Ambiance assurée avec  La Diabla SoundSystem.Bon réveillon à toutes et tous.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 2 years ago
Clash of Cultures -P.G
We can think of this one as Sister's Best Friend part II where we can see the insides of Gavi and Vnzlan!Reader relationship and his reactions to some stuffs. Warnings: Swear words and lots of Venezuelan slangs/acts/sayings and more
Summary: When Gavi's culture clashes with yours.
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The first Clash of Cultures in your relationship with Gavi was your way of speaking, but it was also one of the facts that drove him into you, besides your beauty, of course.
Your unique way of expressing yourself had him at your feet, even if about a 90% of the words you were saying were in your slang. Something like "Coño", "Webon", "Pana", "Alebrestao'", "Guáramo", "Beta", "Bicho", "Vaina", "Bochinche", "Chamo", "Curucutear", "Vacié", "Naguará", "Depinga", "'Toy pinta' en la pared", and a few others had him crazy and definitely looking in Google for their meaning.
And definitely the fact that you guys don't point out with your hand but rather with your lip, always had him guessing what you meant to
"Bring me that" You pucker your lips "...thing, please amor"
"Bring you what?"
"That thing" You did it again
"What thing?"
"That thing, Pablo! The vaina that's next to the bicho ese!"
Your meeting with Gavi was pretty normal, you had met through Aurora, his sister and your best friend, your beauty instantly had him hooked and thankfully you liked him back enough to agree on a date with him. That date turned into two, three, four and eventually you became girlfriend and boyfriend.
Still, six months in and he was still left amazed by your Latina facts, doings and sayings
"Mira, mira" You had said one time "Cachicamo diciéndole a Morrocoy conchuo"
"Wait, what?" He stopped what he was doing with the biggest frown on his face making you laugh out loud "What the hell is a Cachicamo?"
He loved it tho.
Your way of being and seeing things was the second Clash of Cultures on your relationship. You look for jokes and double meaning in everything because, Venezuelan's are happy; it's in the loudness of your screams when you are happy; you don't take too seriously when someone takes your mother out because you know when people are joking around since you say that way too much to know it. You guys see the bright side of everything when it's all dark and that's something Gavi also loved from you.
Seeing as he often was the pesimist and you the optimist, he never really got too much to see you worked up or angry. So he always got surprised to see you angry and that mostly happened whenever you were driving.
"Amor-" You cut him off
"I won't even stress" You said shaking your head feeling Gavi's hand on your thigh "I'm driving like I know how to, nothing and no one can make me go ma-...¡maguevo, hijo de tú grandísima madre, cabrón!" You said honking on and on "¡Luego dicen es que nosotras las mujeres no sabemos como conducir, nojoda! ¡Viejo estúpido!" (Then you guys say it's us women who don't know how to drive, fuck! Stupid man!) You exclaimed without taking a breath
"Bebé" Gavi tried to calm you down
"Don't you see I had the green one? If I didn't stepped onto the brakes we would probably be dead! He was going like 120m/h!"
He knew better to stop and try to argue with you so he left you be and rant agreeing with you. In deed you were right.
The third Clash was definitely dancing, the thing is simple... Venezuelan's dance a lot and you guys have a lot of parties to know Salsa, Bachata, Champeta, Joropo, Tambor, Merengue, Samba and everything else to have a good time and never stop dancing; Gavi barely knew Reggaeton.
"Venga mi amor" You said lips on top of his kissing them repeatedly
"I don't know how to dance Bachata"
"That's why I am here, I'll teach you and we'll dance together!" You exclaimed happily "You don't know how sexy it is to dance Bachata with your partner"
"We can do sexy things without even having to dance!" You gave him a look
"I wanna dance, I wanna dance with you and I can't exactly dance that alone... Unless you like me being chest to chest with another man"
"Yeah, not happening" He instantly got up "How's this thing going?"
You always got him with that one
The fourth one was pretty funny, Venezuelan's take seriously holidays, you make hallacas, pernil, you dance, share the time with your family, exchange gifts, eat the twelve grapes asking for a wish each month (even tho you sometimes back in Venezuela had to do two months in one grape or something like that for the amount of personas you had at home) but the thing that stood out the most is that you guys get dressed up meanwhile, as for example, Spaniards don't.
"What are you doing dressed up like that?!" You ask Gavi surprised when he entered the bathroom with a black tee, black pants and white sneakers as yo were doing your makeup
"What are you doing dressing up like that?" He asked back
"I asked first" You replied
"This is how we always dress"
"¡Mentira!" You exclaimed laughing "¿Enserio?" He nods
"We do dress up a bit to welcome the new year and baby Jesus birth" You explain while laughing
"Y/N, why didn't you told me that? Our parents will be here any minute!"
"Can you let Aurora and your parents know that too?!"
And let's not talk about the fact your parents brought their suitcases for when the twelve chimes went in indicating the new year and started going all around your house and neighborhood walking around with them, he went all in crazy, asking you every minute "Why did they do that?"
The fifth one was your guys way of singing birthday, it was your mom's birthday and all of you got ready to sing, he looked confused at you when the song started with an: Ay, que noche tan preciosa... The addings to it like "y ruego a Dios porque pases un cumpleaños feliz, (con los pañales que te di)" confused him a lot and basically he just stood there clapping mentally making a note to learn the Venezuelan birthday song
"What's wrong?" You asked him hugging him
"We don't sing Happy Birthday like that"
"Yes, well... We like to improve some stuffs"
The sixth was the celebration of Santos and Images. This one wasn't really out of place since they also do it but he had never saw one bigger than that one and so colorful.
For example, La Divina Pastora, he has barely woken up when he heard you yell at the top of your lungs making him go out running off the bed and make his way to you: "MY GOSH SHE LOOKS SO BEAUTIFUL, I'M CRYING MY EYES OUT, MOM!" He thought something bad had happened, but when he saw you sat at the Kitchen counter laptop on with your family on facetime and your phone proped up with a live transmition of said ceremoy, he felt his soul come back to his body
"Don't do it again, please" He asked hand on his heart sitting next to you after waving at your family "Who's she and what it's about?"
Your heart melted at that, explaining to him who she was and why was she important; Pablo nodded telling you he quickly had to shower, when he came back he was wearing a Divina Pastora shirt.
Let's just say your mom had to stop you from eating your boyfriend with kisses
The seventh and last one for now, isn't that kind of clashy, it's rather a learning thing for Pablo, it was your myths and legends and food. He found himself being incredibly attracted to the stories that were mostly born on Los Llanos.
And as for the food, you had that sazón, those ideas, you were never afraid to combine pasta with fried plátanos and shredded chicken.
He loved his food but he fell in love with yours too.
He never dared to say no to some arepas, in fact he always asked for one more, the black beans you always did with fried pork was the best he ever eaten, the pabellón your mom does had him on his knees. And the desserts...? He would happily break his diet if he gets to eat for himself a whole Quesillo while eating a whole litro of Chicha de Auyama.
Now, it was your turn to be surprised when you saw and heard him picking up on some habits of yours, you didn't believe it, the guys told you he did it at trainings but you never saw it until now.
"Amor, ¿me pasas aquella vaina?" (Love, could you pass me that thing?) He said without looking up making you smile
"The what?"
"La vaina that is next to the bicho aquel" (The thing that's next to that stuff) He pointed with his lips before coming back to his work of knead arepas "Please" You laughed hard
You loved the fact he took his time to learn your culture, it meant a lot to you, just like it meant a lot to him you learning his.
"Now you're talking in Venezuelan slang? What's next? Wanting to sleep in a chinchorro?" (Hammock?) You ask in disbelief
"Well, you never know, me puedo echar mi camarón ahí" (I can take my nap there) You laughed hard once more, he washed his hands forgetting about the arepas, pulling you into him "What? I gotta keep up with my girl"
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride
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samanthahirr · 3 months ago
Username Song Game
Rules: Pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people.
Thanks so much for the tag, @thousandelf!
S - Soup (by Remi Wolf)
A - Apartment A (by Isaac Dunbar)
M - Motigbana (by Olamide)
A - Adenuga (by Joeboy & Qing Madi)
N - Ngozi (by Crayon & Ayra Starr)
T - tqum Remix (by Sofia Reyes, Danna Paola & Kim Petras)
H - How to Get By (by The Electric Sons)
A - Angel (by PinkPantheress)
H - Heart of Gold (by Griff)
I - Intrusive Thoughts (by Bear Hands)
R - RYLOVE Song (by RYLO)
R - Romantica Champeta (by Bomba Estereo, Kevin Florez & Busy Twist)
I had so much fun scrolling through my 2024 & 2023 Spotify playlists. These 12 songs make a fun little playlist of their own!
Time to tag in: @cinaea, @wantonlywindswept, @auroradream, @cosmictuesdays, @rhyperographer, @ifeelbetterer, @cicerfics, @macontheweb, @stinastar, @frogsondeckchairs, @aprettyspy, @bishybarnaby
What's on your playlist???
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sanctobin · 10 hours ago
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Ondatropica from Colombia.
Ondatropica features greats from the golden age of Medellín's Discos Fuentes such as Fruko, Anibal Velasquez, Michi Sarmiento, Alfredito Linares as well as a new generation of la musica Colombiana enthusiasts led by Will 'Quantic' Holland and Frente Cumbeiro band leader Mairo Galeano.
The project, conceived by Colombian musician Mario Galeano, the force behind the band Frente Cumbiero, and English producer Will Holland AKA Quantic, brings together an iconic group of top Colombian musicians representing both the classic and more modern styles of la musica Colombiana.
Ondatropica fuses traditional Colombian styles such as cumbia, gaita and champeta with boogaloo, ska, beat-box, MCs, dub and funk to create a progressive album that re-interprets the tropical musical heritage of Colombia with new approaches in composition, arrangement and production. Artists such as Fruko, Anibal Velasquez, Michi Sarmiento, Alfredito Linares and Wilson Viveros (to name a few) joined a group of younger Colombian musicians, including members of both Mario’s band Frente Cumbeiro and Quantic’s Combo Barbaro, to (re)generate the excitement that positioned Colombian music as one of the most influential in South America. Soundway’s exploration into Colombian music began in 2007 with it’s much acclaimed compilation Colombia! The Golden Age of Discos Fuentes- The Powerhouse of Colombian Music 1960-76 which features many original works from the above-mentioned artists. Supported by the British Council, Ondatropica came together over 3 weeks in January 2012 in the legendary Discos Fuentes studios in Medellín, featuring performances from 42 musicians recorded by celebrated engineer, Mario Rincon, who is responsible for some of Discos Fuentes' best recordings of the 1970s.
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sonmelier · 14 days ago
72. Meridian Brothers | Mi Latinoamérica sufre
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🇨🇴 Colombie | Ansonia | 48 minutes | 11 morceaux
Chaque nouvel album du projet Meridian Brothers d’Eblis Álvarez s’accompagne d’une certitude absolue : l’auditeur va être plongé de manière irrésistible dans une joie bizarre et endiablée, emporté par des flots musicaux tropicalement décalés. Pour le reste, rien n’est absolument prévisible avec notre énergumène colombien, à commencer par les histoires abracadabrantesques racontées dans ses chansons. Un univers sonore unique en son genre, qui relève d’une alchimie miraculeuse entre avant-garde psychédélique et sons afro / latino-américains traditionnels (ceux de la salsa, comme sur son brillant disque précédent, ceux de la champeta et de la rumba sur le présent opus et bien sûr ceux de la cumbia, qui ont toujours irrigué l’ensemble).
🎧 Mandala
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guessimdumb · 5 months ago
Cassimbas Negras - Bumburumbumbum
Unbelievably catchy Afro-Colombian funk. In the 70s, Colombian groups began to imitate the African sound that was sweeping the dance floors in Colombia. If you like this, I heartily recommend the collection Palenque Palenque.
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femmeimbecile · 2 months ago
if you talk bad about champeta music, it's like saying bad things about my momma. ill kick you in the shins, thems fightin' words! 💢
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