qgunslinger · 3 months
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happy pride gang
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toorumlk · 17 days
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best friends to lovers? no, best friends AND lovers!
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kazvha · 5 months
Hey!! hope you’re doing well! anyways, if you could do a val x fem or gn s/o and what their favorite part of or thing about them is? (doesn’t need to be nsfw or anything like that! whatever ur comfortable with!) sry if this doesn’t make any sense🥲
Summary: Their favorite thing about you
Including: Chamber, Yoru, Cypher, Sova, Omen, Phoenix, Gekko, Iso
Notes: I'm doing mostly alr & thanks for requesting<3 Let me know if I understood it correctly!
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Chamber loves how accepting you are. You embrace all versions of him, the flirty Chamber, the serious Chamber, even the insecure Chamber he usually doesn't show to anybody. You don't judge him for his past mistakes. This makes him want to show the same amount of support for you.
Yoru's favorite thing about you is your competitiveness. He tried to tone his competitive streak down when you first met, but ever since you told him you didn't mind, you two compete in every. little. thing. The others think it's too much, but you two couldn't care less because it's fun.
Cypher loves your laugh. He's used to everyone being wary of him and his cameras, but then there's you, laughing heartily at his antics and his humor. It easily has become his favorite sound and it's so satisfying to hear.
Sova's favorite thing about you is your honesty. You always let him know your honest thoughts about everything and never hold back, even if the truth could hurt him. Because of that, he's able to trust you with his life.
Omen loves your hands. Whenever he feels cold and empty, which is all the time, your hands that softly caress his cheek and hold his fingers, bring back the warmth he has once felt. It comforts him and temporarily gives him inner peace.
Phoenix's favorite thing about you is your nose. He's a menace, he likes flicking it whenever he passes you and he thinks it's charming how it scrunches up in response every time. He also loves planting kisses on it.
Gekko loves your creativity and helpfulness. That you're offering to brainstorm with him whenever he has new ideas for strategies on how to use his crew in a battle or even for sketches for a new tattoo, means a lot to him.
Iso's favorite part is your eyes. Regardless of your eye color, he likes how bright your irises shine whenever you speak with him. It's a subtle sign of the affection you feel for him, which he also has for you.
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dylbydoodles · 8 months
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Valorant Vogue Covers
I hope everyone gets a good giggle out of these
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faithsoneluv · 10 hours
i don't think people understand how hard it is not to ship tomarry / harrymort because what do you mean they're borderline canonically soulmates. what do you mean they're PROPHESIED to each other. what do you mean they're literal parallels, had the same childhood circumstances but turned out the exact opposite. what do you mean harry's the embodiment of the light side and tom's the embodiment of the dark even though they're so, so similar. what do you mean they both have common names even though they themselves are anything but common. what do you mean they have uncountable amount of bible references that apply strictly to them, what do you mean harry makes sure to mention tom's the handsomest in the room whenever he sees him and apparently likes their connection. what do you mean their wands share the core of the same phoenix and therefore literally can't kill each other even if they wanted to. what do you mean harry wanted to gave him another chance despite everything he's done, what do you mean tom offered him his hand, what do you mean harry killed tom at the same age except the order of the numbers is reversed. what do you mean harry's eyes are the same colour as tom's favourite unforgivable (avada) AND the colour of his house, what do you mean TOM'S eyes are the colour of harry's favourite defence spell (expelliarmus) and the colour of his house. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ARE EACH OTHER'S OTHER HALF. WHAT DO YOU MEAN HARRY IS LITERALLY TOM'S SOUL??? 😭
NOT TO MENTION THESE THINGS AREN'T EVEN FANON LIKE...? lmk if i missed something though.
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kotofeden · 9 months
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"I must go now, but I'll wait for you in a throne room"
Okay, so @samioli and @wr1ghtw0rth inspired me to dig up an old sketch and finish it up a little, blame them for this
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l0serloki · 8 months
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First Kisses!
(Chamber, Phoenix, Reyna, Iso)
You get your first kiss with some of the Val agents!
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Chamber :
Chamber was shocked. You two had been flirting for quite a while but when he had never expected you to tell him you had never had a kiss. 
“You want me to believe someone as gorgeous as you has never been kissed?” He laughs it off at first, taking in your blushed splendor.
“Never.” You confirm with a little laugh. His hand makes its way across your cheek.
“May I fix that for you darling?” His voice is suave and his eyes shine through his glasses. Always so calculating. 
You could feel your heart beat out of your chest. It took everything in you to even mumble out a quick ‘yes’.
“I’m honored I am your first.” Chamber whispers in your ear before he leans in, his lips meeting yours. It was everything you had ever expected it to be. His lips were soft and moved gently as you learned the pace. By the time he had pulled away you were left breathless.
"You are a fast learner." He smiles as his thumb rubs at your cheek.
"And you are a good teacher."
Phoenix :
Phoenix and you were talking about random things from your guys childhood when the topic came up.
“I had my first kiss when I was thirteen.” He laughs and your eyes widen. You knew you were in the minority of people who hadn’t been kissed but.. thirteen?! That seemed so young!
“What? When was your first kiss?” He poked at you and you could feel the tension start to rise.
“Uh…” You sigh and a wicked grin appears on his face.
“Don’t tell me you’ve never had a kiss.” His smug look turns into one of shock when you slowly nod your head no.
“Right.. Well I think we gotta fix that.” He huffs as he reaches his hand out for your waist. “May I?” He wiggles his eyebrows and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Go on then.” You roll your eyes but you can’t help but feel pleased. If you wanted to have your first kiss with anyone it would be Phoenix. You trusted him and knew he wouldn’t do anything to make you uncomfortable.
His lips pressed against yours as his warm hand rubbed lightly at your waist. As soon as it started it left, leaving you almost.. disappointed?
“Want another?” Phoenix grins at your look and cocks his head. Sly bastard.
Reyna :
“Let me give you a little kiss.” Reyna teased as her hand wiped at the crumbs on your lips. You could feel yourself grow nervous at the implication. You liked Reyna a lot. But you had never crossed that line with her. Frankly, you had never crossed that line with anyone.
“Y-you don’t have to.” You stutter out and she only coos at your embarrassment. 
“Do you not want one?” She asks and you don’t know how to respond. You do but if you tell her this is your first will she think you were childish?
“I do I just..” You stop yourself as you grow even more nervous.
“This is your first?” She grabs your hand and rubs it soothingly. You only nod as her smile grows.
“Then let me teach you how to kiss. You’ll like it, don't worry.” She breathes out as her lips meet yours. It’s a feeling like none other. You feel your body light up as she cradles you softly. 
“Just a few more, hmm?” She muses as she moves back in.
Iso :
You were listening to music together on his bed after a long mission. He had never played this music before and it almost felt like he had curated the playlist for you. You stared up at the ceiling with him as the melody continued to play. You could feel his gaze on you and you turned.
His eyes bore holes into your head and you suddenly felt nervous. It felt like he could see everything.
“Y/N, I don’t want to ruin our friendship but I really like you.” He says confidently and your eyes widen. You had liked him for a while but never dared to say anything.
“I like you too.” You choke out and a smile appears on the mans face. 
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you could feel yourself squirm. If you thought too much into it you would back out.
“Do it.”
He takes your word and pulls you closer to him, his lips melting against yours. You close your eyes as you let yourself relax at the new sensation. You had finally had your first kiss. And with Iso for that matter.
You two finally broke the kiss to come up from air. His hand stayed against your arm as he just smirked.
“You’re a good kisser.” He whispers out and you feel pride fill your body.
“Thanks, it's my first time.” You grin and his jaw drops to the floor.
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angelltheninth · 1 month
Valorant Agents Develop Feelings for You
Pairing: Phoenix, Sova, Viper, Reyna, Jett, Chamber, Fade, Harbor, Skye, Iso x Reader
Tags: fluff, co-workers, first kiss, battlefield flirting, crushes, protectiveness, love confession
A/N: Despite being not good at games like Valorant I also can't stay away. It's not a problem.
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Phoenix takes a while to develop feelings for you but he is protective from the start. He knows what it was like for him when he was a new Agent and he wants to make sure that you feel welcome. When he realizes he's falling for you he doesn't confess right away, and certainly not while you're on duty, he doesn't want any added pressure on either of you during missions.
Sova flirts with you hard from the moment you arrive so it's hard to tell when exactly he develops feelings for you. His behavior remains the same for the most part and you already know he enjoys flustering you. It's really up to him to confess, you don't really know when he's being serious about his feelings unless he makes it completely clear to you. That's not your fault , he knows that but he hopes that a kiss will make it clear.
Viper was in full denial of her feelings for you. She tried to distance herself from you when she started to see the signs of a crush happening. She hurt many people and she doesn't want to add you to that list, the only problem is that there is no real way to fully avoid you, to stifle out her emotions and stop herself from falling harder for you.
Reyna looks after you when you first join, giving you advice and guidance on missions, giving you tips during training. Most figure that she's simply being helpful but they don't notice the way she often looks at you, the smiles and kisses she plants on your hand for a job well done. She is making her feelings for you as clear as possible without outright saying she's in love with you.
Jett may be good at obstacle courses but she's not good at avoiding her feelings or yours. She responds well to flirting or banter, even on missions. much to the annoyance of your other teammates and friends. Many tell you two to get a room already, advice which she decides to take to heart when she confesses to you, unable to keep her feelings to herself anymore.
Chamber acts like a player and heartbreaker all the time, he has quite a reputation to go with that persona as well. In fact you were a bit suspicious of his intentions when he started flirting with you, but you didn't want to be rude and avoid him. He would wink at you before taking a shot and deliberately brush his arm against yours when passing you in the hall, he never denied being attracted to you, you just need to figure it out.
Fade doesn't mind flirting when it's still harmless but the moment it starts to get serious for the two of you she starts to interact with you less. The last thing she wants is to be the reason the person she likes has nightmares constantly or starts to hate her because of her powers. As you keep flirting with she realizes that she's the one who's scared now, she can't be scared forever, she wants to live a happy life with you instead.
Harbor will use his missions as an excuse to not fully commit to what he really wants, which is to have a relationship with you. Maybe he does spend the night when he has days off but he's also gone just as quickly so it can't possibly work out between the two. That's what he says to himself. Until you tell him you'll be waiting for him right before he leaves for his next mission. You'll wait. For him.
Skye gets flustered quite easily for someone who can be so fierce during battle. When you flirt with her she says a few things back to you and then leave before you can see her getting flustered over her own words. It takes you pulling you down for a kiss for her to realize that you don't want to keep flirting while being friends, you want her to be your girlfriend, you're serious about her.
Iso is a huge flirt, he loves making you blush, what you don't know is that he's using flirting to avoid his real feelings for you. From the moment he saw you he felt a connection and a pull towards you and at first he didn't think it went beyond a crush. However when you started flirting back and kissing his cheek for a job well done he began to see things more clearly. The last thing you expected was for the confession to come in the middle of a battlefield when he pulled you out of a line of fire and into his dimension.
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hollowbutcanlove · 1 month
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.2
TW: foul language
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astrodart · 20 days
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shkretart · 1 year
Some art on my favorite Valorant. In such heat 40+ it is difficult to draw.... But i try
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pinewoodpipit · 3 months
Valorant Text Post Memes Volume 26
Made by me with jokes from myself and some good friends. As such, it covers our headcanons and ships. No hate towards other ships (I’m a multishipper myself), but these are just ones I enjoy and chose to feature in these memes, yada yada. No shipping discourse on a funny meme post pls
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cheezy-whizz · 3 months
if I had a nickel for every 80s coming of age movie about teenage boys and their friendships that was set in 1959 I would only have 2 nickels but it’s weird that it happened twice right
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writer-freak · 1 year
Valorant men reacting to you kissing them on the cheek
Request from @oyasumimosura: Can I request how valorant men would react to the reader kissing their cheeks when they successfully did their mission? Theyre not together but the Valo men got a crush on (y/n)
Characters: All the current agents besides Breach because I just really couldn't write him sorry
Warnings: gn reader, no pronouns mentioned, headcanons, maybe bit ooc, english isn't my first language sorry A/n: I'm so sorry for taking so long with this request I was grieving a lot and fell into depression, but now I'm feeling a bit better, so I immediately started with finishing up this request. Hope you can forgive the long wait and I hope you enjoy my writing<3
I will also finish the other requests soon most of them I already started before everything happened, but I still need to finish them
I had fun with this request, but I'm not so confident with writing Brimstone, KAY/O and Harbor, so I put them at the very end
Comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated like always🖤
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He is also pretty full of himself and would regularly flirt with you  Nobody thinks too much of it because this just seems to be his character but with you, he was actually trying to win you over He cheekily asked you if you would give him a kiss if the next mission was a success You kind of waved him off not really answering  Believing it to be one of his antics again and nothing would follow When he came back from the mission successful he went over to you  Before he could open his mouth to say anything you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek  You cheekily pulled away and then just went to the others talking about what exactly happened on the mission Chamber was slightly flustered but would cover it up, and follow you trying to talk to you Maybe you were more interested in him than he thought Sova
He is such a sweetheart
You were worried about the next mission believing it to be very risky
Sova comforted you telling you that everything would be fine 
You calmed down for now but of course, felt nervous again while the mission was going 
Finally, the team came back and you went straight to Sova wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a quick peck on the cheek
He was surprised when you suddenly just ran into his arms but he enjoyed the affection 
He was surprised by the kiss but he probably won't have that big of a reaction in front of everyone 
Maybe a light flush on his cheeks and a smile on his lips but inside he is feeling way too much at once
He really likes you and hopes that soon he can ask you out
I think Gekko is normally affectionate with you and would come to you after your missions to hug you and stuff 
So you bought about also doing that for him so this time you waited for him to come back and just jumped into his arms when you saw him
You would welcome him back and give him a kiss on the cheek while he continues to hold you
He feels so giddy from your affection and gives some back to you
I could imagine him being a bit more shy when he has a crush on you because he doesn't want you to find out his feeling
In total though he thinks that you two should really start doing that for each other after every mission, even if you went to the mission together 
I don't know why you would give this man a kiss after a successful mission because he is gonna brag about it forever
With his outgoingness, he is gonna tell everyone about how you decided to give him a kiss
Even if someone tells him that a kiss in the wheel isn't special he will not listen to them
He just loves any kind of attention from you that he can get 
If you are fine with it he will also give you a kiss on the cheek 
He also wants to show you his appreciation and these interactions could spark a flame between you two
This kiss could maybe be the starting sign for you two
You talked to Jett and she dared you to kiss Yoru when he comes back from his mission 
Jett knows about Yoru's little crush on you and just wanted to see his reaction 
You easily agreed and then together you waited for the team to return 
When you heard them arriving you got up and quickly spotted him 
Jett didn't specify where you should kiss him so you pressed your lips to his cheek quickly 
He is just so smug about this kiss and will start teasing you 
Just talking about how you really missed him so much and couldn't wait for him to be back
I think under his exterior he is quite flustered but he wouldn't want anyone to know about that so he covered it up with teasing
Maybe this is even the perfect opportunity to ask you out on a date
This mission a hyphen just saved everyone and you really wanted to thank him for that
You went up to him and kissed his masked cheek telling him that he was amazing
It would take him a second to register what you did but the lingering warmth on his cheek showed him that this really just happened
That was unexpected and he would chuckle, thanking you for appreciating his work
He is happy that the mask doesn't let you see how much this little gesture actually affected him
But you can hear how happy he is just from his voice
It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, you just leaned in and gave his cheek a kiss 
Omen as we all know isn't really one to show his emotions outwardly 
It seems like he doesn't really care but he does thank you and the is just some sort of tenderness in his voice 
He could become embarrassed if you kiss him and then also give him a lot of praise for doing so well 
If you know him well enough though you would be able to hear the embarrassment in his voice though
We all know Brimstone is the more professional type and I don't know how well he would take to public affection 
You two are probably already very close because otherwise, I don't think he wouldn't have the most positive reaction 
But if you two are close then maybe putting aside that you kissed him on the cheek in front of everyone 
He would use the kiss to motivate himself and just know that there is always someone proud of him and his work 
Also, I can imagine some agents cooing when you kiss him just to embarrass you two even more
You just were happy to have KAY/O back so when he came up to you to talk you gave him a quick kiss on his cheek
So KAY/O is sentient and everything but I don't really know if he can feel you giving him the kiss
Even if for him personally the kiss emotionally maybe doesn't mean much he knows what it means to humans
He would thank you and verbally try to express how he recognizes the meaning of these physical gestures 
Maybe he would just show a heart on his monitor and I think that says enough for you
Harbor has such a positive energy who wouldn't want to give this man some affection
He would have such a radiant smile on his face when your lips come in contact with his cheek
The affection and praise would fill him with joy and he is someone who will give you affection back
Man this guy will give you the affection back tenfold 
He really values you and wishes nothing more than to have a closer relationship with you
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Thanks for reading and I appreciate all the support💙
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hmione · 1 year
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iseeksouls · 1 month
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Harry Potter eras
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