#challenge: itpe
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“Scraptrap’s Day(s) Off” Day 5 - Keeping Watch (And Starting to Regret It)
It looks like Molten Freddy might not be the only thing lurking in the new ballpit… (But, of course, he can’t be sure just yet.)
#scraptrap#fnaf fandom#fnaf#art challenge#pond’s art#pond’s sketch#scraptrap’s day(s) off#ball pit#i have no idea if itp spring Bonnie’s in there (yet)#we’ll probably see tomorrow
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9 października 2024
+ Wróciłam po 2 dniach L4 do pracy i w sumie... ech, chcę zmienić robotę, bo czuję taki RZYG tą firmą, tym brakiem "wyzwań" (wczoraj wieczorem robiłam lekcję z angielskiego na studia, e-learning, czytanka dotyczyła pracy, fiszki kręciły się wokół wyrażeń dotyczących pracy, trzeba było kończyć zdania itp. powtarzało się boleśnie często w różnych konfiguracjach "professional challenges at work" ech, zaskakująco dużo goryczy we mnie wzbierało, gdy czytałam o tych challenges, ech). Trudno tak. A propos pracy to zahaczyłam wczoraj o ogłoszenia pracy w sektorze kultury i o ile wydaje mi się, że to tematycznie jest miejsce dla mnie (na szczeblu zarządzania, ostatni rok bardzo mi to rozjaśnił) to sądząc po tych ogłoszeniach potwierdza się to, co się mówi o a) niedofinansowaniu sektora kultury, b) toksyczności tego środowiska. Dosłownie JEDNO ogłoszenie dotyczyło pracy zdalnej. No, słabo. Albo ogrom nadodpowiedzialności na stanowiskach opłacanych w widełkach najniższej-średnej krajowej. Przykładowo pod nazwą stanowiska "Specjalista ds. zarządzania biurem" kryje się zakres obowiązków, którym spokojnie można by było obdzielić etat zarówno stanowiska PRowieca, SocjalMediaNinja, Managera do obsługi klientów kluczowych, Handlowca, Redaktora i Korekty (tak, bo to oferta pracy w wydawnictwie). A wypłata? 4400 zł brutto. No, tak, pewnie...
++ Słucham właśnie odcinka podcastu "Okolice Ciała" Marianny Gierszewskiej. Odcinek o relacji sióstr. Bardzo znajduję tu elementy, które sama odkrywałam na terapii i które sama z siostrą przerabiałam. Oczywiście miałyśmy trochę inny układ w naszej rodzinie (jesteśmy dwie, ale moi rodzice mieli troje dzieci - to zmienia dynamikę, bo chociaż urodziłyśmy się jako tabula rasa, to jednak śmierć brata, którego nigdy nie poznałyśmy wpłynęła na to jak ta rodzina wyglądała i jakie rolę przyjęłyśmy. Byłam starszą siostrą, z całym bagażem przywilejów i obowiązków starszej siostry - podobnych do tych, o których opowiada Zofia - a zarazem byłam średnią córką, z całym bagażem średniej córki, a do tego próbowałam nadrobić za najstarszego syna, którym nie mogłam być, ale dziecko tego nie wie).
Uwielbiam słuchać podcastu Marianny, bo trochę przypomina mi o tym o czym zapominam w ferworze życia, tej pogoni za tym by zarobić pieniądze na życie, znaleźć pracę, dostać stypendium itp itd. - o tym, jak zajrzeć w siebie i poszukać odpowiedzi na fundamentalne pytania: co ta pogoń dla mnie oznacza, kim jestem w tym momencie życia, co mi to daję, czy jestem szczęśliwa.
Na pewno pomaga to, że głos Marianny i jej sposób hymmm... prowadzenia rozmowy, operowania pauzą, wyłapywania ważnych słów, bodźców... to wszystko brzmi jak moja Ania. Moja kochana pani psychoterapeutka. Więc siłą skojarzeń po przesłuchaniu odcinka podcastu przenoszę się w bezpieczne miejsce gabinetu mojej Ani, w CISZĘ potrzebną do pracy nad sobą i w akceptację tych odpowiedzi, jakie da mi świadomość i podświadomość. Nikt nie wie lepiej ode mnie jakie są odpowiedzi na pytania o mnie. Nikt. I jestem dla siebie łagodna, przyjmuję "ładną i brzydką" prawdę o sobie. Bez oceny tego co do mnie przychodzi, a jak się ocena pojawi to ją obchodzę, przyglądam się jej... Potem rozkminiam ewentualnie skąd ta ocena się wzięła - czy to coś mojego? Czy konstrukt społeczny? Czy coś co słyszyło mi-dziecku, a szkodzi mi-dorosłej? itp itd Bez próby zagłuszania, uspokajając w niektórych tematach silny instynkt wyparcia. To dobry mechanizm. Jestem tak wdzięczna, że moja psychoterapeutka mnie tego nauczyła! A było to trudne, diabelnie trudne.
Terapia to najlepsza rzecz jaką dla siebie w życiu zrobiłam.
No i jeszcze druga myśl po przesłuchaniu tego odcinka: bardzo chciałabym móc tak rozmawiać z siostrą, jak rozmawiają Zofia i Marianna. Są momenty, gdy tak rozmawiamy i widzę moja siostrę jako dorosłą kobietę, mądrą i silną, rozważną. Ale wciąż jest zbyt wiele triggerujacych (a więc nieprzepracowanych) sfer z dzieciństwa, które uniemożliwiłyby taką rozmowę jak w podcaście. W pewnym momencie, gdy u mnie było mniej stresu, a siostra była w terapii mogłyśmy tak rozmawiać. I to było cudowne. Niestety sis przerwała ją po zajściu w ciążę, a szkoda, bo zmiana w jej zachowaniu i w ogóle w sposobie interakcji z ludźmi była TAK GIGANTYCZNA, i owszem - z mojego punktu widzenia - to by było wygodne by było łatwiej doświadczać tej relacji, ale też widziałam, jak ona na tym korzysta: przecież te jej wybuchy gniewu, dźganie bolesnymi słowami najbliższych i tych dalszych, potem albo poczucie winy za to czym w gniewie cisnęła, albo poczucie winy, za to, że w sumie nie ma poczucia winy xD - to wszystko ją kosztuje maaaaasę energii. A jak była w terapii szybciej sobie radziła z określaniem granic i to bez tego naddatku energetycznego. Bez spalania się na błahostki.
Powoli. Może dotrzemy do takiego punku.
+++ Żałuję, że nie miałam więcej czasu by poszperać w Internecie w poszukiwaniu sukienki. Albo garniaka jakiegoś... Dzisiaj po południu mam big day.
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Day 1/100 of productivity.
I am on my way preparing for my IELTS.
I am so sorry if I didn't use good grammar or something missing with this post :) So, the fact is, I wrote this post for myself. I don’t have any expectation that people will read this post but there’s always a possibility to find it - I am sure about this.
This is the first time for me to write a post on tumblr because I usually just read someone’s post. So I find that I need some challenge because after I got my score in TOEFL ITP, I never have any excitement to study again. Even though my score is not really good :) At that time, I wanted to apply for a scholarship for my master degree in Indonesia. That’s why I took the TOEFL test for the requirement. Then my parents and also my lecturer really pushed me to apply for my master degree abroad. I felt so confused after my parents said that. I didn’t know how to start because I knew that I don’t have good capability in English, especially speaking. But in the depth of my heart, studying abroad is always my dream. I still remember when I was in junior high school, I loved to collect information about “Living in the Netherlands, How to get your scholarship, etc”. Also I loved to read someone’s story when they were struggling to get a scholarship before they really got it. I want to study in the Netherlands, and I already have a specific university that I want to go to. I know this journey isn’t easy and never going easy. I know that I will face a lot of hurdles. I know that I will feel confused, want to give up. But I will remind myself as much as I want to give up, if I am not taking any action, if I am not ready with these challenges, if I am not tough, if not not study hard, I never have any possibility to level up my life, my family, my parents. We have been living in unstable financial conditions for a long time. So I want to be the person who takes care of them. I don’t care about the perceptions from people who suggest that I shouldn’t have to take my family’s burden or the one who said that I don’t have to take responsibility for my parent’s life because I WILL.
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Hejka Motylki, pisze to na szybko i dlatego nie będę dawać jakiśch ozdób itp. Ale przepraszam was bardzo że nie wstawiałam wieiad :(( miałam dużo nauki + też byłam chora, i chyba zrobię tak że będę wstawiać sam bilans bo nie mam zabardzo czasu wstawiać dłuższych postów przez szkołę :(( mam nadzieję że zrozumiecie 🤍
Też niestety miałam 2 tygodnie binge i ochydnie wyglądam ale będę teraz robić extreme Ana challenge więc mam nadzieję że po tej diecie będę mieć mniej niż moje lw.
#bede motylkiem#motylek any#lekka jak motyl#bede lekka#motylki any#bede lekka jak motylek#grubasek#tłusta świnia#jestem gruba#gruba szmata#just binged#fatty#fatty piggy#fat belly#gruba świnia#gruba swinia#za gruba#nie chce być gruba#grubaska
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I was tagged by @aeide-thea in this. Thanks for passing it along to me!
last song: Washing Machine Heart, I think? I was not, strictly speaking, listening to it though, so much as making sure that sound from my Bluetooth headphones didn't bleed into something I was recording. Basically, the lav mic I was using plugs into my laptop's headphone jack, so I was trying to use wireless earbuds to get around that, but then the audio quality of the recording suffered a lot from streaming music, which indicated to me that it would also suffer if I was on a voice call, which was what I was doing the tests in preparation for—in the end I used wired headphones with my phone for the voice call and recorded my audio on the laptop so that I wasn't crossing the streams.
favorite color: I like purple and green a lot at the moment, so I am going to be very annoying and say octarine.
last movie/show: If we're not counting reality tv, then I'm pretty sure it's still the CBS Ghosts show? Which reminds me, I need to watch the Christmas special of BBC Ghosts before it gets spoiled for me.
sweet/spicy/savory: At the moment probably savory, but this is largely for hernia related reasons as opposed to more fun considerations. Historically though, sweet.
relationship status: Taking the cue from @aeide-thea here to reflect on, and snark a little, at the amatonormativity of this question and the way it stands out from the rest in that it's kind of more likely to be something that would be potentially a vulnerable or alienating thing to discuss. Also, like, I have many non-romantic and non-sexual relationships that are very meaningful to me, but, I mean, for the purposes of this then single I guess, since apparently that's the kind that matters, lol.
last thing i googled: Again, like @aeide-thea, I also use DuckDuckGo now ;) But the last thing I looked up online was Pixabay, because I was making a podfic cover and wanted some royalty free images of space and/or astronauts on space walks to edit.
current obsession(s): I've been having a great time with podfic and audio fandom-y stuff in general recently! I participated in ITPE and created five pods for that (one for my main assignment and four treats) and now I'm doing Voiceteam Mystery Box and am tentatively starting a new podfic challenge based around creating podfic of Yuletide fics written by authors who give permission for podfic of their work called Tide Pod, which should kick off early January.
tag 9 people: @rovermcfly, @robotlesbianjavert, @venort, @kd-heart, @ilthit, @agoldenshinywireofhope, @liandrins-jawline, @translightyagami and @benicebefunny.
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W weekend pojawią się aktualizacje ✨️
Tłumaczeń do innych popsutych modów (np. Control any Sim, Road to Romance itp.) nie mogę zaktualizować, bo nie ma jeszcze do nich aktualizacji
#sims 4#polskie tłumaczenie#the sims 4#spolszczenie#ts4#simblr#update#sims 4 mods#poll#sims 4 poll#the sims 4 polskie tłumaczenie
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Just wanted to let you know that I REALLY love your podfics! Since I am currently hyperfixating on Steddie - that's what I'm listening to - Do you have anything new planned (I know you published recently. But I'm just curious :))
Sending lots and lots of love and hugs!!
Heee, thank you so much, that made me very happy to read :D
I definitely have things in the works! At the moment I'm mostly working on secret things which will be posted over the winter holidays as gifts for ITPE (the Informal Twitter Podfic Exchange) but I'm also currently recording the first part of @nancywheeeler's time-loop Steddie story! If the stars align (healthy voice, quiet neighbours, no RL surprises) it will be out sometime in the next couple weeks! 🤞🤞🤞
I have a bunch of other Steve/Eddie podfics on my to-record list (also my current hyperfixation :p), but as you might have noticed this fandom LOVES looooooooong fic, which makes it a challenge to put things out quickly (I'm still a slow podficcer compared to some others, partly bc my good recording times are pretty limited.) But I definitely have Plans, and I'm glad you're excited to hear more from me! :D
Have a great day! <3
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When to worry about thrombosis — Rarely, patients with thrombocytopenia are at risk for thrombosis rather than, or in addition to, bleeding. While most of the implicated disorders are rare, it is important to consider them because urgent treatment may be needed to prevent life-threatening thrombotic events.
Examples include the following:
●Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia – A small percentage of patients exposed to heparin (less than 5 percent) will develop heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) in which antibodies to a platelet factor 4 epitope induced by heparin can cause thrombocytopenia and platelet activation, leading to life-threatening venous and/or arterial thrombosis. This diagnosis should be considered in a patient recently exposed to heparin who develops thrombocytopenia, thrombosis, anaphylaxis, or skin reactions. Treatment involves immediate discontinuation of heparin and administration of a non-heparin anticoagulant (e.g., dabigatran or bivalirudin).
●Vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) – VITT is a rare syndrome that occurs after vaccination with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) adenoviral vector vaccines (AstraZeneca and Janssen [Johnson & Johnson]). It resembles spontaneous HIT in that there is no prior heparin exposure, and it is associated with life-threatening venous and/or arterial thrombosis. Individuals with thrombosis and/or thrombocytopenia should be evaluated for recent administration of a COVID-19 vaccine within the preceding 5 to 30 days, and for which specific type of vaccine they received.
●Antiphospholipid syndrome – The antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) can develop in individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus, other medical conditions (eg, infection, medications, cancer), or in individuals without an underlying condition. Patients may have venous and/or arterial thrombosis. Treatment involves anticoagulation or aspirin, and treatment of any underlying condition.
●Disseminated intravascular coagulation – Patients with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) are at risk of bleeding or thrombosis, usually venous. DIC is commonly seen in acutely ill patients with sepsis or malignancy, but it can also be seen in a variety of other conditions.
●Thrombotic microangiopathy – Thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) such as thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), or drug-induced TMA (DITMA) are associated with small-vessel platelet-rich thrombi. These microthrombi can occur in any organ and can be life-threatening. Plasma exchange for TTP may be life-saving and should be initiated immediately when TTP is suspected.
●Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria – Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare condition caused by loss of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol from cell membranes. Thrombosis (often involving unusual locations such as intraabdominal or cerebral veins) can occur, along with hemolytic anemia and/or bone marrow failure. Treatment depends on the degree of cytopenias and the presence of thrombosis.
●ITP with a concomitant thrombotic disorder – Certain conditions can occur in patients with ITP increasing their risk of thrombosis such as atrial fibrillation or recent or previous deep vein thrombosis. Management of anticoagulation in that population can be challenging; however, it is important to note that the low platelet count is not protective against thrombosis, and anticoagulation is often indicated.
Work up:
Peripheral blood smear — Review of the peripheral blood smear is used to exclude pseudothrombocytopenia (eg, falsely low platelet count due to platelet clumping) and to evaluate morphologic abnormalities of blood cells that could be useful in determining the cause of thrombocytopenia. As an example, giant platelets may suggest a congenital platelet disorder (eg, MYH-9-related disorders, Bernard Soulier syndrome [BSS]); these may be counted as red blood cells by some automated counters.
Pseudothrombocytopenia — The possibility of pseudothrombocytopenia (ie, falsely low platelet count) should be eliminated before any further evaluation is undertaken. Pseudothrombocytopenia can occur in a number of settings, all of which can be identified by review of the peripheral blood smear and/or repeating the CBC using a non-EDTA anticoagulant:
●Incompletely mixed or inadequately anticoagulated samples may form a clot that traps platelets in the collection tube and prevents them from being counted.
●In approximately 0.1 percent of individuals, exposure of patient samples to the EDTA anticoagulant in the collection tube can induce platelet clumps or platelet rosettes around white blood cells (WBCs). These may be counted by automated counters as leukocytes rather than platelets. The mechanism is "naturally occurring" platelet autoantibodies directed against a concealed epitope on platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa that becomes exposed by EDTA-induced dissociation of GPIIb/IIIa [45-52].
If platelet clumping is observed, the platelet count is repeated using heparin or sodium citrate as an anticoagulant in the collection tube. If citrate is used, the platelet count should be corrected for dilution caused by the amount of citrate solution; no such correction is needed for heparin. Alternatively, fresh, non-anticoagulated blood can be pipetted directly into platelet-counting diluent fluid.
RBC and WBC abnormalities — Abnormal RBC and WBC morphologies may suggest a specific condition.
Examples include the following:
●Schistocytes suggest a microangiopathic process (eg, DIC, TTP, HUS, DITMA).
●Nucleated RBCs, and Howell-Jolly bodies, may be seen post-splenectomy or occasionally in patients with poor splenic function.
●Spherocytes suggest immune-mediated hemolytic anemia or hereditary spherocytosis.
●Leukoerythroblastic findings, teardrop cells, nucleated RBCs, or immature granulocytes suggest an infiltrative process in the bone marrow.
●Leukocytosis with a predominance of bands and/or toxic granulations suggests infection.
●Immature WBCs (eg, myeloblasts) or dysplastic WBCs suggest leukemia or myelodysplasia.
●Multi-lobed/hypersegmented neutrophils (ie, more than 5 lobes) suggest a megaloblastic process (eg, B12/folate/copper deficiency).
HIV and HCV testing — Thrombocytopenia has been identified as an important "indicator condition" for HIV infection. Thus, adults with new thrombocytopenia should have HIV testing if not done recently.
Thrombocytopenia may also be seen with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection; testing is appropriate for adults with thrombocytopenia if not done recently. Other laboratory testing — Aside from the testing mentioned above (CBC, review of peripheral smear, HIV and HCV testing), no additional laboratory testing is absolutely required in a patient with isolated thrombocytopenia. However, additional testing may be warranted in patients with other findings.
Examples of findings that may trigger other laboratory testing include the following:
●Symptoms or findings of systemic autoimmune disorders (eg, systemic lupus erythematosus [SLE], anti-phospholipid syndrome [APS]) may prompt testing for anti-nuclear antibodies or anti-phospholipid antibodies, respectively. We do not test for these in patients with isolated thrombocytopenia and no signs or symptoms suggestive of SLE or APS.
●Findings of liver disease should prompt measurements of hepatic enzymes and possibly tests of liver synthetic function (eg, albumin, coagulation testing), depending on the severity of the liver disease.
●Thrombosis should prompt consideration of DIC, heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) and related syndromes, and APS. Depending on the site of thrombosis and other hematologic findings, paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) may also be a consideration.
●Microangiopathic changes on the peripheral smear should prompt coagulation testing (eg, PT, aPTT, fibrinogen) and measurement of serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and renal function to evaluate for DIC, TTP, or HUS; with subsequent evaluation based on the results.
Hematologist referral/consultation — Referral to a hematologist is appropriate to confirm any new diagnosis of a thrombocytopenic condition or to determine the cause of any unexplained thrombocytopenia. The urgency of referral depends on the degree of thrombocytopenia and other abnormalities, and the stability of the findings.
In hospitalized patients, some conditions are medical emergencies that require immediate action. Immediate hematologist involvement in diagnosis and management is appropriate for the following:
●Suspected thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) or hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).
●Suspected heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT).
●Suspected COVID-19 vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT).
●Suspected hematologic malignancy (eg, acute leukemia), aplastic anemia, or other bone marrow failure syndrome.
The consulting hematologist can also assist in diagnosis and management of patients with severe thrombocytopenia (ie, platelet count less than 50,000/microL) who have serious bleeding or require an urgent invasive procedure, and in pregnant women with severe thrombocytopenia, regardless of the cause.
Bone marrow evaluation — Bone marrow evaluation (aspirate and biopsy) is not required in all patients with thrombocytopenia. However, it may be helpful in some patients if the cause of thrombocytopenia is unclear, or if a primary hematologic disorder is suspected. A possible exception may be a clinical picture consistent with a nutrient deficiency in which a bone marrow would only be needed if a deficiency could not be documented, or if the hematologic findings did not resolve upon nutrient repletion.
The following bone marrow findings may be helpful:
●Normal or increased numbers of megakaryocytes suggests that the thrombocytopenia is due, at least in part, to a condition associated with platelet destruction (eg, ITP, drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia).
●Decreased megakaryocyte numbers, along with overall decreased or absent cellularity (picture 18 and picture 19), is consistent with decreased bone marrow production of platelets, as in aplastic anemia.
●In rare cases, severe reduction or absence of megakaryocytes with no other abnormalities (also called acquired amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia or acquired pure megakaryocytic aplasia) may occur. This finding is most often reported in patients with SLE, and is typically due to an autoantibody directed against the thrombopoietin receptor.
●Megaloblastic changes in the RBC and granulocytic series suggest a nutrient deficiency (eg, vitamin B12, folate, copper) (picture 20), while dysplastic changes suggest a myelodysplastic disorder (picture 21 and picture 22).
●Granulomata, increased reticulin or collagen fibrosis (picture 23 and picture 24), or infiltration with malignant cells (picture 25) establishes the diagnosis of bone marrow invasion, especially when a leukoerythroblastic blood picture is also present.
There are some general management principles that apply to all patients with thrombocytopenia regardless of the cause, and for which questions may arise before a diagnosis has been established.
●Activity restrictions – Patients who are otherwise healthy and have no manifestations of petechiae or purpura may not require activity restrictions.
Individual considerations apply to participation in certain activities. As an example, individuals with severe thrombocytopenia (less than 50,000/microL) generally should not participate in extreme athletics such as boxing, rugby, and martial arts. However, no restrictions are necessary for usual activities or low-impact exercise.
●Anticoagulant and anti-platelet medications – For anticoagulant and anti-platelet medications, the clinical indications and risks associated with discontinuation (eg, thrombosis) are balanced against the bleeding risk associated with the degree of thrombocytopenia and of continuing the anticoagulant and/or anti-platelet medication [7]. Input from the consulting specialist who prescribed the medication and/or the hematologist may be sought. A discussion of anticoagulation in adults with thrombocytopenia is presented separately.
It is also important to note that thrombocytopenia by itself does not protect against venous or arterial thrombosis, and appropriate use of thromboprophylaxis or anticoagulants should not be withheld from a patient with mild to moderate thrombocytopenia (eg, greater than 50,000/microL) if it is indicated (eg, postoperatively). For patients with more severe thrombocytopenia, decisions are made on a case-by-case basis regarding the risks of bleeding and benefits of anticoagulation.
●Over-the-counter remedies – Patients should be educated about which non-prescription remedies interfere with platelet function (eg, aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, ginkgo biloba). In general, these agents are avoided unless there is a specific indication for which equivalent alternatives are lacking.
●Safe platelet count for invasive procedures – Most platelet count thresholds for invasive procedures are based on weak observational evidence at best. In general, procedures with a greater risk of bleeding are performed at higher platelet counts. While there is some flexibility in individual circumstances, anesthesiologists and surgeons performing these procedures will have the last word. A listing of general guidelines used for different procedures is presented separately.
Optimal methods for raising the platelet count in preparation for an invasive procedure depend on the underlying condition (eg, corticosteroids or intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) for presumptive ITP; platelet transfusion for myelodysplastic syndromes). These approaches are discussed in detail in separate topic reviews.
Individuals with impaired platelet function may require platelet transfusions despite adequate platelet counts, depending on the procedure. Attention should also be paid to correcting coagulation abnormalities if present.
●Emergency management of bleeding – Urgent management of critical bleeding in the setting of severe thrombocytopenia requires immediate platelet transfusion, regardless of the underlying cause.
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completed fnaf challenges:
10/20 sister location on v. 1.121
4/20 fnaf
4/20 fnaf 4
to be completed:
aggressive nightmare fnaf 3
10/20 fnaf 2
10/20 sister location pre-patch (v 1.11)
blind mode all nightmare fnaf 4
blind mode mad freddy insta foxy fnaf 4
hardest saturday fnaf 6
50/20 ucn
3-star ending on nightmare itp
literally just beating security breach
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Summary of “Objects of Consciousness” by Donald D. Hoffman:
In "Objects of Consciousness," Donald D. Hoffman proposes a radical shift in understanding consciousness and reality. He introduces the Interface Theory of Perception (ITP), which suggests that our perceptions do not directly reveal the world but are instead a user interface evolved for survival, simplifying complex reality into manageable icons. Hoffman argues that these perceptions are not accurate representations of objective reality but are functional constructs. He extends this to propose Conscious Realism, the view that reality is fundamentally constituted by conscious agents and their interactions. According to Hoffman, the traditional materialistic view that physical objects exist independently of observation is flawed, and instead, conscious experiences are primary.
Intersection with Nondualistic Frameworks:
Hoffman's theory intersects with nondualistic frameworks by challenging the conventional subject-object dichotomy inherent in materialist perspectives. Nondualism often posits that distinctions between self and other, or observer and observed, are illusory and that all existence is interconnected and fundamentally one. Hoffman's Conscious Realism aligns with this by suggesting that reality is composed of networks of conscious agents rather than separate, independently existing objects. This resonates with the nondualistic view that the perceived separations in the phenomenal world are constructs of the mind rather than intrinsic divisions in the fabric of reality.
Supporting Hoffman's Claims with Abrahamic, Hindu, and Buddhist Scriptures:
Abrahamic Traditions: The notion of a consciousness-centered reality finds support in several scriptural references from Abrahamic traditions. In the Bible, Genesis 1:27 states, “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” This suggests that human beings, as reflections of the divine, possess a conscious nature that is central to understanding creation. Additionally, Colossians 1:16 affirms that “all things were created through Him and for Him,” implying a divine consciousness that underpins and orchestrates reality, resonating with Hoffman’s idea that consciousness is foundational.
Hindu Scriptures: The Hindu concept of Maya (illusion) and Brahman (ultimate reality) mirrors Hoffman's view that our perceived world is a simplified interface. The Bhagavad Gita (2:16) states, “The unreal has no existence; the real never ceases to be.” This aligns with Hoffman's assertion that the physical world as perceived by us is not the true nature of reality but a functional appearance. The Upanishads elaborate on this by positing that Atman (the self) is identical to Brahman (the ultimate reality), indicating that the fundamental nature of existence is conscious and interconnected, akin to Hoffman’s network of conscious agents.
Buddhist Scriptures: Buddhism, particularly through the concept of Anatta (non-self) and Sunyata (emptiness), supports the idea that the independent self and objects are constructs rather than ultimate truths. The Heart Sutra famously declares, “Form is emptiness, emptiness is form,” which resonates with Hoffman’s view that our perceptual icons do not reveal true reality but are instead representations tailored for interaction and survival. The Buddha’s teaching in the Pali Canon, "Sabbe dhamma anatta" (all phenomena are non-self), further supports Hoffman's perspective by emphasizing that perceived distinctions and separations are not reflective of reality’s true nature.
In conclusion, Hoffman's "Objects of Consciousness" suggests a profound alignment with various nondualistic and spiritual frameworks by asserting that consciousness, rather than physical objects, forms the bedrock of reality. This view finds resonance across diverse religious and philosophical traditions, illustrating a convergence towards a more unified understanding of consciousness and existence.
#consciousness#science#spirituality#meditation#nature#conscious agents#interface theory of perception#Donald Hoffman#personal#mine#i let ChatGPT do the heavy lifting but u get the point
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Since the turmoil that Covid -19 inflicted on us, we have all had to do many things differently. It is clear that life has changed and we have all come to do things in new ways. Adapt, evolve, survive seems to cover it.
We have, here at he ITP Support Association, not been immune (no pun intended) to the challenges and demands for change that the pandemic has brought. So we have been running regular online local support groups via the ZOOM facility, to combat some of the difficulties that the pandemic threw our way. And we continue to do so with great success.
In addition to the local support groups we were also obliged to hold three annual conventions online too. So the 2020, 2021 & 2022 conventions were switched to an online basis to ensure that we kept safe, secure & away from the ravages of Covid.
The 2020, 2021 and 2022 online conventions were hugely successful and were attended by record numbers of people online from all across the globe. But even so, there is nothing quite like a face to face event and last year we returned to our usual annual CONVENTIONAL CONVENTION and we will do so again this year on May 11th at
Cavendish Conference Centre, Cavendish Venues, 22 Duchess Mews, London W1G 9DT.
Just 5 minutes from Oxford Circus Tube Station
In my experience of attending the face to face annual conventions in the past , I can only say that they are tremendously informative, inspiring and helpful. There is just no substitute for being in the moment with other people who are going through the same trials and tribulations.
I have been living with ITP for over 17 years and I can still remember attending my first annual convention. It felt so reassuring to be able to talk to other people who had been through some of the things that I had encountered. It made me feel more confident about living better with my purple problem.
The Conventions have also introduced me to fellow ITP patients from across the globe who I am in regular contact with to this day. We are all fighting our own individual battles with this enigmatic condition wherever we are from BUT we are stronger together by sharing knowledge, information and supporting each other.
The convention always brings together some of the leading medical professionals in ITP but, I think just as importantly it also provides a platform for us ITP patients to talk to each other, swap our experiences and encourage each other. No man is an island and all that !
It is wonderful to know that we will be able to have a Conventional Convention again this year but we also appreciate that some of our members and followers prefer a non face to face way of keeping in touch. For that reason we are continuing our programme of online local support groups via Zoom and also why we are available on many social media platforms.
Of course we also have our quarterly magazine The Platelet as another way of communicating between us ITP folk.
Our aim at the ITP Support Association is to be available wherever people want to connect with us. As ever it is different things for different people and we try to cover as many bases as we can.
We can be found on the following social media platforms -
LinkedIn, TWITTER, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, HealthUnlocked which can all be accessed via the main ITP Support Association website -
Our local support groups online are listed at the following link -
The next round of these groups will be announced soon
Tickets for the 2024 Annual Convention are available via the following link - (There are a few left but don’t leave it too late to book your place).
Wherever and whenever you wish to connect with us, we hopefully have a platform for everyone.
#ITPAware #ITPAwareness #ITPSupportAssociation #ITPAustralia
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Navigating Breakthroughs: The Dynamic Landscape of the Immune Thrombocytopenia Drug Market
Market Overview: The Vitality of the ITP Drug Market
The ITP drug market is a crucial segment within the pharmaceutical industry, dedicated to offering therapeutic solutions for patients grappling with this autoimmune disorder. As understanding of ITP has deepened, the market has witnessed significant evolution, transitioning from broad-spectrum therapies to more targeted treatments. Today, it encapsulates a range of medications, including corticosteroids, immunoglobulins, and novel agents like thrombopoietin receptor agonists, each playing a pivotal role in managing the disease.
Growth Drivers: Catalyzing Market Expansion
The expansion of the ITP drug market is fueled by several factors. An uptick in ITP incidence, driven by heightened awareness and improved diagnostic methodologies, has broadened the patient base requiring treatment. Advancements in medical research have ushered in a new era of targeted therapies, offering improved efficacy with fewer side effects compared to traditional treatments.
Furthermore, the growing investment in healthcare infrastructure and the emphasis on specialty care have facilitated better access to advanced ITP treatments, particularly in developed regions. The burgeoning focus on personalized medicine also bodes well for the market, as it paves the way for therapies tailored to individual patient profiles, enhancing treatment outcomes.
Challenges: Overcoming Market Hurdles
Yet, the ITP drug market faces its share of obstacles. The complexity of ITP's pathophysiology poses challenges in drug development, necessitating extensive research to uncover novel therapeutic targets. Market access and drug affordability remain pressing issues, especially in lower-income regions where healthcare resources are limited.
Moreover, the risk of adverse effects associated with long-term drug usage necessitates ongoing monitoring and support for ITP patients, underscoring the need for comprehensive treatment strategies. The competitive landscape and stringent regulatory requirements also present hurdles for new market entrants, demanding substantial investment in clinical trials and approval processes.
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It Tech Packaging Inc Faces Severe Financial Challenges, Reporting Drastic Decline in Revenue and Mounting Net Deficit https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=ITP&date=2023-11-12090900&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Dealing with menopausal challenges like hot flashes and mood swings?
Discover how homeopathic remedies can offer relief and support your journey.
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Why Server-side Tracking is an Important Part in Digital Marketing in 2023?
Server-side tracking is becoming increasingly important in digital marketing in 2023 for a number of reasons.
Privacy concerns: Browser-based tracking is becoming increasingly restricted due to privacy concerns. For example, Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP) limits the ability to track users across websites and apps. Server-side tracking is not subject to these restrictions, as it does not rely on cookies or other browser-based identifiers.
Ad blockers: Ad blockers are another major challenge for browser-based tracking. Ad blockers can block cookies, pixels, and other tracking code, making it difficult to track users. Server-side tracking is not affected by ad blockers, as it does not rely on these technologies.
Data accuracy: Browser-based tracking can be inaccurate, as it can be affected by factors such as browser settings, ad blockers, and network conditions. Server-side tracking is more accurate, as it is not subject to these same factors.
Data control: With browser-based tracking, you are reliant on third-party providers to collect and store your data. This can give these providers a great deal of control over your data. With server-side tracking, you retain control of your data, as it is stored on your own servers.
Overall, server-side tracking offers a number of advantages over browser-based tracking. It is more privacy-friendly, immune to ad blockers, more accurate, and gives you more control over your data. As a result, server-side tracking is becoming increasingly important in digital marketing in 2023.
Here are some of the specific benefits of server-side tracking for digital marketers:
Better understanding of customer behavior: Server-side tracking can provide you with a more complete and accurate picture of how your customers are interacting with your website and marketing campaigns. This information can be used to improve your website design, content, and targeting.
More effective personalization: Server-side tracking can help you personalize your marketing messages and offers to each individual customer. This can lead to increased engagement and conversions.
Improved ROI: Server-side tracking can help you improve the ROI of your marketing campaigns by providing you with more accurate data on how they are performing. This information can be used to optimize your campaigns and allocate your budget more effectively.
If you are serious about digital marketing in 2023, then you should consider implementing server-side tracking. It is the best way to ensure that you are collecting the data you need to make informed decisions and improve your results.
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