#challenge pt 1
matchalovertrait · 7 months
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Since Teodor is always working due to his two businesses, Irene is a stay-at-home mom. However, now that her kids are getting older, she decided to come to Postres de Alegría a couple of times per week to work. It's all hands on deck here!
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bewitchedmold · 3 months
I love when JoJo's says corny shit like in pt1 someone says "he's right behind me isn't he😰" and in pt4 joskue is like "turtles give me the willies🤓☝️" and later another guy says "good heavens!" like dawg😭
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minamill · 1 year
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Rhea and Cedar really bonded during their date at the botanical gardens. They talked for hours, went cloudgazing and stopped by the swings. Feeling inspired by the clouds and playful after the swings they decided to step it up a notch...
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llama--plumbobsims · 5 months
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sulani - day 5
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it pains me a little whenever i remember that just like bungou stray dogs is not the buraiha trio's story, jujutsu kaisen is not, in fact, sashisu's story
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 years
OTP challenge - day 15
there are two parts because I couldn't didn't want to shorten it for the life of me.
I wanna apologize for not updating regularly - never mind daily. i hope you can forgive my non-existent organization talent! thank you to everyone who is still in on this challenge!
[link to day 14]
15. teaching each other how to do something
(pt. 1/2)
Five year old Rosie stopped playing the violin with a loud dramatic note. "Well done, Watson. Keep practicing and it will be perfect." Sherlock praised his little apprentice.
John scoffed which turned his daughter's and best friend's head around. "Whatever do you you wanna say, John?"
"Just that Rosie already sounds perfect to me."
"Oh, she is. However let's not feed her ego too much.", Sherlock countered and winked at Rosie who grinned up at him.
"Yeah, she is already better at everything I am, aren't you, honey?"
There was a proud twinkle in Rosie's dark blue eyes when she giggled at that.
"Well", John stood up from the armchair that used to be his. "Thank you for the lesson, Sherlock. Are you sure you don't want-"
"I will not accept any payment from my favorite student." Sherlock immediately interrupted.
John made an amused noise. "Yeah, alright. It- it was good to see you, Sherlock." Their relationship ever after the Culverton case has been fragile, they never quite went back to what it used to be but... each man took what he could get.
"Good to see you too, John", Sherlock said softly. "Watson", he added, making the littlest bow towards Rosie. John adored how Sherlock treated his goddaughter. It made the doctor feel soft inside and sometimes this softness creeped through his walls to show through a smile. Like right now. Then he caught himself and clapped his hand against his thigh - a sign to say goodbye.
"Say thank you, Rosie, so we can head home."
Rosie finished putting away her tiny violin, then stretched her arms out, so Sherlock would pick her up. The detective did so, and then let her kiss his nose. "Thanks, Sherlock. Love you."
"Love you, too, Watson.", he said and kissed her temple.
At that moment, Mrs. Hudson walked into the room with a tablet of freshly baked biscuits. (Sherlock doubted it was anything but very calculated timing. She missed John terribly and adored Watson horrendously.) "Hoohoo, darlings! Buiscuits and tea anyone?"
"Mrs. Hudson!", John exclaimed pleasantly surprised (he had of course not seen through the landlady right away like Sherlock). "It's so good to see you!"
"Oh John, you should visit more often! Baker Street misses you.", she shot a meaningful glance at Sherlock, who pretended to busily clean his violin bow.
"And my sweet little Flower, how have you been?"
"Good! I love my violin sessions.", Rosie said enthusiastically.
"I can imagine, it sounds lovely from downstairs. Ooh! But I gotta go! The next round of biscuits is in the oven still!"
"May I come?", Rosie asked excitedly.
"Of course, dear.", Mrs. Hudson immediately agreed (no doubt this was her plan all along).
"Dada, may I?", Rosie asked her father.
"Yeah alright, I'll be right down."
"No hurry!", the two girls said in unision, on their way out.
John laughed after them, "Yeah, I see how it is."
Sherlock smiled, "Hudders adores little Watson."
"Everyone adores that kid.", John replied, shaking his head affectionately.
"Yes, indeed.", agrees Sherlock. He still had that soft smile on his face. Back in the days John liked to think it was only for him. These days, Rosie Watson was on the receiving end of it most of the time. John was glad at least one Watson had that honor.
"You're a fantastic teacher, Sherlock. Rosie... she really loves you.", John wasn't sure why he felt so awkward. They used to flow, now they are stuck in unspoken words and unspeakable emotions.
"It's my pleasure. She - both of you - mean a lot to me."
John softly carressed Rosie's violin case. "Do you know why I wanted her to learn to play the violin?"
Sherlock didn't say anything, but his interest was piqued, John didn't have to see him to know that - he felt it.
"It reminds me of you.", John said quietly and now he did look up at Sherlock. He hoped Sherlock knew what he actually meant: John missed him. How they used to be together.
For a long few seconds Sherlock looked at him. As so often, John could not look away. He didn't want to anyways. Then Sherlock breathed in sharply, turned around and grabbed his violin. John immediately fought an eye-roll. Of course they wouldn't be able to talk, how had he ever thought they-
But Sherlock held the violin out for John to take. "Sherlock, what do-"
"Take it."
Bemused John looked back and forth from the instrument to the man. "Are you sure- ", he started.
"I want you to try. Take it.", Sherlock insisted.
Hesitantly, carefully, John took the instrument. It felt fragile, but it was heavier than John had expected it to be.
"Put it under your chin. Like-"the gentlest touch redirected John's chin. Cold fingers. "-this."
"Hold the bow like-" Again, cold fingers on him, gently, just a whisper of a touch. "There you go."
Sherlock's mouth was close to John's ear. His voice velvet and deep. It crept inside of John, making the fine hair at his neck stand on ends.
"Now play for me.", Sherlock whispered. John surpressed a shiver. He was pretty sure, this shouldn't sound this alluring.
He didn't try to push his finger on a string. He simply let the bow glide and he produced an actual passable sound from a violin.
"Good, that was an A. Now try-", but John forgot to listen when Sherlock stepped behind him, feeling his fingers placing his index on the string, feeling his hand wrap around his bow hand, feeling Sherlock's chest against his back. John is pretty sure he forgot to breathe.
Sherlock was simply too close. He registered the man saying something, but he didn't know what. He tried hard to force the fog away. Instead he felt Sherlock leading his hand over the string, it was so darn cold against his own sweaty hand. A tone played and it was all so surreal: Sherlock teaching him to play the violin, Sherlock against his body, Sherlock whispering in his ear, Sherlock's cold fingers against his own warm ones. The tone sounded on and on and it sounded like the beginning of something. Like the beginning of something magical. Like the beginning of them.
But soon this something, that danced in the room to the tone they had played together, was interrupted by the thunder of upstairs-running kid's feet.
[to be continued in part 2!]
Special thanks to @totallysilvergirl whose series "Drawn to Stars" but especially "Teach Your Children Well" has subconsciously inspired me to write this incredibly talented and loving Rosamund Watson. I didn't realize until later, that it was very much inspired by you. Check this series out if you haven't yet! I love it so much!
tag list! (please tell me if you wanna be added or removed! 💚) @catlock-holmes @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @boredsushi @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @7arantellgrrl @ssmeowl123 @so-youre-unattached-like-me @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @pansherlock @the-smol-bean-libby-blog @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @almosttinycowboy @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee
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ao3usermelancholyhues · 6 months
writing patterns, pt. 2
Rules: List the last line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there’s a pattern!
Tagged by @zombiethingy again💜 thank you!
keep him forever (stranger things — harringrove)
And Billy wants forever.
(un)ashamed and naked (all time low/the maine — callakarth)
“Wouldn’t word it like that, but I have to agree.”
captain's choice (stranger things — harringrove)
“Aye, aye, captain.”
99% at least (stranger things — steddie)
It’s something they roleplay, much later, with Steve’s legs around his waist and a bottle that Eddie filed down the edges on.
i called her on the phone and she touched herself (stranger things — ronance)
“Sweet dreams. I love you, sweet girl.” 
crystal clear (all time low — flykat)
He’s grinning just before their lips touch, all teeth and brimming with love, and says, “After.” 
destined to explode (stranger things — harringrove)
It makes Steve feel like there’s no ticking time bomb in his chest, no scars on his body, no lie wrapped round his neck like a rope he never touched.
treasure finder (stranger things — harringrove)
He has Steve Harrington barefoot in his lap, and for the first time, Billy Hargrove feels entirely safe to be himself. 
on the edge with no control (stranger things — steddie)
Eddie shrinks under Steve’s stony gaze, and a bead of pre-cum rolls down to meet the blade. 
gold-skinned eager baby (stranger things — harringrove)
It quickly melts away into laughter as Steve clambers on him and pushes him down onto the rug, eager to get some of that golden glow all over him. 
don't know if there's any specific pattern. i definitely do like to end on a line of dialogue but i don't strive for it. usually my last lines aren't toooooo long either but sometimes the moment calls for it not to be as short and punchy.
Tagging: @jackinalex @neon-danger @melljunee @amelancholysunshine @hotluncheddie and again, terrible memory, so if you see this and want to participate, please do!
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lokisasylum · 1 year
This is hella cute.
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meadow-dusk · 2 years
Rocktober Challenge 🦇 Day 24 - song[s] that make you cry
I've said often that the way to my heart is getting me emotionally attached: crying with you is a sign of closeness I don't easily come back from. Almost right away with Neil, it was so natural to feel the blossoming of a deeply personal connection every time he struck the right chord to move me this way. Sometimes, it didn't even matter what he was saying: just the sound of him slipping sweetly into his delicate upper register could start tears. Even more easily now, the combination of his voice, instrumentation, messages, and kind, loving spirit comes to meet me where I'm at in my life (what I'm feeling, what I want or need, what I don't realize I want or need...), merging into the perfect emotional storm. Paradoxically, it's a place that I have come to seek comfort from the storms of life.
Any of his songs can make me cry on any given day, even the upbeat ones. So I don't have just one answer. Instead, here are some that got to me most predictably as I peeled away the layers covering that emotional core and let myself come to understand it and be comfortable with what he was showing me was there, however indirectly. Listing these in approximate chronological order, with bonus lyrics that rip my heart out if I can isolate it to a line or two.
After the Gold Rush Flyin' Mother Nature's silver seed to a new home in the sun
Stringman Take the simple case of the sarge / who can't go back to war / Cause the hippies tore down everything that he was fighting for / Or the lovers on the blanket / That the city turned to whores / With memories of green kissed by the sun
Through My Sails Wind blowing through my sails / It feels like I'm gone
Sanibel (I realize he's not a composer here but that voice...) She knows that someday he will arrive / And it keeps her love alive / Dreams can never die.
Thrasher (oh god all of it. I'm not even previewing this to pick a line 💔).
Borrowed Tune Ice frozen six feet deep, how long does it take?
Razor Love Silhouettes on the window... / Who was it made your eyes flicker like that? Tell me baby, how'd you get the knack?
Will to Love And if we meet along the way / Please sway beside me, let us sway together / our tails together and our fins in line / We'll leave this water and let our scales shine / and the sun above... and the sky below... so all the water and earth will know.
Bandit Someday, you'll find everything you're lookin for.
The Painter If you follow every dream, you might get lost.
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seekerstone · 1 year
writing is so hard to start and then so much harder to stop. what do you mean i hit my word count and should go to bed. there’s words in my brain still and i want them out
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zelenxa · 28 days
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Anyana was also attending the festival as a jokester. She made a couple of jokes on the mix, which Gracie cheered her on with. By the end of the night, the jokesters win. Sigh, not that Gracie is aware given she doesn’t even bother looking at the fireworks.
next | previous | beginning
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thecatshavenosoul · 3 months
Educated women who criticise any sort of current day diet/fitness/beauty/fast fashion culture are some of the bravest ppl online
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minamill · 1 year
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Rhea and Jo's saloon date was disrupted by a familiar face...
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lxnarphase · 8 months
guide you all the way down, be your nightlight
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up to the challenge : ⌞no nut november⌝ edition [ pt 1 - pt 3 - pt 4 ]
☾₊‧⁺...ft. : nanami kento + h. hiromi + k. choso
☾₊‧⁺...cw : fingerfucking, squirting, dirty talking, begging, deep throating condom breaking, excessive cum, riding, kento being lovey-dovey, hiromi nearly loses his mind, choso being whiny and desperate, reader is on birth control but choso is just worried about the mess of no condom, choso's part is very long and indulgent
☾₊‧⁺...synopsis : to the anon who requests choso and nanami, i hope you don't mind i threw higuruma in here too, i really wanted to include him since he gives the vibes of being in the middle between nanami and choso 🖤 thank you so much for the request !
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✧ n. kento lasts : entire month
you were the one to bring this up to kento, mentioning in passing that gojo wouldn't shut up about this 'challenge' he and geto were going to participate in. with a hum, he asks if you were trying to suggest something to him. if you wanted him to try this little 'game,' he wouldn't mind...as long as you'd let him pamper you all month. and he really does; he's breezing through each day as though nothing is wrong. kento's still as sweet as ever, constantly cuddling you, taking you out on formal dates, and telling you how much he loves you. he manages well the entire November, only showing weakness whenever you try to tease him. but of course, if you're going to try and break his streak, he just spreads you out on the bed, fingerfucking you until you squirt all over his hand. eventually, the whole month flies by, and kento genuinely feels relief that it's over. but he's a little shocked when he comes home, and you're dressed in a pretty, yellow matching lingerie set as you drag him into the bedroom that's filled with candles and roses...he pampered you all month, now it was his turn to be pampered.
"kentooo~" having you between his legs like this, cooing his name so sweetly, causes a shiver to shoot down his spine. you look so adorable, so gorgeous on your knees and pressing kisses up and down his length. those pretty kiss marks would be burned into his mind for weeks. but what makes his stomach flip the most? is that look in your eye. that needy, desperate, loving gaze...it made his cock twitch in your hands. "darling, please," he sighs, one of his hands coming up to cup your cheek. you smile at him, you fucking smile at him like you aren't peppering his cock in kisses. with a little nip to his thumb, you giggle, nuzzling into his palm. "just focus on me, okay, ken?" he nods, sucking in a breath when your lips press against the tip of his dick. "fuck, princess, god, when you suck me down like that-!" the calm, sweet environment was gone now, with the way you sloppily sucked his cock. it was so fucking messy, your lipstick smearing all over his shaft as your manicured hand cupped his balls, softly massaging them as you felt your spit dripping down to your hand. "yes, yes, just like that, princess, k-keep going. oh, you're so fucking beautiful with my cock in your throat, 'm gonna cum soon in that pretty throat," he oh-so gorgeously moans for you, throwing his head back as he tries not to buck up into your hot mouth. for being such a refined, put-together man, kento loves when you give him such messy head, seeing how your lipstick is smeared everywhere, your chin dripping with precum and saliva. you could feel him throb in your throat just from the view. your kento is so sweet like this, doing his best not to fuck your mouth. but could anyone blame him when your mouth is so hot and wet? god, he never wants you to stop, not when you make him feel so greedy. each time you take him down your throat, kento swears he's going to cum, his head lolling back again as he lets out a deep groan of your name when you take all of him down like it's nothing. he wanted nothing more than to grab you by your hair and fuck your mouth like he wanted...but he wouldn't. no, he's going to keep letting his darling pamper him how she wants...but when he keeps just moaning your name so sweetly, begging you to let him cum... "p-please, honey, I'm so close, let me cum, my pretty girl, let me cum, I'll do anything-!" how could you say no to that?
✧ h. hiromi lasts : entire month
by the end of the first week, hiromi realizes how much he fucking regretted doing this. dealing with his cases has him so stressed he's surprised he didn't go completely grey. every time he comes home, he just wants to love on you, his darling little wife, but he can’t because he’s already dedicated to beating this foolish challenge. so while he can't cum, he is sure to take his frustrations out on you. but it literally crushes him each time he makes you cum, whether it be with his hands, mouth, or dick, and you look at him with those cute pleading eyes, softly whining for him to let you take care of him and make him cum too.
you are too cute for your own good, nearly causing hiromi to cave in several times as the month progressed. even you can see how it was affecting him, as he gets more and more desperate to make you cum, his eyes always zeroed in on your face to ensure your feeling good. he was a prideful, strong man, but fuck, he was so frustrated and pent up that he started to beg you to cum. "you're close, right? i can feel it, sweet thing. just listen to your pussy, she's so wet and sloppy, just from my fingers," he groans into your ear, sounding so wrecked and needy, and he hasn't even touched himself once. but you can hear it, the annoyance in his tone. hiromi is so close to breaking, to giving up and you nearly beg him again to just fuck you, but your eyes catch a glimpse of the clock on the wall. 12:27 am. it was december. he did it, he fucking made it, and you were desperately clawing at his wrist, trying to get his attention. "'romi, 'r-'romi! 's december, you made it, please, pull it out, t-take your dick out, 'romi, need you in me so bad!" with a quick glance to the clock to make sure you weren't fucking with him, hiromi lets out a delirious laugh, undoing his pants enough to pull his throbbing cock out, and he easily folds you in half, sliding his tip through the sopping wet mess between your thighs. "i made it, didn't i? i made it. so now you're gonna reward me, right?" you squeal when you feel the tip of his cock get caught on the entrance of your hole and nudge in juuust enough for you to cry out his name, gushing from the little stimulation it gives you. "look at you...I've been neglecting this little cunt, my fingers aren't enough, my mouth isn't enough. no, no, she needs t' be stuffed with a thick, fat cock to make 'er cream...isn't that right, angel?"
✧ k. choso lasts : 30 minutes
choso was stupid. he was so fucking stupid for even thinking he could do this challenge. he literally heard about it from yuuji before but had no idea what it meant. so here he was, looking at the calendar on his phone. it was mid-morning, and 5 minutes ago, he decided to do this challenge. choso should've remembered that he was a desperate man when it came to you because the second you come out of the bedroom, rubbing your eyes as you sleepily greet your boyfriend, he knows he's fucked. but seeing you in his black t-shirt and likely nothing else and choso let out a shaky sigh. just looking at you has his mind racing with all the different ways he wants to have you. you’d look really cute in his lap with a blissed-out smile on your face. with a needy whine, he stands up, dragging you back to the bedroom as he greedily kisses you, shoving his tongue into your mouth and moaning against your lips.
"fuck, fuck, fuck, 'm sorry, you look s' cute, so pretty, m-my pretty baby, y-your cunt is sucking me in—!" choso is a mess, fucking into you from behind. his hands grip your hips, keeping your ass up in the air as his cock abuses your insides, his hot, thick tip smushing against your cervix. he's fucking you into the mattress, his moans mixing with yours and those sweet, wet squelching sounds coming from your pussy, sucking his cock back in with each pull out of you. "moan louder, please? m-move your head, stop muffling yourself w-with the pillow," he whines, his body hovering over yours. you can feel drool dripping from his mouth onto your back, and just the feeling makes your eyes roll back. knowing he was so needy and desperate just to get his dick wet inside of you that he was drooling all over you made your walls clench so hard around him. "c-cho, 's too fucking deep, b-baby, 'm gonna cum," you sob, hands clawing into the pillowcase. instantly, you feel choso grip you harder, barely pulling out of you as his hips slap against yours in a bruising fashion, your body jolting up the bed with how hard he was fucking you. "don' run, please,, don' run from it," he whimpers, choking on a sob as he feels himself twitch inside your gummy walls, his hips stuttering against yours when you keen, pushing back against him when he hits a spot that feels so good. "fuck, f-fuck, 'm cumming, your pussy's so good, so wet, so fuckin' hot, 'm sorry, 'm cumming-!" despite his orgasm rushing over him, he keeps fucking you, his eyes rolling back as he moans your name over and over again, begging you for...something. he doesn't notice the sudden change, but you do, suddenly feeling warm and full inside as he keeps pounding into you. your eyes snap open, and you whine, turning a little to press your hand against his chest. "cho, h-honeyyyy! t-the condom, you broke the condom, you're cummin' in me!' you can't lie, it feels so good, and you feel your head swimming as he pumps thick seed into your needy cunt. it's another minute until he's done, and he starts to pull out but sees how creamy his cock is...and the way the condom is ripped at the top. he...he just came in you. his thick cum was starting to drip out of you, and your hand came up to press against your hole, not wanting to drip it onto the mattress. but he only registered it as you wanting to keep it inside...you wanted his cum? you wanted him to fill up that pretty pussy? he didn't even realize he was speaking out loud, quickly peeling off the broken condom and lining back up with your creamy cunt. "i-i don't mind it, choso, b-but t-take the condom off b-before you-chooo, babyyy, w-wait, that's so deep-!" "s-shhh, s'okay, you can take it, take it for me, 's okay, i always make it fit, i-it fits so good, pretty cunt, 's all mine, 'm gonna cum 'n you over and over again until your a creamy little mess, baby, i-i'll eat it outta you too, promise, promise, just let me stuff you, please!" hm, maybe he'd tell you later this was supposed to be a challenge...maybe not and just pretend like he needed you real bad today.
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all rights reserved © lxnarphase | do not repost, copy, translate, or alter my work
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its-your-mind · 7 months
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[ID: Excerpts from the transcript of episode 7 of The Magnus Protocol.
1. Alice: Who, Chester? He's not so bad. Better than Norris, whiny little toad.
2. The Magnus Protocol: Episode 7, "Give and Take" -- Written by Alexander J Newall, Edited by Jonathan Sims. End ID]
[Plain text: Alex Newall be nicer to Martin challenge. End PT] ID by the glorious @princess-of-purple-prose
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thebubblesareevil · 2 months
Only the best Kings wear pink! Pt 2
Part 1 part 3
The day things changed was just like any other. The Keep was decked out with pink decorations and different activities though-out the castle, including but not limited to: tea in the garden, manicure stations, parent playgrounds (note spa), bowification stations, the glitter corner, the archery range, Queen Dorothea’s dragon tower…etc
Everything was ready for their monthly guests when, rather unexpectedly, he heard a knock at the door.
His guests had long forgone knocking (the parents could rarely get to the door before the children charged in). He managed to get to the door, waving off a busy maid carrying a delicious looking cake, where her was greeted by the teary eyed face of a young girl.
That in itself was odd, Danny made a point of no tears in the keep.
There was also the fact that she was very much alive.
Danny immediately kneeled in front of the little girl.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your tears, but are you here for the princess tea party?” He asked gently.
The little girl sniffled. “Tea party?”
Danny nodded. “All the little princesses of my Kingdom are invited.”
“But I’m not a princess.” She cried a bit more. Danny gave her a thoughtful hum.
“You certainly look like a princess to me.” Danny stated. “Are you lost little princess?”
She nodded, rubbing the tears from her eyes.
“Tell you what, why don’t you join us for our tea party and then I’ll personally escort you back to your castle, what do you say?”
The little girl sniffled, pondering for a moment before nodding.
“Wonderful!” Danny grinned. “And may I learn the name of the such an adorable princess?”
The little girl giggled “Lian! Lian Harper!”
“A lovely name for a lovely princess!” Danny grinned. “C’mon, I’m sure Lilac can get you your very own princess dress while we wait for the others.
Lian fit in perfectly with the other children. Some of the parents seemed a bit skeptical, though they quickly accepted it after a brief explanation from the King.
Some parents went straight for the spa while others headed towards the suggestion room. (It really cut down on audiences when issues could be resolved with a letter)
All too soon the day ended and skulker reported to Danny with Lian’s home address.
Danny found her in the garden napping among the blossoms.
Danny smiled, gently nudging the girl awake.
“Lian? It’s time to go home now.”
“Hmmm?” Lian sluggishly raise her arms to be picked up by the King. Danny chuckled.
“Of course.” He gently picked, cradling her in his arms.
Silently he opened a portal into Lian’s bedroom carefully tucking her into bed.
Not even a moment after he vanished did a frantic babysitter rushed into the room, nearly sobbing in relief when she found the little girl.
(She was never playing hide and seek with the little ninja again)
For the next few months the pattern continued. Though somehow no one ever seemed to notice when the girl vanished each month.
She had fully indoctrinated herself among the little ghosts of the tea party, every month the boys would challenge her to an archery bout and lose each time reluctantly conceding to getting the makeup done with each loss. (Edgar was quite fond of rainbow unicorn sparkle nails)
She was never late nor was she ever early (this led to many suspicions that Danny didn’t care enough to confirm). More than anything, after the 2nd time of her wandering into his Keep, Danny made a point of giving her a ghost whistle to call cujo if she ever got lost or needed him.
So he was understandably concerned when he was summoned by his (favorite) little princess by magic of all things.
He of course answered to summons (what if she was in dAnGeR???!?!?)
He stepped out of the portal at his full size, nearly hitting his head on the ceiling of the warehouse he found himself in.
Danny frowned, looking around he didn’t see Lian until he looked down at the crying little princess at his feet. Danny immediately shrunk down, completely ignoring the heroes fighting the cloaked (cultist? Fanatics? Victims of his wrath? That last one felt right) soon to be victims of his wrath.
Once he was at more manageable size he picked up Lian and swiftly removed her bindings.
“What’s wrong princess? If you wanted to see me all you needed to do was call.” He asked gently combing her hair with his claws, ignoring the red headed archer shouts.
“The mean men said they were gonna hurt Daddy and uncle Jay Jay, and all their friends!” She sniffled looking up at Danny giving him a clear view of the line of blood on her neck where his (very) soon to be victims nicked her.
“Shh, shh, don’t you worry princess. Why don’t you go hang out in the keep and help Spectre paint Banshees nail, hmm? I’m sure Fright would love it if you could braid his hair again too.” Lian pressed her wet face into Danny’s chest as she nodded.
He reached out, opening a small portal to gently place the little princess in his daughter’s room with a quick explanation.
He temporarily ignored the red heads screams and allowed the flurry of arrows and gunfire to pass through him.
He had other things to deal with right now.
“Now who do I have the pleasure of destroying today?”
One of the cloaked soon to be victims was clearly an imbecile as he stepped forward and began to shout.
“We offer you these two sacrifices in addition to the girl, that you might grant us the power to defeat our enemies, o mighty King of the Infinite Realms!”
Danny took a moment to count. “How strange, see I counted 15 victims and 2 spectators. You must need to get your glasses checked” Danny nodded to himself, allowing his for to stretch and his power to fill the room.
“But, I don’t have-“
Danny struck hard and fast. They would never see the light of day again.
After he was done disposing of the trash, he turned his attention to the heroes. Each of which had a weapon trained on his head, unfortunately human weapons didn’t work on him so they wouldn’t be much help.
“You son of a bitch! Give her back!!!” The red head shouted, his hands shaking.
“The rest of our team will be here any minute! Surrender now return the girl and we won’t have to fight you!” Helmet head shouted. Something felt off about that one, almost…familiar. Danny squinted and made a (probably stupid decision)
“Hmmm, nope” he snapped his fingers and two portals appeared underfoot of the two heroes.
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