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Sofás chaise longue
Os sofás chaise longue têm vindo a ganhar destaque no mundo da decoração de interiores, e não é difícil perceber porquê. Este tipo de sofá oferece uma combinação perfeita de conforto, funcionalidade e estilo, adaptando-se a diferentes tipos de ambientes, desde as salas mais espaçosas até às mais compactas. A versatilidade desta peça de mobiliário permite que recebas amigos e familiares de forma acolhedora, proporcionando-lhes um lugar extra para relaxar ou até mesmo esticar as pernas ao final de um dia intenso.
Mas como escolher o chaise longue ideal? Que factores deves ter em conta, desde o tamanho até ao tipo de tecido? E como integrar esta peça de modo harmonioso na tua decoração? Neste artigo, vamos abordar em detalhe tudo o que precisas de saber para fazeres uma escolha acertada. Do espaço disponível à manutenção, passando pelos diferentes modelos e tonalidades, aqui encontrarás as respostas a essas questões de forma prática e descontraída.

A Versatilidade do Chaise Longue
Definição e Breve História
Apesar de ser uma tendência relativamente atual no mercado português, o conceito de chaise longue vem de tempos antigos. De origem francesa, este termo pode ser traduzido literalmente como “cadeira longa”. Esta peça de mobiliário estava associada ao requinte e à sofisticação da aristocracia europeia, funcionando como uma espécie de espreguiçadeira interior onde as pessoas descansavam, liam ou tomavam chá.
No contexto dos sofás chaise longue, encontramos uma evolução desse conceito, adaptado às necessidades modernas. Em vez de ser apenas uma “cadeira alongada”, o chaise surge integrado no sofá, oferecendo um espaço extra para relaxar, mantendo ainda as funções típicas de um sofá tradicional. O resultado? Um móvel polivalente, repleto de conforto, que melhora a experiência no dia a dia e dá um toque de elegância à sala.
Adaptação a Diferentes Espaços
Uma das grandes vantagens dos sofás com chaise é a sua capacidade de se ajustarem a vários layouts de sala. Se tens uma sala ampla, podes optar por um modelo de maiores dimensões ou até mesmo um sofá em L com chaise, garantindo lugar para várias pessoas. Já se o teu espaço for reduzido, existem versões mais compactas, pensadas para fornecer conforto sem ocupar demasiado espaço.
Em salas quadradas, por exemplo, um chaise pode atuar como divisor de ambientes, criando uma zona de estar mais definida. Em salas retangulares, pode alongar o espaço, tornando a zona de relaxamento mais equilibrada. A chave está em medires com cuidado a área disponível, considerando portas, janelas e a posição da televisão ou da lareira, se for o caso.
Principais Fatores de Escolha
Tamanho e Proporção
O primeiro aspeto a ter em conta é o tamanho do sofá. Não só as dimensões do chaise longue têm de ser adequadas, como também a profundidade e a altura do encosto. Um sofá grande numa sala pequena pode criar a sensação de espaço claustrofóbico, enquanto um sofá demasiado pequeno numa sala ampla pode ficar desproporcionado e perder o seu impacto visual.
Para evitar erros:
Mede a sala, incluindo o espaço de circulação e pontos de acesso (portas, varandas, etc.).
Verifica também se consegues circular confortavelmente à volta do sofá, sem obstruir passagens.
Se possível, marca no chão, com fita-cola, o contorno do sofá para teres uma noção real de ocupação do espaço.
Conforto e Ergonomia
O conforto é um dos fatores essenciais ao escolheres um sofá, ainda mais quando falamos em sofás chaise longue, cujo principal atrativo é permitir uma postura mais relaxada. Observa a qualidade das almofadas, o nível de firmeza e o apoio lombar. Faz um teste prático se tiveres oportunidade de ir à loja física: senta-te, deita-te, verifica se o encosto te oferece apoio adequado nas costas e se a profundidade te permite esticar as pernas sem desconforto.
É também importante notar se o chaise tem uma parte extensível ou retrátil (quando aplicável), de modo a que possas ajustá-lo consoante o momento. Algumas versões mais modernas permitem até regular a inclinação do encosto, transformando o sofá numa espécie de cama de apoio. Se recebes frequentemente hóspedes, esta funcionalidade poderá ser uma mais-valia.
Materiais e Acabamentos
Os materiais do sofá e do chaise fazem uma diferença enorme tanto na durabilidade quanto na estética. As opções mais comuns incluem:
Tecido: Existe uma ampla variedade de tecidos, desde microfibras até linho, algodão ou veludo. Cada tecido tem características próprias de toque, resistência a manchas e facilidade de limpeza.
Pele ou imitação de pele: Conferem um aspeto mais sofisticado e são relativamente fáceis de limpar. No entanto, requerem cuidados específicos para evitar que a pele resseque ou que o material imitação de pele se desgaste com maior rapidez.
Tecidos tecnológicos: Algumas marcas oferecem sofás com tecidos resistentes à água e aos pelos de animais, facilitando a vida a quem tem crianças ou animais de estimação em casa.
Quanto às estruturas, as mais robustas são geralmente de madeira maciça ou metal, garantindo uma maior longevidade. Observa também a qualidade da espuma e dos enchimentos das almofadas, pois isso influencia diretamente o conforto e a resistência ao uso diário.
Cor e Estilo
Quer queiras uma decoração moderna, clássica ou minimalista, o sofá é frequentemente a peça de maior destaque na sala. Por isso, a cor e o estilo devem ser escolhidos com atenção:
Se a tua sala tem cores neutras, um sofá chaise com uma cor vibrante pode ser o ponto focal, adicionando personalidade ao ambiente.
Em salas já repletas de cor e objetos decorativos, um tom neutro (cinzento, bege, castanho) no sofá pode evitar uma sobrecarga visual.
Analisa o estilo de mobiliário que já tens: madeira rústica combina bem com tons terrosos, enquanto num design mais contemporâneo podes optar por cinzentos, pretos ou brancos.

Manutenção e Durabilidade
Limpeza Diária
Manter o chaise longue limpo ajuda não só a preservar o aspeto estético, mas também a prolongar a sua vida útil. Para uma limpeza diária, basta aspirares o pó e as migalhas que possam ficar entre as almofadas. Se o material for em tecido, considera um aspirador com uma escova apropriada, para evitar danificar as fibras. Em revestimentos de pele ou imitação, passa um pano ligeiramente húmido para retirar sujidade superficial.
Remoção de Nódoas
É praticamente inevitável que, de vez em quando, ocorram acidentes com alimentos ou bebidas. Para remover manchas sem comprometer o material:
Tecido: Usa detergente neutro diluído em água e um pano suave. Nunca esfregues com demasiada força para não danificares as fibras ou alastrar a mancha.
Pele ou imitação: Aplica produtos específicos para pele ou, em casos mais simples, um pano húmido com sabão neutro. Seca imediatamente para evitar que a humidade penetre e crie manchas de água.
Rotação de Almofadas
Em muitos sofás chaise longue, as almofadas são removíveis e intercambiáveis. É boa prática rodá-las periodicamente para uniformizar o desgaste. Isto ajuda a manter a forma e a firmeza, evitando afundamentos em zonas específicas onde te sentas com mais frequência. Com esta simples rotação, prolongas a vida útil do sofá e conservas o seu conforto original.
Decoração e Organização do Espaço
Acesso e Disposição dos Móveis
Um chaise longue pode servir de separador de ambientes em espaços abertos, como quando a sala de estar se funde com a sala de jantar ou a cozinha. Podes colocar a parte do chaise virada para o ambiente que queres delimitar, criando assim uma sensação de divisão subtil, mas funcional. Se preferires, podes encostar o chaise à parede para poupar espaço no meio da sala, facilitando a circulação.
Apoios e Mesas Laterais
Ao escolheres um modelo de sofá em L ou chaise, é importante considerares onde vais pousar objetos do dia a dia, como copos, comandos e telemóveis. Para não dependeres apenas da mesa de centro, podes inserir mesas laterais ou aparadores compactos junto ao braço do sofá. Dessa forma, maximiza-se a praticidade e o conforto, assegurando que tudo está ao alcance sem precisar levantar-te constantemente.
Têxteis e Almofadas Decorativas
Uma das maneiras mais simples de alterar o visual de um sofá com chaise é através de almofadas decorativas e mantas. Podes jogar com cores, padrões e texturas, criando contrastes ou combinando tonalidades com outros elementos da divisão. Além disso, uma manta macia pode ser colocada estrategicamente sobre o chaise, tornando a atmosfera ainda mais acolhedora e protegendo o tecido do desgaste.
Vantagens Práticas dos Sofás Chaise Longue
1. Espaço Extra para Relaxar
O principal trunfo de um sofá chaise longue é permitir que estiques as pernas enquanto assistes a um filme, lês um livro ou simplesmente fazes uma sesta ligeira. Em comparação com um sofá tradicional, esta extensão oferece conforto semelhante ao de uma espreguiçadeira, mas integrado na sala de estar.
2. Versatilidade de Configuração
Certos modelos de chaise podem ser posicionados tanto à esquerda como à direita do sofá, consoante a distribuição dos outros móveis na sala. Existem mesmo sofás modulares que permitem mudar a configuração de tempos em tempos, adaptando-se a eventos especiais ou mudando o layout para variar um pouco o ambiente.
3. Aspecto Estilizado e Moderno
Mesmo que escolhas um design clássico, a ideia do chaise confere imediatamente um ar mais contemporâneo ao espaço. Esta peça pode ser facilmente combinada com diferentes estilos de decoração, desde o minimalismo até à decoração escandinava ou industrial.
4. Lugar Adicional para Convidados
Se gostas de receber amigos e familiares, o chaise funciona como lugar extra para sentar ou deitar. Não é raro que, em reuniões mais descontraídas, alguém opte por se sentar ou até deitar nessa parte do sofá, participando na conversa num ambiente confortável e relaxado.
Dicas de Escolha na Prática
Define um Orçamento: Antes de iniciares a pesquisa, estabelece um valor máximo que estás disposto a investir. Isto ajuda a filtrar opções e evita que te apaixones por um modelo fora do teu alcance.
Experimenta: Se tens a possibilidade de ir a lojas físicas, experimenta sentar e deitar no sofá. Verifica o quão firme ou macio é e se o chaise te oferece o suporte que procuras.
Observa Opiniões: Lê avaliações de outros compradores, especialmente se comprares online. Fotos reais e feedback podem esclarecer dúvidas sobre conforto, cor real do tecido e durabilidade.
Pede Amostras de Tecido: Em muitas lojas, especialmente online, podes pedir pequenos retalhos do tecido para conferir a textura e a cor em casa, à luz natural.
Verifica as Medidas de Elevadores e Portas: Se moras em apartamento ou tens espaços de acesso mais estreitos, certifica-te de que o sofá consegue passar pelas portas, corredores ou elevadores sem problemas.
Os sofás chaise longue conquistaram um lugar de destaque na decoração de interiores, combinando o que há de melhor em termos de conforto e versatilidade. Seja para relaxares no final do dia, receberes visitas ou simplesmente embelezar a tua sala, esta peça pode transformar por completo o ambiente. Lembra-te de avaliar com atenção o tamanho, o material, a cor e a disposição antes de finalizares a compra. Com as dicas apresentadas, tens as bases necessárias para fazeres uma escolha que reflita o teu estilo e as tuas necessidades.
Além disso, ao cuidares bem do teu sofá – limpando-o regularmente e rodando as almofadas para evitar desgastes localizados –, poderás desfrutar do teu chaise durante muitos anos, mantendo a sensação de novidade e conforto. Caso queiras um toque extra de personalidade, explora as almofadas e mantas que combinem com a cor do tecido ou criem um contraste moderno. Assim, qualquer convidado irá sentir-se imediatamente acolhido e encantado com o teu espaço.
Por fim, não te esqueças de ponderar a eventual integração de elementos como mesas laterais, tapetes e iluminação adequada, para realçar ainda mais o chaise longue e tornar a tua sala num local irresistível para relaxar, ler, ver filmes ou simplesmente partilhar bons momentos em família.
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Het ultieme comfort en de perfecte chaise longue
Vind de perfecte Chaise Longue voor bij jou thuis bij wehebbenallesinhuis. Kies uit een breed assortiment stijlvolle en comfortabele Chaise Longues die geschikt zijn voor elk interieur. Van moderne ontwerpen tot klassieke stijlen, we hebben voor ieder wat wils. Maak je woonruimte compleet met een zitmeubel dat zowel elegant als ontspannend is. Ontdek onze collectie en voeg een vleugje luxe toe aan je interieur!

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Stylish Chaise Longue for Your Living Room - Nismaaya Decor
The Chaise Longue from Nismaaya Decor adds a touch of elegance to any room. Crafted with high-quality materials, it ensures durability and lasting comfort. Its sleek design fits perfectly in small spaces, making it a stylish addition to your home. The plush cushioning offers ultimate relaxation, ideal for lounging or reading. Choose from a range of colors and fabrics to match your decor preferences.
Contact us: +91869087746
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Harmonizing Duality: Exploring the Artistic Appreciation of 69 and Cancer in Architecture
The number 69 holds a unique place in both popular culture and esoteric symbolism, often associated with themes of duality, harmony, and balance. In astrology, 69 corresponds with the zodiac sign Cancer, the fourth sign of the astrological calendar, represented by the crab. Cancer is known for its nurturing and sensitive qualities, embodying themes of home, family, and emotional depth.
From an artistic perspective, the association of 69 with Cancer offers a rich tapestry for exploration in various creative mediums, including architecture. Just as Cancer embodies themes of protection and emotional security, architecture serves as a vessel for shelter and refuge, providing physical and psychological comfort to its inhabitants.
In architectural design, the representation of the number 69 and its association with Cancer can manifest in subtle or overt ways. The curvature of the number itself evokes a sense of fluidity and movement, suggesting dynamic spatial compositions within built environments. Architects may draw inspiration from the crab's shell, incorporating curved forms and organic shapes into their designs to evoke a sense of safety and enclosure.
Furthermore, the duality inherent in the number 69 mirrors the dualistic nature of Cancer, symbolizing the interplay between public and private realms within architectural spaces. Just as Cancer seeks to create a sense of sanctuary within the home, architects may explore the tension between openness and seclusion, light and shadow, in their designs to evoke a sense of emotional intimacy and security.
Moreover, the number 69 holds significance in sacred geometry, where it symbolizes the union of opposites and the balance between masculine and feminine energies. In architectural representation, this symbolism can be expressed through the juxtaposition of geometric forms and the interplay of light and shadow, creating a sense of harmony and equilibrium within built environments.
Overall, the artistic appreciation of the number 69 and its association with the star sign Cancer offers a nuanced lens through which to explore themes of duality, balance, and emotional resonance in architectural design. By drawing inspiration from astrological symbolism and sacred geometry, architects can create spaces that not only provide shelter and functionality but also evoke a deeper sense of connection to the human experience.
#ArtisticNumerology#ArchitecturalPerspectives#CancerSymbolism#NumericalHarmony#AstrologicalArchitecture#SymbolicRepresentation#michaelcraigmartin#miesvanderrohe#lecorbusier#chaiselongue#daybed#architecture#berlin#area#london#acme#chicago#puzzle#edwin lutyens#massimoscolari#oma
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Archipel I Location I WhatsApp
ARCHIPEL is an interior Design Furniture Store. We are your location not only for great liefstyle products, but also for fascinating interior design ideas.
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Headcanons about living with Astarion
I thought about some of this lately and since yesterday's warmup got out of hand... (Behold him lounging:)
First things first, if you think living with Astarion will be neat and organised just because he himself always looks put well together: you are in for a surprise
This man - as much as he cares for aesthetics - tends to be messy
Especially since it's been forever that he could actually have and keep stuff, so expect books everywhere, cups left on surfaces, stuff laying around on the floor (and let's be honest, growing up as a noble before didn't teach him anything about being domestic...)
He'll learn though, especially when you reach a point where you could almost throw stuff at him (but he still struggles with it and him buying so many books surely doesn't help)
Astarion is basically cat: lounging everywhere - no surface is safe! Although a comfy sofa or chaiselongue are preferred spots!
Especially when you've sat somewhere and it's still nice and warm and smells of you; "Was that your seat, darling? Well, not anymore!"
But then he would pull you in with a chuckle and have you cuddle up on his lap and also refuse to let you go ("Love, I've only just gotten comfortable, you can't leave now!")
What he lacks in order he makes up with style - to a point it might make your blood boil: "Astarion, please, I couldn't care less if the red of the drapes matches the pillow cases!" "Yes, well, darling - don't take it personally - but I wouldn't have expected you to care anyway." Then he has to dodge several pillows being flung at his head)
Astarion leaves little notes for you to find, like for example if he's gone to run some errands or maybe just because - to tell you he loves you; at some point it kind of becomes a game of him hiding notes somewhere in the house and waiting how long you take to find them - scolding you if you take too long! ("My sweet, a trained donkey would have found it by now! Open your eyes, love, you can't possibly be that distracted by my beautiful face!")
Astarion learns about companionable silence with you - obviously he's very chatty and you love nights just wasted away with talking and joking - about everything and anything; but he also learns how pleasant it can be to just sit there, all cozied up with you and feeling the deep peace of easy silence with you
That or spending some quality time together: him spending time with reading or doing embroidery, you with drawing, also reading or anything else - as long as you're together
At least for a while Astarion really enjoys having a place where he can just... be; obviously this eager little vampire can't sit still forever but he revels in the knowledge of having a place he can always return to, somewhere to be safe and comfy, somewhere he can always be with you
Alright - at least that's how I could very well imagine living with Astarion might be, hihi. This man keeps living in my head - by now I'm sure he's changed my brain chemistry forever, for good...
#astarion#baldur's gate 3#astarion ancunin#fanfiction#astarion x tav#baldur's gate iii#bg3 spoilers#baldurs gate#astarion x mc#astarion x oc#astarion x reader#bg3#headcanons#astarion headcanons#imagine#poro headcanons#astarion x you#astarion fluff
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"Für mich: Win-Win."
Kalkofe: "Entweder wir müssen uns jetzt von dir verabschieden und du kannst mit Joko auf der Chaiselongue kuscheln oder aber das Spiel geht weiter und—" Klaas: "Für mich: Win-Win"
Wie das selbst Edin komplett unerwartet trifft und er sich verschluckt, liebs.
Bonus, nachdem Klaas drin bleibt und deswegen noch nicht kuscheln kann:
#joko und klaas#klaas heufer-umlauf#dudg#das duell um die geld#meins#ich liiiebs#die folge war so ne goldgrube lol#joko winterscheidt#aber natürlich ist das eine win win situation für klaas#<3#so ein soft mf
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Healing Ritual Posepack
Another quite niche sequence made for my story! This was made for two Sims successfully healing another with magic but one of the spellcasters passes out from the spell. And the other two don't like them very much lmaoo.
The poses were made specifically for this chaiselongue from the Vampires pack:
You can try to use them with regular couches or another chaiselongue but they might clip. Also, side note that on two poses your Sims' eyelids might not be fully closed due to the eyelid bug that came with lovestruck a while ago. I tested those poses on several Sims, sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. I really hope EA will fix this issue soon. 😭
This set comes with 5 poses for 3 Sims, they are made with two masc and one fem rig, clipping is unfortunately inevitable. Teleporter goes in the middle of the chaiselongue!
You need:
Andrew Pose Player
Teleport Any Sim
the chaiselongue from the Vampires pack
Download (for free):
If you decide to use these, feel free to tag me here or on instagram! I'd love to see what you create with them! <3
TOU: please do not edit + reupload, claim or paywall my poses!
@ts4-poses @alwaysfreecc
#the sims 4#ts4 poses#sims 4 poses#storytelling poses#fantasy poses#spellcaster poses#magic poses#healing poses#trio poses#supernatural poses#my poses
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💭What are your Headcanons after the events in Baldur’s Gate 3?💭
Thank you very much for the tag @yennefer-of-vengerbergs and @aristenfromwarsaw 💙💙💙
This time I'll do it for Jelayah again.

1. Who is your romance?

Astarion She would have been curious to explore other possibilities, but Jelayah is faithful and monogamous. Especially since she immediately noticed that it is important for Astarion to be in a sincere, serious monogamous relationship, even if he himself would not admit it. To focus on their relationship and his needs, emotional stability and above all security is the most important thing and especially more important than any other short-lived physical pleasures. But after the final battle, she suggested to Astarion that he should travel alone and see the world. He was locked up and tied up for so long, he should first experience the wonders of the world for himself and make up for what he had missed. He shouldn't immediately tie himself to the next person. He should become aware of his feelings, have the opportunity to really become aware of them and...if he realizes that he actually loves her, that it wasn't just due to the circumstances, then he could return to her.
2. Where do you live?
Jelayah has bought a house by the river in Baldur's Gate. Perfect for keeping an eye out for adventurers' quests and being reachable, but still far enough away from the hustle and bustle to relax. She has also bought a piece of forest in which the grown-up owlbear cub can live. Because in the city it was a safety risk for everyone involved as it grew. All hunters and foresters in the area have been checked to ensure that the owlbear lives there in peace and the forest is signposted accordingly. Jelayah visits the owlbear every day when she is not traveling on a job. And actually she would rather move to a hut in the nature near the owlbear, but... ...but she is staying in the city of Baldur's Gate because she is secretly still waiting for a certain pale elf to return to her. So that he can find her. And she might even wait forever...

3. Who always cleans up and decides on the furnishings?
Her house her stuff. Even though she likes to travel a lot, she still tries to make it comfortable. You have to feel good at home. It's an oasis. Maybe just before or after a trip it's sometimes a little chaotic, but then she turns it back into her feel-good paradise that everyone is welcome to come to. A chaiselongue on the terrace above the river to watch the sunset, dark wood and reds. But she would love to create something new together.
4. Which companions do you have the most contact with?
She wants to be in contact with anyone! And if there is a chance to visit the others, she does it! She has persuaded Lae'zel to stay anyway. She would have loved to see Wyll as Duke of Baldur's Gate, but he is in Avernus with Karlach and she misses them both terribly. She looks after Shadowheart and her parents, and can regularly visit Minsc and Jaheira in the city anyway.
5. Has a companion died or are you at odds?
You can't save everyone. But you can definitely save the companions! Nothing would ever happen to them!
6. Where is Scratch?
He's with her in her house, of course!!! (I don't know what Larian was thinking!!! As if Tav would give away the cub and Scratch!?!?!?!?!) He is waiting with her for Master Astarion to come back one day maybe. Maybe they are both the same in that way...
7. What is your next adventure?
Whatever the notice board and the next client have to offer! Whatever comes next...she is ready! But Jelayah only takes on the jobs that she likes. She doesn't need the thrill and she also likes just being at home with Scratch or enjoying nature in the forest with the owlbear. A balanced life.

I tag: @anacdoce and @medra-gonbites
I don't know if you already done this one
#Jelayah#My Tav#Tav#bg3#bg3 tav#baldur's gate 3#astarion#bg3 astarion#dnd#oc#my oc#tag game#tagging game#tumblr moots#mutuals#judasiskariot#bhaal battle beer bard#scratch#owlbear#owlbear cub
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Just a very good looking man chilling on a chaiselongue of human skin….
#dailybilltober2024#billtober2024#bill cipher#canon human bill#billford#gravity falls#human bill cipher#alex hirsch
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Beautiful Bob the Robot project by Joanna Laajisto featuring STUA Costura chaiselongue. A Jon Gasca design. COSTURA: www.stua.com/design/costura Photo Mikko Ryhanen
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i think Remus had a crush on Dumbledore
oh yeah, dumbledore 100% was remus's gay awakening. little baby remus gets called to hogwarts for a meeting with this hot sexy older wizard who's promising him a future he never thought he would have, where he can meet friends and read books and learn to be a wizard and remus thinks this must be the BEST person he's ever met. that's when he starts collecting chocolate frog cards of dumbledore, thus accidentally earning the reputation of a chocolate lover. in reality, he feels indifferent about chocolate at best as a kid but the prospect of getting another dumbledore card makes him develop a big love for chocolate over the years.
then puberty hits and whenever he sees dumbledore in the corridors or gets called to his office for something his heart skips a beat and he doesn't really understand it. he goes to madame pomfrey to have it checked out but she can't find anything wrong with his heart. remus just assumes he's nervous around dumbledore because him being at hogwarts depends on dumbledore's goodwill so he is determined to do whatever he can to be loved by dumbledore. when he gets that letter that he's going to be a prefect he cries tears of happiness, because this more than anything shows him that dumbledore approves of him.
and listen, we don't have to talk about that time he comes across the room of requirement for the first time and inside is just an art gallery of tasteful nude paintings of albus dumbledore and one very comfortable chaiselongue and a box of tissues. because he definitely did not run back to his friends to show them. and they definitely did not come back and suddenly the room looked completely different because james went in first instead of remus. because remus would be soo mortified about them eventually figuring out what the room does, to know that he told his friends what he found there the first time he went into the room. we do not need to mention that.
send me chaos asks!
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Couldn't find the ask at the moment, but this is for @whydidnttheyaskcora (Cobert and buttons for the 100 word writing exercise) <3
Enveloped entirely by his embrace, Cora breathed heavily in his arms. Robert had sought her during her afternoon naptime. And as his luck allowed he had found her just how he'd imagined, sprawled out on her Chaiselongue in the flattering blue tea gown. Her sleep was soon forgotten and her Chaiselongue shared with her eager husband.
Robert noticed how her bodice constricted her breathing and thought to help her. His fingers fondled each button and they struggled only slowly from their holes. Growing impatient, Robert grabbed the half-opened bodice more forcefully.
Pop, pop, pop.
"Robert!" she cried, finally breathing freely.
#100 word writing exercise#cobert drabble#cora crawley#robert crawley#cobert#thank you so much for the ask dear <3
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The Tom Jones Saga
Dear tf2 fandom, specifically the fanfic writers among you (me included). I have a suggestion! WHAT IF...A writing prompt challenge titled the tom jones saga. Where every prompt is a different song by tom jones. You have to write a one shot based on the song title. Can be any ship you want. Inspiration from the song lyrics are optional but it should fit the vibe. Edit: I made a collection on A03 for this challenge, so if you wanna write a one shot for this you can add it here. I added a description and some basic rules. Like name the fanfiction a song from Tom Jones. Remember to tag your story with #thetomjonessaga Note: I put the collection on unmoderated, but I will reject any sort of pro-shipping/incest stuff. Have fun writing. Rare pairs are more than welcome. I hope we'll collect some cool fanfics together
My personal (very clever, very original) ideas: WARNING nsfw contents
• nr 1 obviously has to be sex bomb. based on the title alone DemoScout. It's probably explosive smut...because duh! I am thinking orgasm denial, edging, perhaps even a little bit of feeding scout a chicken wing to make it spicy...I dunno! • Green, green, grass of home is giving Spy angst. He just wants to be happy with his son scout and scout's mother. he wants to return to a home he has never had. A life we was never able to live. Maybe it's a dream or it's where he actually dies and gets his most heartfelt wish. Thinking scout's death scene but reverse. • In the midnight hour. Just hear me out DISCO FEVER Medic Demo. 70s 80s inspired. Demo has this big afro with a colorful headband. I know it's kind of a rare pair. But imagine them dancing through the whole night. Total strangers, getting so close. skin to skin, body on body. the heat of the moment, the beat and rhythm in their blood, the sweat on their sweet sweet lips just breaths apart. It's sensual. It's sexy, it's exciting. • then! Try a little tenderness. I see femme fatale Spy. Spy is def a woman (maybe trans woman). It's EngieSpy. Spy comes home after work, her long red evening gown draped over a chaiselongue. Engie takes off her shoes and massages her shoulders, gives her a glass of champagne. Spy pulls em down, feeds em that olive or whatever they put in fancy drinks, kisses em gently. They stare at each other, need a moment to take it all in. Engie calls her his Doll. She is enchanted. • Not dark yet is most definitely about Sniper. Mostly about his loneliness, his scars, his longing. Maybe it's SniperScout. And they both talk about how they were not being taken seriously by their parental figures. (Scout knows Spy is his dad in this). That their life until this point was filled with disappointment and pain, but they want to make the best of it. They wanna get to the other side, ya know. It's gonna get better, eventually. Yeah that's it. Do with that what you will! And gimme your ideas. Don't be shy!
#tf2#team fortress 2#tf2 fanfiction#tf2 prompt challenge#tf2 fanfiction ideas#tf2 the tom jones saga#tf2 tom jones#tf2 ships#tf2 fanfiction where every chapter is the title of a tom jones song#no bc why did I put my whole catgirlscoutussy into this post
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Drabble - I am feeling pretty rough
Robert changed into his pyjama. He had a gnawing pain in his abdomen. It was getting worse every day. The whole hospital business did not help much. Tomorrow, Neville Chamberlain, the minister of health, would dine with them. He did not like the war that was going on between his mother and his wife. He was not able to choose a side. He knew he should support Cora. Of course, he should. But Violet was his mother, and he did not want his ears clipped by her.
“Is that all, Milord?” Bates asked.
Robert turned and nodded. “That is all, thank you.” He walked towards the dividing door, Cora sat in front of her vanity mirror. Baxter was just finishing up and walked out of the room.
Cora looked wonderful, especially in her night clothes. He loved the way her hair was down. Baxter always made a side braid for the night. He would love to see her hair down during the day. She had the most beautiful chestnut brown curls. But unfortunately it was not the fashion. The robe Cora was wearing gave her skin an extra glow, Robert thought. “I’m dreading this dinner on Friday.”
Cora turns half towards him and smiles softly. “So are we all, but we have to get through it.”
“I’m afraid Mama seems to see this argument as the last battle, the last big fight of her life. If she loses, there’ll be hell to pay.” Robert continued, untying his robe. The movement hurts, and he presses his hand into his abdomen.
Cora walks towards her bedside. Ready to get in and fall into a deep sleep. She wants to be well rested before that minister will come tomorrow. “Then there’ll be hell to pay.” This time, she is not backing out she thought. Violet needs to know that sometimes things need to change.
Robert breaths in sharply. The pain in his abdomen is bad tonight and says. “Added to which, I’m feeling pretty rough. I’m sure it’s only indigestion, but whether it is or not, I’ll be glad of a chance to put my feet up.” He sat down wearily on the chaiselongue.
Cora turns back around with a worried look on her face and steps closer to him. This afternoon, Robert also complained about some pain. This whole business needed to stop as soon as possible. Robert needed rest “It’s too late to cancel, but I’d be happy to manage the
Evening without you, if you’re ill.”
Everything inside Robert wants to grab the rope she is throwing him. But he knows that it is not an option. His mother would not accept him being absent. No, he just needed to battle through.
“Mama would only say I’d ratted on her. No. As you say, I’ll get through it and then take things quietly for a few days.
He heaves himself to his feet and walks to his bedside. He feels Cora’s eyes burning. He knows she wants him to stay in bed and take his rest. He also knows she will not press. She gave him a way out, but she would not press on him. He gets under the covers and waits for Cora to do the same before he turns off his light. With a slight groan, he turns on his back. He feels the bed move, while Cora scoots closer to him.
Carefully, she puts her hand on his abdomen and presses her lips against his neck. “Try to get some sleep. I hope you will feel better in the morning.”
“I love you, Cora. I love you.”
Her arm moves up and is now resting on his chest. Robert feels her head heavy on his arm, Cora is already asleep. He closes his eyes and tries to ignore the glooming feeling. He can only hope Cora knows how much he truly loves her.
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