#chae heejin
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apcomplexhq · 4 months ago
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✦ Nome do personagem: Chae Heejin. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Han Sohee - Atriz. ✦ Data de nascimento: 14/03/1992. ✦ Idade: 32 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, sul-coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Doce, gentil e amorosa. ✦ Defeitos: Sensível, manipulável e hesitante. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Criadora de Conteúdo. ✦ Bluesky: @AM92CH ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT. ✦ Char como condômino: Heejin é a clássica vizinha que emprestaria uma xícara de açúcar para o vizinho, ajudaria um idoso a atravessar a rua, silenciosa pode ter seu apartamento confundido com um inabitável, mas sempre paga as contas adiantada.
TW’s na bio: bullying, machismo, perseguição e violência doméstica. Biografia:
Há quem diga que Ulsan é uma joia escondida da Coreia do Sul, já que sua história envolve a guerra da Coreia e faz qualquer um olhar para a cidade com outros olhos. Heejin consegue dizer isso bem como moradora da cidade e torcedora fanática do Ulsan Hyundai, com certeza diria fascinada como anos atrás havia a esperança de reconstruir uma nação inteira naquela cidade. Heejin nasceu naquela cidade grande e iluminada, não era perfeita, mas a mistura de concreto com o verde era simplesmente encantador. A coreana foi criada caminhando todos os dias pelas ruas movimentadas indo para a escola, comprava cadernos na mercearia do senhor Kwon, mas o sorriso que carregava todos os dias sempre se desmanchava quando pisava em casa.
Heejin vivia uma verdadeira guerra, tinha dias que eram potes quebrados, outros eram gritos ensurdecedores, o motivo era o mínimo do mínimo, um prato fora do lugar, uma nota que não fora três décimos mais alta tudo era motivo de estresse. Esse que não media esforços, dependendo do dia podia ser apenas um tapa, mas em dias ruins escalonava para algo muito pior. A garota suportava todos os dias aqueles momentos desde pequena e tudo aquilo ficava entalado e no seu espaço solitário, o refúgio da coreana era a arte onde expressava toda sua aflição buscando um aconchego em sua alma, já que sua casa nunca poderia prover.
O ambiente escolar não era tão diferente de sua casa, na verdade, era até mais aconchegante ser a ignorada da sala por não acompanhar as tendências e nem se importar tanto. As poucas brigas em que a colocavam eram um paraíso se comparado a seu próprio lar. Conforme os anos se passavam, o sentimento de querer terminar o ensino médio e fazer uma faculdade longe desse lugar, era seu maior sonho. Heejin já até sabia o que queria da vida seguir a carreira com o que amava, mas claro que isso desencadeou um novo conflito, dessa vez mais forte, era seu sonho, seu futuro, e por ele a coreana lutou com sua família para segui-lo, assim a coreana fora expulsa de casa, com alguns objetos e dinheiro que juntou ao longo do tempo.
Em busca de um novo começo, Heejin decidiu por iniciar seu ano novo letivo na capital Seul, era com um sonho sendo realizado, um lugar novo, pessoas novas, poderia se chamar de um recomeço total em sua vida. Entrou na Universidade , conseguiu um emprego numa cafeteria e assim, foi lentamente, mas seguindo em frente para se estabelecer à seus próprios passos, começou a ser independente. Com a crescente de coisas boas, a garota no auge da juventude se arriscou em se apaixonar, claro que não foi com a primeira pessoa que viu, mas decidiu aos poucos se amolecer por uma pessoa interessante.
Um caso clássico de um veterano que a mesma admirava e conforme se aproximavam descobriam coisas em comum, aos poucos a coreana entrava em uma prisão de controle rígido, em que Heejin era micro gerenciada pelo veterano, podia ser coisas simples sobre a forma como prendia o cabelo, escalonando para roupas e logo sua agenda vivia em função do homem, e a garota via isso com tanta naturalidade, que ao escutar que não era normal, a coreana duvidou afinal, ele parecia ajudá-la a parecer mais bonita a se organizar. Ele não seria capaz de restringi-la, seria? Bem, ele seria completamente e Heejin infelizmente estava encantada demais para perceber a pessoa violenta que seu veterano estava se tornando. Bem e só acabou descobrindo com a intervenção de seus próprios amigos e a muito custo a ajudaram a se mudar para longe do homem e deram suporte para que iniciasse seus estudos em outro lugar, novamente.
Na nova universidade, Heejin entrou em contato com diversas vertentes de arte, com diversos materiais, mas algo que havia captado a sua atenção, era de lei ver alguns estudantes com um caderno todo enfeitado, com diversos tipos de letras, recortes e estilos de arte, e ver diversas páginas sendo decoradas na hora do café em sua frente a fez se dedicar a esse nisso e bem… Tinha talento nisso, todas as páginas feitas pareciam ter sido calculadas, para ter encaixes tão perfeitos e repletos de tantos ricos detalhes, aos poucos de uma aluna qualquer, a coreana atraía reais atenções.
Algumas desejadas que a recomendaram abrir um canal para exibir o processo de confecção de seus desenhos, pinturas e colagens e seguindo esse conselho, a ideia se tornou realidade e devagarinho a ideia foi crescendo e se moldando em um canal no Youtube. Outras bem, como dizer? Não se sabe dizer com certeza, apenas sentir, Heejin sentia mais do que ninguém como se tivesse sendo observada por alguém. Nunca sabia quem era, apenas convivia com a sensação desagradável de olhos gélidos pairando sobre si. As poucas amizades que cultivavam apenas diziam “É besteira.”, e poderia ser, mas como explicar suas coisas sumindo, a sensação de ter tido alguém em seu dormitório? As autoridades não ligariam para uma denúncia de uma mulher, não na Coreia do Sul. Era impensável tudo isso.
Só que era uma realidade, a mais dura delas e Heejin só percebeu isso quando era tarde demais, em uma rua no meio de seu tradicional trajeto para casa, onde encarou o que seria a pessoa responsável por tanto desconforto. Recusando a aceitar todas aquelas palavras estranhas, a coreana encarou o pior lado daquela situação, naquele momento a coreana teve que lutar por si mesma e sua vida. A experiência do ambiente familiar calhou naquele momento, e na primeira oportunidade que teve, a coreana empurrou como pode o homem e correu para casa. Ao chegar aquele ambiente em que vivia por anos, Heejin, se encontrava sufocada, com medo, querendo ir para bem longe de Seul, formação?
Ela nem conseguiu pensar nisso quando começou a arrumar as coisas na pressa e extrema confusão, enquanto organizava o básico para fugir dali, umas poucas coisas, um folheto caiu ao chão em meio a bagunça. Nele estava um anúncio de uma vila, talvez ali fosse um bom lugar para recomeçar. Nele estava um anúncio de uma vila, talvez ali fosse um bom lugar para recomeçar. E lá ela viveu bem até haver uma grande evasão da cidade e seu colégio foi atingido tendo sido interrompido todas as atividades ela se viu tendo que ir para um novo lugar e assim descobriu a rede de condomínios de Nikos interessada decidiu se mudar para esse novo lugar e seguir seu grande sonho que é ser criadora de conteúdo com sua maior paixão. Artes.
O investimento em seus conteúdos foi se ampliando e logo ganhou exposição, algumas pessoas queriam suas obras e trabalhos manuais. A coreana construía muita coisa e sua monetização já era suficiente para viver e era isso que importava, não queria ser rica e famosa. Só queria fazer o que gosta e não se importava. Até encontrar um sentido para vender suas peças: caridade. Sempre quis ajudar, e não apenas fazendo pelúcias para recém-nascidos e crianças em orfanatos. Com isso, começou a criar projetos para revender coleções autorais em live e ensinar algumas técnicas.
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mugunghwarp · 2 years ago
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Idade: 31 anos.
Gênero: Feminino cis.
Qualidades: Amorosa, gentil.
Defeitos: Sensível, hesitante.
Nacionalidade/Etnia: Sul coreana/coreana.
Temas de interesse: Todos.
Faceclaim: Han Sohee - atriz.
Twitter: MV92CH.
OOC: +18 ela/dela ou ele/dele.
TW: Nenhum.
TW: Bullying, machismo, perseguição e violência doméstica.
Há quem diga que Ulsan é uma joia escondida da Coreia do Sul, já que sua história envolve a guerra da Coreia e faz qualquer um olhar para a cidade com outros olhos. Heejin consegue dizer isso bem como moradora da cidade e torcedora fanática do Ulsan Hyundai, com certeza diria fascinada como anos atrás havia a esperança de reconstruir uma nação inteira naquela cidade. Heejin nasceu naquela cidade grande e iluminada, não era perfeita, mas a mistura de concreto com o verde era simplesmente encantador. A coreana foi criada caminhando todos os dias pelas ruas movimentadas indo para a escola, comprava cadernos na mercearia do senhor Kwon, mas o sorriso que carregava todos os dias sempre se desmanchava quando pisava em casa.
Heejin vivia uma verdadeira guerra, tinha dias que eram potes quebrados, outros eram gritos ensurdecedores, o motivo era o minimo do mínimo, um prato fora do lugar, uma nota que não fora três décimos mais alta tudo era motivo de estresse. Esse que não media esforços, dependendo do dia podia ser apenas um tapa, mas em dias ruins escalonava para algo muito pior. A garota suportava todos os dias aqueles momentos desde pequena e tudo aquilo ficava entalado e no seu espaço solitário, o refúgio da coreana era a arte onde expressava toda sua aflição buscando um aconchego em sua alma, já que sua casa nunca poderia prover.
O ambiente escolar não era tão diferente de sua casa, na verdade, era até mais aconchegante ser a ignorada da sala por não acompanhar as tendências e nem se importar tanto. As poucas brigas em que a colocavam eram um paraíso se comparado a seu pr´prio lar. Conforme os anos se passavam, o sentimento de querer terminar o ensino médio e fazer uma faculdade longe desse lugar, era seu maior sonho. Heejin já até sabia o que queria da vida seguir a carreira com o que amava, mas claro que isso desencadeou um novo conflito, dessa vez mais forte, era seu sonho, seu futuro, e por ele a coreana lutou com sua família para segui-lo, assim a coreana fora expulsa de casa, com alguns objetos e dinheiro que juntou ao longo do tempo.
Em busca de um novo começo, Heejin decidiu por iniciar seu ano novo letivo na capital Seul, era com um sonho sendo realizado, um lugar novo, pessoas novas, poderia se chamar de um recomeço total em sua vida. Entrou na Universidade , conseguiu um emprego numa cafeteria e assim, foi lentamente, mas seguindo em frente para se estabelecer à seus próprios passos, começou a ser independente. Com a crescente de coisas boas, a garota no auge da juventude se arriscou em se apaixonar, claro que não foi com a primeira pessoa que viu, mas decidiu aos poucos se amolecer por uma pessoa interessante.
Um caso clássico de um veterano que a mesma admirava e conforme se aproximavam descobriam coisas em comum, aos poucos a coreana entrava em uma prisão de controle rígido, em que Heejin era micro gerenciada pelo veterano, podia ser coisas simples sobre a forma como prendia o cabelo, escalonando para roupas e logo sua agenda vivia em função do homem, e a garota via isso com tanta naturalidade, que ao escutar que não era normal, a coreana duvidou afinal, ele parecia ajudá-la a parecer mais bonita a se organizar. Ele não seria capaz de restringi-la, seria? Bem, ele seria completamente e Heejin infelizmente estava encantada demais para perceber a pessoa violenta que seu veterano estava se tornando. Bem e só acabou descobrindo com a intervenção de seus próprios amigos e a muito custo a ajudaram a se mudar para longe do homem e deram suporte para que iniciasse seus estudos em outro lugar, novamente.
Na nova universidade, Heejin entrou em contato com diversas vertentes de arte, com diversos materiais, mas algo que havia captado a sua atenção, era de lei ver alguns estudantes com um caderno todo enfeitado, com diversos tipos de letras, recortes e estilos de arte, e ver diversas páginas sendo decoradas na hora do café em sua frente a fez se dedicar à esse nisso e bem… Tinha talento nisso, todas as páginas feitas pareciam ter sido calculadas, para ter encaixes tão perfeitos e repletos de tantos ricos detalhes, aos poucos de uma aluna qualquer, a coreana atraía reais atenções.
Algumas desejadas que a recomendaram abrir um canal para exibir o processo de confecção de seus desenhos, pinturas e colagens e seguindo esse conselho, a ideia se tornou realidade e devagarinho a ideia foi crescendo e se moldando em um canal no Youtube. Outras bem, como dizer? Não se sabe dizer com certeza, apenas sentir, Heejin sentia mais do que ninguém como se tivesse sendo observada por alguém. Nunca sabia quem era, apenas convivia com a sensação desagradável de olhos gélidos pairando sobre si. As poucas amizades que cultivavam apenas diziam “É besteira.”, e poderia ser, mas como explicar suas coisas sumindo, a sensação de ter tido alguém em seu dormitório? As autoridades não ligariam para uma denuncia de uma mulher, não na Coreia do Sul. Era impensável tudo isso.
Só que era uma realidade, a mais dura delas e Heejin só percebeu isso quando era tarde demais, em uma rua no meio de seu tradicional trajeto para casa, onde encarou o que seria a pessoa responsável por tanto desconforto. Recusando a aceitar todas aquelas palavras estranhas, a coreana encarou o pior lado daquela situação, naquele momento a coreana teve que lutar por si mesma e sua vida. A experiência do ambiente familiar veio a calhar naquele momento, e na primeira oportunidade que teve, a coreana empurrou como pode o homem e correu para casa. Ao chegar aquele ambiente em que vivia por anos Heejin, se encontrava sufocada, com medo querendo ir para bem longe de Seul, formação?
Ela nem conseguiu pensar nisso quando começou a arrumar as coisas na pressa e extrema confusão, enquanto organizava o básico para fugir dali, umas poucas coisas, um folheto caiu ao chão em meio a bagunça. Nele estava um anúncio de uma vila, Mugunghwa, talvez ali fosse um bom lugar para recomeçar.
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loonathepoll · 5 months ago
new video
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izfims · 1 year ago
drunk dazed — kim chaewon
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synopsis: chaewon’s always the one to babysit you when you’re drunk.
genres: college au, fluff, teeny bit of angst, jealousy jealousy, drunken confessions
pairings: non idol!chaewon x fem!reader ft. aespa giselle, itzy yeji, and artms heejin
warnings: one or two curse words, alcohol consumption
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You absolutely loved parties.
There was nothing like winding down on a Friday night after a week full of stressful classes and harrowing exams. While some people preferred to stay in and catch up on their rest, you liked to go out and get hammered.
Tonight was another one of Aeri’s popular ragers — you preferred hers over Felix’s. The sound of SZA blasted through her million dollar home as people continued to pile in as the night went by. There was a crowd of students dancing in the main quad as everyone else was sprawled across every inch of her house.
You, however, were snuggled up on a couch in the far corner with a girl whose name you just can’t seem to remember.
You were at least four shots of vodka in by this point, and although you weren’t insanely drunk yet, you were definitely starting to feel it. And when it came to the extent where sobriety was blurred, your actions just had a mind of its own.
“God, you’re so pretty,” the girl, whose name you think is Hyejin, slurs in your ear as her head rests in the nook of your neck. Your face begins to grow hot, and you swear it’s from the alcohol seeping in your veins. Your arm wrap around her shoulder, sighing in a false content. You didn’t even want anything to do with this girl, but it was the feeling of someone close to you that you just craved.
And if anyone was watching, it had to be Chaewon.
Chaewon never really liked parties or just going out in general. She only tagged along because you asked her to (and she always listened to you).
She could feel her grip around her cup tighten as she watches the scene unfold in front of her. This was a usual occurrence on most weekends — you dragging Chaewon to parties so she could babysit you. She was your best friend; it was basically part of the unwritten rules.
It’s not like she minded either, somewhat. When the night came to an end and she had to carry you back to your dorm, she grew fond of your slurred words and drunken smile - and how there was a slight red that dusted your cheeks whenever you drank a little too much.
But tonight was different for some reason.
You usually spent your time at parties dancing the night away or sticking around Chaewon and your other friends. Yet here you were, minutes away from locking lips with a total stranger.
“What the fuck is Y/N doing?” Chaewon questions out loud, her eyes narrowing at you and Heejin.
“Oh shit!” Yeji says with a satisfied hum, “looks like Y/N’s finally about to have her first one night stand tonight and it’s with Jeon Heejin.”
Chaewon chugs the rest of her drink, her nose scrunching from the bitter taste of whatever it was. “Jeez, Chae,” Yeji voices, a little taken aback from the sudden movement, “slow down a bit.” The short haired girl wipes away the remnants of the liquid trickling from the corner of her lips before giving a curt nod to her friend and marching over to where you were sitting.
You were in the middle of downing another shot when Chaewon’s figure shadows over you and your new acquaintance. “Wonnie!” you say excitedly, immediately taking your arm off of the other girl and extending your hands out for your best friend to hold.
Chaewon grabs your hand, ignoring the spark she felt when you make contact. “It’s time to go home,” she says, beginning to pull you up when you’re suddenly pulled back down again.
“It’s so early,” Heejin groans, a pout forming at her lips as she gives you a look, “stay a little longer.”
You look from Heejin’s grasp around your waist up to Chaewon’s hand in yours. “I’m sorry Hyejin,” you announce, shimmying your way out of the girl’s grip and allowing your best friend to pull you up from the couch, “but if Chaewon says it’s time to go home, then I have to go.”
“It’s ‘Heejin’,” the long haired girl corrects with a tone of attitude laced in her voice, but you could care less as Chaewon guides you through the bodies of people dancing and towards the exit.
You’re nearly stumbling down Aeri’s porch steps as more people just begin to arrive, all of them giving you a high five as Chaewon tightens her hold on you. “I’ll see you guys at the next party!” you shout at them with a grin, trying to balance yourself against the shorter girl as you walk.
You’re halfway to your dorm when all of the shots you took finally catch up to you, and you can feel yourself fold to the ground as Chaewon lets out a yelp in surprise.
“Y/N!” she scolds, leading you to a nearby bench, “Get it together.” She grabs a water bottle from her bag and opens the cap before handing it to you, watching you clumsily bring it to your mouth.
Some of the water falls from your lips and drip onto your chin, causing for another tsk to come from Chaewon when she sits beside you. Her dainty fingers find their way on your face as she wipes away the liquid with her sleeve, her eyes concentrated on cleaning you up as you observe her.
“How’d you get that scar on your top lip?” you ask her, your voice barely above a whisper. The short haired girl looks up at you promptly before pulling away and instinctively touching her scar.
“A cat scratched me when I was little,” she responds, clearing her throat awkwardly when she notices you looking at her like that, “we should get going.”
You shake her head, grabbing her arm to stop her from moving any further, “Can we just stay here for a bit? My head hurts.” Chaewon purses her lip, settling in her seat once more as you smile at her in success.
There it was again. Your drunken smile.
Chaewon could feel her heart burst with emotion while you mindlessly play with her hand, her mind running with a million thoughts. “I’m sorry for always making you babysit me when I’m drunk,” you sigh, dropping her fingers from your grasp.
Your best friend grabs your hand, “I don’t mind.”
“I don’t even know what I was doing with that Hyejin girl,” you ramble, and Chaewon couldn’t help but to admire you as you did, “I should’ve been with you instead.”
“It’s ‘Heejin’,” she corrects, mocking what was said earlier as you groan.
“Same thing.”
The shorter haired girl lets out a laugh, and soon enough the two of you are giggling together about who knows what.
Your laughter dies down as you take a glance at your best friend — if anyone saw the way you were looking at her at that moment, they would describe it as having hearts in your eyes.
“Wonnie,” you start, and her attention goes to you, “you know I love you right?”
She nods, “Yeah, I love you too.”
You shake your head, “No, I mean like - I love you, Chae.”
You can see her smile falter a bit before she regains her composure, “Y/N, let’s go back to your dorm.”
You feel a pang in your heart at her words — was this what rejection felt like? “Do you get what I’m saying?”
Chaewon knew that you were going to keep pressing if she didn’t give you a clear answer. Of course she knew what you meant; she’s loved you for years. “You’re drunk.. we can talk about this when you’re you again,” she says as she gets up from bench, beginning to walk towards the direction of your dorm.
You stumble after her, wrapping your hand from her wrist, “Chaewon, please.”
Your best friend sighs as she turns around to connect eyes with you. There was a beat of silence between the two of you, just watching and waiting for the other to speak first. “I’ve loved you for years, Y/N,” she finally admits, “it hurts seeing you get friendly with random girls whenever you drink.”
You try your best to supress a smile at her confession, and you subtly rid your thoughts to continue the serious conversation, “I only get friendly because it distracts me from looking at you and Yeji flirt all the time.”
“Yeji and I do not flirt.”
A scoff comes from you as you roll your eyes, “Maybe you don’t, but she definitely does.”
“Okay, okay,” Chaewon surrenders, a smile finally breaking out on her face as she interlocks your hands together to lead you home. “You know I’m gonna make you confess to me again when you’re sober, right?”
“I’ll confess to you whenever you want me to.”
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word count: 1.8k
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lgcmanager · 4 months ago
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last week, we've posted an announcement and, at the end of it, asked for a like to confirm that it has been read. for all the muns who liked the post, here's a surprise reward of +5 NOTORIETY for all your muses.
for reference, here’s a list of the muses rewarded ( and if we forgot about you or one of your muses, let us know! ) you may use this post as proof of your points sheet.
ahn yein
bae heejin
bae nathan
bae sojin
baek byeongkwan
carter jaejin
cha hyoseop
cha sori
chae rua
chen maylin
cho iseul
cho minkyu
choi junkyu
choi kai
gong hyejoo
han jisoo
han noeul
han rowon
han seunghyun
hirawa emi
ito mio
jeon haru
jo eunwoo
kang maximilian
kang minjun
kang yoojoon
kim cherry
kim jinhyuk
kim jinseo
kim jinyoung
kim nayoung
kim sehun
kim seyoon
kim yujin
kuramoto misaki
kurosawa akio
kwon baekhyun
kwon hyuntae
kwon sena
lee hyunsoo
lee jiho
lee minji
lee yushin
lim sanghyun
liu yuxi
mae jasper
min hanbin
min soyoun
moon hayoung
moon jiah
moon jino
moon somin
nam gyuri
noh areum
oh eunhye
okamoto kentaro
park hyukjae
park seojin
park sujin
park taeha
park zoe
seo minseo
seo nina
seo yura
shin jieun
son nabi
su parker
sung haneul
takanashi asami
won yeonwoo
xu lili
yamashita ichika
yang aeri
yoo haemin
yoon bitna
yu milan
zheng leo
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lgchyoseop · 3 months ago
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wow... has it really been so long? five years is a lot of years, i've come and gone a couple of times, but soon i'll have a muse turning three years ! (congrats cha hyoseop, my idiot, i love you). this is an incredible community, i've gotten so many friends here, and i've had so much fun, me and my muses truly love legacy <3 as a gift for you all, i've gathered a bunch of quotes (around 200-ish), then given the quotes a number and used a randominzer to pick which quote each muse should have, so it's basically fate giving you this quote! thanks to legacy, the mods and members!
(you can use ctrl+f to search for your muses name)
ahn jaehwa “you have not failed, until you make failing stop you”
ahn yein “don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where they are, had to begin where they were”
bae heejin “tough times never last, but tough people do”
bae nathan “define success on your own terms, achieve it by your own rules, and build a life you’re proud to live”
bae sojin “take chances, make mistakes. that’s how you grow. pain nourishes your courage. you have to fail in order to practice being brave”
baek byeongkwan “there is nothing on earth that blooms all year long. nature wasn’t created to do that and neither are you.”
baek seona “some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go”
carter jaejin “focus on the step in front of you, not the whole staircase”
cha hyoseop “sometimes our limitations tell us when to stop. but sometimes they can show us where to look next”
cha sori “it is not our abilities that make us who we are, it’s our choices”
chae rua “the only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come”
chen maylin “i wasn’t afraid to fail. something good always comes out of failure”
cho iseul “if you really want to do something, you’ll find a way. if you don’t, you’ll find an excuse”
cho minkyu “make failure your teacher, not your undertaker”
choi junkyu “i’d rather attempt something great and fail than to attempt nothing and succeed”
choi kai “in youth we learn, in age we understand”
gong hyejoo “there’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” 
han hyunhee “do not fear mistakes, there are none”
han jisoo “a failure is not always a mistake, it may simple be the best one can do under the circumstances. the real mistake is to stop trying”
han noeul “hope is being able to see there is light, despite all of the darkness”
han rowon “if you spend your whole life waiting for the storm, you’ll never enjoy the sunshine” 
han seunghyun “one that want the fruit, must climb the tree”
hirawa emi “if you focus on results, you will never change. if you focus on change, you will get results”
hwang minki “rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine”
im yunseo “nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘i’m possible’”
ito mio “you learn more from failure than success. don’t let it stop you. failure builds character” 
jeon haru “doubts kill more dreams than failure ever will”
jo eunwoo “the secret of getting ahead is getting started”
kang maximillian “success is a state of mind. if you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success” 
kang minjun “remember, you can regret things you did not do”
kang sarang “i hold it true, what’er befall, i feel it, when i sorrow most. tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all”
kang yojoon “to be a champion you have to believe in yourself when no one else will”
kim cherry “i have not failed. i’ve just found 10.000 ways that won’t work”
kim jinhyuk “if you look closely, most overnight successes took a long time”
kim jinseo “turn your wounds into wisdom”
kim jinyoung “the best way to make your dreams come true, is to wake up”
kim nayoung “failure is a detour, not a dead-end-street”
kim sehun “only put off tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone” 
kim seyoon “don’t be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams”
kim yujin “always dream and shoot higher than you know you can do. do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. try to be better than yourself.”
kuramoto misaki “follow your dreams, they show which way to go”
kurosawa akio “in order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear for failure”
kwon baekhyun “life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced” 
kwon hyuntae “the only thing that doesn’t change in life, is that thing changes” 
kwon sena “the sea is dangerous and its storms terrible, but these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore”
lai wenjun “being lost is not bad, as it is what happens before you find your way”
lee hyunsoo “the elevator to success if out of order. you’ll have to use the stairs… one step at a time”
lee jiho “if opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door” 
lee minji “don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds that you plant” 
lee yushin “time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted” 
lim sanghyun “i will either find a way or make one”
liu yuxi “to lose is still to learn”
mae jasper “if you can’t fly, then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving” 
min chaeyeon “i can’t change the direction of the wind, but i can adjust my sails to always reach my destination
min hanbin “failure is simply the opportunity to try again, this time better-knowing”
min soyoun “some people want it to happen, some wish it to happen, be someone who makes it happen”
moon hayoung “don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great”
moon jiah “success only comes to those who dare attempt”
moon jino “you can’t connect the dots looking forward. you can only connect them looking backwards, so you have to trust that they will somehow connect in your future”
moon somin “do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do”
nam gyuri “the best way to predict the future is to create it”
noh areum “it is best to act with confidence, no matter how little right you have to it”
oh eunhye “life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards” 
okamoto kentaro “life isn’t about finding yourself, life is about creating yourself”
park chaekyung “we may encounter many defeats, but we must not be defeated”
park hyukjae “don’t wish it was easier, wish you were better. don’t wish for less problems, wish for more skills. don’t wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom”
park seojin “exhale the past, inhale the future”
park sujin “scars only show us where we’ve been, they do not dictate where we’ll be”
park taeha “be not afraid of storms because you are learning how to sail your ship”
park zoe “difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. the human spirit is to grow strong by conflict”
seo minseo “sometimes good things fall apart, so better things can fall together”
seo nina “it does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don’t stop”
seo yura “your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change”
shin jieun “in three words i can sum up everything i’ve learned about life: it goes on” 
son nabi “you need to let go of the past’s hand so you can catch the hand of the future”
su parker “you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”
sung haneul “if you fell down yesterday, stand up today”
takanashi asami “fairytales are more than true: not because they tell us dragons exist, but because they tell us dragons can be beaten”
watanabe miyu “let the past take care of itself, and let the present move towards the future”
won yeonwoo “tomorrow is a mystery, yesterday is history, and today is a gift, that’s why they call it present”
xu lili “asking for help isn’t giving up, it’s refusing to give up”
xue yichen “never give up on a dream just because of the time it’ll take to accomplish it. the time will pass anyway”
yamashita ichika “anything is a journey if you start somewhere” 
yang aeri “you cannot swim for new horizons until you have courage to lose sight of the shore.”
yoo haemin “dreams do not have an expiration date, you can always keep trying”
yoon bitna “aim for the moon. if you miss, you may hit a star” 
yu milan “getting lost is part of the journey” zheng leo “don’t let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of winning”
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pb-littleverse · 1 year ago
little!Hyunjin's Part 2 to the previous request, little!Heejin and little!Hyunjin both in different girl groups now and feeling miserable not being able to see each other as much.
Part 1
Tensions have been high today in the Loossemble dorms, and Kahei is only a few steps shy from the end of her rope.
She had already had to put Hyeju in timeout today. Her baby wolf once again decided to mock Chaewonnie until she cried tears of frustration.
Now, it’s Chae’s turn in the corner, having left teeth marks in Hyeju’s hand in a disagreement over a game, and then biting her on the ankle to try and stop her from tattling.
She loves her little girls, even when one lives to antagonize, and the other likes to act out as a literal ankle biter. She loves all of them fiercely.
But with Chaewonnie acting up more than usual lately, Hyeju taunting her for it, and Yeojin sleeping like a baby (literally in her baby headspace), Kahei can’t deny that some help at a time like this would be appreciated.
But through everything today, Hyunjin has been suspiciously quiet. She had wanted time to herself earlier, as she often does most free afternoons. But it’s now past dinnertime, and Kahei realizes that she hasn’t seen Hyunjin for hours.
Worry sparks through her when she knocks on her bedroom door, only to get no response. Conflicted relief takes over when Kahei finds her facedown on the living room sectional instead.
She’s wearing her kitty collar, which means she’s little. While Hyunjin is one of the most reliable caregivers, the tradeoff is that Aeongie can be one of their most unpredictable littles–hence the agreement to put a bell collar on her.
What’s concerning, however, is that she hasn’t heard that bell ringing once today, which means Aeongie has either been cooped up in her room, or else moping here on the couch all evening.
Kahei’s heart aches for her little girl, but she can’t repress a sigh. She’s tired, and consoling Aeongie is always a tossup.
Still, Kahei shakes herself into a steady, gentle tone before confronting her sulky darling.
“Aeongie, baby, are you doing okay?” she asks.
Aeongie huffs, blowing a big, grumpy breath out of her mouth.
“Wan’ cereal,” she pouts.
Kahei has to strain to hear her. The corner of her mouth quirks up into a smile, and she has to hold her knuckles to her own mouth to keep from giggling.
There’s no question: it’s terrible seeing Hyunjin upset, but Kahei can’t always help her urge to laugh at inappropriate times. Here with Aeongie’s head crammed between the cushions of the sectional is no exception.
“Cereal, really?” she asks, raising an eyebrow fondly. “For dinner?”
Aeongie’s furious nodding is hard to argue with. Kahei isn’t normally one to indulge demands that are made without a “Please” before them, but since she’s the one who didn’t think to check on Aeongie at dinnertime, she accepts it as a fair enough bargain.
Kahei prepares Aeongie’s favorite mix: Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Lucky Charms, with a generous marshmallow-to-cereal ratio as a treat, and doused in cold milk.
“It looks like my kitty cat could use a pick-me-up,” she muses, setting the bowl down in front of Aeongie and taking the armchair at the end of the coffee table.
“T’ank you,” Aeongie mutters.
“You’re so welcome, baby.” Kahei smiles, pleased by Aeongie’s manners and rocking in her chair to give her time to eat.
Only after a wild descent upon the bowl does Aeongie cough up what’s bothering her.
“Miss Heekkie,” she grumbles, her spoon roughly clattering as she drops it into the cleared bowl.
“You miss Heekkie?” Kahei smiles. This is about what she expected. “That sounds like something a good playdate at the ARTMS dorm can help with, no?”
What surprises Kahei is the stormy conviction on Aeongie’s brow only hardening at the suggestion.
“Don’ wanna,” she hisses, swiftly shambling across the floor and plopping herself down in Kahei’s lap.
If there was a fight between her and Heekkie, Kahei knows nothing about it. She racks her brain, knowing there’s no chance of prying further while Aeongie is like this. She’s at least willing to lean into Kahei’s touch while she strokes her hair. That’s a good sign, anyways.
After giving it some thought, she switches her tactic.
“Do you need to get some energy out, baby? Do you want to play in your box?”
The box came with their dorm’s new refrigerator. Their company had it delivered not long into everyone moving in, after the girls agreed to let ARTMS keep LOONA’s old one. The day that Kahei and Hyeju managed to get it running, no one could locate Aeongie.
After a thorough search of the dorm, they found her napping in the box. She looked even more precious and peaceful than if she had been in her own bed. As such, they kept it around as a sort of playhouse for Aeongie.
But now, something pitiful crosses Aeongie’s face at the mention of the box. She buries her face in Kahei’s lap and frantically mumbles something. Worry flares up in Kahei.
“Speak up for me, honey?” she coaxes.
“I put a hole in it!” Aeongie bawls, suddenly banging her fists against the arm of the chair and threatening to fall out of Kahei’s lap.
And that throws Kahei for a loop. She wants to ask Aeongie what in the world happened to get her this worked up. But first, she allows her little girl the space to cry herself out.
“Oh, kitten,” she hums. “Can Momma touch your head?”
Aeongie nods vigorously, throwing herself in a wild, sprawling adjustment out in Kahei’s lap. Once she’s settled, Kahei presses her fingertips into Aeongie’s scalp and massages in slow circles. Tears slide down her cheeks and onto Kahei’s pants as she lifts herself higher onto her lap.
After a minute of gentle rocking in Kahei’s hold, Aeongie finally spills.
“Don’ wan’ Heekkie to see me when I’m not fun,” she blubbers.
Hearing it just about cracks Kahei’s heart in two, but she remains steady.
“But, baby, don’t you think Heekkie is sad too?”
Aeongie shakes her head with a grunt, smudging more tears into Kahei’s shirt. But after thinking about it a little longer, she relents.
“I don’ know,” she murmurs.
They stay like that, Kahei holding her close, until Aeongie eventually grows restless. She rolls down and onto the floor, tugging insistently for her Momma to follow.
With Kahei’s help, Aeongie trudges along to show her what happened to the box. Kahei finds that she had indeed punched a hole through in a moment’s tantrum, and even flattened it some as well.
Aeongie’s lip quivers as she surveys the damage. Kahei shushes her comfortingly, and they gradually work towards a solution that Aeongie can agree with.
She allows Kahei to cut a bigger hole in the side of the box. When it’s ready, Aeongie sits pensively in the cockpit of her new “spaceship,” assessing the changes to her favorite toy.
Kahei chews her lip as she watches. This is Aeongie, or Hyunjin– always their brave commander. This is Aeongie/Hyunjin, who went through every phase of grief to secure the formation of this group.
This is Aeongie/Hyunjin, who stayed behind with Kahei and saved her from being stranded alone at their old company.
After looking the box over from every angle, Aeongie turns and stares up at Kahei with big, pleading eyes.
On cue, Kahei pushes up against the back of the box, driving her around on the carpet. Aeongie bursts into squeals and Kahei, feeling gratified, finds the nerve to add sound effects.
Aeongie will still need time and space to wallow. Kahei will cherish moments like these in the meantime, taking any opportunity to put a smile on her face.
Their brave commander will pick herself up when she’s ready. Of that, Kahei has no doubt.
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vaal3nt1na · 1 year ago
IFHY | kim sunoo x reader
4 - the fuck?
warnings ‼️‼️
cursing, mentions of kissing, telling someone to die
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“put your seatbelt on hina” heejin said from the passenger seat. the girl only rolled her eyes before putting it on.
“do you think yn and sunoo will kiss at the party?” chae asked earning a quick nod from heejin. “i’ll bet money on it” hina replied
you shook your head, “i don’t think we will”
“of course you don’t, how much do you wanna bet?” you didn’t realize she was being serious about this whole betting thing. “$40” you replied quickly to which hina agreed to.
soon you arrived at the mall. the four of you went to at least 7 different stores before finding an outfit for you that matched the rest of the group. you settled in the food court after, your bags sitting at the end of the table.
“hey sunghoon” you heard chae call out from beside you, turning your head to see all of them there. but only one of them stood out to you. kim sunoo
chae and hina got up to talk to them for a bit as you and heejin continued the conversation you were having before.
“i don’t know which shoes are better” you said as you had your phone turned towards the older girl, swiping between two different pairs of shoes you own. “the second pair matches the best” you heard a voice that was definitely not heejin’s say from behind you. “what?” you looked at him confused, trying your best to hide the fact you were extremely flustered with how close sunoo was to you right now, “these!” he swiped to the second option you had for shoes, pointing at the screen. his gaze flickered between the phone and you.
you pushed his hand away (fighting the urge to hold it), “i didn’t ask you for your opinion” you tried your hardest to sound like you didn’t care, and it came out better than you thought. right now you were doing a good job at hiding the fact he was flustering you. “babe, i was just trying to help you out, you seemed stressed” he replied in a sickeningly sweet tone. you felt heat rush up your neck and your cheeks suddenly felt extremely hot. “be sure to at least take my opinion into consideration, kay?” he smiled before leaving with his group.
once he was out of sight you immediately put your head in your hands. “the fuck?” you muttered out
“i’m definitely getting $40 next week” hina cackled
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☆ an- i cant write for shit omg 😭
TAGLIST - open!
@arizejkt19 @yanagisprettygf @naddii @kkalechip @valentineluvr
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smckesprite · 1 year ago
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❀ *◦ ⇝ hey, isn’t that heejin “jin” eogeum? i think that the 46 year old from london, england works as a businesswoman (ceo), but outside of that people describe them as leather jackets worn with silky satin blouses, the epitome of an anti-hero and a retired hitperson, and walking on eggshells in their presence isn’t necessary. i hear they are brusque & austere, but they are also known to be sympathetic & poised. consider giving them a visit at their home in the winterwood estates and get to know why they’re called beware the nice one.
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𝐅𝐔���𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄. heejin eogeum ( 어금 희진 )
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒. jin, jinnie
𝐀𝐆𝐄. forty-six ( 46 )
𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇. 18th february 1977
𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇. barcelona, spain
𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍. london, england
𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. bisexual + homoromantic
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 + 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒. cis woman + she ┊ her ┊ hers
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘. spaniard & english
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘. east asian — ( korean )
𝐑𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐈𝐎𝐍. atheist
𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒 𝐒𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍. spanish, korean & english
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. anchorage, alaska
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍. businesswoman ( ceo )
𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐋. general certificate of education, diploma of higher education in business management & bachelor of science degree in international business
𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌. kim heeseon
𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓. 5 feet 6 inches ┊ 168 centimeters
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 & 𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑. dark brown ( natural ); bobbed pink hair ( current ) + hazel eyes
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒. TBA because several
𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆��. one on each earlobe
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. eogeum min-seok & lim chae-yeong — estranged
𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒. three younger siblings — wc. maybe.
𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒. two black & white goldendoodles — tesoro (m) & andalusia, lusia for short (f); ragdoll kitten — danbi (f); korat (m) — mint.
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒. a childhood friend from london, josette leighton.
POSITIVE. sympathetic, poised, eloquent, open-minded & unflinching
NEGATIVE. brusque, austere, stoic, straightforward & over-protective
* POSTING THIS BEFORE I DELETE IT ON ACCIDENT. ** TBA, still a work in progress since june 2023.
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jiamour · 1 year ago
my top 10 kpop songs of 2023 (even though i barely listened to kpop this year):
honorable mentions: plastic candy - haseul, algorithm - heejin, eve, psyche & the bluebeard’s wife - le sserafim, don’t blink - aespa, hot air balloon - aespa, thirsty - aespa, welcome to my world - aespa, agassy - soojin, one kiss - red velvet, knock knock - red velvet, i am - ive , sugarcoat - kiss of life, kiss - dojaejung, perfume - dojaejung, new jeans - newjeans, wicked love - yena, sos - nct dream, off the record - ive, ditto - newjeans, dj - 127
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hejinni · 2 years ago
✿ ᐢ..ᐢ ʚ Loona ɞ
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡ [Girl Group 1]
✧ Debut Date: Aug. 19, 2018 ✧ Disband Date: June 16, 2023 ✧ Generation: 4th ✧ Company: BlockBerry Creative ✧ Fandom Name: Orbit ✧ Members: (Total - 12)
₍⑅ᐢ..ᐢ₎ ♡.°₊ˎˊ˗
Heejin (희진) ⟡ Jeon Heejin (전희진) // B-Day : Oct. 19, 2000
Hyunjin (현진) ⟡ Kim Hyun Jin (김현진) // B-Day : Nov. 15, 2000
Haseul (하슬) ⟡ Jo Ha Seul (조하슬) // B-Day : Aug. 18, 1997
Yeojin (여진) ⟡ Im Yeo Jin (임여진) // B-Day : Nov. 11, 2002
ViVi (비비) ⟡ Wong Gaahei (黃珈熙) // B-Day : Dec. 9, 1996
Kim Lip (김립) ⟡ Kim Jung Eun (김��은) // B-Day : Feb. 10, 1999
JinSoul (진솔) ⟡ Jung Jin Sol (정진솔) // B-Day : June 13, 1997
Choerry (최리) ⟡ Choi Ye Rim (최예림) // B-Day : June 4, 2001
Yves (이브) ⟡ Ha Soo Young (하수영) // B-Day : May 24, 1997
Chuu (츄) ⟡ Kim Ji Woo (김지우) // B-Day : Oct. 20, 1999
Go Won (고원) ⟡ Park Chae Won (박채원) // B-Day : Nov. 19, 2000
Olivia Hye (올리비아혜) ⟡ Son Hye Joo (손혜주) // B-Day : Nov. 13, 2001
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:・゚✧:・.☽˚。・゚✧:・.: ᓚᘏᗢ
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apcomplexhq · 1 year ago
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✦ Nome do personagem: Chae Heejin. ✦ Faceclaim e função: Han Sohee - Atriz. ✦ Data de nascimento: 17/03/1992 ✦ Idade: 31 anos. ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Feminino, ela/dela. ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Coreia do Sul, coreana. ✦ Qualidades: Doce, gentil e amorosa. ✦ Defeitos: Sensível, manipulável e hesitante. ✦ Moradia: Asphodel Meadows. ✦ Ocupação: Criadora de conteúdo. ✦ Twitter: @AM92CH ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, CRACK, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY ✦ Char como condômino: Heejin é silenciosa prefere ser profissional meio afastada de multidões, paga as contas no dia certo, empresta xícara de açúcar.
TW’s na bio: Bullying, Machismo, Perseguição e Violência doméstica
Há quem diga que Ulsan é uma joia escondida da Coreia do Sul, já que sua história envolve a guerra da Coreia e faz qualquer um olhar para a cidade com outros olhos. Heejin consegue dizer isso bem como moradora da cidade e torcedora fanática do Ulsan Hyundai, com certeza diria fascinada como anos atrás havia a esperança de reconstruir uma nação inteira naquela cidade. Heejin nasceu naquela cidade grande e iluminada, não era perfeita, mas a mistura de concreto com o verde era simplesmente encantador. A coreana foi criada caminhando todos os dias pelas ruas movimentadas indo para a escola, comprava cadernos na mercearia do senhor Kwon, mas o sorriso que carregava todos os dias sempre se desmanchava quando pisava em casa.
Heejin vivia uma verdadeira guerra, tinha dias que eram potes quebrados, outros eram gritos ensurdecedores, o motivo era o minimo do minimo, um prato fora do lugar, uma nota que não fora três décimos mais alta tudo era motivo de estresse. Esse que não media esforços, dependendo do dia podia ser apenas um tapa, mas em dias ruins escalonava para algo muito pior. A garota suportava todos os dias aqueles momentos desde pequena e tudo aquilo ficava entalado e no seu espaço solitário, o refúgio da coreana era a arte onde expressava toda sua aflição buscando um aconchego em sua alma, já que sua casa nunca poderia prover.
O ambiente escolar não era tão diferente de sua casa, na verdade, era até mais aconchegante ser a ignorada da sala por não acompanhar as tendências e nem se importar tanto. As poucas brigas em que a colocavam eram um paraíso se comparado a seu pr´prio lar. Conforme os anos se passavam, o sentimento de querer terminar o ensino médio e fazer uma faculdade longe desse lugar, era seu maior sonho. Heejin já até sabia o que queria da vida seguir a carreira com o que amava, mas claro que isso desencadeou um novo conflito, dessa vez mais forte, era seu sonho, seu futuro, e por ele a coreana lutou com sua família para segui-lo, assim a coreana fora expulsa de casa, com alguns objetos e dinheiro que juntou ao longo do tempo.
Em busca de um novo começo, Heejin decidiu por iniciar seu ano novo letivo na capital Seul, era com um sonho sendo realizado, um lugar novo, pessoas novas, poderia se chamar de um recomeço total em sua vida. Entrou na Universidade , conseguiu um emprego numa cafeteria e assim, foi lentamente, mas seguindo em frente para se estabelecer à seus próprios passos, começou a ser independente. Com a crescente de coisas boas, a garota no auge da juventude se arriscou em se apaixonar, claro que não foi com a primeira pessoa que viu, mas decidiu aos poucos se amolecer por uma pessoa interessante.
Um caso clássico de um veterano que a mesma admirava e conforme se aproximavam descobriam coisas em comum, aos poucos a coreana entrava em uma prisão de controle rígido, em que Heejin era micro gerenciada pelo veterano, podia ser coisas simples sobre a forma como prendia o cabelo, escalonando para roupas e logo sua agenda vivia em função do homem, e a garota via isso com tanta naturalidade, que ao escutar que não era normal, a coreana duvidou afinal, ele parecia ajudá-la a parecer mais bonita a se organizar. Ele não seria capaz de restringi-la, seria? Bem, ele seria completamente e Heejin infelizmente estava encantada demais para perceber a pessoa violenta que seu veterano estava se tornando. Bem e só acabou descobrindo com a intervenção de seus próprios amigos e a muito custo a ajudaram a se mudar para longe do homem e deram suporte para que iniciasse seus estudos em outro lugar, novamente.
Na nova universidade, Heejin entrou em contato com diversas vertentes de arte, com diversos materiais, mas algo que havia captado a sua atenção, era de lei ver alguns estudantes com um caderno todo enfeitado, com diversos tipos de letras, recortes e estilos de arte, e ver diversas páginas sendo decoradas na hora do café em sua frente a fez se dedicar à esse nisso e bem… Tinha talento nisso, todas as páginas feitas pareciam ter sido calculadas, para ter encaixes tão perfeitos e repletos de tantos ricos detalhes, aos poucos de uma aluna qualquer, a coreana atraía reais atenções.
Algumas desejadas que a recomendaram abrir um canal para exibir o processo de confecção de seus desenhos, pinturas e colagens e seguindo esse conselho, a ideia se tornou realidade e devagarinho a ideia foi crescendo e se moldando em um canal no Youtube. Outras bem, como dizer? Não se sabe dizer com certeza, apenas sentir, Heejin sentia mais do que ninguém como se tivesse sendo observada por alguém. Nunca sabia quem era, apenas convivia com a sensação desagradável de olhos gélidos pairando sobre si. As poucas amizades que cultivavam apenas diziam “É besteira.”, e poderia ser, mas como explicar suas coisas sumindo, a sensação de ter tido alguém em seu dormitório? As autoridades não ligariam para uma denuncia de uma mulher, não na Coreia do Sul. Era impensável tudo isso.
Só que era uma realidade, a mais dura delas e Heejin só percebeu isso quando era tarde demais, em uma rua no meio de seu tradicional trajeto para casa, onde encarou o que seria a pessoa responsável por tanto desconforto. Recusando a aceitar todas aquelas palavras estranhas, a coreana encarou o pior lado daquela situação, naquele momento a coreana teve que lutar por si mesma e sua vida. A experiência do ambiente familiar veio a calhar naquele momento, e na primeira oportunidade que teve, a coreana empurrou como pode o homem e correu para casa. Ao chegar aquele ambiente em que vivia por anos Heejin, se encontrava sufocada, com medo querendo ir para bem longe de Seul, formação?
Ela nem conseguiu pensar nisso quando começou a arrumar as coisas na pressa e extrema confusão, enquanto organizava o básico para fugir dali, umas poucas coisas, um folheto caiu ao chão em meio a bagunça. Nele estava um anúncio de uma vila, Mugunghwa, talvez ali fosse um bom lugar para recomeçar. E lá ela viveu bem até haver uma grande evasão da cidade e seu colégio foi atingido tendo sido interrompido todas as atividades ela se viu tendo que ir para um novo lugar e assim descobriu a rede de condomínios de Nikos interessada decidiu se mudar para esse novo lugar e seguir seu grande sonho que é ser Youtuber de Journaling.
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myramglina · 4 months ago
EXO 'TEMPO' MUSIC VIDEO from Daniel Jon on Vimeo.
EXO THE 5th ALBUM ‘DON’T MESS UP MY TEMPO” ’TEMPO’ MUSIC VIDEO Produced by SM ENTERTAINMENT Creative Director: Heejin Min Arrangement & Coordination: Yemin Kim PD: Imzooo - Music Video Director: Daniel Jon 1st AD: Choheyo 2nd AD: Ji Hyo Jo - DOP: In Mo Yun 1st AC: Joo Seung Kim, Young Chae Lim 2nd AC: Jea Hwan Ryu 3rd AC: Ji Hyuk Yim DIT: Seo hee Seo, Yeong Hyeon Han - Gaffer: Jun Hee Park Lighting crew: Gangmin Jeong, Daun Jong, Solbin Kang, Haesang Yun Wonky Choi, Subin Lee, Jong Man Kim, Jong Su Kim - Visual Director for Art & Props: Balko Art team Director: Boram Jung Art team: Mini Kim, Sein Jang, Junsu Lee, Sungeum Jung Florist: Taehee Kim Set: CMPARK - Jimmy Jip: Dong Jin Lee, Ki Tae Kim, Jun Young Park Steady Cam: Dae Lim Kim - Show Lighting: Jongrak Chun SPECIAL EFFECTS MCP: Jung Il Park, Jun Young Park Luminous Laser: Chong Sik Byun - Edit: Choheyo, Daniel Jon DI: TD - VFX artist: Jun Goo Lee (adenine) - Sound for Teaser/Main intro&outro: Miolt - PA: Jun su Kim, Alexandro of Korea, Jae Myung Doe - Extra Cast: Digital seoul culture arts university (Modelling), Seoul arts-occupational training college (Modelling) Bikers: Eun Kyo Lee, Hyun Il Choi, Wonjoo Seo, Donghyuk Choi - Catering: Drovedog Myoung Sun Bae, Yu Jin Seon - Special thanks: Sejung Hong - c)2018 SM ENTERTAINMENT Co.,Ltd. All RIGHT RESERVED.
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loveislandkrp · 4 months ago
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THE FOLLOWING HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE CAST ! thank you for applying! please stay tuned for our opening date announcement!
⭒ ㅤ( kim minjeong )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ lim hyeon ⭒ ㅤ( hwang hyunjin )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ august moon ⭒ ㅤ( kim doyeon )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ lee loran ⭒ ㅤ( hwang yeji )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ song iseul ⭒ ㅤ( im changkyun )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ moon jiho ⭒ ㅤ( jeon heejin )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ chu "kassia" soojin ⭒ ㅤ( jennie kim )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ chae riahn ⭒ ㅤ( seo soojin )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ baek youra ⭒ ㅤ( kim seokwoo )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ hong jisoo ⭒ ㅤ( jay chang )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ kye stevens kapossy ⭒ ㅤ( yu jimin )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ kim nara ⭒ ㅤ( choi beomgyu )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ han doyun ⭒ ㅤ( johnny suh )ㅤㅤㅤ /ㅤㅤ jung shinyu
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planetbinnie · 2 years ago
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SKZ | Changbin | Jeongin, Seungmin & Hyunjin |
Dreamcatcher | Gahyeon | Dami, Sua & Jiu |
NCT 127 | Yuta | Jaehyun, Mark, Johnny & Taeyong | NCT DREAM | Jeno | Mark, Haechan & Jaemin | WayV | Kun | Hendery, Ten & Xiaojun | DJJ | Jaehyun | Doyoung & Jungwoo | NCT Wish | Sakuya | Yushi & Ryo|
PURPLE KISS | Swan | Jieun, Dosie & Chaein |
EXO | Kai | Suho, Chanyeol & D.O |
GWSN | Seoryoung | Lena & Anne |
ENHYPEN | Sunoo | Jay, Heeseung, Sunghoon & Jake |
ATZ | San | Yunho, Mingi & Jongho |
Ablume | Sio | Aran & Saena |
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TXT | Yeonjun | Soobin & Hueningkai |
ASTRO | Rocky | Eunwoo & Sanha |
Xdinary Heroes | Gaon | Jun Han |
aespa | Karina | Giselle |
ITZY | Yuna | Chaeryeong & Lia |
IVE | Rei | Liz & Wonyoung |
RIIZE | Anton | Sohee & Shotaro |
Kiss of Life | Haneul | Belle |
P1Harmony | Jiung | Intak |
LOONA | Yeojin | ViVi, Jinsoul & Heejin |
ARTMS | Jinsoul | Heejin & Kim Lip | Odd Eye Circle | Jinsoul | Kim Lip & Choerry | LOOSSEMBLE | Yeojin | ViVi & Gowon |
ZB1 | Jiwoong | Ricky, Zhanghao, Matthew & Hanbin |
OMEGA X | Jaehan | Jehyun, Junghoon, Hyuk, & Kevin |
SEVENTEEN | DK | Mingyu, Jun, S. Coups, Hoshi & Seungkwan |
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TWICE | Jeongyeon | Jihyo, Mina & Momo |
THE BOYZ | Chanhee | Younghoon, Haknyeon & Sangyeon |
Billlie | Suhyeon | Haruna |
STAYC | Isa | Seeun & Sumin |
BOYNEXTDOOR | Leehan | Jaehyun & Woonhak |
Kep1er | Hikaru | Bahiyyih & Youngeun |
fromis_9 | Hayoung | Jisun, Saerom, & Jiheon |
Red Velvet | Seulgi | Wendy & Joy |
NMIXX | Jiwoo | Bae |
MONSTA X | Hyungwon | Shownu & Joohoney |
SHINee | Minho | Onew |
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SOLOISTS (including group soloists):
AleXa, Baekhyun, Chen, Chungha, D.O, Kai, Lee Chae Yeon, Suho, Woodz, Xiumin, Yena, Yves
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Aaliyah, Ariana Grande, Becky G, Billie Eilish, Boys World, Britney Spears, Chappell Roan, Dove Cameron, Dua Lipa, Kali Uchis, Madison Beer, Maggie Lindemann, Megan Thee Stallion, Namie Amuro, Olivia Rodrigo, Paloma Mami, Rina Sawayama, Rosalía, Sabrina Carpenter, Tommy february/heavenly6, Troye Sivan
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lgcmanager · 2 months ago
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once lgc's family concert 2k24 concluded, many attendees began writing several posts and online articles talking about some of their favorite and memorable trainee vlogs that were featured in those two days!
the top 2 fan favorites were KANG YOOJOON and PARK CHAEKYUNG! ooc wise, both of them were based off whoever completed the DAY IN A TRAINEE'S LIFE VLOG requirement AND had the highest hosting/mcing points! as a reward for meeting both requirements, they will each be awarded +4 NOTORIETY!
but that's not all! everyone who has completing that writing requirement will receive +2 NOTORIETY! we've listed below all of the trainees who have done the requirement ( if we forgot you, please let us know ). you can link this post as proof in your points sheet.
bae heejin: +2 notoriety
bae nathan: +2 notoriety
carter jaejin: +2 notoriety
chae rua: +2 notoriety
chen maylin: +2 notoriety
cho iseul: +2 notoriety
choi junkyu: +2 notoriety
hirawa emi: +2 notoriety
ito mio: +2 notoriety
kang minjun: +2 notoriety
kang sarang: +2 notoriety
kang yoojoon: +4 notoriety
kim seyoon: +2 notoriety
min hanbin: +2 notoriety
park chaekyung: +4 notoriety
park taeha: +2 notoriety
park zoe: +2 notoriety
takanashi asami: +2 notoriety
xu lili: +2 notoriety
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