#chōsokabe motochika
mcnoliap · 2 years
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🏫 Them 🌻
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koorinokujira · 11 months
✧ Fic and Imagines Request Rules ✧
So, I thought I would make a small rule list, since I really want to do requests as well, apart from the stuff I think of, and want it to go smoothly for all of us! I'll do it in the form of a small Q&A so it's easy to read! I may make small changes to this list. ☆ ~('▽^人)
✧ Will you write about all Sengoku Basara characters, or only some? ✧
Currently, I'll write only about characters I like, know more about and am comfortable with. I'm still fairly new to the fandom, so more will probably be added to the list!
The characters I will write about for now:
✎ Date Masamune
✎ Katakura Kojūrō
✎ The Maedas (Matsu, Toshiie, Keiji)
✎ Saika Magoichi
✎ Uesugi Kenshin
✎ Kasuga
✎ Sanada Yukimura
✎ Sarutobi Sasuke
✎ Fūma Kotarō
✎ Azai Nagamasa
✎ Mōri Motonari
✎ Chōsokabe Motochika
✎ Oichi
✎ Ishida Mitsunari (?)
✎ Takeda Shingen
Of course, when it comes to crack fics and the like, I will most likely involve other characters as well, and they will often be mentioned even in the regular ones. They just won't be the main heroes of the stories or the focus of my imagines.
✧ Can I request a fic with an OC of mine? ✧
Of course! As long as you provide me all the information about them, I'm up for it! I love to see the little fictional people others make, and it would be my honor to write about them too (ships included of course). The more information you give me, the better, and I'll do my best to portray them accurately! As I write, I may ask some additional questions and discuss some ideas (without spoiling too much), to make it the best I can. ⸜(*ˊᗜˋ*)⸝
✧ How detailed should the request be? ✧
However much you want. For imagines, it will of course be simple, as they're just small thoughts or scenes of the characters in certain scenarios. For fics, it can also be super simple, just give me an idea and I'll do my best to match your expectations. But if you have something more detailed in mind, go ahead and tell me! Have a song in mind that you think would fit for a certain character or scene? Send me that too, music gives me inspiration like nothing else! AUs? Absolutely! As long as there is something for me to work with, it's good! ( ´ ▽ ` )
If you wish to request something, send an ask or a message. You can even do it through a reblog, if that's even a thing? I will ocassionally post about opening requests, so you can do that on there I suppose.
✧ Will you do NSFW, Gore, etc? ✧
NSFW - As is stated in my blog introduction, I don't really do NSFW. I can imply it, or kind of skip over it in another way if needed, but I will never straight up write about sex.
Gore - I mean, Sengoku Basara is about a huge war, so some gore is expected. I don't mind it, but don't expect me to be too detailed either (because of pacing, mostly). I'll describe the violence as needed, but my main focus is how the characters feel, think and act. So in short, there will be gore, but the detail of it will vary depending on how much it actually matters to the scene, and you don't have to worry about anything too mentally scarring I think.
As for other things, it depends, I'll speak out if I'm not comfortable with something apart from the obvious things. I will put trigger warnings where they're needed, but forgive me if I omit something on accident.
✧ Do you do fics on other things than Sengoku Basara? ✧
Currently? No.
But, in the future I will! Once that happens, this section will be updated. You can probably expect some Ghost of Tsushima or Final Fantasy stuff when that happens.
That should be all for now!
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Thanks for reading all this, and have a great day!
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yaroudomos · 9 months
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An independent and selective roleplay blog featuring Sengoku Basara's Chōsokabe Motochika. Re-Est. 12 / 23, Loved & Cherished by Vulpe! ♥
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✘ This blog is selective and mutual exclusive. However! As long as you keep your posts trimmed, don’t spam OOC content, have basic information about your muse, and I believe our muses also have a decent chance with connecting, then there’s a good chance I’ll follow you back. I absolutely love original characters and I’m welcome to most fandom muses, so, there's no need to be shy here. ✘ Practice patience with me. I ask that you keep in mind that I’m a busy little bee, and that I also have many other muses that I write for. Though it usually takes me a while to get through replies, know that it’s just a matter of life simply getting in the way. ✘ I will be extremely selective in regards to shipping. I value chemistry involved with any potential romantic interest. Still, if that’s a matter you’d like to discuss in the future after we’ve had some time for our muses to interact, remember that I'm very open to exploring the possibilities. I love a good slow burn and lots of development!
✘ Themes of sexual nature will also appear here from time to time, whether in the form of headcanons or actual threads and so forth. I’m also very open to writing smut, as long as the right circumstances fall into place between our muses. Anything that may contain such themes will be tagged as #not sfw.
And I think that about does it for my rules! A little about myself: I'm Vulpe, 26, and I'm a very tired lady. Have questions, want to plot, or simply wish to chat? You’re more than welcome to shoot me a message!\(^▽^)
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the-comfort-den · 1 year
Sengoku Basara character masterpost
Date Masamune,
Katakura Kojūrō,
Tokugawa Ieyasu,
Ishida Mitsunari,
Sanada Yukimura,
Sarutobi Sasuke,
Maeda Keiji,
Chōsokabe Motochika,
Kuroda Kanbe,
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yeonchi · 4 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 6.2: Orochi Story B
Chapter 9: Battle of Dingtao 定陶の戦い (uses DW8XL map)
Orochi Army vs. Wu Army Allied characters: Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao, Deng Ai, Zhong Hui, Wang Yuanji Enemy characters: Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang, Lu Meng, Lu Su, Lu Xun, Xiaoqiao, Zhu Ran, Taishi Ci, Huang Gai, Ding Feng, Zhou Tai, Lianshi
Unlocked characters: Sun Quan, Sun Shangxiang, Zhou Tai, Lianshi
Upon hearing that the Orochi Army would attack Hefei, Sun Quan escaped Wu with a number of officers and made camp in Dingtao. However, they were confronted by Sima Yi, who had forseen this and asked Orochi to allow him to deal with them.
Beginning from the southeast, Sima Yi leads his army towards Dingtao Castle with the intention of occupying Dingtao, Juye and Linqiu (廩丘, aka Lu Bu’s main camp in DW8XL) Castles. As they approach Dingtao Castle, Zhu Ran will attack the Orochi Army with firearrows; his defeat will allow the Orochi Army to continue advancing.
Taishi Ci, Huang Gai and Xiaoqiao will be defending the three castles. Sima Yi will suspect something amiss with the Wu Army; there are three fire attack units that the player needs to defeat in order to foil Lu Xun’s strategy. Lu Meng is on the path that is adjacent to the centre path out of Dingtao (turn left and then turn right just as you enter the corridor to Linqiu), Lu Su is on the path behind Linqiu Castle, and Ding Feng is on the path behind Juye Castle. Occupying all three castles before defeating the respective fire attack units will cause them to be set on fire.
In any case, Sima Yi’s army will continue north towards the Wu main camp, but as they approach the exit doors, the area is set on fire as ambush units appear and attack them; Lu Xun had anticipated this and focused his efforts on this attack using the fire attacks on the three castles as a feint. Defeat Lu Meng, Lu Su and Ding Feng (again) to continue.
Lu Xun will unleash a rockslide as you head up the northern path. Defeat him to stop the rockslide.
Sun Shangxiang and Lianshi will be the final obstacles to the main camp before you confront Sun Quan and Zhou Tai. Defeat Sun Quan to win the battle.
Sun Quan and Sun Shangxiang are informed of their father and brother’s surrender at Hefei, leaving them with no choice but to surrender to the Orochi Army.
Chapter 10: Battle of Edo Castle 江戸城の戦い
Orochi Army vs. Tokugawa Army Allied characters: Orochi, Sun Ce, Daqiao, Sun Shangxiang Enemy characters: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hanzō Hattori, Ina, Masamune Date, Kojūrō Katakura, Naotora Ii, Naomasa Ii, Yoshishige Satake, Yoshiaki Mogami, Yoshihiro Ashina
Unlocked characters: Ieyasu Tokugawa, Hanzō Hattori, Ina, Naotora Ii, Masamune Date, Kojūrō Katakura, Naomasa Ii
Sun Ce is one of the officers sent to Edo Castle to defeat the Tokugawa. The Orochi Army attacks the castle on four sides.
Daqiao starts on the east side of Edo Castle alongside Sun Ce while Sun Shangxiang starts from the south side. Naotora Ii will appear with Ina’s sneak attack unit alongside Naomasa Ii.
After Ieyasu and Hanzō are defeated inside Edo Castle, Masamune will reappear again for a third time with more reinforcements. Defeat Masamune to win the battle.
Chapter 11: Battle of Hiketa 引田の戦い (uses SW4 map)
Orochi Army vs. Chōsokabe-Mōri Army Allied characters: Masamune Date, Keiji Maeda, Matsunaga Hisahide, Munenori Yagyū, Kojurō Katakura, Sun Wukong Enemy characters: Motochika Chōsokabe, Motonari Mōri, Koshōshō, Gracia, Takakage Kobayakawa, Magoichi Saika,Okuni, Goemon Ishikawa
Unlocked characters: Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa
With most of Japan’s armies subjugated or driven off by the Orochi Army, the remaining clans of western Japan banded together to form a resistance against Orochi. Masamune Date is sent to quell one of those resistance armies, facing off against the Chōsokabe and Mōri clans in Hiketa, supported by the Saika Renegades.
The Orochi Army arrives on two ships from the east and northeast. The enemy officers will begin advancing from the northwest and from Sogō and Hiketa Castles. As you defeat the enemy officers, they will reappear after a little while and even worse, some allied officers will be entranced by some sort of spell. Kojurō works out what is happening and decides to put a plan into action. Assist him as he heads to the northwestern garrison, where he will act entranced in order to lure Koshōshō into opening the gates. Defeat Koshōshō, allowing your allies to return to normal and the enemy officers to be defeated.
Noticing the front gates to Toramaru Castle not opening, Kojurō suggests that they ambush the castle from behind. As the Orochi Army heads into the western garrison to fight the Mōri officer there, Okuni and Goemon appear to reinforce the garrison before retreating upon their defeats.
Upon entering Toramaru Castle, Motochika and Motonari along with Gracia and Takakage have disappeared; as their officers attack them, Motochika and Motonari appear on the Orochi Army’s ships in an attempt to attack them from behind. Hisahide orders his troops to detonate the explosives on the ships which will slow their advance. At the same time, Sun Wukong arrives with reinforcements on a ship in the southeast and Okuni and Goemon will appear again in Hiketa Castle. Defeat Motochika and Motonari to win the battle.
Motochika, Okuni and Goemon manage to escape. Motonari concedes his loss and peacefully surrenders to the Orochi Army in the hopes of maintaining the stability of the Mōri while also hoping to meet all the different heroes of China and Japan.
Chapter 12: Battle of Yanagawa 柳川の戦い (uses SW4 map)
Orochi Army vs. Toyotomi Army Allied characters: Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi, Lu Su, Guan Xing, Sima Shi, Daqiao Enemy characters: Mitsunari Ishida, Yoshitsugu Ōtani, Takatora Tōdō, Ginchiyo Tachibana, Muneshige Tachibana, Yoshihiro Shimazu, Toyohisa Shimazu, Musashi Miyamoto, Kojirō Sasaki, Sakon Shima
Unlocked characters: Mitsunari Ishida, Yoshitsugu Ōtani, Kojirō Sasaki
With the Chōsokabe-Mōri resistance quashed by the Orochi Army, the only remaining pocket of resistance in Western Japan was the Shimazu and Tachibana along with remanants of the Toyotomi Army led by Mitsunari Ishida. Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and Lu Su are sent to deal with them.
The Orochi Army splits into three groups to attack the Toyotomi Army at Yanagawa. The Shu forces head to attack the Tachibana forces in the northwest, the Jin forces attack the Shimazu forces in the northeast, and the Wu forces attack the Toyotomi forces in the southeast. However, they are met with resistance from the three armies, requiring Zhuge Liang to formulate a pincer attack strategy.
The key to Zhuge Liang’s strategy is to occupy the Sakemi and Yadome garrisons in the north and east. Though the Yadome Garrison is easily occupied, they are unable to access the northern area as the gates are tightly shut. Sima Yi sends out rams to break down the two gates to the northern area, allowing the Orochi Army to attack the Sakemi Garrison.
Musashi Miyamoto and Kojirō Sasaki appear from the western stronghold near the Orochi Army main camp, having heard the commotion during their duel, and will charge at the main camp. Upon their defeats, Musashi will escape while Kojirō will defect to the Orochi Army, entranced by the deaths brought about by them.
With the Sakemi and Yadome garrisons occupied, the Orochi Army defeat the Shimazu and Tachibana armies. Mitsunari is unwilling to open the gates to his main camp, leading to Lu Su setting his camp on fire in order to drive him out. It is then that Sakon appears from the southwestern stronghold with reinforcements. Defeat Mitsunari and Sakon to win the battle.
Though the majority of the Toyotomi Army escape the battle, Mitsunari and Yoshitsugu are captured and forced to serve Orochi.
Chapter 13: Battle of Yiling 夷陵の戦い
Orochi Army vs. Wei Army Allied characters: Orochi, Sun Quan, Lianshi, Ding Feng, Dodomeki, Gyūki, Diamondback Enemy characters: Cao Cao, Xiahou Dun, Dian Wei, Xiahou Yuan, Xu Zhu, Zhang Liao, Yue Jin, Li Dian, Guo Jia, Yu Jin, Xun Yu, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai, Wang Yi, Cao Pi, Cao Ren, Zhenji, Zhang He, Xu Huang, Cai Wenji
Unlocked characters: Cao Pi, Cao Ren, Zhenji, Yu Jin
Orochi sets out with Sun Quan in search of the Hero of Chaos, Cao Cao. His army is spotted at Yiling and so, the Orochi Army engages them in battle.
At the start of the battle, there are more Wei officers and the Orochi Army’s starting positions are mostly confined to their main camp in the northeast. Sun Quan will order the Orochi Army to occupy key positions where they will set up their cannons; Xiahou Ba and Guo Huai in the northwest; Zhang Liao and Wang Yi in the central island; and Yue Jin and Li Dian in the southeast. Once the key positions are occupied and the cannons begin firing, the battle continues as normal.
After the sorcerers in the Stone Sentinel Maze are defeated and Cao Cao appears at his main camp with ambush troops, Cao Pi will arrive with reinforcements. Defeat Cao Cao and Cao Pi to win the battle.
In the end, a crying Dian Wei takes his “deceased” lord away from the battlefield. Cao Pi, who was captured in the battle, surrenders Wei to the Orochi Army despite numerous Wei officers managing to escape capture.
Chapter 14: Battle of Mikatagahara 三方ヶ原の戦い
Orochi Army vs. Oda Army Allied characters: Orochi, Da Ji, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Ina, Naomasa Ii, Naotora Ii Enemy characters: Nobunaga Oda, Nō, Mitsuhide Akechi, Ranmaru Mori, Katsuie Shibata, Toshiie Maeda, Nagamasa Azai, Oichi, Yoshikage Asakura
Ieyasu finds the Oda Army’s camp at Mikatagahara and the Orochi Army decide to head there.
Each of the garrisons around the battlefield, along with ambush units and reinforcement groups, will have at least three officers. Katsuie Shibata will be in the southeastern garrison, Toshiie Maeda is in the central garrison, and Nagamasa Azai and Oichi will appear alongside the Asakura in the north and northwest.
During the strategy where the player guides the sorcerers to the storehouse, the sorcerers’ tendency to attack every enemy that gets near them is removed, though the Oda ambush units will be stronger to counter it.
Chapter 15: Siege of Chang’an 長安の戦い (uses DW8 map)
Orochi Army vs. Resistance Army Allied characters: Dong Zhuo, Motonari Mōri, Lu Lingqi, Jia Xu, Yu Jin, Kojirō Sasaki, Sun Shangxiang, Lianshi, Sima Zhao, Wang Yuanji Enemy characters: Tadakatsu Honda, Yoshimoto Imagawa, Yuan Shao, Nō, Kunoichi, Nene, Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Pang De, Xingcai, Jiang Wei, Lu Xun, Zhu Ran, Ujiyasu Hōjō, Kai, Lady Hayakawa, Cai Wenji, Xu Zhu, Xiahou Ba, Guo Huai
Throughout Orochi’s conquest of the land, various forces have either fallen into Orochi’s army or suffed annihilation. Larger kingdoms had enough strength to fight Orochi’s army, but smaller kingdoms couldn’t and so, they formed alliances with other kingdoms.
At the Battle of Edo Castle, an officer was absent from the Tokugawa Army – Tadakatsu Honda. Tadakatsu had been sent to survey the terrain of the land, but when the Orochi Army invaded, his army went into hiding. He eventually arrived at Edo Castle, but he was too late – it had already been occupied by the Orochi Army. Believing his lord to have died, Tadakatsu sets out on his conquest to defeat the Orochi Army at all costs. He makes refuge in Chang’an, a gateway between the worlds of China and Japan and sends a call to arms to anyone who has been displaced by the Orochi Army. Hearing of this, Orochi sends out Dong Zhuo and some others to test Tadakatsu’s strength.
Starting at Mingguang Palace in the northeast, the Orochi Army attacks in two directions. However, Ma Chao and the Xiliang Cavalry are barricading them in the north while Kunoichi and Nene launch a pincer attack in the square outside Changle Palace. Motonari suggests that they occupy the armory in the east and release the pyrocannons. Once the armory is occupied, Jia Xu suggests that they occupy Gui Palace and launch a pincer attack on the Xiliang Cavalry. Defeat Yuan Shao in Gui Palace, then defeat Ma Chao and his forces.
Lu Xun and Zhu Ran appear in the corridors around Gui Palace and set fire to it and Mingguang Palace. At the same time, remnant Wei and Hōjō forces arrive as reinforcements. Defeat Lu Xun and Zhu Ran to extinguish the flames, then defeat Yoshimoto Imagawa and conquer Weiyang Palace.
Tadakatsu Honda will be the final enemy in the southern garrison outside the rear doors of Weiyang Palace. When he is defeated, Tadakatsu will comment to the Orochi Army that they will meet again before he escapes.
Chapter 16: Battle of Hinokawa 火河の戦い
Orochi Army vs. Mystic Army Allied characters: Orochi, Da Ji, Kiyomori Taira, Himiko, Sun Wukong Enemy characters: Fu Xi, Nu Wa, Taigong Wang, Zhang Jiao, Zuo Ci, Zhang Lu
Kiyomori, Himiko and Sun Wukong replace generic officers Leaflitter, Sheetweaver and Hammerjaw in this battle.
More generic officers from the Yellow Turbans and the Five Bushels Sect will appear around the battlefield.
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atemourisan · 2 years
Chōsokabe Motochika: How do you justify sacrificing your men? They give their lives just for you! Do you even realize what kind of a monster your father has raised you to be?!
Kikkawa Motoharu: Chōsokabe, Do you know why I fight for the Mōri despite Father's cruel and brutal nature? I do it because it amuses me!
Mōri Motonari: ... I'm just gonna sit back and watch some movies.
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Today’s disabled character of the day is Chōsokabe Motochika from Sengoku Basara, who is visually impaired 
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nexu101 · 6 years
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Mouri Motonari and Chousokabe Motochika - Gakuen Basara
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kwarriorsicons · 6 years
Motochika Chosokabe Icons ( x108 )
100x100, generated from cinematics of Samurai Warriors 4. If you are using, likes and/or reblogs are appreciated! DOWNLOAD HERE!
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—Mod Okuni
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kyotodreamtrips · 7 years
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Hōrin-ji (法輪寺), Ninth Temple of the Sacred Shikoku Pilgrimage. Small Japanese garden in the precincts of Hōrin-ji (法輪寺), the ninth Temple of the Sacred Shikoku Pilgrimage.
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vengrych · 7 years
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and ALOT of senbasa
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mcnoliap · 2 years
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ursula-beilschmidt · 7 years
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BASARA confession:
Sometimes I like to imagine that I am the heroine of a reverse harem and all the white haired characters from BASARA are the ones fighting for my affections 
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purple-fury · 5 years
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warriors orochi | incorrect quotes
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hapeanollaihminen · 6 years
I love Yoh and his little “I have the wind at my back” catchphrase cause he sounds like a Samurai Warriors character
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yeonchi · 4 months
Warriors Orochi: The Recollective Redux Part 4.3: Wu Story B
Sun Shangxiang’s gone to join Liu Bei in his own quest against Da Ji. In the meantime, Sun Jian, Sun Ce and Sun Quan are focusing on their defenses after their first victory against Orochi…
Initial characters: Sun Jian, Sun Quan, Huang Gai, Zhou Tai, Ling Tong, Lianshi, Lu Su, Han Dang, Okuni, Ranmaru Mori, Ginchiyo Tachibana, Motochika Chōsokabe
Chapter 9: Battle of Ruxukou 濡須口の戦い
Wu Army and Minamoto Army vs. Lu Bu Army → Orochi Army Allied characters: Ranmaru Mori, Zhou Tai Third-party characters: Yoshitsune Minamoto Enemy characters: Lu Bu (retreats), Chen Gong (retreats), Kotarō Fūma
Unlocked characters: Yoshitsune Minamoto
Lu Bu had raised an army. This news reached the brave warriors of Wu, who had been living in peace since the fall of the Serpent King, Orochi. Lu Bu was determined to use his might to seize power in this strange land. However, Sun Jian did nothing, not wanting Wu to contribute to the destruction of the peace that the land once enjoyed. Sending out Sun Ce, Zhou Yu and Ranmaru Mori as scouts, he preferred to simply keep an eye on things for the time being. In response to Lu Bu’s actions, Dong Zhuo, Masamune Date and Cao Cao have raised armies.
While on their scouting mission, Ranmaru and the others came across a young warrior who refused to back down, even in the face of one as powerful as Lu Bu…
Lu Su is replaced by a generic officer in this battle.
Immediately after the start of the battle, Lu Bu and Chen Gong will retreat. The player will start in front of a garrison. Defeat Gao Shun and head towards the unknown warrior, who is Yoshitsune Minamoto. After this, you will need to assist Yoshitsune’s escape.
In the aftermath, Yoshitsune reveals that he is in search of someone. He joins Wu in order to find a clue to his whereabouts.
Chapter 10: Battle of Kanegasaki 金ヶ崎の戦い
Wu Army and Zhou Yu Army vs. Dong Zhuo Army Allied characters: Ling Tong, Okuni, Lu Su Third-party characters: Zhou Yu, Xiaoqiao, Ding Feng Enemy characters: Goemon Ishikawa, Dong Zhuo
Unlocked characters: Zhou Yu, Xiaoqiao, Ding Feng, Goemon Ishikawa
In Kanegasaki, enemy forces led by Dong Zhuo and Goemon Ishikawa have appeared. Okuni offers to help repel them. Sun Jian sends Ling Tong as well.
The player starts in the northeast of the battlefield. Zhou Yu and Xiaoqiao are there to assist the Wu Army. Ding Feng will appear in Zhou Yu’s army.
In the aftermath, Goemon joins Okuni in the Wu forces. Zhou Yu reveals that he had talks with Meng Huo in the south. He, Xiaoqiao and Ding Feng rejoin the Wu forces.
Chapter 11: Battle of Nanzhong 南中の戦い (uses DW5 Conquest of Nanzhong map)
Wu Army and Meng Huo Army vs. Wei Army Allied characters: Zhou Yu, Ginchiyo Tachibana, Ding Feng Third-party characters: Meng Huo, Zhurong Enemy characters: Cao Pi, Zhenji, Pang Tong, Cao Ren, Xu Shu
Unlocked characters: Meng Huo, Zhurong
Seeing Wu’s defensive stance, Cao Pi takes the opportunity to attack them. Sun Jian sends Zhou Yu to investigate.
Zhou Yu will send a message to Meng Huo, telling him to circle around to the enemy’s rear and start a fire. Meng Huo will automatically advance to the secret passageways and prepare for a fire attack.
Guo Jia is replaced by a generic officer in this battle.
In the aftermath, Meng Huo and Zhurong join the Wu forces. Zhou Yu also finds that Cao Pi’s intent was not to stir unrest, but to spur Wu into action. Suddenly, Sun Quan reports that Lu Bu is returning again with far greater numbers and an unknown general carrying prayer beads. Yoshitsune recognises the person who he is searching and quickly sets off. Sun Jian tells Sun Quan to follow him.
Chapter 12: Battle of Itsukushima 厳島の戦い
Wu Army and Sun Ce Army vs. Taira-Lu Bu Army Allied characters: Sun Quan, Motochika Chōsokabe, Yoshitsune Minamoto, Han Dang, Lianshi Third-party characters: Sun Ce, Daqiao Enemy characters: Kiyomori Taira, Lu Bu, Diaochan
Unlocked characters: Sun Ce, Daqiao
Sun Quan catches up to Yoshitsune, who introduces his enemy, Kiyomori Taira.
There will be waves of enemies attacking the main camp. Motochika finds that the enemy has used the tide to their advantage, but the tides are wrong. Yoshitsune theorises that Kiyomori may have exploited the power of the dragon god of the area and he sets off towards the shrine.
Han Dang appears in place of Chen Wu while Lianshi appears in place of Pan Zhang in this battle.
In the aftermath, Sun Ce reports that Lu Bu’s main camp at Yangping Gate is undermanned. Huang Gai offers to lead the advance.
Chapter 13: Battle of Okehazama 桶狭間の戦い
Wu Army and Xu Zhu Army vs. Date Army Allied characters: Huang Gai, Goemon Ishikawa, Lu Su Third-party characters: Xu Zhu, Pang De Enemy characters: Masamune Date, Sima Yi, Keiji Maeda, Sima Shi, Kojūrō Katakura, Zhong Hui, Deng Ai, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa
Unlocked characters: Xu Zhu, Pang De
After the events at Itsukushima, Sun Jian made his decision. “Wu will stand and fight!” On their way to Yangping Gate, they were confronted by the Date Army at Okehazama…
Sima Shi appears in place of Sima Zhao, Deng Ai appears in place of Zhu Ling, Motonari Mōri appears in place of Guo Huai and Takakage Kobayakawa appears in place of Niu Jin.
In the aftermath, Xu Zhu and Pang De will join the Wu Army. Huang Gai reports to Sun Jian that they are ready to advance on Yangping Gate.
Chapter 14: Battle of Yangping Gate 陽平関の戦い
Wu Army and Ma Chao Army vs. Lu Bu Army Allied characters: Sun Ce, Pang De, Xu Zhu, Han Dang Third-party characters: Ma Chao, Ma Dai Enemy characters: Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi, Diaochan, Lu Bu
Unlocked characters: Ma Chao, Ma Dai
The Wu Army continued towards Yangping Gate. Just as Sun Ce had predicted, Lu Bu’s main force was away and so the gate was ripe for attack.
Xu Zhu will appear in place of Zhuge Ke (Luo) in this battle. Lu Lingqi will appear in the northeast to charge at the main camp once Chen Gong closes the centre gates.
In the aftermath, Ma Chao and Ma Dai, who joined the battle as reinforcements, will join the Wu forces.
Chapter 15: Battle of Yamazaki 山崎の戦い
Wu Army and Lu Bu Army vs. Taira Army Allied characters: Sun Jian, Meng Huo, Ma Chao, Ma Dai, Zhurong, Ding Feng Third-party characters: Lu Bu, Diaochan, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi (originally enemies, all four defect mid-stage) Enemy characters: Kiyomori Taira, Sun Wukong, Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Zhang Chunhua
Unlocked characters: Lu Bu, Diaochan, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi
The attack on Yangping Gate was all part of Kiyomori’s plan. By using the weakened defences there to lure them out, Kiyomori could then easily surround and annihilate the Wu Army. The Wu Army are surrounded at Yamazaki by the trio of Kiyomori, Lu Bu and Sima Yi…
Ding Feng will appear in place of Zhuge Jin, Ma Chao will appear in place of Jiang Qin, Ma Dai will appear in place of Dong Tuna and Zhurong will appear in place of Ahui Nan.
Lu Lingqi will appear in place of Gao Shun, turning against Kiyomori alongside her father.
Sima Shi will appear in place of Sima Zhao and Zhang Chunhua will appear in place of Guo Huai.
When Kiyomori is defeated, he will remark that “the wheels are already in motion…” In the aftermath, Yoshitsune speaks to Sun Quan about Kiyomori. Though he was Yoshitsune’s rival, he was a great man, but that was before he sold his soul to Orochi. Being asked what he will do now that Kiyomori has been killed, Yoshitsune says that he will follow Lu Bu, as he is attracted to his power. Zhou Yu also reports that Orochi has been resurrected and his army is assembling at Chibi.
Chapter 16: Battle of Chibi 赤壁の戦い
Wu-Lu Bu Army vs. Orochi Army Allied characters: Sun Jian, Motochika Chōsokabe, Lu Su, Han Dang, Lu Bu, Diaochan, Chen Gong, Lu Lingqi Enemy characters: Orochi X, Dong Zhuo, Keiji Maeda, Hisahide Matsunaga, Motonari Mōri, Takakage Kobayakawa, Diamondback
Some variations have been made for the Chapter 16 battles against Orochi X. In each faction’s version, they will fight four of Orochi’s main generals. In this version of the battle, those generals will be Dong Zhuo, Keiji Maeda, Hisahide Matsunaga and Motonari Mōri.
On their way to Chibi, Lu Bu charges through the soldiers of the Wu Army. He is after one target – Orochi…
Han Dang appears in place of Sun Shao in this battle. Hisahide Matsunaga appears in place of Da Ji while also taking her place in the event that plays at the start of the battle. Dong Zhuo will appear in the northwest of the battlefield while Motonari Mōri and Takakage Kobayakawa will appear in the northeast.
The Lu Bu Army was originally a third-party army, but they are part of the allied army in this version. Diaochan appears in place of Gao Shun and Lu Lingqi appears in place of Wei Xu.
In the aftermath, everyone celebrates their victory against Orochi. Yoshitsune sees an image of Lu Bu, but nothing is there. Sun Jian inadvertently compliments Lu Bu before going back to the celebrations.
That’s it for the Wu story! Up next is the Samurai Warriors story!
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