#ch: zayne t.
sanguine-arena · 2 years
Tea Picrew Tag
thank you for the tag, @elijahrichardwrites​ ! this was really fun, sorry it took a minute to get to haha 😅
rules: Use this picrew to make characters from your wip
i made some of my characters from Acidic for this, including some that I haven’t really talked about much! i’ll tag @jezifster​ , @aquil-writes​ , @rsdan​ , and any others that want to do this!
characters: Zayne (first), Akuma (second), Trevor (third), and Kendria (fourth)
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professionalbeard · 3 years
lmao i finished that book yesterday and “whitewashed zayn” literallyyy everyone’s going on about l*rry but i was reading it like hello they’re literally describing zayn rn
LISTEN LISTEN as a seasoned born and raised ziam from the very first chapter I was like NAUR why is this literally describing zayn and liam and went on gr to see if anyone picked up on it but it was just ppl going larrie this larrie that it's so sad
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theprologues · 4 years
Is that NYC Anon for real!?
"I rent a place on Cornelia I say casually in the car..." A bitch rented that place June 2016. Clearly she had contemplated with her significant other/person BEFORE moving to Cornelia Street—before Toe. She re-prioritized her life that was going down hill like a f*cking landslide. Rent a place. Renovate Tribeca residence for her and her true love. Toe has ZERO to do with New York. He was offered a long-term contract because Taylor wanted to protect what she was trying to rebuild with Karlie so they could become more open together like before, but then election 2016, which fully forced them to go dark.
Think about this:
Kaylor's Their first single public outing was MARCH 2016! It had been an entire year since that happened without chaperones and she captions a picture, "my FAVORITE person to DANCE with (DWOHT)." Beach Stunt trip with CH. Names written in sand 😏 CH get (+) not (❤).
APRIL: Taylor changed her hair to platinum, started wearing chokers—and stars. Went to Coachella. Vegas for Twins bday. Karlie is there. Britney's wedding, gives a wonderful speech about love enduring and being a new page, and mention being in a magical "relationship." Sure not Calvin. 🤣
MAY: Met Gala Technology/Music themed. Taylor was a host with Idris Elba(oh... yes, London Boy Idris). It was also a set of for her "prison break" from CH (Getaway Car) and she 💃 to September by Earth, Wind, Fire with **cough** KK & TH.
JUNE: Breaks up with Calvin, moves into Cornelia Street and BOOM in comes TOM. HiddleSwift✈ 🛩 🛬 🛫
JULY: 4th of July!! Celebrity party. "Karlie's Made in America caption." 🎆 "I ❤ T.S" was born Kimye tapes/receipts. HiddleSwift ✈ 🛩 🛬 🛫. The TIWYCF drama. (LWYMMD).
AUGUST: Taylor practically MIA this month, but shows her face in the Hamptons for a Karlie-Mikey joint bday party. Wishes Karlie a happy birthday with a big "I LOVE YOU KARLIE...!" Sends her Sunflowers 🌻 and a sweet moment is captured via Skype with the sunset. ❤(KOMH). Mystery ranch trip. They both show back up in the city at the same time. Media trys pitting Karlie against Taylor with the Kimye drama. VMA snub by CH. (Apocalypse!)
SEPTEMBER: HiddleSwift breaks up! Taylor looks overjoyed to be free—but clearly has tricks up her sleeve. The Kanye concert "f*ck Taylor Swift"on his tilted stage. (LWYMMD)
OCTOBER: Dinners w/friends, private Kings of Leon Concert, Halloween party, "It's all part of the fucking story—K ALONE" is born. In comes Toe(he is snapped by paps) and saves in the drafts for later. Karlie shows up the next night (also pap'd). The Bowery and Lovers Bar. ALL PAP'D! (Delicate) is crafted literally the day after based on the 🌟 ⭐ tattoo she had worn around her neck. 😏 Drakes Birthday party. Angel wings tats, 🌟 on Kaylor wrist. 3rd poloroid?? (L.A.)
NOVEMBER: Baby Lorde's 20th birthday. Two Angels kissing her cheek. Trump Wins. Kaylor fades to black in public. (NYC). Taylor was being called all kinds of derogatory names for not speaking out during the election. A mess. Jerk and Austin Pap'd walked before election results.
DECEMBER: Karlie post Taylor birthday post about her being blessed to call Taylor friend, sister and partner in crime. (REPUTATION is almost done). Taylor releases her collab with Zayn. Karlie also post a 🐨 from Australia on Taylor's birthday ironically "I'm never leaving". (NYD anyone). Taylor surprised a 90 year old fan who lives in Missouri after Christmas. Yes, Missouri..not LONDON. She was also wearing the same jacket she wore for the Delicate Virticle Spotify video.
JANUARY: Taylor practically goes ghost mostly until her concert in TX in February 2017. By this time. Reputation is practically done. At least 6 months ahead planner she is and album has to be done before she starts planning video. It was also supposed to come out earlier than it did.
You know how the story goes... she pulls her PR out right in time. MAY!!! Pap'd in Nashville on a Balcony. Yeah... in Nashville. Never happens. 👀
So, tell me again what Toe is for? And how NYC is relevant to him?? It is all planned literally to the T!
I may have missed some details. This was from the top of my head. You get the gist though.
Why she dissappeard? She has told us.
TOE was the escape from the 4+ years she knew what the state of our country would be in and the horrible situation Karlie was stuck. She knew it was going to be a long road.
She will come back from Neverland soon. I have faith.
Thank you for this! The detail! 
Also she recorded KOMH in August 2016 how can you write a song like that after meeting someone once in passing and then dating someone else???
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1dliveshere · 4 years
The Last Summer Ch.3
As the RV continued rolling down the highway the only audible sounds were the faint sound of the portable humidifier, the static of the radio, and the whispering coming from Niall and Harry.
“I’m really grateful we were able to take this trip. It would have really sucked to not do anything special for our last summer together.”
“I totally agree mate.... So Harry have you decided what you want to go to college for?” Niall turned towards his best friend of 15 years.
“Yeah I have. I’ve decided instead of going to college I’m going to open my own photography studio. My uncle already has a space available that he said I could rent for cheap.”
“I think you’d be great at that! How’d your parents react?”
“Not well. They keep bringing up the fact that I can’t do that with my life if I want to support my family. Kayla keeps encouraging me to do it even with the circumstances.”
“So do you think Kayla will be your family one day?”
“I don’t think Niall, I know.” Harry blushed “What about Alyssa? Is she the one?”
“Definitely” Niall answered now blushing as well.
As the boys continued talking about life Kayla stumbled out of the back of the RV.
“Babe what’s wrong?” Harry looked in the rear view mirror.
“My throat is killing me.”
“It’s probably from you screeching at Louis earlier” laughed Niall.
“Shut up Niall. He deserved it. He ruined my pants” Kayla plopped on the couch.
“I think there might be some tea up in the cupboard over there” Harry pointed towards the mini fridge. “That would help your throat”
“Thanks babe. I think I’ll make some..... wait I just realized something. What are you doing still driving at almost 3 am? Don’t you think we should pull over so you can sleep?”
“No I’m doing okay. I want to get to Jackson, Wyoming by 8 am so we can go hiking.”
“Do you guys mind keeping quiet? It’s kinda hard to sleep when you won’t shut up?” Zayn lifted his head off the couch.
“Sorry Zayn... I honestly forgot you were even in here.” Kayla laughed. “I’ll shut up now.”
“It’s alright I’m already up anyway”
“I’m awake too” Gigi stated. “I’m starving for some reason.”
“That’s probably because we didn’t eat supper” Liam pipped up.
“OMG. You’re right!” Maya hollered.
“I’m starving.” Niall whined from the front seat.
“Babe you would have never said that if Liam wouldn’t have mentioned it.” Alyssa laughed entering the room.
“Why are you up?”
“How am I not? Y’all need to learn how to whisper.”
“I second that” Louis said sounding aggravated.
Within 5 minutes everyone was awake at 3 am, on a highway in Wyoming, starving to death.
“OH MY GOSH!! IS THAT A WAFFLE HOUSE I SEE?!” Alyssa suddenly screamed making everyone jump.
“Niall I’m not even in the correct lane and it’s literally 1000 feet from us.”
Niall quickly grabbed the wheel and jerked it the the right sending the RV into a spin.
Somehow the RV landed straight in the middle of a parking spot in from of The Waffle House. While everyone else was still freaked out by everything that had just happened, Niall and Alyssa cheered at the fact that they were going to The Waffle House.
“I swear Niall if you ever pull that shiii-schnitzel with me again I’ll kill you” Harry stated sounded pissed.
“You’re lucky you caught yourself Harold. You almost had to put a $1 in the swear jar.” Louis mocked.
As the friend group pilled out of the bus Harry grabbed his camera and snapped a picture of the building.
“Send me that. I want to post it.” Alyssa looked at Harry.
“As long as I get credit.”
“Sure thing, Harold.”
“You know I don’t like it when you call me that.”
“Oh get over yourself.... HAROLD.”
As the group entered the building they found a table big enough for everyone to sit at. They waited for someone to take their order but no one ever did. After sitting there for 15 minutes they were starting to get annoyed.
“I’m so hungry I could eat this napkin.” Eleanor whined.
“I’ve got you babe.” Louis quickly jumped up and ran towards the counter.
“Louis do not do anything stu- and he jumped over the counter.”
Louis ran over to the waffle maker and dumped the batter in it. Or what he thought was batter. It turned out to be bacon grease.
As the waffle maker burst into flames the cook came running out of the back with a fire extinguisher and put the fire out.
Everyone quickly took off running. Once outside Alyssa turned towards Louis. “I can’t believe you right now. That’s my favorite place to eat and now I’m going to die of starvation.”
“Hey guys, there’s a gas station over there. Let’s just go buy some food there.” Liam pointed across the street.
So the group set off to the gas station. As they entered the building it had your typical gas station smell; it wasn’t good. They all split up and grabbed whatever they could find.
Back at the RV they all settled down in the living area. Harry was back to driving but Niall wasn’t riding up front with him. Niall decided he needed sleep.
While at the gas station, Kayla and Alyssa decided to get a 2 pound bag of their favorite candy, Twizzlers, to share.
After everyone wasn’t starving anymore they went their separate ways to go back to bed.
“Guys we made it to Jackson, Wyoming! Get your lazy butts up and ready. We are going hiking.”
“Harry it’s too early to yell.... shhhhh” Liam held his finger up to his lips.
Soon everyone was up and getting ready. Harry had pulled into a parking lot. So he was able to get ready also. All the guys had on basketball shorts and T-shirt’s on while all the girls had either workout leggings or bike shorts with some random shirt.
After they were all ready for their hike, they locked up the RV and headed towards the start of the trail.
“Can’t we do a level 2 trail instead of a level 7 one? My stomach hurts and I don’t wanna die.” Alyssa whined.
“You’ll be fine babe. It won’t be that bad” Niall reassured.
He was wrong. Very wrong.
2 hours later
“It’s so hot”
“I’m gonna passout”
Literally everyone was dying. Puffing for air, sweat running down their backs, their vision dancing with black dots.
“Alyssa are you okay back there? You’re walking super slow.” Yelled Maya.
“I’m f-f-aarrrrhhhh” Alyssa puked.
“Oh my gosh!!!!” Screamed Kayla “it’s bright red. Like blood red. That’s not normal last time I checked.”
Niall started sprinting down the mountain.
“Babe, something’s wrong. We should go to the hospital.” Niall scooped Alyssa up and took off sprinting for the RV; everyone quickly followed.
Harry drove 45 mph in a 30 mph all the way to the hospital. Once they got there Alyssa was taken straight into a emergency room.
“Does your stomach hurt still? Any tenderness?” The Doctor pushed around on Alyssa’s stomach.
“I was a little nauseous until I threw up, but now I feel totally fine.”
“Okay, we’re going to run a few tests to see what’s going on.”
The rest of the group were sitting in the waiting room.
“I’m so bored. There’s nothing to do here” Louis whined like a two year old child.
“Louis it’s a hospital. Last time I checked it’s not supposed to be fun.” Zayn stated.
Louis was about ready to sass back when Niall came through the door.
“They are going to run some tests to see what’s going on. So far everything they’ve done has come back normal. So I’m not really for sure what could be causing it.” Niall worried.
“What about the Twizzlers she ate last night? That’s all her and Kayla had since yesterday at lunch time. Maybe that mixed with the heat made her sick.”
“Louis for once in your life you’re a genius.” Niall turned and walked back to the emergency department to inform the Doctor about the Twizzlers.
“I thought about that while we were still hiking.”
“Louis why the freak didn’t you say something then?” Zayn hit his hand to his face.
“I don’t know. I just didn’t think it was my place.”
Everyone rolled their eyes.
“Of course you didn’t”
After 15 minutes had passed, Alyssa and Niall walked through the door. “The doctor said it was just from the Twizzlers and that I’ll be fine.”
“Well I’m happy that’s all it was, but tonight we are eating more than Twizzlers for supper.” Kayla laughed.
As the large group of friends exited the hospital, Harry looked up to see some dude trying to break into the RV.
“Oh sh—“ Harry took off running.
“Well looks like he owes a $1 to the swear jar now”
“You girls stay here; we don’t want you to get hurt.” The boys took off running chasing after their friend.
After about 10 minutes the guys finally pulled up in the RV. Kayla hopped in the passenger seat while the girls climed in the back.
“So what happened?” Questioned Kayla.
“Oh nothing. They guy just took off running.” Harry’s voice went up an octave indicating he was lying.
“Harry, you’re lying.”
“Am not”
“Okay then, turn and look me in the eyes and tell me that.”
“ I can’t, I’m driving.”
“Harry look at me.”
Harry still wouldn’t look at his girlfriend.
Harry finally turned towards Kayla with a big cheesy grin on his face. That grin wasn’t the only thing on his face. His left eye was swollen up almost double the normal size, and it had a huge dark circle around it.
“Oh I’ll tell you. Harold here walked up to the dude and asked him what he was doing and told him to get away from the RV. The guy told him he wasn’t going to so Harry punched the dude and the dude then punched Harry back. He was trying to show off.” Louis said sounding quite proud of himself.
“Harry” Kayla sighed, “ you can’t just go up to some dude and mouth off like that.”
Kayla got up and walked to the freezer and got a bag of peas. “Here put this on your eye. It will help the swelling to go down.”
“Thanks love.”
As the RV continued driving towards Nebraska, everyone was just sitting around on their phones, exhausted.
“Oh my gosh I’m going to freaking kill my parents.” Alyssa three her phone down on the couch.
“Why? What are they doing?” Maya asked.
“Literally they’ve called me 5 times today and texted countless times. It’s starting to get su— great there they are again.”
Louis without even thinking picks up Alyssa’s phone, opens the window and chucks it.
Everyone was shocked that he actually just did that.
“Thanks. Now I don’t have a phone for the rest of the trip.”
“It’s fine. Harry can pull over at the closet Verizon and I’ll buy you one.” Louis held up his wallet.
Alyssa turned and walked away towards the front of the bus. “Kayla, can I sit up front for awhile? I need a break from Louis.”
“Yeah that’s fine.” Kayla got up and went to sit next to Louis.
“Good job idiot.” Kayla smacked the back of Louis’ head.
After 5 hours passed and they only had stopped to pee once, everyone was getting highly agitated.
“I’m going to find somewhere to park so we can walk around for a little bit. My legs hurt from driving and I just really need a break from the RV.”
“That’s fine Harry. I think me, you, and the boys should go on a walk or something.” Niall hollowed from the kitchen.
“I think us girls are just going to stay on the bus and watch a movie. We are all tired.” Alyssa told the boys.
Harry quickly turned into the first random lot that he saw. It happened to be in the middle of nowhere.
“Harry we are literally in the middle of no where. Don’t you think you should wait until we get somewhere more public?” Questioned Kayla.
“No you’ll be fine. Just keep the door locked.”
The boys all piled out of the RV and headed out on their walk to stretch their legs.
“Yes! Finally we are alone on the bus.” Eleanor screamed. “Don’t get me wrong, I love the boys but sometimes I just want girl time.”
“I totally agree. What movie do you guys want to watch?”
As they were in the middle of throwing ideas around, Gigi exited the bathroom crying.
“Omg. Gigi what’s wrong??”
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settingtrends · 7 years
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vegasgoldenfrauds · 6 years
the vegas golden knights as professors
eggo classic english literature
neal history of rock and roll and wears old school band shirts and everyone wants to bang him so they take the class
flower french and would have pics of his kids on his desk and be really nice and sometimes his wife would send him to school w snacks to share with the kids and he helps his students with their senior pranks
pear ceramics and flirts with history teacher marchy
reilly smith the ta that everyone mistakes for a student and sometimes some of the older profs take his phone away. the cute t.a. for your english class who gets nervous when you ask him questions and he hates shakespeare bc shakespeare is fucking stupid
schmidty theatre
colon he was seen fixing someone's computer one day but the next day he was serving food in the dining hall and someone swears he took the english exam last year. still wears a puka shell necklace even though it’s 2018 and then you find out after you graduate he was like the dean of one of the colleges and he’s actually super fucking smart
karly music and plays one direction before every class. your class final is playing wmyb on the guitar. if you're late to class he makes you stand at the front of the room and sing same mistakes. then he spends 10 minutes talking about how zayn should never have left one direction and his theories on when the band is getting back together
reavo sports comm or something
haula a science class. oceanography or some weird shit like that. and you compliment him by saying his eyes are as blue as the ocean and he passes you
mcnabb that one random defense class you need
alex t*ch criminal justice but he doesnt actually care about moral justice hes a bootlicker and thinks that the police are always right. he wears a ‘blue lives matter’ shirt every week and kicks you out if you trash on trump. his rate my professor score is 1.1/5. he thinks antifa is dumb and doesnt get why they "dont protest peacefully!!" but votes to make running over protestors legal. he’s an alum and his dad donated a lot of money so they don’t have a choice
subs ta's for flower's class and always looks like he has no idea what's going on but if you ask him for help he'll even use his own time to help you out until you understand. he answers your desperate emails at 3:47 a.m and doesn’t mind. once you saw him at a bar and it was weird
eakin astronomy 
merrill engineering or mechanics and in the first class he has a 45 minute powerpoint about how he built his vespa. students see him drive into campus everyday coffee in hand. he’ll definitely first pump you when he’s stopped at a red light.
shea a former frat president turned political science prof but he’s like a good poli sci prof, super chill, doesn’t make u come to class on Friday. he and tuch get along really well at first but then alex starts saying some shit and sheas like Wait No Thats Not How It Works and alex is like well lets just not talk about politics but shea literally teaches polisci ??? and shea tries to distance himself but alex keeps inviting him for "beer with the dudes" and "game night”
carpenter rock climbing at the student center gym. Not an actual professor but is trying to pay for his masters in economics.
lagace, dansk and ferguson TA after hours. they just graduated but hold lessons in the library
lindberg ta for wild bill
sbisa italian 
gallant the head of the business department, he occasionally teachers sports management classes
hunt librarian or remedial math teacher
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petri808 · 6 years
Karaoke Kraze
Lucy, Cana, and Levy have been friends since childhood. Home for the summer from college they head to their favorite club to drink, sing, and just party the night away. Levy’s boyfriend Gajeel brings his friends along but Lucy’s lyrical stylings quickly leaves his younger cousin Natsu spellbound.
Ch 4 0f 10: Flirt
Music links via youTube
At 10pm the popular DJ, Lisanna’s fiancé Bixlow cranks up the music, the overhead lights dim and the dance lights begin to swirl and flicker with flashing reds, yellows, greens, and blue’s.  Lucy is finishing another drink and is in the throes of its effects; she sways to the music slightly bumping into Natsu who’s also a little tipsy by now.  She turns to apologize, instantly captivated by his green eyes that are reflecting the glimmering lights around them.  
Her mouth opens and a red hue collects on her cheeks again; all the sounds and sights in the background come grinding to a halt.  His eyes focus on her lips, so soft and plump, delicate… His lips unseal to speak but before either can say a word they are yanked back into the club scene.  “Let’s dance!” Cana pulls her off the couch and drags her into the swirling mass of bodies.
‘Pon de Reply’ by Rihanna is spinning when the girls reach the dance floor.  Turning her back from the VIP section so she can’t see him, Lucy is drawn right into the rhythm of the music.  ‘Cheap Thrills’ by Sia ft Sean Paul…  ‘Give Me Everything’ by Pitbull ft Ne-yo, Afrojack & Nayer…  After a couple more songs she and Cana order back to back shots of Fruity Pebbles; a triple shot bomb of Blueberry Schnapps, Pineapple vodka, and Redbull.  Spinning but not in a bad way yet, “Come on girlfriend!” she drags Cana back to the dance floor; flowing right into the mood ‘Don’t Cha’ by Pussycat Dolls… The sight of the two girls bumping and grinding with each other is just too enticing for Loke.  Pumping his hand in the air, “Hell yeah baby!” he rushes to the floor and joins their little party; a wilder Lucy has made her entrance.    
‘1,2,Step’ by Ciara ft Missy Elliot...  Lost to the music Lucy’s almost forgotten about the boy still sitting on the couch stalking her every move with his eyes.  He watches intently as a strange blond man with one earring comes up behind her.  So into the rhythm she doesn’t seem to mind as he puts his hands on her hips and starts to jive a little closer.  Natsu can’t believe this jerk!  Grinding his pelvis into Lucy!  You could almost see the smoke coming out of his nostrils an overwhelming urge to go beat the guy down floods his mind!  
Noticing his cousins fists clench Gajeel grabs his shoulder, “Just watch.”  When Lucy realizes the man has started to cop a higher feel she turns around and punches him hard enough in the face to knock him on his ass.  ‘Holy crap!’  Natsu screams in his head as he settles back down, a grin graces his face.  “Told you,” chuckles his cousin.  “She only looks like a princess.”  Without a second thought she sways right back into the timing of the music along her friends.  ‘Promiscuous’ by Nelly Furtado ft. Timbaland...  Loke has now become the meat of their sandwich.  
The next song gets Lucy even more aroused; she’s always had a fondness for Latin music and she loves the artist’s voice.  ‘Hips Don’t Lie’ by Shakira...  Lucy starts to sway her hips and move her feet in a mixture of Latin style to belly dancing; copying the moves she’d see in the music videos.  Running her hands over her body, she twists and grooves, spinning until her eyes settle back onto the pink haired boy.  
Feeling more brazen she stares directly at him with a fire in her eyes.  Gyrating her hips in an even more erotic manner; running her hands up along her sides to her neck and through her hair, caressing her face; she licks her lips slowly...  Natsu gulps as she motions with her fingers to ‘come’ to her.  She can see Gray and Gajeel physically pushing him to stand up but he just shakes his head and grips onto the cushion; there’s no way he could dance to this kind of music and he’s not gonna look like an idiot in front of her.  
‘Come & Get It by Selena Gomez’...  She pouts and moves on to Loke but keeps her eyes trained on Natsu the entire time.  She runs her hands along Loke’s back, neck, and hair in a sensual manner as Cana teases him from the front.  Loke doesn’t mind one bit, he loves being the center of attention but Natsu’s body is on fire again, he wants to rush over and grab her away from the orange haired flirt, but he knows his own thoughts are no better.  Scenes of their two bodies entwined on a bed plague his mind and lower extremities…  Beads of sweat form on his forehead and his palms.   Seeing Natsu squirm Lucy blows him a kiss then giggles.  Moving back to caressing her own body; she’d tormented the poor boy long enough.
Finally, a song starts to spin that’s more his speed.  ‘Pillowtalk’ by Zayn.   ‘…Ooh... Climb on board, We’ll go slow and high tempo.  Light and dark.  Hold me hard and mellow.’
With Lucy in a world of her own she feels a pair of solid arms encircle around her body, pinning her arms to her side startling her, but his grip around her is too tight for her to turn around.   ‘…Nobody but you, N‘body but me… bodies together… I love to hold you close, tonight and always…’
She considers fighting back when Natsu brings his face along the side of hers, in a deep huskily low voice he whispers over her ear, “Alright you win; I’m here…  But now I need to punish you for teasing me…”  He brushes his lips against her lobes and trails it along her jaw line.  She groans while her shuddering body melts against him.  The burst of heat coming off her bare back tells him she’s all his now.   ‘…So we’ll piss off the neighbors.  In the place that feels the tears.  The place to lose your fears. Yeah, reckless behavior.  A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw…’
He releases his tight hold only to move his hands to her hips, keeping them flushed against his own he slowly starts to rock and grind their bodies as one to the pulse of the song.  Her hands stay alongside them, gripping his thighs.  When she feels the bulge between them her hips push back tighter against it… She tilts her head slightly and to the side against his chest and shoulder enticing him to get even closer. ‘…In the bed all day, bed all day… fucking in and fighting on.  It’s our paradise and it’s our war zone … Pillow talk. My enemy, my ally. Prisoners…’
Obliging, his right arm moves up higher holding her just under her bust.  He flushes his cheek against hers; his hot breath sweeping down over her chest sending shudders down her spine and her very core.  His left hand splays out over her hip and thigh; a shivering moan escapes her lips when his thumb lightly grazes her lower junction.   ‘…I’m seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure.  Nobody but you, N‘body but me… bodies together … I love to hold you close.  I love to wake up next to you.’
Her trembling right hand slides upwards around his neck and into his soft messy pink locks.  His mouth travels from her ears to her neck.  Her knees want desperately to crumple when she feels his lips and tongue against her flesh.  When he nibbles along her shoulder and collar bone the sharpness of his canines scraping against her skin elicits soft aching groans from her.  She tugs at his hair and digs her nails into his scalp.   ‘…fucking in and fighting on… It’s our paradise and it’s our war zone…...Paradise, Paradise, War Zone, War Zone…’
“What are you doing to me…” Lucy moans through his ear nibbling.  
“Payback…” Deepness in his voice, she feels the low vibration from him.  He moves his head to the other side, “…taunting me with such eye candy...”  The slight growl to his voice only adds to her shivers as even more erotic fantasies flash through her mind.  
Long Sigh “Damn you Natsu…”          
‘In the bed all day, bed all day.  Fucking and fighting on…It’s our paradise and it’s our war zone…’
The song ends too soon for the enraptured girl.   When he releases his hold on her she turns to see a grinning expression, a look of satisfaction for turning her upside-down.  With a look of intensity her eyes are wild and yet frazzled; studying the features of his face and body.  Up close she can see little black flecks in his green eyes, the semi loose t-shirt he has on still shows off the obviously toned chest beneath it.  Scanning lower the jeans are also a little tight; her eyes expand a little, especially in the crotch area; ‘damn!’ she bites her lower lip.  
But it’s his mouth, his lips that draw back her attention; they were so soft… so succulent on her skin… she wants more of them… she wants to taste them....  She runs her hands gingerly along his pecs, feeling the solid muscle beneath the fabric flexing with every inhale and exhale.  Around them other couples are making their way onto the floor as a new song has begun, ‘I’ll Make Love to You’ by Boy’s II Men.  His gaze has softened from her curiosity, enjoying the feel of her hands on him.  Resisting all of his urges to pull her face to his, he places a hand on her cheek caressing it gently with his thumb…  “For the girl who tortured my dreams for years…”  Sigh.  “Question is what are you doing to me Luce?” he murmurs.
“I…”  She exhales but smiles kindly.  “Why didn’t you just talk to me all those years ago?...”    
‘Close your eyes, make a wish and blow out the candlelight…’
Running her hands up from where they were splayed on his chest around to his neck he gladly places his around her waist once more pulling their bodies together in an intimate embrace.  Swaying to the slow tune, the crowd disappears leaving just them in the midst of swirling lights...  And that’s when he surprises her and his friends by singing to the words… “… For tonight is just your night.  We’re gonna celebrate, all through the night.  Pour the wine, light the fire.  Girl you wish is my command, I submit to your demands.  I will do anything, Girl you need only ask…”  
Moisture forms in her eyes.  No man has ever made her feel like this before!  The sincerity she feels as the words flow from him…. She joins his melody… (Together) “I’ll make love to you.  Like you want me to, and I’ll hold you tight.  Baby all through the night I’ll make love to you, when you want me to, and I will not let go till you tell me to…” (Natsu only) “Girl relax, let’s go slow, I ain’t got nowhere to go.  I’m just gonna concentrate on you.  Girl are you ready?  It’s gonna be a long night…”
Her face brightens into a new grin….  As she sings the next lines she tugs up on his shirt as a tease.  Aroused by her actions his hands travel lower along her back... (Lucy only) “Throw your clothes on the floor.  I’m gonna take my clothes off too.  I made plans to be with you.  Boy whatever you ask me you know I can do…”
…. with the next lines he moves his hands past her waist grazing her perfect rear...  An electric shock charges up her spine.  Her stunned yet exhilarated eyes reveal her true feelings; she liked it! Even more than he could even comprehend at this moment... (Together)  “I’ll make love to you.  Like you want me to, and I’ll hold you tight.  Baby all through the night I’ll make love to you, when you want me to, and I will not let go till you tell me to…”
He lifts her chin and gazes adoringly into her misty brown eyes…  Lowering his face to hers, their eyes slowly close as their lips connect.  She grips onto his neck as his caresses the smooth skin of her back, muscles flexing from his tender touch.  
‘Baby tonight is your night and I will do you right.  Just make a wish on your night.  Anything that you ask I will give you the love of your life...’  
Feeling more amorous she opens her mouth so her tongue can run along his bottom lip.  In response he nibbles hers prompting a soft moan from her.  He takes the lead and slides his tongue into her mouth.  Testing the field, it ventures along the walls and roof before teasing her pulsing muscle.  She lightly pulls at his locks when his teeth scrape against her lips.
When their kiss finally ends they hadn’t even noticed the song was long over and a new one was half way through.  He looks over to their friends who apparently had been watching and cheering the couple on.  They see thumbs ups, giggling, and other not so g-rated gestures.  “Gray’s never gonna let me hear the end of this.”
“I’ve never made a move on a girl before.” He blushes, “I’m usually too shy.”
“R-really, I couldn’t tell?  If it helps, neither have I… on a boy I mean; I don’t know what came over me tonight.”
“Your voice was just… and your scent is so intoxicating; I-I couldn’t resist...”
She smiles at him, “Well my friends are gonna give me grief too…. Would you maybe, um…wanna run away tonight from them… with me?”
He grins, “Yeah...”
Feeling sneaky, she darts her eyes quickly to survey their friends again.  For the most part they’ve gone back to being engrossed in their own relationships.  “Do you have anything at the table, wallet, phone?”
“No, they’re in my pocket.”
“Okay, make like your heading to the bathroom then just go to the front door.  I’m gonna grab my purse and meet you there.”  He nods and walks towards the restroom.
Heading to their table she grabs her purse and tries to slip away.  “And where are you going?” asks Levy with a smirk.  
“Bathroom.  Need to freshen up.”
“Uh huh sure...”  Levy winks, turns back to Gajeel and starts making out with him again.
Lucy walks up to the bar calling Capricorn on her way.  She gives Mira her credit card info to pay the entire tab plus tip.  She tells her to keep it open for the group if they keep drinking and to just text her the full amount later; she trusts her friend not to abuse the card.  After thanking the staff for taking care of them, she makes her way towards the front door.  
Standing just inside the entrance is Natsu leaning with his back against the wall.  His right leg is bent foot planted against the wall; his left arm is casually resting behind his head.  Her heart jumps, when he smiles at her.  Feeling an overwhelming urge, she walks up to him and just grabs his head and presses her lips against his.  Startled his right leg straightens catching himself, but recovering quickly his own hands grab onto her face and he returns her passionate kiss.  
Releasing her to breathe, his voice is shaking a little, “W-where’d that come from?”
“I just couldn’t resist…” She smiles back.  As he opens the front door for her, “Did you drive here?”  She asks.
“No I came with Gray.”
“Okay that’s good, I’ve called my driver; he should be here in a few minutes.”
“Your driver?”
“Yeah…” was her only response, she was too busy trying to text Levy and Cana to let them know she’s sneaking out and she’s sure Gajeel and Loke will give them rides home.
“Luce, you said you have a driver?”
Just at that moment a limo pulls up.  The driver gets out, walks around to the side and opens the door for them.  Natsu’s in a bit of shock but when she motions for him to get in he does as he’s asked.  ‘Thank goodness I took the Dramamine tonight.’  As the car pulls away from the curb Capricorn asks where to take them.   “Home please.”  She responds.
Natsu runs his hand nervously through his hair as he tries to stay calm next to the beauty beside him.  A little trepidation creeps into his mind; I mean things like this just don’t happen to a guy like him.  He’s pretty sure she’s not planning to hurt him but still why would someone who doesn’t even know him take a risk; what if he had bad intentions.    
“Um, Luce, you know we were never properly introduced.  Name’s Natsu Dragneel.”
She smiles, “Lucy Heartfillia, but I like it when you call me Luce instead.”  She giggle’s, “It’s cute.”
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narrie · 7 years
harry: *cuts all ties to zayn*
zayn: ii ddidn;t reallyy eexceptt ththat mu;ch of a rrelationshi;;.p wiith ;himm aanywayy :///
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sanguine-arena · 2 years
Heads Up, Seven Up!
thank you for the tag, @thetruearchmagos ! i’ll tag @elijahrichardwrites @hottubraccoon @aquil-writes @isherwoodj @jezifster and anyone else who wants to do this!
Rules: Post the last 7 sentences of your WIP and tag 7 people.
from my wip: “Acidic”
"Let me see your hand. They had some good chops at you earlier…"
Sharps' voice trailed off in Zayne's mind as he started to look over his hand. As he spaced out and was left with his own thoughts, he couldn't say he was convinced that anything bad that happened tonight wasn't his fault. He stared at the wall, almost hard enough to bore a hole into it. He let Sharps move and prod and look over his hand, gritting his teeth when the man had him try to open and close it. Pain suddenly shot through seemingly every bone in his hand, and it locked up in a staunch refusal to move any more.
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blasianhunnie · 7 years
ch*nce is a black woman. she can not like zayn bc of his constant antiblackness w/out people trying to police her feelings. ofc that doesnt give her license to say anything islamaphobic but legit what has she said tho? simply making fun of zayn doesnt count lol. i like zayn but legit black fans have a right to hate zayn imo and fellow poc ought to be more sympathetic esp since hes a celeb and really ought t watch what he says. and unlike zayn who will never see this, ch*nce will. ur post is ugly
you must have misread my fucking post just because you don’t like somebody doesn’t give you the right to act like an insensitive cunt THE FACT THAT SHE HAS BEEN CALLED OUT ON IT SO MANY TIMES AND CHOOSES TO IGNORE IT AND NOT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT MAKES HER ISLAMOPHOBIC! SHE LAUGHED ABOUT A POST COMPARING DONALD TRUMP AND ZAYN AS IF ZAYN AIN’T MUSLIM AND BROWN HIMSELF. But yeah do tell me how i’m dismissing her because she’s black get outta here lmfao. She’s also said many shitty things about Zayn before, not just petty insults. You have no proof about zayn being antiblack being uneducated about police brutality doesn’t count. 
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henrytcasey · 7 years
Watch This Wrestling 14 (4/6–12)
But first, about that elephant in the arena...
I want to reaffirm some of the reason behind this weekly roundup. Every week, WWE provide more than enough hours of pro wrestling for most, but there's more. From those wacky Brits in Progress to the insane bastards of New Japan, wrestling isn't just WWE.
This past week, there was as much reason to reiterate the above as ever before. No, not because of the phenomenal match between Kazuchika Okada and Katsuyori Shibata at Sakura Genesis. But because of the big outside-the-ring story of bullying in the WWE making the rounds in major publications such as Sports Illustrated and the New York Post.
Vince's love of fucking with people is no secret, but this has popped up because of speculation that SmackDown Live color commentary announcer, noted veteran, and all-around-cancerous-motherfucker JBL is the reason for the absence of SDL play-by-play announcer Mauro Ranallo. You know, JBL, the guy who thought it'd be OK to goose-step like a Nazi during a show in Germany.
While we haven't heard any stories about what JBL did to Mauro, who has been public about his bipolar diagnosis, and is off-air for what has been reported as stress, nothing would surprise anyone at this stage. It's currently expected that Mauro and WWE will settle in private, and that WWE will address this in some way, as the story has been made too-public to ignore.
If it were up to me, and Mauro were not available to the WWE anymore, the SDL announce team would be Corey Graves, Byron Saxton and Renee Young. Of related note this week was the shamelessly transparent "we're trading the black commentators!" moment where Raw traded Saxton for the useless lump of humanity called David Otunga.
Thankfully, we get a six-week window before Raw Is 3 Hours of Otunga goes into effect, thanks to his commitment to filming a movie where he's playing a lawyer. In that time, Booker T will be filling in, because (again), "LOL BLACK COMMENTATORS, GOTTA HAVE ONE, AND NO MORE THAN ONE!" Assuming Book does well, I'd like to see a Raw team some day that's him, Graves, and Tom Phillips.
As always, a list of what I watched for this week's edition and what I'm planning to watch next week. If I'm missing anything that can be accessed without too much trouble, @ me on twitter: henrytcasey.
What I Watched:
Progress Ch. 46: I Like To Chill Out Here And Shoot Some Dinosaurs, 4/7
NJPW: Genesis, 4/9
Monday Night Raw, 4/10
ROH Wrestling, 4/10
Ethan Page - It's Not Over Yet, EVOLVE, WWN Live, 4/10
SmackDown Live, 4/11
205 Live, 4/11
Talking Smack Live, 4/11
NXT, 4/12
Mini-Doc: Zack Sabre Jr. Can't Make a Mistake, EVOLVE, WWN Live, 4/12
Upcoming Watch List:
PROGRESS Wrestling Presents: Freedom's Road S01E07, 4/13
OTT: Scrappermania III, 4/15
Monday Night Raw, 4/17
ROH Wrestling, 4/17
SmackDown Live, 4/18
205 Live, 4/18
Talking Smack Live, 4/18
NXT, 4/19
Non-WWE Match of the Week:
Kazuchika Okada (C) vs Katsuyori Shibata for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship
NJPW: Genesis, 4/9
Most matches don't get 38 minutes between bells, but that's because few have the conditioning and technical prowess of Okada and Shibata. The former is the crown jewel of New Japan and the latter, well, he would have been on the rise after one hell of a match. More on that in a moment.
The story here is that Shibata enters the match guns ablazin and in a far more passionate state than Okada. The crowd is on board with this, vocally entirely behind Shibata. Okada is entering that mixed-reactions phase of his career most people associate with John Cena and Roman Reigns, and this match cemented it. Felt a bit like Punk/Cena MITB in that way. Except Okada starts taking shortcuts, playing to the boos.
Without spoiling any spots, I'll leave discussion of the good parts of the match at that.
Part of me doesn't want to give the win to the most-talked-about match of the week, but it was the best match outside of the week, despite its serious flaw. And that flaw is so bad that I won't go back and rewatch this match, despite loving (the majority of) it.
While I always suggest people go watch these matches, this one comes with a brutal asterisk. Near the end of this match, which was already going to win MOTW, Shibata leveled Okada with what is now believed to be a shoot-headbutt. As in the skull-to-skill headbutt that split Shibata open was legitimate, despite early reports of it being a work.
As reported by many, including Dave Meltzer of The Wrestling Observer, reports are coming out that Shibata is currently hospitalized, dealing with lingering right-side paralysis. Meltzer noted that Shibata has "some memories of the match" as if to infer that memory loss is involved. After all of this, it is expected that Shibata will never be cleared to wrestle again, ending his young career. Thankfully, it appears he will recover, but we shouldn't have needed to hope for that.
It brings up a question of what kind of stiff work is actively encouraged or at least tacitly endorsed by the New Japan management. Much like WWE with its bullying problem, NJPW needs to take this moment to consider how it does business.
Sakura Genesis is available on NJPW World.
Honorable Mentions:
Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) (c) vs The Hunter Brothers (Jim Hunter & Lee Hunter) for the PROGRESS Tag Team Titles, Progress Ch. 46: I Like To Chill Out Here And Shoot Some Dinosaurs, 4/7
Pete Dunne vs Mark Andrews for the PROGRESS World Title, Progress Ch. 46: I Like To Chill Out Here And Shoot Some Dinosaurs, 4/7
Hirooki Goto vs Zack Sabre Jr., for the NEVER Openweight championship, NJPW: Genesis, 4/9
Curt Stallion vs John Skyler in a 2017 Top Prospects Tournament semi-final match, ROH Wrestling, 4/10
Non-WWE Segment of the Week:
EVOVLE Mini-Doc: Zack Sabre Jr. Can't Make a Mistake
EVOLVE, WWN Live, 4/12
Evolve's mini-docs, which get attributed to Kenny Johnson, are typically great previews or recaps. This one, though, goes further. It tells twin stories of frustration, from the current EVOLVE champ Zack Sabre Jr. and recent signee ACH.
As the title suggests, the focus of the feature is ZSJ hanging onto his title by a hair. What that means for Zack is that he's getting closer to the "do whatever it takes" mentality that heels use, to cheat to keep his championship.
This, if you're following Sabre Jr. outside of this promotion, is intriguing. In Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) and New Japan, to name a couple of the other place he pops up, things are different.
Everywhere but EVOLVE, he's called "Zacky Three Belts" because he's crossed over to the dark side, turning heel. So whether he's joining Minoru Suzuki's nefarious Suzuki-Gun faction or tag-teaming with The Villain Marty Scurll as The Leaders of The New School, he's always drawing ire. It's the role that many who see his lanky frame and know-it-all submission style believe he was born to play.
And then we have ACH - who has worked as a friend of Zack's in EVOLVE - who came here to win gold. ACH who should have been a world champion by now, but was passed over. ACH who couldn't get the job done in Orlando, against Sabre Jr. at EVOVLE 80.
ACH who says he doesn't know what comes next. ACH who's been a face all this time and maybe that's not enough.
Of course, this video doesn't hammer home either potential turn all that hard. Gotta keep that surprise going. I love how the focus and zoom fall out of the scene where Michael Elgin cold-cocks Zack Sabre Jr. after basically demanding their match be for the title. And then the brief moments they bring from Elgin/ZSJ definitely paint Sabre Jr. as valorous and Elgin and the prick.
And then the other challengers. Lio Rush, who challenges Sabre Jr. for the title at the next EVOLVE events, and has "no more time to waste." Ethan Page, tired of getting looked over by the booking committee, and more than happy to remind you of his two wins against Zack.
And finally, back to Sabre Jr., who speaks of the weight of the belt on his shoulder. If that doesn't get you buying tickets or a FloSlam subscription, then I'm confused.
Honorable Mentions:
Ricochet addresses Hiromu Takahashi, NJPW: Genesis, 4/9
Ethan Page - It's Not Over Yet, EVOLVE, WWN Live, 4/10
WWE Match of the Week:
AJ Styles vs Sami Zayn vs Baron Corbin in a #1 Contender's match for the United States Championship
SmackDown Live, 4/11
The Superstar Shakeup gave SmackDown Live the kind of roster that everyone wished it had on day 1. Sure, we thought Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt were amazing workers, but that just wasn't happening.
So this past week saw them add a flurry of talent, with Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens coming over as two marquee acquisitions. Oh, and they're also adding Big E, Xavier Woods, Kofi Kingston (give me New Day singles runs) and Rusev to a show that already had AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura, Baron Corbin, Tye Dillinger and Luke Harper? So hot, hot damn.
And as if they felt the need to prove themselves, Zayn, Styles and Corbin put together a match worthy of their names. So while Styles is still working through being a good guy, Sami's trying to prove himself against a bully he can hurt (Corbin is no Strowman), and Corbin is showing that he's a fast learner.
This was the closest call for WWE MOTW in a while. While this had to be the winner, I appreciated the work in the other two matches, also worth checking out. This one just had more time and better pacing. Find the full version on Hulu if you have to.
Honorable Mentions:
Jack Gallagher vs TJ Perkins, 205 Live, 4/11 
Oney Lorcan vs Drew McIntyre, NXT, 4/12
Note: Both Galloway and Gallagher hit headbutts, no reports have emerged of resultant injuries.
WWE Segment of the Week:
Braun Strowman Savagely Attacks Roman Reigns
Monday Night Raw, 4/10
I'm really confused about what WWE meant to do with this segment, but I loved it so much nonetheless. This isn't the best WWE segment of the year (remember the Festival of Friendship?), but damn it's a close second.
Sure, he didn't lift the ambulance (hello, it's pro wrestling), but everything else about it was just so damn cool. Braun just rag-dolling Reigns around the backstage area elevates him to the most awesome thing on the Raw roster.
I watched this Raw at a bar with other fans, and this segment became the most amazing moment when consumed with a dozen or so fans screaming their heads off. So I just can't emphasize enough how huge this moment is. 
WWE needs to handle this properly on Monday, and keep Roman off TV and let Braun continue to be the next wonder of the world, but not overdo it.
Some notes:
Roman takes a moment to remove his clipped-on microphone, because he's a good employee who treats company property with care.
The segment wins by demonstrating impossible awesomeness by way of camera tricks.
Someone (possibly the WWE) started a god damn online petition to fire Strowman. That, if done outside of the company, is today's version of that time people thought the NWO actually invaded WCW and called the police.
How does this happen the same week as The United Incident?
And about my confusion:
So, this made Strowman cooler than ever for many. Was it supposed to make Roman pitiable? Likable? Is this just to get Roman cool as a vengeful motherfucker?
After Roman Reigns had all the heat last week, are they trying to cool him down? What the hell?
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전도사의 딸 3월 26일 일요일 밤 10시 첫방송
The daughter of a preacher
♬. Zayn - don`t  wanna live forever
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ofoatd · 6 years
Tomlinson's TV talent, Panic! At The Disco's plight to high heights & Fall Out Boy's 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' Llama led rip off
Tomlinson's judging talent, Payne's premiering EP, One Direction's eight year 'History', Fall Out Boy's 'Thnks fr th Mmrs' lama led rip off and Panic! At The Disco's daredevil plight to high heights. One Fall Out At The Disco's fortuitous hiatus has halted, honing in on music happenings from Malik's sonically startling 'Sour Diesel' to Panic! At The Disco's pious 'Pray For The Wicked Tour’ trail. Coming back from a break like Twenty One Pilots' sabbatical suspension over One Direction's cry out for a comeback, One Fall Out At The Disco's reformed and restored, magnifying music most missed matters.
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Louis Tomlinson the TV talent X Factor judge
Honing in on unblemished boyband harmonies to tearing up the table as a esteemed musical magistrate of the newly designed panel, Louis Tomlinson's lustrous leverage to the heritage of TV talent The X Factor, has been an burning notion put into motion years heretofore.
The 'Back To You' singer is going back to where his life full and long living career conspired into a spiral of One Direction domination, music mogul imprints, solo success and judging jobs upon cultured acquaintance of the panel position and being a ratings boosting figure boasted by philanthropist and public personality Simon Cowell, utilising the former boyband segments popularity purposefully to revive a dying British singing show which cultivated in collecting the worst ever final ratings in its 14 year stint, prioritising Tomlinson's tactile public marketability moreover that's the northerners notorious charismatic persona was a seamlessly shameful statement surrounding Cowell's integrity and intentions.
Whilst conference communications broke of the 26 year olds artist management role, speckles of scepticism surrounding Louis debut record release unofficially branded as LT1 fretted fans over his prioritisation of music over contest commitments with the solo singer suggesting the shows help not hindering covenant commenting "The album is still definitely my priority it doesn't change any release time me doing the show. Having come from the show it made sense to me to go on, I've always been interested in mentoring that's why I've done things in the past with my imprint label. It's something that has been on my mind".
Rolling up in a Mercedes-Benz company car stepping out from the suburbs of a renewed vintage esque Burberry check craze, the 'Just Like You' lead infiltrated into the SSE Arena Wembley situated adjacent to the worldwide wonder Wembley Stadium who hosted One Direction's three date term ‘Where We Are Tour’ in 2014. Sitting in the cushion stacked hot seat for the discovery arena auditions, cautiously crying over a returning contestant and being timidly confident within his critiques plus the stressful six chair challenge mentoring the boys bracket.
Tomlinson took time to spontaneously meet smiley faced fans fighting to stay in their seats subsequent to staff brutally blacklisting and barbarically banning fans from floor perspectives, reigniting former boyband memory flames and jettisoning James Grant Management Group and moving to Mark Gillespie and Matt Vines WMA Management after a two year time with the initial leading agency providers the Syco spin off label imprint individual is moving on, maximising his music mogul mind nostalgic to Plain White T's and Toms.
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8 years of One Direction
Primary vanguards of 21st century boyband unprecedented hysteria, X Factor  graduates One Direction have been masters of pop culture craft for an existing 8 years. Sitting on stairs to selling out stadiums, singing saccharine sugar coated bubblegum pop bops apropos to endless promises of partying all night, making malcontent 'Midnight Memories' stomping upon the streets of centralised London and mulling over fornoon favourite a.m conversations to a cultivation of a dedicated demographic of assured adolescents, placid parents and benevolent boyfriends of fangirl girlfriends growing and grasping mainstream music eminence, eventually evolving as one of the highest earning boyband in history eternity.
"#8YearsOfOneDirection where has the time gone!? Thank you so much to every single person who’s ever supported us. Big love!" tweets Tomlinson the 1/4 of One Direction bio beholder, taking time  aside from audition allegiance alongside Liam Payne addressing the boyband as "Brothers" simultaneously splashing in the oceanic seas from the probably private yacht on Payne's sunny staycation, Niall Horan penning homage to "Amazing memories with the lads" and Harry Styles stating the fan support system saying "Thank you for all the love, thank you for all the support. Thank you for everything" signed off with his signature H dismissal.
Meanwhile the One Direction official outlet monotonously recalled lyricism from the 4 piece's repertoire, fan frenzy was a flurry when supposed superfan speculation sparked an outpouring in overwhelmed apocalypse of panic, pandemonium and perturb as dates for a post hiatus 2020 tour to represent and fly fifth album Made In A.M mellow ambience, the cliffhanger of an album left on the indefinite break of the 'Story Of My Life' singers surfaced upon ticketing sales service Ticketmaster's Australian December dates listings, deflecting the doubt of an unreleased 'Infinity' music video and playlists reputedly lead single 'Lucky' a potential promotional lead for a group reformation of raging proportions.
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Fall Out Boy "Bishops Knife Trick" music video
A manic mayhem of memories of peculiar primates to a pity party of chaotic camelids. A lama tinged ode to 'Thnks Fr Th Mmrs' Fall Out Boy's brand new animated animal endeavour 'Bishops Knife Trick' is one of the top rock selling record of this year, its MANIA's answer to Infinity On High's Kim Kardashian cameo curation.  
Ticking off one less task on his comprehensively seventh studio album branded list, Pete Wentz writes off the music video of the Island Records/DCD2 recent record release penultimate track ahead of the Reading and Leeds Festival headline, homecoming Wrigley Field gig, mixing and mastering Lamamania plus renovating Folie à Deux's demo Lake Effect Kid extension, a symptomatic culmination to a MANIA era that has dished up a final frosty serving of demanding director Stump and unbeknownst animal oppression in 'Bishops Knife Trick'.
Trading in a monkey obstructed madhouse for a llama centric landscape, big boss Patrick Stump verbally browbeats working living organisms curious on curating a picture perfect Patrick paradise of fedora furry friend fashionistas and check mate chess games of a talentless wack llama ensemble. Overlaying a spat between the species, chillingly deep dark blues and animal like entrapment elevate writer Wentz' candidly confessional dealing, with dejected depression and evoked emotions of a mental mania battle of a disconnect of the ordinary world brought back to earth by the glow of the city of Chicago.
Getting a grip of reality and breaking out of the domesticated cage of a state of suppressed sadness, Stump soaringly sings subjected to sweeping sounds and climbing chimes of piano melodies amongst mid tempo strikes of the snare reinstall instrumental talent amongst a catalogue of crisis amid MANIA's repository recalling lyricism of "I got a feeling inside that I can't domesticate/It doesn't wanna live in a cage/A feeling that I can't housebreak" hones in on the entertainment exploitation of llamas laundering away over musical instruments, seeking the idealistic project of Patrick's "film school" wonders.
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Liam Payne First Time EP
Stripped back sounds, sultry lyric lines and smoothly tamed tones. Liam Payne's album filler EP First Time steps in for the September suspension of an inaugural record and steps up as a tetralogy of tracks, transforming the remixing maestro into a solo singing virtuoso. Post dropping a successful string of singles, collaborating with a cultivation of reputable recording artists in the realms of Migos' Quavo and Columbian crooner J Balvin, for radio friendly feats ‘Strip That Down’ and the flamboyantly bilingual bop 'Familiar'. Surrounding the latter's release, Payne hotly hyped up the anticipation of his fully fledged step out into the solo spotlight LP momentarily dulled by the determined decision to push back the records release, following in the footsteps of Fall Out Boy's belief battle with MANIA a setback suggestive of re-defining songs that feel so differently distanced as false representations of artistry with the 'Bedroom Floor' singer stating "I looked at some of the songs on my album which were done a while ago and they felt from another age. I'm determined for my debut album to truly represent me. In the meantime, this EP is a collection of songs that I'm really proud of" launching into the era of the EP First Time.
Title track 'First Time' fuses fragments of a "Familiar" fiery and fun filled tones picturing a Payne on the prowl to follow his feelings for an elusive female fabricate themselves throughout the thrill of the chase chronicle, a typical songwriting style the 25 year old adheres to. Exploring the realms of relationships over friendships besides production work from Di Genius' repertoire with Latin esque R&B influences simmering their way slowly throughout the monotonous platforms of the lead single, spiked by a pick up of vocal hooks and lyrical lulls of Payne's palatable projections and artist come label institutor French Montanas musky melodies.
Sophomore song 'Home With You' hones in on Liam's leap into the Urban and R&B region of music considerately comparable to fellow former One Direction division Zayn Malik's mellow material, with the sophisticated sleekness of 2010's electronic pulsating drum machine moments and stylistic vocal arrangement introducing the track as a nonchalant number, none the wiser to its upbeat metronome ticking chorus and lyrically expressive 3 liner pre-chorus "Too many cooks in the kitchen/Too many fools here listening/Why don't we find somewhere quiet". Quintessentially embodying the entire archetypal narrative, where spending the night away from "Yelling to you over music" clubs in homely comforts with a newly significant other are free from the eavesdropping ears of unbeknown fools.
Musically minimalistic ballad 'Depend On It' dabbles with a tender provoking genre palette Payne sonically is a solo stranger to, amongst an array of danceable discography destined for the fm radio waves. Worlds apart from the clichéd addictiveness of pop boyband ballads, a pleasant place in unforgotten memories Liam is persistent in revitalising to the present, as the singer was pictured seizing a sentimental embodiment of One Direction artwork adorning the original ensemble apace with Up All Night and Take Me Home songwriter Savan Kotecha esteemed for penning popular pieces by Ariana Grande and Britney Spears. Perpetual piano instrumentation pays homage to 'Home With You' minor chords transformed into a pivoting arrangement of piano melody interludes, lonesome towards the climax of the third track cohesive with the upper register of Payne's vocal expansion, expressing the love hate state of a relationship dialogued rendering "I'm not ready yet, there's still a thread left/If I could just hold on onto unravelling hope/Give it one last go, I don't know why, just need us to try" compromising the succinctly short track, yet the upmost stand out of the upbeat outnumbered EP.
Conclusively 'Slow' signifies a contradicted balance between saddened lyricism and sprightful production with a negative tinged track telling the tale of a cracking and crumbling connection, purposefully moral uplifting via mediums of a selective sense for sniffing out sounds that make 'Slow' electro melodies the core carvings the 'Get Low' vocalist craves to create a chart hit wonder. Recorded in the confines of the West London located Wendy House Production Studio's a place of musical residence One Direction inhabited in their 6 year indefinitely suspended career Liam Payne, levitated by a venerated troup of songwriters including The Ordinary Boys frontman Preston and Sylvester Sivertsen who posted a behind the scenes picture of the pair in 2016. 'Slow' lyricism is the utmost suggestive and scandalous story of breakdowns and breakups throughout the EP's entire narrative elaborating on "Got me pretending' you ain't done with us/It got me runnin' round the obvious" closing simplistically on "Let me down, let me down slow" with First Time featuring a collaboration, conventional characteristics and collection of charmingly cool crusades that lulls the listener on a trip down Payne's publicly pronounced past relationship at the different stages of love, lust, spats and separation, enhancing catchy rhythmic arrangements and an aura of perspectives of Payne's personal anecdotes.
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Panic! At The Disco Reading & Leeds Festival 2018
Glistening glows of luminosity embossed with a scintillating showman style, Panic! At The Disco's co-headlining call crafted the shimmer, shine and sophistication of an otherwise damp, drunken and devil-may-care merrymaking weekender. Stemmed from a Saturday of female pop frontiers 'Strangers' singer Sigrid and Brit beauty Dua Lipa, Panic! At The Disco dazzled deftly with a type of timeless sumptuous sentimentality.
"To the old, and to the new/We dedicate this song to you" allures the retro soul sample of 'Silver Lining' as glitzy garmented and gold microphoned Brendon Urie bouncily bursts onto main stage Reading, to the rebellious satisfaction of young adults supposition supported by the bands backing of shifted member swaps, loosing Dallon Weekes who took to The Pit/The Lock Up stage showcasing 80's unearthed endeavour I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME and gaining bassist Nicole Row in March 2018 filling in for the female representation against a 14 year long male amassment.
Sounds of steampunk victorian picturesque imagery illuminated 'The Ballad Of Mona Lisa', with organically engineered vintage instrumentation of sinister patters of the piano and creeping pounds of the percussion, portray a dynamic duo of moral dilemmas in confident company with Urie's dark dingy lower register. Welcoming the colossal crowd to the land of Pretty Odd, a stellar song of festival festivities manifested itself in the fields of Richfield Reading chiming in with charming melodies, feeling so good with out of mind optimism side to side with spiritually earth endearing attitudes.
From the sprightly smiles of frontman Brendon Urie transitioning between latterly acquired additions "Dancing Is Not A Crime" and 'High Hopes' in which a faithful figure displays themselves amongst a sea of singing sinners to lasting setlist staples Queen's 1975 classic covering 'Bohemian Rhapsody' prescriptively performed for heritage act admiration. Transitionally taking on Too Weird Too Live, Too Rare Too Die's! triennial single 'Girls/Girls/Boys', pigmented pops of rainbow refractions, self proclaimed extravagant exclamation points and imposing iridescent sparkles lit the product ionised representation of the outright freedom of fondness for all orientations including + communities, a core creation for the efforts of the Highest Hopes Foundation set up in support for discriminated and disregarded segmentations of society.
Encore items illustrated a bouncing back and forth between the ever evolving dosages of conviction, carefree and ceremonious crusades from wickedly weekend worshipping 'Say Amen (Saturday Night)', sonically unambiguous crowd pleaser 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' to the confidentially conquering 'Victorious' as Urie confesses his state of euphoria before launching into the high intensity hit, highlighting the brightly belting pulsating vibrato vocals of the 31 year olds articulating "I've never been happier in my life and that's all because of you. You are important, you have an impact” illustrating an important imprint for a Saturday night of the retrieval of reminiscence and the making of matchless memories.
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Fall Out Boy Reading & Leeds Festival 2018
Glaring in the glory of double zero’s rock reminiscence Reading and Leeds long timers Fall Out Boy headlined the main stage, showcasing a spectacle of sets reinforcing pop-rocks reputation amongst an evolutionary shift of a festival blurring the genre identity boundaries. From a Friday fronted by American rappers Post Malone and Travis Scott to the publicly prophesied secret set of Bring Me The Horizon, Fall Out Boy waved the white flag in sheer satisfaction far from the symbolism of surrender to be sitting as sixth time servers to the British bank holiday bash.
Smashing through a stellar setlist subjected to an in with the old out with the new Folie à Deux dash down wistful album avenue in affair to the forth records decade duty to the quartets discography, of the madness mantras of messed up romantics in 'Disloyal Order Of Water Buffaloes' to the misery mindset of selfish meanness throughout 'I Don’t Care' flippant middle finger montage deceased video platform Vine would have been pleasantly pleased witnessing.
Upbeat anthems from the post hiatus period 'Centuries' and 'My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)' tinged the dark dusk skies in bursts and bangs of a 5th of November celebratory serenade succumbed to the pyro below of Wentz' fire blasting bass, betrayed by its toned down display of 2016's flame eating females, with Wentz wise words of wisdom reflecting penchants of pure honesty rendering to the adolescent audience "They tell you along the way that you need to fit into a certain mould, but be you, do you as loud as you can, stay dangerous!”.
With the dimming down of danger, poised piano ballads 'Save Rock And Roll' alongside MANIA's bright beacon of artistic hope levitated from a lacklustre LP 'The Last Of The Real Ones' shone Stumps soulfully sonic singing before storming into a powerfully propelling galactic gathering of rip roaring bass grooves and glistening electrical guitars.
Long gone the lectures of wolves and dunking the basketball and long live the king of pop culture covers and ones for the mosh pit, Fall Out Boy's headlining slot staged the rightful return of Reading champions and pensive mmrs of a marked musical legacy.
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Panic! At The Disco 'High Hopes' music video
Stranger setbacks, scaling skyscrapers and rooftop recitals. Panic! At The Disco's extortionately elevated vast visionary for 'High Hopes' holds back on self sceptical hesitancy and hones in on obtaining a dream like optimistic outlook.
Recently revealing eminently awaited European and UK Spring 2019 dates for the capacious continuation of the 'Pray For The Wicked Tour' that triumphantly teemed with death walks and wayward Amazing Beebo's, the trials and tribulations of Panic! At The Disco touring members dropping have surfaced, after the axing of touring musician Kenneth Harris subsequent to supported allegations of inappropriate misconduct between the 37 year old with of age and underage female fans soared. With speedy removal of Harris post the 'I Write Sins Not Tragedies' songwriters high note hitting IHeartRadio Festival performance, a succinct 13 song set compromising of current core classics 'Say Amen (Saturday Night)' and 'High Hopes'.
Gazing up to the sky high structure situated amongst the neighbouring streets of Downtown Los Angeles, subsequent to a borderline civilian belabour painting battle to the trails, tribulations and setbacks Brendon Urie has unambiguously endeavoured under the Panic! At The Disco music moniker, the self confessed London west end wannabe supernormally sets upon scaling the side of a modernist American sky high complex congregating a confounded crowd on earths gravitational ground.
Pushing on with anew sense of captured power, purpose and perspective Brendon beckons down to the solid surface below, as a building bridge and prompting pre-chorus builds up to spur the singer on into "Stay up on that rise and never come down" simultaneously pushing the Panic! frontman on to prove the fallacious critics untrue chiming "They say it's all been done but they haven't seen the best of me/So I got one more run and it's gonna be a sight to see" speculating the singular ensemble spearheads longevity, concealed by the cohort Panic! At The Disco and comparatively not soloist Brendon Urie, with sixth studio album Pray For The Wicked being the band's "One more run" record.
After a fast flicker and fierce flashback of pedantic belief that Panic! has exhausted entire repertoires of musical material, a moment of dignified realisation of accomplishment, achievement and appreciation is alluded to from the expressions of 'High Hopes' own 'Hey Look Ma, I Made It" moment Brendon and backing band burst into a sonic celebration, categorically evoked out of emotions of opportunity, outlook and optimism.
Watch Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy's Reading and Leeds Festival Sets including the music video for 'Bishops Knife Trick' and ‘High Hopes’ plus listen to First Time by Liam Payne on all major music platforms here:
Fall Out Boy Bishops Knife Trick Music Video - YouTube
Panic! At The Disco Reading and Leeds 2018 - BBC
Fall Out Boy Reading and Leeds 2018 - BBC 
Liam Payne First Time EP - Apple Music/iTunes
Liam Payne First Time EP - Spotify
Liam Payne First Time EP - Amazon
Liam Payne First Time EP - Google Play
Liam Payne First Time EP - Deezer
Liam Payne First Time EP - Tidal
Panic! At The Disc High Hopes Music Video - YouTube
(All photographic content curtesy of One Direction/Columbia Records/The X Factor (Instagram)/Capitol Records/Jake Chams/Panic! At The Disco/Elliott Ingham/Fall Out Boy)
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Daddy's Kitten | Ziall (7)
Zayn Dni kiedy Niall był we Francji, były cholernie długie. Niby rozmawialiśmy codziennie przez telefon, a on z przejęciem opowiadał mi co przeżył, jakie miejsca zwiedził i jakich potraw spróbował. Siedziałem późnym wieczorem w firmie nad ostatnimi dokumentami do podpisania gdy do mojego gabinetu weszła Elizabeth wnosząc stos papierów. - Jeszcze? - westchnąłem, a on posłała mi przepraszające spojrzenie. - To odebranie praw Panu Payneowi do oddziałów firm w Nowym Jorku to nie prosta sprawa - powiedziała kładąc papiery i przystanęła - Czy.. czy to prawda? Rozprawa i tak dalej? - Skąd ty.. Skąd wiesz o rozprawie? - spytałem prostując się na fotelu. Otworzyła szeroko oczy. - Z gazety - wyjąkała wpatrując się we mnie. Westchnąłem i przejechałem dłonią po twarzy. - Czy cokolwiek można ukryć w tym kraju? Nawet nie potrafię utrzymać w tajemnicy tego, że ktoś skrzywdził mojego chłopaka - wyszeptałem. Elizabeth stanęła za mną i zaczęła rozmasowywać moje ramiona. Odetchnąłem i rozluźniłem się, odchylając lekko głowę. - Jest Pan spięty, potrzebuje Pan odskoczni od.. - urwała na moment przez rozchyliłem powieki - Od problemów - powiedziała ciszej i pochyliła się do mnie. To była sekunda jak złączyła nasze wargi. Nie wiem czemu tego nie przerwałem, nie wiem czemu nie zaprostestowałem. Momentalnie Elizabeth znalazła się na moich kolanach całując mnie zachłannie. Moja dłoń sunęła w górę jej uda pod czarną spódnicę. Wstałem z nią uwieszoną na mnie, zrzuciłem wszystko z biurka, kładąc Elizabeth na nim. Podwinąłem jej spódnicę i rozpiąłem swoje spodnie. Owinęła mnie nogami w pasie, przyciągając do siebie. Potrzebowałem chwili by być gotowym. W końcu nie była Niallem. Nie była nawet facetem, a ja w ogóle nie rozumiałem swojego zachowania. Wszedłem mocno w Elizabeth, całując ją mocno. Gabinet wypełnił się kobiecymi jękami, a ja starałem się sobie wyobrazić, że na miejscu mojej asystenki jest Niall. Obudziłem się w swojej sypialni. Westchnąłem głośno i usiadłem na łóżku. Ten sen.. był dziwny. Śniło mi się, że zdradziłem Nialla z Elizabeth. Jednak zdałem sobie sprawę, że to nie był sen gdy usłyszałem obok siebie ciche, senne mruknięcie. Otworzyłem szeroko oczy, bo Niall jest przecież we Francji, poza tym nie ma takiego kobiecego głosu. Obróciłem głowę i zamarłem. Szybko wyskoczyłem z łóżka ale od razu tego pożałowałem bo byłem nagi. Sięgnąłem po bokserki leżące na podłodze i szybko założyłem je. - Elizabeth! Co ty tu do cholery robisz?! - wysyczałem. Usiadła rozbudzona i zmarszczyła brwi. - Nie pamiętasz.. Uprawialiśmy seks. Dużo seksu - uśmiech wpłynął na jej wargi, a ja poczułem jak robi mi się słabo. - Nie - szepnąlem - Nie nie nie.. Niall! On.. Jaki dzisiaj jest dzień?! Trzask drzwi wejściowych utwierdził mnie w przekonaniu, że to ten dzień. Dzień powrotu Nialla. Zanim zdążyłem chociaż pomyśleć w jaki sposòb wyrzucić stąd Elizabeth żeby Niall nie zauważył, drzwi sypialni uchyliły się. Zobaczyłem szeroko uśmiechniętego Nialla, ale cała jego radość wyparowała gdy zobaczył Elizabeth. - Niall to nie tak jak.. - zacząłem gdy przeniósł na mnie wzrok który stał się momentalnie pusty. - Ja się spakuję Zayn - powiedział tylko ale zaraz zaśmiał się cichutko i pokręcił głową - Przecież jestem spakowany, moja walizka wciąż stoi przy drzwiach. Do widzenia Elizabeth - powiedział i zamknął za sobą drzwi. Wybiegłem z sypialni ale gdy dostałem się do schodów, on już zatrzaskiwał drzwi wejściowe po przejściu przez nie. • Kilka godzin później zatrzymałem się pod domem bractwa. Wszedłem do środka. - Gdzie on jest? - spytałem pierwszego lepszego z chłopaków. Na korytarzu prawie natychmiast pojawił się Will - Gdzie jest Niall? Jestem pewny, że przyszedł właśnie tu! - Nialla tu nie ma - powiedział powoli Will patrząc mi w oczy. Zacisnąłem usta. - Wiem, że, kurwa, kłamiesz - wysyczałem - Niall! - krzyknąłem - Niall! Zamarłem widząc go na końcu korytarza, wpatrującego się we mnie wielkimi oczami. Miał na sobie za duży sweter które rękawy ciąglw zaciągał i ściskał w dłoni. Wyglądał tak cholernie uroczo i niewinnie. - Niall - powiedziałem już ciszej - Chcę porozmawiać. Daj mi się wytłumaczyć. - Jeżeli nie chcesz, nie musisz tego robić Niall - odezwał się Will robiąc w jego kierunku krok. - Zamknij się - warknąłem do chłopaka i podszedłem bliżej do Nialla - Proszę Ni - wyszeptałem patrząc mu w oczy. Dopiero teraz zauważyłem, że jego piękne niebieskie oczy były czerwone od płaczu. - Okay - szepnął, a ja poczułem iskierke nadzieji. Która została brutalnie zgaszona przez fakt, że byłem definitywnie winny. Zdradziłem go. Wyszedł do ogródka, a ja za nim. Usiadł na ławeczce i wbił wzrok w swoje buty. - Niall - kucnąłem przed nim i położyłem dłonie na jego kolanach, ale od razu poruszył się niespokojnie - Dzisiaj.. znaczy wczoraj.. - Uprawiałeś z nią seks - powiedział cicho. - Tak ale.. nie myślałem. Nie chciałem tego zrobić. To był impuls. Bezmyślny.. - Było ci dobrze? - spytał, a jego oczy zalśniły łzami. - Nie, Niall - złapałem go za rękę i splotłem nasze palce - Nie mam pojęcia czemu to zrobiłem.. - Przeze mnie? - zająknął się - J-ja nie ch-chciałem z t-tobą t-tego r-robić, więc z-zrobiłeś to z n-nią? - Shh - uniosłem dłoń i pogłaskałem go po policzku. Spuścił głowę zaciskając powieki, starłem kciukiem jego łze - Nie kochanie. Błagam, daj mi ostatnią szanse.. - Jak ktoś raz zdradził, to zrobi to jeszcze raz - odezwał się Will za mną, a ja zacisnąłem zęby i wstałem puszczając Nialla. - Zamknij się - warknąłem odwracając się do niego. - Jestem pewien, że jak tylko do ciebie wróci, ty znów go zranisz! - powiedział Will. Zacisnąłem dłonie w pięści i uderzyłem go. Niall pisnął i podbiegł do leżącego na ziemi studencika. - Kocham cię Niall - wyszeptałem patrząc jak próbuje zatamować krwawienie u Willa. - Nie, Zayn! - zawołał - Idź.. idź sobie! - Nie mówisz tego poważnie - zmarszczyłem brwi. - Pa Zayn - patrzyłem jak pomaga podnieść się Willowi i prowadzi go do domu bractwa. Stałem jak ten idiota wpatrując się w zamknięte drzwi. Zasłużyłem na to. • Niall Nocowałem w domu bractwa. Czułem się głupio przez to, że Will oberwał przeze mnie. Chciałem wybaczyć Zaynowi, wciąż go bardzo kocham, ale tego nie da się wybaczyć. Nie zdradę. Siedziałem z Willem w salonie, on trzymał chłodny okład na twarzy. Oglądaliśmy telewizje gdy rozległ się dzwonek do drzwi. Wstałem, poszedłem do drzwi i otworzyłem je. Zamarłem na widok Zayna. Był jakby bledszy i jakby smutniejszy. To przeze mnie. To wszystko przeze mnie. - Rozumiem, że nie chcesz mnie więcej widzieć - mruknął i wyciągnął w moim kierunku dużą białą koperte którą niepewnie wziąłem w dłonie - W każdej chwili możesz przyjechać po swoje rzeczy. - Co to? - spytałem marszcząc brwi. - Umowa na mieszkanie. Nie chcę żebyś został bez dachu nad głową. - Kupiłeś mi mieszkanie? - wyszeptałem wpatrując się w wyjęty przed sekundą dokument. - Na przeprosiny, nie oczekuję, że do mnie wrócisz. Ale nie mogę przestać tak po prostu o ciebie dbać i się o ciebie martwić. Kiwnąłem głową zagryzając policzek od wewnątrz. - Możesz się wprowadzić w każdej chwili - wymamrotał - Pa Niall - powiedział i odwrócił się. - Zayn - wyrwało mi się. Zatrzymał się w pół kroku i spojrzał się na mnie. Rozchyliłem wargi nie wiedząc co powinienem powiedzieć - Pa. Uśmiechnął się smutno i kiwnął głową. Patrzyłem jak wsiada do samochodu i odjeżdża. Kilka dni później pojechałem autobusem pod adres podany na umowie mieszkania. Z niedowierzaniem zauważyłem, że to jeden z droższych budynków. Przecież ja nawet nie mam pracy! Jak ja będę za to płacił?! Wjechałem na trzecie piętro i otworzyłem drzwi. Rozchyliłem wargi zdziwiony, to cholerny apartamentowiec. Mieszkanie było już urządzone. Były dwie sypialnie, salon, łazienka i kuchnia. Mi by wystarczył duży pokój, kuchnia i łazienka, nie potrzebuję takiej przestrzeni. Ale nie miałem gdzie indziej pójść, nie mogę ciągle siedzieć na głowie Willowi i jego kolegom. Rozpakowałem swoje rzeczy i usiadłem na kanapie w salonie. Czułem jak każdy mój oddech rozchodzi się echem w pustym i wielkim mieszkaniu. Wyjąłem więc telefon i patrzyłem na numer Zayna z przygryzioną wargą. Do Zayn: "Dziękuję za mieszkanie, jest piękne" Odpisał dopiero po godzinie co mnie zmartwiło. Od Zayn: "Dobrze, że ci się podoba :)" Do Zayn: "Wszystko w porządku?" Od Zayn: "Tak :)" Zmarszczyłem brwi. Ja.. mimo wszystko się o niego martwiłem. Wybrałem numer Zayna ale nie odebrał. Do Zayn: "Zayn, odbierz" Do Zayn: "Martwię się" Do Zayn: "Zayn.. proszę" Do Zayn: "Ja cię wciąż kocham" wiadomość nie wysłana. • Wydzwoniłem wszystkie szpitale w okolicy, nawet domy pogrzebowe ale go nie znalazłem. Koniec końców pojechałem pod dom Zayna. Otworzyła mi Pani Winters. - Niall! - uśmiechnęła się do mnie - Tak strasznie się cieszę, że tu jesteś - przytuliła mnie, a ja wyplątałem się z jej objęć. - Jest tu Zayn? - spytałem zaglądając jej przez ramię. - Jest, oczywiście. Wpuściła mnie do środka, a ja zobaczyłem Zayna siedzącego w salonie na kanapie, wpatrującego się przed siebie w wyłączony telewizor. W jego dłoni zobaczyłem butelke whisky i zamarłem w pół kroku. Wdech, wydech, wdech, wydech. - Zayn..? - położyłem dłoń na jego ramieniu, a on obrócił głowę w moją stronę. Jego oczy były zamglone, był kompletnie pijany - Przestraszyłem się, że coś ci się stało - powiedziałem okrążając kanapę i stając przeciwko niego. Próbowal wstać ale zaraz potem runął na kanape - Powinieneś odpocząć - wyjąłem mu z dłoni alkohol i odstawiłem na stolik - Chodź - pomogłem mu wstać i zarzuciłem sobie jego ramię na szyję, a sam objąłem go w talii by szedł prosto. Zaprowadziłem go do sypialni i położyłem do łóżka. - Położysz się ze mną? - spytał bełkotliwym głosem przez który w moich oczach pojawiły się łzy. - Nie Zayn - wyszeptałem naciągając na niego kołdrę - Śpij - gdy chciałem odejść, złapał mnie za nadgarstek. - Kocham cię Niall, tak strasznie cię kocham - powiedział patrząc mi w oczy, a po moich policzkach spłynęły łzy. - Dobranoc Zayn - sapnąlem wyrywając rękę. Wytarłem szybko łzy i wyszedłem z pokoju. Wyszedłem z domu Zayna, żegnając się po drodze z Panią Winters i poszedłem na autobus. - Dobry wieczór - odezwał się głos obok mnie. Zmarszczyłem brwi i spojrzalem w bok na mężczyznę. - Dobry wieczór - odpowiedziałem niepewnie. Mężczyzna był mojego wzrostu i wpatrywał się we mnie, co było naprawdę niekomfortowe. - Nie poznajesz mnie? - spytał uśmiechając się. - Nie. Powinienem? - zmarszczyłem brwi. Ten facet był naprawdę dziwny. - Jestem twoim ojcem Niall - uśmiechnął się szeroko a ja zamarłem. Wokół zabrakło tlenu, a ja wpatrywałem się w mężczyznę który twierdzi, że jest człowiekiem który porzucił moją mamę moment przed moimi narodzinami. - To nie jest zabawny żart - wymamrotałem zerkając nerwowo na zegarek. Autobus będzie za sześć minut. - Nazywam się James Horan - powiedział podchodząc do mnie. - Proszę mnie zostawić. - Zostawiłem twoją mamę ale teraz chcę to naprawić. Wiem, że po osiemnastu latach go kiepski pomysł, ale chcę wierzyć, że mam szanse odzyskać syna i rodzinę.. - Nie masz szans - warknąłem spoglądając mu w oczy - Było o tym myśleć wcześniej. A jeszcze lepiej byłoby gdybyś nie pieprzył wszystkiego dookoła gdy byłeś jeszcze z mamą! - zawołałem i w tym momencie podjechał autobus. Szybko wsiadłem do niego nawet nie oglądając się na mojego ojca. Gdy autobus odjeżdżał z przystanku, ja zająłem miejsce i schowałem twarz w bluzie, płacząc cicho. Odzywa się teraz, znajduje mnie po osiemnastu latach i chcę odbudować rodzinę. Czy ten człowiek zdaje sobie sprawę jak bardzo zniszczył życie mnie i mamie? Wróciłem do mieszkania i wziąłem prysznic myśląc o uczelni, Zaynie, o moim ojcu. Położyłem się do łóżka i westchnąłem cicho wpatrując się w sufit. Przeniosłem swój wzrok na fotel na którym leżał pluszowy biały królik od Zayna. Przygryzłem dolną wargę, wstałem i wziąłem maskotke. Wszedłem znów pod kołdrę i przytuliłem do siebie króliczka, zasnąłem niedługo potem. • Dni mijały mi dość powoli. Uczelnia, dom, uczelnia dom.. Problem w tym, że mój ojciec mnie nachodził. Jak nie przychodził pod uczelnie, to pod mój dom. Starałem się wtedy uciekać, tak, uciekać. Nie chciałem się z nim konfrontować. Wyszedłem z zajęć i zobaczyłem dobrze znany samochód. Zmarszczyłem brwi i podszedłem do auta. Zayn otworzył drzwi i uśmiechnął się słabo. Na nosie miał ciemne okulary. Kucnąłem przy nim by być na tej samej wysokości co on i sięgnąłem do jego twarzy by zdjąć okulary. Miał podkrążone oczy i jakby wyblakłe tęczówki. - Hej - wyszeptałem składając okulary. - Hej - odpowiedział zachrypłym głosem, wystawiając nogi z samochodu. Nie był w tej chwili wielkim biznesmenem. Był facetem w starych jeansach i rozciągniętej bluzie. - Nie czujesz się chyba za dobrze - przekrzywiłem głowę. Miał kilkudniowy zarost, a włosy rozczochrane. - Beznadziejnie.. Niall - spojrzał mi w oczy i złapał mnie za rękę, którą odruchowo chciałem zabrać - Nie mogę spać, jeść, pracować.. Nic nie mogę Niall. Bez ciebie, nie umiem żyć - wyszeptał ściskając moją dłoń, a ja przełknąłem z trudem ślinę - Wróć do mnie błagam. Nie zrobię tego nigdy więcej. Nie zdradzę cię, nie napiję się. Ale wróć do mnie - wyszeptał, a jego głos drżał. Patrzyłem jak jedna łza spływa po jego policzku. - Dobrze - zamrugałem kilka razy by odgonić swoje łzy. Wziąłem głęboki oddech - Ale to ostatnia szansa Zayn. Ja.. Ja odejdę jeżeli znowu zrobisz którąś z tych rzeczy - zmarszczyłem brwi - Nie wyprowadzę się, po prostu odejdę. Do innego miasta, kraju, świata, okay? Kiwnął energicznie głową. - Nie skrzywdzę cię już Niall, przysięgam - powiedział. Uniosłem dłoń i starłem kciukiem jego łzę. Pocałowałem go delikatnie w czoło i wstałem, poprawiając torbę na ramieniu - Gdzie ty.. - Do mieszkania - odparłem kierując się na chodnik. - Niall no co ty, zawiozę cię. Uśmiechnąłem się delikatnie i wsiadłem na miejsce pasażera. - Tęskniłem - powiedział gdy przez jakiś czas nie odzywaliśmy się. - Ja też - wymamrotałem wpatrując się w swoje kolana - Spałem.. spałem z tym króliczkiem którego mi dałeś. Nie mogłem bez niego zasnąć - zaśmiałem się cicho. - Kocham cię, kocham cię Niall - złapał mnie za rękę, a ja niepewnie splotłem nasze palce. - Podobał ci się seks z nią? - spytałem patrząc na tatuaż na jego dłoni. - Nie Niall! Oczywiście, że nie - wymamrotał. - Dobra, nie ważne. Nie potrzebnie to zacząłem - mruknąłem. Wysiadłem a samochodu, gdy zatrzymał się pod moim domem. Wszedłem na górę i usiadłem na łóżku w sypialni. Czyli wybaczyłem mu? Wrócę do niego i wszystko będzie jak kiedyś? A jeżeli znów mnie skrzywdzi? Jeżeli znowu mnie zdradzi, bo nie będę chciał uprawiać z nim seksu? - Niall? - uniosłem głowę na dźwięk głosu Zayna. Podszedł do mnie i uklęknął przede mną. Złapał moją twarz w dłonie i pocałował mnie delikatnie, właściwie ledwo czułem jego wargi - Udowodnię ci.. nie będziesz żałował ponownego zaufania mi - wyszeptał w moje wargi. Położyłem dłonie na jego karku i po prostu delikatnie musnąłem jego usta, oddając pocałunek.
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settingtrends · 8 years
I'm still in disbelief that we got headband zayn again
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