#ch: sherlock
Molly: You're beautiful.
Sherlock: And you're exquisite.
Molly: *blushes prettily*
Sherlock: ...now that's my favourite colour *smirk*
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luminoustico · 6 months
oooh, sherlolly soulmates au?
On his return from Sherrinford, Sherlock discovers Molly's name is on his wrist, and it is infuriating.
"I don't want a soulmate," he snarls, because he's petulant.
"Good, because I don't want you," she says while pulling her sleeve over the place where his name is on her wrist, because this time, she means it.
Give me a pairing, an AU setting, and I’ll write you a three-sentence fic!
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amazingspidermans · 2 years
knives out 3 needs to be at a wedding just so we can see benoit blanc and his malewife bf as the mystery-solving couple
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lesbonoi · 4 months
four count em FOUR guys fall to their deaths in front of sherlock. two are suicides. the first three happen in ch one and then theres rochester at the end of the awakened. what does it all mean.
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shreddedleopard · 1 year
I am absolutely bursting at the seams to scream about Morimyu Op 3.
Wanna write a very structured, intelligent analysis post but I don’t even know where to begin. Just … all of it.
— incoherent rambling about Moriarty the Musical Op 3 in-coming so quick — scroll if you don’t wanna see!
The way William’s yearning is portrayed. And Sherlock’s frustration. All the little references to Sherlock being a puppet on William’s strings. The way William is so infuriating and yet heartbreaking in the same breath. I totally get what Shogo meant when he once said, ‘it would be nice if William could be honest.’
The songs.
Spinning Around the Rondo? That entire spectacle. The lyrics, but also the way William steers and manoeuvres Sherlock at his whim … and the fact that they’re dancing with one another. I just. The metaphors. It was everything I needed from them.
I also love how we see the theme of the scarlet thread connecting them — this idea that they’re both attached but William is the one literally ‘pulling the strings’ — again in the scene with the Jack the Ripper culprits murdered. William tugging on an invisible string as he leaves and Sherlock immediately turning up to investigate. Chills.
In This Lonely Room I think is my favourite song from all 5 Opuses. When I say my jaw hit the floor … the dialogue from Albert beforehand — “you seem quite taken with him” ????? Umm. Okay. So it’s not just us then 😂 WILLIAM. You have been perceived 👀
And Shogo’s perfect called-out expression. But the pain in his eyes like … he doesn’t want to be made to face reality. He was having fun with his own little delusions and fixation with Sherlock. He was living in happy denial. Why do you have to go and be all voice of reason and ruin it, Albert?? “It will only hurt you.” EXCUSE ME is this advice on dealing with an unhealthy crush from your older brother time? I DIED.
But anyway. The song. Oh god, the song. Shogo sang it so beautifully and emotionally it made my soul ache for William and he’s like … he’s got this little glimmer of hope in Sherlock and when he LIES ON THE SOFA and sings TO HIS HAND LIKE A LOVER and then CLUTCHES IT TO HIS HEART. I cannot. Breathe.
What were they thinking? HOW can anyone be normal about them after witnessing that?
All of the songs in the second half pretty much ended me, to be honest.
I’m not sure how many times two people need to sing about having each other in their hearts to get the message across. I heard it the first time. And the second. And the third. BOYS PLEASE I UNDERSTAND don’t make it hurt more.
And then … the Durham date? THE DURHAM DATE!?
Ryo’s acting here was so good. The range of emotions he goes through during his talks with William — from notice me senpai to omfg challenge accepted to oh god we just sang about changing the world together do we really have to return to the weighty matter of why I came here — the LOC — after that? To oh shit you really do want someone to stop you to actually the RELIEF because that means you are a good person underneath it all if it’s really you — and I hope it is because I want you to be as obsessed with me as I am with you.
WILLIAM’S SHERLOCK AFTER HE LEAVES? The way he smiles so full it’s visible even with the dimming lights.
And then the final song … the repetition and switching of ‘I hope’ and ‘I will.’
I now fully understand why Morimyu twitter cannot stop saying those phrases and I am fully with everyone because ever since watching Op 2 they have been echoing in my mind but NOW — now I feel them in my bones like a bloody mantra.
Yes, I am dramatic about this. What of it?
(Not even gonna start on Op 4 because that also broke me in very specific ways but it still comes in hard second to Op 3 my love.)
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helloliriels · 2 years
Sleepless in London
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(Part 6 of Tumblr posting is 1/2 of Ch.7 on Ao3)
Read Pt. 5 | Pt. 4 | Pt. 3 | Pt. 2 | Pt. 1 | AO3
“Aren’t you going to read these, Daddy??”
Rosie had been sifting through the pile that John managed to shift into their sitting room - one armful at a time - and was now covered in them, like a dragon buried in its hoard of gold … 
He was trying to avoid the questions, as her eyes positively *glittered* with hope!
“I might do, later,” he answered, non-committal. 
His focus was on the eggs he was trying to whip into shape, while his mind was distracted by this entirely new problem … 
It was one thing to go on a radio talk show and stroll as it were, down memory lane … 
     … It was another thing entirely, to actually expect that he could find real love again.
               … And absolutely laughable to assume that out of all the billions of people on planet earth … it would be contained in this pile of letters!
He sighed. Slouching again, despite his best efforts the last few weeks to be cheerful.
Yes - he had meant it, 
             When he said he would try for Rosie’s sake. That night on the radio. 
And if he was being honest with himself … 
             He really did miss the companionship.
But these letters … ?
       He hadn’t counted on them.
“Did they make you give out our address?” he asked, concerned.
He thought about his wording, and adjusted his tone of voice, so as to not sound too harsh or accusing as he continued, “when you called in to the radio station that night - Rosie?” 
But the more he thought about it, the more concerned he really felt.
She was nodding, but then she shook her head, ‘No’. Then she nodded ‘Yes’ again. John was confused. Rosie was confused. She had to stop bobbing her head and perusing letters to look up. “Standard seizure?” she replied at last, “the man said they needed your Name. Number. Residence. Like at hospital. Before you can be admitted. In case anything happens to you?” Her voice hit that lilting note, like this should be obvious.
John smiled at the thought that Rosie misunderstood the meaning of “happens".
“I think they meant, kiddo -” John turned the burner down and watched the eggs sizzle in the pan … “that in case they drop the call, they know how to call you back - and they didn’t actually need our address for that!“ he noted her look of concern, “but it’s fine.” He smiled. “Standard Procedure,” he repeated the full words back to her, making sure it stuck this time.
He went back to cooking, only to ask over his shoulder, “did they tell you to expect the letters?”
Now Rosie was confidently nodding. 
“A lady called to say they had LOTS and that she wasn’t at all ‘prised!” she boasted. 
John smirked at his reflection in the glass.
“She says you were 'the hottest bachelor on air since Prince William'…" Rosie stopped bobbing again and looked up at John, “what’s a bachelor?” she asked. 
“A bachelor -” John explained, serving up dinner onto their plates, “is a man who is not yet married.” He huffed as he was setting their places at the counter, and was not sure why he felt the need to continue … “and a confirmed bachelor …  is a man who does not intend to marry. Possibly ever …”
“There!” He finished laying dinner out with a flourish and indicated that she should join him and eat! Now! 
Rosie giggled and grabbed a handful of letters as she ran over to the table.
“Read some, Daddy?” she begged, batting her eyes for extra effect. She had the brightest, most colourful envelopes fanned out in her hands, and one with a little love heart.
“Oh no!” John countered, “not until AFTER dinner!”
He took the treasured finds and tossed them back towards the pile. Shoving her, playfully, into her seat with a bop on the nose. “Now eat! Or I promise to read none!”
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Sherlock stared at the open sea. 
             Amsterdam felt hollow.
               Everything felt hollow. 
It seemed, the more he pushed himself to be the machine Mycroft lauded - the more he felt like he was missing something … essential? 
But he didn’t want to stop to think about it. He wanted a distraction. 
He had not been able to get John’s voice out of his head, since the radio program that night, and what was worse … 
        … He was beginning to regret tossing the letter. 
Mycroft had caught him at just the right moment. Offering him a lead to this new case. A case that was clearly going to require more than two weeks. Maybe more than two months, if he was lucky! And he had jumped at it!
Now ... having traced the route and found that it led in three directions … he decided he needed a new plan; to keep ahead of the game and to release as many of the captured teens as humanly possible; before anything or anyone alerted the Spider at the centre of the web … that his world was about to come unravelled … 
… And for the first time since Victor … he wished he had someone to help him with it. To share the work.
He convinced himself. That was all this was about. Not John.
But once the thought had planted itself in his mind … he just couldn't shake it. 
Maybe he should start with a roommate …?
                     When he returned to London?
After all … 
It was foolish to hope he could share his life with a friend or a lover ...?
                                        … If he couldn’t even handle sharing the rent.
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(fic continued on AO3) will keep posting here also. Have two more parts to catch up before I keep posting on Ao3 (more chapters are ready!)
Tagging @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @chinike @rhasima @mydogwatson @kettykika78 @mxster-jocale @cupidford @meetinginsamarra @peageetibbs @calaisreno @7-percent @john-smiths-jawline @anyway-kindness @swissmissing @inevitably-johnlocked @totallysilvergirl @kittenmadnessandtea @topsyturvy-turtely @safedistancefrombeingsmart @colourfulwatson @holmesianlove @kabubsmagga @peanitbear @copperplatebeech @tiverrr @pocketwatchofmycroft @mutedsilence @2smach @loki-lock @daltongraham @amyreadsandstresses @raina-at @discordantwords @gregorovitchworld @bluebellofbakerstreet @sarahthecoat @reveling-in-mayhem @masterofhounds @missdeliadili @mysterythecat @iamjustreading @midgemao @ileenhaddockhawkins @storytellingdreamer @fuckcannibals @cortinita @marisaysthings @a-clithridiate-in-my-heart @salmonsown
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sunflowercider · 5 months
-chapter describes botulinum-
-has flashbacks to Sherlock-
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devilsmenu · 11 months
@bcrncoldx - Irene & Sherlock
A rat with a gun
"So you're telling me that there is a rat holding a gun? I mean, that's the weirdest shit ever and I could precognitive everything with these eyes. Do you have a insecticide with you?".
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jae-duhb · 2 years
So far, I have one (1) idea and one idea only for Moriarty the Patriot:
Hogwarts AU where all three Moriarty bros are placed in Gryffindor House, but everyone knows them as "the Hydra in the Lion's Den." You can thwart one brother's scheme, but someone else always pops outta the woodwork to finish the job.
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tiimecrash · 1 year
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@edgedsword ( amelia holmes ) said "This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep." ||| i can't remember the meme this came from. lmao.
For everyone in London, they knew her as Professor Elizabeth Burke - historian and polymath. Not everyone was aware she didn't belong on earth, but she loved it so. She spent a lot of her time as a human that she grew fond of being one. Her alias she had whilst a human stuck with her, and just remained her. She hadn't a TARDIS anymore, that was broken and someplace else. Someone was taking care of it for her it seemed.
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Right now, she was working at the museum and became acquainted with Sherlock Holmes' child, one Amelia Holmes. She may be a time lord but she didn't know everything. This wasn't the timeline she was too familiar with. She was an observer and tried to help here and there. The young woman's words made the Professor grin. "Sleep it for the weak." she joked with a laugh. She approached the young female with a bust of the roman emperor Claudius in her hands, "Do tell, what's got you so worked up you can't sleep?"
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white-queen-lacus · 2 years
In light of YuuMori Part 1 ending... just saying that disappointment still continues. I truly had hoped that chapter 60 would have been something more promising and instead, it seems that following the She**iam b*llsh*it was a better option... yeah, the best truly, honestly. It's true that YuuMori doesn't foreshadow anything but it goes on the flow, but I truly was expecting something better than a "freely and gaily ever after ending" where atonement and death mean "Ok, let's keep on living in the sunlight because we're in a plot armor" and "Ok, let's show two so renowed characters known for their popularity supposedly dead paying a visit during an official meeting like they had been seen the day before"... and then, nobody asked questions. What a missing chance, truly.
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John: Kiss, marry, kill: Donovan, Anderson, Molly.
Sherlock: Kill Donovan, kill Anderson...
Sherlock: Marry Molly.
Sherlock: *looks at Molly with intention*
Molly: Yes.
John: *whispers* What the heck just happened?
Lestrade: *whispers back* I...I think they just got engaged.
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luminoustico · 6 months
Sherlolly in WWII Paris, please & thank you!
He doesn't know where she is, or if she has managed to survive; all he knows is her handwriting, and the odd little tick she has to her 'V's and her 'Q's.
It is a wet afternoon in a small little alley just off the Passage de Panoramas, and a glimpse of fresh chalk makes him stop. Rain gathers in his tousled hair, droplets running down his back from the upturned collar of his coat; he reaches out with trembling fingers to trace the shape of the letter 'V', hastily scribbled and beginning to smudge from the water---but there is no mistaking that odd little tick.
Give me a pairing, an AU setting, and I'll write you a three-sentence fic!
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intj-greenwords · 2 years
A man and his pipe
“Sherlock Holmes sat silent for a few minutes with his fingertips still pressed together, his legs stretched out in front of him, and his gaze directed upward to the ceiling. Then he took down from the rack the old and oily clay pipe, which was to him as a counsellor, and, having lit it, he leaned back in his chair, with the thick blue cloud-wreaths spinning up from him, and a look of infinite languor in his face.”
“What, perhaps, with other things, made Stubb such an easy-going, unfearing man, so cheerily trudging off with the burden of life in a world full of grave pedlars, all bowed to the ground with their packs; what helped to bring about that almost impious good-humor of his; that thing must have been his pipe. For, like his nose, his short, black little pipe was one of the regular features of his face. You would almost as soon have expected him to turn out of his bunk without his nose as without his pipe. He kept a whole row of pipes there ready loaded, stuck in a rack, within easy reach of his hand; and, whenever he turned in, he smoked them all out in succession, lighting one from the other to the end of the chapter; then loading them again to be in readiness anew. For, when Stubb dressed, instead of first putting his legs into his trowsers, he put his pipe into his mouth.”
1. Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street (A Case of Identity)
2. Stubb of the Pequod (Moby Dick)
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valiantgentle · 2 years
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oc halloween challenge 2022 ─ ↳ day twenty-nine: wibbly wobbly, timey wimey ─ valerie rosenbaum & sherlock holmes, from modern day new york city to edwardian london.
❝The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes.❞ — Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles
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Does anyone else wonder about what “all those complicated little emotions” are? For Eurus to (metaphorically speaking) lose count, it had to have been an even more complex cocktail than we can comprehend.
Like, we are all sure he’s realised he’s in love with her and hated how they were forced by Eurus to explore and acknowledge that. For him to destroy the coffin and yell in anguish like that after years of emotional repression means this wasn’t a meaningless thing for him “this is vivisection”, but the writers fell very short of exploring that unfinished thread. Anyway, I have many thoughts!
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