#ch: sansa stark
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stormborns · 11 months ago
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GAME OF THRONES 2.09, Blackwater
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dcbicki · 2 years ago
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They trained you well, little bird. — A Clash of Kings, Sansa III
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oceangrief · 10 months ago
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Across different cultures, the dove is often revered as a symbol of peace, love, and purity.
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fantasylander · 2 years ago
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Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
They are children, Sansa thought. They are silly little girls, even Elinor. They’ve never seen a battle, they’ve never seen a man die, they know nothing. Their dreams were full of songs and stories, the way hers had been before Joffrey cut her fathers head off. Sansa pitied them. Sansa envied them.”
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wounds-seen-and-unseen · 7 months ago
Augsnippets Day 5: Path of Comfort: Feverish Caretakinng
Still catching up on @augusnippets !
Day 5 this time.
Word count: 390 words.
Context: Takes place in the same universe my Day 2 snippet occurs. Sansa, the PoV character here, is a friend of Joanna.
Tagging @ba-bhump @dreamer-in-sleep and @starlightasteria
Sansa is sure that she has talked her throat hoarse by now. Yet, Joanna does not budge. Looking at the young man on the bed, his body trembling with fever chills, she feels a twinge of guilt for asking what she does. Guilt that is only made worse when Joanna tiredly shakes her head. “No, Sansa. I am not leaving him alone. I cannot. What if something happens when I slumber on? Once my son is on the road to recovery, I can sleep all I want.”
“Joanna,” tries Sansa, futile but earnest, “he would want you to rest.” In the admittedly frustrating conversation on both sides, they miss the slight movement on the bed.
Joanna, shaking her head out of habit by now, stops mid-motion at the quiet, hoarse voice that intercedes. “I do.” Joanna jerks her head towards him. “Jaime! Little lionknight, are you in pain?” “No,” he answers, his glazed gaze on his mother. “But the lady is right. You should sleep, mama.” “Don’t worry about that, sweetheart, you need your rest to heal.” He raises a brow, fever burning still in his eyes and on his skin, still held captive by the rigours of fever. His teeth chatter as well. “You look w-worse than I do. You sh-should sleep.” “I refuse to, as long as you need me, child.” “Then I shall refuse laudanum as well.” Joanna’s eyes widen. “Jaime! Do you even understand…” she trails off as the stump of his right arm reaches to her on instinct. “That is nothing compared to the pain I feel, knowing you suffer for my sake.” His voice bridges and breaks, tears shimmering in his eyes.
Joanna melts, she can see that on her face. “Have I ever refused you, my little lionknight? Sleep I shall, as you wish.” She smiles then, nudging him. “Move over. We have a shortage of beds and you are hogging this one all to yourself.”
Her son bows his head, moving over as she asks. “My apologies, Lady Duchess,” he winks at her.
As Joanna settles in, the brief surge of energy he had gives way to exhaustion, his head lolling on her shoulder. Joanna, still smiling, sets it comfortably on her shoulder, dropping a kiss on his messy blond hair.
Sansa smiles back, sitting back with a book on her lap.
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feyhunter78 · 10 months ago
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Description: During your Uncle Robert's Royal Procession, you find yourself enraptured with Ned Starks' bastard son. While Jon has never dreamed so vividly until your arrival. A thread seems to exist between you and him, pulling you together. Luckily for you both, your father Tyrion sees the need for a sworn sword in his beloved daughter's life.
Ch 2
You should know better, truly you should, but you’ve always had a weakness for pitiful-looking creatures, or at least that’s what your father has always said. He stands a pace ahead of you, watching as your uncle, the King Robert, embraces Lord Ned Stark with a boyish joy you have never seen in your uncle. Your Aunt Cersei stands to the side of them, smiling politely at the Lady Catelyn Stark, Joffery all but hanging from her skirts, demanding attention. Usually, you would scowl at the back of the boy’s head, but the sight of Ned Stark’s bastard son has you quite distracted.
He is pitiful, even his name, Jon, it’s so common, so often used it cannot differentiate him from others. He stands stiffly, with gray eyes so dark they almost seem black set beneath thick brows. He has curly dark hair that frames his face, an unchanging frown upon his face, and his hands clasp and unclasp nervously as he watches the mingling of your two families. Jon’s dressed like all the other Starks, but somehow lesser, as if he has chosen only the drabbest of colors in an effort to blend into the dreary landscape. There’s a solemn softness to him that intrigues you. What secrets does he keep? Why does he look so mired in grief? He notices your gaze, and his face tints pink as he ducks his head further into the fur collar of his cloak. You bite back a laugh, for a moment he looked like a turtle.
The boy beside him, Robb, stands an inch or so taller with cornflower blue eyes, and auburn hair. The clear son of Lady Catelyn radiates confidence, nearly bordering on arrogance, as he surveys the servants unloading your family’s belongings from the wheelhouses. Beside him stands a boy whose arrogance you wouldn’t mistake for confidence, even if you were less astute than you are. But the arrogance rings false, you can see the cracks in his bravado, the insecurity leaking from every pore. It’s in the way he hovers so close to Robb, as if he fears to be away from him would be his undoing. This one you know inside and out; your father had drilled you on everyone you were going to meet before you even stepped foot outside King’s Landing.
Theon Greyjoy, last surviving son of Balon Greyjoy, a war prisoner disguised as a ward, the closest companion to Robb Stark, both accepted and held at a distance, Lord Stark’s sword an ever-looming threat should his father ever revolt once more. Theon has eyes like the sea and tousled hair the color reminiscent of the mahogany desk in your father’s study. He is lankier than the other two, hungrier, and when your eyes meet his, he winks. You resist the urge to wrinkle your nose in response, you were a lady, a Lannister, you were not so easily swayed. Theon is handsome, but if your father’s reports were true, he spent much of his time in brothels. The tactics that worked there would not work on you.
“And this is my eldest daughter, Sansa.” Lord Stark says, motioning to a girl that was perhaps two or so years younger than you. She is beautiful, with fiery red hair, eyes like Robb’s, and high, graceful cheekbones. She curtsies with the air of a Southern lady, and smiles when you do the same. This is who you are meant to befriend, and it does not seem it will be too difficult, Sansa’s eyes eagerly drink in every aspect of your being, as if she wishes to glen all she can of Southern life before it is ripped away from her.
“She is as beautiful as her mother.” Your father says, giving her then Lady Catelyn a smile.
They both thank him, Lady Catelyn beaming at the praise, while you notice Sansa’s cheeks flush with color. She is easily flattered; you must remember that.
“Allow me to introduce my own daughter, Y/N Lannister.” Your father introduces you, putting emphasis on your surname, the very fact that you have one. You are not a bastard, no matter what awful Joffrey likes to say. Your mother and father had married in secret, she died giving birth to you, it was tragic and left your father quite saddened, but you were not a bastard.
Your eyes dart back to Jon taking him in subtlety. You wish to see him blush again, but you will not make your actions so easily observed.
“It is too cold, why must we stand here all day?” Joffrey whines, crossing his arms over his chest and stomping his foot resoundingly.
Your aunt fusses over him, and Lord Stark leads you all inside, talking jovially with your uncle as you hurry to catch up with your father.
It is loud in the Great Hall of Winterfell, made of gray stone and smelling of smoke, meat, and a hint of dog, which you must assume is from the Direwolves. It is well lit and filled with people, all enjoying the bountiful feast set before them on long wooden tables. You’re seated away from your father, something you despise. He is closer to your Uncle Jaime, nearer to the King and Lord Stark, while you have been seated with the other children. It has only been you and your father for so very long, a part of you feels anxious to be separated from him, but you are a Lannister, if you cannot charm the strangers around you then can you truly call yourself such?
“Will you tell me more of King’s Landing, Lady y/n?” Sansa asks, looking enraptured by the mere thought of it. She is dressed in a gown of blue silk, her fur lined cloak on the back of her chair, her hair done up in a style you’re quite familiar with. She is very beautiful, and you spot many men staring at her, one of them being Theon who is seated at the lower tables. You catch his eye and smile knowingly. In response, he scowls and ducks his head.
You must mention this observation to your father.
You smile and return your attention to Sansa, regaling her with tales of festivals and feasts, of tourneys and services in the Great Sept. Her siblings either listen as well or turn their attention elsewhere, which you don’t mind. They are not who you are here to befriend.
Sansa sighs dreamily and turns her gaze to Joffrey, who is seated next to his mother further up the table and is staring down at his food as if it has offended him. “And what of Joffrey? Surely you must be close?”
Your cousin, and closest companion, Myrcella snorts into her drink, and you shoot her a look. Myrcella was meant to be sitting next to Joffrey but had convinced someone to switch with her so that she could be next to you.
“Joffrey is a…spirited boy, he has many…passions.” You say carefully, running your finger along the rim of your glass.
Your father suspects Robert will wish to wed Sansa and Joffrey. It’s a strategic match, but your cousin is a horrible bully, you have marks hidden beneath your sleeves to prove your words, and you do not wish to see innocent Sansa suffer in such a way. True, you have not spent much time with her, but she has been warm and welcoming, her innocence shining through like the sun on a spring day.
“Does he enjoy tourneys? I have heard the King was quite the warrior, he and father fought together.” Sansa continues, resting her chin in her hand.
You smooth out the nonexistent wrinkles in your skirts. “Joffrey has not competed in any tourneys quite yet, Lady Sansa, he is too young.”
“He is three and ten, is he not? Most squire by one and ten, why has he not been sent to one of your bannermen like his uncle?” Robb says, taking a long drink from his glass.
“My mother does not wish for him to get injured; he is heir to the throne, after all.” Myrcella chimes in, saving you from coming up with another excuse for why Joffrey has not been allowed to leave King’s Landing.
Sansa nods and gazes longingly at Joffrey once more. “That seems most wise, what a dutiful mother Queen Cersei is.”
“Where is your mother, Lady y/n? I did not see anyone else arrive.” Bran, one of the younger Starks asks, his round innocent face not dulling the sting of his words at all.
Myrcella takes your hand under the tables and squeezes it. She has been privy to the nights of crying, of mourning the mother you would never know.
“Bran, that is not polite.” Sansa hisses.
You shake your head, a soft smile on your face. “My mother died giving birth to me, but I am told she held me in her arms before the Stranger came for her, that she named me and spoke of how dearly she loved me.”
Bran makes a soft noise of apology, and the conversation lulls, until finally you have finished your meal and are free to retire to your chambers.
You wave off any offer to escort you, telling them all you wish to admire the architecture of Winterfell in solitude.
It’s not wholly a lie, though you cannot say you ever wish to be alone , you enjoy the company of others, are invigorated by it, but tonight feels different. Perhaps it is the mention of your mother, or the false face Joffrey is putting on for the Starks and their bannermen, the sound of his laughter ringing about the hall. You wander the halls of Winterfell with a faint knowledge of where the guest chambers lie, when you find yourself approaching the training yard. The night is quiet, snow falling gently, the brisk air seizes your lungs, purifying them with an icy chill.
You are not alone, the thud of blunt metal upon wood, the sounds of exertion, the turn of boots in snow covered dirt. You slowly move towards the sound, knowing your father will scold you later for such carelessness. There are countless people here, and you cannot be assured they all wish you well.
Jon Snow, the ever so distracting bastard, stands in the middle of the yard, training alone, the moonlight shining down on him, making his pale skin glisten. You rest your hand on the stone archway, one foot on the dirt, the other still firmly planted on the stone. You should leave him alone, you know it, but you’re mesmerized by the sight, the tension in his muscles, the expanse of his back, the strength in his arms. He is a little older than you, six and ten to your five and ten, both old enough to be married, yet both remaining unbetrothed.
There had been offers for your hand, even though you were the imp’s child, and many wondered if you would sire broken children, if you would pass on your father’s curse. But for the gold that backed your name many were willing to risk it. You didn’t like your suitors, they were too brash, too lewd, too old, or simply just not right.
Jon stops and lifts his tunic to wipe the sweat from his brow. His stomach is toned, his skin mostly smooth, though there are some faded scars.
Yes, they were simply not right, they did not look like that.
You feel heat rise to your cheeks and you avert your eyes. What were you, a child? A lovesick maid? You have spent no more than mere minutes in his presence, and already you are lusting after him like some silk street whore? It must be the chill that is muddling your mind, yes, the chill. Not the kindness that you saw within him as he played with Arya and Bran in the courtyard earlier in the day. Or the way he stood stiff lipped while Joffrey threw barbed insults at him as he passed him in the hall, or the stack of novels you had overheard the maester say were to be set aside for him. Merely the chill. The chill and the flights of fancy all young girls are prone to.
With that in mind, you wait until he has returned his tunic to its rightful place and step fully into the snow.
He turns on his heel, weapon at the ready. He is perceptive, you note, good reflexes, excellent hearing, fine form, carved from marble, glowing like a god in the moonlight.
Gods y/n, pull yourself together.
“My apologies, I did not mean to startle you.” You say, wrapping your cloak tighter around you. It is thin, far too thin to wear in the chill of night.
Jon lowers his sword. “Lady Lannister, why are you not inside at the feast? Are you lost?”
“Yes.” You lie, batting your eyelashes at him, crafting your expression into one of helplessness. “I wished to return to my chamber, but I lost my way.”
Jon stows his sword and retrieves his cloak from a nearby rack. “I will escort you, if you do not take offense?”
You tilt your head in faux confusion. “Why would I take offense?”
He shuffles his feet and busies himself with his cloak. “You are a lady of a great house, and I am…” He lets the unspoken words hang in the air, and you have the grace to act surprised.
“Oh, yes, right, you are a Snow.” You say, taking a step towards him and extending your hand, waiting to set it on his arm. “Well, I care not if you are a Stark or a Snow, I am sure you are more than capable of escorting me to the guest chambers of your home.”
He ducks his head, that delightful blush returning to his cheeks, and he holds out his arm for you.
You take it gratefully, allowing him to guide you back towards the way you came. The wind blows through the yard as you walk and cuts straight through your thin cloak, a shiver shooting down your spine.
Before you can blink, Jon has draped his cloak over you, clasping it shut with a surprising boldness. “It is far too cold for such a thin cloak; you must remember to wear your furs if you find yourself wandering out here once more.”
You look up at him through your lashes, your heart skipping a beat at the proximity between you and him, the depth of his dark eyes. “And if I were to wander out here again…might I be able to count on you to escort me? I must confess I find the halls of Winterfell quite confusing.”
He lingers for a moment, drinking you in, his head nodding almost imperceptibly, then he wrenches himself away, his gaze set forward. “Anyone in Winterfell would be more than able to escort you, My Lady.”
You nod, feeling the sting of rejection. It’s no matter, this is only the first night, there’s still plenty of time.
Yes I used a Hozier line bc it's perfect for the vibe of this fic
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theetherealbloom · 6 months ago
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Chapter Two: Let The Dance With The Devil Begin
Summary: You, who has made it her life's work to get retribution on those who mistreated and harassed you when you were a child. The scars on your body are a physical reminder of the suffering you endured at the hands of abusers, and they also provide the fuel for your years-long quest for retribution.
Paring: Oberyn Martell x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT, MINORS GO AWAY, GoT is full of serious and harmful topics, mentions of SA, Rape (not the reader), Murder, Violence, Gore, War, Poison, Scars, Burns, Scratching, Su!c!de, AU, Age–Gap Romance, Angst, FLUFF, Eventual SMUT, Swearing, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety, Crying, Suggestive content, Flirting, Blood, War, Religion References, Nudity, Domestic Abuse, Incest, Prostitution, Weapons, Fire, Horror, Character Deaths, Rewrite Alternate Universe, Sex, Alcohol, Revenge
Word Count: 7k
A/N: Omfg. I took so long to write this I know T^T Thank you for being patient with me! I just decided to have a mini break bcs I was jet lagged from travelling and had to focus on my health for a little bit. 
Side note: I’m dyslexic and English isn’t my first language! So I apologize in advance for the spelling and/or grammatical errors. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are always appreciated. Thank you and happy reading!
Song: The Albatross by Taylor Swift
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You spent two decades carefully avoiding forming deep bonds, all the while meticulously plotting your revenge. You studied their weaknesses, habits, and relationships, patiently biding your time until you could strike from close range.
You had noticed the lingering glances between Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister, their whispered conversations turning into passionate encounters. So when Cersei bore a child, rumored to be the result of her incestuous relationship, and as you witnessed Joffrey Baratheon growing into a likeness of his parents, you recorded every detail in your leather-bound notebook. It contained all the information about those responsible for the death of Elia Martell, ensuring no detail escaped your scrutiny.
Serena, a girl you befriended in the bustling stables, is a steadfast ally in your quest for vengeance. Together, you both meticulously gather intelligence, weaving through the whispers of the kitchen staff and the secrets shared in the shadowy corners of brothels. With her keen eyes and your shared determination, you stalk those who have wronged you, laying the groundwork for your calculated retribution.
In the heart of the Seven Kingdoms, the struggle for power rages on. Joffrey Baratheon, seated upon the Iron Throne, wields authority backed by the formidable House Lannister. However, his claim faces challenge from his uncle Renly, who, bolstered by the might of House Tyrell, presses his own bid for kingship. In this turmoil, Tyrion Lannister arrives in King's Landing, aiming to assert control, only to find himself at odds with his conniving sister, Cersei, now entrenched as Queen Regent.
As autumn blankets the realm and whispers of an impending winter linger, Westeros braces for the bitter cold ahead. Yet, instead of preparing for the harsh season, the land remains conflicted. Renly Baratheon's sudden demise alters the tides of allegiance, leaving the political landscape in flux. Meanwhile, Joffrey, with the backing of House Tyrell, emerges victorious in a decisive clash against his uncle Stannis, solidifying his hold on power.
The fates of many hang precariously in the balance. In the labyrinthine corridors of King's Landing, both Tyrion Lannister and Sansa Stark navigate treacherous waters, their survival dependent on their ability to navigate the perilous currents of court intrigue.
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You had served Sansa since the day she was first betrothed to King Joffrey. Back then, she had been full of dreams—visions of knighthood, love, and a golden crown. But those dreams quickly soured, turning into nightmares as the Lannisters’ hold over her tightened. What was once a promising union became a gilded cage. They kept her in the Red Keep, a prisoner beneath layers of silk and politeness. 
Sansa clung to her “lady-like” pursuits to distract from the harshness of her reality—sewing, embroidery, poetry, and music. Her stitches were always delicate, her voice soft, yet behind her graceful demeanor, you saw the cracks. You were there when Septa Mordane led her through the Red Keep’s throne room for a lesson in history. It was meant to be a glimpse into the glory of the Targaryens and the rulers of old, but instead, Sansa’s gaze lingered on the dark stain where her grandfather and uncle had been butchered by the Mad King. Her face paled, and she pressed her lips into a thin line, haunted by the ghosts of her own blood.
One evening, as she sat embroidering by the window, she confided in you. “Do you think I’ll be able to give Joffrey sons?” Her voice wavered. “What if… What if I’m only able to give him daughters, like Jeyne Poole’s mother?”
You tried to find reassuring words, though even Septa Mordane's attempts had done little to ease her fears. “You’re young, my lady. You will bear many children in time.”
Her blue eyes, wide with fear, met yours, but she said nothing more.
The Hand’s tournament arrived, and Sansa, despite everything, seemed to sparkle for a brief moment amidst the finery of the lords and knights. You stood in the shadows, watching her as she watched them. Ser Gregor Clegane, The Mountain, was a towering presence, and you felt a chill run down your spine as he unseated Ser Hugh of the Vale, killing him in the dust of the joust. Littlefinger whispered dark stories to Sansa of the Hound’s past, tales of burned flesh and brutal lessons. You saw the way Sansa’s hands trembled as she absorbed the horrors hidden beneath the chivalry.
Yet, there were moments of fleeting happiness. Ser Loras Tyrell, the famed Knight of the Flowers, gave her a single rose before his tilt with Ser Gregor. She blushed under his attention, but you noticed how Loras’s gaze lingered not on her, but on Renly Baratheon, who stood just behind. That small act of kindness, hollow as it was, brought a rare smile to Sansa’s lips, even as the court applauded Sandor Clegane’s intervention to stop his brother’s rampage.
But that brief joy was drowned by the darkness that soon followed. When King Robert Baratheon died after a hunting “accident,” everything unraveled. Eddard Stark, honorable as always, tried to reveal the truth about Joffrey’s parentage, but it was too late. You weren’t surprised when Littlefinger betrayed him. You had seen the cunning in his eyes long before, the way he played everyone like pieces on a cyvasse board. 
Chaos erupted. Eddard’s men, loyal to the last, were slaughtered by Lannister guardsmen led by Sandor Clegane. You remembered Mordane’s voice trembling as she urged Sansa to lock herself in their chambers. But there was no hiding from the Lannisters. They took her.
You watched from a distance as Sansa was humiliated before the court, her innocence crushed beneath the weight of Cersei’s cold cruelty. She stood there, trembling, and you saw the beginning of a transformation. The girl who once dreamed of knights and love was slowly breaking, her innocence being stripped away by every sneer, every command, every cold laugh in the throne room.
You wished you could offer her comfort, but in King’s Landing, comfort was as fleeting as mercy.
The great Sept was filled with the hum of whispers, the heavy weight of tension hanging in the air as Eddard Stark stood before the court. His face, weathered by years of honor and battle, now looked hollow, beaten by betrayal. You stood in the shadows, where servants always stood, your eyes flicking between the high lords and the northern Warden. As the silence fell, Eddard knelt, acknowledging his so-called “crimes” and pledging loyalty to King Joffrey.
For a moment, it seemed the court might breathe again. Sansa stood nearby, her hands trembling. Hope flickered in her eyes—briefly. But Joffrey, perched on the Iron Throne like some twisted boy-king out of a nightmare, leaned forward with a smile sharp as a blade. His words fell like a thunderclap. “Bring me his head.”
Sansa's scream cut through the hall, raw and broken. She lunged forward, hysterical, her voice lost in a storm of pleading, but the gold cloaks restrained her, forcing her back. Her cries—“Please, mercy, mercy!”—rang in your ears, making your stomach turn. 
Ser Ilyn Payne stepped forward, cold and unfeeling as he drew Ice, the greatsword of House Stark. You could see the light catch the edge of the steel, and the last thing Sansa saw before she fainted was her father’s final, resigned glance.
You moved through the chaos as a shadow. Your duty to Sansa came first, so as the blood pooled on the Sept’s floor, you carried her from the carnage, her limp body heavy with grief. The days that followed were hollow. She barely spoke, her eyes vacant as you tended to her, making sure she ate, dressing her in the Lannisters' silks even as her soul remained buried in sorrow.
It was one of those somber evenings when she finally spoke, her voice so faint you almost missed it. “Do you… serve the Lannisters?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
You paused, setting down the tray of untouched food, meeting her tired gaze. “Yes, my lady,” you answered softly.
Sansa’s eyes flickered with something—confusion, maybe anger. “Have they always been this cruel?” she asked, her words trembling with an innocent horror.
You weighed your response carefully, then nodded. “From what I’ve heard, unfortunately, yes.”
Her lips parted as she considered your answer, but it was her next question that cut deeper. “Then why do you serve them?”
You lowered your eyes, your hands folding over the fabric of her gown, the lie of your position hanging heavy on your shoulders. “It’s something I wager on,” you murmured, your voice steady despite the unease in your chest.
Sansa, always perceptive, frowned. “Is that the only kind of wager you make?”
For a moment, you froze. Then you let a faint smile tug at the corner of your lips, the words “Unbowed, unbent, unbroken” echoing in your heart, though unspoken. “There was one time I bet my entire life on something,” you confessed quietly.
She looked at you then, truly looked, her tear-streaked face searching yours. “Did you win?”
Your smile faltered, but you met her gaze with a spark of determination. “I’m planning to,” you said, with a quiet promise hanging between the two of you.
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The stone walls of the Red Keep felt colder that night, the flickering torchlight casting long shadows on the ancient stones. In a small, dimly lit chamber tucked away from the grand halls, you worked in silence, the weight of your plan pressing down like the calm before a storm. Every movement was deliberate, each thought sharper than the edge of a Valyrian blade. The game was already in motion, and you were setting the pieces in place.
You had long been underestimated—a mere servant, a shadow in the background of the powerful Lannisters, Tyrells, and Martells. Yet, you had seen the truth: the most dangerous players were often those who remained unseen. You were one of them, a silent force, blending into the background while carefully planting the seeds of destruction. The poison, subtle and undetectable, was your weapon.
A soft knock interrupted your focus. The door creaked open, and there stood Petyr Baelish—Littlefinger himself. His thin lips curved into a smile, but there was no warmth in it, only calculation.
“Ah, a quiet place for quiet minds,” he murmured, his voice smooth as silk, eyes darting around the chamber before settling on you.
You raised your head slowly, meeting his gaze with a calm that belied the storm brewing inside you. Littlefinger wasn’t a man easily intimidated, but neither were you. Two wolves circling, each looking for the other’s weakness.
“You seem to find yourself in many quiet places, Lord Baelish,” you replied, voice soft but pointed. “What brings you here?”
He moved closer, his steps light, like a predator stalking prey. “Just ensuring the right wheels keep turning, ensuring the chaos that follows serves the right cause.” His gaze lingered on your hands, noting the fine movements as you handled a small vial, the liquid within almost imperceptibly shifting.
You allowed a small, knowing smile. “Chaos... Chaos can be useful. But only if it’s controlled.”
His eyebrow raised, amusement flashing in his eyes. “Controlled chaos? Now, that’s an art.”
You carefully set the vial down, your voice lowering to a conspiratorial tone. “What if the chaos that’s already simmering were to boil over? What if, after Joffrey’s wedding, his reign came to an... unexpected end?”
Baelish didn’t blink, though you could see the subtle change in his posture, the slight narrowing of his eyes. You hadn’t suggested anything outright—it was the art of planting the idea, the delicate balance of nudging him without him realizing he’d been led.
He took a slow breath, his mind already racing. “And who, I wonder, would have the audacity to arrange such an unexpected end?”
You smiled, but didn’t answer directly, your silence speaking volumes. Instead, you moved the conversation forward, allowing the implication to sink in.
“The realm is already full of hungry wolves, my lord,” you said, your voice steady, your hands working deftly as you began to clear away your tools. “All it takes is a nudge in the right direction, and they’ll tear each other apart. No one will stop to notice who did the nudging.”
Littlefinger tilted his head, studying you for a moment longer. “Perhaps,” he mused, his tone as noncommittal as ever, “but wolves are tricky. You can never be sure which way they’ll turn.”
“That’s true,” you conceded, meeting his eyes directly. “But I’ve always been good at reading the pack.”
The silence that followed was heavy, each of you measuring the other, testing the boundaries. He wouldn’t act on your words immediately. Littlefinger was too careful, too meticulous for that. But you could see the spark in his eyes—the idea was there, planted, waiting to take root.
With a nod, he turned to leave, but paused at the doorway. “You have a dangerous mind,” he remarked, half admiration, half warning. “Be careful. The pack bites back.”
You gave him a knowing look. “Only if they see the one holding the leash.”
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Days passed, and as you moved through the grand halls of the Red Keep, you watched everything begin to fall into place. Like a silent puppeteer, you pulled the strings without ever needing to step into the light.
Varys had been busy, moving pieces on the board that even you hadn’t expected. Ros had whispered in his ear, and soon after, Lady Olenna Tyrell had been brought into the fold. The whispers of a marriage between Sansa Stark and Loras Tyrell spread through the castle like wildfire. You had always known Varys to be a man of schemes, but even you marveled at how quickly he moved.
In the gardens, you overheard the conversations as they unfolded—subtle, quiet, but filled with power. Lady Olenna, with her sharp wit and keen mind, was already orchestrating her plans, likely envisioning a future without Joffrey’s cruel reign.
You stood in the shadows as Littlefinger passed by, his expression unreadable. He had heard your suggestion, and though you were not directly involved, you knew the idea had taken root. He would set things in motion, ensuring the chaos that followed would serve him—and you would remain unseen, untouched by the blood that would soon spill.
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The War of the Five Kings dragged on, but within the Red Keep, the battles were far subtler, fought with whispers and veiled threats. Your life as a servant under King Joffrey's reign had grown increasingly unbearable. Between the relentless demands of court life and the constant fear of his cruelty, you found little time to care for yourself.
Your headache throbbed—a reminder that you hadn’t eaten since dawn, and the long days had begun to blur into endless nights. It wasn’t uncommon for you to push through these spells, but this time felt different. The world around you grew heavier, your limbs sluggish, and the gardens seemed far away.
Basket in hand, filled with fruit from the kitchens, you trudged through the Red Keep's gardens. The bright afternoon light stabbed at your eyes, worsening the pounding in your head. You tried to focus on your task, but each step felt more labored, and a cold sweat broke out on your skin.
As you rounded a corner near the overgrown hedges, your vision blurred. The world tilted. The cobbled path beneath your feet shifted into an unforgiving blur of stone and soil, and with a muffled thud, everything went black.
In that hazy in-between of consciousness, a voice pulls you back—familiar, though distant. “He would have liked you,” Princess Elia’s voice echoes in your mind.
“Whom do you speak of, my lady?” you had once asked her, back when the Red Keep still buzzed with life and not dread.
“My brother. Oberyn. He’s trouble, but even so, I love him dearly.”
For a brief moment, you can almost feel her presence, and the weight of the past rushes over you like a cold wave. You blink, pulling yourself out of the memory just as a different voice fills your ears. A deeper one, full of curiosity and something unreadable.
You woke slowly, your senses coming back in fragments: the scent of crushed grass, the cool air against your skin, and the distant murmur of voices. Your eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the filtered sunlight through the leaves overhead.
"Careful. Don’t rush."
The voice was deep, tinged with amusement. A hand—warm and strong—rested on your shoulder, gently holding you down. You blinked, focusing on the face above you, unfamiliar yet striking. Dark, sharp eyes, framed by lustrous and black with only a few silver streaks recede from his brow into a widow's peak. The emblem of a red sun pierced by a golden spear embroidered on his tunic caught your eye.
Oberyn Martell. The Red Viper of Dorne.
“Are you injured?” His voice held a soft curiosity as if you were some puzzle he intended to unravel.
You shook your head, still disoriented. "No, I... I must have fainted."
He raised an eyebrow, glancing at the basket of spilled fruit beside you. “It seems you’ve been overworking yourself. King Joffrey’s court, I assume? They’re not known for their kindness.”
A rush of embarrassment warmed your cheeks. You scrambled to sit up, but Oberyn’s hand remained firm.
“Take your time,” he said, his tone softening. “Even a servant deserves a moment to breathe.”
You weren’t used to kindness, especially not from someone of his stature. His reputation as a fierce and dangerous man preceded him, yet there was something else—an air of compassion, albeit hidden beneath his sharp edges.
“I’m... grateful,” you murmured, unsure of how to respond. “But I should get back to my duties. They won’t—”
Oberyn interrupted with a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Let them wait. The Lannisters have their claws in many, but even a viper can strike when the time is right.”
There was a pause, a subtle shift in the air between you and Oberyn Martell. His gaze lingered a little longer than necessary, and though his words were casual, they held an undercurrent you couldn’t quite place. It was as though he saw something deeper in you, something more than just a servant tending to her duties. Fate, or perhaps something far more dangerous, had drawn his attention to you.
A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as he stood upright, his dark eyes gleaming with a playful intensity. "You Dornish are known for our... passions," he said, his voice a low, deliberate purr. "But it seems fate has a way of placing beauty in my path, whether I ask for it or not."
You blink, unsure of how to respond, heat rising uncomfortably to your face. He stepped closer, his presence both magnetic and overwhelming. His fingers brushed lightly against your wrist, lingering there a moment longer than propriety would allow. "Tell me," Oberyn continued, his tone playful yet edged with something deeper, "does a woman like you often find herself fainting at the feet of princes? Or is this a rare occasion?"
Your breath hitched, panic flaring inside you, though you did your best to suppress it. Affection—let alone attention—was something you were unaccustomed to. His flirtation was like a wildfire, threatening to burn through the careful walls you'd built around yourself.
"I... I don’t..." you stammered, trying to pull your thoughts together, your mind racing. You weren’t used to being noticed, not like this, not by someone like him.
Oberyn tilted his head, his smirk widening as if he could sense the flurry of emotions raging within you. "Don't be shy," he murmured, voice lowering as his eyes roamed over you with quiet curiosity. "I can see there's much more to you than meets the eye." 
The words felt like a tease, a challenge wrapped in silk, and your heart pounded in your chest, caught between the instinct to flee or stand frozen in place. Oberyn Martell's gaze seemed to strip away every defense you had carefully built over the years, as though he could see straight through the mask of servitude you wore.
You forced yourself to take a deep breath, steadying your trembling nerves. This was not the time to panic, not in front of the Red Viper of Dorne. He was too sharp, too dangerous, and your heart fluttered at the way his presence seemed to unsettle the very air around you.
Without answering the prince’s flirtatious remark, you bent down to hurriedly gather the fallen fruit, your fingers clumsy as you fumbled with the basket. But even as you moved, you felt his eyes on you, watching every motion with an almost predatory amusement.
A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he crouched beside you, his hand brushing yours as he handed you one of the scattered apples. "You're in quite the hurry," he murmured, the smirk never leaving his face. His touch lingered, deliberately slow as he placed the fruit in your basket.
You rose quickly, trying to distance yourself, but Oberyn stood just as swiftly. Before you could retreat, he grasped your wrist, pulling it gently toward him. His movements were fluid, effortless, as if this were a dance he had long perfected. He raised your hand to his lips, his dark eyes locked on yours, and pressed a kiss to your knuckles—his lips soft, warm against your skin.
Your breath caught, panic fluttering in your chest like a trapped bird. Heat crept up your neck, your heart racing as you tried to pull yourself together, but his touch seemed to set your mind spinning.
Just then, Oberyn’s eyes shifted, narrowing as he caught sight of something—your scars, peeking out from beneath your long sleeves. His brow furrowed ever so slightly, curiosity flashing across his features. He tilted his head, about to speak.
But you jerked your hand away, the sudden movement sharp, almost frantic. "I should go," you blurted, the words tumbling out hastily. You gathered your things, your pulse still thrumming wildly as you turned on your heel, desperate to escape his piercing gaze.
As you hurried away, you could feel Oberyn's eyes lingering on your retreating form, his expression unreadable. Even in your rush, you couldn’t shake the feeling that the prince wasn’t done with you yet.
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The sun hung high over King’s Landing, its golden light casting a deceptive warmth over the cool sea breeze that drifted in from Blackwater Bay. You stood with Marei at the edge of the courtyard, the bustle of the palace below and the hum of the city distant beneath the tranquil air. The garden was alive with color, a stark contrast to the heavy gloom that clung to those gathered at the banquet table.
Shae moved with a quiet urgency, filling a plate with food from the banquet spread. She placed it in front of Sansa, who sat still, pale and lifeless, her face void of any spark. Her slender hands rested on her lap, unmoving. It was as if she had already become a shadow, despite still breathing.
“You need to eat something,” Shae urged softly, her voice carrying both concern and exasperation.
Sansa did not stir. 
“Pigeon pie,” Shae offered, her tone gentler now, but Sansa’s pale lips barely moved as she whispered, “No, thank you.”
A sigh escaped Shae, but she quickly turned back to the table, scanning for something else. With a quick motion, she removed Sansa's untouched plate and placed a new offering in front of her. “Lemon cakes?” Shae asked, a glimmer of hope in her voice. Everyone knew Sansa's love for lemon cakes.
Sansa’s voice, barely a whisper, responded again. “No, thank you.”
Shae’s expression faltered. “You love lemon cakes.”
But Sansa remained unmoved, as if the world around her had lost all meaning. Shae’s shoulders slumped in frustration, her eyes flicking toward you and Marei before glancing at the entrance of the courtyard.
Tyrion Lannister entered the garden with deliberate steps, his short legs struggling to match the long strides of the men he was often compared to. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the scene with quick efficiency. Despite his stature, you had learned well enough that Lord Tyrion Lannister was not a man to be underestimated. His mind was his sharpest weapon.
“Tyrion,” Shae called out to him with a sigh of relief. “Tell her she needs to eat.”
Tyrion approached the table, offering a small, polite smile. “My lady, you do need to eat.”
Sansa’s gaze remained fixed somewhere in the distance, her hands limp in her lap. “I don’t need to eat,” she said softly, without even looking at him.
Tyrion hesitated for a moment, glancing between Shae, you, and Marei. His expression was measured, patient. “Could I have a moment alone with my wife?” he asked gently, though his tone held the firmness of a command.
You exchanged a quick look with Marei before bowing your head and stepping away. Shae, however, lingered, her eyes flashing with concern and defiance. She crossed her arms, unwilling to yield.
“She needs to eat,” Shae said stubbornly, her eyes narrowing as she looked between Tyrion and Sansa. 
Tyrion met her gaze, his expression imploring, but Shae’s frustration was palpable. With one last glance at Sansa, Shae reluctantly turned and left the garden.
Tyrion took a seat across from Sansa, his eyes softening as he reached out to take her hand. His grip was gentle, but firm enough to draw her from her daze. “I can’t let you starve, Sansa,” he murmured, his voice low and filled with quiet compassion.
Sansa didn’t react. She stared past him, her blue eyes hollow, as if the world had dulled to nothing but gray. Shae, now at the far end of the garden, cast a furious glance back toward Tyrion, her anger simmering just beneath the surface.
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The kitchen was a chaotic blend of sounds and smells, with servants rushing around, preparing the feast for the garden party. You focused on your tasks, slicing fruits and arranging them neatly, hoping the repetitive motions would calm the unease bubbling in your chest. The Lannisters' garden parties always came with tension—too many eyes, too many secrets.
Serena, ever observant, moved beside you with a conspiratorial smile. Her presence had always been a quiet comfort, an unspoken pact between two women wronged by the same family. She nudged your side playfully, her voice just loud enough for you to hear over the clattering pans and murmurs of other servants.
“Guess what I overheard in the gardens earlier,” she whispered, her eyes sparkling with the excitement of fresh gossip.
You glanced up, your curiosity piqued. “What is it now?”
She leaned in closer, her voice dropping even lower. “Tyrion and Lord Varys were having one of their secret little chats. Something about Shae.” She gave a sly smile before recounting the conversation she’d overheard, her voice adopting a mocking impression of Tyrion's measured tone.
“Lord Varys. Breakfasting with the king?”
Your hands paused over the fruit, recognizing the weight of that simple greeting. Serena continued, now mimicking Varys’ smooth, ever-cautious reply.
“I’m afraid foreigners aren’t welcome at such exclusive affairs,” she quoted, barely concealing a smirk.
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help the slight smile that tugged at your lips. Tyrion and Varys—always circling each other, testing the limits of loyalty and power. Serena’s impression was spot on, and the dry chuckle she added to Varys’ line brought the exchange to life.
“Oh, to be foreign,” she muttered in Tyrion’s voice before glancing around the bustling kitchen with exaggerated suspicion, mimicking Varys’ quiet amusement.
“Ahem,” she finished with a soft laugh.
The kitchen clamor drowned out any chance of someone overhearing, but you kept your gaze fixed on your hands, focusing on the fruit before you. "What did they say after that?" you asked in a low voice, not wanting to appear too interested but knowing that information like this was often a lifeline in King's Landing.
Serena's smile dimmed slightly as she continued, her tone more serious now. “They were talking about Shae. Varys warned Tyrion that she’s been noticed. That Sansa’s maid saw them together, and it’s only a matter of time before Cersei—and worse, Tywin—find out.”
Your breath hitched slightly. That was dangerous—too dangerous for a place like this.
You glanced up at Serena, who nodded grimly. “Varys told Tyrion his father has promised to hang the next whore he’s found with.”
Your stomach twisted, though you managed to keep your expression neutral. Information like this could be a weapon if used correctly. But it also carried its own risks, especially for someone like you, who lived in the shadows of these powerful people. You simply nodded and whispered, "Thank you."
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The gardens of the Red Keep, beautiful though they were, could not ease the tension that clung to the air. The lush greenery and sea breeze seemed wasted on the gathering before you, where cruelty simmered beneath the surface. You moved silently among the servants, pouring wine, offering trays of food, your head low as your sharp eyes observed everything. No one here was truly safe—not even those who smiled and pretended otherwise.
You had learned long ago to watch, to listen, to see things others missed. And here, among the so-called lords and ladies, your simmering hatred boiled just beneath the surface. Revenge had a way of lurking in quiet moments like these, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
At the head of the table sat King Joffrey, his golden crown glinting in the sun like a mockery of all that was just. Around him, the key players of the realm gathered: Queen Cersei, her eyes sharp and watchful; Lord Tywin, stoic and commanding as always; Prince Tommen, innocent and ignorant of the malice around him; and Grand Maester Pycelle, old and leering.
But your attention flickered to Sansa Stark. Pale, withdrawn, her once-vibrant spirit all but crushed under the weight of her suffering. She sat beside her husband, Tyrion Lannister, who, despite his small stature, radiated an awareness far sharper than anyone gave him credit for. The tension between them was palpable, an unspoken grief they both carried.
Your heart tightened as you watched, knowing Sansa's pain was not unlike your own. Like her, you had learned to survive in silence, though your silence was of a different kind. The Lannisters had taken too much from you. They were going to pay for it one day, one way or another.
Across the table, Lord Mace Tyrell puffed out his chest, carrying a gleaming goblet, his voice filled with a pride that bordered on foolishness.
“From House Tyrell and the people of the Reach, Your Grace, it is my honor to present you with this wedding cup.”
He placed the goblet before Joffrey, who barely looked at it, his lips curling into a mocking smile.
“A handsome goblet, my lord. Or shall I call you Father?”
You noted how Mace Tyrell’s face flushed with both pride and unease. He bowed deeply. “I would be honored, Your Grace.”
As Mace withdrew, Shae moved gracefully through the crowd, setting a tray before Sansa. You saw how her eyes flickered toward the young girl, but there was no response from Sansa, no recognition of the kindness that once might have been there.
Then, the sharp voice of Queen Cersei pierced the moment, her words venomous.
“She’s the whore I told you about. The dark-haired one.”
Your blood boiled as you saw Shae stiffen. The insult cut through the air like a blade, but Shae, ever composed, turned to leave without a word. You noticed how Tywin’s cold eyes followed her, narrowing as she walked away.
“Have her brought to the Tower of the Hand before the wedding,” Tywin ordered, his voice devoid of any emotion, yet as sharp as a death sentence.
Tyrion’s face darkened. You could see the concern etched into his features, his helplessness as he tried to control a situation slipping further out of his grasp. Your heart raced, knowing the precarious game being played here—and how dangerous it was for all involved.
Shae’s departure was barely noticed as Podrick stepped forward, carrying a large tome. He placed it carefully before Joffrey, and Tyrion followed, a strained smile on his face as he addressed the king.
“A book,” Joffrey said, his voice dripping with disdain.
Tyrion clasped his hands together, speaking with calm civility. “The Lives of Four Kings. Grand Maester Kaeth’s history of the reigns of Daeron the Young Dragon, Baelor the Blessed, Aegon the Unworthy, and Daeron the Good. A book every king should read.”
For a brief moment, Joffrey hesitated. His sharp tongue seemed to fail him as the weight of the gift hovered in the air. But Tywin’s piercing gaze prodded him, and the boy-king forced a mocking smile.
“Now that the war is won, we should all find time for wisdom,” Joffrey said, his voice laced with scorn. “Thank you, Uncle.”
Tyrion bowed, but the tension between them crackled like a hidden storm.
Before anyone could breathe, The Mountain lumbered forward, carrying a sword swathed in black cloth. He laid it before Joffrey with all the reverence of a knight presenting a sacred relic. Tywin rose, his voice steeped in gravitas as he spoke.
“One of only two Valyrian steel swords in the capital, Your Grace, freshly forged in your honor.”
Joffrey’s eyes gleamed with an almost childlike excitement as he tore the sword from its sheath, its blade gleaming ominously in the sunlight. You felt a ripple of unease roll through the gathered nobles as the blade sliced through the air.
“Careful, Your Grace,” Pycelle croaked from his seat. “Nothing cuts like Valyrian steel.”
But Joffrey’s wicked grin only widened. “So they say.”
In a sudden, violent movement, Joffrey swung the sword down, cleaving the book Tyrion had gifted him clean in half. The sound of tearing parchment and splintering leather echoed through the garden. A gasp rippled through the crowd, but Joffrey was delighted with himself.
“Such a great sword should have a name,” Joffrey declared, his eyes burning with cruel glee. “What shall I call her?”
The crowd murmured suggestions, none of which seemed to please the boy-king. But then, his lips curled into a malicious grin.
“Widow’s Wail. I like that. Every time I use it, it’ll be like cutting off Ned Stark’s head all over again.”
His words sent a shiver down your spine. You saw Sansa freeze beside him, her face drained of color, her entire body rigid with the memory of her father’s execution. Across the garden, Shae watched, her eyes narrowing with unspoken fury.
You kept your head down, but the seething rage inside you boiled hotter. One day, they would all pay for this. The Lannisters, their cruelty, their arrogance—it would all come crashing down. And you would make sure of it.
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The preparations for the royal wedding between Joffrey and Margaery were endless, consuming the days and nights of everyone within the Red Keep. But while others concerned themselves with the surface duties, your mind was preoccupied with a far more dangerous task.
The thought of the Strangler stones hidden within Sansa's necklace gnawed at you. The pieces were already in motion, each step methodically planned. Your hands moved through the flowers you were tasked with arranging, but your thoughts were elsewhere, carefully calculating the next move in your plot to bring down King Joffrey without implicating yourself. 
As you worked alone in the gardens, the late afternoon sun blazed overhead. The sweat clung to your skin, and the heat forced you to roll your sleeves up just enough to reveal the faint, jagged lines of scars that adorned your forearms. The burn scars, remnants of your brutal encounter with Ser Gregor Clegane, were still a reminder of what you endured—and survived. The pain was still fresh, but it fueled your resolve. Spite, after all, was a powerful motivator.
You barely noticed the approaching footsteps until a shadow fell across your path. Looking up, you were met with the sharp, knowing gaze of Oberyn Martell. His smirk was playful, as it often was, but there was something deeper there—an intensity that sent a ripple of unease through you. 
"You work too hard," he said smoothly, his voice like silk. "It’s a crime to see such beauty covered in dirt."
You straightened, brushing your hands on your apron, trying to keep the panic from showing. "I have my duties, my lord," you replied, keeping your tone even. The way Oberyn looked at you—intense, almost predatory—made your heart race, though you tried to remain composed.
He crouched beside you, plucking a flower from the arrangement and twirling it between his fingers. His eyes flicked briefly to the scars on your arm, scars you quickly moved to conceal by rolling down your sleeves. But it was too late—Oberyn’s gaze lingered on them for just a moment, something unreadable flickering in his expression. 
The way he studied you wasn’t merely out of curiosity, but recognition. His next words carried a weight that hung in the air between you both. 
"There are stories... of a servant who once attended to Princess Elia." Oberyn’s tone remained casual, but you could feel the shift, the tension creeping in as he spoke. "They say she escaped the Sack of King’s Landing with her life. Barely."
Your breath hitched, but you forced yourself to remain still. You had heard those stories too. After all, you had lived them.
Oberyn leaned closer, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "Some say she vanished, swallowed by the chaos. Others claim she survived through sheer will, fueled by spite." His dark eyes locked onto yours, searching. "I wonder… do you know of such tales?"
The question lingered in the air, heavy with suspicion. You met his gaze, your heart pounding in your chest, but your face remained a mask of composure. "Many stories are told in King’s Landing, my lord. Few of them hold any truth."
Oberyn’s lips curled into a faint smile, but his eyes remained sharp, watching you carefully. "Perhaps," he murmured. "But then again, some tales are more dangerous than others." He stood up, still twirling the flower between his fingers, casting one last glance at your concealed scars. "Sometimes, survival speaks louder than words."
Before you could respond, the sound of footsteps interrupted the moment. Ellaria Sand approached, her eyes already on you. There was a possessiveness in her gaze, though softened by intrigue.
“So this is the woman who has caught my prince’s eye,” Ellaria remarked, her voice a low purr as she moved closer, her hand brushing lightly against Oberyn’s shoulder.
You bowed your head, hiding the inner storm brewing within you. "My lady," you greeted, though the tension in the air was unmistakable.
Ellaria’s gaze flicked to Oberyn, then back to you. “She is different,” she said, her tone intrigued, but there was an edge of caution in her words. “I wonder what it is you see in her, my love?”
Oberyn chuckled softly, his attention still on you. “There’s something about her,” he said, his voice smooth, yet laced with deeper meaning. “Something familiar.”
Ellaria looped her arm through his, drawing him closer to her side. “Familiar or not, I trust you know where your loyalties lie.”
Oberyn’s smile deepened, but his gaze didn’t waver from you. "Always," he replied to Ellaria, but his words were aimed at you, and the unspoken suspicion between you both lingered in the air, unsaid but undeniable.
As the two of them moved off together, your heart pounded in your chest. Oberyn's words, the way he had looked at you—he was starting to piece it together. He suspected who you truly were, but for now, he remained silent, watching. You returned to your task, but the weight of his suspicion clung to you. 
Everything had only just begun, and you were already in far deeper than you had anticipated. But like the scars on your skin, the memories of your past had shaped you into what you were now. And just like that day long ago, you would survive.
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59 notes · View notes
esther-dot · 1 year ago
I’ve always found it odd that in s8 Sansa started wearing her hair more like d@ny. Like that bun braid she’s got going on in the promos & those two little braids that frame her face at the dragon pit. I can head-canon that she chose to wear her hair like that in king’s landing for the sake of the unsullied. Perception is everything & their leader wore her hair that way—a strong woman capable of commanding an army; an intimidating woman. Sansa likely felt she needed to project an intimidating level of strength if she had any hope of securing Jon’s release & the braids could’ve been a way to subtly influence their perception of her. Meant to recall images of their leader & paint her as someone to be feared.
As far as wearing her hair the way she did at the start of the season…the best I could come up with is that she was doing it for Jon. And while it’s an answer I can accept (be still my jonsa-heart!) it doesn’t feel quite satisfactory. I’m wondering if you’ve put down any thoughts on this & might have something more for us to consider? Or perhaps a head-canon you’d like to share?
I remember this debate and there’s even an article about it,
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But the idea that Sansa was copying Dany never made much sense to me because Sansa starts wearing the hairstyle before she’s met Dany? I think that Sansa's hair was meant to be a Northern style, and worked with the association of Sansa & Lyanna the show created (link).
Here’s a pic and another post about it:
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And then in s8, looking at the hairstyles, even though there are braids in both, it looks to me as if they attempted to keep them distinct. Look how soft and loose Dany's is in contrast to Sansa's. Also, Sansa has a bun while Dany's braid is like a crown sliding off her head (ba-dum-ch!)
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Even when I look at “Sansa’s war braids” at the dragonpit,
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It doesn’t make me see Dany at all. She susually had two curls down by her face, but that was to soften her look, whereas Sansa's braids have the opposite intention. My main thought is that it’s weird the girl who wasn’t fighting got the armor-ish dresses while the two who were out there with the army of the dead did not! This may have been an effort to give her a totally unique hairstyle from the Northern cast, in prep for Queen Sansa?
I think the Jonsa implications would be in the Lyanna connection and the NedCat cosplay from s6-7. The fact that the finale rested on Jon’s (Targ) love for Sansa (Stark girl) makes me think there was some story-related reasoning back in s5-7 that carried through to the end even if they didn't really wanna follow-through on the implication. Making Jon appear as Ned and Sansa as Cat (the hairstyles are similar, not exactly the same but the script referenced the Cat thing at one point so it was intentional) also feels like something that was still present in s8 storywise. They were a unit, they did trust each other, but there was a lot of anxiety about that trust and pain about a perceived betrayal.
And in-world reasoning, I’d say that when in the South Sansa was trying to fit in at court so mimicking to greater or lesser extent the fashion made sense, and when she returned home, it made sense for her to start wearing styles she’d worn or seen as a girl.
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stormborns · 29 days ago
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I lie awake at night, staring at the canopy, thinking about how they died. Do you know what they did to my brother? How they sewed his direwolf's head onto his body? And my mother. They say they cut her throat to the bone and threw her body in the river. ★ SANSA STARK, SEASON 4
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oceangrief · 2 years ago
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Day One: Women.
Sansa Stark + Stark Women.
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levithestripper · 1 year ago
sansa rejecting ned's doll always breaks my heart
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countrymusiclover · 2 years ago
Ch 38 - The Lannister Heirs
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Part 39
Fire OF A Stark
Jaime and I had been living at the rock for awhile now. Strolling the hallways of the vast castle I was on my own for entertainment since he was now in charge of the Lannister army. They were needing to get a new sense of the new lord of the Rock. There was a thought that wouldn't stop crossing my mind and it was Sansa. She was forced to remain in King's Landing. I desperately wanted her here by my side and away from Cersei and Joffrey. Footsteps came down the hallway where someone put their hand over my eyes. "Jaime, what are you doing?" Seeing it was the golden hand I gently pushed it down turning to face him.
"Looking for my dragon wife. My war meeting ended early at my request. Since I would rather be spending time with you." He explained wrapping his arms around my tugging me into his warm embrace.
He was wearing a golden tunic and trousers that almost matched what he wore the day he fought my father Ned in the streets of the city. He had even left his hair to grow out a little longer after I had told him I preferred it a little longer. "Well I am glad because I am not permitted by the Maester to do anything really. It gets rather boring just roaming the hallways all day."
"I aim to change that, Lynesse. Come with me." He offers his hand, staring down at my choices of clothing. I hadn’t worn many of the Lannister dresses unless we were meeting with the members of his household. Otherwise he would find me wearing his tunics and other things. Even with my growing belly I still managed to have my sword with me.
He tugged me by the arm leading me down a section of stairs I wasn't familiar with. We had to go up quite a few more large staircases before we came to a stop outside a large red door. He pushed it open revealing a large tower room with multiple open windows to gaze out from. Walking forward I could recall the rumors that they said about the Rock. One late Lannister that had died years before our time had said that on a good day you could see all the way across and see nothing but clear waters before you. "So the tales were true about this tower. It's beautiful, like our own little island away from the rest of the Seven kingdoms."
"I thought you would like it. I have also been talking with the castle builders to see if we can make a platform for Joanna since she can't very well fit in the walls." He responded back wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
Turning around in his arms I leaned up on my toes kissing him softly. "I always thought I would dislike my new home that I would be forced into. Yet I was wrong I love it here with you."
"There's nowhere else I would have rather heard you say that, Lynesse. You will always be my Lady Lannister regardless of you being a dragon-wolf." Jaime leaned down, capturing my lips with his, making me grin.
A few months after Battle of White Walkers
"Seven hells…Jaime!" I screamed clutching the bedsheets in my fingers making my knuckles turn white almost. He was standing beside me with my handmaiden on the other side. I bared my teeth down pushing longer than I cared for. We were finally having our second child after the battle at Winterfell.
My white hair was sticking to my forehead where I threw my head back crying. My sister Sansa was now to be declared Queen in the North and she was talking with me about what should be done. Rhaenyra was tended to by another lady in waiting and Maxon since we both trusted they would look out for her. Blinking through tears of my own I could still make out that Jaime was terrified for me because he was crying himself. "Lynesse, you…you can do this…"
"Oh geez…argh!" I cried hearing the midwife instructing me.
"Just a few more big pushes, Lady Lannister."
Clutching my hands into fists as tightly as possible I closed my eyes shut. Pushing as much as I could two or three times we finally heard a baby cry. The midwife caught the baby while I collapsed back onto the pillows. "You did good, Lynesse." The handmaiden Bridget wiped away sweat from my forehead with a cloth.
Jaime had convinced me to take on a lady to help me since he was rather busy when we returned from Winterfell. She became a very close friend when I learned that we were to have our second child. "My lord. My lady, congratulations it is a boy. You have an heir." The older woman declared wrapping the little babe in a red and golden blanket.
"Oh sweet boy.." I whispered when she placed the babe in my lap once I had shifted into a sitting upright position in the bed.
Jaime sat on the edge of the bed pushing hair behind my face, dropping his gaze downward onto his firstborn son. I didn't have a preference of what our next child would be. Jaime and I had agreed that no matter what Rhaenyra would be heir to Casterly Rock. "I have a son…I have a son." He muttered repeatedly for a few seconds. He could never claim that Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were his. He told me that Cersei had claimed them as only hers alone.
"Have you chosen a name, Lady Lynesse?" Bridget was standing beside the window watching us while the other attendees were fixing the room trying to make it more presentable.
Turning my head in the direction of my husband we locked eyes letting silence fill the room. His blonde hair had grown longer but he didn't have it as long as when we first met in Winterfell. He placed his left hand on mine, staring closely at the baby. "You choose, little dragon."
"I think he should be…Eddard Lannister." The baby boy had bright blonde hair like his father but he has my eye color. The baby lifted his hands so I gave him my finger where he attempted to grip it as tightly as he could making me grin brightly.
The chamber door opened with the handmaiden carrying Rhaenyra in her arms and a sealed letter appeared also. She curtsied to the two of us handing the scroll over to my husband. "My lord my lady, a raven from King's Landing. It appears to be from Jon Snow."
"I'll take the lioness from you Chloe." Bridget walked over, sending the other girl off.
Jaime tears open the letter unfolding the piece of paper. "Dear sister, I am writing to inform you and your lord husband that we have defeated Cersei. But we also had to remove Daenerys from power, she has burned the city just like her father. I am here to say I won't be placing myself on the Iron Throne. It is yours if you wish. I am just informing you that there is a small council meeting in a few days with the remaining lords and ladies of Westeros."
"Jaime I…I'm sorry." I attempted to say knowing that it would be hard for him to accept that his twin sister was dead. She was his first love and meant everything to him.
He crumpled the letter in his left hand a little, dropping it on the ground. His green eyes were welling with heavy tears. I had never seen him cry except for the night we reunited after the battle against the army of the dead. "Bridget, could you watch the children for a while…" He muttered under his breath.
"Of course, my lord." She bowed her head picking up Eddard and carrying him in one arm and Rhaenyra in the other.
Shifting in the bed I reached forward grabbing his hand making him meet my gaze. "Jaime…" I was only able to say his name before he climbed in the bed beside me. He laid his head in my lap crying heavily.
"She…she’s gone. I…I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying to you…" He started to apologize until I tilted his chin up so he would look me in the eye.
“Jaime, you don’t have to apologize for crying over her. She was your sister and your twin. I don’t expect you to act tough about this. Just cry if you need to. You don’t have to be a strong soldier all the time, not around me.” I declare wiping away the tears that were falling down his face. Running one hand through his hair he buried his face into my chest.
He sniffed and gripped onto my tunic shirt just crying for a few hours. I may not like Cersei but she was his sister after all. It would be like when I learned that Robb, Rickon and my adopted parents were dead. “Thank you…Lynesse.”
It took us a few hours to get ready and the trip back to King's Landing was very long. Jaime was wearing his tan leather tunics and trousers with his sword clipped to his side. I had my white hair completely loose wearing a red dress and some black combat riding boots. I also had attached my sword back to my belt carrying Eddard in my arms. Jaime did his best to carry Rhaenyra until we entered the castle being greeted by Tyrion. “Jaime. Lynesse, I hope the trip wasn’t too bad. Oh and I see we finally have a boy dragon infant.”
“Yes. My brother in law Tyrion, I'd like you to meet your nephew Eddard Lannister.” I held the infant boy up with a bright smile before I noticed one of Danny’s men walking up and placing a hand on his shoulder. “Why is he here?”
The soldier responded sternly, leading us into a small set of chairs outside of the castle. “He is our prisoner after he told Jon Snow to excite our queen. Follow me now.” Everyone was sitting around in a circle where I saw that they had two open chairs that were meant for Jaime and I.
“Jon committed his crime here. His fate is for our king to decide. Or our queen.” Tyrion glanced around at all of us with me and Jaime each holding a baby in our laps.
A random lord I didn’t remember responded back. “We don't have a king or queen.”
“You're the most powerful people in Westeros. Choose one.” Tyrion points out meeting my gaze softly as if he was trying to tell me to step up.
“My lords and ladies... I suppose this is the most important moment of our lives. What we decide today will reverberate through the annals of history. I stand before you as one of the senior lords in the country. A veteran of two wars. And I like to think my experience has led to some small skill in statecraft and underst--“
Sansa cut her uncle off, clearly not agreeing that it should be him. “Uncle? Please sit.”
“Well, we have to choose someone.” An older lord declares where I leaned back in my chair. I had no real intention of putting the idea of me on the throne out there. I may have dragon blood but I wasn’t raised to be a queen.
Baby Eddard started fussing where Jaime let him suck on his thumb making me smile before I noticed Arya reach into her pocket drawing the crown of Rhaenyra that I had accidentally forgotten back in Winterfell. “Cadence - uh sorry Lynesse. You left this back home.”
“Thank you, sis.” I take it from her hand’s holding it with my freehand.
Sansa suddenly spoke up, making me whip my head around in shock at her. “Lynesse, you should wear the crown. You are after all the last living Targaryen and raised as an honorable Stark child.”
“Sansa I…” I couldn’t finish my thoughts, unsure of what to say.
Tyrion and Jaime both declared together making me get a little embarrassed. I valued their opinions but it wasn’t theirs that scared me the most. “Lynesse Targaryen-Lannister for queen.”
Whipping my head to the youngest Stark girl she got to her feet standing before me and her brother Bran sitting in his wheelchair since Jaime was on my right side. “Lynesse, I say aye.”
“Will you wear the crown, Lynesse. If we were to choose you…or even if we choose someone else, would you stand by their side and sit on your rightful place on the Iron Throne?” Tyrion slowly walked up to me making his handcuffs squeak. His green eyes shifting from his brother and over our two children.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Hopefully I can write two more chapters like I hope before I complete this story
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ch. 8 — frician (to desire)
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notes: margaret by lana del rey was a big inspo for this one
summary: alethia arrives in kattegat
warnings: i dont want to give it away tbh. in a good way i promise!!!! jack we talked about this literally last night (its not to that extent but still hehe)
tagged: @demon-of-the-ancient-world @levithestripper @grantairescurls
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Lagertha was kind to her. She was glad that she did not end up alone, as she had feared, and yet, there was the perpetual feeling of only being wanted because she was linked to Athelstan.
They all stared.
She knew they whispered.
Still, Alethia boarded ship, successfully this time, making for Kattegat. Ecbert could not stop her, and she was not inclined to stay any longer than she had to. If only she could have felt as if this was where she was meant to be.
In truth, Alethia had no idea if this was the right thing to do. What if she was messing everything up, ruining things for Athelstan? This was his life, not hers, and it felt like she was intruding.
And still, Alethia followed Athelstan like John the Baptist, quiet like a shadow. In Kattegat, Athelstan helped her onto the docks. It was only when she touched those wooden planks that Alethia felt free.
She breathed in the salty air that was no different from the sea mere moments ago, and yet, entirely something else. This was to be her new home. Alethia would make it work, she had practiced enough for this moment for the entirety of her childhood.
The eyes glued to her back were there when Athelstan squeezed her shoulder, her hand, looked into her eyes with that gaze meant to comfort were not lost on Alethia. Rollo, Floki, Ragnar, Lagertha – they would not look away. Alethia wanted to turn around and hiss at them as she would have with King Ecbert, but instead, she ducked away and towards the Great Hall, disappearing in the feast that was being hosted for the return of the Vikings.
Athelstan kept his distance, as he had since they had met again. Alethia knew that there would be a gap between them, some sort of irrevocable change upon reunion, and yet, she ached for things to return as they had been.
They never had, not since she’d been a girl. And in that moment, Alethia felt ancient. 
The woman with the feline eyes approached her a few hours into the feast, when Athelstan was still being held close by Ragnar, and most of the crowd had surmised to get drunk instead of doing anything meaningful for the remainder of the night. Alethia backed herself into a corner, where a cat curled around her ankles and she could nurse a cup of mead in peace.
Alethia knew that she was a queen the moment Aslaug approached her. She held herself with the same inherent dignity as Catelyn Stark had, as Sansa had. Alethia straightened her back, pushing herself up. The cat jumped away, disturbed by her sudden movements.
“Queen Aslaug.” Alethia said, bowing her head.
“How do you know who I am?” Aslaug asked. She was holding a bundle in her arms, the babe whom Alethia presumed to be Ivar sleeping lightly.
“You hold yourself as I would expect of a Götland princess.”
Aslaug raised one of those well-manicured brows, but she gave Alethia a small smile. 
“Then you are the woman that plagues my dreams.”
“Sorry about that.” Alethia said.
“You have an accent.”
“Sorry about that as well.”
“It is all fair and well. I expect Athelstan has been teaching you to the best of his abilities.” Aslaug said. She took a seat next to where Alethia had been, patting the free space. The cat returned to Alethia’s lap.
“I dreamt of you. I am not… friends with Athelstan as my husband is, but I think in this, I understand him better than Ragnar does.”
Alethia looked down, scratching the cat between his ears.
“He loves you.” Aslaug whispered. Alethia paused, her heart beating wildly in her chest. When she looked over to Aslaug, the Queen of Kattegat was smiling.
Alethia did not know what to say, swallowing. She looked back down, clearing her throat, and a small laugh escaped Aslaug.
“Do you love him?” she asked. Alethia wanted to say yes, but the guilt of it strangled her, and she could not say a single thing. Aslaug sighed. 
“You are good for him. He is not someone I understand very well, but Athelstan is a man who has suffered greatly. Even if he is a Christian, I can see that.”
“Thank you.”
“It is nothing.”
“It is everything.” Alethia protested. Then, she leaned back against the wall behind her, resting her head. “I was afraid of you, you know?”
“Me? I am not someone invocative of fear.” Aslaug replied.
“Please. You are a Götland princess. A völva. You see things others do not. I am not afraid of warriors. They all try to kill me, but so far, none of them have succeeded. Those that see beyond the fog of reality, they are the ones that scare me. You, Queen Aslaug, are one of them. You have my respect, and my admiration, no matter what others say about that.”
Now it was Aslaug’s turn to be speechless, but Alethia could not stay silent. She had to continue. The words built on the back of her tongue, forcing themselves out of her mouth.
“You are brave, too. I heard of Ivar and his disability. From what I understand of your culture, Northmen despise what they perceive to be weakness. I knew a boy like Ivar once. His name was Bran, and he was one of the most powerful men alive. No one thought he would survive what happened to him, but he did. Your Ivar… you have a right to love your son. He needs you.”
“Thank you.” Aslaug said. “And I… I know what happened to you. Most of it, anyway. The correct way to address you should be Queen, and not simply your name.”
“Please, do not.” Alethia replied.
“I won’t.” Aslaug promised. “I do not know how much the Gods showed me of your life, but I hoped that what I did see was all of the pain you experienced. It is enough for ten lifetimes.”
Alethia’s heart caught in her throat. She tried to stop the tears that pricked her eyes, right until she looked at Aslaug. When the Queen smiled at her, cold facade from a few hours ago gone, Alethia let them fall. She gave herself three minutes of respite before she cleared her throat.
“Queen Aslaug, may I ask a favour of you?”
“Almost any.” Aslaug replied.
“May I protect you? I would be honored to serve you and your children as a shieldmaiden, for I know you left many of yours behind when you came here. I do not wish to go to war anymore, but protecting a family, to protect children – that I can do. It is the sort of fierce gentleness I wish to embody.”
“Give it three moons. Rest. Then, we shall speak of what you have asked.” Aslaug promised. “But now, go. Find your priest. Do well by him.”
“I will.” Alethia promised. She did not expect Aslaug to cup her jaw, to lean forward the way she did, as if she was reading something behind Alethia’s eyes. The moment passed, Alethia shuddered, and then, she left. Aslaug turned to her son.
Ragnar whistled as Alethia approached them. Neither he nor she turned to look at the King. Alethia only stared at him, eyes somewhat bewildered. She looked lost, as if she’d forgotten where she was. Athelstan was fully aware that all eyes were on him as he crossed the distance between them and touched Alethia’s shoulder.
She looked right at him, green eyes boring into his own. 
“Are you alright?”
Alethia looked down, and then back up at him again. She closed her eyes. “I need a break please.”
“Of course.” Athelstan said. “Go wait outside for me. I’ll be out in a moment.”
Alethia nodded, slinking towards the door. Athelstan turned to Ragnar, who had a shit-eating grin on his face. In that moment, Athelstan could not laugh at it. 
“Nothing smart, Ragnar. Not tonight.” he said. Then, Athelstan followed Alethia outside. She was picking at her nails when he found her, and Athelstan watched as she hissed under one particularly painful tear. Suddenly, he was reminded of his mother. When Lillian had bad dreams, she would do the same thing. She had destroyed herself in the process.
Athelstan knew he was his mother’s child.
It was why he put an arm around Alethia, guiding her through the empty streets of Kattegat. Everyone was still in the Great Hall, celebrating. Everyone but the two of them.
He did not know why he brought her to his longhouse, but Athelstan felt the palpable sort of relief when the door to his home shut them out of the world outside.
Alethia spotted the portraits immediately. Athelstan had forgotten they were there, not having packed them away before he left for the raid. She went to them immediately, staring with wide eyes.
Gently, Alethia picked up a portrait of Floki, staring right at the viewer. Athelstan tried to swallow down his fear, stepping towards Alethia to explain.
“Athelstan these are…”
“I know I shouldn’t have.” Athelstan replied.
“What do you mean? They are beautiful. This one right here, it is exactly how Floki stares at you when you say something he does not like. And this one-” Alethia grabbed another piece of parchment, this time of Ecbert looking down at the subject. “It is exactly how King Ecbert sits his throne. Are there more?”
Athelstan hesitated. Of course there were. There was an entire sketchbook dedicated to Alethia , but he was not sure if he wanted to tell her that.
His silence was enough for her. “May I see them? Please? Your art is so beautiful.”
Art? His portraits were art?
“It is blasphemy.” Athelstan replied, shame making it difficult to breathe.
“Blasphemy? Athelstan, there are many things in this world that are blasphemy. This is not one of them. Trust me, I know.”
“Because I love art. I have seen much of it. Van Gogh, Monet, Kahlo, Rubens, Gentileshi, Rembrandt, Michelangelo – you name it, I know it. Your portraits have spirit. Do you know the most important thing about art, Athelstan?”
“Portraiture must be used to portray the life of Christ. To display our belief to the world.”
“No.” Alethia shook her head. “No, that is not art. That is illustration. Art is that which makes you feel something. These portraits are that.”
Athelstan did not notice the tears until they tracked down his cheeks. He could not move, did not stop Alethia when she grabbed a small journal from his table. She looked at him with raised brows, and Athelstan nodded softly. Alethia opened it, and froze immediately.
He prayed she would not turn away from him for this. Alethia sat on his chair, looking at the first page. It was a portrait of her the day she had arrived in Ecbert’s villa. Alethia’s hand ghosted over her own features, careful not to touch the charcoal and smudge it. After a moment, she flipped to the next page. It was her side profile, this time sketched right after a long lesson of English grammar. 
Her sitting on the edge of the roman bath followed, then Alethia balancing a sword, then only a collection of her features that Athelstan had practiced with, all disconnected. There was a sketch of her hand on her shoulder, tugging on an old scar. That was from the bath after Alethia had lost her child. Then, there was Alethia sharpening a dagger, Alethia talking to a serving girl, Alethia, Alethia, Alethia…
She paused on the page where Athelstan had sketched her right after the battle against the Northmen. Athelstan had struggled with it, because he had never drawn someone with nothing in their eyes. Portraying someone’s gaze to be empty was a thing of the almost-impossible. Alethia set down the journal, returning it to its rightful place, and Athelstan awaited judgement.
“Thank you.” Alethia whispered. “You have made me immortal in the only way I wish to be.”
Athelstan was a selfish man. “Which way?”
“That of love. I see your devotion, Athelstan. I see it in every line of each portrait. And then I have to look back up to you with empty hands in search of some way to thank you, and I have nothing. I am a beggar. I wish I had something to show for mine own character.”
“You need nothing.”
“I know. I know, but I wish to give you something, Athelstan.”
“Why did you trust me? Why did you tell me your secrets when you could tell me nothing else?” Athelstan asked.
Alethia smiled lightly. “When you know, you know.”
“What do you mean?”
Alethia stood, the chair scraping on the wood. She took Athelstan’s hands. Gentle. The gesture should have felt repetitive. It never would, not to Athelstan.
“I saw you , standing behind King Ecbert in that damned courtyard. I saw you, Athelstan, and I saw your pain, your gentleness, your willingness to try, to give me a chance. Out of all the people there, you were the only one that did not regard me like an animal. Perhaps I saw my own pain reflected in you, but I do not want that to be it. I wanted… I knew that you would be right .”
Athelstan closed his eyes, trying to take another breath. Each one was harder than the one before, and the tears that had been isolated exceptions at first now ran down his face, hot and salty. He was not sure what they meant.
And then, Alethia’s hands were on his face again. They caressed his cheeks without guilt, with the gentleness of a million lifetimes that they did not have. Athelstan could have fallen at her feet right then and there.
She touched her forehead against his, wiping his tears. Athelstan let himself sob, only once, for all the pain he had let pass through him to avoid what he was doing now. He was ruining a moment, he was-
“It’s alright.” Alethia said. “Don’t force yourself to stop.”
Alethia was the only one he trusted to catch him if he fell, and so, he did. She held him as his senses left him and his shoulders buckled under the weight of everything he thought he’d forgotten about. Athelstan buried his face in the crook of her neck, there where the world meant nothing.
Time was meaningless where they stood, and for the first time in his life, Athelstan was not holding up the sky all by himself. The weight on his shoulders had not been lifted away entirely, but he was not carrying it alone, then. 
Athelstan felt the storm brew in his stomach. It coiled itself, beginning to boil and bubble up into his throat, and then, his mouth was forced open. His arms turned against him and he left Alethia’s shoulder, looking at her. With violence, the words were taken out of his mouth and into the air, and Athelstan trembled with fear as he said them. But they were right.
“I love you.”
Alethia’s eyes widened, she froze, and for a moment, she looked scared. Then, her eyes softened, her mouth broke into a wide smile, and there seemed to be some of that violent love that had forced his vocal cords moving within her as well. 
“I love you too.”
“How do you say it?” Athelstan said. The words broke out of him too.
“What do you mean?”
“Those words, how do you say them in your tongue? Your mother tongue, not any of the others. Your language. I want to say that to you in your language. If anything.”
“They mean more in my language. The way that you want to say them, they are impossibly heavy. It is not the same.”
“Good. I want it to mean something.”
“Ich liebe dich.” Alethia whispered. She said the words as if she was directing them at him, not teaching them to him.
“Ich liebe dich.” Athelstan repeated. Alethia laughed, air leaving her lungs, her chest rising in a rapid exchange of air.
“Ich dich auch.” Alethia replied. Athelstan knew what she had said, without any doubt. This time, it was Athelstan who moved first. Finally, he had the courage to kiss her. He was not so afraid  that he had to ask, he simply did it.
His lips touched hers, and Alethia melted into him, pulling him closer. She was slow, languid, patient, nothing like that first time, where it was as if they had tried to cram everything into one kiss. Athelstan felt lost, unsure what to do, but as Alethia’s hands wandered to tangle in his hair, caress his jaw and neck, and her tongue dared to move further, he found some of that confidence that only Northmen and Ecbert seemed to possess.
And then, Alethia pulled him even closer. Athelstan was flush to her, his head began to spin, and he suddenly became overly aware of just how close they were. He knew what came next.
“We don’t have to.” Alethia whispered suddenly. “This is enough for me.”
“I trust you.” Athelstan replied. He felt no guilt, and he was not surprised at that. It was Alethia. How could the most sinful of things be bad with someone as beautiful as her?
No God could convince him that everything he was doing was wrong.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to regret this.” Alethia said.
“I could not. Not with you.”
“But you… what about God?”
“Let God see that I love you, and if He condemns me then, I shall gladly accept the pain of it. It will have been worth it, for you.” Athelstan replied. Alethia’s eyes widened at his words, her hands digging into his tunic. 
“Athelstan…” she began, but he shook his head.
“No more, Alethia. I am sure.”
Alethia nodded, and she kissed him again, leading him towards the bed. Athelstan felt his heart beat in his chest. He had only ever done this once, and then it had been under the influence of whatever Floki had given him. He did not know…
But Alethia was gentle, slow. She lied down on his bed, and Athelstan allowed himself to lie atop her, kissing her slowly. Alethia’s hands wandered, undoing the laces of his tunic. He was somewhat relieved to see that her fingers trembled as well. She pulled it over his head, barely breaking the kiss, and Athelstan shuddered as her hands ghosted over his chest, before she reached back up, fingers combing through his hair.
Athelstan could not help the quiet groan that escaped him as she kissed his neck, leaving a small bit at the juncture of his neck and shoulder.
There was something within him that snapped, and Athelstan flipped her around so that Alethia sat atop him. He reached up, pulling her closer. His hands wandered, undoing her tunic now. Alethia leaned down, kissing him with a fervent urgency that left Athelstan dizzy. He slid the tunic down her shoulders, watching as the fabric fell. Athelstan could not take his eyes off of her, determined to commit every scar, every raised bump, everything he could see to memory.
“My eyes are up here.” Alethia joked. He laughed nervously, looking up, and that made Alethia laugh in turn.
“You can look.” she whispered. 
“I’ll do a bit more if that’s okay with you.” he joked back.
Athelstan let himself touch her, sins forgotten, let his mouth kiss her neck, kiss her collarbones, her shoulders, lower and lower, down her body. He dared to move her as if she was not immovable, a mountain against him, a man.
His hands found their place at her hips. Alethia rolled them with a knowing smirk, and Athelstan tried to suppress another groan.
“What are you staying quiet for?” Alethia asked, her hands travelling down his chest, his stomach, until- 
She reached inside his pants with no shame, fingers wrapping around him deftly and sealing any sounds that could have left his mouth with a kiss of brazen challenge. Athelstan sighed into her mouth, already bucking up into her hand. 
Gently, he stopped her by the wrist.
“What is it?” Alethia asked. “Do you want to stop? We can-”
“I want more. I want you.” Athelstan replied. Alethia nodded, making to undo her own breeches, but Athelstan knew with a firm suddenness that he wanted to do that himself. 
“Lie down.” he said, his voice calm. He did not know where he was taking it from, the courage, only that he suddenly had it.
Alethia followed his words, lifting her hips as Athelstan removed the remainder of her clothes, until she was bare before him.
“That’s not fair.” she whispered. “I want to see you, too.”
“Be patient.” Athelstan reminded.
“Oh, patient, are we now?” Alethia teased. “I thought you wanted me so badly.”
She is in his blood, he thought. In his very bones, in the foundations of his body, his soul. And yes, God, he wanted her badly. But Athelstan was not going to rip the clothes off of her body and fuck her like an animal.
Maybe he could if she taught him.
For now, there was only the gentleness that he had promised her. She tugged at his pants again, impatient and Athelstan noted that Alethia was needy . The thought made him think of things he was better off keeping to himself.
Alethia undressed the rest of him, and now, there was truly nothing that Athelstan could hide. Her hand returned to him , and Athelstan thought that he could not wait any longer, which surprised him, considering that he thought he was patient. Apparently not when it came to her.
He gave her a half-question in the form of raised brows and she gave him a half-answer in the tiniest of nods.
Alethia guided his hips, looking up at him once more, and Athelstan gulped down the rest of his fear. He pushed inside her, and almost immediately, his eyes rolled into the back of his skull. This was not what he had been waiting for for over a year, but, God, wasn’t it a good reward anyway?
“More.” Alethia whispered. “I want all of it.”
He obliged, giving her the rest of what he had, until his hips were slotted against her pelvis. There was a thought in the back of his mind, one of the sort that he was finally holding her the way a husband was supposed to hold his wife, and it made his blood rush. He had not wanted to have her because of this, but it was a gift Alethia had given him. 
Afterward, Alethia curled into his arms, still naked. Athelstan traced the scars on her back, the massive one on her abdomen, the ones on her thighs. There was an automatic anger as he saw the many small cuts that inched up towards her womanhood. Athelstan was not sure he wanted to know what had been done to her.
The cuts that littered her stomach scared him more. How was she still alive? It didn’t matter, what did was that she was alive.
He kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her collarbones, and, finally her lips, as if Athelstan had not done that enough already. He knew there was a dark bruise at the base of his neck where she had bit him. It was little surprise to him that Alethia liked to scratch and tear, and more that he had enjoyed it.
“Do you feel sinful?” Alethia asked.
“No. But I…”
Athelstan trailed off. It was not the right time, nor the right place. He would keep the question for another time.
“Did you like it?” he said instead.
“I did. I hope you…”
“Yes. It was… I do not know how to…”
“Call it mindblowing.” Alethia winked. Her smile was sardonical, and Athelstan snorted. 
“Thank you. I always knew I had superpowered…  you know what, I’m not finishing that joke.”
“Thank you.”
“Rude.” Alethia teased. Athelstan turned onto his back, pulling the blanket over him and Alethia. She put her head on his chest, and he knew that she was listening to his heartbeat. Athelstan thought that it was Alethia’s way of making sure he was alright. 
“Why did you draw me?”
“Because you are the light that illuminates my life.”
“Adoringly poetic.”
“Hmm.” Athelstan hummed. “I loved you since I laid eyes on you, I think.”
“Really?” Alethia asked. 
“Truly. And there is something about you that makes drawing you an utter joy.” Athelstan admitted. “Your eyes…”
“The eyes are the window to the soul.” Alethia recited.
“I like that.”
“I knew you would.”
“You are impossible to ignore.” Athelstan whispered. “I love you for it, my lady. My lady, my love, my light.”
Alethia smiled. There was no pain in her features, and her muscles were not tense. It was everything Athelstan could have asked for.
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mysticnightmarewrites · 1 year ago
the night we met - Ch. 8 & 9 (the two-part finale)
Having made the biggest decision of his life, Gendry comes face-to-face with Arya. Their pasts once took them in different directions, but now it's up to them to discover whether they can forge a new path together.
Read on A03 Master List
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Pairing: Arya/Gendry Song: "The Night We Met" by Lord Huron Warnings: Explicit Sex (18+ only, minors DNI) Length: 3.5k words
Chapter 8
Emotional vows gave way to a passionate kiss, and then everyone was seated around tables in the clearing beyond the heart tree. Before the servers started coming around with the food, the newlyweds took their seats at a high table, and Arya made her way to the portable stage.
She looked nervous for a moment, but then she looked over at her sister, and her nerves visibly faded away.
“When Sansa asked me to be her maid of honor, I was all, ‘Does that mean I’ve got to give a speech?’ Being the gracious woman we all know, of course she said I didn’t. But in the weeks that followed, I realized that I wanted to. But I didn’t quite know what to say. If you’d asked me to give a speech like this when I was 12, I would have gone on and on about how much of an annoyance my girly, older sister was and how snobby her friends were. But a lot has changed since then. Sansa changed. I changed. And our family changed when we lost our beloved father. I know Dad would be so proud of you and happy for you and Pod.”
With one hand, Sansa clutched the golden locket, and with the other, she held onto Pod’s hand.
“But if you’d asked me to write this speech last night, which is when I wrote this, I would have told you I didn’t have a lot to say. I’d been away in Braavos for most of Sansa and Pod’s relationship. And we all love Pod don’t we? So what is there to even say. But I realized as the midnight oil burned that I could, in fact, speak about love. I know what you must all be thinking. What does Arya Stark, the girl who was born with the wolf’s blood, know about love? Well, it might surprise some of you to know I’ve fallen in love before. And one thing I know about love is sometimes it finds you when you’re not quite ready. I was there when Sansa met Pod for the first time, in their senior year of uni, both going to different schools, but fate brought them together. The time hadn’t been right for them then. They went their separate ways after that week. But when the time was right, they found each other again, and their love has brought us all together today. A toast to all the days to come. To the happy couple!”
She raised her champagne flute and brought it to her lips, and the other guests followed suit.
The alcohol burned in the back of my throat as I tried to swallow it down without choking. It seemed like she’d been talking about more than just Pod and Sansa, and I couldn’t quite process it with all the cheerful conversations drifting around under the tent.
And when the dancing started, I watched her twirling around in the arms of a tall, curly-haired man, and I wondered if she’d found love again. I couldn’t watch for long. It hurt too much. But I took small bites of the pink wedding cake, and for the first time in years, the frosting tasted sweet, and I let it fill me up. There was a way forward now. A way to forgive the pain, but never forget.
I stood up, pulled on my spotless jacket, and sighed at the small stain on my dress shirt. There was nothing left to stay for. Soon, I’d never stand in the same space as Arya Stark again. This time for real. I turned to head toward the little bridge that led to the ceremony space when a hand tapped my shoulder. “Hey, there you are!”
I sized up the man behind me. He was tall, and his dark hair fell in curls around his shoulders. It was the same man. And at the same time, I realized, it was Jon all along. I’d only met him once, briefly, but he was usually off in the North working on his post-doctoral study on ancient and modern wolves. I hadn’t been sure he’d even come. Things were at times still tense between him and Catelyn, I knew, because raising the result of her sister-in-law’s teen pregnancy hadn’t won her any friends in high society, as if that had been Jon’s fault.
“Sansa made me come,” I spat out frantically, as if I needed an excuse to be there, not realizing the awkward double meaning until the words were already out of my mouth.
“Me too. ‘You just have to be there for my–’”
“‘Special day,’” I said, finishing his impeccable impression of Sansa. “So you got a phone call too?”
“I wish. She showed up at my door three days ago and drove me down. Said Arya’d be devastated if I didn’t come. She was right.”
“She usually is,” I sighed.
“Anyway, Arya mentioned you’re a really excellent mechanic and you own your own shop now.” Had Arya been keeping tabs on me? It felt like too much to hope for. “I was wondering if I could stop by your shop sometime this week. I’d love to learn how to work on engines. Our snowmobile keeps breaking down, and I need to be able to fix it in the field. What do you say?”
I nodded, mute, as I watched the woman in question walk toward us. My mouth went dry. “Is he bothering you?” she asked, just as sharp as I remembered her.
“Nah. Starks are always welcome at my shop. They always were.” I was amazed my mouth was able to form words at all.
Arya’s smile made the effort worth it. “Go on then, Jon. Tell Sansa I’ll see her off tomorrow morning at brunch. They’re going to Lys,” she said, turning back to me.
I watched Jon leave like he was my last lifeline, but it soon became clear it was just going to be me and Arya, alone, again.
“So…Gendry.” She said my name like a statement.
“Arya.” I said her name like a prayer.
“I know it doesn’t change anything, but I’m glad you came.” The sincerity shined through her eyes.
“I was going to head out, but if you keep talking like that, I might have to stick around a bit despite everything. This place isn’t really my scene.” I felt stupid the moment the words came out of my mouth. “Want to get out of here, then?” she asked, and my heart dropped to the floor, open and exposed for everyone to see, especially her.
“Depends.” She tilted her head. “How do you feel about motorcycles?”
“You still have the old bull?” there was excitement in her eyes.
“He sputtered out a few years back. But I’ve got something better now.”
We made our way out to the front, where the wolf was waiting. The shape was emblazoned in silver along its side and on the matching helmets. Arya reached for one, but froze before she could take it from me.
“A wolf?” She looked incredulous. “I thought you’d hate everything Stark-related.” She laughed, but it was empty, not the laugh I’d grown to know over our years together.
“I couldn’t bring myself to. It hurt too much for it to have ever been hate.”
She got on behind me, and the moment we touched – for the first time in years – I melted into my seat. We sped off down the road, and I instinctively took the route we had taken on that very first night. It all looked so similar, touched by the lingering heat of summer, and I pulled up to the grassy hill just like I had before. Side by side, we lay down on the grass in the way we’d always done before, even though everything was different now.
“How was Braavos?” I finally asked, the words cutting through the silence.
Arya kept her eyes fixed on the few stars twinkling to life above us. “Wonderful. Better than I had ever imagined. You wouldn’t believe the kind of research I got to do over there. And there were the nude beaches too,” she added, turning to look at me.
“I’m glad you’re happy.” And I meant it.
“Heard you got your degree.” It sounded like she was deflecting away from herself.
“How’d you know?”
She shrugged. “I have my ways. I was proud of you for that, you know? I wished I’d been there to see you graduate.” When she rolled over, a hand carelessly started to wander over my chest, as if seeking out the beating of my heart.
“How long until you go back?” How much longer until I never see you again, I wanted to ask.
“I’m not going back. I got what I was looking for out of Braavos. My boss didn’t want to let me go, but I was all, ‘A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell, and I am going home.’” At first, I couldn’t believe it, and there was a dumb smile on my face, but then I heard her odd phrasing. Arya could see the furrowing of my brow before I could ask. “Jaqen’s Lorathi. It’s just how they talk there.”
In my joy, I found myself turning on my side and pulling Arya into me. It was impossible to resist her, not with her hand drifting lower and lower as we talked. “I’ve never forgotten you, you know. Not for a single second. I never hoped to ever see you again. Definitely never hoped to lay here with you like this again.”
“Well here I am,” she said, definitively, placing a small kiss on my neck. But she pulled away shortly after. “You never got married or anything like that, did you?” She asked.
“No. No one ever lived up to a girl I used to date in college. You?”
“Nope. Couldn’t find anyone better than the stupid bull I left behind.”
“Good,” I said, heart soaring, as I dropped my lips to hers.
Chapter 9
I never liked to think too much about what my world had been like before Arya had touched me, emotionally and then physically. There was a before Arya and an after Arya, and even when she left, that clear line still settled firmly in my past. My childhood had been hard. I'd had no one that so much as gave a fuck about me. My foster parents pushed me out on the stoop of their brownstone the second I turned 18. I'd never even really had friends before. People always found me equally a little too blunt and a little too quiet. And the only thing I could talk about at much length was cars. And most people seemed bored of that after 30 minutes of in-depth detail about how engines run. But figuring out what made a car tick was a lot easier than figuring out people, and I had learned that lesson the hard way over and over.
There had been the occasional girl, who only stuck around for a quick go behind the school, but I had always been left empty, panting, back against a tree, with nothing but a soft cock to show for it. There had always been a longing in my chest for something more. And when I moved into a shitty five-bedroom house with a bunch of guys I barely knew, it wasn't easy to bring women over anyway.
But ever since the night I danced with Arya Stark on a dive bar's sticky dance floor, it finally felt like the piece I had been missing my whole life had clicked into place. It wasn't just about the magnetic attraction I'd felt for her even then, either. She was the best friend I had always longed for. We tossed popcorn at movie theater screens, skated down at the park, and she threw me the first birthday party I'd had since my mom died.
She had most of me those days, and the night we broke through the last wall between us and I took her on the grass at High Heart, she had all of me. And I had wanted to give that to her every day for the rest of my life. Before Arya was loneliness and isolation. After Arya was warmth and a sense of belonging. And now that I could once more touch her in every way I had once before, I felt those same feelings flooding through my body.
Roughly, I tugged her dress up around her waist, and she leaned up to help, her fingers already working on the buttons of my shirt. Once she pulled it off my shoulders, she reached down to trace her finger slowly against my clothed cock.
"Fuck, Arya. I've been fantasizing about you for almost a decade. You're gonna make me come in my pants."
"Then I suppose we should get them off you."
"Not yet," I said, batting her hands away when they went to the button of my pants. Instead, I reached for the hem of her dress again, almost ripping it in my haste to get it over her head. "Tell me, did you get naked on that nude beach?" It was the only thing I could think about with so much of her bare skin in front of me.
She played with the lace of her tiny bralette, as if she wanted to completely wreck me in the way that only she could.
"Why? Have you been fantasizing about that all this time?" I couldn’t help myself. I betrayed myself with a nod. “Did you picture me, on the beach, stripped down to just my underwear, just like this,” she said, sprawling out on the grass and arching her back. “I bet next I reach around like this and unclasp my bra.” The cups fell away, the straps slipping down her arms, a tantalizing nipple peeking out at me.
It was too much. I lunged forward, trying to pull that nipple into my mouth. It had been too long since I last tasted her there. But she met me with a firm hand. “Not yet. You weren’t there when I was on that beach, after all.” There was a new, sweet kind of pain burning in my eyes as I watched her slowly wiggle out of the last scraps of fabric on her.
“I did think about you that day, though,” she said, suddenly just as raw as I felt. “I laid on the beach, admired all the lingering looks I got, and wondered what it’d have been like if you were there, getting all jealous at all the eyes on me, my pussy bare to the sun and wet for you. I went back to my flat and touched myself for hours, just like this.” She swirled her finger around her clit, drawing my eyes to the warm center of her I wanted to bury myself in.
Suddenly, my mouth was on her with a hunger I hadn’t known I could feel before. She tasted like paradise, and I swiped my tongue from bottom to top.
“Gods, I forgot just how good you are at this,” she moaned as I sucked on her clit and reached a hand up to play with her nipple.
I waited until just the moment before Arya was about to come and pulled back. “Does my little wolf want to cum on my mouth?” She nodded desperately, pulling at my hair like she didn’t care if she pulled it out of my head. “As milady commands.” I dipped my head down again, giving in to the force of Arya’s desire, and played with her pretty pussy until she cried out in pleasure, her hips thrusting against my mouth as she lost control.
“Good girl,” I whispered as she came off the high.
“I haven’t had enough of those lately,” she admitted, lifting herself up on her elbows.
“Don’t worry. I’m not finished with you yet, Arya.”
“Remind me why I ever left you in the first place,” she said, breathlessly as she moved to kneel in front of me.
“You just needed a little time to grow on your own. Like a nice oak tree. But you’re here now.” I couldn’t take her feeling regret over a decision that had, at the end of the day, been for the best. “You’re here now,” I whispered into her neck.
“I’m here now.”
She tangled her fingers in mine like two sets of roots growing into each other, and slowly, she pushed me down into the grass. Her lips were soft and urgent, and her tongue wandered into my mouth, tasting herself on me. I floated in the sea of her kisses as they traveled down to my neck and lower still, her fingers working on opening my pants. When my cock, which was probably the hardest it had ever been, sprang free, she grabbed hold of it possessively.
“Is this still mine?” There was a note of uncertainty in the question.
“It never stopped being yours.”
She dropped a kiss on the head of my cock, driving me mad.
“I’m on birth control, but I don’t have a condom this time,” she said, looking up into my eyes.
“I don’t care. I need you.”
She slid her wet pussy over me, and I groaned loud enough that I was glad we were far enough from the main road that no one would hear it.
When she brought my tip to her entrance, she paused. “If you take what’s yours right now, Gendry, what’s always been yours, you’ll have all of me. I’ll never leave again.” She was a promise and she was truth.
Tears pricked at the corner of my eyes as I gently pulled her down deeper onto me. It felt more sacred than any wedding ceremony in front of a heart tree. “Mine.”
She settled fully on me and smiled. It felt like it was always meant to, the way it only could when it was Arya touching me.
The feel of her tight heat around me sent all other thoughts out of my mind as I furiously thrusted up into her, meeting her rhythm. We had always fit together perfectly. Her little moans filled my body with fire, and I stoked the fire in her with a thumb at her exposed, little clit, and it only made her moans louder.
She rocked into me with a new fury, her hands reaching up to play with her hard, pink nipples, like a godsdamned vision.
“Love how you ride me.” The words came out broken, just barely recognizable, but they made Arya’s hips stutter all the same. “Come on my cock, Arya. Give me everything you got.” This new moan was different, more of a long, drawn out shout, as she tightened around me. “That’s my girl.”
Slowly, she lifted herself off me, but I could see in her eyes she wasn’t done with me yet. I followed as she rolled onto her back, teasing her nipple until she playfully swatted me away. “I’m so sensitive,” she moaned. “Now be a good boy, and cum in your goddess.”
I was amazed I didn’t spontaneously combust and had the presence of mind to line my cock up with her swollen hole. “Anything for goddess,” I agreed, and buried myself in her, and I knew I could do this a million times and it wouldn’t be enough.
Relentlessly, I drove my cock into her, loving all the little movements Arya made under me as she raised a leg up to my shoulder. The angle drove me mad, and my vision went white as I cried out the name of the only deity that I had ever worshiped. My cum filled her up, and I collapsed onto her, unable to let her go. She clung to me just as hard.
We lay in the grass side by side, catching our breaths, for what felt like forever. The sky was alight with stars in the moonless sky. Everything was new yet everything was eternal too.
“Where are you staying?” she finally asked, as if rational thought had finally returned to her.
“A little motel just a little ways down the road.”
“What size bed are we working with?” she asked, and I loved the way us spending the night together was automatic to her.
“How do you feel about a full?”
“I can make that work,” she said, but she didn’t make any moves to get up, her eyes fixed on the constellations above. “Do you ever think about the night we met?” she asked, voice quiet in the dreamy darkness.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m living that day all over again.”
“I could have laid here with you forever that day.”
I pulled Arya in to lay her head on my shoulder. “Let’s start now.”
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feyhunter78 · 10 months ago
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Chapter Five - A tourney is held to celebrate Lord Stark's appointment to the small council, and your sworn sword is taking part.
Ch 6
The journey home from Winterfell was long, the journey there had been long, but now you were able to return to your chambers. To lay in your bed, to shed your fur lined cloaks and return to the light, airy fabrics you much preferred.
The Keep is a flurry of movement, arrangements for new small council members and meetings, noblemen switching out their sons and daughter within the Keep, new servants and merchants arriving.
You attend your lessons with Sansa now, she is slightly behind you, being younger, but she is a quick study. Myrcella enjoys having her in lessons as well, and the three of you quickly become close. The three of you spend time in the godswood, picnicking and gossiping, filling Sansa in on all the rumors that swirl around the Red Keep.
It is one such occasion that you first hear it. “I have heard tale that my Uncle Renley prefers the company of men.” Myrcella whispers as she passes a lemon cake to Sansa.
Sansa’s shocked expression makes you giggle. “Come now, Sansa, you must know there are men like that.”
“I have heard of such things but…” She trails off, taking a bite of her cake.
“It seems to be much more prevalent in Dorne, all manner of things are allowed there.” You take a sip of your tea, spotting Jon lingering on the edge of the godswood with Ghost, Theon lounging in the grass beside them.
“I pity whoever is to be married to him, how will she ever have children?” Myrcella laments, her golden tresses falling forward as she reaches for a blueberry scone.
“Why would that prevent her from having children?” Sansa asks, her eyes cast to the blanket you all sat upon.
“Because he will not…you know…” You lean forward, dropping your voice to a whisper. “Be able to get it up.”
The confusion is clear on her face, and you send a prayer to the Mother for forgiveness over the innocence you are about to ruin.
“A man’s…member must be erect in order for marital acts to be completed, he will not be able to spill his seed otherwise.” You continue feeling your face heat up. Your father had instructed a septa to give you a very frank talk about intercourse when you first bled, it was informative but jarring. Then you sought out some of the older maids to fill in the gaps of knowledge in a gentler way.
“So, if he is not attracted to his future wife, or women at all, it will not get erect?” Sansa asks, putting the pieces together in her mind.
“Which means no children.” Myrcella finishes Sansa’s thought for her.
Sansa wrinkles her nose, a gesture you are certain she picked up from you. “I cannot imagine.”
“Perhaps the marriage will be a strategic one?” You say, tearing some grass out and letting it blow away in the wind.
Lady raises her head and watches them go, then sets it back down in Sansa’s lap.
Sansa runs her fingers through Lady’s fur, mulling over your words. “I do not think I could marry for strategy; I want to marry for love.”
Myrcella rakes her teeth across her bottom lip. “I do not think I will have a choice.”
You rub your cousin’s back soothingly. “You do not know that.”
Sansa perks up. “Let us play a game, we shall describe our perfect husband and then see if it matches to any lords in the court.”
You smile, her childish innocence perfectly distracts Myrcella.
“I shall go first, then?” Myrcella says, thinking for a moment before beginning. “I would like someone my age or a little older, but not by much. Tall with dark hair and dark eyes, the exact opposite of my brothers. Intelligent, a good swordsman, gentle, and a good dancer. And if he had sisters or female cousins for me to befriend, I would like that as well. Oh, and am I terrible if I say I would wish him to be tan? I do so love the look of bronzed skin; it looks so warm.”
You nod at Sansa, who begins. “Someone my age as well, with light hair and emerald eyes, a golden prince who enjoys festivities and is noble like a great knight.”
You and Mycella share a look.
“Sansa it is supposed to be your perfect husband, not your potential betrothed.” You remind her, thanking the gods that Sansa and Joffrey’s betrothal had been delayed thanks to all the excitement when you left Winterfell. It seemed Lord Stark could not think of betrothing his daughter while Bran lay in a coma, so the matter had not been brought up in many weeks.
“Come now, Sansa, we will not tell Joffrey, speak from the heart.” Myrcella encourages, poking Sansa’s arm playfully.
“Joffrey is my perfect husband, but if I must give a different answer…” She trails off, and you can see her eyes flickering to Theon unconsciously. “Perhaps a little older, tall, and strong, but not too broad like The Hound, with light eyes and hair that looks as if it has been tousled by the sea, someone who can make me laugh, and is loyal to those he cares for.”
“That sounds like a very good man.” You say, drawing Sansa’s attention away from Theon.
“Yes, well, Joffrey is many of those things. Now y/n, it is your turn.”
“I agree with you both, no old men, someone strong, a good swordsman, but I must side with Mycrella on looks, I would like a dark-haired man as well, with dark eyes and a gentle soul. Perhaps someone loyal and well-read? And I would like to be friends with my husband, as well as be his wife.”
“It would be nice to be friends with your husband, so many women are simply wives or mothers or broodmares.” Myrcella says, tearing her scone into tiny pieces. “I pity whoever Joffrey marries.”
“Prince Joffrey is a good man; I am sure he will be a wonderful companion to his wife.” Sansa sniffs.
You purse your lips. Your father said you are not to interfere, to let Sansa realize Joffrey’s true nature on her own, but it is difficult.
“House Beesbury has many men like you described, Sansa, perhaps we should look for them during the next feast.” Myrcella says, brushing her hands off on her skirts.
“House Beesbury is a good house, or House Royce, both I believe will be sending knights for the Tourney of the Hand.” You add.
Now it is your turn to clutch Sansa’s hand as Jon faces off against Thoros of Myr. You knew the Red Priest would not hurt him, it was Jon’s first tourney, but you still feared for him. Anything could happen, he could be blinded by the sun, the Red Priest could be seized with divine madness, or the others that Jon had already defeated to reach Thoros could try to interfere and sabotage him.
Jon’s stance is steady, his sword—which glints in the sunlight, a gift from you, for his nameday—at the ready. Strong and sturdy made of the finest steel outside of Valyrian, the pommel set with an emerald, a direwolf carved into the crossguard.
“May the Lord of Light have mercy on you, my son.” Thoros says as he and Jon circle each other.
Jon says nothing, only nods and watches the older man.
Thoros’ sword is aflame with wildfire, the flames dance as he swings it gracefully, waiting for Jon to strike.
“Will the fire burn him?” Sansa asks, watching the two men through her fingers.
“Never seen Jon get burned before.” Theon shrugs.
Sansa hisses a reply at him, her head whipping forward when you gasp.
Jon strikes, fast as a whip, their swords meeting, the sound of iron on iron echoing in the ring. He has been training with Lord Aron Santagar, your uncle’s master-at-arms, or your Uncle Jaime whenever he has free time. Which is often as you do not have much to do most days, besides lessons and subtly attempting to convince Sansa to realize her feelings for Theon.
Thoros lunges, nearly catching Jon by surprise, but Jon side steps, kicking up dust as he moves.
Your heart is in your throat, and you stand, your hand still in Sansa’s when the duelers meet face to face once more. It is a show of strength, and you send a quick prayer to the Warrior, your eyes never leaving Jon’s form. Thoros is gaining, pushing at Jon, his feet sliding in the dirt, his arms trembling.
“Knock him flat, Jon!” Sansa’s voice surprises even you, as she jumps to her feet, Theon’s laughter ringing behind you both.
You are not even sure if Jon can hear her, but he seems emboldened, and he shoves the older man forward with a grunt. Thoros stumbles back, an ecstatic grin on his face.
“There it is, boy, show me your fire.” Thoros cheers, clearly enjoying the match far more than anyone watching.
Jon moves quicker than you can blink, throwing his weight behind his sword and knocking the man flat, just as he had Joffrey all those moons ago. He holds Thoros at sword point, and the crowd erupts.
Robert calls out Jon’s victory cheerfully, and you see Lord Stark smiling as Robert claps him on the back.
Sansa sinks into her chair with a sigh of relief, but you cannot do the same, you rush forward, pressing yourself against the edge of the dais. Jon is your sworn sword, and your heart will not return to its place in your chest until you have seen he is whole.
“Lady Y/N.” Jon calls, his helmet in one hand, his curls wild, a grin born of victory on his handsome face as he approaches the dais, a crown of roses hanging from his sword.
“Ser Jon.” You smile, graciously accepting the crown from the tip of his sword. It is half a hand longer than a normal sword, something you found an odd request of his, but it serves him well.
Sansa helps you arrange the crown on your head, looking at it wistfully. “It is beautiful, and it suits you.”
“Perhaps for the next tourney I will forbid Jon from fighting and Theon can crown you.” You suggest smiling devilishly at the Greyjoy.
Theon makes a sound of protest, Sansa’s own interrupted by Jon’s appearance on the dais. He has not even cleaned himself off, and he sets his helmet down on the railing, barely having enough time to speak before your uncle calls him over.
“Ser Snow, come, let us toast to your victory.” He says, raising a full cup high, Thoros is with them, his own cup full, his smile bright and genuine as he waves Jon over.
Jon looks at you, and you shoo him towards the throne. He has grown taller and stronger, though he is less broad than some other knights, there is raw strength in his every move. He is quick too, evident by the very fact there is barely a scratch on him. He fought six men and all he has to show for it will be a small scar on his cheek and sore muscles in the morning.
Theon’s voice draws your attention away from Jon. “Sansa—”
“Lady Sansa.” She cuts him off.
He leans over and plucks the crown from your head, giving you a quick wink. “Lady Sansa. If you wished to be crowned my queen of love and beauty, you need only ask.” Theon says smoothly placing the crown on her head then giving her an elaborate bow.
Sansa freezes, her eyes darting to where Joffrey sits, his attention completely consumed by the archery competition. “Theon…”
“Though I dare say you are far more beautiful without that frilly crown.” He says, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.
“I happen to like that frilly crown.” You interject, trying to hold back your laughter.
Theon can be quite humorous, his bawdy jokes and shameless manner often sending color rushing to Sansa’s cheeks.
“You have to win me this crown, Theon, that is how it works.” Sansa says, ripping the crown from her head and shoving it at Theon.
“And where is your queen, she must come celebrate with us.” Your uncle’s voice booms, carrying over to you, as you take your crown back from Theon.
He helps you adjust it as Sansa did and gives you a secret smile. “Promise you will keep Jon from fighting next time?”
You smile back. “I promise.”
“Y/N, come over here, the people wish to see you congratulate your champion.”
You pick up your skirts and hurry over to your uncle, who is already deep in his cups. Your aunt is watching him with an air of disgust veiled by wifely concern. “My King, do not embarrass the poor girl.”
Robert waves her off. “It is only proper; it was the reward I would receive from you when I would crown you my queen of love and beauty.”
You glance at your father, who is still seated. He inclines his head towards you. It is your decision, whatever your uncle is asking of you.
Jon shifts his weight, his skin sweat soaked and dusted with dirt, a mug of ale in his hand.
“Embarrass me?” You search your mind for whatever your aunt could be referring to, there were not many times your uncle would compete in tourneys, especially as he aged, the only reward you can remember him receiving…
Thoros slings an arm over Jon’s shoulder. “A kiss, you must bestow your champion a kiss.”
Your eyes widen and you glance around. Everyone is watching, even the crowd seems intent to see what the King will encourage next. They are chanting, you did not realize they were chanting for Jon, too wrapped up in your own thoughts.
“I—I am unwed, would it not be improper?” You ask, looking to your aunt for help.
“Robert, please she is only a child—”
“On the cheek then, there is no shame then, your father is here, I am here, there shall be no besmirching of your virtue.” Your uncle says, clapping his hands together with a tone of finality.
Series Masterlist here!
Jon Snow TL: @mostclevermiss, @solacestyles, @2valentines, @sharknutz
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kiriti-savyasachin · 2 years ago
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Posting a new ASOIAF fanfic after a long, long time!
World War I AU, featuring Jaime Lannister, his parents and siblings (yes, Joanna too), along with Sansa Stark and her loved ones, and a host of interconnected characters in a Westeros faux-paralleling Britain during the time of the First World War.
Inspired by @selkiesstories brilliant Hold On Love, We’re Still Fighting, with thanks to @starlightasteria for her support, here’s The War That Outlasted Christmas, the prologue, hopefully to be continued as a long work.
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