#ch: nick blaine
dcbicki · 3 years
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Max Minghella as Nick Blaine The Handmaid’s Tale Season 1 • 2017
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
I just finished reading Chapter 7 of Grease. It turned out so good! I love how you handled the relationship between the two brothers. They're very different personalities, yet very similar. Josh I see as being the extroverted Alpha and Nick as the introverted Alpha (the Sigma).....but definitely both Alphas. I really hope to see more interactions between Josh and Nick as the story progresses (kind of like in Reclaimed) cause I think Nick really needs his big brother as much as Josh needs him. It would be really satisfying to see Josh and Nick join together and kick some ass.....damn! Hot Nick Summer, yes!!!
Yea exactly. Just like Reclaimed this is a rare opportunity to show Nick’s family dynamics.
(My absolute favorite fics have Josh in them. I think it was Lemons by @volaremos that has everyone driving Josh to AA meetings regularly - I can’t tell you how healing that was to read. I love Nick and Josh. I plan to center them heavily. There’s a 🔥 element ur gonna love too. You’re right they need eachother so much.)
The Blaine family dynamic I’m writing here is me my dad and my older brother.
Stoic loners- isolated and coping w pain they don’t talk about- but when it comes to protecting eachother and vulnerable ppl they are fierce and come together like a super hero squad.
Nick thought Josh was just out getting high and trying to get laid- nope. Josh was on security detail protecting young vulnerable girls from real predators. Actually kind of heroic.
Nick has been hiding in work and his angry thoughts - feeling sorry for himself - like a mayrtr right? Poor me I’m the only one keeping this family together etc. hiding in his misery. Numbing out in that as much as his dad uses television and Josh uses drugs. I like how they’re all addicted to different things - but really they’re all just self medicating bc they miss Nick’s mom.
Now that Nick knows June- and Josh is signaling that she’s in danger - Nick’s priorities are gonna change really quick.
What if he hadn’t been at that game? Are those jocks gonna go after her again? I think it’s a cool shift like we saw in the show from “just minding my business/ avoid attachments” Nick Blaine to “Holy shit there are literal sex predator monsters I didn’t know that was a thing but now I can’t un see it and I’ll spend every breath left in my body protecting her from them.”
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incorrectwarblers · 4 years
jeff: can we please stay at your house?
blaine: why?
nick: thad played with an ouija board and cursed our dormitory.
john: hunter doesn't know how to banish spirits, so he just threw salt around and yelled: "does this looks like a hotel to you?!"
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lylethewarblerguy · 3 years
"Longing for Something To Rescue Me"
As mentioned earlier I’m working on a Kurtbastian fic. And I wanna see if people would be interested in reading it, so here’s a draft of the first chapter. This one doesn’t have any actual Kurtbastian in it, it’s just the set up for Sebastians side of the story.
Quick fic description:
Sebastian is back in town after his father passed away and Kurt is still struggling to get over his breakup with Blaine. After running into each other at the Lima Bean the two men, each dealing with their own heartaches, end up saving and rebuilding each other.
Quick chapter description:
Sebastian is reminiscing about his dad, who recently passed away, whilst on his way to the Lima Bean with Nick. Once they get there Sebastian sees someone familiar.
Characters (in this chapter):
Sebastian, Sebastian’s dad, Nick, Kurt (at the very end)
Ch. 1, “You let me walk this road alone”
He hasn’t cried. It’s been two weeks since his dad died. Two weeks since Sebastian officially became an orphan. And so far he hasn’t cried once. The funeral was yesterday and people kept asking him about it as if he’s supposed to. As if there’s some kind of weird social rule that you have to cry when bad things happen. Well, Sebastian never has been one for following the rules.
Every time something bad has happened, something truly awful, Sebastian has always gone to his dad. As far as Sebastian’s concerned he was the greatest father that anyone could ever have. He has a lot of happy memories with his dad but one stands out as his clear favourite. He was a little kid, maybe six or seven, and he really wanted a tie. Not one of those fake ones that comes sewn tied, he had plenty of those. He wanted a real one, like his dads. It was late, and his parents were busy. Little Sebastian asked his dad for one of those real ties and was immediately brought to his wardrobe. After letting the kid pick any tie from his collection, Sebastian's dad sat down with some scissors and a little sewing kit and altered a blue tie with Winnie the Pooh on it to be exactly the right size for his son. After getting some instructions Sebastian spent the rest of the night practicing how to tie it. His dad never was the greatest at sewing, but the mistakes just made Sebastian treasure the effort even more. He has been carrying that tie around with him everywhere for fourteen days straight. People keep telling him that he reminds them of his father, and to Sebastian, there truly is no greater compliment.
What he tells people is that he hasn’t cried because he’s not, in his own words, a little bitch. But in reality, he hasn’t cry because he isn’t sad. He was sad when his mother died, and he cried about it for days. But now, well, now he just feels empty. The two people meant to protect him from the horrors of the world, meant to be there for him, supporting him in his achievements and grieving with him for his losses, the two people he’s supposed to be able to count on for anything are… dead. He has never felt this alone in his entire life.
Well, at least he has Nick. It’s not every friend who would drop their whole lives just to come support you as you get your dead dads affairs in order. They just got done with tying up loose ends with some of Sebastian’s new inheritance and decided to stop by for coffee on their way back home. As soon as they get in view of the Lima Bean sign a now uncommon sight occurs as a smile spreads on Sebastian’s face.
“Wow, I haven’t seen heart eyes like that since Jeff was looking at puppy pictures the day before we left New York. I knew we went here often but, Seb, do you wanna fuck a coffee shop?” Nick jokes with a pretend disgusted tone.
“Oh, shut up.” Sebastian laughs. “Are you and Jeff thinking of getting puppies?”
“Jeff’s thinking about it, I’m not. First, our landlord won’t let us, second, I’m allergic, remember, and I am not getting a naked dog. And third, don’t change the subject.” Nick takes a beat and his voice becomes softer, like that of a man who hasn’t seen his best friend smile in days. “What were you thinking about?”
“Oh, just happy memories.” Sebastian and Nick smile at each other. They sit in silence for a bit as they drive into the parking lot and Nick parks the car. “You could always get a samoyed. They’re hypoallergenic.”
Nick looks at Sebastian like he just told him coffee gives you erectile dysfunction. “Tell that to Jeff and you and I are done, professionally and romantically.” Nick laughs and gets out of the car.
Sebastian follows suit and laughs as he clutches his chest dramatically. “Oh no, not professionally.” He says in a jokingly mocking tone.
Nick smiles. “Are you coming with me?”
“You know I’m not.” He never is.
See, despite public belief, Sebastian actually hates entering the Lima Bean and tries to avoid it at all cost. No one knows why. When asked about it he usually just jokes and says it’s because of something to do with crowded places and the ‘stench of the working class’. That’s how Nick became their designated coffee getter in high school. Nick, and the occasional Jeff, goes in and gets the coffee, whilst Sebastian and David stay outside by the car. The way it’s always been. The way it should be, at least if you ask Sebastian.
As soon as Nick has left Sebastian takes out a cigarette and lights it. He stands there, leaning against the car, for what feels like forever, but was realistically closer to a few seconds, just thinking. Out of the corner of his eyes he sees the door opening and someone walking out. He doesn’t know why but he gets a sudden urge to turn around and look to see who it is. Exiting the coffee shop is someone breathtakingly familiar. Sebastian takes the cig out of his mouth and stares bewildered towards the Lima Bean door. Looking like he just remembered something, or someone, that he hasn’t thought about for a long time.
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ajw720 · 5 years
Actually, everything looks about right to me. Awful, but not unexpected at all. I figured on a hard push around this movie role. D is trying to land another movie role, I am sure, to complement his Quibi and Netflix shows and his Broadway play. He will be a hot commodity if he can also land a decent movie role or two. D was typecast as Blaine, so they don’t mention it here, PLUS they are catering to an adult audience, not fangurls, which is where he want to go in the next stage of his career.1
2. Vog/ue even re-posted The “Wedding” again, including the comment that they have “so many memories” in NOLA, according to D. Yeah, she was fired from Scre/am Que/ens BTS promo there, D probably had some convos with RM and BF there about AC/S Vers/ace and possible filming, maybe even some filming in NOLA, they got an eyeglasses contract there, and I actually remember he once was king at one of the Mardi Gras parades there. You would think Chicago, UMich, San Fran, even Palm Springs have more?
3. So let’s do some comparisons of where I think D is heading, based on some similar celebs, some Sun/shine Sa/chs clients often mentioned alongside D at the same events and in the same articles and magazines. I watch The Voice. It is no coincidence that both Adam Levine and Blake Shelton were voted People’s Sexiest Man. Now John Legend has been chosen. Nick Jonas will be the next host on that show. At least three of these folks are in D’s “P.R.” Pals circle. John Legend has an EGOT, too.
4. Just sayin’, Jonas or Legend will probably ask D to sit in as their “guest judge,” on The Voice next season, helping to shape the singer’s performances. Both are SS clients, or at least share some representation with D. Then Jonas will be set up to follow in Adam’s footsteps, if JoBr/os continue, while D would be more in the Legend lane, IMO. And two more “Sexiest Man” winners are funneled into the pipeline. These tired old formulas work, it’s why they use them. Same with bearding.
4. Or is it 5? About bearding contracts. Ju/stin Th/eroux was “fake married” to Jen/ifer Ani/ston, even though many celeb mags still talk as though they were real. Their “marriage” lasted exactly 30 months, then they announced that they were still “best friends” who would still hang out, but chose to go their separate ways. The contract probably started at least six months earlier, maybe 12 or 18. Both An/iston and Th/eroux each landed some plum roles recently, and nice paychecks to go with them. 
I want to start this by saying, I respect your opinion @rougedraconteur and I am confident there are many that agree with you, but I still don’t and nothing has happened to sway me or change my mind. I am publishing as I think all opinions should be heard and I welcome other commentators who want to debate on this thread (please don’t send me anons because this is my opinion and until I see change from Team utterly useless or D, it will not sway at this moment. As I have said repeatedly HW to me will be when we see if real change occurs or not).  So please do not take offense and I think you know by now, I enjoy conversing with you.  But you sent it to me so I have to respond:)
This is my opinion based on really watching this nightmare unfold for 9 months.
First, to erase the queer, they have to erase 80% of his career to date, not just G/lee. That move is to eliminate C.  The rest simply cannot be erased. Nor can the G/lee frankly and D clearly doesn’t want that or he would stop publicly associating with all of his co-stars, not just C. The fact that it was mentioned in the new video is indicative of how D/ARREN feels about it.
Second, if they want to even attempt to sell straight, they need to eliminate M.  Since the wedding, it has only getting worse.  It is beyond transparent, there are too many holes, a complete power imbalance, the GA doesn’t really buy it, and too many people know the truth.  And D has absolutely no interest in selling it. He is so bad at it, that they are desperately trying to use the people around him to sell it to make her legit.
Third, you are comparing M/ia to P/riyanka and J/ennifer?  No, just No. She is so unremarkable that they had to praise her for ONLINE SHOPPING SKILLS because there is nothing else she can be praised for. Nothing.  We cannot insult the former two (2) women by even attempting to compare them.
Fourth, M is a liability. I know I am a broken record, but that bar is offensive af and D should not be associated with it in any manner and any team that cared about him would remove him from that situation or require her to not use derogatory and misogynist themes.  No it is not woke, it is degrading and disgusting and any person who defends it, truly has to review their morals and values.
Fifth, D doesn’t have a record contract or an album beyond 2 EPs that I love, but are not well known. So a guest on The Voice, maybe, but a judge?  he doesn’t have the credentials.  I think he is a brilliant musician, much better than the JB (no comparison in my opinion), but that doesn’t get him a spot on that show with multi-platinum selling musicians.  
Sixth, D has yet to prove he can play a romantic leading man cast opposite a female.  In M/idway, I absolutely bought that he was in the Navy and he was very straight passing, but not a female insight while on screen.  S/mitten is frankly an awful film (and he knows it) and in G/irl M/ost L/ikely he played a guy who was in a boy band cover band. Need i say more? The video released yesterday?  it is funny, but it didn’t sell to me straight at all.
Seventh, R/oyalties is a throw away show that no one beyond his established fandom is going to watch. It was produced to pay out 10,000 obligations including to the jumping jackass, F/ox (they are still producing it), SK, Other Algorithm winners like JS and JC, and apparently M as she has some role.  I look forward to hearing his music, but i think it will be a small blimp on the radar in his career.
Eight, A/merican B/uffalo again has no females, and is not at all going to succeed or fail based on him being straight.  It stars 2 A++ list actors and D, who is climbing his way up the ranks and is going to depend on a theater audience to sell tickets, not teens that care about his sexuality.  This is serious show and b/roadway theater goers simply don’t care, I have been among them for years. His challenge, deliver another performance of his life time.  That will cement his place among the elite.
Ninth, we know little to nothing about HWood beyond that fact that it will have heavy themes of closeting. even if he plays the only straight character, he is not distancing himself from queer. He is choosing another project that is about gay/queer culture.  That is a statement in and of itself. As I said above, the marketing for Hwood is when my opinion may shift and not really until then unless i see a drastic change in course
Finally, they only way they will ever sell to me that they have committed to straight, D is on board and it is not just about making her legit and erasing CC from the narrative, the thing that petrifies everyone involved the most, is pairing him with a classy, ambitious beard that would generate positive press. M sells to her base, that is rapidly dwindling in numbers despite her prominence in his life and are irrelevant to d’s forward progress in his career.
my opinion, everyone is free to disagree:)
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notarelationship · 6 years
Along For The Rides Ch 8
*I incorrectly numbered this post earlier!!  
Blaine and Kurt get their summer romance on. Mostly fluff, awkward flirting, a side of misunderstanding and some hanky panky.
Rating: Still T, this chapter. M eventually Words: This chapter ~ 5200 Warnings this chapter: none
thanks to @honeysucklepink pink for the beta of course, but I did make some changes after she read through and as usual all mistakes are my own.
Feel free to assume I can’t keep a schedule at all.
Blaine is trying not to freak out.
The rides are shut down for the night, and Sam and Jeff and Nick have all disappeared with girls they met earlier, so Blaine is alone in the camper. He’d spent the entire time since texting with Kurt going over every single thing they did, and everything he’d said to Kurt in the last twenty four hours. He was so distracted while they were locking up the rides that he even forgot to take the key out of the Ferris Wheel control deck and when the site manager came around for final checks he got a bit of a dressing down in front of Sam. Blaine isn’t sure he really cares anymore.
Blaine can’t figure out what went wrong, or if he’s making a bigger deal out of Kurt staying home tonight than he should, but he wants to be out in the parking lot making out with Kurt in the back seat of his tiny car, not alone in a smelly camper, thinking about making out with Kurt.
It’s still hot, in the 90’s even now, after midnight, so Blaine figures it has to be nearly 100 degrees inside. He’s sweating, and miserable, and is beginning to think joining Sam on this summer adventure was a really bad idea. He hadn’t anticipated getting his heart broken when he’d said yes.
“Shit.” Blaine sits up, rubbing his face. It’s been almost two hours since Kurt texted him good night, but he looks at his phone again anyway, just in case. It’s too hot to sleep and he can’t think anymore. He’s just about to put his shoes on and go for a walk around the carnival grounds when he hears footsteps and noise outside. The door rattles a little, opening to Sam’s cheerful face.
“S’up,” he says, nodding at Blaine. Blaine watches him shuffle through the kitchen area to his skinny bunk in the back.
“You’re back early,” he says. It sounds like he’s accusing Sam of something, so he apologizes quickly. “Sorry.”
“No worries dude.” Sam just shrugs as he pulls his clothes off. “We just made out a little, it didn’t feel right pushing it,” he says nonchalantly. Sam is one of the few straight boys he’d ever met who didn’t complain when girls didn’t want to do sexy stuff. It’s one of the reasons he and Blaine had become friends. Sam is just nice. Blaine watches Sam strip down to nothing, yanking a towel off of the hook over his bunk and wrapping it around his waist. “It’s gross in here, I’m going to shower.”
Blaine sits up and leans against the wall, not really watching Sam get into the tiny camper shower they shared with Nick and Jeff. Two months ago he’d at least have blushed at the idea, but the camper smelled like it hadn’t been cleaned in weeks (it hadn’t), and seeing Sam (and Nick and Jeff) naked pretty much every day had taken away the allure of - if not boys generally - definitely these boys. At least there are only two more weeks, then he’ll be off on vacation with his parents, and finally off to New York.
“Still sulking about Kurt?” Sam asks when he gets out of the shower. Blaine had told him earlier that Kurt had cancelled on him, and Sam had teased him a little about it then, but he’d stopped when it had only made Blaine sad.
“I’m not sulking.”
“Dude you are totally sulking. You didn’t even stare at my ass when I was taking my clothes off, so I know you’re moping about something. And that’s the only thing I can come up with.”
Blaine throws a pillow at Sam, but he’s laughing a little. “Shut up. I hate you.”
“You love me.” Sam climbs up on the bed next to Blaine and wraps his arms around him. “I’m sure it’s cool. Kurt seems to like you for some reason.” Blaine punches Sam in the side, but he lets his friend hug him. “This is a hot job with lots of dust and contact with the public, and Kurt probably needed to wash his hair like a thousand times or something.”
“That’s not very nice,” Blaine interjects. But the image of Kurt in the shower washing his hair is something Blaine thinks he wants to explore.
“I’m serious Blaine. Kurt’s hair is gorgeous.”
“You’re an ass,” Blaine says, shoving Sam away from him, but they’re both laughing. When they stop Blaine can hear noises outside - probably the other boys. Sam jumps off Blaine’s bed and heads to the kitchenette.
“I’m sure everything’ll be cool in the morning,” Sam reassures him.
Everything is definitely not cool in the morning. It’s nine thirty and Blaine is pacing in the staff parking section waiting for Kurt to show.
Blaine had managed to resist texting Kurt until eight am. He hasn’t heard from Kurt at all, but they have to be on the job by ten, so at that point this point they aren’t going to have much time to hang out together. When Kurt doesn’t text him back until almost nine fifteen - and even then it’s was to tell him he was just leaving his house, Blaine knows there is something Kurt isn’t telling him.
When Kurt finally pulls into a parking space, Blaine rushes over to him before he can get out of the car. Kurt gets out, but he doesn’t seem that happy to see Blaine. Blaine doesn’t get angry very often, but his insides feel like a bad mix of nervous and angry right now.
“Hey,” Blaine says. “I thought you were going to meet me for coffee this morning?” Blaine can see that Kurt definitely does not have any coffee with him.
Kurt’s mouth curves into a frown. “I know. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to stop.”
Blaine’s mouth hangs open. “You didn’t have -” He’s tilting to the angry side of his wound up feelings now. “I asked you if there was something wrong last night Kurt. You said no, but it seems like there is.”
Kurt’s eyes flash for just a second, and Blaine realizes he doesn’t really know Kurt well enough to know what angry looks like on him. He suspects he’s about to find out, even if he still has no idea why Kurt would be angry at him. That only annoys Blaine more.
“There wasn’t something wrong last night,” Kurt answers. Blaine waits for him to go on, but he doesn’t.
“That’s it? You got mad at me overnight for something I didn’t do?” Blaine swallows hard. He feels like he’s at a disadvantage in a fight he doesn’t want to be having. “Kurt, please. What’s wrong?”
Kurt exhales a long breath, like he’d been holding onto it. The fight seems to go out of him, but he looks away from Blaine before he says anything.
“I just don’t think it’s a good idea if we keep seeing each other.” He seems to notice Blaine’s mouth drop open, and he goes on before Blaine can respond. “You’re leaving Monday.” Kurt holds out a hand, like he’s trying to explain something that should be obvious, but Blaine can’t make any sense of it.
Blaine has an overwhelming urge to ask Kurt if he’s breaking up with him, but he can hear in his head how stupid that sounds. They aren’t boyfriends and Blaine is leaving Monday. Maybe Kurt is right. It’s already going to hurt to leave. Blaine doesn’t know what to say, so he just hugs himself and nods, stepping aside so Kurt can go past him on his way to the ticket booth. “I’m sorry,” he manages as Kurt passes. “If I did anything to upset you, I’m sorry.”
Kurt slows down. “I’m sorry you had to work so hard for nothing,” he says, then walks away.
It takes Blaine a full minute to realize he has no idea what Kurt is talking about.
Kurt spends the entire walk to the ticket booth trying to pull himself together, and he thinks he almost succeeds. Rachel is already there when he opens the door, though, and all she has to say is “oh my god what’s wrong?” And he breaks down.
“Rachel I’m so stupid,” he says, taking the tissue she offers. He dries his eyes, thankful that the tears don’t seem to be continuing with any insistence. He tells her about the conversation he had with Blaine, and that he broke things off. “I didn’t really tell him why though. I mean, I don’t know how to do this.”
“Oh I don’t think you’re stupid Kurt. Not about this anyway.” She stops for a minute to sell some ride tickets, continuing when the transaction finishes. “But you know, I’ve seen Blaine look at you, and no matter what Jeff told you it doesn’t look like he’s faking anything.
“And honestly Kurt, you can’t really get angry about relationships a person has before you meet them. Even if I sincerely doubt that anything that happened really qualifies as a relationship,” Rachel says.
“Can’t I?” Kurt glares at her. “Blaine and I didn’t exactly have a relationship either Rachel. No matter how much I wanted to pretend that’s what was happening.” Kurt sniffles. “I wanted it to be real Rach. It felt real.”
Rachel makes a sympathetic face. “Maybe it was real? There’s no rule about how long it takes to develop feelings for someone.”
Kurt shakes his head. “I kissed him for the first time on Tuesday. I don’t know how he could be that invested in such a short amount of time.”
“You are,” Rachel offers.
“Yes well, I’ve never had a boy look at me without wanting to do me physical harm, I’m a hopeless case. It’s not like I’m the first guy Blaine ever kissed. He didn’t need anything from me but sex.”
“You had sex with him? Kurt!”
“Oh my god no Rachel.” Kurt rolls his eyes. “But what else could he want?”
Rachel frowns. “You might be being too hard on him. Blaine didn’t seem like he was such a cad.”
Kurt chuckles at Rachel’s observation, but there’s no humor in it.
“And besides Kurt. We talked about this. You knew there was a hard limit on this. You were supposed to be having fun too,” she reminds him.
“I know.” She raises an eyebrow at him. “Okay, maybe I forgot. But it’s only because he made me forget.”
“Well then maybe it’s good that you cut yourself off,” she says.
Kurt is trying to believe that.
The rest of the day is just as miserable as the morning for Blaine. It’s Saturday so it gets crowded early. Blaine is assigned to the Tilt a Whirl, so not only is the line long and steady all morning, but he spends his down time thinking about how much fun he’d had riding it with Kurt just three nights earlier. It feels like an eternity ago, and Blaine still doesn’t really understand how everything went so wrong so fast.
Blaine feels more like a stupid, inexperienced kid than he has in a long time. He’s always assumed he’d be good in a relationship, but it doesn’t seem like he’s going to get a chance to prove it, either to himself or to Kurt. Even if he’s not really even in love, he still wants to understand.
But Kurt had made it pretty clear he didn’t want to see Blaine, and Blaine Anderson was nothing if not respectful of other people’s feelings - even when it hurt - so he spent the day locking carnival goers into cars, admonishing kids to keep their hands inside, and calling maintenance when someone got sick in a car. He only checks his phone ten or twelve times an hour.
Kurt’s shift is over at six thirty, but the day had been so busy that it’s nearly seven by the time he and Rachel are relieved and are walking over to the staff tent to clock out. The sky is overcast, and it definitely looks like it might rain. Kurt silently reprimands himself for being too distracted this morning to thoroughly check the weather forecast. At least he won’t get stuck in it.
“Do you need a ride home?” Kurt asks.
“Actually I don’t,” Rachel answers, a coy smile creeping across her face. “Finn is coming by and we’re going to make a night of it, you know, one last hurrah before I move to New York.”
Kurt rolls his eyes, but not where Rachel can see him. “Rach, you are going to be in Lima for another five weeks. This is hardly going to be your lasthurrah. I fully expect there to be a hurrah once a week until September.” He’s teasing her, and there isn’t any real bite to it, even though they both know it’s true. “But you two have fun.” They punch their time cards and head toward the parking lot, where Finn is already waiting for Rachel.
They exchange hellos and a brief update on the whereabouts of their parents. Kurt’s phone had died earlier, and Finn has heard from Carole more recently than Kurt has heard from Burt.
“I think they saw a Styx cover band last night,” Finn tells him. “And a Foreigner one this afternoon.” He seems excited.
Kurt makes a face. “I suppose if they enjoy it.”
“Sounds sorta cool,” Finn says. “Tomorrow it’s a battle of the Mellencamp cover bands.” Kurt thinks that sounds like an affront to nature, but Finn’s still smiling so he lets it go. Everyone can’t have his discerning taste in music.
“Okay well, you two have fun.” He waves and walks directly to his car. He’s not wondering what Blaine is doing now, or did he eat dinner, or if he already has his eye set on some other guy.
Blaine assumes it’s because it’s threatening to rain, but the carnival stays packed all day, and there are people everywhere. The lines are so long he barely has time to break or eat, and the closest he can get to Kurt without making some kind of a scene is when he sees him in a concession line. Blaine is a few stands over, and he only has time to get his food and get back to his ride, so all he does is stare. Kurt never once looks up or gives him any sign that he sees him. Blaine assumes he does and just won’t look at him, which only makes him feel worse.
He’s sweat through his company issued t-shirt and cargo shorts, and at some point hears a customer complain that the temperature is ‘near 100 degrees in the shade’. The Ohio humidity is making the air soggy, and Blaine’s emotional state is ricocheting between self loathing and directionless anger.
Spending the day buckling in riders gives Blaine a lot of time to think. After he gets through regretting every decision he made that got him to this point, he goes over every interaction he had with Kurt, from the first day they met until this morning. He remembers Kurt seeming so suspicious of him at first, so maybe Blaine really was just moving too fast. If that was true then he wanted Kurt to know that it didn’t matter. He just wanted to spend more time with him. He might be able to fix this.
Once the cars on this turn of the Tilt a Whirl are full and he gets the ride started, Blaine pulls out his phone and shoots off a few texts. They look a little desperate when he rereads them, but he decides not to care. He feels kinda desperate.
Blaine feels a little better after that - at least he’s trying to make things right, but when six thirty comes and goes and Kurt doesn’t answer or stop by to say goodbye or anything, Blaine’s mood turns dark again. Feeling desperate that this might be it, that someone he has real feelings for for the first time in his life might disappear from it, he manages to steal ten minutes to run to the parking lot. He knows it’s a long shot, but sometimes Rachel likes to hang around and do stuff when their shifts are over, and he doesn’t want to give up on the idea of seeing Kurt just yet.
Blaine rushes over to the employee section of the parking lot, but Kurt’s car is definitely not in the spot that he parked in when Blaine had met him there that morning. Feeling defeated, Blaine pulls out his phone, hoping for a text, but all there is is a text from his mother to let him know Julliard sent a letter confirming his roommate information and orientation dates for August. He texts her back a ‘thank you’ and lets her know he’ll try to call her in the morning just to check in.
He doesn’t notice the guy coming at him until it’s too late, and his hand is still in his pocket.
“Fucking little prick,” he hears as someone shoves him and he hits the ground. He’s momentarily grateful that he lands on the grass and not the concrete of the parking lot. Blaine scrambles to get up and realizes it’s the football meatheads from before, the ones who had started in on Kurt. He notices that the one Kurt identified as Dave isn’t with them, and thinks that’s probably not good, when one of the other ones shoves him again.
He doesn’t fall this time, but his anger is close enough to the surface to push him to fight back, and he shoves the biggest one, shouting, “Why don’t you fuck off?” It’s technically still light out, but it’s overcast, and Blaine can feel fat raindrops starting to fall. Still, someone should notice them.
“I bet you’re a little faggot like Hummel, too.” This time two of them come at him, and he does wind up on the ground, just managing to curl into a ball before he feels the first kick.
By the time Kurt pulls into his driveway it’s clear the approaching thunderstorm is an inevitability instead of a possibility, and he’s relieved to be home for the night. It’s been a hot few weeks and the rain will be welcome, even just for the evening. Hopefully Rachel and Finn will be able to get a whole date in before the rain starts. He’s even sort of looking forward to whatever drama the two of them are going to have for the rest of the summer. At least it will be a distraction.
He plugs his phone into his bedside charger and takes a quick shower, pulling on boxers and an old McKinley Football t-shirt before exploring the fridge for possible dinner options. Kurt hadn’t expected to be home, so he hadn’t really prepared anything, and his dad’s assortment of microwave freezer meals was down to a sad looking sweet & sour chicken Lean Cuisine and a couple of frozen burritos.
“I definitely need to go grocery shopping,” he says out loud to absolutely no one, and wonders if he can get away with just eating popcorn for dinner. Rejecting that idea with a sigh, Kurt closes the freezer door and heads to his room to put on some shorts. He can make a quick food run and whip up something with fresh ingredients. He knows it will help him feel better about everything. Besides, there’s only one day left at the carnival anyway, and after that they’ll be gone, and Blaine with them, and his life can get back to its routine.
Kurt contemplates changing his shirt, but ultimately decides there’s no one he needs to impress at Kroger, and honestly the football t-shirt tends to upend stranger’s reactions to him, so he slips his wallet in his pocket and picks up his phone.
There are about a dozen notifications, so he scans through a few pictures of Rachel and Finn that she sent, a couple of texts from his dad checking in on him and a photo of his dad and Carole at one of the concerts from the afternoon. He texts his dad back to let him know things are fine, then thumbs to the next texts. They’re from Blaine.
B: Hey I don’t know what happened, but if we’re moving too fast for you I understand
B: I just want to hang out with you, we don’t have to do anything
B: Please
B: just text me back, or soemthing, I don’t want this morning to be the last time we talk
B: I just want to talk
Kurt can see that they were sent earlier in the day, probably when his phone was dead, and he feels a little pang of guilt for not responding earlier. He’s not entirely sure what he wants to do about it now though, so he grabs his car keys and heads out.
By the time he pulls into the parking lot at Kroger he’s convinced himself that to not respond would be mean, and even though he’s not sure what to feel about Blaine, he doesn’t want to be mean. Blaine was never actually mean to Kurt, in fact he never treated Kurt badly at all. Blaine probably deserved to know that. So he sends him a text telling him they can talk tomorrow, then heads into the store.
Kurt doesn’t spend a lot of time shopping, just picking up enough for the next few days. He likes to do the long term meal planning with Burt, since either of them might have plans some nights, but even though he’s not in the store long it’s pouring rain by the time he gets out.
When he’s in the car he checks his phone again, but Blaine hasn’t read his text, so there’s no response to his offer to talk. He should go home, talk to Blaine tomorrow like he told him he would. Blaine’s probably busy having to shut down the rides because of the rain anyway. Still, he’s feeling a little guilty so when he pulls out of the parking lot Kurt turns toward the carnival grounds.
The last thing he expects to see when he gets there is half a dozen police cars, lights flashing in the parking lot. He can feel the adrenaline shoot up his spine as he tries to drive closer to the staff parking, but when he can’t get close he pulls into an empty spot and runs through the rain to get closer.
“Kurt!” It’s Rachel, so he heads in her direction as she and Finn run toward him.
“Rachel what happened?” He’s already soaking, but he doesn’t care. He spares a second to congratulate himself for not changing out of the t-shirt.
“Karofsky’s friends,” she tells him, shouting through the rain. Kurt’s heart drops into his stomach. “They came looking for Blaine, and somehow got him cornered.”
“How is he? Where is he?” Kurt’s looking everywhere, but there are too many people and flashing lights, and Rachel is shaking her head.
Rachel looks up at him, her eyes wide and a little frightened, her hair a soaking wet mess. “Hospital. An ambulance took him to the hospital.” Finn nods.
“Oh Jesus Rachel - where did they take him?”
“I don’t know, Memorial I guess? The police might know.”
Kurt heads toward where he can see a few officers talking to each other, but detours when he sees one of the crew supervisors, talking to another cop under an umbrella. The supervisor tells Kurt that Blaine was conscious, and they took him to have some x-rays as a precaution, and that Sam went with him. Kurt feels marginally better, and gives the cop his contact information after confirming that Kurt can identify the boys who attacked him the first time.
Kurt points to where he can see his former high school classmates handcuffed and leaning against a police car. “It’s them. Call me if you need anything else.”
The emergency waiting room is crowded when Kurt gets there, so he has no trouble slipping past the check in station when they call a handful of names to the nurses station in the ER. He finds the curtain Blaine is tucked behind when Sam pops out a few yards in front of him.
“Oh hey Kurt.” Sam seems happy to see him, if a little nervous, so it can’t be terrible news. “Blaine’s in there,“ he points to the area behind the curtain, “but they’re taking him up for x-rays now.”
Before Kurt can ask any other questions Blaine is wheeled out on his hospital bed, he’s wearing a hospital gown but he’s conscious, like Rachel had said.
“Kurt? How did you get here? Never mind - hey stop a sec,” he says to the orderlies. “Kurt don’t leave. Please. Wait for me okay?” He seems a little loopy.
“They gave him some painkillers,” Sam tells him.
Blaine nods. “I feel funny.”
“Oh god Blaine,” Kurt grabs his hand for a second. “I’ll wait, okay?”
Blaine nods as they roll him away.
Kurt looks at Sam. “Tell me everything.”
Sam fills him in, and since Blaine has been awake in the ambulance he knows most of the story. The guys jumped him in the parking lot, but someone noticed them fighting pretty quickly and called the cops. They arrived before anything really bad could happen, but Sam and some of the other guys had gotten there faster and so they really didn’t beat on Blaine for long.
“He says he doesn’t think anything is broken, and he’s had broken ribs before, so,” Sam says. “But he’s probably gonna be bruised tomorrow.”
Kurt sits on the chair in the tiny ER space, remembering that he’s soaking wet as he does.
“He’ll be fine,” Sam says, and Kurt knows Sam is trying to reassure him, so he smiles weakly. “Are you going to stay? Because I need to make a couple of phone calls, so if you’re good?”
Kurt nods. “I’m staying. It’s okay. Go take care of whatever you have to.”
Sam pats him on the shoulder and walks off, phone already at his ear, and Kurt is sitting alone in the ER. Blaine’s soaking wet clothes are in a puddle on the floor, so he picks them up and looks at them. Honestly he has no idea how Blaine is going to get back into them in their current state, and he doesn’t think the hospital provides clothes to go home in. It’s probably too late for him to do anything about it though.
By the time Sam comes back Kurt has already decided to take Blaine home to his house when he’s discharged. He’s convinced himself that Blaine will recuperate better somewhere where he can get some rest, and he can provide it. He isn’t sure what he’s feeling about anything, but he does know that Blaine wouldn’t be here in the hospital if those idiots hadn’t targeted him for standing up for Kurt before. Kurt feels like it’s something he can do to pay him back.
It might give them some uninterrupted time to talk, too, and Kurt would like to talk to Blaine.
“Is he not back yet?” Sam asks. He can see there’s no Blaine though, so he continues. “I talked our staff supervisor and he doesn’t want Blaine to work tomorrow.” Kurt nods.
“Makes sense.” Kurt wants to ask Sam if he thinks bringing Blaine to his house is a good idea, but he waits for Sam to finish.
“Yeah. He also said the weather is predicted to be bad enough that we might not open at all, so you might get a phone call in the morning telling you not to come in either - so don’t be surprised.”
“Well we haven’t had a big summer storm in a while, so we were due,” Kurt says. Sam doesn’t seem to have anything more to add, and Kurt kind of wants to know Sam’s opinion, so he goes on. “I was actually thinking I would take Blaine to my house, after they release him, you know. So he can recuperate.” Kurt is trying to be cool when he says this, and doesn’t quite look at Sam, but Sam isn’t actually stupid. He frowns, but looks at Kurt intently, as if he’s trying to figure him out.
“Dude. He likes you, and he was a mess all day after you blew him off. So if you’re doing this to mess with his head then don’t. He’ll be fine.” Sam is very serious when he says this, and Kurt is genuinely at a loss for how to respond, but Sam goes on. “But, he really likes you. And you’re here, which says something about, well, that you may actually care about him. And if you do? Well, i’m sure he would appreciate it.”
“I’m not trying to mess with him,” he says to Sam, and that seems to be good enough for Sam. “This is kind of my fault.”
Sam shakes his head. “I can see why you might feel that way, but it’s the fault of those assholes. But it’s nice you want to help, so cool.”
They don’t make much more conversation, and it’s near eleven by the time Blaine is brought back into his cubicle. Kurt listens to the doctor fill Blaine and Sam in - the x-rays were negative and nothing is broken, so Blaine needs to ice his ribs and take it easy for a couple days but that should be enough. The doctor gives him some instructions on over the counter pain medication, Blaine and Sam thank him, and they wait for his discharge paperwork.
“Thanks for staying Kurt,” Blaine says when the doctor leaves. They’ve removed his IV and he seems to be a little less loopy than he was earlier. “How did you know what happened?”
Kurt sighs and hugs himself, glancing at Sam, who seems only slightly oblivious. “I got your texts,” he tells Blaine. “I texted you back, but when I didn’t hear from you I thought I would just come by and see what you had to say.”
Blaine smiles at that. “Really?”
Kurt shrugs. “I want to talk. Just maybe not tonight.”
“Blaine, dude,” Sam interrupts. “I’m going to head back, so I can get some sleep. Kurt - you’re sure?”
Kurt nods, but Blaine looks confused. “Yes.”
“Cool. Blaine, call me if you need anything, but I’m sure you’ll be fine. Thanks Kurt,” he says, gripping him on the shoulder before leaning over to give Blaine a hug.
“Wait, what’s going on?” Blaine asks, looking between Kurt and Sam, but Sam just waves goodbye and walks away. “Kurt?”
“I checked with Sam, and he said he thought it was a good idea, since you won’t be working for a couple days,” Kurt starts to explain. “But I thought I’d bring you back to my house so you can get some comfortable rest tomorrow. If that’s okay with you.” When Blaine frowns, Kurt goes on, nervously. “Or if you don’t want that, I can drive you to the fairgrounds, that’s fine too.”
“You want to bring me back to your house?”
“Yeah.” Kurt moves when the admin shows up with Blaine’s paperwork. “If that’s okay?”
“It’s okay.”
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gayassmattdamon · 3 years
im sorry abt ur breakdown :( for the ch's: all of the band
ty jessie ily <3
jack drummerboy:
How I feel about this character
my poor little meow meow, my everything, THEE main character in my eyes, i love him so much it's not funny anymore
All the people I ship romantically with this character
david and nick bc he has a type
My non-romantic OTP for this character
i've been thinking about jack and dom's dynamic for a while and i think they could be the blaine/sam of the band. the bassists have the brain cell and all of the impulse control, jackdom would commit grand theft auto
My unpopular opinion about this character
every single thought i have of him is an unpopular opinion u_u
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
floppy hair bassist (david):
How I feel about this character
i love him i love how he vibes but is Still exasperated at the new directions at times (so much so that he's just. not there in s4 SJHFKS)
All the people I ship romantically with this character
jack :]
My non-romantic OTP for this character
no one knows this guy and i never mentioned him but that ginger guitarist from s1 and 2. also i think david helped dom adjust to mckinley and the band when he transferred there so david's like his older brother basically
My unpopular opinion about this character
a lot of comments under his fandom wiki page were making fun of his nose and i don't get it. it's just a nose. leave him alone >:(
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
he had a small line but i want more :(
blonde guitarist (dom):
How I feel about this character
king. what else is there to say he's a king and we should all stan
All the people I ship romantically with this character
nick and also blaine hehe
My non-romantic OTP for this character
literally everyone. this guy is friends with everyone and everyone loves him 😌
My unpopular opinion about this character
idk it's kinda funny how smiley he is even when the performance isn't supposed to be happy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
he should've had a song. or at least sang backup
nick s4 bassist:
How I feel about this character
my boy in a girlfriend kind of way :]
All the people I ship romantically with this character
dom and jack. talk about night and day ammirite
My non-romantic OTP for this character
he'd be besties with jake idk why but he would be
My unpopular opinion about this character
i can't fucking get him right it's almost frustrating, but that's on me not him 😔
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
well the basics; name, line, etc etc
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dcbicki · 3 years
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The Handmaid's Tale S02E11 • S04E10
Do not be deceived. God is not to be mocked. For whatever man sows, so shall he reap. You did this to yourself, Commander.
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dcbicki · 3 years
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The Handmaid's Tale S04E10 • The Wilderness
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dcbicki · 6 years
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You didn’t wake me up. Well, cause, if I wake you, then you leave. So how is that a win for me?
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dcbicki · 7 years
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dystopiandramaqueen · 2 years
1x5 "You Shouldn't Be Down Here"
Love is so vulnerable.
Think of a medieval castle. If a king wants to keep his kingdom safe? His army should be on guard at all times. Soldiers should man the walls, scanning the horizon for danger. Doors should remain locked. All new commers should be treated as potential assassins. That is how you stay SAFE.
Many of us live our lives that way. In that defensive, traumatized mindset.
I know Nick Blaine does.
Nick's mind told him to avoid forming attachments. Bc its "better for everyone." Emotionally safer for him to avoid attraction, affection and love. Because they're so fucking vulnerable.
In 1x5, when he admitted to June he was an Eye, he looked away. He ended his connection to June, returning to his state of dis-connect.
Because he'd revealed himself. Showed his true nature. Let her see who he really was. Like "Yes, I am one of the bad men. A soldier in the evil army. That is who I am. The king pays me to watch for disobedience, and punish those who threaten the kingdom. So GO THE FUCK TO BED."
A normal handmaid would have recoiled from his admission and obeyed. Thankful to have survived such an encounter with An Eye of Gilead. *thunder rolls, lightning flashes, ominous music*
Nick went back to his apartment that night glad he'd avoided human contact. Glad he had set things right. Showed just enough of his true, horrible nature- to keep June safe. To keep her safe by keeping her away. Locked in her tower.
What he didn't factor in was June.
Someone so brave- that no threat, no army, no weapon, no king, no man frightened her.
June. For whom- a life without love, sex and affection? Not worth living. Just like the handmaid before her. Not acceptable, not doing it.
June- who knew- a soldier warning her of danger is no soldier at all.
Nick showed his true colors in that moment in the kitchen in 1x5. He took his armor off. He made himself vulnerable. Stepping out of line. Going off script.
He was not protecting the state of Gilead. He was not protecting himself.
He was protecting HER.
He chose to be HER guardian.
And that is why he got the pussy.
Here endeth the reading. <3
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incorrectwarblers · 4 years
nick, to blaine: if we were going to a party dressed as batman and robin, I'd go as robin. that's how much you mean to me.
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incorrectwarblers · 4 years
nick: you fainted, do you remember anything? 
blaine: just the ambulance ride to the hospital 
thad: that wasn't an ambulance, i drove you 
blaine: but i heard a siren 
trent: that was jeff  
jeff: i'm sorry, i got nervous
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incorrectwarblers · 4 years
nick: i can’t go... stress is bad for the baby.
blaine: what baby?
jeff: me. i’m the baby.
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dystopiandramaqueen · 3 years
Excuse me, this is an emergency.
Dear The Handmaid’s Tale:
Drive Ch 18 by @trademarkblue
K? Thx.
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Fuckin Mayday meets BABY DRIVER
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Nick w fingerless leather gloves fleeing guardians in a good old fashioned American car chase, ferrying refugees to the border
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Christ can you imagine all the flashback content we can work into fan vids…. “I’m just a driver” Nick mutters, not yet knowing his own potential…
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Then we smash cut to God tier James Dean level Rebel commander Blaine content
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This is our request.
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Y’all haven’t started filming yet THERES TIME FOR LAST MINUTE RE WRITES 😩
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🕯✨So may it be ✨🕯
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