#thad warbler
new-warblers · 2 years
Warbler headcanons: Wes, David and Thad edition
- David and Thad were Wes’s first friends coming to Dalton and got him to join the warblers.
- All three of them have the top marks in their year level and have study sessions to make sure no one falls behind during competition season.
- David is a collector of mystery and thriller novels, but his guilty pleasure is those cheesy cop shows. The trio binge them during their free time.
- Wes has a strict sleep schedule and will never be awake past 9-10 unless forced.
- Thad has a nightly skin care routine that he sometimes does with David and Wes when they hang out in his dorm room.
- Wes has only had David and Thad over at his house when they are off from Dalton, but his parents love the warblers.
- When Wes was told about the stuff Sebastian and eventually Hunter was doing, he contemplated going back to Dalton to set things straight (he was barely stopped by David).
Comment if you’d like more of these
@smythecriminal based off of your post
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lusthurts · 2 months
so i discovered this headcanon generator on tiktok and im a big fan of the results (yes i’ve included my ocs, why wouldn’t i???)
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porcelainvino · 2 years
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you stand before the council
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years
very random warbler headcanons
✨ sebastian smythe ✨
- played lacrosse in france and was liked by his teammates, but wasn’t necessarily popular in school
- scandals bar habits came directly from nights in paris
- neither of his parents are homophobic, but he’s heard the horror stories and fears losing his relationship with them
- his maman knows about his late night habits, but doesn’t question him about them. she’s always known he was gay, but he never directly told her. she fears if she brings it up, he’ll clam up 
- still, she looks out for him in ways she can. teaches him how to be safe outside at night, shows him ways to defend himself if he ever has to. sneaks extra condoms in his nightstand drawer
- takes him a while, but eventually realizes his mom knows, but isn’t trying to stop or control him. awkward about it at first - doesn’t go out for some time and definitely doesn’t bring anyone home. but when their relationship doesn’t change, he goes back into his old ways. does make an effort to be safer (and even a bit more open about it), though, for his maman’s sake
- something about the smythes: love preparing for social gatherings; hate social gatherings. their house is always the place to be during the holidays bc it’s huge and gorgeous. mrs. smythe loves decorating for christmas, and all three of them love to cook and bake for it. but then throughout the night, they all just want their company to go home so they can sleep
- both parents taught sebastian to cook and bake, and he has a book of their favorite recipes that he pulls out during late nights at dalton
- charcuterie board connoisseur 🧀🍷
✨ nick duval ✨
- from michigan but at dalton on a scholarship (i read a fic where it was a soccer scholarship, and my brain adopted it)
- childhood best friends with jeff
- not good with directions. can’t really tell left and right apart. on road trips, he’s not the driver, nor the navigator, but a secret third thing (in the backseat, wondering where the nearest rest stop is)
✨ jeff sterling ✨
- second child of four siblings + has a twin sister
- also from michigan, but siblings are scattered all around states (has an older brother in florida, too)
- loves his family, but they have their issues. grateful for nick’s support throughout his life, otherwise he’d be pretty lost
- when nick got accepted to dalton, he begged his parents to go, since most of his siblings were separated anyway. they let him go mostly to have one less child to monitor 
✨ hunter clarington ✨
- doesn’t believe he can be liked, so he settles for being feared
- this works for coaching the warblers, but he quickly learns he’s not accepted nor respected by them
- left out on lima bean study dates and movie nights and other warbler group activities. hurts him, but he doesn’t show it
- canonically: acts out with steroids until the boys plant enough evidence that blaine and sam find out to get him expelled
- noncanonically: after one strenuous practice, he loses his cool and shares his insecurities. very slowly, the boys open up and forgive him, like the did to sebastian after the slushie. eventually, he’s brought into the group as a friend, instead of just being on the outside as a leader
✨ thad hardwood ✨
- always first to forgive
- giant goof that makes everyone smile, even on the worst days
- has a theory that kurt killed pavarotti for blaine’s attention. wes thinks he’s crazy for it
✨ trent nixon ✨
- public school bullying brought him to dalton
- lives closer to cincinnati, ohio. wishes he was in westerville, though. doesn’t feel safe in his hometown
- parents aren’t divorced, but they don’t love each other. very close with his mom, not at all with his dad. has to talk to his dad once a year, though, bc he pays for his schooling. this usually happens around christmas-time. unless his dad drinks too much the night before and forgets
- queer. every so often wonders if he’s bi, but has never been in a relationship with anyone so he doesn’t know. curious about girls, but at the same time, can’t imagine dating one. doesn’t feel a need to figure it out ~ he likes who he likes
- has the biggest crush on blaine. relates to him, wants to protect him, and thinks he’s absolutely adorable
- was the one to kick sebastian out of the group after the slushie. all were mad, but he shouted at him for almost an hour, and even pushed him once
- last to forgive sebastian, but did eventually. also apologized for pushing him. he’d never physically touched anyone like that before and he felt bad since it happened, but not bad enough to apologize right away
✨ david thompson ✨
- aroace
- best friends with wes. they went on a date once, but both decided they were better as friends
- the warblers call them their dads (no one knows about the secret date, but their parent-like protectiveness over the group brought on the gag)
✨ dalton academy ✨
- students are allowed to use the kitchen as long as they keep it clean and know basic safety rules
- there are three fire drills a year. one is during classes, one is at night, and the last is unannounced and random
- lots of begging resulted in the warblers all being put on the same floor. all freshman students and transfers are randomly placed, but going into their sophomore year (or next year up), they can request roommates
- the school’s no-bullying policy extends to having emergency buttons in all of the dorm rooms and hallways, in case anyone ever feels unsafe
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contactproblem · 3 months
Thad, David, and Wes look like friends or at least on good terms but I have secret intel (headcanons, I made all of this up) that in season 2 when Thad and David are sophomores and Wes is a senior, Thad and David got involved in pretty useless drama the year prior. Wes was their only mutual friend and he kinda checked out for his last year of high school.
You see, in freshman year, David and Thad were both new and pretty good. Good enough to land a spot on the council, but who should get it? Only one spot will be open next year. So the two engage in show choir rivalry, the likes of which would make Rachel and Mercedes proud. They have to really tone down the competitiveness when Wes chastises them for unsportsmanlike conduct towards their own team members. And then, after eight months and a very very close call decision, David makes it and Thad doesn’t.
Except, one of the council members transfers to a different school. So there is a need for another new council member. And who else but Thad should get it? And yeah, he does get what he wanted. But he still can’t shake the feeling that he wasn’t their first choice.
During Season 2, he has to work with the guy who was ever so slightly better than him. And also his responsible friend Wes. Thad tries his best to make the most responsible council decisions possible, sometimes he just happens to clash with David. Council only meetings often end up in disaster, leaving Wes to handle a lot more of the responsibilities than he would like.
So he forced the two to make up or at least be civil when they work on Warblers council shit, so they begrudgingly comply until the very end of the year when they realize they actually really do enjoy each others’ company. Then at Wes’s graduation, they are very miserable because more than half of the last two years was wasted on petty bullshit and now one of their best friends is leaving.
So Thad and David become actual friends come Junior year (s3), which is also conveniently the time they need a new council member. It would’ve been Blaine, but he left for McKinley. Who do they pick?
The answer strides through the door with the confidence of a seasoned sous chef entering a restaurant’s kitchen. Sebastian Smythe, in all his arrogance, can sing quite well. And he has the charisma that, somehow, draws most of the Warblers to him. And so he replaces Wes as third council member.
Now, David and Thad are pretty good leaders, don’t get them wrong. It’s just that Sebastian’s leadership style is a lot more… independent. But as private school college counseling gets a lot more time consuming, it’s probably best to let Sebastian take care of the day to day rehearsal work while Thad and David plan competition technicalities.
The events of On My Way definitely change Sebastian. While he’s still a little bit bossy and continues to lead practices, he’s also more involved in behind-the-scenes stuff. David and Thad are definitely warming up to him.
Suddenly, senior year rolls around and the school brings on Hunter to lead the club? Do schools even recruit for show choir?? It’s the pair’s last year though, and no one is keen on losing either senior as a leader if Hunter also has to have power. So they have to kick Sebastian off.
In the timeline where Hunter doesn’t use steroids for a singing competition, maybe the trio forms a short lived bond. They have a really awesome graduation party where Sebastian triple checks with all the returning Warblers that he will most certainly get to spend his senior year as an actual council member. They’ll actually reinstate the system, gavel and everything. David and Thad cheer, because Wes really liked the gavel.
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ghost-jack-books · 11 months
Just gonna say, it is a CRIME that they didn't let Eddy Martin sing in Glee. He has one (1) solo line and it might be my favorite in the series
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fanfic-lover-girl · 7 months
the warblers being comedy kings for 9 minutes *straight*
I wish we had more of the Warblers!!! What comedic kings! Always entertaining when they were on screen. I need a Warbler spin-off show :’(
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gleesongtournament · 1 year
Glee Song Tournament Round 2
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simplysummers · 2 years
What are your favourite Sebastian ships?
My favourite, and most consumed Sebastian ship will always be Kurtbastian, no doubt about that, but if I had to put all of his (common?) ships into a list from favourite to least favourite, this is what it’d look like!
1: Kurtbastian
Kurt Hummel and Sebastian Smythe.
I don’t quite think I can fathom just how much I dearly love these two, both separately and together. The potential they bring to one another for growth, redemption, explanation and development is practically palpable. The chemistry, courtesy of Chris and Grant, in the show is so entertaining to watch, and the direction of their relationship can really take a turn at any point. Do they start off with hate sex? Is it Kurt learning that Sebastian is an actual person with a family, hobbies and aspirations? Is it Sebastian personally reaching out to apologise to Kurt and something blossoming from that? Do they run into one another again in New York? It could be any of these options, alongside many more, and yet they all bring us a beautiful outcome in this pairing. They’re not so cookie cutter, they’re unique and compatible in so many different ways. Their wit and humour is so easy to intertwine that I sometimes forget they aren’t a canon couple. I just absolutely adore them.
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2: I need to distinguish how much I love Kurtbas by stating that nothing even compares to them.
Like seriously none of the ships below even remotely compare. That’s how much I adore these two.
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3: Warbler Ships.
Sebastian Smythe and Jeff, Nick, Thad, Wes, David and Trent.
These are the type of ships that I’ll read and I have no problems with, I just don’t actively ship them in my own glee universe. I read a beautiful fanfic a few years ago about Thad and Wes helping Sebastian overcome some self infliction habits, as well as a similar one with Nick where they’d write letters to one another. They were lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed them, I just don’t ship any of them religiously like I do with kurtbastian. KB are my endgame, I don’t even see these couples as midgame.
(That being said, I do think Jeff and Sebastian have most likely made out before. Not in a midgame type of way, more of a heated fling, I picture it to be a situation where Nick and jeff were on a break, and the boys kinda just got caught up in the moment while watching movies. It was something they just needed to try and get out of their system, and it’s followed by Jeff realising that Nick’s lips are the only ones he ever wants to kiss, and Seb understanding that maybe the idea of being romantically exclusive to somebody wouldn’t be a bad thing, and it would actually make him feel special. It doesn’t affect their friendship negatively, they’re still best buds, but Nick definitely gives Sebastian some side eyes when Niff are on the mend and he learns what happened.)
I think a good summary of how I feel about these ships is that when I’m reading their fics, I’m reading for Sebastian and Warbler characterisation separately, not Sebastian and Warbler romantically together, but they’re still cute fics!
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4: Huntbastian
Hunter Clarington and Sebastian Smythe.
For me Huntbastian is kinda mid tier. I don’t actually like Hunter very much as a character, and I think Seb is far too good for him (I’m also very persistent when it comes to reminding people that the steroids scandal was all Hunter’s doing). However, there are definitely a few fics that I’ve read where this ship is quite cute. I suppose because we don’t know a lot about Hunter, nor do we know if the stuff we do know is even true, I think this ship is completely dependent on how the former is portrayed by each fic writer/artist. They have fanon potential, but I don’t appreciate Hunter enough to delve into that myself, despite the fact I have enjoyed little bits of media between these two every now and again.
That being said, I personally think these two actually have some very dark potential considering the power dynamic established in the show, and you know me, I love putting Sebastian in tough situations.
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5/6: Starsmythe and Coopbastian
Elliott ‘Starchild’ Gilbert/Cooper Anderson and Sebastian Smythe.
First of all, idk if Elliott and Seb have a ship name, I just came up with Starsmythe on the spot, but if they don’t I think that should be the new one.
Much like with number three on my list, these are the kinds of ships that I don’t really see together in general, and I don’t see them happening in canon at all (well maybe Starsmythe could’ve if they’d actually met, but they didn’t), they’re just fun for experimenting with stories and ideas, or sometimes they’re a catalyst for other ships (Elliott with Kurtbas and Cooper with Huntbas from what I’ve read). I did read a really sweet KB fic where Sebastian got sick in New York, and Elliott helped Kurt look after him, so although they weren’t romantically involved, I thought it was just so sweet and had potential.
So again for these guys, I read more so for separate characterisation, and to get my Sebastian fix after I devour everything in his tag excluding seblaine, but they have possible fanon potential!
(And personally I’m a sucker for the whole ‘Cooper dates one of Sebastian’s family members’ trope that so many of us use. That never gets old.)
7: Sebklaine
Sebastian Smythe, Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.
(Does it annoy anyone else that in both sebklaine and klaine Kurt is only the K? Like mmm it’s not a vibe.)
I don’t really know what to say about this ship. Do I hate it as much as Seblaine? No I don’t, but do I actively love it or consume it’s media on my own? Also no. The only time I’ll read Sebklaine fics is if the title and/or summary really grab my attention, or it’s primary focused on Kurtbas with only a smidge of Blaine, otherwise I’m not overly interested myself.
I personally don’t think this trio would work very well at all, I actually don’t think Blaine could be in a polyamorous relationship with anybody for that matter. As we see in the show, he’s incredible insecure and very jealous, imagine how he’d behave if he had to share his partner with somebody else? And I’m not putting my Bastian through that :(.
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8: Sebofsky:
Sebastian Smythe and Dave Karofsky.
I think Sebofsky is such a neutral ship to me. I don’t dislike it, but I don’t actively ship it either. I’ve read a few fics of this pairing, nothing that particularly stuck out to me, but that’s not to say they were necessarily bad, just not my personal cup of tea. Something I actually would’ve liked to have seen from the show between these two was an apology from Seb to Dave after his attempt, but since we never got to see that I just like to assume it happened off screen. Now had we have seen a scene similar to that, maybe I would feel differently towards this ship, both positively or negatively, but we shall never know.
Not a bad ship, not an amazing ship, just a ship to me!
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9: Seblaine:
Sebastian Smythe and Blaine Anderson.
I’ll just let Redditor Bea explain this one
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This might be a hot take, and I’m probably going to get shit for it, but I think Sebastian deserves better than Blaine. I think everyone deserves better than Blaine, I do not like Blaine :).
Seblaine’s only redeeming quality, at least in my opinion, is that at least Blaine is a gay male and not a girl, or god forbid a lesbian girl.
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10/11: Sebtana and Smytheberry.
Sebastian Smythe and Santana Lopez/Rachel Berry.
I will not touch these two ships with a ten foot pole. I’m all for personal expression, and at the end of the day you can headcanon characters as whatever sexuality you want to, there is nothing we can actually do to stop you, but I personally think there’s a huge difference between hc-ing a straight person as another sexuality, and hc-ing a canon gay character as straight. It’s reductive, you’re taking away their minority, you’re removing with a snap of your fingers the oppression people have been fighting again for years, these characters are iconic for what they represent, Santana especially: canon gays in modern media who aren’t totally defined by their sexuality. And I know some of y’all are looking at this with a side eye because it’s “not that deep”, but it is to me. If Sebastian and Santana had both been canon bisexual in the show, I actually think Sebtana is a ship I could get behind, but they aren’t, and therefore it’ll never be okay with me. They are both gay, a homosexual and a lesbian, so I will never see them romantically involved.
And as for Rachel, the compatibility between them isn’t very strong in my opinion, Rachel would be too much for him, I think it takes a certain type of guy to handle her, especially pre-S4. He’d lose his patience pretty quickly over her behaviour anyway, excluding the fact Sebastian likes men.
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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eddymartin: look who I ran into
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sscrambledmeggss · 2 years
Fuck you *thadifies your cup*
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new-warblers · 2 years
Seb, driving:
Jeff in the passenger seat: You literally had TWO lanes of oncoming traffic staring us down- and you did NOTHING!
Nick dying in the backseat with Thad and Trent:
Jeff: You looked them back in the eye!
Seb, cracking up:
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smythewmu · 7 months
Truth - Names two guys you wanna see join The Warblers and one you would kick out. 
Easy. Blaine Anderson should join the Warblers. Guys got a killer voice and would look damn sexy in the uniform. Besides- no offense to the new directions. But Anderson sort of belongs with us anyway.
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I'd take Sam as well. At the very least to see his hips wiggle on stage in those uniforms.
One I'd kick out? Thad? Maybe? Guys cute but he cannot do a two step change to save his life.
@wmublaine @samevans-wmu
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so-long-soldier28 · 2 years
dad: "i don't know how people name their kids thad"
me: *audibly snorts*
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thnxforknowingme · 1 year
The Same Coin
Pairing: Kurtbastian
Rating: T
Word count: 2200
Summary: Dalton parties are full of surprises - like Kurt ending up in a confined space for seven minutes with Sebastian Smythe, who he absolutely can't stand.
Notes: Written for the @kurtbastianarchive Kurtbastian Prompt Fest 2023, based on prompt #20 by @backslashdelta!
Kurt hadn’t been to a lot of Dalton parties, but as a school for wealthy boys who idolized an a cappella show choir he knew that it would be full of good music, a lot of alcohol, and unpredictable shenanigans.
Still, when Jeff grabbed him and bodily pulled him down to the den in the basement to join some party game, he wasn’t prepared for what he was about to find. When he saw the “game” involved a dozen or so people gathered around an empty beer bottle on the floor, he wrested himself from Jeff’s grasp.
“I am not playing Spin the Bottle,” he insisted. “I have traumatic memories I am not going to relive.”
“Don’t worry, it’s not Spin the Bottle,” Thad reassured him as Jeff guided him to a spot in the circle. “It’s Seven Minutes in Heaven.”
“That’s worse!” Kurt exclaimed. “I’m not interested, you hormonal gremlins! Aren’t most of you straight, anyway?”
Being a Dalton party, the gender ratio skewed heavily male. Kurt had seen a handful of girls throughout the house, and only two seemed to be participating in this game.
“That’s what makes it interesting!” Nick insisted.
“Come on, Kurt,” Jeff pleaded. “Stay for a few spins and then I’ll duet with you upstairs on any song that you want. You might not even get landed on!”
Kurt glowered, but he did like the sound of a duet. Besides, it was senior year and he didn’t get to see his old Warbler friends very often - no matter how stupid the circumstances, he didn’t want to say no to spending time with them. 
”I’ll stay for three spins,” he said finally. 
A cheer went up through the room, and Jeff reached for the bottle. “I’ll go first, then.”
The bottle spun erratically and landed on a guy that Kurt vaguely recognized from some classes at Dalton. The players ushered them into the laundry room attached to the basement and shut the door. People took turns listening up against the door, calling out crude suggestions, postulating what might be going on, and continuing to drink from Natty Light cans and Solo cups. 
When the pair came back out their clothes were visibly disheveled and Jeff boasted loudly about how he’d rocked the other guy’s world, but it was so over-the-top that Kurt was pretty confident it was all for show.
The next Dalton student in the circle spun, and this time the bottle selected one of the few girls in the room. The crowd gasped and ooh-ed, and Kurt gathered that the petite girl who followed the spinner into the laundry room was someone else’s girlfriend. Those seven minutes were a little more tense, and when they were released they both seemed demure, but that only fueled the raised eyebrows and rumor-full whispers already spreading through the party.
The other girl was about to take her turn when a voice called out, “What’s this, huh?” and Kurt turned to see none other than Sebastian Smythe standing at the foot of the stairs, surveying the room.
“Seven Minutes in Heaven,” Nick called out. “You in, Smythe?”
Sebastian’s mouth curled into a smile that only emphasized his rodent-like features. “You all need to play a cute little game to get a guy to make out with you?” he asked. He stepped forward and leaned into the circle, gripping the bottle with his fingertips. “Fine, I can play, if you’re so desperate.”
He twitched his fingers to set the bottle in motion, glass rattling against the floor until it slowed, slowed, slowed - and came to a stop pointing directly at Kurt.
“You’re fucking kidding me,” Kurt breathed, and looked up to see Sebastian’s head turn in his direction, recognition and then alarm flitting across his features.
“I don’t think -” Sebastian scoffed, but Thad cut him off.
“The bottle has spoken!” he decreed. “Sebastian, Kurt, you’re up.”
“Absolutely not,” Kurt protested, but Jeff was already pulling him up by the elbow.
“You both knew what you were getting into!” Jeff insisted. “That’s the beauty of the game.”
The whole room seemed involved in shepherding them towards the secluded laundry room, chattering in excitement.
“Now this is a new kind of Seven Minutes,” Nick said, “more like a cage fight.”
“Maybe they’ll reconcile their differences,” Thad suggested.
“Maybe they’ll kiss and make up,” Jeff said, and the room burst into laughter and catcalls.
Sebastian stumbled through the doorway, and Kurt was regrettably close behind him. “Or maybe Sebastian will come out with a broken nose,” someone else postulated.
“He’s an athlete in a contact sport,” a voice argued. “I think he could hold his own.” 
“Are you kidding me?” Jeff asked. “Kurt is scary when he’s mad. He’s like a fashionable Hulk.”
“Look,” Kurt called out, one final plea. “This really isn’t necessary!”
“I think it’s time for you boys to be mature,” Thad insisted, a sentiment that was entirely at odds with the juvenile situation. “We’ll see you in seven!”
The door shut, leaving Kurt alone in the dark, cramped space with his old nemesis.
Kurt and Sebastian had started off on pretty terrible terms when they met, since Sebastian was flirting with Kurt’s then-boyfriend. Even long after Blaine had assured Kurt he wasn’t interested in Sebastian, Sebastian continued to be stuck-up, selfish, and obnoxious every time Kurt was forced to be in his presence. Even now that Kurt and Blaine were no longer together and Sebastian posed no threat, Kurt thought he was a despicable human being - and he was good at holding grudges anyway.
Kurt leaned back against the shelves behind him and let out a deep sigh. “This is so stupid.”
“Yeah, I’m not a fan of this either,” Sebastian retorted. Kurt’s eyes were just starting to adjust to the dark, so Sebastian appeared as a vague mass.
“Then why’d you spin the goddamn bottle?” Kurt demanded.
“Because it’s a party, dumbass. Everyone is here to get drunk and make poor decisions that’ll make a great story on Monday. I wouldn’t expect you to be familiar with the concept of fun.”
“We have different definitions of fun,” Kurt bit back. “Mine just happens to involve less risk of STIs or liver failure.”
Sebastian laughed, mocking. “Are you not even drinking?”
“No,” Kurt responded. “Unfortunately, I’m experiencing this stone cold sober. I’m driving tonight. But there’s no amount of booze that would make you an attractive romantic prospect.”
“I know a few people who’d disagree,” Sebastian said, leaning forward and lowering his voice. “You should count yourself lucky for this opportunity. Plenty of guys would like to be in your shoes. Metaphorically, as I’m sure your actual shoes are bedazzled.”
Kurt’s nails dug into his palm as he fisted his hands. “I bet you’re not even a good kisser,” he told Sebastian, stepping forward and matching his tone. “You just only hook up with people so drunk that they’d jump anything that moves.”
Sebastian scoffed, and they were close enough now that Kurt could feel the heat from his body. “Oh yeah, and you’re a paragon of sexuality? You exude frigidity so strongly I bet you’re Ken-doll smooth underneath those flamboyant pants.”
Kurt’s frustration overwhelmed him - he was so mad that he was wasting his time arguing instead of enjoying himself with his friends, annoyed that instead of a fun random kiss he was stuck with someone he hated, angry that nothing he said ever seemed to get through to Sebastian.
“Oh yeah?” he demanded, leaning in closer. He was done with fighting. It was time for drastic action. “Try me.” 
He closed the scant space between them and kissed Sebastian.
It had been a while since Kurt had kissed anyone - months since the breakup - and he’d never kissed anyone like this. All heat and no tenderness, a crash of lips and teeth and desperation. He was driven by blind instinct, his hands fisting in Sebastian’s shirt, caught between wanting to pull him closer or shove him away.
Sebastian trapped Kurt’s bottom lip between his teeth, and Kurt yanked their bodies flush together. There was something both thrilling and comforting about being so close, unsure if he was the predator or the prey.
Sebastian’s hands found Kurt’s hips and gripped them hard, jolting heat through Kurt’s body. Kurt gasped involuntarily, which might have been embarrassing if Sebastian didn’t respond by pushing him up against the shelves and starting to kiss down his neck. The wooden shelves dug into Kurt’s back and he knocked over some cleaning supplies when his head fell back. Sebastian’s mouth was divine against his skin, teeth scraping over delicate veins and tongue bringing flames of heat in its wake. He slid one hand up to the nape of Sebastian’s neck, grasping at his short strands of hair, nails scratching against his scalp. Sebastian grunted and moved his hand down to grip Kurt’s ass.
It was rough and new and so fucking sexy.
He tugged Sebastian’s head back up by his hair, pressing their lips together again and swallowing Sebastian’s soft whimper. In the small part of Kurt’s mind that wasn’t overwhelmed by lust, he was so mad that Sebastian actually did turn out to be a good kisser. Somehow that just fueled his passion - he pushed harder and kissed dirtier, as if trying to prove that he was better than Sebastian, as if one of them could win this wordless dispute. Sebastian slotted their legs together, so close to giving the friction that Kurt fiercely wanted -
There was a sharp rapping on the door and Thad’s voice called out, “Time’s almost up! Are you both still alive?”
They broke apart and Kurt pushed Sebastian away, feeling his warm breath huff out against his skin before cooler air filled the new space between them. Sebastian leaned back against the dryer, eyes lidded and mouth partially open. He took in a breath, as though he were going to say something -
“Oh, shit,” Jeff’s voice carried from outside. “Did they actually kill each other?”
Kurt heard the doorknob rattle, and had just enough presence of mind to straighten his shirt and wipe the saliva off his mouth before anyone else could see him.
The door opened, a crack of blinding light quickly expanding to fill the room. Sebastian and Kurt were standing as far apart as possible, staring at each other.
“So,” Thad said. “How’d things go?”
“I still hate you,” Kurt spit out as he turned to leave.
“Good,” he heard Sebastian’s signature cocky tone from behind him. “I still hate you too.”
Kurt grabbed Jeff as he emerged into the den. “Come on, you owe me at least two duets after that.”
The party felt crowded and chaotic after the isolation of the laundry room. Kurt pushed past bodies as he headed back upstairs, blinking in the brightness.
Once they reached the living room, Kurt and Jeff monopolized the karaoke machine for numerous songs - but after the initial outcry about cutting in line, the audience enjoyed their performances so much that there were no complaints. Losing himself in the music helped clear Kurt’s head, forcing him to focus on the moment, instead of dwelling on whatever the hell had happened downstairs.
It was a little after 1AM when Kurt said his goodbyes and headed out. He opened the front door to return to his car, and nearly ran into someone standing on the other side. As he regained his balance, he discovered that it was Sebastian he’d almost collided with.
“Careful, Hummel,” Sebastian warned with a lopsided grin. “Or are you hoping for a second round already?”
Kurt rolled his eyes and pushed past him. The door slammed shut, cutting off the noise of the party. All he could hear were the crickets, the distant sound of the highway, and Sebastian’s breathing.
“Don’t you ever tire of being the worst?” Kurt asked. He paused on the porch steps to turn back and look at Sebastian. He wasn’t sure if it was the general havoc of the party or remnants of their secret tryst, but Sebastian’s hair looked disheveled in an appealingly rakish way. 
“Nope,” Sebastian replied. “Pissing you off only gives me more energy, actually.”
Kurt crossed his arms. Even this late, the air was warm and sticky outside. It felt like a summer rainstorm was imminent. “You know,” he said, “you might actually be attractive if you weren’t such an ass.”
Sebastian shrugged. He seemed a little unsteady on his feet. “And you might be attractive if you weren’t so damn uptight.” He jutted his chin up, a confident gesture. “But I exceeded your expectations, huh?”
Kurt raised an eyebrow. “Now who’s fishing for a round two?”
“You started it,” Sebastian pointed out.
“You didn’t stop me.”
Sebastian grinned. “Touche.”
Sebastian’s admission of defeat sent a thrill through Kurt that he didn’t particularly want to examine. It was late, and he definitely needed to go home. “I’ll see you around, Sebastian.”
“Yeah,” Sebastian replied with a knowing smile. “I think you will.”
Kurt turned away, walking through the dewy grass to where his car was parked. He desperately wanted to know if Sebastian was still watching him, but he restrained his urge to turn around.
Kurt hadn’t been to a lot of Dalton parties, but he knew one thing about them - they never turned out how he expected.
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historyofglee · 10 days
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On this day in 1990:
Edward Martin was born in California.
Eddy portrayed Warbler council member and Dalton Academy student Thad in ~7 episodes of Glee seasons 2-4.
Happy birthday Eddy!
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