#ch: nancy drew
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seeinganewlight · 8 months ago
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nancy in every episode
season 1, episode 6 ⇾ the mystery of blackwood lodge
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Nancy: (enters the old town hall)
Henry (standing outside the suddenly burning building): hey Joe, can you and your brother get on a plane RIGHT FUCKING NOW?
I’m putting everyone in teams of two. Frank&Joe, Henry&Ned, Bess&George
F&J: handle Alexei & Brenda. Alexei loves Frank. The sentiment is returned. Brenda loves Joe. The sentiment is not returned
B&G: handle Toni. George is bad cop, Bess is good cop.
George is a pro at picking locks. Bess prefers rummaging through the back counter storage.
H&N: handle Deirdre. Although it’s mostly Ned doing the talking. They even go on a little date. Henry totally isn’t jealous. Iggy keeps him company.
Ned: I can’t get up there, it’s too high.
Henry: Ned Nickerson you are six foot two
Ned: I'll give you a boost.
Henry stopping by the police station to drop off Deirdre's fingerprint when he stumbles on Nancy and Frank talking through the evidence dropoff box like weirdos
After Nancy is out, Henry joins her to confront all of the suspects, but not before she asks him how it was working with Ned.
"Listen Nance, I… have to tell you something." Nancy nods, walking up the front porch steps of the Drew home. "I have a crush on Ned."
"'And'? That's your ex!" Henry exclaims. Nancy shrugs, pushing open the door.
"I have… other priorities now," Nancy says carefully as Henry closes the door behind them.
"Nancy!" Frank leaps to his feet from the couch where he was sitting beside George. He gathers her in a big hug. Nancy gives Henry a raised eyebrow from where her nose and lips are buried in Frank's shoulder before her eyelids flutter closed contentedly.
Henry rolls his eyes, but can't help the relief that courses through him - Nancy's moved on.
Alexei greets Nancy with open arms. She and Henry make quick work of discovering the tunnels and Brenda's scheme.
Ned doesn't even bat an eye when Frank is the person Nancy goes to hug first after the case is solved. Ned also doesn't seem to mind that Henry immediately goes to him for a hug. (Nancy and Henry are not subtle.)
Henry’s in Cairo doing a little solo vacay but he rides out on a camel the second Nancy calls him about Jon Boyle’s injury - the same caravan that Dylan happens to be with as well.
Henry refusing to hear Abdullah out and giving Lily the cold shoulder but absolutely destroying her at Senet
Dylan flirting with both Henry and Nancy… sometimes at the same time
Henry, watching Nancy leap across the columns: my best friend is a closeted American Ninja Warrior
Henry actually finds the tomb comforting and not eerie? He's familiar with the dead thanks to dear Uncle Bruno.
Henry can't stand Professor Hotchkiss' rambling phone calls but he excels at the puzzles hidden in the tomb.
Henry and Nancy sharing the bunk bed gives me summer camp vibes
Henry punching Gray on instinct when he startles them in the hallway.
Maybe I’m projecting but Henry doesn’t have a sciencey brain so Nancy handles most of the science stuff while Henry hands her parts or pieces or whatever and stands around saying “what the fuck”
Nancy (to Savannah): What time is it?
Henry: wakes up in a cold sweat in the Nickerson guest bedroom with his mystery senses tingling
When Wade seems to threaten Nancy by stepping closer to her, Henry steps in front of her because Summer used to be confrontational like that and there’s no way Henry is letting someone treat his bestie that way
I imagine this game going mostly the same except Henry is the one sneaking into Nancy's house and trying to help her figure out what happened to Kate. 
Henry does catch a flight to Ireland but struggles to catch up with Nancy. Henry's code name can be Raven bc that's adequately emo
Henry taps in instead of Bess but is just about as thrilled about it as Bess was ("I'm going to die here.")
Nancy asks Henry to talk to Sonny because he's been super cagey with her. Henry ends up trying to flirt his way around this and actually succeeds? 
Sonny invites Henry into the producer area and just as they're about to kiss Sonny is called away for show running stuff. Henry goes through his shit and gets the hell outta dodge
Nancy: how did you get into Sonny's tent?
Henry: I think I accidentally seduced him?
Nancy: :O
Henry: Don't act so surprised!
Nancy: Not surprised, just impressed.
Sonny has a soft spot for Henry after that but doesn't make it weird
Henry’s phone was busted by Thanos, so he and Nancy are sharing. 
“I just wanted to tell you that I’ve always-” 
Henry glances over at Nancy, chatting with the Greek police, and quietly saves the message.
Henry totally bonds with Soren and gets upset when Nancy suspects/accuses him of anything. Henry feels betrayed at the end by Soren, but asks Nancy to take mercy on him as she leaves the ultimate decision up to him.
Ned asks Nancy for permission to date Henry and she says yes:
“Nancy, I love you…”
“I’m not sure how I feel.”
“...as a friend.”
“Oh. Well, I love you too then!”
“Awesome. I wanted to know… would you be comfortable if I tried to date Henry?”
“I thought you’d never ask."
Henry and Nancy pooled their money to get Ned the sword. 
He loves it.
Upon their return to River Heights, Ned takes Henry on a date to the zoo.
The End …?
Nancy & Henry Solving Mysteries: An Unfinished Timeline
My HCs for Henry joining Nancy in cases after cry. Features/alludes to my myriad of ships, possibly including: ned/henry, frank/nancy, deirdre/george, joe/sonny, frosty/chase. I might update this when more inspiration hits.
Henry totally crushed on Ned when they first met in college and he got a little irked and disappointed when he found out Ned had a girlfriend, so he tries to date Summer to get over it, which is why he kind of acts cold to Nancy when they first meet, because Ned literally sent her to his house lmao (courtesy of lauren)
Henry rooms with Colin
I need those interactions in my life
Colin is the definition of an incel
Nancy talking to Ned in the phone booth with Henry awkwardly hovering outside the phone booth because car-crashed banshee late-night the-weird-guy-in-the-den-with-the-bruise-kinda-flirted-with-me-and-idk-what-to-do-with-that separation anxiety
And Ned's being a weirdo because of the party side plot going on, only sounding interested/relaxed when Nancy mentions henry and how Iggy won't let go of Henry's neck due to being spooked in the crash, how Henry made friendship bracelets on the plane to calm his flying nerves, how thrilled Kyler is that nancy brought a plus one, etc
Nancy mentions Kit and Kyler's weird dynamic but how he hinted at sleeping with Henry or something and Ned gets very quiet
Like the "..." In the chat in these games
"...Guess he's over Summer then?"
"Oh, Henry's just outside if you want to talk to him!"
Cue Ned loudly protesting while she forcefully shoves Henry in to talk to Ned because shes the least tactful person ever
And they have an awkward conversation about Kit and dating and Ned's like,, "Hey, love who you love, man. As long as you're happy, I'm happy."
anyway. when they're trudging around the grounds Nancy and Henry have a discussion about Kyler and Matt's unhealthy relationship and Henry's experiences with unhealthy relationships
and at the ceremony Henry and Nancy are lowkey side eyeing each other because this marriage won't last lmaooooo
But anyway, Henry asks Kit to dance at the reception because he is growing beyond his past yay
Henry is very anxious even before arriving at dread isle
Because he's gonna meet some of Nancy's besties and THE PRESSURE
But he and George hit it off pretty quick
He can't stand Coucou and doesn't love the monkeys but he's SO GOOD at the games they play. Even the spinner game. He kicks ass and Nancy sucks
Nancy is a student, Henry is a snack shop employee
Henry: “hi what can I get for you”
Girl: um,,,,, toasted bagel with uh, lettuce
Henry: ????
Henry, texting Nancy: this is her third bagel today. Each time she orders a different topping. I’m beginning to get concerned.
little does he know theyre just going there to see him lol
Henry: oh yeah Rachel? She’s secretly a twin.
Nancy: WAT
Henry: obviously
Henry: if you werent so distracted playing games against leela you would have noticed
Henry snooping through Izzy and leelas room with Nancy: THIS is Jacob?!!??! what has society come to
Henry: at least date a player that’s halfway ATTRACTIVE
Henry: Jacob is a chad
Henry: Mel probably has good taste
Mel: I'm gay
Henry: see? Taste
Henry, to the camera: okay not going to lie tho Mr. Harris is kind of a snack
“….don’t tell anyone I said that”
“I have a reputation”
and Henry is the only snack not on sale at the snack shop
Nancy walks upstairs to find Henry in the sitting area looking deep in thought, staring at Mel's door
Nancy: "what's up?"
Henry: "how many scales can one person practice in a day before they lose their mind?"
Nancy: spots the white squirrel on the branch outside her window "I'm gonna climb out and get it."
Henry: "I'm literally begging you to do anything else."
Henry just has a plethora of Edgar Allen Poe knowledge stored away from his EMO emo phase in high school
Nancy saying, "but what was the deal with all those glass eyes?" In the bathroom is her on the phone with Henry lmao
(all of this courtesy of cambria, maddy and lauren)
Chase reminds Henry of Ned because he's so wholesome and kind
When Henry mentions it, Nancy remarks that frosty reminds her a bit of Henry
Henry uncovers that Frosty and Chase are a couple thanks to the flash drive
OOooooOoOoooohh cIneMaTiC paRAlLels
Nancy mentions Ma to Pa every 5 seconds and Henry elbows her every time but she just. keeps. going
Henry tries to calm Frosty down with the mice thing but fails and then Chase comes in and Frosty is fine is 2.5 seconds and Henry is exasperated and Nancy is all-knowing
Debbie adores Iggy and pet sits him while Nancy drives Henry around to photograph clouds bc Henry is far more artistic and Nancy is more logical
Henry and Ned have been texting since wac
Nancy also intoduces Henry to Frank and Joe over the phone
Joe wont stop texting Henry ab random shit but its okay
Henry's phone has been blowing up between Bess and Ned and George and Joe and occasionally Frank and Kit a couple of times
So he's becoming more confident and feeling loved!
"Who are you texting?" Nancy asks
"Hm?" Henry asks, pausing while posing for a selfie. "Oh, Joe wanted another pic of Iggy." Iggy blinks at Nancy from his perch on Henry's shoulder. "C'mon." Nancy crowds in and he wraps his arm around her. They're both wearing plaid, mostly as a joke. They grin.
Iggy croaks, smiling as well.
Henry sends the snap, laughing to himself.
Nancy catches his eye. "Joe's single, you know," she says mildly.
Henry raises his eyebrows. They've never really talked about his sexuality, or his dates, Kit notwithstanding. "So is Frank," Henry replies.
Is she - is she blushing?
"Yeah." She bites her lip. "It's hard to know -" she sighs.
Henry doesnt know how to break it to her. How do you tell your best friend you have a thing for her ex-boyfriend? "Joe's awesome, but... he's not my type."
"And that's okay," Nancy says. "You know you can tell me anything?"
"I know." Henry pauses. Holds his breath. Lets it out. "Almost ready."
Nancy laughs. "Just tell me when."
After Scott blah blah blah....
"It's too bad, yknow." Henry says. The team looks at him, Debbie with tears in her eyes, Chase gripping Frosty's hand, Nancy with her hands on her hips, defiant. "He was kind of a DILF."
Chase roars in laughter, Frosty fake gags, Debbie giggles, Nancy is yelling in delight.
Henry snaps Scott's arrest to Joe and Bess with the caption "rip scott's career he was a dilf". Across the country, Joe cries tears of pride and Frank sighs, long-suffering. Bess' skin has cleared, her crops are watered, Henry has reached his full chaotic potential, all is right with the world. George looks at Bess' phone over her shoulder and scoffs.
Thanks to Lauren ( @henrikvanderswoon ), Cambria ( @an-american-teen-against-crime ), and Maddy ( @professorhotchkissesta )
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courtillyy · 3 months ago
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moodboard: aroace autigender nb nancy drew
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mimi-saurio · 11 months ago
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ST Childhood AU: A take on that night where Nancy played D&D with the party. It's been a long time since I drew to make a comic, but so far I love to ink somehow I got relaxed while doing it! I have a few other ideas for comics, not only for ST, but I think I can handle another one if I can get to write them down on a script one of these days. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one! <3 And remember, I recently opened a Ko-Fi so if you enjoy my fan-arts and stuff you can support me or ask for a commission!
Lastly, sorry if the grammar has mistakes, I'm really rusty with my English D,: Original Idea / Ch.2 >
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foreficfandom · 1 year ago
POV: You Are Actually MUCH More Powerful Than Alastor (ch. 2 - "Flashbacks")
(Alastor x Reader, g/n, queerplatonic/sex and romance favorable, fan theories, God!Reader) (AO3)
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Alastor was always a man who craved control and attention. Ninety-odd years of being a demon has long since mutated his mortal desires into a festering appetite. While he was alive, it was a very mundane longing for the spotlight. Being the sought-after host of his own radio show was as close as being his own boss he could realistically hope for. The masses could listen and fawn over his charisma and humor while ignorant of his champagne hue.
If he wanted more, he would have to turn to drastic measures.
Young Alastor had made the station affluent, so they could afford to get their hands on any show recording they wished. One autumn, they aired The Witch’s Tale, a trailblazer for being the first horror-themed show on the radio. It garnered controversy from the conservative crowd, but ratings didn’t lie. New Orleans loved the series.
Alastor relayed the local news in his typical rapid-fire speech, a fashionable showman’s chatter made even faster thanks to his Creole blood, and as he speed-read his script in real time, he recited a quick advertisement for Madame Jones’ Hot Comb Oil before running the magnetic carbon ribbons of The Witch’s Tale. Voices of the actors took over the air. He drew a breath from a cigarette and leaned back on his chair. Alastor’s voice was now due for a rest until the current tape ran dry.
This was his first time hearing the show as well. Short horror tales were narrated by a fictional character named Old Nancy, one of the witches from Salem. The first tale was of a Venus statue come to life to slay the son of its sculptor, the second adapted from the real life confessions of the convicted Scottish witch Isobel Gowdie, the third clearly ripped off from Stevenson’s The Bottle Imp, and so on. After each tape, Alastor came back on the air for more news, advertisements, and the occasional social commentary. A quick joke about the Nipponese making waves on the West coast, a little update on McKinley’s first year back in office.
If he were to be candid, each episode of The Witch’s Tale was a gamble of hit or miss. Some were near contrived. But a few were quite satisfactory.
Most interesting was the narrator. After each tale, Old Nancy would reveal a bit more of her backstory. She never married. She grew her own food and earned her own money selling poultices. She may or may not have slept with both men and women. Her cat was a demon familiar. Her house was constructed partly from the bones of her victims.
Alastor found himself lost in thought. A young maiden, a pregnant mother, and an old widow swam through his mind. But the fourth woman … standing apart from the others, free from the grasp of a husband’s heavy greedy fist, proudly dangerous. A woman alone, but free. The maiden, matron, and crone, and now the witch.
Suddenly, Alastor saw himself repeated four times in place of the women. He was the scrawny teenage boy, then his current self, then a wizened old man, and in place of the witch was this enchanting visage of his long-lived personal fantasy, chest thrust upwards and smile brazen.
He tapped his fingers against his stomach as a strange thought overtook him. Could one become the witch?
Could Alastor be truly free from the Man’s grasp?
Hidden deep in the winding alleyways of New Orleans, voodoo was still going strong despite the coppers’ efforts. When mother was still alive, she would buy dry goods and miscellaneous wares from a small negro outlet run by Haitian immigrants, and locals knew that the shop’s upstairs hid a small voodoo church, an open secret amongst those uninterested in contacting police for any reason, even if they themselves weren’t practitioners.
Alastor knew nothing of voodoo. Mother was Lutheran, father had apparently been a loose Catholic. Church Sundays had tapered off by the time Alastor was nine, as did house praying aside from Christmas eve, and mother was near illiterate so there was no Bible reading. He never asked her if she was still faithful after dropping the more superfluous habits. Alastor’s heart ached at the thought of mother barred from the gates of Heaven.
He heard the horror stories of this dread voodoo religion. He, himself, has recited many sensational reports of sacrificial rituals and cannibalistic orgies, almost certainly all fear-mongering bullshit, but plenty enough believed that voodoo witches and warlocks used a black magic. Cursing good Christian families to die of plague, using living shadows to ensnare children away, poppets with needles, sigils that glow, that sort of malarkey.
If I could curse people, or control a tangible shadow, it would be a right gasser, he thought to himself.
A steady list of potential victims formed in his mind. Number one, the man who abandoned his wife and child to a stricken life of poverty. Just harmless daydreaming. Maybe.
Alastor used to say to himself, ‘thank God’ that mother was such a genius, otherwise they’d never have survived.
He wonders if he would soon be swearing different oaths.
To your nose, virginity didn’t have a strong smell or energy, but innocence did. The first time the two of you met, you had sensed Alastor’s putrid, gore-soaked body roaming the hotel long before he could sense you approaching the front door, although you allowed him to believe he had the upper hand. Murderers, especially those who lusted, were very blatant. A subtle pang told you that Alastor didn’t lust for flesh like many men did. His body smelled virgin, but more telling, his powers would not be affected should that come to change. After all, only someone uncaring of an aspiration would not evolve from achieving it.
Alastor was not innocent. Not like princess Charlie. Not like the children sinner souls.
He may not have a clue what Angel Dust meant by wearing a “special sort of ring ”, but hunger had many forms.
Flesh, blood, and bone were common sacrifices made to manifest power. A human’s physiology cultivated some of its greatest energy from fats and protein, so it made sense why Alastor’s curse would force him to fuel by consuming meat. But if he were in kinder circumstances, he might have instead been encouraged to eat any other sort of matter, or not fuel himself through food at all.
Clearly, Alastor’s debtors wanted to corrupt the man beyond what murder would do to his mind and soul. The more Alastor killed, the more he ate, the more powerful he grew, and the more he’d need to eat. He became a slave to his appetite.
You wondered if it was because they couldn’t affect him through his loins, so they chose the closest alternative.
In any case, Alastor did resent his need for nourishment, just not nearly as much as he resented the actual chains. It helped that he has always found fulfillment in creating, eating, and sharing food, and there was a very good place in Hell for that kind of attitude.
Cannibal Town didn’t become a proper, distinct district until Overlord Rosie’s rise to status. The industrial revolution had created a great epidemic of poverty, and many struggling in the developing American frontier had turned to cannibalizing the dead to survive, from the children to the elderly, only tapering off when a successful ‘20’s economy rose to the rescue. Rosie turned the predominant Edwardian-era population into its current image. Walking through Cannibal Town’s streets of petticoats and boater hats, it was like stepping back into one of your past lifetimes as a New Yorker under Taft, watching Florence Lawrence in picture shows and seeing oreo cookies on the shelves for the first time.
In fact, ‘oreo’ biscuits were sold in Cannibal Town, imitating their original tin box packaging, but they were made with rendered human fat rather than pork tallow. Rosie wanted her people to embrace their partaking, rather than languish in their past sins, or hide their undying appetite. Human flesh wasn’t an addictive substance, but cannibalism certainly was. It was as habit forming as any other ritual gesture, like how Vaggie wakes up in the morning to tie her hair ribbon right-over-left, or how Husk always arranges the bar’s bottle storage just so, or how Alastor uses an old pewter pot to boil his coffee over the stove fire. Many of these antiquated cannibals treat their slaying, butchering, and eating with the same love they used to have for the Eucharist.
Alastor’s affinity for Cannibal Town wasn’t quite because he felt kinship between their cannibalism. Fondness for Rosie aside, it was the best source of properly prepared human meat for sale, trimmed and bled as thoroughly as venison chuck. Passionate cook he may be, but he never had the patience for true butchering. Especially whilst mortal, and in Hell, a victim could easily be ten feet tall with several limbs. Who aside from the butcher had time to set aside eight hours for that?
No, Alastor’s reasons and fondness for partaking wasn’t commonly shared amongst the Cannibal Town locals. Most likened it to a sexual gratification. Many saw it as an alternative way to rape the weak. Some saw it as their only outlet for frustration. Some just wanted to fit in.
And to them, cannibalism was a very social hobby. Proper ladies found great sisterhood in tearing into a corpse like starving wolves, respectable men could now exercise their libido amongst other men by delving deep into flesh as a group. But whilst Alastor, too, socialized through food, eating mortal flesh was his curse, not his indulgence.
You knew for a fact that ever since the inception of his deal, Alastor's clause for cannibalism would quickly morph into an honest taste for it, but Alastor could only hypothesize if that was the case, or he just simply lost his mind sometime after his fourth killing.
Alastor shook himself out of his reverie as he approached the door to his favorite Cannibal Town grocer, you following close behind. He had been finding himself lost in his own thoughts more and more often, lately. No doubt due to your influence.
He could have shut down in complete bewilderment, but he was Alastor, damn it all, so he will garner the bravery to take the next step forward, then the step after that, and so on.
Towards a brighter future, he dared to hope.
He opened the door for you, and the two of you entered the little store. Like all grocers before the ‘50’s, the wares weren’t self-serve. Alastor summoned a paper list, and read off what he wanted to purchase. The mustached shopkeeper brought forward each item onto the counter before ringing them up on the register, using an old exertion scale for the fresh goods. A pound of dried red beans, a rasher of salted belly, a loaf of sugar, three pounds worth of scrap shin bones, and four red capsicums. You noticed that the capsicums - the bell peppers - were the smaller, pointier variety sold during Alastor’s lifetime, before cultivation increased their size and yield. Likewise, the sugar loaf was compressed into an old-fashioned triangular cone, wrapped in paper, not a pure white but a light flaxy yellow from its residue molasses. All the manufacturer’s labels were a parody of their living equivalents. The burlap sack of Camellia-brand kidney beans was of a bloody heart with green, thorny vines named “Carnillia”, instead of the original round flower.
The shopkeeper wrapped the raw meats into their own smaller bag. It went unsaid, but they were obviously human remains. You reached forwards to carry the groceries whilst Alastor was occupied with paying, but then said to you, “Nonsense, dear,” and reclaimed the load in a gentlemanly manner. A polite, but largely useless gesture, as it’d take monolithic mass to truly test your physical prowess, and Alastor had his own increased strength as an Overlord.
In fact, the last time you struggled to carry an object with all your true power, it had created a black hole where it fell.
Part of Alastor’s original deal for power was certainly to improve his meager physical ability, as he was like many young men who pictured their ideal self boasting some petal to the metal. His lean muscles did not swell, and he couldn’t bench-press an automobile, but he did find a great force behind his punches, and his running speed, and even when he twisted open a pickle jar. It had been a relatively mundane boon compared to his showier magic, but the knowledge that you couldn’t be physically overtaken was intoxicatingly empowering. Alastor finally understood why burly brutes acted so brazen, even if his silhouette didn’t display it.
Yes, his original deal was as righteous as any young person’s plea for bravery. But whilst some may only ask for a sword, he had asked for a legion.
And by mother’s grave, he got it.
Father had been his original sacrifice. He tracked down the drunkard squatting in a Chalmette hobo jungle, and knifed him in the belly until the wretch’s blood flow slowed to a crawl. He spent all night dragging the corpse across town and to the lake, right where the most notorious of voodoo orgies were said to take place, and mimicked the manbo’s ceremony, finger painting vèvè before shouting - begging, screaming, really - for anybody or anything to answer him.
He always tries to avoid remembering what came next.
Mother hadn’t passed, yet, but she was on her deathbed. She had been fighting scarlet fever for weeks, and pneumonia had developed. Alastor himself had a brief sick spell due to contamination, but he refused to move out of the house. If his mother was about to leave this world, he wanted to be there.
Mother’s pauper’s burial was baptized in Alastor’s second killing. A eugenic small-time politician one neighborhood over, who would have never achieved his meager position if it wasn’t for connections, thanks to the scandal of marrying his fourteen-year-old niece. For this attack, Alastor let his new powers bloom freely, but his inexperience left the corpse a complete mangled mess. Indeed, the shocking state of the body was what first sparked rumors of the Butcher Of New Orleans. Named so because of the man’s conspicuously missing flesh and organs, leading the police to rightly profile the suspect as a cannibal.
Life went on. Alastor’s mind and mood matured, and he hit his stride. He grew from radio host to radio star. He made plenty of honest friendships. He found innocent fun, and also learned to refine his not-so-innocent ones. By age 37, Alastor had a celebrity career, a Cadillac automobile, a sparkling reputation, and a total body count of twenty-eight men.
A month before he would turn 38, he found himself in hell. He remembered that his first action was to look around, expecting to see his father as if the man would, by chance, be standing on the nearby street corner. He looked up, and saw the glowing celestial body that must be heaven, high above and unreachable.
He wondered if mother was simultaneously looking down. Or was she still waiting for her dutiful son to show up and join her? Alastor had made great effort to ensure that mother never knew of how much of a monster her son really was.
Slowly coming back to the present, Alastor found himself wistfully looking at the morning sky as the two of you waited for traffic to halt. The haloed planisphere was partially hidden by daytime cloud cover, but one could spot the ever present gateway to heaven just about visible.
You followed Alastor’s gaze to the skies above. As remote as heaven may seem to the eye, you knew that it wasn’t a matter of distance. After all, heaven and hell weren’t places. They were states of being. You told him so last night, since he was under the impression that with just enough power, he could track down his debtor.
Unfortunately, if a suitably powerful being didn’t want to be found, no amount of searching would work.
He had bristled at that, fur on his ears standing, and paced away.
Then spun around with renewed, fake bravado, and said he would lure them here.
“How?” you asked.
He had no idea, but just twirled his cane into both hands with a closed eye grin. Apparently, he’d think of something.
Before the night concluded, he told you that all these earth-shattering revelations would have to be mulled over a hefty serving of his favorite comfort food, so you and him would dine privately a stew of baked beans. An especially fatty and. Well. Cannibalistic recipe of his.
So it came to be that the two of you left the hotel early next morning for some shopping, which of course caught the eye of nearby Niffty, who would most certainly be relaying the latest gossip to everyone else.
Let them talk. Alastor loved being the hottest gossip topic, and the friendships you choose to keep are yours alone.
Of course, most of them suspected that there was more than friendship involved. Not the wording you’d choose, but perhaps it wasn’t inaccurate.
There was divinity between the two of you, now. Every time you’ve muddled in mortal affairs, great cosmic connections formed between your souls. Inevitable, considering who you were, but they often had great repercussions. You considered every one of them worth the trouble.
That afternoon, the two of you entered the kitchen once more, but this time you stood by and watched as Alastor prepared a kettle to hang over his fireplace. Per his request (demands), you arrived to his room at eight on the dot to his little table set with sliced bread and a decanter of whiskey. The pocket swamp beyond was darkened and dotted with lazy fireflies. A radio station played, but not from the two sat on his bookshelf, nor emitting from Alastor himself, just directionless in the air as if the room itself breathed radio.
“Please, come on in,” he bowed, just a tad overweening. Say what you will about the man, he bounces back from existential despair pretty gracefully.
One of the seats slid out on its own accord. You sat obligingly to the tantalizing smell of spice, partially masking your ability to detect the human remains in the stew. As Alastor sat across from you, the disembodied radio chatter in the air twitched frequencies to instead play a wordless ballad.
“I took the liberty of choosing tonight’s choice of drink,” he said, pouring whiskey for the both of you. “I know it’s a bit early in the evening for the mule, but indulge this pitiful sinner.”
“It’s your meal, after all.” And true enough, Alastor stood no ceremony in digging a spoon deep into his bowl. Alcohol had its particular effects on you, so you reversed the fermentation of your whiskey into a poof of evaporated ethanol and a wet pile of sugar, mostly to amuse yourself, also to sneak a pinch of malt into your bow to cut some of the fat. Alastor had made the stew so rich, you could probably alchemize a toddler from the lipids.
You watched as Alastor relished deeply in his first spoonful. Fats, you remembered, was sometimes a more affordable grocery than sugar or flour, depending on the slaughter season. A poor Alastor would have grown up being treated to cheap, streaky bacon more often than beignets or hot cocoa.
“Just as mother made it,” he sighed wistfully, as if reading your mind. Far from the first time he’s mentioned his mother aloud, but before it had always been a set up for a jape, his comedian nature never at rest, and not unfiltered sentimentality. He must know that it was useless to hide secrets from you.
You forwent the malt sugar to taste the dish as it was intended. Surprisingly, it was shockingly laced with pure intentions that caressed your tongue and made tears well up behind your eyes. You didn’t think Alastor was capable of it.
It tasted like love.
Maybe he had more of a chance than you first thought.
Supper continued throughout the night. Alastor downed one, two, and was working on his third bowl before the conversation turned to the elephant in the room.
“- and when I kill the wretches souls who’ve clipped me like a duckling, I’ll -”
“Cool the jets, Alastor. We’d have to find them, first.” You stepped in before he could wind himself up.
“See, I’ve been thinking,” he took a hearty swig from his third glass of whiskey, "take it from a man with a couple of his own eggs in the basket. You know what makes a debtor knock on the front door faster than a twinkle?”
He grinned angrily. “If he thinks there’s more debt to be had. You spot a way to keep your favorite minion closer to your chest for longer, you take it before someone else can.”
With a twist of his wrist, he downed his glass and slammed it none too quietly on the table. His eyes no longer meeting yours and burning holes into the wall over your elbow. “So! You help me advertise my devilish self as desperate for another deal, or perhaps just a clever amendment clause or two, and I promise you, they’ll show up.”
“And then what’ll we do?”
“End their wretched lives! What else?”
“Life began millions of years ago, and it hasn’t stopped since. Your jailer has long since learned to take advantage of that.” You calmly lounged with loosely crossed legs and arms, while Alastor was beginning to hover over the table like an angry ape. “There’s no way to ‘end their life’ in a manner you’d care about.”
With his face so close, you could smell the whiskey on his tongue along with an unfortunate whiff of antiquated dental hygiene standards. He wasn’t quite yet drunk, but was certainly not sober.
Your words gave him pause, but a radio star never let dead air stagnate. “Well, perhaps it was never a matter of killing them. No proper creditor makes their debtor more powerful than he.”
You said, “Your leash has its share of loopholes and weakness, like all contracts do. There’s never a way to fully avoid them, so most make additions that forbid them.”
Green stitches all along his maw. In one blink, you saw Alastor in his full pitiful glory, glowing neon-bright inverted hues, rotted body held together haphazardly with unforgiving threads. In another blink, Alastor was his normal outward self.
Back and forth you flipped your vision, trying to find any clues or conclusions. Snipping the threads would just make him fall apart. There must be a gentler conclusion.
Suddenly, you remembered what he said. “Alastor, how many debtors do you own?”
“Oh, I can’t remember the exact number. Ninety years is a long time. The answer’s somewhere in my ledger, I’m sure,” he waved a hand.
“Lend me a look. Please,” you added when Alastor’s glare turned vicious, “it’s important. You can trust me.”
“Now, how in the world would my own roster matter to my predicament?”
You leaned forward, meeting Alastor’s couched posture in the middle. “I made a promise, didn’t I? I promised you true liberty. If you want my help, then let me help.” You kept your voice low as if whispering a secret, even though no one was around to overhear. No one Alastor could see, anyways.
A heartbeat passed, then another. Then, with a great crackling of old vertebrae like he had suddenly aged decades, Alastor reigned in his defenses.
Has he ever yielded so completely since granted his powers? No wonder it felt so dreadful, like shaking off a carpet of cobwebs.
Never let it be known that Alastor was a chap who couldn’t learn something new, you heard him think bitterly. A dry exhale aired throughout the room as elongated shadows retreated, electric bulbs shone brighter, and the fireplace changed from eye-searing blacklight back to its natural warm glow.
Nonchalant smile back on his face, Alastor wiped his hands with a napkin and stood.
“Ah well. No time like the present, then?”
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ao3feed-nace · 5 months ago
Burning Bride Remix: Platanchor Day (Interrogation Game Ch 17)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BTvkxwK by LikesToSolveThePuzzle A growl from Tamura startled them both. He was gripping the edge of the desk, shaking his head as if to clear it of thought. “So you really are saying what I think you’re saying?”   Platanchor Day leads to chaos. Words: 8315, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Nancy Drew (TV 2019) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Nancy Drew, Ace (Nancy Drew), Bess Marvin, Abe Tamura Relationships: Ace/Nancy Drew, Platanchors - Relationship, Abe Tamura/Ace, Nancy Drew & Abe Tamura, Nancy Drew/Bess Marvin, Ace & Nancy Drew & Bess Marvin Additional Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Lust Curse, Handcuffs, Consensual, Consensual Kink, Light Dom/sub, Light Bondage, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Burning Bride, Platanchor Day, Platanchors Causing Chaos, Valid Use of Scarf, happy kinktober read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/BTvkxwK
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likestosolvethepuzzle · 5 months ago
Took a bit longer than I wanted, but finally happy to contribute to the Nace Discord Burning Bride Remix! (and just in time for Kinktober 😉) The original Chapter 17 of Interrogation Game is a fun one with a little Platanchor chaos in the mix, but I've always felt like it fell a little short. Much love to @mastress for conceiving of such a fun remix challenge that gave me the opportunity to give this another go! Thank you as always to PluckySidekick for excellent beta, and to the HAND Discord for continued inspiration.
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missjoolee · 1 year ago
20 questions writer meme!
Tagged by @onlygenxhere, Thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 15 (I keep meaning to move tumblr fic over though)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 62,690
3. What fandoms do you write for? Julie and the Phantoms like half Nancy Drew CW (it was a crossover)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A JatP Untitled Goose Fic 🦢⚠
I Hit Back a Little Louder
Oh My God, They Were Gymmates
A Kitty on My Foot and I Want to Touch It
Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Giddy-Up
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Ehhhhhh unreliably. I want to but get anxiety. I've been working on it and have done a lot better on more recent fic than older ones.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Me? Angst? Psh. girl please. i only tease the angst at friends via ps i love you au (😘) but like. maybe ch 2 of Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Giddy-Up or i've had some semi angst adjacent drabbles on tumblr. I guess. I'm not about that life.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? most are fairly open-ended but headed towards HEA. But i feel like maybe Live It Like It's Meow or Never because Reggie gets to be a cat and take a nap in the sun!
8. Do you get hate on fics? Nope.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I do not. I'm just starting to get comfortable writing slightly heated kissing 😅 (comfortable she says! HA! she had a mini panic attack writing the kiss in Justice, Over Easy)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? Remember that half Nancy Drew CW fandom i mentioned earlier? I did a JATPxND ficlet that went over surprisingly well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? nope. i currently have a hard enough time writing with myself lol
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? i'm assuming this means to write since it's a writers ask game. Juke, but if i bring alex into it much, willie is bound to follow (him anywhere)
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I had a really intense juke dream about a month ago... 2 months ago. that i started writing a scene from because honestly it was a pretty cool premise. but the further i get away from that night, the more other wips are being prioritized. maybe i will just share the morning text ramble of it i did in the group chat because i really do want to share something. I just don't think it will be a written out ficlet.
16. What are your writing strengths? IDEAS. I can see a thing happen and be like "BUT WHAT IF JUKE" for days on end. in apparently very strange places too. I feel like i have rather unusual premise for what i end up writing sometimes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? despite knowing what a good narrative can look like, i immediately cannot recall it once writing. It's not like it's bad but i feel like it lacks a bit and reflects my short time since starting to write. Also, if i write it the simple dumb way to get it out of my brain. Chances are, it will take me 4 months to go from reading it and saying "well i wrote the thought out. it's there. it's done" unable to write it any different or better, to my editor brain kicking in and figuring out how to really say it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Um. If it's necessary within the realms of the plot and characters it's fine? I'm not multilingual so anything i did would be google translated or asking a friend that speaks it, so i don't really mess around with it. as a reader, if a fic on ao3 says it's in english, i normally don't want half a chapter to be in another language even if it is a native tongue to multiple characters since I don't know what they are saying without using a translator or scrolling to the bottom a/n so /shrug. take that as you will.
19. First fandom you wrote for? jatp. no other fandom i've been a part of has made me go quite this feral.
20. Favorite fic you've written? Picking a favorite is impossible. But I'd say i'm probably currently most proud of Help! I've Fallen and I Can't Giddy Up as it was the first (and only) chaptered fic that i've finished and i challenged myself with each chapter. But honestly, i add new elements to each fic i post, whether its learning new html, learning how skins work on ao3, making a gif/picture to go with it, or just challenging myself within the writing like getting more confident with intimacy.
I think I'm supposed to tag people so, @tangledstarlight @story-courty @writerownstory no pressure though!
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seeinganewlight · 6 months ago
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our memories are what make us who we are
happy birthday, nancy drew! (insp) (templates -- 1 -- 2)
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I have many lofty goals and one of them is for there to be so many ned/henry fics on ao3 that they show up on the sidebar under 'relationships.'
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Who will join me on this great and noble quest?
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kamiversee · 1 year ago
bro i’m crying so bad i spent the last 3 days binging tfl and i atp ion even know who i like more. like bro i didn’t even peep choso re-entering the apartment until u mentioned it in ch. 18/19(?) 😭😭😭😭😭
i was genuinely just rooting for choso the whole time until i read thru some of ur responses to anons in ur kamianswers! tag. made me more wary of choso coz everyone was talking ab how he’s THE SAME AS GOJO like choso was blackmailing mc too ?????
the whole fuck list concept just confused the fuck outta me like IM THE MC. like fym gojo doesn’t really owe any of those guys anything ???? why she sleeping w them then ????? then i thought back to ch. 1/2(?) when gojo said it was for his entertainment. i honestly forgot that bit until it was restated in ch. 46😭😭😭
i also rmbr u saying that some ppl have guessed the ending already, so i was trying to figure out what i could but i just gave up from confusion. now i just wanna wait for the next chapter to come out instead of trying to figure shit out coz i ain’t nancy drew💀 ima let everyone else cook
anyways i would love to read the other stories that u have bc i love how ur characterization of everyone in the story from the mc, gojo, and choso to shoko, ino, and even naoya. while not everyone had a lot, i was still able to get to know every single person u mentioned. another thing that i think ur amazing at that is highlighted very well throughout tfl was ur ability to build up a certain character or event. nanami’s night, choso’s comeback, and sukuna pt 2 were some of my fav parts to read bc u built up each one perfectly tbh.
all in all, bro is perfect 🫶
Thank you so much for this.
Im literally so happy that I’m able to have people really understand how confusing it is for the reader, the whole point is to be confused so I’m glad I was able to achieve that <3
And hey I will say, as far as we/the reader knows, Gojo claims to have owed two people specifically; Geto for sleeping with his ex, though the reader doesn’t rlly get tht info herself & then Toji for breaking megumi’s leg at one point ^.^
So from her pov, she only knows that Nanami is someone who Gojo owed nothing to, still causing confusion ofc but I just wanted to make tht clear :)
I feel like I lowk gotta rewrite my other stories bc idk if I’ll ever live up to this masterpiece fr😭 BUT I’ll be making a poll abt what story I should write next once this is over so ig we’ll see <3
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godza · 1 year ago
aya or hanako if the former is too short!
yippee yahoo!!
anemone heart by kotori and umi from love live
you by mass of the fermenting dregs
autoscopy by yousei teikoku
hellokittybalahcurri by babymint
aishite.. by tohru-ch
nancy drew by sløtface
addicted to tv by dickpunks
killer tune kills me by kirinji and yonyon
oni by jon-yakitory
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sophiescarlet · 7 months ago
Most of these have happened in the books!
Rave - none afaik, but see ND #157: The Music Festival Mystery
Camp counselor - ND #172: The Riding Club Crime, Diaries #12: The Sign in the Smoke; see also ND #3: The Bungalow Mystery, ND #151: The Chocolate-Covered Contest
Zoo - Files #44: Scent of Danger, ND #141: The Wild Cat Crime; see also SM #36: Process of Elimination, GD #18: Pit of Vipers
Space - none in space, but see ND #58: The Flying Saucer Mystery, ND #156: The Secret in the Stars
Circus - ND #31: The Ringmaster's Secret, Files #82: Dangerous Relations; see also ND #13: The Mystery of the Ivory Charm
Historical reenactment - ND #146: The Ghost of the Lantern Lady, GD #10: Uncivil Acts, SM #32: Exhibition of Evil
Medieval dinner theatre - none, but see the ren faire in ND #112: Crime in the Queen's Court
Cruise - ND #173: Danger on the Great Lakes, SM #1: Double Crossing; see also SM #35: Operation Titanic
Beauty pageant - Files #51: A Model Crime, GD #30-32: Perfect Mystery Trilogy; see also ND #63: The Twin Dilemma, ND #125: The Teen Model Mystery, GD #36-38: Model Mystery Trilogy
Office job - I'm sure there are at least a few of these, but I can't recall any, and the only one I'm finding on the wiki r/n is ND #30: The Clue of the Velvet Mask (original text only, partial)
From the notes:
Vampire lounge/castle - no books, but see the 70s TV episode The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew Meet Dracula, and ND #66: Race Against Time
Masquerade ball - ND #30: The Clue of the Velvet Mask (partial), ND #78: The Phantom of Venice (partial); see also GD #28: Mardi Gras Masquerade
Cat café - none, but for cats in other places, see ND #16: The Clue of the Tapping Heels, ND #158: The Curse of the Black Cat
Aquarium - Files #68: Crosscurrents
Alternate time period - assuming this means in the style of the Secret of the Old Clock game, all the original text NDs
Rainy city at night - these may not have rain, but they definitely have cities at night, and they're coming to my mind - ND #83: The Case of the Vanishing Veil, ND #144: The E-Mail Mystery, Files #124: Crime at the Ch@t Café, SM #2: A Crime for Christmas, SM #5: The Paris Connection, SM #34: Royal Revenge
Art museum - no art museums per se, but for other museums see ND #105: The Clue in the Antique Trunk, ND #108: The Secret of the Tibetan Treasure, ND #113: The Secret Lost at Sea, ND #124: The Secret of the Scarlet Hand, ND #170: No Strings Attached, SM #19: Passport to Danger, Diaries #7: The Phantom of Nantucket
I wanna play a Nancy Drew game that takes place at a rave
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alixinwwonderland · 3 years ago
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nace x classic tv ships || dana scully & fox mulder, the x-files
“... like a switch has been flipped somewhere.”
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likestosolvethepuzzle · 2 years ago
WIP Titles game
Thanks @rowenamckinnon for the tag!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have 3 WIPs right now, all for Nancy Drew, but only the first one is currently active:
Plague Upon Your Houses
Interrogation Game Ch 18
You & Me & Florence Ch 2
Tagging @nineofhearts4 @pressdbtwnpages @perfectpurls @platanchorsociety
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fybadassladies · 5 years ago
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female awesome meme: [1/5] female driven show → nancy drew
“Because that’s what friends do. We show up.”
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