#ch: jaewon
lcvestricken · 2 months
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THE INTERSPECIFIC COHABITATION CLASS : known as the I.S.C.O or simply the co. class, it is the study and observation of the two main species: human (homo sapien) and vampire (vampir) and their biological interaction with each other. exclusive to cross university, the class is held in two parts: with the basics and integration held during the first semester, and then the merging and observation of interactions between them during the final semester. the class is selective and students are chosen by the school, regardless of their year. it consists only of thirty students, 15 human and 15 vampire, and the class is only a year long. it is taught by the infamously icy madame moon—she who has been rumored to be the mother of the last known vampire heir of their clan: moon jaewon. includes babies from @distortedallegory / ©
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reguliesblack · 4 years
PERA. kj não me serviria... jaewon ♥
j: what is their most irrational fear?
atualmente é ser um pai ruim pro kiwi
a: who are their exes? do they still keep in touch?
o kj tem 3 exes, uma é a seoyeon que é amiga dele até hoje porque eles terminaram bem quando notaram que eram melhores como amigos. a outra é a sihyeon que é a mãe do filho dele, então sim ele mantem um leve contato com ela, mais sobre as coisas do kiwi do que qualquer outra coisa. e aquele que não deve ser nomeado, também conhecido como aquele que o jaewon nunca mais falou.
e: are they the happiest they’ve ever been?  
sim, depois que ele conseguiu finalmente organizar a vida dele com a faculdade, cuidar de um bebê e clube de teatro e afins. e também depois que o hanbin apareceu na vida dele, porque antes ele tava bem perdido no sentido romântico da coisa, mas agora ele tá felizão.
w: would they be starstruck if they met a celebrity?
não, kj foi criado por pais atores então ele cresceu nesse meio de celebridades então pra ele não é nenhuma novidade.
o: how much have they changed in the past five years?
muito, definitivamente MUITO...kj foi de um mommy’s boy para pai de família em um ano e isso mudou muita coisa.
n: are they clumsy and/or prone to accidents?
apesar dele ser do tamanho de um poste, não...ele é bem equilibrado nisso.
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craezynewthangs · 5 years
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trigger/content warning;; childhood abuse, alcoholic parent, death of a sibling, drug use, depression, horrible, unhealthy coping mechanisms
aesthetics;;  splashes of ink on a canvas //  melancholic rap music // flashing blue neon lights // the sight of a room through a alcohol/drug induced haze // shelves lined with filled sketchbooks //  video game controllers lying on the floor // comic book styled self-portraits // messy, desolated household // thunderstorms // illustrative tattoos 
about;; Originally from Chicago, Illinois, Kain was born and raised in a broken household.  His father was neglectful and an abusive, alcoholic father and a cowardly mother who only watched on as him and his brother was treated badly.  As the older sibling, Kain took on most of the abuse in an attempt to protect his brother from the worst of it.  As soon as the moment came up he left Chicago, hopping in a car with a friend, and going wherever the wind took them.  
Unfortunately this mean abandoning his younger brother.  Two years after he left he would receive news of his brother’s death.  Fear of confronting his parents kept him from traveling back to Chicago for the funeral, and he would spend two months in mourning and locking himself away from the world.  
When he snapped out of brooding and dwelling on the pain of losing his brother, Kain turned his focus to his artistic talents.  Art had always been his best friend and a constant companion, and once he scored an apprenticeship at a tattoo parlor he fell in love with tattoos.  He would train under his master for three years before finishing his apprenticeship, only to be forced to leave once again after the shop closed down.  This time traveling on his own he took the risk in heading to New York, and was lucky to find employment at a tattoo parlor who took notice of his talents.  It was soon after he arrived that he began to dive more into the nightlife scene, making a frequent habbit of going to clubs and parties and indulging in drugs.  As unhealthy as it is, it helps alleviate all the pain he feels burdened with.  He feels alive and unbroken, unaware that it’s all an unhealthy way in dealing with all his problems.  Plus he loves the freedom he feels from it all, and then at home and work finds more freedom in getting lost in his art or video games.  
wanted;;  fellow tattoo artists/co-workers, a found family of friends, hookups and one-night stands, his childhood best friend who followed him to New York, an ex-boyfriend who he occasionally still meets with and bangs (maybe still has feelings for), all the bad influences, chaotic friends, EVERYTHING!!
if you’re interested in plotting feel free to message me here on tumblr or add/dm me on discord ateeny crystal lesBEEin#0651
credit for the dev template goes here
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deerprongs · 5 years
can't sleep (jaebin)
send me ( + ) “can’t sleep” to have a tired conversation with my muse in the middle of the night
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Hanbin sempre teve os horários desregulados e gostava de colocar a culpa nas crianças que cuidava, pelas horas de soneca e coisas do gênero, mas a verdade é que ele era ativo demais, energético demais, e isso transparecia até mesmo na sua rotina noturna. Usualmente se martirizava por não conseguir dormir direito — eram manhãs sonolentas e cansaço que acabava refletindo em pequenas olheiras abaixo dos olhos masculinos —, mas especialmente aquela noite não se importava.Bem, poderia ter algo a ver com o moreno que tinha a cabeça deitada em seu peito e dormia tão serenamente; até mesmo os ruídos de respiração de Jaewon lhe encantavam e talvez fosse exatamente isso que o estava mantendo acordado naquela madrugada. Os dígitos brincavam nas madeixas negras e lisas, envolvendo alguns fios em um afago apenas para soltar em seguida e repetir o toque algumas vezes. Assim, não se surpreendeu quando o mais alto despertou, chegando a solevar as sobrancelhas e delinear um sorriso curto e doce, tão exclusivo do outro que sequer admitiria. “—— Yea, but I’ll sleep again soon, Jaewonnie.” Virou o rosto para beijar a testa dele, brincando com os cabelos lisos. “—— Get back to sleep~” Sugeriu, a voz baixinha, esperando que seu carinho não o tivesse acordado.
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date: 031819 | @fmdjaewon
Having no interest in who's dating who, Candy has ignored plenty of the obvious couples going around in pairs as soon as the cameras were turned off. There were no people to say they can't do whatever, aside from the managers and security staff whose job is to literally keep them safe and out of trouble. 
Now, Candy isn't one to cause trouble but she's trouble herself under the wraps so she was never seen as the problem for her manager. She could spend more time shopping around but she thought she didn't need much stuff anyway and has asked her manager to take the stuff she bought while she goes around the aquarium. Candy has more than enough purchases that would cause her manager a bit of delay in returning. There she was, just looking at the fishes. Minding her own business as she walks comfortably (she gave up on her heels hours and hours ago). 
Occupied with the view before her, Candy was thoroughly enjoying it as she loves the water a lot but what she doesn't like is meeting exes. Especially ones like Jaewon. Namsoo would be the only decent thing that came out from their stupid relationship. She had noticed that Jaewon was alone and as tired as she was, the devil inside her was asking for trouble so she quietly approaches him with a smile. 
“Not sure if this is fate but look at us, meeting a lot more than we actually should.” Unlike when they were still dating. “Why are you alone, darling? Trying to keep your lover away or they can't make it to today's filming?” She asks maliciously.
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dotbae · 6 years
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5/∞ random gifsets of iKON
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wellsygrahams-a · 2 years
❃ ⋯ ⤳ characters a to z  
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
The Sex Contract - Chapter 18
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Genre: friends to lovers au / friends with benefits / mature content / romance / angst
Characters: Shim Changmin x Kaia Ashton (OC)
A/N: Due to the overwhelming request I have followed your encouragement to bring back one of my older stories. This was back in a time where OCs were everything and writing one chapter in each main’s point of view was the trend. I hope that even though I have edited this drastically, that you can appreciate this story comes from my older style of writing. I definitely still read this often and find it enjoyable so I hope you will too.
Prologue | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 - FINAL
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Chapter 18 – Kaia’s POV.
It was irrational and fully based on emotions but Kaia promptly decided she couldn’t stay anymore. She took one look around her and went straight for her luggage bag, hoisting it up onto the bed and started to messily pack her belongings into it. The tears soon came and her stomach was eating at itself with guilt. Kaia knew she couldn’t take it anymore; she couldn’t be here watching Changmin live the way he was, remaining oblivious to how she felt. Kaia knew she could tell him but the reality of that was harsh, it was impossible for Changmin to date her. Kaia’s only option was to get out of this contract and hope one day that their friendship would return.
For now though, she needed to escape. After finishing her packing, she tried to quietly depart the apartment, opting to carry the heavy luggage bag so its wheels didn’t sound across the wooden floors. Kaia made it to the front door, and after slipping her feet into her shoes, she opened it. Once out in the hallway, she briskly made her way out of the building, hoping no one had heard her departure. With a final look up at the complex, Kaia wiped away her tears and started dragging her luggage down the still bustling sidewalk. Her pace dwindled, and she eventually found a bench to sit down on. Kaia didn’t know what her next move was. If she went home now, she would be in trouble for not finishing her report of TVXQ’s trip to Japan. However, her front row journalism would be difficult to achieve considering she had decided to avoid Changmin. Lowering her head, she let out a defeated sigh. The contract had damaged so much and they had both been oblivious to the destruction in its path. All the little comments Yunho had been making clicked in her head, and Kaia wondered why the warning bells hadn’t gone off earlier. He had been able to see the outcome before anyone else.
Pulling out her phone, Kaia was slightly relieved that her departure hadn’t been detected after all. Dialling a familiar number, she listened to it ring a couple of times. The recipient cleared his throat before answering. Taking a shallow breath, Kaia played with the handle on my bag. “Jae, I have to leave Tokyo but I hope we can meet in Korea sometime.”
“Tell me where you are? Are you at the airport?!” He was suddenly alert and Kaia grimaced, wondering if it had of better to just text the Korean. Smiling, she knew that there would have been no way to escape Jaewon easily either way. “Kaia?!”
“I’m sitting on a bench on the sidewalk. But I could meet you at our Starbucks?” she answered after a bit and could hear that he was moving quickly around his room.
“I’ll be there, don’t leave until I am, okay?” The phone call clicked off and Kaia slowly got to her feet, heading to the coffee shop she now knew how to get to without little trouble. By the time she reached it, Kaia was surprised to see Jaewon already sitting inside the coffee shop, his dark eyes relaxing when he caught sight of her. She was slightly taken back by his reaction but smiled never the less. Making her way over to the table, she sat down and scooted her luggage bag as close as she could.
“Sorry for getting you up out of bed, I felt I should let you know that I’m heading back to Korea,” I explained and Jaewon nodded.
“When do you leave?”
“I just booked a flight whilst coming over here, it leaves at five-thirty AM.” Kaia sighed and gave a weak smile. Jaewon eyed her curiously.
“Did something happen with that musician you’re here with?”
She shook her head. “Not much, I just can’t hack this lifestyle. And to be honest I actually miss Seoul.”
“You’re running away.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And you like the guy you came with, but he obviously hasn’t noticed you like that so you can’t handle living his lifestyle when he won’t live yours a little too.”
Kaia blinked, wondering how Jaewon had picked all that up without her even mentioning it. She let out a little laugh, hoping it didn’t sound as phony as it did to her own ears. Kaia pointed at Jaewon and wagged her index finger at him. “Have you been watching Korean dramas, Jae? This is the real world, I wouldn’t even dream of thinking I could get with Ch-- my friend.”
“Well, I’ll miss ya, its been fun having you tag along with promotions. You will keep in contact right? So many people say they will, but then never do.”
“Jaewon.” Kaia smiled warmly and nodded. “How could I forget my hero? Course I’ll keep in contact.”
“Email me your home address,” he instructed and she looked at him weirdly. He smirked and leaned over the table towards her. “So I can come stalk you.”
“You would,” Kaia replied with a chuckle and he laughed with her. She sighed a moment later. “Thanks for everything though Jae, I-”
He shook his index finger. “Don’t make the mood sad again, or I will worry and press you for all the details.”
“Alright, I promise. After this drink, I should make my way to the airport though.”
“Well, let’s make this drink last,” he said with another laugh and launched into conversation.
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By the time Kaia reached the airport, the comfort of Jaewon’s company was slowly wearing off. She kept checking her watch for the time and not because she was worried about her flight. She had worked out that Changmin and Yunho would wake up half an hour before the boarding time and although she had estimated it nearly impossible for either of them to make it to the airport, Kaia was still paranoid that they would try and respond before she left for Korea.
Now, who’s the one thinking of Korean drama scenes? Kaia thought in attempts to calm down. She even let out a little laugh; the idea of Changmin coming after her did seem highly unlikely. But there was a tiny part of her, foolish to even think of it, that wanted him to realise her feelings and to chase after her.  Sighing heavily, Kaia knew that would never happen. Even if he wanted to, he wasn’t just Shim Changmin, but Choikang Changmin, one half of TVXQ. The idea became depressing as the time went by. Blinking back her tears, Kaia tried to focus on something to make the wait speed up. After sending a text to Keith and Sungra about returning home, she attempted to play a game on the device and failed to play it correctly. Eventually frustrated, Kaia shoved the phone in her pocket, folding her arms across her chest.
Looking up at the overhead screen, Kaia noticed the plane was open for boarding and got to her feet, heading for the boarding gate. The hostess bowed at her lightly and she handed over her ticket and passport. Kaia barely listened to what she had to say, her eyes looking around the terminal. It was busy, as expected of any airport, but within the sea of faces, she didn’t see any familiar ones. Kaia almost laughed out loud at her foolishness and took my passport back before heading through the doors. She didn’t stop walking until she was in the lounge, taking a heavy seat on a cushioned bench. Kaia regulated her breathing, trying to wrestle with the scolding her rational mind was giving. Just as she was calming down, Kai heard her phone go off, and she froze for a moment, before scrambling for the device in her pocket.
Unlocking it, she was instantly let down when she saw it was from Jaewon. Kicking herself again, Kaia opened the message and blinked several times. Her frazzled mind re-read the simple sentence several times before she took a really good look at it. 
Jaewon: Kaia, I really like you. I hope we can meet up in Korea soon. Jae x
“What is up with today?” She murmured as realisation hit that Jaewon meant he liked her more than a friend. She couldn’t help but smile, imagining how awkward he would be feeling and fretting over getting a response. She realised at that she liked him too. Although Kaia was so wrapped up in her feelings for Changmin, rational thoughts started to occur. She enjoyed Jaewon’s company and found him attractive. He was available to give her more time of the day than Changmin ever would. And he didn’t want her for just sex. The idea of Jaewon’s confession became more appealing by the minute and she was soon grinning, wondering how she should respond. Kaia hesitated for a moment, knowing that things could get tricky for her if he found out about Changmin.
He’s unattainable. You could be with someone who wants you for more than physical needs. Kaia smiled as the thought firmly stamped out her doubts and texted Jaewon back, telling him she was looking forward to meeting with him again.
She boarded the plane with a new resolve to her needs.
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“Where are the tears eh? Here I was expecting a friend who looked like a mess after the text I received telling me to come and pick you up four days ahead of schedule.”
“Thanks for the welcome home Keith,” Kaia mentioned as the man who had stepped forth to hug her pulled away. She gave him a strong look. “You’ve lost weight.”
“Fretting over you being in Japan, of course.”
“Hah.” Kaia glanced around her friend and blinked a couple of times, noticing for the first time that Sungra had accompanied him to pick her up. They shared a look before she lurched forward, Kaia’s arms soon clinging to Sungra’s petite frame. Kaia started to cry, a wave of nostalgia hitting her. She had missed Sungra more than she had realised.
“I’m sorry,” Sungra said as the tears slowed down and Kaia looked at her best friend and shook her head.
“No, that’s my line, I’m sorry I was such a shit friend. I should have told you, I was just-”
“Scared that I’d put you into a difficult position, I know.” Sungra smiled. “You were right not to you know, I probably would have asked you to let me meet them just once.”
“Can we still do that?” Keith asked with a grin and Kaia shoved him playfully. “No I’m serious; I’d love to say I met a God.”
“Shush you, let Kai relax first before we ask her for all the goss.”
Kaia groaned and started rolling her suitcase to the exit. “Do I really have to? It’s bad enough I have to face Minah and tell her that I’m unable to finish my job.”
“Minah already knows you’re back in Korea too.”
Kaia gasped and looked at Keith, clamping her eyes shut and stopping in her tracks. Sungra laughed heartily. “Kaia Ashton, you will forever be the most dramatic person I know.”
“I don’t want to get fired from two jobs!” Kaia wailed and then cringed as she felt both of her friends grab an arm each.
“First, we’re going to get some decent coffee. Secondly, you are going to tell us everything this time. No details are to be left out, understand?” Keith and Sungra were both looking at her sternly and Kaia sighed, nodding her head.
She just wondered how she was going to explain the mess she had left behind.
Part 19
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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mvssmallow · 6 years
My heart is breaking over the ch+ live hanbin and jaewon did this morning. I need DB content so baaad 😫😫😫
Everybody knows that Jung Jaewon is just a side hoe. Does his opinion count when shit hits the fan? No. 
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shui-xi · 6 years
p.o.: unripened expression
in one sentence - wasted effort. i can’t bring myself to sober up from disappointment. this manhwa was over in june, i don’t know what i was hoping for after sudden smudged ending in ch.70. continuation? announcement of season two? what i noticed with manhwas is somewhat flushed endings, all that ends ubruptly without a good final note. why do they do it? suddenly got bored of your own stories? you know why i don’t like flushed endings? to me the author doesn’t have the same sentiment for his own work. i immensely enjoy ppl who even after the work is done can’t help but be back to give a little extra, because they love their work and treat it as a child. same to me happened here - flushed ending. why i say wasted effort? the thing is, in case you read it, you know that main protagonist (jaewon) who is helplessly in love with his classmate (ka ram) seeks advice on what to do, he finds refugee and can confide in junseo, other boy from his school who along helping him starts to have feelings for him. and trust me, their line is more well-written than that of protagonist and his love interest, but in the end jaewon ends up with the boy he liked from the very beginning, leaving our junseo with nothing. for a second time. thing is part of the story covers how junseo fell in love with a guy for the first time and how crashing and devastating that experience was for him. it was so sweet and nice that he finally had the hope to have his heart restored by other person. all that happeed between them made you believe that. tbh i thought it was probably predictable but honestly a good plot choice, like one has his heart taken but in the process he realizes that he can’t keep his gaze away from a totally different person. meaning, one can have a change of heart and it’s possible to have more than one love in your life and you can be happy despite that. on the other hand there would be a guy whose heart was broken, but there’s a glimpse of hope for him. but no.they needed to finish it in korean dramatic style that once heart broken let it be for fuck’s sake i hope they cried while drawing junseo being left with nothing, he’s such a nice and sweet boy and obviously i rooted for him. what buffles me is the fact that the guy in question, ka ram, the aim of all glances filled with love was brought to take action after he saw jaewon being almost taken away and openly molested and so on, with most shallow instinct of pride and possessiveness awakened. i don’t feel even and ounce of love there tbh, how should i believe their ending? and here we are with sudden kiss of mutual feelings in the end. -why?- just the fuck whyyyyy i want to whale like a wounded animal, because they didn’t do a single normal thing that would deepen their relationship and be better in any aspect. give me my time back.
really, once again i have a feeling that manhwas should be fucking trashed by entire community and forgotten like a bad dream, because between rare flowers of just love stories that end up being plain af or flushed af, we sweam in a pool of poorly-written porn, just ewe.
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yoonia · 7 years
OMFG YESSS KILL ME WITH CHANCE ENCOUNTER JESUS WHY THE FUCK DID JAEWON HAVE TO COME BACK NOW????? I SCREAMED HERE LIKE "WHYYYYYYYYYY" I'M SO SOFT FOR CUTE AND CARING CHRISTIAN I'M SUCH A HOE FOR THIS FIC DIA! Sorry I can't control my feelings when it comes to this fic, I just really can't. Its way too good for me, I squeal and scream while reading it as if I'm a 12 y/o seeing something exciting. This fic just keeps getting better and better omg i fucking love it so much
I’m still cackling as I just read your tags hahaha omg thank you so much^^ 
I honestly have no idea why that fic went into that direction cause it was completely unplanned when I wrote ch.1, but things just spiralled into the current plot since ch.2 as I decided to make it into a longer series. I’m also still squealing to the fact that it went to become a fluffy piece but I enjoyed writing it so much and I’m happy that you enjoyed it too^^
Get ready for more soft Christian, because this is only the beginning for them. Especially now that Jaewon is in the picture XD (blame One for coming onto me through his debut and his posts on Instagram, I just have to add him to the series as a payback lol)
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reguliesblack · 5 years
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✶ characters tag drop pt.4
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bandshqs-blog · 7 years
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¿Ya conoces a SO JAEWON? Es miembro de la BANDA 001, toca el GUITARRISTA y es COMPOSITOR. Dicen que este año tiene todas las de gana, ya que ha quedado entre los últimos 10 finalistas de la competencia, ¿crees que podrá ganar la Batalla de las Bandas?
Nombre del personaje: So Jaewon
Edad: 21 años
Banda a la que pertenece y puesto: Es el guitarrista y compositor de la banda numero uno.
Experiencia musical: La adolescencia, esa hermosa etapa en la que no sabes quién eres (y probablemente nunca lo sepas), esa etapa en la que buscas con desesperación resaltar por encima del resto, a menos claro que seas uno de esos chicos raros que quieren desaparecer de la faz de la tierra. Pero para Jaewoon, la adolescencia fue la etapa en la que se forjo su amor en la música y es que, ¿cómo no amarla? Si estar envuelto en el mundo de la música era sinónimo de tener un sinfín de chicas  besando el piso por donde caminas.  Si, no le da pena admitir que tomo su primera lección de guitarra para impresionar a una chica. Sin embargo no se quedo en la música por las féminas, no, la música fue el parteaguas que lo llevo a empaparse del mundo del arte (y otras cosas). Que a su vez lo llevo a apreciar belleza donde antes no podía verla. Así que existiendo tanta belleza en este mundo, era justo y necesario que alguien ayudara a otros a iluminarse de la forma en que el lo hizo. Y ese alguien era el.
Relación con los miembros de su banda: Ah sus camaradas, ciertamente el humor de Jaewoon suele ser tan cambiante que a ciencia cierta no se sabe que tan cercana en sus relación. Quiere suponer que son cercanos ¿no es que en las tristezas y las alegrías se conocen a los verdaderos amigos? Pues bueno, Jae tiene un montón de momentos tristes en el camino, exactamente 3 por semana y sin embargo  los miembros de la banda siempre han estado ahí: alguna vez para reírse, otras para consolarlo y muchas veces para inducirlo a divertirse un poco y olvidar. ¿A quien engaña? Esos chicos son una especie de familia para el, no hay momentos más especiales que los que comparten en el escenario o en la parte trasera del edificio de botánica.
Expectativas de la Batalla de Bandas: Los antiguos concursantes son un chiste, de hecho ese grupo de idiotas le deben todo a su banda. De no ser porque Jaewoon y sus camaradas decidieron retirarse voluntariamente (a fuerzas), seguramente no habrían ganado y no solamente lo dice el ¡lo dice todo el campus! Pero este año todo sera diferente. Basta con ver el cartel de bandas ¿realmente hay alguien aparte de ellos con talento? La respuesta es sencilla no, no lo hay, están destinados a ganar este año.
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✮ Run Devil Run // @fmdjaewon
Behind the curtains is where all the magic happen, not in public. Everyone knows this and fans were aware of this but as long as they weren't out there in the public's eyes, it was all good. But certain things were too good to be true. She's too good to be true for most people. Even for her exes. Leaving lipstick's waiting room, Hwayoung finds herself seated on top of one of those equipment boxes. The staff didn't mind if and she was too busy on her phone, waiting for nothing in particular but hoping to see some action in the small hallway where everyone passes by. 
There were couples here and there, which made Hwayoung grin to herself. “Cute.” She comments softly to herself before returning to her phone. Scrolling on Instagram and liking posts of certain male individuals. When she noticed her phone's battery getting low, she decided to return to the waiting room even though the air around the girls isn't always the best. Still, it was better to be around them for now. They can't afford to get in another scandal. 
Clinking heels against the pavement, Hwayoung smiles at everyone she passes by but not for one person who was standing just a few steps before her. She stops for this person, smiling wickedly before approaching him. “Hi, babe.” Hwayoung crosses her arms across her chest as she takes small and slow steps. “How's my favorite escapist these days?” A tilt of her head, red lips curled up to a smile but as she gets closer, the real her emerges. 
“Don't tell me you're gonna run away from me again? Don't you think you owe me a good apology for the shit you put me through?” 
The female sighs while she looks him up and down. He's still cute but he's the kind of cute that makes her blood boil. “I wonder where all the courage you had before went. Did you actually think you can keep on running away from me, Jaewon?”
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dotbae · 6 years
i figured out that only a few of my followers know my name and other info abt me... so here's a lil post abt me!
i'm jeh, 19 yo from qatar
i'm an exo-l, ahgase, elf and iKONIC!
i hv a got7 inactive blog (@7or7)
i listen to 1st and 2nd kpop gen music
i also listen to sik-k!!! AHHHHH!!
i love jung jaewon and iKON :(
i collect albums! u can check my collect acc in ig (@jcwbin) | thanks to dep (@bobhwa) for suggesting this unloyal u/n 😚💗
a proud member of netkon ❤️
i mainly post abt iKON and jaewon
if u want to watch iKON vlive ch+ vids u can ask me!
i queue my stuff a lot so u can whitelist #q: in the studio with jaewon and hanbin 🤙🏻
u can always talk to me pls ://
tag me in #iKON #Jaewon #cats #hanbin #chanwoo #chanbob #chanbin #junbob #junchan #junchanbob stuffs! 💕💖💞💝💞💘💗💕💞💘💓💕
ok thats all!! im still working on my gifs so dont expect much from me 😔 thank u for reading!
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belaixis · 6 years
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