#also why does he look so cute talking about jaewon :(
just finished episodes 3 and 4 like five minutes ago so here are my thoughts right after (will probably make a new post once I've rewatched the episode to properly grasp what happened):
1. omg the tension is still sooo intense I can't
2. I would've been so thrown off if I was jihyun because why do you kiss me and then stop talking to me for the rest of the trip?? so props to him for handling it somewhat well, I really liked that jihyun's curiosity for jaewon clearly won and he approached him again instead of staying distant
3. but then again, I'm still a little confused on how they "got back together" because jaewon went from acting like they never talked before to come on, let's have a date at han river like?? what happened in between? that seemed like a really weird cut to me idk
4. staying with jihyun tho, my lovely little jihyun I love him, he's so adorable.. I love the scene when he comes into work and it literally almost looks like he's floating through the bar while mopping and smiling like an absolute fool
5. I really liked that we got a little more insight into jaewon's therapy sessions because it made things that were just assumptions before clearer to the viewer
6. Taehyung?? bro, do you not realize that your "BEST FRIEND" clearly has no interest in getting back with his ex?? he was so annoying in the first two episodes already I really hope at some point jaewon is gonna snap because damn, does he really not get it??
7. Eunji? man, I'm kinda sad Eunji is made into the jealous, mean ex-girlfriend.. maybe she's getting a redemption arc later on but right now her behavior is just not it.. hated how she was behaving in the bar, basically treating jihyun like shit I was really glad the bar owner (I love her, she's great <3) said something
8. Aeri tho, I was a little confused by her behavior at first because she was really pushy (?) but I liked that she ended up clearing things up and making sure that jihyun knew she just wants to be his friend
9. the scene in the library where jihyun was showing jaewon his drawing was sooo cute I gotta admit it must've looked weird from eunji's perspective because why is the guy that just told her to work separately now smiling like an idiot? and them enjoying their ramen at the han river? very wholesome, I have to say tho when jaewon sent jihyun to get coffee I thought he would ditch him for a second because he seemed a little off but he stayed so we're all good
10. jaewon being a little hot and cold with jihyun throughout the episodes irritated me a little at first but it made sense if we think about what he said to his therapist and it also further confirmed that most of his relationships are probably on surface level and not even his "closest friends" actually know him.. so jaewon backing off from jihyun every once in a while was probably just him being scared of letting him come too close (I think?? god, sometimes I think whatever I'm saying here goes right in the opposite direction of what's actually happening but oh well, isn't this what theories are there for?)
(idk but jaewon seems like the type of person that's like "I only hurt the people close to me, so I keep everyone at a distance") -> this really makes me curious about jaewon's and eunji's relationship and how that went because he said they dated for two years
11. I also think both of them are at a point where they know there's mutual interest between them and that they're probably gonna be more than friends considering they were about to kiss again before joon pyo came to the rooftop (I mean can we talk about jaewon's cute little smile right at the end of the episode?? the man is whipped)
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
event post time lets goooooo. as usual, under the cut there will be some general ideas for event, pls like this post or slide into my ims/dscrd if u wanna plot! i’m trying to be as detailed as possible but like, there is a lot going on, this list probs won’t be exhaustive. i’m also open to p much anything so pls don’t feel limited to any of these plots!! im down for anything!!! either way, continue below the cut if u wanna know more ab what my kids are getting up to (any dates that arent specified i just... didn’t decide on anything and am open to Absolutely anything):
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general: backstage at the concerts is v welcome for any of the days, just idk, hanging out, i’m tryna keep this v general. pros: jaewon is p proud for unity snatching one of the three closing performance slots, dimensions’ pride indeed. cons: he probably has his tits out, jaewon always has his tits out on stage, he rlly lives like this. anyone is allowed to feel whatever way he wants ab either of those two things.
dec 26: jaewon pulls a blue card cuz sexy pool montage of jaewon. ok im kidding (kinda). idk, kick his ass at games, team up w him to crush the competition,  drown his stupid ass, literally anything.
dec 26: so SOMEONE learned his lesson from the halloween party, no alcohol at the ball for him. come clown him w/ memories of that night (he sure doesnt have any) or idk, try to talk him into drinking (he won’t)
dec 26: in general, i think jaewon might forego most of the party, just find a quiet spot to hang out, look at the sea or some fake deep shit. if anyone is feeling up to it come hang out w him and, idk, reflect on the past year. it’s a time for realizing stuff. (the muse in question would have to b somewhat close to jaewon for this but like im always down to plot that out!)
dec 27: idk, jaewon will probably forego most of the traveling and exploring, opt for a calm day on board instead, anything re: that is super welcome.
dec 28: jaewon ends up in team red for the day so like, kitchen antics w/ jaewon. he’s a surprisingly good cook (shoutout to grandma park, the real og, for kicking this idiot into the kitchen since a young age)
dec 30: jaewon pulls blue again and... you’d think he wouldn’t be as disgruntled about it? someone pls kick his shins till he accepts going to the spa isn’t such a bad thing sir just relax for one (1) day it will Not kill you
dec 26:  yuanjun pulls a yellow card cuz dancing king xiao yuanjun sure as hell is fucking involved in this god damn flashmob sUE ME. local enthusiastic dance teacher, will annoy anyone who Doesn’t Want To Be There into having fun and partaking, cutely messing around w people who are having a good time anything you need him to!
dec 26: in their free time after that he’ll def drag someone along to come explore the ship with him so like!!! will they get lost? possibly, but it will be Fun
dec 26: someone decorate sugar cookies w him at the holiday ball pLEASE
dec 27: yuanjun is DEFINTELY exploring the hecc out of taipei, grab dinner w him, go late night shopping w him, sightseeing, ANYTHING
dec 28: he pulls yellow again so you know how it is, photo session at the zoo, you just know he’s going to vibing so hard taking pictures of animals. whether they succeed or not i’m not decided on, im down for either way tbh
29 dec: YUANJUNS BDAY BITCHESSSSSS. ill probs write up an open ab this, but he’s !!!! going to be so annoying the entire day, he WILL be acting like bc has organized this entire thing Just for his 21st bday and u can’t stop him (you can try tho, feel free to attempt and burst his bubble). again, i’ll do a general open for this but if anyone wants to do anything specific for his bday let me kno uwu
30 dec: this time he ends up w a red card and he will be whining and pouting about his, he rlly has to clean up? the day after his birthday? preposterous how dARE they
31 dec: firework go boom and yuanjun WILL be endlessly fascinated by it, idk man why do we let him look at dangerous explosive things. this isn’t an idea but? it could be? i think? idk man
general: someone that teams up w/ minah and makes a pact to try every restaurant on the ship at least once,,, good food is important okay
dec 26: minah pulls blue and... why do they expect her to play pool games? idk man she’s just going to be worried ab people cuz pls don’t drown children. also good luck if u are on a team w her for anything, you’ll probs lose
dec 26: someone,,, come make,,, gingerbread houses w minah,,, i just think it’d be neat,,, pls i need this
dec 26: minah will mourn not having like a classic christmas at home watching stupid movies and shit, someone that sets up some kind of small tradition w her at the ball to make up for it?
dec 28: minah pulls red and wow kitchen work w minah thats neat she knows how to cook this will be easy WRONG ur stuck w her and shes a huge control freak and will correct every little thing you do and jesus christ woman leave them ALONE they’re TRYING
dec 30: minah pulls red,,, again,,, and tbh this time she won’t be as annoying, just some therepeutic cleaning, if ur muse complains ab it tho she might lecture them. alternatively: ur muse pulled yellow and they think they’re being casual but minah calls them out cuz “hey i didnt see u around before have u been slacking???”
dec 31: minahs baby sister minji is attending the busan concert and minah will be over the moon about it, odds are she will chat ur muses’ ear off ab it backstage, sorry not sorry!
general: first things first, yena doesn’t have a roommate yet so like,,, any female-presenting muses hit me UPPPP 
general: yena will be complaining backstage at the concerts tbh, she’s tryna celebrate a vacation here why does she have to WORK, does anyone really care to see gal.actic perform anyway?
dec 26: yena pulls red and has to help decorating which honestly she’ll enjoy but i also just need someone to playfully fuck around w her cuz yena doesnt Do excessive labor and instead decorate her in tinsel instead because yes, yena IS the main attraction here thank you
dec 26: yena WILL spend most of the holiday ball in the indoor pool, chilling in a jacuzzi w a glass of champagne or smth, real hot girl shit, you know how it is
dec 28: lucky queen pulls blue which means she gets to go shopping, it also means she’s going to try and scam someone into spending their money on buying her pretty things, whether she’s succesful or not
dec 30: this time. yena is on team yellow and she ends up later tagging along to the spa day and tbh, id like to think she’d do a pretty convincing job at it, acting queen nam yena pop off
dec 31: if u think yena will see the new year sober ur WRONG and truly u should know better, if there is any night she goes stupid crazy its this night just saying
jan 1: god she’s going to complain the living FUCK outta the day cuz of that god damn fansign, in part cuz shes hangover and part cuz ew who even is a gal.actic stan in 2020. either join her in her complaining or lecture her ab being thankful for fans or smth!
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
secret sibling audition self para.
date: sometime in july 2020. character(s) involved: kangaroo and peanut butter make a guest appearance. finn and angel are mentioned. there’s also a mention of @fmdting & decipher.  about: duri auditions to be on secret siblings. truly, probably one of the perfect shows for him considering how friendly he is. he also is crossing his fingers for someone younger than himself, because he wants to care for them and dote on them, thank you. trigger warnings: n/a. word count: 1,524.
it was yet another thing that bc entertainment management wanted duri to audition for; possibly to milk more good pr out of the male. but, he did actually look forward to possibly being on secret siblings. it’s something that’s very much his thing; as he’s a very friendly person, who really just quite enjoys being surrounded by as many people as he possibly could be. though, he does like his bit of alone time to read and write, but he was still a very big fan of being around friends. he looked forward to possibly gaining a new idol friend through the show, and maybe that’s why he really wanted to do it. even though bc entertainment had their clear intentions, but duri thought that maybe they really thought it would be something good for him as well. he really needed to stop giving bc entertainment the benefit of the doubt. but, it was something that would simply continue on; because he always thought of good in everyone... even the greedy bc entertainment. 
he had gone into the backyard of the home that’s shared with kai, kangaroo and peanut butter had followed him to where he was going to do the self cam for the audition. finn and angel were off in the shade, not wanting to step foot into the rather sunny heat. but, that was more than okay with him, they’d just peak up every now and then to make sure duri was still there. he had gotten his camera ready, before he would sit down upon the grass, close to a tree, but still in the sun. he wanted to feel the warmth and it really just felt like the perfect spot to currently do the self camera audition - plus, it wasn’t going to rain, and he wanted as much sun before the sky would decide to downpour once again. upon sitting down, peanut butter had decided that they best place to put himself was in duri’s lap, with kangaroo just running around in the sun; he’d get tired easily though, simply because it’s always been a bit hard for him to hold himself up on just three legs. nonetheless, duri was ready to start. he’d press record on it, and he’d begin. 
“hello! i’m knight’s duri!” he greets the camera, before bowing with his greeting.  “shall we get started on the audition?” he asked, before giggling. his other hand would place upon peanut butter every now and then, however, it would move to read off the questions upon his phone. 
“what are your concerns these days?” he reads off the first question. it takes a few seconds to decide how he’s going to answer the question. does he lie about his concerns? does he be honest about what he wants to say? he’s not entirely sure what would be best. maybe, he should just lie, say everything is okay. that always seemed to be the best plan of action, didn’t it? 
looking upon the camera again, he begins to speak. “i don’t think i have concerns these days?” he starts, giggling a bit more after saying that line. “i’m living really happily and healthily! i don’t really have many complaints,” he said, shoulders shrugging softly. “i guess... if i had to pick a concern, maybe some more time to rest! but, i think that’s just something small. i’m really happy!” he said, his smile growing a bit. it wasn’t a total lie, he is really happy. but, he could really just use some more sleep. he was truly being overworked, but he didn’t want to complain. he would just continue to move on and be glad that at his age, so many products wanted him to be in cfs, and people still really wanted to hear the music that he puts out. so, there really can’t be many concerns for him to take part in. 
“next question!” he says, before looking down at his phone again to read off the question. “which same-sex idols do you look up to or want to get to know better?” he reads off, before looking back to the camera.
“oh, that one is easy!” he starts. “i really look up to all the members of decipher! but, i think everyone already knows that,” he said, laughing softly. “i just really like decipher sunbaenims and their music! they’re just really cool and they’re such free guys! i hope knight and myself have left as much of an impact on the industry as they have!” he said. “for who i want to get to know better... i think ting from unity is someone i’d like to get to know better! i’ve met him a few times because i’m close with jaewon and soo, but i haven’t gotten to know ting as well!” he said, giggling softly. “plus, i’ve read a lot online that some people think we look alike.” he said, giggling a bit more; though, his smile did grow quite a bit more.  “i think that’s all i can think of!” he said, finishing off the question. 
he looked down at his phone once more, “for the third question...” he starts, but gets interrupted by kangaroo, who came over to lick all over duri’s cheek, which seemingly made him laugh like a toddler. “hello kangaroo!” he greets the dog and pets him softly, especially scratching behind his ears. kangaroo would run off again, having his adventure; whilst the youngest one stayed within his lap for a nap. “sorry about that! third question!” he says to the camera, before finally reading it off. “do idol schedules make it hard for you to meet up with friends and talk? if yes, do you feel that is hard on you? if no, how do you manage to make time?” he says, before thinking upon it for a few moments. 
“i think idol schedules do tend to make it a bit harder to meet up with friends. sometimes, when my friends aren’t working, i’m working, and vice versa. however, my school friends, such as jinsol and hanui, have always come to everything that i’ve done to support me whenever they can! i try really hard to also do that for everyone else, especially my idol friends. but, i do my best with to manage to make time to spend time with my friends, especially because i really like getting to be with my friends and hang out with them! if there’s free time in my schedule, i spend it with friends, if they’re free too!” he said, the ending of his answer sounding very happy and chipper. it was something that’s incredibly difficult to manage, but he always tries his best to give his time to everyone that wanted his time. 
“ah, are we already on our final question?” he said, “i was having so much fun,” he spoke. his words sounded a lot more cute than he meant for it to sound, but that was very much just duri, to say the least. “okay, the final question is... if you could create your ideal menu for a meal with a friend, what would it include?” he says. he giggled softly, especially since it was really a question meant for him. cooking is something that he really just loves to do, especially for others. 
“i think for the first course, we’d start out with some bimbap or tteokbokki! i’ve always enjoyed both bimbap and tteokbokki, but they’d be our starter, because they don’t really fill be up. for the main course, i’d do korean barbecue with a lot of sides, just to make sure my friend would eat a lot! i really like making a lot of food as well, so i’d probably go overboard with the sides...” he says, giggling once more. “for dessert, i’d do my aunt’s hotteok recipes! there’s a lot of different ones that she makes for her and my uncle’s café... chocolate hotteok, apple cinnamon hotteok, pear cinnamon hotteok... ah, so many really good ones!” he says, giggling once again. “i think that would be my perfect menu to cook someone!” he nodded. 
“thank you so much for watching my audition and considering me! i really hope you chose me!” he says, before bowing towards the camera, and coming back up. “goodbye!” he spoke again, waving to the camera. 
he’d turn the camera off, before he’d move to record the voice recording for his possible future secret sibling. he’d press record button, before talking into it. 
“hello secret sibling! i’m really excited to get the chance to meet you and i really hope you’re excited as well!” he said, giggling once more. “i hope through secret sibling, we’ll get to become like real siblings! i’m looking forward to getting to take care of you during our time together and having lots of fun! i promise we’ll have lots of fun and do fun things! please look forward to getting to know me! see you soon!” 
with that, he’d turn the recording off, and make his way to send everything off to management, so they’d be able to submit his audition to secret sibling.
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blacktotheblueside · 5 years
ONE (Jaewon)
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No matter how much I tried Jaewon was never down for my cute couple outfits, he wore the same jacket as me once but ended up changing before we left. He thinks the whole concept of it all is just too weird, like why would 2 fully grown adults have to wear matching outfits to show the fact that they were in a relationship? He didn’t get it at all, just like how he also wasn’t down for pda. Me on the other hand I love it all, not the full identical outfits but maybe the same bag or jewellery or even shoes. I would love to kiss and latch onto Jae whenever I wanted without him slightly moving and telling me ‘babe just wait’ I love him so much that sometimes he does one cute thing and I just wanna kiss him then and there but I know he’d never let that happen, fun police.
I come home from a photo shoot with a gym wear brand to see Jaewon sat on the couch with a gift bag next to him. He looked up at the door and smiled ‘finally you’re home’ he waited till I got close to him and he pulled me to sit on his lap, why can’t he do this in public? I look at him all weird ‘what’s up with you today?’ I ask ‘nothing I just love you’ he grinned. I shake my head, he’s up to something, He’s never this clingy! He picked up the bag and handed it to me ‘I got you a little gift because you’ve been working so hard lately and you still look after me and make sure I’m good no matter what time or day is it!’ Before I get the chance to open it he closes the top, he tells me to take it into the room and wear it tonight and then we’re going out towards Han river there was an event on with musicians and dancers. I clutch the bag and go to stand up he pulls me back down and kisses me then pushes me to stand. ‘Go and please don’t take too long, you don’t need make up’ he shouts as I walk to the bedroom, I scoff, I’m wearing makeup. I shower and make my way into the room to get lotioned up and dressed, with my towel wrapped around me I sit and start applying my makeup forgetting about the gift jae got me. I see through the reflection of the mirror him poking his head through, he looks around and looks at the bag ‘did you not open it yet?’ He looks at me and down at my make up and rolls his eyes accompanied with a groan. ‘Nope but let me do it now I forgot’ I reach over for the bag. He sits on the edge of the bed and watches me open it. I pull out a grey Calvin Klein set.... I’ve got loads of these, not in grey but why is he acting like the gift was diamonds or something. Still I very grateful for the gift it’s just random ‘thanks baby’ I push my wheelie chair towards him and peck his lips he holds me there for a while. I giggle and start finishing up my makeup.
He watches me through the entire process ‘you don’t need all that on your face, you’re so pretty baby girl’ he says looking so confused. I smile at him ‘whats gotten into you today?’ I have to ask again, overwhelmed with all these compliments. He shrugs and I stand up to put on the ck set, he still stares at me as I pull the underwear on under my towel and try to put on the bra without him seeing anything. He’s seen me naked loads of times but today he’s just staring at me so hard I can’t help but feel a little shy. I take the towel off me and start looking for what to wear, I go for a baggy t shirt that is sheer enough to see the bra and boyfriend jeans that hang of my hips so you can still see the ck band. I complete the outfit with white trainers and put my curly Afro in a sleek low ponytail. I turn to see him still looking at me...surprise and I walk up to him. He’s laying back on to the bed and holds my hand saying nothing ‘let’s go then’ I smile he pulls my hand and I fall on top of him, he slides his hands into my jeans but on top of my underwear squeezing my butt and kisses me a few more times. I love this clingy jaewon, he’s never normally like this. ‘Let’s go’ he speaks lowly his lips still on mine.
~~~ Han river
We arrive at Han river and there’s so many people here for the event, loads of street food, lights... it looks beautiful. Jaewon holds my hand tighter and pulls me through the crowd till we’re near the front but more towards the side. He stands behind me and hugs my waist, as the night goes on I get hungry. We’ve already seen people do kpop covers, original dances and songs, I enjoyed the whole thing. I turn around and face jaewon and put my head on his chest ‘what’s wrong baby?’ He asks ‘I’m hungry’ I say into his black bomber jacket my voice all muffled. He giggles ‘let’s go get food’
We decided on sharing a small pizza and now we were going to get ice cream. While we were stood in the line there were people staring at us, was it because they recognised jaewon? Or was it they recognised me? Or was it because I was a black girl with a Korean man? I don’t know but all I cared about was jaewon’s eyes on me. ‘Jae seriously what is up? Do you have something to tell me?’ I catch him staring at me for the 100th time today. He pulls me closer and hugs me ‘now I get why you love all that matching couple shit’ I look at him and pull a confused face ‘like you’re wearing the set I got you and all these guys keep looking at you but you’re mine!’ I smile but I still look at him confused ‘babe that’s not what I meant! We both have to wear matching items not just you buying it for me to wear’ I explain to him. He just smiles at me and pulls his jeans so I can look down them....’erm Jae what are you doing? People are looking!’ I whisper he looks around ‘they can’t see and you better look quick then!’ I look down to see him wearing grey ck boxers. I look up at him and squeal, I hug him tight and peck his cheek ‘are you wearing the bra top too?’ I tease, he nudged me slightly ‘awww I forgot mine at home...damn’ he turns to order our ice cream flavours from them trucks that do the really tall ice cream. I lean on him ‘get one, I won’t be able to finish mine I’m kinda full’
Despite me saying I was full I end up eating most of the ice cream and the cone, after a few bites Jae just let me finish it. After I was done he passed me a tissue and helped me wipe my hands, I took the tissue and moved to wipe my mouth he caught my arm and gave me one massive kiss. I was too shocked to even kiss him back! He pulled back ‘you had ice cream on your lips’ he smirked I hit his shoulder and laughed ‘oh my gosh where is Jae? This can’t be!’ I grab his arms ‘what did you do?!’ I asked suspiciously he shrugged ‘I realised I love you way too much to not be kissing you in public, I don’t care who looks at us!’ He interlocks our fingers and we make our way home.
At home he suggests for us to spend our night watching a movie. so I run to our room and take off my clothes leaving on my ck set, he walks in as I’m walking out and slaps my butt. ‘Go pick a movie I’m coming’ I do exactly that.
I hear him come down the stairs ‘do you want a drink?’ I ask not looking at him. ‘I’ll get it, which one do you want?’ He’s already in the kitchen by the time I look up ‘a cup of tea please!’ I lay on the couch and wrap myself in the sheets from our bedroom. He comes in wearing his ck boxers with grey sweats hanging low.... he just looks....GOOD! I stare at him as he passes me my cup, I take it and put it straight down I stand up and reach for his cup putting it down next to my cup. I wrap one arm around his neck and the other on his chin to pull his lips to mine, we start making out, I tried to contain myself but guys picture Jaewon!.... with his messy black hair!....in his eyes wearing ck boxers and wait for it....... GREY SWEATS!!!!! Exactly!
He lays on the couch and I lay on top of him in between his legs. He pulls the cover on both of us and the night ends with us talking over the movie, drinking and little kisses we also took a few tumblr couple inspired pictures.
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sayingthesamethings · 5 years
Magic Shop (Part 2)
Pairing: Poly!BTS x Witch!Fem!Reader
Summary: Underneath the concrete and pavement, between the towering buildings, Seoul is thrumming with magic. Too much magic. It’s become a hot spot for magical beings seeking to feed off of such intense energy. BTS is unaware of such dangers until they come across a witch trying to manage the mischief of other magical creatures while creating her own trouble.
Warnings: Slight possessive themes (if you squint really fucking hard)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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The next time Namjoon saw (Name) was when he was into a local cafe management had managed to rent out for the day to shoot. He was very confused when he walked in and saw her sitting quietly at a two top in the back of the shop. She looked so comfortable in her cardigan while sipping from a mug that said "(Star Sign)" in bold, black print.
Of course, her pet weasel was sound asleep on the table next to her thick leather bound book.
Namjoon cast a quick glance at the preoccupied staff before he abandoned the comfort of his boyfriends, who grew confused as they watched him leave, to cautiously approach (Name). She was so distracted, reading something in her strange book, that she failed to notice Namjoon standing close to her. He cleared his throat, startling the woman.
"Oh, sorry!" He flinched as she coughed from her drink spilling down her throat and down the wrong pipe. Regaining her composure, she wiped at her mouth with a napkin before looking up at the male towering over her.
"Hello, Namjoon," she greeted with a soft smile as she closed her book with a notable thud. She folded her adorned hands on the table and tilted her head to the side. "How have you been?" she asked. Namjoon awkwardly shuffled and flashed a small grin.
"Good. We actually just got back from our tour," he announced. (Name)'s eyes lit up.
She gasped, "Oh wow. Has it really been three months since I've seen you?"
Namjoon rubbed at the back of his neck and corrected, "Since you helped me, yeah." Something seemed to occur to (Name).
"Oh that," she passively acknowledged. She set her mug down and had a more serious expression. "Do you happen to have my ring?"
At the mention of the ring, Namjoon swallowed stiffly.
Ever since he had taken off the accessory, he had been feeling off. He was able to push past the hollow feeling in his chest during fan meets and concerts, but there was a chill that haunted at night and kept him awake. There were several occasions where he had to assure his boyfriends that nothing was bothering him, and that he would be okay.
Namjoon slowly dug into the pocket of his overcoat to fish out the ring he had wrapped in the cloth he used to clean his glasses. He shook the fabric and allowed the ring to fall into his open palm.
For a moment, he was lost staring at the round cut ruby cradled in the delicate curves of the silver band. Inside, the engravings managed to capture his attention.
non solum non ambulabit
Namjoon considered himself fluent in English, and he was knowledgeable enough to know that the phrase was most definitely not in English.
It took him a moment to pull himself out of his trance so that he could hold the ring out for (Name) to take.
Little did he know, (Name) was watching him the whole time.
She observed his reaction closely before reaching out to push his hand away. Namjoon's intense gaze snapped up to meet her tender stare.
Before Namjoon could question her actions, (Name) shook her head and stated, "Actually, I want you to keep it." She retracted her hand and said, "I really was planning on taking it back, but consider it a gift."
Namjoon had to admit that he liked the idea of keeping the ring. Though, there was a nagging in the back of his head that he voiced aloud.
"What do you want in return?" he inquired warily. (Name) looked genuinely shocked for a moment before laughing loudly, which caught everyone's attention.
"Even though this is the second time we're meeting, you know me very well, Namjoon," she teased while resting her cheek on her palm. Her lips slipped into a mischievous grin, and she admitted, "There are a few things."
Namjoon decided to bite. "Like?"
(Name) hummed playfully in a way that amused Namjoon as well as put him on edge.
“Let’s start with introducing me to the others. They look really scared of me right now,” she noted with a faint nod towards the rest of the idols waiting by the staff who had gone back to setting up the lighting and cameras. Namjoon nodded and stuffed his hands into his pockets. Though, he didn’t immediately make a move to walk over.
“Should they be scared?” he asked as he looked over to his boyfriends talking among themselves.
(Name)’s smile morphed into a thin smirk.
“You’re smarter than you make yourself out to be,” she commented as she carelessly grabbed her mug and swirled the contents inside. "No, not with you by their side." There was no trace of dishonesty in her voice.
Namjoon cast her a curious glance, but when he received no response, he decided to walk back over to his group with a calmer demeanor than before.
"Who is that, Joon?" Yoongi asked with a passive stare towards (Name), who waved politely at the group of men.
“Ah, that’s (Name). I met her a few days before we went on tour,” he explained as he motioned for the others to follow him as he once again approached the table where (Name) sat patiently.
Jin raised a brow, “Oh? You mean when you went out and said that you didn’t cause any trouble?” A blush erupted across Namjoon’s cheeks that further heated up when (Name) giggled. Her laugh had the other men staring at her, slack-jawed.
“I promise, Namjoon wasn’t the one causing trouble that day,” (Name) declared. With another small wave, she introduced herself. “Nice to meet you all. My name’s (Name) (Last Name), but you can all call me (Name).”
“Wow!” Taehyung blurted as he stepped closer before, without hesitation, held (Name)’s hand close to him to observe her abundance of rings. “They’re so pretty!”
The woman smiled and replied, “Why, thank you! I’m glad you like them.” She trailed off, not knowing the idol’s name.
“Oh, I’m Taehyung!” His usual boxy shone brightly.
Though she was a little surprised by his unabashed eye contact, (Name) nodded and said, “I’m glad you like them, Taehyung." Just as Taehyung was about to ask where she had gotten them, Jin cleared his throat.
He said, “If you don’t mind me asking, (Name)-ssi, why are you here? I thought manager-nim rented the space out.”
“Ah, just (Name) is fine,” she corrected before taking a sip from her mug. “My friend and I actually co-own this shop. She typically works on the paperwork and financial stuff at home while I manage it,” she explained. With a sigh, her smile faded a bit. “She was actually the one supposed to watch over your filming session today, but her cat got sick.”
Jimin chimed in, “Does that mean you know how to make coffee?”
“Huh?” (Name) shook her head with a dismissive wave of her hand. “No, no. Coffee is her thing. I like to use the space when we’re closed or empty like this,” she said.
“Boys, we’re ready to start!” the director called. Suga walked away without a second thought.
(Name) stood and brushed off her jeans. “Jaewon,” she called, waking up her weasel. He calmly got up from where he was basking in the sunlight peeking through the windows and hopped a considerable distance into (Name)’s arms. The members who didn’t know about the weasel, being the majority of them, watched in shock as the large animal crawled up the woman’s arm to rest across her shoulders.
“(Last Name)-ssi, we have a few questions if you don’t mind,” the staff announced. She nodded with a small, polite smile.
“Of course, I’ll be right there.” (Name) nodded at the idols and said, “I’ll talk to you all when I can. Let me know if you need anything.” She left the group of men to go speak with the staff.
The idols followed right after and got into their positions in front of the cameras. They posed and interacted with the coffee shop tableware and magical-like props. Meanwhile, most of the members would continue to talk with (Name) when they were on a short break, save for Yoongi and Jungkook.
“Where did you get your jewelry from, (Nickname)?” he inquired as he continued to admire the intricate designs of (Name)’s rings and necklaces.
Glancing over her jewelry, (Name) answered, “I actually made almost all of my jewelry.” Jimin and Taehyung gaped at her and leaned even closer. “The ones I didn’t make were made by my mother.”
While Jimin and Taehyung listened in awe, Jungkook sat nearby and found himself staring down Jaewon, (Name)’s weasel companion, resting on his owner’s shoulders.
“Do you think you could make me one, (Nickname)?” Jimin pleaded while tugging cutely on (Name)’s cardigan sleeve.
With wide eyes, (Name) asked, “You want me to make you a ring?” Jimin nodded.
“I want a necklace!” Taehyung raised his hand and chimed in. “But one that’s even prettier that Namjoon-hyung’s.” At that, (Name) laughed wholeheartedly. Once again, she had all the men’s attention on her, even the few that were across the shop filming.
“Well, maybe I’ll make them for you in the future. Right now, it looks like you’re needed elsewhere.” She was referring to the staff calling their names and motioning for the maknae line to join their hyungs at the coffee table.
(Name) also took that as her cue to move to the back room to refill her drink. Standing up with her book, she nodded at the three young idols before walking away, feeling their heated stares on her back.
As she reach the back of the small shop, she glanced over her shoulder to double check that everyone was preoccupied with the shoot. (Name) hummed an old tune from her childhood as she walked further into the small backroom where she kept her equipment and supplies.
Odd-colored plants hung from their vines across the ceiling and basked in the colored light coming through the stained windows. Papers were scattered beneath emptied vials and medicine bowls with leftover traces of unnatural mixtures.
Jaewon hopped off of (Name)’s shoulders to trek skillfully around the counter. The purple, leather bound book floated out of her hand and followed her around as she gathered multiple ingredients from around her work space. With a flick of her wrist, the pages began to turn until she held a hand up.
Her eyes trained on the page, (Name) placed dried herbs into one of her medicine bowls and allowed the grinding stick to mix them into a paste. (Name)’s brows furrowed as she focused entirely on her reading. Once the grinder came to a slow stop, she tore her eyes away from the information on the page before her to swipe a bit of the paste onto her finger to taste.
Smacking her lips, (Name) mumbled, “Needs more drooping sea leaves.” Noticing she didn’t have any on the table in front of her, she huffed at the inconvenience. 
Luckily, she had a few plants growing by the door.
(Name), knowing this, began humming happily again. With a small flourish, she spun towards the door, but froze in place.
There, in the doorway, stood the seven members of BTS. Seven variations of shock and confusion were frozen beneath her unamused stare. Eyes traveled between the floating book, the medicine bowl grinding herbs by itself, and the odd plants growing around the room.
Yoongi seemed to recover the fastest, for his confusion quickly morphed into his usual, narrow stare before he turned to leave the back room.
(Name) sighed.
Lazily, she lifted a hand in the direction of the seven men. A force pulled all of their bodies forward, further into the room. They stumbled in, and (Name) closed her hand into a fist the same time the door slammed shut behind the recovering idols.
Their heads went from the door to (Name), standing on the other end of the narrow room in an unnervingly calm manner.
(Name) took a deep breath and relaxed her hand, flexing her fingers. Once her arm rest by her side again, she took that as her opportunity to speak with a chilling smile.
“Thanks for reminding me to close the door.”
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nellpire · 6 years
Nell official 2018 photobook - Q&A (translation)
Q: Do you have a goal or a dream, something you want to accomplish under Nell’s name? Jongwan: My goal for the moment is to make the next full album great, and my dream is to maintain my passion for a long time. Jaekyung: I don’t have a dream in particular. If I can keep making good music with the members like right now, I don’t need anything else. All I want is to be more pleased with our future music, in many ways. Junghoon: As it’s always been, my goal is to improve our music, improve our performances. Jaewon: To record a full album at Abbey Road studios in England.
Q: What are your wishes for your 20th year as a band? Jongwan: That it’ll be a better year than this year Jaekyung: A year when our new album is more than satisfactory both to the fans and us members Junghoon: It’ll be a year when our next full album might(?) be out, so I hope it’ll be a musically richer year, and also that we can communicate with our fans more than before. Jaewon: A peaceful year.
Q: What message do you want to deliver through your music? Jongwan: More than a specific message, we hope that we can all mature and be purified together through our music, and that the listeners feel that, too. Jaekyung: I hope everyone will feel it in their own way. Junghoon: I hope our music can become at least a tiny bit of comfort to those who are going through a difficult time, and that it makes this time a little more beautiful for those who are already happy. Jaewon: The spectrum of human emotions, inspiration
Q: What is Space Bohemian to Nell? Jongwan: In progress Jaekyung: Nell’s home. An endless musical space. Junghoon: An unexpectedly cozy nest, and as a CEO(?) I lack a lot but I will work hard to make sure it doesn’t crumble. Jaewon: A 3 year old kid.
Q: What does your annual Christmas concert mean to you? Jongwan: The performance that allows us to attempt the most new things, the performance that’s the hardest to prepare for Jaekyung: A great party to finish off the year with people who like us. Junghoon: First of all it’s Jongwan’s birthday, and it has become a way to end the year and a starting point to prepare for the next. I think I’d be proud beyond measure if “Christmas in Nell’s Room” keeps going for a long time. Jaewon: The feeling of sorting out the past year.
Q: What would you pick as the album and song you’re the most pleased with? Jongwan: I don’t know about the album, and for the song it’s Slip Away right now. But I think it changes a lot. Jaekyung: Slip Away from the album Slip Away. Junghoon: You probably can’t be 100% satisfied with everything, but I think generally I’m pleased with everything. If I’m to pick from those, the album Healing Process comes to mind. I remember feeling proud of how it turned out soundistically and emotionally. As for a song, I’ll pick The Day Before. Jaewon: Slip Away, The Day Before.
Q: How do you wish Nell to be remembered in the future? Jongwan: More than ‘how’, I hope we’ll be remembered for a long time. Jaekyung: As a band who made timeless music. As a band who you’ll listen to when you want to reminisce about a specific time in your life. Junghoon: I think being remembered in any way as long as it’s not negative is something to be thankful for.  Jaewon: As 4 close friends who worked hard to make music.
Q: Please leave a few words of thanks to someone you met during the years you spent promoting as Nell. Jongwan: If it’s a message of thanks, then it has to be towards Simz this year. “Thank you, No Simji”. Jaekyung: Thanks. Junghoon: Looking back on the times we’ve gone drinking together, I feel like that’s been what has helped me not to collapse during the times I’ve been exhausted. I ask you to continue to be here with me, and I hope I can do the same for you. Thank you. Jaewon: Go Hyeonjeong, our sound engineering hyung, I’m always thankful to you for being with us.
Q: Let’s say the first song you hear on January first will determine the mood for the rest of the year. Which song would you play? Jongwan: What comes to mind right now is Coldplay - In My Place. The full-band intro sound is still great no matter how many times I’ve heard it. Jaekyung: Pink Floyd - High Hopes. I hope you’ll listen both to the music and the lyrics. Junghoon - As one says (Yoo Jaesuk & Lee Juk) Jaewon: Pat Metheny with Charlie Haden - Cinema Paradiso. I feel at peace when I hear this song.
Q: What song do you want played at your funeral? Jongwan: The Day Before. Jaekyung: M83 - Farewell / Good bye Junghoon: I haven’t written it yet. Jaewon: The Day Before.
Q: When you listen to music, what do you hear first and consider the most important? The atmosphere, vibe, vocals, lyrics, band sound or other? Jongwan: Since every ingredient including vocals, lyrics and band sound combined is what makes the atmosphere and feeling, I say it’s all of them. You don’t listen to music with your head, so we like music that touches our heart somehow. Jaekyung: Stimuli, inspiration  Junghoon: I don’t think any part is less important. If any single element doesn’t match with me, I won’t feel the song. Back in my teens I listened to a lot of foreign bands but I can’t speak English so lyrics weren’t that important to me, but these days I consider lyrics to be the most important. Jaewon: The general feel of the song
Q: What’s the driving force that compels you to make music? Jongwan: Music itself. Jaekyung: The pleasure and solace that comes from making or listening to music. Junghoon: It changes a lot, but it has to be the fans. I don’t think music that no one listens to would mean that much to me. Jaewon: Fun
Q: Relay compliment time! Jongwan - Jaekyung - Junghoon - Jaewon - Jongwan, tell us something you want to compliment or emulate from the next member. Jongwan: Jaekyung - Jaekyung is kind. Yashashii guy. Jaekyung: Junghoon - his strength and sincerity that doesn’t let it show when he’s having a hard time. Junghoon: Jaewon - First of all, he’s the kindest in our team. He has many human sides and he’s the most sociable among us members. I think that’s why he has the most friends. He’s the least talkative, but with the spare jokes he throws he’s the funniest, too. And he’s handsome. Jaewon: Jongwan - his passion for music.
Q: How do you feel about the last year in your thirties? Jongwan: I’m still 37 as I’m writing this.  Jaekyung: Great. Junghoon: Nothing much has changed as of right now. But I do feel like I should treasure and spend my time more wisely from now on. Jaewon: I’m looking forward to next year
Q: What are some of your SBSHs (Small But Sincere Happiness)? Jongwan: Eating a fresh salad with a delicious mushroom pasta. Jaekyung: Eating probiotics in the morning.  Junghoon: Conversations with friends. Meals with family. Watching movies. Getting immersed in games. etc etc, there’s a lot. Jaewon: The way home after a day of hard work
Q: I’m curious about the epitaph you want on your tombstones! Jongwan: That’s too difficult -- but I do wonder why that matters for a person who has already passed. Jaekyung: ‘What are you looking at?’ Junghoon: I don’t want to think about that yet. Jaewon: Love and peace.
Q: What do you think is the most desirable trait? Jongwan: Being passionate for something or someone. Jaekyung: People who cherish people. Junghoon: People who look weak and sloppy normally but become stronger and wiser than anyone else when it really matters. I guess that’s like a manga character. Jaewon: People who don’t do bad things.
Q: What’s something that gives you strength if you so much as think of it? Jongwan: Travel Jaekyung: The performances we make with the fans Junghoon: My people Jaewon: Friends
Q: If you were to released rearranged songs, which would you like to try your hand at the most? Jongwan: There’s none that comes to mind right now, but I do want to try Sunggyu’s Kontrol in a quieter mood. Jaekyung: Travis - Luv Junghoon: Byun Jinsub - You to Me Again Jaewon: Nirvana - Come as you are
Q: What’s the most attractive to you: When the other person has the same values as you vs when they’re different? Jongwan: When they’re the same Jaekyung: Whether they were the same or different initially, I’m attracted to instances when they can change my beliefs. And times when we want the same things yet have different beliefs.  Junghoon: Both Jaewon: When they’re the same.
Q: What’s the greatest realization you’ve come to this year?  “Let’s work hard to do our job”
Q: Please pick one movie and one book from this year! If I’m to pick a movie that made me think a lot rather than a movie from this year, then “the killing of a sacred deer”. As for the book, “Twinkle Twinkle” by Kaori Ekuni lingers in my mind because it made me feel very different things from the first time I read it.
Q: Which of your songs do you feel visualizes the sound the best? Tinnitus
Q: When you’re consuming media that links music and visuals together (like music videos and movies), what do you think is the most important part? Do you have any interest in composing movie scores? How well it expresses the point. For example, I think the music video has to deepen the message the music wants to get across, and oppositely for movies, the music has to deepen what the movie wants to express. I’m always interested in working on film scores.
Q: Among the songs you’ve written, which one could you never write again even if you wanted to? The Day Before
Q: What instrument that you’ve never tried your hand at would you like to learn the most? Harp and cello
Q: If -- just IF -- you were to hold your last concert as Nell, which song would you want to finish off with? 12 Seconds
Q: How would you rate our fanchanting abilities? Excellent.
Q: Are you aware of how cute you are? How would you rank the members’ cuteness? I don’t want to know. And I’m not sure about the ranking, but Jaekyung has the most moments of cuteness.
Q: What’s the reason for your use of the expression ‘to get to meet’ instead of ‘to meet’? (t/n: this question refers to the verb ‘만나지다 (mannajida)’ vs ‘만나다 (mannada)’. 만나다 means simply “to meet”, but Jongwan often uses 만나지다 in his lyrics instead. the addition of the ‘지’ implies that the two people who met didn’t do so by their own choice, but that it’s something that just happened to them. you can see this, for example in Afterglow, Island and Sing For Me.) I suppose that’s because I tend to believe in some version of fate, looking at the probability of things. How small is the probability of me meeting the people I have in my life when there are so many people on this earth? I often think that these things happen regardless of my will.
Q: What ‘existence’, ‘source’ or ‘thought’ inspires you recently? Myself, both in a positive and negative sense.
Q: What would you do if someone stole the journal in which you keep all your memos and requested 100,000,000 won to return it? I guess I should report them?
Q: What’s something you feel you are the greatest at in the entire world? Nothing.
Q: Though there’s nothing that Kim Expert can’t do, what’s something you think you’re absolutely terrible at? (Minus driving) Everything other than what I’m good at.
Q: The legendary Thank You performance… have you ever rewatched it? (t/n: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfVmHDnZnoE) Never.
Q: What do you like to drink and snack on when you’re in a good mood? For good moods, soju. I don’t think the snacks matter that much.
Q: What are the pros and cons of having your birthday on Christmas eve? The bad side is having my birthday the day before the most famous person on earth. The good side-- uhm… getting to perform?
Q: What’s the meaning of your signature “shh” pose? There’s no meaning to it, the reason I do it is because it’s comfortable to have a go-to pose at photoshoots.
Q: Fans think your personality has become a lot milder, but what do you think? Everyone is free to have their own opinion.
Q: What is winter to you? Grey mixed with blue
Q: What was your greatest expense this year? The new Space Bohemian office that we finished by the end of the year.
Q: The over-all song aside, on which song are you the most pleased with your guitar performance? Farewell
Q: What’s the first song you ever attempted to play? Metallica - Enter Sandman
Q: Do you have plans to play the keyboards again at a future performance? Of course.
Q: Other than the guitar, photography and Japanese studies, what are you focusing on recently? International relations
Q: What smell of perfume and/or body lotion to you like and/or use? Artisan
Q: If you had a younger sister and you absolutely had to set her up with one of the members, who would you pick and why? I’d be 100% opposed to it ^^
Q: What was Jaekyung’s favorite karaoke song in his school days? 이젠 안녕, 더 늦기전에, 우리 앞에 생이 끝나갈 때
Q: It’s such a pity that you don’t talk much during concerts, do you have any plans to change that? I do.
Q: You’re known to have a lot of fear, but what’s something that makes you think “at least I’m not scared of this!”? Nothing. I’m scared of everything in this life
Q: You’re very tall and you have such pretty dimples, but if you were given this choice: eating cucumbers or cutting your height down to 165cm + losing your dimples, what would you pick? I think I’ll throw up
Q: What’s your favorite hamburger these days? What joint and what menu? I don’t need recent burgers. Tradition is important. It’s Big Mac
Q: Bottled vs canned beer Canned
Q: Would you accept a request for you to go out to the finale of Paris fashion week wearing your fan pattern t-shirt? I’d decide based on the fee.
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Fans are still mocking him for this look.)
Q: What’s something you wish people would stop saying to you? As long as they keep their manners, anything is fine.
Q: A word you use often? “First of all’
Q: How many selfies do you take before you upload one? 250!
Q: Any plans to open a selfie exhibition? Yes.
Q: If you were to live in Kim Jongwan’s body for one day, what would you do? Play baseball.
Q: The time to escape Lee Jenkyung is one year closer now, how do you feel? (t/n: Jaekyung has promised to sing at a Nell concert once he’s in his 40s. The name ‘Lee Jenkyung’ comes from the Pia members after Jaekyung started singing the song 기억의 습작 by 전람회 at their Newton’s Apple concert -- the song starts with the word 이제… (ije = now), which sounds like the 이재 (ijae) of 이재경, Lee Jaekyung.) Pitapat
Q: What’s the most memorable movie or drama you’ve watched this year, and why? ‘Searching’ felt new and fresh.
Q: Which purchase were you the most pleased with this year? Ipad pro 10.5
Q: I’m curious about your camera equipment Sony Rx100-M4, Leica X1 (currently broken), Ricoh GR1S (currently broken), LOMO instant automat polaroid camera
Q: What’s your favorite bread? Ah… Sweet red bean paste bread comes to mind right now.
Q: Do you use scented candles? If so, which scent do you prefer? I prefer to use a diffuser over candles. Because you have to keep lighting the candles and putting them out again.
Q: What games would you recommend for a newbie? (Switch or playstation doesn’t matter) The Last of Us, Legend of Zelda
Q: What’s the reason you adopted a cat? No special reason.
Q: If you were to open an exhibition, what would you like your debut work to be about? Moments from our performance
Q: What are horn rimmed glasses to you? The face.
Q: What’s your secret to becoming more and more of an eloquent speaker? Trying, of course. I still lack a lot.
Q: What is it that you ultimately want to achieve through youtube? Ad revenue or band promotion? Or ad revenue through band promotions? Of course there’s the promotions, and though it’s still far away there could be ad revenue at some point, too. But ultimately I think it’s about a sense of accomplishment through something other than music, or another type of accomplishment through music.
Q: Do you have any thoughts of creating your own music video or behind the scenes clips? I’m not at the level to think about things like that… But I do want to create videos every now and again as a hobby.
Q: What song do you enjoy singing the backup vocals for the most? The rearranged version of Cure.
Q: During one of your streams you said that seeing the fans gives you strength (^^), so what would you like to say to the fans? Gain strength from looking at me. … I’m sorry.
Q: What’s a special right you have as the CEO? Stress.. invaluable business and pressure
Q: Other than yourself, who do you think would be fit to be the CEO? Kim Jongwan
Q: At Jang Yunju’s rooftop radio in 2014 you said that Nell had been together for fifteen years but you still hadn’t seen Jaekyung naked. Have you still(!) not seen it? Nope, I still haven’t.
Q: What’s something you’d like to accomplish for yourself and not as Lee Junghoon, bassist of Nell, or Lee Junghoon, CEO of Space Bohemian? I’d like to go travelling to watch soccer in England or Spain and attend a lot of great performances. Also, studying English.
Q: For your next collaboration with other artists, what kind of thoughts do you wish they’d have about your work? I like so many artists, so as long as we match it doesn’t matter much to me what they think.
Q: What’s the most surprising slang you’ve learned recently? Honkono (t/n: going alone to a coin karaoke joint), ilko (t/n: pretending not to be a fan). They aren’t that surprising, but I’d never have guessed the meanings unless someone taught me.
Q: Out of all the pictures you’ve drawn this year, which was your favorite? The drawing for our Nell’s Room coloring event. I bow my head in thanks to all those who participated.
Q: I’m curious about the backstory, profile and all things Esby! (Please tell us the reason why they’re called Esby and what the Korean pronunciation is -- isby vs esby.) I took the initials from Space Bohemian (S.B) to make Esby. I drew it because I thought it’d be nice if there was a character with a calm personality who anyone can draw easily. I guess you could say that Esby is a free character who isn’t bound to any expression, gender, size or space.
Q: What’s your favorite drum stick? I have no specific favorite but I use Vic Firth drum sticks the most.
Q: From the crowd’s perspective there are times when we can’t see the drums very well, but how do you experience the crowd from a performer’s perspective? It’s an overwhelming experience when the crowd’s energy becomes one with ours.
Q: Which song do you think is the most fun to play? Ocean of Light
Q: What equipment did you use the most during the recording of the latest acoustic album? C&C drum set and A&F snares
Q: What was your honest first impression of Junghoon? Kind and pure personality. Wore fancy, colorful hiphop style clothes.
Q: Who among the members do you feel is truly weird and why? They’re all weird, but Jaekyung is seriously strange. He’s lost his mind.
Q: What do you prioritize between love and peace, and why? Love. Would the world exist without it?
Q: Recommend to us your favorite night snack please! Ddeokbokki
Q: If you could have one superpower, what would it be? Midas touch
Q: What’s a bad habit you’d like to get rid of? Procrastination
Q: The longest time you’ve spent walking? Nine hours
Q: The best reaction you’ve gotten to a meal you’ve cooked? Most of them are not great
Q: The newest photo in your phone? A picture from a Japanese airport
Q: Why did you get your tattoos? Because I was bored
Q: What does the Vain Hope MV recording mean to you? It felt like going on a trip on my own. We’d just finished a rock festival so the others were enjoying themselves which made me feel even more alone
Q: If you were to stand on stage as Jung Jaewon band again, what’s a song you’d want to perform, and perhaps some stage equipment that would go well with it? Maybe because the movie Bohemian Rhapsody is becoming so popular these days, I’d like to play a Queen song. I’m not sure about equipment but I’d like to dress up properly once.
Q: Be honest, have you ever worked harder to prepare your stage as Jung Jaewon band than the rest of your concert? No. I think it’s more fun the more impromptu it is.
Q: What do you pay the most attention to when standing on stage as Jung Jaewon Band’s main vocalist? How to make it as funny as possible kkkkk
Feel free to use, but please credit Nellpire.
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oshxciv · 7 years
[Interview] SEHUN in EXO’luxion Photobook
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EXO’luXion Photobook - SEHUN Interview
Q: Please tell us how you feel after ending EXO PLANET #2 The EXO’luXion.
SH: Through 44 concerts, we get to visit a lot of countries all over the world. It was a really great time. Especially whenever I learn something about the fans throughout this tour. Fans from Asia tear for us, they cheer loudly and excitedly as they enjoy EXO’s performances, seeing them like that makes me feel their passion and so I become serious on a whole new level.  I always thought that I should be the kind of artist who can connect with the fans’ hearts like that. During the North America tour, I think the fans are more like the “having fun while listening to the music” type as they take in EXO songs’ melody, because there are some of them who do not know our songs. Although they sang Growl with us, there are songs that aren’t fully known to them. But despite that, they danced whenever they hear EXO’s songs being played. They enjoy the music with their whole bodies and because of that the concert was really fun.
Q: After completing those 44 concerts, it seems like you have more confidence now. Which aspect do you think have grown in you personally?
SH: Performing on stage was not an easy task for me. Whenever I hear the fans cheer passionately, I get nervous. I tell myself ‘ah I can’t make a mistake’. On the outside, it may seem like I’m not nervous at all but in reality I’m really nervous in the inside. However, as we go through the 44 concerts, I slowly build up confidence so I’m more relaxed whether in performing or saying ment. I even acquired showmanship as well.
Q: <Baby Don’t Cry> is also know as <물(water) Don’t Cry>. It was a performance with water. How was it an opportunity for you?
SH: Director Shim Jaewon-nim suggested that it would be cool if Kai hyung and I do a performance that involves water for Baby Don’t Cry.  Of course, I imagined it to be a very cool performance. Kai hyung and I are in the dancing line that’s why we fit very well. Despite my age, I have a sexy image/side. Hahaha! Did our visual chemistry turn out good? It did right? Hahaha.
Q: Isn’t it more difficult to dance to a ballad song? How was it?
SH: I think all performances/dance are difficult, despite what kind of music it is. Different genres have different atmospheres based on the expressions you use in performing the dance. For a ballad song, you have to blend in with the melody.
Q: What do you mean by blending in with the melody?
SH: Doing certain expressions and gestures to fit the melody. Dancing is like acting, so you should be very careful with the details. In a ballad music, the rhythm is slow. Performance completion is also very important.
Q: <Baby Don’t Cry> is a performance with only you on the spotlight, so there should be a lot of thought in your movements. Which point do you focus on when you practice?
SH: While being on the same stage as Kai hyung, I wanted to exude a different feeling from him on stage.  Although the movements are the same, I wanted to show a different kind of atmosphere so the audience can watch it more interestingly.  I monitor Kai hyung’s dance and make effort on showcasing a slightly different tone/mood. Kai hyung’s dance is filled with feelings of a conventional performance, while mine seems casual yet also cool performance.
Q: In <Baby Don’t Cry> stage, we saw a glimpse of your sexy image. What do you think?
SH: Isn’t it because I’m soaked in water? Haha. In the stage, I’m all wet from head to toe, my clothes are wet as well so the outline of the body can be seen. That’s why I worked out harder. In the Japan concert, my shirt is unbuttoned all the way as to give emphasis to sexiness.  Because it was a time where I worked out a lot, the timing was perfect.  Because SJW-nim said to do <Baby Don’t Cry> performance in water, I wanted to show it properly.
Q: When Baekhyun asked you to wink, you turned really shy.  Are you the type to get shy when doing a wink?
SH: I can’t wink. It’s not for me. In fact, I’m not really fond of doing such cute things. There are lots of ways to convey my feelings to the fans besides winking. I mainly look at the fans’ eyes for a long time. I hope we can look at each other for a long time.
Q: When you were filming for the “date” VCR for the concert, you made the most NGs out of all the members. Are you originally a really shy person?
SH: I am. If I were to act in a drama or movie, I get really shy even while having a script to read. But if a scene is like that kind, I’ll get shy even more.  If I was in that situation, I think I’ll not wipe the foam off of my girlfriend’s lips myself.  I’d probably say “What’s that on your lips? Wipe it.”. But in order for the fans to see, I did it. I was so shy up to the point that I cringed. But it seems like the fans enjoyed it so I’m satisfied.
Q: There was an accident at the 4th Seoul concert. Your head was accidentally hit by the camera. What was the first thing that came to your mind?
SH: It was really painful. Then it was bleeding. When I saw the blood I panicked. I had to get off the stage, but there are thousands of fans who went there, how could I get off the stage?  But I thought about it again, and thought that it’s a better judgment to temporarily get off the stage. So I came down, went to the waiting room and got  treatment.
Q: When you injured yourself, you still went up to the stage and said your ment. Why did you shed tears?
SH: I went up on stage first before I head to the hospital. I went up on stage to personally explain to the fans what had happened. But as I walk up to the stage, my tears started to fall and I don’t really know why. Maybe it’s because I felt sorry towards the fans because I can’t complete the performance for the concert.  I felt bad that I couldn’t show the fans the stages that the members and I prepared for them.  Whenever I see the video of me crying, I feel so embarrassed and asked myself why did I cry.
EXO’luXion Photobook - SEHUN Backstage Interview
Q: With EXO members together on one stage, the time is very enjoyable and off the stage is also a happy time for you. How do you feel when you practice with them?
SH: If I were to describe, it would be both painful and happy, because the practice is very tiring physically but the mood is very good. Although the time and practice before we go on stage is very hard, the feeling of wanting to show it to the fans and thinking of how will they react to our complete performance makes me excited. I also have fun with the hyungs during practice.
Q: In EXO Planet #2 The EXOluXion, you spent many nights in different cities, what do you mainly do at night before the concert?
SH: I eat a lot and then go to bed early. In order to be in my best condition the next day, I take health supplements and take a lot of rest.
Q: In the waiting room, which member do you usually chat with?
SH: All members. I talk to them about daily happenings, we often talk about games or TV programs and so on. Thinking about it, we don’t talk about anything regarding the concert. Haha!
Q: Do you have know-hows on how to ease the pressure and calm down before the concert?
SH: I may not seem nervous on stage, but before the stage I somehow get really sensitive. I don’t eat anything two hours before the show, not even rice. If I eat before the show, the food might not be digested well and my stomach might feel uncomfortable. So I don’t eat no matter how hungry I am. That’s why after the concert, I’m really very tired because I’m hungry. So at the end of the concert, I immediately go eat dinner.
Q: Do you still feel nervous even if it’s already your second tour?
SH: I think even if it’s the 10th tour I would still feel nervous but also excited at the same time. Will I feel different on our 100th tour? Haha!
Q: You said in the concert before “I felt a bit empty but then I found out I’m just hungry”. Do you really feel empty after the concert?
SH: I feel empty every time. After the concert, as I walk down the stage my mind goes blank. I’m always taken aback by the empty feeling.  That’s why I spend time with the hyungs. I am a person who likes to be around people rather than be alone. But somehow I feel alone after concert. While eating dinner, the hyungs and I talk and the empty feeling is being cured (gotten rid off?).. It’s sad that after the concert we’ll have to go separate ways. That hollow feeling lessens a lot when we’re together so that’s why I don’t like to be alone after the concert.
Q: Why do you feel empty?
SH: Because it was a really enjoyable time with the fans for 3 hours. On a gorgeous stage, we conveyed each other’s feelings of happiness.  But once we get off the stage, the feelings suddenly disappear. I could really feel the big difference. I wonder do the fans also feel empty after the concert? I once looked at the fan site (fancafe) and I saw fans commenting that they feel empty after the concert. Now I know that the fans and I feel the same way.
Q: The time you spend with EXO members after the concert must be really precious,  it show how much you love the members. Who are you most envious of in EXO?
SH: Xiumin hyung who is very mature. He doesn’t interfere but instead shows his support in the background.  When there’s a problem, he says his words really carefully but those words are all so powerful. On the other hand, he does aegyo very well and he’s always full of aegyo on shows. Suho hyung who is our reliable leader. Whenever the members have a problem, they will always look for Suho hyung. Doesn’t this sentence explain it all? Lay hyung’s passion for music is really amazing. I really want to be like him. I also carry a passion for music, and I want to be an artist who has passion for music even more. Chanyeol hyung is very optimistic in everything. He has a bright and warm personality. Especially, Chanyeol hyung’s positivity is a really strong point. I hope he won’t lose this bright side of him. Baekhyun hyung is a warm-hearted person. He takes good care of EXO as well as the staffs. I think Chen hyung is very comfortable but also very difficult. Why? Because he’s so kind. He is so kind like a fool (**truly very kind to the extent of being like a fool**). So I am more careful as to what I talk to him about because I know that hyung will be very considerate of me. And also when a problem arises in the team, he takes charge in solving the problem. No matter how I see it, I feel like D.O. hyung is that hyung who I can talk about almost everything. Whatever worry I share with him, he calmly listens and then gives me rational advice. And D.O. hyung is the type who will do something if he decides on it. Whatever he decides to do, he will do it completely with his best and full effort. He is a cool hyung. Kai hyung’s concentration will never be hindered no matter what. His concentration on stage is very good, and if there’s something that fascinates him, he will put his full concentration to it and be engrossed in it until until he masters it. He’s someone you can trust.
SEHUN’s strong points according to the hyungs
XIUMIN: Because Sehun is the maknae, whatever he does is cute. I also think he is the most handsome in EXO. Also, I could say that he somehow have this high class aura. He is tall and in my standards, he gets the 1st place in good looks in EXO! Haha. You could really see how much Sehun likes his hyungs. He wants EXO to be together always. There are times that I feel sorry towards Sehun because I couldn’t spend more time with him. I will use this opportunity to say something to him. Sehun-ah, you know hyung’s heart, right? I love you!
SUHO: Sehun is a person with lots of affection. He believes that relationship with people is very important. I once saw Sehun cry because of what our staff did before. When I saw that I felt that Sehun really does have a warm heart.
LAY: Sehun is very good-looking. He’s tall. Haha. His good looks is a strong point and I’m really envious of how handsome he is. Hahaha. There are times that being the maknae is tough but he takes care of the hyungs really well. I like his bright personality.
BAEKHYUN: Our maknae Sehun is really cute! There are times where he disobeys us but it doesn’t really matter because he’s cute. He has improved in his recent stages and I’m really proud of him.
CHANYEOL: Sehun is the member I hang out and talk to a lot. It may seem like he’s a person who jokes around a lot but in reality he’s a very deep person. He has a realistic personality and that helps EXO a lot.  There are things that we can’t do anything about even if we worked hard for it and Sehun is the one who makes realistic judgments.
CHEN: Sehun is really cute. Whatever he says or does is still cute and I like that about him. I hope Sehun stays the same in the future.
D.O.:  Sehun-ee, ah… That kid has strong focus. He is usually cute like a maknae but once we start our activities he shows great focus on doing them. EXO members all have great ambitions/desires to complete a stage but Sehun’s desire is really strong.
KAI: Sehun is very loyal. He always thinks of the members and that’s why he’s very loyal. I think loyalty is Sehun’s best trait. The loyalty that Sehun gives is what will come back to him as well.
Credits to 吴世勋吧Ohsehunbar, 泰苗勋苗开开苗TXT
Translated by OSHXCIV
[바람훈༄ OSHXCIV]
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yeolkeot · 8 years
[ tw: minor violence, abuse mention, suicide mention, lots of self-hate ]
Kihyun’s got this certain kind of self-degradation that makes people cringe. It’s not the cute kind, not the teenage soft kind that dissipates with age and slows into a laugh and acceptance in the later years. It’s the kind of self-hate that makes the ladies on the corner sad, watching him and his friends in their youth and knowing that someone must have told them that this was how to live. Sad because all the ladies on the corner don’t know how to tell them it’s a lie. Don’t know how to tell them how they lost their grand kid to it, their boyfriend, their family. Because this lie is programmed. And it’ll stick with these boys until it can’t anymore.
It’s the kind of self-hate can have him face down in gravel smiling with blood slipping out his mouth. He remembers the taste much like a daily occurrence then a memory. The kind that he smiles at the nagging at his head, hours before telling him heading home was a bad idea and that also tells him it’s the best kind of idea.
It’s moments like this that Kihyun thinks he must really hate himself. Not where he boasts to cover up flaws. Not when he cuts his ties just for the pain of it all. No, he really truly hates himself and the voice telling him going home is a bad idea fades into pleasure and taunts.
Moments like this when he gets another kick to his back, heels digging in his side and dirt caking up around his face and he can’t crack a smile or a joke from pain. And yet he does.
“I told you not to come back here.” The words are even. They don’t bring him to his senses as much as they drag him through a daze. There are hands in his hair, fingers tightening around orange, orange breaking into gray and brown and red. There’s something in Kihyun’s throat, it doesn’t bubble so it’s not blood, it tumbles out, it’s choked. It’s his laughter. He smiles around it only to get it out, force it out. Let it echo where they are. Not as a cry for help or a distraction but a declaration of tenacity. Foolish tenacity. Foolish Kihyun enamored with the idea of destroying himself further.
When he gets a face full of a heel he knows he must really hate himself or he loves the pain more. One of the two.
“Didn’t I?” and kihyun thinks they expect him to answer. He might even just laugh at that too. They expect him to respond. Expect the air being shoved out his lungs to magically reappear, the laughter to break into coherency. They want Kihyun to make sense of the reason he’s walked back into hell.
“I’m waiting.” Kihyun is waiting too. For a reason why he keeps doing this to himself. Why he keeps cutting across edges of his happiness just to find the hurt tucked away. It’s always somewhere and recently it’s been too far away so he sought it out. Hopped on the train with his buds or strolled the streets of busan like he owned it. Like he was welcome. Old stomping grounds? More like when they used to stomp him into the ground. As they do now, as everyone does. It’s a metaphor for something, frail kid gets a face full of dirt and tears and looks a rightful mess. He likes it. He forgets it hurts, thinks of it as something different, like a replacement, a pleasure, an adrenaline? He’ll search for a definition later and instead spits out blood and dirt into the ground. Mouth tasting like blood and all the wrong things, body feeling like all the wrong joys.
“I appreciate the silence doll, really I do, but I’m not in the fucking mood.” Here Kihyun is being yanked up again. Being pulled again. Being bared raw for everyone to see and smirk and ask, where’s that sharp-tongued brat from before with his head high and his hair mussed up the way he liked it? “Always knew you were a little bitch.”
Not even two hours into the territory, Kihyun’s skin prickling in either anticipation or something else he hasn’t felt in a while. Two hours in and they were cornered. Two hours and they were herded like sheep to the far corners, the memorable corners. Kihyun talks about Busan like it’s got these pretty little etches in his mind when it’s got nothing but pain and scratches against his brain. Definite, sometimes fuzzy and always painful. Like kihyun forgets he’s human and soft and he’s all hard and everything is the chilly wind and gentle sunsets. Not a bleeding sky, bleeding ears and wrecked memories wrecking his brain. That would mean he loved Busan for the hurt.
He remembers the smell, these boys wearing primal instinct like a cologne, sweat, blood, tears of prey and screams that hang on walls. He remembers it, sniffs an entire wad when words being burning by his ears, breath and all. If he listens carefully enough he can see the lines his body burned into the tile, his screams ringing in his ears. His body shudders. Nothing new. It’s always been a traitor. A fucking traitor.
He’s tired for one thing. His jeans rip, his knees burn red and raw against the gravel. he aches but that’s more of an accustomed ache, and the pain, the sharp pain that comes in sections, that’s more of a welcomed friend.
“Fuck, you.” He’s meant to say it earlier, meant to get into this character quicker but he barely gets it out before repercussions hit. The next hit comes, quick and unforgiving and yeah it’s definitely a welcomed friend. He coughs up something, it’s a little bit of laughter and not so much a lung. It doesn’t hurt that much, it hurts a lot but maybe not enough for a hospital. He imagines coughing up a lung and his body getting lighter and right now he feels like lead, suffocated, smiles, and laughs like he’s free, like this is his liberation. Maybe the stitches opening is enough for a hospital and maybe the buzz in his head blocks it out. His wounds stain the floor beneath him, his shirt, jacket, body probably purple and blue and still moving. A fucking traitor truly. 
Everything he does has got a little pain in it. Smiling with a busted lip and opening the crack like he loves it. Laughing with beaten ribs and pummeled muscles when he could just, not. Talking with venom words when he could just, not. He’s setting his body up for saccharine torture and he doesn’t care enough to stop.
“You’ve always had a mouth on you. Never knowing what to do with it.” Kihyun ignores the sting, the flush of memories clogging his mind. Ignores the bile in his throat at the implication, slime resurfacing from old handprints, old memories.
He shuts his eyes to make everything dark, to block out words and edges into his brain. It’s not pretending they aren’t real it’s more of pretending for another night when he’s by himself, when he’s only surrounded by darkness and no one to see him this vulnerable. Because to kihyun bloodied and battered on the floor is another sign of strength even if he’s being thrown around. And boy is he getting thrown around. Never too far, just enough to drag him back, wear him down and keep him close. A puppet. He can feel and he’s alive and that’s the best fucking payback.
“A big fucking mouth.” Kihyun swallows something. Words that could make it worse, words that could make it better, blood, cries. Something. He swallows and grabs for dirt under his nails and into the ground. He grips for a lot of things at once and he doesn’t try to pry the hand that holds his hair, it lets go on its own.
And Kihyun? Kihyun has the audacity to spit again, spit onto whatever, onto shoes a few inches from his face. He has the audacity to keep moving against the pain he feels like he doesn’t feel it, with it like it’s always been a part of him, like he can’t survive without it. Has the audacity to take the next hit to his stomach and latch on, onto the leg. It’s an uncomfortable drag of his body. It’s a pathetic kind of metaphor. Boy clinging to pain as it tears him apart.
He’s not doing it for anyone, this tousling on the floor, this ridiculous rebellion of a pains creaming in pain. He’s not doing it for his friends he can barely make out over purpled swelling eyelids, whether they’re okay or whether they’re a bargaining chip. He’s not doing it to barter his life desperately or to cling to it. Kihyun’s doing it for the buzz in his head, the jacked up feel that keeps him going. This man’s always had a way of turning Kihyun to static and he’s not sick of it as he’s trying to figure it out. Trying to grasp at it and not let it sweep away because he’ll never feel this alive again and some part of him understands that more than it understands the pain.
He closes his eyes with each shake. Each rock of his world and blow to his body. He transfers it to static, to blood boiling under his skin with more than a response, more of a burn. Like ducks to breadcrumbs his body responds leaning in, keening, breathing.
He hears everything and nothing at once. Screaming that’s angry and feral, movement that’s hushed and quick.
Everything blurs, not just vision but words and movements, around him, on him, in him. Everything blurs and kihyun can’t muster up enough will to stay awake or fight it. Doesn’t want to. It’s what happens when he tries to shut everything out, he shuts down.
Memories of cold, unwanted warmth, slime everywhere, in everything.
Memories blur. Senses blur. Kihyun blurs.
When he comes to the world is spinning. Everything aches yet again. He’s surrounded by a warmth, a jacket. Not his. He recognizes the space, the sound of nails filing and groans from his own lips when he sits up. Shuffling from his friends around him, each sporting looks, moans, groans, hisses, and bruises. He matches them when he gets a particularly hard knock against his head. It’s meant to hurt, everything with her is always just a little rough, always serious.
“What the fuck were you thinking coming back here? One of my guys almost lost a finger prying your ass out their territory.”
Jaewon’s voice settles in like scratch. As a savior it’s not very soothing, as a friend it’s probably as soft as it gets. He takes what he can get, slipping arms through the jacket and letting the cold material hug aching skin.
“Not my fault.”
“If you’re going to be a brat I can put you right back out, I’ve got no business keeping you here.”
“Don’t know why you brought me here anyway.”
“There’s certain shit I’d rather not see or hear of happening.” They’re not talking of his death, not so harshly, not in enough words. They’re talking about things a little worse, things that hold in the body into death. Kihyun tries not to shudder at that, tries to hold all that itch inside, all that vomit. He frowns instead and nods.
“Yeah, sorry.”
“Get out.”
And he does. He and his friends. They stumble out of Busan, a little slow and a little shaken.
Kihyun feels the burn under the bandages like a second skin adrenaline peeking out in goosebumps. When they’re on the train and they ask him if he’s okay he buzzes out a smile and a few curse words and everything’s all right.
He doesn’t search for definitions right now, just warmth in a jacket and a shoulder. He doesn’t search for reasoning or comfort of his own body, just the surroundings. He’ll sleep the whole way back and question later.
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nellpire · 7 years
[070326] YTN Star - Star Today interview (translation)
Nell: Hello, YTN Star 'Star Today' viewers, we are Nell.
Modern rock band Nell, who make music with conviction and receive love for their own distinctive atmosphere. Shall we go meet their sincere music and healing power? A gloomy school atmosphere. Going in, we can see broken windows and the atmosphere is serious. What could Nell be up to here?
Q: What is the reason for filming in an abandoned school? Junghoon: We came to see if we could encounter spirits of high school girls. We even brought a psychic with us, and... actually, we came to record our new music video. I'm sorry. Jongwan: It wasn't funny. We apologize. Junghoon: The song is 'Cure', and it's the third music video from Healing Process.
It's a song that heals all by itself. The members have focused only on music for a long time and are continuing to create their own unique sound. Q: Your album is receiving quite a bit of popularity. Jongwan: I don't know the criteria for the expression 'making it', but seeing it as we're not living too pitifully, it's okay with the four of us.
Jongwan is sitting over by the side with headphones on his head, but we're not sure if he's listening to music. Q: The props are a bit unusual. Jongwan: I asked them to prepare a slightly vintage pair of headphones, so they found these somewhere and got them for me. Headphones these days look so hightech. I think that would suit Kim Jeonghwa well, but since I don't do well with cyber stuff... 
The battle between techno and vintage! 'Cure' has the power to suddenly pull you into the song. But what is it that Nell wants to cure? Q: So about what you are curing... Jongwan: It's like side effects of plastic surgery. We wrote this song to comfort the people who fall into a deep depression after winning #1 on the lottery but wasted their entire fortune. Q: Do those kinds of things appear in the lyrics? Jongwan: It'd be weird if they did. It's such a serious song that if the word 'lottery' appeared it'd just be weird, so we did our best to express it metaphorically. 
Jung Jaewon seems excited. Q: What's your concept? Jaewon: Blowing in the wind... enchanting... 
We walk past the self-proclaimed enchanting Jung Jaewon and meet Lee Jaekyung. He seems to be in the middle of preparing for a serious shot. Finally, recording begins. However, his face is not visible; only his fur scarf is blowing in the wind. You're working hard at posing and shakily holding your guitar, but Lee Jaekyung, we heard you were very upset about not showing up on the video? Jaekyung: I waited for a long time and finally came out, but they're telling me my face isn't showing, so I'm disappointed. I have to at least try and look cool.
Q: The shooting concept is really interesting... Jongwan: The song itself isn't a simple one, so I think it matches the atmosphere of the song very well. We're also thinking we could do concerts in a similar way. 
Nell's concert back in January sold out in 2 minutes. Must be an unusual feeling, right? Q: Your sell-out record must feel really unusual... Jongwan: We do music because we like it, but it's hard for us to get to do what we want. It's really a blessing that there are so many people who like it when we do the things we like. We're thankful... 
The third album, Healing Process, received great reviews for its cool songs. But isn't there something else you want to be acknowledged for? Q: Don't you want to be acknowledged for your appearance? Jongwan: Rather than wanting to be acknowledged, we just don't want to be cursed for it. But since this is the body my parents gave me, I'm satisfied with what I have.
Q: The most popular member is... Junghoon: Every time the fans scream for Jaekyung, I feel like my ears are going to rip apart. Jaekyung: I don't talk a lot on stage. I watch my words for fun. I think that's why they scream for me... Jongwan: Because they're suffering from the insincere broadcast culture... Jongwan: When we have a chat in the waiting room, Jaekyung does the camera test by himself... Jongwan: Isn't it tiring? 
Nell's atmosphere is this good. But not too long ago, Kim Jeonghwa caused division in the team. Shall we hear the full story of that incident? Jongwan: When we were young, when Kim Jonghwa debuted, Jaewon really liked her. One day when we were having burgers, Junghoon suddenly said she's really pretty and he liked her too, so Jaewon started frothing at the mouth, spit his hamburger out and started cursing. So at that moment we realized 'oh, he really likes her... this must be what true love is like...' So now we have a picture of Kim Jeonghwa hanging on the wall of our practice room. Q: Please say a few words to Kim Jeonghwa. Jaewon: Kim Jeonghwa, I still like you. 
The cute brats of the music industry, Epik High, keep bragging that you're from the same company and are really close. Q: Are Epik High your hyungs or your dongsaengs? Jaewon: Tablo is the same age as us, the other two are younger. But they have something to say to DJ Tukutz! Jongwan: DJ Tukutz, please treat us as hyungs. It's okay to use informal speech, but we wish you wouldn't curse us. 
Q: And to the viewers..? Jongwan: Thank you for coming to our music video shoot. We will work hard to bring you better music and better performances in the future. Bye.
Dreaming of sympathy through music! The musical healers that stroke our hearts, Nell. We'll look forward to your future activities and music~
Feel free to use, but please credit Nellpire.
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