#ch: gabe
syndeticism · 1 year
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Kiss attack!
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davetada · 17 days
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Gabe and his leica iiic
Pacific Palisades, CA
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clonehighdoublehelix · 9 months
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dumb clone jokes 2024
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emersonfreepress · 2 years
While it doesn’t seem completely unlikely for Gabe to have struck a deal with New Kid afterwards, no way would they have received social access in exchange. It couldn’t be that fucking easy 🤨
Though considering it would be very easy to New Kid to incriminate themselves if they decided to tell, what reason would he have in the first place?
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connabeth · 9 months
The first two episodes were wonderful and I really enjoyed the imagery and cinematography along with how every actor embodied the character but here are things I will complain about because I can:
1. I don’t want to see R*ck in it, why did they have to show his face…
2. Sally Jackson still just seems like a Random White Woman™️ to me. The acting was good but something just isn’t clicking for me. Also…the way she was a hardass on grover…i did not like it.
3. WHY WAS THERE BARELY ANY ANNABETH?? my girl is the star of the show!!! she’s supposed to be the one to show percy around camp and have that funny banter where he asks her questions and she answers all of them without answering at all, leaving him more confused than he was before. that was the best part of the intro chapters imo. WHY DID CH*RON TAKE HER PLACE???
3a. the full shot of a little percy standing next to chiron’s absolute wagon while walking into the hermes cabin still absolutely sends me 😭😭. it ALMOST makes up for a lack of annabeth
4. why was annabeth just hovering there in the infirmary and not nursing him like she did in the book😭 they rly made her stalk him instead of just being the person who introduced him to everything. in the book, he was already taking mythology lessons with annabeth by the time the quest came around. she didn’t feel quite as integrated into the narrative as she should’ve been. i did love how blunt she was though. she’s many things, but apparently a liar isn’t one of them.
5. clarisse didn’t call him prissy
6. why was smelly gabe so…sanitized. he’s a loser who doesn’t treat them well but his depiction also doesn’t live up to the abusive pos he really is. the interactions with him didn’t have the same gravity as they did in the books, they just seemed too lighthearted…he also should’ve looked greasier. i know abuse comes in many forms and doesn’t always reveal itself right away but he was a lot more of a pushover than i would expect him to be if sally stood up for herself
7. the plot about the hellhound that sets up luke as the traitor…simply vanishing. annabeth shoving percy’s ass into the water to figure out he can heal was funny though. would’ve been cooler if it healed a giant hellhound claw mark rather than a nick
8. percy doing some half-assed flossing on a rock alone while waiting to be maimed during capture the flag, not knowing who his dad is or if he’ll ever get his mom back is so fucking funny in the most miserably way but also…why is he a fortnite kid, this is supposed to be 2006 😭. the implication that annabeth is standing there silently watching him almost makes up for it. i can’t imagine what was going through her mind…like girl that’s your future husband good luck
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rivaldreamer · 30 days
House of Malignant - CH 1
Crossover between House of Wax & Malignant
What happens when one pair of conjoined twins meet another?~
Madison sighed, leaned over the opened hood of her car and inspecting the smoking engine.
“There’s no fixing that…” Gabriel’s voice buzzed from her phone sat beside her.
“Not now Gabriel…” she muttered, leaning over to get a closer look.
“You should have pulled over an hour ago when I told you.”
“And since when were you the car expert?”
“It doesn’t take a genius to hear that engine begging to be put out of its misery…”
Madison groaned, slamming her head against the hood.
“Sorry…” she rubbed her forehead and by proxy the back of Gabriel’s head.
“Come on, Gabe,” Sydney spoke up, stepping out of the car with a bottle of water, “it’s not like we could have just stopped, we’re in the middle of nowhere.”
That’s true, stopping your car in the middle of nowhere is one thing. Stopping it in the middle of nowhere when you were a bunch of wanted criminals was another.
It had been several months since Gabriel’s awakening and the ensuing bloodbath that followed as they took revenge on those who wronged them and cut down anyone who stood in their way.
Madison had regained her control over them, stopping their rampage, about to seal them away once again. But her twin, practically wailed in fear at the thought of being trapped in the darkness again, cold and alone.
Madison couldn’t find it within her to hate them despite everything they had done. They were still their sibling, their twin and literally a part of them. Gabriel didn’t ask to be born this way and they certainly didn’t ask to be mutilated and cut up like a tumor. So, here they were, on the run, sticking to the remote country roads where no one would find or recognize them.
Madison told Sydney she didn’t have to come along, that this blood was not on her hands. She could continue to live a normal life. But Sydney refused, insisting on coming with them. It was actually Sydney that formulated their plan for life on the run; picking the remote routes to take, getting them burner phones even pulling all nighters to drive them across state lines.
As much as Madison didn’t want Sydney sacrificing her future for their sake, she couldn’t deny the help Sydney’s been.
Sydney turned up, hand to shielding her eyes from the blazing sun.
“We probably picked a bad time to drive through these parts though.”
Indeed, the Louisiana heat was unforgiving in the summer. Madison had changed into a black tank top and tied her hair into a bun, as no doubt the heat would be getting to Gabriel as well.
As Madison went back to looking over the engine in vain, Gabriel eyed Sydney chugging down her water, the blonde taking notice.
“What’s up Gabe?”
“Give me some of that,” they ordered bluntly.
But Sydney took no offense. “Oh I’m sorry Gabe, you thirsty?”
She went and retrieved a straw from their things, coming back and delicately pushing away the strands of hair in order to allow Gabriel to drink from the bottle.
That was another new development, Sydney overly doting over Gabriel. Despite everything, and especially despite them trying to kill her, Sydney still tried to make an effort for them. Madison didn’t know what Gabriel felt about the constant coddling but they hadn’t voiced complaints, and for Gabriel that’s saying a lot. Gabriel didn’t sugarcoat things, if they had an opinion, they’d say it. They were about as blunt a rock being bashed against your head.
After Gabriel had finished drinking, Madison slammed the hood with a defeated sigh. “Welp… we’re not going anywhere…”
“We’re especially not going anywhere in the middle of nowhere…”
Sydney sighed, closing the cap on the bottle. “According to the map, the next town is still 5 miles away. And I specifically picked this route because it’s the most remote and longest, meaning most people will definitely not drive down this way.”
“So what? Do you expect us to start walking?”
“Oh please, like you’re gonna be doing any work,” Sydney smirked, lightly jabbing Gabriel.
Gabriel let out an annoyed grumble, making Madison chuckle.
“Okay you two, settle down,” she crossed her arms, “we still have a lot of food and water packed with us. We could camp here for, give or take a couple of days, see if any cars drive by during that time.”
“And when no cars pass by? Then what?”
Madison smirked. “Then you can start pulling your weight and start walking.”
Sydney laughed as Gabriel caused the static to kick up and screech from the phone, clearly annoyed.
“I will walk us both into traffic!”
“Sure you will,” Sydney giggled, patting Gabriel’s forehead.
“Don’t chastise me brat!”
Madison shook her head, smiling to herself as her siblings bickered behind her.
It was then, she heard something.
“Hey guys…” she called, getting their attention, “can you hear a-?”
“An engine!” Sydney exclaimed, dashing to the other side of the car.
Sure enough, driving down the highway road, approaching them at a leisurely pace, was a beat up old truck.
“Looks like we didn’t have to wait long at all!”
Madison jogged over to Sydney, grabbing her phone and apologizing to Gabriel as she had to let down her hair in order to hide them.
The girls wasted no them flagging the truck down, the car pulling up beside theirs.
Out of the driver’s side popped a scruffy, filthy looking man, eyeing the girls over with a toothy grin.
“Well I’ll be, what’s two purdy ladies like you’s doin’ out in a place like this?” He asked, his southern accent heavy.
Sydney stepped forward, always the more social one. “Hi, uh- sorry… we’re having car trouble, the damn piece of junk broke down on us. Can you give us a ride? We have money, we’ll pay you for your troubles.”
The man tipped his cap. “Hey, it’s no worries, my brother, Bo, he got a mechanic shop in town. He can get ya fixed right up.”
“Really? Are you sure it’s no trouble?”
“Eyy it’s no problem, just headin’ down that ways myself,” he waved his hand dismissively, scratching the back of his head.
Sydney smiled. “Thank you so much, you’re a real life saver!” She was about to turn, “oh wait-… I uh- didn’t get your name?”
The man grinned, a wide toothy smile. “The name’s Lester little lady.”
Sydney gave a soft smile, nodding. “Nice to meet you, Lester.”
Just as Sydney was about to run off to grab her things, Madison caught her arm. “Wait Sydney…” she lowered her voice, “are we just going to hop on a car with this guy? He seems a bit… shady.”
Sydney frowned. “Maddie we don’t have a lot of options right now, and also it’s not nice to judge someone based off appearances. Besides…” she nudged Madison playfully, “I’m not scared, I got my 2 in 1 guard dog with me.”
“You’re delusional if you think I’ll be bothered saving your ass,” Gabriel muttered, voice low so as to not be heard by the truck driver.
Sydney ran off, calling over her shoulder; “You know you love me!”
Madison shook her head, smiling as she followed after her sister.
As Madison leaned into the passenger seat, collecting her things into her backpack, Gabriel’s voice buzzed over the phone.
“Get my dagger…”
Madison blinked. “What…?”
“I have a bad feeling. Just take it. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”
Madison didn’t think long on it, since she too had a bad feeling. Opening the glove compartment, out fell Gabriel’ signature dagger, make-shifted from the trophy Dr Weaver earned from the research and suffering subjected onto them.
She quickly shoved the weapon into her bag.
In no time, they were piling into the truck. Sydney hopped in first but Madison hesitated upon seeing the interior of the truck. It was as worn down and rusted as the rest of it, with various suspicious looking stains, torn seat cushions, strings of bones, shells and feathers hanging from the dashboard and if the smell outside was bad, the inside was another story. Imagine a bunch of animals squeezing into a clown car and dying at once, that was the best way to describe it.
Sydney was well aware but being the ever polite and friendly one, she made a face Madison’s way, a face that said; ‘Yes, I know just please bare with me and don’t make a big deal out of it.’
Madison sighed, hauling herself up. She could practically feel Gabriel squirming in the back of her head. Even they were bothered by the smell.
The truck then took off, driving down the road.
“I gave you’s mah’ name, but I don’t thinks I got yours…?” Lester asked nonchalantly, trying to start conversation.
“Oh uh…” Sydney and Madison exchanged a look. They couldn’t give their real names they were in hiding after all.
“You can call me…Sunny, and this…uh…is my sister…Emily!”
Madison felt a wave of smugness from Gabriel and she had to cover her mouth to hide her smile.
“So, what you ladies doin’ around these parts?”
“Oh,” Sydney perked up, “ya know, just a road trip with us gals, driving around parts of the country unexplored. Really, though, we were real lucky when you drove down this way. I thought this whole route was remote and empty.”
Lester grinned over at her, posture relaxed, one arm on the steering wheel and the other resting on the window. “Ain’t no luck about it, I work around these here parts.”
“Oh? What’s your job?” Sydney asked, genuinely interested.
Lester stuck a thumb over his shoulder. “That’ back there.”
The girls turned and Madison felt like she was gonna throw up. So that’s where that smell was coming from.
In the back of the truck was a rotting deer carcass.
Madison slapped a hand over her mouth, her face going pale, nausea traveling over to Gabriel who, with all the commotion and out of curiosity, peeked through her tresses of hair and saw what had upset her. Lo and behold, both May twins became nauseous.
“Maddie, are you okay?” Sydney asked, concerned.
“No-…they-…I-!” She aggressively pointed to the back of her head then to her mouth.
Sydney quickly rummaged in her bag while Lester looked on, confused and a bit concerned. “Ya’r sister doin’ okay there?”
“Yeah! Just-… a weak stomach!” Sydney carelessly dumped the contents of her toiletry bag, handing the empty item to Madison who wasted no time emptying out the contents of her stomach into it.
Gabriel didn’t really need to eat, sustaining themself on whatever nutrients Madison took in. Sadly, that also applies to expelling nutrients.
Madison could feel the waves of guilt wash over from Gabriel’s side at putting her through this.
Sydney rubbed her back, surreptitiously patting the back of her head as well to give Gabriel comfort.
Lester furrowed his brow at them, pulling over by the side of the road but when Madison went to open the door, she found there was no handle.
“Sorry, thin’ fell off a while ago. Here, lemme get that for ya’…” he hopped out of the truck, walking to the other side and opening it for them.
Madison practically leaped from the car, gaining distance in order to communicate with Gabriel without rousing suspicion. She hunched over, gasping and wheezing. “Gabriel… what the hell? Of all things, I didn’t expect you to be phased by rotting animals…”
“I don’t kill animals…” Gabriel huffed, “they’re better than people anyway…”
you got me there…”
Sydney hopped out of the car, sheepishly looking over at Lester who stood by with his hands in his jacket pockets. “I’m so sorry about all the trouble…”
“Ain’t nothin’ to worry about missy’,” he waved her off, “seems like yu’r sister can’t handle a little bit of roadkill.”
Sydney perked up. “Roadkill…? You mean… you didn’t kill it?”
Lester let out a laugh, shaking his head. “No! Whatchu’ take me for? That right there’s mah job, I go around collecting roadkill offa’ the roads.”
“Huh…” Sydney looked down, “I didn’t realize that was a job…how long you been doing it for?”
Lester seemed taken aback by the genuine interest in his work. “Well uh…” he cleared his throat, “picked it up while back when’s I was still a teen. Ya don’t need no special trainin’ to be doin’ the work. Money was tight around the home so I’d figured I pull mah’ weight around and help out likes mah’ brothers .”
Sydney frowned. “And you’ve just been doing it ever since?”
“Well… mah’ brothers still be livin’ in our hometown and I cant’s just leave em’. They… still need mah’ help…” he trailed off.
There was a distant look in Lester’s eyes.
Sydney frowned, reaching over and setting a hand on Lester’s shoulder.
Lester jumped at the contact, not expecting it, looking at her with wide eyes.
Sydney smiled, eyes soft and caring. “I think it’s sweet you want to stick around for your brothers.”
Lester’s face went red, quickly turning away and clearing his throat. “W-well- thank’s you very much!”
Sydney recoiled back, her own face turning red at realizing how close she’d gotten to him.
“Uh…you just work by yourself-? Y-your job I mean!” She stuttered , trying to change the subject.
Lester immediately nodded, suddenly too shy to make eye contact with her. “Y-yeah! Just long hours patrolin’ the roads around these parts…” he scratched at his neck.
Sydney chuckled awkwardly. “And I thought I had it rough with my job…”
“O-oh? What d’ya do?”
Sydney’s face got even redder, shaking her head. “It’s-…it’s really stupid really…”
Lester finally looked back over to her, giving a goofy grin. “Ey no worries, I ain’t one tah’ judge.”
Sydney gave an embarrassed smile.
“I…dress up as a princess…and go to kids birthday parties…”
Lester stared at her long and hard before he burst out laughing.
Sydney looked offended, swatting at him playfully. “Hey! You said you wouldn’t judge!”
“Sorry! Sorry!” Lester wiped a tear from his eye, snorting, “that just ain’t what I was expectin’ at all…”
Sydney crossed her arms, pouting.
As Lester settled down from his laughing fit, he grinned her way. “I wouldn’t mind seein’ ya all dolled up, little princess…”
She perked up, turning to him with wide eyes and a blushing face.
Lester realized what he had said, becoming awkward as he tried to back step. “I-I mean-! I think you’d look real nice-! …B-b-bein’ a princess and all!”
“Uh…th-thanks…” Sydney was finding it really hard to make eye contact right now.
“A-anyways! Ya shud’ probably go check on ya’r sister over there!” Lester was literally pulling his cap over his burning face by this point.
Sydney nodded dumbly. “Y-yeah! Right! I should do that!”
As Sydney ran off to Madison’s hunched over form, putting a hand on their back and checking on them, Lester watched the girls from a distance.
None of them noticed the guilty look in his eye…
(I know, I know, I’m sorry that the Sinclair Twins didn’t show up in this chapter. I just started writing an opening and I was worried that it was too long. But I hope you guys did still enjoy the appetizer and stick around for the main course 🙂)
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tendebill · 1 year
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drew the ow strike team as paladins of voltron, because i am normal about them :]
(2 other versions and a fucking essay below the cut!)
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ok so im gonna give my reasoning for each of them
Reinhardt - the easierst to pick, the Yellow Lion is the most tank-like (besides the Black Lion, but thats cuz Black is the head + torso), also i think the legs of voltron are supposed to be the "pillars" that allow the team to work well, without them the whole thing crumbles (literally). from what i recall from the actual show, the Yellow Paladin is protective and loyal. Rein was the easiest to match up tbh (plus even the color fits lol)
Torbjörn - not my favourite choice, but tbh i dont think any other lion fits him? besides maybe Yellow, but Rein was too perfect so i couldnt give Torb that one. anyway, the Green Lion is the left hand. i consider the legs to be the "pillars" holding up the team, whereas the arms are the actual damage-dealers/the ones that act on what the leader commands. and as Torb is a dps, that fits just fine. hes not quite a leader, so being the left hand instead of the right is good. plus the Green Lion is inquisitive and curious, and since Torb is a genius, that fits just fine too. i thought he would look weird with green, since i associate him with red-orange-yellow the most, but he looks kinda nice
Ana - i was originally gonna make her blue from the get-go, but i thought it'd be silly to make the remaining three switch lions a bunch, so i can get an excuse to draw Gabe and Jack in multiple suits lmao. but Ana starts out as red, the right hand of Voltron, described as the most temperamental and aggressive. it requires a paladin that can keep up with it and works on instinct most of the time. i feel like Ana would have to BECOME the motherly figure for her team, instead of being one from the start. with that i think she would have been a more "lone wolf" type at first, only later on becoming more mindful of her teammates and how much they need her, which would lead to her becoming the paladin of the Blue Lion - a pillar that keeps the team going along with Rein, a vital part, but no longer in a leadership position. i've seen the Blue Lion described as a "free spirit" too, which i think is also perfect for her :3
Jack - for him i had three options, all of which fit him well: blue, red and black. and instead of picking one, i decided he was going to have three different lions :))) for shits and giggles. so he starts out as blue, a free spirit, very versitile (from what i gathered, the Blue Lion doesn't have a specific "thing" it specilizes in, but instead does a little bit of everything, kinda like Jack). i imagine Jack was the middle-man, an integral part of team-building. he would have been the one to push everyone to work together and follow Gabe's lead, but he was content being on the sidelines most of the time. eventually he takes up more responsibility, sees that he's vital for the team and that he can do more working side by side with Gabe, and so he becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Gabe's right hand man. then he of course slowly grows to be the actual leader, as Gabe's approach changes and he slowly abandons his original role, passing the command over to Jack. and so Jack's last lion is the Black Lion. also i feel like all three lions fit Jack's color scheme pretty well, so that's another win for me hah
Gabe - since he was the original Strike Commander, i thought it only natural that he would be the first to pilot the Black Lion. the pilot needs to be decisive, stay cool in the face of danger and be someone whose men will follow him into battle with no hesitation - all traits that i see Gabriel would have had to have during the first Omnic Crisis. like i mentioned before, Jack eventually becomes his second in command, and then slowly their roles start to shift. Gabe is no longer content in making decisions for the whole team, he probably also becomes more violent and reckless, relying on Jack to keep him in check. he loses his connection with the Black Lion and becomes the paladin of the Red Lion, Jack's right hand man. the traits of Red fit him well too - aggressive, relies on instinct, temperamental, plus i imagine Gabe is the type to want to get things done as quickly as possible, no matter the risk, to save more people faster. plus, again, the colors match up yaaaay!
fun fact: i never finished watching voltron ^^
also i am truthing anahardt and reaper76 as we speak
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CFWC F/AotW - Mar 24 - 30, 2024
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✒️ = Fanfic | 📱= Text Fics/Edits | 🎨 = Fanart Ⓜ️ = Mature Content 18+ | 🔥 = Explicit/NSFW 18+ 🏳️‍🌈 = LGBTQIA
Bianca Sandoval x MC Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms
Birth ✒️| Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC - @petalouda85
Blades MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈 by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd
I Trusted You 🎨| Aerin Valleros x F!human!MC - @erixadraws
Tyril Starfury x F!human!MC Fanart 🎨 by @lilyoffandoms for @petalouda85
Be An Amazing Mother ✒️| Adrian Raines x MC - @stanathanxoox
Gaius Augustine Fanart 🎨by @gaiuskamilah
Kamilah Sayeed Fanart 🎨 by @gaiuskamilah
Gridlocked ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
Hidden Romance ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @storyofmychoices
Home ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @thosehallowedhalls
Lofi Beats To Supress Your Anxiety To ✒️| m!Trystan Thorne x F!MC - @inlocusmads
So Was it Honestly the Best? ✒️🏳️‍🌈| m!Trystan Thorne x MC - @choices-ceri
Incident in the Ghostland (Chapter 8) ✒️Ⓜ️| Cassius Harlow x Gabe Adalhard - @dreamscapingsblog
Andy Kang Fanart 🎨 by @artbyalz
Noah Marshall Fanart 🎨by @payroo
Noah Marshall x MC Fanart 🎨🏳️‍🌈by @payroo
Peacock Princess ✒️| Nik Ryder x F!MC - @ladylamrian
Complete Open Heart F/AotW List
Main Characters Fanart 🎨by @lilyoffandoms
Thomas Hunt x F!OC Fanart 🎨by @/artbyainna (IG) (C: @storyofmychoices)
The DeFacto Queen (Series) ✒️Ⓜ️| Liam Rys x MC, Drake Walker x MC - @angelasscribbles Chapter 5: Come Together
Capitulo 3: Adios New York ✒️| Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77
Capitulo 4: Bienvenidos a Cordonia ✒️| Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77
Capitulo 5: Noche Especial✒️| Liam Rys x F!MC - @belencha77
Once Upon a Time, Book 1. Ch. 1 (Part 7) ✒️| Liam Rys, Drake Walker, etc. - @fadingreveries
Close Call ✒️| Troy Hassan x F!MC - @dutifullynuttywitch
Bloodbound/Open Heart
Immortal Desires / Open Heart
The Meeting ✒️| Original Characters - @ezekielbhandarivalleros
Immortal Desires/Murder at Homecoming
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 4 ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 5 ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
Murder at Homecoming: Harlow Part 6 - Finale ✒️| Cassius Harlow x MaH F!MC - @korgbelmont
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feralstemgirl · 20 days
When do you think you’ll be able to update Rewoven? If it’s not an abandoned fic that is
It’s not, I swear!!! I’m just a slow updater and the Storm Saga turned out to be a lotttttt longer than I’d anticipated. I’m actually considering splitting it into two or three chapters when I’d originally only planned for 1.
Honestly I’m not sure when the next update will be. I tend to write non-linearly, so I have several chunks of each potential chapter fully written and other parts have only been storyboarded. I have Keep Your Friends Closer & Storm almost fully written but still a ton to write for Luck Runs Out. Once I get Luck Runs Out done, I’ll probably post an estimated update date since after that I’ll just need to do final edits and have my beta to look it over.
To help tide ya over, here’s a tiny snippet (that still might end up scrapped or seriously reworked since I’m still actively working on it) from early on in ch. 4:
“Good job, kid,” Eury says as they finish setting up the tent. “That’s the last one.” 
Percy shyly smiles up at him. “Now what?” he asks. 
He’s never gotten to go camping before. Mom always said they’d go when he was older, and Smelly Gabe always complained about him and Mom going to Montauk, there’s no way he’d be okay with them leaving for another weekend (and there was no way Percy was giving up Montauk for camping, even if it did sound fun). 
Well, now Percy gets to go camping (even if he does miss his Mom lots, but at least everyone here [Ody and his crew] has been really nice to him, which is much better than Smelly Gabe). Eury even taught him how to set up the tents
“Now, we go and find the Captain,” Eury says. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving, and I’m sure he is too.” 
Percy nods. He is hungry. (And tired. Even though he slept earlier on the boat, he’s still super tired).
Without thinking, he reaches for [to hold/grab] Eury’s hand.
[Eury doesn’t react at first and Percy is about to yank his hand back and apologize when Eury finally returns the grip] <- kind of awkward, should I try and rewrite or should I just freeze it and not have Percy notice Eurylochus was surprised by it?
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nanuk-dain · 1 month
First Line Analysis
Rules: post the first lines of up to 10 of your last fics/chapters posted on AO3 or your WIPs and try to draw some conclusions.
Oh, that's interesting. I've never thought about that... Thank you so much @gorgeousundertow for the tag <3
1 - Mike keeps the 50-cal directed at the field to the right of the victor where numerous distant shapes in desert cammies and woodland flak vests are progressing at a slow pace. (From The World's Smallest Book Club Ch 33)
Okay, so we learn who the narrator is, that it's a military setting and that something is happening, but we don't know what. Those who know Generation Kill will also probably be able to place the scene even with the little intel we have.
2 - Gabe wakes because something is tickling his nose, and the first thing he realises is that he's lying on his ratty couch with his feet dangling over one side. (From Nocturnal Revelations)
What I like about this is that we're wondering what the reason for the tickling is, and we immediately know it's a civilian setting - two things that make it interesting to read on.
3 - "Ah, Ray... Is that Brad dragging the LT?" Ray looks up curiously at the sound of Walt's voice, because it's an interesting mixture of incredulous and concerned. (From Unit Ch 113)
One of the few times I start with direct speech, it seems. And the question itself is so unusual that I think it gets the reader curious right away, while we also know that it's Ray's POV and he's talking about Brad and Nate to Walt who's obviously having a hard time believing what he's seeing. I think that sets up the scene enough to draw the reader in, which is what I was going for.
4 - When Tim opens his eyes, the first thing he notices is that his head hurts, followed by staring up into a familiar face hovering over his own. (From Confluence Ch 1)
We end up smack in the middle of the situation here, and all we know is that it's Tim's POV and that something happened that apparently made him pass out and left him with a head that hurts. Enough to pique your interest, right? ^_^ This is in fact a collab with @mac-and-geese, but I think I can use it since I was the one who wrote the start of our fic.
5 - When Michael 'Budweiser' Brunmeier enlists in the Marine Corps, he knows that he's not straight, and he's okay with that. (From Origins Ch 1)
This time it's again setting just enough of the scene to make you curious. Just one sentence, but we already know there's going to be issues because being in the Marine Corps and not being straight at that time set you on a path of conflict with DADT.
6 - Sleeping in a tactical huddle is not gay. Chaffin knows that. It's a fact. Everybody in the entire military - no matter which branch - knows that. (From Tactical Huddle)
Okay, I notice a pattern here, because it's basically the same general issue set up here as in the fic before. Military, gay, DADT. Except that apparently our MC isn't nearly as okay with it as Budweiser XD
7 - Evan has no idea how it even happened. Because he's not fucking gay, and neither is John. (From Screwing Boundaries Ch 1)
Huh, again with the gay conflict, with just enough intel to get the readers curious. And again the scene's not set much beyond that we know who's talking and what the general issue is. I seem to do that a lot O_o
8 - Brad looks around and can't help feeling out of place. (From Welcome Home)
Oh, finally something a little different XD But again we only know who the narrator is and that something's up. Considering that Brad is rarely feeling out of place, that triggers the urge to know what situation he's in that he does feel out of place.
9 - When Rich returns to his victor after his tour around the perimeter of Alpha's watch posts, the firefights outside the walls of the cigarette factory are still going strong. (From Reassurance)
Okay, yeah, I definitely like leaving people with just enough intel to get curious. This is probably one of the more detailled settings of the situation, and again people who know Generation Kill will know from that sentence alone where we are and what the situation is.
10 - "The former patient rooms will do nicely as accommodation." Brad reports to Lieutenant Fick when they're walking towards the entrance to the large room that has been ransacked to bareness and where the men of Bravo Two are setting up camp. (From Sir)
Another first line that gives just enough intel to know where we are, whose POV we have and who is part of the scene. At least I have two fics that give a little more info than just a tease in the first sentence XD
Huh... So I guess I like throwing the reader smack in the middle of the situation while also making it clear right away whose POV we're experiencing. Seems I never start a fic/chapter with describing the setting, I just drop my main character into it and leave the reader to figure out what's going on alongside my MC. I never noticed I do that. And I'm not sure what to make of it, either XD And apparently I tend to try to create curiosity in the reader about what's going on, and give just enough of the setting to get you interested. That's kind of a common thread I noticed going over those first lines, and the funny thing is that I actually don't do that on purpose, it just happens...
Okay, since this was such an interesting experiment, I want to give the same opportunity to @anthrobrat, @mac-and-geese, @military-bluebells and @meganmoonlight. Have fun, my friends, and learn something about yourself and your writing ;D
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wordspinning · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
From Ch 49 of The Stars Incline Us - a Ellie-centric longfic which starts where Part 1 left off and ends with Ellie saving the world (or at least her little corner of it) — and finding out just how loved she is along the way.
Tagging in @march-flowerr @paigegonerogue @eedsknees @adhdprincess 💕
She allows a warm current of memories from what feels like another lifetime to overtake her. Nights in the workshop with Tommy, the smell of cedar and leather salve as she puts the last finishing touches on the gifts for under the tree. An early morning in the foothills in the spring, sitting atop a slab of sun-soaked redrock, dangling her feet off the edge as Joel gets the camp stove burning, shooting the breeze with him. Long, slow afternoons on the front porch with Joel and Tommy and Maria and Gabe when he was still so little Ellie could tuck him into the crook of one arm. It’s blustery and raining but the mug of rich chicory coffee in her hands is enough to chase away the chill. She can hear the creak of the porch swing and the little grunt of exasperation Joel gives in answer, because it won’t stop doing that no matter how many times he oils it—
She turns her face into his shoulder and loops her arms around his waist and hugs him hard, and he chuckles, but it’s soft and strained, and he tightens his arms around her when he feels the shudder of the tears in her chest.
“They’re okay, baby.”
We’re okay.
“I miss home,” she says.
“I know,” he answers, and there’s such weary sorrow in his voice that she instantly feels guilty.
She knows he’s been working so hard; they all have, but he’s been out earlier and back later than any of them, and he’s tired. She can read it in the lines of his face and the set of his shoulders and the way he moves a little more stiffly each day.
“Joel—” She doesn’t know how to tell him that she knows he’s doing everything he can, that it’s not his fault, that she’s not asking him to solve anything. That she just wants to miss it with him, for a moment. “I love you,” is what she settles on finally, and she hopes it’s enough.
“Love you more,” he says, and the embrace with which he answers her is as strong as it’s ever been, warm enough to soothe the ache beneath her ribs, at least momentarily.
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droumack · 1 month
OH OH OH ask game for but this is how it is and if that's already been asked, soft as it began! (or both! or another one!)
"or another one!" crying
soft as began it is!!! i literally re-read this last night because i'm a dork who re-reads my own fics so this is Phresh on my mind
my favorite scene is probably right after the bite where nate just keeps chanting "you're so dumb, you're so dumb." i love how teenaged their relationship is // that it's not just angst-ridden; we get to see how they are as Best Friends, not exes or guys who has a falling out or anything else. which i'm very fond of.
my fav chapter is ch. 4 :)
the hardest scene to write, if I'm remembering, was Jo's mental breakdown after the confrontation with mark at the bar. i remember having such a hard time crawling into the mindspace of being so horribly outed / the anxiety that would come with that in a pro sports setting. it's just not something i'll ever experience so it took a lot of brain mapping & inspiration-hunting to pin that scene down, and having everyone behave in a somewhat-believable way.
favorite character to write wasssssss (outside of nate or jo) tyson. i miss tbear. i loved him.
favorite dynamic is a split between nate/the other wolves and jo/ej. i'm so smitten with the concept of jo being as entrenched in the Avs org as Nate.
THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE TITLES!!! as i mentioned it's from The Weary Blues, but i think the line "the poem ends, soft as it began--i loved my friend" captures the entire essence of the fic. the fic is literally just jo loving nate; that's how it starts, that's how it ends.
a fun fact about the fic is that i pulled almost all of the ideas for it while in public. like, i was possessed by inspiration in a CVS, hence the CVS scene. the wolf-run was inspired by one of my own running routes. etc etc etc.
oh and also tyson and gabe are definitely fucking the whole time idk if you picked up on that
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clonehighdoublehelix · 11 months
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Gabe changed the name given by his Clone-father (what a trendsetter!) and is the charismatic class-president. Everyone wants him but he’s attached to his soft-spoken He/They boyfriend, Jack.
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Darcy has maintained faith that ‘the voices’ will come if she’s patient and righteous. She runs a poorly attended Bible-study club.
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Patty is big, beautiful and unafraid to pair comfort with style. She doesn’t always register when people are teasing her and likes it that way!
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CJ is… managing. It’s not easy being the vanity clone of Principal Scudworth and puberty has hit him like a ton of bricks. Someone give this kid a break!
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angie-j-kay · 6 months
I have spent today laying out Chapter 6, and now I'm working on Chapter 7. Here, have a Ch. 7 summary!
Chapter 7
Gabe Nelson is no longer a police officer. He knew the risks when he refused to let his boss arrest an innocent woman, and he chose honesty over the police force. But Tracey Rutledge did not murder Jonas Alderman, and she is not a drug addict, and now that the FBI knows that, Chief Perkins cannot touch her.
The problem is that Tracey, after discovering that the murder victim had been visiting Southern Illinois and begging Gabe not to pursue the investigation anymore, has just vanished. And Doctor Alderman's killer is still very much on the loose, in a murder case that just keeps getting stranger and stranger.
Now Gabe, FBI Agent Beth Larson, and Doctor Miles Pertwee have to figure out why Tracey was so terrified of Franklin County, and what could have made her disappear from a locked apartment.
What You Cast Out: A Tale From Little Egypt (Novel Masterpost)
If you'd like to join the taglist, let me know!
The current taglist: @wedgie-of-destiny, @nightacquainted, @storminmywake, @brokenandlonelysouls, @tattur, @theamazingchickenman, @solstice-muse-collective, @axl-ul, @tucsonhorse
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cherries-in-wine · 6 months
so uh....what the fuck just happened.
Spoiler warning for immortal desires book 2 ch 7
Having Cas be all vulnerable when telling their back story and a smut scene with Gabe in the same chapter is WILD.
Makes me feel very gulululululu like i can't explain it's so messy but the drama's gonna be awesome 💯💯💯
Im gonna be so pissed if they make us pick only one of them or end the book on a "guyssss I can't choose between you two womp womp 💔💔💔" like stfu cas and gabe I know how badly you want to fuck each other i love a romance where you don't know if they're gonna kill or kiss each other like YES keep me guessing please.
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aces-and-angels · 8 months
Title- Prelude: Martin's Rise
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edit by: @saibug1022
A/N: hello friends! the winds have carried me to a hyperfixation revolving around laws of attraction (and how to fix the mess that was book 2). ik the loa fanbase has a population of like... 4 lol, but i'm still excited to share this newest passion with yall- please enjoy the prelude for into the wind-verse: a loa book 2 rewrite 🖤🖤🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
Characters: Eli Byrne, Sadie McGraw, Reggie Whitman, Linda Phillips, Gabe Ricci, Martin Vanderweil, Wind Velez (OC by @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
Pairing(s): Martin x Wind
Summary: bonus scene set sometime during book 1, ch 16; Martin calls for an emergency meeting with the partners of McGraw Byrne.
Word Count: 1.3K
read below the cut or...
McGraw Byrne, 10:34 PM
The stillness of the firm gave Martin pause. It was a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle seen during normal office hours. Only silence met the incessant clicking from his fingers flying over the keyboard as he drafted up the last few contracts needed for his presentation. His eyes flicked over to the clock resting on his desk. Less than half an hour before the partners were set to arrive. 
Standing over the office printer, the machine whirred as it spewed out pages upon pages of his manic, caffeine-fueled work. This moment, brief as it was, was the first time he could take a breath all day. Even so, his mind couldn’t stop replaying the events that transpired- an unsettling feeling in his chest that he couldn’t shake since the senior partner meeting took place. Torturously heavy, sinking down to the deepest pit in his gut. He should be celebrating- drinking to the countless billable hours he put in to get appointed as McGraw Byrne’s newest junior partner. But instead, he was here, fixated on the tiny display screen atop the printer. 
Printing Page 45 of 194…
Coupled with the heaviness, a fire. Roaring flames that burned fiercely through him, ignited at the sight of his colleagues foolishly celebrating their ‘win’ over the infamous Sadie McGraw. Spilt liquor and joyous cheers for a job only half done. It made him sick. 
Then, there was Wind. They were the first to notice his escape from the booth- much to his surprise. Though, he’d be remiss not to acknowledge their uncanny levels of perceptiveness. Why they directed it at him at all was a marvel in its own right- something that inexplicably stirred something inside him.
His excuse for leaving was flimsy at best, but Wind met it with kind hazel eyes, crinkling ever so slightly with pure elation. It kept his feet rooted to the ground for one, fleeting moment before his mind took over once more, giving way to the inferno coursing through his veins. Wind was naïve. And he had a job to do.
Pulling the last of the pages from the printer, he started for the conference room, relieved to see that it was still empty. He made quick work setting up the room, laying out copies of his proposal at each seat. A faint echo of footsteps barreled through the halls, signaling the partners’ arrival. Martin had just enough time to fix his tie before the doors flew open. 
“Vanderweil, do you have any idea what time it is?” Eli addressed him first, his domineering tone straightening his back. 
“I’m aware, Mr. Byrne. But this was too important to leave for tomorrow morning.” 
Eli’s eyes narrowed, looking for a reason to chew him out further. Finding none, he gave a curt nod and motioned for Linda and Reggie to take their seats. “Well, on with it boy.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Byrne. Ms. Phillips, Mr. Whitman, thank you for being here as well,” he greeted, his voice steady and sure. “I’m sure it’s safe to say that we’re all shocked by how this morning’s senior partner meeting went.”
Reggie let out a brief chuckle. “Now, that’s an understatement. I had no idea Gabe would be capable of orchestrating something like that.” 
“I’m assuming there’s a correlation between that and Mr. Ricci’s absence at this meeting,” Linda added.
“Astute as ever, Ms. Phillips. Yes, Gabe’s conduct was… unconventional. It’s fitting that the nature of this meeting be that as well. I’ll get right to it- the firm’s vulnerable. Left to bleed out from a gaping wound at its side courtesy of Ricci and Velez.”
“Spare us from the theatrics, Mr. Vanderweil. My colleagues and I are well aware of our position. There better be more to this presentation,” Linda chastised. 
“There is,” he answered confidently.
“Then I’ll ask you again. Why did you summon us all here?” 
“We’re here so I can stop the bleeding.” Martin threw the manila folder he’d been clinging to since the start of the meeting onto the table, spreading out the files for everyone to see. “A signed NDA, amendments to the firm’s bylaws securing McGraw Byrne’s ownership of Sadie’s clients, and updated contracts for everyone in attendance at the senior partner meeting.” 
Reggie let out a low whistle. “You did all this in one evening?” 
Martin tipped his head in acknowledgement. “I get paid to be the best. And this is only a fraction of what I’m capable of, Mr. Whitman.” 
Eli skimmed through a copy of Sadie’s NDA, eyes widening as he reached the end of the document. “Sadie really agreed to sign this?”
“She agreed to my terms, with one contingency.”
“And what’s that?” 
Martin slid the phone over to Eli. “That you be the one to wire the money for her buyout directly. If you check the footnotes at the bottom, her agreement to this exchange is only good until midnight.” 
Eli sputtered. “Do you have any idea how money transfer works, Vanderweil? There’s no way I-”
“I’m aware, Mr. Byrne. Which is why I offered a compromise- your verbal confirmation that you’ll uphold the deal for her cooperation.” 
“She’s strong-arming us,” Reggie shook his head in disapproval.
“She’s using the last remaining card left in her hand,” Linda countered, glancing at the time displayed overhead. “You better start dialing, Eli. Our time is running out.” 
The call was brief. No exchanged pleasantries. No warm bid farewell. Only the bare essentials to secure Martin’s deal. The room fell silent after Eli hung up the phone with a tired sigh. 
“Well, at least that’s one less fire for us to put out. If that’s everything, Martin-” 
“There is one more thing- if I may, Mr. Byrne. I motion to put this meeting to a vote for my immediate appointment as senior partner of McGraw Byrne.”
“Mr. Vanderweil, you know very well we can’t-”
“I’ll stop you right there, Ms. Phillips. Section 7B, sub clause a. Any vote to appoint a new partner may be held if the lump sum of the present members hold the majority of the firm’s shares. This room alone makes up for 58% of McGraw Byrne’s stocks, making this motion valid.”
“We’re grateful for your efforts, Martin..." Reggie paused, searching for the right words to say. "But it’s just not in good faith for us to move to a vote without Gabe present. Like it or not, he is a current senior partner.”
“With all due respect Mr. Whitman, I disagree. Mr. Ricci simply set the precedent after he operated on his own accord without notifying any other senior partner of his plans to oust Ms. McGraw. I’m only returning the favor.” 
“He’s got you there, Reggie,” Linda commented with a look somewhat akin to approval. “You have my vote, Mr. Vanderweil.”
“Thank you, Ms. Phillips.”
Reggie looked to Eli, who has been noticeably silent since his motion. Martin turned to him as well with baited breath. Finally, he spoke. “Tell me why I should vote in your favor.”
“Because I did what no other associate thought to do. Protect the firm. And even if they did manage to get that far, none of them could do what I’ve done with the same level of quality. But if that’s not enough-” Martin pulled out another stack of papers from his file. “A cost analysis of the money saved by securing Sadie’s old clients, a draft of her announcing her retirement set to be released next morning, and a proposal for media outreach to mitigate the damages.” 
Eli huffed out a soft laugh. “Alright, Martin. You win. I vote yes.”
“Mr. Whitman?”
“Well, there’s no use playing devil’s advocate now. I vote yes.” 
“Welcome to the fold, Mr. Vanderweil," Eli said, stretching out his hand in congratulations. 
“I won’t disappoint you, sir,” Martin promised, giving him a firm, resolute handshake. “Can I make one final request?” 
“Name it.” 
Martin’s lips spread into an enigmatic grin. “Give me the honor of announcing it to our fellow colleagues.”
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