#ch: caspian
sweetsilver-if · 15 hours
Hello! This is oddly specific, sorry about that, but what is fashion like in this universe? Do the clothes look more “dated” or are they kind of a mix of modern & historical? Are there rigid rules to what each gender “should/shouldn’t” wear or is it entirely up to the individual? (If you’d like, could you describe the style the ROs usually dress in? 👀)
There are so many more things I wanna ask because this story has been rotating inside my head for days now, but I don’t want to flood you all at once lol.
Ooh this is a fun question, I just wish I knew enough about fashion to answer it properly lol
Fashion varies from place to place, with some areas to the South being inspired by 1800s Spain, but give it a vague gaslamp fantasy twist (ie puffier sleeves, more belts, etc). Depending on the region, the clothes get a lot more looser and more breathable due to heat.
As for the actual City, it's very much just Steampunk inspired, although the younger aristocrats are also moving on to more loose clothes (flowy dresses with less fabrics, or suits with less layers). The City Mages fashion tends to mirror older times, although some keep the more modern fashion sense but they mix it with like...something similar to what Bloodborne has going on (see below):
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As for the ROs, I'll get to their character portrait/reference sheet eventually lol but a quick description of their general outfits:
Caspian: Tends to be seen only in his standard City Mage attire (dark tunic, pants, knee high boots and red gloves to indicate his standing)
Whisper: Xe wear very little as more clothes makes it harder to move during performances. Xer outfits tend to be closer to what one expects a trapeze artist to wear instead of a Jester. They only wear dark fabrics, and they have multiple different masks they wear.
Vivienne: Wears the looser and more flowy dresses of the current fashion trend, and since no one sees her, there's less people to be scandalized. For official events, dresses up in layered dresses, adorned with accessories
Mourning: A loose white tunic that hangs off their frame and all the way to the floor, with short sleeves. It has a loose hood attached that they tend to wear up. Its reminiscent of clothes worn by civilizations long passed
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curiosity-killed · 1 year
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the last of the Soko siblings!
[ALT ID: A digital drawing of 11 people from roughly their shoulders up. Each are in 3/4 view, have medium-brown skin and black hair.]
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dunbonnets · 10 months
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once upon a time, we had it all. our love had conquered the waters. but then you disappeared... now i'm lost without you. it feels as though we are oceans apart.
available to read on wattpad ( inspo. )
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pinkfey · 1 year
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ohbenbarnes · 2 years
hello there!
we are ohbenbarnes.
a fan source blog for the British actor, singer & songwriter.
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incissam · 1 year
@luposcainus sent: “ i can’t do this. “
Daenerys looked at Caspian confused for a moment when he said he couldn't do it. "Why do you think you can't do this?" She questioned trying to support the man she had come to known as friend. Sure there was always challenges in life, but facing a crowd was hardly something to be scared of. "You can do this, Caspian. You just need to believe in yourself."
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amaretigris · 4 months
The Sea Witch's Curse
Taglist: @luna2034 @notagreekgal28 @hopeisrising @mylittlemermaid221 @justagirlthatlovedtoread @daydreamerwithnohobbies
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Ch. 8 | 1.3k words | Angst & fluff
"What do you want?!"
You screamed with tears still streaming down your cheeks. Realization hit you in that moment.
"What- what did you do to him?"
Ursula's head and torso rose from the water.
"He could never be happy with you, (Y/N). Not really," she hissed.
"You just don't want his curse to be broken," you pointed an accusatory finger at the witch.
"We're so close, and it kills you," you sneered.
Ursula let a tentacle emerge to slap the water at this.
"Watch it, you little bitch. It doesn't matter what you do. He'll never be free from his curse. Unless...," the suckers of her tentacles undulated.
The sight made you shiver.
"Unless someone were to prove their undying love for the prince."
You narrowed your eyes at her ghastly face.
Ursula smirked. Time for the show. She lifted herself from the water completely, her tentacles dripping. She brought up her arms in rapture. Dark, menacing thunder clouds formed in the sky, and a gushing wind suddenly threatened your balance on the plank. You struggled to keep your eyes on her, your hair whipping in your face.
"Winds of the Caspian Sea,
Come forth to me.
Reveal a love that be,
Buried by depths of the sea," she sang.
You looked down at the water. She wanted you to go back? No, that couldn't be right. There has to be a catch. She wouldn't let you off that easy.
"All you have to do is walk the plank, my dear. Your fin is gone and you won't be able to breathe. You'll drown," she cooed.
You shivered at her words.
"I- I can't," you managed.
Your throat tightened.
"You can. Death is the easy part, love. You'll be free from this hurt; free from this pain. The prince will be happy with you while he's at sea, but, when he returns home? Forget about it. You'll be the last thing he wants. A constant reminder of his prison. What greater way to show your love than sacrificing yourself for his freedom?"
The gears turned in your mind. Even though you were a mermaid yourself, the witch's siren song, and sweet, sticky words were hard to ignore. You tried to shake the thoughts from your head, but they wouldn't leave. You could sacrifice yourself. It would be an ultimate act of love to break Eric's curse. What did you really think? That this would be a fairytale with a happy ending? Those weren't real. Not in this world. You've lived through enough harsh pain to know that.
"What would happen?"
You suddenly spoke, looking up at her dark form.
"Eric would be free?"
Ursula's cheshire grin almost split her cheeks.
"Yes. Yes, my child. The prince will be free from his curse. Free to return home."
You closed your eyes for a moment in all the chaos, your hair and dress continuously slapping in the wind. Was this how it ended? This had been a thrilling adventure that you never asked for. This experience had made you feel more alive than you had in years. Maybe it was meant to be this way. Maybe you were meant to sacrifice yourself.
Nodding your head, a decision came to the forefront of your mind. You kept your eyes closed, but opened your mouth slowly, letting your siren song peel from your throat. It would be the last time you would ever sing it. The beautiful tune carried through the island air, gracing everyone's ears. Everyone turned to look towards the sound in wonder - even Grimsby.
All but Eric. The moment that the melody hit his eardrums, flashes of his home played out before his very eyes. The Sardinian beaches he'd walked as a child. The market and vendors he knew like the back of his hand. His mother, the Queen, and his dog, Max. Everything was so crisp and clear. Then came the flood of you. Your bright smile and your beautiful hair. The image of your skin erupted with gooseflesh under Eric's fingers. You standing in the rain. All of a sudden, a huge wave of emotion slammed into Eric's chest. He almost doubled over from the sensation. He heard your words next, like they were whispered in his ear.
"Go on and be free,
For me, my love, for me.
As your fingers graze the sand,
Envision my heart, and my hand.
I love yo-."
Ursula's tentacle slapped over your mouth before you finished your last word.
Eric felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand tall.
He immediately took off towards his ship.
"No! You wretched little wench. What did you do?!"
Ursula screamed at you before letting all her tentacles coil around your body, plummetting you into the water. She propelled you down, further and further, until your back smacked the solid ocean floor. There was no give. You tasted blood in your mouth. Ursula's tentacles came to wrap around your neck, squeezing tightly. You thrashed for a moment before trying to urge your muscles to relax. It was so hard when your lungs were screaming for air. Black spots appeared in your vision. You opened your mouth, letting the water seep in. You were slipping into unconsciousness.
Eric ran up on the deck, almost throwing himself over the side in search of you. He ran back and forth to both ends of the ship watching the water. He saw shadows, a mix of purple and green, but they were everywhere. He couldn't pinpoint where exactly they came from. Eric didn't know what to do, so he dove in. He couldn't lose the one person he'd connected with after all these years. He couldn't lose you.
Back below the water, Ursula watched the life leaving your eyes. A wicked cackle ripped through her. It wasn't until a trident pierced her abdomen that Ursula stopped laughing. Loosening her tentacles around you, she stared down at the blades sticking out of her flesh. Your lifeless form slunk to the side on the ground. She turned slightly, angling her head.
"Brother," she hissed. "I should have known. Only you would do something so cowardly."
Your father's face was as hard as steel.
"You don't mess with my daughters and live to tell the tale, Ursula," he bellowed.
Ursula's eyes held Triton's with as much hate as she could muster before rolling back in her head. Her mouth fell open and her body went rigid. Leaving his trident for now, your father swam to you. Picking you up from the ocean floor and smoothing your hair out of your face, Triton's eyes tried to tear. Placing his hand on your heart, Triton closed his eyes and concentrated. There may still be hope that you weren't completely gone. After a heartbeat of silence in the water, your legs morphed back to your fin.
Eric swam as hard as he could. He dove under multiple times, holding his breath until his lungs felt like they would burst and he had to resurface. Shaking the water from his hair, Eric yelled out in desperation. He couldn't find you. He couldn't find you anywhere. It was too dark to see down there and although the colored smoke had stopped, the water remained incredibly cloudy. There were some points where Eric couldn't see his limbs in front of him. He tried to persevere. He tried to keep going, to no avail.
Grimsby had snapped out of his trance and rushed back to the ship as well. Spotting Eric diving off the side of the ship, Grimsby ran to the starboard side, yelling his concerns. Eric ignored them until he couldn't anymore. Grimsby threw Eric a life raft, which he reluctantly accepted. The thoughts clawing inside his mind wouldn't let up.
He'd failed you. You sacrificed yourself for him - to break his curse. Eric never wanted it to be this way. He never wanted to lose you. It turns out that you could find home in another person. He had envisioned returning to his real home again with you by his side. The thought of returning to it now felt empty.
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outpost51 · 1 year
The 51 Post
so. bad week, if the prolonged absence wasn’t enough of a clue. but! i did write a... moderate amount. listen, i've been coping with sims.
Things You Might Have Missed
This Week's Jams
WIP Breakdowns
From the Skwad
Around the 'Blr
Things You Might Have Missed
get on my taglists for WIP updates, 51 post, tag games, and ask events!
BRHP: Chapter 17 posted; K A DM O S.
Unlikely Adventures, Ch 2 posted; it’s literally in the blurb but it hurt me to write too
BRHP: Chapter 16 posted; baby's first fight pit, and a family secret is revealed.
Murky Water: the 7th entry into the Lighthouse in the Fog shorts; our new Keeper finds her answers.
This Week's Jams
aliens (porcelain remix) || xylø, porcelain [spotify/youtube]
avoidant attachment || libby larkin [spotify/youtube]
fire fire || flyleaf [spotify/youtube]
no care || daughter [spotify/youtube]
let the flames begin || paramore [spotify/youtube]
devil’s teeth || muddy magnolias [spotify/youtube]
WIP Breakdowns
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
hngggg i am. behind. it’s all outlined but my god i was too tired to write much
Unlikely Adventures of Bitchface and Go F*ck Yourself
[affectionately strangles zadimus]
Blinding Neon, Shades of Grey
[vibrates] hhhhhh i love the orville scene, i forgot how much i love the orville scene, yes i will post the orville scene this week if yall bully me (pls)
Stellar Parallax
Lighthouse in the Fog
8th short will be coming out some time tonight or tomorrow, it’s been an uphill battle to write today, anyway things have Developed in a Direction i was not Expecting
In the Works
i have noodled some of those random shuffle prompts. some of you are getting whacked with the emotions stick
From the Skwad
SSSC 006 wrapped up! see the entries here.
@thetrashbagswasteland posted a little too good to be true, a follow up to a little too much like me as their submission for MEBB 2023 and it is rife with snark
speaking of MEBB, @sparatus also published his triumphant return to His Original Bullshit: serpents in the garden and i am living. he also wrote skewed results for FFF208 bc we all need more teia
@uraniumwriting also wrote a submission for FFF208 in which caspian is forced to be a reporter for a day
we have FIVE updates from @teamdilf this week: a sweet piece in which adrien is offered some kittens, ch 20 of in-laws and the grandparents, this drabble that actually ripped my soul out through my eyes, ch 16 of man of many talents, and the first chapter of father, daughter, rocket launchers, and a side of wrex
@bambino1294 dropped the second chapter of upright tower and it was well worth the wait
@equusgirl has given us two more treats for sapphic summer: heaven or hell and if the bird likes it's cage so very much, why is the cage so tightly shut
@commander-krios wrote this squee-worthy despina/theron piece and also this stolen moment between jeff and john
@writernopal wrote a character study with mariel and sartor that i’m still thinking about actually, it’s wild to see how much the characters have developed between the first and third books
@asher-orion-writes posted another installment of fairweather YAY hhhhhh i fucked up and peeked at the last few lines before i read it and now i’m trying to wrap up so i can go eat it
Around the ‘Blr
@tabswrites blessed us with both the second chapter of ascension and chapter 4 of silver sentinels!!!
@vacantgodling’s art comms are open which i will be taking a look at given it does not fall through the holes in my swiss cheese brain, he dropped toph art that i’m OBSESSED with AND a lukewarm rejection sneep bc toph’s bday was the 7th. tell him happy birthday 4 me
bit over a week but i missed it last week — @autumnalwalker announced that the archivist’s journal is COMPLETE, so if you were ever looking for a reason to binge it, now’s the time (the anniversary is july 16th!). find it here @thearchivistsjournal
@captain-kraken dropped a sonhara lore masterpost oh my GOD
screaming crying frothing at the mouth over @liv-is’s fae headshots WOW
@void-botanist gave us the LORE on the revalo tailory & hotel and i will chew off my arm if tumblr doesn’t start giving me gd notifs about this
@artdecosupernova-writing dropped SO MANY shorts this week, so here’s the tag, go nuts; also a post on the planet holeph that i am eating with a spoon
we now have such amazing faces to put with the cast of @elshells’s agent ace (courtesy of @illjustpretend)
Outpost Updates Taglist: @tabswrites @writernopal @freedominique @asher-orion-writes @liv-is @starknstarwars @captain-kraken
Ask to +/- in the tags, replies, DMs, or HERE!
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promptuarium · 2 months
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SALAH, son of Arphaxad, when he was thirty years old, begat Heber, and afterwards he lived 403 years, during which time he begat many sons and daughters. See Genesis ch. 11. From this Salah, according to Josephus, the Sarmatians arose, from whom the region of Sarmatica gets its name, of which there are two, one in Europe, and the other, which we call Tartary, lies in Asia Major. It is this Asian Sarmatia which gets the name of Sarmatia from Salah. Now this region is considered to be deserted and unknown, but three very famous cities were once founded there, namely Hermonasa, Oenantia, and Tyramba. There are others who write that the Caucasus mountains are in this province, whose entrances are called Caspian by some (though they are wrong, and led into great error). See Ptolemy books 3 and 5.
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sleepy-teacup · 1 year
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I thought to share my more recent piece I finished not too long ago. This time it is of my CH oc I made a while back I have dubbed as a Sky Maiden for this takes. This is an ideal look for an AU I'm brainstorming with a friend over on Discord. She is based on sea salt ice cream (one of my favorites), as well as konpeitō star candy known in Japan.
I drew her as a mermaid too, but thought to show this cloud version of her. If y'all have questions or like to know more about them, fire away.
Name: Sea Salt Tea
Age: 18
Species: Porcelain Teacup
Likes: Colors, playing her flute, stars, Quill, flying
Dislikes: Bitterness, too much silence, evil wizards, the color gray, the Capital
Skills: Air magic, making the color blue
- The 6th of the 8 Sky Maidens which are her sisters.
- With her sisters, they are able to make a rainbow. With Sea making the blue a portion of the rainbow.
- Engaged to Quill who she loves so much. (A dear friend's oc)
- Has a soft spot for babies and young children, including baby animals.
- She has her baby brother, Caspian to whom she adores and takes him out flying with her above the ocean and clouds. (I don't dare part with him.)
- She's a mermaid in her original AU
- She is able to make star candy among other sweets, so long as she has all the ingredients she needs.
- Because of her love for music and singing, it attracted the attention of the evil wizard Soulton known at the Capital located in the Wing Islands. And became infatuated with her.
- She is friends with the Cup Bros who safely returned Caspian to her when he got separated from her while wandering off with Sea looking for him.
- Her magic manifests within the star candy she makes and the color she creates for the next coming rainbow. (Since blue represents sadness, I thought for her to help others open up about their true feelings and help them get their tears out.)
Hope y'all enjoy! 💌
Oc and art by me
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sweetsilver-if · 16 hours
On a scale of one to ten how angsty the ROs relationships are?
This sort of depends on paths/endings, so take this as more an estimate!
Caspian: 6
Whisper: 2
Vivienne: 9
Mourning: they have the most variation, but it can go all the way up to a 10
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beaststhattalk · 7 months
Reepicheep & The Wave
I was inspired by this gifset, and I wanted to make my own post just in case the gifmaker (@scottmalloy) wouldn't appreciate a bunch of meta in their notifications 😅
Honestly I think the movie did really well in translating this moment to the screen. The scene in the book grounds you in the perspective of the human characters: Reepicheep disappears over the edge of the wave. This emphasizes that he's going to a beautiful place, but one that the kids aren't able to understand yet. However, the book has the advantage of 3rd person narration. When C.S. Lewis presents the image to his reader, he can give mood and the visuals as one: "[the wave] was a smooth green slope. The coracle went more and more quickly, and beautifully it rushed up the wave's side" (Voyage of the Dawn Treader [VotDT], chapter 16). Lewis can tell us the motion was 'beautiful,' but the movie has to convince us to find it beautiful.
However, the movie has the advantage of being able to take us along with Reepicheep without needing to describe what he's seeing. The water rushing under his boat & towards the screen (4th gif) gives that sense of "more and more quickly...it rushed up the wave," but our ability to empathize with his sweet little Mouse face facial expression (5th gif) is what really solidifies that poignant 'beauty' from the book.
That visual of the Pevensies and Caspian in the background (gifs 4 & 5) achieves the same effect of the book's final image of Reepicheep. There's a feeling of mounting adventure & happiness, and then a moment of quiet wonder when he disappears into a place the reader/viewer can't go. The movie gets this feeling by having the audience rise up the wave with Reep, then come to a slow stop as he passes us by. We see the humans through the spray and realize we're still in their shoes. Meanwhile, the book utilizes the power of 3rd person narration by having Reepicheep slip beyond the reach of the story: "For one split second they saw [the coracle's] shape and Reepicheep's on the very top. Then it vanished, and since that moment no one can truly claim to have seen Reepicheep the Mouse" (VotDT, ch. 16).
In the movie, the mist from the wave, the faint rainbow inside, the vibrant colors of the water, & the image of Reepicheep's smile give us that "moment of quiet wonder" that I mentioned before. Lewis, on the other hand, tells us: "...since that moment no one can truly claim to have seen Reepicheep the Mouse. But my belief is that he came safe to Aslan's country and is alive there to this day" (ch. 16).
PS. The thing that got me excited about this gifset in the first place is the sword in gif 1! This visual appears in the book: "Then [Reepicheep] took off his sword ('I shall need it no more,' he said) and flung it far...Where it fell it stood upright with the hilt above the surface" (ch. 16). The sword-in-the-ground symbol pops up across history and can have various meanings. However, one meaning is that the sword alludes to the Christian cross (✝️). I bet this sword/cross symbol is what Lewis (and the VotDT movie) were referencing. This symbol can be interpreted as a sign of peace, since a sword in the ground is a weapon with its dangerous side 'buried'/set aside.
Again, I like how the movie translates this image. The poignance of this moment in the book comes from the chapter's overall tone. For example, here's a line that precedes Reep throwing the sword: "everything now felt as if it had been fated or had happened before" (ch. 16). Meanwhile, the movie emphasizes the poignance by contrasting Reep's casual discarding of the weapon ("I won't be needing this," gif 1) with the hugeness of the scene overall.
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ecoamerica · 3 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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unkipt · 6 months
I had a list, so while I'm on break, have some more!!!!
Mcytblr ask game questions: 13, 16, 17, 18.
I get very bored, as you can probably tell.
part 2!
13- Any segment of your work that made you cry while writing it? (because it moved you deeply)
oh this one is hard, i have a really bad memory. i'd probably say top three are ch 6 of wf, which is the one where we see rae erase his memories and jamie, centross, and a very confused caspian have to help him get them back, the end of ch 25 of wf, where they're in a rush trying to leave and caspian breaks through to rae, or the end of ch 8 of rr, when end duo has their angsty lil fight about family. really just heavy emotional moments i think, i'm fairly empathetic so i really get into it when i'm writing that kinda stuff
16- What do you think is the signature aspect of your work? What do you think readers see and go "Ah of course! [Writer] made this!"
i have no idea honestly. i've had people say they like my writing style (which is lowkey insane to me) but i don't know if i could list anything specific that makes it my style. idk maybe you can answer this one for me lol
17- Favorite dynamic to write? (ship, familial bond, friendship, qpr, rivalry, etc)
End duo!! ok specifically, friendships/familial bonds, i love being able to write about types of love other than romantic, because i'm aroace so i don't really experience romantic love. i like being able to explore the many layers and nuances to a deep friendship because i'm lucky to have those types of relationships in my life and i think they're neat
18- How similar are the things you enjoy writing to the things you enjoy reading?
my favourite genre growing up was sci-fi fantasy. you tell me. really i love getting to mess around with fantasy worlds, magic or no, getting to build a world up from the ground up is so neat, and i mentioned in the last ask that i enjoy warping pieces of history into my worlds, because i always loved being able to pick of bits of fact in fantasy stories growing up. so to put it short, yeah i write stuff thats pretty similar to what i enjoy reading. i am primarily writing it for my own enjoyment after all.
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raisab332012 · 1 year
Answer to Why didn't the Ancient Romans invest and turn the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian seas into a huge, cheap seafood farm to feed their population when there was a famine? by Ashton
Answer to Why didn't the Ancient Romans invest and turn the Mediterranean, Black, and Caspian seas into a huge, cheap seafood farm to feed their population when there was a famine? by Ashton https://www.quora.com/Why-didnt-the-Ancient-Romans-invest-and-turn-the-Mediterranean-Black-and-Caspian-seas-into-a-huge-cheap-seafood-farm-to-feed-their-population-when-there-was-a-famine/answer/Ashton-749?ch=15&oid=1477743650587684&share=395709ca&srid=7KVRc&target_type=answer
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infraredmag · 2 years
Cult of Luna European Tour Kicking Off Early October!
Cult of Luna European Tour Kicking Off Early October!
– September 22nd, 2022 – In less than two weeks CULT OF LUNA will kick off their October tour through Europe. Make sure to get your tickets now at: cultofluna.com/tour CULT OF LUNA + CASPIAN + BIRDS IN ROW 02/10 – LU Esch, Rockhal 03/10 – DE Cologne, Live Music Hall 04/10 – CH Geneva, Alhambra 05/10 – FR Toulouse, Le Metronum 06/10 – FR Biarritz, Atabal 07/10 – ES Barcelona, AM Fest 08/10 – ES…
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metalshockfinland · 2 years
CULT OF LUNA to Tour Europe in October with CASPIAN + BIRDS IN ROW
CULT OF LUNA to Tour Europe in October with CASPIAN + BIRDS IN ROW
Photo by Chad Michael Ward In less than two weeks CULT OF LUNA will kick off their October tour through Europe. Make sure to get your tickets now at: cultofluna.com/tour CULT OF LUNA+ CASPIAN+ BIRDS IN ROW02/10 – LU Esch, Rockhal03/10 – DE Cologne, Live Music Hall04/10 – CH Geneva, Alhambra05/10 – FR Toulouse, Le Metronum06/10 – FR Biarritz, Atabal07/10 – ES Barcelona, AM Fest08/10 – ES Madrid,…
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