#ch: c!tubbo
Everyone saying that ctommy is a child and shouldn't have been through the shit he did whilst blaming ctubbo for what happened in exile is a hypocrite, and i stand by that
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anartisticdreamer0 · 2 months
i have been reminded of how i love and loathe c!bedrock bros.
i will now talk about it for a while
I think especially when rewatching their argument during doomsday you really hear both of their sides and realize: “oh, oh if only” tommy is just kinda bad at articulating his point while techno literally refuses to even try and listen to it because as far as he sees it, it doesn’t matter.
in c!techno’s mind, c!tommy’s point doesn’t matter because it sympathizes with the people who have hurt him and gone against him multiple times. which is a valid stance. it just sucks that he refuses to really think about why tommy would want to be with L’manburg.
now, i shall now comment on c!tommy. he was in a position where really his only option had been to work with c!techno. but as soon as he was presented with another option he took it, why? because he realized he isn’t happy. do i think that he made a good decision? no, but i understand it. he didn’t want to betray techno, he just wasn’t happy. now, granted, we know as an audience that this decision won’t make him happy either, but he doesn’t. and as such he picks what is familiar and what has only failed to make him feel worthy once.
i also really love that there is this moment between them where tommy is unsure about destroying l’manburg and so techno says “you don’t have to help me” (not a direct quote but basically he says that). and when the betrayal happens in the community house he brings it up saying that perhaps he didn’t make himself clear, “when i said you don’t have to help me, i meant you could sit it out! not switch sides!” but here’s the thing. hadn’t, by that point, tommy already helped? like short of spawning the withers and attacking his former countrymen, he basically helped techno prepare for this attack. (of course help is a strong word but they did do most of it together) they got techno’s weapons and armor terrorizing the country along the way, they found and bred the dogs that would later make up the hound army, they did all sorts of things to prepare to attack l’manburg. tommy had already helped! so really what good does it mean if he were to “sit it out” he already helped you do most of the damage!
“i’m worst than everyone i didn’t want to be.” now THAT is a statement. a statement no one really talks about. when he was exiled he was compared to the country’s og founder turned terrorist and was upset by this, we can assume he definitely doesn’t want to be dream after everything and yet he says he’s worst than at least both of those people. you know i would love to ask him “how?” because how does he see himself as worst than an actual traitor terrorist that blew up the entire country and his own fucking abuser. makes you think
he even apologizes for betraying techno after admitting that he knows what he’s done and he hates himself for all that he’s done.
now, back to c!techno, before tumblr silences me, immediately following tommy’s betrayal c!dream (who we know had orchestrated this entire thing by blowing up the ch then blaming it on c!tommy) starts berating c!tubbo. and c!techno? who could use this distraction to escape? stays and even joins in. as much as i love c!bedrock bros, this why i loathe the c! part of it. because c!techno’s biggest flaw in this relationship is that he doesn’t see c!tommy or c!tubbo as kids. he sees them as adults or at least the equivalent of adults, which means he treats them the same way and he holds them to the same standards. he in a different stream comments that tommy had to have deserved exile because that is the consequences of his actions. that of course he deserves it after all the problems he’s caused. (unfortunately with the way this conversation is worded it’s hard to tell if the in character or ooc but still) which admittedly is both deserved also a flaw of every adult character on this server.
you know, actually, the more i watch the beginning of the bedrock bros arc- techno really lays it on heavy on them teaming up. like tommy is straight up walking away saying “no i’ll get my discs back myself” and techno keeps convincing him until it works. even saying they don’t need to be friends that it isn’t an option. “you’ll help me destroy the government” “i won’t help you destroy the government but you’ll- you’ll let me-“ “tell you what we’ll do some terrorism from where the government- you know what tommy we’ll work out the details on the way.” this was never going to work. tommy definitely didn’t want to go as far as techno wanted to go and that alone destined this friendship for failure.
to conclude, c!tommy is a traumatized character who absolutely refuses to deal with his issues until the worst possible time and then makes it everyone else’s problem. while c!techno struggles to see any pov outside of his own and presents their alliance under false pretenses and with soured feelings towards tommy. their friendship is one of tragedy as it was never going to work, but they do care about each other. and they will continue to until the server’s end.
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peninkwrites · 9 months
Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. Ch 7 of ?
The Disc War finale is quieter this time and Ranboo is early.
[CW: c!dream. ew. also mild ableism but no more than the rest of the fic has like basic societal ableism y'know]
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 6
Ch 7
In the aftermath of doomsday, the three of them are always functioning at their best together.  Tubbo always voices Tommy’s signs aloud for Ranboo, and Tommy will sign what Ranboo says for Tubbo.  When it’s just Tommy and Tubbo, they can manage relatively well.  Tommy signs, Tubbo speaks as well as signs, and that becomes almost easy.  When it’s just Ranboo and Tubbo, he still writes things down for him, it’s the best he can do.  They’ve tried learning to sign, but it’s just too hard to make out the specifics.  When it’s just Ranboo and Tommy, that’s where things get trickier.  For a while, Tommy continues to trace letters on Ranboo’s palm.  That is, until Ranboo gets a text-to-speech function on his comm and Tommy has a fantastic time abusing it. 
With other people, it’s different.  Whatever problems exist with communicating between them, it’s ten fold for everyone else.  Even when not in a literal communication barrier, the three of them understand each other in a way the others can’t.  Other times, it is a literal communication barrier.  If someone starts talking to Tubbo, and doesn’t think or know how to sign, Tommy will begin to translate and otherwise completely ignore that person, should they try to talk to him.  If they can’t sign for Tubbo, they can’t be bothered to understand what Tommy signs, so why should it matter anyway?  The same goes for Ranboo and Tubbo.  If Ranboo hears someone talking but doesn’t see their hands moving, he gets out his memory book, which, while he can barely read it now, he can write in it for Tubbo, albeit a bit more messily.  Tommy tends to get frustrated when he has to use his comm instead of just signing.  He’s gotten far better at it, so it comes more naturally to him than typing.  It feels a bit closer to the endless string of words he used to be able to ramble out. 
Ranboo is getting more and more fed up with people pointing things out to him, things he cannot see.  He used to just pretend he could see because that seemed easier, less confrontational, but Tubbo and Tommy getting outraged on his behalf made it easier for him to feel that frustration too, including several times where Tubbo and Tommy deal with it by very loudly––or in Tommy's case, just dramatically miming––pretending they cannot see the thing Ranboo cannot see either, adamantly treating the person responsible like they're the crazy one.  "What fucking tower?  I dunno what you're talking about, honestly.  I can only see grass, can you, Tommy?" To which Tommy will vigorously scan the horizon before twirling his finger by his temple, "yeah, I agree with Tommy.  It's crazy.  You've lost it, man."  Which, isn't exactly productive, but it does get Ranboo to laugh and eventually, once people start to catch on, whoever it is will describe what they're talking about properly.
Not to say people don’t try at all.  Quackity still attempts to sign, and has gotten better at it, and Eret is very considerate when Ranboo gets lost trying to leave the castle, but it still feels easier to draw back, for the three of them to place their trust in their own capabilities among each other.
Then there is a day where there is a message waiting for Tommy at home.  Surrounded by burning Netherrack, he knows what’s coming.  Dream tells him to follow a compass, he and Tubbo alone, if he wants his discs back, if he wants to finish this, and despite everything, Tommy does.
There had been a time where Tommy and Tubbo would have wanted to finish this together, just the two of them, but the way the three of them have woven together, it’s hard to imagine going into this fight without Ranboo, but Dream’s ultimatum is clear.
“I’ll… I’ll be here when you get back,” Ranboo had murmured.
As always, Tubbo had watched Tommy’s hands instead of Ranboo’s mouth.  “We’ll see you then, minutes man.”
Tubbo doesn’t know how this is going to go.  He’s so scared Tommy will need his help and he won’t be able to hear him, but he doesn’t know what to do besides go with him.  He plans on coming home.  It’s harder to read through signs, but he isn’t sure if Tommy does.
The important thing for Tubbo is to keep Tommy in his sight.  That is the only way he can think to keep him safe.  That doesn’t stop Dream from cornering him instead, from bashing his axe against his shield over and over again, from slamming into his armor until Tubbo bleeds, until he swears a rib cracks even through fucking netherite, and Tubbo cannot stop a frantic scream, “he’s killing me!  Tommy– Tommy he’s killing me!”
And out of the corner of his eye he sees Tommy running toward him, eyes wide with terror.  He sees Tommy throw himself between him and Dream.  But Tommy does not scream for Dream to stop because he cannot scream anymore, nor can he afford to ask Tubbo if he’s okay, because that would mean signing and that would mean letting go of his shield and his axe.  Tubbo doesn’t know what’s happening, he’s scared out of his fucking mind and he knows Dream is talking but that’s all he knows. Tommy is half between him and Dream, and he looks like he’s about to faint.  A shuddering gasping breath, and Tommy is throwing the disc they had fought to get at Dream's feet.  “Tommy!” Tubbo hadn’t been able to beg Tommy to choose the disc over him, he hadn’t known it was an option, he could only watch as Tommy threw away a part of everything.
Dream says something, he steps closer to Tommy, leaning in, surely taunting him, and Tommy steps back, mouth tightly closed as if to stop himself from being sick.  Tubbo’s heart is racing, he doesn’t know why the fighting has stopped, but he knows it won’t last.  He knows things have taken a turn for the worst, and part of him thinks it’s his fault for pleading for Tommy to save him.  Dream shatters dozens of XP bottles on the ground, he gestures grandly with his axe, and Tubbo can hear him speak in a dull, shifting, meaningless hum.  Dream probably thinks he’s saying something important right now.  Tubbo doesn't care until he burns the disc.
“What the fuck?” Tubbo, half dead, beaten bloody, lunges at Dream, axe raised, until Tommy grabs him around the middle and holds him back.  “What the fuck?!” He snaps at Tommy.
Tommy is shaking his head furiously.  Tubbo stops struggling, so Tommy lets go and is able to sign, “not it.”
“T-That’s– That wasn’t the disc?!” Tubbo says exasperatedly.  Tommy shakes his head.  “W-What the… the fuck…” Tubbo says breathlessly.  “Oy!” He shouts at Dream when the man grabs Tommy by the shoulder, forcing him to turn to face him before digging a hole in the ground in front of him.
And then Tommy starts to take off his armor.
“What are you doing?!” Tubbo screams at him, but other than a flinch, Tommy might as well have not heard him.  Tubbo can guess Dream is talking, maybe even talking to him, but Dream isn’t bothering with messaging on his comm anymore.  “Tommy stop!” Tubbo reaches out to stop him.
Tommy yanks away, signs furious and desperate.  “He kills you! Finish.” Or rather, meaning: “He was killing you!”
Tommy’s fierce gaze turns sharply back to Dream, as the man must be talking to him, and Tommy signs with stiff, scarred hands, “take off your armor.  He says.”
Tubbo doesn’t move.  He cries out as the blunt of the axe nails him in the chest, bruising his ribs and sending him stumbling back.  “Okay! Okay!” Tubbo gasps as he hits the ground.  Tommy steps over him, holding one hand out to Dream, as if silently pleading, before he turns back to Tubbo.
He flinches, maybe from what Dream says, maybe at the thought of what Tubbo’s resistance could mean, and instead he flattens his palm against his chest, moving it in a circle.  “Please.  Please.”
Tubbo can ignore Dream’s requests with ease, even when the man gets pushy, because he cannot hear him.  He cannot ignore Tommy’s.  Tubbo takes off his armor, undoes the straps with shaky fingers, unsurprised to see red skin sure to bruise underneath.  He throws it into the hole alongside Tommy’s.  He doesn’t understand what’s going on, and Tommy is all he has to cling to, so he will do as he asks.
He kills you. Finish.
Tommy’s hands are trembling as he grabs Tubbo’s, pulling him in the direction Dream points.  Tubbo watches in dulled horror as Dream reveals a hidden alcove in the cave, and in its center, a redstone elevator.  Tubbo steps on without an order.  He clings to what little he can understand, even as it means descending into the black.  Tubbo can tell Dream is talking, he cannot recognize the shifting drone of his voice over the loud mechanics of the elevator, but he sees it in Tommy’s tensed shoulders.  Once the elevator stops, Tubbo does recognize Dream’s stupid, annoying laugh.  Tommy isn't translating, but he is holding his hand, and Tubbo can't help but feel it's unfair that Tommy should use that as an excuse not to tell him what's happening.
Tubbo sees the discs, and he and Tommy both approach them, exchanging a look.  There are even Enderchests in the corners.  They could, surely?
Tommy looks back toward Dream, who as usual, seems to be saying something to ruin things.  Tommy looks grim, shaking his head and taking Tubbo’s hand and pulling him back toward Dream.  Tubbo hates this.  Tommy has stopped translating for him.  Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want Tubbo to hear whatever malice Dream is spewing, but it still feels unfair.  So he follows, bitter anger rising, as they walk through Dream’s hall of horrors.  He sees frames and signs marking out where objects will go, and even without Dream’s stupid words, Tubbo understands.  Dream is a coward.  He’s gathered whatever he deems important to people.  Tubbo doesn’t know what the fate of his collection will be, nor their own.   Dream could be currently describing the exact brutality he plans on subjecting them to, and Tubbo would be none the wiser.  He wishes it were just anger, but the confusion of it all terrifies him as much as the violence.  Tubbo stares at Friend until Tommy takes his hand so he continues to follow.
Dream keeps talking, Tommy still looks like he might puke, and Tubbo is so fucking sick of this shit.  He stares at Dream, and he sees the edge of his jaw around his mask moving as he continues to blabber on, still holding an axe, but it’s not like Tubbo can fucking read lips he can’t see.
I don’t understand.  I don’t understand I don’t understand I don’t understand I DON’T FUCKING UNDERSTAND WHAT’S GOING ON–
Tubbo can’t take this anymore.  It’s all too easy to snap.
Tommy is spiraling.  
He hadn’t known what to do when he’d heard Tubbo screaming, he hadn’t known how to protect him as Dream gave him an ultimatum.  “Tommy.  Give me the disc, or I’m gonna kill Tubbo.”
He couldn’t ask Tubbo what he wanted him to do, Tubbo didn’t even know the deal being played, and in that unfairness, Tommy had thrown the disc at Dream’s feet.  Dream had laughed, he’d burned it, taunting them, “that wasn’t even the disc!  I’m just playing with you!”
And Tommy hadn’t been able to argue or fight back or do anything but hold onto Tubbo to stop him from throwing himself at Dream.  Tubbo doesn’t understand, not merely Dream’s words, but that they were ultimately doomed.  Tommy is ashamed that he hadn’t seen it sooner.  This was never going to be a victory for them.  Dream took whatever he wanted from Tommy, and Tommy had never been able to get any of it back.  So Tommy doesn’t argue, he doesn’t struggle.  He takes off his armor, and as Tubbo shouts at him, as he somehow still has the courage left for resistance, as he tries to stop Tommy from taking off his armor, Tommy pleads, and Tubbo understands.
“Tubbo needs to take his armor off too, obviously,” Dream had scoffed.  “You tell him.  Or don’t.  And I can just kill him.”
Tommy told Tubbo, and Tubbo just looked at him with that stunned horror like he cannot fathom his Tommy giving up.  Dream saw Tubbo’s hesitation and swung at his chest, Tubbo had cried out, breathless and inaudible as the man surely cracked a rib.
“Look, I’m not gonna wait around for you to get it through his thick skull, either he understands or he doesn’t, and I kill him,” Dream had cut in, and Tommy had pleaded more earnestly.
Tubbo took his armor off, and Tommy took his hand, and guided him into their shared grave.  Tommy listened to Dream’s ranting and he did so alone.  Tubbo had no reason to get dragged into it with him, to hear Dream’s mocking, so Tommy didn’t translate, he just kept holding his hand.
All of this for discs Tubbo can’t even fucking hear anymore.  He doesn’t know what the point was, only that he’s just killed himself and his best friend with him, and Dream is still talking.  Neither of them have replied, and Dream keeps talking to his captive audience.  He doesn’t seem to care that one of them isn’t listening and the other cannot respond, the sound of his own voice seems to suffice.  On and on, cutting away attachment, regaining control of the server, turning things back to the way it used to be, and neither Tommy nor Tubbo argue.  They can’t.  And he just keeps talking.
“I need control, okay?  I need you, Tommy.  I need you to continue to bring attachment to the server.  Maybe you're a little... a little more broken now, but you can still do that much, right?  Without you, people weren’t really attached to things, but then you came, and you brought friendship and countries and things people can be attached to.  You brought that!  You're the–"
“I know you’re talking, but who the fuck are you talking to?!”
Tommy jumps, staring at Tubbo with wide eyes.
Dream is stunned into silence for a moment, then he replies.  “Tommy, tell your friend to shut up.  It’s rude to–”
Tubbo continues shouting, whether he doesn’t realize how loud he’s being, or he’s finally snapped enough to scream at Dream, it doesn’t matter.  He isn’t stopping.   “No, actually!  I’m deaf, and you know Tommy isn’t gonna answer you!  Do we really have to stand here and watch you jerk yourself off?!”
And Tommy laughs.  He audibly cackles.  Scares the hell out of himself too, but Tubbo sees him, he sees that he’s laughing, and he grins, and all of the sudden, Dream seems weak.
“Fine!  Guess I’ll get to the next step, then,” Dream says irritably.  “Tommy, I’m going to kill Tubbo–”
“Why are you even talking?  Tommy, why is he still talking?” Tubbo cuts him off again, maybe oblivious, but also fearless, he looks at Tommy.
Tommy cannot bring himself to laugh again, but he does what he can.  He rolls his eyes, signing, “he’s full of shit.  Usual.”
“Oh my god!” Dream snaps.  “Tommy, I said I was gonna kill Tubbo!”
“Sorry?  Hm, what was that?  Did you say something, Dream?” Tubbo scoffs.
“Shut up!” Dream swings his axe at Tubbo, and Tommy knows this scene well.  Shut up, followed by violence.  Tommy also knows how to take a hit.  He shoves Tubbo back, and pain rings through his shoulder, a sharp, tingling numbness spreading when the blunt of Dream’s axe surely damages something, but Tommy doesn’t go down.  He turns around to face Dream, breathing hard, standing between Dream and Tubbo.
Dream’s words ring alongside the pain.  “I need you, Tommy.”
Dream won’t kill me.  He will kill Tubbo.
Tommy turns away from Dream, and rapidly signs to Tubbo, “get the axe.”  He feels Dream grab onto his injured shoulder, but he doesn’t scream.  He knows better than to make noise, but he does shake Dream off.  He keeps Tubbo behind him, Tubbo, who is now wielding the axe of peace.
“Aw, come on, Tommy, what’re you gonna do?  Huh?” Dream laughs.  “I’m in all netherite armor.  All you’ve done is give me a better excuse to butcher your best friend, right?”
Tommy stares at Dream, weary and undeniably afraid, but Tommy doesn’t need to talk to be defiant.  He gets out his comm.  His left arm is still somewhat numb, but functional enough that he can at least hold it.
“Oooh, are you gonna say something to me now?  Be all brave and tell me to leave you alone in the chat?” Dream sneers.  Dream assumes Tommy is going to talk to him.  Like Tommy could have anything more to say to that man.
<TommyInnit> HELP
Followed by a string of coordinates.
Dream stares down at his own comm.  He sighs.  “That’s… that’s my bad, Tommy.  I probably should’ve stopped you.  I really didn’t think you’d be that stupid.”
Tommy turns back toward Tubbo, still keeping his eyes on Dream over his shoulder, and signs, “leave!”
Dream, fucking idiot, has no warning when the two boys bolt for the portal.
“What the fuck?!  Stop!”
They don’t make it, because Ranboo materializes before they reach it.
“Ranboo?!” Tubbo stammers.
“Where is he?!” Ranboo gasps, breathless.
Tommy points back at Dream, baffled, before jumping back between Dream and Tubbo when Dream takes a swing at him, stopping at the last second before he can cleave his prize in two.  Tommy backs up, keeping Tubbo behind him, until they’re beside Ranboo.
Ranboo, who stands with his axe at the ready, staring blankly into the dark.  “T-The– The lava– was too bright– Can’t see– g-gotta adjust–”
Tommy smacks his own forehead and turns Ranboo in the right direction.  Dream has hesitated in approaching further as he’s grown more outnumbered, but Ranboo even in full netherite isn’t exactly intimidating to him.  Still, he jumps back when Ranboo swings his axe wildly in his direction.
“Left!” Tubbo shouts, Ranboo turning sharply at the last second, his axe colliding with Dream’s until they’re both send stumbling back.
Tommy signs, and Tubbo automatically voices them aloud.
“How did you get here so fast?  Tommy’s.”  Tommy’s meaning Tommy’s words; another habit formed from speaking for each other.
“Um– Pearls?” Ranboo says it like a question, still searching frantically for Dream, but at present his vision is mostly a blur of pale gray static, the sudden darkness after the sea of lava makes it especially tricky to adapt.
“Get back!” Tubbo cries and Ranboo jumps away as Dream swings his axe once more.
Tommy feels useless, unable to give Ranboo instructions, but his current task remains keeping himself between Tubbo and Dream.
“Right!” Tubbo shouts and Ranboo swings that way, the two axes colliding messily.
“Am I getting out of the way or hitting him?!” Ranboo shouts just as Tubbo screams, “duck!” which Ranboo does, feeling Dream’s axe graze his helmet.
Tommy signs what Ranboo said to Tubbo.
“Um, on your right!” Tubbo gets more specific, and Ranboo jumps back as Dream swings at him from the right, on instinct rather than sight, Ranboo swings his axe down, feeling the impact shudder up his arm as he hits something.
“Fuck!” Dream hisses, staggering back, one hand going to his right shoulder, bruised at most through netherite.
“Swing right!  Swing right!” Tubbo shouts frantically as Dream is thrown off.  Ranboo bashes against Dream’s shield, wrenching his left arm back, leaving it useless.  Tubbo swings while Ranboo is still gearing up, slamming the axe of peace against Dream’s chest and sending him stumbling back.  Dream raises his axe to swing at Tubbo, still without armor, still defenseless, but Tommy jumps forward, keeping himself between Tubbo and Dream, and as he’d known he would, Dream stops.
“I’m sorry, Dream.  You should’ve paid me more.”
“Punz?!” Dream, already frustrated, is baffled by the sight of his mercenary, soon accompanied by the majority of the server in tow.
Ranboo whirls around, startled by a wall of unclear shapes, but then Tubbo grabs his hand, and Tommy has grabbed onto Tubbo’s, and he pulls them both away behind the line of protectors, and by some fucking miracle, they're safe.  Safe so that they can finish this.
Tommy does not tell Dream to put his armor in the hole, but Tubbo does it for him.  Tommy doesn’t bite back against Dream’s pleading, “we were friends!” because there is no argument to be had, Dream made sure of that, so instead there is only an axe.
Dream is not persuaded to return to the hall by Tommy threatening to kill himself, rather it’s as simple as the man’s own obsession, his curiosity, which lures him in.  He cannot hear what’s going through Tommy’s head, so he has to return, if only to see his face.
Dream’s pleading still works eventually, holding Wilbur over him.  Tommy cannot call Dream pathetic, he cannot call him out for everything he’s done, the lies he told about the community house alongside everything else.  He can’t say a thing in his own defense, but he finds that doesn’t hurt like he thought it would.  Maybe he feels stronger knowing he has nothing left to say to that man, even if that hadn't been his choice.
Tommy tells Tubbo what Dream had said, why they let him live, and therefore it cannot sit there passively.  The conversation has been initiated.
"And... you believe him?" Tubbo asks carefully.
"Even if I don't, I can't risk it," Tommy signs.
"Even if I don't, I can't risk it.  Tommy's," Tubbo translates for Ranboo.
Tubbo nods to Tommy, grim but understanding.  "Right, well.  If you want me to, I'll... I'll try to help you get him back, I just... I'm working on things to keep us safe right now, and I'd like to do that first.  Awful to say, but Wilbur can wait.  He's not getting any deader."
Tommy had almost laughed at that.  He'd done that far quieter exhale and smile that had replaced it.  Tubbo remembers, though.  Tommy had actually laughed down in that vault, and Tubbo wishes he could give that back to his best friend.  He doesn't know how to do that, or how to get Wilbur back, but he does know how to create things and in this case, weapons.  He's going to keep them all safe.
Dream goes to the prison.  Tommy and Tubbo go home.
Eventually, Tubbo asks.  “How’d you get to us so fast, Ranboo?”
Ranboo had explained, somewhat strained.  “I don’t remember.  I was already in the Nether, I guess?  And…” He frowns, lost in thought.  “I must’ve had pearls.  There’s no other way I could move that fast.  So… it had to have been that.”
Tommy translates, and they leave it at that.  Ranboo, much later, will find a new recording on his tape recorder.  The warbling tones of an Enderman played back to him like words he should understand.  He doesn’t understand.  Not yet, at least.
They return home and once more the new normal begins to rebuild itself.  Tubbo continues to build Snowchester and work on other enterprises as well.  Ranboo almost followed him out there, but he hates how bright the snow gets.  It’s not as bad as Technoblade’s place, which lacks even tree coverage, so instead Ranboo builds a house over the hill past the crater.  He builds it closer to his panic room.  Ranboo tries to remain focused on the present, to not get lost in his recordings, but sometimes he wakes up and he doesn’t know where he is and depending on the time of day, depending on how bright outside it is or how dark, he remains lost for a long time.  He always stumbles back home eventually, but sometimes he has to send his coordinates to Tubbo or Tommy to come pick him up.  Ranboo doesn’t feel ashamed by this.  Not anymore, at least.  Sometimes he needs a little help, that’s all.  It gets harder when they ask him how he got there if he couldn’t remember where he’d come from.  He could excuse it by blaming his vision troubles or his memory, but he can’t give them even a guess for why he might have wanted to wander out to these remote locations in the first place.
Tubbo can’t stop thinking about Tommy’s laugh.  He had laughed, once, briefly, Tubbo had seen it, down in Dream’s museum of horrors.  He hasn’t laughed since, just as he hasn’t spoken.  Maybe it’s not fair for him to wait and hope for that part of his best friend to return, but he can’t help hoping anyway.  In that tiny, brief period of calm between the red festival and exile, when they'd both spent so much time together, learning how to sign, there had been times where Tubbo couldn’t hear Tommy’s laugh, but he could feel it.  Sitting beside one another, Tommy would talk loud enough he could feel the vibrations passing between them.  He could feel Tommy’s laugh.  That doesn’t happen anymore.  Tubbo tries to distract himself, but even nuclear physics cannot keep him occupied enough.  He works with Jack a lot, who has been trying to learn how to sign, but Tubbo thinks it’s more important he focuses on the work they’re doing here.  He’s less annoyed by Jack having to type in chat and more annoyed by how easily Jack sneaks up on him.  If he’s wearing a welding helmet or protective gear, he cannot even see Jack when he comes up beside him and waves to try and announce himself.  Tubbo has almost killed his friend with a blowtorch more than once.  He doesn’t deal well with being startled.  Jack is understanding, to a point.  Not that Tubbo would expect him to be especially forgiving when Tubbo singes his eyebrows.  Tubbo focuses on engineering, mechanics, and radiation; not the absence of sound.  He doesn’t need to hear to build the end of the world, or rather, the end of the world just in case.
Tommy is also trying to settle and keep himself occupied.  He’s doing okay, he thinks.  He’s still jumpy, but if he keeps busy, he can get by.  Sam Nook helps, as does the hotel.  Tommy keeps himself occupied and allows his thoughts to remain merely a haze of simple tasks.  Sam Nook understands sign language.  That had been a pleasant surprise, but maybe it shouldn’t have been; Sam seems to think of everything.  Sam Nook only really speaks in chat too, so Tommy hopes if Tubbo ever comes to the construction site, that will be nice too.  But Tubbo has been busy.  They still spend time together quite often, projects cannot replace the importance of how they communicate with each other.  Without that, even with other company, the world feels lonelier.  When it’s just Tommy and Sam Nook, he doesn’t notice it much.  Communicating with the robot is effortless, it’s when in his tasks he runs into someone else along the prime path, he asks to borrow something, and there’s always that moment of confusion as they stare at his hands, uncomprehending, before Tommy irritatedly types in the chat.  He guesses it would be unfair to expect everyone on the server to learn a second language for his sake.  And Tubbo’s.  And Callahan’s, if he’s being thorough.  Actually fuck those guys, why shouldn’t they learn when like ten percent of the population needs it to communicate?!  If a fucking robot can do it, what’s their excuse?
So, it’s easier with Tubbo, and with Ranboo, even though maybe it shouldn’t be because he can’t understand signs.  Maybe it’s because Ranboo understands things in other ways.
Eventually, Tommy discovers––in rare, limited occasions––he can talk when totally he’s alone.  At first he just wants to try.  He thinks entirely alone would be his best shot, so it became a ritual of sorts.  Tommy hates being alone, so whenever Ranboo and Tubbo aren’t around, and he’s finished Sam Nook’s tasks for the day, he refuses to be alone with his thoughts and instead occupies himself in a singular goal: to say something.  To say anything.
The first time he’d succeeded, after many failed attempts, he’d had to figure out somewhere he felt safe.  At first he thought a bunker, somewhere deep underground surrounded by layers of obsidian, but after the final control room, he’d always been claustrophobic.  Instead, in another morbid twist of fate, he has an easier time trying to talk somewhere up high, just like being back on that tower.  He can see all around him and know for certain no one can hear him, and only then can he whisper aloud.  He sits at the top of a cobblestone tower, far from any structures of the main server, and his voice returns to him, slowly, weakly, and almost too broken from disuse to be heard even by him, but nonetheless.
Tommy’s first words, after his last words at the top of that tower in exile, are so magnificently clumsy.  He’d been letting his thoughts run wild, a meaningless internal monologue as he tried to will himself to let it be external instead, and somehow, he’d broken through.
“Fuck!” He bursts out, followed by a panicked laugh.  “Shit! Pussy! Bitch!  Dickhead–”
Tommy covers his mouth, another breathless laugh escaping as he tries to settle the bolts of staticky panic racing across his skin.  He’d spoken.  He’d spoken aloud several fucking words.  He’s a god.
Then, Tommy makes a mistake.  He gets down from his tower ––safely with a water bucket––and goes to find Tubbo and Ranboo.  He wants to tell them the good news, to tell them that he’s finally broken free, but when he gets to them both, the two of them sitting together so peacefully at the bench, Ranboo writing down answers for Tubbo in Tommy's absence, and when they look over at him expectantly, waiting for his hands to move, or in Ranboo’s case, waiting for Tubbo to voice those signs aloud, and he just stares at them, mouth hanging open slightly, as he wills himself to be.
He doesn’t say a word.
Ranboo and Tubbo had never hurt him the way Dream had.  He has no reason to conflate that man’s violence with his friends merely existing, but that fact doesn’t allow him to speak.  He just stares at them both, a lump in his throat, ashamed and disappointed and just so frustrated that Dream, even locked away in a cell, is still controlling him.  He’d thought he’d made his peace with this.  He finds he quite likes signing, he already liked talking with his hands, being a blur of motion, but it’s different when he doesn’t have a choice.
“What’s up, bossman?” Tubbo asks as Tommy goes on too long without signing.
Tommy hesitates, hands raised in front of him as he wars over telling them.  He didn't actually break through, it doesn’t feel like much of an accomplishment and therefore not something worth sharing, but he still wants to share.  He wants them to feel his disappointment too, because he knows out of everyone, these two will understand.  Tubbo discovering he can still recognize the vibrations of the discs when he’s pressed against them, but it not being in any way the same.  Ranboo finding he can read if he looks so carefully out of his peripheral and holds it right up to his face so it’s all but useless.  Tommy finding he can force a few words out while alone but that impassible wall returns the moment he’s in the presence of others, even them.
Tommy doesn't know how to tell them any of that, but he still wants to say––or not say, he cannot fucking say––something about this ache in his chest.  "It's fucked up.  It's fucked up.  Fucked up fucked up fucked up–" he signs it over and over, viciously and with shaky hands.  "I'm broken now and it's not fair and it's his fucking fault!" Tommy points viciously towards the prison.  "Broken!  Fucking broken!  I'm!  I'm fucking broken and it's not fair, fuck!  He stole it!  He took me!  He took me!" Tommy hates that he cannot find the right words within himself, the right sign to express the way this fucking hurts but he doesn't know if he could have said it right either.  He doesn't know if there are the words for it.
Slowly, almost numbed, Tubbo speaks, and Tommy gets to hear his own words sucked of their rage in an exhausted affect that feels just as painful.  "Um.  Tommy's," he starts unnecessarily, as if Ranboo even with his limited sight couldn't see how desperately Tommy's hands had moved.  "It's fucked up.  It's fucked up.  Fucked up... Um.  I am... I am broken now.  It's not fucking fair and– wait, it's not fair and it's his fucking fault.  Um... Broken–" Tubbo's voice gets weaker, hoarser, but he clears it and forces himself to keep going.  It wouldn't be fair not to.  "I'm fucking broken.  It's not fair.  He stole... something.  Um.  It.  He stole it.  He stole me." A painful, piercing pause.  "Tommy's," Tubbo repeats it, as if to reassure himself that those words are only Tommy's, but he knows they aren't.  Even Ranboo, who has no name to tie responsibility for this to except his own, he still hears Tommy's words in Tubbo's weary voice and he wants to cry for all three of them.  He doesn't want to cry.  He doesn't want to cry.
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lookinghalfacorpse · 2 years
I posted my butterfly art on IG with some of your text (with credit) and someone asked if Dream can feel when a butterfly is killed. What should I tell them skdjsj
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this is fun because we have no rules behind how canon chats work in the dsmp right? if u wanna know my personal headcanon behind it that i use when i write, it’s something like this:
i write chats as something that every character can see, but only one character can communicate with (except in the case of c!techno’s chat or other chats that don’t have such a physical form).  and if only one character can communicate with a chat, that means the chat can’t just... speak in a human tongue.  if they did, everyone could just listen in!  c!philza’s crows don’t speak, c!tubbo’s bees don’t speak, and c!dream’s butterflies don’t speak.  
dream could talk TO phil’s crows, and the crow might caw back at him, but he won’t understand what it means.  a butterfly could land on phil’s sleeve and pull on it, and phil might be able to infer what it wants, but the communication isn’t super clear.
so, yes, the bond between the character and their chat is a little deeper so communication can make more sense.  when i write lines like ‘stop looking’ ‘stop looking’ from the butterfly chat, i picture that dialogue as popping up in dream’s head and being inaudible to everyone else :) so, yeah, a voice that only c!dream can hear.
I do think that chats have a lot of free will, can be unruly at times, and can act outside of their “owner’s” permission.  They can keep secrets, even from their owner (”are we that hungry?... you should’ve told me”) (and, in itwall ch 10, phil’s chat had to make it back to philza to share info with him.  the transfer wasn’t instant). for that reason, i’m hesitant to give dream power over them to “see through their eyes” as he uses them to spy.  as a writer, i’ve used that slight disconnect between character and chat to make plotlines more interesting.  that IS a rly cool headcanon though, esp if we’re talking about butterflies with eye designs on them! 
and would he know if a butterfly died?  well, he Did know that the blue one he sent to quackity didn’t make it back.  and you can Bet he has more than one blue one in that swarm of his.  i’m not 100% sure what’s meant by the word “feel”-- i definitely wasn’t picturing that he, like, felt physical pain when it died.  but he knows his chat, knows their voices, and knows when one of them doesn’t make it back to him.  and he’d insist that it doesn’t hurt (it hurts him very, very much).
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rieguns · 2 months
tag navigation
— general
#nom nom -> like an npc that won't stfu... #om nom -> asks
— streamers
#s: pretty fly for a white guy -> ludwig ahgren... #s: secret popmart -> quarterjade #s: in the mirror i see you (fellow adhd guy) -> itzmasayoshi #s: Youtuber Serial Killer Late Streamer Local Funny Man E-Clown Air-Cannibalist Master of Illusions Confirmed All-powerful God Two Time VineWrestle Champion by technicality No. 1 on the IRS's most-wanted list The Comedy Guy Shortest man in Dwarfland The only human who can make Zeus think twice The ultimate alpha male Compact Streamer Him The Sus Guy Nextbot -> do i even need to explain (jerma985) #s: like a good munch on a carrot -> tinakitten #s: ipad kid time -> otv #s: snorking time -> the yard #s: technoblade never dies -> techno
— fire emblem three houses
#vg: is it a prayer or battle cry? -> fe3h #ch: to reform and unite -> claude #p: never a believer until you -> claudeleth #ch: to break and crumble... then rise -> dimitri #ch: to fix and absolve -> edelgard #p: i serve you purely out of personal devotion -> edelgard & hubert (not romantic tho... sry)
— baldur's gate 3
#vg: to the gate -> #ch: a bundle of night orchids ->
— ace attorney
#vg: objection! -> aa #ch: cerulean wool -> phoenix wright #ch: scarlet wool -> miles edgeworth #p: thanks to you, i am saddled with unnecessary… feelings -> narumitsu
— octopath traveler 2
#vg: a web of journeys
— valorant specific
#vg: to capture radianite -> valorant #ch: i am the beginning. i am the end -> omen
— general video games
#vg: wishing on starfruits -> stardew valley #vg: coming back to faraway town -> omori #vg: poyo -> kirby #vg: i choose you -> pokemon #vg: YOU BURNED MY HOUSE TO THE GROUND (pikmin) MY FAMILY’S DEAD WHAT DO I DO (pikmin) -> pikmin
— dsmp specific (ehem)
#rp: the unfinished symphony -> dsmp #ch: there’s no other way—i choose blood -> c!techno #ch: welcome home theseus -> c!tommy #ch: i’m not a pawn -> c!tubbo #p: discs aren’t people -> c!clingy duo (tommy & tubbo) #p: our perfect world is one without a ruler -> c!emerald duo (techno & philza)
— whitepine (better tags to come)
#rp: whitepine #ch: ivory #ch: serapter #ch: pyroscythe
0 notes
dreamsclocks · 6 months
Are you posting a fic today?
yessir i sure am 👍 ch1 of a potential c!tubbo & c!dream thing and also a ch of hornets nest !!
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Also have these, I fingerdrew these on my phone a few weeks ago, saved them to drafts, and then apparently forgot about them until just now
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Fingerdrawing is H A R D
I should maybe get a stylus
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doodlebloo · 3 years
Me finally listening to Ranboo's updated lore playlist and realizing that c!beeduo are probably gonna get a canonical divorce:
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Me thinking abt the slow burn healing fix-it fic I'm gonna end up churning out as soon as it happens:
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elytrafemme · 3 years
i keep accidentally making ho16 references in all the shit i do and honestly like. very cool and sexy of me but also how
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atherix0 · 2 years
I am in fact here to scream some more. THE MOVING IN! SO CUTE! GRIAN MEETING JELLIE FINALLY - The Book TM oh my god. Scar is feeding it grocery store romance novels you just like. Know he is. Also please know that I just went to check my email because I'm waiting on something and immediately dropped literally everything I was doing to read this.
ALSO YOU SNEAKY, CHEEKY PERSON WITH THE LORE CH 2????????/ First of all how dare you second of all how dare you. It's so CLEVER how it managed to explain why it isn't so simple for Scar to just be turned and for it to fix everything but i am pulling out my hair and gnawing at my arm with very sharp teeth because AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Also Tubbo looking and Grian and being like 'Yeah im gonna ask him for advice' AHHHH YES. YES! MUMSCARIAN GROWS CLOSER WITH EVERY UPDATE! But also poor tubbo trying to figure out what to do bc he wants to be an adult but he doesn't want to be gone and lose his dad im????? hi welcome to weirdly relatable because im in my twenties but my mom is in her seventies and i have Those Kinds Of Thoughts often, the catharsis with that entire conversation was UNMATCHED frankly. Tubbo I love you.
Also the way Grian's brain ticks is just. Magnificent. Bless him. Relatable. 'I found a solution why does no one recognize my genius - oh.'
AND THE DANCING - First of all Doc making a cameo to build a portable jukebox for this specific scenario is so funny to me 'I got it but i dont wanna talk about it i just wanna dance' grian you little bird brain. MUMBOOOOOOOO LEADING THE WAYYYYY. THE TWO OF THEM FULLY AWARE THEYVE GOT IT FOR SCAR AND GRINNING AT EACH OTHER WHILE SCAR IS JUST SAT THERE LIKE "Wow that's nice. Wish I had that. Love my friends" ASDFGHJK Grian just plopping himself into Scar.
Can we talk about how Scar is so oblivious that he only notices how often Mumbo and Grian hold him/touch him/touch his hair if they do it for 'too long' see also mumbo catching him last fic. Scar. S c a r. You literally keep thinking "our coven - their coven." scar you oblivious little elf.
S C R E A M I N G the way they just pass Scar along. PLEASE. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. *OH MY GOD* listen if they dont get together soon i am going to go insane I am kicking my feet and being dragged to hell 🤣
AHAHA hello again <3 YASSSSS GRIAN MEETS JELLIE <3 Fun fact but in the original draft this was the first time he even found out about Jellie at all but since they went to Aqua Town I changed it to the first time he met her <3 HJFSDJKFHJDJK at least it wasn't 13k+ this time :'3
I AM PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF DROPPING IN LITTLE LORE BITS <3 YEAH hjfgdsjkfdgj cuz like THEORETICALLY.... Theoretically it checks out but how would it work with someone who is both Natural and Supernatural what if it actually makes things worse what if- hjgfdjk there's a lot of what-ifs there <3
Tubbo was like "this is a person who Gets Me (see Midnight Strolls and them being chaos gremlins togethers) and cares about my dad I will ask him for advice" hjfsdjkfk YEAH huge mood hfjkfds he wants to branch out and live his life and be an adult but at the same time it's like <3 he's painfully aware and it scares him he doesn't wanna lose time with his dad hjfdskjk I can understand the fear too </3 My stepmom's the closest thing to a mom I have and she's almost seventy now </3 I adore this boi <3
LMAO Grian forgetting to look at the big picture, relatable <3
YESSSSSS THE DANCING <3 HJFVSJHKVFJKS to be FAIR it was more of a callback than anything <3 but also having an inventor friend is pretty convenient when you're about to get in the middle of a nasty conflict right? He wants to DANCE with his MENS in their CLEARING he has his priorities straight they're both so pretty and the night is so nice~ HJFSHJKFSHKJFS Scar just like "aww they're so sweet and pretty I love them so much wish I could join them <3" and they just >:3 gonna give him everything lmao "Wanna dance?" jhgfdjkkfd
HHGHGASHGA YEAH LMAO he's just so comfortable with them now that it only really occurs to him that "hold up it's been a minute what-" kjfdskfdskl this boy someone get him some self-value so "they're into me" isn't the absolute last thing he thinks of <3 yesssss their Coven hhfdjh
HFKSHFJKS if that dance scene doesn't sum up their relationship dynamic I don't know what will LMAO <3 You will be very happy soon I think <3 just gotta go through some pain first <3 :D
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my confession is that um... ctommy = chara and ctubbo = asriel. also ctommy = kris deltarune and cdream = the deltarune player or whoever is piloting the red soul.
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peninkwrites · 9 months
Hear no evil. See no evil. Speak no evil. Ch 5 of ?
Tommy cannot communicate and hurt someone, so he has to choose. Tubbo doesn't know a lot of things with mixed results. Ranboo has trouble reading.
[CW: c!Dream, impending blindness, maybe injuries? ask to tag if there's anything else!]
crossposted to ao3
Ch 1
Ch 4
Ch 6
Executing Technoblade was a bust, as Tubbo surely knew it would be.  Quackity had been so insistent and Tubbo won’t cast all the blame on him, Tubbo had agreed, he’d gone along with it, and he’d been afraid of Technoblade too.  Technoblade disappeared, and Quackity seemed to run off after him, but Tubbo knows that’s a lost cause.
He’s tired of this.  He’s tired of the politics and the isolation and the fact that most of the time he feels utterly useless.  He’s also tired of being scared to see his best friend.  Tommy might hate him, he has every right to, but Tubbo is going out there and try.  He didn’t get to celebrate his birthday with his best friend, but surely it isn’t too late.  Maybe he’ll apologize for all this too, explain that he’s been trying to find a way to get Tommy home, even if it’s just something temporary like a visitor’s pass or something.
Tubbo is excited to have someone who can sign around him.  Unless Tommy has forgotten.  No, that’s stupid.  Tommy wouldn’t have forgotten everything in the last month or so.  Tubbo knows where Tommy’s little camp is, he’s known even if he hasn’t dared go there.
Tubbo can’t help but start to get excited once he reaches the portal.  It’s been so hard on his own, Ranboo helps, but Ranboo isn’t Tommy.
The world bends around him, and then the hot air of the Nether is replaced by a cold, salty breeze coming off the sea.  He steps onto the path and freezes, staring at a crater spread out before him.
“W-What– What happened?!” Tubbo stammers to the empty quiet.  “It’s– It’s all blown up, why is it– Why is it blown up?”  Tubbo walks closer, staring into the crater like some answer will make itself known.
That is, until his eyes are drawn to the pillar cutting up into the sky, a pillar with no way down.  Tubbo is dizzied by thoughts of Wilbur’s end.  “No– No.  Surely– Surely not.  Surely not–”
Tubbo looks around frantically for any sign, for anything.  “Tommy!” He screams at the wilderness.  “Tommy!  Where are you?!”  Tubbo gasps for breath.  What if he’s hurt?  What if he’s calling for you to help him but you can’t hear him?
Tubbo turns back to the tower, and feels as if a knife is twisting in his chest.  He knows Tommy isn’t calling for him.
New L’Manberg is quiet, and Ranboo has no idea what to do with himself.  Tubbo came back from Logstedshire and told the cabinet what he had found.  Not much else has happened since.  Tubbo seems far away, he stares off into space, he doesn’t talk much, and when Ranboo tries to get him to engage, it’s always halfhearted and never all the way there.
Ranboo has done his best not to think about Tommy, about Tommy killing himself all alone.  Before, Ranboo had tried writing letters, but Tommy stopped replying.  He’d also stopped going out there ages ago, largely because Tommy had told him to.
Ranboo has an awful, nagging feeling in the back of his mind.  He gets out his memory book.  He hasn’t written anything on Tommy’s death, because he doesn’t want to remember.  Maybe that’s not fair, but it’s hard enough to have grief hanging over the crater like a funeral shroud without forcing himself to remember it too.  He doesn’t think he’ll forget this, not Tommy dying, not who Tommy was to him.  Some things are important enough.  He has forgotten something, though, something important, he thinks.  He thinks it’s in here too.  He flips through the pages quickly, until he finds it.
Ghostbur is nice 
techno is interesting but in an okay way 
Tommy says that he never wants me to show my face around there ever again but do it anyway because he is your friend
Technos house is located in the certain snow biome to the left of the village as you approach it :)
Tommy says that he never wants me to show my face around there ever again but do it anyway because he is your friend
“S-Shoot–” Ranboo winces as his eyes begin to blur, the page no longer visible and it’s not like he could focus anyway around the fierce burn now welling in his eyes as tears start to form.  “N-No– Stop.  Stop stop stop– come on, j-just keep it together–”  He takes a shaky breath, trying to blink away tears, but that merely makes the burning spread.
Ranboo can’t see.  It hurts, and he can’t see a thing right now.  He knows it’s just from the tears, and for the most part, once he stops crying, it will clear.
You won’t cry when your friend dies.  You won’t cry when you realize you abandoned him out there.  Do you even feel at all?
“I do, I do, I do it just– It just hurts–” Ranboo doesn’t know why he’s pleading with the cruel voice in the back of his head, but he doesn’t know what else to do.  He tries to brush the tears from his cheeks and his fingertips burn instead.  His hands shake as he takes a corner of his white button down and dabs away the water.
Grief is supposed to hurt.
“Not like this!” Ranboo snaps.  He takes a deep breath, he forces his eyes to stay open, praying the tears will clear.  It’s all he can do.  He cannot think about his feelings or pain or what it will mean if his eyes don’t clear, so he doesn’t move.  He breathes, and he stares at the ceiling of his little house, and he waits for the lanterns above to come into a bit more focus.
Ranboo could’ve wept with relief––but he won’t–– when the tears finally clear a bit.  The light of the lanterns are still broad streaks across his vision, but he’s used to that.  He takes a few more deep breaths.  He looks down at his memory book.  He can keep it together now.
Ranboo feels icy cold panic deepen in his veins.  He can’t read the page.
“No…” he murmurs.  “No, no no no that’s not– that can’t–” Ranboo holds the book up closer, hands shaking as he does so, and the letters make themselves known.
Ghostbur is nice
Technoblade is interesting but in an okay way
“Oh my god, oh– thank god, it’s– it’s okay.  It’s okay,” Ranboo buries his face in his hands, shoulders sagging as he lets the book fall off his lap.  “You could read it… you could read it,” he says it a few more times, just to make himself feel it.  “It’s… it’s harder, but… you could read it.”
Tubbo, curse his good eye sight, notices right away when they next see each other.  “Oh my god, Ranboo, what– Your face, it’s–”
“W-What?” Ranboo almost recoils, nervous at the thought of Tubbo currently staring at his eyes.
“The��� the scars are like, bright red, bossman,” Tubbo guesses he asked for an explanation.  “Your eyes are red too like… like you’ve been crying,” his shock fades as he understands.  “Oh.”
Ranboo blinks quickly, flicking to the back of the book where he keeps his messages to Tubbo.
I’m okay.  Just hit me all at once, you know?  Tommy.
Tubbo reads it and he looks so much older than he should.  Maybe his face is still that of a boy, but from the way he carries himself, the weight there, Ranboo thinks he looks older. “Right… Tommy…”
How are you doing?
“Um, I’m alright,” Tubbo says, voice pushed into that higher, mild-mannered affect that he forced when he was upset and trying not to be.
If you need to talk about it, you can come to me.
“Thank you, Rambo,” Tubbo turns more genuine, nonetheless weighted.  “Are you… are you sure you’re alright?  Do you… do you need a health pot for that or something?” Tubbo asks.
No it’s ok!
“Okay.  Are you…” Tubbo sighs.  “Are you feeling up to taking minutes for me?  I wanted to…” Tubbo stops, a tremor in his voice.  “I wanted to have a meeting.  To… to talk about the funeral.”
Ranboo nods quickly, stopping to take his own shaking breath, as he’s once more struck by that awful fear.  It clearly shows on his face.
“Ranboo?” Tubbo’s puzzled worry is immediately pressing for answers.  “Something else going on?”
Ranboo starts to shake his head.
“Come on, don’t fuck about, just tell me.”
Ranboo hesitates.  He needs to tell someone.  Just in case it gets so bad he really needs help.  Tubbo steps up beside him, looking over his arm as he writes.
I can’t read as well.  My vision got worse from me crying.  And I know eventually it’s going to get even worse and I don’t what I’m going to do.  I write down things to remember them and if I don’t have that
I don’t know.
“Shit,” Tubbo sighs heavily.  “What if…” Tubbo pauses, lost in thought.  “What if you… have you tried recording stuff, bossman?”
Ranboo shakes his head.
“Like, tape recorder type deal or something.  You could even start reading aloud your books and stuff, so you’ll have them in case… you know, the worst happens,” Tubbo offers.
“Oh,” Ranboo says softly.  “I…” He comes back to himself, and grabs the book.
I hadn’t thought of that.
“Yeah!” Tubbo sounds proud.  “I could totally get you a tape recorder.  And like, do you want one of those stick things?”
Stick things?
“Like… the red tipped… tapping where you… where you walk type deal?” Tubbo fumbles to explain.
Ranboo laughs.  I don’t think I’m there just yet.  But thank you.
“Alright, no worries, bossman.  Do you still want to try glasses?”
I think I might be beyond glasses
“Well, you could just try it, yeah?”
Ranboo concedes to that.
Tommy is dead.  Ranboo picks out glasses.
The glasses actually help a bit.  Not with the fog, but with some of the blurriness they help, and Tommy is dead.
They get a tape recorder, they wear Christmas sweaters, they spend time together.  Tommy is still dead.
Until he isn’t.
Instead, he stands beside Technoblade, with a wailing Connor in tow.
“Tommy?” Tubbo croaks out.  “You’re– You’re alive?”
Tubbo takes a step forward.  Tommy takes a step back.
“Tommy, you’re– why are you with..?” Tubbo trails off, evidently staring at Technoblade.
Tommy doesn’t answer.  Ranboo sees him reach out and tug on Technoblade’s sleeve.  Technoblade takes the hint and gets things moving, he takes his weapons off Ranboo in exchange for Connor, and then they start to leave.
“Tommy!  Wait!  Wait, are you– are you alright?!  Can you at least tell me if you’re okay?!” Tubbo calls after him and Ranboo isn’t sure why, but he reaches out and puts a hand on Tubbo’s shoulder to stop him from running after them.  Ranboo thinks he sees Tommy look back over his shoulder, but he’s at an absolute loss to guess what his expression is.  Whatever it is, it stops Tubbo from trying to pull away from him.
Techno and Tommy head back toward the Nether portal at a quick pace, Techno half expecting all the L’Manbergians to come at him with axes again, but no one follows.
Tommy whines, distressed and panicked, pacing from foot to foot like he has half a mind to turn back.
“The guy exiled you, Tommy.  Maybe don’t go runnin’ back to him the second he looks a little sad, alright?” Techno says gruffly.
Tommy nods, evidently more determined, picking up his pace to keep up with Techno’s large stride.  Then he stops, eyes wide, the color drained from his cheeks, and Techno turns back to the portal.
“Oh, uh.  Hey, Dream.  How’s it going?” Techno says casually.  Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Tommy step behind him.  Tommy doesn’t have his shield because it makes it so hard to sign, cowering behind a towering pig does the job just as well.  Techno also hears glass break and glances back to see Tommy splashing regen potions on them both, shoving a few gapples his way as well, but his eyes stay locked on Dream.
“If I remember correctly, Tommy, you aren’t supposed to be here,” Dream says coolly.
Tommy just stares, wired like a spring, waiting for Dream to step toward him.  Technoblade leans over.  “Tommy, don’t be scared,” he says in a false whisper.  “He doesn’t have no house.”
Tommy does that quiet closed-mouthed laugh where he exhales a little shakily, which has replaced his old cackle.  He keeps staring at Dream.  Dream is surely staring back from behind that mask, evidently waiting for something.  “Tommy, I got one of your discs back.”
Tommy inhales sharply, he takes one step forward, hands balled into fists at his sides, before stepping back in the relative safety of Technoblade’s shadow.
Dream laughs.  “What, you’re not gonna argue with me?  Demand it back, or whatever?” Dream waits for a reply.
Interesting.  From the way Tommy was such a wreck, Techno had assumed Dream had forced Tommy not to talk, from that ominous word HURTS to the dark bruise wrapping around Tommy’s wrist to the way Tommy flinches whenever Techno moves too fast all on top of Tommy remaining adamantly silent, and yet here Dream is, expecting answers.  The pause extends.
“Uhhh.  So, are we just gonna wait around for somethin’ to happen?  Or d’you got some more monologuing to do, Dream?” Techno finally cuts in.
Dream takes half a step forward, and from what Techno can tell around a mask, Dream seems excited.  “Wait, you’re… you’re not talking.”  He definitely sounds excited.  “You’re… really?” Sharp delight.  “I didn’t think– I didn’t think it would stick,” Dream laughs.  “Oh, that’s great.”   Dream waits once more, giving Tommy the chance to disagree, and of course, he doesn’t.  “Techno.”
“Uh, yeah, Dream?” Techno is startled to be dragged into whatever staredown the two of them have going on.
“What d’you think of the new Tommy?”
“The new Tommy?” Techno scoffs.  “I dunno what you mean, Dream, he’s probably even dirtier and scruffier than he was in Pogtopia.  That’s not exactly new.”
“No,” Dream says sharply, before continuing with an eerie, softer sort of pride.  “He’s quiet now, isn’t he?”
Something more than a little sinister in the way he said that.
“Oh, is he?” Techno continues sarcastically.  “I didn’t notice.  I thought maybe I was goin’ deaf like the President back there.”
“No, but, seriously,” Dream seems annoyed that Technoblade hasn’t responded with, what, praise?  “He doesn’t talk, like, at all?” He looks to Techno for confirmation.
Techno continues on with determined dry wit.  “Oh, I just thought I’d gotten really good at tuning him out or something.”
“Techno, I did that,” Dream finally gets to the point, irritated as well as smug.  “I finally got him to shut up!”
Tommy shifts from foot to foot restlessly, sword in hand, but he still makes no move against Dream.  Technoblade hasn’t either, but he keeps his crossbow leveled with the man’s chest.
“Yeah, yeah, that’s cool, Dream.  Real tough-guy move there, huh?  Scaring a teenager?” Techno says dryly.
Dream ignores Technoblade now, approaching Tommy.  “Look, Tommy.  You know you’re not supposed to be here, you… you’ve caused problems, just like you always do.  And now, you are going to come with me, or I’m going to burn your disc.”
Another sharp inhale from Tommy, still holding his sword in shaking hands, and Techno can see the desperate cogs turning as this kid tries to figure out how he has any hope of getting out of this one.  
“Well, that’s gonna be a bit of a problem, Dream.”  Technoblade steps forward, putting himself between Dream and Tommy.  “‘Cause this guy’s with me.”
Dream tilts his head, clearly calculating something.  “Hm.  Are you sure, Techno?”
“I am sure,” Techno replies coolly.  He glances back at Tommy behind him, amused to see the kid is now grinning like he won the lottery.  “This is a… this is a business partner,” is how he describes the terrified teenager that had been clinging to him for the past days.  “And we’re workin’ for our own mutual benefit right now.”  He turns back to Dream.  “So I can’t really have you takin’ him away before I complete my objectives.  Before I get my revenge.”
Tommy is on the fuckin’ moon right now he’s so smug.  Ha!  Sure, he can’t say a single fucking word, and Tubbo screwed him over, but he’s got the Blade stepping up to fight for him!
“Unless, of course.  You wanna call in that favor.”
Tommy’s heart drops to his stomach.  He wants to protest, he wants to ask Techno what the fuck he’s talking about, but with Dream there, words have never felt further away.  He paces anxiously, walking around Techno, getting back in his line of sight, hoping that would count as pleading enough for answers.
“Hm,” Dream mulls this over, but Tommy’s focus remains on Technoblade.
Again, he tugs on Technoblade’s sleeve, as has been his go-to means of getting Techno’s attention, but Techno doesn’t spare him a glance, merely shakes him off, even as he still holds the crossbow up to Dream’s chest, and that hurts.  “Not now, Tommy.  The adults are talking,” Techno says coolly.  That hurts too.  Tommy can’t fucking argue.  He wants to argue.  There’s a weight pressing down on his chest that says he can’t.
Tommy doesn’t fucking understand, Technoblade was supposed to be on his side, how can he, how could he–
“No, I have something else in mind for that,” Dream continues, equally content to ignore Tommy like he’s nothing more than a pesky bug.  “I’ll… I’ll keep it.  If you’re sure.”  Dream backs away.  “I guess you live another day, Tommy.”
A horrifying statement, but more importantly, Dream is walking away.  If Tommy is going to say something, some biting insult, a daring jab, it would be now.  Tommy steps forward, and Dream stares at him, clearly unimpressed.  Tommy feels that weight on his chest again, bearing down on him, his body desperately struggling to prevent HURT, and Tommy is helpless, choking on his own words.
He refuses to not try.  Tommy flicks Dream off; it’s all he can manage.  Dream scoffs and starts to walk away, so in one last shred of courage, he spits at Dream, not quite hitting him, but enough to make him pause and recoil from it crossing his path.
Tommy is almost breathless with delight.  He can’t speak, but he can annoy Dream.
“Yeah!  Get out of here, you don’t have no house!” Techno joins in jeeringly.
“I have a house–” Dream starts to say irritably.
Tommy feels that giddy rage rising up once more uncontrollable, and he swings, his sword bouncing off of Dream’s netherite armor, hardly enough to even bruise, but Tommy still basks in it.  He hit Dream.
“Whoa, Tommy,” Techno says, appraising and maybe a tad concerned, but Dream doesn’t retaliate, he keeps walking away.
So Tommy returns to the nether portal, trembling not just from the adrenaline, but with feverish joy too. 
“I–” Tommy signs, before flicking off the portal behind them, the closest approximation he can get to I told him to go fuck himself!
“Yeah!  Yeah, you told him, Tommy,” Technoblade crows.
“Time ago I never do that!” Tommy signs with jittery, excitable fingers, not yet fluent enough to properly articulate a week ago I never could’ve done that! but he gets the message across.  “Technoblade,” he signs an approximation of his name, the same sign for sword, or Blade, rather.  “Thank you.”
“No problem, Tommy.”
Tommy finds out about a festival, but this time he cannot take the lead, he cannot justify letting his anger run loose and hurt Fundy without a cause, because he cannot run an interrogation when he can’t talk, but Technoblade does enough.
Ranboo discovers something too.
“Tommy?  Why… why aren’t you saying anything?  Why didn’t you say anything the other day?  Are you… I know this might not be the time, but are you… refusing to talk to me?” Ranboo asks.
He can recognize that Tommy is shaking his head.  Then he glances down and sees Tommy’s hands are moving.
“Oh, Tommy, I can’t… I can’t see signs very well,” he says softly.
Tommy wavers, seeming unsure, before he startles Ranboo by grabbing his hand.  Ranboo doesn’t pull away, though, and after a moment, he realizes Tommy is tracing letters onto his palm.
“Can you start over?”
A nod.
“You… you can’t talk?”
Tommy nods.
“Why?  Did you… did you lose your voice?”
Tommy hesitates, then slowly, he nods.
“Oh.  I guess… I guess I’m sorry to hear that,” Ranboo doesn’t know what to do with this information.  “And… do you think you’ll… get it back?”
Tommy shakes his head again.
“It’s… it’s not coming back.”
Another head shake.
“Oh,” Ranboo processes this.
“Tommy!  Tommy, I got somethin’ for ya.  Fundy has something to say,” Technoblade calls Tommy back over, and Tommy leaves Ranboo before he can ask any more questions.
Ranboo doesn’t tell Tubbo that he spoke with Tommy.  He doesn’t know how to.  Maybe he’ll regret that later.  For now, he’ll record this, remind himself that Tommy has changed.  In more ways than one.
While Tommy is invisible, he cannot communicate with Technoblade.  So when he follows the crowd out to the blown up community house, he has no idea if Techno will follow him.  All he knows is that Dream is blaming him, and Tommy has no way of defending himself.  He can’t sign, instead, he can only watch on in horror as Dream tries to tear him away from his loved ones one more time.
Dream is arguing with Tubbo, projecting his words to the entire server, which to be fair, the majority of them have circled around the community house to see what’s happened.
<Dream> how can I enforce his exile if I don’t have the disc?
“You– You have one of them, do you not?” Tubbo stammers.
<Dream> I need both
“You need… both?” Tubbo stares at the ruins of the community house, uncomprehending.  “I actually just can’t believe he would do this.”
Everyone is talking over each other, but Tubbo can easily ignore it, cogs turning as he thinks.
<Dream> if you don’t want to associate with tommy hand over the disc
Tommy has no way of stopping this.  He’s still fucking invisible so he can’t talk to Tubbo.  He scrambles to put on his armor, and before he can stop himself, he steps between Tubbo and Dream.
“What– Who’s this?” Tubbo takes one step back, staring at his best friend and unable to recognize him.
Tommy has no fucking clue what to do now.  The entire server is staring at him, and this is where he’s meant to defend himself, but can’t if he’s fucking invisible.
Technoblade joins him.
“It’s Tommy.  And I’m here, obviously.  Ah, wait, you can’t hear me, uh.  Someone wanna… translate for the President or something?” Technoblade drawls.
“Tommy?” Tubbo stares at his best friend, knowing him not on sight, but maybe only on hope.
Tommy nods.  Tubbo can at least see that with his helmet.
Tommy needs to tell him he didn’t do this, he needs to talk to his best friend.  What he really needs is some fucking milk.
Tubbo doesn’t care, nor does he bother asking someone to explain what the fuck is happening, he just looks at Tommy, wishing he could understand him, in more ways than one.
<Dream> Tubbo give me the disc
Tubbo opens his Enderchest, he doesn’t even know what he’s actually planning on doing at this point, but it doesn’t matter, because Tommy shoves him away.  Tommy literally cannot use words right now, the only thing he can possibly do is physically stop Tubbo from giving up the disc.  Tubbo stumbles but keeps his footing, staring in shock at the figure that must be Tommy.  A tense moment, the two of them staring at each other, and Tubbo unable to read his friend’s face.
He scrambles for his Enderchest.  It opens once more, and as Tommy tries to shove him away again, he’s not sure if Tubbo managed to grab it or not.  Not that it matters, because right now, Tubbo isn’t holding a disc.  He’s holding his axe.
“Tommy, are you really going to– to fight me on this?!  After everything– After you proving time and time again that I– I cannot trust you?!” Tubbo sounds so wounded, and Tommy wants to scream at him, to tear into him with all of his losses, but he cannot speak, nor could Tubbo hear him, and for now, Tommy cannot fucking sign.
That leaves one language left.
When Tommy swings at Tubbo, he tries to scream, voice ragged and hoarse from disuse, it merely causes him pain, just like the jarring feeling shuddering up his arm from his axe colliding with Tubbo’s chestplate.
Tubbo gasps, not really hurt, merely shocked that Tommy would swing a weapon at him.  The shock doesn’t last.  Tubbo takes a shaky breath, tightening his grip on his own axe, he swings back.
Tommy hoists up his shield to block it, it wrenching on his arm and leaving the shield all but useless.  He knows Techno is saying something to him, warning him of how outnumbered they are, but he couldn’t care less.  Tommy shoves Tubbo back with his shield and swings again.
“A-After everything–” Tubbo blocks it with his own shield, both of them forced to take a step back as they recover.  “After everything…” Tubbo tries again.  “You… you still found one more way to try and hurt our nation.  Why the hell would you do this?!” He nods to the ruins and Tommy is furious.
How the fuck is he meant to tell Tubbo he didn’t do this?  How the fuck is he meant to stop him from giving up the disc, save this?   Save hurting his best friend?  So, of course unable to reply, he merely swings again, trying to wrench around his shield, to reach his chestplate, but Tubbo jolts back quickly, dodging him before swinging back, nailing Tommy in the ribs, only enough to bruise through Netherrite but it still knocks the wind out of him all the same.
“You won’t try to talk to me, but you will hit me, is that it?!” Tubbo snaps.
Tommy can only respond by swinging back harder.  He can’t fucking sign if Tubbo can’t see him!  It’s not fucking fair that Tubbo gets to make his case and hit him and Tommy can only hit back, otherwise defenseless.  Rage sharpens like a knife within his chest and Tommy’s arms burn as he does everything he can to break through Tubbo’s shield, bashing against it with his axe, over and over, until Tubbo is sent stumbling back and he hits the water, and Tommy realizes he can see his own arms, still raising the axe, waiting to strike Tubbo down again.
Tubbo claws back onto the platform, drenched but not dissuaded.  He raises his axe, bitterly willing to keep going, until he sees Tommy, and he sees his hands moving.
“I didn’t do this,” he signs rapidly, fingers stumbling and frantic, relieved when Tubbo lowers the axe to watch.  “Please don’t give him the disc.”
“What…” Tubbo stares at his hands, eyebrows furrowed together.  “You didn’t do this.”
Tommy shakes his head furiously.
“Then… why the hell did you attack me?”
“The disc.  The disc!  Couldn’t talk to you let you do that.”
“I… I don’t know how you expect me to trust you, Tommy,” Tubbo seems to be struggling to hold his resolve.
Tommy is so panicked he has half a mind to keep fighting, but he has to choose, either a return to violence, or he can talk to him.  He cannot do both.
Even without violence, the pain bleeds through.
“You hurt me.  You let me go.  You let me go,” Tommy doesn’t know how to sign betray, but he hopes emphasizing those words, you let me go, suffice.  They hurt him enough.
“That’s not true.  That’s not fair, Tommy!  I tried to keep you here!  I tried to bargain and you were the one who ruined– who ruined everything!” Tubbo is still holding his axe.
“You don’t know what he did to me!” Tommy points at Dream vehemently, even as the man had stepped back, along with all the rest, to allow the two of them to tear each other to pieces.  “Out away, where I was, he hurt me.  You don’t know, you don’t know.”
“I thought you died!” Tubbo sounds like he’s pleading, his voice breaks, and he takes one step closer.  Tommy steps back sharply, because Tubbo is still holding his axe.  Tubbo puts it away.  “I thought you were– I thought you were dead.”
“You never came.  You never saw me.  You know nothing.  You hurt me.”  Tommy’s hands are unsteady, he pauses, forcing them to calm, trying to at least.  “You made me die not being there.”
"I– What?"
Tommy tries to work around his limited vocabulary.  "You went away.  Made me start to die.  You left me to die." Tommy finally manages it, signing for the direction left, but he's hoping Tubbo can figure it out.
“I didn’t– I didn’t– When I exiled you–” Tubbo stammers, torn between anger and pain.  “What was I supposed to do, Tommy?!  I was stuck in an impossible position because you decided to disregard our nation, to– to risk everything and for what?!  For the discs?!”
Those watching, save Technoblade, are all plagued by the same thought, only hearing half of the conversation.  Why isn’t Tommy talking?
It’s a strange sort of dread.  Tommy being quiet feels like a warning, a sign that something is seriously wrong with him.  Tommy is never quiet.  Not that Tubbo notices this, his attention remains on Tommy’s hands, and the words spun from them.
Tommy cannot be impulsive with his words.  There is always a delay in a language he hasn’t quite adjusted to.  So he never says it.  He cannot figure out a way to sign “the discs were worth more than you ever were,” or if he can, he doesn’t, because the thought of them alone hit him in the chest like an explosion.
“Give him the disc.”
“What?” Tubbo sputters.
“I won’t lose you over this.  Give him the disc,” Tommy signs this slow and careful, the weight of what he’s doing makes him almost dizzy.  He just wanted to have one thing, or two, rather.  Two precious objects that represent everything he holds dear.  Tubbo is what he holds dear, and he won’t lose him over a disc that he can’t even hear anymore.
What follows is simple as it is painful.  Dream gets Mellohi.  Tommy chooses Tubbo, as he always does, as he always will, in every universe.  And Technoblade is hurt.  Dream does not wave Ranboo’s memory book like an accusation, because by then, Ranboo had started recording his memories in a tape recorder.  It is far worse for everyone to hear Ranboo’s confession played aloud, but even worse for Ranboo to look at Tubbo, and know he cannot hear a word of it.
That simplifies things, in a sense.
Doomsday could have been avoided, but not for this, and not easily.  Technoblade doesn’t bother with words when Tommy never pleads with him to stop.  The words had always been insignificant on a day like this, better surely to skip right to the violence.  That was what they were really here for.  Tommy cannot shout at Technoblade, plead for reason, for understanding, and he cannot call out Tubbo’s name to find him, so they stay together.  There isn’t much to be said as their world falls to ash, so Tommy holds Tubbo’s hand through the end.
On Doomsday, Ranboo only sees a blur of white lines and bursts of orange.  He had gone to his panic room after the community house, not because he had been outed as a traitor, but rather because he still didn’t know how to do this.  Everyone needing to choose sides and always fighting and–
He must have cried.  He doesn’t remember it now, but nonetheless, he must have.  Because when he woke up, still in the panic room, he couldn’t read the signs on the walls.  He stumbled his way back to L’Manberg, his peripheral all he has left, and he gets his pets out.  Then he watches, watches as best he can at least.  The explosions are almost beautiful, and in the dark, Ranboo cannot see the obsidian grid they emanate from so for them the bombs might as well be from the sky itself.
Phil tells him to get out of there while he still can, he’s offered a place in the arctic, but staring at the darkness, the streaks of hot, painful white, Ranboo thinks of blinding white snow, and he shudders.
Tubbo has his tape recorder, stolen by Dream somehow, but he cannot listen to it himself.  Ranboo hates the way that makes him feel relieved.
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dreamsclock · 3 years
Tbh that take you started with shouldn't be controversial lol. It's just common sense
i think it’s because a Lot of people tend to view the dsmp through the lens of a protagonist-led series rather than company-led. the dsmp has definitely been through a shift in terms of this !! i’d say it started more protagonist(s)-led in season one and evolved into what it is now, with everyone the protagonist of their own lore, but YEAH it’s definitely frustrating seeing people view characters through the eyes of their fave and assuming that’s all the character is.
i’m guilty of this sometimes !! i do it a lot about c!tubbo and c!tommy’s exile conflict, and c!dream and c!sam. i don’t watch a lot of egg lore and i don’t watch the eggpire streamers a lot, so i have way less knowledge about those ch characters than i do others. but i think it’s important to at least acknowledge that we’re biased or limited in information rather than make analysis and pretend that we aren’t lol !
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galaxy-lilies · 4 years
Baby Tubbo being raised by Corpse: c ... c ...
Corpse: oh my god his first words
Baby Tubbo: c ... ch ... Choke me like you hate me
Corpse, glaring at Quackity who's laughing in the background: This is your fault somehow
ASHKLADSKJF it’s probably thanks to the PG versions/parodies quackity sings around tubbo so maybe it is quackity’s fault
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mental-notes · 3 years
Twitch clips from dsmp streamers (and possibly others)
hewwo! this is more for me, but this is where I save clips from streams since I have no idea how to look at them again on twitch or know how to save my computer from downloading all the clips
I'll "update" this post whenever I clip a stream, I'll have it linked on my pined post <( ̄ω ̄)>
hope you enjoy them!
Proud papa Fundy with Yogurt
Fundy's shift dance (?)
Foolish is king sh*t
Piano break
Unexpected visit
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
Captain Puffy
Puffy's bb voice :,3
"He didn´t k+ll me" (lore school)
Tubbo's turtle hat (lore school)
PUT ALL THE UWUS IN TEH BAG (again lore school)
baby llama, baby puffy voice :3
Puffy as a dog ft. Minx
the cat a s c e n d e d
endind stream
sneeze on the enemy
puffys baby voice :3
puffy and bbhs mom???
poifect benson
when in dout choose c
special benson
captain puffy? nah
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
*Ranboo sound n.48672*
little meow meow (volume warning at the end)
he's there
lag? no worries
you look like an upside down cake
a yes, roommates
whats that noise? (warning: loud)
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
tfw Quackity
BBH discovers Quackity is a vampire (context: that one foto that everyone thought it was Quackity but is was from someone else on a vampire dating site)
"You mixed up the fucking BONES"
stream sniped in Toontown lol
power hungy character
the silence after he read the dono flkereogbfnkv
f e e t
john smith OUR beloved
john smith POR SIEMPRE
a meow meow recognizing another meow meow
he crouch
b*ch cant read
skeppy frm pinguins of madagascar
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
cookies fom God
the meaning of life (a mood)
s i l v e r f i s h oh fuk
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
Bad hates Skeppy (volume warning at the end)
just two heads
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
"This is why you don't become a communist"
dont mess with the store's cashier
it saves the day
this is what you hear at the gates of hell
oh Dreeeeammm~°+*
mans got banned by girlbosses
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
Operation: axolotl
"I hear a baby (zombie) im leaving" (bonus monkey ranboo)
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
bbh getting heads...?
they spinin
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
oh George~
the awakening
a rose for a rose thats what i always say alsohisfaceissocute
rip george lore
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
riddle me this
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
dont mind him, just cleaning his webcam
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
look at this dude... GG
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
love on top right?
VELVETSAYWHAT (a bit loud in velvets part)
idk ant and velvet tings
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
foolish the beloved
why the long face huehuehue
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
no little pp *mans dies*
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
michael mcchill
your honor, he was being a silly little goose
he was a silly goose ft windes laugh
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
!! ━―━―━(・ω・)━―━―━― !!
smooth dono ft. cat
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vtimbertiger · 3 years
Damn, the week that I don't have access to twitch and the likes is the week fucking everything happens, huh?
Anyways, "And Then You Fell In Love" by @/doodlebloo Ch.13 gives me brain rot so have this doodle
Tumblr media
c!Ranboo comforting c!Tubbo & Michael during a storm
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