#ch: Sienna Matthews
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steveshcrringtons · 6 months ago
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Introducing (finally) Sienna Matthews (featuring Letty Turner @eddiemunscns):
Sienna Matthews wasn’t what you’d call overly happy. Sure she had her moments, but to most people she was a bit…prickly. Which is why her best friend and best friend’s boyfriend thought she would make a great match with Roy Kent.
Too bad for them, the moment Sienna and Roy met they hated each other. Both being too stubborn and too alike to realize that they’d actually get along if they just tried.
Fortunately, you don’t have to get along with someone to get into bed with them. So long as you don’t keep coming back for more…
tagging: @eddiemunscns @foxesandmagic @acabecca @sgtbuckyybarnes @ocappreciation
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openheartfanfics · 8 months ago
Newly Added Fics
Jun 1 - 7, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce X F!MC
A Saucy Surprise - @storyofmychoices 📱
Now that they have their chicken nugget pillows, it's time for the condiments!
Ethan x F!MC
At Last - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁
Tobias is excited that Ethan and Estelle have finally gotten together. Feat. Tobias Carrick [Young Ethan]
Green with Envy - @coffeeheartaddict2 🦚
Despite normally keeping PDA to a minimum in public, especially at work, Casey feels the need to mark her territory. [Jealous]
Insecure - @jerzwriter 🎭
A bright day turns stormy when Kaycee overhears a conversation that leaves her doubting herself. Can Ethan help her see the light? Or will the lights flicker out?
Kismet - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Ethan walks into a bar, and everything changes with one look. [Ethan POV; Young Ethan]
Reunions - @liaromancewriter 📱📸
Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed 'Bestie Time.' Feat. Sienna x M!OC
Rounds, Redemption, and a Raised Eyebrow - @ruebravis 📱
Ethan x F!Reader text exchange about bagels.
Love Triangle
Processing and Developing - @alj4890 ☁
Chris takes a photo of her and Tobias at Ines's wedding reception. Tobias x MC x Ethan [3.11]
Processing and Developing: Interrupted - @alj4890 ☁
This is how it would have gone down with Ethan bursting in. Some things are inevitable after all. [3.11]
Rafael x F!MC
Favourite Time Of The Day - @rafasgirl23415 📸
After a day out to the park, Casey takes Florence up to bed for a nap. She lays down beside her & just gazes at her as she sleeps.
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 49: A Fight For My Family
Ready For Playtime And Snuggles - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey goes in to get Florence after her nap expecting to find her still asleep but she's awake.
Rafael x M!MC
When Sparks Fly - @silver-rings-and-rabbits ☁
The electrics in Bloom Edenbrook aren't quite as secure as they should be, and Matthew is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Sienna x M!OC
Reunions - @liaromancewriter 📱📸
Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed 'Bestie Time.' Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Tobias x F!MC
National Hug Your Cat Day - @jerzwriter 📸
It's National Hug Your Cat Day, and Casey & Tobias pay tribute to their little guy on Instagram. Of course, the usual chaos ensues.
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autopol · 6 years ago
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Espacio Idea de la Dirección Nacional de Cultura del MEC y SOCO Festival tienen el placer de presentar por primera vez en Uruguay al destacado artista sonoro y músico experimental francés Franck Vigroux, junto al artista y programador digital Antoine Schmitt. El dúo presentará el martes 18 setiembre su performance audiovisual TEMPEST junto a sets de experimentación sonora a cargo de los músicos uruguayos Autopol y Flatten. Además, el lunes 17 de setiembre se realizará un conversatorio donde los artistas invitados presentarán sus ideas y metodologías de trabajo. Contamos para esta actividad con el apoyo del Institut Français. Colabora: UUU espacio para música, arte sonoro y experimentalismo Conversatorio con Franck Vigroux + Antoine Schmitt (Francia) Lunes 17 de setiembre 19hs entrada libre Concierto FLATTEN / AUTOPOL / Franck Vigroux + Antoine Schmitt (Francia) Martes 18 de setiembre 19hs entrada libre Espacio IDEA - Dirección Nacional de Cultura - MEC San José 1116 Franck Vigroux Es un músico francés, compositor e intérprete, trabaja en el campo del ruido industrial electroacústico y la música electrónica experimental. El enfoque artístico de Vigroux integra nuevos medios y artes escénicas. La música de Franck Vigroux está compuesta de tensión tectónica, ritmos y texturas electrónicas a las que aplica su firma personal calculada en su continua exploración sónica. Actúa y graba constantemente, ha colaborado con muchos músicos como Mika Vainio, Reinhold Friedl, Elliott Sharp, Joey Baron, Zeena Parkins y Ars nova ensemble instrumental. La singularidad de Vigroux se distingue no solo por su enfoque único del sonido, sino también por el hecho de que incorpora nuevos medios y artes escénicas en sus obras. Vigroux dirige y diseña interpretaciones audiovisuales transdisciplinarias junto a artistas visuales, trabajando regularmente con artistas como Antoine Schmitt y Kurt d'Haeseleer. Las grabaciones de Vigroux han sido publicados en varios sellos, incluyendo DAC Records, Leaf, Cosmo Rhythmatic, Monotype, Radio France y ahora Erototox Decodings. Actualmente reside en Francia. http://www.franckvigroux.com Antoine Schmitt El artista multimedia de instalación, Antoine Schmitt crea obras de arte en forma de objetos, instalaciones y situaciones para abordar los procesos de movimiento en todas sus modalidades, y cuestionar sus problemáticas conceptuales intrínsecas, de naturaleza plástica, filosófica o social. Heredero del arte cinético y el arte cibernético, alimentado por la ciencia-ficción metafísica, interroga interminablemente sobre las interacciones dinámicas entre la naturaleza humana y la naturaleza de la realidad. Originalmente ingeniero de programación en relaciones humanas e inteligencia artificial, colocó la programación, un material artístico contemporáneo y único por su calidad activa, en el centro de la mayoría de sus obras de arte, para revelar y manipular literalmente las fuerzas en juego. Antoine Schmitt también ha emprendido una articulación de este enfoque con campos artísticos más establecidos como la música, la danza, la arquitectura, la literatura o el cine, y ha colaborado con Franck Vigroux, Atau Tanaka, Vincent Epplay, Jean-Jacques Birgé, Delphine Doukhan, K. Danse , Patrice Belin, Don Niño, Cubenx, Alberto Sorbelli, Matthew Bourne ... Como teórico, orador y editor del portal gratin.org, Antoine Schmitt explora el campo del arte programado. Su trabajo ha recibido varios premios en festivales internacionales: transmediale (Berlín, segundo premio 2007, honorario 2001), Ars Electronica (Linz, segundo premio 2009), Festival Internacional de Video-Danza de la UNESCO (París, primer premio en línea 2002), Vida 5.0 (Madrid, honorario 2002), CYNETart (Dresden, honorario 2004), medi @ terra (Atenas, primer premio 1999), Interférences (Belfort, primer premio 2000), y ha sido exhibido, entre otros, en el Centro Georges Pompidou (París), en el Musée des Arts Décoratifs (París), en Sonar (Barcelona), en Ars Electronica (Linz), en el CAC de Sienna (Italia), en el Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lyon (Francia), en Nuits Blanches (París, Amiens, Metz, Bruselas y Madrid). Forma parte de las colecciones de las Fundaciones Artphilein (CH), Fraenkel (USA), Meeschaert (FR), del Espace Gantner (Bourogne, FR), del Cubo (Issy-Mx, FR), del Paris Municipal Contemporary Art Fund (FMAC) . http://www.antoineschmitt.com AUTOPOL Explora las síntesis análogica y digital en un entorno de ruido, a-sincronía y superposición sonora poli-mórfica, diseñando atmósferas sonoras complejas, confusas y por momentos austeras y conmocionantes. Sus performances en directo son siempre diferentes. Basándose en la improvisación casi exclusivamente las categorías y límites musicales de (des) armonía, (a) ritmo y tempo suelen confundirse y desvanecerse en el aire sonoro/visual. Cuando la arquitectura espera el evento, aparecen el sonido y lo lumínico. AutoPol es Pol Villasuso, nació en Montevideo en 1975. Es músico autodidacta, hacedor de música experimental, artista sonoro y arquitecto. http://autopol.tumblr.com/ https://soundcloud.com/autopol https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBiWHcPG5tLpgOnKyu0c1Fg FLATTEN Flatten es un proyecto de producción sonora basado en Montevideo, formado en 2009 por Martin Craciun (www.mcraciun.art) y Cooptrol (www.cooptrol.com). El dúo explora las fuerzas físicas y mentales detrás del sonido y la música, trabajando sobre performances en vivo que buscan que la forma dicte el contenido. Entienden sus conciertos como instalaciones de sonido e imagen en movimiento que examinan las propiedades físicas del sonido. Su trabajo vincula herramientas digitales y analogicas para componer un relato sonoro sobre la deconstrucción del techno en las fronteras perceptivas entre el ruido y la música. Han presentado su trabajo en festivales de música, museos, galerías, clubes y auditorios en un sin fín de eventos relacionados al arte y la cultura. Han colaborado con el cineasta Stefano Canapa para piezas de expanded cinema, han desarrollado un sistema de espacialización sonora cuadrafónica y un software para la automatización de luces. Música experimental, electrónica, minimal, compuesta de drones, tonos puros y espíritu techno. https://www.flattenmusic.net/ https://soundcloud.com/flatten ***** Colabora: UUU espacio para música, arte sonoro y experimentalismos
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
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Sienna Matthews and Roy Kent in Whisper in the Dark - a Ted Lasso fanfic.
Sienna Matthews wasn’t what you’d call overly happy. Sure she had her moments, but to most people she was a bit…prickly. Which is why her best friend and best friend’s boyfriend thought she would make a great match with Roy Kent.
Too bad for them, the moment Sienna and Roy met they hated each other. Both being too stubborn and too alike to realize that they’d actually get along if they just tried.
Fortunately, you don’t have to get along with someone to get into bed with them. So long as you don’t keep coming back for more…
Tagging: @eddiemunscns @catgrant @acabecca @sgtbuckyybarnes @cas-verse @steve--harrington--gal @ocappreciation
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steveshcrringtons · 10 months ago
When the zombie apocalypse comes, how do they cope together?
Sienna and Roy (think this would be really wild 🤣)
This is SO funny to think about. Genuinely, I think that these two would somehow be very resourceful during the zombie apocalypse. I think that they’d cope pretty well together and that they would be a lot more prepared than people would think coming from a football legend and a school teacher. I think because they’re both so stubborn the wouldn’t want to show weakness in front of each other so they would be really strong together and figure everything out together.
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
“ you’re unique. in a good way. ” + sienna and roy ? <3
First of all, I am SO sorry this took me so long to get to. I meant to do them, but then I just wasn't in the writing headspace and suddenly this ask (as well as your other one) got away from me. This might not be good, but I'm getting there. Thank you for the ask!!!
Sienna stared at the ceiling, a million and one thoughts running through her head. She hadn't spoken in about five minutes. Normally after her and Roy finished hooking up, one of them wouldn't stick around very long, depending on whose place they were at.
Lately, there was more and more time gathering after they finished until one of them would leave. Almost like neither of them really wanted to part from the other.
A nudge from her right side broke her from her thoughts as she looked over at Roy,
"What's going through your mind, love?" He asked, looking at her.
She contemplated actually telling him about the real thoughts running through her mind in that moment. Are you starting to feel the same way about me that I'm feeling about you? No definitely not dropping that on him right now. Do you think eventually this won't just be a hook up anymore? Good god, absolutely not.
"Who do you think is a hotter Muppet? Miss Piggy or The Swedish Chef?" Was what she ultimately went with asking him instead.
Roy was silent for a minute as he pulled her to him, his arm wrapping around her waist. As if it was the most natural thing in the world, Sienna's head fell to his shoulder as she waited for him to answer.
"You're the weirdest fucking woman I've ever met in my life." Roy replied after another minute of just staring at her.
"I think you mean coolest." She teased, looking up at him.
"I mean..." He paused, his eyes locking with hers, "You're unique...in a good way." He smiled slightly down at her as he finished his thought.
Sienna's heart felt like it was going to burst out of her chest as she leaned up and kissed him quickly. As she pulled away, Roy grinned at her,
"The obviously correct answer is Miss Piggy. Fuckin' no contest." He stated.
"Excuse me?! Have you SEEN The Swedish Chef?!"
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
“Who is your OC’s favourite person? Why is this person the top of their list and have they actually met them (an idol or rolemodel or celeb can be someone’s favourite after all!)”
So Sienna’s favorite “regular” person is Letty ( @eddiemunscns ). She’s her best friend in the whole world and is the sunshine to Sienna’s storm cloud.
Sienna’s favorite celebrity is Hayden Christensen. He shaped her taste in guys growing up, and she’s watched everything he’s ever been in. Anakin Skywalker will always be her first childhood crush and she loves how sweet and humble Hayden is. She’s met him once as a convention and she nearly died. Letty had to calm her down afterward, but he was so very sweet and kind to her.
“Who does your OC absolutely hate, the one person who they’d sell to Satan for one corn chip? Why do they loathe this person so?”
Sienna cannot stand her ex, Luke. Most people she knows think he’s a twat anyway, but he cheated on her for months during their two year long relationship and when she found out and broke up with him, he convinced her she would never be good enough for anyone and would never be enough for anyone to keep them from cheating on her again. He absolutely obliterated any self worth she had and it’s a mountain she struggles to get over and climb.
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
🌳 Compare your OC to themself from 10 years ago. How has their mental state changed since then, how have they aged and grown up? Would they say they’re in a better place than they were back then or do they need help? What advice would they give their younger self? What advice would their younger self give to them now?
I LOVE THIS QUESTION and I love that you asked for Sienna as well.
10 years ago, Sienna was basically still just a baby (I mean just young, not an actual baby) so she’s definitely grown up and become an adult. A fully functioning one? Perhaps not always, but an adult nonetheless. As she’s gotten older, she has remained relatively young looking. She has a bit of a baby face, and people often mistake her for being young and naive when addressing her because of it.
I’d say Sienna has gone through being in both a worse and better place than she was 10 years ago. Better being that she has a group of people she enjoys surrounding herself with, a job that she loves, and a boyfriend that is the most frustrating man she’s ever met but she loves with her whole heart. Worse when she was in the last stages of her previous relationship, Luke, when he was cheating on her and then in the months after their breakup.
Advice she’d give her younger self would to be never stop chasing her dreams. There were plenty of times when she was younger that Sienna wanted to give up. That she wasn’t going to make it as a book editor, but she kept working and pushing and she loves what she does.
Advice her younger self would give to older Sienna would absolutely be to drop the walls and the guards and to let people in. Like absolutely fucked Sienna up and in doing so, she built a wall around her that she didn’t let people get into. She guarded her heart and made sure that nobody could get in and break it again…well until Roy came along.
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
After her breakup with her ex, Luke, who told her she’d never be good enough and never enough for anyone, Sienna started to believe it was true. She thought that SHE was the reason why Luke cheated. That it was her fault. So she got into a negative mindset about pretty much everything. If something negative happened to her, she was convinced it was because she wasn’t good enough or that she deserved nothing good.
Roy is actively working to try and change her mindset and show her she is good enough and she is enough.
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
send ⭐️ + an oc and i’ll list the 5 people they love the most.
This one is slightly easier as Sienna isn’t a fan of most people 😂
1. Letty Turner ( @eddiemunscns )
2. Roy (obviously but also once they finally get out of their enemies era)
3. Her brother Andy
4. Jamie (once she finally forgives him for breaking Letty’s heart and warms up to him)
5. Isaac McAdoo (this is such an odd pairing to everyone but they’re literally besties)
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
1. Who makes the first move and how?
Roy and Sienna
So by technical standards, Sienna makes the first move by being the one to kiss Roy first after he walks her home. However, Roy is the one to ask her to dinner after they’ve been hooking up for weeks.
So in the traditional sense, Roy. But in actuality it was Sienna.
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
❓ any WIP snippet you want!
Sienna’s eyes were wide at Fliss’s words, “What do you mean I have a type? I do not have a type.”
“Yes you do. Tall, dark, and broody.” Fliss answered without looking away from where Roy and Jamie stood at the bar.
“That is not my type.”
“Anakin. Skywalker.”
Sienna scoffed, “An exception.”
“Fox. Mulder.”
Sienna frowned and rolled her eyes, “Alright, Fliss, you made your point.”
“Bucky Barnes. Stefan Salvatore. Sam Winche—“
“Okay! I fuckin’ get it, Fliss. I have a type.”
“Roy. Kent.”
“He is NOT my type.”
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steveshcrringtons · 1 year ago
😭 angst or sad WIP snippet
Sienna Matthews
Sienna sighed when she heard her front door open and Roy walk toward where she was. She just wanted some peace and quiet.
“What the fuck?” Roy questioned with a frown as he looked at her, “You’re being distant. Are you tryin to break up with me?”
Sienna groaned as she looked up at the ceiling, “God, Roy, no! But fuck you are just always around and I cannot even get a moment to fucking breathe without you right there!”
Fuck. That was not how that was supposed to come out.
Roy raised his eyebrows at her words, “You want space?”
“That’s not what I’m saying, you’re twisting my words.”
“Then fucking tell me what you want, Sienna!”
“I don’t know! I want to be able to live without you up in my space.”
“So, you do want space.” Sienna groaned again as she looked over at him, opening her mouth to speak before closing it once more.
Roy scoffed, “Fine. You want fuckin space. You fucking got it.” With that, he grabbed his jacket and turned and headed back out the door, leaving Sienna with tears already brimming her eyes.
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