#ch jesús
skizzlebeetle · 1 year
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hiiiii 🤪
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clonehigh-takes · 1 year
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anaclarydodo · 6 months
For the original one too!!! <3 /gen
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Just because I decided to draw Jesus and Caesar too.. But it was worth it, I was so inspired and- I have so many headcannons for this drawing that I'm probably going to make a one-shot of it! ( I'm dead serious on this..One more thing for my to-do list! /Gen /hj )
By the way, there's an Easter egg somewhere in this drawing... let's see if y'all can find it ;) ( AND ITS NOT MY HORRIBLE ASSIGNATURE- /j )/srs
(Another little note thing: I have a lot of fun trying to mix my personal style with the official style of the series... They look so funny HAHA-/gen /hj )
Julius design inspired by Julius himself ( @disapoimeq !!! )/hj
Van Gogh design inspired from some don't-posted-drawing of my amazing brother! ( @quadrinist )
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disapoimeq · 1 year
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It's September tomorrow!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERY1 🗣️‼️
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Part 2 of this I guess.
Also I headcanon that Frida and Jesús exclusively speak spanglish to each other.
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scruffiandraws · 7 months
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Doodles of my boy Judás💜
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ch-on-twt · 8 months
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downthetubes · 5 months
Book Palace Books reveals new Fleetway Comics Archives
Book Palace Books has announced several new Fleetway Comics Archives, all now at the printers and available on pre-order.
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iiikaruz · 1 year
New CH episodes have made me officially decide to stop caring about the actual cast of the show </3 (/hj but i wish it was /j)
Anyway would you like to share some of your headcanons/scenarios for the side/minor characters ? It always makes my day 💚💖(/nf)
dude i feel you on these new episodes. wtf is going on over there. anyways, i’ll gladly dump this 10 ton stack of headcanons on you that i wrote down!! Marie Antoinette: 
loves hyperpop and 90s house music. she’s so slay (i have a playlist lol)
into european weirdo cinema like Gaspar Noe’s but she also likes chick flicks (her fave films are Climax (2018), Daisies (1966), and But I’m A Cheerleader (1999).)
frequents on lolita forums and goes to really shady places just to get cute lolita items.
has absolutely mastered voguing. super into ballroom culture.
has a pet borzoi (those groovy long-nosed dogs.) her name is “Vanille” and Marie loves her dearly.
wants to study fashion. she especially loves Vivienne Westwood and Moschino.
Jesús Cristo:
is a juggalo, and he indoctrinated Van Gogh into it as well.
says “it is what it is” at any minor inconvenience.
had a mental crisis at 13 as a product to the stress of living up to his clone father. similar to joan’s breakdown in s1e3 but 10x worse. he tries to ignore it when people bring it up.
designated driver on any road trip. for some reason.
into bands like The Cure whilst also bopping to Cypress Hill.
his fave video game is Parappa the Rapper.
accidentally punching holes/nails into his hand is a common occurrence. seems like it just keeps happening, so he’s learned to just roll with it. he’s also a pretty good nurse bc of it.
Marilyn Monroe:
is always down for the school play. BUT she usually just does script-writing and tech. 
into conspiracy theories and video essays. (all gorgeous gorgeous girls love video essays).
is a dedicated Britney Spears and Gwen Stefani stan.
SO “COQUETTE LIZZY GRANT DIOR RETRO” in her fashion choice.
she also gives “elle woods from legally blonde” vibes. straight A student right here.
Thomas Edison:
is obsessed with American Psycho (2000). he has a poster in his room and he’s weirdly obsessed with Christian Bale (very 🍎🍉🍊 of him, but he always excuses it with “oh no, i just idolize and worship him. there’s absolutely nothing gay ab it.” he’s lying.)
also he’s SUCH a pretentious film bro. he has a whole library of stupid film facts shoved in the back of his mind (im totally not projecting).
he only listens to: 80s new-wave stuff like New Order, Oingo Boingo, Beastie Boys, & Talking Heads OR Lana del Rey. There is no in between.
he worked (past-tense bc that shit is GONE in 2023) at a blockbuster video store next to the mall and he liked being a total bitch to people about it (example: “you really rented this shit? this movie sucks, dude”)
after getting unfreezed, he was ECSTATIC over how easy pirating movies is nowadays.
Napoleon Bonaparte:
member of the speech/debate club and he is THE WORST TO BE PAIRED WITH. he’s foaming at the mouth the moment someone gives a rebuttal he didn’t think of. some meetings end in him trying to beat up someone. 
into 80s rock like Metallica and Black Sabbath. he has an electric guitar. he also FUCKING LOVES ABBA AND JAMIROQUAI. like… too much.
unlawfully good at Just Dance. he absolutely fucks it up on the dance floor.
adores fantasy films like Conan (1982) and The Never-Ending Story(1984). he’s so lame/ pos.
he bakes really well. that’s all he’s got going for him.
he either found his napoleonic military uniform at party city or at a thrift store with Marie Antoinette; his story changes depending on who he’s talking to.
he cut his own hair when he was 14. the following conversation after he did so was with caesar, and it was just the haircut scene from fleabag . he then continued to keep his stupid haircut to what it is now.
is a hopeless romantic. he can make up entire love poems & sonnets in his head about a girl he’s crushing on, but literally cannot talk to people without sounding like a douchebag unless he’s super comfortable w/ them.
Ivan the Terrible:
is an avid deftones, sewerslvt, & duster listener (i, unfortunately, ALSO have a playlist.)
spends his nights scrolling on 4chan and arguing w/ people. him & topher have accidentally argued w/ each other AT LEAST 5 times.
literally refuses to take off his ushanka in any weather. it doesn’t matter to him if it’s 90 degrees, that thing is staying ON.
kins Travis Bickle and Shinji Ikari. i mean, just look at this dude and how he presents himself. average NGE & Taxi Driver enjoyer/ hj.
fave video games are Postal 2 and osu!. he plays osu! phenomenally, to the point where it’s impressive. (pls put that energy into a job or something).
and yea that’s all the energy i have to write this down :]
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joseandrestabarnia · 11 months
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Título completo: La presentación de Jesús en el Templo Artista: Guercino Fechas de artistas: 1591 - 1666 Fecha de realización: 1623 Medio y soporte: Óleo sobre cobre Dimensiones: 72,5 × 65 cm crédito de adquisición: Legado por Sir Denis Mahon CH CBE FBA, 2011; ingresó a la Colección, 2013 Numero de inventario: NG6646
Cuarenta días después de su nacimiento, María y José llevaron al niño Cristo al Templo de Jerusalén. Según la costumbre judía, todo primogénito varón debía ser llevado al Templo para ser presentado a Dios en una ceremonia que implicaba el sacrificio de dos palomas o pichones, visibles aquí al pie del altar. El anciano sentado es el sumo sacerdote Simeón. El Evangelio de Lucas dice que el Espíritu Santo le había dicho a Simeón que no moriría hasta que viera al Mesías. Guercino retrata los momentos que preceden al clímax de la historia, cuando el anciano Simeón está a punto de abrazar a Cristo y, al reconocerlo, cumplir su destino.
Esta obra fue pintada para Bartolomeo Fabri, uno de los primeros mecenas de Guercino, que vivía en el Cento natal del artista. Se lo devolvió a Guercino como pago de una deuda, y lo mantuvo junto a su cama hasta que finalmente lo convencieron de que lo vendiera en 1660.
Información e imagen de la web de la National Gallery de Londres.
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Esta compilación de textos es por gusto individual. Las elecciones son, más o menos, las lecturas que me han influenciado en mi posición como anarquista durante mi vida. Si bien, no todos los textos son acerca de ideas o experiencias ácratas, han sido cercanos sus planteamientos revolucionarios a las teorías y prácticas contra el mundo de la autoridad. Por otro lado, seguro hay otros que se me han quedado en el tintero que son más fundamentales, y otras que desconozco, pero insisto: es mero gusto individual.
Debido a que me han preguntado sobre libros introductorios al anarquismo y la lucha revolucionaria antiautoritaria, he decidido compilar textos muy diversos, de distintas tendencias y formas, que pueden servir para un acercamiento general acerca de la posición por la anarquía. Están en orden alfabético por el título del libro, hay un link de descarga al costado del nombre, y una reseña de cada uno.
Los que no tengo completos son: “Jacob. Recuerdos de un rebelde” de Bernard Thomas; y “La historia de la Angry Brigade. Nos estamos acercando” de Fernando Rocha. Si alguien los tiene por favor contactarse a: [email protected]
Las reseñas fueron extraídas de distintas páginas de internet. Decidí no mostrar las fuentes porque no lo consideré importante para el objetivo de la iniciativa.
¡Apoyen con la difusión!
¡Viva la anarquía!
1- Adiós prisión: El relato de las fugas más espectaculares- Juan José Garfia
2-Ai Ferri corti- Anonimx
3- Anarcofeminismo y Louise Michel- Marian Leighton
4- Anarquismo es movimiento- Tomas Ibañez
5- Anarquismo: Lo que significa realmente- Emma Goldman
6- Autobiografía de un irreductible- Claudio Lavazza
7- Caminar- Henry Thoreau
8-Ch`Ixinakax Utxiwa: Una reflexión sobre prácticas y discursos descolonizadores- Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui
9- Contra el leviatán y contra su historia- Fredy Perlman
10- Contra los pastores contra los rebaños- Albert Libertad
11- Cuando cae el telón- Bruno Filippi
12- Cuentos breves- Rafael Barret
13- De la huelga salvaje a la autogestión generalizada- Raoul Vaneigem
14- Desierto- Anonimx
15- Dios y el estado- Mijail Bakunin
16- El abismo se repuebla- Jaime Semprun
17-El desorden de la libertad- Massimo Passamani
18- El jardín de las peculiaridades- Jesús Sepúlveda
19- Entre la plataforma y el partido- Patrick Rossineri
20- Fragmentos de antropología anarquista- David Graeber
21- Hacia la nada creadora- Renzo Novatore
22- Hijo de ladrón- Manuel Rojas
23- Homenaje a Cataluña- George Orwell
24- Jacob: Recuerdos de un rebelde- Bernard Thomas
25- La anarquía funciona- Peter Gerderloos
26- La anarquía y el método del anarquismo- Errico Malatesta
27- La conquista del pan- Piotr Kropotkin
28- La historia de Angry Brigade. Nos estamos acercando- Servando Rocha
29- La ideología anarquista- Ángel Capelleti
30- La insurrección que viene- Comité invisible
31- La revolución desconocida- Volin
32- La sociedad contra el estado- Pierre Clastres
33- La sociedad del espectáculo- Guy Debord
34- La tensión anarquista- Alfredo Bonnano
35- Los desposeídos- Ursula K. Le Guin
36- Los invisibles- Nanni Balestrini
37- Memoria de un revolucionario- Victor Serge
38- Nuestra necesidad de consuelo es insaciable- Stig Dagerman
39- Odio las mañanas- Jean Marc Rouillan
40- Pensamiento crítico como arma anarquista- Wolfi Landstreicher
41-Pequeña antología anarcofeminista- Varixs autorxs
42- Taz. Zona temporalmente autónoma- Hakim Bey
43- Textos escogidos- Lewis Mumford
44- Viviendo mi vida- Emma Goldman
Filosofia Antiautoritaria
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clonehigh-takes · 1 year
jesus and frida smoke sesh...... hmm
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adiariomx · 2 months
Éxito en Festival de Fin de Cursos en Delicias; destacan presentaciones culturales y exposiciones. Invitan a próximos eventos gratuitos. Delicias, Ch...
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anaclarydodo · 2 months
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I back
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Part 3
<Part 2
Walt is a romantic, Frida is beginning to realize this Parade is going to be a disaster.
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scruffiandraws · 7 months
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Hell nah who put Judás in clone high 😭😭😭
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