#cg parallels
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caramelcoeur · 11 months ago
To Be Truly Powerful
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yume-fanfare · 1 year ago
enstars card rarity vs story relevance balance is a rly fun thing to me
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psychopomp-namine · 9 months ago
code geass can get way deep in the sillies but it really does have so much poetry in its ending
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grassbreads · 1 month ago
It's really interesting reading Guardian now and seeing how both Zhao Yunlan and Shen Wei parallel other, later priest characters.
Zhao Yunlan in the modern day reminds me a lot of Luo Wenzhou and a bit of Gu Yun, and his whole "cocky magic cop leader with an endless supply of tricks" shtick is also somewhat reminiscent of Pang Jian. Meanwhile, the whole section describing his history as Kunlun is very Xi Ping both in his innocent prankster era and in his violent rebellion/self-sacrifice.
Shen Wei feels relatively unique among the Priest characters I've met so far when he's ~The Soul-Executing Emissary~/Wei the young Gui King, but his modern Shen Wei persona reminds me a lot of Yu Lanchaun, especially early in the novel. There's also just a little echo of Chang Geng in how he latches onto the first kind person he meets like an imprinting baby bird, yet seems to find his own desire for that person monstrous.
I always love getting to read multiple works by the same author and seeing how/if they revisit the same ideas across different works, and since priest is so prolific, she's had a lot of space to do that across her novels. Getting to pick out little parallels between her works and see which themes/characters she's fixated on is genuinely very fun for me.
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odysseys-blood · 1 year ago
library of ruina.
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storgicdealer · 9 months ago
Wait.. Oh..?
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tgcg · 1 year ago
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parallel movement
TG: no rose look were dj crabapple so when we hang out its a mashup i dont get what the problem is
TT: Disregarding the unsavoury implications of you "mashing up" with Karkat, I find it very interesting that you won't even say the word.
TG: i dont need to say the word because it is not even relevant to the situation it is lightyears away dude youre lost in fuckin space with this
GA: Very Well Then
GA: Tell Me Karkat What Did You Do Yesterday Again
GA: You Remembered All That
GA: Well
CG: ????
GA: So Anyways You Had Gone To See A Movie Together
GA: Interesting
GA: And At What Time Did You Eat Together
TG: i dunno man like 7:40:13 pm we didnt book so we had to wait a shitload of time but thats irrelevant
TT: So you had dinner together?
TG: i swear to god if youre on this psychoanalysis non sense again im gonna flip
TG: dont you dare lift your hand up and stroke your chin in consideration with that index finger and hum in a thoughtful tone dont you do it
GA: Hmmm
GA: Karkat Please Relax Im Just Trying To Ascertain How Your D-
TG: --mashup
TT: "Mashup" went.
TG: yknow whats funny i dont ever hear an usher raymond iv of that word while you and kanaya are all tuckin each others hair behind yalls ears and blushing demurely
TT: You have it all wrong, Dave; Kanaya and I's regular meetings of intercultural exchange are just that, not --
GA: Touché
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drfirefly08 · 2 months ago
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oomf (hi @dangantism) and i cooked up this theory where damon dies at around chapter 4/5 and kai takes up his role of protag..
spoilers for chapter 1 and yapfest below the cut about this theory/au if it doesnt become true
i also happen to really like the idea that kai wears damon's jacket for safekeeping/memory to keep damon close to him.. and the small sprout things on his head.. one of them is gonna be the ahoge.. it also kinda parallels diana and wolfgang with how diana decided to take up wg's mantle..
my personal (albeit insane) prediction is that eloise would kill damon for being the reason desmond got executed the previous chapter.. desmond killed someone to protect eloise and eloise helped cover it up.. but since damon found out, plus being an absolute asshole to eloise sometimes (her ftes for example), eloise hit her breaking point and killed damon. it also would be very interesting to see a partially hidden sequence of events of how damon dies.. like the viewer watches as damon slowly dies from an unknown culprit, as in the cg shows the grey man, theres no voicelines from the culprit, no sprite, nothing to indicate whodunnit until damon decides to bolt it out of the room and goes to kai, where we could have a cg of damon slowly dying and kai unable to help, with damon unable to give out clues since he's delirious from like blood loss or smth, then it would be a bda and then a smooth transition to kai's perspective and new role as the protag..
and my personal hc is that kai, before the trial, would wear one of damon's blazer as a memory so he could still keep damon close.. its also really interesting since kai doesnt seem to have many friends outside of his online persona, and the one from highschool he spoke about seems to be no longer in his life (either dead or cut him off we arent sure) since he acted melancholic about her, so i think this would give kai the determination to avenge damon since he was kai's closest friend ever since he became an influencer (if thing keep going positive between the two, which i think so since i believe kai's gonna be the next support after the red herring that is eva)
sure kai is gonna be absolutely heart-broken and distraught over damon's death but i believe that kai would recognise the gravity of the situation and focus on investigating for damon's sake even when he doesnt want to (as shown in ch0+1 he doesnt like investigating) because he understands the dangers of the killing game (as shown in his cautious nature, like for ex: the drugs in the pharmacy) so he would stomach it and do his best to find damon's killer
ok ok i realise how much of a yapfest this is.. yikes im obsessed LOLL.. THATS ALL
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romance-club-daily · 16 days ago
Opinions that nobody asked for nº 649587115339:
Remember that this is just my opinion and y'all can disagree.
I really don't think that bringing one story per update has been very beneficial in the long run. We have 18 stories on the go and we'll get one more in the next update, 19 stories to read!
But you might think, "you're complaining on a full stomach", but we're starting to see the consequences of that now, at least I'm realising it. Firstly, we no longer have time to digest the new stories, because there's always something "new" in the next update that steals our attention. It's tiring to read all the stories and really take the time to like and appreciate them, especially if you're trying to experience and read them all as often as possible. You could say that "you don't need to play all the stories now" and you're right, but following the story in real time, without spoilers, is much better. In short, it's overwhelming.
Second point is the CGs, I think from now on, more than ever, you've realised the use of AI (although they'll never admit it, and let's face it, there'll never be an admission of that - but it's become even more blatant, especially with the latest Diamond Rush card), maybe they thought it would improve the workflow and they could make more CGs - and now the cards, easier (and cheaper). But the result is that stories are getting fewer CGs - especially the ones that aren't so popular, like The Parallel Universes Bureau which only has 2 CGs related to the LIs so far (and I believe it's only going to have two more - for the remaining LIs - Orion and Glim), which is a huge shame, and they're coming out very different from the base sprite of the characters. Not to mention the extra workload with the cards. I think the artists must be having a lot of trouble trying to fix the things the AI delivers.
And adding the two problems, 19 stories to produce CGs (among other things like backgrounds, minor assets and music) and always another one coming up with each update. It's a very long production cycle and the loss of quality is already showing.
I don't know, if they reduced the production of stories to every two or three updates, it would give readers a breather, not only to digest the stories that have been released, but also for the production itself, with more time to produce with quality.
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mooneggtarts · 1 month ago
New AU got me thinking about the concept of TSC asking Alan if his school friends could come spend the night and Alan agreeing despite knowing full well he's not the one who's gonna take care of them, and all the chaos that would happen afterwards.
P.S If someone were to make fanart for your AVA AUs, would your preferred way of getting them be via submit or just a tag after being posted?
I still like to do some parallel on my AUs with the canon stuff that's been happening. So to me, the first time Sec ask if his friends are allowed to visit is to Vic first (cause Vic was like, the most responsible older figure in his eyes).
Vic was nervous, cause they all never have other people in their home before, and he doesn't know what Alan would even think (no matter how "changed" Alan thinks of himself), so he gently have to tell Sec "no".
But Sec was being a bit rebelious, and sneak his friends into his room while his brothers are busy outside.
Unknowingly since Alan never had anyone else ever visit in his place, nor has anyone else told him that someone will be visiting, it's natural that he'd be reacting immediately and darting towards Sec's room when he heard a scream that was NOT Sec's- nor his other brothers' and was shocked to see other sticks besides his kids.
Seeing other kids, in a room that was just an utter mess, and one of them— including Sec—was tackling eachother. Alan, whom has been so out of toych with his kids' social life and social life in general. Ofc he'd think that the CG are intruders.
Then he snaps them away, poof, dissapears (yes actually, they all still have their canon powers, just not allowed to use them in house or in the public. Unless it's an emergency. Like now) right in front of Sec's very eyes before he could tell Alan to stop.
Sec, ofc, cried and angrily hitting Alan (which was surprising cause he didn't expect Sec could hit really hard) babbling how those were his friends and that he killed them, and Alan's words got cut in every hit in trying to reassure Sec something.
Until Sec heard familiar shouts outside. And he darts towards his room window and see his friends all okay and well, waving their hands at him, jumping up and down.
Alan didn't kill them. He just teleports them outside. To say that things got slightly awkward afterward would be an understatement but it didn't last a day.
And for the fanarts? Up to you! You can always submit or tag me in a post whatever you like! Whatever makes you more comfortable with, I'll always love to see them either way!
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lopsidedgryffins · 5 months ago
green’s inner conflict and how it is manifested through greenscreen: an analysis
TLDR at end!
disclaimer: this is probably really ooc, and is mostly speculation by a mediocre at best student of literature ++ i’ve never been good at lit, so this analysis is likely not gonna be great :/ feel free to criticise/comment on this analysis! i’m open to feedback if there’s any :)
we first see greenscreen when the cg abandons an overdone/overedited video of theirs - he is quite literally borne of neglect, and is thus a symbol of green’s negligence towards his friends and the inner turmoil he faces in trying to cater to all his viewers. 
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why does greenscreen appear as, well, green? green is basically fighting with himself, a form of inner conflict manifested through the CG’s fight with what is essentially green’s neglect and negative emotions. 
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this is also super interesting because inner conflict is usually internal and invisible: that’s what most of it is about. however, alan and the team present it here through actual physical conflict, which parallels green’s fight with himself - to make the content that he and his friends want to make, or to cater to the viewers and leave his friends behind, becoming increasingly self-centred? 
in the first fight with greenscreen, the CG beat him as a group, and green even takes a photo of them together post-fight to upload to instagram. this symbolises green’s (temporary) triumph over his neglect for others, still caring for his friends. 
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however, over time, green starts to drift from his friends. he distances himself from them, isolating himself in a minecraft room by himself to make videos, neglecting friendships, genuine feelings and enjoyment in preference for catering to his viewers and all their preferences, taking each piece of criticism too seriously. therefore, as green’s neglect toward his friendships with the CG continues and increases, greenscreen grows in power as the negativity and abandonment become worse.  
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before we continue with that though, let’s talk about the recycle bin!
the recycle bin is a recurring figure across AvA - being used in both AvA and AvM to get rid of applications. that’s what a recycle bin is at its core - a receptacle for waste, left to be neglected, never truly emptied. both greenscreen and the deleted videos of the CG are thrown into the recycle bin, where they perhaps fester into who-knows-what in ep 3. you know who else was also unceremoniously thrown into a recycle bin/deleted? victim! after he escaped from the animator’s neglect towards his feelings and sentience, victim is out to get his revenge. the recycle bin takes it’s inhabitants’ negativity (in greenscreen’s case, neglect), and turns it stronger upon their escape. green’s dunking of greenscreen into the recycle bin in ep 1 is symbolic of him ignoring his tendency to ignore and leave his friends behind in the pursuit of content creation. he does not actively work on stopping such behaviour, instead leaving it in a metaphorical (and literal) recycle bin, letting his habit of neglecting others in the chase for something he desires to grow. 
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my theory is that greenscreen may come back in the last episode of the influencer arc, beating green at first, symbolising green’s negligence towards his friends’ feelings consuming him in his pursuit of content creation, but this is overcome as he realises the situation he is in - where he finally beats greenscreen and with him, his internal conflict, not by throwing him into the recycle bin where the neglect will be left to fester, but by coming to terms with his plight, communicating with his friends and agreeing to create the content that they want to create, putting an end to the negligence and laying greenscreen to rest.
(as of writing this, green’s newest video (reacting to my friends having fun without me) shows the rest of the CG being thrown around? it looks like they’re fighting something/someone, which is very likely whatever spawned from the recycle bin - i’m guessing this is greenscreen.)
TLDR: greenscreen is a physical manifestation of green’s neglect towards his friends AND his internal conflict, who will return in ep3 of the influencer arc, but will ultimately be beaten by green which symbolises him stepping back from content creation.
thanks for reading till the end! really appreciate it if you read the whole thing - once again this is purely my own speculation, opinions and theory!
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a-bottle-of-tyelenol · 5 days ago
little izuku & cg/big brother hitoshi headcanons !!
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— request by @dragon-queen21 —
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧
💚 - izuku has been regressing since middle school and he usually regresses to an age range of 2-4. he’s quiet and incredibly self sufficient after years of raising himself under a working single mother. even while regressed, he maintains a journal where he meticulously logs things and data collects about what he likes and doesn’t like. he has a system and it works for him. when he starts training for, and starts attending, ua, his regression gets knocked to the back burner while he focuses on everything else happening in his life. it basically leads to a year of him burning out and impurely regressing because he keeps putting it off.
💜 - hitoshi finds out about it when he joins the hero course and moves into the dorms. he’s a chronic night owl and while you’re not supposed to leave your dorm room after lights out, that’s a guideline at best and aizawa has too much favoritism to actually punish him for being out and awake at three in the morning. he finds izuku huddled up in the commons, crying after a nightmare, and genuinely stands there awkwardly for like thirty seconds before sighing and deciding that the better thing to do is to comfort him. of course, this leads to a lap full of his sobbing classmate/rival and a VERY awkward conversation in the morning where izuku spends two hours writing a super long text explaining age regression and apologizing for his behavior and hitoshi just responds with “ok 👍”
💚 - it leads to a never-ending cycle of little izuku seeking hitoshi out constantly since he’s the only one that knows about his regression and then big izuku furiously apologizing in the morning, swearing that it won’t happen again (and it always goes). little izu is very attached to hitoshi— he views hitoshi as this insanely rad older kid (you know, like a little brother would) and hitoshi is really uncomfortable with the attention but it’s like… a pleased discomfort. he’s never had anyone treat him like he’s the coolest thing ever so he just rolls with it. eventually, hitoshi tells him to stop apologizing after the fact because he doesn’t hate hanging around a baby that looks at him like he’s the literal definition of awesomeness and that leads to them having their first ACTUAL conversation about it.
💜 - they’re both autistic but in very different ways so their dynamic struggles just as much as it works. Izuku is very understimulated all the time (especially while small) so he’s constantly talking, stimming, and seeking out things to do. hitoshi, meanwhile, is insanely easy to overstimulate but he knows that if he says anything about it, izuku will shut down and never speak again just to make him comfortable and that’s not what he wants. the solution is a truly incredible amount of parallel play while they listen to hitoshi’s safe playlists music or while hitoshi wears noise canceling headphones (that one usually only happens when he puts on a show/movie for izuku or has had a really bad day). sometimes hitoshi will use little izuku to help him study because the kid’s literal special interest is heroics, he’s got an insane memory, and hitoshi has neither of those things so going over study cards with izuku or making up games quizzing him is both fun and beneficial for hitoshi’s grades.
💚 - hitoshi struggles a lot with physical affection while izuku is very tactile. it leads to a lot of back and forth where they try to figure out the middle ground or ways of signaling when something’s okay. hitoshi is fine with hand holding (as long as he has sleeves that can cover his hands or he’s wearing gloves) and he can cuddle in small doses, so that’s 95% of what izuku initiates. he’s always holding hitoshi’s hand and he’s very sweet and considerate about making sure that hitoshi’s okay with it (to the degree that hitoshi has to constantly remind izuku that he, hitoshi, is the older one who should do all the worrying). in return, hitoshi gives izuku a lot of large stuffed animals wearing his shirts (or cologne for smaller things) so izuku has something to cuddle with still. izuku’s favorite is this really dumb looking stuffed crow that’s wearing yellow rain boots and a yellow bucket hat that hitoshi offhandedly won him during a festival (could be school festival or the class deciding to go out for the weekend). hitoshi has no idea why he likes it so much but izuku is obsessed with it.
💜 - because of izuku’s excessive cataloging, it’s actually really easy for hitoshi to take care of him. they weren’t really friends prior to this point so most of what he learns about izuku comes from his journals. he learns his favorite food, his favorite toys, his favorite movies and tv shows, his favorite sensory objects, and what he enjoys doing; and, for the most part, a lot of this stuff either overlaps with izuku when he’s big or he states in his journals where his interests deviate and his theories for why that might be. it gets to a point where hitoshi will overhear someone asking about what izuku might like for his birthday or a holiday and he’s just able to answer despite the fact that he and izuku rarely hang out around other people so practically no one (except iida, uraraka, and bakugou) know that they’re even friends. it also means that hitoshi knows about izuku’s triggers and a lot of the traumas that he’s experienced. there’s a lot that izuku purposefully redacts when he lets hitoshi read his journals, but there’s still a lot there that makes hitoshi realize that they really aren’t that different after all.
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pumpkinheadspacestation · 1 year ago
Agere age guide
3 years addition
Hi every tiny and big! Make sure to check out my previous age guides!
Intro post
One year babies
Two year babies
I also want to add that not everything here will be accurate to all toddlers that regress to the threes and age regression is very fluid and individual to each and every tiny!
Traits And Behaviors
☠︎︎This is about the age that tiny tots start to identify with gender, they may gravitate towards certain styles and colors now
☠︎︎They can follow simple and short instructions
☠︎︎Now is about the age that these tiny tots start to like playing with other kiddos, instead of parallel play, they may enjoy playing together in games like dolls, they may build blocks together, simple puzzles are good too
☠︎︎Along side with being more interested in companionship, these kiddos may have a hard time sharing and need to be taught how to share
☠︎︎Usually in the two to three age range, these tots are just figuring out their emotions and learning how to manage their big feels, that being said, they may have a lot harder time regulating their emotions and they may have tantrums and meltdowns.
☠︎︎These babies are speaking in full sentences and are starting to express their needs with words and actions
☠︎︎Tots in their threes are starting to spring and walk around freely, you may catch them starting to climb things, jumping about, and running around the house. Even with these teeny toddlers starting to run about, their balance isn't the best yet, so make sure to be there in case they fall
☠︎︎These babies are starting to use the potty by themselves! Babies anywhere from 1.5-3 are starting to potty train, you may want to have these tots in pull ups when they go to bed but slowly, they'll become fully potty trained and need less and less help in the bathroom!
☠︎︎These tots are well on their way to doing most anything else any other kiddo can do! Big kid games may not be the best fit but most other things are on the table!
☠︎︎Sensory toys are tons of fun for these little babies, play-doh, sensory cubes, rattles and new textures to experience are lots of fun for these babies
☠︎︎Water play is a new and fun thing for these babies! Set up a fun bath with toys and bubbles and bath bombs and it'll sure be a blast for your regressor
☠︎︎These tiny tykes are starting to have more fun playing outside, mud pies and playing in the sprinkler are a must outside in the summertime and snowmen and Snowball fights will be tons of fun in the winter
☠︎︎Babies this age are starting to enjoy puzzles, playing puzzle games and putting together puzzles can be great fun for tots in their threes
The Foooddsss
These lil ones enjoy simpler tasting food, not many threes enjoy elaborate meals, a turkey sandwich with apple slices will do just fine. These babies are starting to figure out what they like and don't like, they've been eating solid foods for a bit now and they're trying new foods everyday. It's also important to note that these teenies are at a snacking age, they're rarely interested in sitting down to have a big meal three times a day, it's better to offer a bunch of small snacks throughout the day.
Shows And Movies
Similar to the ones and twos, these tiniest enjoy animated shows, maybe shows with shorter episodes since now these babies are up and running around. Movies may be a little too long for these tiny tykes but short shows are great, turning on shows like bluey, Daniel tiger or doc mcstuffins are great shows for these babies.
Boundaries And Safeties!
I think the most important note I could give everyone cg reading this post is just to get to know your tot, it can be awkward to bring up their tiny space especially if your baby is shy but the awkward conversations are important! Ask your baby what shows they like, what makes them feel safe, whether they like pull ups or they're potty trained, what foods they like, if they like to sleep with cg or they like to sleep in a crib, important questions
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hoyotournament · 11 months ago
FINALS!!! Furina vs Kiana Kaslana
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(Propaganda under the cut)
the girl who saved fontaine. condemned herself to a life of silent pain and suffering without any warning or preparation. she could confide in no one, seek out help from no one, all while bearing the weight of her entire nation on her shoulders. not only did her willpower save everyone in fontaine, but after the prophecy was averted, she was finally allowed to live a normal life.
Kiana Kaslana:
TLDR: she's kiana kaslana what do you MEAN!!!! kiana is a beautifully written character who fully encapsulates what hi3 is about and she's so full of love and guilt and (most importantly) hope. she's a clone who struggles with her own identity/inhumanity and traumas extending from when she was a young child and her guilt but is so so resilient and so so so so compassionate which ultimately reinforces her humanity :)
kiana's character IS the honkai impact thesis statement. i don't even mean it as in she's the literal main character and face of honkai i genuinely mean it when i say she just IS honkai impact. she reflects every single theme that they portray [hope over nihilism (chapter 25 || the flame chasers and just. the previous era in general), having agency over your identity and your own story (himeko, her being k423 and being so linked to sirin, everlasting flames || the kaslana household name honestly, bronya, fu hua, mei, sirin), believing in the humanity's inherent worth (chapter 25, arc city || elysia <- important since as a current era herrscher, she is a successor to elysia AND as kiana kaslana, she is a narrative parallel of elysia), having faith in the youth (himeko, kevin || the other flame chasers! notably su), etc.] her character being so reflective is also sooooo OUGH to think about when you view it as a reflection of honkai's 50,000 year samsara because kiana is a representation of these themes coming full circle (especially since many of these stretch back to the previous era and elysia).
SHE FEELS SO MUCH. she's so full of love and guilt. she clearly prioritizes others over herself and part of her arc is her learning to value and love herself as well!!! she would give herself for the world ten times over because she holds so much affection for humanity!! (WHILE FEELING DEHUMANIZED BECAUSE OF HER IDENTITY AS BOTH A HERRSCHER AND K423) and it's actively apart of her character's growth :'')
dear god her growth… okok. so i think first you have to understand that a lot of kiana's growth obviously coincides w general maturity as she grows from a teenager to a young adult. but aside from that i think people often forget that younger kiana is incredibly self sufficient since her father literally left her with little to no explanation when she was like. what 8? the insecurity she feels at that! the anger she has to navigate while also balancing it with her own feelings of missing and loving him. basically: kiana has struggled a lot w instability and is thus kinda good at navigating it. ex: she isnt shaken by nagazora and literally tries again and again and again to save mei and convince mei to let her help. the thing is this fucks w her a bit though because a big thing that she does as a means to cope w instability is avoiding them (not reflective of real life of course, but in the fictional hi3 this is partially represented in kiana's repressed memories about her actual origins as k423). she can not stand the realization that she killed himeko that she's so deep in denial and doesnt truly realize it until more than 10 chapters after himeko dies! she's so horrified with her being a herrscher she actively tries to not use her powers out of fear, even when it puts her in harms way (the chapter XI-EX CG!!!!!! her literally trying to kill herself!!) she literally runs away from her friends and loved ones because she's so scared of hurting them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is why her promise to himeko to not run away is so important!! because it addresses one of kiana's biggest flaws!!!!! this is especially important bc her refusal to continue her avoidance feeds into her arc during the herrscher of dominion chapters where she both faces her own guilt/identity and deliberately chooses perseverance and hope over nihilism!! she is hope!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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momoiis · 1 month ago
prsk siblings agere headcanons!!
because i think they’re neat :3
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★ tsukasa is, of course, the number one big brother ever
★ toya doesn’t mind being little in front of both saki and tsukasa, those are his big siblings… he loves them dearly
★ saki loves being a big sister to toya, even when she’s little! she tends to regress just a bit older than him and is always Always insistent that she’s still his big sister
★ sometimes tsukasa ends up slipping around his siblings… they’re both more than happy to take over and be his big siblings though!
★ more often than not they’ll end up playing some kind of rendition of knights or princesses or something along those lines take a wild guess at whose idea it is
★ normally, toya likes being more independent, but when he’s with his siblings he wants to be involved in Everything. hes a curious little critter
★ they all love making up stories to act out with their stuffies. this is not even a hc this is just canon in my heart
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★ when just ena is regressed, the only way akito would possibly find out is on accident, like him coming into her room without knocking
★ on the other hand, when just akito’s regressed, he actively searches out his nena. he doesn’t like being alone when he’s small… (as much as he doesn’t wanna admit it)
★ but sometimes they’ll Both be small at the same time! i hc this is what happens most of the time. they’re just in mutual agreement never to speak about it
★ the shinonomes being small together is almost always a recipe for disaster, but somehow they make it work
★ they’re both more than happy with just parallel play honestly. ena will color or draw and akito will stick to playing with ena’s stuffies since most of the time they’re in her room
★ since ena regresses older than akito (i hc ena regresses to 7-9 mostly, while akito regresses to maybe like 4 or 5) she’s usually the one to prepare them food… but her little brain wants snacks so bad… so dinner is chips…. and maybe some ice cream if they have it…
★ maybe dont leave them without a cg actually
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(i use she/he prns for shiho)
★ what happens when you put two cg leaning flips together… i mean. one of ‘em is bound to slip, right?
★ (usually it’s shiho that slips honestly)
★ shiho’s an extremely independent baby though so sometimes she’ll get kinda whiny about being fussed over
★ shizuku wants to dote on shiho So Bad especially when he’s small… but she knows to give him some space. kinda.
★ cue the frequent check-ins, constantly bringing shiho plates of fruit or cups of water or tea, etc etc. she gets very worried about him
★ (meanwhile shiho’s just chilling in her room watching sugarbunnies and having the absolute time of her life)
★ honestly i dont think shizuku slips often. its a super duper rare occurrence and it would probably only happen involuntarily while around momojan
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ghostedglitch · 5 months ago
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for @davekatweek day 6 a bit of angst about their upbringings
should have picked a different style for this im not exactly happy with it but ehhh theres always redraws
completed sept 20 2024
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