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gummysunnybear · 2 months ago
*punches down a wall*
Regressor Sun content hours bc I am Unwell, can't regress rn myself bc of personal stuff, and need SOMETHING to take the edge off -
((Bonus, CetusxTaurusxSun au compliant))
• Sunny's the type to sit on the floor for hours on end with a sensory toy and video livestreams of aquariums. Bonus points if it's jellyfish, sharks or even the occasional NOAA videos of dives with Weird Little Critters.
• ironically lowkey likes spooky stuff and horror when he's small, so long as he's somewhere that the baby brain deems Safe. If he's wrapped in a serpentine tail or in a bill's lap, he can handle anything.
• he keeps his regression far from Dazzle and Jack out of personal preference and a desire to not expose them to the potential less-cookie-cutter-cutie aspects. Still sometimes slips juuuuuust a touch every now and again when they play.
• Perler Beads/Fusion Beads Are The Ultimate Stim. Also very much enjoys Pony Beads, charms, and buttons - also loves some good embroidery floss. ((He and Cetus have debated the logistics of getting a big inflatable pool to fill with beads, buttons, and Shiny Things specifically to lay in bc MMMM NICE))
• Filter? Who's that? He's a shy lil guy, but if he is asked, he'll blurt out questions, no hesitation. Absolutely partially hid behind Moon once bc Shy when Taurus first showed up pre-dating, but upon being addressed, went, "You're super big, can I have uppies?" ((He did, in fact, get uppies))
• Taurus: I have only had Sunrise for an hour, but should any manner of harm befall him, I would destroy this planet and then myself.
• Cetus: look I went through villain rehab, but if you touch my seastar, I'll make pressure damage look like a mild bruise. Give me a reason.
• Sun is the type to REALLY like cute fantasy cartoons on occasion, and he has definitely gotten Taurus and Cetus invested in the plot of Care Bears: Unlock the Magic. Was it intentional? Not at all. Will he profit off of it? Oh Absolutely 💯 👌
• Earth! Is!! His!!! Comfort!!!! Person!!!!! ((Moon is his preferred cg, but sometimes the memories are... too heavy. He needs someone Safe and Comfy, who has no History Of Harm. Enter: Sissy))
• Bloodmoon is alive bc I say so and they're redeemed bc There Was So Much Potential There AAAAA anyway, they also take Protecc Mode VERY seriously. You know how cats carry kittens? That. But they carry around Sunny. Occasionally they play keep away with the yellow bean
• Sun actually doesn't cry often, and when he does, it's silent - Moon always feels horrible about it, and it breaks everyone's hearts ((I project on he))
• *smacks table* Candyland Is A Dangerous Game /hj.
• Solar does his best, but he's so awkward, man. His love language is acts of service and gift giving. He 110% makes Sun cute customized regression gear, included a decorated cult of the lamb themed pacifier, sealed and reinforced specifically for animatronics.
[I'm fighting my demons to not draw regressor Sun content to throw at you send help-]
~ Call me 🐞/Bug ~
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thewertsearch · 3 months ago
pipefan413: In following years, she was left to ponder all that might have been. pipefan413: What might have been if there had been no baroness to keep the girl and boy apart? pipefan413: What might have been if the baroness had not disappeared, and she had the opportunity to use her secrets against her!
What could still be, in a world about to be rewritten?
All bets are off, at this point, and Nanna and Grandpa could easily be rebooted into a couple. Hell, they might actually raise John and Jade this time around - which, come to think of it, may have been the future that Crocker was actually seeing.
As always, the possibilities of the Scratch are staggering – but, with Doc Scratch looming over everything, they’re sure to come with strings attached.
pipefan413: For you see, the girl had uncovered so many dirty secrets about the terrible batterwitch, including the most troubling one of all. pipefan413: Of course no one would have believed her, but she knew. pipefan413: She knew the baroness was not human! :B
Wait, what?
This one's a real curveball, I've got to say - and I don't have a clue what this might mean, or what Crocker's secret identity could be. Homestuck’s other species feel far too alien to pass as human - surely if Crocker had horns, green skin, or an insect-like carapace, someone would have smelled a rat.
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Like... this is Betty Crocker's 'canon' design, and her skin tone alone rules out most of Homestuck's aliens. I suppose she could be using some sort of illusion magic - but at this point, I'm making up mechanics that we've never seen before. That's usually a sign that you're barking up the wrong tree.
Alright, then – I’m guessing that Crocker is a robot. They're probably the easiest type of creature to disguise as a human, since they can be custom-made. Plus, it’s consistent with the real-life lore that Crocker isn’t actually a real person; she was created by someone else.
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I assume ‘her’ is Echidna. We’ve been giving the kids’ Denizens a lot of focus in this sequence, and now it’s Jade’s turn. It also means that Cetus is next - which is going to be fun, since she's the only Denizen in the session that we know nothing about.
It seems like none of the kids will actually be fighting their Denizens -they're all choosing to consult with them, instead. Is it starting to dawn on the remaining trolls that they may have misunderstood this mechanic?
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satukanal · 5 years ago
11 Pemuda Banyuwangi Raih Chinese Government Scholarship
11 Pemuda Banyuwangi Raih Chinese Government Scholarship
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Harapan menempuh pendidikan tinggi di luar negeri semakin terbuka. Terbaru, sebanyak 11 anak muda asal Banyuwangi terpilih untuk menempuh pendidikan perguruan tinggi melalui program beasiswa yang diberikan Pemerintah China dalam program Chinese Government Scholarship 2019.
Ke 11 anak muda tersebut merupakan lulusan beberapa SMA Negeri di kabupaten yang berjuluk Sunrise of Java itu. Plt. Kepala Dinas Pendidikan (Kadispendik) Kabupaten Banyuwangi Suratno, secara resmi melepas keberangkatan mereka.
Anak-anak muda ini didampingi pimpinan Yayasan Batuta Banyuwangi, Angga Yudhistira, yaitu tempat anak-anak tersebut selama ini belajar bahasa mandarin. Atas nama Pemkab Banyuwangi, Suratno menyampaikan ucapan selamat dan menyatakan kebanggaannya yang luar biasa atas capaian dan raihan mereka.
“Selamat. Saya bangga dengan terpilihnya kalian dalam program beasiswa CGS ini. Tidak gampang  memiliki motivasi untuk bisa menempuh pendidikan di luar wilayah kita sendiri. Tentu dibutuhkan visi ke depan yang berkaitan dengan masa depan,” ujar pria yang sebelumnya menjabat Kabid SMP ini.
Walaupun mendapatkan beasiswa ke luar negeri, anak-anak muda tersebut tetap diminta untuk menunjukkan pribadinya sebagai orang Indonesia. Khususnya, warga Banyuwangi yang selalu memegang nilai-nilai keluhuran bangsa.
“Saya titip kepada kalian, Think Globally, Action Locally. Artinya, di tengah belajar mengembangkan kompetensi, tetaplah ingat darimana kalian berasal. Bawa nama baik daerah dan tetaplah berkultur Banyuwangi,” pesannya.
Selain itu, Suratno juga minta agar para peraih beasiswa ini menerapkan 6C. Yang pertama, critical thinking, yakni bisa berpikir kritis, menentukan mana yang baik dan tepat dan harus dieksekusi. Caranya, dengan banyak berliterasi atau banyak membaca.
Kedua, communication. “Sebelas orang ini komunikasinya harus utuh, jangan lepas dari kawannya, dan harus saling mengingatkan,” himbau Suratno.
Ada juga collaboration, creativity, competing logic dan cohession atau bekerja dengan hati serta tetap rendah hati.
“Kami bangga ada anak-anak Banyuwangi yang punya kesempatan kuliah langsung di China. Bentuklah diri kalian secara bertahap. Pertama sebagai employer (pekerja), kemudian self employee (bekerja untuk dirinya sendiri), lalu businessman, hingga meningkat menjadi investor,” tandas Suratno.
Sebelumnya, para peraih beasiswa  tersebut belajar bahasa mandarin dengan mengikuti kursus di Yayasan Batuta. Batuta Banyuwangi merupakan sebuah yayasan pendidikan yang bergerak di bidang konsultasi pendidikan dan rumah belajar bahasa mandarin.
Yayasan ini terbentuk di awal 2019. Salah satu program yayasan ini adalah pendampingan belajar bahasa mandarin dan program beasiswa belajar ke luar negeri.
Terpisah, pimpinan Yayasan Batuta Banyuwangi, Angga Yudhistira menerangkan, Pemerintah China memang membuka pintu seluas-luasnya bagi anak-anak muda yang ingin belajar di China.
“Pemerintah China ingin memberi sumbangsih lebih bagi anak-anak muda. Pengumuman tentang program ini selain diperoleh dari Kedutaan Besar China, juga bisa melalui universitasnya masing-masing. Mereka yang lolos seleksi  ini adalah lulusan terbaik dari sekolahnya,” beber Angga, Minggu (8/12/19).
Rata-rata, lanjut Angga, para calon mahasiswa ini belajar di Batuta selama 3 – 4  bulan untuk memperlancar kemampuan berbahasa mandarinnya.
Salah satu penerima beasiswa, Nossa Melenega Sistim mengaku bersyukur dan bersemangat ingin segera sampai di China untuk memulai pendidikan di sana.
“Bersyukur sekali bisa terpilih sebagai penerima beasiswa ini bersama 10 rekan lainnya. Tidak pernah bermimpi bisa belajar di China. Mudah mudahan bisa mendapat ilmu yang manfaat, berguna bagi nusa dan bangsa,” cetus Nossa yang penghobi touring dengan komunitas Honda Beat Street nya ini, Minggu (8/12/19).
Diantara ke-11 siswa-siswi penerima beasiswa CGV 2019 ini antara lain ; Nossa Melenega Sistim dari SMAN 1 Banyuwangi. Nossa, putra pertama pasangan suami istri Sistim Indra Setiawan dan Indah Purwaningrum asal Desa Blambangan, Kecamatan Muncar ini diterima di Fakultas International Trade Business. Lalu ada Virosya Amala asal SMAN 1 Glagah yang diterima di Fakultas International Trade Business (China E-Commerce). Iqshal Sulton Ardhana (SMAN 1 Banyuwangi), Fakultas Environmental Engineering. Adellya Putri Gunawan (SMAN 1 Rogojampi) di Fakultas Pharmacy.
Di universitas yang berbeda, ada Nehrin Fahmi Suviana (SMAN 1 Banyuwangi) di Nanning College for Vocational Technology di Fakultas International Relations Program, dan Faisal Auliyandi (SMAN 1 Banyuwangi) di Fakultas Information and Technology.
Ada pula Diva Shitarani (SMAN1 Glagah) di Weifang University for Science of Technology di Fakultas International Trade Business. Diikuti rekan-rekan lainnya Salman Faris (SMAN 1 Banyuwangi) yang diterima di Fakultas International Business Management. Surotul Hadiyani (SMAN 1 Glagah) di  Fakultas Public Health. Serta Sefi Amelia (SMAN 1 Banyuwangi) di  Fakultas Fashion Performance and Image Design.
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otakunews01 · 8 years ago
Nuevo vídeo promocional para la película de Godzilla: Kaijuu Wakusei
Una nueva imagen promocional para la película que se estrenará el 17 de noviembre también se reveló:
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La web oficial de próxima trilogía de películas de Anime de Godzilla de Gen Urobochi y Polygon Pictures, se ha actualizado el miércoles con un nuevo vídeo promocional en dos versiones y una nueva imagen promocional. La película titulada Godzilla: Kaijuu Wakusei, se estrenará el 17 de noviembre del 2017 en cines de Japón y Netflix este año a nivel global.
Reparto nuevo:
Yuuki Kaji como Adam Bindewald
Takahiro Sakurai como Metphies
Tomokazu Sugita como Martin Lazzari
Junichi Suwaba como  Mulu-Elu Galu-gu
Kana Hanazawa como Yuko Tani
Mamoru Miyano como Haruo Sakaki
Ono Daisuke como Eliott Leland
Kenta Miyake como Rilu-Elu Belu-be
Kenyuu Horiuchi como Unberto Mori
Kazuya Nakai como Halu-Elu Dolu-do
Kazuhiro Yamaji como Endurph
Hiroyuki Seshita y Kobun Shizuno dirigen la película. Gen Urobuchi escribe los guiones y esta acreditado con la obra original. El estudio de animación Polygon Pictures se encarga de animar la película. Yuuzuke Kozaki esta a cargo de los bocetos de diseño de personajes. Hiroyuki Morita es el director asistente. Yuki Moriyama es el diseñador de personajes en CG. TOHO se encargará de distribuir la película.
La película tiene lugar 20.000 años en el futuro en la Tierra, donde Godzilla está en la parte superior del ecosistema, y ​​los seres humanos luchan para recuperar el planeta. En la Tierra, los kaijuu (monstruos) aparecen repentinamente, y el "ser supremo" Godzilla se levanta para exterminarlos. Después de medio siglo de guerra entre Godzilla y los kaijuu, la humanidad concibe un plan para escapar del planeta. En 2048, un grupo de seres humanos elegidos por inteligencia artificial abordan una nave espacial llamada Aratram para viajar 11,9 años luz para emigrar a un nuevo planeta llamado Tau Ceti e, que gira alrededor de la estrella Tau Ceti en la constelación Cetus. Después de viajar durante 20 años, la nave apenas llega al nuevo planeta, sólo para descubrir que no puede soportar la vida humana. El protagonista es Haleo. que vio a Godzilla matar a sus padres ante sus ojos cuando tenía cuatro años. Durante los 20 años de viaje, sólo pensó en regresar a la Tierra y matar a Godzilla para vengar a sus padres. Él se une a un equipo que realizará un viaje peligroso a través del hiperespacio para regresar a la Tierra. Sin embargo, cuando llegan, encuentran que han pasado 20,000 años en la Tierra, y el mundo que una vez conocieron ha cambiado completamente.
La más nueva película de Godzilla de TOHO, Godzilla: Resurgence (Shin Godzilla), se estrenó el pasado 29 de Julio en cines de Japón, y Funimation planea lanzar la película en Occidente a finales del 2016. TOHO lanzó la primera película de Godzilla en 1954, y desde el estreno de Godzilla: Resurgence, las 29 películas live-action de Godzilla de TOHO han vendido más de cien millones de entradas en Japón. Dos películas de Godzilla fueron producidas en Estados Unidos en 1998 y 2014.
La franquicia de Godzilla ya ha inspirado dos series animadas producidas en Occidente: La primera producida por Hanna-Barbera en 1978 y la otra sirvió como secuela de la película Estadounidense de 1998. El personaje de Godzilla apareció primero en televisión Japonesa el pasado 22 de Julio del 2016 en un crossover con el Anime Crayon Shin-chan.
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justanothercinemaniac · 8 years ago
Epic Movie (Re)Watch #117 - Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
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Spoilers Below
Have I Seen It Before: Yes.
Did I Like It Then: Yes.
Do I Remember It: Yes.
Did I See It In Theaters: Yes.
Was it a movie I saw since August 22nd, 2009: Yes. No.
Format: DVD
1) I don’t rewatch this film as often as some other Dreamworks movies (The Road to El Dorado, The Prince of Egypt), and only vaguely remember it. I was incredibly surprised however to realize I TOTALLY remembered the main theme (composed by Harry Gregson Williams) as it started playing in the film.
2) Michelle Pfeiffer as Eris.
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The first character in the film we’re introduced to, Pfeiffer brings a wonderful fun to this villainess. According to Wikipedia (which quotes it from Entertainment Weekly):
Michelle Pfeiffer, who voices Eris, the goddess of chaos, had struggles with finding the character's villainies. Initially the character was "too sexual," then she lacked fun. After the third rewrite, Pfeiffer called Jeffrey Katzenberg and told him "You know, you really can fire me.", but he assured her that this was just part of the process.
Pfeiffer is a delight in the role, and Eris is animated wonderfully. She’s a total treat to watch every time she’s on screen and a delight in the role.
3) Brad Pitt as Sinbad.
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Brad Pitt as Sinbad is pretty good. I think one of the film’s biggest failings is that Sinbad’s character development doesn’t seem to flow too well, it just sort of happens (although that just may be a me thing), but Pitt brings the roguish charm and just pure fun that is needed for this character.
4) This film does have some good swashbuckling fun in it, and it’s what makes the movie as good as it is.
5) The bromance between Sinbad & Kale is nice. We know that Sinbad and Proteus had a past relationship as friends but it’s Sinbad and Kale who have the relationship NOW. Kale knows Sinbad well and he’s loyal to him until the end, and Dennis Haysbert is a joy in the role.
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6) That’s not to discount the interesting conflict the relationship Sinbad & Proteus brings to the film though. It’s a unique idea I’m glad was included.
7) Honestly the CGI monsters are the things I remember most from this movie. They’re each fairly memorable in their designs. Plus I think McDonald’s or Burger King had toys of them.
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8) The first fight with Cetus (the monster above) is a good way of showing off Sinbad’s ingenuity and smarts in a fight. He doesn’t go head first into danger thoughtlessly, he thinks things through.
9) Chekov’s Quote.
Eris: “When a goddess gives her word, she’s bound for all eternity.”
10) Catherine Zeta Jones as Marina.
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Jones (or is it Zeta Jones?) does well in the role of Marina. She is able to balance the character’s sense of nobility and responsibility with the heart and brashness of an adventurer, both things which are needed to understand her character and that character’s internal conflict.
11) I always like it when you have third-wheel characters in movies - like Proteus in this film - who aren’t dicks. Like it would be so easy to make the boyfriend an asshole but the conflict is deepened when Marina has feelings for someone other than her future-husband and that future-husband is a great guy.
12) I’m pretty sure when Sinbad discovers Marina snooping around his ship she glances at her boobs for the briefest of moments. Just thought I’d share.
13) The siren scene is another excellent example of great fun and good monsters.
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Harry Gregson Williams music is very good and blending pretty with creepy. You KNOW something is wrong, that we’re in danger, but the vocals are really beautiful. The scene also shows off Marina’s skills on the ship, which are great.
14) I cringed so hard at this. But I loved it.
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15) I personally think Sinbad & Marina have better chemistry when they’re having fun bickery banter (like when Sinbad, “thanks,” Marina after saving their life) then when they’re acting all sweet. But there are a lot of movies out there which I feel that way about.
16) Other than the issue I mentioned above, I think the film is a little overstuffed with monsters for too short a runtime. You go from sirens to this sort of weird fish island to the snow bird all pretty quickly. And it may just be me who feels this way, but I’d rather have the fish island cut if that meant we got more time with the snow bird. That doesn’t mean the fish island isn’t visually stunning though.
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PS: I’m sure there are some Sinbad fans out there who probably cringe when I use terms like, “snowbird,” and, “fish island,” since there are probably official names for these monsters out there. I apologize for that.
17) According to IMDb:
In the scene in which the entire crew, including Spike, is losing their lunch after traveling at top speeds you can hear a man say, "Hey, where did he get the carrot?" According to the filmmakers, that line was a joke someone said during story production that made everyone groan so much that they decided to put it in the movie.
18) I did not understand this joke as a kid. I laughed so hard when I watched it now.
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19) I do REALLY enjoy the ice bird scenes and the design on the creature (and Sinbad/Marina’s chase from it), I just wish we’d gotten more time in this environment.
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Again, an example of a very neat CG monster in this film.
20) I love this.
Rat: “It’s the edge of the world!”
Gin [to his brother Li]: “Pay up, it’s flat.”
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21) Aaaand the ship is flying.
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22) The bromance between Sinbad & Kale is only strengthened when - before entering Tartarus - Sinbad tells Kale that the ship is his if he doesn’t return.
23) Tartarus is truly visually fascinating, keeping with the themes of the CG monsters of the movie and Eris’ animation.
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24) It’s probably just me, but I feel like Marina’s, “I love you,” to Sinbad isn’t really earned. I love her and I love him and I think they have fun chemistry and a good relationship, I just wish we’d gotten a bit more nice honest moments with them before she said she loved him. We did get a few nice honest moments, but I feel like one or two more would’ve helped.
25) I like that Sinbad comes back to sacrifice himself to save Proteus, because he returns knowing he’ll be a dead man. And he thought he was lying when he told Eris he’d do this! He thought he was a coward but it just proved that he’s not. And then comes the twist: since Eris promised Sinbad the Book of Peace if he answered one question honestly (will he go back and die if he doesn’t get the book) and he does go back even though both he & Eris thought he was lying when he said, “Yes,” (holy run on sentence Batman) then he’s not lying!
Seven year old me did NOT see that twist coming.
26) Three people who I were surprised to see in the credits of this film:
John Logan wrote the screenplay. John Logan is the creator of “Penny Dreadful” and writer on the last two 007 films.
Jennifer Yuh Nelson was head of story. Jennifer Yuh Nelson directed the last two Kung Fu Panda movies and holds the record for highest-grossing film by a solo female director. (Technically Jennifer Lee has the record for highest-grossing film directed by a woman with Frozen but she co-directed with a guy.)
Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott (writers of the first four Pirates of the Caribbean films, The Road to El Dorado, and Treasure Planet among others) served as creative consultants.
I like Sinbad, I really do. It’s a fun adventure even if (in my opinion) it doesn’t hold up to The Road to El Dorado or The Prince of Egypt. But a film should not be judged based on the quality of other films. The animation here is great, the voice acting is fun, and it’s just an enjoyable time all around. Go put it in if you have the chance!
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shadow27 · 8 years ago
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Godzilla: Monster Planet Teaser poster and art.
The appearance of the giant living creatures “Kaiju's” and the ultimate existence that destroys all monsters: Godzilla. Through the battle against kaiju’s that lasted for half a century, human beings has experienced continuous defeat, and finally plans to escape from the Earth. And in 2048, only those who were selected by the A.I. managed under the central government boarded the inter-sidereal emigrant spaceship “Aratrum” to head for “Tau Cetus e”, the planet beyond the distance of 11.9 light-year. However, the environmental condition differences between that of the Earth and Tau e, which they finally arrived after 20 years were far beyond the predicted numbers, and was not an environment considered to be habitable by human beings.
The young man on the emigrant ship: Haruo, who saw his parents killed by Godzilla in front of his eyes when he was 4 years old, had only one thing in his mind for 20 years: to return to the Earth and defeat Godzilla. Shut out from the possibility of emigration, as the living environment in the ship deteriorates, the group of “Earth Returnists” led by Haruo became the majority, and determines to head back to Earth through a dangerous long-distance hyperspace navigation.
However, the Earth they have returned has already passed the time of 20,000 years, and has become an unknown world with the ecosystem reigned by Godzilla.
At the end, will human beings win back the Earth? And what will Haruo see beyond his fate…?
The work depicts a severe and hard-core future world unlike any previous Godzilla films. It is a story of human beings destined to confront “Godzilla” that has reigned the Earth for 20,000 years.
One of the dual director is Kobun Shizuno, who realized “Detective Conan: The Darkest Nightmare” (2016), which marked the box office of 6.33 billion yen; the highest record of the franchise. Another director is Hiroyuki Seshita who has proved his abilities at the forefront of CG field through his direction/ general direction in “Knights of Sidonia” and “Ajin”. Original story and screenplay is written by Gen Urobuchi, known for “Puella Magi Madoka Magica” and “Psycho-Pass”. His groundbreaking ideas and unpredictably elaborate structures has grasped the heart of many fans. The production house is the greatest 3DCG studio in Japan, Polygon Pictures, which has created “Knights of Sidonia”, and through their work such as “Star Wars: Clone Wars”, received an award for three consecutive years for Outstanding Special Class Animated Program at 41st Annual Daytime Emmy Awards, known to be the Oscars of the U.S. television industry.
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moviesshowsnbooks · 8 years ago
アニメーション映画『GODZILLA 怪獣惑星』予告
Godzilla: Monster Planet trailer
滅びるのは、人か、ゴジラか。 『シン・ゴジラ』から“アニメゴジラ”へ 歴代最大ゴジラ現る 二万年もの間、地球に君臨し続けてきた“ゴジラ”とそれに対峙する人類の因縁の物語。 アニメーション映画『GODZILLA 怪獣惑星』11月17日(金)全国公開 <CAST> ハルオ・サカキ:宮野真守 メトフィエス:櫻井孝宏 ユウコ・タニ:花澤香菜 マーティン・ラッザリ:杉田智和 アダム・ビンデバルト:梶 裕貴 ムルエル・ガルグ:諏訪部順一 リーランド:小野大輔 ベルべ:三宅健太 モーリ:堀内賢雄 ドルド:中井和哉 エンダルフ:山路和弘 <STAFF> ■監督/静野孔文・瀬下寛之  ■ストーリー原案・脚本/虚淵玄(ニトロプラス) ■シリーズ構成/虚淵玄(ニトロプラス)・村井さだゆき  ■キャラクターデザイン原案/コザキユースケ  ■副監督/森田宏幸  ■演出/吉平“Tady”直弘  ■プロダクションデザイン/田中直哉・Ferdinando Patulli  ■CGキャラクターデザイン/森山佑樹 ■造形監督/片塰満則  ■美術監督/渋谷幸弘  ■色彩設計/野地弘納  ■音響監督/本山 哲 ■製作/東宝  ■制作/ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ ■配給/東宝映像事業部 <映画公式サイト>http://godzilla-anime.com/ <映画公式twitter>@GODZILLA_ANIME http://godzilla-anime.com/  ©2017 TOHO CO.,LTD.
The synopsis for Godzilla: Monster Planet reads as follows:
The last summer of the 20th Century. That day, the human beings learn that they are not the only ruler of the planet Earth. The appearance of the giant living creatures 'Kaiju’s' and the ultimate existence that destroys all monsters: Godzilla. Through the battle against kaiju’s that lasted for half a century, human beings has experienced continuous defeat, and finally plans to escape from the Earth. And in 2048, only those who were selected by the A.I. managed under the central government boarded the inter-sidereal emigrant spaceship 'Aratrum' to head for 'Tau Cetus e', the planet beyond the distance of 11.9 light-year. However, the environmental condition differences between that of the Earth and Tau e, which they finally arrived after 20 years were far beyond the predicted numbers, and was not an environment considered to be habitable by human beings.
The young man on the emigrant ship: Haruo, who saw his parents killed by Godzilla in front of his eyes when he was 4 years old, had only one thing in his mind for 20 years: to return to the Earth and defeat Godzilla. Shut out from the possibility of emigration, as the living environment in the ship deteriorates, the group of 'Earth Returnists' led by Haruo became the majority, and determines to head back to Earth through a dangerous long-distance hyperspace navigation. However, the Earth they have returned has already passed the time of 20,000 years, and has become an unknown world with the ecosystem reigned by Godzilla.
At the end, will human beings win back the Earth? And what will Haruo see beyond his fate?
Godzilla: Monster Planet is set to release on Netflix in November in the United States, with the direction of Kobun Shizuno and Hiroyuki Seshita.
source: Comicbook.com
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