choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
the gift is small, a meaningless collectors item that mike had picked up from the market & watching those familiar steel eyes gaze on it for half a second. he's not a stranger as to wanting something as special as a birthday to not be a big deal, but that doesn't stop the need to at least say it, or mention it in passing - even at 1 am, in the dark, balanced on a tray between two cups of the special brand of tea that even levi refuses to buy. " ... happy birthday, levi. "
@cfdevotion || it’s still levimas somewhere
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     it isn’t the first time that mike’s joined him late into the night. there’s a familiar, quiet reassurance to the way he’ll occasionally sit down beside levi, offering few words but a gentle sort of understanding. levi remembers when he hated that sense of understanding, felt violated by it, back when he’d neither trusted nor wanted anybody’s care. now it feels like a sigh of relief.
     tonight is different, of course, tonight carries the sort of tired nostalgia he rarely indulges in except for days like these. people have been leaving him gifts with varying levels of nerves and shyness all day -- as if he might snap at them for their kindness. sometimes it bothers him, that he doesn’t know how to respond to such gestures. sometimes he wishes...
     he sighs, glancing up at mike’s approach, only for his gaze to flicker at once to the unexpected, the object sitting so innocuously between two teacups. his brow furrows in surprise, and his gaze lingers for a moment before he glances away, reaching for a cup. it’s a meaningless thing really, a useless thing -- a delicately-wrought porcelain bird, poised to fly. a trinket. he’d only looked at it for a moment in the market, one silly moment, drawn by its beauty and its poignancy, a moment of childish longing before he moved on. 
     but mike noticed.
     of course mike noticed.
     his heart constricts at the sight of it, such a graceful little thing, easily broken, existing only for the sake of its own beauty. most of his things, most of the gifts he’s gotten, are functional, practical, and he appreciates that, appreciates being given things will be useful to him. but there’s a part of him that has always treasured the luxury, the privilege of things which exist only to be beautiful. from the time he was a boy holding onto a frayed and dirty piece of lace, or a simple, lovely teacup. maybe mike understands that, or maybe he’s simply observant enough to notice a single passing glance in a marketplace and act on it. either way. either way, it is special.
     he takes a sip of the tea, a swift glance upward at mike as he tastes the particular fine sharpness of the blend too expensive even for his general disregard for the corps’s budget. he doesn’t know what to say. he hates that he doesn’t know what to say. but mike has a knack for understanding without words, so levi only leans forward, picking up the little porcelain bird, running his fingers over the smooth surface. it reminds him of a girl who cradled an injured bird in her hands, and his chest feels tight, but he doesn’t hide from it. he sets the bird down, glances up at mike, gives him a little nod. it’s a poor substitution for the thanks he wishes he could give, but he hopes it’s enough.
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vitcz-blog · 7 years
❛  i think it’s best we both forget before we dwell on it.  ❜
meme. @cfdevotion​ . no longer accepting.
here is where nightingale’s voice    breaks  &  sings for the deceased.  it is both between sacrifice and broken hymns.  with Mike,  he is in the line of the fire.  what little preservation he holds between cracked bones seep into the silence.  in a way,  there is mild relief in not having to VOICE the cracked rib cage  &  broken chest.  still,  the silence tastes like cotton on his tongue  &  it’s hard to swallow in the black of his throat.  honesty is the only conviction that ever falls on his lips and to disengage in what those words suspect him of feeling is to trash that notion.                       instead, he indulges.  he lets the raw peaking fester in his chest bone,  lets the sounds of their silent screams vibrate in his veins  &  he watches them in minds eye.  their bodies falling with hard hallow echos.  he allowed himself a moment to FEEL.  teeth clench and his arms fold in a tight span across his chest.  he forces down the feeling of loss with a steaming gulp of black tea.  it’s bitter and almost like acid on his tongue.                 she always made taste better.  what better to disregard the feeling bubble in the knot of his stomach than to change the subject.
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❝  were you able to catch any distinct scents from our enemy?  ❞
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atlaswinged · 7 years
007. cry on . / i was in the mood for angst but you could include one of the hugs just for bonus tbh...
When  he  receives  the  list  of  names  from  that  day  who  were  all  UNACCOUNTED  FOR  and  presumed  dead  ,  their  deaths  BECOME  an  excruciating  weight  on  his  mind  and shoulders  that  he  wholeheartedly  accepts  but  nothing  compares  to  the  utter  devastation  of  LOSING  AN  OLD  FRIEND.  He’s  always  known  that  it  could  happen  to  him  or  anyone  else.  It’s  a  part  of  his  calculations  and  gambles  and  yet  ,  his  MANGLED  AND  BLEEDING  heart  that  he’s  closed  off  emotions  to  is  still  torn  to  shreds  at  the  name  of  humanity’s  second  strongest  near  the  bottom  ,  marked  as  ‘ MIA. ’  He’s  been  prepared  for  this  ,  all  the  time  ,  but  even  THE  DEVIL  has  sentiments  even  he  can’t  let  go  of.  Hope  of  survival  is  grasping  at  dreams  that  he  doesn’t  have  the  LUXURY  FOR  in  this  cruel  reality.  It’s  NOT what  Mike  would  have  wanted  ,  he  knows  that  for  a  fact  but  he  can’t  help  closing  his  eyes  as  he  lets  the  paper  fall  on  top  of  his  desk  WITH  THE  WEIGHT  of  so  many  dead  ,  PAINSTAKINGLY  DEAFENING  with  the  cries  of  the  fallen.  guilty  ,  guilty  ,  guilty !!  and  he’s  responsible  for  them  all  so  why  is Mike’s  voice  the  loudest  of  them  all ?
When  the  news  reaches  him  first  about  Mike  surviving  ,  still  alive  ,  he’s  the  first  to  visit.  The  doctors  tell  him  that  Mike  would  be  just  fine  and  HOW  LUCKY  he  is  but  they  understand  nothing.  Even  he  can  surmise  what  happened  from  the  wounds  that  they’ve  found  on  Mike’s  thighs  and  he  KNOWS  MORE  than  anyone  else  what  it  can  do  to  someone  ,  just  barely  escaping  Death’s  clutches.  It’s  not  until  Mike  wakes  that  he  realizes it’s  SO  MUCH  MORE  than  just  that.
He  makes  time  to  visit  Mike  in  the  hospital  as  often  as  he  can  ,  finding  the  bed  empty  this  time.  It  DOESN’T  take  long  for  him  to  find  Mike  though  ,  not  too  far  ,  taking  a  walk  through  the  trees  nearby.  From  behind  ,  Mike’s  broad  shoulders  still  RADIATE  STRENGTH  as  it  always  had  but  when  he  approaches  and  his  old  friend  turns  around  ,  those  eyes  tell  him  differently.  It’s  the  look  of  a  broken  man  ,  desperate  to  find  someone  who  could  understand  JUST  A  FRACTION  of  what  he’s  going  through.  He’s  here  to  listen  ,  about  the  speaking  titan  ,  about  the  escape  ,  or  nothing  at  all  if  that’s  what  Mike  WANTS  right  now  ,  barely  having  called  out  his  friend  by  name  when  the  distance  between  them  closes  as  arms  wrap  around  him  without  a  word  ,  clutching  him  tight  as  if  he  was  what  kept  THEM  BOTH  FROM  DROWNING.
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They’re  both  men  of  FEW  WORDS  and  even  fewer  lapses  in  emotion  too  often  misunderstood  for  apathy  ,  always  keeping  their  feelings  close  to  their  chest  so  that  no  one  could  see  them  bleed  but  with  EACH  OTHER  ,  they  didn’t  need  to.  His  own  hands  rise  to  rest  on  the  wide  surface  of  Mike’s  back  before  one  of  them  drifts  higher,  fingers  ENTANGLING  in  golden  strands  of  hair  as  they  cradle  the  back  of  Mike’s  head,  bringing  his  friend  in  closer  into  the  crook  of  his  shoulder.  THE  TEARS  ARE  A  VULNERABLE  TESTAMENT  and  it’s  the  only  conversation  they  need  to  have  right  now  so  he  brings  Mike  in  closer  ,  tighter.
                               I’m  sorry.   
                                                       I  believe  you.   
            I’m   here.
・。☆  ━━   @cfdevotion  /  MEME.
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pyrrhicommand · 7 years
❛  I can’t believe you think I owe you.  ❜
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 the  steady  &  hollow  percussion  of  a  clock’s  TICK meets  his  ears  —-  the  bloody  pulse  drumming  within  his  veins  sounds  within  the  same  meter; the  tempo of  which  he  slows with  careful consideration  of  breath  &  tension  (  never  dissipating  )  gripping  at  his  shoulders. 
there  is  no  hesitation  —  composition  does  not  threaten  to  splinter  despite  tension’s  increasing  tick  with  time.  he  finds  the  expressed  sentiment  –  disbelief  –  to  be  .  .  .  unfortunate.  memory’s  clock  rolls  in  reverse with simple  recognition  that  time  had  woven  them  as  comrades  for  years  longer  than  any  other  two  in the  corps.   that  deserves respect,  doesn’t  it  ?  instincts  whispers  the  affirmative  to  him,  but  there was  nothing  to  be  done.  to  call  in  debts,  to  note  them  in  this  war zone  was  a  worthwhile  task.  even  if  those  debts  were  unnecessary,  even  if  they  were  insubstantial,  even  if  they  were  irrelevant.   HE DIDN’T  MEAN  IT  QUITE  AS  YOU  HEAR  IT.  NOT  QUITE.  
           “  —– you speak fairly,   “   the  concession  rolls  off  his  tongue  easily.  defending  his  own  intent  had  never  been  his  priority;  inefficiency  defiles  such defense,  he often  thinks,  &  makes  it  useless.  even so,  he does elaborate  after  pregnant  pause.  
          “  yes,  you owe me. in the same way that i owe you – in the same way that anyone owes anybody. though, of  course,  i  suppose  we’ve  had  more  opportunity  to  accumulate  life  debts  than  peoples  in  other lines  of  work.  “
contemplative, contemplative : acknowledge  further  that  with  shared  service  come  years  of  witnessing  the  same  tragedies  -  the  same  shifts  of management  after  suicidal  war  strategies,  the same  deficits  in  food & medicine,  the  same  political  limitations. with  shared  service  come  the  shifts  in  rank  &   character.  &  so  grounds  had shifted  just enough,  just enough,   &  HE  NOW  STANDS  AS  COMMANDER;  consequently  the   identity  of  soldier  determines  present  cognition. perhaps  it  is  for  this  reason  that  conversation  ( following  pointed disbelieving  accusation )  escapes  the  man  with  such  formal  demeanor. 
          “   yes. you owe me - as your commander, as your acquaintance. but you are NOT indebted to me. i do think there is a difference. don’t you ? “  he  weighs  the  spoken  question,  reevaluates,  dismisses it.    “  don’t worry about it.  “ 
i can’t believe you   / / prompt 
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fweecarter · 4 years
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And here is @cfdevotion for the last of the orange set. Tomorrow starts the yellow set https://www.instagram.com/p/CD9WLDIh0yH/?igshid=vbnm7czntexy
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larairving · 7 years
In the stillness of night, it wasn’t hard for her eyes to pick up the sudden glow from ahead. Running for as long as she had would have exhausted a normal person, she knew, but for the moment, the hunter was more concerned with the skeletal being chasing after her. Brown eyes just barely made out the dark circle at the center of three glowing pillars, and before she knew it, light flashed around her, blinding her momentarily.
A sudden flash of light lit up in the wide clear space of an open field. So bright it could be seen for miles around, and several eyes had seen it.
“What was that?! It came from over-!!”
Looking in the light’s direction now revealed a massive skeletal form. Horned head, four arms, and a set of wings with a long swaying tail. But further still was the sight of a red-cloaked figure running from the massive being on foot.
“Shit! Is that some new kind of Titan?! It looks like it’s chasing a civilian!”
Lara could only focus on running, taking measured breaths as she moved, pumping her arms and legs to carry her as fast as they could. She could outrun most monsters back home, and she never tired anymore, but the demon behind her was still chasing. And... from the look of things, it’s size had grown massive. If her gut feeling was correct, then she had just passed through the Otherworldly Gate into a new world. And from the lack of mana in the air here, that meant there was nothing weakening the demon.
She ran past a lone building when another large figure suddenly lurched out at her. Jumping slightly as the humanoid tried to... bite her? She just barely avoided being bitten in half. Lara slid across the dirt, shifting her weight to balance her stance and avoid falling over. The humanoid stared at her for a moment, and then reached out toward her.
Yeah, that wasn’t happening. She jumped backwards, almost flying from its’ reach. As she landed, she spun on her heels and started off running again. Great, now she was being chased by the demon and some strange giant that wanted to eat her. Her lot in life must really be terrible...
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pleasedxntgx-blog · 7 years
“My god, you look exhausted! What does the Survey Corps do to you poor men?” Carla shakes her head lightly. a pitying expression crossing her face.
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driiven-blog · 7 years
knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier.    repost,  don’t  reblog.
•  name:   fox •  pronouns:   she/her •  sexuality:   aro/ace whaddup •  taken or single:   i mean
1:  im from new jersey !! and lived there my whole life, i never left til now.
2:  im semi-fluent ( like enough to survive in a foreign country ) in arabic !
3:   i rank up next month Holla Holla Get Dolla
how long (months / years?):   i’ve been writing since like ?? high school ?? early high school, i don’t even know like 8 years or smth. •   platforms you’ve used:   look club penguin was a dank time in my life. and deviantart don’t fucking touch me •   best experience:  ufusdhg literally all of them i could never pick. friendships across them all.
•   female or male:    i’ve never written anything other than males ! •   fluff, angst or smut:   ALL but angst is my forte. •   plots or memes:   BOTH but preferably plots to start, then the memes to snowball. •   long or short replies:   tbh normally the shit i write ends up long. is medium a good answer ??? not too much, but just enough. •   best time to write:   tbh literally when it’s least convenient for me seems to be the rhyme of my muse BI •   are you like your muse(s):   UNfortunately. whenever i take on a new muse i end up with traits of theirs. this kills the man
 @roseared the owner of my entire asshole, the light of my life
@refcrm, @sydas, @tsuyoius, @adeptae, @kctzer, @dutybled, @cfdevotion, and anyone else. do it if ur not a stinker.
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choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
✉ :')
@cfdevotion || meme. || accepting.
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     [ text: mike - unsent ] look i know it’s late as fuck and you’re probably asleep      but if i came to your place right now would you let me in
     [ text: mike - unsent ] you’ve known erwin for ages, right? so tell me. has he      always had a stick up his ass or is that a recent thing?
     [ text: mike - unsent ] okay this is humiliating but can you explain to me what      the fuck you’re supposed to do when someone gives you a “valentine” because      this is new fucking territory for me
     [ text: mike - unsent ] so i realize i come across as an asshole pretty much all      the time but. i just wanted to say that. well. when i was a kid, i saw some fucked      up shit, and. i didn’t really talk much for a while after that. and eventually there      was no one to talk to anyway and once i finally got some people who cared, i      realized i didn’t know how the fuck to put what i meant into words. so. what i’m      saying here is that it’s nice to have someone who doesn’t make me try to explain     myself. which is what i’m doing right now and as you can see i’m really shitty at     it and this is not working fuck i’m deleting this
     [ text: mike - unsent ] you’d better fucking answer this they’re saying you’re      missing and i swear to god if you got yourself killed i’m gonna
     [ text: mike - delivered ] heard you’re sick. hange and i are coming over with      food and meds. i swear to god if you’re trying to do work when we get there      i’m kicking your ass.
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atlaswinged · 7 years
℘. @cfdevotion ・˙ * ❰ STARTER CALL ❱
A  quick  sidestep  leaves  his  right  side  EXPOSED  and  Mike  is  relentless  in  his  attack , with  a  skill  only  second  to  humanity’s  strongest.  He’s  just  as  determined  to  REGAIN  his former  STRENGTH  for  the  storm  that’s  yet  to come  but  it  wasn’t  easy.  His  body remembers  combat  techniques  for  two  arms  rather   than  one  and  COMPENSATING  for it’s  loss  was  proving  to  be  DIFFICULT.  The  Commander  can’t  let  that  frustration  show though  , NOT  when  all  eyes  were  on  him  already.  
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He  wants  NO  PITY   but   he’s  seen  the  way  the   doctor   looks   at  him  and  he’s  grateful that  Mike  doesn’t   hold  back  ,  relentless  as  always.   It   isn’t   long   before   his   world   spins  and  he grunts  at  the  full   impact   of  HITTING  the  ground  flat  on  his  back ,  sun blinding  him  as he  takes  in  the  sky  before  he  gets  back  up  ,  back  of  his  hand SWIPING the  sweat  off his  brow  before  he  TAKES UP  his  defensive  stance.   ❛  Again.  ❜
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pyrrhicommand · 7 years
Repost, don’t reblog.
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tagged by @leonherz  / / I wasn’t sure if this meant canonical so i did that … & other lmao
Erwin's Final Sacrifice - Hiroyuki Sawano ( One thing I really enjoy about this piece is its incorporation of dissonance & contrast - There’s a very classical & fluid melody being played without consideration for the heavy & harsh sounds of an imminent battle. Because of this harshness and contrast respectively, this piece very much showcases Erwin’s ruthlessness & strength & rationality in chaos.)
Til Enda - Ólafur Arnalds (The piece begins with a gentle melody & fairly quickly breaks into an electronic, disharmonious, & somewhat explosive drop. This too relates that tendency for cold rationality even in chaos; such is indicative not only of his work as commander, but also how he processes information.  )
I Choose Violence (Bonus Track) - Ramin Djawadi  ( I would argue that Erwin characteristically is not a violent person - I say this only to refute the song title and to redirect attention instead to plain power obvious within this piece. I believe that such a point really demonstrates Erwin to be a formidable opponent. )
tagging : ( last few in my notes )  @rancorve ; @hiidoi ; @atritone ; @cfdevotion ; @partofwar
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sinnedwar-blog · 7 years
rules: tag nine people you wanna know better
relationship status: taken. 
favourite colour: auburn red.
lipstick or chapstick: chap stick.
last song I listened to: lose yourself to dance daft punk
last movie i watched: guardians of the galaxy vol. 2
top 3 fictional characters (for snk): zoe hange. levi ackerman && zoe hange.
top 3 ships (for snk): eruhan. erumike. && levihan.
books i’m reading: The Nix , IT , && and every morning the way home gets longer and longer, && milk && honey ( again. )  
tagged by: @cfsteel
tagging: @commander-zoe @jaegerheit @ruckgrat @heichoujiyuu @cfdevotion @reawakened-strength @bloodletted @wisdomfound @mensmenis @partofwar @tsuvoi @kyojinnikuya @hanjithenewcommander && @you! if you haven’t done it say I tagged you bc Idk who has done it and who hasn’t.
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choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
@cfdevotion || ctd.
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     [ text: mike ] 9:03 PM: go ahead, i’m free.      [ text: mike ] 9:03 PM: sent the kids off to bed already.      [ text: mike ] 9:04 PM: by which i mean i sent my squad home.      [ text: mike ] 9:05 PM: clarifying just in case you thought an actual child                                            has ever set foot in my home. not counting hange.
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choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
💚 because I CAN'T HOLD BACK FROM THE VETERANS CLOSENESS 7 mutual friendship / understanding of one another whatever the situation calls for them okay yes. >:)
@cfdevotion || meme. || accepting.
💚 : friendship
weeps…….mike and levi is the most underrated friendship ?? i honestly feel like they’d just have this. weird, silent understanding of each other. and could just kind of – be there, without having to explain anything, when they know the other needs someone there??
i think when levi first joined, mike kind of unnerved him, especially bc he gave off the vibe of just. knowing. just standing there seeing you and levi didn’t want to be seen or understood then. but now i think mike just ?? is actually a pretty calming presence for levi? he’s so much less energy to be around than most people and levi appreciates that.
also, they’re both just not very good with words. so it’s nice to be around someone who doesn’t expect them to be.
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pyrrhicommand · 7 years
muse  flaws  tag  
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tagged  by : @leonherz , an angel
tagging : @atritone @cfdevotion @dealkept @patchtorn @poisonpsyche + anyone who wants to do this instead of drafts
i  have  made  bold  the  ones  that  apply  &  made  italic  the  ones  that  are  not  definite  but  relevant.  
absent-minded  /  abusive  /  addict  /  aggressive  /  aimless  /  alcoholic  /  anxious  /  arrogant  / audacious  /  bad liar  /  bigmouth  /  bigot  /  blindly obedient  /  blunt  /  callous  / childish / chronic heroism  /  clingy  / cocky  / competitive  /  corrupt  /  cowardly  /  cruel  /  cynical  / delinquent  /  delusional  /  dependent  / depressed  /  deranged  /  disloyal  /  ditzy  / egotistical / envious  /  erratic  /  fickle  /  finicky  /  flaky  /  frail  /  fraudulent  /  guilt complex  /  gloomy  / gluttonous  / gossiper  / gruff  /  gullible  /  hedonistic /  humourless  /  hypochondriac  / hypocritical  / idealist /  idiotic  /  ignorant  /  immature  /  impatient  /  incompetent  /  indecisive /  insecure  /  insensitive  /  lazy  /  lewd  /  liar  /  lustful  /  manipulative  /  masochistic /  meddlesome  /  melodramatic  /  money-loving  /  moody  /  naive  / nervous  /  nosy /  ornery  /  overprotective  /  overly sensitive  /  paranoid  /  passive-aggressive  /  perfectionist  / pessimist /  petty  /  power-hungry  /  proud  /  pushover  /  reckless  /  reclusive  /  remorseless / rigorous  /  sadistic  /  sarcastic  /  senile  / selfish  /  self-martyr  /  shallow  /  sociopathic  /  sore loser  /  spineless  /  spiteful  /  spoiled  /  stubborn  /  tactless  /  temperamental  /  timid  /  tone-deaf  /  traitorous  /  unathletic  /  ungracious  / unlucky  /  unsophisticated  /  untrustworthy  /  vain  / withdrawn
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choosingfreedom-a · 7 years
Name: Mike. Mike Zacharias.
Age: too old to mention.
Do you like to cuddle?: Yes.
Can we make-out?: uh ??
A night in or dinner out?: In. Places outside may not be the best quality.
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: … Chocolate covered strawberries…
What makes you a good Valentine?: I’m certainly not the worst person, & I won’t pry or talk when not needed.
Would you cook for me?: …sure.
Would you let me cook for you?: Sure.
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     he snorts at too old to mention, raises his eyebrows at the uncertain non-answer to the fourth question. mike undersells himself. “you cook,” he says, folding up the application. “i’ll make the tea.”
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