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portaltributario · 16 days ago
PIX/Cartões: Esclarecimentos da Receita Federal Não Tranquilizam Autônomos
Nas redes sociais, a RFB esclareceu alguns pontos sobre o monitoramento dos montantes do PIX e cartões de crédito e débito, quando tais valores, somados a outras movimentações em conta, ultrapassarem R$ 5 mil num mês na pessoa física. Porém os ditos esclarecimentos não tranquilizam os trabalhadores informais e autônomos, pois confirmam que o órgão vigia detalhadamente as operações financeiras do…
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bu99erfly · 1 year ago
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IRENE for 2ªN, 2023
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deafknell · 1 year ago
why anapris is one of the most ships ever
I blame @frefallingtea for this post entirely (ily)
So I've vaguely discussed this ship in a few different posts, but never fully elaborated on why exactly this ship holds so much mental real estate in my brain. The fact most of their interactions are relegated to side content (both translated and untranslated) certainly doesn't help, meaning I can count the fans of this ship on one hand.
The primary reason I ship these two comes down to one fundamental factor: they're always seeking to one up each other, and value the challenge the other poses as a rival/enemy.
Priscilla is, as we all know, a very prickly character. She does not mince her words and will only take an interest in things she finds entertaining. It's why she doesn't remember Subaru after arc 3, and why she brings Heinkel to the arc 5 meeting she was never invited to. The world exists in her favour, and that includes entertaining her, be it watching people dance in her palms or struggling against their own fate.
But Anastasia doesn't do either of those. She's in a different league entirely - a candidate for the election, but someone who acts outside of Priscilla's expectations. Anastasia is one of the rare people who Priscilla takes an active interest in, outside of her camp and perhaps Crusch.
To Pris, Ana is her biggest enemy in the Royal election. She says so directly in Lugunican Papers 2:
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She's somebody Pris cannot afford to underestimate because she's so capable at turning the tides in her favour. It's a sentiment that goes both ways, as we see later:
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Their first meeting really hammers that sentiment home. Going over her Camp Formation Story, we get to see Priscilla's first meeting with Anastasia, told from Schult's POV. After contacting the Hoshin company for some assistance regarding Priscilla's husband (at the time) we get to see them bicker about their true natures.
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Schult observes instantly how different Pris acts with Anastasia, down to the "equal footing" and "corresponding value." Neither of them are pretending to be on good terms, but they're clearly enjoying each other's company.
Later, in the same SS, Anastasia rejects taking financial compensation for helping Priscilla out.
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Both Pris and Ana are noted, multiple times through canon, to be intelligent women. They're equally capable of getting under somebody's skin, and one-upping most conversational partners. But with each other, there's that sense of unpredictability. Ana does something Pris couldn't have anticipated, and it delights her.
Pris and Ana also have that one commonality - being the two "outsiders" to the election. When Ana's heritage is brought up, Pris even defends her selection to Al, calling her "worthy."
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A very common theme in most side content focusing on the pair is the presence of others observing them interact. Usually Al or Julius gets saddled with watching them bicker, largely in parts due to how neither of them necessarily reveal their intentions. Anastasia and Priscilla both speak in ways designed to rile or get at people's weak points, which makes it incredibly funny to observe as an outsider.
Just look at their interactions from Vainglory IF:
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They're so fun to read, even if their back and forths seem to exhaust Subaru every time he sees them fight. It's very reminiscent of the bickering between Julius and Subaru, the way they won't admit they respect each other just a little.
Julius even says as much, directly to Subaru:
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And he's right, in more ways than one. Sure, they bicker and insult each other while acknowledging their strengths, but there's more to both dynamics. One big example of that: the way both pairings tend to agree with each other the most, even with all the fighting they do.
In arc 5, Julius goes against Ana's proposal for minimal casualties, choosing to side with Subaru. Almost every occasion he disagrees with Ana is due to him actually agreeing with Subaru, something that I don't think either of them are necessarily aware of.
The same happens with Ana and Pris. Even though they're constantly at each other's throats, they're the candidates that agree the most with each other. Lugunican Papers has them share pretty much identical opinions on the other candidates, praising Crusch while dismissing Felt and Emilia:
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And in Arc 3, Pris is the one to back up Anastasia's refusal to intervene in the Julius-Subaru duel:
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A lot of what Priscilla says is incindiary to the rest of the cast, something that Subaru regularly clashes with. It even happens a few times in Prophecy of the Throne, where Pris will state something heartless (i.e. not caring about helping Melty) and everyone else will react negatively to her.
But Anastasia 9/10 times agrees with her and faces less blowback for it. In that Prophecy of the Throne example, she outright explains Pris' opinion and translates it in a way that's more agreeable - it's not that they want Melty dead, but they need incentive to help her. Pris gets annoyed with her, but doesn't disagree with anything she explained to the rest of the cast.
In my opinion, the reason Anapris works so well as a pairing (platonic or romantic) is due to the strong mutual understanding they have of each other. There's no hiding each other's natures, or playing to a crowd. They only want to get the upper hand on the other, but can only gain small victories moment to moment. They acknowledge and understand each other more than anyone else, and that's why they clash so much.
I think this short interaction in arc 5 summarises it best:
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mafaldinablabla · 5 months ago
Troppe scuse per niente da na parte e nessuna dall'altra e alla fine sto senza caffè perché chi ci pensa realmente a me se non me porcod
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wackyworldcomics · 6 months ago
Y'know- I originally intended to make Kharon with a knife because that's what all the cool assassins and slashers seem to be using now-a-days, but I don't know if I want to follow through with it. The idea of even hinting at knife violence in my writing just makes me feel queasy and uncomfortable. Plus its kind of a boring weapon choice for a guy whose mom sells all sorts of crazy tech.
It'd also be a lot funnier him chasing Claire went more Wile E. Coyote. Dang- I'm mad I didn't think of that before... silent killer guy verses person that seemingly can't get caught? The comedy writes itself! Now, whether or not I can portray that in a way that's funny and doesn't get old too quickly remains to be seen...
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smandmoree · 9 months ago
Happy birthday to Felipe Massa, Jean-Eric Vergne and Raphael Varane! Your love for your respective sports are contagious. 🎉🎂🥳
May this new year bring you many more opportunities to share your gifts with the world and to make a positive impact in the lives of others.
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15000bugs · 1 year ago
think i figured out why my boob is sore? my fibroadenoma is either shrinking (likely) or theres more breast tissue growing around it (less likely) bc its not as prominent as usual :0 but it might just be the angle im sitting at
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empyreumata · 6 months ago
see also: @anneboyer – "what resembles the grave but isn't"
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Grave - Kyle Thompson (Instagram)
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mooglestiltzkin · 16 days ago
they’re pretty different ships tbh, but part of me still thinks lucia/modeus wants what chise/elias have in the overlap of their similarities
like i’m not gonna deny that c/e might have grooming undertones before s2 tries to say “elias doesn’t quite understand what a bride means”, (and struggles with humanity in various aspects, but is competent in other areas) and the show does go to noticeable effort trying to struggle with closeness/dependency/independency with c/e trying to figure things out between them but modeus is referred to a baby/has way more born sexy yesterday vibes to him that sometimes it’s like. lucia. choose someone to fall in love with who isn’t having to be raised by your particular friend circle and you.
no i know buying a 15 year old from an auction and telling her soon after that she’s going to be your bride/apprentice is not the best start!
i do think there’s a sweetness to be found in both, but i don’t know if the unevenness is going to be handled as well in SA bc of how the romance is written, whereas the unhealthiness of c/e is something remarked upon by others quite a bit in s1 tbh, and worked on tbh. which is different to people going. you’re in love. with a suit of armor. (over norrix????)(i think both norrix and kirsi when she finds out will have that reaction, and well… yeah i know it’s a blow to norrix’s ego)
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informacoes-legais · 2 months ago
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(Ele Largou a “Fragrância” na “Cara” da Academia, e Foi Aplaudido...)
No Brasil de outrora, existiram Professores como Anísio Teixeira, Isaías Alves, Paulo Freire. Grandes Estudiosos e profisionais éticos que contribuíram, e contribuem, com métodos, técnicas e experiências na área da Educação de forma virtuosa científicamente, pois, tese e prática foram comprovadas empiricamente, e foram eficazes em seu tempo.
Atualmente, o travesti (aka, o homem), chamado Tertuliana Lustosa, apresentou na Universidade Federal do Maranhão uma inusitada e desproporcional performance anal para exemplificar, na prática, a tese de que se deve “educar” com o PRONOME PESSOAL TROCANDO A CONSOANTE, OU, EDUCAR COM O 'TU'.
Não se dando por satisfeito, o elemento, além do uso de palavreado de “baixo escalão” (ou, baixo calão para os puristas da Língua Portuguesa), virou para a Plateia Acadêmica, e exibiu o TU. Largando um “cheiro” potente, de macho homem, nas “fuças” do ambiente, outrora de cunho científico.
O mais incrível é que a Universidade aplaudiu o “EDUCAR” COM O PRONOME PESSOAL TROCANDO A CONSOANTE.
Segundo jornal, Metrópoles, <https://www.metropoles.com/colunas/paulo-cappelli/universidade-federal-suspende-programa-apos-travesti-educar-com-o-c > , A Universidade Federal do Maranhão, acionou a advocacia Geral da União e a Procuradoria Federal.
De antemão tal ação não merece crédito (até provar o contrário), pois, a ideologia e imposição do Movimento Travesti vem sendo imposto pelo Governo Federal Brasileiro, bem como, Governos e Instituições de vários Países. Ação assegurada por amplo apoio econômico das indústrias médicas e farmacêuticas multinacionais.
Além do Ganho da Firma, existe o propósito e ação nítida de LIMITAR, CERCEAR, E RETIRAR OS DIREITOS HUMANOS E CIVIS DAS MULHERES, pois, efetivamente o Ser humano se forma Histórica e Culturalmente. Comprovadamente, Mulheres e Homens são Seres Biopsicossociais, o resto, é somente oportunismo de elementos com transtornos de personalidades diversos, sede de lucro financeiro capitalista, e política partidária e ideológica visando a manutenção no poder, além da “boa” e velha covardia e falta de ética presente nas Universidades pelo Mundo afora.
Covardia das (os) Estudiosas (os) que têm consciência da farsa e mentira da “teoria de gênero”, do pseudo cientista e pedófilo John Money, retomada por Judith Butler. Pseudo Filósofa. “Pseudo Filósofa”, porque, a 'teoria de gênero', a priori, sequer se constitui como teoria, pois, para ser aplicada exige a derrubada não somente de outros conceitos, como também de todo arcabouço do conhecimento intelectual humano, da Filosofia, Humanidades, Biologia, e demais, especialmente, a Psicologia. Em separado, pois vem sendo a área do conhecimento mais vilipendiada com objetivo de sustentar a falsa tese do “nascer em outro corpo”. Isso não é Ciência. Assemelha-se mais à falsa espiritualidade das seitas.
A Academia sabe da desonestidade contida na interpretação de termo como, “papeis sociais”, bem como da apropriação, etmologicamente infame, da constituição do feminino forjado por Beauvoir.
A propósito, Ciência não se interpreta, Ciência se comprova.
A “CHEIRADA ANAL” usufruída de forma plena por dados Componentes da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, exibe tão somente a farsa, a covardia, o desejo e usufruto do poder por aquelas pessoas ali presentes, e a consolidação perigosa da hipocrisia no Meio Acadêmico, assim como, sua factual sanha ANTICIENTÍFICA. A qual, contraria seu propósito e razão de existir.
Para se reconhecer o existir, o viver e os direitos humanos, dos Seres Humanos, não importando como queiram, ou desejem viver e existir não significa embarcar em mentiras, estranhamente, “apoiadas” por capitalistas globalistas. A Firma. Basta respeitar e fazer valer as Constituições dos chamados “Países Democráticos”.
De fato o que vemos, em momento poderoso de lutas, e possíveis definições, de dados grupos sociais, neste início do Século XXI, é a imposição do poder, quer se denominem de direita ou esquerda, de dados grupos que objetivam dominar e decidir por toda a Sociedade. Não se dá direito a homens retirando a Humanidade das Mulheres, logo, retirando seus direitos humanos e civis garantidos pela Constituição.
Por acaso, QUANDO ALGUÉM VIU UMA MULHER (AINDA QUE PROSTITUTA), SE COMPORTAR DESSA MANEIRA, COMO FEZ O HOMEM, O TRAVESTI, EM UMA UNIVERSIDADE?. O mal comportamento, a criminalidade, e demais comportamentos sociais prejudiciais à Sociedade, quem historicamente vem impondo são certos homens. Nem todos os homens. Porém, geralmente, ladrões, assassinos, estupradores, todo tipo de foras da lei, incluindo pedófilos, em sua desmesurada maioria são homens e não as mulheres.
É obrigação da Universidade investigar cientificamente e por à prova as teses de gênero que Oprimem e Rebaixam o Ser Humano Mulher, ao compará-la a esse tipo de homem.
Comecem perguntando por quê apesar de não ter Lei que exija, tentam enfiar homens em banheiros femininos, sem que a grande maioria das Mulheres tenham escolha de recusar?. Por quê tentam retirar o direito e autoridade das mães e dos pais ao autorizar tratamento hormonal em garotos menores de quatorze anos?. Dentre outras perguntas, que tal a Academia questionar e investigar quem e por que tem Governos, Instituições, grandes empresas globais financiando o movimento travesti?.
Enquanto a Academia no Brasil não tiver a coragem de se aprofundar, debater, investigar, e por à prova, (como é obrigação da Ciência), o mote da 'teoria de gênero”, o Professorado, concordando, ou, não, vai ter que cheirar, a '”fragrância” emanada pelo Travesti, e, quiçá, ser obrigado a EDUCAR COM O PRONOME, TROCANDO A CONSOANTE, DO CASO RETO. DO CASO RETO!.
O Professorado, se continuar a se omitir, corre o risco de ser obrigado a aplicar tal método em sala de aula: O Professorado Brasileiro vai ter que educar com o TU.
Professorado. Após, não se esqueçam de higienizar as mãos
Ângela França de Brito. Informação É Cidadania. SSA-BA-BRASIL. 05 de dezembro de 2024.
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stardust-bridges · 3 months ago
Club Furies Premiere: B E N N - Serenity (OS76 Remix) [Infinito Audio Network]
Mente3000 is a pioneering, visionary electronic music producer and DJ with a career spanning over three decades. Since 1993, he has been a key player in the electronic music scene, constantly experimenting and innovating his sound. With a discography that includes releases on leading labels such as Hyperboloid and Postworld, Mente3000 demonstrates versatility and dedication to the…
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simfluencer-network · 2 months ago
(reblog part 1 because of tag limits)
RolloRolls MMSIMS Old Skool Sneakers recolour + PU, CU, TU, EU versions
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All credits belong to wonderful @rollo-rolls and @mmsims, I just added full recolour and converted them for other ages.
Original ts3 post — here  Original ts4 post — here
▪️ 3,8k poly ▪️ 3 recolorable channels ▪️ Custom thumbnails ▪️ Toddler to Elder ▪️ Everyday, Formal, Athletic, Outerwear ▪️ Base game compatible ▪️ Not valid for randoms ▪️ Available for maternity (both males and females)
DOWNLOAD: Simfileshare
📣Let me know if there are any issues.
Please, do not re-upload, claim as your own or make profit off my works!
@pis3update @wanderingsimsfinds @kpccfinds @simstifulccfinds @emilyccfinds @xto3conversionsfinds and all other cc finds blogs, huge thanks if you reblog!🖤
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direitoemtese · 3 months ago
Servidora temporária gestante possui estabilidade, segundo STF
1 – Servidora temporária gestante possui estabilidade, segundo STF (Tema 542): Servidora temporária gestante possui estabilidade, segundo STF (Tema 542) A servidora temporária gestante possui estabilidade e direito a licença-maternidade, de acordo com o atual entendimento do Supremo Tribunal Federal – TEMA 542. Em recente julgado, mais especificamente no julgamento do Tema 542, em sede de…
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the-tired-meatbag · 6 months ago
me: *actively loosing my mind as i try to describe the lovecraftian monster i saw that’s imprint is actively scrambling my brain*
my mom: we’ve all seen lizards, you’re fine, plus the asylum lady said she’s never seen a case like you before, so you’d obviously be fine if you would just sleep and exercise some
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Penalty???? Penalty to us???? Monterrey what are you doing it’s already extra time. I mean I’ll take it
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simfluencer-network · 2 months ago
(reblog 2/2)
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4to3 - Goth Galore Kit - Slash Sleeved Tees
At first these weren't even on my plans for conversion, but then I thought they would look perfect on a sim I'm planning to make, and also it got no meshing involved! I just adjusted stencils/masks and grabbed the skin tight sleeves from my other Goth Galore conversion!
TAEF and TAEM meshes by @sweetdevil-sims, thank you so much for your EA edits!
Unisex, for all ages!
Fully recolorable, with 16 presets! The skull design is recolorable, while the others are non-recolorable stencils. And I also added no stencil presets just for convenience.
Morphed and all LODs
Everyday, Sleepwear, Athletic, Career, Maternity, Not valid for random.
Linked textures: the textures are present only on the AF and AM file, making it required for the Teen and Elder files to show properly in game! Child and Toddler are standalone.
Download: SimFileShare | Mediafire | Simblr.cc
More pictures below the cut.
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