#certified batch babe
leenabb104104 · 1 month
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Just Chori, driving Wrecker wild 😉💚💕
@legacygirlingreen @thora-sniper @sukithebean @thecoffeelorian @neyswxrld @somewhere-on-kamino @clonethirstingisreal @royallykt @morerandombullshit @burningfieldof-clover @tbnrpotato @keantha @anxiouspineapple99
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hitoshisbabygirl · 4 years
Cemented love // E. Kirishima
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Authors Notes ♡: Omg have I been through the ring (no pun intended) with this collab! I loved this idea and even with my own personal love life crumbling over while I wrote this, I hope it can give someone some warm feelings when you read it! I’m so glad to be a part of this lovely collab and hopefully you guys will see me in many more! Kirishima is one of my babies and I hope this gives him justice for how sweet he is ! I hope you enjoy reading this and much as I did writing it ~ bunny ❥
Warnings : none! I don’t think (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) we love making Kiri a big softly Bakubabe being Bakubabe so a few cuss words
Word count : about 2k give or take!
Paring(s) :Eijiro Kirishima x F! Reader
Plus some of our Class 1-A are dating in this world too ♡
Kirishima was the light of her world, he made everyone and everything ten times happier and brighter than it was. But to Kirishima, () was his brightest star in the sky. He loved her so much for everything she’s done. She inspired Kirishima to keep going, to press on and be a pro hero even more than he believed in himself. Since middle school she was the driving force behind him, keeping the sometimes sad and less cheerful Kirishima happier and joyful in his life. He loved her for the light she brought to him , and he wanted to return that light to her in the most loving way he could ; marriage. It all started years ago, starting from the last year of middle school to now in his life as pro hero Red Riot
Kirishima knew in their second year at UA that he was in love with one of his best friends. After sparring with her he realized how strong () was and how he wanted her to be his girlfriend. But being distracted he realized he was on the floor, blocking . “Haha! Gotcha” She yelled victoriously , pinning Kirishima under her hands , smiling down at him, heaving out of breath as she yelled victoriously. But all Kirishima could think of is how beautiful she looked when she was happy, a smile of his own spreading across his face that didn’t get unnoticed by a certain pink friend of theirs.
Afterwards that night at the dorms, Mina ran up to Kirishima, stopping the group of him , Sero and Denki heading to the kitchen, their hot headed friend Bakugou already sleep in his room, claiming that he didn’t have time for the “extras and their boring ass games” and grumpily shut his dorm door , the rest of his friends heading back to hangout with their other friends and classmates. “Hey Kiri! I have a question for you” Mina sung, grabbing Kirishima by the arm and pulling him away from the two confused friends he was walking with. “Yeah? What’s up Mina?” Kirishima said , blinking at the excited pink girl, her eyes lighting up and a wide smile on her face. “You like () don’t you? I saw the way you looked at her during practice! You’re practically smitten for her aren’t you!?” She said , causing the red head to sputter and try to argue his defense as she covered his mouth. “Now don’t worry! She likes you too, you should go y'know , ask her for a date” Mina finished, elbowing Kirishima in the side as their friend in question shouted loudly, winning a round of Mario Cart she happily laughed, getting the last slice of pizza from a disappointed Denki . As Minas' smile grew , Kirishimas’ face darkened in embarrassment as he watched his happy friend celebrate. They moment was soon snapped out of his thoughts as he was pushed forward to the common room by the pink counterpart beside him, mouthing a ‘go talk to her’ before she ran off to slide beside () and Tsyu , jumping on one of the couches with the other girls. With a sigh Kirishima sat beside Midorya and Sero, both guys looking at the red head as he longingly looked across to the happy girl eating her prized pizza. () soon looked over and blinked, giving him a small wave and a smile to which the red head turned dark and waved back with his own smile , the two of them in their own world together as their friends watched internally screaming at them to make it official. Once a movie started to play , () and kirishima were given the job to go get and make more snacks. Cookies were in the oven , chip bowls and candy mixes were brought in and out from their kitchen. As () was placing more cookies in the oven , Kirishima came over to her with a small smile.
“Need any help with those?” He asked as () smiled back, sliding out a tray and replacing it with another one, “No , but if you want we can start on the punch and all of that” she said after closing the oven and removing her oven gloves. Heading to the refrigerator she pulled out the jugs of juice, starting to mix them as they started to laugh, acting as mad scientist while everything was beginning to become finished, the two sharing quiet laughters and jokes to eachother. As they waited for the second batch of cookies to finish while stealing glances at the movie as they walked back and forth , the pair sat up on the countertops, talking to eachother.
As () kept talking , Kirishima stared at her, eyes adoring as he listened to her talk, happily explaining how much she loved her work study and the mission she had a few days ago. As she turned to ask him a question about his own work studies she noticed how he was staring, causing her own words to fall off, making Kirishima snap from his thoughts soon turning red as they stared at eachother. “S-sorry I promise I was listening!” Kirishima blurted out , holding his hands over his face in defense and embarrassment as () smiled at him, taking the rambling boy's hand as her own face darkened. “Kiri…” she started and gave him a soft smile, making the red head stop and look at her , his eyes soft as she looked away before continuing. “Kiri..do you like me?” She said only above a whisper, the question almost being drowned out by the screaming and gasps in the living room except he was hanging on to every word she said. He let out a small sigh and held her hand back, shaking his head in agreement to her statement, scared for his voice to fail him. She turned darker and let his hand go, hoping down to check the cookies. With her own sigh she opened the oven, checking the still raw cookie dough.
As she flipped the pan he stared longingly at her, still in disbelief of what she asked but even more shocked once she started talking again. “I’ve..always appreciated our friendship..but I had deeper feelings for you Kiri..and I’m glad..you feel the same way..” () finished as she turned from the oven only to turn into Kirishimas’ chest. With a bit of hesitation she looked up to him looking down at her with a dark color of embarrassment evident on his face as he took one of her hands, giving it a small kiss. “W-well if you want we can become..a thing? No..I mean I want you as my girlfriend...i-if you’ll let me?” He said as his voice got lower and lower, a wave of nerves came over him as he tried to find the right way to ask () out. With a laugh she reached up and kissed his cheek, her own face having the same heat flushing through her own cheeks “Yes Kiri I would..now can we move the oven is getting a bit too hot to lean against” She said giggling as Kiri babbled our apologizes, moving them from the oven door. As the movies played on, the hushed whispers and small giggles flowed from the newly made couple filled the kitchen with newfound love.
Graduation came and went with everyone headed towards hero work. Kirishima was now a certified sidekick for Fatgum and his agency with () working in the office giving them updates and missions to work on. Fatgum loved his sidekicks, they were like his children and he treated them as such, he loved helping them along to become heroes and have their own name in the scene of things. He always saw the potential in the apprentices he chose and that was no different with the ones he had now. As everyone went up in the ranks in the few years that passed Kirishima included, he got his own agency with the help of Fatgum to help stop crime alongside the bigger named hero. Beside him was () , his secretary, sidekick , and long-standing lover and some of UAs newer names in the four years he’s been out of the top hero school. The lover duo of Kirishima and () had made the hero world gain a buzz no one really saw coming, setting a spark in how hero work was seen as people watched them. The two of them had one of the strongest bonds and skill work the world had seen and everyone loved the sensational duo with their bright and lovable personalities shining through as they helped Japan stay safe. With all the media surrounding the pair and with pro hero work it was rare they got time alone but with a large raid being finished this week they finally had time for themselves and that time was something that Kirishima was gonna steal for him and his master plan he’s been brewing up.
It started with dinner, simple enough and enjoyable for the two of them. As () came home from finishing up her last bit of paperwork she was astonished to walk into a low lit home with her towering pro hero boyfriend shyly pushing from one foot to the other , hands hidden behind his back. “Well hello there” She said with a giggle as she placed her keys down on their counter , heading to the hulking man. “H-hey babe! These are for you!” Kirishima blurted out , handing over a giant bouquet of flowers to (),her eyes widening as she let her small smile grow wider , taking the bouquet, inhaling its pleasant and lovely aroma. “Thank you Kiri! I absolutely love them! What’s with all of this? Did I miss something important?” She said as she looked around and found a spare vase, placing the flowers inside as she turned to her red haired lover, him wrapping his arms around her waist as he giggled. “Nah, just want to spoil you” He said softly, kissing her cheek as he took her hand and dragged her to the dinner table, food arrayed and laid out on the table in front of them. “Yknow this is nice, we rarely get a whole lot of time together Kiri” () said, laughing as she took in the meal in front in her, happily making a plate as she looked at her awe stricken boyfriend. “What..?” She laughed, wiping crumbs off her face as Kirishima smiled back, eating from his own made plate. “Nothing..you’re beautiful” he said softly, causing them both to stop and look at eachother as () fondly smiled back at him “And you’re handsome” she finished off , taking his rather large hand in his as he kissed the top of hers , the two finishing their dinner date with talks about work, their well needed break, what to watch on TV and how they’d spend their time off together.
The next day Kirishima told () that they had reservation to a mystery place she couldn’t know where they were going. Only leaving a note saying ;
Hi my love ♡ I hope you slept well
I have a surprise for you later today! Dress up in your favorite dress or whatever you wanna wear, I love you in anything you put on. Once you do just step outside around 6 when you’re done
I love you ♡
Kirishima ~
With a scoff () shook her head , trying to think of what her boyfriend could be planning as she cleaned the house , fixing plants and pictures placed all over there house. With a smile she remembered each and every picture, from when they graduated, their first mission together, when they went out to eat to celebrate with Fatgum and Tamaki , and other significant events in their life together. Setting everything up and neatly () looked at the time, seeing as it was just after four she decided to take a quick nap and once she got up, get dressed and find out what her lovely boyfriend was hiding. Meanwhile, Kirishima set up the penthouse suite , pacing around as Fatgum watched his intern more nervous than he'd ever been before anything, even stressful missions. “Hey dont sweat it Kirishima! Im positive that she’ll say yes!” Fatgum reassures the redhead, his crimson eyes wavering as he looked at the small black velvet box in his hands “You dont think...this is too early or maybe she doesn’t feel the same..?” Kirishima asked, rolling the tiny box as Fatgum gave him a pat on the back “I could bet my whole missions lunch on her saying yes!” He said excitedly as he let out a laugh, a toothy grin coming over Kirishima as they prepared for a mission bigger than he’d done before.
Walking down the stairs of their home and into the night , () looked around as she saw a hot pink car, evident that it was her hyper pink friend. “Mina??” She questioned as the pink girl rolled her widows down , a huge smile on her face. “ () babyyyyy hiiiiii!!!” She happily yelled as () ran up to her window. “So you’re my ride huh? What’s Kiri planning?” She asks as she hears giggles from the back, seeing Jiro and Momo in the back, holding hands as they waved to their other best friend. “Hey ()!” “How are you doing dear?” Momo and Jiro both started to talk and asked her how she was as () got in the car , the group heading to the meet up spot as they talked. “I’m good you two! I’m so happy you guys are here, how’s hero work treating my favorite pair of wives?” She said laughing as the duo smiled at her. “We’re all good here, the boys are already there , Tsuyu, Hagakure and Uraraka are on their way too!” Momo said as they drove off, singing different songs as () looked out the window thinking of what she’d be met with at this mystery spot.
Once the group arrived they were bombarded with the beautiful scenery , their other friends and significant others. “()!!!” Uraraka yelled, rubbing to hug her as the two laughed , () holding her hands as she took in her dress “Look at you, I love this dress! Where’s Deku? How are you guys and the baby?” () said as Uraraka smiled , rubbing her small bulge. “We’re all good! Dekus helping the others in the back!” Uraraka said as they headed around the penthouse, swimming pools , a garden , different spaces and a beautiful sky line. “Wow Kiri has to pay a shit ton for this!” Denki said as he hugged and kissed Mina on the forehead, () smiling at him. “Hey Denki!” She said as the electric blonde ran and hugged her “Hey ()! There’s my favorite person! Are you ready to see what Kiri has panned for you?” He said as he threw her a wink , () frowning as everyone settled in. “How does everyone know but me” she grumbled , going to a large chair in the glass room of the penthouse, watching as her best friends got ready. “Hey babe” Kirishima said, kissing her cheek as she jumped from her thoughts, giving him a grin as he said in his own chair beside her. “Hi love! So why is some of our closest friends here, we’re in a large penthouse, and no one is telling me what’s going on” () said as she pouted and Kirishima laughed, kissing her forehead and then her lips with a satisfied and wide smile “You'll see!”
As the night drew on and everyone was hanging out in the pools , eating , playing board and video games and much more, Kirishima was ready. Grabbing a mic he tapped and said “Uhm everyone can you guys come here? I think it’s time” as everyone giggled and sat around the display , () took Fatgums hand as he helped her up to Kirishima, the redhead taking his lovers hand as he gave her a nervous smile “So..I’ve been talking this over with everyone important to me and I’m glad all of them are here now!” He started as class 1-A yelled happily back, as he continued “Well...now that we’re here..() I’ve been in love with you since we started highschool..I’m so glad that I’m with you and that you’ve been with me thick and thin..so without a doubt I know that this decision of mines is one I’ve always wanted to do..and I’m positive that it’s one I’d never back up from..” With a deep breath he pulled out a velvet black box and as everyone awed and started to clap () eyes widened, seeing as her tall boyfriend was now in one knee, showing her one of the biggest diamond rings she’s ever seen. With a shaky hand she held it out to him as he asked the four little but heaviest words “Will you marry me?” He said with big crimson eyes, a flash of nervousness in them. Without a word she shook her head yes as he slid the ring on her finger as everyone clapped and cheered. Kirishima stood up and wiped the tears from her eyes, giving her a soft kiss as the sounds of their friends drowned out by the beating of their hearts.
Bonus!! ♡
Kirishima nervously fixed his vest and tie for the hundredth time as his best man Bakugou finally let out a sigh causing the red head to freeze. “Listen Shitty Hair she already said yes and now you guys are finally tying the not. Don’t let your damn nerves get to you now” he said with a growl as the redhead laughed “You’re helpful as usual Bakubro! I’m fine! Just excited to finally see her..” He said with a small smile as Bakugou huffed again , heading out the door as he said “You’re the manliest man I know, you’ll be fine. If you mess this up I’ll be your ass myself” and with that the door shut as people took their places. The music started to play as the same penthouse that she was engaged in became the stage for her wedding. As all of their friends and family members who weren’t at the engagement party and the ones who were settled in , they waited to see the beautiful bride stroll down the eisle. As everyone turned around they saw () with her veil and bouquet coming down the eisle, being helped by all might as her father figure. Kirishima felt his breath leave his body as he thought to himself
“This is it...time to cement this love in stone!”
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keelywolfe · 5 years
Untitled Chicken Drabble
I’m off my game, still recovering from being sick, bah!
That said, @kamari3 , you seemed to need a chicken fix this morning. 
So y’all can have some fluffy spicyhoney + chickens to start, or end, your Friday right!
Edit: Now with the read me cut it was supposed to have to begin with. :P
Also on AO3
It was right around too damn early when Stretch wandered downstairs, still yawning and his bathrobe flapping open as he scratching his pelvis. But the brewing coffee was using its wiles and Stretch followed it into the kitchen where Edge was standing at the stove.
Edge didn’t even look up, only picked up the coffee carafe and poured a cup, nudging it in Stretch’s direction. See, this was one of the reasons Stretch loved him so much. Coffee was the extra partner in their relationship and both of them had the sense to not be jealous of its seductive ways.
A heavy dollop of french vanilla creamer later and Stretch was inhaling that perfume, guzzling the creamy perfection. He gave the caffeine a minute to juice him up before he tried to actually look at what Edge was making for breakfast.
Well. That was different.
The griddle was a familiar sight, Edge often made pancakes on the weekends. It was the dimensions of ‘em that took Stretch aback, barely the size of a quarter, a dozen or so spread across the glossy cast iron. A platter next to the stove already held a couple batches, perfectly brown and tiny.
“are we having hobbiton over for breakfast?” Stretch asked doubtfully.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Hobbits would want pancakes twice the size as normal,” Edge said crisply. He carefully flipped each one with the tiniest spatula Stretch had ever seen.
“can’t argue that.” Stretch reached out to filch one of the minis, only to hastily yank his hand back when the spatula threatened. “what? it’s not like it’ll ruin my appetite.”
“Actually, it might. I’m making these for the chickens and unless you’d like to crunch on a little extra grain, you might not care for them.”
Okay, yeah, now that he looked closer, he could see the dark specks of seeds dotted across them. Damn, what a way to ruin a perfect mini mouthful.
“you’re making pancakes for our chickens?” Stretch asked gleefully. “seriously?”
A faint hint of crimson touched Edge’s cheekbones. “And if I am? Don’t they deserve special weekend treats?”
Stretch slouched against the counter, sipping his coffee as he peered into the batter bowl. Yep, plenty of grain and oats in there. “babe, they act like your scrap bucket is manna from heaven, those little brats would steal a finger bone if they weren’t firmly attached.”
“They deserve treats,” Edge said stubbornly. He carefully spooned out more batter onto the griddle.
“like they aren’t already in love with you? don’t know if you can get them to adore you more.”
Stretch set aside his coffee cup and pulled out his phone, ignoring Edge’s exasperated sighs as he snapped a couple of good pictures of the various states of pancakes. His hasty tweet already had a dozen likes before he tossed his phone on the counter, sidling up behind Edge and sliding his arms around him. Indignant huffs aside, Edge leaned back into his arms, easily flipping those tiny cakes despite Stretch’s attempt at a decent grope. “then again, i’m always finding new ways to fall in love with you. better give the chickies the benefit of the doubt.”
“I’m not trying to seduce them,” Edge said dryly. “They are beneficial members of our family unit and deserve treats. After all, without their eggs, I wouldn’t even be able to make pancakes.”
Yeah, that was true--“wait. you used their eggs to make pancakes you’re feeding them?” Stretch asked. He slowly drew back, staring at Edge in horror. ”okay, no, that is so wrong.”
“Of course I did. They’re eggs. What difference does it make where it came from, an egg is an egg.”
“it...it just does!” Stretch moaned. ”you can’t feed them their own eggs!”
“You’re being silly,” Edge scoffed. He added the last batch of pancakes to the tray, garnishing it with a few cut strawberries because angel forbid they stiff the chickens on presentation. “I’ve been feeding them eggshells for the past year.”
“you what??”
Crawling heebie jeebies aside, Stretch grudgingly admitted that the ladies loved their treat. They were already crowded by the coop door when Edge carried the tray out and when he set it down, they fell upon it like the greedy little dinosaurs they were, gobbling them down.
“See?” Edge said smugly. “They like them.”
“uh huh,” Stretch only shook his head, ugh, it was still wrong. “yeah, well, i’m not sure i trust their opinions on issues of morality.” That aside, he still gave Edge a few minutes to bask in his success before slinging both arms around his shoulders and sagging, letting Edge take his weight as he wheedled, “don’t i get a treat?”
“I’m not sure,” Edge said thoughtfully. “After all, you’d be eating the eggs of chickens you know. I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable, perhaps anonymous eggs would be better--”
“Or would a signed permission slip from our chickens do? I can have a contract drawn up if you like, I’m a certified notary. I could probably outline one right now. ‘Henceforth all eggs acquired from internal sources shall only be used for--’”
He broke off as Stretch gave his pelvis a sharp pinch. “you aren’t funny.”
“Not in the slightest,” Edge said solemnly. “Just as I’ve always said.” He tipped his head back, straining to nuzzle a kiss against Stretch’s cheek bone. “But I can be a little humerus. Come on, I’ll make breakfast.”
“always when i don’t have my phone,” Stretch grumbled. But he followed Edge in, leaving the chickens to finish demolishing their treat. “hey, babe, i am hungry but i gotta say, pancakes don’t stack up to you. Not to be syrupy, but I flippin’ love you, you’re waffle-y cute, and--”
A quick kiss cut him off, but he could feel Edge’s smile. It was gone by the time Edge drew back, saying sternly, “Enough.”
“you got it.”
With the promise of food at risk, Stretch decided it might be better to save up the puns until after breakfast. After all, Edge’s pancakes were always an egg-cellent start to the day.
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crayonwriting · 6 years
Telling Sebastian
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(GIF not mine)
Summary: It was time to tell Sebastian the truth.
Word Count: 1,201
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
A/N: This sucks. I’m sorry.
“Good morning, Mrs. Stan. How are you feeling today?” Dr. Collins greeted you as she entered the small room you were sat in.
“Bit nauseous, but I kind of gotten used to that.” You said, honestly.
“Okay. Just let me know and the bathroom is just down the hall.” She sat down and put the folder she was holding on the table. “You wanted to know if you were pregnant?”
“Well, I wanted to make sure I was pregnant.” You fiddled with your hands. “My husband and I wanna have kids so bad, and I just wanted to make sure that I’m one-hundred percent pregnant. I already took a pregnancy test but some say they aren’t accurate sometimes.”
Dr. Collins just smiled at you warmly. “You are such a lovely person, Mrs. Stan. You would make a very good mother.” She glanced down at the papers in her hands, reading them for a minute before looking back up at you. “And it may seem that you are a mother now. Congratulations, Mrs. Stan. You are definitely pregnant.”
When the words passed through Dr. Collins mouth, your heart dropped and you got chills. You’re pregnant. You’re absolutely, one-hundred percent, certified pregnant. You can’t help but cry again as you let it dawn on you. You and Sebastian have officially started a family. Dr. Collins handed you a box of tissues which you gratefully accepted with a choked laugh.
“According to your tests, you’re about four weeks along already.”
“Four weeks? I’ve been pregnant for a month now??” You were shocked, to say the least.
“It’s okay. Nothing to worry about.” Dr. Collins assured. “Everything’s fine. You won’t even start to show until your twelfth week.” She grabbed her prescription pad and started writing on it. “Here are some prenatal vitamins. Take them every day after each meal. Always hydrate and don’t go too crazy on the cravings.” She handed you the prescription and gratefully took it. “We can have your first ultrasound by your tenth week, just to check if there are any complications.”
“I certainly hope there aren’t any.” You said, starting to feel a little worried.
“Don’t fret. Everything will be fine.” She gave you a reassuring pat on your shoulder. You smiled at her once again, standing up and giving her a hug.
“Thank you so much.”
It’s been three days since you went to the doctor. You told Sebastian about it, but of course, you lied to him about the pregnancy. You didn’t want to tell him yet—you wanted to surprise him. He was coming home tomorrow for a short break from filming and you know just how you’re gonna break the news to him.
“Welcome home, baby!” You hugged him tight as he entered the front door. He hugged you back, lifting you up slightly.
“Oh my goodness, I missed you so much.” He mumbled, head buried in your shoulders. You both stayed like that for what felt like forever. You kissed him on the lips which elicited a satisfied moan from him.
“I missed that too.” He whispered against your lips. “Mind if I have another?”
You laughed at his antics and granted him one more kiss. You pulled at his hand and dragged him to the kitchen.
“Do you want to eat some apples with me? I bought a fresh batch yesterday.” You passed by your phone on the counter—which was secretly recording everything happening in the kitchen. Sebastian followed you, not noticing your phone, which was a good sign.
You grabbed two apples from the basket on the table and started slicing them up. Sebastian took a seat by the table. When you were done, you sat beside him and set the plate down. You both ate, with Sebastian playfully feeding you, making you laugh, as he told you stories on what happened on set. After a while, you decided that it was time.
“Babe, could you grab me a water bottle?” You slyly asked. Sebastian didn’t notice anything. He stood up and went to the fridge. You quickly grabbed your phone and pointed it at Sebastian’s back, who was hunched over, rummaging through the fridge. You held back your excitement as best as you could. You had purposely hidden all the water bottles at the back of the fridge, with a little surprise in between.
“Huh? What’s this?” You heard Sebastian say. He emerged from the fridge, closing it shut. He had the water bottle in one hand and the other held your surprise.
“What is this, Y/N?” He asked you. He looked at you and saw that you were filming him. In his hand was a baby bottle and something was left inside. He looked at you again, with an eyebrow raised in question. “Babe, what’s the baby bottle—,” he stopped mid-sentence, as his eyes grew wide in realization.
“No!” He suddenly shouted which did it for you and you burst out laughing, tears rolling down your cheeks. “No! No! No!” Sebastian paced around the kitchen, jumping up and down periodically, still holding on to the baby bottle. “Is this what I think it is? Are you? Oh my god.” He covered his face with his hands.
“Open the bottle, babe.” You managed between giggles and sobs. Sebastian was on the verge of crying as he opened the bottle with shaking hands. He shook it a little and out came the pregnancy test you had. He stared at it, with a hand over his mouth. It was silent for a while and Sebastian just remained in that position.
“You’re gonna be a daddy, Sebastian.” You said from where you were seated. It was almost a whisper but Sebastian heard you. He looked at you with wide eyes.
“We’re having a baby? So the whole getting sick thing was about this? I’m a daddy now?” You nodded vigorously to all his questions. Sebastian jumped up and down in his place whilst pumping his fists in the air.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yeeeees!” He leaped to you and wrapped you up in a hug. You hugged him tightly as you both cried tears of joy. He pulled back to look at you in the eyes. He laughed—which came out a bit choked—then he put his lips to yours. His thumbs brushed away your tears. You pulled away, pointing the camera back at him.
“Why are you still filming this?” He whined, wiping at his face.
“It’s for our memories! Besides, you look priceless right now!” You laughed. You put a hand on his cheek and he leaned his head on it, grasping your wrist with his hand and turning his head a little to kiss your palm.
“Are you happy?” You asked quietly.
“Are you kidding me? I’m beyond happy! Thank you, Y/N. You’ve made me the happiest man alive once again.” He looked at you meaningfully before you leaned over and pecked his lips. He took your phone from you and flipped the camera so that both of you can be seen on the screen. He draped an arm around you, pressing a kiss to your temple—you, wrapping an arm around his waist—and then he shouted,
“We’re gonna be parents!”
Posted: May 8, 2018
Tags: @buckysrcse / @sebastianstandoms / @buckybarnesappreciationsociety
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tyson-berry-blog · 7 years
Zach Werenski #3 - Height Differences
Anon asked: Hi! Not sure if requests are open but if they are could you write a zach werenski imagine pls? Sorry if I requested this already but could you write where he makes fun of your height and like compares your hand sizes? Just really cute and fluffy!! Thank you :)
Yes anon here you go! I must confess though that I am a certified tall person (I am 6′0″) but I have a friend a foot shorter who confirmed that high counters and high shelves are a struggle. I hope you enjoy this super cute, cookie induced sweetness overload!
It was not your fault you were barely 5’3” you had to remind your boyfriend for what seemed like the thousandth time. You had been visiting his apartment and decided you wanted to put his barely used oven to good use. Simple chocolate chip cookies seemed like a safe bet but unfortunately for you the chocolate chips were on the top shelf and your boyfriend was currently out picking up dinner. Even if he had been here it would have only resulted in teasing. The rest of the dough had been mixed and you wanted to get them into the oven so they’d be done by dinner but you were currently at a metaphorical road block. Zach who was 6’2” had no need for a step stool so you opted to climb the narrow counters. Your clumsy nature mixed with the socks you were wearing on the granite could only end in a disaster.  
Just as your fingers brushed the chocolate bag the front door opened and Zach called out for you. The sudden noise startled you and you accidentally kicked the dough bowl onto the ground. Zach came into the kitchen to inspect the noise and instead found you clutching the cabinet door tightly in an attempt to regain your balance. He dropped the takeout bags onto the floor and clutched his stomach as he doubled over in laughter.
“Zach,” you heard yourself nearly whine, “don’t be rude.”
The laughter brought tears to his eyes which he wiped away with shaking hands. Next thing you knew he was taking a photo of you clutching on the cabinet for dear life and the spilled dessert.
“Babe what should I caption this for Instagram?”
“Zach help me down you jerk.”
He thought for a moment, “no, not catchy enough.”
He typed something out quickly and pocketed his phone before coming over to you.
He looked up at you, “well this is new.”
“What?” you asked impatiently.
“I’m looking up at you for once. How’s the view up there?”
You crossed your arms and gave him a disapproving look.
“Is that what it’s always like for you? Is this how you see me?” he continued.
“That’s it, I’m getting down myself.”
As you tried to lower yourself into a seated position your left foot slipped out from under you and you accidentally kicked Zach in the stomach.
He groaned in pain and you couldn’t help but remark, “karma’s a bitch huh?”
“I’ll give you that one,” he wheezed out.
Once you were safely on the ground you went to clean up the ruined dough. When the floor had been cleaned you turned to start mixing up another batch. You felt a pair of arms snake around your waist and your lug of a boyfriend draped himself over you.
He pressed his face into your hair, “I’m sorry I laughed at you.”
You said nothing but you weren’t mad. A lot of your relationship consisted of well-meaning teasing and this really was no different. When Zach was like this though he was much more willing to do whatever you wanted so you would use this eventually to your advantage.
“Go pick up your mess,” you gestured to the takeout bags he had dropped on the ground while laughing at you.
He went easily and set about distributing the food onto two plates and set them on his small dining room table that you made him purchase. Before you Zach spent most meals on the floor using the coffee table as a normal one. He didn’t see the reason in buying another separate table when he had a perfectly good one already. You realized after you finished mixing the second batch that the chocolate chips were still on the high shelf. With a sigh you moved to hoist yourself back onto the counter but Zach beat you to it, easily grabbing the bag.
“Maybe you are good for something,” you muttered.
He raised an eyebrow challengingly, “what was that?”
You took the bag and batted his hand away from the dough, “nothing, nothing. Let me put these in the oven then we can eat.”
The smell of baking cookies soon filled the apartment and made it feel much more homey. While you ate, Zach grabbed your hand not holding a fork and began absentmindedly playing with your fingers.
“What are you doing?”
“Huh?” he looked up at you and then down at your hands. He didn’t seem to know what he had been doing and quickly retracted his hand.
“No it’s fine,” you assured him and turned your palm face up to further explain your point.
He took the invitation and grabbed your hand in his. It was almost comical the size difference between your hands as yours were roughly half the size of his.
You stifled a laugh which caused him to smile and ask, “what’s so funny.”
“It’s nothing really, just your giant baseball mitt hands.”
“Yeah well if mine are baseball mitts yours are practically doll hands,” he retorted with no malice.
You tightened your grip, “it’s alright. I like your half giant breed hands. It means you can carry more groceries.”
“Oh I see how it is. You’re just using me for my body.”
You laughed, “oh no you’ve discovered my secret. I’m only in this relationship because you can carry heavy things. I might as well pack up my things and leave now.”
“You can’t carry them without my help is what I’m hearing. You won’t get far.”
You fake groaned, “well it looks like I’m stuck here.”
Your phone began ringing from the counter but you let it go to voicemail. You were in the middle of dinner and it would be rude to answer. When it rang again two more times you apologized to Zach and pushed away from the table. All three calls were from your best friend and in the middle of trying to call her back, she called a fourth time.
“What’s up?” you answered
“Have you checked Zach’s Instagram?” she responded. There was something in her tone that you couldn’t quite place.
“No and I’m kind of in the middle of dinner with him. I thought this was an emergency which how many times you called.”
“Trust me, you’ll want to check. You’re blowing up.”
She hung up and based on the expression Zach was making you assumed he had heard every word of the conversation. You switched to Instagram and clicked on the “tagged in a photo” notification.
At the top of Zach’s profile was a photo of you standing on the counter giving him an impatient look. He had angled the photo well enough that you could see the overturned bowl of dough on the floor. He had captioned it, “why is my girlfriend on the counter? She likes to be tall.” It was a reference to “That ‘70s Show” a series you two had binged once. The photo had blown up, gaining 12,000 likes and counting.
You turned to your boyfriend, “what did you do?”
He smiled innocently, “I just wanted to share a special moment between me and my girlfriend with the world so they know how lucky I am.”
“Whatever, you smooth talker.”
“You’re not mad right? It’s okay that I posted it?”
“No of course I’m not mad but if Buzzfeed contacts you for an article you have to explain that it was your fault I was up there?”
“My fault? How is it my fault?”
“You don’t own a stepstool,” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
He stood and walked over to you, “because I don’t need a step stool.”
You put your hands on your hips, “well I do.”
“No,” he pulled you into a hug that lifted you off the ground, “you have me.”
“Or you could move everything within my reach,” you offered.
“But where is the fun in that?”
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pisceslentil8-blog · 5 years
Baby Apple Banana Oat Muffins + 10 Must-Have Baby Items
As we quickly approach Noelle’s 1st birthday, my heart is full of gratitude for the unsurpassable amount of joy the past year has brought us. Noelle’s our 1st born, our little miracle, our rainbow baby after pregnancy loss, and the reason I’m a strong mama today. I remember 1 year ago– almost 9 months pregnant, a big ball of nervous anxiety, scared and excited for the unknown. And now I’m confidently giving advice to pregnant and new mamas! The first year. It’s magical, beautiful, challenging, and certainly transformative.
In addition to the joy, I’m also thankful for the items that’ve made the past 340 days a little easier on us!! So today, I’m sharing 10 baby essentials that we love as well as a baby-friendly recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned parent, new parent, parent-to-be, or are looking for useful baby gifts, I hope you find today’s post helpful.
We had a difficult time introducing chunkier solids to Noelle. She loved her pureed fruits and vegetables, but it took a long month of trial-and-error with “real” food. Once she began enjoying soft foods like scrambled eggs and small pieces of fruit, I made her homemade muffins. She loved them! I felt so proud! To this day, these muffins are her favorite. Doesn’t eat anything quicker. This recipe is a goldmine.
These apple banana oat muffins:
naturally sweetened
made with real food, no preservatives
fruit and oats
no flour
gluten free if using certified GF oats
taste delicious for adults too!!
adaptable with plenty of substitution suggestions
freeze wonderfully
And, as a busy parent, you’ll be happy to know that the muffins are SO EASY! You put all the ingredients in a blender or food processor, which breaks down the banana and oats, pour into muffin liners, and bake. That’s it.
I made 2 batches before we left for vacation and keep them in the freezer. Heat up/thaw 1 or 2 whenever you need them!
By popular request, here are 10 baby items that we love. This list doesn’t include basics like crib, bottles, stroller, car seat, etc. They’re just some extras that (1) made life easier and (2) Noelle enjoys too!
Rock ‘n Play – Noelle snuggled up in her rock ‘n play for the first several months of her life. We didn’t have a swing or anything, so most of her time was either in our arms or in her rock n play. Babies rest on an incline, so we found that it’s great for digestion. Once I went back to work, we ended up purchasing a 2nd for my office– the one that auto rocks and plays soothing sounds. She often napped in it and loved it!
Wubbanub pacifier – LOVES IT! The soft giraffe sits flat on her chest, so it wasn’t prone to toppling over when she was really young.
Flappy the Elephant – Such a sweet toy that swings and flaps its ears. Our friends had it and Noelle enjoyed playing with it while we visited, so I bought her one. It’s still her favorite toy, after her stacking cups of course…
Stacking Cups – Her favorite and so inexpensive! Brightly colored, numbered, and easy for babies to grip. I stack them up and she loves knocking them down. She’s playing with them as I type this! Clapping them together because she loves the sound.
Portable Playpen – Before she began crawling all over, Noelle spent most of her time rolling around and playing in here. It’s pretty roomy and fits lots of toys– and parents, too! Even though it’s big, it folds up easily and is convenient to bring anywhere. We even brought it on vacation. Now that she can pull herself up, she holds on and takes sideway steps around the interior. She loves it!
Kick ‘n Play play mat – Before Noelle could roll over, this was her whole world! It’s a little activity “gym.” Babies reach for the toys above them and kick the piano. And the piano is detachable, so now that she sits and stands, she plays with it separately. Warning: you’ll quickly memorize the tunes the keys play and hymn them in your sleep.
Baby Einstein Musical Toy – Such a cute toy with bright lights, a fun button to push, and lots of soothing (not silly!) music. Keeps babies busy and smiling! One thing: I didn’t give it to Noelle until she could sit up because it’s rather heavy for smaller hands and, while laying down, it could slip out of hands and bump their heads.
Books! Some of our favorites are Pout-Pout Fish, Giraffes Can’t Dance, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site, Snuggle Puppy (and anything by Sandra Boynton. Silly, cute, fun books! Get them all!), On The Night You Where Born, and If Animals Kissed Goodnight.
Baby Girl Knitted Hat – With the little pom poms and bow, this is the cutest chilly weather hat! I bought the size small and when she grew out, I bought the medium. It’s soft, stretchy, and warm.
Favorite Teether – I bought a lot of teething toys and Noelle LOVES this one. Bonus that it’s a cupcake. Also fabulous: the banana teether.
None of this is sponsored– just truly items we’ve all enjoyed!
Let me know if your babe enjoys the muffins too. And steal a taste– they’re good!
1 and 1/4 cups (100g) old-fashioned whole rolled oats, plus extra for topping
1 large ripe banana
1/3 cup (60g) unsweetened applesauce, plain yogurt, or fruit/veggie puree
1 large egg
2 or 3 Tablespoons coconut sugar, maple syrup, or other desired sugar*
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup add-ins such as peeled diced apple, pear, or berries*
Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). Spray a 24-count mini muffin pan with nonstick spray or use mini muffin liners. If using liners, grease the liners.
Place all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor, in the order listed, except for the 3/4 cup of add-ins. Blend or process until combined. Stir in the add-ins. Divide evenly between muffin liners. Top with a few oats, if desired.
Bake for 13-15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Allow to cool for 10 minutes in the pan. Remove and cool completely before serving.
Muffins stay fresh covered at room temperature for up to 2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Make ahead tip: For longer storage, freeze muffins for up to 3 months. Allow to thaw on the counter or defrost in the microwave.
Recipe Notes:
Consult with pediatrician about any possible allergies your baby may have before trying. The only substitutions I've tried are listed in the ingredients, but feel free to play around with the recipe using your best judgement!
I usually prepare the muffins with 2 and 1/2 Tablespoons of coconut sugar.
I made the pictured muffins with finely diced apple and blueberries. Apples get nice and soft, but the blueberries can be a little messy with little self-feeding hands. Noelle also enjoys them with diced strawberries.
If using muffin liners, grease the liners or spray with nonstick spray. Warm muffins will stick otherwise. With the first batch I made, I didn't grease the liners and they stuck. However, the muffins peeled out easily after refrigerating.
For standard size muffins: Spoon the batter into liners, filling them all the way to the top. Top with a few oats, if desired. Bake for 5 minutes at 425°F (218°C) then, keeping the muffins in the oven, reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (177°C). Bake for an additional 16-17 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. The total time the standard size muffins take in the oven is about 22-23 minutes, give or take.
Did you make a recipe?
Tag @sallysbakeblog on Instagram and hashtag it #sallysbakingaddiction.
© Sally’s Baking Addiction. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or link back to this post for the recipe.
Here are some items I used to make today’s recipe.
Vitamix | Ninja Food Processor | Colorful Baking Liners | Mini Muffin Pan
Some of the links above are affiliate links, which pay me a small commission for my referral at no extra cost to you! Thank you for supporting Sally’s Baking Addiction.
Source: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2018/08/29/baby-apple-banana-oat-muffins/
0 notes
jarclave13-blog · 6 years
Baby Apple Banana Oat Muffins + 10 Must-Have Baby Items
As we quickly approach Noelle’s 1st birthday, my heart is full of gratitude for the unsurpassable amount of joy the past year has brought us. Noelle’s our 1st born, our little miracle, our rainbow baby after pregnancy loss, and the reason I’m a strong mama today. I remember 1 year ago– almost 9 months pregnant, a big ball of nervous anxiety, scared and excited for the unknown. And now I’m confidently giving advice to pregnant and new mamas! The first year. It’s magical, beautiful, challenging, and certainly transformative.
In addition to the joy, I’m also thankful for the items that’ve made the past 340 days a little easier on us!! So today, I’m sharing 10 baby essentials that we love as well as a baby-friendly recipe. Whether you’re a seasoned parent, new parent, parent-to-be, or are looking for useful baby gifts, I hope you find today’s post helpful.
We had a difficult time introducing chunkier solids to Noelle. She loved her pureed fruits and vegetables, but it took a long month of trial-and-error with “real” food. Once she began enjoying soft foods like scrambled eggs and small pieces of fruit, I made her homemade muffins. She loved them! I felt so proud! To this day, these muffins are her favorite. Doesn’t eat anything quicker. This recipe is a goldmine.
These apple banana oat muffins:
naturally sweetened
made with real food, no preservatives
fruit and oats
no flour
gluten free if using certified GF oats
taste delicious for adults too!!
adaptable with plenty of substitution suggestions
freeze wonderfully
And, as a busy parent, you’ll be happy to know that the muffins are SO EASY! You put all the ingredients in a blender or food processor, which breaks down the banana and oats, pour into muffin liners, and bake. That’s it.
I made 2 batches before we left for vacation and keep them in the freezer. Heat up/thaw 1 or 2 whenever you need them!
By popular request, here are 10 baby items that we love. This list doesn’t include basics like crib, bottles, stroller, car seat, etc. They’re just some extras that (1) made life easier and (2) Noelle enjoys too!
Rock ‘n Play – Noelle snuggled up in her rock ‘n play for the first several months of her life. We didn’t have a swing or anything, so most of her time was either in our arms or in her rock n play. Babies rest on an incline, so we found that it’s great for digestion. Once I went back to work, we ended up purchasing a 2nd for my office– the one that auto rocks and plays soothing sounds. She often napped in it and loved it!
Wubbanub pacifier – LOVES IT! The soft giraffe sits flat on her chest, so it wasn’t prone to toppling over when she was really young.
Flappy the Elephant – Such a sweet toy that swings and flaps its ears. Our friends had it and Noelle enjoyed playing with it while we visited, so I bought her one. It’s still her favorite toy, after her stacking cups of course…
Stacking Cups – Her favorite and so inexpensive! Brightly colored, numbered, and easy for babies to grip. I stack them up and she loves knocking them down. She’s playing with them as I type this! Clapping them together because she loves the sound.
Portable Playpen – Before she began crawling all over, Noelle spent most of her time rolling around and playing in here. It’s pretty roomy and fits lots of toys– and parents, too! Even though it’s big, it folds up easily and is convenient to bring anywhere. We even brought it on vacation. Now that she can pull herself up, she holds on and takes sideway steps around the interior. She loves it!
Kick ‘n Play play mat – Before Noelle could roll over, this was her whole world! It’s a little activity “gym.” Babies reach for the toys above them and kick the piano. And the piano is detachable, so now that she sits and stands, she plays with it separately. Warning: you’ll quickly memorize the tunes the keys play and hymn them in your sleep.
Baby Einstein Musical Toy – Such a cute toy with bright lights, a fun button to push, and lots of soothing (not silly!) music. Keeps babies busy and smiling! One thing: I didn’t give it to Noelle until she could sit up because it’s rather heavy for smaller hands and, while laying down, it could slip out of hands and bump their heads.
Books! Some of our favorites are Pout-Pout Fish, Giraffes Can’t Dance, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site, Snuggle Puppy (and anything by Sandra Boynton. Silly, cute, fun books! Get them all!), On The Night You Where Born, and If Animals Kissed Goodnight.
Baby Girl Knitted Hat – With the little pom poms and bow, this is the cutest chilly weather hat! I bought the size small and when she grew out, I bought the medium. It’s soft, stretchy, and warm.
Favorite Teether – I bought a lot of teething toys and Noelle LOVES this one. Bonus that it’s a cupcake. Also fabulous: the banana teether.
None of this is sponsored– just truly items we’ve all enjoyed!
Let me know if your babe enjoys the muffins too. And steal a taste– they’re good!
1 and 1/4 cups (100g) old-fashioned whole rolled oats, plus extra for topping
1 large ripe banana
1/3 cup (60g) unsweetened applesauce, plain yogurt, or fruit/veggie puree
1 large egg
2 or 3 Tablespoons coconut sugar, maple syrup, or other desired sugar*
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 and 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/8 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup add-ins such as peeled diced apple, pear, or berries*
Preheat oven to 350°F (177°C). Spray a 24-count mini muffin pan with nonstick spray or use mini muffin liners. If using liners, grease the liners.
Place all of the ingredients in a blender or food processor, in the order listed, except for the 3/4 cup of add-ins. Blend or process until combined. Stir in the add-ins. Divide evenly between muffin liners. Top with a few oats, if desired.
Bake for 13-15 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Allow to cool for 10 minutes in the pan. Remove and cool completely before serving.
Muffins stay fresh covered at room temperature for up to 2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Make ahead tip: For longer storage, freeze muffins for up to 3 months. Allow to thaw on the counter or defrost in the microwave.
Recipe Notes:
Consult with pediatrician about any possible allergies your baby may have before trying. The only substitutions I've tried are listed in the ingredients, but feel free to play around with the recipe using your best judgement!
I usually prepare the muffins with 2 and 1/2 Tablespoons of coconut sugar.
I made the pictured muffins with finely diced apple and blueberries. Apples get nice and soft, but the blueberries can be a little messy with little self-feeding hands. Noelle also enjoys them with diced strawberries.
If using muffin liners, grease the liners or spray with nonstick spray. Warm muffins will stick otherwise. With the first batch I made, I didn't grease the liners and they stuck. However, the muffins peeled out easily after refrigerating.
For standard size muffins: Spoon the batter into liners, filling them all the way to the top. Top with a few oats, if desired. Bake for 5 minutes at 425°F (218°C) then, keeping the muffins in the oven, reduce the oven temperature to 350°F (177°C). Bake for an additional 16-17 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. The total time the standard size muffins take in the oven is about 22-23 minutes, give or take.
Did you make a recipe?
Tag @sallysbakeblog on Instagram and hashtag it #sallysbakingaddiction.
© Sally’s Baking Addiction. All images & content are copyright protected. Please do not use my images without prior permission. If you want to republish this recipe, please re-write the recipe in your own words, or link back to this post for the recipe.
Here are some items I used to make today’s recipe.
Vitamix | Ninja Food Processor | Colorful Baking Liners | Mini Muffin Pan
Some of the links above are affiliate links, which pay me a small commission for my referral at no extra cost to you! Thank you for supporting Sally’s Baking Addiction.
Source: https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2018/08/29/baby-apple-banana-oat-muffins/
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