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bocadosdefilosofia · 3 months ago
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«Cada uno ha tratado de interpretar sus experiencias desde su punto de vista. Ninguno ha dicho la verdad, pero todos nos han enseñado un método de buscar esta verdad. Es esto lo que hay que comprender: no si es verdad lo que han dicho, sino si es adecuado el método con el que han tratado de responder a sus interrogantes. Y de este modo un filósofo —aunque diga cosas que hoy día nos harían reír— se convierte en un maestro.»
Umberto Eco. «El oficio de pensar». Artículo de prensa: El País. 5-XI-1987.
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clauberynation · 2 months ago
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── ⟢ ・⸝⸝ “It’s a few teenagers or the security of the government, Jeremy.”
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—lesbian (wuhluhwuh‼️)
—huge theater and history nerd
—secretly godzilla, oppenheimer, mr. peabody and ian malcom all in one
—self-proclaimed #1 man impregnator
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—makes candles
—the true alpha male
—choir AND band kid (plays flute)
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— Taking place in Romania, nuclear power plant “Cernavoda” has a mysterious meltdown, spreading radiation just far enough to poison the whole country. However, the government is quickly (and conveniently) able to control the radiation poisoning with “RadiActiv”, a medication that everyone must take regularly to build up immunity to the radiation. Over 20 years later, a homeless group of teenagers (and one 6-year-old!) begin to ask;
── ⟢ ・⸝⸝“Should we really just take their word for it?”
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We will be posting mostly about our book here, with things such as
—Our writing progress
—Character notes and descriptions
—Sneak-peek quotes as we write the book
We’ll also be answering any questions you might have (If you even have any, we won’t be revealing too much)!
The template we will be using for our character descriptions is below.
Template made by @WordsByDe on Youtube!
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—Basically for random fun things about the book in video form
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—To explore our book’s world more and understand our characters!
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—Contains character playlists!
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── ⟢ ・⸝⸝ We hope you’ll stick around! <3
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katiedrago · 1 year ago
Thinker of Cernavoda (c.5,000 BCE)
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Characteristics and History
The Thinker of Cernavoda depicts a human figure (traditionally interpreted as male) sitting on a stool, with his head in his hands and his elbows on his knees. Although seen as male, the figure's gender is not completely unambiguous - an attribute common to many ancient figurines from southeast Europe. His small angular head sits on top of a thick extended neck, while the eyes, which are too large for the face, are rendered as concave rather than the more usual convex-shape typical of Romanian carvings. His broad-hipped trunk has thick thighs and calves.
Coloured a dark brownish-red, the sculpture is 4.5 inches tall and is made out of terracotta, an unglazed, clay-based ceramic. It was created during the Hamangia culture (named after the site of Baia-Hamangia), a Late Neolithic archeological culture (5250-4500 BCE) which took root in Dobruja (Romania and Bulgaria) between the River Danube and the Black Sea. It is worth noting that the body as a whole is entirely devoid of the ornamentation or engraved decoration which is frequently seen in plastic art and pottery of both the Hamangia culture and the subsequent Cucuteni culture (4500-3000 BCE). It is also quite different from the bolder zoomorphic and anthropomorphic figurines, animal-head jewellery, and other cult objects of the nearby Vinca culture (5500–4500 BCE; named after the type site, Vinca-Belo Brdo), which was centred on Serbia, but extended into Romania and Bulgaria. (See also: Primitive Art.)
The Sitting Woman of Cernavoda, too, is quite plain and undecorated, unlike the usually extremely stylized, faceless female figurines complete with exaggerated breasts and buttocks.
Unfortunately, nothing is known about the sculptor who created the Thinker of Cernavoda, his workshop or school, or whether his style was copied by his contemporaries. 
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sbircialanotiziamagazine · 4 months ago
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dykemind · 5 months ago
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dininimapentrumine · 2 years ago
Jurnal de Misiune
Domnul este Bun! Mulțumim Domnului pentru ajutorul, protecția și purtarea de grija! El ne-a ajutat și va continua să ne ajute și în continuare! Mă bucur că am putut sluji alături de voi, dragilor în Cernavoda, București (Protector, Betel) Dacă vreți să vă implicati spiritual și financiar puteți face, pentru detalii accesați: https://www.facebook.com/MisiuneaHristic.ro sau http://www.hristic.ro/
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man-and-atom · 1 year ago
Speaking of CANDU, we are cheered to see that work is proceeding towards the refurbishment of Unit 1 at Cernavoda in Romania, and on the long-stalled completion of Units 3 and 4. Units 1 and 2 already produce more than 20% of the electricity used in the country in a typical year.
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The Canadian government has agreed to provide some financing for products and services sourced in Canada related to refurbishment and completion. According to their press release :
“The construction of these two CANDU-6 reactors will:
support economic activity across Canada's nuclear sector and broader power sector;
drive down emissions while helping Romania phase out coal power by 2032;
add 1,400 megawatts of clean, non-emitting electricity production capacity to Romania's grid; and
unlock Romania's potential to become a regional hub for secure energy in the face of Russian energy intimidation while enabling support for Moldova and Ukraine.”
The implication seems to be that these contracts may help build up the Canadian industry for new CANDU builds, potentially at the Bruce site, where there is strong interest in adding 4800 MW to the existing 6400 MW. Still no word on Cernavoda 5, which can be seen in the background of the above photo.
This video does a reasonable job of explaining the “what, why, and how” of CANDU.
If we wished to quibble, we would certainly begin with the presenter’s repeated use of the term containment vessel where he clearly means reactor pressure vessel. This is especially irritating since one of his other videos reveals that he is a qualified engineer. (It also reveals that he looks more than a trifle like me.) Also, early LWRs were certainly not shut down half the time for refuelling. If some of them achieved a capacity factor of 50% or so over their first five or ten years, it was largely due to modifications required by experience. CANDU was not immune to this.
We will give him points for mentioning that the plutonium used in the Indian nuclear explosion of 1974 was made in a research reactor, not a power reactor as is often claimed. On the other hand, he might have mentioned that the name CANDU was originally coined for Douglas Point. The common root of CANDU and LWR technology in experience with the heavy-water-moderated, light-water-cooled NRX and NRU research reactors deserves to be talked about more, and the operation of NPD with boiling coolant for several years is an interesting side-light.
More emphasis might also have been given to political hostility as the reason for the stall in deployment in Canada ― ranging from the David Suzuki Greens in British Columbia, to the Albertan desire to mine and burn coal, to (so far as one can tell) the decision of the Ontario Liberals to mothball or shut down reactors in order to create an electricity-supply situation that would justify privatization.
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thatshowthingstarted · 4 years ago
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“The Thinker of Cernavoda”  and  “The Sitting Woman of Cernavoda,”
Hamangia culture, Romania, C. 5000 BCE
Terracotta Sculptures,
Height 4 1/2″ (11.5 centimeters).
National Museum of Romanian History, Bucharest.
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personalrxa · 5 years ago
Lava cake
( 09/08/19)
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freighternity · 7 years ago
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CFRMarfa & Nacco tarps in traffic.
2015 Anghel Saligny Bridge, Cernavoda, Romania.
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cossaio · 5 years ago
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#concediu #dunare #danube #Romania #Cernavoda #Cosmina #cossasblog #summer #relaxare #relax (la Podul Cernavodă) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD-97sxpCKs/?igshid=qxch9zwp0d6d
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gereportscee · 6 years ago
CO2 Free Power to Romania for Another Eight Years
Thanks to an agreement signed between Societatea Nationala Nuclearelectrica (SNN) and GE Steam Power Cernavoda nuclear power plant, by the way the only nuclear power plant in Romania, will continue providing CO2 free power to Romania over the next eight years. The plant has an output of 1,400 MW – corresponding to 20% of the country’s energy demand -, and in each year of operation, it helps Romania reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 10 million tons.
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“NUCLEARELECTRICA is committed to delivering power to the residents of Romania in ways that are clean, safe and reliable,” said Cosmin Ghita, CEO of SNN. “GE is a key partner for us because they share in this commitment through the work and support they provide our team each and every day.” 
The agreement will cover maintenance and services on the plant’s two steam turbines and generators to help ensure reliable operation of the facility through 2027. Work on the turbine islands begins later this year, when GE will perform a planned maintenance outage on Cernavoda’s unit 2 turbine generator after 12 years of service. GE is supporting SNN in reducing Romania’s greenhouse emissions by up to 80 million tons over the life of the agreement.
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Cernavoda Romania                                      source:GE
“This agreement is an important milestone for our team as we continue collaborating with power producers like SNN to help deliver clean, reliable power to countries across Europe including Romania,” said Martin Boller, Europe Region General Manager for GE Steam Power. “We’ve enjoyed working closely with the Cernavoda team since 1986, as part of the more than 120 Multi-Year Agreements we have in place for nuclear facilities worldwide.” 
With 50% of the world’s nuclear fleet equipped with a GE steam turbine, Cernavoda will benefit from the OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer’s) global expertise and regional presence to maintain high-performing and safe operation. In Europe, GE performs around 100 nuclear outages per year.
By the way, Cernavoda has been supported by GE’s local team for 33 years, which includes being provided with all maintenance services since 2004. A nice example of continuous trustful cooperation between the Romanian power producer and GE!
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rudyroth79 · 4 years ago
Anghel Saligny
La 19 aprilie 1854 s-a născut la Șerbănești (jud. Galați) inginerul Anghel Saligny, premergător mondial al ştiinţei construcţiilor metalice şi de beton armat, realizator de multiple invenţii şi soluţii unice în proiectarea şi construirea podurilor şi a construcţiilor industriale, pentru fundaţia cheiurilor portuare şi a docurilor, precum şi a silozurilor de grâu prin folosirea prefabricatelor de…
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mybeingthere · 2 years ago
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Neolithic Limestone “Thinker” Statue, 5000-4500 BCA statue representing a stylised man, sitting, resting his head in his hands in the attitude of the “Thinker of Cernavoda”. Found in the Balkan region. 
(Source: pba-auctions.com)
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gregpostok · 2 years ago
Vehettek volna mindegyikre egy motoros matricát
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lightning-storm-studies · 3 years ago
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72/100 Days of Productivity 💛
I took a walk in the forest
Wrote next page in my art journal
Read an article about the planned modernization of Cernavoda nuclear power plant
Did next lesson from the PCB design course
Worked out
Watched a YouTube video about stepper motor types (Types of Stepper Motor Explained - What are the different types?) by The Engineering Mindset
🎧 chaøs - forgive me
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