#ceo! harrison osterfield
aliwritex · 1 year
Hey! How are you? Hows your summer been so far?
I scrolled down through your blog and really enjoyed it and your works! As far as I know you write for Eddie, Robin (from ST), Edvin Ryding, Florence Pugh and Steven Grant. Whom do you have more in your writing area?
I saw you reblog work about Harrison Osterfield. Can you give us some more names of celebrities or characters youre into?
By the way do you have work in progress about anybody? We would like dome scoop hahaha
And as soon your requests are open can you give us more info about what you're up to in writing, and for what you do not write? Like as I can see you're ok with writing smut but what types of smut youre not into (threesomes, age gap, professor-student, ceo-worker etc)
So, most of the thinks i post are reblogs. i’ve only written for Edvin and Robin. but i’m open to mostly anything. I don’t have a lot of no-nos, just preferences. if i get a request that i’m uncomfortable with i’ll tell you.
About what i’ve been working on: i got an andrew garfield request these days and hebe been working on it but as i said i’m already back in school and i had tests this week so i got put to the side a little.
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pvterparkours · 6 years
Sincerely, Not Yours (1)
paring ; Harrison Osterfield x Female Reader
au ; ceo! harrison
words ; 1475
summary ; When Harold Spencer’s daughter’s casual summer fling comes back to bite her in the ass, literally, life seems to create an ever lasting domino effect upon the Spencer empire.
warning(s) ;  angst. sexual humour. mentions of criminal activity. smut. swearing. all the fluffy shit. drinking. slight mentions of rehab. did i mention angst?
authors note ;
this story is very slow burn on the readers part. anything in italics is a flashback. i have given the reader a last name and named all their family members. but other than that its all still reader insert.
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With your head thrown back you sigh loudly; your driver was late to pick you up from the airport and because of their mistake you were stuck in the late night rush hour traffic itching to get home to your apartment and take the longest bath ever. Unfortunately, your father had other plans for you. An hour-long phone call and two cups of coffee later and you’re taking a quick shower. Your father had insisted you go in his place for the board meeting with an overseas company that hopes to merge with ‘Spencer Industries’. At first, you were hesitant to agree to his suggestion but by the time you had walked in the door of your apartment you had given up your protest and willingly obliged before ending the phone call.
The digital clock on your microwave flashed the bright red numbers of a daunting hour in the morning as you walked around with just a towel wrapping around your body. You put off getting dressed for a good hour or so. Your hands smooth out any creases in the black pencil skirt, you then carefully tuck in the white blouse and manage to adjust your stockings before slipping your feet into your only decent pair of work appropriate shoes.
Removing your hair from the towel wrap you blast it with the blow dryer on the highest setting for a while before running the flat iron over it. Your hair is the least bit healthy anyway so why start worrying about it now? Your swipe a thin layer of chapstick over your lips and ruin your fresh minty breath with your third cup of coffee before heading downstairs to meet your driver.
 You had strict instructions from your father which were sent via email when you had gotten into the car. They explicitly tell you to be friendly, welcoming and to do anything to get this representative of the overseas company to merge. You skimmed over all the other rules before shutting your phone off and picking at the skin around your nails. You hadn’t stepped foot in your father’s company in little over a year after issues with your brother Blake had arisen.
 Your driver greets you with a faint smile as he opens the door for you to get out, you of course, return the smile and make your way into the reception lobby of your father’s building. The amount of blatantly shocked reactions you received were nothing more than ego boosters as you notice the time and you practically start nervous sweating because you were thirty minutes late, which is a truly classic Y/N thing to do. Not bothering to engage in witty banter with the building’s receptionist, Harvey, you stroll off quickly to the elevators, pressing the button for the fifth floor and wait patiently for it to ding. Your hands seem to fiddle with one of the buttons on the sleeve of your shirt as the numbers count up until you’ve reached your floor. Your heels click against the tiled flooring as you manage to speedily walk into the meeting, apologising profusely as the person at the front had begun addressing everyone.
 “I’m so sorry I’m late. My father had to notify me on such short notice that I was to be representing him in this meeting, so I apologise on both my father’s behalf for his shitty timing and my own for deciding to sleep instead.” You say through gritted teeth and the fakest smile you’ve ever had before you take a seat and the meeting continues.
 Not a moment later an intern is walking in with what seems to be an entire entourage of people following behind her. She leads them in, holding the door open before walking off yet again. Your eyes remain fixated on the screen when a familiar scent of cologne fills your nose and your gaze is looking around the room. That’s when it hits you.
“Holy shit.”, you mumble under your breath, making the entire table turn to look at you as you make subtle eye contact with the blued eyed, blonde haired boy who almost chokes on the sip of coffee he took once the realisation hit him too. Oh boy, oh boy were you royally fucked if this was to go south.
 “Miss Y/N, since your father isn’t here to prepare an award winning speech about the prospering activity of this company, perhaps you can whip one up?” One of the executive pipes up as you give him a deadening smile before standing, fixing your skirt and clearing your throat.
“I’m going to ignore your blatantly sexist comment Mister Sheffield and start off by saying, Spencer Industries is a legacy to put it bluntly. My father’s childhood dreams all came true because he was a lover of building things and put in all this hard work and dedication to make Spencer Industries what it is today. It continues to grow and branch out in new directions all the time so hopefully…” You come to a loss for words when you don’t know the name of the overseas company that you’re addressing before Harrison jumps in to save you.
 “OsterCorp.”, he says softly and you give a quick smile and resume your speech.
“As I was saying, we hope to expand and continue to develop in new directions and with the help of Ostercorp I’m positive only great things can come from this union.”, your speech ends as a small round of comforting applause fills the meeting room and you sink back in the chair as another executive goes over finalising plans, but your eyes remain in an unwanted staring contest with Harrison which is why you’ve toned everyone else out for the rest of the meeting.
 By the end of the meeting you’re signing the contract as a representative and the meeting room is almost empty, leaving only you and Harrison, who remained seated the entire time. He’s staring at the monitor on the wall as the Spencer Industries logo bounces around the screen before he stands up abruptly pushing the chair out from under him and crossing over to you.
 “You didn’t tell me you were some big shot CEO.”, you mumble, looking down at the contract and hear a faint chuckle from behind you as you shift to offer him the pen to sign the contract.
“We didn’t tell each other a lot of things, like how your father is Harold Spencer?”
“Didn’t you take notice of the business card I wrote on?”
 Your words fall from your mouth as you lean against the table, lips contoured in a smirk as your eyes dart over his face, trying to read whatever emotion he was feeling and predict his next action. Of course, that was a hopeless thing to do. He was unpredictable, which excites you in more ways than one. Your breathing was slow and consisted of short, sharp intakes of air as he edged closer to you. Using his hand to grip your jaw, you purse your lips slightly and look up at him, eyes glossed over with some form of lust before you lift your head and your lips are locking together in a rushed mess of emotions. The kiss is slowly heated to the point he is lifting you up and placing you on the table. You pull away from the kiss, attaching your lips to the exposed skin of his neck to nip and suck on the soft skin causing a throaty groan falls from his lips. His hands run over your stocking covered legs before the sound of the material tearing makes you gasp and look up at him, eyebrows slightly furrowed.
 “It’s not like I needed those or anything.” You sneer, furrowing your brows even more and poking his chest with your index finger. He shakes his head, leaning over you to sign the contract you had pushed aside during the heated make-out session. His lips find yours again after he finished signing, slipping your tongue into his mouth. Hands raking through his hair, pressing yourself against him as his hands grip your hips before he’s pulling away. You shoot him a confused look to which he responds to with a light chuckle, stepping away from you and fixing his hair, moving on to tightening the tie around his neck.
 “I’m looking forward to do business with you and your father Ms. Spencer.”, he says, a cocky smirk plastered on his face before taking the contract, fixing the cuffs around his wrists and walks out of the meeting room. You remain seated on the table of the meeting room for a moment before you kick off your shoes and pull the ribbed pair of stockings off only to discard them in the trash prior to walking out, remaining cool, calm and collected.
TAGLIST: @the-claire-bitch-project // @lovelyh0lland // @beautiful-holland // @lafayettes-baguettes-1 // @jaebeanz // @cutiepie-holland // @loxbbg // @sweethosterfield // @beesarebetterthanpigeons // @jtorressuck // @hollandahlia // @woah-jess // @spxderbarnes // @notimeforthemessenger // @sunshine112 // @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy // @vertigomelody // @redhoodparker // @kerguelenn // @bringmetoawonderland
* bold means i couldn’t tag
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playbucky · 3 years
Could’ve Been Office Love
You and Tom haven’t saw each other since you told him your were leaving for Boston, that was five years ago. Now your flying home, back to London, as your company is opening another office in London and your running it. Part One | Part Two | Part Three (it’s not letting me link the first 2 parts.) Characters – Tom, Harrison, Reader. Word Count – 1.6k 
You were jerked to the side, your coffee barely staying in your travel mug as you let out grunt, sighing at the busy airport. You hated travelling this late in the day, preferring the morning flights when no one was around. ’Sorry.’ The person apologised, you raised your eyebrows. ‘It’s okay.’ You replied, not looking at them as you went to walk away but a hand grabbed your elbow and you turned back to the person. ‘Y/N.’ He said, your eyebrows scrunched together as you lifted your head and was met with the dark brown curls of your old boss. ‘Tom.’ You said, pulling an earphone out, slipping it into your pocket as you looked at him. ‘You look good.’ You told him, he smiled widely and pushed the black rimmed glasses further up his nose. ‘So do you.’ He replied, you gave him a smile before you both fell into silence, it overwhelming in the crazy airport. ‘How are you?’ He asked, you opened your mouth to say something before you phone rang. ‘Sorry.’ You apologised, he shook his head. ‘Hello?’ You answered the phone, taking a step way from Tom as you listened to your bosses talk to you, then you heard the announcement over the speakers for your flight and you sighed. ‘I have to get on the plane if your want me to make the meeting.’ You told them, turning back to see that Tom had disappeared, slightly pleased but also disappointed. ‘I’ll text you when I land and I’ll phone you as I’m travelling there.’ You informed them, closing your eyes and sighing as you started pulling your small suitcase behind you before they said their byes and your hung up. Showing the stewardess your ticket before you made way thought the tunnel to the plane, greeted by another stewardess. ‘Well seems like fate is playing a trick on us.’ He said, as you stopped at your designated seat.  ‘Nothing like seven hours next to an old friend.’ You said, he grimaced. ‘Is that what I am? An old friend?’ He asked. ‘Well you did fire me.’ You commented as you opened the over head storage and lifted your suitcase up with ease and slid it into a space before shutting the lid. ‘Then got back with your ex that cancelled your first wedding then punched me.’ You reminded him as you lowered your self into the seat, automatically fastening your seatbelt. ‘She apologised for it.’ ‘Yeah she did.’ You agreed with him. ‘How is Millie?’ You asked, Tom raised an eyebrow at you. ‘You really want to know?’ He asked shocked, you shrugged your shoulders. ‘I’m trying to be polite.’ You commented, he chuckled slightly as he looked out the window. ‘Well I don’t know.’ He said, you looked at him. ‘What?’ You asked, he shook his head. ‘We broke up, actually we got a divorce.’ He said, your eyes widened. ‘When? Are you okay?’ You asked him. ‘Yeah, good as you can be when your marriage lasted a year.’ He said turning to look at you, ‘I should’ve listened to you there.’ He arched an eyebrow waiting to see your reaction. ‘I’m sorry.’ You said, he shook his head. ‘Thought you’d be jumping for joy?’ ‘I can’t the planes about to take off.’ You commented, he smiled before quickly looking at his feet trying to hide his reaction. ‘No Tom, as soon as I left for Boston I didn’t care.’ You told him truthfully. ‘Maybe ten years ago I would’ve been jumping but it’s clear we aren’t meant to be together.’ You told him, his smile dropped but he nodded. ‘Romantically or friends?’ He asked, his eyes occasionally following an odd passenger going to their seat. ‘I think if we survive this flight we can be friends.’ ‘How long are you in London for?’ He asked, you looked away from him before turning back, no point in hiding it from him. ‘For the foreseeable future.’ You said, his eyes widened in shock. ‘Does Harrison know?’ He asked, you shook your head. ‘Why not, you guys used to text like made.’ He commented, you pursed your lips and nodded. ‘Funny how times changes, we wish each other a happy birthday and merry Christmas, albeit two days late most the times but it’s the thought that counts right?’ You asked, Tom nodded. ‘Why are you back in London anyway?’ ‘The business are opening a new office and I’m the CEO.’
‘Look I’ve got to go meeting with people all day today, but my number hasn’t changed, if you still have it send me message and we can meet up.’ You told him as you pulled your phone on and turned off airplane mode, he looked shocked. ‘Either just you and me or you can bring Harrison along as well.’ You finished, he nodded agreeing with it just as you phone rang. ‘Sorry but I look forward to hearing from you.’ You told him. ‘It was nice seeing you again.’ He said, you sent him a smile as you answered your phone before started making your way through the crowd. ‘Who was that?’ Harrison asked, causing him to jump unaware of how his friend always managed to sneak up on him. ‘That was Y/N.’ Tom stated, Harrison’s eyes widened and his head snapped back to the crowd, trying to find you. ‘What is she doing back in London?’ Harrison questioned. ‘Her company is opening another building and she’s the CEO.’ He told his friend, who’s face dropped at the information. ‘And she also wants to meet with us later for lunch or something.’ Tom added, Harrison shook her head. ‘How did you meet her?’ Harrison asked, he and Tom started walking with he dying crowd. ‘I bumped into her in the airport and then we were seated next to each other in the ride back.’ Tom explained, Harrison’s nose scrunched slightly. ‘Are you sure it was Y/N?’ ‘As I live and breath Harrison.’ Tom replied, Harrison rubbed his lips together but slowly nodded. ‘What you going to do then?’ Harrison questioned his best friend. ‘What?’ ‘Are you gonna try and win her over?’ Harrison asked, Tom looked at him, ‘Tom you know full well you still love her, always have,’ Harrison reminded him, Tom shrugged his shoulder as he started walking , Harrison beside him. ‘Y/N said there no point in trying.’ Tom said, Harrison’s brows furrowed before he nodded. ‘That fair.’
‘You made it.’ Tom said, you reached up and tucked the hair behind your ear before you looked over to Harrison who was smiling as well. ‘Yup, but I don’t have long I’m on my break just now.’ You told the pair, you glanced between the two of ‘You should’ve rescheduled it.’ Harrison commented, you shook your head. ‘I can’t, being CEO is extremely demanding.’ You told them, lowering yourself into your seat and dropping your bag at your feet. ‘Can I get you anything?’ The waiter asked as she appeared, at the end of the table. ‘A bowl of your soup of the day please.’ You told her, she barely glanced at you as she crumbled it down before looking at Harrison and Tom and your chuckled to yourself. The waiter gave them a wide smile before turning and walking away, you moved the cutlery about before leaning back looking over to the men to find them already watching you. ‘Why are you guys looking at me like that?’ You quizzed, arching an eyebrow. ‘We’re just surprised that you’ve came back to here.’ Harrison said, Tom looked down and nodded. ‘Yeah, so am I.’ You said, before the bowl of soup was placed in front of you, then their food was placed down as well. ‘Thank you.’ The three of you told her, the waiter nodded before walking away. ‘So CEO? When did that happen?’ Harrison asked, you ran your tongue over your lips. ‘About five months ago but when the big boss said they were opening a building at CEO and I suggested I would run it.’ ‘So your back for good?’ Harrison asked, she swallowed the mouthful of soup whilst nodding. ‘Yeah, well I’ll be taking three or four trips to Boston to have meetings but yeah I’m back.’ You informed the pair of them, choosing to ignore the shared look between them. ‘Does that mean we can start up the movie nights?’ The blonde asked hopeful. ‘Harri-‘ ‘No, I mean, sure if I have enough time. Not just returning emails now.’ You commented, arching an eyebrow before lifting the glass up and taking a sip. ‘Y/N, I’m sorry for firing you.’ He said, finally apologising for what he’d claim as his problems from five years ago. ‘It’s fine, it allowed me to further myself and my career.’ You said, you could still see the wrinkles on his brows before his jaw clenched. ‘Are you guys available tonight?’ They both looked at you, ‘for a movie night?’ you asked, they looked at each other before nodding. ‘I finish at six, you can come over to mine if that’s okay?’ You asked them. ‘Sure, you’ll need to send us your address.’ Tom said, you smiled and nodded before your phone dinged, you sighed when your read the message. ‘And just like that I’m needed.’ You stated, shaking your head as you started to tidy up your small area. ‘I’ll message you later and I’ll see you tonight then.’ You told them, they nodded as you slid out of the booth. ‘Seems like Y/N’s doing good.’ Harrison said, turning to look at Tom who was still watching the door where you had just gone through. ‘Yeah, she is.’ He said slowly, Harrison reached forward and snapped his fingers in front of his face. ‘No, you are not doing that again. You saw what it did to the both of you.’ Harrison warned him, Tom opened his mouth before shaking his head. ‘I’m not.’ He said a little quickly. ‘Tom.’ Harrison said, slowly. ‘I’m not don’t worry, I’m just shocked that she’s back and willing to talk to me.’ Tom said, shaking his head as he made eye contact with his best friend. ‘Yeah, well let’s not give her any more reasons to leave again.’ Harrison reminded him, he nodded again.
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Tags - @parkerpeterparker2004 @wanniiieeee @thenoddingbunny-blog @runawayolives 
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tom-holland-parker · 4 years
Champagne Problems
Summary: Tom asked you a life changing question but you can’t give the right answer. 
Pairing: Tom x reader
Warning: Themes of mental health issues such as depression and Eating disorders
Word count: 1481
Note: Inspired by champagne Problems by Taylor Swift. 
You sat on the uncomfortable cushioned seats waiting for the train to move. The thoughts in your head found their way to the hallowed out pain in your chest. Your throat dry, but your face still wet from the tears. You knew this feeling too well. Numb
As the train began to move you watched the bustling crowds on the platform become small. The train wasn’t full and if you were being honest you preferred it that way. It gave you time to think. Time to sit and feel hurt. You fought with yourself trying your best to stay awake. Every time you close your eyes it’s the same face.
His face.
Funny how in a few short hours you can find your whole life turned upside down. 
“My family is really excited to see you” Your boyfriend said as you wrapped his red flannel around your body. The November breeze was colder today, setting the tone for the terrible thing you were planning to do. You put on your best smile as you walked to the passenger side of his car. “Yeah I can’t wait to see them again. It’s been so long” 
Tom was nervous. You didn’t know why but you kept telling yourself it was nothing. Maybe you were wrong. Maybe he knew you were planning on breaking his heart. Maybe he was just waiting for it to happen. 
The second you reached his parents party the guilt inside of you multiplied. How could you be cold to someone so warm? “Y/N I’ve missed you” Tom’s mother said as she pulled you into her warm embrace “I keep telling Tom to bring you around more but he always says your busy” 
“Yeah well my new job has really kept me on my toes” You lied. Truly your job schedule wasn’t busy but you didn’t want to make things awkward by telling her the reason you hadn’t come around in 3 months was because you’ve been in the biggest depressive episode ever.  “Well at least you’re here now” She smiled as she moved back to talk to the guest. 
You felt Tom's hand meet yours again squeezing it tightly before he leaned it placing a small kiss on your cheek. “You look lovely tonight” He whispered. You chuckled looking you into his soft brown eyes, “Not as lovely as you” You joked as Harry walked towards you. 
“Y/N You look great” He complimented looking down at your black dress, “Do you mind if I borrow Tom real quick?” You nodded your head grabbing a glass of champagne from the table next to you. Him and Tom walked away whispering among themselves.
“Do my eyes deceive me or is that really Y/N?” You turned around when you heard Harrisons voice. He smiled taking another sip of his beer. “Hi Harrison” You rolled your eyes leaning in for a hug.”
“I see you're enjoying the champagne. Sam and Harry picked it just for tonight. It broke their wallets” He chuckled putting his empty beer bottle down to pick up a glass of the Dom Pérignon. You talked for a while catching up on the small things. He learned about your new promotion and you learned about the girl he’d been talking to. It was the small things like this that really kept you grounded. 
Tom returned shortly with a huge grin plastered on his face as he wrapped his arm around your waist. “Care for a dance love?” He asked shyly as Harrison chuckled. You put down your glass and grabbed his hand as a slow song began to play. 
“Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight darling?” He pulled you in closer as you rested your head on his shoulder, unable to hold eye contact. The lump of guilt in your stomach grew bigger. It wasn’t that you didn’t love Tom. You loved him with your entire heart. He was truly the love of your life. It's just you didn’t love yourself. You felt that you were holding him back from all that he could accomplish. 
While he tried his best to be supportive when you couldn’t leave your bed, or when you didn’t eat. Even when you spent most of your day sleeping. He was always by your side. It made you feel terrible every time he cancelled plans to stay with you. You could see the slight sadness in his eyes every time you had your ‘bad days’. It was unfair. That’s why you were doing it 
“About 100 times since you first saw me tonight” you chuckled. 
“And I’ll tell you 100 more times” He kissed your temple softly as you swayed side to side. One by one couples left the dance floor until it was just you and him. Tom shifted his position pulling away from you gently. “Tom?” You asked unsure of the sudden change in his mood. 
He grabbed your hand gently looking to his left to see his family staring at you both before turning back to you. “Y/N I want to ask you something” He cleared his throat as his grip on your hand tightened. Your eyes widened as he began to bend down, getting on one knee. “Y/N Y/L/N I have known you for three amazing years. You’re the love of my life. I love you and I want to make you a part of my family” 
He paused for a moment reaching in his pocket to pull out a small box. Tears flooded your eyes as he opened it exposing the ring his mother always wore. “This ring has been in my family for generations and I want you to have it. Will you marry me?” 
The lump in your throat prevented you from talking. You stood there frozen as the rest of the crowd waited for your answer. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the pain in his face when he hears your answer. “Tom I love you but I can’t marry you”. Your voice was barely above a whisper but in the quiet room it was heard everywhere. 
You opened your eyes when you heard him gasp. The look of sadness and shock on his face when you gently pulled your hand away. It was unbearable. Your instincts told you to walk away but your feet stood planted on the grown as he slowly got back up. “I don’t understand” His voice cracked. “Did I do something wrong?”
A second wave of tears poured down your face as he moved to touch your cheek. You looked away staring at anything else except him. Harrison and his family stood there in shock. Your stomach dropped when you realized this would be the last you ever saw of them. They wouldn’t want you in their lives after what you’re doing tonight. “Can we talk somewhere else?” You say quietly looking down at your shoes. He nodded his head grabbing your hand to move you into the other room. “Baby what’s wrong? Did I do something?” He had tears forming in his eyes. 
“No Tom you didn’t do anything wrong” You took a deep breath trying your best to put your feelings into words. “I just can’t marry you because it wouldn’t be fair to you. You deserve so much more than I give you” 
“What are you talking about?” He sounded baffled at what you had said. You wiped your tears from your cheeks as more slowly came down. “Tom one day you’re going to find someone who will be able to give you the same amount of the love that you give them. And they’ll make up for the hurt I’ve caused” 
“I don’t want anyone else, I just want you. Why can't you see that?” His voice was filled with pain as he moved closer to you grabbing your hand, “I love you” 
“Tom I love you too it's just-” You were at a loss of words. “It’s just what Y/N?” His voice grew louder but still had hints of sadness.
“I’m holding you back. I know you don’t think I am but it’s true. You’ve missed so many opportunities because of me and my problems. It’s unfair to you. I need to work on myself alone. I love you but I can’t marry Tom” This was gonna be hard to do but the proposal made it even worse. “I’m sorry” 
He stood there frozen as you grabbed your bag and walked out the room. A whisper broke out through the crowd as you walked to the front door.
She would’ve made such a lovely bride. 
It’s a shame she’s fucked in the head
By the time you reached the front door Tom had walked back into the crowded area. His family comforting him was the last image you had as you walked out the door.
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lauras-collection · 3 years
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I am not okay.
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farfromharry · 4 years
Dialogue prompt 19 and 30 with CEO! Haz
summary: you get dumped and harrison is the first person you go to for comfort, he also finally admits his feelings
ceo!harrison x reader
w/c 0.4k
blurb week!
“why are you doing this?” you asked, looking around the empty office, grateful that no one else was here to hear you get dumped.
“it’s so obvious that he’s in love with you.” he said, scoffing at your obliviousness.
“ask your boss, goodbye y/n.” you sniffled as he hung up the phone, covering your face with your hands.
you pushed yourself away from your desk, heading to harrison’s office and knocking softly.
“come in.” he mumbled. you pushed open the door, smiling at him sadly.
“what are you still doing here, i thought you left already.” you shook your head.
“can i talk to you?” you asked, wiping away the stray tear that rolled down your cheek. he noticed before you managed to hide it, concern growing in his stomach.
“what happened?” he asked.
“he broke up with me.” harrison frowned, opening his arms and wrapping them around you. he stroked his hand over your hair.
“i’m sorry.” he whispered. you shook your head, pulling back and trying to convince him you were okay.
“it’s fine i guess, he said i was too involved with my work.” harrison chuckled, nodding his head.
“you are here more than me, and i do ask you to do quite a lot for me.”
“he also said, um-“ you paused. “that i had to ask you something.”
“go ahead.” he said.
“he said to ask you about someone being in love with me.” his eyes widened slightly.
“you’re not a very good assistant you know.” he tried to deter the conversation. your face fell, tears building in your eyes thinking he was disappointed in you.
“i’m not?” you asked, frowning. he chuckled, shaking his head.
“no, you're very distracting.” he said. “but in a good way.” he pulled you in by your waist, smashing his lips onto yours. they molded together, your hands slipping into his hair as your kisses got more urgent.
“harrison, wait.” you said breathlessly, pushing his shoulder.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, searching your eyes for any form of discomfort.
“what are you doing?” you asked
“he was right y/n, i’m the one that’s in love with you.” your eyes widened, your heart beating faster and faster by the second.
“but, my job and-“ he shook his head.
“nothing has to change, i’ve loved you for a while anyway.”
“really?” you asked.
“really, now let me kiss you again.”
harrison osterfield taglist - @seutarose @euphorichxlland @hjoficrecs @drie-the-derp @hazardosterfield @bvttercupbby @call-me-baby-gir1 @fallinfortom @hollandbroz-n-haz @hopelessly-harry @iwearheadphones @kerrswriting @siriuslyslyslytherin @musicalkeys @itstaskeen @icyhollands @zspideyy @chrisosterfield @starkweasley
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flowerbinniee · 4 years
partition - ceo!tom holland ft. harrison osterfield
title: partition
summary: while harrison drives you and tom back to your hotel after a late night, the big, bad ceo decides to be a little shit and not keep his hands (or mouth) to himself.
pairing: ceo!tom holland x pa!reader (mentioned haz x reader)
word count: 1111
warning(s): smut, car sex (riding tom in the backseat), hints of dom!tom, allusions/mentions to threesome or polyamory [let me know if i missed anything!]
a/n: this is a long time overdue, and i did not at all follow the teaser i posted ages ago. i have not written smut in a long time, and it’s very obvious here. i’m so sorry. the ending was really rushed, too.
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“Tommy,” you giggle against his mouth, red lipstick smearing because of the friction. “Tommy, if we keep this up, we won’t make it back to the room.” Through the rearview mirror, you catch Haz’s lusty gaze. “Plus, I think we’ve teased poor Hazzy enough.”
His grip tightens on your ass, and the indent of his rings dig into the flesh. “Fuck that.” He grins evilly at his best friend and chauffeur. “This can serve as payback for that stunt you both pulled in Dubai last month.”
It’s time for Harrison to smirk. “Oh, come on, mate. I couldn’t just leave our little babydoll all whiny like that. She was practically begging me to fuck her over that armchair.”
Tom muttered something akin to “piss off” before yanking you into another kiss. This one, like many others you’ve shared, was all teeth and tongue. Hot, heady, and passionate. “Fuck, Tommy,” you whine while you press the fabric of your dripping panties against his crotch. “Need you so bad.”
“Yeah, love? Need me to stretch out that pretty little pussy?” He grunted. “Make you feel nice and full?” Eyes fluttering closed, you nod and blindly reach for his belt. Tom, meanwhile, busies himself with hooking a finger into the waistband of your panties and drags them down your legs. “Don’t need these anymore,” he absently mutters.
Once you get his belt undone enough to get those fucking pants off now, holy shit, Tom chuckles lowly and lifts his hips up to help you remove the intruding material. You drag his pants and those black Calvin Klein boxers he knows drive you insane down just enough for that hard, pretty cock to spring to life. Much like he did with your panties.
“God, Tommy, I’ll never get tired of your cock. ‘s fucking gorgeous,” you tell him as you take it gently into your hand. It’s searing to the touch and throbbing with the beat of his heart.
“I certainly hope not,” he grins, and the two of you hear Harrison groan from the driver’s seat. “The faster you get us to the hotel, mate, the faster you can join us.” He swirls his fingertip against your clit as he’s taunting Haz, rubbing it into little circles.
“Shit!” You cry out. “Darling, has anyone ever told you that you’re an asshole?”
“It’s been brought a few times, yes.”
“Cheeky bastard,” you grit as you shuffle your body to hover your sex over Tom’s. Spitting into your hand, you lather Tom’s cock with it, and he screws his eyes shut tight.
“Fuck, you tease,” he growls. You pump your hand languidly up and down the full eight-and-a-half inches. “If I’m going to cum, kitten, it’s not going to be in your hand.”
“Impatient,” you tease. “I’m just getting you ready for the main event.”
He growls low in his throat, and he slides a large hand into your hair, gripping the base. He leans up to kiss you again, but he strangely takes his time with this one. There’s no rush, it tells you, We’ve got time. It’s definitely softer than the earlier ones of the night. Then, that devious mouth of his trails down your jaw, your throat, to press kisses where he knows will get even more wet for him. If that was possible. You stop your motion on him, and you slowly press your pussy onto his cock. The feeling of him slipping inside you, the overwhelming heat between your bodies, is unimaginable and unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. Sure, you and Tom had slept together multiple times before, but this time felt different. You couldn’t quite place it. The burn of his girth stretching your tight walls is a very welcome, very familiar feeling. Zaps of pleasure make their way up your spine as he continues to push inside you.
“How does that feel, baby?” Tom asks once you’re fully seated on his cock, his voice strained.
“So, ahh, good, Tommy. Fuck, baby, you’re so big,” you gasp, both hands moving to grip his shoulder. “Oh, shit!” You lift your hips up as his hands roam your back. He helps you press yourself back down, and you both let out moans of pleasure. “Feel so full, Tommy, fuck.”
“Yeah?” He grunts as his hands finally settle on your hips. He drags you up and pushes you back down until you find a rhythm comfortable for the two of you. “Feel me all the way inside your pussy? Hitting that we know drives you wild?” He bucks his hips up hard into and drives into that exact spot, causing you to whimper and grip him tighter. “Huh, baby? You gonna answer me properly?”
“Y-Yes, Tommy, feel you inside. Feels so good,” you moan to him as your hips start to meet in tandem with his. That coil that sits in the pit of your stomach whenever you and Tommy tightens, and desire pools in your cunt.
Heavy pants and hard grunts are the only sounds occupying Tom’s car as you bounce on his cock. Muttered curses and moaned names spill from your lips. “I’m close,” the brunette groans. “Fuck, darling, squeezin’ me so tight.”
“Shit, Tommy, me too. Wanna cum for you so bad,” you pant to your lover as your legs trembled against the seats. “Please, let me cum!”
“Cum for me,” he growls, slamming your hips down and biting his lip when you clench around his cock. “Fuck, Y/N, do that again. Clench that cute little pussy ‘round my dick again.” He slams inside you with a particularly hard thrust.
“Oh, fuck, Tommy!” The coil in the pit of your stomach felt so tight; you could combust any second now. “Please, just a little more. ‘m so close!” You whine to him. He nods, and you feel his hips ramming yours one, two, three times before long moans escape the both of you. As the hazy bliss of your orgasms wash over you and Tom, you press soft little kisses onto whatever skin you could reach (his face, his throat, the top of his chest.
“You two seem to have impeccable timing,” Harrison grunts. “We’re here.” The three of you take a moment to make yourselves decent, you and Tom exiting the car with a mildly flustered Harrison behind you. You can’t contain your laughter when you catch Harrison muttering “horny fucking jack rabbits.”
Taking your husband’s hand, wedding band glinting in the moonlight, you tease your lover. “Don’t worry, Haz. Once we get back to the room, I’m sure Tommy will let you have a turn if you behave like the good boy we both know you are.”
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marvelousell · 5 years
CEO!Tom Holland smut with college student/intern reader ❤️
Scotch & Mint
A/N: well we all love ceo!tom 🤩
Warnings: SMUT 18+, swearing
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You absolutely loved this company. You were studying for a financial manager, and a job at a very famous company as this was a big opportunity.
Your boss, CEO of the company Tom, Mr.Holland, was a young, successful, rich and hardworking man. His short styled hair, black suit, white shirt, and the luxurious rolex showed the class that he for sure owned.
His company was big, and as a 24 year old he was running his business brilliantly. His workers were hard working people, he always chose them wisely. He didn’t hesitate to put them in place, just because he is very serious when it comes to his work, and company. He wanted to make his father proud after all.
Every new person who came here, for an interview, or as a new worker, was dead scared of him. Just because he wanted to teach them discipline and how to become a hard worker.
Well if we’re being honest, you were scared too. He was too serious and had a stern face always.
But after a while, because of this job, you were working with Tom much more. Many hours were spent in his office. And if you didn’t spend that time, you wouldn’t see how a great person he was.
A great, loving, and funny person. Also extremely hot.
The long days spent there were super exhausting, but you liked Tom, so the work was just an excuse to be with him.
It was a Friday night, almost everyone from the company went home by now, except you and Tom.
“So Mr.Holland, do you have anything new that I need to put in your schedule for the next week?” You said softly, doodling something in your notebook.
“It’s Tom love, there’s no need for the formality.” He smiled.
You just smiled and lowered your eyes.
“No need to feel shy around me.” He continued. Standing up from his chair and making his way to the small table with the beverages.
“What would you like to drink darling? I think it’s enough work for today. You’re a hard worker, I’m proud of you.” He poured the expensive scotch in his glass, while waiting for your answer.
“You can make that two.” You said, leaving the papers on the table, untying your tight bun, letting your hair down, and running your fingers through her.
He was enjoying your company, you were a young, beautiful, girl. The sight in front of him made his heartbeat race. You, in a black pencil skirt, white blouse, and with your now wavy hair down. He liked you so much, from the day you started your internship here.
He handed you the scotch and leaned on the desk, facing you.
A small “Thank you” came from you, as you still avoided his gaze. You were hot by now. The first two buttons of his shirt were now unbuttoned. You really found him attractive. And if he wasn’t your boss, you would for sure kiss him right.now. But you were to scared, just because of his reaction
“Tell me darling, why are you so shy around me?” He was teasing you.
You crossed your legs, looking at him, but there were no words coming out of your mouth.
He sipped on his scotch, now slowly moving towards you. Your breathing stopped, after you felt his fingers on your shoulder.
“You are so smart and beautiful. You make me insane.” He whispered.
Taking your hand, he helped you stand up, and led you towards the table. His hands now firmly on your hips.
“Would it be okay if I kissed you right now?” He was so smitten.
“Absolutely okay.” You replied, placing your hands around his neck.
The kiss was hot, steamy. Just how you needed it. The taste of alcohol and his mint gum was driving you insane. His hands were all over you.
He moved the papers and everything from the table, putting you on the table. His hands were now unbuttoning your blouse, and removing your white lace bra.
Moving you closer to him, you wrapped your legs around his hips, pressing your torso on his.
“Let me see you baby.” He said, attacking your neck with kisses.
You moaned, after you felt him shifting your skirt up.
“Don’t be quiet love, I want to hear you.”
He pushed your legs up, exposing your matching white lace panties. He was fucking loving the view. You, on his table, all worked up for him.
“As much as I want to taste you now darling, I can’t wait to feel you.” He stated, making you eager.
He pushed your panties on the side and slowly pushed inside of you. The feeling made you shut your eyes immediately.
“Bloody hell, you feel amazing around me peach.”
You were shaking against him, kissing his neck constantly. His hand made his way down to rub your clit, making you a groaning mess.
“Please Mr.Holland, more.” You wanted this to last forever.
“Yeah, want it harder? You are a hard working girl, I need to reward you for that.”
You were clenching around him like crazy and Tom knew for sure he won’t last any longer.
With a few thrust he loaded himself into you, still rubbing your clit, to calm the both of you.
You were panting, still in shock from this, but smiling widely.
“You are amazing.” He spoke to you, cleaning you up.
“How about I take you out on a proper date, and after that we can go for the dessert at my place?” He grinned.
“Sounds like a deal, Mr.Holland.”
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Oh to dom CEO! Haz
In office he is the boss bt only u know who is the real boss -(h-n-h)
now this is a power play that i can get behind!! you just hop on his desk and spread your legs, and he's more than inclined to get on his knees and (tr)eat you right 😉
and then you go on to return the favor, but the phone rings and you just tell him, "don't stop on my account" and you completely get off on him trying so hard to stifle his moans throughout the business call skshshsjhdhd
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kisses-holland · 5 years
Don’t Give Up On Me (Part One)
Summary: Y/N tries her hardest to make sure she has enough money to help her six year old brother with his treatments because of his leukaemia. She lands a job as an assistant for a well known company. Only problem is? Her CEOs don’t like her very much. 
Pairing: Enemies to lovers! CEO! Tom x Reader, Enemies to lovers! CEO! Harrison x Reader
Prompt (Location): Office
Warnings: Mentions of cancer, swearing, Rude Tom and Rude Harrison, angst
A/N: For @uglypastels 2.5k writing challenge!! Sorry for the wait. I hope you guys enjoy the first part!
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The subway ride across town for the coffee was hectic. It was around 8:30 in the morning, the same time everyone wanted their coffee. So for you to go across town taking the train, getting two hot black coffees, and taking them back to the office was tough. Especially when you had to be careful for not spilling.
It was only a half hour into your job and you already wanted to quit. But you couldn’t.
“I'm doing this for Ben. Once he’s better, this will all be over.” You mumbled to yourself as you made your way to his office.
Of course, the coffee didn’t stay piping hot when you got to the office, so, you used the microwave in the staff’s break room, hoping they wouldn’t notice.
While you were warming up their coffees, you caught up with the lady who interviewed you. Her name was Kianna and she was a supervisor within the company. She knew how horrible Tom was, but was surprised to hear that Harrison was just about the same. Deciding not to stress about the situation, you headed back to Tom’s office and put a fake smile on your face. For your brother. That’s what all that mattered.
Without knocking, you entered the office. At this point, if they hassled you for not knocking, that piping hot coffee would end up somewhere not so sunny in their situation.
“I see you’ve brought our coffee. But you still haven’t changed your choice of clothing. I guess it’ll do.`` Tom said, taking a sip of his coffee. “I have a pile of paperwork for you to sort through. You better get started if you don’t want to be here all night.” He said, taking another sip and pointing towards boxes full of unorganized sheets of paper.
“I'm sorry, but do you have a problem with me? Because if you do, I will happily leave.” you said, crossing your arms. You didn’t want to deal with his harassment, not with your situation.
“I don't have a problem with you, sweetheart. but if you want to leave, go ahead. I'm not the one needing money right now.” He said. smirking back at you. You scoffed.
“You don’t know me, or my situation.”
“Exactly. and I don’t want to know, nor do I care. That paperwork is waiting.” He said, gesturing towards the boxes that were stacked in the corner of the room.
Sighing, you trudged over to the boxes that were filled with tons and tons of paperwork.
“So, do i get a desk to work with? An office?” You asked. There was no way you were going to do this on the floor.
“Yeah. You’re looking at it. The floor, Sweetheart. Get to work.” He said, not even looking away from whatever Harrison was showing him on his tablet.
Deciding not to ask anything else, you started on the paperwork. You vividly remember Kianna telling you that if you get your work done earlier than the time you were supposed to be there for, you could go home early. Deciding on skipping lunch, you thought about how much more time you’ll have with Ben after work.
You knew in your heart that Ben will get better. You’re not going to lose hope. He was strong, and he had his whole life in front of him. If anything, you wish it were you instead of him lying on that bed. You were willing to give everything up for your little brother, he was the only person you had left in this world. And you wanted him to stay.
A half hour later, you were halfway done with the first box. organizing paperwork wasn’t as bad as you thought it would be. but the phone call you got, made you halt for a second.
As your phone was ringing loudly through yours, Harrison and Tom’s ears, you rushed to answer it, almost dropping it in the process.
“Uh. I need to -I need to take this.” You stuttered, as you quickly walked outside of the room.
Your heart dropped as you saw who was calling, the hospital.
“Hello?” You asked, hoping it wasn’t anything bad.
“Hi, Y/N. It’s Stef. Ben just wanted to talk to you and say ``hi.” Stef was one of the nurses who are taking care of Ben. You got along great and she was a very nice woman. She always updated you on how Ben was doing. Sometimes, she would even let you stay overnight. Stef knew your story, and she understood your situation. She was kind of like a second mom.
“Hey, Ben! What are you doing up so early, buddy?” You asked, tone changing to a much higher one.
“Just missed you, Y/N/N.  Will you come see me today? Nurse Stef got me a new blanket!” He said happily over the phone. Hearing how happy he is brought tears to your eyes, only wanting happiness for your little brother.
“Oh really? What kind of blanket is it?” Sniffling, and blinking away the tears that are about to pool out of your eyes any second.
“Spider-Man!” He exclaimed.
“That’s amazing, bud! I can't wait to see it. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? I have a new job and if I get my work done, I'll be able to spend the entire night with you! Just hang on tight, buddy.”
“Okay. I can't wait to see you. I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Ben.” And with that, he hung up the phone.
Sighing, you quickly wiped the tears that were in your eyes and took deep breaths. If Tom or Harrison saw you crying, you would never hear the end of it.
Walking back into the office, you noticed both Tom and Harrison staring at you. Tom rolled his eyes and got back to whatever he was doing, however, Harrison wouldn’t stop staring at you. As if he was reading your eyes for answers.
The only thing on your mind was to get the paperwork done so you could see Ben. Hearing the excitement in his voice after he got that new blanket brought joy throughout your body. You wished and hoped that he would be able to grow up and be happy all the time.
Suddenly, Tom left the room, leaving you and Harrison alone. You would occasionally sigh, but Harrison kept looking at you.
“I know you’re staring at me. Is there something I can do for you?” You asked him, not looking up from the piles of papers.
“Who was that? On the phone?” He asked, breaking the ice straight away.
“No one. That’s none of your business.”
“I heard your conversation.”
“I don’t care. I have a lot of work to do.” Why does he care who you’re talking to? If he was nicer, you would’ve told him. Maybe you would’ve told Tom too. But Ben’s situation is only between you, Kianna, and the nurses. Nothing was going to change that.
With that, he fell silent. And as soon as you guys stopped talking, Tom walked into the room.
“Is that paperwork almost done?” Tom asked, raising his eyebrows.
“No. I only started it about 45 minutes ago.” You rolled your eyes. What was he expecting? For you to go through all three boxes within the first hour?
“Well, I need that done by 12. If you don’t get them done, you’re fired.” Hearing those words brought tears of frustration to your eyes. If he wanted them done quicker, why doesn’t he just help you?
“Yes, sir.” You whispered. If we wanted them done by 12, he was gonna get them done by 12. That only meant you would get to see Ben earlier, and have lunch earlier.
At around eleven o’clock, you had about one more box left. But now, your eyes were hurting and so were your legs from crouching down. You looked up from your position and noticed Tom and Harrison chatting while drinking whiskey. They knew you were struggling. They knew you were tired. and they probably thought you looked pathetic with the way you were sitting on the ground.
“Is there anything I can do for you?” You asked, softly. Maybe if you were nice to them, they’d be nice to you.
“Hand over your cell phone.” Tom said, holding his hand out. You were taken aback. You’ve been doing your job since you got here, there’s no reason for him to take your phone. If there was an emergency at the hospital, they’d have no way of contacting you.
“Why? I've been doing my job just fine. I don't-“
“We need your phone, in case of further distractions.” Harrison interrupted, walking towards you. You handed him your phone, knowing there was no point in arguing.
“Fine. but if I get a phone call, that phone comes straight back to me.” You crossed your arms. No way were they going to take away your communication from your brother.
“That’s not up to you, now is it? Get back to work.” And with that, Harrison gave Tom your phone, who locked it in one of his drawers to his desk.
After an hour, the pages were finally done. You stood up to tell Tom the news.
“Pages are done. Anything else I can do for you?” You asked, hoping the answer was no.
“That’s everything for today. but I would like for you to get a new outfit for next time. got it? And maybe lose the attitude.”
“But I-“
“No buts, or you will get fired. Am I clear?” He asked in his menacing tone.
“Yes, sir.”
“Good. Get out.” Tom said, pointing to the door ahead. You scrambled to get out of the building, hoping to take the next train to the children’s hospital. You were going to spend the rest of the day with Ben, because you knew that he could cheer you up from this horrible day you had. Your first stop was McDonald's, so you could give him his favourite lunch; a happy meal with four chicken nuggets and an action figure he would collect in his hospital room. You got him one every week, and he kept every toy he got.
As you were ordering his food, you remembered the last time you got him a happy meal, and what he said to you.
“Next time, I want a Spider- Man toy!” He grinned as he saw the miniature Iron Man figure in the package.
“You really do love Spider-Man, huh?” You laughed as you watched him play with his toys
“Spider-Man saves the city, and he saves people. I know he’s going to save me too, Y/N/N. I dream about it.” He said, not looking away from his toys.
“Oh yeah? And where’s Spider-Man now?”
“He’s trying to find you a good job right now! I promise, he told me!”
“Miss?” The employee interrupted your thoughts as she handed you the bag.
“Thank you so much.” You grabbed the food and quickly scrambled outside, towards the nearest bus station, which luckily for you, was a couple metres down; right beside the building you work at, actually.
The hospital was about 20 minutes from your workplace, so it didn’t take long for you to get there. You couldn’t wait to see your brother. Your life was rough, and you only have him left. You want to keep him here for as long as possible.
Since you had the place memorized to the back of your head, you recognized the familiar room, and how they had Ben’s name outside his room. A sign he printed and coloured for himself. You walked in and smiled as you saw him colouring in his colouring book.
“Hey, bud.” You smiled, pulling up a chair and gently giving him a hug.
“Hi Y/N/N! I can't believe you’re here so early! I missed you.” He said as he nuzzled his face into your neck.
“I missed you too. I brought you something.” You grinned as you showed him the familiar happy meal package. He gasped out of shock.
“Do you think I got Spider-Man this time?” He asked, ripping open the package.
“I don't know, bud. Have a look for yourself.”
Turns out, he did get a Spider-Man toy, and boy, was Ben happy to see the little action figure, which definitely brought a smile to his face.
“I made a friend today, sis!” he said, while eating his chicken nuggets.
“Oh yeah? What’s his name?”
“Paddy. He said his family is coming to visit him tomorrow! Maybe you can meet them with me? He likes Spider-Man too!’ He exclaimed.
“Of course, bud. I would love to meet your new friend and his family. How about you finish up and I’ll read you a story okay?” Ben quickly finished his meal and you made sure to clean up the mess that he had made while doing so. Lately, he has been more tired, and you’re hoping that it’s because of the medication and not because of his illness. Especially since he started making friends. You definitely didn't want him to be lonely, and you were happy he found someone his age that could keep him occupied. 
“Can we watch a movie, Y/N?” He asked, as he made room for you on his bed.
“Of course we can watch a movie. I just can’t lay on your bed with you. You know that, kiddo.” You frowned as his smile faded. 
“I know, but I was hoping this time you would.” He sighed, but quickly turned the television on with the remote he had. Of course, he decided to put on Spider-Man. 
However, all you could think about was how you were going to go to work tomorrow, without a new outfit.
@fanficparker @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @magiclolipopqueen@organicpurplepants @delicately-important-trash@butterfliesinthenightsky @redstrawbbaby @shayke-and-bake@olivia1112 @lazymarvelfan @karlitabi-rrito @green-lxght@babylsn @sincerelyfan @awesomeaugustina @joycesld @xxr-88xx @czygrlm @ixchel-9275 @peterbxrnes @claredolphinbear24 @fakindob @superheroesaremytea @sltwins @a-dorky-book-keeper @vicisbookishblog @flemishbitch @van-horn-dashner @vintageroses1014516 @linnyalou @zabdisamor @its-the-unknownspidey @anxiousstark @quacksonsgivemelife @runway-to-my-aid @michellemxndes @quacksonsgivemelife @xximaweirdoxx @paradisiacalsparks @sithrhee @starsholland @spellbinding10 @uwupxterparker 
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fawad-khan · 4 years
Hey shrey! Can I get a ✨ of CEO! Haz?? 🙈 -(h-n-h)
Here it is! @hollandbroz-n-haz
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300 followers celebration
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pvterparkours · 6 years
Sincerely, Not Yours. (TEASER)
paring ; Harrison Osterfield x Female Reader
au ; ceo! harrison 
words ; 201
summary ; When Harold Spencer’s daughter’s casual summer fling comes back to bite her in the ass, literally, life seems to create an ever lasting domino effect upon the Spencer empire.
warning(s) ;  angst. sexual humour. mentions of criminal activity. smut. swearing. all the fluffy shit. drinking. slight mentions of rehab. did i mention angst?
authors note ; 
this story is very slow burn on the readers part. anything in italics is a flashback. i have given the reader a last name and named all their family members. but other than that its all still reader insert.
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The sheets move slightly as you roll over, fingers daintily tracing over the sleeping males back as you shift slightly to press a soft kiss to his shoulder blade before moving swiftly to gather your clothes. Buttoning your pants and clasping your bra back up your throw your hair over one shoulder as your turn to look at the male still asleep, watching as his chest rose and fell with every inhale and exhale of breath. Grabbing your shirt from the night before, you slip it on and use the back one of your fathers business cards to write a small note before you grab your remaining items, fix your hair and sneak out of the hotel room.
Harrison’s awake as soon as he hears the click of the hotel room door lock, his hand feels for his phone on the bedside table before rolling over onto his back, a series of unread messages from his family, business partners and Tom, all in that order. His eyes seem to snap focus on the white card on the opposing bedside table as he raises an eyebrow picking it up to read was wrote.
‘Thanks for an interesting night’               - sincerely, not yours.
@lafayettes-baguettes-1 // @beautiful-holland // @nillebrein // @the-claire-bitch-project // @lovelyh0lland // @jaebeanz // @darlintom 
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playbucky · 3 years
Could’ve been office love.
Part Three. You received an invite to Tom and Millie’s wedding. You can’t RSVP since you need to tell Tom that you’re leaving, but he has a melt down the night before his wedding and you come to the rescue one last time. Characters – Reader, Tom, OC Millie, Harrison. Word Count – 999. Part One | Part Two |
The envelope came in the mail three weeks later and it took your another week to find the courage to open it instead of flinging it straight into the bin. The gold cursive letter stood out against the blush pink, you read the information. ‘Mr Tom Holland and Miss Millie Anderson cordially invite you to your wedding, on the twenty-seventh of April.’ You read it once, twice and then a third time before chucking it back onto your counter before toque started the process of making your dinner, not once sparing] a glance it.
‘Hey, Y/N, I’m sorry to do this but he’s-‘ Harrison told you, you leaned back in the chair. ‘Panicking because he’s getting married tomorrow?’ You asked, the corner of your lips curled up when you heard Harrison chuckle. ‘Yeah.’ He replied. ‘And you’re the only one that can seem to talk some sense into him.’ Harrison told you. ‘Do you want me to talk him out the marriage?’ You asked Harrison. ‘No, he’s finally happy.’ Harrison told you, you nodded to yourself glad that he was moving on. ‘So me coming back and telling him to go ahead with it, oh and bye I won’t see you again will make him better?’ You asked Harrison, he scoffed before falling silent for a couple of seconds. ‘Look, he doesn’t know that your leaving I’ve stuck to the promise.’ Harrison told you, you nodded even though he couldn’t see it. ‘Good.’ ‘But when he’s back from his honeymoon, maybe even before he leaves he’s going to want to tell you how he is.’ Harrison started, you closed your eyes. ‘He’s been typing messages to you every day, but then deletes them before he sends them.’ Harrison finished, you let out a long breath. ‘Text me the address but I can only stay for ten minutes, I’m leaving soon.’ You reminded him. ‘I know. I’ll miss you.’ Harrison told you, you smiled sadly at your table as you stood up off the hard seat. ‘And I’ll miss you too, but you can always call.’ You reminded him. ‘Have a good time Y/N.’ He said, before the line went dead and you hung up, sliding your phone back into your pocket.  Grabbing your jacket from the coat hanger, you draped it over your arm, grabbing your suitcase and carry on before pulling it out the apartment. Locking the door you slid the key back through the letterbox and grabbed the handle of your case before pulling it down the hallway.
‘Y/N what are you doing here?’ Tom asked, shocked to see you standing there, you took in the sharp suit he was wearing. ‘Harrison called me.’ You said, keeping your hands close to your side. ‘I thought you hate me?’ He said, fixing his tie. ‘I still do, but you need to make sure your thinking clearly since your about to make a big commitment.’ You said, he glanced at you. ‘You’re trying to help me through a breakdown in order to get married to a woman you don’t like.’ He almost sobbed, letting out a thick chuckle when he finished using the back of his hands to rub his tear across his cheeks. ‘I don’t not like her, but if she makes your happy then you’re good.’ You told him, his face twisted into confusion. ‘She does.’ He admitted, you lowered your head and nodded before looking back at him. ‘That’s good.’ You told him. ‘You’re not coming tomorrow are you?’ He asked you shook your head. ‘I don’t think it’s best.’ ‘Theres something else you want to tell me.’ Tom stated, you pressed your lips together before nodding. ‘I won’t be around London anymore, been promoted to a position over in America, Boston actually.’ You told him, his eyebrows were almost touching as he tried to smile. ‘Thank you for telling me.’ ‘No problem, I really do hope you’ve made the right choice.’ You informed him, resting a hand on his forearm before you leaned forward and pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek his aftershave attacking your nose. ‘I need to go, but have a good day tomorrow.’ You said as you pulled away, resting your hands on his shoulders, ‘Make a life with her.’ You told him, purposely making eye contact with him. He nodded and you pulled away, turning you were greeted by Millie who was watching you with wide eyes, you sent her a smile as Tom quickly tried to wipe his tears away and stand up. ‘Millie.’ You said when you saw her move in your peripheral vision. You glanced at tom once more before you stood up and gave her a polite smile. ‘Y/N.’ She said as you walked over to her side. ‘Good luck for tomorrow.’ You told her, she looked at you shocked but nodded. ‘Thank you, let me walk yo to the door?’ She asked but didn’t give you time to answer as she walked behind you the short distance. ‘Look after him.’ You told Millie as you reached the front door, she glanced at you before nodding. ‘I will.’ She agreed, ‘Y/N, you’re really leaving?’ Millie sounded shocked, you gave her a smile not annoyed that she had listened into the conversation. ‘Yeah, my flight leaves in five hours and my stuff is being sold at the weekend.’ You told her. ‘I’m sorry how I treated you.’ She apologised, you shook your head. ‘It’s okay.’ You said, she quickly shook her head holding a hand up as she stepped closer to you. ‘It’s not.’ She replied, you stepped forward and meet her, resting your hands on her forearms making her looked at you. ‘Millie, just look after him, make sure you both have a happy life.’ You told her, she made eye contact with you before nodding. ‘Just walk down the aisle and spend the rest of your lives together as a happily married husband and wife.’ You continued, she took a deep breath before exhaling slowly.
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TAGS - @runawayolives @parkerpeterparker2004 @thenoddingbunny-blog @wanniiieeee 
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bigilante · 5 years
Could we get a blurb of haz taking you on his or your office desk please like with the last anon’s callous hands part?? Love your writing!!!
got carried away... smut under the cut
sleeping with the ceo of the company was highly unprofessional and risky but none of that crossed your mind the moment he had so abruptly grabbed a fistful of your hair while he backed you up to his desk. his free hand held your neck briefly before he slid it down your chest roughly cupping your breast over your top making you whimper when his teeth trapped your bottom lip between them.
"you're gonna be a good girl and be quiet, understood?" he prompted and naturally you confirmed with an enthusiastic nod, heart already thudding maniacally inside your sternum and core rapidly building moisture by the sole manner he had of handling you. "that's my girl." he grinned wickedly, thrilling you to no end to know what he was about to do to you and how there was still people working around his office.
he kissed you hard for a few seconds, his fingers digging on your cheeks as he force your mouth opened only to shamelessly spit in it and swiftly push his index and middle fingers inside it almost touching the back of you throat with the tips making you gag on them. your hands were occupied undoing his trousers and palming the outline of his hard cock trapped in the frabic. with agile movements he made you turn around so he could bend you over the desk, desperately tugging your tight skirt up your hips bunching it up around your waist.
"mmh, is this for me, darling?" he asked lowly, his voice deep and husky causing your cunt to throb for him, you hummed affirmatively. his rough and calloused hands ran over your backside, careful fingers touching the black lacey lingerie set you wore for him that luckily didn't go unnoticed by the man. "thanks, gorgeous. i love it." his sandpaper like palm caressing the back of your thigh pulling at the suspenders of your garter and letting them go so they slapped your skin prompting you to flinch and hiss in pleasure.
his fingers pushed your thong aside to clear the way for his throbbing cock to slide inside your awaiting sex. pushing in so harshly and suddenly that he knocked the air out of your lungs as he started pounding into you. his hands rapidly gathered your arms and brought them to your back crossing your wrists and holding them there with a strong grip whilst his other one pulled at your hair.
it was so hard to keep quiet with the way he was taking you, you knew how rough he was sometimes in bed but you didn't thought he would ever fuck you like that in his office. you had given him blowjobs there before and he had had his hand inside your pants as well but he never dared to fully do you in the workplace. "baby," you wheezed, trying to let him know you were struggling to keep your pleasure quiet.
"sshh, i'm almost there." he breathed out heavily, his hands tightening their grips. you couldn't help but let out a strangled whine when he started to hit the perfect spot inside you. "be fucking quiet." he gritted his teeth, bringing you up to him by your hair and clasping the hand that once held your hands behind your back over your mouth. you moaned into his palm, scratching the surface of his desk as the pleasure became extremely unbearable, you knew he was close when his fingers let go of your hair to travel down to your clit massaging it in tight, rapid circles to make you cum before him.
"god!" the moan was muffled by his hand covering your mouth, your orgasm hitting so hard it felt like you were going to pass out. his cock twitched and pulsated inside your drenched pussy as he coated your walls with his warm load, shallow breaths fanning on your temple.
"you're gonna keep my cum there until i take you home, okay?" he instructed as he pulled out and readjusted your underwear. "you did not obeyed me, darling. it's gonna be a long night for you." he said groggily, his fingers slowly tugging your skirt back down. his words made you short of breath, flashbacks of the last time you disobeyed causing you to clench around nothing. "now get out of my office." he ordered, swatting your ass harshly before doing his trousers up and plopping down on his chair watching you walk awkwardly towards the locked door.
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Hello, i’m Nicole and this is how my fic rec account works :)
this is a side blog to my main @happytsholland because i felt like i needed a space and blog to share all my favourite gigs without clogging up my feed. this is used for mainly harrison and the other boys but i will also use it for other fics i like and they shall have there own tag.
posts can be found under the according hashtag
so #/tomhollandficrec for a tom a tom fic and the same for each of the boys (harry sam paddy tom and haz)
they will also be categorised by genre #/tomhollandsmut (fluff and angst also) and for each boy again.
feel free to send me any fics you would like to appear on here and i will read and reblog accordingly
au’s will also be tagged like mob!au will be tagged as #\mob!tom and #/kohtom for example and the same for the other boys
the hashtags below can be used as a sort of master list but you can also search my blog
i can’t think of anything else rn, if you have any questions please ask. don’t be afraid :)
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farfromharry · 4 years
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requested - *
total word count - 1k
spam likers will be blocked !!
you cancel your meetings for harrison - 0.3k*
your daughter draws harrison a picture - 0.3k*
your boss comforts you through your breakup - 0.4k*
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