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adriannaliggions · 10 months ago
Top 5 Most deadliest dogs breeds in the world 👿🔥#shorts
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rebeleden · 11 months ago
Monster Alabai - Central Asian Shepherd Dog #shorts
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pochaunnuswalker · 1 year ago
6 most deadliest dog breeds in the world 😡🔥 #shorts
I have to go to prison every room shall get one huh dumb ass guilty muthafucking period the water slide park in Madison Co is for the surveys goddamnit retarded muthafuckas wanna try me huh dumb ass John Louis the baptise aka e Lynn Harris retarded muthafuckas wanna try me and I'll throw your ass off the commissary floor roof again muthafucka try me
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handsss48-blog · 2 years ago
Watch "Pitbull Puppy and German Shepard funny fight 😱🔥😈💪#pitbull #germanshepherd #shorts #viral" on YouTube
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rocadog · 2 years ago
Comparsion of #CaucasianShepherd and #CentralAsianShepherd.  
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dangerrobinson · 3 years ago
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It’s about to go down! Well, more like everywhere. I sure am going to miss this puppers, and everyone else. They say home is where the heart is. I’m coming to find out it’s the people that makes us feel at home. If you have people that make you feel comfy around you hug them. You’re both lucky. To all my friends, I love you and if we didn’t see each other on this trip it’s not my last one. ;) don’t worry. #nomad #roadtrip #5thwheelliving #journeyman #unioniron #union #labordayisforlaborers #shitgoldpissexcellence #centralasianshepherd #dogs #k9 #bigdog (at Guatay, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTfUwQcpofk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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iamdogtrainer · 5 years ago
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Designer dogs aren’t new, its how every breed came about in the dog kingdom. You better believe their were people on the other side of aisle telling Von Stephanitz (creator of the German Shepherd) to not create another breed. Without crossing or creating for a purpose, the majority of breeds you own and love today wouldn’t exist. . . The dog pictured is a cross between a Central Asian Ovtcharka and Pitbull. Don’t know the story behind this dog and the intention of the crossing of the two breeds but if anyone can hip me to it I would appreciate it. . . What I do know is the crossing of these two breeds can be demoralizing for other “Guard Dog” breeds. The intensity, high Prey drive and grit of the Pitbull and the instincts of Guard as well as the defense drive they bring. Along with the durability of both breeds in most environments. I can continue on and on but I believe you get it. This cross would be too much for the beginner or even average handler. . . Let’s hope it doesn’t become a fad, in the wrong hands this dog hybrid can be a dangerous #boom #bigdog #bulldogs #mastiffs #dogstagram #dogtrainer #manmade #englishbulldogs #history #instadogs #puppies #pitbull #protectiondogs #monsters #centralasianshepherd #dangerous #mixedbreed #hybrid (at Homebase) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCGF7voHAvs/?igshid=8o43ks9mt7
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dogsintheworld3142016 · 6 years ago
ALABAI Puppies From #Kyrgyzstan 🇰🇬 @aladja2006 ❤ ❤ ❤ #wdogsintheworld #alabai #centralasianshepherd #cao #bigdog #alabaipuppy #puppies #puppiesdog #centralasianshepherddog #whitedog #asiadog https://www.instagram.com/p/BvlV1irAqYp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t3r015dtp2jj
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superdogmal · 3 years ago
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CASD) is one of the most ancient breeds of dogs. They were formed as a breed from natural selection during more than four thousand years in the vast territory Regions of Central Asia. The native breed called “Alabai” historically common among Central Asian peoples
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rebeleden · 2 years ago
Watch "Top 5 Deadly Dog Breeds In the World!! 🥵🔥🔥 #shorts" on YouTube
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pochaunnuswalker · 1 year ago
6 most deadliest dog breeds in the world 😡🔥 #shorts
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anastgal · 4 years ago
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Репост от @yana_novopashina UPD: Повторяю пост по КАВКАЗСКОМУ ОВЧАРУ! Откликов нет, а собака тем временем тихо умирает на заброшенной базе😭 . 📛ЭТО ФОТО Я ДЕЛАЛА ВЕСНОЙ, КОГДА СПАСАЛА ДРУГУЮ СОБАКУ, В КАКОМ СОСТОЯНИИ СЕЙЧАС ОН Я НЕ ЗНАЮ😭 . 📛РЕБЯТА ЭТО БЕДА, БЕДОВАЯ😭😭😭 . Я не знаю почему, но всех больших собак я забирала от выходцев с Кавказа☹ . #кайра_кавкавзскаяовчарка была у них тоже на базе и рожала постоянно от этого кобеля, её отдали весной этого года и я смогла её быстро пристроить в хорошие руки, но О НЁМ ГОВОРИЛИ: "ОН НАМ НУЖЕН" . #кавказец_навыброс . В итоге этот красавец, огромный, 90 см в холке, среднеазиаткий овчар, был предан хоз��евами, выходцы из Армении, один на заброшенной базе, никому не нужный, один раз в неделю батон размоченный водой, наверное, чтобы не сдох😭😭😭 . ✅ПОИСК КУРАТОРА ✅ФИН. КУРАТОРОВ ✅ПЕРЕДЕРЖКА . ОТ СЕБЯ ЛИЧНО, МОГУ СЪЕЗДИТЬ ОТЛОВИТЬ И ПРИВЕЗТИ!!! . ☎️8 903 729 08 80 #зао #среднеазиатскаяовчарка #алабай #азиат #волкодав #большаясобака #centralasianshepherd #caucasianovcharka #caucasianshepherd #ko #volkodav #alabay #kavkaz #dogs #кавказскаяовчарка #кавказец #ко #собакагигант #топфото #серьезнаяпородасобак #собака #кангал #тобет #рабочиесобаки #сао #среднеазиатскаяовчарка #алабай #азиат #волкодав #большаясобака #centralasianshepherd #caucasianovcharka #caucasianshepherd #ko #volkodav #alabay #kavkaz #dogs #кавказскаяовчарка #кавказец #ко #собакагигант #топфото #серьезнаяпородасобак #собака #кангал #тобет https://www.instagram.com/p/CGjcQbfngYg/?igshid=o2be4zxf6qpt
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alabai-and-kangal-bff · 4 years ago
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🐼🖤🦡 #alabai #centralasianshepherd #ast #americanstafordshireterrier #bed #pillow #naptime (at Detroit, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6k07_hYos/?igshid=1b2ilay66y1ao
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63dog · 5 years ago
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☑ В хендлинг-зале Тольятти на бульваре Ленина 21 не нужно вытирать лапы и переобуваться. ✅ Занимайтесь хендлингом, а не чисткой! 🐾 ☎ Запись по телефону 📞 8 (917) 961-14-76. 👉 Подробности о работе хендлинг-зала на сайте https://shigaev-roman.jimdo.com/хендлинг-зал/ #хэндлингзал #хендлерытольятти #хендлерТольятти #хендлингзалтольятти #хендлингзал #алабай #азиат #alabai #centralasianshepherddog #shepherddog #shepherd #centralasianshepherd #handler_tlt #handlertlt #handlingroomtlt (at Дог-центр Тольятти: дрессировка, хендлинг-зал) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_7gAy2g3SN/?igshid=1cgvhwk4q2c5j
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iamdogtrainer · 6 years ago
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This is today’s Alabai and what the breed is turning into. A dog that’s bigger than life, where conformation is before purpose in a breed that still serves a purpose. This is the beginning of the “show world” poking its ugly head. . . With that all said, I’ll still own him if he was mine.... . . #alabai #centralasianshepherd #mastiff #dog #dogs #puppies #dogstagram #instadog #instagood #russia #bullykutta #presacanario #neopolitanmastiff #canecorso #boerboel #dogoargentino #bourdeaux #greatdane #pets #family #protection (at Corona Dos Lagos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrgfcuinYgX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gcx5o1keoxpm
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dogsintheworld3142016 · 6 years ago
Young Queen of Beauty TIBETAN MASTIFF #tibetanmastiff From #bulgaria 🇧🇬 👨 B.D #tibetanmastiff #mastiff #tibetanmastiffway #tibetan #tobet #asia #centralasianshepherd #georgianshepherd #tibetanmastifflove #tibetanmastiffdog #molosser #molossus https://www.instagram.com/p/BuwBqNTA0gW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1u594wz8i08f4
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