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and then my thermo teacher called the Brayton cycle the MASTER cycle....... and all my years of ao3 lurking caught up to me and i was rendered incapable of opening my mouth bc if i had, i would've CACKLED like you do NOT understand
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eaudavie · 2 years ago
Cengel bulmaca da buldugum her sey exlerimin isimleri imdat
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acid-gramma · 2 years ago
yapiskanli cengeller hangisi nej atabilir misin
ya yoyosodan almistim birrr suru ama artik bitmis onlar da bi aralar bi alana bi bedava fln yapmislardi tukenmis sitesinde de bulamadim ama okula birkac tane goturmustum onlari kullanicam
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
İçişleri'nden çift 'Çengel'
İçişleri'nden çift 'Çengel'
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81 ilde jandarma ve polis tarafından yapılan ‘Çengel-14’ ve ‘Çengel-15’ operasyonlarında toplamda 136 bin 904 litre sahte alkol ve etil alkol ele geçirildi. 279 şüpheli hakkında işlem yapılırken, 21 adet yasa dışı sahte alkol imalathanesi ise deşifre edildi.
ANKARA (İGFA) – İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya, sahte alkol üretenlere ve satanlara karşı 81 ilde gerçekleşen biri Jandarma, diğeri de Emniyet koordinesindeki iki ayrı ‘Çengel’ operasyonlarına ilişkin paylaşımda bulundu.
Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı KOM Daire Başkanlığı koordinesinde İl Jandarma Komutanlıklarınca düzenlenen “Çengel-14” operasyonunda 77 bin 495 litre sahte alkol ve etil alkol, 4 bin 679 adet sahte bandrol ele geçirildiğini duyuran Bakan Yerlikaya,  9 adet yasa dışı sahte alkol imalathanesinin deşifre edildiğini, sahte alkol üretimi yaptığı tespit edilen 73 şüpheli hakkında işlem yapıldığını açıkladı.
81 ilde jandarmamız ve Polisimiz tarafından yapılan “ÇENGEL-14 ve ÇENGEL-15 operasyonlarımızda; ????136 Bin 904 litre Sahte Alkol ve Etil Alkol ele geçirildi. ????279 şüpheli hakkında işlem yapıldı. ????21 adet yasa dışı sahte alkol imalathanesi deşifre edildi.
Toplumumuzun… pic.twitter.com/QmuIDjgIuF
— Ali Yerlikaya (@AliYerlikaya) December 26, 2024
Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü KOM Başkanlığı koordinesinde İl Emniyet Müdürlüklerince düzenlenen “Çengel-15” operasyonunda  ise 44 bin 796 litre etil alkol, 14 bin 613 litre sahte alkol, 10 bin 391 adet sahte bandrol, 5 bin 347 adet alkol aroması ile çok sayıda boş şişe ve etiket ele geçirildiğini duyuran Bakan Yerlikaya, 12 adet yasa dışı sahte alkol imalathanesi deşifre edilerek, 206 şüpheli hakkında işlem yapıldığını bildirdi.
Baka Yerlikaya sosyal medya hesabından yaptığı paylaşımda, sahte alkol üreticilerine karşı mücadelelerinde halkımızın desteğine dikkati çekti. 
“Şüpheli durumları bize bildirin. Biz gereğini yapalım” diyen Bakan Yerlikaya, “Gelir İdaresi Başkanlığı’nın taşra birimlerinin de katıldığı polisimizin yaptığı operasyonlarda yapılan değerlendirmede yaklaşık 74 milyon TL’lik vergi kaybının da önüne geçildi. Operasyonları gerçekleştiren kahraman jandarmamızı ve kahraman polislerimizi tebrik ediyorum” ifadelerini kullandı.
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antiquesartcuriosity-wood · 4 months ago
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Bu aynanin kalin yanlari bana Kazak veya Rus tarzini animsatiyor. Yorelere gore ahsap isleme farkli. Avrupa olsa kenarlari illa ki simetrik ve ince islerdi. Hani olaki kalin olacaksa, boyle z ekseninde degil x ve y eksenlerinde kalinliga giderdi. Insan akli bolgelere gore degisiyor.
Ekstradan iki kalin kenarin uzerine dort yaprakli grafiksel birer cicek islenmis. Cicek ust kisimlarina gidildiginde ahsap oymasi cengel olacak sekilde, yaprakmis gibi bir rolyefe donusturulmus.
Marangozluk olarak bu tarzi ilk Kazakistan`da esimin genc kizligindaki evinde gordum. Avrupa veya Turkiye bu tarzi bilmiyor.
Antikalar, koleksiyonculuk ve farklilik avciligi. Normal gozun goremeyecegi seyleri gorme egitimidir. Bu detaylari her goz gormuyor. cogu kisinin gozleri tembel.
Isin daha da ilginc yani, okadar kasilip kasilip ben suyum buyum diyenler de bunlari gormuyorlar. Cunku Antika okulda egitilmez, bakip gormeyi bilmek ailede verilen bir egitim. Kusura bakmayin zengin fakir farketmez, zengin de olsan mal gibi bunlari gormeyebilirsin. Bu egitim elit gozlerin verecegi egitimdir. Alan da elit gozlere sahip olur. Bu elit gozler nerden gelirse gelsin cevheri gorecek keskinliktedir. Dunya`d esitlik yok, kiminin gozleri bunlari gorur, kiminin elleri bunlari uretmeye kabiliyetlidir. Ve bu kisiler hep azinliktadir. Dini etnisitesi fark etmez, degerli kisilerdir.
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educationtech · 7 months ago
10 Best Mechanical Engineering Books to Read in 2024 - ACEIT
As a mechanical engineering student, having a solid foundation in the core principles & concepts of the field is crucial. Here are some of top mechanical engineering books that are must-reads for students:
1. Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design by Richard Budynas and Keith Nisbett
This comprehensive textbook covers machine design fundamentals, including stress analysis, materials selection, and failure prevention. It provides a practical approach to designing machine components and is considered a standard reference for mechanical engineers.
2. Marks' Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers edited by Ali Sadegh and William Worek
First published in 1916, this handbook has been a go-to resource for mechanical engineers for over a century. It covers a wide range of topics, from thermodynamics and heat transfer to manufacturing processes and materials science. The latest edition emphasizes emerging technologies and trends in the field.
3. Machinery's Handbook by Erik Oberg, Franklin Jones, Holbrook Horton, and Henry Ryffel
This reference book is essential for anyone working in the manufacturing industry. It provides detailed information on machinery, metalworking, manufacturing, and even architecture. The handbook is divided into sections for easy navigation and includes formulas, charts, and tables for quick reference.
4. Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach by Yunus Cengel and Michael Boles
This textbook offers a clear and concise introduction to the principles of thermodynamics. It uses a practical approach to help students develop an intuitive understanding of the subject matter. The book includes numerous examples and illustrations to reinforce the concepts.
5. Fluid Mechanics by Frank White
Fluid mechanics is a fundamental subject in mechanical engineering, and this textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the topic. It covers both theoretical and practical aspects of fluid flow, including viscous flow in pipes, boundary layer theory, and compressible flow. The book also includes numerous examples and practice problems.
6. Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications by Yunus Cengel and Afshin Ghajar
This textbook offers a well-rounded introduction to the principles of heat and mass transfer. It covers both steady-state and transient heat transfer, as well as mass diffusion. The book includes numerous examples and illustrations to help students understand the concepts and apply them to real-world situations.
7. Strength of Materials by Stephen Timoshenko and James Gere
This classic textbook provides a solid foundation in the principles of solid mechanics. It covers topics such as stress, strain, torsion, and bending, and includes numerous examples and practice problems. The book is widely used in undergraduate mechanical engineering programs.
8. Engineering Mechanics: Statics and Dynamics by Russell Hibbeler
This two-volume textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the principles of engineering mechanics. Volume 1 covers statics, while Volume 2 covers dynamics. The book includes numerous examples and practice problems, as well as detailed illustrations to help students visualize the concepts.
9. Manufacturing Processes for Engineering Materials by Serope Kalpakjian and Steven Schmid
This textbook provides a detailed overview of the various manufacturing processes used in engineering, including casting, forming, machining, and joining. It covers the principles, equipment, and applications of each process, and includes numerous examples and illustrations.
10. Mechanical Vibrations by Singiresu Rao
Vibrations are an important consideration in mechanical design, and this textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic. It covers both single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom systems and includes numerous examples and practice problems. The book also includes a chapter on finite element analysis of vibrations. There are so many colleges in Jaipur but Arya College of Engineering & I.T. is the best college in Jaipur Rajasthan that provides a solid foundation in the core principles and concepts of mechanical engineering. By studying these books and applying the concepts to real-world problems, students can develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in their careers as mechanical engineers.
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shraddhamatre · 8 months ago
Recognizing the GATE Exam 
For engineering graduates in India, the acclaimed Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) offers a gateway to a world of options. For students studying mechanical engineering, the GATE exam serves as a springboard for further study, research, and professional development in both academia and business. This article provides a thorough analysis of the GATE test's importance for mechanical engineering students as well as tips for successful exam preparation.
The GATE ExamOn behalf of the National Coordination Board, the Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) jointly administer the GATE test. GATE's main goal is to assess students' thorough comprehension of a range of scientific and engineering undergraduate courses. The Ministry of Education and other government organizations provide financial support for postgraduate programs (M.E., M.Tech, and Ph.D.) in Indian higher education institutions. The scores are utilized for admission to these programs. Furthermore, a lot of Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) employ GATE results in their hiring processes.
Importance for Mechanical Engineers Pursuing Higher Education: Securing admission to esteemed universities such as IITs and NITs for M.Tech or Ph.D. programs might be facilitated by a strong GATE score. This broadens a mechanical engineer's knowledge base and improves their capacity for research. Scholarships and Financial Aid: The Ministry of Education offers scholarships and stipends to qualifying GATE applicants, which can help considerably with the cost of postgraduate education. PSU Recruitment: GATE results are taken into account for recruiting by a number of top PSUs, including ONGC, IOCL, BHEL, and GAIL. In some companies, a strong score might instantly result in a lucrative employment offer. Career Advancement: A strong GATE score might result in promotions and chances for advanced jobs within the firms that currently employ specialists in the field.
Exam Structure and Content Both multiple-choice (MCQ) and numerical answer type (NAT) questions are present in the GATE test. The mechanical engineering paper addresses subjects like:
Technical Applied Mechanics and Design in Mathematics Thermal Sciences and Fluid Mechanics Industrial engineering, materials, and manufacturing The first step to properly studying for the GATE is to grasp the comprehensive syllabus and test format.
Strategies for Preparation Structured Study Plan: Make a thorough study schedule that addresses every topic in the curriculum. Set aside certain times for each subject and make sure you adhere to the program.
High-quality Study Resources: Consult reputable professionals for advice on reference books and standard textbooks. "Engineering Mechanics" by Shames, "Thermodynamics" by Cengel and Boles, and "Manufacturing Science" by Amitabha Ghosh are a few well-liked options for mechanical engineering.
Online Resources and Coaching: If required, sign up for coaching sessions or online courses. Practice exams, video lectures, and study guides specifically designed for GATE preparation are available on several reliable sites.
Frequent Practice and Revision: It's important to practice consistently. Examine past years' question papers and take practice exams to gain insight into the format of the examination and enhance time management abilities. It takes frequent rewriting to maintain concepts' freshness.
Target Weak Areas: Determine which areas need improvement and devote additional work to them. If you need assistance, ask your classmates or mentors.
Stay Up to Date: Remain informed of any modifications to the syllabus or test format. Regularly pay attention to official notices and changes.
In overview For students studying mechanical engineering who want to advance in their studies and careers, the GATE test is an essential first step. Achieving a high score is possible with focused work and a well-organized preparation plan. The work is justified because of the benefits it offers in terms of professional potential, financial advantages, and academic opportunities. Accept the challenge, put in the necessary preparation, and you'll unlock the door to a prosperous future in mechanical engineering.
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm 
Recomended: https://www.youtube.com/@gblions / https://www.youtube.com/@gblionsaeje 
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engbooky · 1 year ago
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textileebook · 1 year ago
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, 10th Edition PDF by Yunus A Cengel, Michael A Boles, and Mehmet Kanoğlu
Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, Tenth Edition By Yunus A. Cengel, Michael A. Boles, and Mehmet Kanoğlu Contents: CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION AND BASIC CONCEPTS 1 1–1 Thermodynamics and Energy 2 Application Areas of Thermodynamics 3 1–2 Importance of Dimensions and Units 4 Some SI and English Units 6 Dimensional Homogeneity 8 Unity Conversion Ratios 9 1–3 Systems and Control Volumes 10 1–4…
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outstanding-student-team · 1 year ago
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Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences 6th Edition Cengel SOLUTION MANUAL Test Bank & Solutions Manual
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Day 4/100 of The 100 Days of Productivity Challenge
Today I:
slept for 3 hours
woke up at 6am
had a proper breakfast
attended classes for Numerical Methods (matlab is super fun) and Compressible Aerodynamics (studied mach number and speed of sound, flow regimes at different mach numbers, did some mathematical derivations, more like stuff we've already studied in earlier courses but i liked it cause now it's from a compressible perspective.) The rest of the day was free so that was nice. came back to my room and had a 3 hour nap
had two teas and a slush to hydrate
read up on Heat Transfer (this cengel guy really writes good books y'all. heat and mass transfer looks like an epic book)
walked ~ 6.5k steps (the biking yesterday destroyed me istg)
(TW)food: ~ 1200cals
calories burned: 190
moisturized and stuff (lmao)
watched The Wind Rises for inspo (oh man amazing stuff. a. aesthetic, b. motivation)
Song of the Day: Vance Joy - Missing Piece
Album of the Day: Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
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ebooksforstudents · 2 years ago
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Heat and Mass Transfer: Fundamentals and Applications, 6th Edition (Solution Manual)
Product details:
By Yunus Cengel, Afshin Ghajar
Publisher:‎ McGraw Hill; 6th edition (March 21, 2019)
Language:‎ English
ISBN-10:‎ 0073398195
ISBN-13:‎ 978-0073398198
To get more information about this please send us an E-mail to:
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agorarezervasyon · 3 years ago
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@cengelofficial Pazartesi Gecesi @kadiratacofficial sizlerle ☎️05335802938 . . . . #muzik #muzikmekanlari #cankaya #cengel #çengeldeyiz #kutlama #canlimuzik #eğlencemekanlari #eğlence #arabesk #popmuzik #osesturkiye (Çengel) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cf1IfccoM9R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pazaryerigundem · 2 months ago
Bursa'da binlerce litre sahte alkole Çengel! 2 tutuklama
Bursa'da binlerce litre sahte alkole Çengel! 2 tutuklama
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İçişleri Bakanlığı’nın bir süredir sürdürdüğü sahte alkol üretimine yönelik ‘Çengel’ operasyonlarının 12’ncisi Bursa’da düzenlendi. Üretim yaptığı tespit edilen iki kişi tutuklandı.
BURSA (İGFA) – Bursa’da sahte alkol üretimine yönelik düzenlenen “ÇENGEL-12” operasyonunda, 5 Bin 740 şişe sahte alkol ele geçirildi.
Bursa Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığı ile Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğü KOM Başkanlığı koordinasyonunda; Bursa İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü KOM Şube Müdürlüğünce yapılan çalışmalar sonucu; Osmangazi ve İnegöl ilçelerinde sahte alkol üretimi yaptığı tespit edilen şahıslara yönelik düzenlenen “ÇENGEL-12” operasyonunu İçişleri Bakanı Ali Yerlikaya duyurdu.
Bakan Yerlikaya, operasyonda 5 bin 740 şişe sahte alkol,  450 adet sahte bandrol ve  160 adet sahte karekod etiketi ele geçirildiğini kaydetti.
Sahte alkol üretimi yaptığı tespit edilen 2 şüphelinin yakalandığını duyuran Bakan Yerlikaya, emniyetteki işlemleri sonrasında adli makamlarca tutuklandığını duyurdu. 
Vatandaşların can güvenliği ve sağlığını korumak için sahte alkol üretimine karşı operasyonların kararlılıkla devam ettiğini belirten Bakan Yerlikaya, “Operasyonu koordine eden Bursa Cumhuriyet Başsavcılığımızı ve operasyonu gerçekleştiren Kahraman Polislerimizi tebrik ediyorum” dedi.
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fyeahcindie · 6 years ago
Just read this feature this morning, and now I wanna share it with you!  This is The HU. The author (KATYA CENGEL) is describing them as metal, but I just think it’s folk rock. Very intense sound, and the ‘throat-singing’ makes it all the more intense.  It is really cool stuff!�� =D
2 songs at bandcamp and YouTube. Definitely click the CC button for the English subtitles!
Bayarmagnai Dashdondog aka Dashka-Producer/Songwriter,  TS. Galbadrakh aka Gala-Vocal/Khuur (Horse Head Fiddle), Nyamjantsan Galsanjamts aka Jaya-Khuur?, Temuulen Naranbaatar aka Temka-Mongolian guitar.
Yuve Yuve Yu is my favorite of the 2 songs (full album coming in 2019), it’s a really bluesy feel with a singalong at the end of the verses translated as ‘how strange, how strange’:
The above article has the title "Yuve Yuve Yu" translated as ‘What's going on?'
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shraddhamatre · 9 months ago
 A Complete Guide to HAL MECH Exam Preparation
An extremely tough exam, the HAL MECH (Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Mechanical) is taken by prospective mechanical engineers who want to work for one of India's top aerospace businesses. The purpose of this test is to evaluate a candidate's mechanical engineering aptitude, problem-solving skills, and technical knowledge. A planned approach, including a deep comprehension of the syllabus, efficient study methods, and a disciplined mentality, is necessary to prepare for the HAL MECH exam. This thorough guide will help you ace the HAL MECH test.
Recognizing the syllabus and exam pattern Prior to starting to prepare, it is essential to comprehend the syllabus and exam format. Technical and General Aptitude are the two sections that make up the standard HAL MECH test. While the General Aptitude exam evaluates reasoning, math skills, and general awareness, the Technical section measures fundamental mechanical engineering concepts.
Section Technical:
Thermodynamics: The laws of thermodynamics, concepts of energy, work, and heat, and their applications. Bernoulli's equation, fluid flow measurement, fluid properties, and fluid statics and dynamics are all covered in fluid mechanics. Strength of Materials: Torsion, shear force, bending moments, stress, strain, and beam deflection. Machine Design: Fracturemechanics, fatigue, and failure theories are all covered in this course.
Heat Transfer: Conduction, convection, radiation, and heat exchangers are examples of heat transfer modes. Metal forming, welding, machining, casting, and material science are all examples of manufacturing technology. Industrial engineering includes quality control, inventory management, and production planning and control. Section on General Aptitude: Arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation are examples of quantitative aptitude. Logical reasoning involves problem-solving, pattern recognition, and analytical reasoning. General Awareness: fundamental science, current events, and general knowledge.
Practical Study Methods Make a Study Schedule: Break up the syllabus into digestible sections and give each topic a set amount of time. Comprehensive coverage is ensured by a well-structured plan, free from hurried last-minute preparation.
Consult the Standard Textbooks: Make use of common textbooks such as Cengel and Boles' "Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach," Frank M. White's "Fluid Mechanics," and R.K. Bansal's "Strength of Materials." These books offer lots of practice problems along with thorough explanations.
Practice Previous Year Papers: Completing prior year papers facilitates comprehension of the exam format, question patterns, and time management. It also emphasizes key subjects that are tested on a regular basis in the exam.
Take Mock Exams: By simulating the real exam setting, regular mock exams will help you assess your level of preparation and pinpoint areas that still require work. Examine your performance following each to monitor your development.
Focus on Weak Areas: Recognize your weak areas and work to strengthen them by going over material again, working through more challenges, and asking peers or mentors for assistance.
Keep Up to Date: Use mobile apps made for competitive exam preparation, read newspapers, and visit websites covering current events to stay informed about the General Awareness part.
Sustaining an Organized Thought Process Remain Consistent: When studying for a test, consistency is essential. Don’t procrastinate; follow your study plan. Keep Yourself Healthy: A sound body corresponds with a sound mind. Make sure you consume a healthy diet, exercise frequently, and get enough sleep. Remain Upbeat: Studying for exams can be demanding. To prevent burnout, keep a positive outlook, engage in mindfulness or meditation, and take pauses. Participate in Study Groups: Study groups can offer encouragement, support, and a variety of viewpoints on difficult subjects. Interacting with peers maintains your accountability and motivation.
Last Words The HAL MECH exam preparation process is a demanding one that requires commitment, careful planning, and persistent work. Your odds of success can be increased by being aware of the exam format, applying efficient study strategies, and keeping a disciplined mindset. Recall that the secret to aceing any competitive exam is to take a well-rounded strategy that incorporates diligence, astute research, and a positive outlook. Wishing you luck!
Start Your Preparation With: https://gameacademy.in/ / https://clppenny.page.link/cTBm
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