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monriatitans · 1 year ago
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I mentioned today I would be recording a Let’s Read Some $#!7 video and uploading it to YouTube. I did: https://youtu.be/hiijuXi6cuc You can also go to YouTube and search handle *@monriatitans* I read PORTIONS of 2 books: 1. The Book of Celtic Myths by Jennifer Emick 2. The Faerie Handbook by The Editors of Faerie Magazine Interested in grabbing the books? The above are [affiliate] links to do

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qzombies · 1 year ago
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Hey hey,
I have been working on reimagine my spirituality and hope to be bringing more to this page. It has been a deep dive on overdrive for me into gnostic phenomenon and Christianity’s PAGAN past. There is a LOT of witchy stuff that the early church was into and they got wickedly hypocritical as time went on. I hope to dive into a little bit of that here.
There is a Cathedral Lugo in Spain where a rich tradition of Celtic lore still survives. Back when the church was spreading, it adopted gods of the local traditions
as Pagan as you can get. Here the Celts worshipped Lugh, who is a god of light, healing, poetry, smiths, and many more craftsman. It should be noted that Archangel Michael is also noted for presiding over prayers directed by artisans, craftsman, healers, and is a bringer of light! They also have connections to sailors and are capable warriors. Michael is noted besting Lucifer and Lugh the Fomorians. Two representatives of the Titan-esque unbridled raw power that is seen as destructive.
I put this together for my altar space that I am still putting together, as my original one broke in the move and I am broke so I have to find some cheap way to replace it 😓
See you next time
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visually-corrupted · 1 year ago
Does your PĂșca like my crystal chakra? #dailyinkmonster #irishfolklore #celticmyth
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maevefinnartist · 1 year ago
hhhhhh I submitted my St Brigid portrait to Herstory Ireland's open call for artists for the light show thing they do in County Kildare every year for Lå Fhéile Bríd (this one being super special because it's the 1500th anniversary of her birth) AND THEY PICKED MINE (top left)
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the post on their Facebook reads:
We are delighted to reveal some of the chosen artwork for the #Herstory Light Shows as part of the Brigid 1500 Festival in Kildare on the 31st January and the 1st February 2024.
Today we are sharing the artists Margaret McKenna @celticmyths
Sue Ellen Parkinson sue.ellen.parkinson
Maeve Finn @maevefinnartist
Ana Colomer @artwithanaennis
Aoife Cawley @aoifecawleyart
Catherine Mc Gagh @cmcgaghart
"This year we were thrilled to receive so many new incredible artworks from Ireland, Northern Ireland, USA, Canada, Germany, and Great Britain. Over the coming days we will share more of the artists.
In many ways Ireland is still catching up with the visionary Saint Brigid, 1500 years after she lived. It’s wonderful to see her continue to spark artists and activists in Ireland and across the world today. Brigid is a bottomless well of inspiration and wisdom!
This year’s theme is the Old Irish saying: 'There’s room for everyone under Brigid’s cloak'. In these divisive times, St. Brigid calls us to remember our true humanity, bringing a message of inclusion, harmony, and healing.
The Goddess Brigid was a pan-European Celtic goddess, honoured from Turkey to Spain. Saint Brigid ran a thriving monastery in Kildare and her true Christian message spread through pilgrimages far across Europe.
This year Herstory is delighted to partner again with Kildare County Council, CreativeIrl and Dodeca Ireland for the wonderful Brigid 1500 Festival in celebration of St. Brigid’s 1500 year anniversary.
Join us for the spectacular illuminations in Clane, Athy, Newbridge and Naas, with performances by fire-dancers on the 31st January and the 1st February 2024.
@wicklowwillow will also host family friendly Brigid Cross-making and Brat Bhride workshops in Newbridge and Clane. You can sign up for these free workshops at the event on the night.
All events are free and open to the public.
For more details see www.herstory.ie"
if any of my Irish followers plan on going to this event PLEEEEEASE send me pictures!
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coloursofunison · 5 months ago
I'm delighted to welcome Linnea Tanner and her new book, Apollo's Raven, to the blog #HistoricalFantasy #HistoricalFiction #AncientRome #Britannia #CelticMyth #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub
I'm delighted to welcome Linnea Tanner and her new book, Apollo's Raven, to the blog #HistoricalFantasy #HistoricalFiction #AncientRome #Britannia #CelticMyth #BlogTour #TheCoffeePotBookClub @linneatanner @thecoffeepotbookclub @linneatanner @cathiedunn
I’m delighted to welcome Linnea Tanner and her new book, Apollo’s Raven, Book 1 in the Curse of Clansmen and Kings series, to the blog with a trailer. Trailer Apollo's Raven Trailer Blurb A Celtic warrior princess is torn between her forbidden love for the enemy and duty to her people. AWARD-WINNING APOLLO’S RAVEN sweeps you into an epic Celtic tale of forbidden love, mythological adventure,

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cultureandcustoms · 5 months ago
đŸŒŠâš”ïž Celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day on September 19th and Learn about Grace O’Malley! âš”ïžđŸŒŠ
Grace O'Malley, Ireland’s legendary Pirate Queen, and dive into her daring adventures on the high seas! đŸŽâ€â˜ ïž Plus, explore enchanting Celtic myths like the Merrow and Niamh of TĂ­r na nÓg. ✹
💍 Channel your inner pirate and shop our collection of Irish legend jewelry, featuring the stunning Pirate Queen Pendant and more! ⛓
👉 Read now:
#TalkLikeAPirateDay #GraceOMalley #PirateQueen #IrishLegends #CelticMyths #IrishJewelry #Merrow #NiamhOfTirNaNog #PirateJewelry #ShopIrishJewelry
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addieisreading · 3 years ago
Mas ele não era aberto aos humanos, a não ser aos sortudos o bastante para descobrir um portal e a maneira de abrí-lo. O povo que vivia lå seguia leis que não eram como as nossas. Qualquer velho com histórias para contar sabia disso. Havia lendas sobre homens que atravessaram um portal, ficaram uma noite com o povo da floresta e, ao voltar, descobriram que cem anos haviam se passado, e que suas mulheres e filhos estavam mortos e enterrados. Havia histórias sobre gente que visitara a festa das fadas e enlouquecera. Quando voltavam ao mundo dos homens, eles só conseguiam vagar pela floresta até morrer de frio, fome ou sede. Havia ainda histórias de pessoas que entraram na floresta e simplesmente desapareceram.
— A Dança da Floresta, por Juliet Marillier
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royzirishart · 7 years ago
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What The Ancients Knew
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childofwestwind · 7 years ago
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Art was something that use to be as natural to me as breathing. I would carry sketch books with me everywhere, I was always doodling and creating things. One of my goals this year is to get back in to it come hell or high water. So tonight I breathed life in to an old Oc. It's rough, no where near done but I am taking a break for tonight. For what I have, I am proud of her. 💕 #myoc #myart #gothgoth #hernameisdarby #celticmyths
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gawkyadroit · 2 years ago
I see a forceful blond man, on whom victories are built. A fierce light springs from his head, wounds hang on him like a belt. Seven jewels play about the stark pupil of each eye. His sharp teeth are unsheathed. He wears a shirt of crimson dye. His features are beautiful, his form pleasing to women - deadly handsome and youthful, in battle like a dragon, The same courage can be found in the famous Blacksmith's Hound - CĂș Chulainn of Muirthemne. but this i know for certain - he stains red his every foe.
TĂĄin BĂł CĂșailnge, Ciaran Carson
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monriatitans · 1 year ago
Let's Read Some $#!7 by Jennifer Emick & The Editors of Faerie Magazine
Monria Titans Welcome to another installment of Let’s Read Some $#17! In sum, the purpose of these videos is to introduce educational resources regarding the creation of video games and to promote literacy! They go as follows: 1. Read the summary on the back of the book (if applicable). 2. Read the “Forward” and “Preface” (if applicable). 3. If there is no “Introduction,” read [part of] the

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poetry-lair · 4 years ago
Brigid / St. Brigid: English Version
With your touch
I find relief
from suffering,
and I heal from my pains.
With your fingers
you create treasures
from the dust of the earth
and the flames of the forge.
With your hands
you tell stories of distant lands,
and give voice to the soul.
With your prayer,
clear as water,
you take me to heaven
with a serene soul
and maternal love,
while you place in my hands
a straw cross.
Poem (C): Me
Ruth Sanderson (1951) (C): “Illustration”
Harry Clarke (C): “ Head & Halo of St. Brigid” (St. Mary’s Church, Ballinrobe, County Mayo)
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herboristecueilleuse · 6 years ago
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➰A R T I O ~ DĂ©esse de l’Ours. Elle appartient au groupe des dĂ©esses mĂšres qui prĂ©sident Ă  la terre, Ă  l’abondance et la maternitĂ©. DĂ©esse Celte, protectrice, initiatrice, elle porte toujours un panier de pommes qui symbolisent la sagesse druidique. . . . . #artiogoddess #celticgodess #celtichistory #goddess #naturegoddess #beargoddess #tatakizome #herbalunalab #herbecelte #celticmedicine #celticmythology #celticmyths #deaartio #naturemythology #forestmedicine #sacredwoodland #pagan #wildmedicine #wilderness #celticworship #natureworship #celticbeargoddess #ovates #druidry #druidicwisdom #sagesseancestrale #ancestraltraditions #celtictradition #enterthesidhe #bernarcheology #celticarcheology #suissecelte (Ă  Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B13WhCaiSlU/?igshid=1716vpiwzgdka
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lasbrumas-archived · 5 years ago
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@femmedeitiesnet | event two | summer’s end | deity ↳ áine ; irish goddess of summer, wealth, & sovereignty
it’s the end of summer. time for áine to retire until next year, always chasing the summer sun.
{@deanervs template}
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emberwillows · 8 years ago
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I never get tired of this pattern #wip #knitting #shawl #celticmyths #knittersofinstagram
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karinawebster · 6 years ago
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~ happy valentine’s day guys n’ gals ~ i thought today would be a good day to share one of my favourite books 🌾 it’s been a couple of years since i first (& only time) i read this wonderful story 😍 it’s jam packed with all kinds of love; romantic, familial, friendship & is super atmospheric. I know i will love this one for years to come. I’m super grateful to be part of this fabulous bookish community & i’m sending each and every one of you lots of happy viiibes 💕 What’s your favourite book? It doesn’t have to be a romance, mine is just a happy coincidence 😂🌾 ____________________________________________________ #bookstagram #bookish #fantasy #fiction #bookcommunity #sonoftheshadows #booklover #bibliophile #julietmarillier #booknerd #bookdragon #goodreads #instaread #igreads #booksofinstagram #celticmyths #medieval #historical #fae #bookaddict #reader #mythology #romance #favouritebook #love #romancestagram #romancereads #bookstagramfeature #karinareads #valentines https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt2tliAnTc9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j0vsc6i11hwj
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