ljdoublecc · 1 year
Reasons Why
Cell 13 X Reader
Sister’s name- (s/n)
Your cute nickname- (y/c/n)
”So...This is Nanba Prison…?” You sweat-dropped looking at the multi-colored building. “Are you sure I’m supposed to be here? This doesn’t look like the prison you described as inescapable?” 
The guard escorting you nodded his head, signaling that this was indeed the prison. Much to your surprise and pleasure, this was going to be an easy escape.
****Time Skip****
“This was going to be an easy escape.” You sarcastically thought being dragged back to your cell for the fifth time that day. Soon enough, you’re thrown into the cell, and lets just say you didn’t have the softest landing.
“Stop escaping your cell, No.(F/n)!” Hajime shouted as he slammed the cell’s door shut. “You’re just like the other 4 idiots in this damn cell!”
“Hey, you’re back early.” Rock stated
“Yeah that was fast!” Nico exclaims
“Are Jyugo’s skills rubbing off on you or something?” Uno asks amusement in his tone
“You suck.” Jyugo comments, holding his hand out to help you stand.
“You’re one to talk Jyugo!” You yell angrily, but nonetheless still accept his help. “Agh, this is so annoying and frustrating!”
“Why do you want to escape so bad?” Uno asks,“You never told us your reason?” The rest of them nodding in agreement.
“You don’t need to know that!” you raised your voice as you moved yourself from the center of the cell to the corner, the one place that makes you comfortable. 
They all look at you with a sweat-drop knowing why you’re there and also knowing not to bother you. Last time someone had to pray Jyugo from the door.
****Next Day****
“No.(F/n), you have a visitor.” Hajime opens the door. You get up and walk with him to the visiting room.
“I do? Who could be here to see me?” You mumbled confused, since no one knows where you are, let alone that you’re in prison for that matter. 
****In Cell 13****
“Who do you think is here to see (Y/n)?” Nico asks staring at the door before turning to his friends.
“Why don’t we find out for ourselves?” Jyugo smirks, having already opened the door. His friends nod and they exit the cell.
****The Visiting Room****
“Why are you here?” You questioned softly to the women in front of you with a worried look. The women in front of you looked fragile, as if she would break from the slightest touch of a hand. 
“What do you mean? When you find out someone you love is in jail especially one that is considered the best in the whole world, do you honestly believe I would just sit around in that hospital bed?” The women argued with a strained voice that sounded much like she had been crying for hours on end.
That destroyed you on the inside, hearing her and seeing her. Don’t get me wrong you absolutely love your older sister but you didn’t want her finding out about you stealing money in order to pay for her to stay in the hospital.
“I’m sorry, sis.” You said looking down feeling ashamed that you not only got yourself sent to jail multiple times but have been escaping every single time in order to see her in the hospital. “I just wanted to help you get better and I didn’t know what else to do.” 
“Look at me.” Your sister, (s/n), ordered softly. You hesitantly looked up to meet her gaze. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me, (y/c/n). It’s my responsibility to take care of you, not the other way around. That was the last favor our parents asked me to do before they passed away...but look at me. I got myself sent to the hospital and I let you get sent to jail. Some big sister you were burdened with, am I right?”
Hearing her say those words destroyed you even more. She wasn’t a burden, in fact you felt like the burden. You’ve always been the black sheep of the family as everyone, except your parents and sister, would say. You always did things that others wouldn’t approve of, whether it was for a good reason or not. You also did them because you were jealous of your sister.
She was always the one everyone wanted to meet because she was beautiful, smart, caring, loving, and just over all was a great person. You were always behind her shadow and you hated it but you never really hated her, you hated the people who put you in that shadow. You started to despise them even more when they left your sister all alone after the accident.
“Sis...I-” You began to say but were interrupted when the door opened to reveal 4 idiots now on the ground. “What are you doing here!?” You yelled at them for interrupting the moment.
“I’m sorry, (Y/C/N). But I have to go now. I wasn’t exactly given permission to leave the hospital for much longer that a couple of hours. I’ll come visit you another time but for now, bye-bye.” (S/N) said with a small, sad smile and a wave before exiting the room.
“Wait-” You tried to stop her before you were lifted off the ground by the back of the collar. Hajime had apparently been chasing after the 4 runaways up until this point and had found it easier to just take you back to your cell now rather than later.
****Back In Cell 13****
“Hey, (Y/N).” Nico asked you once you had all been placed back in the cell. 
“Yes?” You answered from your corner not bothering to look at them.
“Who was that person that you were talking to?” He asked.
You looked back at them with a mixture of sadness and regret in your features, startling them a bit. They’ve never seen you this way before.
“She was my sister.” You answered, finally looking at them. “She was the reason I got sent here.”
They all looked at you questionably. How could your sister possibly have a hand in you getting sent to jail.
You continued after seeing their confusion, “She didn’t frame me or anything if that’s what you’re thinking. I meant that the reason I started stealing money and escaping was for her.”
“Why would you do that for her?” Uno pressed on the matter
“She was sent to the hospital before I started stealing money,” You stated sadly and everyone’s eyes widened. “We didn’t have enough money to pay rent, buy food, let alone pay for my sister’s treatment.”
“Couldn’t you have asked for help? Maybe someone was willing to help?” Rock stated hopeful while everyone else nodded in agreement.
“No one would help. Everyone hated me back home, even my own relatives. They would even call me ‘The black sheep of the family’, whenever I passed by.” You stated in a sad tone, turning back to your corner.
“No one bothered to ask if she was ok after our parent’s funeral, let alone even come to it. No one asked if she needed help raising her little ‘Burden’ of a sister” You talked to the wall quietly.
The boys all watched from the center of the room wondering what they could do to help you.
****A Week Later****
“You have another visitor, No.(F/N).” Hajime appeared at the now open door.
You got up without a word and followed Hajime out. Somehow you didn’t notice the 4 inmates chuckling amongst themselves.
“Do you think she will like our ‘little’ surprise we have in store for her?” Rock chuckled after you had left the room.
“Of course she will!” Nico shouted, bouncing up and down.
“I still can’t believe we got Hajime to agree to this in the first place.” Jyugo relaxed against the wall with Uno nodding.
“Yeah,” Uno commented, “Now, who wants to play cards?”
The other three inmates smiled and played cards to pass the time until you came back.
****A While Later****
“HAHAHA, I win again.” Shouted Uno while the others grumbled in defeat.
“You always-” Rock was complaining until the door slammed open to reveal you.
“Hey, (Y-” Jyugo was greeting you before you lunged yourself at them and engulfed them in a hug. This definitely was a surprise for the boys.
“Thank you,” You said while hugging them. The boys were even more surprised but that didn’t last long as they then burst into smiles and hugged you back.
Apparently, the boys had convinced Hajime to fund your sister’s operation and were going to pay for all the hospital expenses.
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purplemarmelade · 4 years
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timefallsnear · 5 years
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nxnbakahc · 7 years
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A happy boi
So sorry for very late response!
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vintolus · 7 years
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Sacanime Summer 2017 lineup. I'm so pumped for next month especially since @mss_ken (Rock) , @aisha.the.ghoul (Nico) , and myself are going as Prisoners of Cell 13 from Nanbaka! I can't wait! And if you see us come say hi! #sacanimesummer2017 #sacanime #sacanimelineup #sacanimesummer #nanbakauno #nanbakarock #nanbakanico #steampunk #steampunkmadhatter #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #tokofukawa #nanbakacosplay #cell13
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thenanbakacorner · 2 years
Holy heck, my Cell13 as Parents Headcanons reached 200 notes!! Didn’t think it’d be this loved! Here, have some mini scenarios of our favorite jailbreakers reacting to their S/O’s pregnancy- going off of the previous parent Headcanons- as thanks! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚Like with the Headcanons, these take place once the guys are no longer imprisoned. * * *
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🔓 Jyugo 🔓
“I’m pregnant.”
Those two words made Jyugo freeze, his eyes blowing wide. Had he heard that right?! There’s no way..!
“W.. what?”
You blinked, slightly narrowing your eyes with a slight curl of your lips, as if saying “You heard me.” Jyugo in turn looked down at your stomach, a soft breath leaving his lips.
His voice started to waver a bit, and he stepped forward once. A tiny smile came to your face, and you reached out to grab his wrist, gently pulling it to your midsection.
Your confirmation prompted the boy to gasp ever so softly once again, his eyes unable to leave the spot where his hand rested on your tummy.
He was.. gonna be a dad? He, the person who’s ever only been good at breaking out of prison, was gonna be a dad?!
Holy shit. Holy shit.
His breathing slightly picked up, and he glanced up at your eyes, a happy but anxious glint in his eyes.
“A-are you sure we’re.. ready for this? I mean— don’t get me wrong, I know we both agreed to trying for a baby and all, and I’m happy, but—“
He shut up quickly at your voice and slightly flinched at the seriousness in your tone. However, he relaxed when he saw the smile on your face, and you slightly squeezed his wrist in reassurance.
“It’s okay. Everything will be fine. You’ll see.”
You lean forward and place a gentle kiss on his forehead, making him hum slightly in a mix of uncertainty yet happiness. He sighed and smiled as well, using a hand to bring your face back to his once you pulled away so he could give you a proper kiss.
You giggled happily and wrapped your arms around him, deepening your kiss. Jyugo thought to himself as you held each other close. Yeah.. you were right. As long as you two were together, everything would be fine.
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🎲 Uno 🎲
“I’m pregnant.”
Uno gasped, blinking as he took a second to process the news. A wide smile came to his face soon after and he took your hands in his, holding them tight.
“Holy shit, really?! You’re not kidding?!”
A slight laugh rumbled in your throat, and you cocked a brow at him, gesturing to your belly.
”Kid you about having a baby? That would just be mean. No, I’m not kidding about this kid.”
He scooped you up in his arms with ease, spinning you around as he laughed triumphantly, exclaiming things like, “Imma be a dad!!” and “We did it!!” and similar sentences of the like.
To say this man was happy would be an understatement. A huge understatement.
He proved it with his actions and words, as once he stopped spinning you before you both got dizzy, he peppered you in kisses all over your face, hugged you tight, and repeated words of affection like a broken record.
You giggled and cooed at his behavior. It was beyond adorable seeing him so happy, and it made your own heart flutter in excitement and joy.
When he finally pulled back and looked down at your stomach, he laughed again and got down onto his knees, cupping either side of your tummy in both hands and leaning forward to repeatedly press gentle kisses around where your belly button was.
A few minutes passed of him just loving on your soon-to-be baby bump, and when he finally stood up to pull you into a hug, he started rambling on and on about how happy he was and how the two of you were gonna be great parents.
You just laughed and rambled along with him. How you loved this man.
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🍩 Rock 🍩
“I’m pregnant.”
Rock nearly choked on the donut he was eating, and had to smack his chest a few times to dislodge the piece that got caught in his throat.
When he composed himself, he set the donut aside, whipped his head up to look at you from where he sat on the bed, and put both hands on his lap as he leaned forward.
“You’re what?!”
You repeated, an amused smile coming to your face and arms crossing with a cocked brow.
“Don’t tell me you forgot that we started trying for a baby!”
“No, no, I didn’t, but— holy crap—“
Rock put a hand on his head, still taken aback by the news. He didn’t expect the two of you to get a baby this quickly! You only started trying a few weeks ago!!
“I just— that fast?!”
You snorted and nodded once. Yes, that fast. Guess you guys just got lucky. Or one or both of you is quite fertile.
“Oh my god.”
Rock had to take another moment to process, but when you tilted your head and asked him if he was alright, he finally chuckled, smiled softly and stood up, pulling you into a hug.
“I’ve never been better, honey.”
He assured, nuzzling his face into your hair. You awwed at his words, and leant into his touch, wrapping your own arms around him as the two of you idly swayed in place and shared loving comments.
In hindsight, you probably should’ve waited for him to finish eating before breaking the news lest you caused him to choke worse, but you were happy with your lover’s reaction either way.
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💊 Nico 💊
“I’m pregnant.”
Nico had been quite focused and absorbed in his gaming console, but hearing you say that had his head turning instantaneously, his eye widening like a saucer.
He exclaimed, scrambling to sit up from his laid position on the couch, sitting on his calves and both hands on his knees as he stared up at you. He had the widest smile on his face, eyes almost seeming to sparkle. “Really?!”
You laughed lightly, heartwarmed by your lover’s excited reaction. He always was a family man, cooing at any babies or kids the two of you came across, so when you had brought up starting a family, he was anything but hesitant to start trying.
You smiled wide right back at him and nodded twice, a hand coming to your stomach for emphasis.
“Really really.”
Nico squealed loudly in excitement and practically jumped at you, wrapping his arms around you tightly and nuzzling his face against yours.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N!! That’s amazing!!”
He cried out as he squeezed you close, and you could see tears starting to form in his eye. You cooed and used a thumb to wipe his tears, kissing his nose as the two of you embraced.
“So.. you’re happy?”
You asked, a playful tone in your voice. No duh he was happy, but you couldn’t help yourself. He was so cute!
“You kidding?!”
Nico exclaimed, opening his teary eye to look at you with a huge grin, his cheeks dusted with a rosy, happy blush.
“I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy before!!”
“Aww, Nico!~”
Nico used his hold on your shoulders to pull you close again and kiss you lovingly and deeply. This boy was such a sweetheart, and you were glad to be able to fulfill one of his many wishes— to give him the gift of parenthood. He definitely deserved it.
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izzy2025 · 3 years
I dicided to make a new au.
Information: In this au jyugo isnt a criminal instead he Is a teenager female who is shiro's neighbor and her mentally and slightly fiscally abusive parents kicked her out for her sexuality and she works at a lock and security store and sometimes if shiro forgets things she brings them to him and there is a story I have about it and how she met cell13 also I have a suprise for all of you very soon.
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gslin · 2 years
用 Poetry 的相依性演算法解數獨 (Sudoku)
用 Poetry 的相依性演算法解數獨 (Sudoku)
在 Daily Lobsters 上看到「Solving Sudoku with Poetry’s dependency resolver」這篇完全是惡搞 Python 下 Poetry 套件 XDDD 作者搞出來的方法是這樣,指定 81 個版號來表示題目,然後跑 Poetry 找可以的版本組合: [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.6" sudoku-cell11 = "*" sudoku-cell12 = "2.0.0" sudoku-cell13 = "*" sudoku-cell14 = "8.0.0" sudoku-cell15 = "*" sudoku-cell16 = "9.0.0" sudoku-cell17 = "*" sudoku-cell18 = "*" sudoku-cell19 = "*" sudoku-cell21…
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baileygameplay · 5 years
#gameplay #cell13 #Baileygameplay CELL 13 Pro Gameplay level12 traning day - Brain enhancement puzzle games by Bailey gameplay
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graciedroweuk · 7 years
The Optimum Anabolic Diet
The Optimum Anabolic Diet
Fast Track to Getting Enormous
While there are lots of different anabolic pathways within the human body, the one that has the greatest impact on muscle growth requires the buildup of complex muscle proteins from simpler building blocks called amino acids, where the accumulation of muscle protein finally drives muscle growth. Concerning diet, raises substantially after swallowing the right type of protein, also highlighting the demand for high quality protein for maximal muscle growth. Two additional anabolic processes also affect muscle growth, yet at a more indirect fashion. The anabolic buildup of muscle glycogen polymers from the glucose glucose is remarkably critical for muscle growth, as glycogen acts as the most important energy source during muscle contraction, especially while lifting heavy weights. Furthermore, studies have demonstrated a deficiency of muscle glycogen boosts the catabolic breakdown of muscle protein.1,2
         It is very simple that adequate muscle glycogen is essential for optimal muscle growth, consuming simple sugars like sucrose (table sugar) or glucose can negatively affect muscle growth by rapidly increasing blood insulin levels– that surprisingly, will rapidly desensitize the effectiveness of a key biochemical process that boosts muscle growth. Therefore, though carbohydrate consumption is essential for optimal muscle growth, simple sugars should be avoided as much as possible.
         Eventually the anabolic process that converts fatty acids to triglycerides also incredibly affects muscle growth. To start, an excessive amount of fat, or fatty acids, on your diet will increase triglyceride production and improve body fat. Yet more, studies have demonstrated that increased body weight also reduces muscle protein synthesis, which will have a negative effect on muscle growth.
The Perfect Protein in the Proper Time
     The net gain in muscle protein is the difference between muscle protein synthesis versus muscle protein breakdown, and where higher protein synthesis reflects an anabolic environment constituting muscle growth. This anabolic reaction can be increased by dietary protein consumption, stimulating muscle protein synthesis and decreasing muscle protein degradation.3
     Protein consumption causes muscle protein accretion mainly by triggering the extremely important nutrient-sensing molecule mTOR, which directly influences muscle protein synthesis in response to protein consumption after exercise. Several scientific studies emphasize mTOR activation by protein consumption, especially the critical amino acid leucine. 1 study by Walker et al.4 revealed that leucine ingestion shortly after exercising increased mTOR activity for many hours post-workout, leading to higher muscle protein synthesis in comparison with an exercised group that was not fed leucine. Another scientific inquiry by Pasiakos et al.5 revealed that ingestion of leucine immediately after exercise increased muscle protein synthesis by up to 33 percent.
         An analysis by Moore et al. appeared for the optimal amount of protein for greatest anabolic effect on muscle protein. This study confirmed that protein intake of 20 grams immediately after lifting weights induces optimal muscle protein synthesis from beginner weightlifters, with anything higher than 20 grams increasing protein oxidation using no extra muscle-building effect.6 As this analysis used newcomer athletes, the optimal protein consumption for more advanced athletes ought to be marginally lower than recommended in this research. Taken together, including high-quality protein at the right time to your own diet arouses the anabolic processes in muscle tissue, finally forcing muscle growth.
Optimal Carbohydrate Consumption Maximizes Anabolism
     Building large muscles demands extreme exercise that prefers as a power source.8 This is due to fast-twitch muscle fibers are preferentially activated during extreme exercise, like heavy weightlifting, because more power is needed to move the heavier weight. What’s more, fast-twitch fibers want to burn carbohydrates for energy, which makes certainly crucial for unsurpassed muscle growth.
         In addition to their major role as a power source, carbohydrates increase muscle protein levels by avoiding degradation– as a previous scientific research by Roy et al.9 showed that increased carbohydrate amounts improved protein balance by decreasing protein degradation. Carbohydrates affect protein degradation by increasing cellular energy rates, which turns off the protein degradation pathways turned on by the receptor AMPK. AMPK is that the muscle cell’s energy gauge that promotes the breakdown of protein to amino acids when cellular energy is too low, or so the amino acids may be converted into energy to restore energy. Altogether, carbohydrate consumption plays two key functions as the energy source for muscle contraction during extreme weightlifting while at the same time mitigating muscle protein breakdown.
The Finest Fats for Boosting Testosterone
While it may seem counterintuitive, fat consumption can improve your entire body. That is, presuming you don’t consume a ton of it, which would increase body fat– and you also consume the kind of , imparting higher muscle mass.
         Fatty acids are carboxylic acids using long chains of carbon atoms bonded together. They are available in three main forms: saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Saturated fatty acids contain no more double bonds within their carbon chain, whereas monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids contain either a single or more than one double bond, respectively. The double bonds within the monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fatty acids appreciably alter their chemical structure. Fatty acids may be incorporated into cell membranes, for example, cell mechanism of testicular cells where testosterone is produced.
When distinct fatty acids are incorporated into the cell membrane, the difference in their various chemical structures alters the behaviour of their cell membrane. For example, past reports have described the stimulating impact of certain fatty acids on cholesterol transfer into testicular cells. Since cholesterol is transformed to testosterone in testicular cells, higher rates of cholesterol within testicular cells generates greater testosterone production. A recent analysis by Hurtado p Catalfo et al.10 revealed that consuming canola and olive oil, which primarily consist of polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, also changed the fatty acid composition within the cell membranes– which shift in fatty acid composition within the cell membrane reluctantly stimulated cholesterol transfer to the endothelial cells, producing higher testosterone levels.
Too Much Fat Boost Muscle Growth
     While the ingestion of certain fatty acids boosts muscle growth, an excessive amount of fat in your diet will eventually result in greater body fat amounts. The gain in fat activates the release of the hormone leptin from the fat cell13, that has been shown to activate the energy-sensing receptor AMPK in muscle cells and anyplace.14 As previously mentioned, AMPK is your cell’s master metabolic energy regulator that is typically inactivated when cellular energy levels are high. However, when a lot of fat is absorbed, the overabundance of fat-energy stored in the fat cell overrides this regulatory principle and activates AMPK. An activated AMPK then potently inhibits mTOR-driven muscle protein synthesis and muscle growth.
     For the majority of Michael Rudolph’s career he’s been part of the exercise world as either an athlete (he played college football at Hofstra University), personal trainer or a Research Scientist (he made a B.Sc. In Exercise Science at Hofstra University and a Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Stony Brook University). After getting his Ph.D., Michael researched the molecular biology of exercise for a fellow at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University for over eight decades. That research led seminally to understanding the use of the incredibly important cellular energy sensor AMPK– leading to numerous books in peer-reviewed journals including the journal Nature. Michael is now a scientist working in the New York Structural Biology Center doing contract work at the Department of Defense on a job involving national security.
Written by Michael J. Rudolph, Ph.D..
from network 4 http://www.church-papers.com/the-optimum-anabolic-diet/
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purplemarmelade · 4 years
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engravedmemories · 9 years
Tonight was tits. #cell13
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xkid-hummel · 10 years
Call @Blaine
Kurt: *like most nights, Kurt calls Blaine after getting his daughter to sleep. He closes the door to his room, turns on the baby monitor, and calls his boyfriend as he lays down in bed*
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baileygameplay · 5 years
#gameplay #cell13 #Baileygameplay CELL 13 Pro Gameplay level11 traning day - Brain enhancement puzzle games by Bailey gameplay
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nxnbakahc · 7 years
Some random hcs
I feel bad for being on hiatus for so long, so here are some random hcs to make up for it!
-Kiji''s dancing is 10/10
-Mitsuru is actually a minecraft god
-Nico can do really good anime voice impressions
-Hajime eats like one sandwich a day but it's filled with steroids
-Liang's dancing is really good once he gets the hang of it
-Hajime is deathly afraid of june bugs. He could kill a spider or a cockroach no problem but a june bug means it's time to move houses
-Musashi is secretly a meme lord
-Honey and Trois both have a small foot fetish
-Tsukumo actually has a fear of being left alone by people, but tries his best to supress it
-Rock's singing is actually pretty nice
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nxnbakahc · 7 years
Ooo uno headcnaons?? :00
-Loves having you close to him, and always has an arm around your shoulder
-The feeling of your fingers running through his hair when you braid it is relaxing and loving to him
-Loves to play with your hair, if it’s long enough
-Shows you off nonstop
-Likes having you sleep with your head on his chest. He just wants to feel that you’re there throughout the night
-”No Nico, he/she doesn’t wanna watch anime with you, he/she wants to spend time with me!”
-Pouts when you really do wanna watch anime with Nico
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