#celestial gae
nar0art · 9 months
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My angelic babies <33
Look at you, you're gorgeous!
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shibemuses · 9 months
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changing kagemori's species from kumiho to bulgae.
a Bul-Gae is a legendary canine from Korean mythology that were said to inhabit the kingdom of darkness ("Gamangnara"), mostly as servants of the king of said darkness, who sought to capture the sun and moon so as to bring light to his realm.
Yet every time the dogs tried to retrieve the celestial objects for their master they would fail due to the sun burning their mouths and the moon freezing their mouths, making it impossible for them to capture them; yet they were anything if persistent and even to this day the Bul-Gae race to try and capture the sun and moon.
This is how eclipses are explained in many stories. However, no matter how close the canines may get, they will always inevitably fail and return to their realm, waiting for their next chance to strike.
In the lore of his and Robin's story, the Dark One urges Kagemori to capture Robin and Haruki, but he is unable to. Robin representing the Sun, Haruki representing the moon.
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mephestopheles · 6 months
My dnd group is almost finished with Rise of Tiamat. When we're finished we're going to pick up the game I run. Which gives me roughly 6 weeks of prep time.
I still have so much to prepare. The problem is ADHD at its finest. I did not take a lot of notes because I was in the middle of running the sessions. So my notes are, lacking. I have a decent memory of what happened, and I have notes from the note takers, which helps both with my memory and the events they care about.
So, problem the second, I do not know where to start.
Here's the basic list:
Add relevant world building articles to world anvil
Update all npc bios and character sheets
Write up session reports for the previous arc (2/9)
Prep for next arc including
Set up and write down somewhere the players cannot see the real reasons for the quests and the ulterior motives of several NPCs that may be villains
Build six major quests, (one for each of the elemental planes, then one for the celestial and one for the shadowfell) with options for each of them to be kicked off at their current level (save for celestial and shadowfell)
Create and or source all necessary maps and battle zones (currently a patron of czepeku so this is technically done but I want to email them to find out if I can upload their stuff with the watermark to world anvil )
Ramp up divinity subplot and start awarding divinity points that unlock specific abilities based on previous decisions (eg: the tattoo they received unlocks certain 1/day abilities based it's associated deity)
Create a Battle Royale as a centerpiece between the first three quest markers and the latter half
Have opportunities for the characters to do side jobs should they choose but also create consequences should they push off main quest objectives too long (one character has a Gaes upon her for a year and one day which means 5d10 psychic damage each time she fights the Gaes, this will likely drop her the first time it happens)
Create the rescue/kidnap side arc to rescue a missing player character
Apparently bring back space clowns because they really enjoyed them
Might use the space clowns to showcase the plague happening
Hopefully create enough that we all have fun and it doesn't feel forced
Things I would love to have at the ready:
Short stories from side characters that the players interact with only rarely
Timers for certain events that are happening around the players
Prettify the world anvil articles so they all look nice
Find a way to convince my players to update and use the character sections available for all the cool shit you can add (like memories and adding quests to your character sheet and fun shit like that)
This doesn't feel like everything. But this is overwhelming enough
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libidomechanica · 6 months
In high upheld
Where all dead on the dark days of     light she fills with us in endless silence. Of joy and     grief most piously all love are more hold it! All he had     thee, to be garners the
south but longed to following Deeps     resound. The hills of the vale. They stood like a celestial     canopy the hushed amaze of Day, the Hus-bandman selfe     to cope strenuous with
a fugitive resentment and     generous and cities rough but kind; why let it be He,     who, gentle heard nor slip or fall a Xerox of some vast     French cocked-hat on a time
they that tall grove, nor his Widow’s     Gown: her infant’s bites? My sports were cold blowes thro’ the bottom     deserve the Princess! Her bodies ’gan to bloat and puff     from the cool flowers, ruins,
statues overture for clamour,     when on the wisest tongue; use powerful fragments on     mine, the hours that I may e’en gae hang. We stood by a patient     lips all ruddy,—for
her new Brocade, forget what love     simple cotter’s fate! Such now am I, I cease to be     reconciled! Around shall be snatch’d them. Men to please me: for     if they wear; o, sweet bird;
nor have thorny road, which, with never     bore. For one who stood bowed, with a bony saw, and there     can live no hatred in pride of Cain give resentment stuck     in my charm. That grows on
you: beside me in my bosom     move? Of joy that Shock must fall. We touch me with that vessel’s     shrouds in perilous bustle; while we are na Mary     Morison. I asked, how grew
this fate now we returns in Peace,     and choking here reaching reefs. Bequeath thy frown last night’s sweet     pharmaceutical bottles I make arrangements flew, thin     glittring Dust and lull the
World are subject, but not acquainted,     that to his Love. There is her wilds Ierne sent Nor let me     sin awards me pain. An under-passions reign. See fierce Tempests     of its lengths its ending.
The Lock! In this wisdom never     heart her burning aside from all women thus: in Stellaes     face burnt with lawyers and yet not yet. He ceasing to     see unpack’d fire-branded
foxes shy, and trembling, and with     love. Ready of wit, and move! Is wot, no villain need be!     That in words I staid, striuing abroad; and the Spheres and stole so     near, though her casement.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #20: Cú Chulainn (Prototype)
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Welcome back to Fate and Phantasms, where we’re bringing every servant in Fate Grand Order to life in D&D 5e! Today we’re building Ireland’s Child of Light (again)! We have three goals for this build:
Rune Magic: Cu needs some magic mojo. Not as much as Cascu, but enough for a little spice.
Warp Spasm: You don’t think of them as anger issues, more like anger solutions.
Hound of Culann: You’re still training the puppies of that dog you killed, which is all the justification I need to give you cool stuff that is barely touched on in-game.
As usual, a spreadsheet for the build can be found here, and an explanation is below the cut!
Race and Background
Since you’re the same person, your background is going to be pretty similar to original flavor Cu (shocker, I know). You are a Fallen Aasimar thanks to your Godfather, giving you +2 Charisma, +1 Strength, 60′ of Darkvision, Necrotic and Radiant resistance, Healing Hands (Touch to give your level in HP), and the Light Cantrip, which uses your Charisma. You’re a Soldier, giving you proficiency in Athletics and Intimidation. We said this the first time around, but while you’re technically a knight in name, you kind of just go around whaling on whoever pisses you off the most, so that background doesn’t really fit you.
We’re using the standard array for consistency, feel free to roll if you want to, but keep multiclassing in mind. Put Strength first, chucking a spear straight through someone’s rib cage is pretty labor intensive. Then Dexterity; you’re supposed to have a higher dex than your other self, but that would give you an odd strength score, and odd numbers make me sad. Wisdom is next for multiclassing, followed by Intelligence. Chalk the latter up to having less time for drinking. Put your next score in Constitution because we don’t want to dump that, and finally dump Charisma. You’re still a teenager, which means you’re pretty awkward. Don’t worry, you’ll grow out of it. Probably.
Class Levels
1. Ranger 1: As a Revised Ranger you have proficiency in Strength and Dexterity saves as well as three skills from that list. Pick Animal Handling to make raising those puppies easier, and Survival and Perception for hunting prowess. 
You get a Favored Enemy, pick beasts because this time it’s not a funny coincidence, you’re actually good at hunting animals. You get a +2 bonus to damage when attacking your favored enemy, and have advantage on checks to track and recall information about beasts. You also learn one extra language, but since beasts don’t have one feel free to pick what you want.
You’re also a Natural Explorer, letting you ignore difficult terrain, have advantage on initiative checks, have advantage on attacks against creatures who have not gone yet, ignore difficult terrain while travelling, avoid getting lost, stay alert while traveling and doing something else at the same time, move stealthily at normal traveling pace while by yourself, gather twice as much food, and track creatures with greater skill.
2. Ranger 2: You get a Fighting Style, grab Defense for the extra AC. You’re clearly wearing armor this time around, which is precisely why monk is out of the question. You also gain Spellcasting, using wisdom as your ability. Grab Hunter’s Mark for more damage and Longstrider for more movement.
3. Ranger 3: You gain a Primeval Awareness, letting you convey simple ideas to animals, figure out their short term needs, and sense your favored enemies within a 5 mile radius. That last part probably isn’t super useful for you, considering 9 times out of 10 the answer is just going to be “there’s a lot of them”.
You also have a Necrotic Shroud, courtesy of being half-god. At this level, you can use your action to transform yourself, forcing every creature within 10′ to make a charisma save vs. a DC of 8 + your proficiency + your Charisma modifier or become frightened until the end of your next turn. This transformation lasts a minute or until you end it, and during it you can deal extra necrotic damage equal to your level once per turn. You can only use this once per long rest.
Third level rangers get a subclass, and your’s is the Beastmaster. You get yourself a wolf pup at this level, which uses your proficiency for its attacks and skills, and also adds that to its damage and AC. It has proficiency in all saves and two skills (for simplicity’s sake I went with what it already has in its stat block, Perception and Stealth), and also receives ability score improvements when you do. It also gains an extra hit die, and the HP increase that comes with it when you level up. In combat the wolf has its own turn, with its actions decided by you. Who needs extra attacks, when you can just have extra characters? You do. Don’t worry, we’re getting both by the end of this.
For your spell this level, grab Cure Wounds in case you have any issues taming your buddy early on.
4. Ranger 4: Use your ASI to improve both your Strength and you wolf’s more more damage and accuracy. I know it’s a bit underwhelming compared to last level, but I’m glad every level doesn’t need that much text.
5. Ranger 5: You and your wolf now have a Coordinated Attack. When you attack and your wolf is nearby, they can use their reaction to attack as well. It doesn’t have to be the same target either, so feel free to divide and conquer.
For your spell this turn, grab Pass Without Trace to make you an even better hunter.
6. Fighter 1: Moving to our next class, fighters get another Fighting Style. Grab Dueling for an extra two damage while using your spear single-handed. You also get a Second Wind, letting you use an bonus action to heal 1d10 + Fighter level HP.
Because Revised Ranger hasn’t been balanced for multiclassing yet, there isn’t a hard and fast rule about whether or not taking other class levels will give your companion more HP. You should have a talk with your DM about it, but since the RAW don’t specify Ranger levels we’re going to say the wolf gets the health. They’d be pretty anemic otherwise.
7. Fighter 2: You gain an action surge, letting you add an extra action to your turn once per short rest. This doesn’t give your wolf another reaction though, so they won’t get another attack with you.
8. Fighter 3: We already have one UA class, so why not two? (Not any more, Rune Knight’s in Tasha’s) Grab Rune Knight as your next subclass. Is it insulting to lump norse mythology and celtic mythology together just because they use runes? Almost definitely. But we needed runes, and here they are. (Also untrue; Scathach taught Cu norse runes. This is surprisingly in character) As a rune knight, you can carve runes into weapons, armor, or handheld objects(once per rune per day) to give them special effects while the object is being carried or worn, and can be invoked by the wearer once per short rest for further benefits. Any saving throws made thanks to runes have a DC of 8 + your proficiency + your Intelligence modifier. 
You start with two runes, so grab the Frost and Cloud runes. The former gives advantage on animal handling and intimidation checks while worn, and the wearer can invoke the rune as a bonus action to increase their strength and constitution saves by 2 for 10 minutes. The cloud rune gives advantage to sleight of hand and deception checks, and you can react to invoke the rune when someone within 30′ of you is being attacked, redirecting the attack to someone else within 30′ of you, regardless of the attacks normal range.
Finally, you gain Giant Might, making you a large creature for one minute as a bonus action. This gives you advantage on Strength checks and saves, and you deal an extra 1d6 damage when making a weapon attack once per turn. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
9. Fighter 4: You get another ASI, use yours to buff your Constitution and your wolf’s to buff their Strength.
10. Ranger 6: You gain a Greater Favored Enemy. Unlike the last one, there isn’t really a best canon pick, so pick whichever of the following suits the campaign better: Aberrations, Celestials, Constructs, Dragons, Elemental, Fiends, or Giants. You get a +4 bonus to damaging the enemy you choose, another language, and you have advantage against saving throws caused by those enemies.
11. Barbarian 1: Because you didn’t have enough super modes yet, you now have the ability to Rage, using a bonus action to get advantage on Strength checks and saves, deal an extra 2 damage with melee attacks, and resist bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. Rages last for one minute, or until you’ve gone a full round without attacking or being attacked.
You also have Unarmored Defense, making your base AC 10 + your dex mod + you con mod. This might not come in handy that much since your armor can hold your runes, but it’s nice to have something to fall back on.
12. Barbarian 2: You might not have Gae Bolg yet, but you can get close to it with a Reckless Attack, giving yourself advantage on attacks now in exchange for enemies having advantage on you until your next turn. You also have Danger Sense, giving you advantage on Dexterity saves caused by effects you can see.
13. Barbarian 3: You become a Totem Warrior and Spirit Seeker, letting you use Beast Sense and Speak with Animals as rituals. You also gain a Wolf Totem, giving allies advantage on attacks when they’re aiming at something within 5′ of you. Now the whole party can get in on the fun you and your wolf buddy have been having this whole time!
14. Barbarian 4: Use this ASI to improve you and your wolf’s Constitution for more health all around.
15. Fighter 5: You gain an Extra Attack (I told you we’d get around to that).
16. Fighter 6: Use another ASI to improve your Intelligence for better runes, and round out your wolf’s Intelligence and Dexterity.
17. Fighter 7: You learn how to make a Runic Shield, letting you use your reaction to force an attacker to reroll their attack if they’re targeting someone within 60′ of you. You can use this a number of times per long rest equal to your proficiency modifier.
You also gain a third rune. The Fire rune doubles proficiency on tool checks, and you can invoke this rune on an attack to shackle the target. They must make a Strength save or become restrained, taking 2d6 fire damage at the start of their turns. They can repeat the save at the end of their turn to try and escape.
18. Fighter 8: Use your last ASI to improve your Intelligence for better rune magic, and your wolf’s Constitution for more health.
19. Barbarian 5: You get an Extra Attack, which is worthless to you, and Fast Movement, adding 10′ to your speed as long as you aren’t wearing heavy armor.
20. Barbarian 6: Use your final level to gain an Elk Aspect, doubling your travel speed.
Pros: Having two bodies on the field is pretty useful, not only is your wolf an extra two attacks per turn, it can also be a help action, or running away with an enemy wizard’s spellbook while you fight them. You’re also pretty good as a noncombat support role, giving your runes to other party members to improve their strengths. I mean, doubling the thieves’ tools proficiency of a rogue who probably already doubled it on their own? Nice. Finally, you have a pretty strong super mode available. All your transformations stack, so you can be a large, scary monster that can deal an extra 1d6+24 damage per turn, with a bunch of resistances to make things harder for your enemies.
Cons: If you can’t talk your DM into fudging the rules even further than UA already takes it, your wolf is going to be pretty anemic. You also don’t have much in the way of magical or ranged attacks, so magic enemies will probably give you plenty of trouble. Using your full Warp Spasm is also going to take a while. You need two bonus actions and a normal action, meaning you’re going to waste a full turn beefing yourself up before you can even use it. Finally, your turn is going to be super crowded. You have bonus action transformations, reaction runes and defense buffs to worry about, and an entire other turn and character to work with too. I guess you should enjoy burning the candle at both ends while you’re young enough to do so.
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seraphimguks · 4 years
tag 10 blogs you wish to get to know better
tagged by: @todeobi (THANK YOUUU FOR THE MENTIONNN<3 )
name: shreemoyee but please call me moimoi <3
gender: female
sexuality: when im the mood then straight, but gae for women all the time 
favorite animal: CATS AND FOXES 
average hrs of sleep: depends honestly, i would say 8 (if i nap in the afternoon)
current time: 12:13 lmaoo
dream job: novelist and magazine editor!!
when i made this blog: june 2018!! 
why i made this blog: oh i made it so i can access sooo many gifs and appreciate my favourite writings of my fanfic authors!!! but now i kind of turned it into a writing account, however i cant write due to so many things currrently and i sincerely apologise for that to the ones who are waiting :(
reason for url: LMAO this is gonna sound weird but....im sure people who see my blog now wont think im a bts blog but i am rofl...so i am a huge jungkook stan (my ulti  for 4 years <3 ) and a shortened version of his name is guk...and ‘seraph’ is a word in christianity/islam/judaism that means ‘ celestial being associated with light, ardour and innocence’ and thats how i see jungkook! at least how i see him when i dont hard stan him most of the time lmaoooo but ‘seraphguk’ didnt sound nice...and seraphim is the plural of seraph and i added an ‘s’ after guk so therefore, ‘seraphimguks’!!!! 
tagging: @juyeonzz @hwqll @ultcobie @wenjunuwu @chaoticdeobi @kachulein
(do it if you want guyz!!!)
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nikyiscreepy · 4 years
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Confession time: I might be getting hella gae for Sabina lol
Ok, but for real, I’m posting this because I’ve been procrastinating a lot from writing the “big boi” post. I’m so sorry, I don’t know what’s going on with my dumb brain these days. Like in the morning I say to myself “Ok champ, we’re gonna write today ok?” and my brain says something like “Yeah, yeah, ok.” and then I end up doing anything else but writing. What the hell. 
Anyway, this is what Sabina would wear at the Celestial Ball. Maybe I’ll do Persephone and Niky too. 
But first, I absolutly have to finish the “big boi”. mortacci mia 
Until then, have a nice day and stay healthy everybody <3
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slowmixzero · 3 years
[🍊 x 🧧]
Gaes kali ini aku mau cerita tentang pengalamanku yang super menarik dan ga terlupakan. Ada hubungan erat dengan toleransi sih. Disclaimer dulu gan kalo ini pengalaman pribadi HEHE jangan kau sama ratakan semua umat manusya ya.
Posisinya gue kerja di salah satu perusahaan migas lah di jiketi. Kebetulan perusahaan swasta. Dengan BOD yang bisa dibilang mayoritas nya beretnis chinese. Sehingga katanya udah budayanya disini merayakan imlek di kantor. Gua pribadi sih jujur excited banget sih secara 23 tahun gua idup ya yg gua perayaan keagamaan yg gua ikutin ya lebaran sama idul adha aja yekan. Yang macem imlek, natal, paskah atau nyepi palingan kita cuma nebeng libur tanggal merah sama kecipratan diskon di mall aja yakan. Pengalaman gua terkait perayaan imlek itu ya cuma sebatas ornamen merah2 yang gua liat di mall2 aja udah gitu doang. Kayak kentang aja gitu.
Ngorek2 info dari penghuni kantor yang udah sempet berkali2 ganti kalender meja disono, katanya sih ketika imlek biasanya seluruh pegawai bakalan baris ke ruangan sang boss besar dan bakalan dpt angpao serta jeruk + handshake dengan si bapak yg termasuk 10 besar orang terkaya di indonesia itu. Gokil kan, kalah handshake sama personil jiketi mah. Bahkan, katanya nominal angpaonya itu meningkat setiap tahunnya! Wow gimana mata gua ga cling2 ye kan. Gua yang baru bat lulus gapernah liat duit banyak terheran, anjir ini kantor kan ada beberapa lantai, satu lantai orangnya banyak kek bubaran bioskop. Buset itu bapak abis duit berapa cuma buat dibagi2in. Tapi kalo dipikir2 mah recehan kali buat orang2 tersebut WKWK. Kayak kalo tiap hari si bapak ngadain uang kaget ke seluruh warga slipi ya bisa sampe udah ga kaget lagi warganya saking ga abis2 tu duit. Tepat mulai dari hari itu gua menanti dengan tidak sabar untuk perayaan imlek di kantor.
Namun beberapa org kantor ada yg bilang gini juga:
"Eh tapi gatau ya dik kalo anak kontrak dapet ga ya"
Nyess banget hati gua pas denger kalo ternyata anak kontrak belon tentu dapet. Kayak padahal gua pikir bakal seru banget gitu kan ngantri ambil angpao. Padahal gua udh belajar ngomong xiexie yg baik dan bener tuh. Tapi yaudahlah kita liat aja pas hari H.
5 Februari 2020
Ketika masuk lobby kantor, gua liat banyak bgt ornamen dan pernak pernik khas imlek. Didominasi dengan warna merah dan emas, lobby kantor pun tersulap bak di film2 channel celestial movies. Bahkan ada pohon jeruk ditaruh di lobby kantor. Sambil teruwaw oleh suasana yg meriah gua naik ke lantai kantor gua yaitu 9. Sampai di cubical terdengar kegaduhan dan kegelisahan orang kantor.
"Siap siap semuanya nanti jam 11 kita naik ke lantai 11 ambil angpao!"
WAH BENERAN DONK TERNYATA. Eh tp gua dapet ga ya. Jujur karena dialog kemarin gua jd ga terlalu berharap gitu. Namun tiba2 ada temen kantor gua juga namanya bang jere yg statusnya kontrak dan lebih lama dari gua ngajak gua ke ikut ke atas.
"Dik ayok" ucap bang jere yang sekilas keliatan semangat abis
"Lah bang emang kita dapet anak kontrak ?" ujar gua khawatir
"Udeh ikut aja kalo ga dapet ya tinggal balik"
Jujur gua takut sik dan malu aja gitu kalo udh didepan si boss ternyata anak kontrak ga dapet. Soalnya gua gaada nametag kan. Otomatis si bapak bisa tau dengan mudah kalo ini bukan pegawainya. Bisa aja gua dikira tukang kridit nawarin panci kan. Tapi dengan modal nekat aja yg di dorong kata2 motivasi dari bang jeremy. Gua pun berangkat ke atas, ikut berbaris dengan pegawai lain yg sudah duluan mengantri. Gua liat ke belakang barisannya bener2 nguler cuy sumpah sampe ke tangga darurat.
Setelah nunggu mungkin 20 menitan akhirnya bentar lagi giliran gue. Gua dah bodoamat dah kalo disuruh balik ya balik. Tiba2 pas giliran gua beeh itu si bapak yaampun senyumnya lebar bener sambil ngasih sebuah amplop merah khas imlek dan 2 buah jeruk mandarin yg seger banget. Pas dipegang dingin bener kek tangan kena aer waktu ambil wudhu sholat subuh di puncak gitu dah. Seneng aja gitu pertama kali dapet angpao tp bukan pas lebaran. Namun sayang sekali karena waktu itu udh jaman2 copid naintin si bapak yg top 10 rich itu berhalangan hadir karena antisipasi. Jadi yg bagi2in bos perusahaan gua aja, bukan yg punya ini gedung beserta isi2nya gitu.
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Setelah gua ambil itu angpao dan jeruk. Gua langsung cuss balik ke cubical gua dan bersiap untuk unboxing. Pas gua buka, isinya bukan maen jon. Rp 888000! Karena menurut kepercayaan chinese angka 8 bawa hoki gaes. Gokil abis gua tercengang sik. Gua ngebayangin ehbuseng berapa duit tuh abis si bapak. Semoga sehat2 terus ya pak aduh jd enak.
Btw si bapak perusahaan gua (bukan yg top 10 ya) ini emang super ramah sih. Jadi gua pernah satu lift sama si bapak pas gua mau sholat ashar di lantai 2. Gua peratiin kok kayak pernah liat mukanya di video2 safety induction ngasih sambutan. EH TERNYATA SI BAPAK EUY. Gua tersadar ketika ada temen gua yg namanya mas andika (iya andika juga) nyenggol2 gua. Padahal boss itu punya lift sendiri lho gaes tp bapaknya sans aja gitu joinan sama kita. Tiba2 si bapak ngomong gini
"Mau ibadah ya ? Wah jangan lupa ya, doain saya" sambil menunjukan senyum tulus kayak ngolo kante gitu cur sumpah.
Wah pengalaman tersebut menambah list2 hal baik yg gua rasain pribadi terhadap temen2 kita yg beretnis chinese tersebut. Apa ya orang2 tuh sering banget bilang orang entnis chinese pelit lah perhitungan apa lah. Pokoknya menebar kebencian akan hal tersebut. Tp mohon maaf gaes gua pribadi 24 tahun hidup alhamdulilah sekali ga setuju dengan anggapan tersebut. Orang2 yang gua temui semuanya baik, ramah dan bener2 sosok pribadi yg ngedepanin toleransi. Gaada tuh si bapak ngecekin agama kita dan memberikan treatment berbeda. Temen2 etnis chinese gua di sma dan kuliah pun baik dan sopan banget. Jadi yuk kenalan dulu ngobrol dulu baru menilai gaes!
(Sorong, Sabtu 26 Juni 2021. Kosan Dika. Sendirian. Ya Allah susah bener cari kerja di jakarta yak. Pengen bat kerja di Jakarta ya Allah tulung)
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forsaken-city-rp · 5 years
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Welcome to the Forsaken City!
We’re glad to see that you have arrived safely within the city limits. You have three days to make your facebook and add the admins Z.Tao, Seunghyun, and Forsaken. But be careful, the sun is rising quickly, and hunters are always on the move.
NAME, STAGE NAME, AND GROUP: Jeon Jungkook, Jungkook, BTS
AGE:  300 years old, but with the physical frozen age of 22
SPECIES: Jungkook is a descendant of the original mythical korean hounds called “Bul-gae”. They were a pair of dogs sent from the realm of darkness to retrieve the sun and the moon, however the canines failed in their task and instead were left with fire and ice properties. It is said that when the hounds attempt to capture the sun and moon, the solar and lunar eclipse shall occur once the hound’s make contact with their celestial forms.
LIT RP SAMPLE: Doe eyes gaze upon the neon streaming streaks of Seoul. Jungkook sits upon a building, legs dangling and shifting through the air as he sighs wistfully. Seoul was his home and looking at it now, flashes of the past run through the back of his eyelids like an early 90’s black and white film. The city had evolved so much from the days he frolicked through the gravel barren roads of the Joseon era, rather than the constant beeping of horns and bustling of the nightlife there had been soft music from the taverns and the quiet crunch of soil under the feet of guards and drunken men stumbling home. The large flashing fluorescent lights now had been flickering oil casting everything in a soft amber glow back then. Jungkook shakes his head, breaking out of his nostalgia and focuses back on his surroundings, form tensing as his enhanced hearing picks up the soft secretive padding of someone coming up the fire escape beside him. The burnt caramel shade of his iris flares into brilliant cinnabar as he catches the scent of salt and immediately his shoulders in defense as his haunches would. Poachers, the bane of his existence. As a mythical creature whose powers merely revolved around the moon and sun, Jungkook was no threat to humans. The hunters tolerated his existence and let him live his life in peace. Poachers however were greedy mortals, wanting nothing more than the legends of the old mounted on their hunting wall. With each minute step the poacher takes, assuming that Jungkook cannot hear him the crackling embers in his veins begin to flare until an unyielding flame is roaring throughout his entire being. There’s a second of pure silence before a sharp whizzing sound cuts through the humid night air and Jungkook is pushing off the ledge with his arms and rolling to the side until he feels the soles of his ragged converse scratch against the cement. His crouched form gazes down at the poacher, striking fear into the mortal as a snarl coils upon his cupid’s bow, smoke wafting from the corner of his lips. “You picked the wrong target tonight, mortal. I’ll be the first and last Bulgae you’re ever going to set your sights on.” At his threat, the sweat matted human fumbles with their weapon clumsily firing it once again at his form. He lunges and feels the searing pain of his transformation as he sails midair- sunkissed skin erupting in flames until sun flare red fur replaces every inch of it and his visage englogates into a snout and a fierce jaw that closes around the throat of its prey. The city of Seoul bustles along unaware, with the only hint of the flaming beast in the city being a loud howl rippling into night.
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mamaterasu · 7 years
Hello, I have a question out of morbid curiosity. Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if Amaterasu was struck by the spear/sword Brionac of Celtic Lore? It is stated to be a God Slaying weapon. Also, there is another spear called Gae Bolg that was granted to Cu Culainn by Scathach, which never misses it's mark no matter what because it reverses causality. Instead of cause and effect, it's effect and cause. You've already been struck. The only way to dodge is luck. Fate cannot hold luck.
an interesting albeit strange question !  i don’t usually like applying western lore to amaterasu for a very obvious reason, since it doesn’t mesh well & giving that she’s so rooted in the shinto faith & japanese folk stories. but in this case i’m willing to think about it in the context of her character, as well as the many achilles’ heels she’s shown to have in the game itself.  
but firstly, it could very well be that ammy would find herself at the mercy of these legendary weapons. if their purpose is to destroy something akin to divinity then they may very well succeed. granted, amaterasu isn’t & never will be a western god, her nature differs from her respective deities in that regard. these weapons are special given their mythical status & they are the only ones that i can see actually severely hurting amaterasu. 
gae bulg is an awfully cruel thing. i remember reading the full story of cu culainn & being absolutely horrified at what it did to ferdiad. knowing what it does to its target & honestly i don’t want to think about that happening to ammy. but, it was still created by men, thus in a way you could say amaterasu would manage after being hit with it, even if barely. people have a tendency to forget that she is a goddess, & is made of much more sturdier stuff than you might think. 
in-game wise there is one thing / person / event that clearly weakens amaterasu & that is the day of darkness, more specifically yami’s influence that drained her of her celestial brush techniques. anything that has the power to hinder faith, or outright sap her of her abilities / godhood is something to worry about. 
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thailandamulets · 5 years
Carved Himapant Hongsa Ivory Swan Amulet LP Lae
Carved Himapant Hongsa Ivory Swan Amulet LP Lae
Paya Hongs Golden Hongsa Himapant Swan in Hand Carved Ivory with Hand Inscriptions of Khom Agkhara spells, from the Great Petchburi Master Monk Luang Por Lae, of Wat Khao Song. A most beautiful hand carved amulet that is Extremely rare to see from this Master, the Paya Hongs Tong Golden Celestial Swan, in hand carved ivory. with hand inscriptions, for Metta Maha Niyom Mercy Charm, Maha Sanaeh…
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libidomechanica · 5 years
“Weeds, or faith”
My hope dropsies, thou know thy creation for  one lovely boy that if these. Weeds, or faith! O wilt  thou mayst thine ear confounds, do I envy wished-for 
yeares, but I. Of the hostile  and fain swelling innocent arms to holds his 
lips drink that in the sweet smell the  mathematics. They offering a  pit to call the heroic bosom beats true  to Loue did tomorrow liue. 
Nor breath creeps, as pale it furre: it is  but our treasure; the ruine some expelld league on  Leander, beauty oersnowd and strange man shoot  so much lessons, why forged iron, think I may een  gae hang. Thomalins Emblements you lovers use these pleasant  fruits; camphire visaged gossip led thy summiting  separate drawn of time, and  sherbets of raising curled, and ever yet knew 
thereof the walls the womb— it is  verse in love; then, is loathe hinny hell slip frae 
my mammnys ae bairn, wi purple in melody which bound,  and aim consumed, and let us get  up, nor falls under thee, relenting and how pallid,  chilly nest, Yet, yet still the lady with  fairest among thereof. and sings hymns in the  crowned with separations? The  lily of celestial flavour lose as births of  smoke from his child; she is awful.
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