diosamistblossom · 7 months
Past Event
Diosa kneel on the cold flooring of an abandoned church, she panted with beads of sweat rolling down her cheeks. The building was in further disrepair from her own doing, majority of the roof now lay around her with a gasp her voice echoed. "Elune! May you forgive me for what I have done!" From her research in the libraries around Stormwind, it was rather easy to conjure from the void but for a holy priest she knew she had to do her foolish experiments in private. It would be unwise for her to have anyone know she betrayed the light. Infront of her lay the corpse of a large rat, it's body eviscerated. She had used it as a vessel to summon a channel to the void but failed, miserably. Her hands now stained and void touched, the power horrified her but also gave her a intoxicated since of possibility. A soft but maniacal chuckle reverberated within the room, she stood. With a shrug she scoffed, how could she be so pathetic? This was amazing progress, Elune will need to just turn a blind eye; this was invigorating. Covering her scars she took her leave, a holy priest no more.
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diosamistblossom · 7 months
Like her younger sibling Roandi, as a young teen Diosa came to the Eastern Kingdoms as an exile. Instead of following the same path of criminality she ventured into the church of the holy light, weak and hungry. Being taken in and receiving such kindness she joined the priestesses in embracing the holy light. Though Diosa's competitive nature from always feeling second to her eldest sister became apparent to the other disciples, she was cold and rather rude quickly becoming unpopular and isolated as she grew. This loneliness never left her heart.
Diosa had heard of the efforts and triumphs of her eldest sister during the War of The Shifting Sands, deeply envious that Rioga was able to remain in Kalimdor and be a Kaldorei warrior without knowing the whole truth why; she was very resentful. Her studious ways earned her the right to her trials before Rioga, she felt she deserved to fight her her people.
BC: Fascinated by the shear power of the dark portal, a holy priest at the time she aided in the onslaught of demons. Though she found the lust for power that caused this strife understandable even when it required the power of the demonic.
Lich: She arrived to the conflict after the attack by Putress, she had a fondness for the new death knight allies; she found them to be like her, misunderstood. She cared to their wounds, giving her affection to several but their cold demeanor were unable to return the warmth.
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