#celebrian's torment
nighttimepatrons · 4 months
okay but, what if what if Elrond was the one captured and tortured by orcs. They can't find Vilya, of course, but it's only a matter of time before they take him (or at least his corpse) to someone who can.
His sons still rescue him, spirit him away back to Imladris and while the healers and all that love him do everything in their power Elrond never fully heals in mind, body, or spirit.
I think, if left to himself, he would have stayed to fade in Imladris, but at the urging from his family he does eventually Sail, leaving his wife, his children, and his Ring.
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imakemywings · 1 year
Thinking about Finrod meeting Celebrian in Aman and it would be important for them ofc because they’re family and Finrod is one of three uncles Celebrian never got to meet before, but also--Finrod knows what it’s like to be held captive by the forces of Sauron and tormented. Yes, by this point I’m sure there are other reborn Elves who also know that pain--but Finrod has both. And maybe it would mean something to Celebrian, to know her celebrated uncle; once king of Nargothrond, now crown prince of Tirion; who in Galadriel’s recollections is almost always cheerful and energetic, knows what it is like to wake screaming in the night with the feeling of your tormentors’ hands around your throat. Knows what it’s like to feel weak, and helpless, and defeated: to be faced with something more than you could overcome, to fail and have to handle the consequences of that.
I think she could perhaps find some reassurance in that.
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sotwk · 9 months
Hi, it took me sometimes to decide to write this ask because I didn’t want to bother you. Then I realised that if an author has requests open is because they like the input so here I am: I saw you write also Celebrian and Elrond they are one of my favourite couples, so I thought to try.
If I’m not mistaken you’ve set the death of the Elvenqueen after the attack on Celebrian (first time I read that my heart shattered), so I would like to know if you haven’t said already what was Thranduil and Maereth’s reaction to what happened or if Celebrian sensing the darkness that would arrive in ME asked her dear friend to accompany her to Aman or whatever you have in mind about their friendship, really. And if you are willing I would also love a little ff about their family.
I loved Cel appearance in your ff: sins of our fathers and how you set the premise of that.
Of course take your time, no pressure at all and even if you can’t don’t worry!
Lady Celebrían in the SotWK AU: the Elvenqueen's dearest friend
I love Celebrían too!!! She is my favorite female canon character in Lord of the Rings--at least the way I envision her in my mind, since we are actually not given a lot of specifics about the Lady of Imladris.
My admiration for sweet, gentle Celebrían factored in greatly in my decision to develop her as a significant supporting character in the SotWK AU:
Not only is she one of Maereth's most beloved friends, but they are blood-relations. Maereth's father Eärondir (oc) is the son of Círdan the Shipwright and Eäriel (oc). Eäriel is the daughter of one of the sons of Olwë, and therefore a first cousin of Galadriel's. This means Celebrían is Maereth's paternal second cousin, once removed. (They are also related through the line of Finwë, but that's a whole other calculation!)
As you read in "Sins of Our Fathers", Celebrían and Maereth were friends even before Maereth met Thranduil. Celebrían was one of Maereth's main confidants through the centuries she struggled with the decision of whether or not to accept Thranduil's affections. Let's just say, if maids of honor were a thing in Elvish weddings, Celebrían would be Maereth's, no contest.
Furthermore, Celebrían is closely related to Itarildë (oc), the eventual wife of Prince Mirion Thranduilion. Itarildë's mother, Nimeithel (oc), is the younger sister of Nimloth (Elwing's mother), daughter of Galathil (brother of Celeborn). This means Celebrían is Itarildë's maternal first cousin, once removed.
Confusingly complex family trees aside, I am just trying to drive home the point that Celebrían means a great deal to the Royal Family of Greenwood. Sure, Elrond and Thranduil eventually become great friends, but the love began with and was always strongest between their wives.
One funny SotWK HC is that while Thranduil and Elrond had serious discussions about betrothing their children to each other (Arwen with any Thranduilion of her choosing) in order to further bond their families, Maereth and Celebrían opposed this, insisting that all their children should have full freedom in choosing their partners.
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SotWK Fancast: Connie Nielsen as Lady Celebrían; Jennifer Connelly as Elvenqueen Maereth
Now finally, to address your real question, Anon: How did Maereth and Thranduil react to the attack on Celebrían, and her eventual passing to Aman?
 The attack on Celebrían occurred in T.A. 2509, when things were starting to get really dire in Mirkwood. The Watchful Peace that Mirion had won through his death ended, and the Necromancer was rising again in greater force.
Itarildë’s mother, Nimeithel, was traveling with Celebrían through the Redhorn Pass, and died trying to defend her cousin from the Orcs. Witnessing this added to Celebrían's grief and torment.
As soon as they received word of her capture, Thranduil sent Gelir and Itarildë with a group of soldiers to help recover her. This was ultimately unnecessary since Elladan and Elrohir recovered their mother on their own, but it was a significant gesture from the Elvenking, whose military resources were already strained from Mirkwood's own battles against Dol Guldur.
When Celebrían was taken home to Imladris to be healed by Elrond, Maereth immediately traveled from Mirkwood to be with her. She also brought her son Arvellas, the best healer in their realm, to lend whatever aid he could. (Again unnecessary, but a sign that their family would spare no expense to help the Lady of Imladris.)
Maereth stayed with Celebrían in Imladris the whole time she struggled with her recovery. Although Maereth at first tried to plead with her friend to remain in Middle-earth, the loss of Mirion and her other family members (both her parents, all her siblings) allowed her to understand Celebrían's desire for peace and rest in the Blessed Realm.
I don't believe Celebrían tried to ask Maereth to come with her, especially when she could not convince her own family to do so. But Celebrían's words about the growing darkness affected Maereth greatly, and although she never spoke of it to Thranduil, it made her foresee that her own doom would be coming soon.
Not only did Maereth support Celebrían's decision to leave, but she accompanied her to the Grey Havens (remember that Círdan is her grandfather!) and was there to give her a last goodbye before she sailed.
They truly were bosom friends to the very end, and when Maereth died and was released from the Halls, Celebrían was most certainly there to welcome her.
Thank you Anon, for the opportunity to discuss my Celebrían headcanons! I promise she will make many more appearances in SotWK fanfics, especially when I start writing Elrond x Celebrían stories! <3
Bonus: My Celebrían fancast alongside Hugo Weaving's Elrond. (I think Connie Nielsen is stunning, and is a great match for Hugo!)
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fatcatlittlebox · 11 days
I’m not the previous hateful anon. I’m very in support of Haladriel theories, even if they don’t come into fruition, its just good fun. Would love to make an extensive post with all of the half maia Celebrian theorizing that precedes this show, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t even know where to start looking. I adore how you’ve framed it as a potential thing in the show though, I do hope something along those lines comes about.
Seriously, it's all in good fun. Honestly, Ainur "shippers" have been around for decades: Melkor/Niena, Melkor/Varda, Melkor/Mairon. On message boards and on Reddit. I think the Celebrian half-Maia theory was probably extrapolated by the original mairondriels and saurondriels. I'd say their case was pretty solid based on the subtext they interpreted from the Tolkien material. I had never thought that much about it before the show because I never considered Tolkien a subtext kinda guy if you know what I mean.
I think where it gets interesting is that Celebrian is a pretty mysterious character in the Tolkien text. I don't know everything but I know quite a bit about it. And not much is known about her. Not what she looked like. Not her love story with Elrond (they met and got married...hundreds of years later). Tolkien didn't even explicitly say when she was born and how she died. She's actually one of the more intriguing characters from the appendices for me because of that. What is known about her is marked by tragedy. Tolkien wrote that later in life, she was "waylaid" by orcs and eventually rescued. That part is very clear and that is why I think Adar saying he caused a child "pain" is such a significant line. In that brief appendix mention, she was kidnapped and tormented by orcs but Sauron is not mentioned as the actual perpetrator. It is hinted that she suffers psychological trauma so great that she decides to leave Middle Earth. Now that's another Reddit debate: what did she go through? Perhaps it's then, she discovers her origins and is traumatized by that knowledge. But like I said, Tolkien doesn't strike me as a big subtext guy so who knows.
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edennill · 6 months
I can't stop thinking about Celebrian in Aman. The way she's -- despite the fact that she Sailed -- closer to one of the Returned than to anything else.
It's the way she went through the most terrible time in her life + immediately found herself in such a different land... and at the same time she hasn't yet been healed and doesn't have any such foolproof way to put up a mental barrier separating her from that torment. I think she wonders sometimes if it wouldn't have been easier if she had died and taken the "low way" (as songs call it) to Aman.
And she's not adamant in that thought, because, death is another thing, and such an unnatural separation... but she does feel uncomfortably in-between two groups with such different experiences.
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Ever Companionless
They call me Kind as Summer
With the wisdom of one with grayed hair,
The strength and beauty of starry space.
They think of me as a gentle season,
A flowered garden
Bathed in sunlight of gold.
But the tempermant of gold
Is one of summer,
So kind to gardens
For a moment, just a hair's
Breadth before it burns. Everyone has their seasons.
For my life, I've been kind for a beat of space.
That is to say, even a Lord will need space.
Most see their memories bathed in gold,
A nostalgic season,
Warm as Summer.
My nostalgia is lackluster with grayed hair
In a sad, brown garden.
How to care for a garden
That's been left in a lonesome space?
So I cared for others, brushed back their hair,
Made them shine like gold
Companionless, until the Summer
That became my happiest season.
She stayed for many a season,
Planted a garden,
Made every day Summer,
Brightened and warmed the whole space,
Shimmering like gold
With silver-shined hair.
"Silver Lady," They called her, for her hair.
But she tempered my season
And to me she was made of the kindest gold.
Young green and gold was her garden,
Bathing my gray and silver space
Once again in a kind Summer.
But even Summer has its seasons and she was taken from us, tormented in a dark space and with the apathy of her wounded soul, there was no joy left for her garden. Red tarnished green, and so my golden woman entered myth. Far away, she heals and waits, until the hours run dry.
I will see my silver lady again.
I challenged myself to write a sestina for Elrond and Celebrian! @runawaymun ty for letting me run a draft by you ♥️ it took me a while to decide I liked enough to actually post it 😂
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In Which A War Is Safer Than This Family Reunion Chapter 1
Summary: Frodo Baggins came to Valinor to find healing and peace. But he will probably need to find additional healing and peace to recover from the severe trauma of meeting anymore of Elrond’s relatives.
Elrond had been visibly anxious the whole journey. When Bilbo had asked Galadriel if he was quite alright she told them that it was to be expected on this particular journey. She looked slightly apprehensive herself which left the hobbits quite unnerved indeed as these particular two elves had always stuck out as being unflappable and anything that put them ill at ease was cause for concern. They were reminded how little they actually knew about what awaited them on the other side of the sea as they gazed out at the seemingly endless horizon before them.
But when they got there there was no obvious threat. The docks were swarmed with more elves than they’d ever seen before in one place and in a great deal more ceremonial wear. The crowds parted however, to make room for the passengers to disembark and allow passage through to a select number, content enough to watch proceedings eagerly. One silver haired elf maid stood at the front of the crowd and all moved to give her room. Elrond’s gaze had rested on her for what Frodo suspected was before the dock had came into his line of sight and it had not moved since.
The moment they were moored he was walking towards her as if in a trance. They stood still, eyes meeting, an arms length apart, and the whole world seemed to pause for a moment as the maiden reached out and took his hand in her own and leaned in to kiss him softly. Ah well that made sense he supposed, Arwen and the twins must have a mother after all and she seemed like a perfectly lovely young lady. Good for him.
After she’d drawn back, perhaps a little later than was wholly respectable but allowances could be made for such a reunion, she smiled and took his arm as they made it down to the pier to catch a few quiet words of endearment before Galadriel cut in to greet who, now that he saw them side by side, could only be her daughter.
Bilbo noticed that those around them started to bow their heads as a lordly elf emerged before them, melting out of the crowds. So he would finally get to meet an Elven king of Valinor then, most likely one from his poems, how dreadfully exciting.
‘Celebrian, I do so hate to intrude but would you mind terribly if I borrowed your husband for a minute?’
‘Oh you go right ahead, your majesty,’ she replied cheerily with a little knowing look to her mother and fond smile. Bilbo could have sworn he heard her whisper ‘sometimes I wonder which one of us my husband is actually wedded to,’ but then it must just be his hearing, he was very elderly and all that.
Elrond placed his hand over his heart and motioned to a dignified kneel as Galadriel scoffed, why he did not understand, and made no motion to do the same. ‘My king. My loyalty is to you undying and my life as ever lies at your disposal, as it did for the many millennia I have served you-’
‘Oh sweet Elbereth, Elrond lay off would you? Yes, yes I know, you escaped the crown, congratulations, rub it in why don’t you?’ He rolled his eyes in a very unkingly manner and put his hand to his hip with an exasperated tone of one repeating himself.
‘I’d have thought that in the several thousand years since I’d seen you last you’d have finally stopped delighting in my torment so but no you’re just as vexing as ever.’
Elrond placed his hand on his hip and quirked his mouth in a very unfamiliar manner while speaking perfectly earnestly. ‘Well, my dear I should be most hurt to hear otherwise. Vexing you is a well honed skill and the thought of getting out of practice after only three thousand years-’
Without much warning he strode forward and swept the Lord of Imladris off the ground, spinning him in the air. To his surprise Elrond simply twined his arms about the former high king’s neck and laughed.
‘Oh how I missed you my darling, you beautiful terror, do you know how long it’s been since someone insulted me to my face? I’m afraid my ego was in danger of growing quite inflated, and now you and Galadriel are here both at once and I should never worry of such things again!’
‘It’s incredible to see you again, my love! You know no one gets my sense of humour anymore, whenever I try to joke everyone just tells me to stop being so morbid! Galadriel understands it I think but she just gives me her ‘Elrond would you grow up?’ face, entirely unfair considering I’m about seven millennia in this world and as mature as I’ll ever be.’
Elrond’s wife covered a giggle with her hand while Galadriel merely rolled her eyes at the antics, while the two embraced perhaps more indecently than Elrond had with his wife, that had been intimate certainly and made most onlookers deeply guilty to intrude on but this was a great deal more exaggerated and over the top. When Elrond’s feet finally settled in the ground and he released the High King with shared breathless laughter he left one slightly more reserved and earnest kiss to the knuckles and began an animated discussion between him and his wife.
Pushing through to greet them came three golden haired nobles that could be none other than Galadriel’s kin. ‘Sister! You did it! Congratulations I always knew you had it in you!’
Another one chimed in ‘Cheers Artanis, do you know how much coin you won me with this? No one believed me when I said us Arafinweans would outlast them all but now look at us! Victory over those idiotic kinslayers yet again-’
‘Calm down Angrod. But seriously little sister we’ve got to celebrate, we’re all so proud of you!’ This last one pulled her and the other two in for an awkwardly long embrace before he finally seemed to notice they had company.
‘Ah! So these are the hobbits, I really scarcely believed my ears at some of the things I’ve been hearing, but then victory always has a habit of coming from the most unexpected places, I’ve always said.’ A pointed cough to his left, ‘yes, alright fine, I plagiarised that, thank you for your assistance Galadriel.’
‘But regardless, there are a great deal of people who are most fascinated by goings on and would adore to hear the whole story why we haven’t had so many new faces all at once since Mandos- oh.’ His face stilled and he seemed to be trying to come up with some means of backtrack on whatever he’d said wrong. ‘Oh shit.’
‘What Finrod?!’
He chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck and staring at the ground as he mumbled, ‘Why did I have to go open my big mouth? We all agreed, give it a day or so but now they’ve just got into the harbour and I’ve already-’
‘Oh just spit it out, brother! What’s going on with Mandos?!’
‘Well, uhh funny story, long story really, better told over some wine,’ he looked up to meet Galadriel’s glare and winced before changing tack.
‘They’re out.’ At this everyone stilled, seeming to have a clear idea who the elusive ‘they’ referred to and no desire to fill a poor old hobbit in.
Galadriel’s eyes widened and Frodo told him later that even when discussing Sauron and the destruction of Middle Earth, never had she appeared so shocked. ‘When you say they you better not mean what I think you-’
‘All of them. They’re all here.’
Glorfindel blinked slowly with wide eyes before saying slowly ‘I came back to life and survived two wars against Sauron just to get murdered again didn’t I?’
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lordgrimwing · 18 days
you know I gotta ask about more mouths AU
Ask me about my WIPs!
Ah, More Mouth, the first au Nightie created while I cowered in the background, horrified by the torments heaped upon upon Glorfindel.
The premise: simple (Sauron captures Glorfindel in the second age and warps his body and mind into a monster). The genre: horror (body horror, specifically, as we see our hero twisted until he is nearly unrecognizable). The word count: low (a lot of aus have been made since then and it's hard to write stuff like this. there are three stories and some art on ao3--which I can't link now because ao3 is down).
To give more detail (because I can):
Sauron turns Glorfindel into a werewolf of sorts (Nightie's lovely art) in defiance of the Valar and their emissary. During this time, Suaron sends letters to Imladris, taunting a helpless Erestor with the details of each new torture. He eventually abandons Glorfindel as the forces of evil are driven back into the depths of Mordor, thinking the elves will be forced to kill the monster (a moral blow). Glorfindel is now a raging beast with a taste for flesh and the keen mind of a deadly predator. The elves will surely have no choice but to kill it.
Against all odds, Erestor (and Elrond) convince Gil-galad and the generals to stay their hand. Some claim that it no longer has a fea, that the Necromancer cast the soul from the body and replaced it will a fell spirit as he did so often for the Dark Lord. Erestor is sure his lover is still in there somewhere (or, if he is really honest with himself, he just can't bare to lose the last remnant of his husband, perhaps forever this time).
And then the au progresses through the rest of the second and third age as Erestor cares for the monster that used to be Glorfindel.
Ok, ok, because of who we are, there is a happy ending at the end after all the torment and angst.
Some of my favorite parts:
The beast still screams like an elf.
Erestor knows he shouldn't read the letters but he can't let Glorfindel suffer alone.
The beast seems to recognize Erestor and (usually) won't attack him.
Erestor hides injuries from Elrond because he is so sure that Glorfindel doesn't mean to hurt him.
One day, well after it is tamed and settled into its new life, Erestor is relaxing with the beast when suddenly he feels a fea touch his. For a moment, Erestor is elated. After all this time, proof! But then the connection opens and all he can hear are Glorfindel's tortured screams and pleas to be killed.
The Mirkwood elves think beast!Glorfindel is actually really cool once he's back in his right mind again and not likely to eat them.
And the absolute best part of the au, hands down
Celebrian doesn't sail.
(yes yes, of course she is still captured by orcs. of course things still happen. But not as much and not as long and she recovers in Imladris with Elrond and their children)
That about covers it. A very indulgent au that is actually really cool and deserves more attention than I give it.
More Mouths. More mouths... Why more mouths? No clue but Glorfindel certainly has more mouth now.
I'll see myself out
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cycas · 10 months
I’d love to hear about the Celebrian Sails fic!
Oh, that one has been lurking around for a while. I don't know if I will manage to finish it or not...
There were four figures waiting on the long white quays of Alqualondë as the white ship drew in and began to tie up: three in richly-embroidered tunics, tall, with golden hair that caught the light, and one, smaller and slighter, with long tresses star-silver pale, in a dress that shone with the greens and blues of the Sea. 
A faint scent was on the warm air, pinetrees, seaweed and a warmer richer scent that Celebrían did not recognise.  It was a warm day, and yet she still felt cold.  
She pulled her cloak tighter around her head and shoulders, keeping her back to the smooth planks of the ship and the water beyond.  It was easier if she did not have to think about people coming up behind her.
The shock and pity on their faces, as they turned to look at her was hideously familiar.
She knew how she looked.  Two years ago, if she had seen any of her kin bald and hunched and scarred, no doubt she would have worn the same expression. 
She would not have thought she cared so much for her own beauty, until she lost it.  
At least these were strangers. 
When Elrohir and Elladan had found her, they had looked at her like that.  
Her own children, and yet it had taken them a moment to recognise her, then another long, terrible moment of shock, when she wanted to comfort them, and at the same time, would have given almost anything for it to have been anyone else seeing her her crouching, filthy and terrified, in the stinking pit where the orcs had chained her. 
Then after that, the terrible, unbearable pity from all three of her children: Arwen, too. 
Elrond had tried so hard not to make that expression, once he realised that it upset her even more. But the pity was in his eyes. 
The tallest of the strangers, bright-eyed and eager-faced, stepped towards her, and she braced herself to try to talk to him, and not to duck away or shiver. Then one of the others caught his shoulder, shaking his head. He spoke briefly to the silver-haired lady, who nodded, and came over the deck towards her, alone. 
“You are Galadriel’s daughter, aren’t you?” she said, gently.  Her voice was high and musical.  Celebrían’s own voice had sounded like that, once.  “I am Eärwen, your grandmother.” 
Celebrían nodded, but could not find words to say.   Eärwen hesitated for a moment, and pointed.  “That is your grandfather, Finarfin, the tall one who wants so much to come hurrying over and is almost burning up the deck with eagerness, and then your uncle Finrod on the right, telling him not to, and Angrod on the left.  We didn’t want to startle you.”
“My greetings to you, Grandmother,” Celebrían said, hoping that it sounded natural, the sort of thing anyone might say.
Not the sort of thing that only someone who had been taken by orcs and tormented by them, and had been rescued by her own children would think of.   With a great effort, she collected all her remaining resources and stepped forward to take Eärwen’s offered hand. 
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hollowwhisperings · 1 year
Justice For Celebrian!
Celebrian is a Character of Absence in Tolkien's Legendarium: we never truly meet her and yet her absence lingers throughout the text, affecting most every major actor of the Third Age (the eldar most of all).
How-so it this? Through this: the devastating grief, unspoken yet doubtless, of those who knew & loved her.
For Celebrian was this: to Celeborn & Galadriel, their daughter and only child; to Elrond, the Great Love of his life; to Elladan & Elrohir, a mother whom they failed to quickly rescue; to Arwen Undomiel, the mother whom she was never to meet again for choosing the Path of Man.
Celebrian was the Lady of Imladris, the princess in all but name to Lothlorien. She was kin to two Ringbearers and yet neither Ring could save her. We know only that she was gentle and beloved, by some of the most crucial players in the events of the Second & Third Ages of Middle-Earth.
Why Celebrian is Absent
Celebrian's status as one "beloved" by the eldar creates a formidable motive in their hatred of The Shadow. For the means by which Celebrian was "absented" from Middle-Earth was entirely of Its Reckoning: in the 2509th Year of the Third Age, Celebrian was "waylaid by orcs". She was "captured and tormented" until she was, at last, found and rescued by her twin sons.
This Fate is one of Horrific Implication, one that Tolkien's Appendix B avoids elaborating upon (beyond her "receiving a poisoned wound").
Fans have Imagination Enough to consider what Hurts could be beyond even Lord Elrond's means to Heal, beyond any of Galadriel's many powers, beyond the careful comforts found in Imladris & Lothlorien. Whatever befell Celebrian by the creations of Sauron, it left her so wounded that Sailing West (& thus Away from most everyone she had ever known) was her only Hope for recovery.
"Justice" within the Legendarium
The Fate of Celebrian was yet one blow more in a long list of Personal Grievances borne by her Kin against Sauron. The vigilance and ample assistance of Celebrian's Kin during the War of The Ring was undoubtedly inspired, in no small part by her Fate & subsequent Departure.
While Elrond & Galadriel would doubtlessly have aided The Fellowship without this most recent grievance to drive them, the otherwise reclusive eldar of Imladris & Lothlorien would certainly have found Celebrian's Fate "inspiring" enough to take arms once more, "postponing" (or hastening) their Leave of Middle-Earth to seek Justice for their Lost Lady.
"Injustices" in Adapted Works
The Injustices that adapted Tolkien works have done unto Celebrian are many: they have erased her very existence (TROP); they have denied her her Epic & Untold Love Story with her Husband (TROP, again); they have Lessened the person she chose to love by making him a Minor Antagonist (both of PJ's film trilogies); they have stolen the kinship between other characters that they share for her existence (PJ's trilogies imply her existence but fail to utilize its possibilities, many of them comical: Elrond is Galadriel's Son-in-Law; Gimli's Championship of "Grandma Galadriel"; Arwen's Looks being inherited not from Celebrian but from Elrond; etc).
The effects the Live-Action Adaptions have had on the Modern Tolkien Fandom are also Significant: Hugo Weaving's portrayal of Elrond is the most commonly known, despite its OOC-ness; the relationships between Celebrian's Family are unrealised or dismissed; the "Last Homely House", a title probably earned by Elrond & Celebrian both, is considered falsely named; the Many Incentives for Galadriel to Hate Sauron & to have ALWAYS Hated Sauron are... forgotten to enable a "will-they won't-they" romance(???).
To erase Celebrian is to remove from the Second Age one of its silliest love stories: she & Elrond were silently pining for each other for almost 2000 years! This surely amused her mother, who had become afflicted with Sea-Longing some few years prior, & caused Conflict at the Court of King Gil-Galad (for, by wedding Celebrian, Elrond's Claims for High Kingship of the Eldar would become even stronger). The politics are, perhaps, the primary purpose of the would-be couple's long silence: audiences do not know as the potential of their love story has had little attention dedicated to it.
Injustice to Celebrian exists also in the mischaracterization of Elrond: what impression must an audience have, afterall, of the one to love & be beloved by someone so antagonistic to those most in need of "The Last Homely House"? The hostility, the begrudging "hospitality" exhibited by the Elrond of PJ's film trilogies tarnishes not only Elrond but the Legacy of Celebrian as that House's Lost Lady.
(It also creates some varyingly minor/major Plot Holes, such as Elrond's ability to host a Council of the "Free Peoples" in the first place. If his hospitality is so poorly to non-elves, why on Arda would he so frequently be sought for counsel? Furthermore, the Elrond of the Third Age has made himself a Healer: how many elves of this Age would ever need his skill?)
More, varyingly serious charges of "injustice" to Celebrian are sure to follow: my discontent began in the rendering of her husband into a petty antagonist; it has been reignited upon my learning of Amazon's choices in its adapting of the Second Age. Mostly, however, my rallying cry is made in jest: "failures" of adaptions to make Elrond sufficiently pretty for his wife; the lack of "Celebrian/Elrond" content in tumblr feeds; melodrama over how many elven names start with "Celeb".
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sirioniel · 2 years
Tumblr media
In 2509 Celebrian wife of Elrond was journeying to Lórien when she was waylaid in the Redhorn Pass, and her escort being scattered by the sudden assault of the Orcs, she was seized and carried off. She was pursued and rescued by Elladan and Elrohir, but not before she had suffered torment and had received a poisoned wound. She was brought back to Imladris, and though healed in body by Elrond, lost all delight in Middle-earth, and the next year went to the Havens and passed over the Sea.
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings; Appendix A – 'Annals of the Kings and Rulers'.
Illustration 'Leonore' by W. Heath Robinson.
Published in: The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. London/ New York 1900.
Edited and cropped by me.
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mismaeve · 2 years
What are your thoughts and opinions on Celebrian? Do you like her as a character and see her as a good match for Elrond?
My petty jealousy aside, I think she was wonderful for Elrond. It always saddens me when I think about the torment that she went through, more so, the kind of pain it was have caused Elrond, especially seeing that, although physically healed, she was too hurt to remain in Middle Earth. It’s very heartbreaking, because she didn’t deserve what happened to her. So I always get really sad when I think about it 😭😭😭
Thank you so much for the ask my dear! 💞💞
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ohifonlyx33 · 2 years
bro. we could have had Elrond x Celebrian. We could have seen them meeting and falling in love. He loved her and yet said nothing. BRO. WE COULD HAVE SEEN ELROND QUIETLY BEING IN LOVE. I know they don't wed until early in the third age, but... we could have met Galadriel's daughter, Elrond's future wife, and the eventual mother of Arwen (my beloved) in her younger days before she was married, before she had children, and before she was waylaid by orcs and tormented... We could have had at least a taste of the type of woman that she might have been.
But no. They literally took her family away from her. And for what? Warrior Girlboss in all her insufferable glory. They've shown Galadriel to be neither married, nor a mother... Based on the Numenor plot, it's near-ish the end of the second age, . Because apparently, slaying orcs is a more important, character-defining story for the Lady of Lothlorien.... than having a family.
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vakarians-babe · 1 year
6, 8, 9, 18, 25, 26 and 43 for Lanadhiel and Elladan <3
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
Very plainly--they don't argue often, honestly, but on the rare occasion they do, they're both open about their apologies and try to present them with as few frills as possible while still being tender and understanding. And then after that they kiss each other's hands in a show of deference and affection.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Lanadhiel is always awed by how resepectful Elladan is. In the time they travel together with the Grey Company, he tries his best to learn the ways and histories of those whose communities they pass through, and he puts great care into the way he engages with those he meets. She sees this as a mark of how much he cares for those around him. In turn, Elladan loves Lanadhiel's dedication. She keeps going, even after losing her sister and parents, and I think he sees some of his own emotions in her after his mother's capture, torment, and journey west.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Lanadhiel dislikes Elladan's constant tendency to go forth on new adventures and missions, even if she understands it. It's less a point of contention and more something she knows she has to bear, especially since they both have a strong sense of duty. It does make her anxious, though, since it means they are parted often with no way of communicating, such as when she parts ways with the Grey Company, and she rarely knows if Elladan is well. Elladan struggles with Lanadhiel's own tendency to go off on her own, which, even though it's born of necessity during the War of the Ring, it brings up too many old fears for him. After the end of the War, though, they both talk openly about these issues, and are rarely parted after.
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Lanadhiel is less adroit than Elladan, but she does know enough of the healing arts from her Galadhrim training that she's able to take care of him. She doesn't fuss, but she does focus. Elladan, on the other hand, fusses inconsolably when Lanadhiel is injured--it reminds him too much of Celebrian's torture whenever anyone he cares for is unwell.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
They do! They put off the journey west for quite some time, leaving only after Aragorn and Arwen's deaths. They live in different places, but spend most of their time in Gondor, in the high guest house of Minas Tirith. Their rooms are always decorated in a mixed fashion reminiscent of both Lothlorien and Rivendell, filled with gifts and remembrances of their travels.
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
They share the sacrifice of being apart during much of the War of the Ring because they know that it's necessary, and they both have jobs to do in order to have any sort of future together.
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
They have slightly different styles, with Elladan preferring darker colors, most often blue and silver, and Lanadhiel lighter colors, usually green and gold. If they were to dress each other according to their own styles, they would both compromise in things like Elladan picking a lighter pastel blue colored garment for Lanadhiel, for example.
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swanmaids · 2 years
legolas!! <3 and also celebrian mb?
Sexuality Headcanon: that elf is gay sorry he told me... Gender Headcanon: cool wood elf A ship I have with said character: oh YOU KNOW.... only gimli son of gloin himself A BROTP I have with said character: aragorn!! also i think your ocs for his sisters are soooo cool i care them... A NOTP I have with said character: well. i'm sorry girls but i think @galadrielspeaks iconic post about aragorn/legolas said it all ...the elf is fucking the dwarf. A random headcanon: he's very good at sign language bc the mirkwood scouts need to use that to communicate silently... General Opinion over said character: i care him!!!!!
Sexuality Headcanon: i havent actually thought much about this! i guess i default to straight bc i love celrond but she could also be bi. so hmmm Gender Headcanon: best girl A ship I have with said character: ELROND!!! celrond artists and writers i owe you my LIFE. theyve done so much with v little canonical characterisation i love it A BROTP I have with said character: elwing!! i absolutely think theyd be besties in valinor they have a lot in common and elwing would definitely want to take her under her wing (haha. bird) A NOTP I have with said character: does she really get shipped with anyone other than elrond? i can't think of anyone A random headcanon: her physical scars from her torment don't heal in valinor General Opinion over said character: LOVE her. asking jirt via ouji to give us more details
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ravencounsellor · 1 year
playing with the idea of Imladris Erestor having two elves employed as his top ranking spies and he calls them his “ravens” bc no one except Elrond and Glorfindel (and Celebrian) know that they’re a thing but they’re like. Erestor’s right and left hand essentially? I think that they originally came into his service to help him with his work while he recovered from his imprisonment & torment in Mordor; aka they’re one of a small handful of people that are in the know about his eye situation.
I imagine that they’re a pair of siblings with a tragic past. I dunno. They may even be connected to the time of his imprisonment; maybe they were all rescued together?? I’m also toying with the idea of them having been children when Erestor meets them. All I really know about them is that they’re siblings (maybe even twins), they have black hair, and they have dead parents
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