#celebrating pride month right
divinesymmetry · 1 year
currently listening to Bowie's "Andy Warhol" and reading James Baldwin. it doesn't get much gayer than this
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alwaysbewoke · 8 months
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bastionrojo · 1 year
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paintingpuff · 4 months
HB The Full Moon, and Stolas' Mistakes from Trauma
A lot of people have correctly pointed out that Blitzø lashing out in TFM is a trauma response, but what I haven't seen as many talk about is how Stolas’ reactions are also a trauma response. 
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Longer analysis under the cut 
Throughout the series you can see that when Stolas is upset or vulnerable in front of other people, he defaults to politeness and royal decorum. 
Some good examples of him doing this in front of Blitzø is Ozzie’s. When Blitzø insults his date outfit Stolas is visibly upset, but quickly regains his composure into a noble strut, and when Blitzø pushes him away at the end of the episode Stolas gives him a formal bow. Only when Blitzø drives away does Stolas give himself the freedom to cry (and even then it looks like he's holding himself back, even when alone).
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Stolas not being willing to cry (especially in front of other people) is also a common through line, and both of these behaviors can be very easily rooted back to his father. Throughout The Circus we see Paimon policing the way Stolas expresses himself, such as scolding him for crying or bowing to an imp. 
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This is also why he got such a thrill when flirting with Blitzø, since that’s one of the only times where he can be very outgoing and crass.  
In regards to his relationship with Octavia and Stella, Stolas clearly is taking on the role of the Peacemaker for the sake of Octavia. This is pretty explicitly stated in The Circus, but can also be inferred from the fact that Octavia didn't realize her parents hated each other so much until she was older back in LooLoo Land. 
So Stolas’ strategy for dealing with Stella is not to match her anger and potentially escalate the conflict, but instead quietly endure for the sake of peace (and appearances). Even when he's visibly angry at Stella during their Still-Not-Divorced party, he doesn’t even speak to her. He just withdraws with some alcohol (and then Blitzø). His strategy to things that upset him (and especially anger or cruelty directed at him) seems to be to just leave as soon as he possibly can, and if he can't then endure it without showing how upset he is. 
(It's also worth pointing out that what Stella described when she and Stolas sleep together also looks like withdrawing behavior. It's just all over their marriage, really.)
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So during their confrontation in The Half Moon, you can see Stolas go through every single one of these trauma responses as he feels like Blitzø rejects him. 
When Blitzø harshly pushes back against Stolas’ confession (because Blitzø cannot comprehend someone sincerely liking him like that), you see Stolas put his regal hat back on and emotionally retreat to his usual politeness with "I wish you the best for your business," before physically retreating by walking out of the room. 
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My guess is he was already close to crying by this point and was trying to withdraw from the situation before Blitzø could see it, but Blitzø chases after him. Even as Blitzø yells at him, he keeps his face turned away as much as possible. 
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He never interrupts or argues back when Blitzø lashes out at him (which could be reminiscent of the way Stella always lashed out). He then gives his single response, unable to hold back the tears anymore (which Stolas only barely turns for Blitzø to see), before a quick goodbye and teleporting Blitzø away before he can even receive an apology. 
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(Also, since this is definitely the first time Blitzø has ever seen Stolas cry, this moment hits even harder for the both of them.)
If Stolas had waited a little longer to hear that apology, or just stayed to let Blitzø process what he was hearing, the break up might not have happened. But then he wouldn't be acting like Stolas, would he?
A lot of people have correctly pointed out that Stolas was incorrect in not giving Blitzø the proper time to process any of their conversation, and that Blitzø’s trauma made him react the way he did. But what I do love about how the confrontation was written is that it's not all one party's fault or the other. Both of their traumas have instilled certain responses that clash beautifully this episode, between Blitzø’s instinct to push back and Stolas’ instinct to pull away. 
It's a goddamn soap opera and I love it. 
(Side note: the trailer revealed clips that seems to show Stolas' going on a petty revenge streak with Blitzø due to this breakup, which I think will be both fun to watch and a good/interesting step for Stolas' character. It will be one of the few times he properly expresses his anger and makes a scene rather than placate one. Though with that kind of intoxicating rage I can definitely see him taking it too far, especially since the breakup wasn't solely Blitzø's fault, but both parties are likely to interpret it that way. Thus, the soap opera continues.)
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hope-ur-ok · 4 months
The swiftie mood really has just become "disappointed but not surprised" huh
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Me watching the LGBT community who almost never rarely gives black women and girls, asexuals, or aromantics genuine respect, pretend we’re all friends and have always treated us right the minute it’s June 1st and want to use black women(mainly darkskinned) and girls as their little poster girl:
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#asexual#aromantic#It’s always coming from the non black people(including other racial minorities) too#and the stuff coming out of the lgbt community towards black women and girls has gotten real nasty#i have seen numerous people(although they’re mainly black) say that black people are inherently queer because we’re unnatural and strange#in the eyes of white supremacy and white people#like are you ok in the head??? why do you want to say that black people are inherently strange and we defy every social standard#as of our existence is a social statement#I personally think the worst thing I’ve personally heard(from yet another black person)#was that black women and girls would get seen as men or trans women because our hair is nappy#what does our natural hair have to do with getting seen as men or trans women??#and the white lgbt people just applauded them and hearted their tweet#it annoys me how for some weird reason political and social movements will mainly use black women especially darker black women as rep#and It’s almost always by a non black person#like why don’t you use a girl or woman from your own race in your political and social justice artwork#oh wait that’s right#because in general the lgbt community views black women and girls as magical negras who will be their ride or die sista soulja#who will mule and fight for them no matter how badly they outright insult us or sneakily talk badly about us#pride month is basically another black history month when it comes to how everyone reacts to it#every reaction to it is superficial and they’re only celebrating us because they feel like they had to or wanted social points#had it been any other month they would’ve been focusing on the group that they belong to
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mariaashby64 · 3 months
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Happy Pride!
Wanted to draw some of my aroace girlies.
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 3 months
How can I bribe you into helping me get a job in the industry, other than promising my undying love, which you already have <3
The industry is horrible and awful, low pay, long hours, no real chance of advancing.
Whenever people touring the station or new interns ask me for advice, I always tell them to change careers lol
#ask#plus; i'm a producer for a statewide channel sure; but it's nothing huge or glam#like;; i've gotten to work with celebrities but that's more luck than normal operations#and i've said 'i don't hate what i'm doing i hate where i do it' so much for so long that i don't even believe it anymore#i would only wish a career in television on people i hate#but i do try to be even minded as best i can; like i'm acutely aware i work in probably one of the most toxic environments in the state#i've been sexually harassed; grabbed; locked in a room and screamed at by a psycho freelance producer#been injured and seen graphic injuries that happened because of incompetence; seen theft and assault#and had the men at work get aggressive with me because i'm the youngest and shortest and only woman#told by management i was only given opportunities because i'm a woman and it looks better for their image if they pretend to put me up fron#had my bosses retaliate against me for refusing to do illegal things for them#to the point where i was below the poverty line for several months because of it#told by hr that i have no right to complain about anything because even though i run their biggest show i'm just a contractor#had my work stolen and other people's names put on it so those people get the emmys that my work has earned#and lied to about pay rates so I wouldn't know I'm paid less than the men who have fewer responsibilities and less experience than i do#and now they're waging a war against LGBT employees by promoting ultra-right viewpoints and banning mentions of pride#so no i really don't want to help bring anyone into this environment#every day driving in and driving home i just think about driving my car into a concrete wall#i'm looking for a new job i promise
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legendoffreakshit · 4 months
Spoilers for Episode 29 of Cool Kid Cody below! I am like dead serious, this is something that is at the very end of the episode and is extremely spoilery!!!
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I am so normal about this <- said through gritted teeth while I am grasping my thighs so hard it's drawing blood.
Anyways, here's some more screencaps I caught in the episode that I wanna share
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I 100% am setting the one with Cody holding Peter as my desktop wallpaper.
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aweirdbugcreature · 3 months
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Only you. Always you. A Human Being
Happy Pride Month!! I actually made this for a poem I wrote the other day, and while I was painting it, I noticed the feathers looked a lot like the nonbinary flag, so I also decided to incorporate the genderqueer flag colors in there.
I'll probably repost this in my other account where I make art, with the poem. But I also wanted to put it here alone with the title only first.
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whiterosechrista · 4 months
Happy Pride Month!! :D
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While I'm not quite sure where I fit exactly, I'm pretty sure I'm somewhere on the bi/pan/demi spectrum. Those labels wouldn't have even existed if not for the continuous struggle of the folks in the LGBTQ+ community fighting to be seen, acknowledged, respected, and just allowed to exist as the human beings that they are.
So much respect to every one of you who came before me and decided that they wouldn't go quietly into that good night. That they would shout, march, defend, educate, boycott, and demand until they got the rights that every human being should have by default.
Without you, so many more people would've lived their lives thinking they were broken, disgusting, sinful, depraved, and may have ended things too early because of it.
Thank you to every educator, every therapist, every parent, sibling, friend, or stranger who took it upon themself to tell someone that you deserve to live, you deserve to love, be loved, laugh, succeed, you deserve all of that and more.
Thank you to everyone who had the strength to declare "I exist" despite the often violent repercussions.
The fight is still ongoing, might continue for many more years, but we've made it this far thanks to your efforts, and I know we'll keep on making it further and further until we've finally won.
You, me, all of us have proven we have the strength to do so.
Happy LGBTQ+ Pride.
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enby-and-a-twink · 3 months
TW: swearing
Shut the fuck up phobes! David's always been one of the best doctors and now look at this! Way to call out the far-rights too!
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king-wens-king · 1 year
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i lost so hard
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cayanne-pepper · 4 months
Pride is a time for celebration, but it's also a time to fight for our rights. We must keep fighting for the lives of our siblings in Palestine. Keep talking about it. No queer person is liberated until we are all liberated.
I hope you all enjoy your pride and use that motivation and joy to keep fighting for Palestinian liberation!
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drblacula · 4 months
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blueberrybanee · 3 months
Happy Pride Month💙
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Hi, Pride Month is coming to an end in 2 minutes and I haven't made a proper Pride post this month, so here's a shitty Instagram doodle with my Mandosona and my Pride flags :)))
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