#celebrating 100 works on ao3
helloliriels · 2 years
I just read your latest fake fic post and if you are still taking suggestions, I would like to offer Heart Full of Stars
Thank you!
Ooh, thank you! Yes!!! 💫 Especially since I am reduced to using my phone for now ... writing is a pleasant distraction. ✨️
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"You know, my fall to earth ..." Sherlock's voice jolted through John like a lightning bolt, "tomorrow will be the anniversary ... "
John halted in his typing.
Uncertain he had just heard, what he thought he had heard ... ?
His head seemed to rotate of its own accord to find out why Sherlock was saying this. Was he remembring the Reichenbach?
But Sherlock was still deep in his mind palace ... hands steepled beneath his chin.
Unaware of his surroundings.
"My star will be just above the place where I fell ..." his mouth moved, but his eyes remained closed.
This shook John even further.
His mind racing back to the desert. The cruel heat. The star filled nights. The desperate loneliness, and then ...
The little prince.
... He had encountered there.
"Draw me a sheep ... ?"
John blinked.
He sat on the floor of his old room upstairs. He had been there for hours. Staring at the battered journal held in his hands. Left. Forgotten. Locked away inside his military trunk. A memory he cherished and yet, desperately wanted to wipe away at the time ...
It was something he had never spoke of. To anyone. Not even Sherlock.
How had Sherlock known ... ?
It was ... so long ago?
John flipped through the pages. Reliving the freshly awakened memories. All of them. Especially the last ...
"Here's the place ... let me go on alone," the small boy had begged. Sending John away.
"Alone is what I have. Alone protects me," Sherlock had stated. Chasing John off.
In both cases, John had left him alone ...
Hadn't he?
Too late, realising his mistake.
John sat on the floor. Staring at the form of his best friend, his genius, his prince ... still lying on the couch.
Comparing it to the crude drawing he held in his hands. The curls. Unmistakable.
It was impossible.
And yet ...
Sherlock woke up.
Turning to face John with a beatific smile on his face.
"And did you find your rose?" John asked him, gently.
Sherlock nodded. Blinking back the tears.
And John could see the stars, still in his eyes.
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Thank you for the ask anon!! Lovely prompt! Adding in @johnlocky @fluffbyday-smutbynight @chinike @rhasima for funsies ✌️the rest of the game (so far) can be found here 🌟
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solradguy · 1 year
Omg how does Interlude have almost as many views as the actual Begin translation???? That's wild.... Thanks guys haha <3
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halfagone · 10 months
The Power of DPxDC
There has been a lot of anti-DPxDC sentiment going around lately; if you haven't heard about it, then don't worry about it. This isn't a post about the negativity, this is a post celebrating how much we've done as a crossover fandom!
Just as a bit of perspective, I've been reading fics from DPxDC since 2020. Now that might not seem like a long time ago, but back then we didn't even have 100 fics for the crossover as a whole, and look at us now! This is a screenshot from Ao3 just today:
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Incredible, isn't it? Look how much we've grown and contributed and shared! And that's not even mentioning all the wonderful Tumblr prompts and posts and incredible fanart. DPxDC has us in a chokehold and it isn't about to let go any time soon.
I know it can be a little disheartening to see all the people trying to drag us down. I know I've been left disappointed in some cases, but I also know that my love for the crossover hasn't abated at all, and I hope it stays that way with you all too!
There is so much engagement in this crossover, I cannot tell you enough how much you all have spoiled me with comments and kudos and fanart. A lot of my fandom friends like to tease me for writing so much, but I don't think I could have written half of those fics had it not been for people like you loving them as much as you do.
Passion is the lifeblood of this fandom, of every fandom! And I don't see that going away any time soon for DPxDC.
I know I want to comment and kudos more. I read a lot of fics, but I don't sign in often so that you can see me leaving that kudos, and it's been more and more apparent to me how many people don't realize how much I adore their writing. I'm hoping to fix that!
Some might say that we don't tag our work appropriately, and while that might be true in some cases, I cannot stress enough just how good of a job we're doing. @tourettesdog made a wonderful post not too long ago about tagging, and we do clean work! Not even a full 3% of all the tags they'd seen included a "main" tag, which has been the frustration for most. 3%? That's incredible!
You all deserve some appreciation for the hard work y'all do, and this is it! I hope you all know how well you've fed creators, readers, and fans like me! Don't let up, because we do amazing work. And that deserves to be celebrated.
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Scaramouche Masterlist
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In all works I write, unless stated otherwise, the reader is gender neutral.
Genshin masterlist
Fluff - Suitable for all ages Not (as) safe for work - Suggestive or dark(er) content Content warning(s) - Will be included where necessary!
From April 6th to April 30th, I am opening my requests for 100 followers milestone! Check out more here! EVENT HAS ENDED!! THANK YOU TO ANYONE WHO HAS jOINED <33
♡ Little treasure chest Wanderer x shy! quiet! reader
♡ The ups and downs of dating nerd!Scaramouche How it's like dating nerdy scaramouche~
♡ Crochet and Coquette ♡ Wanderer likes you, and somewhat your crocheting hobby~
♡ Anniversary with Scaramouche Celebrating your one year anniversary with your dear boyfriend~
♡ Sweet little dove Yandere Scaramouche making you his (obsessive behavior)
♡ Worship me Scaramouche loves his obedient pet! (dom/sub tones, power play(?))
♡ "Would you still love me if I were a worm?" Wanderer loves you, even if you ask the silliest questions at times
♡ Chocolate, Blankets and (Preferably), Cuddles Where Scaramouche helps ease you through your period (female anatomy/reader)
♡ Kiss, Kiss, (already) Fall In Love That one tiktok kiss trend but with Scaramouche
♡ Kiss Me Under The Milky Twilight You celebrating Valentine's day with Scaramouche, even if he's somewhat late.
♡ Cuddle Trouble(s)! Scaramouche x reader who has a lot of plushies
♡ Head Spinner Have you ever thought of what would happen if Wanderer gets slapped?
♡ They’re a runner, they’re a trackstar ☆ The consequences of a kiss-and-run, really
♡ Wanderer? Never heard of 'im. Where you call your boyfriend by the wrong nickname
♡ Height Matters Not! Height (dis)advantage over wanderer~
♡ Breathing is for losers only! (Request) Where Wanderer's lack of need to breathe is free real estate! (suggestive, brat!scara)
♡ Too Sweet (For Me!) (Request) Even when married, Wanderer is just as bashful as ever~
♡ That One Time Scara Is Not Insulted When Called "Doll" (Request) The title says it all, really
♡ Sinking Into Your Arms Where merman Scaramouche takes you as his own. (possessive behavior, yandere! scara, suggestive)
♡ Good Night and Sweet Dreams Love is best enjoyed when Scara whispers his love to your (supposed) sleeping self~
Fics: (On AO3 only)
♡ A Picnic With Scaramouche (Hopefully Won't End In Disaster)  You and Scaramouche goes on a picnic date
♡ Happy birthday! Your birthday celebration in Sumeru with the one and only Hat Guy Wanderer!
If you want to be tagged on my future scara x reader fics, just comment something along the line of 'tag me' under here or any of my fics~
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ghostieblr · 10 days
the perfect star that hid
written for @sterekbingo square "soulmate au." kind of a new take on soulmate au? at least i haven't seen this particular type (if you have, please link them to me!! <3) also, my card is under the cut! at the very end. the full fic is here, but you can also read it on ao3 (where i'll post it when i get back home) if that's more your style.
The name unfurls on his wrist at the mall, filled with people, a scratch to his bone that goes unnoticed; he always wears full sleeves, a habit borne of shame and fury, fury at himself and his life and at the one who is writing it. He's 27 — older than the average population of those without someone by their side, someone who are made with dust and ashes that together make the perfect star.
He's celebrating his 27th birthday, actually, in this very mall. Friends that appreciate his appreciation for Star Wars, that don't mind him or pity him, who actually care about him — they booked an entire cinema hall for him, pulled certain strings to make it happen, and none of them had to pleaded or begged for it. They just love him.
He doesn't have his soulmate, yet, perhaps never will, but there is this truth as well: he has friends that love him like family, like their own. It might just have to be enough.
That's what he's thinking, the epiphany dredging up his past agony and mulling it over, layering it over with itself, a sort of aftercare that he's giving a try. And he's tired, too, of the heartache and the negativity — his own most of all. And he is tired of the day, muscles aching, and hey. It's a good time for a relaxing shower, now that he's home.
So he smiles at no one in the apartment but at himself in the mirror he's hung in the living room, a sort of statement piece that Lydia insisted on after taking one look at his at the time barely furnished abode, and shrugs.
"You don't need anyone, Stiles."
The words don't sound quite right as he hears them, the meaning of it turned desolate instead of triumphant as his thoughts become intangibly tangible, an epiphany to something he might just have to get used to. Still, he's said it, it's out there, and it's gonna have to do.
He picks the clothes off of himself, hopes the shower will help him pick himself up. Decides a bath would be better — but he's not got that now, has he? Perhaps he should start saving for a house, now. But it's just so much harder with one income only; he could move back to Beacon Hills? San Francisco isn't bad, but the prices of real estate are no joke.
The pros and cons of that potential scenario run through his head, his legs out of the jeans now, his hoodie off of his body next. Huh, he's almost out of toothpaste; he should go to the grocery store tomorrow. He should also see what's in his fridge and what's not but — later.
He's getting ahead of himself.
The t-shirt he's wearing comes off, too, a full-sleeved one, white, that looks rather good on him. Accentuates the lean muscle thing he's got going on from his years at the Track Team in high school and college. There's this scar he has on his left palm from falling once in the middle of a tournament. He turns his hand—
It's not bare, anymore. His wrist — it has a name.
His soulmate's name.
He stares. And stares and stares because what the hell. This has to be a joke, right?
It just has to be.
He has been within 100 metres of this person before multiple times. Has been to his childhood home, to the fucking police station he works at because hello — Derek Hale is one of Sheriff's Deputies, and Stiles is the Sheriff's son.
They've been within 100 metres of each other before.
But this has never happened.
He rushes to his bedroom, naked, panicked, ecstatic. Picks up the phone from where he'd chucked it on the bed, opens the contact of a person he hasn't contacted since the last project they did together in high school.
Cora Hale picks up on fifth ring, when he's about to hang up and try again.
"Stilinski?" She sounds confused. "It's been a while. What's up?" A muffled voice, a male. Cora says, "Are you fucking kidding me? It can't be him — you've known each other for — it's impossible —" She's clearly not speaking to Stiles.
"Is Derek there?"
Cora stops talking.
"Cora, is he — did he get it too?"
Sounds of footsteps, labored breathing. Phone changes hands and then: "Are you Mieczysław Stilinski?"
Stiles stops breathing. It's real.
Derek is asking him the name nobody but his father and the people at the DMV know.
"I don't know any other Stilinski’s. Just your father and you," Derek is saying. He sounds confused, happy, breathless. "And I know your name starts with an M. I saw some papers on the Sheriff's desk once, by mistake but — how is it you?" A pause. "Not — I didn't — I mean like —"
"How is it me when we have been around each other for so long. I have been at your house, you've been working at the BHPD for... fuck, 3 years now?"
"Since I came back from NY, yeah."
"I don't know, Derek, I don't but I... you were at the mall today, right?" He just wants to be sure.
"Yes. Yeah. I was, I was buying a gift for my parent's anniversary."
"And today's my birthday, I was —"
"With your friends watching Star Wars. I know. I saw you and the Sheriff let the whole station know about it yesterday."
Stiles can't fucking believe this. And also... "I'm so fucking cold. I really should wear some clothes."
"Long story short — Shower, saw the name, called the one Hale's number I had."
Derek's chuckle is sexy and seriously, how has he never heard it before? It's a crime. And Stiles should be in jail. At least then he would have met his soulmate earlier... but wait, that's a paradox. Isn't it?
"I thought you were short story long kind of person," Derek says, and follows up with, "And if you're free right now... I know it's late but, would you forsake your shower and meet me to figure out why he haven't met before?"
Stiles cuts the call.
Then calls Cora's cell again. Derek picks it up with an exhale that seems very anxious, so Stiles closes his eyes at his stupidity and admits, "That was a yes. My brain just jumped ahead a few steps. Please text me your number so we can let Cora have her phone back," Cora cheers in the background, "And I can end the call so that I can wear my clothes and you can text me whatever address and we can finally meet and I'm sorry for ending the call so abruptly and seriously why haven't we met before? It's so —"
Derek chuckles again, and really, it's such a nice sound. "Stiles, breathe. I don't want you to die just yet."
"I can absolutely do that, yep."
"Stiles? Wear your clothes. I promise I'll help you out of them when —"
There's a sudden struggle at the other end, and then it's Cora's voice coming down the line, "Ew! No! Do it on your own phone. Stiles, I'm texing you my brother's number, so go! Now!"
She ends the call.
Stiles lets his own phone fall onto the bed, processes what happened for just a minute, and then smiles goofily when Cora makes good on her statement.
Somehow, even though they haven't interacted in all these years despite all the things connecting them to the same peg on the board, Derek texts Stiles: "Stop dawdling and come meet me at the diner on 5th. Remember to wear your clothes. For now."
It's all one block of text too, the dork.
Guess that's his dork now.
Greatest. Birthday. Ever.
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Three
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Don't Hang'em Til Noon: Chapter Three
Pairing: Jake "Hangman Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake "Hangman" Seresin is a notorious leader within the Dagger Gang of the old western territories of the United States. You, a recently orphaned socialite from the eastern seaboard, find yourself swept off to live with your older brother who has set down roots in said western territory. Determined to to make the best of your situation, what will you do when said outlaw sets his sights on you?
Warnings: Jake flirting, suggestive language, talk of theft, talk of hangings. I think that's it.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: I know y'all have been begging for it, so here you go! Just a reminder to everyone that my 100 follower celebration is going on through the rest of the weekend, which means my ask box is open for requests of drabbles or just to talk about those fine af Top Gun men! As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are greatly appreciated! 18+ ONLY!! Find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || DGU Masterlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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If there was one thing you absolutely hated, it was the heat. You hated how it made you sweat. You hated how it made everything stick to you. Most of all, you hated how you could never seem to find any relief. You mulled over all of this as you stabbed into the dirt beneath your fingers, making a hole just big enough to plant your newly acquired seeds. Hondo had been excited to show you the new variety he had gotten in the previous morning, and you had eagerly purchased multiple packs.
Now, you were covered in dirt, sweat dripping down your brow. You leaned back, tilting your head towards the sky as you wiped your arm across your forehead. Your temples pounded from the exertion, and you were sure most of your hair had come out of the bun you had secured it in that morning.
Your mother had loved gardening, and she would always drag you outside to the small patch of land your father had set aside to do so. She taught you the different names of the flowers she kept and how to tend to the different vegetables.
“They’re just like people, Scout,” she had said with a smile, plucking a ripened tomato from the vine in front of her. She had handed it to you to put in the basket, and you had done so obediently. “Every single plant has different needs, and if those needs aren’t met, the plant can’t flourish.”
You hadn’t understood what she had meant by that, and you still weren’t sure you did as you kneeled on the ground. Sure, different species of plants needed different amounts of things like water or sunlight, but two tomato plants should be treated the exact same way in order to grow. You weren’t much of a gardener, however, but you had taken it upon yourself to continue to do it after she had passed. The thought of nothing growing when your mother had always worked so hard to make sure life was ever plentiful caused a pain in your chest and tears to prickle behind your eyes.
A low whistle caught you off guard, and you jumped. Snapping your head to the far side of the fence that surrounded your tiny garden, was none other than Jake Seresin.
“Well, aren’t you a vision?” he drawled, looking you up and down. You felt a different kind of heat rise on your cheeks as you fixed him with a scowl.
“What do you want, Jake?”
He pushed off from the side of the fence and casually strolled to where you had left the gate propped open. You moved to stand, attempting to brush the dirt off of your skirt in the process.
“Just thought I’d come and see how my best girl was doin’ today,” he said, shooting you a wink. Your lips pursed as you took him in.
“I’m not your girl,” you said finally, taking in the stubble that was starting to grow on his chin. “You need to shave.”
Jake hummed as you pushed past him and towards the barn. “You don’t like it? Martha told me last night while we were down at the saloon that she thought I should grow it out. Said it would make me look rugged.”
“Then grow it out,” you grumbled. “I really don’t care either way.”
Jake came up to your side and fixed you with a mirthful stare. “You don’t have an opinion at all on it?”
“None whatsoever.”
“That’s strange,” he chuckled. “Most girls have an opinion one way or the other. The ones who like their men clean shaven like it ‘cause it gives their men a nice, boy next door kind of charm that’s hard to resist. The ones who like a little growth, though…”
You opened the door to the barn, but Jake stepped in front of you, halting your movement. A sly grin had broken out on his face, and he leaned down to whisper in your ear. He was so close, you could smell the mix of smoke and and fresh linen on his clothes. It was an oddly comforting smell. His lips brushed against your ear and you felt a shudder run up your spine as he said, “they like how it feels against their skin when we’re alone.”
A beat of silence passed between you two before Jake pulled away from you slowly, looking at you with an amused smirk. You scowled up at him before pushing past him and into the barn.
“You’re insufferable,” you hissed, moving towards the ladder to the second floor where you kept the hay.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about it, darlin’,” he laughed as you began to climb the ladder. You looked over at him with a sour look, and he huffed another laugh. “I was talkin’ about whether or not you like your men clean shaven, sweetheart.”
“I really haven’t, Mr. Seresin,” you said as you hoisted yourself up onto the ground of the second floor. Jake followed you up the ladder and stopped when he saw you attempting to pick up a rather large bale of hay. He rushed to your side, grabbing it from your hands and walking over to the edge of the floor.
“I don’t need your help,” you protested. Jake threw the hay down onto the first floor with a loud thump and turned back to look at you with a scowl of his own.
“Yeah, well,” he starts, already moving to grab another bale, “you’re getting it.”
You huffed but allowed him to throw down the second bale. He turned to you as if to ask if he needed to get another one, and you shook your head. He allowed you to move down the ladder first before following suit. Once you two were on the ground floor, you moved to start dispersing the hay amongst the stables for the horses. You heard Jake scoff behind you, and before you could even touch the hay, you felt a pair of hands land on your waist.
“Jake!” you screeched as he picked you up. Turning with you in his arms, he sat you down on the workbench that had been shoved against one of empty stable doors. You moved to stand back up, but Jake shoved you down gently by your shoulders.
“Stay,” he commanded, giving you a look that left no room for argument. You huffed, but complied, watching him as he began to work.
“Does your brother know you’re doing all of this?” he grumbled.
You rolled your eyes. “Of course he does.”
“He hasn’t thought to hire any ranch hands?”
“He’s working on that part,” you mumbled. “Besides, it’s not like there’s much to do around here yet, and I am more than capable of doing it all for the time being.”
“Right,” Jake responded sardonically. “And when you keel over from exhaustion, then what?”
“That won’t happen.”
“Sure it won’t,” he said, throwing the last bit of hay into the final stall. He dusted his hands off and walked over to stand back in front of you. Placing his hands on either side of you, he leaned in so that his warm breath ghosted over your face. A smirk tugged on his lips. “So, do I get some kind of reward for helping you out today?”
“What is it you want?” you asked suspiciously, eyes flickering down to his lips momentarily.
“Let’s see,” he hummed, thumb stroking over the back of your hand where it rested on the table. He leaned in even closer. “I can think of a few things.”
“Don’t,” you said, putting a hand on his chest and pushing him back. Jake moved away only slightly. “I don’t want people to get the wrong idea.”
“And what kind of idea would that be, pretty girl?” he smirked.
“The kind that can ruin my reputation.”
Jake scoffed out a laugh, and you frowned. “I’m serious, Jake. A woman’s reputation is all she has in this world.”
Jake studied you for a second. “I think you have more to offer this world than just your reputation, sweet girl.”
“Yes, well,” you stumbled, feeling your cheeks flush yet again from the intensity of his gaze. “You would be one of the few people to think so.”
“That’s a cryin’ shame,” he murmured, reaching up to push a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, almost cupping your cheek as he stared at you. He really was so unfairly handsome.
“You should go,” you whispered, eyes darting between his own.
Jake stroked your cheek slowly. “Yeah? You sure you don’t want me to stay.”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, almost breathlessly. Clearing your throat and shaking your head in an attempt to clear it, you said more firmly, “I mean, yes. I need to get ready for dinner at Maverick’s tonight.”
Jake gave one last stroke of his thumb to your cheek before pulling away completely. He fixed you with a mischievous grin. “Need any help getting ready?”
“I’m only teasin’, pretty girl,” he laughed, already moving to leave the barn. Looking over his shoulder and back at you, he gave you one last wink. “Don’t be a stranger, Scout.”
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Maverick and Penny’s home was humble, but no less spacious than your own. Maverick was a kind man with an air of assuredness about him that put any of your worries about your brother’s ranch at ease.
“I’ll help him every step of the way, y/n,” he said with a smile.
“Please, Maverick,” you had smiled back, “call me Scout.”
Two other men had joined your group for dinner that night - Sheriff Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and U.S. Marshal Beau “Cyclone” Simpson. Sheriff Kazansky was a quiet man, and you learned that he and Maverick had a friendship that spanned back decades.
“I wasn’t going to let this scoundrel found a town without someone there to make sure it didn’t all go to hell,” the sheriff had laughed. Maverick had rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly at his old friend.
“I was a bit of a wild card back in those days,” he admitted.
“‘A bit’ is the understatement of the century,” laughed Kazansky before launching into a story about the time Maverick had taken it upon himself to go bull riding.
“So,” Penny had started once the laughter had died down. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your company tonight, Mr. Simpson?”
The marshal finished chewing his food before answering. “Well, ma’am. I’ve been tasked with rounding up a group of wanted outlaws that have started making a name for themselves out here in the western territories.”
“Oh?” Maverick questioned, eyebrows shooting up on his forehead.
“Yes,” Simpson continued. “A group calling themselves “the Daggers,” in fact.”
You felt your blood run cold. Taking a steadying breath, you spoke up. “The Daggers, marshal?”
“Yes, miss. They’ve stirred up quite the ruckus over the past couple of years. They robbed a bank about a hundred miles north of here just a few months ago.”
“Really?” you breathed, setting your fork down. Simpson offered you a reassuring smile.
“I’m sure you have nothing to worry about, miss,” he said. “We’ll have in custody in no time.”
“So, what brings you here to our small town?” prodded Kazansky, leaning back in his chair.
“Well, the word is that this town is where they like to come and set up shop. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
“If I did,” the sheriff smirked, “you’d be the first to know.”
“What do you plan on doing when you catch them?” you asked.
“We’re going to hang’em,” Simpson answered plainly. Your heart stopped, and you felt your eyes grow wide before you could stop them. You heard Penny’s breath catch and Maverick became eerily still as you all stared at the marshal.
Mr. Simpson, to his credit, seemed to grow uncomfortable at the sudden change in atmosphere. With a clear of his throat, the marshal stood and offered Penny a smile. “This was a mighty fine meal, ma’am, but I’m afraid I’ve got some work I need to be getting back to.”
“Of course,” Penny smiled. With a nod to the table, Beau Simpson turned and walked out of the house.
Maverick groaned, resting his face in his hands. “I’m going to kill those kids.”
“Pete,” Penny started, but he shook his head.
“I can’t keep bailing them out, Penny. I don’t know how many more favors I can call in.”
“I might have a few,” grumbled Kazansky. “But nothin’ I can guarantee.”
You gulped. “How many times have you had to rescue them?”
Maverick bit out a humorless laugh as Kazansky grimaced next to him.
“Enough times to where that’s how Jake earned the nickname ‘Hangman,’” Maverick stated, casting you a solemn look. You felt the color drain from your face. You weren’t sure why this whole situation made you feel sick. Perhaps it was due to the mentions of the gallows. You had seen hangings before, and you never understood the amusement people got from going to watch them. You found them horrible, feeling nauseous at the memories of the bodies as they writhed in the air.
“Are you alright, Scout?” Penny asked quietly, noticing the change in your demeanor. You took a deep breath and offered her a small smile.
“Yes, I’m fine,” you replied, turning to look back at Maverick who continued talking.
“That boy has been on the business end of a rope more times than I can count. I keep tellin’ him to keep his nose out of where it doesn’t belong, but does he listen to me?” he asked with a shake of his head.
“Maybe he just needs something to help keep him grounded and out of trouble,” Benjamin offered.
“Something,” Penny hummed, casting you a knowing glance, “or someone?”
Sheriff Kazansky let out a booming laugh as Maverick chuckled at his wife’s suggestion. “The day Jake Seresin hangs up his womanizing ways is the day I eat my hat,” he said, tone filled with mirth. Penny smiled knowingly.
“Would you like it stewed or fried, honey?”
“I’ll let the chef decide,” Maverick had scoffed. Penny looked like she was going to say something else, but you cut her off.
“Maverick, I wanted to talk to you about the children in this town.”
“What about’em?” he smiled.
“Well,” you started, “I noticed that they seem to be running around town all hours of the day. Shouldn’t they be in school?”
Maverick grimaced. “Yes, they should, but unfortunately we don’t have a schoolhouse, and we don’t have anyone who knows the first thing about teaching.”
“I see,” you murmured. Maverick offered you another smile.
“I promise, we’re working on it. Have you thought about teaching?”
“Goodness, no,” you laughed with a shake of your head. “I don’t think I’d have the patience for it.”
“That’s a shame,” he replied. “Well, I’ll guess we’ll keep lookin’ then.”
The rest of dinner passed by quickly, and before you knew it, both you and Benjamin were bidding farewell to the older couple.
“Come by anytime, you hear?” Penny called after you as you made your way home. Benjamin wished you a good night before retiring to his room, and for the first time that evening, you were left alone with your thoughts. You washed your face in the basin you kept in your room before quickly changing into your night dress. You cracked the window open in hopes that the cool, night breeze would offer your heated skin some relief. You snuffed out your candle and moved to lay in bed. Staring up at your ceiling, you couldn’t help but to think back to the conversation with Marshal Simpson. You thought about the things he said Jake and his friends had done.
“That man,” you growled to yourself. “That stupid, stupid man.”
You thought of how infuriating said man could be with his attempts at flirting, his snarky comments, his broad chest, his surprisingly soft fingers that held your cheek oh so gently…
You felt a burst of warmth pool in your stomach as you thought about how soft his lips had been on the shell of your ear, and how rough his stubble would feel pressed against your-
“Stop it,” you hissed at yourself, placing your pillow over your face and yelling into it. You laid there for a second, willing your thoughts to stop focusing on the man you were sure you hated more than anything. He was a scoundrel, after all. You placed your pillow back in its original position, closing your eyes with a deep breath. Sleep soon found you, dreams filled with green eyes and quiet sighs of your name falling from his lips.
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gimmethatagustd · 3 months
collard greens | kth
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Working as a counselor at a summer camp for kids isn't the most exciting job, but hanging out with Taehyung makes it worth it.
○ Pairing: Taehyung x trans man!Reader
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: A classic Jai weed fic, friends to lovers, summer camp au, smut, fluff
○ 13 / 100 Drabble Challenge (Camp Counselor)
○ Word Count: 3,670
○ Warnings: Some body/gender dysphoria, reference to top surgery, reference to hormone therapy, marijuana, oral sex, (self) hand job, Jai didn't proofread this jhsdkjfsk sorry friends
○ Notes: Today is International Transgender Day of Visibility, created to celebrate trans and nonbinary people worldwide. Particularly on Tumblr and with reader-insert BTS fanfic, there is little representation of trans and nonbinary characters. Readers are often written as AFAB and use she/her pronouns and traditionally feminine terms to describe their genitalia (even when listed as gender-neutral readers). I wanted to share a story that explicitly focuses on a trans reader. I welcome everyone to read this story, regardless of gender or sexual orientation. As F. Scott Fitzgerald once said, "That is part of the beauty of all literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you’re not lonely and isolated from anyone. You belong." 
○ Disclaimer: The trans community is diverse, and this fic doesn't represent all trans and nonbinary people's experiences. If you'd like to learn more about how to be an ally for trans and nonbinary people, check out this article from the Human Rights Campaign. 
○ Post Date: March 31, 2024
○ Masterlist | AO3 Crosspost
○ What was Jai listening to? A weed playlist
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“Did you know that smoking weed makes your sperm count decrease?” 
You scrunch your nose at Taehyung’s vulgar question, but he doesn’t notice. He’s nearly cross-eyed as he licks along the edge of the blunt he just rolled with expert fingers. 
“Not me,” you challenge. “Maybe you.” 
Taehyung stares at you for a moment. You can practically see the gears turning in his head before he sticks the blunt between his lips and speaks around it. 
“Shit, yeah.” 
The summer air, thick with humidity, doesn’t help when your face heats up from Taehyung’s mistake. It’s funny how seemingly inconsequential moments—like Taehyung forgetting that you don’t have the same parts as him—can bring you such euphoria. Taehyung has always been good at that, though. He’s never treated you differently, singled you out, or made you feel like you aren’t enough or are too much.
You’re just two dudes perched on a mossy rock in the middle of the woods, smoking a blunt while the camp kids you’re supposed to be taking care of are asleep in their cabins.
Simple as that. 
Taehyung pauses to light the end of the blunt and inhales deeply, drawing smoke through his pink lips and exhaling it slowly. The thick cloud doesn’t have a chance to disappear into the night sky before Taehyung breathes it back in through his nose. 
Rolling your eyes at Taehyung’s unnecessary display of stoner prowess, you take the blunt from his pinched grip and curl your lips around the tip. 
“Are you trying to say weed is, like, male birth control?” you ask, smoke coming out of your mouth in disjointed puffs and streams between your teeth while you talk. 
“It basically is.”
“That feels very unreliable.” 
Your fingers brush against each other every time you pass the blunt between you. The contact makes your arm tingle, and the feeling wiggles down the right side of your body the more times you reach for the blunt. 
“I mean, I smoke, like, every day, and I haven’t knocked anyone up yet,” Taehyung admits with a shrug. 
You nearly choke. 
“You’re fucking people raw, Tae?” 
“Shhh!” Taehyung giggles with his index finger to your lips. You grab his wrist and try to push him off, but he doesn’t budge. 
“Taehyung,” you whisper, but he pinches your top and bottom lips together to keep you quiet. It’s useless; his giggles are louder than you are.
“Listen,” Taehyung grins as he brings the blunt to his lips. Yours are still pinched together with his other hand. “I got tested before camp started, and I got no babies.” 
“That’s not–” 
“I know the test is for STIs, not babies, obviously!” Taehyung squawks, shoving you hard on the shoulder when you finally free yourself from him with a giggle, almost sending you flying off the rock. “I’m just saying I got neither.” 
“Alright, alright! I believe you. No STIs, no babies.” 
“Exactly.” Taehyung winks at you as he exhales a thick cloud of smoke. 
Since you’re sitting next to each other, it’s impossible to escape the shy embarrassment Taehyung triggers in you. He has no business looking as good as he does when he smokes. It’s his lips and eyes, you think, watching him take another hit. The perfect pink bow of his upper lip and the plushness of his bottom lip make his mouth look pretty when the smoke swirls out of it. 
When he looks at you through the smoke that surrounds you, his eyes are dark and lidded, a heavy gaze that weighs on you as you bring the blunt to your lips.
“Do you want me to roll another one?” Taehyung asks, his voice rough and thick, after a few more passes of the blunt between you. 
It doesn’t feel like you’ve been outside for a long time, but a quick glance at your phone tells you it’s way past time to return to your cabin. 
“We should head back, unfortunately,” you say with a sigh, “Waking up in the morning is going to fucking suck.” 
“There’s probably just this last hit left.” 
You wave away Taehyung’s offer of the blunt now smoked down to a pinched nub.
“I started it, so you have to end it,” Taehyung insists.
“Fine, come here.” 
You’ve shotgunned weed with someone before. Although people may call it a shotgun kiss, it isn’t a real kiss. The person who inhales the smoke is supposed to blow the smoke into the other person’s mouth. Sure, that requires getting close to the other person, but it doesn’t require mouth-to-mouth contact. Everyone knows this, especially someone who smokes as much as Taehyung does.
So why does Taehyung lean in too close to press his lips against yours when you blow the smoke into his mouth?
It’s quiet outside, just the chatter of insects and other forest dwellers breaking the still summer night, so you easily hear the breathy way Taehyung inhales the smoke you’ve passed to him. It’s a soft, gentle sound that makes your entire body tingle, starting where his plush lips connect with yours.
Have you wondered if Taehyung’s lips are as soft as they look? Of course, you have; who hasn’t? Taehyung is easily one of the most gorgeous people you’ve ever met, but he has always been just a camp friend.
You’ve known Taehyung for years, spending half of every summer together at this camp since you were kids, eventually becoming counselors once you aged out of the program. Despite living in different cities and attending different universities, you’ve maintained an unlikely friendship through camp. 
However, now you’re wondering if you’ve been reading your relationship all wrong.
Taehyung pulls away and turns his head to the side to exhale the smoke before cupping the back of your head and leaning in again. He’s pretty like this, with his eyes closed and expression relaxed.
“Is this okay?” he asks, and for some reason, it feels like the hottest thing anyone has ever said to you.
“Yeah,” your voice is hoarse when you respond, scratchy from the smoke making your throat raw and your mouth dry. You made the rookie mistake of not bringing anything to drink.
When Taehyung slips his tongue in your mouth, you can taste the smokiness of the blunt. He cups your face with both hands and deepens the kiss, tilting his head slightly and causing your noses to brush against each other. Making out while high comes with an indescribable pleasure, something airy and electrifying that washes over your entire body in waves. It isn’t like normal arousal that you feel throbbing from your core and spread throughout your body. Kissing Taehyung while high makes your entire body tremble.
You twist your fingers into the sides of his baggy t-shirt to have something to hold onto as he sucks your bottom lip into his mouth, eliciting a low groan from you. The old camp shirt is faded and soft from years of going through the wash. You’ve got an identical one in your dresser at the cabin.
“We have to go back,” you insist weakly once Taehyung releases your lip from between his teeth.
“I forgot.”
“Of course you did.”
Your laugh is full of anxiety as you look away from Taehyung’s heavy gaze. His eyes are blazing red. You wonder if he kissed you because he’s high and if he’s going to wake up in the morning and pretend it didn’t happen. Is that better than the alternative outcome where Taehyung is weirded out because, well, you’re you?
“Shut up,” Taehyung grumbles, but he wears a grin as he digs the toe of his hiking boot into the ground, twisting it to make sure the blunt is put out. 
“First one to the cabin gets to shower first,” he declares.
“Taehyung!” you hiss, but he’s already crashing through the forest brush with flailing arms.
It takes a few seconds for your brain to get in sync with your body, still foggy from weed and Taehyung’s kisses. You scramble to get up, having to adjust your pants with a tug to your crotch as you jog after him. Bottom growth is affirming, but it’s also a pain in the ass sometimes. You can’t imagine how cis men deal with all that.
Taking off in what you hope is the direction of the camp, you quickly realize there’s no way you’ll make it to the cabin before Taehyung. The forest floor is uneven, and you’re an idiot and didn’t wear your hiking boots. Your smooth-soled Converse slide against mossy rocks and get caught on raised tree roots, nearly sending you flying as you try to catch up with Taehyung.
When you finally reach the cabin, you’re wheezing, and your entire body is sticky with sweat. Taehyung is already in your bedroom, whistling as he rifles through the dresser like he’s having a grand time despite his hair looking like a rat’s nest and having welts on his legs from running through bushes in shorts.
“Took you long enough,” he grins as you stomp through the front door and head straight to the bedroom.
The cabin is small, with a living room big enough for a couch and a coffee table, a small kitchenette off to the side, and a door to the bedroom you’re sharing with Taehyung. You each have a twin-sized bed that sits across from the other in the small room, and you share a large dresser placed in between your beds against the back wall. On the opposite side of the room is the door to the bathroom. Everything is a tight fit, but you don’t mind. The two of you are hardly ever in the cabin anyway. Being a counselor requires long hours full of activities, meaning you’re only in your cabin to sleep unless you have an off day.
“I’m gonna go enjoy a nice, warm shower now.” Taehyung rubs his victory in your face, his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, and his eyes glittering like fire embers in the cabin’s pale yellow lighting.
“Dude, fuck off,” you give him your middle finger as he shuts the bathroom door with a cackle.
Thankfully, it doesn’t take long for Taehyung to finish showering. You trade places silently, your red eyes avoiding Taehyung’s because the time you had alone made you paranoid about what happened in the woods.
The paranoia only gets worse while you’re in the shower. There’s no need to scrub yourself with your washcloth so aggressively, but you feel like your entire body is crawling. It isn’t the discomfort you once felt when you looked at your naked body. It’s been a while since you felt discomfort when touching your chest or washing between your legs. No, this feeling you’re experiencing now is something different. Rather than feeling the urge to hide, you want to be seen. You want to be seen by Taehyung, and you don’t know what to do with that desire.
Showering doesn’t calm the need pulsing through your body. You feel a little less high, but you’re still buzzing with electricity, still incredibly sensitive as you dry yourself with a fluffy towel. With your brain still floating in the clouds, you almost think you’re hallucinating the slow opening of the bathroom door. Quickly, you wrap your towel around your hips and stare at Taehyung, whose head pokes through the door crack.
“Hellooo,” Taehyung drags out the word, low and slow, as his eyes sweep over your body.
He’s blatantly checking you out, and you feel your cheeks heat up from arousal or shame; you’re not sure which. You may not experience dysphoria anymore, but that doesn’t mean you’re running around shirtless, sporting scars where most guys’ pecs end. It was never “okay” to be shirtless with the chest you had before; it’s taking a while to feel “okay” doing it now.
You take a deep breath and remind yourself that Taehyung has never cared. He watched you blossom for over a decade as you shaped yourself into your most authentic form, and he kept up with every change, no matter how different things were from the summer before.
“Do you need something or…?”
Blinking, Taehyung’s face turns pink, and he shakes his head.
“No. Well, I mean, sort of?”
Taehyung laughs at himself, and you can’t help but laugh, too, because who can hear Taehyung laugh and not want to experience that same joy, even if it’s twinged with nervousness?
“What do you sort of need?” you finally ask with a grin, that shared joy warming your chest.
“Can I come in?”
“You’re already halfway there.”
With a cheeky grin, Taehyung slips into the bathroom and closes the door so you’ll stay warm. He’s wearing loose boxers and a tank shirt because the cabin’s lack of central air conditioning makes it hot at night. He’s cute like this, soft and domestic.
“Did you like it?” Taehyung keeps his hand on the doorknob as though preparing to leave, but his voice is steady when he asks the question.
“Like what?”
You know what. Taehyung knows you know what.
He clarifies anyway.
“When I kissed you, did you like it?” Taehyung switches between focusing on your eyes and your mouth. “Because… I want to do it again.”
It only takes a slight nod for Taehyung to crowd you against the bathroom counter. The kiss feels confident this time, no longer an accident or hesitant test ride. Taehyung holds your jaw to tilt your head up and kisses you hard enough to leave you breathless. You noisily inhale whenever he lets you.
“I didn’t want to wait,” Taehyung explains against your lips while you moan against his.
“For what?”
“You to finish showering.” Taehyung’s free hand runs down your side to squeeze your hip, part of his hand slipping under your towel. “Is this okay?”
You don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you let him unwrap your towel and drop it on the slippery tile floor. Maybe it’s the weed making you feel reckless, letting this boy see you in a way you haven’t let a boy see you since you started your transition. Maybe it’s just because it’s Taehyung.
“You, too,” you groan when you feel Taehyung’s clothed cock press against your thigh.
Taehyung doesn’t need to be told twice, reaching over his shoulder to pull his shirt over his head by grabbing the back. Once he’s shirtless, his mouth finds your jaw, kissing across to the sensitive spot just below your ear while you tug down his boxers so he can kick them off.
Beneath the arousal building inside of you are nerves you can’t seem to shake. They’re making it difficult to concentrate on how fantastic it feels to have Taehyung’s soft lips kissing and sucking your neck. All you can think about is how you’re afraid that Taehyung will freak out, that he keeps forgetting, and how it feels nice when he forgets when you’re talking about guy stuff, but it’ll feel devastating when he realizes he has forgotten now.
Slowly, Taehyung’s fingertips skirt your torso, creeping down your side to swipe over your waist and trail along the crease where your hip meets your thigh. You hold your breath as he ventures further, eventually shooting your hands out to squeeze his biceps when his fingers dip into your hole to gather your arousal and drag it upward.
“Can I suck your cock?” Taehyung breathes, hot and ragged, against the curve of your ear.
Jolting back, you stare at him with wide eyes and feel your heart flutter painfully in your chest because you still haven’t started breathing again.
“W-What, what did you say?” you stammer, holding Taehyung’s red, lusty gaze.
“Can I suck your cock? I want to suck you off.”
Taehyung says it so simply, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. He slid his fingers through your arousal and didn’t refer to it as your pussy or clit, as if he already knew those words would make you feel disgusting.
“You, how did you know… why did you call it that?”
Scrunching his eyebrows and frowning slightly, Taehyung pulls his hand from in between your legs.
“Uhh… you always call it your dick when we’re talking about stuff with the guys?” There’s a panicked edge to Taehyung’s voice, each sentence coming out like a hesitant question. “But, uh, I feel like most of society agrees that dick isn’t really sexy, so… I thought cock would sound better…”
When you don’t respond, Taehyung’s face shifts from pale with panic to bright red with embarrassment.
“Shit, should I not have said that? Should I have asked first? I’m sorry I—”
You kiss away Taehyung’s embarrassed babbling, your fingers dug into his hair, and your body pressed flush against his. His hands curve around to hold your lower back and pull you closer as if it’s even possible. You want him to try, to mold you into him.
“Thank you,” you whisper. 
When Taehyung smiles, his teeth press against your bottom lip.
“You don’t need to thank me. I just wanna make you feel good. Will you let me?”
“Yeah, yeah.”
You bite your bottom lip and squeeze the edge of the counter on either side of your waist as you watch Taehyung get on his knees. The bath mat protects his knees from the hard tile when he kneels in front of you.
“You’re so pretty,” Taehyung says softly as he rubs his hands up and down the inside of your thighs with slight pressure to push them apart a little bit more, “Pretty boy.”
It’s hot watching Taehyung lick the tip of your cock, the hormones you’ve been on making it stick out beyond your folds. Taehyung is gentle when he presses your lower abdomen with his palm and uses his fingers to pull your lips back slightly to expose more of you. He gets you nice and wet before he wraps his lips around your cock, suckling it and flicking it with the tip of his tongue.
“Oh fuck,” you moan, grabbing Taehyung’s head with one hand so you can run your fingers through his bangs and push them away from his face to see his eyes better.
Taehyung hums in response to your moans, and you feel the vibration rumble through your groin. He’s skillful as he licks and swirls your cock with his tongue and keeps a tight suction around it with his lips and hollowed cheeks.
For a moment, you tip your head back and try to regulate your breathing because how is Taehyung about to make you cum already, just from his mouth? Sure, your body has been more sensitive since you started your hormone therapy, but fuck.
To make matters worse, when you look back down, you notice that Taehyung’s free hand is wrapped around his cock. He pumps his cock at the same rhythm as he begins to bob his head as if he’s sucking even more of you than there really is. You can say, without a doubt, that no one has ever tried to affirm you and make you feel as complete during sex as Taehyung is.
“Fuck, yeah, Taehyung,” you adjust your grip on Taehyung’s hair and start guiding his movements, pulling him up and down by his hair, “Just like that, shit, your mouth feels so fucking good.”
You aren’t pulling his hair hard; you’re really only following the pace he’s already established, but it feels good. It must feel good for Taehyung, too, because he whimpers and jerks off faster. His body trembles just like yours does, and it doesn’t take long for both of you to be panting and frantic.
“Gonna cum, fuck, fuck.”
You squeeze Taehyung’s hair and the edge of the counter as you buck your hips, coming right as Taehyung adjusts his angle to lap at the gush of arousal at your hole, painting his mouth and chin.
“God, you’re so hot, you have no fucking idea,” Taehyung groans into the inside of your thigh, where he nuzzles his face.
His breath is hot and wet as he pants, trembling for a few seconds longer before he finally cums, too. Some of it leaks between his fingers and lands on the inside of your leg, but you don’t care; you just caress his hair from his face while he breathes slowly to calm himself down.
With trembling legs, you twist around to collapse onto the closed lid of the toilet, unable to stand any longer. Your head feels spacey and throbs, likely because you’d been holding your breath too much. It’s okay, though. It makes your body feel all warm and jiggly.
“We have to shower again,” Taehyung says quietly.
He looks just as fucked out as you feel, his eyes wide and staring out into the void as he continues trying to relax his shuddery breath. You can’t help but laugh, throwing your head back and letting it out, like whatever other pent-up energy you had left over after you came needs to escape somehow.
“Yeah, we do,” you wheeze even harder once Taehyung’s face cracks into a boxy smile, and he starts laughing, too.
“I got cum all over the floor,” Taehyung cackles, falling back on his bare ass and holding up his cum-covered hand.
You wipe the tears collecting in the corners of your eyes and shake your head. “That is something I don’t envy.”
“It’s so fucking inconvenient!”
Taehyung grins up at you with crinkled eyes, and you don’t know why you were so nervous before. He’s so perfect it makes your heart hurt.
“Next time, I’ll be the one to swallow,” you promise slyly, pleased when Taehyung lets out a weak moan in response.
“Bro, don’t do this to me,” Taehyung throws his head back and whines at the ceiling. "I’m gonna fall in love with you if you’re not careful.”
Grinning, you shrug. Tonight has been pretty reckless; there’s no use in being careful now.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie).
115 notes · View notes
a-killer-obsession · 2 months
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🎂 Birthday Boy [Zoro x Sanji x Reader] - Part 3
You always get Sanji the best birthday gifts, and sometimes that extends to Zoro too.
CW: (for entire series) Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Cunnilingus, Pegging, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Double Penetration, Threesome - F/M/M, Voyeurism, Praise Kink, Begging, Everyone is bisexual cos I say so, Rimming, Pet Play
WC: (for entire series) 6240
Masterlist || AO3
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Last time Sanji's birthday had come around you'd taken a bit of a risk on the strap on. You'd seen him eyeing it up, sure, but you didn't actually know 100% that it was what he wanted. Of course that risk ended up paying off, but now you needed to get him an even better birthday present this year. This time though, you knew exactly what he wanted. Or rather, who. 
Since Zoro's birthday he'd joined the two of you a few more times. It was always under the guise of you servicing Zoro and Sanji enjoying getting off to watching Zoro fuck you, but there was a unspoken tension between the two men. You saw how they longed to touch each other, but past making out and Zoro's dick rubbing against Sanji's while they were both inside you, they hadn't had the courage to seek each other out. 
It was a little frustrating actually, because frankly you got wet just thinking about watching Zoro fucking Sanji. Sometimes you'd imagine it was Zoro's dick inside him while you pegged him. Thinking about your plan you weren't even really sure if this was a gift for Sanji, or for you. Or even for Zoro, who clearly wanted Sanji's ass. 
Sanji had become open to Zoro fucking you on his own as well, so sometimes it would be just the two of you. You weren't in love or anything, Zoro was just fucking hot and needed a warm hole and you were happy to provide as long as Sanji was okay with it. 
You were laying next to Zoro on the floor of the training room as you both came down from your orgasms when you decided to bring up the subject, rather unsubtly. 
“You should fuck Sanji”
“What?” Zoro turned and looked at you, his eyes wide. “Where the fuck did that come from?” 
“Oh don't act like you don't want a piece of that ass mosshead,” you replied coyly, “straight men don't make out like that, let alone rub their dicks together.”
Zoro huffed. “Fine.” 
“Good,” you replied, “then it's settled. It's his birthday next week, you better give it to him good or you're never getting this pussy again.” you said, standing up and wiggling your ass at him before putting your clothes back on. 
“Oh I'll give it to him real good,” he said, standing behind you as you slipped on your pants and pressing himself against your back, “our sweet birthday boy isn't gonna know what hit em” 
The two of you laugh, some would call it an evil genius laugh, before you finally finish dressing and leave Zoro to his training. The mad man liked to work out while the hormones were still running through his system, he said it was good for building mass. 
So Sanji's birthday came along, your secret plans with Zoro now a little more fleshed out. The two of you were ready to absolutely spoil him rotten. Zoro had agreed to not drink too much during the birthday celebrations, and everyone had gone out to a bar to party. Unbeknownst to Sanji, you'd booked a lovely nearby hotel room for the night, and the room was already set for your special gift. 
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As the night dragged on you and Zoro both started to get antsy, both biding your time till enough celebrations had been had and it was an appropriate time to drag Sanji away from the party. Zoro left first, feigning that he was bored and going to go to bed, a copy of the hotel room key hidden in his pocket. He needed to go ahead and hide in the bathroom for everything to be perfect. 10 minutes later you started sliding your hand between Sanji's thighs, knowing full well that it would take approximately two minutes for him to be chomping at the bit begging you to take you to some random alleyway and fuck you senseless. 
Your plan was going perfectly, and Sanji was practically drooling over you, kissing your neck and desperately trying to get a hand between your legs. The man was the definition of easy to get. You dragged him outside, but he was pretty surprised when instead of leading him to an alleyway, you led him straight through the doors of a fancy hotel a few buildings down. 
He was even more surprised when you didn't even stop at the reception to book a room, instead leading him straight to the elevator and pinning him against the wall as soon as the doors shut. You palmed his already needy cock through his pants and sucked at his neck while he moaned and tugged at your clothes. The second the elevator went ‘ding’ you pulled off him, leaving him a desperate mess of a man. 
You didn't bother taking his hand, you knew he'd be following you like an obedient dog, trying desperately to pin you against any surface he possibly could and grinding against your ass as you tried to unlock the door. 
He pinned you to the wall as soon as you were inside, closing the door behind you and shoving his hand under your skirt and down your panties as fast as he possibly could. But this wasn't about you, this was about him. You took back control, grabbing his throat and holding it tight as he whined. You made him walk backwards, falling onto the bed. Climbing on top of him he desperately tried to take your dress off and get his mouth on whatever he could, but you pinned him to the bed. 
He growled at you, annoyed that you weren't letting him touch you. You grinded against him and he groaned while you just looked at him smugly. 
“Sanji my love, I haven't given you your birthday present yet~” you cooed. 
He stopped fighting you immediately. After last year's birthday he was eager to see what you had in store, especially considering that he thought the hotel room was the present. You climbed off him and retrieved a slim box from the dresser, climbing back on top of him, but a little lower so he could sit up and look at the gift. 
A slight confusion ran over his face when he opened it. A collar? With a leash? Did she get me a dog? What would I do with a dog on the open sea? You just grinned at him, waiting for him to inspect it closer. 
Decent sized collar, large dog? He thought as he picked it up. It was a white leather, embellished with small green stones. Zoro had helped you pick it out. From the center hung a gold name tag. He stopped it from swinging around and looked at it closely. 
Property of [Y/N] & Zoro
If found please return to the Thousand Sunny
You felt his cock twitch under you and heard his breath hitch as he realized what it said. He looked at you, then the collar, then you, then the collar. His eyes may as well have been black from how blown out his pupils were becoming. 
“Would you like to try it on?” you hummed. 
He handed it to you and lifted his hair off his neck without hesitation, and you fixed the collar around it. Tight enough to be firm, but not enough to choke him. 
“There's my sweet puppy,” you cooed, “let's get you leashed shall we?” 
You took the matching leash, gold chain with a matching leather handle, and attached it to the collar. You stood from the bed and he followed, kneeling in front of you beside the bed as you held the leash and gave it a little tug. He moaned immediately, and your pussy throbbed. 
“Take off your clothes,” you ordered. 
He immediately stripped and stood naked in front of you, his cock hard and dripping with precum. You stroked it a few times and he whimpered, melting into your touch. 
“Kneel” you told him. He did so without missing a beat, looking up at you with eager, glazed over eyes.
“There's one more thing, my love,” you hummed, stroking his chin, “did you read the tag?”
Yeah he read it. In fact it was playing over and over in his head. 
Property of [Y/N] & Zoro
… & Zoro his eyes widened as he came to the realization. 
“Zoro,” you called, smirking at Sanji, “you can come out now”
The bathroom door opened and Zoro appeared, naked and already rock hard. He walked up behind you and pressed himself to your body, slipping his hand under your dress and into your panties. Sanji watched from pussy level as Zoro played with you and you moaned, your head falling back against Zoro's shoulder. Instinctively he pulled down your panties, wanting a better view. You put your leg over his shoulder and tugged on the collar, making him whine. Zoro's cock twitched against your ass. 
“Have a taste, my love” you purred. 
Zoro twisted his hands through Sanji's hair, holding him to your pussy as he ate you out, Zoro biting and sucking at your neck. You reached back and stroked Zoro's cock and he grunted against your skin. But this wasn't about you, you reminded yourself, this was about Sanji. 
You pulled on the collar again, and Sanji looked up at you. You let go of Zoro's cock, he knew this was the signal to take over. He pulled Sanji's head away from you as you slid your leg off his shoulder. Sanji watched with wide eyes as you handed Zoro the leash, and Zoro took no time in pulling it tight, looping it around his wrist and pulling Sanji to him so his face was now aligned with his cock. 
You sat on the bed behind Sanji and ran your hands through his hair as he looked hungrily at Zoro's girthy cock. He wanted it so bad, but he was scared to cross that line. 
“Why don't you give Zoro a taste, my love?” you purred in his ear, “let him see how lovely your mouth is” 
He looked up at Zoro as he nervously took his cock in his hand. He'd wanted this for so long, and he'd had his fair share of fantasies with you and the strap on, but he'd never actually been with a man. He licked the tip experimentally and Zoro groaned and tugged the leash, begging Sanji to do more. 
He ran his tongue along the underside from base to tip, before taking it in his mouth. Just a little at first, then closing his eyes and taking as much as he could, using his hands for what he couldn't take. 
“Good boy,” you cooed, as you pulled his hair tight and moved it back and forth, helping Sanji give Zoro head. Zoro grunted as he looked down at Sanji. He took control of Sanji's head with his free hand as you moved away, stripping off your own clothes and spreading your legs on the bed, touching yourself so Zoro could watch. You gave each other a knowing grin as you both moaned at each other and watched Sanji sucking Zoro's cock. 
Sanji whined, his own cock twitching and begging to be touched, and Zoro gave you the signal that it was time to move on to the next phase of the plan. He pulled Sanji away, who released his cock with a pop, looking up at Zoro as saliva and precum dripped from his mouth. Zoro smirked at him and yanked on the collar, making him stand. He pushed him back onto the bed, where you were waiting to catch him and pull him to lay against you. 
Zoro climbed on top of both of you and Sanji felt like he was about to burst as Zoro bent down and brought his tongue to his ass, bringing his strong hand up to stroke Sanji's cock while he rimmed him. Sanji's head was thrown back as he moaned, and you stroked his chest and played with his nipples, cooing praises in his ear. 
Zoro slipped a finger, then a second inside Sanji. He was used to this sensation, he was well adapted to have his ass played with and fucked since his last birthday, but Zoro's fingers were harder and larger that yours and he whined. Zoro grinned at you. You nibbled at Sanji's neck as he writhed between the two of you. 
“Let him hear you beg for it my sweet puppy,” you purred, “tell Zoro what you want”
“Please- “ Sanji begged, looking at Zoro with hungry eyes, “please fuck me, please, I want your dick so bad” 
Zoro pulled his fingers out of him and lined himself up with Sanji. You held out a bottle of lube to him, and he covered his dick in it, then dripped it into Sanji's needy hole. You wrapped your arms around Sanji and braced him as Zoro slid inside. 
“Fuck, you're so tight,” Zoro grunted. 
Sanji moaned and grabbed your thighs that were spread either side of him, holding them for support as Zoro sheathed himself fully inside Sanji. 
“Fuck-” he moaned, “fuck, please Marimo, please, fuck me” 
Zoro could have cum right then and there at how messy and needy Sanji was while you chewed on his neck and his fingers sunk into your thighs. He began his rhythm and Sanji moaned deliriously. He increased his pace as Sanji stretched to accommodate his girth, and you reached around to take Sanji's cock in your hand. Sanji was bouncing against you as Zoro fucked him, so all you had to do was hold your hand still and the bouncing would do the work for you. 
“H-harder,” he pleaded, reaching out at pulling Zoro's hair. Zoro grunted and fucked him harder, Sanji now bouncing hard against you. It made you unbearably horny watching Zoro rut into your boyfriend and feeling the way his cock tensed in your hand. You ached with need and gave Zoro a pleading glance. 
He saw your need and stopped his thrusting, and Sanji whined as he pulled out. The whining was quickly cut off when Zoro grabbed Sanji's hips and flipped him, Sanji's cock now sliding against your wet cunt. 
“Fuck her,” he growled in Sanji's ear. 
Sanji wasted no time seating himself inside you and you both moaned as he bottomed out. Before he could move Zoro grabbed his hips and slid back inside him. You watched Sanji's eyes roll back as Zoro started to fuck him again, the heavy thrusts making him rut in to you. You rolled your hips in time to Zoro's rhythms, the two of you both fucking Sanji in unison while he moaned and writhed between you. 
Your bodies were slick with sweat and the only sounds in the room were grunts, moans, the tag and leash of the collar clanging, and the lewd sound of bodies slapping together, as you all got your fill of pleasure. 
You were first to come, unbearably aroused by the whole situation and too horny to think. Sanji came close behind, crying out as he came hard inside you. Zoro was last but not far off, giving Sanji one last powerful thrust as he dumped his load in Sanji's ass. 
The three of you were a panting, sweaty, fucked-out pile of bodies as you came down from your highs. 
The silence was finally broken by your content laugh. “Happy birthday my love” you cooed, stroking Sanji's hair as he laid against your chest trying to catch his breath, his cock growing soft inside you as Zoro's grew soft inside him. 
“Happy birthday, waiter,” Zoro smirked. 
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separatist-apologist · 3 months
Logged onto Ao3 to update a fic (don't ask which one) and saw separatist-apologist has reached 100 works! We should celebrate! Maybe with a new fic?
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06/17/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; TellTaleTVAwards; Cast & Crew Sightings; David Jenkins; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Con O'Neill; Guz Khan; Samba Schutte; Lindsey Cantrell; Zine Fundraisers; Articles; Fan Spotlight; Cast Cards; Our Flag Means Fanfiction; NeverLeft Podcast; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika;
== Tell Tale TV Awards ==
You did it!!! Congrats everyone! Thank you so much for voting over the past weeks! Both OFMD and Rhys won!
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Source: Tell Tale TV Awards
== Cast & Crew Sightings ==
== David Jenkins ==
June 17th is the anniversary of Flight of the Conchords episode 1! Dad was sending some love out to Bret, Jemaine, and of course our captain Rhys.
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Taika and Rita are in another silly tiktok video-- good news, you dont need a login to see it, just mark yourself as guest!
Source: RIta Ora's TikTok
== Vico Ortiz ==
This Friday, Vico is back with Them Fatale PRIDE edition. June 21st at the First Congregational Church of LA. Doors open at 6 PM and show starts at 7:30! In the area? Stop on by! Tickets available here.
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Source: Vico Ortiz' Instagram Story
== Con O'Neill ==
Con's got some new merch up on Stands! Please visit ShopStands for some awesome OFMD Shirts, and pins, and to help a good cause!
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Source: Con O'Neill's Instagram
== Guz Khan ==
For those of our Muslim friends celebrating the end of Ramadan, Guz is sending out a loving Eid Mubarak <3
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Source: Guz Khan's Instagram
== Samba Schutte ==
Samba is also sending out a lovely Eid Mubarak! As well as sending some more family photos with Aria and the little one.
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Source: Samba Schutte's Instagram Stories
== Lindsey Cantrell ==
Our fabulous Set Designer Lindsey Cantrell has been working on this short film Watching Walter, if you're so inclined, please check it out when it's out! CW: Holocaust/Nazi's/Violence
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Source: Lindsey Cantrell's Instagram
== Zine Fundraisers ==
There's a new OFMD Fan-Led fundraiser to benefit Gaza out! Please follow @ofmdaction on tumblr for more information! Artist and Writer sign ups are now live! Carrd | Twitter | AO3 Collection | Daily Click for UNRWA
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Source: OFMDAction Tumblr
== Articles ==
Source: Adopt Our Crew's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
== Cast Cards ==
Some fun new cast cards from @melvisik today! "As fate would have it (did not plan this, it just happened in sequence) OFMD writer Simone Nathan" had her second season of Kid Sister just drop in the last few days! The previous night's cast card was Don A! aka "Swampy Town Folk"!
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Our Flag Means Fanfiction ==
New episode of Our Flag Means Fanfiction! This time a mini-sode read by Baby Kraken Podfics! Listen on your favorite platform here!https://linktr.ee/ofmff
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Source: Our Flag Means Fanfiction Instagram
== Never Left Podcast ==
"This week is discussing Violence in OFMD! "Episode 22 is OUT! This week we’re continuing our discussion on physical and emotional violence!" CW: Gun and knife violence Listen on your favorite platforms here: https://linktr.ee/neverleftpodcast
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Source: NeverLeftPodcast's Instagram
== Love Notes ==
Hey there Lovelies! I hope the week hasn't started too crazy or you! I know sometimes it's hard to see our impact, but take a look at those Tell-Tale TV results! Sure, it's a silly TV awards, but it 100% happened because you all were steadfast in voting! Just remember that while all our efforts don't always come to fruition in the way we want, you do make an impact <3
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Img Source: PositivelyPresent Tumblr
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Today's theme is Flight of the Conchords since it's the 17 year anniversary of the first episode airing!
Gifs courtesy of the absolute legends @celluloidbroomcloset and @fandomsmeantheworldtome <3
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rwrbficrecs · 10 months
Readers' Choice Rec List Part 1 of 7
To celebrate 500 followers we thought we'd do a special rec list featuring recs submitted by all of you, the readers ❤️ Though at the time of posting this, we're at 800+ followers 🥺 From the volunteers and I, thank you for supporting this blog. We hope it's been a helpful resource! Hope you enjoy these recs, with a little comment from the reader. Thank you to everyone who submitted a fic rec 🥰 I'll be posting a list everyday till all 7 parts are posted Go and leave these authors some love ❤️ Happy Reading! Theme: A fic that you’d like to celebrate and give some love to ❤️ the poem you make of me by @omgcmere
@celaestis1: Just as they speculate under the linden tree, Henry is a writer; Alex a model. The story is just so beautiful, sweet and smutty and funny.
Omakase by @orchidscript
@historicallysam: Orchid made me fall in love with a brash American who wants respect and a stoic Brit who wants to be himself. I could read this story every single day.
We'll Invite Something In by @smc-27
@historicallysam: President ACD & HRH Prince Henry, grown up and willing to work for what they want. It's one of my top two favorite stories in this fandom.
Spoke Love to Soul by @celaestis1
@emmalostinwonderland: The story is gripping, the characters are compelling, and the myth they chose is really under-appreciated. I rode the entire rollercoaster of emotions with this one, and I would gladly do it again.
cover to cover by Anonymous
anon: The characters' voices are amazing and the narration is just super sweet! A feel-good fic for anyone craving a good intimate time.
On Thin Ice by @pirates-against-heterosexuality (WIP)
anon: A really sweet, in progress, NHL AU. It's in progress but It's really enjoyable so far, especially as it draws a lot of similarities to book moments, without being a copy.
Heartaches and Cupcakes and Sunshine Boys by @everwitch-magiks
anon: This was the first RWRB fic I read, and it's still my favorite! Henry as a writer (and her skill writing as Henry) and the emotional depth of this fic are things I need in every fic!
love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves by @kapplebougher
anon: I am simply OBSESSED with this oneshot, I scream about it to anybody that will listen. I come back and read it every time I read the climax of Alex and Henry's argument in London. It is Henry POV and the first time I read it I truly wondered if it was CMQ writing Henry fic on AO3. Not only does it build on the signet ring and give background on what it means to Henry and parallels it with his parents, but it also weaves fire/water symbolism for Alex/Henry. The thing that gets me is the quote at the end though. It's just like the queer historical quotes from the emails in the books and it makes the ending SO PERFECT it just makes me go feral. I wish I could give it all the kudos!
Picture On Your Corkboard by bleedingballroomfloor
anon: absolutely beautiful and a roller coaster of emotions. 100% recommended.
religion's in your lips (even if it's a false god) by @coffeecatsme
anon: NSFW but also incredibly good and i need everyone to appreciate billie's writing!!!
Someday We Will Be Home by witchseeker1133
anon: this fic is incredibly special to me bc it was one of the first ones i read. it is very angsty but i think its worth a read.
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antimony-medusa · 10 months
MCYT on Ao3 — September '23
The state of MCYT on Ao3, just for fun. Yes I do this every month, I like numbers. 
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works)
The Cube SMP (8 works)
iDots SMP (14 works)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works)
Legacy SMP (28 works)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works)
Epic SMP (31 works)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works)
Dominion SMP (32 works)
Shady Oaks SMP (45 works)
X Life SMP (46 works)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works)
Kaboodle SMP (56 works)
Bear SMP (58 works)
SadSMP (68 works)
Area Unknown SMP (72 works)
Mer SMP (74 works)
Pirates SMP (105 works)
Tortillaland SMP (113 works)
New Life SMP (127 works)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (134 works)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (138 works)
WitchCraft SMP (164 works)
Rats SMP (208 works)
SMPEarth (273 works)
SMPLive (283 works)
Outsiders SMP (314 works)
Mianite (Web Series) (363 works)
Afterlife SMP (382 works)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (434 works)
MindCrack RPF (493 works)
Evolution SMP (545 works)
Fable SMP (767 works)
Karmaland SMP (777 works)
Lifesteal SMP (1,220 works)
Origins SMP (1,478 works)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,842 works)
Empires SMP (5,633 works)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,862 works)
Hermitcraft SMP (17,370 works)
Dream SMP (80,652 works)
Minecraft (Video Game) (108,355 works)
Video Blogging RPF (262,973 works)
Some Notes
We have one new tag this month! Interestingly, Pirates SMP, despite being a child tag of Video Blogging RPF, is not a child tag of Celebrities and Real People, which puts it up with Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) and Minecraft (Video Game) as the only mcyt tags not officially considered RPF for sorting purposes. (Note: this is probably a bug.)
Fics are primarily in English, but now we have three exceptions with significant Spanish fics: Karmaland (691 works of 775, from 679 last month) , Tortillaland SMP (108 works of 113, from 106 last month), and QSMP (466 works of 3,833, up from 412 last month). QSMP also includes fics in Brazilian Portugese (175 works, up from 119 last month) and a few in French (19 works, up from 10 month).
In smaller SMPs, both SadSMP and Cogchamp saw a 3-fic decrease, one of the starker fandom decreases that I've seen. In terms of growth, Area Unknown SMP saw a 12-fic increase, Mer SMP saw a 14-fic increase, and New Life SMP saw an impressive 22-fic increase.
In mid-sized fandoms, it was the same three fandoms in a different order than last month. Fable SMP was the standout once again with 33 fics, though Evolution SMP saw a growth of 24 fics and Yandere High School saw 19 new fics.
For the larger fandoms, it was a reduced month from last month. Empires' 154 this month did not beat last month's 244 or the previous month's 218, 3rd Life's 340 this month did not beast last month's 395 or the previous month's 364, and Hermitcraft's 453 did not beat last month's 569 or the previous month's 501. Continuing the trend, Dream SMP's increase of 1,171 did not meet last month's 1,459 or the previous month's 1,376, and in fact the only fandom with a growth compared to July was QSMP, with QSMP's 725 this month not beating last month's 861 but Yes beating the previous month's 628. So the two-month run of increased growth that the bigger fandoms were turning out has definitely come to an end. Possibly the end of summer hit everyone's schedules hard.
Detailed breakdown of increases under the cut.
Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series) (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
The Cube SMP (8 works, 8 last month, 0-fic increase)
iDots SMP (14 works, 15 last month, 1-fic decrease)
30 Day SMP | Free Trial SMP (27 works, 27 last month, 0-fic increase)
Legacy SMP (28 works, 27 last month, 1-fic increase)
Cogchamp SMP (29 works, 32 last month, 3-fic decrease)
Epic SMP (31 works, 31 last month, 0-fic increase)
Art of Survival SMP (32 works, 33 last month, 1-fic decrease)
Dominion SMP (32 works, 32 last month, 0-fic increase)
Shady Oaks SMP (45 works, 43 last month, 2-fic increase)
X Life SMP (46 works, 46 last month, 0-fic increase)
IvoryCello's Prison Escapes (Web Series) (53 works, 53 last month, 0-fic increase)
100 Hours Hardcore SMP (54 works, 53 last month, 1-fic increase)
Kaboodle SMP (56 works, 50 last month, 6-fic increase)
Bear SMP (58 works, 57 last month, 1-fic increase)
SadSMP (68 works, 71 last month, 3-fic decrease)
Area Unknown SMP (72 works, 60 last month, 12-fic increase)
Mer SMP (74 works, 60 last month, 14-fic increase)
Pirates SMP (105 works, was not canonized last month)
Tortillaland SMP (113 works, 110 last month, 3-fic increase)
New Life SMP (127 works, 105 last month, 22-fic increase)
House Builder Gang SMP | HBG SMP (134 works, 130 last month, 4-fic increase)
Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (Web Series) (138 works, 127 last month, 11-fic increase)
WitchCraft SMP (164 works, 162 last month, 2-fic increase)
Rats SMP (208 works, 208 last month, 0-fic increase)
SMPEarth (273 works, 265 last month, 8-fic increase)
SMPLive (283 works, 278 last month, 5-fic increase)
Outsiders SMP (314 works, 300 last month, 14-fic increase)
Mianite (Web Series) (363 works, 359 last month, 4-fic increase)
Afterlife SMP (382 works, 379 last month, 3-fic increase)
Yandere High School (Web Series) (434 works, 415 last month, 19-fic increase)
MindCrack RPF (493 works, 493 last month, 0-fic increase)
Evolution SMP (545 works, 521 last month, 24-fic increase)
Fable SMP (767 works, 734 last month, 33-fic increase)
Karmaland SMP (777 works, 761 last month, 16-fic increase)
Lifesteal SMP (1,220 works, 1,139 last month, 81-fic increase)
Origins SMP (1,478 works, 1,449 last month, 29-fic increase)
QSMP | Quackity SMP (3,842 works, 3,117 last month, 725-fic increase)
Empires SMP (5,633 works, 5,479 last month, 154-fic increase)
3rd Life | Last Life SMP Series (7,862 works, 7,522 last month, 340-fic increase)
Hermitcraft SMP (17,370 works, 16,917 last month, 453-fic increase)
Dream SMP (80,652 works, 79,481 last month, 1,171-fic increase)
Minecraft (Video Game) (108,355 works, 107,795 last month, 560-fic increase)
Video Blogging RPF (262,973 works, 259,553 last month, 3,420-fic increase)
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crystillyzed · 10 months
at the rainbow's end // mysta rias
pairing: mysta rias x gn!reader
word count: 4.1k
genre: fluff, staff!reader, mutual pining, wingman elira
content warning(s): swearing, unedited
After nearly a year of hearing each other's voice, you finally meet him.
a/n: this was originally going to be released as my 100 follower celebration since i hit that a while back and to make up for the lack of event since i don’t have the time to host one. but with mysta’s graduation this past weekend, i didn’t want to keep this in my drafts since i’ve been working on this for like practically a year now.
this fox-dog man means so much to me, even though i can’t really catch his streams due to timezone differences, but he means So Much to me. i got back into writing because of luxiem, but he and shu were the ones who got me back into the swing of writing which is amazing bc i love writing. i just lost all the motivation to do so until i found them last year. even though he’s no longer in niji anymore or mysta anymore, i will keep writing for him. in fact, i actually have like 3 or so mysta works in the drafts lol
and speaking of writing, this is the first long fic i’ve written in 3-4 years. i’m considering crossposting this onto my ao3 as an alternative access to read longer fics bc ik how tumblr is poopy with loading long text posts. i’m a bit rusty when it comes to writing long fics, but i hope you’ll be able to enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this 🧡
links: luxiem m.l || main m.l || ao3 ver (if tumblr dies)
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You twist your head from your phone back towards your monitor, displaying the Discord window showing your current private call with your blue dragon friend.
“Mysta’s WHAT?”
“Yeah, he’s coming along on the trip,” Elira laughed. “You didn’t know?”
“Apparent-ly! What the hell!! Luca, that motherfucker, I’m gonna beat his ass when I see him!”
She howls with laughter as you ramble on and on about how Luca told you everything about their planned trip but didn’t tell you about Mysta’s planned involvement. Once you’re done, she takes many deep breaths to calm down. “You should come with us! It’s gonna be fun. And, you’ll get to see him again.~”
You can’t really see each other’s faces, considering you’re both in a voice call. But god damn, you can hear the eyebrow wiggle in her teasing tone.
“I can’t,” you groaned, “I have finals when you’re there. As much as I wanna skip it, I really need to pass.”
“Damn, you can’t even get a referral from staff to get you here for a business meeting? Unlucky.”
“Can’t even do that anyway. I already told my professor that my trip’s been canceled, so now I have to take it.”
Though you’re not a liver for the company, you are, however, a staff member for the company. Specifically one of the staff in charge of promotions. Of course, you mainly focus on promoting EN and sometimes the other two now-merged branches. In fact, that’s how you got close to some of the livers.
As one of the staff promoters, you have to speak with the associated livers about PR stream offers and their convention appearance invites. Since you’ve been interacting with the livers the most, you’ve become friends with a few of them. Some namely Elira and Mysta.
Honestly, it’s not that you play favorites with the livers. You try your best to keep your relationships professional with them. But your bond with a specific fox-like man says otherwise.
You see, Mysta has been a joy to be around with. Although you haven’t met him in person yet, you have played some multiplayer games with him. Sometimes you check out the EN Minecraft server to see if the installed mods are working properly. Weirdly enough, almost every time you visit the server, Mysta is online. In fact, that’s how your not-so-business relationship started.
When you first entered the server, after double checking if no one was streaming at the scheduled hour, he was the first person you met. You thought you would run into Selen, Pomu, or perhaps Uki during your visit, but you were pleasantly surprised at his sudden appearance. Luckily, he was kind enough to show you around the server while teaching you some mods. With, of course, the trademark Mysta Rias experience packaged with sexual innuendos and teasing about. Well, except he didn’t go completely sexual considering it was your first time meeting him. He has some decency.
After that, you’ve run into him almost every time you visit the Minecraft server. Every visit eventually turned into hangouts, just you two (and sometimes another liver) chatting and building projects in-game. Soon enough, you and Mysta started to play other games together. You both played games such as Overwatch, Clubhouse, and sometimes League if you felt like torturing yourself for some reason.
Obviously, you had to keep the professionalism on both sides somehow. Your fellow staff members, especially some livers, noticed your close bond with the detective. So they usually send you to his DMs to discuss about any promotion offers involving him. Whenever you have your cameras on for a meeting, he somehow always flusters you with sudden flirtatious marks or something of the sort mid-conversation.
“Hello? Helloooooooo? Is someone there??”
Elira’s voice yoinks you out of your thoughts. Oh god, were you spacing out this entire time? How embarassing.
You clear your throat then respond as if you weren’t thinking of someone just now, “S-sorry, did you say something?”
“Oh my god. It’s that bad,” she mindlessly mutters.
Blink blink. “Huh?”
“Nothing,” she quickly retaliates. With a slight hum, she speaks again, “Since you’re gonna be stuck in hell… Want me to get you something? Like a souvenir or a limited edition thing? I literally have your address, man.”
Oh right, she does. Sometimes you and Elira send gifts to each other like figurines or plushies at random times.
“Nah, I’m good. Thanks for the offer, man.”
“Are you sure? I mean, I’ll still probably send some pics buuut… Y’know… Just saying…”
There she goes again, doing that thing where she wiggles her eyebrows even though you can’t see her fucking face right now. Goddamn it, why did you tell her about your… thing with Mysta? You should’ve known that she’s NOT going to let it go.
You groan, “Just. Just surprise me.”
“That’s so vague! Do you know what that means?”
“Yeah? So? Surprise me.”
“Man… You have no idea how much power you just gave me.” She cackles for the next few seconds, making you start regretting your decision. “Okay, I’ll surprise you. Just don’t forget you asked me to, alright? And no complaining!”
“Okay, alright, fine! I won’t complain! Jeez… Now get to bed, nerd, you have a flight tomorrow.”
“Sheesh, what are you, my mom?” You both chuckle at her remark. “Okieee~ I’ll go pass out now, I guess. Good night!”
“Good night, Ewiwa. Have a safe trip.”
And you both leave call. Well, maybe you should get to sleep too. It’s getting super late, after all.
Mysta stares at Elira across the table in disbelief. “Finals? Of all times? Bruh…”
“Haha, yeah! Super uncool and lame and not something I have to worry about soon,” his penguin colleague beside him laughs with a dreadfully crazed look in her eyes. She anxiously reaches out for her soda and starts drinking rapidly.
“Wh— it’s not like I can control it or anything. Shit happens!”
“I know, it’s just…” he drawls off as his gaze lowers to the table. Admittedly, it’s difficult for him to hide his expression. So naturally, the two girls noticed his disappointment. Elira and Petra awkwardly look at each other, then to him, then back at each other.
“Hey, it’s okay, Mysta,” Petra says as she pats his back. “You can always see them next time! Like Nijifest!”
The dragon nods, “Yeah! Or you could see them the next time you take a break. Like going on another vacation or something.”
“If I have enough money for it,” he sighed. But he gives them a small smile to appreciate their attempts to soothe him.
Petra frowns. “If? Mysta, you’re literally one of the top livers in EN, like? Hello? Mr. One Million?”
“But I still don’t know when that’s gonna happen. Might as well be in a year or maybe like half a year or something.”
Elira’s eyes narrow. She quietly listens to their conversation, or bickering at this point, while taking some occasional sips of her drink.
For the past practically a year, Elira’s been one of the victims to both of your hopeless gushing.
She already knew about your friendship since you’ve talked a lot about it before. She knows the stupid hijinks and drunken confessions that you and Mysta told her about off stream. Her eyes closes as a confused thought crosses her mind, Seriously, how are you two not dating already?
Of course, she’s quite aware that the rest of Luxiem are both of your victims. Hell, when Elira’s alone with the other boys, it’s usually them talking about how astonishing that you and Mysta aren’t together. Sometimes, they make bets on who’s going to confess first. It’s obvious!
Even with the two going back and forth, practically becoming one with the background, she closes her eyes and hums in thought. Finals should be finished next week, she mused. Her visible eye opens as she takes a glance at the ashy haired male. But he’s been so busy lately that they haven’t spoken with each other…
The entire EN branch had a full schedule for the past few months. In fact, their schedule was so full that sometimes the livers couldn’t make their own streaming schedules nor stream in general. Mysta, of course, was no exception. As one of the most popular livers in EN, he’s one of the most busiest people she’s ever known. On top of that, you too have been busy recently too. You haven’t been able to hang out with him as of late despite being a staff member yourself. Life really likes to fuck anyone over, doesn’t it?
She could tell that you two haven’t been able to find the time to talk with each other. The staff picked up many projects that practically almost everyone is unavailable, and you were one of said unavailable members. The only times the livers could contact you was through Slack or by email for business inquiries. But things should be slightly slowing down, for now that is.
Although, it would be nice to have you two meet each other once at the same time, even if it’s a coincidental encounter.
Wait a minute…
A devious smirk lifts her lips, her eyes glinting with mischief in mind. She chuckles to herself as she entertains the thought. Hell, it even looks kinda creepy to the other patrons. ESPECIALLY to her coworkers who’s now staring at her with confusion and a hint of fear.
“…Elira? Are you okay?” Petra asked the dragon.
“Hm?” She blinks out of her thoughts as the penguin’s voice pulls her back into reality. Elira stares at her and Mysta, who also looks a bit dumbfounded, before grinning at them. “Oh, don’t worry about it. Just thought of something.”
Blink blink. “Like what?” Mysta asked this time.
Again, she lets out a chuckle and flicks her wrist to wave off the concern. “Like I said! Don’t worry about it! Y’all will see it eventually.”
Soon enough, the waitress arrives with their orders. Elira turns to face her and helps her with the food. On the other side of the table, the two livers tilt their heads in confusion and eventually give each other an unknowing look as the table is served.
You lie in bed snuggled underneath your covers, but the lights are still on as you scroll through Twitter on your phone.
It’s been about a couple weeks since your call with Elira. She’s been sending you updates, videos, and pictures of the group’s adventures in Japan. Sometimes, she’d call you before going to bed to tell you what happened during the trip in case it was a story she couldn’t explain over text. Of course, there were times when another liver like Reimu and Nina would join in the call and give you the tea. As much as you wished you wanted to be there while dying in exams, you felt warm as you saw the livers enjoying themselves on their vacation.
Then, you noticed how fast the month flew by. Eventually, it was time for the livers to fly home and say goodbye for a while. They all had different flights, obviously, but there was a specific person who didn’t leave the country yet.
You were looking on Twitter while watching the members’ story time streams on a pop-up viewer. Although, you didn’t see Mysta’s waiting room or tweet indicating his return to streaming yet.
Suddenly, you remembered why.
“He wants to stay back for a bit,” Elira answered over the sound of her packing. “Dunno why, but I don’t blame him. He was in Japan for work last time.”
That he was. Though disappointing it is that you can’t hang with him for a while longer, at least he’s having fun.
“Oh, remember the thing I asked you about?”
She asked you something? When?
“What thing?” You asked.
“Uh… The souvenir thing?”
Oh shit, you forgot about that. And apparently, she noticed your forgetfulness as indicated by her laughter.
“I got you something,” Elira continued, “but I’ll send it to you when I get back.”
“Why not now? You can just ask headquarters to send it to me.”
“It’s not something in a box though.”
You blinked in confusion, unanswering.
On the other end of the line, you heard her chuckle, “You’ll see.”
Your brief conversation did, in fact, make you scared. Although it’s Elira, your local dependable dragon, sometimes she can be as unpredictable as… well… the rest of Nijisanji. Not just EN, but Nijisanji in general. Remember that one time you watched her stream where she suddenly jumped into a hole in that Forest collab? Yeah…
Now, some time has passed since the trip and she’s been home for about almost a week. It’s something not in a box, right? So what’s taking her so long? Is it digital? Or did she fuck up somewhere with the delivery?
Currently, you’ve been juggling schoolwork, personal work, and work-work. Needless to say, it’s been a stressful time, especially around this type of year. Seriously, why is everyone so goddamn busy around this time? Idle thoughts aside, you’ve also been anxiously waiting for Elira’s souvenir. For the past week, you’d constantly check your phone and your PC for any email or DM from Slack and Discord with Elira’s name attached to it. Every time you get DM’ed or emailed, it’s always been another liver or staff member whose name doesn’t start with Elira and end with Pendora.
But hey, at least you got funny memes from Luca and Mysta in the mean time!
Honestly, at this point, you might as well just give up. Maybe she did run into issues, or she just forgot.
You let out a sigh as you refreshed your feed for the umpteenth time tonight, accompanied by the ghost’s voice eminating through your speakers. Yet suddenly, a notification banner from Discord slides down onto the screen.
Elira Pendora
So she didn’t forget??
Confused yet astonished at the same time, you pull down your notifications bar and tap on the DM to see what she sent.
As the iconic Discord logo pops up on your screen, it eventually loads your conversation with Elira. When you look past your previous chat, a message larger than it should be fills about a third of your screen.
A plane ticket to London next week. Seat number and all. And most notably, it has your name.
You frantically tap on the textbox and type.
Elira Pendora
your souvenir! ☺️
Elira Pendora
I had to pull a few strings with staff
just normal coworker things
Elira Pendora
but like you should go!!!
I didn’t go through all that just for you to not see him
and you really needed a break so 😎
but hes Still in japan?????
Elira Pendora
yeah but he’s flying back home next week
I asked him earlier and had to like try to figure out how to get you to meet him at the same time
or like
around the same time 😌
man idk if i should thank you or yell at you
Elira Pendora
better get ready!!!
wait what about the hotel
Elira Pendora
what hotel? ☺️
i’m sure he wouldn’t mind letting you stay for a few days tbh
and yes I will also pay for your return trip
Elira Pendora
I KNOW 😭😭😭
but it’s worth it! go get your man bitch!!
but :thonk:
I think I’ll try to pass out now since I have something scheduled tomorrow soooo
GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!
gn ewiwa :D
Well! Looks like you have a trip to prepare for.
The gray haired detective lounged comfortably in the AirBnB’s living room, resting on the sofa as he scrolled through Twitter. He let out a chuckle here and there, sometimes full on laughing whenever a funny meme popped up on his timeline.
“Meesta!” Elira called out to him from the kitchen island.
He turned around to look at the unusually giddy dragon. Confused, he asked, “What’s up?”
“When are you heading back?”
“Uh…” Pulling out his phone, he quickly went through his gallery to find a screenshot of his ticket. Once he found it, he examined the ticket for its boarding time and date then put it away. “In like a couple or so weeks. I thought I told you?”
“I don’t think you did,” she answered.
She motioned him to give her the device, or at least show her the screen. Of course, he complied. Though insane she is, he does have immense respect for her and Lazulight. Mysta stood up from his seat and approached her. Once in the kitchen area, he flipped his phone towards her, letting her singular visible eye take a peek.
Elira hummed as she inspected the ticket details then pulled back. “Cool. Thanks man!”
She walked away from the kitchen, carrying a glass of water upstairs leaving him even more confused.
It’s been three weeks since his unusual encounter with Elira. He sits idly at a bench by a luggage conveyor in the airport, waiting for his bags to unload from the plane. While waiting, he leans back into his seat and lets out an exhausted sigh. Luckily, no one is seated beside him, so he could just take up all the space on this uncomfortable bench. Still, he couldn’t help but reminisce onto their conversation.
Was she planning something? Was she just curious? What was she cooking?
Now, he’s back in the dreaded land of England, land of the beloathed. He pulls out his phone and immediately checks Discord. The EN server is lively as always, everyone’s practically home but the sense of energy radiates from the screen despite being digital. Like any other liver, he hops in the conversation a bit, sometimes memeing around with the others in the general channel.
Although, he noticed that your icon hasn’t appeared at least once since he landed. He was even paying attention to the top left corner of his screen for a red dot indicating your message. Normally, you’d send him a meme or something to see while he’s asleep or busy. But strangely enough, you haven’t yet. Maybe he should send you something? Or maybe call?
Mysta continues to catch up and reflect on the livers’ vacation in Japan on the server, his attention eventually caught by a familiar bag on the conveyor.
Welp. Looks like he’ll call you later.
Thank god Elira had the brain cells to make sure your flight isn’t after his own. Of course, she had to take in account about the flight times since you’re both literally across the globe from each other going to London. To avoid missing him right after landing, you were booked super early into the morning. But sometimes, there’s a possibility that you might be too early when he lands. And, unfortunately, that seems to be the case.
“He lands around midnight,” Elira told you on phone prior to checking in. “So you should be a biiiit early.”
Yeah, by like, 2 hours.
Man, what the hell are you supposed to do for two whole hours? Well, at least you have your phone AND your luggage. You could even people watch in the lobby. But that’s 2 hours!
What’s even more fucked up is that you can’t really use your phone unless you find the wifi. But airport wifi is kinda shitty, especially in England of all places. Talk about a British debuff.
You let out a heavy sigh and collapse into your seat. Napping is out of the question, even though you’re still kind of tired from the flight. Don’t wanna risk missing him by a smidgen, of course. So you ended up roaming around the airport for a while, getting yourself some drinks and snacks to keep you occupied while waiting for your friend. Luckily there were plenty of places to lounge while waiting, so you found a place to sit and enjoy your haul of snacks while waiting.
You did get to connect to the public wifi to look at some memes, but again, it’s the airport wifi. With how slow your phone’s been loading, you eventually disconnect yourself from the wifi after moments of mindless scrolling.
But then you realized something.
You have absolutely no idea what gate he’s in.
Panicked, you scramble to pick up your bags from your side and stand up. Shit, did Elira tell you what airline he took? God, having data in another country would be so helpful. There’s absolutely no way you’re gonna reconnect to the public wifi, it’s too damn slow! If you did have data, you’d look back to your DMs and scrub through your brief conversation from last night.
With a quick glance at your phone, the clock flashes briefly on the screen. 9:20pm, that means his flight’s arriving in less than an hour. Oh shit.
Immediately, you pace briskly throughout the terminals. As you scrounge through the crowds just to take a good look at the terminals, you ask staff for international flights from Japan along the way to help narrow down as much as possible. Throughout the search, you occasionally checked the clock on your phone. 9:40? Shit, his flight should be here now or soon.
“Mysta!” You suddenly shout, passerbys looking at you strangely as you start calling for his name. Your luggage rolls and bumps against the crevices of the floor, bags jostling as you promptly continue your search throughout the terminals. “Mysta Rias!”
Meanwhile, in the same area…
An ashy gray haired man stands in front of the carousel, waiting for the rest of his bags to drop onto the conveyor belt. He pulls out his phone from his pocket, taking a quick glance at his notifications and Discord. His mouth lowers into a frown, his brows furrowing in worry as he notices the lack of notifications from you. Did they really fall asleep?
Sunset kissed eyes shift towards the carousel at the sound. Spotting his luggage on the conveyor belt, he walks over to his revolving baggage and lifts them onto the ground. Maybe he’ll shoot you a dm later when he gets home. The handle on his large case clicks as he pulls it up, soon dragging it on its wheels behind him as he heads towards the direction of the exit.
You continue running and searching for him, frantically calling his name throughout the terminal. Your head turns left and right as you look into the surrounding late night crowd, your gaze briefly analyzing each arrival for any hint of his gray hair or his tallness. As you remain standing in the middle of the hall, looking for him, you see a tall man wearing small shades on the bridge of his nose. Gray side hairs framing his face sway into the air as he lugs his bags from the baggage claim and towards the nearest exit.
Without a second thought, your feet starts moving towards him. “Mysta—“ you call. “Mysta!”
After seconds and minutes of searching for him, calling his name and pushing through the crowd as you chase after him. Just a little more…!
And finally… Finally, you see him.
With a clear shout of his name, the gray haired man halts.
Bewildered, he looks left and right until he turns around to see you panting. His heart stopped as he stares at you astonishly. The ambience of the crowd and muffled intercom speakers drowned out as he zoned onto you.
He looked at you.
The person standing just centimeters away from him.
The person who he thought was someone he’d never meet face to face ever.
The person who helped him find a reason to keep going even in the darkest of times.
It felt like hours just staring at each other. It didn’t even feel like there was an ocean of people swarming about and passing by. Without a second thought, Mysta slowly approaches you as if he were to scare you off. As if he didn’t want to wake up, if he is dreaming.
As he gets closer and closer, you didn’t make a move. No, you merely stared at him with wonder and excitement im your eyes.
You both stood across each other, only a few centimeters apart. He blinks several times, even pinching his wrists to disprove his thoughts. But he felt a stinging pain on each part.
An airy huff somewhat resembling a laugh escapes from him. Relief washes over him, and he whispers with a smile, “…Hi.”
You smile back.
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hanukkahbingo · 9 months
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Panfandom Hanukkah Bingo - General Card
The basic rules –
All fics must be at least 100 words long and focus on a Jewish or Jew-ish character celebrating Hanukkah (or the scifi/fantasy equivalent of Hanukkah).
All graphics and moodboards must be at least 3x3 (9 images or more in total included on the work) OR for traditionally drawn art, include at least one Jewish or Jew-ish character celebrating Hanukkah.
From December 7-15, post your work to the AO3 collection “hanukkahbingo” and/or post on Tumblr tagging @hanukkahbingo and #hanukkahbingo to be included in the nightly masterpost!
Fic or Art/Graphic Title: Author/Artist Name: Fandom: Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bingo Squares Being Filled: Rating: Warning(s): Link to Work:
Fic or Art/Graphic Title: Repairing the World Author/Artist Name: hanukkahbingo Fandom: MCU Jewish or Jew-Ish Character(s): Bucky Barnes, Darcy Lewis, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanov, Scott Lang, Peter Parker, Jane Foster, Marc Spector Bingo Squares Being Filled: H1 - Dreidel, U1 - Latkes, K2 - “They tried to kill us, they failed, let’s eat” Rating: T Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply Link to Work: http://www.archiveofourown.org/example
Since this Bingo grid is larger than the usual bingo card, you do not need to complete a full row or column to get a Bingo – any five fills = a bingo. If you DO fill out the complete card, that’s a Full Menorah (instead of a Blackout, because festival of lights… yuk yuk yuk).
You can fill as many squares as applicable in your work (so if your characters have an applesauce versus sour cream versus ketchup latke debate, that’s 5 squares and a full bingo!), but each square must be at least 100 words or 3 images, so you cannot write one 100-word fic and claim that it fills 5 squares, etc. The above example of the applesauce versus sour cream versus ketchup latke debate fic would need to be at least 500 words.
Questions? Askbox here!
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covetyou · 6 months
o, christmas tree
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ao3 ⋆ main masterlist ⋆ series masterlist
pairing: Dieter Bravo & gn!reader rating: M (18+ only blog!) warnings: sex toys (so many butt plugs), Dieter being a menace to his PA, no smut, pure silliness. word count: 1.2k summary: As PA to Dieter Bravo, you were used to the strange, unusual and downright weird. What you weren't used to was taking in a shipment of - what? And how many?
A/N: I've had christmas trees/butt plugs on the brain since submitting prompts for secret santas, so I stole this one back (@missredherring I literally couldn't resist, sorry). I wrote most of this while walking my dog on Wednesday, mostly while she itched her ass on the pavement.
This is the last Dieter of me for this year, I sweeeear. Pinky promise.
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
Being personal assistant to Dieter Bravo certainly had its moments. And this was one of them, as you sign for a delivery at his home of several large boxes that had clinked when the courier had brought them inside and placed them on the ground.
With a polite smile, the courier doesn't meet your eyes as hurries back out the door and into his truck, leaving you alone with the delivery slip wondering what the hell Dieter has purchased now. You cast your eyes down the paper, the company name entirely unfamiliar to you as you reach the boxes contents.
"Three hundred assorted... Dee!"
It has got to be a mistake, you think. He was unpredictable, but there was no reason for him to do something as ridiculous as this. You couldn't even imagine, didn't even want to begin to imagine, what he would do with three hundred -
Thunderous footsteps slam down the stairs, and Dieter is swinging around the last post to greet you. His hair is a mess, when isn't it, and his clothes are slung loosely around his body. You'd seen the tabloids and magazines before you started working for him, and how they often liked to call Dieter a chaotic and unprofessional, but you had to admire his dedication to loungewear and comfort chic. If you could get away with it you'd wear pyjamas all day too.
"What have I done now. You only shout like that when I've done something."
Thrusting the delivery slip into his hands you put your hands on your hips and wait, watching as his eyes quickly scan down the page and a wicked smile pulls across his face.
"Oh, amazing, they're here just in time."
"Dee, you cannot be serious." You found yourself asking him this question often, and yet he almost always was deadly, painfully serious. The look on his face tells you as much.
"Really? Three hundred assorted butt plugs? Assorted, Dee. What does that even mean."
He gives you a look that tells you you should, somehow, absolutely know what it means. When you don't respond, he sighs dramatically.
"Y'know, assorted sizes, colors, materials."
He's still not getting it, or maybe you're not getting it. You've got to be sick, you're having some fever dream inspired by the sex toys he liked to leave all around the place.
"But what are they for?"
"The party. Duh."
You told him a party would be a good idea to celebrate the end of a great year, and at first he'd reluctantly agreed. It had surprised you when his party planning picked up with gusto, and he refused your offers of help saying he had it all under control. You knew you should've been more suspicious. It was always a good idea to be more suspcisious where Dieter was concerned.
You rub your temples. Three hundred assorted butt plugs. For a Christmas party. You'd seen the guest list, some A-listers were invited, along with Dieter's co-stars from the last year and his usual crowd. Even so, it wasn't enough to warrant three hundred of anything - the guest list spanned 100 people at most.
The harsh rip of tape pulls you from your mental gymnastics, and you watch Dieter crack open the first box. The boxes had been heavy, and they'd rattled in way that, now you think about it, screamed assorted. Dieter pulls the first butt plug from the box, holding it to the light and letting the glass gleam.
"Dieter. What do you need butt plugs for, it's a Christmas party."
He shrugs his shoulders. "Decoration. Party favors. Whatever."
When you blink your eyes at him he rolls his at you.
"Figured they look like little Christmas trees, look." He places the plug on the flat of his hand and, you've got to give it to him, he's not wrong. The one he's currently holding is a deep red glass, so it's festive too, but from a glance to the box you can see just about every color thinkable. Assorted is making more and more sense.
He hands the plug to you so he can rummage through the box some more, and you hold it as if it's about to detonate in your hand. You know it's not used (yet), and by god if you hadn't held some questionable things of Dieter's in the past, but it's too early to be dealing with any of this. You just want a coffee and a sit down, and maybe some tylenol now that you were seemingly getting a headache and a pain in your ass all at once.
"What color?" he says over his shoulder, his hands still plunged into the first box.
"What color?"
"Yeah," he says, standing, holding two plugs in each hand. "Which do you think is my color?"
"Dee, I am not picking out a butt plug for you."
"Oh, come on," he whines, stomping his foot a little. "I know you like -"
He yanks the first plug from your hands, the red one, and thrusts a swirly pink one into your palm. "Fine. Here."
The question is on your lips, but before you can get it out he smirks at you.
"Pink is your color."
Your pants rip in front of him one time, and he's forever bringing up the color of your underwear. He bought you pink copies of your favorite shoes for your birthday, sent pink flowers to your apartment for eight weeks whilst he was away on a shoot without you, kept ruby chocolate in the house to snack on when you'd walk by. The man was a menace, and even though you both knew you found it funny, you keep your face steely as you brandish the pink plug at him.
"You won't be encouraging people to use these at the party, will you, Dee?"
He picks up the first box, groaning as he bends but then chuckling as the glass jingles and tinkles together lightly in the box, and walks down the hall without answering your question.
You can see the devilish grin on his face from here. The asshole is ignoring you. You follow him down the hall.
"You won't be encouraging people to use them at the Christmas party, will you?"
"I think blue might be my color."
"Dee, stop ignoring me!"
He sets the box down on the kitchen island, rubbing his hands together in glee.
"Tell me you won't be encouraging people to use butt plugs at your party."
He still doesn't answer, and instead strides past you to the door, he grabs another box before lugging it down the hall to dump it next to the first.
Tearing open the next box, he lets out a very pleased chuckle as he pulls out a considerably larger plug and sets it down on the countertop with a clink. It did look remarkably like a Christmas tree.
He taps you on the nose as he fetches the last box and you cast your eyes down with a sigh, turning the pink plug around in your hands in defeat.
And then it catches your eye, a light engraving on the flat base of the plug. Flipping it, you look for a moment before your eyes adjust and register what's written on the bottom.
In beautiful looping cursive are the initials D.B.
Three hundred assorted and monogrammed butt plugs.
"God fucking damn it, Dieter."
tag list: @jupiter-soups @wannab-urs @bean-is-reading @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @youandmeand5bucks-blog @bbyanarchist @vickywallace @kamcrazy123 @valkyreally @ashhlsstuff @a-literal-goblin @ariundercovers @iluvurfather @stevie75 @toxicanonymity @thesevi0lentdelights @sp00kymulderr
follow @covetedfics and turn notifications on for updates on future fics
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sailor-aviator · 9 months
Fool's Fare: Prologue
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Fool's Fare: Prologue
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Reader
Summary: Captain Jake "Hangman" Seresin had come close to swinging from the gallows more times than he would care to admit. He's stolen, cheated, even killed. The worst thing he's ever done? Broken the heart of a woman. Having broken the heart of the woman whom Davy Jones himself had fallen for six years ago, Jake is now cursed to live as something not dead, but not alive. He's doomed to live a half-life for the rest of his existence unless he manages to obtain the treasure Davy Jones deems most valuable. The problem? He has no idea what it is, and he only had seven years to obtain it.
Trigger Warnings: Death of parents, angst, talk of ghosts and the supernatural, Big Brother!Bradley...I think that's it?
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: I couldn't help myself, so I went ahead and wrote this. I am just as interested as y'all to see where this fic goes lol As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are encouraged and appreciated! I'll be doing Drabble Sunday this weekend to celebrate my first 100 followers! So get your requests ready!! 18+ ONLY!! And you can find me on AO3 under sailor_aviator!
Series Masterlist || Moodboards || Playlist || Jake "Hangman" Seresin Tag List
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The ocean was a deep, terrifying swirl of forgotten pasts and harrowing mysteries. The vicious pull of the waves sending many sailors to their graves for thousands of years without mercy. No, the ocean was not kind. It was the source of life on the best of occasions and cruel and unforgiving on the worst.
Your father had been a sailor. Working for a large shipping company hauling various goods from one end of the sea to the other, he was often gone for long stretches of time. After months of being away, it was always a joyous reunion when he would return. He would swing you up in his arms, twirling you until your little giggles turned into full blown laughter. He would set you back down on your feet and greet your mother with an affectionate kiss to her temple before tugging you both into his arms.
“My best girls are always here to greet me when I get home,” he’d grin. Your mother would hum, running her hands through the beard he’d grow during his time away.
“Come inside,” she’d say, leading you both into your modest, seaside home. Your father would sit at the table as your mother fixed him a plate. He would tell her that he was more than capable of fixing his own plate, but she would wave him off and place the food gently in front of him with a kiss to the top of his head.
One day, when you were a little over four years old, your father had come home from a voyage with a scraggly looking boy who looked to be about twice your age. Your father had been dragging the boy by the scruff of his collar when you and your mother had come out to greet him. The boy had dark brown hair that had been bleached from time in the sun and steady, brown eyes that held steady as he took in the house before him.
“Found this one on the coasts of the Carolinas,” your father had said with a grin, letting go of the boy’s shirt. He stumbled forward, almost falling headfirst onto the ground. He looked back at the older man with a scowl before turning to look at the two of you.
“My, don’t you look a sight?” your mother had said with a small smile as she took the boy in. He puffed out his chest in a bid to make himself seem bigger and your mother had laughed. You took the few, small steps up to him, taking his hand in yours excitedly.
“My name is y/n,” you chirped up at him. “What’s yours?”
The boy studied you with pursed lips.
“Bradley,” he muttered. Your father had let out a booming laugh, causing Bradley to jump.
“That’s the first answer we’ve been able to get out of him since we caught him rifling through our supplies on the ship!” he guffawed. “C’mon now, boy. Let’s go get us some supper.”
And so your family had taken in Bradley Bradshaw as one of your own, and he settled in fairly quickly amongst the rest of you. He would help your mother out with different chores around the house, and when your father was home, he would take you and Bradley down by the docks to teach you the ways of sailing.
“You want to tie it like this, sweetheart,” he’d say to you as he guided your hands on how to move the rope. “It’s one of the most important knots a sailor needs to know. It’s called the ‘bowline.’”
“Like this?” Bradley had asked, holding up his own rope for your father to inspect.
“Atta boy, Rooster!” your father had laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. Bradley had earned the nickname not too long after he had joined your little family. Your father had just gotten back from another transporting job. He had been woken from his sleep by sounds coming from the kitchen. When he had stumbled into the room, he had seen Bradley already working on feeding the fire for the day.
“The sun isn’t even up yet, Bradley,” your father had laughed as the boy shrunk in on himself. “I doubt even the rooster is awake! Looks like you’re gunnin’ for his job.”
And the name had stuck.
Now, Bradley was more confident in his place within your family. Now, Bradley was much taller and his form was filling out thanks to the many hours spent doing the heavy lifting around your home.
“Keep this up,” your father started, a smile twitching at the corner of his lips, “and maybe I’ll take you with me on a job here soon.”
Bradley’s face lit up. “Do you mean it?”
“Let’s see, you're about, what, sixteen now?”
“Yes, sir,” Bradley nodded, a smile etched onto his face. Your father nodded thoughtfully.
“Yeah, you should be ready here soon.”
You looked down at the rope in your hands with a frown. “I’ll never get this. Why do I even have to learn this?”
“Because, my little minnow,” your father smiled, “it’s an important skill to know and have.”
“But Mama says that women aren’t even allowed on ships,” you muttered. Your father smoothed the hair out of your face with a thoughtful hum.
“It’s true, women were once considered bad luck to have on ships, and many men still consider them to be so,” he began. “But times are changing, and maybe one day soon you’ll get to set sail with us.”
“Really?” you asked him, eyes filled with hope. He laughed and nodded, turning to look at Bradley.
“C’mon you two. Let’s go see what Mother’s been cooking.”
The three of you trudged up the hill to your home where your mother was already standing outside to greet you. Greeting her with a tender kiss, your father ushed you and Bradley into the house.
When supper was finished and the table had been cleared, you all gathered around the small fireplace. Your father sat in his favorite chair while Bradley and your mother took up the other two. You sat by your fathers feet, resting your head against his knee. The smell from your father’s pipe permeated the room and left you with a sense of fond familiarity as he slowly stroked your hair.
“Papa,” you said, “will you tell us a story?”
“And what kind of story would you like to hear, little minnow?”
“An adventure!” Bradley had grinned. You shook your head.
“No,” you argued. “A ghost story.”
“Ghosts aren’t real, y/n,” the older boy scoffed. Your father hummed with a low chuckle.
“I wouldn’t be so sure o’ that, Rooster,” he smiled. Bradley fixed him with an incredulous look.
“Surely you can’t be serious?”
“As the dead, lad,” your father said solemnly, rubbing the bowl of his pipe. “Ghosts walk amongst the living, as real as you or I. Some even sail the seas, waiting for the day Davy Jones lets them pass into the great beyond.”
“What does Davy Jones even have to do with the dead,” Bradley huffed. Your father arched an eyebrow at him.
“He has everything to do with the dead at sea, Bradley,” he replied softly. “Davy Jones is a powerful man. Not quite human, not quite god. He’s as cruel and unforgiving as the sea, and some even think he was born from the waves that beat against the rocks by the shore. They say his very will controls the tides, and any man foolish enough to invoke his wrath is met with a gruesome fate.”
“Those are just superstitions,” Bradley countered with a scowl.
“You’re free to believe that,” your father began, “but you’d be a fool to. No sailor with a lick of sense is going to take that chance. Davy Jones will come for us all.”
“Why does Davy Jones stay at sea, Papa?” you chirped.
“No one is quite sure,” your father mused. “Perhaps he’s searching for treasure.”
“Would you ever go looking for treasure?” you questioned. Your father smiled.
“I’ve already found my treasure,” he said, casting a fond smile to your mother, who blushed under his gaze.
“Have you ever seen Davy Jones?” you prodded with wide eyes. Your father chuckled, patting your head in reassurance.
“No, little minnow. But those who have are few and far in between. Davy Jones isn’t in the business of letting witnesses stay alive.”
“That’s enough, Maverick,” your mother had chided. Your father had the good sense to look sheepish. Maverick was a name your father had earned during his time at sea, and your mother only called him that when she was cross. Usually, she called him by his given name; Peter or Pete.
“My apologies, Penny, my dear,” he said. Looking back down at you, he offered a smile. “Alright, y/n, it’s time for bed. You too, Bradley. I need you up bright and early tomorrow morning.”
You and Bradley bid your mother goodnight as your father followed you down the hall. When you had crawled under your blanket, he had made sure to tuck you in tight.
“I didn’t scare you too bad, did I, little minnow?” he asked. You shook your head vehemently.
“No, Papa. But, what if you meet Davy Jones one day?”
“That won’t be for a good, long while, sweetheart,” he said with a smile. You nodded, resting your head back down onto your pillow. Your father leaned over to peck your forehead before standing to walk out the door.
“Goodnight, y/n,” he said. You smiled.
“Goodnight, Papa.”
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A good, long while was not long enough in the end. It was six years later when you got the news that your father’s ship had gone down in a storm off the coast of the Caribbean. Your mother had been beside herself, crying all hours of the day as you and Bradley did your best to stay strong for her sake.
Bradley had caught you crying by the fireplace one night after you thought everyone had gone to bed. He sat next to you, and pulled you to his side as you cried into his shoulder.
“I miss him so much,” you sobbed.
“I know,” he said softly. “I do too.”
“He should be here.”
“I know.”
“It’s not fair,” you cried. “We didn’t even get to bury him.”
“I know, Guppy,” he sighed, hugging you tighter. Bradley wasn’t very good with words, and he sure as hell wasn’t good with emotions. “But he wouldn’t want us to dwell on this, you know that.”
“I know,” you sniffled, rubbing at your eyes. “He always loved the sea.”
“He loved being here, too,” Bradley countered. You looked up to see his own eyes glassy with unshed tears.
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Your mother had followed your father not long after. She had stopped eating and barely took a sip when you begged her to drink some water. She would stay perched by the window in the bedroom she once shared with your father, just staring out at the sea as if willing him to return. It had ended up being a fever that had taken her one early, autumn morning. It was your turn to be inconsolable as you once again found yourself buried into Bradley’s shoulder as he held you tightly. You buried your mother on the hill that overlooked the sea, forever waiting for your father to return home.
You and Bradley had stayed by her grave until the sun began to set.
The following days were filled with familiar motions and quiet sobs hidden behind closed doors long after the stars began to shine in the night sky. One night, you had set a bowl of stew in front of Bradley after he had come home from working at the docks. The two of you sat in silence for a few more minutes before Bradley pulled you to your feet. You went to say something, but he motioned for you to be quiet as he pulled you through the front door and out of the house.
“Where are we going?” you hissed quietly.
“Just trust me,” he shot back, dragging you down to the beach. The cool sand rubbed against the soles of your feet as you followed him, and he stopped you when you both were standing at the edge of the water. The water felt like ice as it licked aginst your ankles, and you felt a shudder run up your spine.
“There!” he called out, gesturing towards the open sea. You looked, but saw nothing but the white caps of waves.
“I don’t see anything,” you mutter, shaking your head. Bradley offered you a smile.
“That’s because you aren’t looking hard enough,” he murmured. He bent down, pointing his finger so that it was directly in your line of sight. “There, do you see it now?”
You squinted your eyes, trying to see what it was he was looking at. “Rooster, I don’t-”
“I see them,” he interrupted you, smiling confidantly. You fixed him with a puzzled look. “I see Mav and Penny just over there past the waves.”
Your heart stopped and hot tears licked at your eyes as you looked back at the churning waters. It was then that you saw what Bradley had been talking about. You saw your mother and your father with smiles on their faces, staring at each other with adoration clear as day on their faces. You wiped the tears away from your eyes as you looked back to see them waving at you. You huffed a laugh and smiled back at them with a wave of your own.
“Looks like Davy Jones let Mav come back for his treasure,” Bradley said. You threw yourself into his arms, holding him tightly.
“Thank you, Bradley.”
The sea could be cold and cruel, but you had the strength to weather the storm.
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