#celeb sobriety
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heyidkyay · 1 year ago
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Fourteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: First bit is a lil messy! BUT it's just a way of moving through time whilst letting you know what's going on. Apologising anyway, tried to make it as simple as possible! Idk how I’m really feeling about this series atm ngl, hopefully I’ll find some more inspiration soon x
> Just a reminder! We left the last update with Mouse and her mum talking about Matty:) You can look back here if you'd like!
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14:04, 26 Dec 2023
For Christmas Denise Welch reunites with..
LOOSE Women star Denise Welch had a fun-filled Christmas this year with her two sons and...
*picture: family gathering featuring Matty Healy in red beanie*
@/user1  Glasses and beanie combo>>> @/user2 He was wearing that yesterday too @/user3 I wish my family was chill enough to take a xmas pic😭
Facetime now Matty:)!! Incoming Call
Messages 4m Finnleyyy So will I be seeing my best mate this nye??
Instagram 11m Trumanblack mentioned you in a private story
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Matty spotted out in Manchester!  *picture: long trench and red beanie*
Ugh! @/user1 Matty on new years! *with old friends // red beanie tucked into a jacket pocket* > Loveme @/user2 The beanie is spotted again.. >> Saidhello @/user3 @/user2 Been all over his ig stories too 👀 friends? @/user4 I'm sort of obsessed w it and the fact it's stirring up so many questions💀 ppl, @/user5 it's so nice to see him actually happy!! lemmebepartoftheband @/user6 WAITING ON THE NEXT ALBUMMMM
Trumanblack Story today
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The Sun
23:47, 31 Dec 2023
The 1975 frontman was seen out in London this evening with friends and other members of the band celebrating a...
*picture: Matty Healy all dressed up and sporting a red beanie*
@/user1  shit like this ruins people @/user2 That hat again! Was it a Christmas present? @/user3 another celeb trying at sobriety, another bullshit article @/user4 Where in London even was this?
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc Band's interview with Variety today, click here for the video! Will be updating later on today:) *boys all pictured: George/shades, Matty/beanie&longtee, Ross/hairdown, Adam/leatherjacket*
Messages 3m Matty:)!! Just wrapping up now, should be able to call in 10 x
Youtube 9m Recommended: The 1975 - Talks of tour? | VM Radio Uk
Instagram 21m Trumanblack just added to his story
AdelineWells sent you a direct message
23 New Notifications click to open
TWITTER: Partoftheband @/user1 Talks of tour??? Are they trying to kill me? Gotabf @/user2 The beanie!! It's back!! Milk @/user3 You reckon he's washed it? People! @/user4 He wears so much designer shit, why's he wearing a hat that looks like it was knitted by my nan??
With January, came sleet and heavy rain. Forcing us all indoors and making quick regrets over arduous New Year’s resolutions.
I had half a dozen interviews lined up in the first month alone, which was a promising start to the year but also incredibly nerve wracking. I’d spent the majority of the wavering days between Christmas and the 31st fretting over each and every detail, beyond thankful that my mum had stuck around a little longer after the festivities to help keep Teddy preoccupied.
Adi, thankfully, was stuck in the exact same boat, which meant that we could both bear the burden together. Leading to a whole lot of time being spent on the phone, making plans, or down at the studio, where Teddy could roam free. We were moving up in the world, as Matty now liked to claim, and so that meant more of our time being taken up by mundane tasks such as asking Hozier’s PA what kind of drink he preferred and avoiding a couple of Podcaster's sudden opinions on us.
Still, we were forever grateful.
Though it wasn’t just the radio show getting shafted with a shit ton of toil either, it appeared that work had Finn headed off to the States for a few gallery openings, and Matty pulled in all sorts of directions whilst the band sorted out their upcoming album.
I hadn’t heard a word of it, although the singer kept on endlessly chattering away about how much he loved the songs they were now producing, suddenly leased with a newfound life. Which always left me feeling happy, even if I did have to wait alongside the rest of the world to listen in. It was nice knowing that he was enjoying it all once more. Seeing as, music made Matty and Matty made music. And all that.
So anyway, what I’d been getting at there was that the last few weeks had been all too trying. Enough so that Matty and I had hardly seen hide nor hair of each other, and our Facetime calls had been fair and few. Which was something that didn’t just sadden me, but Teddy too it seemed, who’d come to quite like the musician and all of his odd quirks.
That fact in itself had almost sent me running, in truth.
And maybe that was silly of me, but Teddy was my everything and it killed me to see him upset over someone he barely even knew. But then again, I supposed he did know Matty in a way. Whenever Matty called, Teddy was there to tell the man about his day, whenever Matty texted he never failed to ask after Teds, whenever he sent pictures and videos of the studio and whatever else he was doing they were usually for Teddy to see. 
I didn’t think Teddy had ever attached himself to a person so quickly. Which really did surprise me. Though oddly enough, what surprised me much more was the fact that Matty had just soldiered on and stuck with it, instead of running for the hills the first chance he’d gotten, like I’d expected. 
Which was perhaps a bit of an unfair assumption on my part, but it was something I didn’t feel too guilty over- I’d made that clear to Matty the very first day the two of them had met after all.
Saying that though, I was left to eat my words as I watched that same man galavant his way around a London Zoo with a four year old plopped atop his shoulders. Doing so without complaint, and thoroughly enjoying it too.
“There! There, Matty! You see?” I heard Teddy call out in loud excitement as I trailed my way on after them, his little fingers holding onto the red beanie Matty now often favoured. Something I relentlessly teased him about but which left me feeling all warm every time I saw it.
“Oh yeah! I do now. Wow monster, how’d you even spot him over there?” Matty replied, feigning obvious awe and grinning madly when Teddy leaned over the top of his head to poke his face into view.
“I eat carrots.”
I snorted at the simple answer Teddy gave and Matty, forever charmed by my toddler’s antics, nodded around a low chuckle of his own. “I’ll make sure to buy a couple on my way home then.”
Stepping closer, I found it strange to be in a zoo so lifeless. Which probably sounded even more peculiar, but then again, it hadn’t been my idea to go ahead and rent the entire place out just so that we could have a nose around at all the wildlife without Matty getting mobbed. What a diva, hey?
“I still can’t believe you did all this.” I murmured to him once Matty had set Teddy back down on the ground, leaving my son to run on over towards one of the caged fences, calling out to the languid lions that laid beyond it.
“It’s sick.” 
That had been Matty’s only defence since having arrived and me figuring this all out, it was as endearing as it was bewildering. 
“It’s mental is what it is, you idiot.”
He glanced over at me, hands tucked up in his pockets, a smug grin now painted on his face. I crossed my arms over my chest, refusing to be charmed by him and his inane antics. 
“Admit it, you’re loving this. Not having to worry about losing the kid and actually being able to get a look in at this lot.” Matty argued, and if he were anyone else he’d be swaying back and forth in utter delight- Wilmslow’s very own Willy Wonka- but all he did was simply look back at Teddy with a prideful grin, who was now currently trying to lure a lioness in closer.
Thing is, he wasn’t wrong. And Matty was enough of a git to know it too.
I didn’t grant him a reply though and instead wandered over to drag my son away from the ever nearing lion. “Did you see, mama? She likes me!”
I had to grin and bite back my sudden hysteria, although Matty snorted from his place now back beside us. “I did see, lovely! How about we go look at the snakes though now, hey?” And with that, Teddy was eager to part from us (and thankfully the lion) , sprinting ahead in the direction of a lizard sign that stood not too far away, leaving Matty and I to trail behind.
“Where all the animals are locked behind glass, yeah?” Matty piped up after and I narrowed my eyes at him in return, refraining from giving him a right good shove.
“Shut it.”
He merely cackled and looped an arm around my shoulders.
“They should just get back together. I mean- the money alone!”
I chuckled quietly to myself, moving about the tiny kitchenette at the studio and rolling my eyes at the man propped up between a Guinness World Records book we had and the sugar tin.
“I’m not saying that they shouldn’t! I’m just saying that they won’t.” I argued back, still rifling my way through a drawer in search of a sharp enough knife. “Those are two completely different things.”
“So what?” Matty scoffed, his displeasure with the whole debate managing to seep its way through the phone. “Fucking pair of pillocks, can’t even imagine how the world would react, the industry alone!”
I smiled, all too familiar with the daily rants of one Matthew Healy. This particular tirade of his had been spurred on by a comment I’d made on today’s show, it seemed he’d been listening in.
“Oo, is there a brew going for me?”
I glanced behind me just in time to spot Adi making her way into the studio, a large duffle bag for tomorrow's shoot thrown over her left shoulder. 
“Who else?” I quipped back, grinning victoriously when I finally found the trusty blade I’d brought over from mine so many years ago now that laid between a wooden spoon and a jar opener.
“What are you even doing?” She asked me next, having already tossed the bag down onto the sofa and made her way over. She waved when she spotted Matty’s familiar face upon opening the fridge, used to his presence cropping up here and there by now, “Alright, Healy? Thought you had big meetings today.”
“We do. I’m currently hiding out in a bin.”
Adi paused to blink at the absurd reply and then shrugged, not seeing the point in questioning it any further. “And you?” She prompted me, plucking a pint of milk from the fridge and slamming it closed.
“So full of questions today, high inquisitor.” I sang, already moving to slice into the whole watermelon I’d brought on my way in, having right fancied it when I’d passed by the fruit & veg stall up on the high street. “And what do you think, Ads? Exactly what it looks like.”
“Yeah, but why?”
I just shook my head in answer and Adi seemed to take that for what it was, a blatant dismissal. Matty though, ever so sweet, must’ve felt a bit bad because I heard him pipe up again, “She’s gone and brought a whole watermelon. Paid five quid for the thing, you believe that?”
“Five quid! Did he ask if he could spit in your face too?” Adi all but exclaimed, eyes as wide as saucers as she looked over at me.
“Yes, five quid.” I stressed, having already heard enough of it from Matty, who didn’t have a leg to stand on here. “Now leave off, or I won't share.” I wielded the knife between the pair of them jokingly and Adi relented easily enough, already moving to skim a piece I’d just cut from off the counter. I cast a shrewd glance towards my phone, “And besides you can’t talk, Mr. Millionaire.”
Matty snorted.
“Is it really that much?” Adi wondered out loud, sweeping over to get a better glimpse at my screen and the man hidden within it.
I rolled my eyes and smirked, already figuring that she’d try her luck with just that thought alone. 
“Piss off, Wells.” Matty laughed, amused by the ever so sweet smile Adi had suddenly conjured up for him and the way she was now batting her lashes, “How the fuck did we go from watermelon to my networth anyway?”
I stopped slicing to taste test a chunk of watermelon and heard Matty heave a heavy sigh.
Adi, though, just moved to ask, “Did you threaten the fruit & veg man then?”
“Fucking should’ve.” I muttered, but couldn't quite bring myself to regret the wasted fiver then, not when the fruit was almost heavenly.
“Can you stop eating? I’m in a crisis you know, and fucking starving.” I heard Matty complain, his voice practically petulant.
“Actually, you’re in a bin.” I corrected, taking another chunk, “So don’t be a drama queen. If you’re hungry, order a Deliveroo or fuck off home.”
Matty was almost pouting when I slid on over to join Adi by the phone, a plate overwhelmed with watermelon now towering between us. His frown deepened. “You’re proper evil, you know that?”
I simply grinned, “You love it.”
Only Adi noticed the faint hue that bloomed across the singer’s cheeks then. Seeing as I was already rambling away once again, talking about the weekend get-together we’d planned now we all had some time to spare.
“You’re still coming, right?” I then asked Adi, who was now smirking for some reason. I raised a brow.
She merely hummed around her next slice and dipped her head at me, “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, babe.”
Matty’s eyes narrowed at that but I deemed it better to ignore whatever the two of them had going on, I found life to be much simpler that way.
It was almost gone nine and still no sign of her. 
She had texted almost half an hour ago now, saying she was headed out, but Matty still kept his phone in hand, spinning it this way and that, just in case she tried messaging again.
“You’re driving me mad with that, man.” George suddenly announced, drawing Matty’s attention back to the table at the overcrowded club they’d picked out. “Stop it.” He added, swatting at Matty’s forearm when he’d barely acknowledged him the first time round.
Matty’s brow pinched but he let the mobile go with a clatter to the tabletop, “Happy?”
George exaggerated his smile in the same sense Matty just had whilst he clasped his hands in mock prayer before him, “Incredibly.” Then he relaxed back in his chair once more, face softening as Matty’s eyes shot out across the floor for the umpteenth time, “God, you’re really fucking strung up on this one.”
“Eh?” Matty immediately asked him, his head spinning back around to spare a glance at his mate.
“Just,” George began with a slow shrug, his chin dipped against his chest now in the way that he’d leaned back making his eyes appear all the more solemn. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen you so invested, is all.”
“Invested, fuck’s that meant to mean?”
Goerge just huffed. “I don’t know, Matty. Just, you’re not usually the type to get so caught up on a girl you’re chasing.”
“I’m not chasing her. We’re mates.” Matty hastily defended and could feel the way his face had instantly scrunched up with the force of it.
He was gifted a short snort in return, “Yeah man, sure, and I can fly a shitting plane.” At Matty’s ever darkening expression, George sighed once more and moved to prop himself up on his knees, “Look yeah? I didn’t mean nothing by it, only curious. It’s weird seeing you all moody and pent up about somebody. Been a while.”
It had been a while since he’d last seen someone properly, but that didn’t suddenly mean that he and Mouse currently had anything going on. He’d been too focused on staying clean, working on the album, and trying to forget the last year and a half had ever happened. And Mouse… well, she had a kid and didn’t seem the type to take to anyone so easily. They were mates. Just, mates.
Matty must’ve been quiet a little too long though because when George spoke again his voice had softened, as had his face. It almost looked pitiful now, enough that Matty wanted to force him away from his line of sight. But he didn’t, only glanced back out towards the floor.
“Matty, mate. I really didn’t mean to piss you off, you know that. I’m just saying it how I see it.” Matty rolled his eyes but George only continued to talk, “It’s obvious that you like her, man. Whether it’s just as friends or something more. But do me a favour and just have a long think about it, yeah? She’s nice and all, but I don’t wanna see you hurt.”
Matty bit back the scoff that lodged itself in his throat, “If anything, G, it’d be me hurting her. Wouldn’t be that unexpected though, would it?”
George’s hand came to grasp his shoulder at that and with a firm but gentle grip he forced Matty to better face him, he leaned in so his voice would carry over the music, his forehead now furrowed. “You’re not a bad person, man. Not everyone’s expecting you to fuck up all the time.”
Didn’t that feel like a fucking lie.
The hand pressed further and George shook Matty a tad, wanting him to comprehend his words. Take them in. “You’re doing good, mate. Really good. And we’re proud, alright? We are. All I’m saying is, have a think about what you want. Make sure you’re happier for it, make sure… that you can deal with everything that comes along with it. Understand?”
Matty’s mouth felt a little dry as he stared up into George’s eyes, seeing the genuine care held within them. Almost immediately Matty felt his walls crumble down around him and he struggled to find the right words to respond with. They were proud. So instead, he just nodded and George’s hand clapped the back of his neck with a winning grin.
“Good. Now, go get her, yeah?”
Matty frowned at the words but before he could think to question it the table was moving to welcome in a couple of newcomers and he turned in his seat to meet the eyes of a smiling Squeaks.
“Hey you.”
“You made it!”
She grinned back at him, beamed actually, and Matty felt his eyes flicker down to her lips for a second, then down further to the lovely little dress she’d decided on. He hastily stood up to greet her, wrapping her up in a hug- something that had come more and more naturally to them in the last few weeks- and rocked slightly. “Get all dressed up for me, did you?”
Mouse pulled away with a laugh, her head thrown back a tad before her glistening eyes set themselves back on him, she squeezed his arm, “You wish.”
He did wish. But he didn’t voice that passing thought out loud, filing it away to stress about later, and instead shuffled nearer to whisper, “You do look gorgeous though.”
The skin by her ear prickled with goosebumps and Matty pulled away before he could get too caught up in what that might have meant. He graced her with a slow smile, “Drinks?”
She let go of a breath, then smiled brightly back at him with a dip of her chin, “Drinks.”
“I haven't heard a word of it!” I said, pushing my drink down onto the table. I was currently on my fifth of the night, but the guys were forever getting new rounds in and so I knew it wouldn’t take me long before I was handed another. 
“You said you didn’t like our stuff!” Matty immediately answered back, his voice a tad bit higher now.
I gaped at the claim, “I did not!”
“Yes, you fuckin’ did!”
The rest of the table was watching on in ever growing amusement, Ross’s eyes were dancing back and forth between Matty and I, whilst Adi wore a grin that could probably help power Blackpool Tower. 
“I said I loved your earlier work. I didn’t say I hated the newer stuff!” I rebuked, desperately trying to think back to that first show I’d mentioned Matty in. Had I really said that?
Matty went to speak but Hann cut in before he could, “You two are mental. All I asked was whether she’d heard anything we’d been working on.”
George snorted, managing to drag his eyes away from his fiance to smirk at the pair of us. “Remember she claimed the band looked spent.”
Matty jumped to point in George’s direction, pleased, whilst my eyes widened, “I wouldn’t!”
“You did, love.” George laughed, looking more amused than hurt which was the only thing keeping me from being physically sick. “It’s alright, no harm done.”
I fish-mouthed, but even with that having been said, Matty was still grinning victoriously. “Fucking told you.”
Wrinkling my nose, I turned to neck the rest of my drink. “Yeah, well. I do love your songs, alright?”
Matty’s brows upturned, as if he was about to deny the claim and accuse me of lying, but Adi cut in, “No it’s true, she's been listening to your shit nonstop since you two met. Like it’s grating at this point.”
“Harsh.” Ross dragged out and Adi gave him a coy smile when she went to pat his chest, “You try listening to his gob on repeat and then we’ll talk, yeah?” She retorted easily, dipping her head towards Matty, whose face scrunched up unhappily.
“Careful, Wells. Starting to sound like you might not like me.”
Adi flashed him a toothy smile, “Who claimed I ever did?”
I was quick to reach out and grab Matty’s wrist when he frowned, ready to open his mouth once more. The motion seemed to grab most, if not all, of his attention because he wavered in his stance before letting himself be pulled over.
“He’s fragile, Ads.” I chuckled to her, hand cradling the back of Matty’s head when he leaned in to press his face against my shoulder. “All the big rockstars have delicate egos.”
Adi snorted and I watched as she let Ross drape an arm over her shoulders, her hand finding his.
“Not fucking fragile.” Matty said, but the heat of it was lost in the mumble against my skin, I laughed.
“Sure, babe.” I murmured fondly, smiling when I felt the curve of his grin against my neck. I started to run my hand through his hair almost unconsciously, letting the alcohol dim the anxious worries that would typically cloud my mind. “You’re a real man.”
“A real fuckin’ man.”
I rolled my eyes with a shake of my head that must've disrupted Matty’s newfound peace because he pulled away slightly, hands falling to rest on my hips, keeping us close.
“You’re proper nice, you know?” He mumbled in contradiction to our previous argument, his head falling forward to press his forehead to mine. His eyes appeared so much darker in this light, the little space between us had me holding my breath. “So nice.”
Instantly I was reminded of one of the first conversations I’d had with Adi about Matty, he’d been nice then too. “Thanks.” I chuckled before swallowing, eyes trailing between his before I voiced the thought. “You’re nice too.”
He smiled, one of those lazy ones where his eyelids drooped and the skin around his mouth wrinkled. His stare dropped ever so slightly and my mouth parted on instinct.
Matty licked at his lower lip, teeth grazing it ever so slightly. “I’m glad I met you.”
My heart stuttered in my chest, squeezing in on itself so tightly that I thought it might just give out, before it finally let go. “I don’t think I’ve ever been told that before.”
Matty tilted his head at me causing the tip of his nose to brush against mine, I struggled to remember to keep breathing. “I’m glad I met you, Squeaks.” He repeated with an air of finality, either unaware or uncaring for the reaction it drew from me as he raised a hand to drag his thumb across my jaw.
I looked up into his eyes, unblinking. Aware that I’d never felt quite like anything this before.
“I’m glad I met you too.”
Metro News
Feb 2024 06:21
Last night it seems our local heartthrob was back out on the town again after a few weeks of silence, only this time he wasn't alone! Read more...
Facetime now Finnleyyy Incoming Call
Messages 7m Adi x Babe wake up, shits going down over on twitter!! Also (very much related) did you shag Healy last night???
Twitter 11m You now have 378 notifications
TWITTER: ‘75 updates @/75updateacc The Band spotted out in London last night with the MouseOnAMic girls! *picture: a story from Adelinewells instagram//blurred group photo*
backofmyvan @/user1 Is this real?? *picture: blurred Matty and Mouse in a dark club* Funnyface @/user2 Is that the radio host? she has a kid?? Saidhello! @/user3 I woke up to chaos. On another note, how are my matty girlies doing today?
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silvyysthings · 1 year ago
I saw a post downplaying Armie's sobriety.
Fandoms have such a dark side to them. We don't own these celebs. Sobriety is something we should be proud of in a society that promotes alcohol at so many life events: school parties, work parties, clubs, graduations, vacations etc.
Congratulations to Armie and all his sober friends who are happy for him
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the1975attheirverybest · 2 years ago
Just a few weeks ago deuxmoi were pushing the narrative that one of his exes were at his show and that they had an argument afterwards. Now this girl: no one knows who she is but someone came up with a name and the poor girl deactivated. Deuxmoi said she was a fan but someone convinced everyone that she's not. I don't know and I don't care but it's frustrating because I'd hate it if I was Matty or the girl. It's disrespectful. If people know the girls are likely just flings, why do they care so much? Not that it would be okay to harass a girlfriend but it's even stupider to care so much about a fling. Leave them alone (not @ anyone here, I'm just ranting. I'm against the gossip sites and people who aren't even fans being incredibly disrespectful)
Matty said in one of the australian shows that he usually doesn't comment on rumors about him and he lets people have their fun and I'm honestly starting to think it was a bit directed at these people. It has gotten out of hand lately. It's cool to hate Matty and it's cool to ignore that he's a human. Like you said, people in the fandom love Matty and we care about his music/art, his sobriety and happiness. It's always been like this. This whole appearing on gossip pages and having blind items constantly posted is not coming from within the fandom. And it's always shit that's written in a way that makes him look kinda bad? His reputation has already been tarnished on twitter, you can't even say you like Matty Healy without being cancelled, now that people have turned against him they suddenly find him having sex with consenting adults "gross". Funny that the internet didn't think it was gross a few months ago when they went viral on social media. Seriously, I just wish people would leave him alone and the gossip sites can burn in hell
Just let my guy fuck in peace ffs lmao
I admire him for not letting this stuff get to him and I'm so glad he's been looking pretty, happy and so soft lately 🥺 but I'm ready to fight all these people
Oh, yeah, you are absolutely right! I think these gossip sites operate the way that tabloid magazines used to (and to an extent kind of still do) in the 90s and shit. Basically, what happens is, they see a celebrity rise to fame, and they capitalize on it. Like you said, everyone was on the band a few months ago cuz thanks tiktok. Then, enough out of context Matty stuff was shared ok tiktok that people flipped and the new trend is to hate him now. So, in order to push their stuff out and gain clicks, these sites think “oh, so hating Matty is in now. Let’s post a bunch of stuff that confirms this bias. We get people going about it!”
And, like I said a couple of days ago, I know that some girlie on tiktok is friends with someone who organized the msg after party stuff etc. this girl was NOT a fan before hand. But she saw an opportunity. Her friend is connected to the 1975 and the 1975 are a big deal rn so she jumped on it. Knew where they’d be, took pics with them, etc. it’s all really gross and it really might have slowly built up and gotten to Matty. Hence his deactivation and stuff. Sadly, we can’t stop it. I’ve seen it happen with other celebs I liked. Once the non-fans start chiming it, shit gets out of hand.
He’s being smart about it with disengaging from social media. And at least the boys are all together and have each other to lean on for support. It’s be harder if it was just one of them doing it all alone. Bless them all 🥹 WE WILL PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS!!!
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banyan-philadelphia · 1 year ago
Braunwyn Windham Burke Celebrates One Year of Sobriety and Addiction Recovery at Banyan Treatment Center
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Braunwyn Windham-Burke Celebrates 1 Year of Sobriety
Reality star Braunwyn Windham-Burke of The Real Housewives of Orange County recently celebrated her one-year sobriety anniversary and is inspiring people by going public with her journey. In an interview published on the Banyan Treatment Center’s website, Windham-Burke discussed why her sobriety is so important to her. She has made it her mission to support people in their own recovery journeys and to make a difference in the lives of others. Here are 3 motivating insights from Windham-Burke about her journey:
Windham-Burkefully embraced sobriety, stating “it’s been really easy, but hard at the same time, to keep on that road.” She believes that maintaining sobriety is very individual and emphasizes that “it’s just up to me and my relationship with addiction.”
The reality star credits her recovery for improving her relationship with her family. She believes that becoming sober helped her to be “unafraid of being in the moment with my kids and the present.”
The inspirational celeb hopes that she can inspire others: ”If [my story] helps one person in anyway [sic], I want people to know they’re not alone.”
Windham-Burke’s openness and ability to discuss her journey is a beacon of hope for those actively pursuing recovery. To find out more about Windham-Burke’s journey, visit the Banyan Treatment Center website for the full interview.
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rebeleden · 2 years ago
15 Black Celebs' Inspiring Sobriety Journeys
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zayzaycom · 7 years ago
Eminem Freely Shares His Satisfaction By Celebrating His Tenth Year Of Sobriety
Eminem Freely Shares His Satisfaction By Celebrating His Tenth Year Of Sobriety
Eminem just celebrated a landmark event: he’s been sober for a decade.
In between his headlining sets at Coachella, the 45-year-old rapper shared a photo to Instagram, Saturday, proudly displaying a medallion he received for achieving the milestone.
“Celebrated my 10 years yesterday,” he wrote alongside the image, in which he held the coin up to the camera. The middle of the token features an…
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femestella · 6 years ago
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Zac Efron Gets Real on Sober Living and Learning to Be Himself
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ditzyblog · 3 years ago
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Yay! Another sober warrior @edsheeran 🙌💃💥😀💖 #edsheeran #celebs #sober #sobriety #alcoholfree #sobercurious #sodaclub #soberwomen #alcohol #soberlife #sobertown #soberpodcasts #alcoholanddisability #stopdrinking #ias #startliving #addiction #addictionrecovery #addictionawareness #recovery https://www.instagram.com/p/CVlEaHqtR15/?utm_medium=tumblr
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knuckle · 4 years ago
Last thing I will say about John Mulaney Drama because I never thought people would be so heartless and obsessed I'd have to comment on someone whose humor I don't even like: talking about how messed up the unborn kid is going to be or how relapse is imminent is cruel for a number of reasons but they main things bothering me are people who are saying this because they believe:
1. An addict who didn't wait the perfect number of recommended days before a new relationship can't be a good father. An addict who didn't wait the perfect amount of time for love is doomed to relapse. How do you people view addicts who aren't rich, famous, and white? Do you believe that only sober people deserve families and love? Most people can't afford fancy rehab centers like Mulaney. Many people, especially poor people, have kids while addicted to something. They still deserve a chance to get better and be parents.
2. An addict who misspeaks at all during an interview and says his partner or kid are helping or "saving" him is definitely abusively pressuring both of them and will task them with the responsibility of his sobriety. It's not at all possible he's just excited about having a new partner and baby coming and feels like his life his different now.
3. Olivia Munn is not a real flawed woman who's entitled to raise her child without preemptive suspicion of child abuse. Because she picked the wrong man or something? This one is baffling and gross to me. You don't have to think she's a good person not to subject someone to this amount of scrutiny for daring to get pregnant. I've never seen this level of concern over other problematic celebs like Scarlet Johansson's pregnancy
4. Completely unfounded cheating accusations. Anna Marie Tendler and John Mulaney legally separated a year ago and had broken up before even that. I suspect some of you have never lived through a divorce (being old enough to understand your parents'), but legal separation is the same basic thing as far as your romantic life goes. I'm not saying he didn't cheat - he's a millionaire white man celebrity. But calling him a cheater based on nothing but your hurt feelings over when he fell in love again is really evil. And a lot of this is wrapped up in people implying he must have cheated because he's an impulsive addict who just can't control himself around seductive witch Olivia's hot body or something
5. That this "criticism" is helpful to the man or his new family. People in dire situations like addiction don't learn from negative reinforcement from strangers on the internet. They get traumatized. If you all are so worried about John Mulaney's sobriety, or his future child's wellbeing, you wouldn't bring decade old receipts up to show how Olivia Munn's a way worse person than Anna Marie Tendler, or talk about how this kid is doomed to suffer because he's not doing recovery the perfect way you think he should.
You're not helping by adding to a snowball of public criticism for the crime of moving on to a new relationship and family. If you have concerns, you have to know you can't figure them out for him. He's an adult celebrity, not someone you can actually advise or influence in a positive way. It's only going to come off as a stressful hate mob, and I can't believe "concerned" people don't see that.
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thisselflovecamebacktome · 2 years ago
I'm gonna send this to you cause you are more understanding.
There are some blogs here that looove to talk about Taylor's obsesion with alchool and love to wonder how many times of drugs she has done in her life and still does. And like 1) just bc she hangs around people that do drugs, doesn't mean she does it. I don't and i have some friends that really like drugs 2) even she did do, wich i"m not saying it's impossible - is it necessary to talk about it as if this is a pride moment???
Cause the way people in this industry keep dying more and more from OD, i hope to god she stays the fuck away. Bc all it takes it's 1 time that feels different from the other times and boom she's an addict.
Like the way coke it's getting more and more into pop music scares me. Before it was alchool, then weed and coke is going the same direction. We have Harry, Dua, The Weeknd using cocaine in songs like it's so normal and it shouldn't be.
I can't be the one that gets terrifed about it. Drugs can change a person so much, so fast and i will never wish that on Taylor. But the way the industry is normalizing drugs is getting really scary for me and i seem to be only one stressed. Maybe i should leave this site tbh
I'm going to start this by saying this is coming from someone who considers themselves a recovering addict and while I wouldn't go as far as to see myself an alcoholic at any stage of my life, I definitely have had periods where I relied far too heavily on it.
So there's two aspects I want to touch on here: Celebrity drug culture as a whole and specifically Swifties reaction to not only Taylor's drug use, but other celebrities'.
In terms of general celebrity drug culture, to be completely honest, I don't necessarily agree with you that it's become more normalised, or at least that that's the issue here. Like my parents used to talk about big artists doing the same drugs back in their days and how it was the world's worst kept "secret". So instead I would say that the way that it is spoken about has changed over time. Rather than alluding to or implying it, celebs are just more blunt now. A big part of this is a small aspect of society as a whole no longer being willing to hide things. Like back in my mother's day, girls would rather die than call their period a period while in school but my generation did. Likewise things like mental illness (which addiction is part of, but I mean more broadly), reproductive health choices and other social issues are no longer being hushed. So again, I don't necessarily think the issue is in how blunt celebrities are being, but I do think it's representative of an issue that has plagued the industry (and society as a whole) for generations and a reminder that after a certain point, money doesn't buy happiness nor shield you from certain struggles.
On the positive side, I also think this bluntness has led to a place where celebrities like Elton John can speak freely and be an advocate for sobriety. As a mother figure/guardian of a preteen, it's also a good reminder to parents to talk to their children about the risks of drug use and remind them that not every action a celebrity takes needs to be replicated.
When it comes to Taylor and her fanbase, I completely agree that this fandom has been, and excuse my language here, fucking weirdos about her recreational drug use (+ mental health as a whole and even sex life) for at least nearly decade now, whether it's stuff we know she's had like alcohol or speculation of other stuff like cocaine. For the record, while I doubt she's a frequent user let alone addicted, given she's in the industry and been to her fair share of parties, it would not surprise me if she has tried heavier stuff than weed and alcohol. But either way, this fandom has been weird in that a lot of it is very much split into a once larger/louder but quietening group of arguably ableist puritans who refuse to even consider the possibility that she has taken heavier stuff and genuinely think she's a better person than addicts for it and another now louder group of people who think that making jokes about her sobriety and alcohol intake is not only acceptable, but funny.
Both sides are weird period, but I'll be honest, much like it seems to with you, the second group grinds my gears more and make it harder for me to be in this fandom given my past issues. I remember when Reputation first came out, my dash was filled with "Not 10 months sober anymore!", "We get it Taylor, you're an alcoholic!" and other jokes of that calibre which, even as recently as Midnights' release, got rehashed with "Taylor's on her drinking bender again!" jokes. And as a recovering addict and someone who feels they relied on alcohol too much (especially at the time Reputation was released), it made and continues to make it hard to partake in this fandom. To quote Taylor herself "The jokes weren't funny". They never were and to be honest, are even more horrifying post Folklore Long Pond where she, Jack and Aaron spoke about some very serious shit about alcohol that I resonated with as someone who relied on alcohol too much at one point in my life. And yes, I understand Taylor has made the odd joke about learning to make an alcoholic drink or whatever, but there is a big difference between that and ongoing alcoholism jokes coming from people who don't know her. But like you said, either way, it's not something that's really appropriate to joke about, let alone be proud of (thankfully I have not seen any of that, but I do not doubt people are saying it given this fandom's history).
The hardest part to see however is the way that both of these sides come together to bully and harass other artists to prop Taylor up. Like despite heralding Taylor as a supporter of addicts for releasing Clean and acknowledging that a lot of her fans relate it to sobriety, every single time someone disagrees with Taylor or otherwise does "wrong", these same fans that heralded her jump on the chance to belittle and villainise addiction when it has nothing to do with the situation at hand. I've even had it happen with me via hate anons over stupid shit like liking RED over 1989 in the 1989 era. Like as a whole, this fandom's lack of boundaries in general, but especially with this topic, is a big reason I keep to myself and am not that close to many people within the fandom.
In saying all of this though, if there's something I've learned from being a long term Demi Lovato stan, it's that while we can obviously care about Taylor, stressing will not do anything because we do not know her personally and cannot do anything even if she does become addicted (again noting that I don't think she is or will, just talking hypothetical here). And obviously that's far easier said than done because you're right, it is scary. But you need to prioritise your own mental health however you can. So whether that's blacklisting tags or taking some time away from this site, that's valid. But please know that either way, you are always welcome in this inbox and that I want nothing but the best for you 💜
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edzasks · 3 years ago
your page is literally a haven for toxic fans and tabloid gossip and you're complaining about drama on Twitter? you created it. what do you think speculating about his health and drug use is? your lack of self awareness is embarrassing.
This ask really pissed me rightfully off, so I’m just going to give you a brutal fucking response because of how disgustingly disrespectful you are, and the lies you’re spreading about me. So here we go. I never talk like this, but you can rightfully fuck off.
For starters babe, please shut the fuck up — respectfully.
My page is not a haven for “toxic fans” get the stick out of your ass — I barely come on here anymore, and I don’t feed into this apparent “toxicity.” Just because I post anons and stay neutral doesn’t mean “rumors are pushed.” Neither are those my opinions either. Just because I post them, doesn’t mean I agree or participate in them.
I didn’t create Jack shit either, you just want to bitch 😂😂🤣 and make up fucking bullshit. Cause you all can’t stand that fans have other opinions or want to discuss or chat about their fav which is Zac — that’s how it works every fucking time, there’s always one anon 🙄 who wants to bitch because (on every Tumblr ask blog, if they aren’t jerking off fav celeb 24/7. There are Taylor blogs out there 50x bigger than my blog about Zac and they get the same shit from cupcake anons like this who cry and bitch because they’re that obsessed in their fantasy about the celeb they made in their head. That’s why blogs like mine drive you insane.
If you ever actually spent time on my blog too — then you’d know the anons I get are mainly positive, or neutral. (Back when I was up Zac’s ass, and always stated my opinion firmly, I was still damned, so whatever I do whether ‘perfect’ or not I’m damned always .🤷‍♀️) They are completely mild compared to most ask boxes about bigger celebs. Majority of the time I’m also being neutral (therefore, not really a response) or denying, x, y and z.)
Lastly let me educate you on PR. That’s not how rumors are created you absolute fucking dumbass. Tabloids have never picked up a “rumour” here, ever. You need a fucking whirlwind of people to do that — and guess where those start on? Deuxmoi. One or two anons speculating whatever the fuck they like, doesn’t start shit, but platforms like Deuxmoi have started rumors daily about Zac that been false every fucking time. Why don’t you focus your energy there?
“Speculating about health and drug use” 🤪🤪🤪 yeah, okay anon. If you didn’t have reading comprehension and talking out of your asshole, you would know I never once said Zac was doing drugs, dumb fuck. People speculate all the fucking time and make headline news (there is nothing you can do about it because that’s unfortunately his past)— you also have his ex-girlfriend yapping to radio hosts and booking interviews crying about his issues with drugs and how he struggles. IF YOU used common sense and stop talking out of your ass, you’d be able to put 2 + 2 together (very simple math babe) and realize it’s shit like that reignites the gossip bird.
Additionally addiction is fucking black and white you dumbass — as someone who have family friends who work in rehabbing people, and have lost family & friends to addiction, you aren’t just “sober” and “addiction is over” … Life isn’t rainbows and daises and a walk in the park after. Sobriety is discipline and struggle — what can I tell you? Even Men’s Health magazine already got people speculating on Deuxmoi already, or mentioning his past cause they think he got plastic surgery.
Also next time — get the fuck off anon and speak to me directly and have some balls if you’re gonna shade me on Twitter.
I’m tired of fucking logging in every fucking time and hearing one pissed off stan with their panties in a knot acting like a knight in shining armour. By the way by crossposting to another platform and crying and throwing your hissy fit — you’re the one who WILL start rumors and giving more publicity to my blog, so thanks for the clout babes.
Keep on hating and being obsessed — love my fans 💋
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the1975attheirverybest · 2 years ago
Ugh that's honestly kinda sad like why can't we let people have private lives? We aren't entitled to know what they do if they don't wanna tell us and sure it's fun to joke around and speculate but not in like a serious manner
righhtttt? Like, I'm the first to admit that im kinda nosy. Like if Matty or some celeb I like is dating someone, I'd wanna know who they are/ what they do for a living or whatever. But just out of curiosity about something/ someone im irrationally obsessed with. and it starts and ends there. Exposing them for shit or speculating about their sobriety/sexuality/relationships with estranged family members/financials etc. is just so fucked up.
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murswrites · 4 years ago
Fluff Alphabet ⎯ K. Hargreeves
Character/Celeb: Klaus Hargreeves Fandom: The Umbrella Academy MASTERLIST Request from anon: Can you do a Klaus fluff alphabet? 👀
A/N I love this cutie so much----
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Klaus loves how supportive you are, he’s been forced into isolation for a lot of his life so it means a lot that you care no matter what.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I don’t think Klaus would be overly interested in having kids for many reasons. One of them being that he’s worried the baby will inherit some form of his powers and he wouldn’t wish his powers on even his worst enemy.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Klaus is like a big baby, he wants to be held and close to you. A lot of the time, he’s lounging on you like a house cat, he’ll lay his stomach across your legs, lay his head on your lap. And if you’re laying down, Klaus will lay on top of you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Very sporadic and impromptu, to be honest. Sometimes he’s just like “Wanna go out?” and then you’re being dragged to typically a nightclub. A lot of the times they’re simple movie night with popcorn.
E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are my savior.”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
He wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but he knew he liked the feeling of loving you. But when Klaus finally realized for sure that he loved you, it was during one of your long rants as he just watched you with his head resting on his hands all dazy eyed.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Klaus handles you with care. His hugs are secure but soft, he kisses you deeply but warmly, when you do anything ;) he’s so sweet and loving.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
He much prefers to be hugging you but whenever y’all are up to no good, Klaus likes to tangle your fingers together.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
When he first saw you, Klaus was intrigued as to who you were and why you weren’t fawning over him much like many others have.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Most of the time no, but he acts like a little kid in my opinion. He will likely sulk and roll his eyes while arguing with Ben about talking to you.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Klaus definitely kissed you first, he thought nothing of it, a peck on the cheek doesn’t count? Right?
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
You say it at the same time.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
When you tried to teach Klaus how to make no-bake cookies and he made it wrong so the cookies didn’t set right :(
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Klaus spoils you with love <3
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Any warm color.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Darling, hun, a nickname based of your name.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
He likes live music, but really anything that drowns out the spirits.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Klaus honestly loves playing in the rain and running around, jumping in puddles.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Music really helps him and so does talking to anyone as a way to distract himself from the spirits.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Really anything, Klaus is the type to do the “Just hit a blunt...” thoughts,,, even when he’s not high. He also really likes arguing about random bullshit and will DIE ON THAT HILL!!
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Taking baths with music in the background.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
His sobriety and friends.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He’d definitely pull out a ring and be like “Wanna elope?”
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Fake Happy - Paramore + She - Harry Styles
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Honestly? Not really, he’s never been on to commit to someone so it hasn’t really crossed his mind.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
I think anything fluffy, but coming to mind would be a maine coon or mini-lop rabbit! He’d name it after something silly like a drug, ex: MJ (Mary Jane), Chrissy (chrystal meth EJWNFIGN)
TUA Taglist (open)
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You guys know there's rumours about Camila being addicted to pills and Coke? That might explain the whole 'Roger having control over her' stuff. You don't see Taylor getting involved in so many scandals because sis believes sobriety allows celebs to survive industry tyrants. Usually, messy celebs get addicted to substances as a este to cope.
Yes and those rumors also tend to leave out Camila's illnesses like her anxiety and her OCD which also have similar effects to being high when people are under treatment. You can go with all this away from my blog, thank you.
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pollypocketbrain · 4 years ago
Tumblr posts maybe not particularly, bit we're our here parroting twitter and TikTok talking points which are crawling with journalists. Remember tabloids only have power because we read them, and people are absolutely spreading them on Tumblr. I don't think it's wrong to push back when celebrity drama in question is both deeply personal for a vulnerable person (celebs with mental health problems, addicts, abuse victims), and there's no evidence of clear wrongdoing. Like if Chris Pratt homophobic megachurch was the subject of gossip right now I wouldn't be pushing back at all
I understand and agree, but at the same time, he put his business out there. This sounds horrible, but no one is responsible for his or any other celebrity's sobriety and mental health. Anybody is allowed to pick apart how he is dealing with his recovery because it is very messy and will ultimately result in a relapse. There are fans that are concerned and even people who aren't are probably looking at this like "yikes"
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tabloidtoc · 4 years ago
Star, March 1
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Humiliated Jennifer Lopez used for money and fame by Alex Rodriguez
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Page 1: Princess Eugenie and her husband Jack Brooksbank, who is a UK ambassador for George Clooney and Rande Gerber's tequila brand, welcomed a son on February 9 at London's Portland Hospital
Page 2: Contents, Robin Thicke in front of a piano at Gold Diggers studio in L.A.
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Page 3: Star Shots -- Serena Williams honored late Olympic gold medalist Florence Griffith Joyner by rocking a one-legged Nike catsuit at the first day of the Australian open, Chrissy Metz brought some vibrancy to the virtual SCAD aTVFest where she discussed This Is Us and was honored with the Vanguard Award, Olivia Culpo checked out the view before heading to the Shaq Bowl in Tampa
Page 4: Inside Britney Spears' nightmare -- a shocking new documentary exposes how Britney was used and abused by people she trusted -- Britney's unable to communicate with fans directly without permission -- fans flooded Justin Timberlake's Instagram to demand an apology for what one called profiting from trashing a woman
Page 5: Facing a lawsuit from her estranged older sister has rattled Mariah Carey -- Alison Carey alleged to a NYC court that Mariah had intentionally inflicted emotional distress by writing about her in the 2020 tell-all The Meaning of Mariah Carey and Alison is seeking $1.25 million after the singer accused her of, among other things, throwing boiling hot tea on her and trying to sell a 12-year-old Mariah to a pimp -- now Mariah has become wary of even those in her inner circle and is making longtime employees re-interview for their jobs -- Mariah's always been on the paranoid side but everyone is a suspect now and she's grilling everyone from bodyguards to chefs to stylists and household staff who have been with her for years and if anyone pushes back they are shown the door -- her great fear is that people could cross over and spill secrets to the enemy because she's been caught off guard before by those she trusted
* Catching ZZZs has become a real problem for Kelly Clarkson -- between her gig as a daytime host, trying to sell homes in Nashville and Encino, and battling her ex Brandon Blackstock over custody of their two kids, she is beyond stressed and she can't sleep and nothing works; the most shut-eye she gets is two to three hours -- it's gotten so bad she's even tried hypnotherapy but her workaholic brain outwits it -- meanwhile her legal woes including a lawsuit with her husband and ex father-in-law's talent agency are getting nastier and Brandon has told her in no uncertain terms that he's not going to stop until he gets what he wants which is a ton of money and time with the kids
* She was the most loathed mother in America and now Casey Anthony wants her say -- 10 years after she was acquitted of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee, Casey is making a documentary about the trial and she thinks she can clear her name -- she's not looking for sympathy but she believes she's a victim too and was unfairly convicted in the public eye -- she is planning on dropping bombshells in the doc including her take on the theory that the toddler accidentally drowned in the family pool as well as shocking secrets about her own abusive upbringing but don't expect much remorse
Page 6: Just over a year after her father Kobe Bryant and sister Gianna Bryant perished in a tragic helicopter crash, Natalia Bryant who is Kobe's oldest daughter, has signed a modeling contract with IMG Models who also represent Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid and the just signed Inauguration standout poet Amanda Gorman
* Rumer Willis was heartbroken when her months-long relationship with Armie Hammer fizzled out in December but after harrowing reports of Armie's alleged abuse of women including asking to barbecue their ribs and carry their severed toes in his pocket, Rumer is telling friends she feels lucky -- she wanted to defend him when the cannibalism stories first came out because she thought they were outrageous and now she feels badly for all of the victims and she's really grateful she didn't get caught up in the Armie nightmare
* Star Spots the Stars -- Eva Longoria, Mandy Moore, Demi Lovato, Dan Levy, Dorinda Medley
Page 8: Star Shots -- Meg Ryan wore some wide-legged trousers and a cute cap on a nature walk in Santa Barbara, Gavin Rossdale wore pink socks while playing tennis in L.A., Ciara holding six-month-old son Win during a family getaway to Hawaii
Page 9: Delilah Belle Hamlin and Love Island's Eyal Booker removed their masks for a quick street smooch during a coffee date in L.A., Sofia Richie enjoyed some PDA with shipping heir Gil Ofer in Miami
Page 12: Kate Upton doing yoga, Tia Mowry-Hardrict and her husband Cory Hardrict shared dishwashing duty after cooking at home, Robin Roberts tasted a treat on Good Morning America in New York City
Page 13: Pregnant Brittany Cartwright brought her dog along to retrieve the mail in L.A., Victoria Justice showed off her toned tummy post-workout in L.A.
Page 14: Goldie Hawn turned quality time with granddaughter Rani into a workout toting her in a backpack, Madonna and Guy Ritchie's son Rocco Ritchie waded in during a vacation in Tulum in Mexico, Lucy Hale on a stroll with her dog Elvis in L.A.
Page 16: Chris Noth put in a day's work on The Equalizer in Paterson in New Jersey, Flavor Flav and Flo Rida at The Super Glow Super Bowl kick-off party in Tampa, Bradley Cooper kept daughter Lea close as the two ran errands in NYC
Page 17: More than a week after celebrating 18 months of sobriety Lily Allen enjoyed a snack on-the-go in London, Jessica Alba lifted her son Hayes while riding scooters with husband Cash Warren in Beverly Hills
Page 18: Normal or Not? Cody Simpson got physical with new girlfriend Marloes Stevens during a romantic getaway in St. Barts -- normal, Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn picking up a portrait of herself in L.A. -- normal, Jack Black raised Thor's hammer in a parody posted on Instagram prompting Chris Hemsworth to call it the greatest thing he's ever seen -- not normal
Page 19: The Crown's Emma Corrin looked intrigued by a leafy object she stumbled upon during a stroll in London -- not normal, Sarah Jessica Parker kicked back in heels during a break from assisting shoppers at her flagship store in NYC -- not normal
Page 20: Fashion -- stars look sweet in tiered dresses -- Maude Apatow, Logan Browning, Margot Robbie
Page 21: Julianne Moore, Camila Morrone, Saoirse Ronan
Page 24: After months of quietly dating, Aaron Rodgers and Shailene Woodley are ready to marry and they announced it in the most low-key way possible and the couple are madly in love and feel unequivocally that this is the real deal -- Aaron and Shailene were friends long before sparks flew in August last year and having to endure a long-distance romance during football season actually made their bond stronger -- Aaron and Shailene are already planning to start a family and they're at that stage when they feel ready to be parents and are keen to have a baby
Page 25: Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles have found another dynamic duo to spend their downtime with which is Florence Pugh and Zach Braff -- the foursome hit it off on the set of Don't Worry, Darling which Olivia is directing and in which Florence and Harry star -- they have the best time together and know how to forget the world outside -- as it turns out bearing witness to Florence and Zach's happy relationship despite their 20-year age difference played a part in Olivia taking a chance on dating Harry who is nine years her junior following her split from Jason Sudeikis and seeing them together inspired Olivia to go for it with Harry and she's so glad she did
* While some couples are overwhelmed being with their kids 24/7 in lockdown, Prince William and Duchess Kate have enjoyed the extended family time with Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis -- having the kids at home during the pandemic has given Kate baby fever and she loves being around them and wants to have one more and she and William are trying for another, with Kate saying she's hoping for a girl -- as for raising four young kids, the pair are up to the challenge because Kate's a pro at multitasking and William is a devoted dad and they'll split parenting duties
* Matt Damon is hoping a change of scenery will save his rocky 17-year relationship with wife Luciana Barroso as the couple and their three girls have set up house in a lavish $7000-a-night rental in Australia's tony Byron Bay while the actor films Thor: Love and Thunder -- the beachy new surroundings are just what the couple needs after hitting a rough patch and Matt is working overtime to make sure Luciana enjoys herself Down Under by arranging date nights and buying gifts for her to open every day and even when he's working he's got time set aside for just them and the gestures seem to be working and it's the shot in the arm they both needed
Page 26: Cover Story -- Jennifer Lopez humiliated and used -- shocking cheating allegations rock J.Lo's world as fiance Alex Rodriguez's mistress Madison LeCroy tells all -- while Jennifer is putting on a brave face the affair rumors are devastating to her whether she admits it or not -- after revealing she and Alex exchanged DMs Madison said she doesn't want anything bad for his family or for hers -- Alex says it was innocent and that nothing happened but Jennifer is not fully buying it -- Jennifer and Alex's relationship is personal but it's also business; together, their fortunes have doubled
Page 30: Chip and Joanna Gaines -- inside our farmhouse reno -- Chip and Jo are expanding and renovating their Waco home and it may be their toughest job yet
Page 32: Celeb Parenting Fails -- these celebrity moms and dads share their hilarious hapless moments -- Anne Hathaway, Brad Pitt
Page 33: Willie Geist, Mila Kunis, Pink
Page 48: Parting Shot -- Despite it being her first concert in over a year, Miley Cyrus was ready to rock while headlining the TikTok Tailgate Super Bowl pre-show event in Tampa -- the show treated 7500 Florida-based healthcare workers to a set that included guest appearances by Joan Jett and Billy Idol, who both collaborated on Miley's latest album
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